HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3210403_Property Deed_202105053 Excise Tax: Tax Lot No.: Verified by 2015amOO2926 B: 1695 P: 0871 04/10/2015 01:17435 PM Total Pages: 3 Fees: 487.00 Bonnie E. Reece, Register of Deeds, Cleveland County,NC II�IIII IIIIII III IIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIII IIII IIII� IIIII IIII�II III IIII� IIIII IIII IIII Receipt# 15-5878 2015-002926 Issued 04/10/2015 ClevelandCounty, NC by Bonnie E. Reece Register of Deeds Excise Amount: $451.00 Excise ID #029337 Real Estate Excise Tax 29 s 2b REVEN UES�(00 • — Parcel Identifer Nos. 51544 and 28318 County on the day of Mail after recordine ttaM,nco, Tackabe 14) This instrument was preparrAby Robert G. Lindauer Jr. r In2�� Winston-Salem., NC 27 Brief Description For The NORTH C THIS DEED made this 1 day o GRANTOR & Matamoros, P.A., Attn: AGW, (P.O. Drawer 25008 2204 Randolph Road. Shelbv., NC OLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED DOGWOOD CREEK LAND HOLDINGS, 3250 Ocean Park Boulevard,, Suite 355 Santa Monica, CA 90405 201519 by and between J- N - I JR I 1 -113- HEELSTONE LAND HOLDINGS, LLC 236 Third Street Baton Rouge, LA 70801 . 2015 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein �in,clude said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, fe:mine or neuter as required by context. 16 WITNF.Y4FTH that Grantor_ for a valuable consideration ;P p acknowledged, has and by these presents doe all those certain lots or parce s grant, barg is of land situated in the Cit and more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHBI Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby and convey unto Grantee in fee simple, 1by, Cleveland County, North Carolina All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the 694868vl ary residence of the Grantor. 2015-002926 B-M 1695 P-M 0872 04/10/2015 01-017-036 PM Page 2 of 3 The property hereinabove described was acquir 2339 of the Cleveland County Public Registry. TO HAVE AND elonging to the Grantee in fee simple. TO HOLD the aforesaid ed by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 16877 Page property and all privileges and appurtenances thereto that Grantor has done nothing to impair such re el 4er ed, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all by, or PnGrantor covenants with the Grantee through Grantor, except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the foll (i) matter,? -Jai 46 inspection limitation, loag IN WITNES above written State of County of S owing exceptions: title as Grantor arsons claiming ecord, (ii) matters that would be disclosed b Y a current and accurate survey and/o Property he current year, (iv) matters of applicable law such a dinances and zoning.regulations, and (v) any and a (iii) taxes for t ll leases. r physical s,, without REOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first GRANTOR: DOGWOOD CREEK LAND HOLDINGS, LLC B-0 N �.�. Title: I., P the undersigned, a Notary Public ofthe Cou n I " e.A("- c N personally appeared beFor 9,ce I; folk Aeaw� liability company, and tha foregoing instrument. t of Dogwood Cry by authority duly giv Witness my hand and officia [OFFICIAL SEAL] EDWARD F MARTE and State aforesaid,, certify that e this day and acknowledged that he/she is the i end Holdings, LLC t as the act of s lot l seal, this the � �] Notary Public - Mate of New York No. 09 MA6221167 Qualified in New York County V C 0 M M, 1q:; F,� 69 M n F V. I _;*L 19-11, `31 9 1 q, I I v 3 1 , 2 018 of Nota P b Ic Printed name of N My Commission Exams:: a North Carolina limited aid company, he executed the 201 2015-002926 B-M 1695 P-M 0873 04/10/2015 01-017-036 PM Page 3 of 3 \OOA- EXHIBIT A BEGINNING at a an iron rod,found on the Northern margin of Randolph Road, NCSR #1308 (60 foot ublic right-of-way), said iron rod being located at the southeast corner of the PPG Industries Fiber Glass products, Inc. property as described in deed book 1238, page 2487 of the Cleveland County Registry; the ce leaving said right-of-way and running with the eastern line of PPG Industries Fiber Glass Products, I cr�. roperty, the following two (2) calls: 1)I�O�°27'30" E - 474.98 feet to an iron r od found; 2)N 2104" W - 459-97 feet to an iron rod found,, said iron being located in the eastern line of the Sammy Joe Mcdarry properly as described in deed book 15-x, page 122 of said registry; -P thence ninnmg with the eastern line otthe Sammy Joe McCurry property the following two (2) calls: I)N 000275 11 E 2)N 00027'15GaE - e center of the Southern Railway 100 foot right-of- 0was sh on map book 33page 138 of said regstry; thence with the center of the Southern Railway 10 right-of-way, with the arc of a circular curve to the left, having a radius of 1806.77 feet, an arc 1 of 415.58 feet (Chord: N 89°20'44" W,-414.66 feet) to an iron pin found in the eastrn line of eimmy Preston Hawkins property as described in deed book 1178, page 1843 of said registry; 'r thence leaving sau.1 t 09050".31 1 11 E - 375.44! Highway 74 by-pass r thence with the southes ly margin of N.C. Highway 74 1) with the arc oi a circular curve to the right, having a feet, 387.13 feet to an iron pin found; 56.66 feet to a new nail set in th f-way and Winning with the eastern line of the Jimmy Preston Hawkins property,, N to an iron rod found in the southeasterly margin of the proposed location of NC 'ereuce plans bV NCDOT Drolect ID no. R-2707B., WBS#34497.2.8)- the following three (3) calls: radius of 22758.32 feet, an arc length of 787.03 (Chord: N 74'23'03 11 E, - 9') to existing metal monument; 2) with the are of a circular to the right, having a radius of 22758.3)2 fieet'an arc length of 313.79 feet, (Chord-,. N 75°46'11" E, - 31M6WV &et) to an existing metal monument; 3) with the arc of a circular curt'the right having a radius of 22758.32 feet, an arc length of 617.47 feet, (Chord. N 76'56'3211 E, - 617.45 feet) to an uon rod set in the Western line of the Walmart Stores East, LLC property as described in deed book1359, page 1800 and as shown on map book 2.3 , Page 75 of said registry; `< thence running with the westerly of the Wal art Stores East, LLC property the following 14 (fourteen) calls: 1) S 16`1625W - 23-82 feet to an ir ci set; 2) S 14`55'04" W - 72.22 feet to an iro o found; 3) S 14055'04" W - 84.04 feet to an 211 c with hack marks; 4) S 30 0 02'18" W - 13`6.5 6 feet to iron rod d; 5) S 11033'3 7" W - 94.74 feet to an iron ro d; 6) S 0105815" E - 91.69 feet to an iron rod f n 6 7) S 000 04'02W - 39.11 feet to a 24" poplar i hack marks- 8) S 39046'06" W - 125.18 feet to an iron rod found; 9) S 19033'59" W - 48.01 feet to an iron rod set; 10) S 3802633 W - 88.92 feet a 24" poplar with marks; II)S50"38'02"W-61.91feettoa24"poplarwith�l� 12' S 08"55'34'1 W - 124.01 feet to an iron rod set; 13) S 16056'36" W - 146.42 feet to an iron rod found; �• 14) S 79053'02" W - 54.49 feet to an iron rod found near a 18" oak with hack marks; thence S 09'5 1'27" E - 699.60 feet to an iron rod found onte northern margin of Randolph Road, NCSR #1308 (60' public right-of-way); thence with the northern riaaArrc of Randolph Road the following three (3) calls:0 1) N 8903 5'15W - 199.23 feet to an iron rod found; 2) N 89024'07" W - 192.81 feet to an iron rod found; 3) S 89022'17" W - 142.30 feet to the POINT AND PLACE ''EGINNING, containing an area of 1539579 sq.ft. or 35.3439 Acres as shown on a survey by R.B. P & Associates, dated June 24, 2014, job no. 81415, map file no. w-4591.