HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191029_I-5700 February EC Report-ICA_20210211 North Carolina Department of Transportation Roadside Environmental Unit Erosion & Sedimentation / Stormwater Report ICA Immediate Corrective Action This project does not comply with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Control laws.Immediate Corrective Action is needed to resolve the situation to full compliance with the Law:(T15A:04B.0000). Project Information Inspection Date: 02/10/2021 Evaluator: Josh Young Project#: 50118.1.FS1 TIP#: 1-5700 Contract#: C-204351 Division #: 5 County: Wake Project Type: Contract Engineer: Beryl Road Resident Project Length: 0.80 Disturbed Acres: 0 River Basin: Neuse HQW Zone: NO Trout Zone: NO Location JY- 1-40 Interchange wth Airport Blvd Description: Project Evaluation Report Type: ❑Routine ❑✓ ICA ❑ICA Ex 1st ❑ICA Ex 2nd ❑CICA- SWO ❑PCN ❑ECPAR Installation Maintenance Effectiveness Plan Overall Project Length Section of BMPs of BMPs of BMPs Implementation Evaluation 0.8 The Entire Project 6 6 6 6 6 Grading Scale: 0-6=Immediate Corrective Action Required, 7=Fair, 8=Good, 9=Very Good, 10=Excellent Remarks and Recommendations: I performed my monthly EC site review for 1-5700 yesterday Wednesday, February 10, 2021. I spoke with both NCDOT and Zachry personnel while I was onsite and addressed project concerns at that time. While performing my EC site review I found several locations throughout the project were sediment loss had occurred and where there was high potential for more loss to occur during the next storm event due to inadequate routine cleanout of EC measures. It appeared that no effort was being made to these problem areas until I arrived onsite and brought it to the attention of the responsible personnel onsite. It is very concerning that these areas were not discovered during the weekly walkthroughs by responsible field staff. At this current time, the project is out of compliance and requires an extensive amount of effort to return the project back to compliance. An ICA is being issued today based on my below findings. I will revisit the site in five days to ensure that these project concerns have been addressed and that the project is back in compliance. NPDES records were not reviewed at the time of my site visit, however I was informed by project personnel that they were not up to date. Ensure that these forms are up to date and reflect project concerns. I also noticed that several areas throughout the project were outside of the 14 day soil stablization timeframes. I addressed my concerns onsite and was informed that the seeding sub was contacted on Monday, February 8, 2021 and were unable to perform seeding opeation before rain event this week. I highly recommend that seeding subs be scheduled way in advance to prevent any laps in soil stablization timeframes since groundcover is our best EC measure. Project Concerns and Recommendations: 2/11/2021 11:01 AM Page 1 of 2 Ramp A: STA 15+00 RT: Several wattles were more than half full of sediment and require cleaning out. Special sediment control outlet has extensive amount of silt built up along device and requires cleaning out. Groundcover is also needed. I also noticed that some of the silt has migrated under perimeter silt fence and is very close to adjacent stream. This material will need to be retrieved and area will need to be returned to original site conditions. -Y3- STA 20+00 LT: Roadway is being graded in a manner to prevent roadway runoff to enter designated ditch that has EC measures in place. Weep sections should be installed along shoulder berms to allow roadway runoff to shed into designated EC measures. STA 23+00 RT: Drainage Inlets have been installed and do not have appropriate Type C protection in place. I was informed that these boxes were dead at this time, however they will need to be cleaned out before becoming active. STA 28+00 RT: Slope drain needs to be extended further down grade to discharge directly into Special sediment control outlet. Currently, the slope drain will be discharging upland roadway runoff into ditch with non- keyed in plastic which creates the potential for runoff to mix with additional disturbed ground before existing project limits. STA 25+00: Metal plate crossing over TD is not allowing project runoff to exit project. I recommend removing metal sheet crossing and maintaining TD at the end of each day. STA 27+00: Stockpile in center of roadway needs perimeter containment. STA 28+00 LT: Rock checks leading towards culvert are more than half full and need to be cleaned out ASAP. STA 30+00 LT: Silt from slope failure upland of rip rap has deposited at toe of bank stabilization. Material will need to be removed and will require dike and pump around operations to perform work in dry. Ramp B: STA 17+00 to 21+00 RT: Rock checks shown on EC plans are needed since disturbance has occurred at this location. STA 17+00 LT: Additional rock checks appear to be needed in ditch line since vegetated slopes and ditch have been recently disturbed. Ensure that slopes are tracked in correctly so that cleat marks are horizontal to slope to prevent further rilling of slopes. -Y2- I noticed an excessive amount of concrete that needs to be cleaned up from recent culvert pouring operation. Also, ensure that all concrete washout structures are removed since they are full and have potential to overtop and wash into stream. Concrete is prohibited to come in contact with live streams due to the potential of changing the PH of the water which can lead to fish kills. Ensure that concrete is removed ASAP to prevent any material from entering adjacent live stream. Ramp C: STA 15+00 +/- RT: An excessive amount of silt has undermined perimeter silt fence. All the excess silt will need to be retrieved and the area will need to be returned to original site conditions. I recommend repairing any damaged silt fence and adding additional outlets since there appears to be an excessive amount of water draining to this location. Plastic lined ditch has not been keyed in and has potential to allow runoff to undermine plastic. -Y- STA 88+00 to 89+00 RT: Earth berm along haul rd. has failed which in return has allow sediment to overwhelm perimeter silt fence and enter wetland. Sediment needs to be retrieved and area needs to be returned to original site conditions. I recommend adding several slope drains along haul road to prevent this from happening again. 2/11/2021 11:01 AM Page 2 of 2