HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0800498_DEEMED FILES_20171215J)~ '.\orth Carolina Department of Em iron mental Qualit:v -Dh-ision of\\ atcr Resources IN,JECTlON EVENT RECORD {lEll) --------------------, Permit Information ·1. • L.1.~:~ "-.r... X' P.._>nnitke ~ ... racilit) ~am.: \ ~"--S,.:__1 "--.: ~ 'l , '-'--'AC c\ . .._\ \..~.f ...._\_ \.C-...(:_ \. .... ··--• .... ·• -······ . ---·· . --· ---··. -" \ l· Jcilit) Addrc:-:,, (include County)\'> .... ...:;;:-' ,, ,..-· .. .._,__, 2. Injection Contractor Information '-· - ~\e 'i;>,.,c <, ,, "-'-'0t: lnjs:d1on ( \mtractm / Ctllnpan~ 1\am..; ~ \~'\,..:.,,..~~---t,.......'- c Hy ) State ..., \'-\cC"i .lip C\1dc , ~ \S) .. ~~ .\.:::-.?? ~_:t3 __ Area coJe Phone mnnh1,;r RECENEO/NCDEQ/O 3 Well Information DEC 15 2017 \\ er.: ;1n~ \\el!;, ahandtml!-d during. thi::. injc.:til'n eH.·nt'.' 0 )e.; ·t-t 'w >iumbcr of \hmitoring Well~ - :\umber l'f Inj..:ction Wells - Pleave iliclmk ,, copy of the GW-3().for each well (li,and(J11ed. ·t. InJecbmt Information ·~ -\ ,,. , .. ';(_ _t: _ · "-•":"!!:.'l:U~ ........ C,. -::· A . _ . . .... . Injedant(s} rype 1.can use separate additional sheet;.. if necessary ( ·oncentmtiPn If.the injcc:rant is diluted pleas(.'. indicate the sour..:.c diluti,m fluid. - l"--: _\ ~ \-.: \" 1\umhcr of wdl-; US<:,! for inj,·ction . \ Water Quality Regional Operations Sec iorl :-. I \' o!mm: lnjt:1.:t,xl per well (gal) Injection Histo11- Wdl IDs \\\:re an~ llC\\. 1-\dls install.:d during 1hi, injccti,,n C\ cnt? OY1:s ~'.\(, !J ye:,,, rl<.:asc pwv ide the folh1\\ ing information: Type of\\ di Instalkd (Ch..:ck dpplicahk typ1..:): !J l·km;d D Drilled C Dir..:..:t-Pthh [J I land Au~u1"1.:d O Other.~ "r1eci(,) _ Please indmfe a copy oj tlte G~f-1 (ormfor eacft wdl i11stt1lled. lnjcctinn date! :,J. Submit the original M thi-; forn1 to the Divismn of Water Rcsourc..:s ~\ ithin 30 day~ o!' iniection. .-\ttn: l:l.C Progr,,m 1616 \Llii Service Cenkr. R.tk<gh, ~C 27699-16:1-6, Phon-i No. 9 l9-&0''i-6•i6.l Fonn U( -lf'R Rev. 3-1-2016 Permit Number WI0800498 Program Category Deemed Ground Water Permit Type Injection Deemed In-situ Groundwater Remediation Well Primary Reviewer shristi.shrestha Coastal SWRule Permitted Flow Facility Facility Name Pantry #3197 Location Address 1330 N Norwood St Wallace Owner Owner Name Circle K Stores Inc Dates/Events NC Orig Issue 11/17/2017 App Received 11/14/2017 Regulated Activities Groundwater remediation Outfall Waterbody Name 28466 Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Central Files: APS SWP 11/17/2017 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Version 1.00 Project Type New Project Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Major/Minor Minor Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non-Government Owner Affiliation Brent Puzak Director Environmental 1100 Situs Ct Ste 100 Raleigh Region Wilmington County Duplin NC Issue 11/17/2017 _Effective 11/17/2017 27606 Expiration Requested /Received Events Streamlndex Number Current Class Subbasin Shrestha, Shristi R From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Shrestha, Shristi R Friday, November 17, 2017 1:58 PM 'bpuzak@circlek.com'; 'maureenjackson@atcassociates.com' King, Morella s WI0800498 NOi Pantry #3197 Thank you for submitting the Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells (NOi) for the above referenced site. Please remember to submit the following regarding this injection activity: 1) Well Construction Records (GW-1) and Abandonment Records (GW-30) when completed. Please provide copies of the GW-ls and GW-30s if not already submitted (ori ginals go the address printed on the form). NOTE: Direct push or Geoprobe wells are considered wells and require construction (GW-1) and abandonment forms (GW-30). If well construction/abandonment information is the same for the wells, only one form n.eeds to be completed-just indicate total number of injection points in the Comments/Remarks section of form. These forms can be found on our website at http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-branch/gr ound-water- protection/ ground-water-reporting-forms 2) Injection Event Records (IER). All injections, including air and passive systems require an IER. The IER can be modified for air sparge wells (e.g., air flow 'continuous' for date or rate of injection, etc.). You can scan and send these forms directly to me at Shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.gov or via regular mail to address below. When submitting the above forms, you will need to enter the nine-digit alpha-numeric number on the form (i.e., WIOXXXXXX) that has been assigned to the injection activity at this site. This notification has been given the deemed permit number WI0800498. This number is also referenced in the subject line of this email. You may if you wish, scan and send back as attachments in r eply to this email, as it will already have the assigned deemed permit number in the subject line. Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi .shrestha @ ncdenr.g ov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Norlh Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Shrestha. Shristi R From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Please find the attached NOi. Shristi Shrlstl R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Shrestha, Shristi R Friday, November 17, 2017 2:02 PM King, Morella s WI0800498 NOi PAntry#3197 NOI.pdf Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shrestha @ncdenr.gov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the t\Jorih Carolina Public Records L a w and may be disclosed to third parties. ATC 609A Piner Road Suite 115 Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 Tel: 919-871-0999 Fax: 737-207-8261 ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECNNICAI, www.atcgroupservices.cam N.C. En ineerin9 License No, C-1598 November 7, 2017 Ms. Shristi Shrestha North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section, UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Reference: Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells Former Pantry #3197 1330 North Norwood Street Wallace, Duplin County, North Carolina Risk Classification: I160D Dear Ms. Shrestha: RECEI'IEDINCDEN IR NOV 14 2017 Waier uualrty Regional Operations Section ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. (ATC) has prepared the enclosed Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells on behalf of Circle K Stores, Inc. The permit application covers the performance of passive remediation in one monitoring well associated with the above referenced site If you have questions or require additional information, please contact our office at (919) 871-0999. Sincerely, ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. r \,n W uw (I'-. Maureen A. Jackson,':[. Senior Project Manager cc: Mt. Brent Puzak, Circle K Stores, Inc. Attachments N i I:"It F Of MIEN f FORM 1.47 NOR1H CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS The following are "permitted by rule" and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance with the rules of 15A NCAC 02C .0200. This form shall be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to injection. AQUIFER TEST WELLS (15A NCAC 02C .0220) These wells are used to inject uncontaminated fluid into an aquifer to determine aquifer hydraulic characteristics. IN SITU REMEDIATION (15A NCAC 02c .0225> or TRACER WELLS l15A NCAC 02C .0229): 1) Passive Injection S stems -In-well delivery systems to diffuse injectants into the subsurface. Examples include ORC socks, iSOC systems, and other gas infusion methods. 2) Small-Scale Injection Operations -Injection wells located within a land surface area not to exceed 10,000 square feet for the purpose of soil or groundwater remediation or tracer tests. An individual permit shall be required for test or treatment areas exceeding 10,000 square feet. 3) Pilot Tests -Preliminary studies conducted for the purpose of evaluating the technical feasibility of a remediation strategy in order to develop a full scale remediation plan for future implementation, and where the surface area of the injection zone wells are located within an area that does not exceed five percent of the land surface above the known extent of groundwater contamination. An individual permit shall be required to conduct more than one pilot test on any separate groundwater contaminant plume. 4) Air Injection Wells -Used to inject ambient air to enhance in-situ treatment of soil or groundwater. Print Clearly or Type Information. Illegible Submittals Will Be Returned As Incomplete. DATE: November 2 , 201.I._ PERMIT NO. bf.IO; {> (> '-f't ~ (to be filled in by DWR) A. WELL TYPE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OR OPERATED B. c. (1) (2) ___ Air Injection Well ...................................... Complete sections B-F, K, N ___ .Aquifer Test Well ....................................... Complete sections B-F, K, N (3) X Passive Injection System ............................... Complete sections B-F, H-N ___ Small-Scale Injection Operation ...................... Complete sections B-N (4) (5) (6) Pilot Tes~····.·············································Complete sect~ons B~CE\VED/NCDEQ/DWR ___ Tracer lnJectlon Well ................................... Complete sect10ns B* NOV 14 2017 STATUS OF WELL OWNER: Business/Organization water Quality Reg_ional Operations Section WELL OWNER -State name of entity and name of person delegated authority to sign on behalf of the business or agency: Name: Circle K Stores. Inc. Mailing Address: 1100 Situs Court. Suite 100 City: Raleigh State: NC Zip Code:. __ ~2~7~6~06~County:_W~ak=e~------ Day Tele No.: ~9~19_-7~7~4~-6~7~00~------Cell No.: --~N~o~t~A~v~ai~·l~a~b_le ___ _ EMAIL Address: ___ B_P~uz~a_k .... @_,..c_i_rc_l_ek_._co_m _____ Fax No.: ----=-N"-"o:..:.t .:...A~v=a:.:.::ila:cab=l=e ______ _ VIC/In Situ Remed. Notification (Revised 3/2/2015) Page I D. PROPERTY OWNER (if different than well owner) Name: Taylor Famil y Pro perties Mailing Address: 1645 Westbrook Plaza Drive City: Winston-Salem State: _NC_ Zip Code:.=2_,_71"""0=3 ____ County: Fors y1 h Day Tele No.: 336-407-9222 Cell No.: Not Available EMAIL Address: suzanne.ramm@taylorcom panies.us Fax No.: 336-774-3860 E. PROJECT CONTACT -Person who can answer technical questions about the proposed injection project. Name: ---~M~au=r~e~en~Ja=c=k=so=n~-~A=T~C~A_s~s~oc=i=at~e=s~o=f ~N~o=rt=h~C~ar=o~li=n=a .~P~·~C~. ___________ _ Mailing Address: -------"'6=09=A~P~in=e=r-"'R=o=a=d.,_;, S=u=i=te,_1...,1'""5'----------------------- City: Wilmin gton State: _NC_ Zip Code:.=2-=-84.,_,0=9 ____ County: New Hanover Day Tele No.: 919-561-3893 Cell No.: 919-561-3893 EMAIL Address: maureen.jackson (@ atcassociates.com Fax No.: 737-207-8261 F. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Physical Address: 1330 North Norwood Street County:-=D"-'u~p=li=n'--------------- City: Wallace State: NC Zip Code: -=2=8_,_46=6=-------------- (2) Geographic Coordinates: Latitude**: ______ or _~3_,_4 _0 7509655 Longitude**: or 77 ° 9983874 -------~~ Reference Datum: __ ~N~/=A~ ____ Accuracy: ___ 10_-_m_e_te_r __ _ Method of Collection:'----G==-oo""gl=e -=E=art=h"'°P""'r=o ___________ _ * *FOR AIR INJECTION AND AQUIFER TEST WELLS ONLY: AF ACILITY SITE MAP WITH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MAY BE SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES. G. TREATMENT AREA Land surface area of contaminant plume: _______ square feet Land surface area of inj. well network: square feet~ 10,000 ft 2 for small-scale injections) Percent of contaminant plume area to be treated: (must be :S 5% of plume for pilot test injections) H. INJECTION ZONE MAPS -Attach the following to the notification. (1) Contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells; and (2) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, changes in lithology, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells . (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) indicating the rate and direction of groundwater movement, plus existing and proposed wells. See Figures 1 through 4 for site location and injection zone maps. VIC/In Situ Remed. Notification (Revised 3/2/2015) Page2 I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INJECTION ACTIVITIES -Provide a brief narrative regarding the purpose, scope, and goals of the proposed injection activity. This should include the rate, volume, and duration of injection over time. A TC will install Adventus O-SOXs in monitorin g well MW-14 in order to aide in natural attenuation and reduce com pounds concentrations to below the North Carolina Groundwater Ouali tv Standards {2L Standards ). Based on the most recent sam plin g event performed in Se ptember 2017 . the followin g com pound exceeded the a pp licable 2L Standard: benzene at 14 .000 micro grams/liter (µg/L). The socks come in 3-foot sections. ATC will install two 3-foot sections at the base of the well . across the well screen. The socks will release oxidizing solids into the groundwater for a pp roximatel y 6 months . at which point the chemicals in the socks will have de pleted. J. INJECT ANTS -Provide a MSDS and the following for each injectant. Attach additional sheets if necessary. NOTE: Approved injectants (tracers and remediation additives) can be found online at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/aps/gwpro. All other substances must be reviewed by the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Contact the UIC Program/or more info {919-807-6496). Injectant: ---=-A=d=vc..-=e=ntu=s----=Oc.._-=s-=o-=-x=------------------------ Volume of injectant: -~9""'0"""5'-in==-3 _-_v~o=l=um=e~o=f~s=o=ck=s~----------------- Concentration at point of injection: --~9~0~o/c~o __________________ _ Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: --~N~o~t~A~P~P~l_ic_a~b_le ____________ _ See Appendix A for MSDS. K WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Number of injection wells: ---=-O __ ~Proposed __ ~l ___ .Existing (2) Provide well construction details for each injection well in a diagram or table format. A single diagram or line in a table can be used for multiple wells with the same construction details. Well construction details shall include the following: (a) well type as permanent, direct-push, or subsurface distribution system (infiltration gallery) (b) depth below land surface of grout, screen, and casing intervals ( c) well contractor name and certification number See Appendix B for well construction details and the well construction record. L. SCHEDULES -Briefly describe the schedule for well construction and injection activities. Two weeks after submitting this NOL ATC will install the Adventus O-SOXs in monitoring well MW-14 UIC/In Situ Remed. Notification (Revised 3/2/2015) Page3 M. MONITORING PLAN — Describe below or in separate attachment a monitoring plan to be used to determine ifviolations of groundwater quality standards specified in Subchapter 02L result from the injection activity. Semi-annual sampling events of select monitoring wells are performed in September and March. ATC's next sampling event will occur March 2018. During the sampling event. ATC will collect a sample from monitorine well MW-14 for analysis of volatile organic compounds by EPA Method 6200B. The sample will be shipped to Con -Test Laboratory in East Longmeadow_ Massachusetts. ATC will also measure dissolved oxygen. conductivity. temperature. pH. and oxvaen reduction potential in well MW-14 durini the March 2018 samplini event. N. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT; "I hereby certify, under penally of law, that I am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible far obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fates and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the iSA NCAC 02C 0200 Rules_ " �r�.s}mow-t-Cl - DC-.. ignature of Applicant I f �int or Type Full Name �J G r f LL . Co Kok - PROPERTY OWNER (if the propert". is not owned by the permit applicant): "As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to he constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (15A NC.4C 02C .0200)." "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing. - "1/ i I 1 - %t- i ( ' _tC+ 5 k o •t�.ry :... =� @�C� � Signature* of Property Owner (if [%rent from applicant) :L Print or Type Full Name * An access agreement between the applicant and property owner may be submitted in lieu of a signature on this form. Submit the completed notification package to: DWR — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 807-6464 UICJIn Situ Reined. Notification (Revised 3/2/2015) Page 4 From: Puzak, Brent To; Maureeq ]ackwn Subject; RE: Well Permits Date: Friday, March 04, 2016 B:05:19 AM Attachments: jrnayeQ03.Qnn Maureen, 'I hanks fur processirt;. lase us,. this e• mail as supp.:r k 01 my authorization yuu to sif;r. pei t t un behalf of Pantry , c`y le. IF you need ,3dthtiar. i sr • !> r, s; ; , toilow-up lull t• Thanks, BRENT PUZAK Environmental Director Circle K, Enc. Cary ❑ivisianai Office 919-566-1549 bosnakPcirciek,oitl From: Maureen Jackson[maiito:maureen,jackson@atcassociates,com] Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2016 4:19 PM To: Puzak, Brent Subject: Well Permits Importance: High I submitted 2 well permits for the off -site wells at Pantry #161 in Elon. I signed the permit as ATC Project Manager on behalf of Pantry. I need to get an email from you to send to DEQ— Public Water Supply stating that I could sign on behalf of Pantry for the well permit. I have submitted many of these signing like that and never needed a letter - guess it has changed. Can you provide a brief email just saying you all me to sign on behalf of Pantry for the well permit for Elan. Thx — if that is a problem, let me know and 1 will upload well permits to Titan so you can sign and then I can submit them. Maureen 3ackson !SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER I ATC Group Services LLC +1 919 561 3893 l +1 919 561 3893 mobile 2512 Independence Boulevard, Suite 200-34 I Wilmington, NC 28412 fax I masrrean.lacksanftatcassociates.co f www.atcgrouoservicessom FIGl RES 1M! I 4 i7 l / 4. 1• r i X +• !' • W.na y� I. •^';fir f X •, •, ._ i 1 • i +hM1 - ..r ire /n .4s ^'', • • }0 • y r • • R• i t a. e Source, USGS Charity, North Carolina, Topographic Map. 1,2400 Scale.1981. Also, USGS Wallace East. Wallace West and Rose Hill Topographic maps. TC2725 E. Millbrook Road, Suite 121 Raleigh, NC 27604 F '" ; d:r2Irs:11Wo;;s (919) 871-0999 PROJECT NO: PANT319713 CREATED BY: DM R SCALE: SEE DATE: 06/22/15 ABOVE Figure 1 SITE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PANTRY #3197 1330 NORTH NORWOOD STREET WALLACE, DUPLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ti 131Y3S 31V141X041ddv 7.0 0 N `dr ti df NOTES: FIGURE 2 PANTRY #3 7 9 7 1632 NORTH NORWOOD STREET WALLACE, NORTH CAROLINA Z045000271 ar .xy row r+t ��• } 1/14/14 AS SPOISW ypY grMJ AIME r !NW, LEGEND: S — TYPE N MONfOR1NC 1VEL! LOCtTT0t4 • = TYPE xr MONiiCRMNC WELL WCM!0H [S7 — RECOVERY WELL WI. -Op} - DEP7W 70 GROUNDWATER thr EEEY vary — NOT MEASURED = GROUNDWATER CONTOUR LYVE (OAShMD WMERE APPROXIW1E) �— GROUNDWATER ROW ONEC770N (NM) (NM) (N14) (96.21) 111 -1 L.♦• � r eti •em - i97 R6,1, t �I \ c•.1 1 — i� LNM) 1=r 1 ' V. \. _-5 1 1 (NM) ,a \ 1 ij 1, rr (NM). r.•v-4 (Ni) N TOM) �- (98.49) :OF.Mr-R U51 5 23 50 APPROXIMATE SCJLE IN FEET PANT319717 X ! 41-t a COMTCUR MAP a ur fl 7 LA (Ns) 70j /la -S) 0) 25 0.334 (Ns) =, -:7 \ -L 4INNS}i 1211(NS] LEGEhn 1 - TY?C !I 1✓OM0'E0Rol i WFa LacATKIN TYPE nl MONTTORINO WFLI LOCATION - RECOVERY WELL (NS) - NOT SWPLED (15) = BEN2ENE 75OCONCENTRATION (up/L) - BFN7ENE ➢54CQNCCNTRArioN CONTOUR LINE Ek CEFOrNG NCGCL STANCAROS Lr ,./ -06:1:7 (D.95) A! ' APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 5 Ai 1 \PPls.~DIX A \.l~DS FOR:\l ADVENTUS -1S lklil I'•t'Tl �I1T-1v'C: 0-SOX'" Page: I a 5 1. I'RO)DU( 1 LDI I li• IC.%F1(1N: PROD! t 1 Liti1.; 11 A:i.I.'1( rum R; 1,1kers:u.,.\rxa IL. in 211.71 \\ . 1•rlrr'.s Rd tiuife treipf1.l1: hJlj�� SUIT Lind ll:-ti r tre:ltn.LTt. I'M1•.H(1F (`\' ['SA: 1-ti1H1--I'4- 111 rt'I 1i s\31 l;lC C'onada: tlh(; • .tif, r(.'A It1NSPUR1't1IO 01 17\1ti(•121101.S M;OD (TA SSIF•!t'.1'l1()!ti: O irli n 5.11i,l. 11 i+ ,. It'nlrislrtt 1'; rt 1e1. Cl:r,- z. PG t 1 l-L1 tiri 11S CLASS!! I(:.11'1(.)�: Oxidizer UOMP0 ITTON/I'S1()lt\I \'i ION ON I\GE}i)II ti-IS ingredients Perc• BLit• 1 I yu1'11\ rl1C 3. PM SIC .U..DA1't lr1 1.'hemit•a! 1 armula White & ll . rule Phv.:4•i1 stare Sort] (ldur :111:'khillLi Nom 13uf1, l)enr;tl siirubilitr in Water irt,• Juflie theumpirwititlri'fenlileratt�r� tint 1•L.eier:iring deeomr, ( 1,1u. -1. 11A%ARTS ll]I• N. ! 11'I(' 1'1 ION Ensi rgenev overview (ixidix;ng Lgent. luhr rt'tsterial iian tie- nii-T+nwc• and t.FX) ;C'- tl+::t in L'Ct4.tics L;ilic.s. The N I'I' .tnel t 1S1.11 hnvL• n, I Cl •,iticsl nun- c \i+n�ure al har.lr J ,i;. Irl l I 1. l rg irl+l,lz iiir, �nntaip rtsp;+•.lhlE.- 1'crr. ita r - fl inn LL Ith sl'n rclease:.al%in!t from !ire. LIridhr mate n t lii:ll -I h.. rludu,.•• comains .1' non-r•espirable .rrStstl}1nL' resltirahlr• ry i. rrr.uI1 .. l;rl! ILIA{ Lllhl a+ • 14i0. I.11('-) doe, n,+; 1'ntuttial tiadlth b &ct•: ■ LirnL .tl Init:rtink fil iMit7n:1y k1 I11Flr,111• Glad eft ADS ENTUS a NIA! t.f IALSAIL' k'1i11 1M MILL I: 0-SOAre 1 Page: 2 11-' 5 • illil:Lt.i..s':r .:1:.-1ng • irio; I trng tern) 1Yt eler,ttect Ievcl rlY Call • !I ri tii;[ ':a� ( iI i Sid • Eve iisflla. 1.i. eaLse Itnitati[ n :+1 the cvc Ri.ks 1il serious or rir111,:l1CIt t•!1: le\ions, • Skin Lonna:' ti1.15 l.bYt+C h•ritafon the nu .lih :rid hrn,it v. i tll mask :1tnc1 v,rnli'tng 5. 11RN'1' A111 Alt- 1SIltk:S • 1n1t,L1 itcrnt.vr:l';eeled ptrtiun In t e h .sir. Sock nt tfi:al :amnion it U. per rst. • 1:LL einitat_. Flush c}es rt• th runtliiti- it,rcr' for at 1e INC I i1:t11 nc,i a iih vt•c•lith held op •13. Szek specialist • Skin 11. sh , i:clod .kin with t[,a11 ;inii n ':4 Uric and I.ir_e ::in nl stet. • 1n 'catitirl .....................[1'tht' per,lm I. cnti%elSnle sn{l not a fl ul.inc. eit•c 2-4 'pIufi+ Lil watc I. to dill. C the Chetii•t, 11 ali e IIILLIiiai .1itC11I1[in eiiHILC{Is,.rrll iFldnii . Lrltllrlil_. G. 1`•IRIE<. H IGit TIN 11I..AS1. RL Flavtt. Pont • \n. aprlienhi• Fhimrnability • Not applic.lkie ignition •Temperulni Darrgtr at f plosirni ▪ Lm-L spI iuie Extinguishing Media • f irc Yiaxstrds • ()tiJj,.cr. lhit'Lte !two' 5LLi in Inds r. Li •r rupUirC I+1 i/vernal pretisL[r..'_ 11d11 p i1315'tiec"L1inp '+r cxothernitiallL and tarnte U 11Ihll,:ihlc',, ifllcen release Li I_ t,t i%iithCl'Ini1, dt'L-[)IYl7l'+ItiOn n3Li1 •aprort CI I.ribu.tirin, 1'1.i5' ignite other elguimstible 11'atcn 11!.. AeL :ii with ir1Lun .1;,lv1L• mat vials such .Iti h sncL IS. reduetnr :agents..cidy, base.., 0 ADVENTI MkikWAIL `;lf']:31 PAT1Silf.Lr: 0-SON"' Page: 3 „f 5 .I1a11Uuali iIt Sswod, ,sprrc cl Ilh. etc., "henna' Je.'uitlpa1i;il,it uxrc]I :Ind h.at Pre,tire i"4iirit. I:I,t► occur (hie • =«} evolution. Pre.-[Eriz:llion Of ,:t]tltine:t when honied • • Jeo:osi npotiin,_- (inuainer4 sur.t ►i lcnily Fire lighting Airutiurc i • k:►,Ieuate permmneii • 1.-ear protecri►e clothing:irad •clt ct•[]Ssi11id 3 tt:lihin otlapara:u • tunl,lin I!p..t:ld tlf fire n103Lt11J h:iutdi,u. tapl.1. and '•tic+nillll ilit+}, prt]Juetx • l tit water .pro) i.l chill fire . xtw.e.l 40.71%111(4:1s 7. A('(:II)i.NT.U. KNEE .1S1: NILAME RE;S Spill ('lean -up I'L.urdutc + •gotir.e• ut i1 niil,sn. l:Yile:[ate ;+nproterted perionne! tront tiquiputent re..onionenJal-]tln., round in Sct:71t]n U. \e►er t'tece.1 Loin t,.:cupLltirtt]..I expnnurc liri'it. • Shovel or SReep rn Lte!i.tl irito$ pl.l.trr has:. or ►-etllel{ IN, Ill+t !Our!) .5pillei.l LI:.on.ttl':-i.i to 1n►'e111Ialy, 1c,'x11 making this' • 1=1u�h Ielr.aoning area Leith .rakLr to mint \e to -cue rr.idae :Intl c{itptl,l• of Lr',peri}. lsl!IA i1Er. d1.cI. trge [11 tit v 'Iti and ,ar1•.srr ►c;+tt:a (+Eti► :l'ath.sririus it unit) • • • t)u nut lut.ci' s• . ►r.,ik ihrukrh .pifletl ru treri.11. Kee' .w,ty [corn e,111}bt.•libl• . Iwog t1. pap. ,'tt.;. Dta no[ reitan ptkIdU:l , l]IIS:IuI. ht cat -e rll risk ofe nll.t 1il1:1Eil]n S. IIANDLIN(r AND S'I OR t(i11., Storage • Shire in a 1c 1. +►c II-.enliIatc.1I are:l Zi frt n, .ui:rt•s_ owl ;It;.1 un' nI direr. .unl[pltE, �rtnre iu a Lir) 1g-cation:,w.n troun • Kee;.i 1% 1) iowineornpata■1e Et1.lrrri:11s. I' ct` eutl:,:iner, ti2hlly eI . c[I I)t' not s'oi unlabeled or ont•laiarlrJ mtairaer., • }'r;'l:ir from rkoiti:ure 1)I' no-it't1,re near :tin,iv. •i1ble I11,.terools. Keep .a+ntaint'r++1•::1 ..•. 1 •a- t:11.titir: pressure rt'11s.'t anl1 ;Idt +hate ►cnlllitiln . • tilt.re %cp[lrately Iron • . ti d Nth:, . rnithsi;tI,. Arrliil •entam'n::[ • th,la ,l.:I.ontpo-411( • r Iandlin ■ 1wid:srnlael s;illl e e.. ckil}, ..1tJ el, inuig_ 1- >t' with ;idet{u tit' ►•..nr]ital:I kt- ■ 11t, nor. NIX ,lli rst. 1t OIL! 1sr,::.lhin,' vapor., inikti. (Jr clta.t, 1)' not eal. t,r ul;,]i:e ■►t,I1 • Pn rrru ,., Inl.,ct With •t]onhil,rihie or organic nt.tteriais. • Label , nt.tincrs ail• them a:.htlti rIt e.i when t lu a• • V4'u.h th :rotogIIIN Litt• 1 h rnclltlt�� ADvEtvrus M1'TF1tIAl,SiF I1 DiC1:5f11:i. 0-SOX "4 Page: et c r 5 ci• 11'f1SI 12U. CON 1'ROI.SIPLItsON.1L PH()1E( l l() Lnginerring Contru144 • t Iencr;:l ru irn +.cntilatior r aluir'J• e%hat) t sli, enclosure,: al L nt;ineer' control may he needed it) naint,l:n airborne 1c)els I+ell•u recommended exposure lirni[ti. ,Al. rid i.r.ating Just s•r.ni.t. )lointain .:itger,ste sclttilarionllti in dosed or t:.mliifell .paces. heel, le‘rh h low rtpu.urc limits, T i tiet nn'nc expotii:•e iini;t . inuiiitorlitg hi1u'd per formed reguIt .. llttspiratury Protection • 1-or maw, w.onditiun, nrr m..pirimy p• ureclion may y be reeled' now in di sr! or Unknown 'lime sphere -Ili uhi ll cxpn s exit' J 1ii1 I Mild.:, Kr.ir:l N1Q 1-1 .'nlliit:CU revirainr. 1- ►-e/F`a et Protection • \l ear Izog_ It's :Ind a lull Late shield lire dilfi Skin f're It i tiuu • Prevent i.intact tx1Lh in; prtldu.t. Wear gicnesand princerixeclothl.lg depending on ,I+r. Prinectae ; ttw .,; C'hemteti:-rcaistani lReconlnlcntleci 1'\ l", neoprene I ruh .r! Othi.'r i'rrllit ti►c Equipment • • 'Nalco; NlriH,cr • :Wiper,. ions .•luthil • Ituhhcr hoot General 11) giene C'o ntiidl: ra tiu ns • 11•.1411 «ith Miap and water helm meal rink.' ;,it the end t•r ti:h n !irk si it . (r,lutf tt=..aul.ictnlin-r pear^i.r: r l ' tr••.a :if rwu n'etl in. •I• si•r•rl •1• }rr.l�lii,.,. t •('tit.:fi) htlr•I r snrcrcin�. 10. ST.1131I,1T1 :1Ni) lt;i i( T1Vr1 � Stability • `iafily 'tier Isnrnial condislurh ronrliliun to :1+c,id • hirer • Allis. • llascs • nSalt, o lit ) n ^l • ltt't111L'lrig agerliy • t)rganiL IjratL'rrtl: • +-l:illnl:llil. „�I'til.11} l'� E1:iyardous Dcournpel,.itiurr Products • yup1wtn, combust AD' '•FLATUS a r }' i �1 k1 F I-1.1..SALk'F 11 17 k i t ti1I1 1F I : 0-SOX" Page: 5 pl 5 11. LU.XIC OLO(,[C'•S.L I'tL 0101. -11ON • I.1)'t1 tlrtl: Mln,'_I}[Hl nrL ;at • L.1.7i013rnnal. Alin, :111111nt -c. r.i • I.1751 Min - -1,Sl l rt41 12. F(:OI OGR .11, ISII fRti.t'FI'r\ it;coto'uroIiigical information • 11..4,ii- k for the envir4Intrent linti:cd slat tn'iie prvtl.ILt r+41,L•s~io: 11 1u1 birr,:cr;utildutiort. w yslluhtiat' and wt.:p .:tinn +sitiat;e _n imnmetr ( heroical I'ale information • \ 4i Ltll'rl;;ia1 I+ri IcrL:C L1C3Ldt: ''t 4)1 en11rt+tnii2111 I;3. DISI'1 i+SAi. I +l1\SiDLIt.1'I IONS Waste 1 renlnu'nt • I}iy1111;e 4+1 in ..n a jstsn,LA1 I41L 1 rLTLIIi:i: lriti. II 11i1V • i11L'I.11 tl ttahtu I+litl'i.C'Ior NI Al Package-friatenent • 1 he enirkty .:nil .1 "in .:of min 1' :11. Li h i yviet1 it cd 41t 1n L:1 Illy 1111111 51''tit 1'1C.II 1'r�i'I:Irtnll+ 14. I R L\y1'oitr IM (JR'll 11 10'ti • I'r+,pet ."1I ping i.srr.: !i( (] • I lur trtl Clay: 5. t • I -Olds-. {.1 ,t )tlLlira•rl • I' ii k:rti (11.4 kap: 11 15. R>a3;11L,1TtlbtV INIORN1.t'I'1[)" • S. J& \ SLR n )-.s • SARA (3131 C'herni. i \4i • 111)A 'I'SC'.% invent; irY _ ..- -- ____-• _ Ip;tr,irti • C:urrdi,tn V111f4i1S Ca:l�,iliL ati� n ..-- C. l)'B • Canadian DS1. • L:1\1X S Invetitrlr. 1I7t,4:1r. i6. I KI PAR t i'1O\ i\1i OHMMAF1O' l-ri p'ir LI I3y: KOr• t Bolan, is- ' lt:1',+ . .i niu Ren-Ectii.litt ti 1 1in1.1 +.L, l.,4-' I'cKstrr )1; . r %' y.:ug.1, Omar' • I,.iy1 ?A5 1)ute Pr.-p,iti� Nrint I}al. 1'h, ill10' 9/ 12'07 u15-273-53; 1 iJ114."17 i-44?ti7 \PPF'\l)I:\ B :\H),\ITORL';<.., \\LLL l OlV-iTRt CIIO'i\ DETAJLS TABLE 1 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS and GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA THE PANTRY #3197 1330 NORTH NORWOOD STREET WALLACE, DUFLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NCDEQ INCIDENT NOS. 9271 AND 24289 Well ID Date Installed Well Casing Diameter (Inches) Screened Interval (feet) Depth of Well (feet) Top of Casing (feet) Date Measured: 9114/17 Depth of Water (feet) Depth to Free Product (feet) - Elevation (feet) MW-3 10/15/1992 2 4-14 14 r 99.74 Well NoL Measured MW-4 10/15/1992 2 4-14 14 100.35 Weil Not Measured MW-5 2/10/1993 2 3.5-13.5 13,5 99.20 Cannot locate MW-6 2/10/1993 2 4-14 14 100.17 Well Not Measured MW-11 2/18/1994 2 4-14 1 •1 99.69 2.48 - 97.21 MW-16 2/18/1994 2 4-14 14 99.64 2.i8 -- 97.46 MW-17 Unknown 2 Unknown 20 99.67 2.06 - 97.61 MW-19 Unknown 2 Unknown Unknown 99.35 Well Not Measured MW-21 10129I2014 2 2-12 12 98.56 2.35 _ -- 96.21 a MW-22 10/29/2014 2 2-12 12 99.40 Well Not Measured MW-24 10/29/2014 2 2-12 12 100.73 2.24 -- 98.49 DW-1 2/11-12/93 2 29-34 34 99.75 Well Not Measured RW-2 Unknown 4 Unknown 23.16 NS 2.06 , -- NA RW-3 Unknown 4 Unknown 23 NS Well Could Not Be Accessed RW-4 Unknown 4 Unknown 24 NS - NA Notes: 1. " = Corrected Groundwater Elevation = (Groundwater Elevation + (Product Thickness 10.78)) 2. Elevations are referenced to an arbitrary on -site benchmark of 100.00 feet. 3. Total well depths measured from Lop of casing. 4. NS denotes top of casing elevation was not available. 5. NA denotes not applicable.