HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130918 Ver 11_2020 Divisions 1-8 Meeting Minutes_FinalDistributed_202104132020 NCDOT MITIGATION MONITORING REPORT REVIEW MEETING DIVISIONS 1-8 Meeting Minutes March 10, 2021 10:00 am DOT CCA Structures Conf. Room Col. C4 (CAP 40) and Online Site Visit Summary and Invitees/Attendance listed at end of this document. Opening Remarks/General Comments Dave Johnson opened the 2020 monitoring report meeting with some general comments. Following the monitoring meeting, DOT will schedule field reviews as required. DOT will also schedule site visits from the 2019 meeting since those were not completed due to budget restraints and the pandemic. All the monitoring and stewardship reports are online at the following web address: https: //connect. ncdot. gov/resources/Environmental/EAU/Monitoring- Stewardship/Pages/default. aspx Monitoring Reports Review: Division 1 B-2500 Bodie Island Lighthouse Pond (Dare) - Year 2 Morgan Weatherford provided comments on the 2020 spraying at the Bodie Island site. USACE inquired about the plan to include burning of phragmites in addition to the herbicide treatments. DOT proposes to continue Phragmites herbicide treatments, work with USFWS to include burn treatments, and vegetation monitoring in 2021. B-2500A-AB New Inlet Br. Temp Impact Report (Dare) - Year 1 The temporary fill removal is scheduled at sites 1-6, 13 and 14 within the next month. REU is planning to replant with the appropriate marsh grass species once removal is complete. Site 12 is being treated for phragmites and will be graded & planted once that is complete. DCM requested to ensure that all the temporary fill areas are removed per the permit. DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. B-5507 Sand Run & Warwick Swamp Temp Imp Sites (Chowan/Gates) - Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. DWR inquired about Bridge #20. Paul Williams stated that the site has been inundated and the plan is to add fill material and complete the planting. Division 2 B-4598 Mason Creek Bridge Temporary Impact Site (Pamlico) - Year 2 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. B-5413 Smith Creek Temporary Impact Site (Beaufort) - Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. Beaufort Br. 249 over Duck Creek Temporary Impact Site (Beaufort) - Year 1 DCM stated that elevation of the site is too low for CAMA species to survive. DOT will schedule a site visit with the Resource Agencies to review elevations and develop a remediation plan. DCM reminded that the permit area has an in -water work moratorium which will need to be considered prior to implementing remediation. R-3307 Turner Street Marsh (Carteret) - Year 3 DCM stated that although the area under the bridge is not meeting the success criteria, 1/2 credit may be given due to the functional benefit of removing the causeway. In the proposal, DOT would not receive excess mitigation credit at the site, but DCM would consider that the site provides adequate mitigation credit to meet the permit requirements for R-3307. DWR & USACE agreed to the proposal. DOT will submit a closeout request letter. R-3307 US 70 Temporary Impact Sites (Carteret) - Year 2 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. Division 3 B-4929 Surf City Bridge Temporary Impact Site (Pender) - Year 2 DOT plans to plant southside of Intracoastal waterway. DCM requested that DOT complete additional marsh plantings in an area adjacent to Surf City park, where Geotech's boring machine impacted existing marsh. DOT will locate these areas and complete planting in 2021. DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. Onslow Br. 134 over Gibson Branch Temporary Impact Site (Onslow) - Year 1 USACE inquired about the tree species that were supplementally planted. DOT planted bald cypress and water tupelo at the site in 2020. Larger plant material was suggested due to site staying inundated. DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. R-2303B Stagecoach & Boren Brick Sites (Sampson) - Year 4 USACE requested that DOT add a debit ledger to the report and include what was originally proposed versus the proposed updated credits at the site. DOT will also provide the agencies with the original maps for the sites as well as the updated site maps. NCDOT is putting together a spreadsheet listing initial proposed mitigation for each site, current as -built proposed mitigation for each site, and debit ledger information as it relates to permit requirements. This draft spreadsheet will be distributed to the regulatory agencies for review before being added to the R- 2303 monitoring report. DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. R-2303C Site 1 and R-2303D Site's 1& 2 (Sampson) - Year 3 USACE requested that DOT add a debit ledger to the report. NCDOT is putting together a spreadsheet listing initial proposed mitigation for each site, current as -built proposed mitigation for each site, and debit ledger information as it relates to permit requirements. This draft spreadsheet will be distributed to the regulatory agencies for review before being added to the R- 2303 monitoring report. DWQ requested that DOT provide more stream monitoring information in the 2021 monitoring report. DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. R-3601 US 17-74-76 Temp Impact Site (Brunswick/New Hanover) - Year 1 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. U-3810 Piney Green Road (Onslow) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. Division 4 R-2554A Claridge Nursery (Wayne) - Year 3 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. DOT will remove the stream gauges at the site as multiple bankfull events have been documented at the site. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit. R-2554BB Mark Edward's Site (Wayne) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring at the site. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit . R-2554C Benton Site (Wayne) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring at the site. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit . Division 5 R-2635C UT to Reedy Branch (Wake) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring at the site. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit . Division 6 B-4138WM UT to Cape Fear River (Harnett) - Year 1 DOT will perform initial planting when site conditions allow in March/April 2021. DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. Division 7 R-2413A UT to Reedy Fork Creek Site 1 (Guilford) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. R-2413A UT to Reedy Fork Creek Site 2 (Guilford) - Year 5 DOT has recently completed the remediation on the lower section of Site #2. USACE Inquired about the flow at Site #2 upper reach. DOT has observed stream flow in this reach during several site visits over the past year. DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring on Site #2 upper. Upon completion of the remediation of Site #2 lower section, DOT will reestablish cross sections/vegetation plots and reinstate monitoring. DOT will schedule a site visit to review the recent remediation efforts and upper section. R-2413A UT to Haw River Site 5 (Guilford) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. R-2413A UT to Reedy Fork Creek Site 4 (Guilford) - Year 4 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. U-2525B UT to North Buffalo Creek Site 4 (Guilford) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. U-2525B UT to North Buffalo Creek Site 5 (Guilford) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring at the site. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit. U-2525B UT to South Buffalo Creek Site 2 (Guilford) - Year 5 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. U-3615B UT to West Fork of the Deep River (Guilford) - Year 3 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. Division 8 B-4639 Gum Swamp Creek Temporary Impact Site (Scotland) - Year 3 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. A site visit was not required by the Resource Agencies. 2020 Division 1-8 Monitoring — Site Visit Summary Note: Respective regional reps from agencies listed below will be invited. Commenting agencies or extra -regional reps please let Dave Johnson know of a desire to attend a given meeting. DOT will add you to the invitee list. Division 2 - Beaufort Co. March 24, 2021 Beaufort Br. 249 over Duck Creek Temporary Impact Site ASAP- Re: Planting Window and In -Water Work Moratorium DOT, DWQ, DCM, Corps, WRC Division 4 - Wayne Co. May 5, 2021 R-2554A Claridge Nursery R-2554BB Mark Edward's Site — Proposed Close Out R-2554C Benton Site — Proposed Close Out DOT, Corps, DWQ Division 5 — Wake Co. May 18, 2021 R-2635C UT to Reedy Branch - Proposed Close Out DOT, Corps, DWQ Division 7 — Guilford Co. May 11, 2021 R-2413 Site #2 — Lower: Remediation Review Upper: Close Out Discussion U-2525B Site #5 - Proposed Close Out Likely delayed into May per scheduling conflicts. DOT, Corps, DWQ Invitees Attended Agency Invitees Attended Agency Brittingham, Cathy * NCDENR- DCM Johnson, David D * NCDOT- EAU Daisey, Greg NCDENR- DCM Moore, Byron G * NCDOT- EAU Lane, Stephen * NCDENR- DCM Paugh, Leilani Y NCDOT- EAU Chapman, Amy NCDENR- DWQ Weatherford, Morgan D * NCDOT- EAU Norton, April R NCDENR- DWQ Mellor, Colin NCDOT- EPU Ridings, Rob * NCDENR- DWQ Sanderson, Mike * NCDOT- EPU Steenhuis, Joanne * NCDENR- DWQ Weaver, Derrick G NCDOT- EPU Wanucha, Dave * NCDENR- DWQ Green, Matthew L * NCDOT- REU Ward, Garcy * NCDENR- DWQ Quick, Meghan I NCDOT- REU Williams, Paul C * NCDOT-DIV 1 Wilson, Travis W. * NCWRC Johnson, Jay B NCDOT-DIV 2 Rohde, Fritz NOAA Herndon, T. Mason * NCDOT-DIV 3 Alsmeyer, Eric * USACE Coggins, Tony C * NCDOT-DIV 4 Bailey, David * USACE Montague, Heather W NCDOT-DIV 5 Barnes, Kyle * USACE Murray, Christopher A NCDOT-DIV 5 Hair, Liz USACE Price, Gregory W * NCDOT-DIV 6 Lastinger, James USACE Parker, Jerry A NCDOT-DIV 7 Matthews, Monte * USACE Badgett, Rex * NCDOT-DIV 8 Shaver, Brad * USACE King, Art C NCDOT-DIV 8 Steffens, Tom * USACE Castello, Robert C * NCDOT-DIV 1 Williams, Andy * USACE Trowell, Steve J * NCDOT-DIV 1 Bowers, Todd USEPA Elliott, Jason C * NCDOT-EAU Somerville, Amanetta * USEPA Griffin, Randy W * NCDOT-EAU Jordan, Gary * USFWS Harris III, Philip 5 NCDOT-EAU