HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050222 Ver 3_CAMA Application_20130130X*X X05 - oaa a U3 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Pat McCrory Braxton C. Davis John E. Skvada, III Governor Director Secretary January 28, 2013 MEMORANDUM TO: Karen Higgins, Webscape Unit Supervisor Division of Water Quality - Raleigh FROM: Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: Andron Properties, Inc., Major Mod to 153 -05 Project Location: The Refuge at Drummonds Point, End of Drummond's Point & Osprey Dr., Chowan County Proposed Project: Modify Major Permit #153 -05 to include: subdivision with 14 single - family residences, community docking facility, retaining walls, walkways, piers, platforms, riprap breakwaters & bulkheading Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 02/18/13 to 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact John Cece at (252) 264 -3901. When appropriate, in -depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. SIGNED This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. DATE 1367 US 17 South, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Phone: 252 - 264,39011 FAX: 252-264-3723; Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer LFtr� {_j r i I JAN ?_01 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT MAJOR MODIFICATION TO MAJOR PERMIT #153 -05 I. APPLICANT'S NAME: ANDRON Properties (formerly The Refuge at Drummond's Point) 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: The subject properties are on the tip of the peninsula located immediately south of the confluence of the Yeopim River, Yeopim Creek, and the Albemarle Sound. The properties are the eastern -most points of land in Chowan County and are located at the end of Drummond's Point Road (SR 1100) and Osprey Drive in the Albemarle Shores Subdivision. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Photo Index — 2006: 155 -6751 (K11 -14; L9 -14; M9 -10; N9 -10; 09 -10) 2000: 154 -1808 (N13 -14; 013 -15; P13 -14; Q13 -14; R13 -14; S13 -15; T14 -16) 1995: 154 -1596 (E3 -5; F3 -5; G5 -6; H5 -6; I5 -6; J3 -6; K4 -6) 1989:114-1 (K10 -12; L10 -12; M10 -12) 1984: 113 -838 (1113 -14; I13 -15; J13 -15; K13 -14; L13 -14; M13 -15; N14 -16) 1979: 125 -1575 (D12 -13; E12 -14; F12 -13; G12 -13; H12 -14; I13 -15; J13 -15) State Plane Coordinates - X: 2765600 Y:853600 USGS Map: Yeopim River (UR) INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit — 10/23/12 Was Applicant Present — No PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete - 1/15/13 Office - Elizabeth City SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan — Chowan County Land Classification From LUP - Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: PTA, EW, ES (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Single Family Residential (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - None Planned - On -site septic (F) Type of Structures: Existing — Bridge, bulkheads, retaining walls, road beds Planned - 14 single family residences with individual platforms, pool, pool house, community pier structure with 10 boat slips, large rip rap breakwaters, additional retaining walls (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: 3 - 20 feet Source - applicant HABITAT DESCRIPTION: Mm m FILLED USURPED (A) Estuarine Waters/ Public Trust a Are 14,559 SF 63,235 SF 71,000 SF (including Cypress areas) (B) Estuarine Shoreline/ Wetlands 5540 SF None None (C) Wetlands 1960 SF None None Major Modification to Major Permit #153 -05 The Refuge at Drummond's Point Page 4 (D) Total Area Disturbed: 63,235 SF (1.45 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: Albemarle Sound SB Open to shell fishing: No Yeopim River SC Open to shell fishing: No 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to modify the currently permitted 18 -unit clustered residential development to a community with 14 single family residences. Proposed changes to the associated infrastructure include removing storm water retention ponds and adding low- density storm water controls, and expanding the pool house and pool parking area. Proposed new - construction includes; • A large community docking facility with 10 boat slips, • Off shore breakwaters totaling 3,155 feet in length, • Sixteen 400 SF swimming/fishing platforms, • Five elevated walkways over wetland areas, • Four individual piers, • An additional 1,323 feet of retaining wall, • An additional 45 feet of bulkhead, • A kayak storage building and kayak launch platform, and • A maintenance shed. BACKGROUND The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) issued Major Permit #153 -05 on October 13, 2005 to the Refuge at Drummond's Point to construct an 18 -unit clustered residential development. The associated infrastructure included the installation of a bridge and access roads through and over U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Section 404 wetlands, extensive bulkheads and retaining walls, rips rap breakwaters, and a boat ramp. On June 9, 2006 DCM issued a Minor Modification to the permit authorizing an additional 165 feet of bulkhead and 68 feet of wetland protection rip rap. In December 2008 the Division of Water Quality issued Stormwater Permit #SW7080937 which included, but was not limited to, authorizing the construction of 14 single family residences, the installation of 3,215 feet of rip rap shoreline protection, and the expansion of the pool and pool parking area. It must be noted that none of the modifications authorized by DWQ have been authorized by DCM. On March 2, 2009 DCM renewed Major Permit #153 -05 and transferred it from The Refuge at Drummond's Point to ANDRON Properties Inc. Finally, on October 26, 2011 DCM issued another Minor Modification to extend and widen the previously authorized boat ramp. PROJECT SETTING The Refuge at Drummond's Pont is situated on a 21 acre peninsula located in Chowan County at the end of Osprey Drive in the Albemarle Shores subdivision located at the end of Drummond's Point Road. The peninsula has approximately 5,500 linear feet of shoreline on the Albemarle Sound to the south and east and the Yeopim River to the north and west. Major Modification to Major Permit #153 -05 The Refuge at Drummond's Point Page 3 A gravel road off the cul -de -sac at the end of Osprey Drive provides access to the subject properties. A 100 -foot long wooden bridge carries the road over Corps of Engineers regulated wetlands and a small unnamed tributary of the Yeopim River. The gravel road continues through the wetlands until it reaches the cleared uplands portions of the peninsula. Approximately 300 feet of retaining wall has been installed along each side of the east end of the access road separating the road from the adjacent wetlands. Traveling counter - clockwise around the tract, approximately 570 feet of bulkhead has been installed on the southern edge of the properties along the Albemarle Sound shoreline. The eastern end of this bulkhead connects to one of two sections of wooden retaining wall, each 320 feet long, that have been installed to separate the upland portion of the property and the two large sections of wetlands located on the southeastern tip of the peninsula. Approximately 175 feet of bulkhead has also been installed along the upland shoreline separating the two wetland areas. Further counter- clockwise, two sections of bulkhead; one 1,100 feet long, and one 520 feet long have been installed to harden the properties' eastern shoreline along the Albemarle Sound. A retaining wall approximately 250 feet long surrounds the landward side of a wetland area separating the two sections of bulkhead. Approximately 85 feet of retaining wall have been installed at the northern tip of the property to separate the adjacent uplands and wetlands. Further around, 95 feet of bulkhead have been installed on the properties' shoreline along the Yeopim River. The subject properties contain approximately 11 acres of uplands and 10 acres of wetlands. Elevations for the entire tract range from normal water level (NWL) along the shores of the Albemarle Sound and the Yeopim River to approximately 8 feet above NWL in the center of the upland areas. Vegetation on the cleared uplands consists of mowed indigenous grasses with scattered mature pine, oak, sweet gum and holly. Vegetation in the wetland areas consists of mature cypress, red maple and black gum and indigenous shrubs, bushes and plants. It appears that the site's wetland shorelines have eroded so that many of the mature cypress trees and associated cypress "knees" are now situated up to 200 feet offshore in the shallow waters of the Albemarle Sound and Yeopim River. The adjacent riparian property on the sound side of the proposed development site contains a single family residence with a partially bulkheaded waterfront. The adjacent riparian property on the river side is undeveloped, but contains a small deteriorating pier approximately 3 feet wide and 20 feet long. The waters of the Albemarle Sound adjacent to the site are classified as SB and the waters of the Yeopim River are classified as SC. Both bodies of water are closed to shellfish taking. The shoreline water depths are usually less than —2 feet. The applicant conducted an SAV survey in October/November 2010 and reports that the majority of the SAV identified was Eurasion watermilfoil and that other species discovered were all located within 30 feet of the shoreline (see attached SAV survey for detailed information). Major Modification to Major Permit #153 -05 The Refuge at Drummond's Point Page 4 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The proposed permit modification request consists of changing the previously authorized 18 -unit clustered residential development to a subdivision containing 14 single family residences. Proposed changes to the previously authorized infrastructure include replacing four large storm water retention ponds with a "pre- formed scour hole" located near the entrance, and expanding the pool house and pool parking area. Major Permit #153 -05 authorized the construction of a 24 -foot by 40 -foot pool, a 16 -foot by 24 -foot pool house located immediately adjacent to the pool, and 11 parking places located south of the pool. The applicant proposes to modify these amenities by adding a 10 -foot concrete apron around the pool, expanding the pool house to 16 -foot by 62 -foot, expanding the parking area to 14 spaces, and relocating the parking to the east and north sides of the pool area. In addition to modifying previously authorized structures the applicant is proposing to construct a large community docking facility with 10 boat slips, approximately 1,300 LF of retaining walls, five sections of elevated walkways located over wetlands totaling 1,060 LF, four piers totaling 230 feet in length, 16 platforms with two sets of steps, six sections of offshore riprap breakwaters totaling 3,155 LF in length, and one section of bulkhead 45 feet long. The location and sizes/lengths of this proposed new construction is summarized below. Location Retaining Walls Walkways Over Wetlands Piers Platforms Rip Rap Breakwaters Bulkheads Lot 1 250' Lot 2 130' 6' x 235' 6' x 65' 16' x 25' 110' Lot 3 170' 6' x 75' 6' x 20' 16' x 25' 130' Lot 4 16' x 25' Lot 5 16' x 25' 390' Lot 6 6'x 115' 6'x 110' 16' x 25' 170' Lot 7 16' x 25' 260' Between Lots 7/8 470' Lot 8 16' x 25' Lot 9 16' x 25' Lot 10 16' x 25' Lot 11 16' x 25' Pool Area two 16' x 25' 275' Lot 12 330' 6' x 65' 14' x 28' 130' Lot 13 300' 16' x 25' 355' Lot 14 120' 16' x 25' 470' 45' Boat Ramp Area 8' x 570' 6' x 35' 16' x 25' 8' x 16' 395' Community Pier 8' x 335' 322 SF uncovered 1,073 SF covered 8' x 148' 665 SF semi - circle six 4' x 25' finger piers Major Modification to Major Permit #153 -05 The Refuge at Drummond's Point Page 5 In addition to the lot- specific new construction summarized above, the applicant also proposes to construct three new structures on or near the previously authorized boat ramp. The applicant proposes to install an 8 -foot by 16 -foot kayak launch at the north end of the boat ramp, a 12 -foot by 20 -foot covered kayak storage facility near the south end of the ramp, and a 20 -foot by 30 -foot maintenance shed just north of the road accessing the boat ramp. As detailed above, the applicant proposes to protect the eroding wetland shorelines by installing approximately 3,155 LF of offshore riprap breakwaters. The applicant has proposed installing structures that will be approximately 20 -30 feet wide at the base, two feet wide at the top, and protrude approximately two feet above NWL. To improve water circulation around the structures the applicant has proposed drop -downs in the riprap below NWL every 100 feet and 10 -foot wide breaks every 400 feet. The applicant proposes to install the breakwaters along the water ward edge of some of the cypress trees and cypress knees extending out into the water rather than at NWL. The proposed alignments will range from at NWL to a maximum of 115 feet beyond NWL. The applicant proposes to install most of the breakwaters from a floating barge but has stated that some sections may have to be installed with either a low ground pressure excavator or a regular tracked excavator that would travel over the site's wetlands and through the shallow waters of the Albermarle Sound and Yeopim River to install the rip rap. The applicant was unable to identify which sections of the breakwaters would be installed utilizing the barge and which sections would be installed with the excavators. The proposed community docking facility will consist of an 8 -foot wide by 355 -foot long pier that will extend northwest from the end of the previously authorized boat ramp. Another 148 -foot section will then turn north and parallel the adjacent shoreline. The applicant proposes to install 1,395 SF of platform (322 SF uncovered and 1,073 SF covered) at the junction of these two sections. The 148 -foot long section will contain 10 boat slips with boat lifts. Each slip will be approximately 20 -feet wide and 50 -feet long. Finally, the applicant proposes to install a 665 SF semi - circle shaped platform to allow residents to turn their golf carts around when accessing the pier. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS It is anticipated that the proposed development will have the following impacts: • Shade 14,559 SF of Estuarine Waters / Public Trust Area AECs: the proposed swim platforms will shade 7,192 SF, the proposed individual piers 1,380 SF, the community docking facility 5,859 SF, and the kayak launch 128 SF. • Fill 63,235 SF of shallow bottom habitat in the Estuarine Waters / Public Trust Area AECs: the proposed breakwaters will fill 63,100 SF, while the bulkhead will fill 135 SF. • Construction of the proposed breakwaters will require approximately 4,675 CY of rip rap to be placed below NWL and 1,179 CY to be placed above NWL. • The proposed elevated walkways will shade 7,500 SF of wetlands: approximately 5,540 SF will be located within the Estuarine Shoreline AEC and 1,960 will be located beyond the 75 -foot jurisdiction. • The modifications to the pool, pool house, and pool parking will create approximately 5070 SF of impervious surface in the Estuarine Shoreline AEC. Submitted by: John Cece 252 -264 -3901 x234 Date: 1/24/13 MAJOR PERMIT FEE MATRIX Applicant: ANDRON PROPERTIES. MAJOR MOD TO 153 -05 Selection Development Type Fee DCM % DWQ % (14300 16014351000931625 6253) (24300 1602 435100095 2341) I. Private, non - commercial development that does not $250 100%($250) 0%($0) involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: II. Public or commercial development that does not $400 100%($400) 0%($0) involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: III. For development that ® Major Modification to a involves the filling and /or CAMA Major permit - $250 excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and /or open water areas, determine if A, B, C, or D below applies: III(A). Private, non - 1 commercial development, if $250 100%($250) 0%($0) General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (See attached ) can be applied: III(B). Public or commercial development, if General $400 100%($400) 0%($0) Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (See attached) can be applied: III(C). If General Water �) Quality Certification No. $400 60%($240) 40%($160) 3490 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to water quality or aquatic life: III(D). If General Water E] Quality Certification No. $400 60%($240) 40%($160) 3490 (see attached) cannot be applied: IV. For development that ❑ involves the filling and /or $475 60%($285) 40%($190) excavation of more than one acre of wetlands and /or open water areas: S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Co at" �: D Marine Const metion And Environmental Con's tan 125 Hunters Trail West, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, 279 U t�1 , 0 5 Tel: 252 3312447 Fax: 866 793 42 �t� 2012 pormits@,sampsonmarine.com www.samp.-;onmarine.com COASTAL r:ir,id� CElviENT EL17_Ar F iH GITY PROJECT NARRATIVE — REVISED AS OF 12/09/2012 - �•- -- w . -- IN SUPPORT OF REQUEST FOR MAJOR MODIFICATION TO PERMIT 153 -05 APPLICANT: Andron Properties, Inc. PROJECT: The Refuge at Drummonds Point; Subdivision and Waterfront Development Project LOCATION: Chowan County, North Carolina; 311 North Island Crossing, Edenton, NC Directions: From Edenton, at intersection of US 17 and NC 32, proceed NE on US 17 for 5.1 miles. Turn right onto NC 37, and proceed 0.8 miles. Turn left onto Thick Neck Road and proceed 0.6 miles. Turn right onto Yeopim Road and proceed 0.5 miles. Turn left onto Drummonds Point Road and proceed 3.9 miles. Turn left to remain on Drummonds Point Road and proceed 2.1 miles. Turn left onto Osprey Drive and proceed 0.8 miles. At traffic circle turn right onto North Island Crossing, the entrance to the project site. SITE: Description: When the Permit application was first submitted for this project in 2004, the project area consisted of a 21.03 acre tract. Subsequent to Hurricane Isabel, and permitted bulkheading of the property, the tract now consists of 20.01 acres, with 1,934 feet of shoreline on the Albemarle Sound, and 4,749 feet of shoreline on the Yeopim River. Approximately %Z of the tract (11.17 acres) consists of uplands, with the remainder of the tract consisting of wetlands, primarily 404 Wetlands, with a very small presence of Coastal Wetlands. Adjoining g evelopment: Immediately adjoining this tract, south along the Albemarle Sound, and west along the Yeopim River, subdivided residential property exists along the shoreline. The first lot to the south along the Albemarle Sound has a residential structure near the Sound, with a bulkheaded shoreline, and the seventh lot to the south along the Albemarle Sound has a residential structure near Osprey Lane and a connecting boardwalk through wetlands to a pier and platform adjacent to the shoreline. This pier lies approximately 775 feet southwest of the project site's southwest corner. The next seven lots to the south remain undeveloped, and nine of the next seventeen lots to the south have residential structures, five of which have piers and/or platforms. i an•r; yyr The lot- immediately to the west along the Yeopim River has a short pier near the mutual property line, extending approximately 35 feet into the water, and has some bulkheaded shoreline; the next property westward along this shoreline has most of the shoreline bulkheaded and a pier, with platform, of approximately 100 feet. This pier lies approximately 920 feet west of the project site's western boundary, and is not seen from the project property due to intervening stands of in -water cypress trees. The fourth and sixth lots, to west of the project site along the Yeopim River, both have piers with platforms. No development exists on lots 5, and 7 through 11 to the west, but the 12th lot to the south has a constructed residence and a bulkheaded shoreline. Undeveloped lots, both along the Albemarle Sound and along the Yeopim River appear to consist of unmanaged upland and swamp forest. While all of this area is zoned A -1, no evidence of agriculture or managed forest appears to exist within 1 mile of the project site. Erosion: Erosion is readily discernable along the shorelines of both the Albemarle Sound and the Yeopim River where the shoreline is not stabilized by constructed bulkheads. Erosion on the project site was extensive during Hurricane Isabel, and has continued steadily since, with the exception of where constructed bulkheads have stabilized exposed uplands along the retreated shoreline. Over the course of the past 12 months, erosion of unprotected shorelines is estimated to have averaged approximately 3 feet, with the greatest loss, up to approximately 20 feet just to the west of the northern tip of the property. The shoreline along the Albemarle Sound is a high energy shoreline where winds from the East - Southeast blow across an open fetch of water in excess of 30 miles. Minimum open fetch of water is 6 miles, and is encountered when winds blow out of due South. This shoreline is sheltered by land when winds range from the Southwest, clockwise, to the East - Northeast. The shoreline along the Yeopim River is also a high energy shoreline when winds range from the Northwest, clockwise, to the North - Northeast. This shoreline is subjected to waves building across a 1.5 mile open fetch of water when winds are out of the Northwest, across a 1 mile open fetch of water when winds are out of the North - Northeast, and no less than a 0.6 mile fetch when winds are out of the North- Northwest. Soils: The Soil Survev of Chowan and Perquimans Counties, North Carolina, published by the USDA in 1986, maps soils on the project site as Roanoke silt loam and Chowan silt loam, which are listed as hydric soils in the USDA's Hydric Soils of Chowan County, North Carolina, published in 1991. The first soil is a poorly drained soil identified as existing both within upland and wetland areas of the project site. The second soil is a Page 2 of 14 Cn i %J C LU o w U The lot- immediately to the west along the Yeopim River has a short pier near the mutual property line, extending approximately 35 feet into the water, and has some bulkheaded shoreline; the next property westward along this shoreline has most of the shoreline bulkheaded and a pier, with platform, of approximately 100 feet. This pier lies approximately 920 feet west of the project site's western boundary, and is not seen from the project property due to intervening stands of in -water cypress trees. The fourth and sixth lots, to west of the project site along the Yeopim River, both have piers with platforms. No development exists on lots 5, and 7 through 11 to the west, but the 12th lot to the south has a constructed residence and a bulkheaded shoreline. Undeveloped lots, both along the Albemarle Sound and along the Yeopim River appear to consist of unmanaged upland and swamp forest. While all of this area is zoned A -1, no evidence of agriculture or managed forest appears to exist within 1 mile of the project site. Erosion: Erosion is readily discernable along the shorelines of both the Albemarle Sound and the Yeopim River where the shoreline is not stabilized by constructed bulkheads. Erosion on the project site was extensive during Hurricane Isabel, and has continued steadily since, with the exception of where constructed bulkheads have stabilized exposed uplands along the retreated shoreline. Over the course of the past 12 months, erosion of unprotected shorelines is estimated to have averaged approximately 3 feet, with the greatest loss, up to approximately 20 feet just to the west of the northern tip of the property. The shoreline along the Albemarle Sound is a high energy shoreline where winds from the East - Southeast blow across an open fetch of water in excess of 30 miles. Minimum open fetch of water is 6 miles, and is encountered when winds blow out of due South. This shoreline is sheltered by land when winds range from the Southwest, clockwise, to the East - Northeast. The shoreline along the Yeopim River is also a high energy shoreline when winds range from the Northwest, clockwise, to the North - Northeast. This shoreline is subjected to waves building across a 1.5 mile open fetch of water when winds are out of the Northwest, across a 1 mile open fetch of water when winds are out of the North - Northeast, and no less than a 0.6 mile fetch when winds are out of the North- Northwest. Soils: The Soil Survev of Chowan and Perquimans Counties, North Carolina, published by the USDA in 1986, maps soils on the project site as Roanoke silt loam and Chowan silt loam, which are listed as hydric soils in the USDA's Hydric Soils of Chowan County, North Carolina, published in 1991. The first soil is a poorly drained soil identified as existing both within upland and wetland areas of the project site. The second soil is a Page 2 of 14 i IC-7)1 j 1 y i CV O very poorly drained soil mapped to exist within the wetland areas of the project site. Hydrology: The hydrology on the site was investigated by Carolina Silvics, Inc., in 2004, and reported as follows: Hydrology on the site varies from a seasonal high water table at a depth below the soil surface of greater than three feet to a seasonal high water table above the soil surface in excess of six inches. The main wetland area on the property contains a perennial conveyance not depicted on USGS topographic mapping. Direction of flow in this conveyance varies by wind direction but is typically north to the Yeopim River. Maximum width of this conveyance on the subject property is 42 feet (ft) with an average width of 10 ft. Section 404 Wetlands: The 404 wetlands on the project site were first flagged by Environmental Professionals, Inc. in 1998 and confirmed by Henry Wicker of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( USACOE), and subsequently survey- located and marked. Carolina Silvics, Inc. re- flagged these wetlands in July 2003, which was field- confirmed by William Wescott of the USACOE on July 28, 2003. A surveyed plat of this delineation was provided by Hyman and Robey, PC, dated 19 February 2004, verified and signed by William Wescott of the USACOE on 15 June 2004, with Tracey Wheeler of the USACOE providing a five -year Jurisdictional Determination of the wetlands on 23 June 2004. Dominant canopy trees in the wetlands include bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), red maple (Acer rubrum), and swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora). Lower wetland vegetation includes wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), loblolly -bay (Gordonia lasianthus), sedges (Carex spp), arrowhead (Sagittarea latifolia), arrow arum (Peltandra virginica), royal fern (Osmunda regalis), lizards tail (Saururus cernuus), marsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellata), marsh coyote - thistle (Eryngium aquaticum), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), and blue flag (Iris versicolor). Sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense), and cat -tail (Typha angustifolia) are present in coastal wetland designated areas. Coastal Wetlands: Coastal wetlands on the property were identified and flagged by Carolina Silvics, Inc., and confirmed in the field by Frank Jennings of the NC Division of Coastal Management ( NCDCM) on March 11, 2004. Carolina Silvics, Inc., reported a fringe community of coastal wetlands along the Yeopim River shoreline. They also reported coastal wetlands in an area along the Albemarle Sound on the northeastern portion of the property, and these were reflected on Sheet 2 — Grading and Drainage Plan (Hyman and Robey drawing #02973, with revisions I — 4, Rev. 4 dated 09/26/05, and received by NCDCM Elizabeth City on 09/22/2006). Page 3 of 14 During site work associated with the Boatramp Minor Modification in April of 2011, and during the SAV Study performed by S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Company, Inc. in October of 2010, no coastal wetlands were noted as a fringe community along the Yeopim River, and only sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense), and cattail (Typha angustifolia) were noted in the pocket of coastal wetlands depicted as noted above on Sheet 2. Uplands: Prior to Huricane Isabel, large, mature timber occupied much of the upland areas, including loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), cherrybark oak (Quercus falcate var. pagodafolia), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and American holly (Ilex opaca). A few of these trees survive along the margins to the wetland areas. However, the majority of the Uplands are now dominated only by a variety of naturally occurring, mowed grasses. Waters: The waters of the Albemarle Sound adjoining the project site are classified as SB waters, and are outside any primary or secondary nursery areas. These waters lie within the sole jurisdiction of the NC Marine Fisheries Commission, and are not designated as an Anadromous Fish Spawning area. All of these waters adjoining the project site are listed by the NC Shellfish Sanitation Commission as within designated Shellfish Growing Area, I -8, which is listed as open for shellfish harvesting in the absence of a temporary closing event such as significant rainfall. The waters of the Yeopim River adjoining the project site are classified as SC waters, and are outside any primary or secondary nursery areas. These waters lie within the jurisdiction of both the NC Marine Fisheries Commission and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and are designated as an Anadromous Fish Spawning Area. All of these waters adjoining the project site are listed by the NC Shellfish Sanitation Commission as closed to shellfish harvesting. The NC Division of Marine Fisheries ( NCDMF) has indicated that the shorelines of the Albemarle Sound in the project area, along with the Yeopim River, function as a nursery area for spot, croaker, southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostig_ma), white perch, yellow perch, blueback herring, alewife, american and hickory shad, striped bass, blue crabs and other commercially and recreationally important species. NCDMF has further indicated that the Yeopim River is a documented spawning area for blueback herring and alewife. Neither the waters along the Albemarle Sound, nor the waters of the Yeopim River, appear to meet the definition for Essential Fish Habitat designation under the Magnuson- Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Fishery Management Plans (FMP) produced by the Mid - Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC), the South Atlantic Page 4 of 14 Fishery Management Council ( SAFMC), and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), do not address any of the species identified by NCDCM, nor do the habitats for any of the species identified in these FMPs directly correspond to the habitat within the project area. While the MAFMC has established a FMP for summer flounder ( Paralichthys dentatus), this is a separate specie of flounder, and the associated inshore estuarine habitats for this specie distinctly differ from that for the NCDCM noted southern flounder. North Carolina study data (Burke et al.,1991) suggest that larvae of P. lethostigma recruit onto tidal flats near the heads of estuaries where salinity ranges from 9 - 25 %0; whereas Paralichthys dentatus larvae settle more downstream, in the low to middle reaches of estuaries where salinity ranges from 24 - 35 %o. NOAA data, prepared to assist with the identification of Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) in coastal waters of North and South Carolina, Georgia, and the east coast of Florida, shows the waters near the project area to be in the range of 0 — 0.5 %o for 3 months of the year, and in the range of 0.5 — 5.0 %o for 9 months of the year. While these salinity levels are below the ranges identified by Burke for both the southern and the summer flounder, a doubling of the salinity would bring this area into a range suitable for the southern flounder, whereas these anticipated salinity levels would have to increase by a factor of five to become suitable for the summer flounder that is subject to a FMP. This project includes proposed development of the boat docking amenity within waters of the State of North Carolina, including attachment to State bottom beneath the waters. The project as proposed is in compliance with the N. C. environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1 -10). Submerged Aquatic Vegetation: In support of this application for a Permit modification to allow the construction of a docking amenity along the Yeopim River shoreline, a Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) survey was conducted by S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Company, Inc. in late October, early November of 2010. (See separate submittal for full description.) Four different species of SAV were found during the survey of this area. Myriophyllum spicatum (eurasian watermilfoil) accounted for 75% of the SAV detected; Najas guadalupensis (southern naiad) accounted for I I% of the SAV detected; Potamogeton perfoliatus (redhead grass) accounted for 11 % of the SAV detected; and Valisneria americana (wild celery) accounted for 3% of the SAV detected. Species other than Myriophyllum spicatum, were detected exclusively within approximately 10 meters of the shoreline, with the exception of Najas guadalupensis, which was occasionally detected at greater distances offshore. A total of 4,262 grids were sampled for SAV, and a presence was detected in 902 of the sampled grids, representing a SAV presence in approximately 21% of the entire Survey area. Concentration of SAV within Page 5 of 14 r� i� UJ 1 � Fishery Management Council ( SAFMC), and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), do not address any of the species identified by NCDCM, nor do the habitats for any of the species identified in these FMPs directly correspond to the habitat within the project area. While the MAFMC has established a FMP for summer flounder ( Paralichthys dentatus), this is a separate specie of flounder, and the associated inshore estuarine habitats for this specie distinctly differ from that for the NCDCM noted southern flounder. North Carolina study data (Burke et al.,1991) suggest that larvae of P. lethostigma recruit onto tidal flats near the heads of estuaries where salinity ranges from 9 - 25 %0; whereas Paralichthys dentatus larvae settle more downstream, in the low to middle reaches of estuaries where salinity ranges from 24 - 35 %o. NOAA data, prepared to assist with the identification of Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) in coastal waters of North and South Carolina, Georgia, and the east coast of Florida, shows the waters near the project area to be in the range of 0 — 0.5 %o for 3 months of the year, and in the range of 0.5 — 5.0 %o for 9 months of the year. While these salinity levels are below the ranges identified by Burke for both the southern and the summer flounder, a doubling of the salinity would bring this area into a range suitable for the southern flounder, whereas these anticipated salinity levels would have to increase by a factor of five to become suitable for the summer flounder that is subject to a FMP. This project includes proposed development of the boat docking amenity within waters of the State of North Carolina, including attachment to State bottom beneath the waters. The project as proposed is in compliance with the N. C. environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1 -10). Submerged Aquatic Vegetation: In support of this application for a Permit modification to allow the construction of a docking amenity along the Yeopim River shoreline, a Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) survey was conducted by S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Company, Inc. in late October, early November of 2010. (See separate submittal for full description.) Four different species of SAV were found during the survey of this area. Myriophyllum spicatum (eurasian watermilfoil) accounted for 75% of the SAV detected; Najas guadalupensis (southern naiad) accounted for I I% of the SAV detected; Potamogeton perfoliatus (redhead grass) accounted for 11 % of the SAV detected; and Valisneria americana (wild celery) accounted for 3% of the SAV detected. Species other than Myriophyllum spicatum, were detected exclusively within approximately 10 meters of the shoreline, with the exception of Najas guadalupensis, which was occasionally detected at greater distances offshore. A total of 4,262 grids were sampled for SAV, and a presence was detected in 902 of the sampled grids, representing a SAV presence in approximately 21% of the entire Survey area. Concentration of SAV within Page 5 of 14 r the samples was noted and assigned a description that ranged from "absent," to "very sparse," to "sparse," to "moderate," to "dense." The average density for the overall SAV study area lay between a designation -- J of "absent," and "very sparse." (Thirty -two percent above a designation of "absent," and sixty -eight percent below a designation of "very sparse. ") DEVELOPMENT: Existing: As authorized by existing NC Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA)/Dredge and Fill Permit, USACOE Nationwide Permit, NC Division of Water Quality ( NCDWQ) Stormwater Permit, NC Division of Land Resources (NCDLR) approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, and pursuant to NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP)'s acceptance of an in -lieu mitigation fee for impacts to Riparian and Non - Riparian Wetlands, the following development has taken place within the project area: • Approximately 2,248 ft, of bulkhead has been constructed. • Approximately 2,572 ft. of upland retaining wall has been constructed. • Approximately 150 sq. ft. (15 linear-ft) of Riprap has been placed. • Approximately 420 ft. of gravel road has been constructed. • Approximately 1,920 ft. of sub -grade and roadbed has been completed, requiring only a gravel finish. • Approximately 1,250 ft. of sub -grade has been completed, with finalization of roadbed and gravel finish still required. • A 100 ft. timber vehicular bridge has been constructed. • Approximately 19,093 sq. ft. of wetland fill to facilitate road crossings for access to property has been placed. Proposed as Previouslv Authorized by both NCDCM and NCDWO: • Boat Ramp, approach road, and walkways depicted on S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Company Drawing No. 17- 102710 -004, Sheets 1 through 3, as approved by NCDCM Minor Modification to Permit #153 -05, issued on 10/26/2011; Proposed and Modified from Previously Authorized: • Swimming Pool of 24 ft. x 40 ft. dimensions to now be surrounded by concrete of external dimensions of 44 ft x 76 ft.; this places 1,671 sq ft of impervious surface within the 75 -ft. Estuarine Shoreline AEC; this concrete surround was previously approved by NCDWQ Stormwater Permit No. SW7080937, dated 12/16/08, but was not reflected on the CAMA approved drawings. • Pool House of 16 ft. x 24 ft. dimensions to be enlarged to 16 ft. x 62 ft. to include men and women restrooms; this change was previously approved by NCDWQ Stormwater Permit No. SW7080937, dated 12/16/08, but the CAMA approved drawings addressed only the Pool House; this causes an additional 614 sq. ft. Page 6 of 14 RECEIVED ►F� 12 20112 COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELIZABETH CITY of impervious surface to be located within the Estuarine Shoreline AEC. • Single Parking Area with 11 spaces to be re- oriented, and relocated, to accommodate two parking areas with a total of 14 spaces; change to parking areas was approved by NCDWQ Stormwater Permit No. SW7080937, dated 12/16/08, but the CAMA approved drawings addressed only a smaller sized single parking area; the northern of the two areas causes 2,750 sq. ft. of impervious surface to be located within the Estuarine Shoreline AEC. • Clustered 18 Unit Residential Structures to be modified to Single Family Residences (14 total) to conform to revisions submitted to NCDWQ in support of a Low Density Subdivision for stonmwater permitting purposes, as depicted on Hyman and Robey Drawing # 02973 -SW Mod 02, dated 09/24/08, Sheets: C, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, with Sheets 2, 3, and 4 reflecting Revision 1, dated 12/16/08. These drawings were approved by NCDWQ on 12/22/2008 resulting in issuance of Stormwater Permit No. SW7080937, which replaced Stormwater Permit No. SW7040819 issued on 01/18/2005. • High Density Subdivision associated Stormwater controls, including Detention Ponds A, B, C, and D, and roadside ditch details to be replaced with Stormwater controls identified on above - referenced Hyman and Robey Drawings numbered 02973 -SW Mod 02. • Roadways (3,170 linear feet remaining of originally authorized 3,590 linear feet) to be completed to design and details identified on above - referenced Hyman and Robey Drawings numbered 02073 - SW Mod 02. • Shoreline stabilization consisting of eight separate sections of riprap breakwater totaling 3,407 feet in locations indicated on S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Company Drawing #17- 102710 -007, Sheet 1. Clean riprap is proposed as the construction material to provide energy dissipation of waves to reduce erosion rate on high energy shorelines along the Albemarle Sound and Yeopim River. Drop - down gaps below NWL every 100 feet, and segment separation and overlap on the three longest sections of riprap to preclude any single section of riprap exceeding 400 feet. These measures are to be provided to ensure adequate water circulation and fish access. Initial CAMA Permit had provided for 606 ft of riprap shoreline protection. Drawing Sheets 5, 6, and 7, in support of NCDWQ Stormwater Permit No. SW7080937, dated 09/24/08 provided for 3,215 ft of riprap protection immediately adjacent to the shoreline. As much of the riprap breakwater as practicable will be placed from offshore barges. It is anticipated that most of the riprap can be placed from an excavator operating from a barge. Where this is not practicable in the shallower areas, the shallowest areas for the breakwater that correspond with locations where the breakwater Page 7 of 14 I meets existing, or to be constructed bulkheads, the riprap material can be placed from uplands. For the areas of the breakwater where construction cannot be completed either from offshore barges or from uplands, it is proposed to minimize negative environmental impacts by utilizing either a low ground - pressure excavator capable of operating on the water bottom and in wetlands with minimal bottom disturbance, or a normal- tracked excavator capable of operating on hard water bottoms without matting, and on soft water bottoms and in wetlands with logging mats to keep the excavator from sinking into the substrate. Logging mats will not be placed if a low ground - pressure excavator, whose design precludes the need for logging mats, is utilized. Logging mats will be placed in all areas of water bottom where a normal- tracked excavator is utilized and the hardness of the bottom is insufficient to allow the operation of the equipment without sinking into the substrate. Similarly, where a normal- tracked excavator is utilized, logging mats will be placed within wetland areas that must be traversed to gain access to the breakwater alignment. The proposed breakwater alignments were selected to offer protection to as much of the site's remaining wetland and offshore cypress stands as practicable while restricting the alignment to the lowest water depths, and keeping the alignments close to the shoreline. While the average distance offshore of the breakwater alignment is 33 feet, in one area the alignment extends offshore 115 feet. The greater distances offshore have been selected in an effort to preserve the offshore cypress stands that are steadily diminishing as wave action erodes the base of the root systems. Proposed New as Part of Major Modification: • Kayak Launch Platform; 16 ft. x 8 ft. at end of west boatramp walkway. • Covered Kayak Storage Building (approximately 240 sq. ft.) in upland near Boatramp Road turn - around. • Maintenance Shed of 600 sq. ft., along with 329 sq. ft. gravel apron, located within uplands, and not within an AEC, as approved by NCDWQ Stormwater Permit No. SW7080937, dated 12/16/08. Water Access in Common Beach area near Swimming Pool (stairs from bulkhead down to N W L). Two Community Swimming Platforms in Common Beach areas (maximum 400 sq. ft. each, less stairs). Mooring of vessels will not be allowed at these platforms and this proscription will be addressed by community covenants and/or deed restrictions. Page 8 of 14 C) i E • One Community Fishing Platform (maximum 400 sq. ft.) in Protected Area. Mooring of vessels will not be allowed at this platform and this proscription will be addressed by community covenants and/or deed restrictions. • One Shared Private Swimming/Fishing Platform (maximum 400 sq. ft., plus stairs down to NWL) for access of Lots #1, and #2. Mooring of vessels will not be allowed at this platform and this proscription will be addressed by community covenants and/or deed restrictions. • Twelve Private Swimming/Fishing Platforms (maximum 400 sq. ft., each, plus stairs down to NWL) on individual Lots, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, # 10, # 11, # 12, # 13, and # 14. Mooring of vessels will not be allowed at this platform and this proscription will be addressed by community covenants and/or deed restrictions. Size of platforms (less stairs) will be restricted by community covenants and/or deed restrictions to be no greater than 400 sq. ft., but geometry of platform and location of platform along the individual property owner's shoreline shall be determined by the individual property owner, so long as the extent of the platform beyond the shoreline does not exceed that indicated on these drawings. • Four Private Water Access Boardwalks through Wetlands (timber walkway, 6 ft. wide, 3 ft. above wetland substrate) providing access for individual Lots, #1, #2, #3, #6, and #12. • Community Water Access Boardwalk through Wetlands (timber walkway, 8 ft. wide, 3 ft. above wetland substrate) providing access to Community Fishing Platform. The 8 -ft. width is considered essential for safety reasons, given the use of this amenity by the entire community. • Three sections of Upland Retaining Wall at the transition from uplands to wetlands, totaling 1,323 linear feet. • A short 65 -ft. length of Bulkhead to address accelerated erosion along the northwestern shoreline, immediately south of the termination of the existing retaining wall. This rapidly eroding portion of the shoreline has adjoining uplands that are 5.5 to 6.0 feet above the water level, and rise in a steep escarpment. Continuing erosion incisions result in significant loss of high ground materials, which if not checked will result in the existing retaining wall being flanked by the waters of the Yeopim River. • Boat docking amenity, providing a total of ten (10) in -water boat slips, or boat lifts, for boats up to 50 feet in length. - Because of the anticipated use of this docking amenity by multiple persons at the same time, and in anticipation of the pier being used by motorized carts a minimum pier width of eight (8) feet is needed for safety purposes. - A pier, 8 ft. x 335 ft. is proposed to extend northwestward from the end of the east boatramp walkway to a point 69 ft. Page 9 of 14 j ----s i landward of the Riparian Line, where the pier will turn northward for another 148 ft., paralleling the Riparian Line. - Where the pier turns northward, 1,395 sq. ft. of platform is provided on the landward side of the pier, 322 sq. ft. being uncovered, and 1,073 sq. ft. being covered. - Immediately to the north of the covered platform, 10 boatslips are provided, with 5 slips and 3 finger piers to either side of the pier. - At this point the pier will broaden and extend another 24 feet to accommodate the safe turning around of motorized carts. - A total of 12 tie piles will be provided at the waterward extreme of the boatslips, 6 tie piles near the pier -end of the boatslips, and additional piles within each slip will be provided as needed for structural support of boat lifts. - The waterward extent of the tie piles will lie in a line that is 180 ft. waterward of the nearest shoreline, and 23 ft. landward of the Riparian Line. The pier will be a pile - supported structure, with the deck of the pier approximately 3' above NWL. - Applicant requires the possibility of charging for the mooring of vessels, which is the reasoning for also indicating "commercial" use of these structures. Individual Residential Lots: Development activities on individual lots, other than water access boardwalks will only take place after each lot is sold, or perhaps in advance when developed as a model home. Maximum impervious surface on the individual residential lots is defined in Attachment A of the Low Density Development State Stormwater Management Permit SW7080937 as follows: LOT # LOT SIZE SF ALLOW IMP. AREA SF 1 38,406 4,922 2 28,351 1 ' landward of the Riparian Line, where the pier will turn northward for another 148 ft., paralleling the Riparian Line. - Where the pier turns northward, 1,395 sq. ft. of platform is provided on the landward side of the pier, 322 sq. ft. being uncovered, and 1,073 sq. ft. being covered. - Immediately to the north of the covered platform, 10 boatslips are provided, with 5 slips and 3 finger piers to either side of the pier. - At this point the pier will broaden and extend another 24 feet to accommodate the safe turning around of motorized carts. - A total of 12 tie piles will be provided at the waterward extreme of the boatslips, 6 tie piles near the pier -end of the boatslips, and additional piles within each slip will be provided as needed for structural support of boat lifts. - The waterward extent of the tie piles will lie in a line that is 180 ft. waterward of the nearest shoreline, and 23 ft. landward of the Riparian Line. The pier will be a pile - supported structure, with the deck of the pier approximately 3' above NWL. - Applicant requires the possibility of charging for the mooring of vessels, which is the reasoning for also indicating "commercial" use of these structures. Individual Residential Lots: Development activities on individual lots, other than water access boardwalks will only take place after each lot is sold, or perhaps in advance when developed as a model home. Maximum impervious surface on the individual residential lots is defined in Attachment A of the Low Density Development State Stormwater Management Permit SW7080937 as follows: LOT # LOT SIZE SF ALLOW IMP. AREA SF 1 38,406 4,922 2 28,351 3,952 3 18,999 4,023 4 16,833 5,050 5 36,342 7,639 6 35,146 6,829 7 22,936 6,881 8 18,567 5,570 9 15,000 4,500 10 15,000 4,500 11 13,769 4,131 12 33,397 6,094 13 35,933 7,777 14 48,483 14,108 TOTAL: 377,162 85 976 Page 10 of 14 t f This Modification request seeks no change to the above - indicated impervious surface allowances for the individual lots. This Modification request does not propose any specific upland, impervious surface development within the confines of Areas of Environmental Concern on these individual lots, other than what may occur, incidental to construction of proposed utilities. Submitted drawings reflect typical footprints for driveways and residences on the individual lots, but these footprints are subject to change with sale of the lots. This permit modification does not specifically seek approval for development within the indicated footprints. UTILITIES Wastewater: Wastewater treatment on residential lots, and in the common swimming pool area is by use of septic systems. Natural flow, or lift stations, will conduct liquid effluent from the septic tanks to the common leach field area located within the area surrounded by the South Island Loop road. Potable Water: Potable water will be provided by individual wells for the residential lots and separate well/wells for the common swimming pool and boating amenities. Power, Telephone, Cable: Power, telephone and cable utilities will be buried within the designated utility easement areas, and the road right -of -ways, and run within conduit to the boat slips. IMPACTS Overall project development (less construction of individual residences) involves the construction of 1.62 acres of impervious surface, of which 0.46 acres will be within the 75 -ft. Estuarine Shoreline AEC, of which 0.03 acres will be within the 30 -ft. Public Trust Shoreline AEC. Of these amounts of Impervious Surface, only 0.07 acres of impervious surface represent a new impact not previously addressed by CAMA Permits, and this is associated with the Pool Restrooms, and the North Parking Area. These impervious surface area impacts are within the 75 -ft. Estuarine Shoreline AEC, and do not extend into the 30 -ft. Public Trust Shoreline AEC. While these impervious surface area impacts are new for review of the CAMA Permit modification, these impacts were reflected on the drawings in support of NCDWQ Stormwater Permit No. S`dV7080937, dated 12/16/08. When representative single family dwelling footprints are added, total impervious surface within the Coastal Shoreline AEC comes to 9.4 %. Overall project development involves the fill of wetlands for the construction of the roads and the boatramp, totaling 0.46 acres. Of this fill, 0.44 acres associated with the construction of the roads has already been completed. The 0.02 acres associated with the boatramp, while previously approved under a Minor Modification of the CAMA Permit, remains to be Page I 1 of 14 completed. There is no wetland fill associated with proposed development o under this major modification request. Overall project development involves the shading of wetlands for the construction of the main entrance timber bridge, the access piers associated ^ j with the boatramp, and the boardwalks for various points of water access, ! totaling 0.21 acres. Of this, 0.08 acres of shading are associated with already permitted development of the bridge and boatramp, and the remaining 0.13 acres of shading are associated with the new development of water access boardwalks proposed under this major modification request. Overall project development involves the filling of waters for the previous, permitted placement of a small amount of riprap at the end of a previously constructed bulkhead alignment, the permitted, but yet to be constructed boatramp, a newly proposed 46 -ft. section of bulkhead, and a modified, and enlarged alignment of riprap breakwater, totaling 1.51 acres. Of this, 1.49 acres of fill are associated with the new bulkhead section and modified and enlarged riprap breakwater alignment, with the bulkhead constituting only .004 acres of the total fill. The bottom footprint for the riprap was estimated utilizing an average water depth of -1.73 ft. NWL, an average slope of the riprap of 1 -ft rise to 2.25 -ft run, 1 -ft high x 2.25 -ft wide aprons, a breakwater top width of 2 -ft, and a 3127 -ft length of breakwater sections. Actual placement of riprap for the breakwater will utilize the minimum slope of 1 -ft rise to 3 -ft of run in the high- energy areas if depth allows a bottom width of 30 feet to not be exceeded. In low- energy areas the maximum slope of 1 -ft rise to 1.5 -ft of run will be utilized. Overall project development involves the shading of 0.37 acres of waters. Of this shading, 0.02 acres is associated with the previously permitted boat ramp, and the remainder relates to the newly proposed development of this major modification request, including the Kayak Launch Platform, Residential and Community Water Access Boardwalks, Platforms, and Stairs, and the Community Boat Docking Amenity. A tablulated summary of the above - described impacts is provided as the final page of this Project Narrative. AVOIDANCE AND MIMIMIZATION Applicant seeks to prevent erosion of the upland areas of this tract, while preserving the wetland and shallow water habitat that exists juxtaposed to the uplands. Applicant believes this can be achieved by the construction of one additional short section of bulkhead where uplands are rapidly eroding, the construction of upland retaining walls where uplands transition into wetland areas, and the placement of offshore breakwaters to attenuate wave energy prior to wave impact in the shallow waters that are fringed with wetlands. Water circulation and access for fish is to be provided by placing breakwater drop -downs on 100 -ft intervals, and overlaps in breakwater Page 12 of 14 segments on 400 -ft intervals. The proposed alignment of the breakwater sections has been located as close to the shoreline as possible, while still providing protection for remaining'wetlands and the majority of cypress stands. In some areas the alignment has been proposed immediately offshore of dense concentrations of cypress knees. Applicant seeks to provide a boat use and mooring amenity for this community in an area protected from the long fetches of the Albemarle Sound and the Yeopim River. This means locating the mooring amenity along the Yeopim River shoreline towards the south, away from the northern point of this tract. In that the extreme southern portion of this Yeopim River shoreline has the most concentrated areas of SAV, a balance has been struck by siting this amenity in the deeper waters about midway along this shoreline, with the specific orientation and location being guided by avoiding SAV presence to the maximum extent possible, based on the SAV Study that was conducted in November 2010. ' Deed restrictions, and/or community covenants will be utilized to prohibit boat mooring at the swimming and fishing platforms provided for community and individual property owner use. This is intended to minimize, or avoid damage to SAV beds and prop - scarring of the shallow water bottom along shorelines fronting the individual lots. To avoid potential future impacts to wetland areas, and to preserve the value of these habitats for flora and fauna, the approximately 8.8 acres of wetlands on the tract will all be listed as protected areas within the community covenants. Development within these areas, other than that which provides residential access to shorelines on individual lots, will be restricted to that which provides benefits to a wider portion of the community. At present, only community boardwalk access to waterfront amenities is anticipated. This proposed development occupies only 9,076 sq ft of area, restricting shading impacts to only 2.4% of these wetland areas. Page 13 of 14 o ! ; i segments on 400 -ft intervals. The proposed alignment of the breakwater sections has been located as close to the shoreline as possible, while still providing protection for remaining'wetlands and the majority of cypress stands. In some areas the alignment has been proposed immediately offshore of dense concentrations of cypress knees. Applicant seeks to provide a boat use and mooring amenity for this community in an area protected from the long fetches of the Albemarle Sound and the Yeopim River. This means locating the mooring amenity along the Yeopim River shoreline towards the south, away from the northern point of this tract. In that the extreme southern portion of this Yeopim River shoreline has the most concentrated areas of SAV, a balance has been struck by siting this amenity in the deeper waters about midway along this shoreline, with the specific orientation and location being guided by avoiding SAV presence to the maximum extent possible, based on the SAV Study that was conducted in November 2010. ' Deed restrictions, and/or community covenants will be utilized to prohibit boat mooring at the swimming and fishing platforms provided for community and individual property owner use. This is intended to minimize, or avoid damage to SAV beds and prop - scarring of the shallow water bottom along shorelines fronting the individual lots. To avoid potential future impacts to wetland areas, and to preserve the value of these habitats for flora and fauna, the approximately 8.8 acres of wetlands on the tract will all be listed as protected areas within the community covenants. Development within these areas, other than that which provides residential access to shorelines on individual lots, will be restricted to that which provides benefits to a wider portion of the community. At present, only community boardwalk access to waterfront amenities is anticipated. This proposed development occupies only 9,076 sq ft of area, restricting shading impacts to only 2.4% of these wetland areas. Page 13 of 14 Page 14 of 14 rc. o 2012 - --- --i —� REFUGE AT DRUMMONDS POINT — MAJOR MODIFICATION OF CAMA PERMIT co"', '^ COMPILATION OF IMPACTS [_tl_•r 1 ;�y _ , _.•____.,,,�_•,..___._ OA Imp. Imp. Shading _ Imp Sic In Sic in Fill in Shading Fill In of Drawing Length Width OA Area Sir. (eq 76' AEC 30' AEC WL (eq of WL Waters Waters Development Activity Reference (ft) (ft) (sq ft) ft) (sq ft) (sq ft) ft) (sq ft) (sq ft) (sq ft) Existing Entrance Road Sheet 3 420 18 7560 7560 417 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Timber Bridge Sheet 3 100 20 2000 0 0 0 0 2000 0 0 Existing Weiland FBI for all Roads Sheets 2-4 19164 0 0 0 19164 0 0 0 Existing North Island Crossing Sub-grade Sheet 3 16183 16183 9725 812 0 0 0 0 Existing South Island Loop Sub-grade Sheets 2, 3 30452 30452 3184 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Bulkhead Sheets 2, 4 2248 0.75 1686 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Retaining Well Sheets 2-4 2572 0.75 1929 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Riprep Sheet 4 15 10 150 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 In Place as Authorized by Previous Permits (Totals) 79124 54195 13527 812 19164 2000 150 0 Previously Permitted Boatramp (DCM & DWQ) Sheets 4, 5 2313 2313 1578 653 1004 0 868 0 Previously Permitted Boatramp Access Piers (2) (DCM & DWQ) Sheets 4, 5 150 8 2400 0 0 0 0 1408 0 992 Previously Permitted Boatramp Road (DCM & DWQ) Sheet 4 5551 5551 0 0 0 0 0 0 Previously Permitted South Parking Area (DCM & DWQ) Streets $ 4 1909 1909 0 0 0 0 0 0 Previously Permitted Pool Pump House (DCM & DWQ) Sheets 2, 4 24 16 384 384 384 0 0 0 0 0 Previously Permitted Pool (DCM & DWQ) Sheets 2, 4 To be Completed as Authorized by Previous Permits (Totals) 12557 10157 1962 653 1004 1408 868 992 Previously Permitted Apron to Maintenance Stied (DWQ) Sheets 2, 4 329 329 0 0 0 0 0 0 Previously Permitted Maintenance Sired (DWQ) Sheets $ 4 30 20 600 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 Previously Permitted North Parking Area (DWQ) Sheets 2, 4 2750 7150 2750 0 0 0 0 0 Previously Permitted Concrete Pool Surround (DWQ) Sheets $ 4 60 44 1680 1680 1671 0 0 0 0 0 Previously Permitted Pool Restrooms (DWQ) Streets $ 4 38 18 608 608 314 0 0 0 0 0 Previously Permitted Residential Footprints (DWQ) Sheets 2-4 To be Completed as Authorized by Previous Permit (Totals) 5968 5968 4735 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed Kayak Launch Platform Sheets 4, 5 18 8 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 Proposed Covered Kayak Storage Sheets 4, 5 20 12 240 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed Water Access Lots 1 & 2 Sheets 2, 3 308 6 1848 0 0 0 0 1407 0 409 Proposed Water Access Lot 3 Sheets 2, 3 96 6 586 0 0 0 0 444 0 143 Proposed Water Access Lot 6 Sheet 2 236 8 1416 0 0 0 0 712 0 691 Proposed Water Access Lot 12 Street 4 63 6 378 0 0 0 0 364 0 0 Proposed Community Fishing Access Walkway Sheet 4 615 4846 0 0 0 0 2915 0 219 Proposed Community Fishing Platform Sheet 4 24 18.7 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 Proposed Community Swimming Platforms - With Stairs (2) Sheets 2, 4 24 16 975 0 0 0 0 0 0 975 Proposed Stairs to Water at Community Swimming Area Sheets 2, 4 20 8 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 Proposed Private SwfmmirglFishing Platforms - With Stairs (11) Sheets 2-4 24 16 5357 0 0 0 0 0 0 5357 Proposed Retaining Well Sheets 2-4 1323 0.75 992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proper Bulkhead Sheet 4 46 0.75 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 64729 0 Proposed Riprep Breakwater Sheets 2.4 3127 20.7 64729 0 0 0 0 0 3864 Proposed Pier for Community Mooring Facility (10 Slips) Sheet 4 483 8 3864 0 0 0 0 Proposed Cart Turning Area (End of Pier) Sheet 4 33 24 665 0 0 0 0 0 0 665 Proposed Finger Piers (6) Sheet 4 24 5 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 Proposed Uncovered Pier Platform Sheet 4 19 35 322 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 322 1073 Proposed Covered Pier Platform Sheet 4 30 35 1073 0 0 0 0 0 0 5842 64903 14964 Proposed Development Totals Acres 88574 2.03 240 0.01 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 1.49 0.34 Project Totals 186223 70560 20024 1464 20168 9260 65921 15956 Acres 4.28 1.62 0.46 0.03 0.46 0.21 1.51 0.37 Page 14 of 14 Bid NF4 NPLICATION for MaJor Development (last revised 12127106) RECEIVED NOU l4 2012 ` COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELIZABETH CITY North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Andron Properties, Inc. Project Name (if applicable) The Refuge at Drummonds Point Applicant 1: First Name Ronald MI J Last Name AndronovAtz Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name !f additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. Mailing Address 155 Pelican Court PO Box City Edenton State NC ZIP 27932 Country USA Phone No. 252 - 333 - 0764 ext. FAX No. _ _ Street Address (rf different from above) City State ZIP Email 2. Agent/Conftctor Information Business Name S.A.M.P.S.O.N. And Company, Inc. Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name Theodore J Sampson Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City state 125 Hunters Trail West Elizabeth City NC ZIP Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 27909 252 -548-4292 ext. 252 -331 - 2447 ext. FAX No. Contractor # 866 793 4261 Street Address (d different from above) City State ZIP Email permits@sampsonmarine.com <Form continues on back> -RECEIVED Form DCM MP -1 (Page 2 of 5) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit NOV 14 2012 3. Project Location COASTAL n1AIVAGEh ENT County (can be multiple) Street Address CITY State Rd. # Chowan 311 North Island Crossing NA Subdivision Name City State Zip The Refuge at Drummonds Point Edenton NC 27932- Phone No. Lot No. (a) (rf many, attach additional page with list) - - a& 1-14, , 1 , a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Pasquotank Adjacent to Albemarle Sound and Yeopim River c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. ®Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown Albemarle Sound e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed Was []No work falls within. Chowan County 4. Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (R) b. Size of entire tract (sq-ft.) 6,073 ft. 871,800 sq. R c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or See attached page for list, NWL (normal water levee (if many lot s(zes, please attach additional page with a list) 6 ft. ❑NHW or ®NWL e. Vegetation on tract Dominant canopy trees in the wetlands include bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), green ash (Fra)inus pennsylvanica), red maple (Acer rubrum), and swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora). Lower wetland vegetation includes wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), loblolly -bay (Gordonia lasianthus), sedges (Carex spp), arrowhead (Sagittarea latifolia), arrow arum (Peltandra virginics), royal fem (Osmunds regalia), lizards tail (Saururus cemuus), marsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellate), marsh coyote- thistle (Eryngium aquaticum), giant cane (Arundinada gigantea), and blue flag (Iris versicolor). Sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense), and cat -tail (Typha angustifolia) are present in coastal wetland designated areas. Uplands are dominated by a variety of naturally occurring, mowed grasses. f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Approximately 2,248 ft. of bulkhead; approximately 2,572 ft. of upland retaining wall; 420 ft. of completed gravel road; 1,920 ft. of completed road subgrade and roadbed; 1,250 ft. of completed road subgrade; a 100 ft. timber vehicular bridge; previously authorized wetland fill (19,093 sq. ft.) to facilitate road crossings for access to NE portion of property; and 15 linear feet (150 sq. ft.) of dprap for shoreline stabilization. Site remains under development and is not utilized for other purposes g. Identify and describe the existing land uses pdiacen< to the proposed project site. Residential h. How does local government zone the tract? I. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? A -1 (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) ®Yes ❑No ❑NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ®No k. Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. ❑Yes ®No ®NA If yes, by whom? I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does R involve a ❑Yes ®No ❑NA National Register listed or eligible property? Form DCM MP -1 (Page 3 of 5) r.!OV ; 4 ►i cont�QAll)P11 nu�� m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? (11) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? (iii) ff yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities None o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. None p. Describe existing stone water management or treatment systems. None APPLICATION for Major Development Permit ®Yes []No ®Yes []No Was []No S. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ®Commercial ❑PubliclGovemment ®Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. Residential community with shared common and protected areas, and developer and /or homeowner association operation and maintenance of common and protected areas, and associated amenities of roads, nature trails, swimming pool, maintenance buildings, water access sites, including swimming and fishing areas, boatramp, kayak launch, piers, platforms, and boatslips. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it Is to be stored. Heavy construction equipment including dump trucks (1 -10), cement trucks (1 -5), Rough Terrain Telescoping Forklifts (1 -2), front -end loaders (1 -2), excavators (1 -2), back -hoes (1 -2), and graders (1) will be used to construct roads and storrnwater structures, and other upland amenities. In water and wetland construction activites will utilize heavy construction equipment, including normal and/or low ground - pressure excavators (1 -2), barges (1-4), push boat (1), work boats (1-4), temporary cofferdams, and pumps (1-4) for poured -in -place boatramp. Piles and sheet pile to be driven by excavator with assistance of Vibratory hammer and/or water jet. Riprap to be placed by Excavator from barges where water depths allow, and by excavators on hard -bottom in shallow water, and with use of mats or low ground - pressure excavators on soft bottom shallow - water areas. Equipment to be stored on site, on uplands, during construction activities. d. List all development activities you propose. Ali development activities previously authorized by NC DENR and CRC Permit 153 -05, issued on 10/1342005, and by the Minor Modification to this Permit issued on 06109/2106, as modified by drawings submitted to NCDWQ in support of a 14 Lot, 30 %, Low - Density subdivision, depicted in Hyman & Robey Drawings numbered 02973 -SW Mod 02, Sheets C, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, all dated 09!242008, with Revisions to Sheets 2, 3 & 4 dated 12/16/2008, which resulted in the issuance of Stormwater Permit No. SW7080937 by NCDWQ on 12222008. In addition, all development activities previously authorized by the Minor Modification to Permit 153-05 issued on 10262011, associated with a boatramp and supporting walkways. In addition, all development associated with this Major Modification application related to additional shoreline erosion protection, water access from individual lots and common areas, kayak launch platform, and the piers, finger -piers, platforms, cart tum- around, and boatlifts associated with 10 boatslips.(See Project Narrative for a more detailed description) e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Both f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 1.92 ❑Sq.Ft or ®Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ®Yes []No ❑NA that the public has established use of? Form DCM MP -1 (Page 4 of 5) K! 0V APPLICATION for Major Development Permit h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed dischir6 ffgto'iNgt " ®re,9fih- ,Btate. Existing discharges are limited to storrnwater"sheetlow-ran; 7— xlsting, vegetated, topography contours; there are no additional proposed discharges to waters of the State. Stormwater will be controlled during project construction in accordance with NCDLR approved Erosion and Sedimentation Contra) Plan Chowa - 2005 -003, and at project completion in accordance with Stormwater Permit No. SW7080937 issued by NCDWQ on 12828008. i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? []Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? []Yes ❑No ®NA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? []Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. <Forrn continues on back> 6. Addidonallnfonnadon In addition to this completed application form, (MP -1) the folkrw/ng items below, If appricable, must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete. Items (a) — (f) are always applk able to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to property prepare the required items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross - sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, dearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Chedc or money order made payable to DENR. L A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name SEELEY, MIKE; CLIFFWOOD HOLDINGS, LLC Phone No. 714 - 224 -3949 Address 1400 Moonstone, Brea, CA 92821 Name BROWN, MICHAEL L & JOANNE F. Phone No. 703- 350 -2510 Address 10105 Orland Stone Drive, Bristow, VA 20136 -2662 Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract Include permit numbers, pernittee, and issuing dates. CAMA PERMIT #153-05 (NEW), 10/13/2005 to Refuge at STORMWATER PERMIT # SW7040819, 01/18/2005 to Andron Drummonds Point, do Ronald & Michele Andronowitz; Properties, Ina for Refuge at Drummonds Point High tensity CAMA PERMIT #153-05 (MODIFICATION/MINOR), Project; STORMWATER PERMIT # SW7080937, 06/09/2006 to Refuge at Drummonds Point, do Ronald & 12/22/2008 to Andron Properties, Inc. for Refuge at Michele Andronowitz, CAMA PERMIT #153 -05 Drummonds Point Low Density Project (RENEWALITRANSFER), 03/02/2009 to Andron Properties, Inc; CAMA PERMIT #153-05 (MODIFICATION/MINOR), 10/26/2011 to Andron Properties, Inc. EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN #Chows- USACOE NATIONWIDE PERMIT 14, ACTION ID 2005-003, 09/14/2004 to Andron Properties, Inc.; NPDES #200510019,11/248004 to Ronald & Michele Andronowitz PERMIT /CONSTRUCTION ACTWIES GENERAL PERMIT #NCG010000, 09/148004 to Andron Properties, Inc. h. Signed consultant or agent authorization forth, if applicable. i. Welland delineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S.113A 1 -10), if necessary. If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Ad. Form DCM MP -1 (Page 5 of 5) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 17. Certfcation and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow -up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Date November 6.2012 Print Name Ronald J. Andronowitz Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ®DCM MP -2 Excavation and Fill Information ODCM MP -5 ®DCM MP -3 Upland Development ®DCM MP-4 Structures Information ­71. , 5 C E I V ut� CO NT ELIZARE I ;QTY Form DCM MP -2 EXCAVATION and FILL (Except for bridges and culverts) NOV 7 4 2012 COAST�,L V- ANAGE":iENT ELIZABETH CITY Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP -1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or fill activities. All values should be given in feet. 1. EXCAVATION ®This section not applicable a. Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in cubic yards. c. (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wedands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: b. Type of material to be excavated. d. High -ground excavation in cubic yards. 12. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ® This section not applicable a. Location of disposal area. b. Dimensions of disposal area. c. (i) Do you claim tide to disposal area? d. (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. (ii) If yes, where? e. (i) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas: (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, how much water area is affected? Access Other Channel (NLW or Canal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock (excluding Breakwater shoreline Nom- ) stabilization Length NA NA NA NA NA 3,407 ft. NA Width NA NA NA NA NA 15-30 ft. NA Avg. Existing Depth N A NA Final Project Depth NA NA 1. EXCAVATION ®This section not applicable a. Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in cubic yards. c. (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wedands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: b. Type of material to be excavated. d. High -ground excavation in cubic yards. 12. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ® This section not applicable a. Location of disposal area. b. Dimensions of disposal area. c. (i) Do you claim tide to disposal area? d. (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. (ii) If yes, where? e. (i) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas: (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, how much water area is affected? i 1 , f" rill I 1 i 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION ! ❑ This section not applicable (if development is a wood groin, use MP-4 — Structures) -- - -_ a. Type of shoreline stabilization: b. Len gtJ}; - 17 ®Bulkhead ❑ Riprap ®Breakwater /Sill ❑Other. c. Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL• approx. 33 ft e. Type of stabilization material: Clean rods or masonry material such as granite or broken concrete; treated timber and lumber with galvanized tiebacks and hardware. g. Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level. Bulkhead backfill 174 Riprap Breakwater /Sill fi g Other I. Source of fill material. Quarry or recycled material supplier for breakwater, upland source for bulkhead backfill. d. Maximum distance waterward of NHW or NWL 115 ft f. (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months? Was ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount Information. Average 3 ft; max approx. 20 ft; owner visual observation h. Type of fill material. Clean rock or masonry material, e.g., granite or broken concrete for breakwater, dean upland sand/day mix. 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES ®This section not applicable (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. (i) Will fig material be brought to the site? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA b. (i) Will fill material be placed in coastal wetiands/marsh (CW), If yes, (ii) Amount of material to be placed in the water (iii) Dimensions of fill area (iv) Purpose of fill 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? Majority of fill associated with this Modification application will consist only of dean stone or masonry material and will not require erosion control while stockpiled In uplands; when incidental ground disturbance may result during movement, upland stockpile area will have sift fencing between stockpile and wetiandsMraters; when fill has been placed per design, no erosion control will be required; fill material will be of sufficient size to resist movement by wave actions; backfill for bulkhead will be contained by bulkhead lined with filter cloth; if stockpiled on upland, it will be in location where sift fence contains runoff. submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (0) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas: b. What type of construction equipment will be used (e.g., dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Riprap to be placed by Excavator from barges where water depths allow. Depths increase quickly offshore of most of the indicated breakwater alignment, which should allow much of the work to be conducted from barges. Where depths are too shallow to allow placement by Excavator from a barge, riprap will be placed utilizing excavators operating on hard -bottom in shallow water, or with use of mats or low ground - pressure excavators on soft bottom shallow -water areas. c. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? d. ❑Yes ®No ❑NA (ii) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented. While not required, for rock structures, it is proposed to mark the structures at 50 -foot intervals with yellow reflectors extending at least three feet above normal water level. (i) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. Site is reached on constructed road & timber bridge. Excavators for riprep to be low ground pressure types, or access water from boatramp or cross wetlands on logging mats. November 6, 2012 Date The Refuge at Drummonds Point Project Name Andron Properties, Inc. Applicant Name Applicant Signature i 117 Form DCM MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construction and /or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP -1. Be sure to complete all ;other section. of.ths JDjnL: Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. GENERAL UPLAND DEVELOPMENT a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures b. Number of lots or parcels. proposed. 14 residential lots; 7 Protectected Areas (consisting 14 single - family residential structures; 1 community primarily of wetlands); and, 5 Common Areas (community swimming pool with 14 associated parking spaces, and 1 recreation, swimming and boat launch areas). pumphouse/restroom structure; 1 maintenance building; 1 common septic area; stormwater grassed swales, pre- formed scour hole, and associated piping and check dams; 3,690 linear ft. of roadway, of which 520 ft. is already constructed (including 100 ft. timber vehicular bridge); 1 covered kayak storage building; 1323 ft. of upland retaining wall;. Q Density (give the number of residential units and the units per d. Size of area to be graded, filled, or disturbed including roads, ate)• ditches, eta 14 Residential units; 0.7 units per acre. 3.98 acres e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and to be used for impervious surfaces. sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land-disturbing activity begins. Wood, fb re9 las, sheet metal marl, paver stone, asphalt, (i) if applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been concrete, compacted crushers run, gravel submitted to the Division of Land Resources? Was []No ONA (ii) If yes, list the date submitted: 07/07/2004 g. Give the percentage of the tract within the coastal shoreline AEC to be covered by impervious and /or built-upon surfaces, such as pavement, building, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. 9.4 %, including residential lot development, using representative single family dwelling footprint. i. Give the percentage of the entire tract to be covered by impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, such as pavement, building, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. 17.96% j. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. Septic tanks on individual lots, with common leach field area. h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Storrnwater Certification. (i) Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Water Quality for review? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, list the date submitted: 12/182008 k. Have the facilities described in Item (i) received state or local approval? OYes ®No ❑NA If yes, attach appropriate documentation. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the M. Does the proposed project include an innovative stormwater state (e.g., surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/ commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges). No direct discharge to waters of the State is proposed; sheet flow of surface stormwater runoff will occur; sheet flow of storm water from impervious surfaces will traverse a minimum of thirty (30) feet of vegetated buffer; grassed swales on the interior of South Island Loop will direct stormwater to check dams and a pre- formed scour hole in uplands. m. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g., well, community, public system, etc.) Well o. When was the lot(s) platted and recorded? 09/23/2005 October 15, 2012 Date The Refuge at Drummonds Pointe Project Name Andron Properties, Inc. Applicant Name Applicant Signature design? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, attach apprpriate doctVeptatft 7, ; r n. (i) Will water be impounded? [3Yes ®No ❑NA (ii) If yes, how many acres? p. If proposed development is a subdivision, will additional utilities be installed for this upland development? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA Form DCM MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) ECEIV17 I I ' i } i 1 Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP -1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. 1. DOCKING FACIUMMARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. (i) Is the docking facility /marina: ®Commercial ❑PublidGovemment OPrivate/Community ❑This section not applicable b. (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ❑Yes ONO c. (I) Dock(s) and /or pier(s) d. (i) Are Finger Piers included? ®Yes ONO (ii) Number I If yes: (iii) Length 483 ft. (ii) Number 6 (iv) Width 8ft. (iii) Length 25 ft. (v) Floating ❑Yes ONO (iv) Width 5 ft. (v) Floating ❑Yes ONO e. (i) Are Platforms included? ®Yes ONO f. (i) Are Boatlifis included? ®Yes ONO If yes: If yes: (ii) Number 2 (ii) Number 10 (iii) Length 24 ft.: 49 ft. (iii) Length 24�t . (iv) Width 33 ft.. 35 ft. (iv) Width 13.5 ft, (v) Floating ®Yes ONO Note: Roofed areas are calculated from ddpline dimensions. g. (i) Number of slips proposed h. Check all the types of services to be provided. 10 ❑ Full service, including travel lift and/or rail, repair or (ii) Number of slips existing maintenance service 0 ❑ Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies ® Dockage ("wet slips") only, number of slips: 10 ❑ Dry storage; number of boats: ® Boat ramp(s); number of boat ramps: 1 ® Other, please describe: Kayak Launch Platform (8 ft. x 16 ft.) i. Check the proposed type of siting: j. Describe the typical boats to be served (e.g., open runabout, ❑ Land cut and access channel charter boats, sail boats, mixed types). ❑Open water, dredging for basin and/or channel Sail and Power recreational boats, pontoon boats. mixed. ®Open water, no dredging required ❑Other, please describe: k• Typical boat length: 25 ft. to 50 ft. I. (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ❑Yes ONO m. (i) Will the facility have tie pilings? ®Yes ONO (ii) If yes number of be pilings? 18 Z DOCKING FACIUMMARINA OPERATIONS [I This section not applicable a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities that will be included in the proposed project. ❑ Office Toilets ❑ Toilets for patrons; Number. Location: ❑ Showers ❑ Boatholding tank pumpout; Give type and location: b. Describe treatment type and disposal location for all sanitary wastewater. None; responsibility of boat owner. c. Describe the disposal of solid waste, fish offal and trash. Through Solid Waste and Recycling Services provided through Chowan County; responsibility of boat owner. d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled? Responsibility of boat owner, sign to be posted prohibiting discharge of sewage. e. (i) Give the location and number of "No Sewage Discharge" signs proposed. One (ii) Give the location and number of'Pumpout Available" signs proposed. NA f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste and petroleum products. None; responsibility of boat owner. g. Where will residue from vessel maintenance be disposed oft Through Solid Waste and Recycling Services provided through Chowan County; responsibility of boat owner. h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake' signs proposed. None 1. Give the location of fuel - handling facilities, and describe the safety measures planned to protect area water quality. NA j. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live- aboard dockage? Short-tern overnight dockage acceptable; no live- aboard dockage. k. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing? NA; open water. I. If this project is an expansion of an existing marina, what types of services are currently provided? NA m. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within a primary or secondary nursery area? []Yes ®No n. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within or adjacent to any shellfish harvesting area? ❑Yes ®No o. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within or adjacent to coastal wedands/marsh (CM, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ®SAV 819 so. R where SAV density averages closest to a category of "Absent" (12% above "Absent" toward the category of "Very Sparse." See SAV Study.) ❑SB OWL ❑None p. Is the proposed marina/docking facility located within or within dose proximity to any shellfish leases? ❑Yes ®No If yes, give the name and address of the leaseholder(s), and give the proximity to the lease. 3. BOATHOUSE (including covered lifts)' ^`_ j This section not applicable a. (i) Is the boathouse structure(s): ; ! ❑Commercial ❑PublictGovemment ❑Private/Community ' (ii) Number (iii) Length Div) Width Note: Roofed areas are calculated from dripline dimensions. -' 4. GROIN (e.g., wood, sheetpile, etc. Ua rock groin, use MP -2, Excavation and Fill.) ®This section not applicable a. (i) Number (ii) Length (iii) Width 5. BREAKWATER (e.g., wood, sheetpile, etc.) ❑This section not applicable a. Length 3,407 ft. (not associated with docking: see MP2 for b. Average distance from NHW, NWL, or wetlands details on these shoreline Protective structures. Approx. 33 ft. c. Maximum distance beyond NHW, NWL or wetlands 115 ft. 6. MOORING PILINGS and BUOYS ®This section not applicable a. is the structure(s): ❑Commercial ❑PublictGovemment ❑Private/Community C. Distance to be placed beyond shoreline Note: This should be measured from marsh edge, if present. e. Arc of the swing 7. GENERAL b• Number d. Description of buoy (color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) a. Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent riparian property lines b. Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent docking facilities. Docking Facility: 23 ft.; shoreline protection: 0 ft. NA Note. For buoy or mooring piling, use arc of swing including length of vessel. c. Width of water body 2.328 ft. e. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? []Yes ®No ❑NA (ii) If yes, explain what type and tow they will be implemented. While not required, for rock structures, it is proposed to mark the structures at 50 -foot intervals with yellow reflectors extending at least three feet above normal water level. d. Water depth at waterward end of structure at NLW or NWL 5 ft. at NWL & OTHER El This section not applicable a. Give complete description: Steps, in vicinity of Swimming Pool area will be provided down from the bulkhead to the "beach" area. On each residential lot (with the exception of Lots 1 and 2, which will share a single platform) a swimming /fishing platform, with steps down into the water, will be optionally available to each Lot Owner, situated at the bulkhead, or at the offshore breakwater. Raised boardwalks are proposed (minimum 3 R above wetland substrate), from uplands, across wetlands, and access piers extending out to the platforms where needed to provide access to the swimming/fishing platforms at the breakwater. Two community swimming platforms will be provided from the common areas along the Albemarle Sound. A single community fishing platform will be provided along the Yeopim river shoreline. An 8 -ft wide boardwalk across 404 wetlands will provide access to the community fishing platform, and will be raised a minimum of 3 feet above the wetland substrate. The dimensions of all of the above described 16 platforms is 384 sq. ft., and stairs on 15 of these platforms would occupy approximately 70 sq. ft. each. October 15, 2012 Date The Refuge at Drummonds Point Project Name Andron Properties, Inc. Applicant Name // 1.•£.- - ^--u- "`"' _ Applicant Signature REFUGE AT DRUMMONDS POINT \ \ 'K \ 20r, ntedo »� � � r 1 ! I j 17 \ a' say 17 `\ to``�a \ e� VICINITY MAP o'000, 40 37 •�� V 113 r Q 1101 1 102 i 60 1101 r � T a Yeopim , Edenton 111, q� 1102 1124 1116 1116 , 32 tt02 94 32 37 Y St. Johns 1,6e 6• • EQMMn �lunici ! 1106 Aispwt l 1323 COAST!, �F:C(UT ELIZAD { rt (.,► i'r SITE Wi.I � Drummonds t P 'nt "O" Somer 1100 t11 \\ orth Illond U-02 crosdng ti 1Osprey Drive 1109 a t 1 2 r r � SOS Directions: From Edenton, at intersection of US 17 and NC 32, proceed NE on US17 for 5.1 miles. Turn right onto NC 37, and proceed 0.8 miles. Turn left onto Thick Neck Road and proceed 0.6 miles. Turn right onto Yeopim Road and proceed 0.5 miles. Turn left onto Drummonds Point Road and proceed 3.9 miles. Turn left to remain on Drummonds Point Road and proceed 2.1 miles. Turn left onto Osprey Drive and proceed 0.8 miles. At traffic circle turn right onto North Island Crossing, the entrance to the project site. GRAFMC SCALE 10 9 2r0 40 62 - -- -12D ( IN FEET j 1 Inch - 100 ft 6.0 MILES TO NEAREZT LAND 10 FT OVERLAP /OFFSET PROPOSEDPRIVATE I SW I MaMING/FISHI NG PLATFORI (NO MOORING OF VESSELS) SIZE DATA: 1. DEVELOPER: ANDRON PROPERTES, MC. RON ANDRONOIMTZ PRESIDENT 155 PELICAN COURT EDENTON, NC 27932 2 SITE AREA: 870,902 SF (19.99 AC) 3. 404 WETLAND LINE FROM A WETLANDS DELINEATION MAP PREPARED BY HYMAN AND ROBEY DATED 02 -19 -2004 4_ SITE IS LOCATED IN ROOD ZONE AE (EL 6) PER F,LR.M. MAP NUMBER 37207BS400 J, EFFECTIVE DATE: PENDING NOTE FLOOD ZONES ARE SCALED FROM FARX FLOOD ZONES ARE SUBJECT To CHANGE BY FEMA. 5. NUMBER OF LOTS: 14 8. CURRENT EROSION & SEDIMENTA70N CONTROL PERMIT #Chown- 2005 -003 IS NOT BEING MODIRED. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE INSTALLED AND MAINTANED PER Ii1E CURRENT PERMIT. PER LOT IMPERVIOUS AREA TABLE (IN SQUARE FEET) 1 12305 4822 2 9879 3952 3 10057 4023 4 16833 5050 5 19097 7639 6 17072 6B29 7 18289 5881 8 15787 5570 LOTIBOUNDARY LINE COMPLETED ROAD E 10 15000 4500 it 13769 4131 12 15234 6094 13 19442 7777 14 35269 14108 PROPOSED PRIVATE (SHARED) S W IMMIN GIFT SHI NG PLATFORM (NO MOORING OF VESSELS) PROPOSED PRIVATE SWIMMING/FISHING PLATFORM (NO MOORING OF VESSELS PRO POSE D PRI VATE SWIMMING /FISHING PLATFORM (NO MOORING OF VESSELS) PROPOSEDPRIVATE '4 SWIM MING /F ISH ING PLATFORI (NO MOORING OF VESSELS) ALBEMARLE SOUND PROPOSED RIPRAP BREAKWATER PROPOSED RIPRAP BREAKWATER PROPOSED PRIVATE WIMMINGIFISHING PLATFORM (NO MOORING OF VESSELS) YEOPL'.fRIVER PROPOSED RIPRAP BREAKWATER 1'1, 0.6 MILES TO NEAREST LAND n', •- _, _x°.04 t-� ,_ EXISTING BULKHEAD use ®eere�m�s PROPOSED BULKHE := PROPOSED IN -WATE -------------- RIPRAP �4'Ia PROPOSED RIPRAP I — •- - -• —• —• 39 CA MA PUS, TR. SI - - - - 75' CAMA ESTUARINE — WETLANDS LINE * * * 1111 1 1 �I I1 1I PERMITTED PROPOE DRAWN: TS MM«EO BOUNDARY of area or ear ®mom ®® CAMA WETLANDS COMPLETEDGRAVE DATE: 09/28/12 404 WETLANDS EXISTING UPLAND RE "' _......4......_....__. PROPOSED UPLAND (to NCDOT specificatic LOTIBOUNDARY LINE COMPLETED ROAD E - - — BUILDING SETBACKA —° — — ROADBED and /orRA6 • .................... PROPOSED DITCH /St R DRAINAGE FLOW DIF CHECK DAM -- - - - - - - - - - - - PRE- PROJECT CONTI DRAWN: TS MM«EO BOUNDARY of area or ear ®mom ®® to SCOUR HOLE COMPLETEDGRAVE DATE: 09/28/12 (to NCDOT specificatic COMPLETED ROADB "' FINALIZE GRAVEL FT 17 - 102710 (to NCDOT specificatic COMPLETED ROAD E FINALIZE ROADBED f (to NCDOT specificatic 5 f��y+,�g?S`+ a`,`,•c PAVED BOATRAMP S MOTORIZED CART TL (Pile Supported) FINGER PIERS (Pile E ogft�ea ACCESS YE (Pile Supported) ccccecccccc COVEREDPLATFORI ccccccccec`ccc c (Pile Supported) UNCOVERED PLATFt (Pile Supported) KAYAK LAUNCH PLA' (Pile Supported) COMMUNITY FISHING BOARDWALKACCES (Pile Supported) l I FISHING /SWIMMING I (Pile Supported) * Shoreline reflects survey points by Hyman and I 09/24/2008 drawings in support of Low Density t * * Width of breakwater line not representative of br which is dependent on water depth. See Sheet height and width of breakwater. ** 404 Wetlands delineated in 1998 by Environmen Inc., and confirmed by Henry Wicker of USACO delineated in July 2003 by Carolina Silvics, Inc., William Wescott of USACOE. Surveyed, plattec derived from a wetlands delineation map prepare Robey dated 02 -19 -2004. Reviewed and signed USACOE on June 15, 2004. Jurisdictional Dete by Tracey Wheeler ofUSACOE on June 23, 20C delineated by Carolina Silvics, Inc., and field -co Jennings, NCDCM, on March 11, 2004, 1) Drawings derived from plats of Hyman and Robe, 2) Drawing is for permitting purposes only and not a 3) Copyright © 2012S.A.M.P.S,O.N. & Co., Inc. A This material is the property of S.A M.P.S.O.N. & protected by the copyright laws of the United Stall countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed, c fashion by any entity without the express written c S.A.M.P.S.O.N. & Co., Inc. Written consent is her And ron Properties. Written consent is herby gran NC DENR, and USACOE for Permit processing p 70 REVISION Move proposed bulkhead; alternate Breab 1 footprint; relocate tree islands; shift scour I `/Z Z /Z location. 2 19 Gap in riprap alignments 3 Shift 10' Gap in northwest riprap alignment l2/ PE STAMP SAAMOM / ZVI 125 Hunt Ellwbeth PR07ECTTITLE: ANDRONPROPERTIE SHORELINE PROTECTION & WP DEVELOPMENT MODIFICP DRA N* T= REFUGE AT DRUMMONDS SITE OVERVIEW SCALE' DRAWING NO' 1 INCH = 100 FEET DRAWN: TS MM«EO 17-10: JS SHEE DATE: 09/28/12 PR NO 17 - 102710 . �Ay�AAA4yy '� r SWIMMIt)tGIFIS HING PLATF�?RI�+1 SWIM INGIFISHIN�G PLATFORM sI II, iA IJA JOINS SHEET 4 = ", 4L 0 `. ♦♦ ' `.., F,= - CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ls•^ r 6' tt /;• ``♦ ` ♦` ♦` ``` �� / *i -- -''s. -,� - - --i Q- fix_= {{ ,i' rl ,\\ ♦ 4 N / /r .. ` s\ +r r ```„ _...iii 3 4- / /� ♦, ' +s 's �*', �s , , 4 . \` r r r' 38,406 SF .6 0 � � ` `� � S � /�`• 7 Q 1/ 4,; 5.0` '\ r e' 4.5'r IZ305,Sf'UPLANI�. 0.65 ACRES. `4� t0. 028 ACRES'•_ ,` `•• � + ' x ' 28.351 .SF', `• x9,879, SF UPL'At - t �' 5.5 PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE f r 4 ' ' 0.22 AC�2E ` ' SEE DETAIL SHEET 5 •` i3�4 -3 ACRES ', // � rx '!' 6.0 r r \ 18 99 SIF r • r ' /+ r r ,' _ 1 .� ,�,�,' EXISTING °' `Y • wrrr` r`r /\ d0,0 7 SF ` 11� c '.:....rN� 16 tt`._. RETAINING 0 - • • EXISTING BULKHEAC �• ®••� *�•�• PROPOSED BULKHE PROPOSED IN -WATE EXISTING RIPRAP & 7avawmvavavmroa�avava9m9rva ®m ®mv� PROPOSED RIPRAP — •• —• —•— — 39 CAMA PUB, TR,S -- -- 75' CAMA ESTUARINE WETLANDS LINE ** * PERMITTED PROPOE CAMA WETLANDS 404 WETLANDS EXISTING UPLAND RE PROPOSED UPLAND LOT /BOUNDARY LINE - - — BUILDING SETBACK/! — ^^ ROADBED and /or RM • • • • •• PROPOSED DITCH /S\ DRAINAGE FLOW DIF CHECK DAM ----- -- --- --- - - - -- PRE - PROJECT CONT BOUNDARY of area dr to SCOUR HOLE f~ • ''' �: • '' (to NCDOT specificat (��r COMPLETED ROADB E •' - ' • '' .. FINALIZE GRAVEL Fir (to NCDOT specificatic r — COMPLETED ROAD EE * r rII s r • FINALIZE ROADBED t {to NCDOT specificatic '. PAVEDBOATRAMP E MOTORIZED CART TL (K� (Pile Supported) p( X FINGER PIERS (Pile,' tt XX )) ACCESS WALKWAYS (Pile Supported) [ C C C COVERED PLATFORI (Pile Supported) UNCOVERED PLATFt (Pile Supported) — — KAYAK LAUNCH PLA (Pile Supported) COMMUNITY FISHING — "' BOARDWALKACCES (Pile Supported) FISHING /SWIMMING r - - -- (Pile Supported) REM AERIAL PHOTOS OF {Google Earth Photos c * Shoreline reflects survey points by Hyman and 09/24/2008 drawings in support of Low Density * * Width ofbreakwater line not representative of t which is dependent on water depth. See Sheet height and width of breakwater. * *" 404 Wetlands delineated in 1998 by Environmer Ino., and confirmed by Henry Wickerof USACC delineated in July 2003 by Carolina Silvics, Inc. William Wescott ofUSAOOE. Surveyed, platter derived from a wetlands delineation map prepar Robey dated 02 -19 -2004. Reviewed and signed USACOE on June 15, 2004. Jurisdictional Deft by Tracey Wheeler of USAGE on June 23, 20 delineated by Carolina Silvics, Inc., and field -cc Jennings, NCDCM, on March 11, 2004. 1) Drawings derived from plats of Hyman and Robe 2) Drawing is for permitting purposes only and not a 3) Copyright © 2012 S.A.M.P.S.O.N° & Co., Inc. A This material is the property of S.A.M.P.S.O.N. & protected bythe copyright laws ofthe United Stat countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed, c fashion by any entity without the express written c S.A.M.P.S.O. N. & Co., Inc. Written consent is her Andron Properties. Written consent is herby gran NC DENR, and USACOEfor Permit processing p NO REVISION ove proposed bulkhead; alternate Breakw. 1 ootprint ;relocatetree islands; shiftscouncc !�X — Cation 2 Satellite photos of offshore trees. 3 10' Gap in riprap alignments /z/, PESTAW kl.tidYld.A.Q 125 Hunt Elizabeth 'RA=TITLE: ANDRON PROPERTIE SHORELINE PROTECTION & WP DEVELOPMENT MODIFICP JRAWINO TITLE: REFUGE AT DRUMMONDS SOUTH ISLAND LOOP Af SCALE: 1 INCH= 40 FEET DRnvnxoxo.; DRAWN: TS 17 -10, is I SHEE EXISTING BULKHEAC PROPOSED BULKHE PROPOSED IN-WATE EXISTING RIPRAP PROPOSED RIPRAP 30'CAMA PUB. TR, S 75'CAMA ESTUARINI WETLANDS LINE * * * PERMITTED PROPO,' CAMA WETLANDS 404 WETLANDS EXISTING UPLAND RE PROPOSED UPLAND LOT/BOUNDARY LINE BUILDING SETBACK /1 ROADBEDand/orRM ••••.••••••••••••. PROPOSED DITCH/SN DRAINAGE FLOW DIF CHECK DAM ------------------ PRE-PROJECT CONT BOUNDARY of area dt to SCOUR HOLE COMPLETED GRAVE (to NCDOT specificatic COMPLETED ROADB FINALIZE GRAVEL Fil (to NCDOT specificatic COMPLETED ROAD FINALIZE ROADBED e (to NCDOT specificatic PAVEDBOATRAMPE CY) 04' ec� 2 AI A I ,j 0) Q Z w x U- Z w2 i-y W 0 W < 1 -- T'C ER z t iE 0 9 /* w E-4 to w� T3 I w LO R. 0 Aa' 8) < LL 0 0 0 (0 w .2 5,2 X CD W Of 0 00 w 3: 0 Z id: C) 'm '0 � : w w Q F- 0 >IIDCD- NON a) H i<, a, 0 -6 15 6 - S W 01 z y -9 w 0 0 U) 0 0 W Q'C 0- 0 F- :] < (.) A, s - -j z o (1) -13 -U) of n. w W X C 0 nL !Q FE of a_ CO) w NQ (f) 0 W<n w 0 Do W?: D 1, 0 I. 2L (D'I5 j�, Uj (�)O p z C) >Tu 8 IL 0 J) o < LLI y Y 8, 9� S 'm -� M m z p¢_ > MID _a 0- < gRS2 WO 0, -Lj� 00 :E —0.2 w CID 0 CD r Cf) 0 Z 5 73 0 < 0 z 0 0 W 9-0 in D <0 0 < y D P I m F- 2L,�': RO z < Q- D M :6 (a (2) X, > w 0,15 of 1-- < - D D D- (1) w U) z < a_ D D w (1) 0 ILL w w m w §- 06 W(9 waf 8 0 Lij w C9 U) w (/) C. w (j) < < 0 w F- (D w z L-LI W a Y XW 85 F- F- W-j I-- 1-- 1-- 1- w W� W C, a- z 0 P ti 0 m ;�� F 0 0- 6 5 5� < w �E: a- COO go 0 a. EL z8 Q-o m o G- n 0 w rb 0 T< 0 X L�, 0 Of F- w (J) 5� 0 X ::) 0 Lilli of :3 (n 00 :RZ 2<z 2 < z 0 z > < b 2 (D z ly w 0- a - X: 11.1J, a- s , 3w : 8 A 0 0 X ll� n- o 0 'L 8— - F, 0 0 ILL CY) 04' ec� 2 AI A I ,j 0) Q N Q 01 j,6-0 0 Zo x U- Z w2 i-y W 0 W F- z 0 T'C ER z t iE W 0 2- /* -E n 0 E-4 to w� T3 I 3: d 06 LL LO R. 0 Aa' 8) < LL 0 0 0, (0 w .2 5,2 X CD E W @ 00 m ()f 0 Z19 OW) id: C) 'm '0 -2 :� !j- c -'a < 3: 0 >IIDCD- NON a) -Z 'Oj) a, -6 15 6 - S Pm n C,"@ z y -9 0 0 U) 0 0 cool- MO) -(0(6<z Q'C 0- 0 IL 0 I V wv X 0 :3 -1-- :5 0 A, s - -j z w E M' q In 0 cOmW CL W: 1 -0- w W X C 0 nL !Q FE of w W 0- w -,d NQ QY 0 0. W<n w 0 < �D fin (D 0 I. 2L (D'I5 j�, Uj (�)O < C) E 0— EL 8 ca o w 8!) 8, 9� S 'm -� M m z p¢_ > MID _a 0- < gRS2 CY) 04' ec� 2 AI A I ,j 0) Q N Q 01 j,6-0 0 Zo x U- Z w2 i-y W 0 W F- z 0 T'C ER z a O C) CV C) D 0 U) U UJ > 0 2- /* -E n 0 E-4 2 �g D, 'a R'd '0 E t5ZO) a) — a 3: d 06 LL (1) w 10 W Z 0 Aa' 8) < LL 0 0 0) 2 0 -EO a -J 0 vi 4) mE 00 J Li '&q '6 0 Lu Z U) z 0- '0 2 w 0 8 >IIDCD- NON a) > a, S Pm n a:lz g,E = .L: r C2 W 0 0 U) 0 0 cool- MO) -(0(6<z :J < C/3 0— A, s z Al. W X C 0 nL !Q FE of w W a) 0-2 .2 PQ CL w 0 J Li 00-0 z UJ <zw w 0 Z 2� CL.E a C) C) "0 E Na �03:P,6w �,0,6 • d LL If (r, WO 0, -Lj� 00 :E —0.2 w CID 0 CD r CID W w 0 W J Li 0 z IN p6 'r go '6 a) '0 0) a) tli E >0 Omp 3: d1 N I P I C! 0 7. 9 a 0 (j) all I 1 0 8 L CY) 04' ec� 2 AI A I MEW amd ,j 0) Q N Q 01 j,6-0 0 Zo x U- Z w2 i-y W 0 W F- z 0 T'C ER z a O C) CV C) D 0 U) U UJ > 0 2- /* -E n 0 E-4 E t5ZO) a) — a 3: d 06 LL (1) w 10 W Z 0 Aa' 8) < LL 0 0 0) 2 0 -EO a -J 0 vi 4) mE 00 '&q '6 0 Lu Z U) z 0- '0 2 w e., 0 0 8 >IIDCD- NON a) 0 0 a, S Pm n a:lz g,E = .L: r C2 W 0 0 U) 0 0 cool- MO) -(0(6<z :J < C/3 0— MEW amd N 1V -MELAELAEL -MEL-10" I"! CV ,j 0) Q N Q --till x U- Z w2 i-y W 0 W F- z 0 a O C) CV C) D 0 U) U UJ > /* -E n 0 E-4 E lad 3: d 06 LL (1) w 10 W Z < LL 0 0 LLJ 00 Lu Z U) z ai E w e., 0 0 Z 0 0 42) Pm n 0 U) 0 0 E CR) :J < C/3 0— z Al. W X C 0 nL !Q FE of w W a) 0-2 .2 PQ CL w 0 00-0 z UJ <zw w 0 Z 2� CL.E a 2 a a '7 :3 > LL If (r, WO 0, -Lj� 00 :E —0.2 w CID 0 CD r CID W w 0 W 0 z IN p6 'r 1: co d1 N I P I C! all N 1V -MELAELAEL -MEL-10" I"! CV 8 ,j 0) Q N Q --till x U- Z w2 i-y W 0 W F- z 0 a O C) CV C) -E n 0 E-4 E lad 3: d 06 LL (1) w 10 W Z uj LLJ 00 ai E w e., 0 0 Z cc 42) Pm n (D x 0 E CR) �wz — F- U1 0 -. C/3 0— W X C 0 nL !Q FE of w W a) 0-2 .2 PQ CL 00-0 z UJ <zw w 0 Z 2� CL.E a 2 a a :3 > LL If (r, WO 0, -Lj� 00 :E —0.2 w CID 0 CD r CID W w 0 W 0 z IN CIO 'r 1: co N I P I 8 I co 17 "l 17 E-4 W H I co 17 "l 17 INIIMIWAL VWA 1 CSC LC V CL { (Pre - Hurricane Isabel) 30' CAMA PUBLIC TRUST SHORELINE AE °?� / d/ P v v v / / } { ! (Post- Hurricane Isabel) \ RETAINING WALL \ ALONG WETLAND \ LIMITS @ +5.75' / / IV v v — / \ \ ° °' / ° / till/ ( �• / v, v ° P t v v v v v / 75' CAMA ESTUARINE SHORELINE AEC ° ' r (Pre- Hurricane Isabel) v` P v v a v n v I v v , v v v v v v ', ° / 75' CAMA ESTUARINE SHORELINE AEC (Post - Hurricane Isabel) V v v v v / \} y ! / t} ! / •/ / PROPOSED KAYAK LAUNCH (128 sq ft) a ♦ I / \1 `1/ ; \}I!/ , t PERMITTED PROPOSED BOATRAMP ' 011/ jj }} APPROACH RETAINING WALL I I RETAINING WALL / ALONG WETLAND / LIMITS @ +5.75' Al/ a P a v / 01 !r I ' / PROPOSED COVERED ELEV, APPROX. +3.5' ' KAYAK STORAGE OR 3' ABOVE NWL \ J \ v v v v f 12FTx20FT i \ 01!, v A v , ° / PROTECTEC,AREA V v I V v / / } V v b v v a v a v v v PERMITTED PROPOSED BOATRAMP PERMITTED PROPOSED BOATRAMP ACCESS WALKWAYS v } RETAINING WALL / / v v v + ° v ° v v v `v v i, / PROPOSED ALONG WETLAND / } 1 PIER ACCESS v` P LIMITS @ +6.50' O P. ° v ' I a. v. A v I v . v vI v +v' tt " OB ERVED � ° v } t} I ! / / v v ° v v ' v v v 'P ° ( v + a v ( NORMAL WATER LEVEL } / 04/1`9/2011 '. '° O v v /+ v P } \d// RETAINING WALL v,I P, v�Q�l ° P / ALIMI S @ +50� NORMAL WATER LEVEL \ (Post- Hurricane Isabel) \ 7 \ I PROPOSED RIPR c IP- i d ( � BREAKWATER v 7 0 20 40 80 e I SCALE: 1" = 20' \ 20 ft 2 ft 1 5.8 ft 32.8 ft 15.4 16.4 ft 6.7 ft- I I I I +3' NWL Fill for Road B se -3' NWL —T —_ 6' NW Excavate Pe t & Organic Materia Replace with Suitable Fill and CompLt I lilicrease • -• to Make ptc of 66' Fad !us, Tangent to 19" Tu •• 14.8 ft ioatramp Road Pavement 7.�` Concrete Slab ,..o. o,.... I���OIi��OI�j�OI���OI�j�O `I�i��a�I�►�� I,���e. -� p i .�i►���eea21 i0I Base o •. •. DETAIL Qe 20/9 °A{)pso . .'o' _ °P .'e a j�i'°r• il•..• •,•,? •v° eve . yr .a . ',>, va a I I I >° �,a I` ., �, . °� > °'° 1, °' DETAIL / 1/A Normal Water Level / Slope Begin 16 /o Slope Shoreline Surveyed 404 Wetland Line Post-Hurricane Isabel 14 Begin o (Removed AfterrConc Concrete •�`• /o Observed Shoreline Norma Water Level Boatramp Poured &Set) At Normal Water Level Shoreline Surveyed 04/19/2011 Pre -Hu! rlcane Isabel Approximate Normal Water Level 0 10 20 40 80 120 On Constructed Ramp SCALE: 1" = 20' PROPOSED RIPRAP I 30' CAMA PUB. TR, SI 75' CAMA ESTUARINE WETLANDS LINE PERMITTEDPROPOS 1/ / f PERMITTEDPROPO,' �./`'`it■■ CAMAWETLANDS J I r 404 WETLANDS EXISTING UPLAND R PAVED BOATRAMP COMPLETED ROADB FINALIZE GRAVEL FII ' M 47 (to NCDOT specificatic — COMPLETED ROAD E FINALIZE ROADBED i — (to NCDOT specificatic ACCESS WALKWAYS (Pile Supported) KAYAK LAUNCH PLA (Pile Supported) ■■■[ill " Shoreline reflects survey points by Hyman and Rc i■■■ ■■ ■ ■� 1■ ■ ■■■ ■■� ■■ ■ ■■ ■■ t100 C!'Yawr °ia;il.:•'ili T M R N 0 ■7• ■N I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■I t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■11 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■i ■� SOMEONE ;:r■MNNEI CNERE ■MON I■ENNUMME MNMN■W ■ I■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■tii 1�0 I I I I +3' NWL Fill for Road B se -3' NWL —T —_ 6' NW Excavate Pe t & Organic Materia Replace with Suitable Fill and CompLt I lilicrease • -• to Make ptc of 66' Fad !us, Tangent to 19" Tu •• 14.8 ft ioatramp Road Pavement 7.�` Concrete Slab ,..o. o,.... I���OIi��OI�j�OI���OI�j�O `I�i��a�I�►�� I,���e. -� p i .�i►���eea21 i0I Base o •. •. DETAIL Qe 20/9 °A{)pso . .'o' _ °P .'e a j�i'°r• il•..• •,•,? •v° eve . yr .a . ',>, va a I I I >° �,a I` ., �, . °� > °'° 1, °' DETAIL / 1/A Normal Water Level / Slope Begin 16 /o Slope Shoreline Surveyed 404 Wetland Line Post-Hurricane Isabel 14 Begin o (Removed AfterrConc Concrete •�`• /o Observed Shoreline Norma Water Level Boatramp Poured &Set) At Normal Water Level Shoreline Surveyed 04/19/2011 Pre -Hu! rlcane Isabel Approximate Normal Water Level 0 10 20 40 80 120 On Constructed Ramp SCALE: 1" = 20' PROPOSED RIPRAP I 30' CAMA PUB. TR, SI 75' CAMA ESTUARINE WETLANDS LINE PERMITTEDPROPOS 1/ / f PERMITTEDPROPO,' CAMAWETLANDS J I r 404 WETLANDS EXISTING UPLAND R PAVED BOATRAMP COMPLETED ROADB FINALIZE GRAVEL FII ' M 47 (to NCDOT specificatic — COMPLETED ROAD E FINALIZE ROADBED i — (to NCDOT specificatic ACCESS WALKWAYS (Pile Supported) KAYAK LAUNCH PLA (Pile Supported) " Shoreline reflects survey points by Hyman and Rc 09/24/2008 drawings in support of Low Density S GENERAL NOTES 1) Drawings derived from plats of Hyman and Robey 2) Drawing is for permitting purposes only and not cc 3) Copyright d 2012 S.A.M.P.S.O.N, & Co., Inc. Al This material is the property of S.A.M,P.S,O.N. & protected by the copyright laws of the United State countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed, c fashion by any entity without the express written c S.A.M.P.S.O.N. & Co., Inc, Written consent is her, Andron Properties. Written consent is herby grant NC DENR, and USACOE for Permit processing pi NO I REVISION PE STAMP S.A.M.P.S,1 125 Hunt Elizabeth =ROJECTTTLLE. ANDRON PROPERTIE SHORELINE PROTECTION & WP DEVELOPMENT MODIFICA DRAWING TrME. REFUGE AT DRUMMONDS BOATRAMP AREA PLAT AND SCALE, AS INDICATED RA,WINGNO.: DRAWN: CAECMD: TS 17 - 10, is SHEE DATE, 09/28/12 _ PRO= No.: 17 - 102710 SCE' NTS or AS INDICATED xawuroxo.: NTS N TS DRAWN: TS 17 - 10: is SHEE DATE: 09/28/12 mzorECr xo, . 17 - 102710 '�1 6" TOP OF DITCH BANK CLASS B STONE SECTION LINE WITH FILTER FABRIC 4.58 4.58 LAY F #5 A A W WASHED STONE 75 TOP OF DITCH 4" THICK =OLL WIDTH) M MAINTAIN PER STORMWATER PERMIT B St�avl INS7ALL LEVEL AND FLL'SH WITH NATURAL 4.58 4.58 GROUND ---DEPTH OF SCOUR HOLE 1 NATURA A 2 �\1 GROUNDL A \ \ \�\ SQUARE PREFORMED 1.58 '—PERMANENT SOIL . .7v 3 ' �� °• T TOP WIDTH VARIES (RIPRAP IN BASIN NOT (PSRM). PSRM SHALL BE SHOWN FOR CLARITY) SEEDED WITH VEGETATION L LINER: CLASS B RIPRAP MIN. 1' TUCf 4.58 4.58 AT INSTALLATION. W WITH TYPE 2 FILTER FABRIC C CLASS B STONE 6.5' P DEPTH OF RIPRAP (1') REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN IT ACCUMULATES LBASEEXISTING G GROUND T TO 1/2 THE HEIGHT OF THE DAM WIDTH / FILTER I / Nyl 4.5' � / / ID SA ES S 24 _) � VARIES 3 1 SL S SUFFICIENT TO PREVENT EROSION i i I GRADE POINT PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE SS SE F FO ED SCOUR H ' LA"v UT TYPICAL DITCH Ox" C CHECK A E L U NTS N i DISTANCE- TO INVERT \ /ARIES 1a''.!N. 3 3' MIN. WIDTH = 14' 3' MiN, ABC STONE ABC STONE —` MATCH EXIST. 1/4„ P MATCH EXIST. i0 D / PER FOOT J" 1 1„ PER P /,- / COMPACTED SUBGRADE \\ j\ / COMPACTED SUBGRADE SURFACE: 6" ABC STONE BASE: TO HAVE COMPACTION EQUAL TO AT LEAST 95% AASHTO T99 SURFACE: 6" ABC STONE CENTERLINE ELEVATION TO BE ABOVE EXISTING GRADE AND GRADE TO DRAIN. BASE: TO HAVE COMPACTION EQUAL TO AT LEAST 95% r, A,SHTO T99 CENTERLINE ELEVATION TO BE ABOVE EXISTING GRADE AND GRAS- TO DRAIN. N CROSSING SOUTH ILOOP & & BOAT RA OAD CROSS S- B C CROSS SECTIO A - A i i I i NTS N NTS s APPROX. .. .. . 1" x 8" SHEATHING FT r r (-- ,----- 8,Oft —{ ( 6 A ALL PILES 10" BUTT----,,_4 A ARMOR STONE - -_ 2" x 10" Girders — ® _ _ ® N NORMAL WATER LEVEL NORMAL WATER LEVEL T T � MIN SLOPE ft D APPROX. 3 FEET 15 FT BACKFILL MATERIAL — — APRON FILTER CLOTH ~ I 5 5/8" GALVANIZED A 2" x 8" Joists ---� - 1 APPROX. 2" x 2" Uplift Ties M 1 1.5 - 3 FT — 1 Tie at each joist 2" x 10" 12 FT 1 TRANSVERSE C SECTION 1)Cross Sections for Road sNa dCoss6onsan Seven 2" x 8" x 16's F 2) Drawing is forpermitting purposes only and notco with Outboard Joists Sistered Deck Screws NTS T 3) Copyright ©2012S.A.M.P.S.O.N. &Co., Ise. AI MINIMUM 3 FT A MAX 2 FT p This material is the property of S.A. M. P.S.O. N. & 6" x 6" f ABOVE NORMAL c countries. it may not be reproduced,distributed,o f ; I / W (Sized for Wave Energy) DROP DOWN (APPROX. 5 FT LONG) A Andron Properties. Written consent is herby grant, NC DEN R, and USACOE for Permit processing pt 2" x 2" Uplift Ties D DOUBLE ABOVE - GROUND, ; ; , ; ; t ; � o Q o o B NO R REVISION t 1 OR ABOVE -WATER BOTTOM 5 5/8" GA .': I ; ; SHEATHING N N and G SHEATHING DISTANCE T TIEBACK ROD — — Water & Wetland Substrate 2" x 10" Girders l I I PILES MINIMUM 3 FT ; I i 1" x 8" SHEATHING ; ; ; ; ' ; 3 // sTA S S.A.MYAJ Both Sides of Pile ;; " "' ( ; E STONE " B FILTER CLOTH LENGTH VARIES I I Piles: 10" Butt F WHERE LENGTH > 400 FT > ; with Washer a STARTED WITH 10 FT GAP � �1 ' , ; ; Side and Nut (2 i LONGITUDINAL C SECTIUIN A Ali abets °E°TTT E: ANDIRON PROPERTIE NTS U RETAINING N SHORELINE PROTECTION & WA DEVELOPMENT MODIFICA DR4WINGTITZE: R '�1