HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0035904_Biomonitoring Inspection_20001128LPL sw& )1 /30/ 0 NORTH CA OLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL REsOLIRRCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE November 28; 2000 Mr. William Stovall, Chief Engineer North Carolina Depai talent of Correction 2020 Yonkers Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Subject: COMPLIANCE BIOMONITORING INSPECTION McCain Hospital Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit No. NC0035904 Hoke County Dear Mr. Stovall: Enclosed you will find a copy of the Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection report for the inspection conducted the week of October 23, 2000. The inspection included the same objectives as that of a routine Compliance Evaluation Inspection (conducted on October 24, 2000) plus an Aquatic Toxicity (AT) test to evaluate the biological effect of the facility's discharge on test organisms. As part of the inspection a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant was conducted. All observations and recommendations are in Part D. Summary of Findings/Comments of this inspection report. A 24-hour Plant Outfall 001 effluent composite sample was collected on October 24 and 27 by Dale Lopez (DWQ) and split with Tritest, Inc. for use in a chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia pass/fail toxicity test. The aquatic toxicity analysis was completed by the Division of Water Quality Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory, located on Reedy Creek Road in Raleigh. The pass/fail toxicity test, using these samples, resulted in a Pass; and, it indicates that the effluent would not be predicted to have water quality impacts on receiving water. Additionally, 24-hour composite samples were taken for the five-day BOD test, total suspended solids, ammonia as nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen as nitrogen, nitrate- and nitrite as nitrogen; and total phosphorus. The results of these parameters will be forwarded to you when they are completed by the Division of Water Quality Chemistry Laboratory, located on Reedy Creek Road in Raleigh. If you have any questions or comments concerning this report or require clarification on part(s) of this report, please feel free to contact me at 910/486-1541. Environmental Specialist II /dl Enclosures cc: DWQ, ESB, ATU, Kevin'Bowden 225 GREEN STREET, SUITE 714 / SYSTEL BLD. FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301-5043 PHONE 910-486-1541 FAX 910-486-0707 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST -CONSUMER PAPER I r :'Fz���.E •,m NPDES COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT North Carolina Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional Office Section A. National Data System Coding Transaction Code: N NPDES NO. NC0035904 Date: 001120 Inspection Type: B Inspector: S Facility Type: 2 Reserved: Facility Evaluation Rating: 3 BI: N QA: N Reserved: Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected: McCain Hospital WWTP Entry Time: 10:18 AM Permit Effective Date: 991201 Exit Time/Date: 3:30 PM /001124 Permit Expiration Date: 040731 Name(s), Title(s) of On -Site Representative(s): Darrel Cockman (Certified Grade IV Operator) - ORC Phone Number: (910) 944-2351 ext. 391 Name, Title and Address of Responsible Official: Mr. William Stovall, Chief Engineer 1001 Navaho Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Section C: Areas Evaluated during Inspection (S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated, N/A = Not Applicable) Contacted: No elf= onitormg rogram eration aintenance'I " • " if! • • ••••*, `7k IN al v4t 0 .1”?,fQ --"o• Vol Aoo )(oil , cro N Nvttl • VoW )t) McCain hospital Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP1 BIOMONITORING EVALUTATION INSPECTION performed during the week of October 23, 2000 Contact personnel: Darrell Cockman (ORC) J.A. Bolton (Back-up ORC) DESCRIPTION OF McCAIN WWTP: McCain WWTP has a total average flow of 140,000 GPD. Flow comes from the prison, the prison hospital, and the youth facility (1200 population); food services, laundry (Hoke Correction - Medical security), larger laundry is from -Sand Hill Youth Correctional, one lift station (East side), two bathrooms, and backwash from the water treatment plant. Flow travels through either the manual barscreen or the Lakeside automatic bar screen, then into a 300,000 gallon capacity Aeration Zone (93 feet in diameter by 6 feet deep, with three each 10 HP surface aerators (detention time of approximately 48 hours). Wastewater flow then travels to a Flow Splitter Box (which can run clarifiers in series, in parallel, or isolate either of the two clarifiers (for example, when maintenance is performed every six months on each clarifier). For normal operation, flow travels to Clarifier #1 (31 feet in diameter by 13 feet deep), then to Clarifier #2 (the polishing clarifier, whose dimensions are 31 feet by 6Y2 feet deep). Flow then travels to the disinfection unit, with UV lights (Trojan UV 3000B — with a total of 20 bulbs). After disinfecting, the flow travels through the Parshall Flume with a Sigma Ultrasonic flow meter, to Mountain Creek, and finally to the Lumber River. Concerning the Return Activated Sludge (RAS), the underflow from Clarifier #1 travels through a Telescopic Valving Box, then through a 3-Way Valve, and finally back to the Aeration Zone. The 3-Way Valve can also be switched so that the underflow travels to the Aerobic Digester (with 2 each 15 HP submersible aerators) for wasting of sludge: Waste Activated Sludge (WAS). The square Aerobic Digester's dimensions are 22 feet by 20 feet by 40 feet deep, with a capacity of 99,000 gallons. WAS occurs an average of three times per week at approximately 3,800 gallons each time. Scum from Clarifier #1 flows through a scum pump (with a manual switch), then to the Aerobic Digester. Supernatant from thedigester travels back to the Aeration Zone (through a black ABS hose). Digested sludge from the Aerobic Digester flows to six Drying Beds with a total area of 7500 square feet, 1250 square feet of area for each bed (25 feet by 50 feet). From the Drying Beds the dried digested sludge is taken to Land Application located next to .the WWTP. SECTION D: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS/COMMENTS: PLANT TOUR-- 1. Clarifier sludge blanket: clarifier # clarifier depth sludge blanket depth 1 12 feet 9 feet 2 7 feet <1 foot 2. Process control of the mixed liquor activated sludge is monitored on the following schedule: - Test parameter Frequency DOUR Weekly SVI Weekly MLSS Weekly Microscopy Weekly F/M ratio • intermittently 3. The SVI is now in the range of 180 to 220 mL/g. The preferred range, as stated in Tony Arnold's Technical Assistance letter to McCain WWTP (November 23, 1999), is 25 to 100 mL/g. 4. The 30 minute settling test is approximately 700 fo 850 mL/L. The preferred range is approximately 400 to 600 mL/30 minutes. 5. The MLSS'is approximately 3400 mg/L. 6. The Effluent 001 Discharger Monitoring Report (DMR) for May 2000 was compared to the bench sheets for each parameter. All data results were in agreement except that of the pH for May 31st. Instead of 7.2 pH units, it should have been 7.3. LABORATORY TOUR--- 1. Parameters done on site: dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, and temperature. 2. Parameters done off -site (Chemical & Environmental Technology, located in RTP, NC): fecal coliform, biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia, total nitrogen, oil and grease, total phosphorus, total suspended solids, and aquatic toxicity (sent from CET. to Tritest, Inc.). 3. Dissolved oxygen is performed with a YSI 51B meter, and calibrated on moist air. 4. Temperature is performed with a Fischer Scientific NIST traceable thermometer S/N 1257 (CAT #: 5043B), which has a range of —1 to 101 degrees Centigrade. 5. A Fischer Scientific Model 955 pH meter is sloped daily using aliquots of pH 10 and pH 4 buffers, and checked with a pH 7 buffer. The aliquots of pH buffers are changed every six weeks. 6. Fischer Scientific pH buffer expiration date checks: Buffer Date PH4 December 2001 pH 10 December 2001 pH 7 December 2001 7. Conductivity is performed on a Fischer Scientific Digital Conductivity Meter. It is calibrated using a 100.7 micromhos standard (expiration date of 12/06/00). RECOMMENDATIONS--- 1. Recommend that, in order to calculate the % error, the calibrations report sheet of the Sigma Ultrasonic flowmeter have the ultrasonic's reading before . and after calibration, and the Parshall Flume head measurement (in inches at the ultrasonic flowmeter location). According to 15A NCAC 2B .0505 (b)(1): "Devices selected shall be capable of measuring flows with a maximum deviation of less than 10 percent from true discharge volumes. Flow measurement devices shall be accurately calibrated at a minimum of once per year and maintained to ensure that the accuracy of the measurements is consistent with the accepted capability of that type of device." 2 Please submit an amended Discharger Monitoring Report for the pH error on May 3, 2000. This request is in accordance to McCaiir's NPDES permit, Part II, Section E; (8): "Where the permittee becomes aware that it ... submitted incorrect information ... -in any report to the Director, it shall promptly submit such facts or information." The following procedure should be followed in submitting the corrected report: A. The corrected data should be written in red ink or hi -lighted. B. At the top of the Effluent Page, the words "Corrected Report" or , "Amended Report" should be written in red ink on all copies. This will differentiate between the originally submitted report and the corrected report. C. Two (2) copies of the corrected report should be submitted to this Division and one (1) copy must be retained by the permittee. D. A brief explanation for the correction should be written either on the backside of the Effluent page or in a cover letter accompanying, the reports. Name an�1 Signature of Inspector Agency/Office/Telephone Date //aa/y Dale Lopez NCDENR/Fayetteville/(910) 486-1541 Name and Signature of Revie p Agency/Office/Telephone Date Belinda S. Henson l am"" "" - • NCDENR/Fayetteville/(910) 486-1541 i i /'� $/c) Regulatory Office Use Only Action Taken Compliance Status _Noncompliance _Compliance Date Section D: Summary of Findings/Comments Brief Facility Description: Yes • FACILITY SITE REVIEW No N/A 1. Treatment units properly operated and maintained. N/A 2. Standby power or other equivalent provision provided. 57R•voL, ,Po u e.t / 6' /A/ THE /'L /9/d s foie THE `-,9e/G / rV. No N/A . 3. " Adequate alarm system for power or equipment failure available. L iCr/f7s nj.1 CLA,f/F/Gf Z-/F T $ 7 9T/aiV 4oPietE �•9iP�1s 4. Sludge disposal procedures appropriate: No N/A a. Disposal of sludge according to regulations No N/A b. State approval for sludge disposal received. S4voG E /5 D/s se-i of /E9,' rwe i &JTi°, PA/ THE or//c,p s/PE OF ?/ ff FENCE, No N/A 5. All treatment units other than backup units in service. es) No N/A 6. Sufficient sludge disposed of to maintain treatment process equilibrium. / /=AC/L/ry /5 64.9or . O/QL' is L'e4pe-3K es No N/A 7. Adequate number of qualified operators on staff. es No N/A 8. Established procedures available for training new employees. /71 a gT4 y ON THE do8 i/i'/¢/a/Nq, No N/A 9. Adequate spare parts and supplies inventory maintained. - S/°ARr- 4E4/7To1( 71)drs Fo4 0V d,.s/.v`ECr/4. 84 ku/o foie, Yes N/A 10. _a. Hydraulic overflows and/or organic overloads experiencedl C'Ac/57/G No N/A A.b. Untreated bypass discharge occurs during power failure Yes 6 N/A ( c. Untreated overflows occurred since last inspection. 4/q/oA'm/ (/'/Lt, O/D ho 7' t CN .SVAPMr C-7e) No N/A 11. Plant has general safety structures such as rails around or covers over tanks, pits, or wells. No N/A 12. Plant is generally clean, free from open trash areas. No N/A No N/A Yes To N/A CV No N/A Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A` N/A N/A N/A. N/A N/A N/A N/AJ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PR r.=-.SCR c e-A/m/ C (S /rt/CN 13. Screening: a. Manual C / /NcN 8f1 R s GREEN) b. Mechanical ( LAKE Sio6 8,9/Pscipere-Ai-- c. Buildup of debris d. Screenings properly disposed of. 510/e5'Fiv/%4f5 44E .AlT 7o eDU,vT L 14. Grit Removal: a. Excessive organic content in the grit chamber b. Excessiveodors c. Grit properly disposed of. 1p Sc. 11DC1t 15. fa y clarifier: 9 TEE 7 of t•9N,kE T /V/ /a a. Excessive gas bubbles b. Black and odorous wastewater c. Poor suspended solids removed d. Excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier e. Weirs level f. Weir blockage g. Evidence of short circuiting h. Lack of adequate scum removal I. Excessive floating sludge j. Broken sludge scraper. Page 2 //ti1DF/1` • 16. Trickling Filter: a. Trickling filter ponding(indicating clogged media) b. Leak at center column of trickling filter's distribution arms c. Uneven distribution of flow on trickling filter surface d. Uneven or discolored growth e. Excessive sloughing of growth f. Odor g. Clogging of trickling filter's distribution arm orifices h. Filter flies, worms, or snails. 17. Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC): a. Development of white biomass on rotating biological contactor media b. Excessive sloughing of growth c. Excessive breakage of rotating disks or shafts in RBC units d. Excessive breakage of paddles on brush aerators e. Shaft, bearing, drive gear, or motor failure on disk or brush aerators. Yes Yes Yes Yes . N/A Yes r• N/A Yes + . N/A Yes No N/A N/A 18. Activated Sludge Basins/Oxidation Ditches: a. Dead spots b. Failure of surface aerators c. Air rising in clumps d. Dark foam or bad color e. Thick billows of white,, sudsy foam f. Air rising unevenly g. Excessive air leaks in compressed air piping. Page 3 -� 19. Stabilization Ponds/Lagoons: Yes No `N-/A\ , a. Excessive weeds including duckweed in stabilization ponds. Yes No N/A b. Dead fish or aquatic organisms Yes No N/A c. Buildup of solids around influent pipe Yes No N/AA. d. Excessive scum on surface. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 20. Clarifier: L E sS 7X9.c� �O° T o� 6� v 0 6 80 �.vx� 7- N/A a. Excessive gas bubbles on surface 7 /=EE r 1��`�/� 9�/F/ E �e N/A b. Unlevel overflow weirs I'J N/A c. Weir blockage N/A d. Evidence of short circuiting N/A e. Excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier N/A f. Pin floc in overflow N/A g. Ineffective scum rake N/A h. Floating sludge on surface N/A i. Excessive high sludge blanket N/A j. Clogged sludge withdrawal ports on secondary clarifier. / 21. Filtration: N/A a. Filter surface clogging N/A b. Short filter run N/A c. Gravel displacement of filter media N/A d. Loss of filter media during backwashing N/A e. Recycled filter backwash waterin excess of 5 percent AJ f. Formation of mudballs in filter media. Yes No 'N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No \N/A, 22. Chlorination Unit: a. Sludge buildup in contact chamber b. Gas bubbles c. Floating scum and/or solids d. Adequate ventilation of chlorine feeding room and storage area e. NIOSH-approved 30 minute air pack f. All standing chlorine cylinders chained in place g. All personnel trained in the use of chlorine h. Proper chlorine feed, storage, and reserve supply. No N/A 23. Ultraviolet radiation disinfection present and in use. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/ Yes No A Yes No N/A Yes No N./....4/ Page 4 24. Dechlorination: a. Proper storage of sulfur dioxide cylinders b. Adequate ventilation of sulfur dioxide feeding room c. Automatic sulfur dioxide feed or feedback control not operating. properly. 25. Aerobic Digester: a. Excessive foaming in tank b. Noxious odor c. Mechanical aeration failure d. Clogging of diffusers. 26. Anaerobic Digester: a. Floating cover tilting b. Gas burner operative c. Supernatant has a sour odor. 27. Sludge Drying and/or disposal: Yes N/A a. Poor sludge distribution on drying beds Yes N/A b. Vegetation in drying beds Yes N/A c. Dry sludge remaining in drying beds Yes . N/A d. Dry sludge stored on site No N/A e. Filtrate from sludge drying beds returned to front. of plant No N/A f. Approved disposal site for the sludge No , N/A g. Sludge land applied. cT 28. Filter Press: Yes No N/A a. High level of solids in filtrate from filter presses or vacuum filters Yes No N/A b. Thin filter cake caused by poor dewatering Yes No N/A c. Sludge buildup on belts and/or rollers of filter press Yes No N/A d. Excessive moisture in belt:filter press sludge cake. 29. - Polishing. Ponds or Tanks: Yes No N/ • a. Objectionable odor, excessive foam, floating solids, or oil sheens on water surface Yes No N/A b. Solids or scum accumulations in tank or at side of pond Yes No N/ • c. Evidence of bypassed polishing ponds or tanks because of low capacity. Page 5 30. Plant Effluent: Yes No N/A a. Excessive suspended solids, turbidity, foam, grease, scum, color, and other macroscopic particulate matter present Yes . N/A b. Potential toxicity (dead fish, dead plant at discharge) No N/A c. Outfall discharge line easily accessible. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 31. Flow. Measurement: No N/A a. Proper placement of flow .measurement device N/A b. Flow meter calibrated N/A c. Buildup of solidsin flume or weir N/A d. Broken or cracked flume or weir No ' /A e.. Properly functioning magnetic flowmeter No f. Clogged or broken stilling wells No " A g. Weir plate edge corroded or damaged No N/A h. System capable of measuring maximum flow es No N/A f ') ' i. Flow measurement error less than 10%. THE I u? R " 9 McASv�E Nor Ac--corPPE-42. 0,0h z_e To Crgt.CucTC °o E1PR4ie, 32. Sampling: . ld / YN Aim) 7,96,L F , C P44P05/ it9/e No N/A a. Sampling and analysis completed on parameters specified by permit No . N/A b. Samples refrigerated during compositing No N/A c. Composite sample temperatures maintained at 0 to 4 degrees Celsius during sampling No N/A d. Contract laboratory used for sample analysis No N/A e. Composite samples obtained are flow proportional. RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING gNo N/A 1. Records and reports maintained as required by permit. No N/A 2. All required .information available, complete, and current. No N/A 3. Records maintained for 3 years and all sludge records maintained for 5 years. No N/A 4. Analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs. 5. Sampling and analyses data adequate and include: No N/A a. Dates, times, and location of sampling No N/A b. Name of individual performing sampling No N/A c. Results of analyses and calibration No N/A d.. Dates of analyses No N/A e. Name of person performing analyses. No N/A No N/A No N/A Yes N Yes No No N/A No N/A No N/A Yes No Yes No No N/A (_-)No N/A es No N/A Page 6 • 6. Monitoring records adequate and include: a. Monitoring charts kept for 3 years b. Flowmeter calibration records kept for 3 years. 7. Laboratory equipment calibration and maintenance records adequate. 8. BOD incubator temperature maintained at 20 +/- 1 Degrees Celsius and the temperature maintained in a log for every day of operation. 9. Fecal coliform incubator maintained at 44.5 +/- 0.2 Degrees Celsius and the temperature maintained in a log for every day of operation. 10. Plant records adequate and include: a. 0 & M Manual b. "As -built" engineering drawings. c. Schedules and dates of equipment maintenance repairs d. Equipment data cards. 11. Permittee is meeting compliance schedule. 12. DMRs complete and include all NPDES permit required parameters. 13. ORC visitation logs available and current. 14. ORC certified at a level equal to or greater than the classification of the wastewater facility. No N/A . 15. Backup Operator certified at one level less than the classification of the wastewater facility or greater J. A, $oL rt / 6,9R,E .._) No N/A 16. Current copy of the complete NPDES permit on site. No N/A 17. Facility description verified as contained in NPDES permit. Revised 7/11/00 by Belinda Henson INSPECTION REPORT UPDATE OPTION: TRX: 5IF KEY: NC0035904INSBIO 001023 SYSMSG: *** DATA MODIFIED SUCCESSFULLY *** PERMIT--- NC0035904 REG/COUNTY-- 06 HOKE FACILITY-- NC DOC / MCCAIN HOSPITAL #3700 LOC-- MCCAIN INS TYPE BIO NEXT PLANNED INSPECTION INSPECTED BY: DATE: 001023 LD REPORT INSPECTION DMR RESPONSE RECEIVED DATE STATUS STATUS DUE DATE DATE' 001028 C C COMMENTS: A COMPLIANCE BIOMONITORING INSPECTION WAS COMBINED WITH A COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION.