HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0028975_NOVNOI2021LV0299_RESP_20210511KACE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 2905 Wood Rd Phone (828) 657-1810 Mooresboro, NC 28114 Fax (828) 657-4664 May 11, 2021 Division of Water Quality RE: Notice of Violation Attn: Central Niles NOV-2021-LV-0299 1617 Mail Service Center Permit No. NCO028975 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Saluda WWTP To whom it may concern: I am responding to the enclosed NOV on behalf of the City of Saluda WWTP. The eDMR for the month of February 2021 explained the Weekly Geometric Mean Exceedance of the permitted Fecal Limit as follows: "High Fecal Coliform. on 2/9/2021 exceeded the permitted weekly geometric mean - the flow meter calibration caused the flow proportional chlorine feed to drop below normal. The lab alerted us to the high Fecal Coliform on 2.10.2021. The Chlorine was adjusted up manually and we called to have calibration confirmed. Ali issues are resolved & plant returned to compliance." Please advise should further information be required Thank you, Rachael G. Kramer Compliance Manager KALE Environmental, Inc. (828) 657-1810 rachael@kaceinc.com s�.a er i,;< p: Certified Mall #7017 1070 0000 1376 0954 May 4, 2021 Stevien Orr, City Mang 0ty of Saluda Box 24 Saluda, NC 28773°-0248 SUBJECT: P40110E OF VIOLATIW4 & IWENT TO ASSM CIVIL PD4ALTY Tracking Number-. NOV-2021-LV-0299 Permit No, NCO028975 Saluda WWTP Polk County Dear Permittee, A r iew of tie February 2021 Disdiarge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the subjed facility nevealetl the vio bons$ indicated below: Limit RM V lion( sample Lotation Parameter limit Reported into Value Value Type of Violaton 6 1 Effluent fort { fecal CIF, 7J13/20 1 400 604 Weekly Geometric Mean 1 xceeec 4 -5 C (31616) A Notice of ViDlat on/inert to issue CMI Penalty is being ism fw tt noted riolaticn of North Ca€ohna C;Pneral Statute (G, :) 143-215.1 and dw facility's NPM WW limit. Pumant to G,S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not mce w. hvmty-fve dollars ($25,WD.100) may be assesm�d against arty person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, wrididons, or requirements of ar►y permit amied pursuarit to G.& 143-15.1. %W.% *We&-L. Im"Wrx 4"j*T4F*W&"ri aawwa *"&.WtAw* t.tf , _spa.ue�aiis xs aniri ai If you wish to provWe additmnal inforrna bn regarding Me rKked violation, request mchnwai &"tstance, or discuss overall comiAiance please respond inwrbV tdft ten (IQ) §W51 _ s afEer receipt of ft Notice. A review of vow rise will be mnsiidered along wall any infomv6 n prided on the submitted Monitoring Re rt(s). you will then be notified of any cMl paialbes that may be assessed regarding the violations. If no response is remlved in this Cffx* wJthin ttin 10-day period, a dvill pentaft assesumiat nw be prepare& Rei- ial actions mid have already been taken to cmect this problem a prevent furFher occurrences in the fuWre. The Divir4on 0 rater Resources may pursue enforcement acton for this and any additional violations of State law. if the violations are of a continuing nature, not rebated to op"ian andjor maintenance WoVems, and you antiapate retnedial consbuction activibim, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special dry by Consent. Reminder: Pursuant to permit Qn4ontAn S _ �E , t Permits is required tc► verbalty notify R€giolrral #file as soon as p lW, not to exoeed 24 hours, from first knowledge € f any non-minpliance at this facility lixtuding lirrnit violations, bypasses of, or fair; of a treatment unit. A written repw my be rewired within .5 days if directed by MvWon off. Prior nouns should be 9MW for anticipated or potent i Mblems due to planed cr aintenanm acUvitiws, taking unrm off -lisle, etc. If you gave any questkxis amceming tht5 mattL-r or to airy Pon an SOC, pi contest M1kal wills - of the Dille Regional ice at 8 $-2 4W or via email at mikal.YAIIiTw@Txxienr.gov Sincerely, r 's Daniel ids, Ass6tant Reclional Supervisor atu Quality Regional Operations Semen Asheville regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Irvvw MGKn,, ORC