HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0041085_Final Permit_20210429VICI\ITY VAP JOB NUMBER: LANS HENSON ROAD I. FT STATION 1 & FORCE MAIN FOREST CRTY OWNSHEP CONTACT I N FOKMATION : ODOM ENGINEERING, PLLC ATTN: DAVID ODON/ , PE or SCOTT ROACH, EIT I G9 OAK ST, EOKEST CITY, NC 28043 828-247-4495 ]RUT1HERFO]RID COUNTY, N0C0 OW:R: RB?HERFOR1D CO I\ HARRIS ELEM LEGEND UTILITY/STRUCTURE EXISTING PROPOSED OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL NATURAL GAS OVERHEAD TELEPHONE FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER WATER FORCEMAIN CULVERT FIRE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SEWER MANHOLE POWER POLE PROPERTY LINE MAJOR CONTOURS MINOR CONTOURS CULVERT DRAINAGE AREA CHANNEL DRAINAGE AREA TSP DRAINAGE AREA TEMPORARY SILT FENCE TEMPORARY DITCH/BERM XOHE XUGE - XG G XOHT XFO FO XS SS XW w XFM V GV N ® FM IIC GV N O J. 750 -(750) F4VI ��`�OI�`O��`�1 4042 D g O g o g o g o SF TDB NTS US HWY 74 GENERAL NOTES: I . A MANDATORY PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL OCCUR BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE CONTRACTOR'S OFFICE, ODOM ENGINEERING, AND NCDEQ ARO (828-296-4500). 2. CONTRACTOR TO CALL NCDEQ ARO (828-296-4500) AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY IS TO BEGIN. 3. CONTRACTOR IS TO DO SELF -INSPECTIONS PER 1 5A NCAC 045 .013 I SELF INSPECTIONS'. SEE DETAIL SHEET. 4. GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH A ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCT IF COMPLETED OUTSIDE THE OPTIMUM GERMINATION SEASONS, WHEN UNFAVORABLE WEATHER CONDITIONS PREVENT ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATIVE COVER. 5. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY UPON DISCOVERING ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE MELD NOT SHOWN ON PLANS. G. ANY ACTIONS OR COST INCREASE ABOVE AND BEYOND CONTRACT WITH OWNER/DEVELOPER SHALL BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER. ANY ADDITIONAL WORK OR COST INCREASE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR WITHOUT SAID WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM ENGINEER, SHALL BECOME CONTRACTORS FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND NOT THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE SEDIMENT SOCKS AS NEEDED ALONG ENTIRE ROUTE OF FORCE MAIN. PLACEMENT SHALL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEER OR CONTRACTOR. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL PUT IN PLACE ALL SEDIMENT $ EROSION SILT FENCE $ INLET PROTECTION CONTROL MEASURES ALONG FORCE MAIN PRIOR TO EXCAVATING PROPOSED DITCHLINE. ALSO, MATTING SHALL BE INSTALLED OR IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL LIMIT INSTALLATION TO A MAXIMUM OF 1500 LF per DAY. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL MEASURES USED FOR SEDIMENT $ EROSION CONTROL UPON PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 1 . LIFT STATION ADDRESS: HENSON RD. FOREST CITY, RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 28139 2. PARCEL #: I G 10404 PIN #:I 536860296 DEED BOOK: 845 PG: 550 SKEET INDEX TITLE COVER NOTE OVERALL PLAN PLAN AND PROFILE PUMP STATION PLAN PUMP STATION DETAILS DETAI LS 2-3 4 5- 19 20 21 22 19023 H DESCRIPTION mom I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. ```% 111111,,,, Ssp S 'AID 0, ,,, 11,,, tomtit ,,. caE1T (CA Clr ASBUILT PLANS FOR O z O N z W RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC FOREST CITY 0 O- SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO SHEET: 1 OF 22 JOB NUMBER: 19023 N 0 N N Q Plotted on: GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). The permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the delegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheet may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATION Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes Stabilize within this Site Area Description many calendar Timeframe variations days after ceasing land disturbance (a) Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, and perimeter slopes 7 None (b) High Quality Water 7 None (HQW) Zones (c) Slopes steeper than If slopes are 10' or less in length and are 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed -7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed (e) Areas with slopes -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless there is zero slope Note: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the Stabilize techniques the ground sufficiently so that rain in the table below: Temporary Stabilization Permanent Stabilization • Temporary grass seed covered with straw or other mulches and tackifiers • Hydroseeding • Rolled erosion control products with or without temporary grass seed • Appropriately applied straw or other mulch • Plastic sheeting • Permanent grass seed covered with straw or other mulches and tackifiers • Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil reinforcement matting • Hydroseeding • Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered with mulch • Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion • Structural methods such as concrete, asphalt or retaining walls • Rolled erosion control products with grass seed POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during construction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging offsite. 5. Store flocculants in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover or surrounded by secondary containment structures. EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from the project. 4. Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose as hazardous waste (recycle when possible). 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem has been corrected. 6. Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE 1. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trash receptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland. 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if containers overflow. 8. Dispose waste off -site at an approved disposal facility. 9. On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands. 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 4. Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from construction sites. PORTABLE TOILETS 1. Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains, streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high foot traffic areas. 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace with properly operating unit. EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen -material stockpile areas at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably available. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of five feet from the toe of stockpile. 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. SANDBAGS (TYP.) OR STAPLES SILT FENCE 0 0 0 CONCRETE WASHOUT '1h-A CLEARLY MARKED SIGNAGE NOTING DEVICE (18"5(24" MIN.) PLAN 1:1 SIDE SLOPE (TYP. ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE WITH LINER HIGH COHESIVE & LOW FILTRATION SOIL BERM 10 MIL PLASTIC LINING SANDBAGS (TYP.) OR STAPLES SECTION A -A NOTES: 1. ACTUAL LOCATION DETERMINED IN FIELD 2. THE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED WHEN THE LIQUID AND/OR SOLID REACHES 75% OF THE STRUCTURES CAPACITY. 3.CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NEEDS TO BE CLEARY MARKED WITH SIGNAGE NOTING DEVICE. BELOW GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE WASHOUT 10' MIN B oZ 10 MIL PLASTIC LINING Y:1 SIDE SLOP TYP. ) x6 SECTION B-B SANDBAGS (TYP.) ORGH STAPLES HICOHESIVE & LOW FILTRATION SOIL BERM SANDBAGS (TYP.) NOTES: 1. ACTUAL LOCATION DETERMINED IN FIELD OR STAPLES CLEARLY MARKED SIGNAGE NOTING DEVICE (18"X24" MIN.) PLAN 2. THE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED WHEN THE LIQUID AND/OR SOLID REACHES 75% OF THE STRUCTURES CAPACITY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY WITH A MINIMUM 12 INCHES OF FREEBOARD. 3.CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NEEDS TO BE CLEARY MARKED WITH SIGN AGE NOTING DEVICE. ABOVE GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE WASHOUTS 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with local and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within lot perimeter silt fence. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If an alternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority for review and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the two types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must be pumped out and removed from project. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receive spills or overflow. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stone entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the approving authority. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limit overflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structural components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary products, follow manufacturer's instructions. 10. At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose of in an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbance caused by removal of washout. HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES 1. Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label restrictions. 2. Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the label, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case of accidental poisoning. 3. Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is possible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground water or surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 1. 2. 3. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on -site. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. Ld 1- 0 DESCRIPTION Ld N r) 10 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. %%%%%%%%% ,,,,,, ��p4�'ESSI"0r'; ''1111111111\\\\\ <CIEIR 111-11CA'II7[0NAf ASBUILT PLANS FOR AND FORCE MAIN 0 1- 1- 0 0 cn RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC FOREST CITY bo O- SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 PROJECT MGR: DWO SHEET: 2 OF 22 A JOB NUMBER: 19023 E Q N 0 N 0 N Q Plotted on: SELF -INSPECTION, SECTION A: SELF -INSPECTION PART III RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING normal business hours in accordance with the table site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on In addition, when a storm event of equal to or of normal business hours, the self -inspection shall be of the next business day. Any time when inspections Inspection Record. Self below. personnel which greater performed were -inspections are required during When adverse weather or to be in jeopardy, the inspection it is safe to perform the inspection. than 1.0 inch occurs outside upon the commencement delayed shall be noted in the Inspect Frequency (during normal business hours) Inspection records must include: (1) Rain gauge maintained in good working order Daily Daily rainfall amounts. If no daily rain gauge observations are made during weekend or holiday periods, and no individual -day rainfall information is available, record the cumulative rain measurement for those un- attended days (and this will determine if a site inspection is needed). Days on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as "zero." The permittee may use another rain -monitoring device approved by the Division. (2) E&SC Measures At least once per 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a rain event > 1.0 inch in 24 hours 1. Identification of the measures inspected, 2. Date and time of the inspection, 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, 4. Indication of whether the measures were operating properly, 5. Description of maintenance needs for the measure, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (3) Stormwater discharge outfalls (SDOs) At least once per 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a rain event > 1.0 inch in 24 hours 1. Identification of the discharge outfalls inspected, 2. Date and time of the inspection, 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, 4. Evidence of indicators of stormwater pollution such as oil sheen, floating or suspended solids or discoloration, 5. Indication of visible sediment leaving the site, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (4) Perimeter of site At least once per 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a rain event > 1.0 inch in 24 hours If visible sedimentation is found outside site limits, then a record of the following shall be made: 1. Actions taken to clean up or stabilize the sediment that has left the site limits, 2. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken, and 3. An explanation as to the actions taken to control future releases. (5) Streams or wetlands onsite or offsite (where accessible) At least once per 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a rain event > 1.0 inch in 24 hours If the stream or wetland has increased visible sedimentation or a stream has visible increased turbidity from the construction activity, then a record of the following shall be made: 1. Description, evidence and date of corrective actions taken, and 2. Records of the required reports to the appropriate Division Regional Office per Part III, Section C, Item (2)(a) of this permit of this permit. (6) Ground stabilization measures After each phase of grading 1. The phase of grading (installation of perimeter E&SC measures, clearing and grubbing, installation of storm drainage facilities, completion of all land -disturbing activity, construction or redevelopment, permanent ground cover). 2. Documentation that the required ground stabilization measures have been provided within the required timeframe or an assurance that they will be provided as soon as possible. NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING SECTION B: RECORDKEEPING PART III AND REPORTING deviation shall be kept on the site. The throughout the coverage under this permit. plan shall be documented in the manner 1. site E&SC Plan Documentation The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date The following items pertaining to the E&SC described: Item to Document Documentation Requirements (a) Each E&SC Measure has been installed and does not significantly deviate from the locations, dimensions and relative elevations shown on the approved E&SC Plan. Initial and date each E&SC Measure on a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report that lists each E&SC Measure shown on the approved E&SC Plan. This documentation is required upon the initial installation of the E&SC Measures or if the E&SC Measures are modified after initial installation. (b) A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate completion of the construction phase. (c) Ground cover is located and installed in accordance with the approved E&SC Plan. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate compliance with approved ground cover specifications. (d) The maintenance and repair requirements for all E&SC Measures have been performed. Complete, date and sign an inspection report. (e) Corrective actions have been taken to E&SC Measures. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate the completion of the corrective action. 2. Additional Documentation In addition to the E&SC Plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the and available for agency inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site -specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical: (a) This general permit as well as the certificate of coverage, after it is received. (b) Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days. The permittee shall record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of electronically -available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard -copy records. (c) All data used to complete the Notice of Intent and older inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 122.41] PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION C: REPORTING 1. 2. Occurrences that must be reported Permittees shall report the following occurrences: (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. (b) Oil spills if: • They are 25 gallons or more, • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, • They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or • They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (a) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85. (b) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (c) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment. Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contact the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the other requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Occurrence Reporting Timeframes (After Discovery) and Other Requirements (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. • Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. • If the stream is named on the NC 303(d) list as impaired for sediment - related causes, the permittee may be required to perform additional monitoring, inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance with the federal or state impaired -waters conditions. (b) Oil spills and release of hazardous substances per Item 1(b)-(c) above • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. The notification shall include information about the date, time, nature, volume and location of the spill or release. (c) Anticipated bypasses [40 CFR 122.41(m)(3)] • A report at least ten days before the date of the bypass, if possible. The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and effect of the bypass. (d) Unanticipated bypasses [40 CFR 122.41(m)(3)] • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. • Within 7 calendar days, a report that includes an evaluation of the quality and effect of the bypass. (e) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment[40 CFR 122.41(I)(7)] • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. • Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the noncompliance, and its causes; the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. [40 CFR 122.41(1)(6). • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. NCGO1 SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING w 1- 0 w I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. %%%%%%IIC ,,,,,, c).4, CC Ede JL11-11 C2-,\ 717110I4 ASBUILT PLANS FOR 0 0 z RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC FOREST CITY bC SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 SHEET: 3 OF 22 A PAGE 11 PAGE 10 PAGE 9 PAGE 8 PAGE 7 HARRIS SCHOOL E Q N 0 N O) Plotted on: ASBUILT.dwg HENSON RD LIFT STATION & FORCE MAIN\DWG\19023 c 0 0 A PAGE 5 ROBERT SHAY MOOR,, JR KAREN"d wile 391A515OORE RONAL= NENSON MARIE HENSON 50SAOSS RL� e sa«soR BOOM: L yyAROLAN IRIS WAROLAW S58/a q5 500 0 250 500 GRAPHIC SCALE PAGE 17] 1000 1500 1 INCH = 500 FEET PAGE 16 PAGE 15 PAGE 14 PAGE 13 PAGE 12 JOB NUMBER: 19023 N I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. ___ I 1,7 ,,,,, S it 01 t ,,,,, X W 0 z SCALE: 1" = 500' DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO SHEET: 4 OF 22 JOB 19 NUMBER: 0 2 3 ,,- -'' DATE ------ _ _— — — 980 980 DESCRIPTION AIR RELEASE VALVE ' _ STATION: 1 +80.00 i --... ...-- \ / / / \ \ —' ---'/ MIN.T 950 / \ �— ' 970 970 \,— ___ r______________ MIN.3 1 _ / 940 / / / / / / 960 960 / / / 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS / / (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally /- From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral/ separation -in which case: w w N In - «n WET WELL RIM: 930.00 INV: 924.00 (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main / / at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI` PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. / (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 930 ► 18 inches above the top of the sewer. (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical 950 9 5 0 separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the ,`ttwwwins,,,, `,,��� AA C.4R'',,,, ?` . S ��'' p•.•��ESsjo�� � 4.' ' _ = S point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a NE both the be ferrous sewer, the water main and sewer shall constructed of materials and with joints equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. A be the = 2 1 0, ",„P-,./D 0,0 ,,,,, ,,,,,, Ill,,,,, section of water main pipe shall centered at point of crossing. s2 8 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10 -00 11+00 12+00 CIERu uCA,uu®I'f ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE MCI \ ce. ,,, 6 \ Mb 6 Ma Mb M2i Mi Mb Mel Mel Mel M2i Mel Mel--\V' — ' - M2i i M2l� MN M2�___ M2! MN MCI M M2i M� M2� M21 - ....- - _- , ii% cc\ �� M 40 0 20 40 80 ]20 Cnn�� �\ — �_ 5 �ZZ ?�S ail NOSN�H — \ \_-- �05) ,�-- 7 mm tc FM FM �� F�! FM _ _ gar \ FM = _ - FM -"Em �.. rM -FM ' rM- - \ Mcy GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET \ FM _ � ,` _ - - �„� rM rM — _ FM �fM —F� \ \ MN �� - AN Mb- Mb\_ - Mer MN_ �A I \ \ II v \\\ •,.., \ ....... .,... ,6_, ,.., _, ,, _., „„. ,„.. , __ ,,,., ,.. _ y \ _---- ��, M�---_ M� - ��7Gfa \ \M21 ��� � vv \ is\ ,......_ �� I I \ , 1, \ . , .,„,, ,, �, , t, N vv �� it / �� 7-1 V I V ,..., \ , , , , ,,„. , \ ____ \ ,, 1 , , \\ \ ,,i ____ \ \ I , , , , y V \ \\ \ \\ \ V A\ V v-4.--v \ \ vvYlf ,_ v v v v v vvvvvv____ , _,... ,, ��-� �vvv \V A\ V �\ \\ \\ \\ — � v v v v v \ -��M21 w vv ,� , , , v\\\ V v v AV A v ��� /f / , z , , 1 ,, I \\ �v �N v ,��� �� M21� ���� ��� 111-- � _ _ , . _ ,,, z ...- ____— z,.., , , ,...., . __ i I ��\ ------- ______ cn \ \ _,���_- _ — — --_-___ ____- �__ A ,..„ ,v�'---.1 �� 0 \ �v 4icy\ \ ... \ .... .... \ 09 .... .... 6 .... iii ..... 4- -- N N \ , 4„, , \ \ \ \ N N \ ,,,,, \ \ \ ,„,. \ \ \ \ \ v`v �� \ '� \v `v �v \ �� v �\ vv vv N. vv vv \ (I-- Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 WI( 31C.X v \ \ \ N. N. _ \ �\ \ \� M21 7b121 M� v �� -� MN \ \ - — -� vv �� �� v v A v v vv _--v� v� v� - \ \_-�\\\ _\ \\ \ \\ \�� �� v V v vv �� vv v _ - - - �- Mgt - --- _ ,� in \- \ 3.., \ \ \ \ - -_ M21 �\ \ �\ \ \ �x� \ \ �� -_ __ MCI v vv �v v __ V vv vvv� A y �-3�0,� �3 -- -- --- Ma MN \\\ M21 �� v _� v -� _�_ -� _ -__ -____------------- M� M \ \ \ \\N.Ah. \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ pI ` 3H�X =�Fmv_ 3H0X �- \ \ vv vv �� A �� �421 �� vv vv �� v v �_� ���_ �_� v — ��_� ��� --�,� Mel -yam vv V v� ��� �-_ �, v �v �- �� �v A M2! M2i �� ��_ -___ �, �� �"`� �� v ���v �v v - y �-- � - MCI ���- _- -��y � �' �� -� �--��- N v �, �� �� _ I \� \� \� \��� ��� ��__��\ \��_��, -_ �. \ ---Ma M�1� "`� M� v A A V 41 v v A v till, v \ NN.,.....„..,-/. \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \Vv � vv �� V A \ V \ tij� ,rid\ Q� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / , r \ \ / 61 A \ \ \ 41cy �� MCI M21 \ \ -� M21 \ M� \ \V c,N \ \ �� \ \----------C----\\_�— M�1 MCI \ \ \ \ M� �� SCALE: 1"=40' \ �, ,_ \ �, ,, �, �__ ,, — ___-_-_--� �� \\ T ;��_ RW M� R -� \ v v v v A �� v� -�� -� �� �� �� v� ����, v ��-- ----- ----_- M21 - -MI E .E \ -- v ,4/ �' \ \ \\ `\ �'"� �___\_ \ \� '� �- �- \ _ �\ \ ��\ �� \ �� \\---_ __` // M� M� i I I I I I I i �l -EI-E _E _E �E �`� \ \\ \ \\ \\ �\ \--- �\ \ �\-- \\ \\ �\ \ - __-_-- \ \ Mai M I I i I I I I I I I II I 1 -E _E _E _ -M< \ \ \ \ -� \_ / I I I I Ma -I I I I I ► I ► _E —E _ F _ 3 v v v '., v �v -. --_ �— LJ I I I MCI -I -I �I��IJ�-}-I--� I —E\E �� 3 3 3— I I M E 3 \ \ �____^� I E DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT �' t- M I �v �� v vv I I I I -I-F I �-_-_ I I I I I I I I I I--�-+_ I -'\ \-_ �� '� I � _+--II-+-1--+-+--I- -I- �- �I I I I j I I 1=sFi �� '�� �Ma M� �i�, '`�� NO1 bo i I I i II i i i i I 1 I 1 \ � ISF ys II MCI -� Ma MCI M� RW RW Rw �r� � .....\„„„„ CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO SHEET: O , 070 II �F I�sF _____________ ----------------- -------------------------------- 1 � .. , 1 1 1►► 1 n M\� n \\ I I I I I I _\ JOB 19023 NUMBER: DATE 980 980 >— DESCRIPTION EDGE OF PAVEMENT 970 TURNING LANE ----970 117 J ,.--- — — — — — — — '- — _a _,_,_._.__._,_ A R RELEASE VALVE STATION: 21+80.80 / • _ --=-- ` __._._. _ _ _ _ MKS 1\\\\ /// — ��/// MIN.3' EXISTING 2" GA- MAIN \ \ �\ \ — / / / --- \ \ / ' \ i / \ \\ / / / STATION: 1 74 24 BORE PIT -TYPICAL / \ / 77 --- \ G\ EXISTING 20" WATER MAIN STATION: 15+36 34 \ 7 \� _ — — i / 960\ \ \\`, — — \ / / \ 960 /10......°1•".51 BORE PIT - TYPICAL \ 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS \ (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally w N rM 1.0 From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral , re,/ separation —in which case: � I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT HIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. ' -� (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or 950 (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 160 LF OF 4"0 8" X 0.25 W/ DIP CL-350 IN SPIDERS 18 inches above the top of the sewer. ENCASED BORE (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a be laid bottom least 9 50 sewer, the water main shall at such an elevation that the of the water main is at 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical ® separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and ``,,�t11111,,,,'' 0. ;`��04�'fESSIp.�, q � •, A C.4.1� 'S' 2 ',,, • , s: . with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. A be the section of water main pipe shall centered at point of crossing. n A n 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21 +00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 �uu��uu®� ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE \ , \ 7. \ N \ \ N \ x \ \ \ \ CC \ \ \ / i \ / \ i. -- - / / • � -- / �.1•- ��aT� �.,�� �11'�,?vt.� uv a-_��_7����=_ _— - _ / / \\ ��w.i.ya���w'uul���,w�.��aLi���p i � � ,, � _ — — — �// � \ �� —1 l ilk // // �9&5' � ---- �� _ — / �,.���a��i.��q�=r- � / CC / �c% RW R RW RW / \\`-)13 / \\ \ a a ���\ �\\ � ��� / /� —�� HOX 3HOX 3HOX � — — — — � _ ------ 3HOX3HOX�— \ -465 _ — — —"�—_------- — // / \� /// // ////-- _------- �� mac" \ ,�'au��- —J/ / i\ �� // / ---- �_� — _ �� \------�W�=r_� ` — / ' , _ �lit � parr — TURNING LANE � —--------_— 111) Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 \ _b6k\N..........--- ___,#__s___ ____ — _9.7_0 ------------------ ___ ____ _________ ________ _ _ _____ __ ,g� / � US-221 a ------___ Ma , / 1 \ \ � % )-\ . / .te D o,4' \ \ / \ 1 S� PM �0 cj S a Rom' / ,yz \ V A \ \ 111 // —RW\1� \ \\ \ / \ � MAIN MOD Fib Al�� \ \ \ \ � // / EXISTING 20" WATER _ \ \ �� \ xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw wxw \ \ �7�!��� I/1�l� 1 \ Mir \ Af,";.�� ill Mei A •�n�� Xw xw xw M�1 a:�� \ V V A / DM ii CC N \ \ \ V \ \ V A A S ��� li �ir�/��y� I,I rrni U S— 221 � \ vv vvv � vv vV �vv, vvv ��� SCALE: 1 "=40' \ 1 I v \ \ vv vvv �, \ \ \ \ \ �J N \ \ \ vZ) cs) \ \ \ NN '`k \\ /ra' DATE: 03/12/19 DRAWN BY: LCT \\\\ \\ \\ �X ex ex ^�X OX �X �X OX OX \ �, \ ---DX ex �X �X CHECKED BY: DWO 111 vvv M8 M8 MN Mel M8 MCI Mel M8 �x ox vv vv vvvv MN M8 M2� M8 Ma M21 vv M� M21 M8 Mel II - v v v v v v Wei \ , , — \ \ \ \ \ \ Mb M� y 0a- ao �x ! zo � a� �x Mu—Ox Ali XI 120 PROJECT MGR: DWO c, ` \ \ \ \\ \, \\�\� GED SCE nr'"" M� ox - Z 103 - . SHEET: 6 0 F 2 2 \ \ \ \ // \ \ \ \ \ \ \ MI GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET JOB 19 NUMBER: 0 2 3 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally From existing or sewers, unless local conditions or barriers a 10-foot lateral DATE proposed prevent separation -in which case: 990990 (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least m 18 inches above the top of the sewer. (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 DESCRIPTION inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints EDGE OF PAVEMENT 980 equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. A section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. I -1o'— - 1o' - 980 — — BRIDGES FARM RD I EXISTING 6" WATER MAIN STATION: 31+51.87 — \ _ — _ _ / BORE PIT - TYPICAL ' MAIN \ // a :.40 \\ / N. o � 970 970 \ �/ MIN.S EXISTING STATION: 2" GAS 37+27.25 MA N 69 LF 8"X0.25W/SPIDERS OF 4"0 DIP CL-350 IN ENCASED BORE MKS W W CV M LO 1 ` I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPA DULY I AM EGIS ERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. 960 960 .,�' %1. CARo',-, Sil Ismisso - ` -- 950 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 38+00 950 cCIEIlg11111HllCCA.11110N ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE 0 Ai cn D Ai x 0 �\ o 0 e\:11 T� \ \ 7 • 1 1� 14\1: 1-111.10.1 ..-� emu►=._2....�.-r.,,..- \` -� - _ ��` - I / � ��w .ate-v -- \---_ _l �saiu'S ��. // \ \ ��i / . '� / -, _ _ — _-— _- Z�� - --- - 2 � "===— :.;�---� o __— I..yam / / / \ �, r �� \��_ / �_ __ L-------_— - _ — — 970 -_-- _--- ` —� _ ---_, -- -__ _---- ___--- ___ --- ----__ - ----_ -- --- ------- — _-__ - �51 _ s s� __--nor -�_ — —__- I.Z Z - S T Y xw xw - - - _ - _ — — xw �xw = xw = xw xw f� .. = --- xw ; xw xw } w xw xw -- xw� 0 MAIN xw xw 20" WATER} xw xw U S— 221 EXISTING �xw} xw xw Od (I) F,ngi PLLC 169 Oak Street, ph: 828.247.449 NC Firm#: P-0! �xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw xw / a k xw �xw / o �f \ x // o \ // / \ / \ // \ / c, \ / / O k U S— 221 \\ US-221 \ // / \ // U S— 221 \ / \ SCALE: 1 "=40' \\ �f X /// \ / 9 DATE: 04/23/2021 \ / / \ / \ / \ / / AWN Y: LCT CHECKED Y: W \ pox ---- / °x °x �x ox °xox ---\ —ox °x PROJECT MGR: DWO �x DX MN -= ma M2� Mb Mb M2i Mb Mb Mel Mb Mei Mei Mb M� �Gx xcx xc� OX M8 Mel M� Mb xGx XG �x 40 1 20 40 80 120 �x M� Mb MLI�_ // Mb mei M M2! \ Mb Jx o�x XG� xcx OX ox M21 M21 °�N�12i MeP-4x OJX xm xGx DX SHEET: 7 0 F 22 M8 \ /// /�\ \\ ma i o�med M��x G� xcx M8 OAX M� ° 121 M�o_J BE MI �J� M MI N 'x // GRAPHIC SCAL M°I£' �ul� \ / JOB 19023 NUMBER: DATE 990 990 >- co DESCRIPTION — — . _ _ 1 \`-"'----- //- — /' \ ' / / �l ,3' 980 _ — AIR RELEASE VALVE 980 STATION: 40+50.00 _ — _ / / Ni / EXISTING 2 • IN / / STA i : +09 33 / 970 -...\-1 ,�'/ 970 / MIN.3' 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally w ix cV M NI- LO From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral separation —in which case: (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 960 18 inches above the top of the sewer. 960 (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and ���.�`�� �`� ov,• ; , . • _ = -e '0,, �D CAR''%, iESsrp S I 2 11110,,� O�, , 4' ••'Y_ I ```,1�.. with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints for feet equivalent to water main standards a distance of 10 on each side of the point of crossing. A section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. ^r^ 39+00 40+00 41 +00 42+00 43+00 44+00 45+00 46+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51 +00 u1LC.A.u11.01,T CERiur ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE �= c-_:),_ o — o Ji _/a a / y n / 0 � / - / __I MI / - - r"1Ts 7 �i745i: LL �� 1r7v� � "IL" /� /ter h t':� /�, ( T _ _ / a — — — — — — Sava= — 970 = = — / / — — \ y / c o��au_Z��� `ate s�s�� �,_—�=—V : wv� ��985 •-1;,. ��w_la��� - �� — t - au rl Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 — — �l ------ ----- \�-- --- !,' 'ate _u�`����ii�'����1 s� _'�►`�.���"�����—T� \ • • �• • A`� _----- / / I% _,-------- —975— / J/ \--- _ --- -- --- i i �, �\----_—__ ------__ �_-- —_-- —�_—" ,-3 3Hox 3Ho —,— ----- ��_ —\ __ — — — _ \ xw xw s _ TURNING LANE --------- xw —xw m EXISTING --- �� _ — — — ------_ = xw�xw� 20" WATER MAIN _ xw _ xw xwxw xw TURNING LAI — — — — 980 xw�xw�w�xw�xw—_xw�xw�xw _ — — — — ao� { wXw—xw_Xw—xw_ X a U S — 221 o ,� Xw—xW—xw—xwXw___t_______xW - - 'ON v,r XW ) / U S— 221 o* ...---2 / ....--) US-221 ( SCALE: 1 "=40 ' �* �� DATE: 04/23/2021 X �o* , U S— DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO Xcx Xcx xcx ox ox 40 0 40 80 120 PROJECT MGR: DWO M8 o3x M8 °i 8 X80Ax XG M8 o3x XM8 o xcx o3x ox ox xcX XG ox pox 8 M8 M8 o E_ M2� ° o�x XG XG oX ox SHEET: 8 OF 22 , x M8 M8 oAx M8 ° M8 oAx XG M8 o3x XG o XG M21 xc� x�X ox pox o3x XG GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET M8 Mb o3x� XG � XG ox pox M8 °AEI M8 o3x Mb o�x� XG � XG ox pox MN iglA" o3x n-ix x» xc� vex pox JOB 19023 NUMBER: DATE 000 000 DESCRIPTION 990 ------------------ 990 __-- _ �_ - —_--,— �� — \ ---r\-- \ MIN.3' \ \ \ / 1 N. 980 — -- _ \ ��_---' , 980 \ / 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally w w cV M cn From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral separation —in which case: (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 970 18 inches above the top of the sewer. 970 (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and �`��� �' t p4�ES.rp�' _ 4 = 0,11 C4j/",, S I 2 0� ,‘ '• 'V 1. l with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints for distance 10 feet equivalent to water main standards a of on each side of the point of crossing. A section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. ��� 1-.11-`n 52+00 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 60+00 61+00 62+00 63+00 64+00 CIER u��uu®N ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE x 0 rn — / / 7 , �y m �y ■. 3HOX 6X �%����i�`"G - / i a� \ ���T7���i��1i���• ������ • r♦_`��VJ die..,. / / /------- y • `�`�4� III ��iW.� / _� / __-_— A� CIO+.+y --_ /�_ ratiait -_ +�`' ri X if, Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 - fs -' • • ... _ _��- ����_ - \ - - -- - / ir..T� • •� •:�r:I1�i��iwC_�a�"���� �V •�i�s _ �('� `mo / -- Gr7w-m. �'■ ��� t�7f� / - - - - — • h .41�i��_L�.�����i.1lU��i��vu/r���el�`���Yi.����lL:�����,L.������u�� �� �� - _ �/ - — X3HOX 3HOX--- \OX 985\ \---\ — —_——/ 3HOX 3HOX / � � Xw -------——-- ----_ — — --- -------------- ---------------- _------ _mil — — 980 —------------- _——--- / _ __ — __ —_—_-_--- —— — ----- --- 985 o rn /mil___=______� _--- —= 6�--__------��---� — —=—W w 1S—Z�—� xwXw— --w _---- ---_ --- —a — — W xw xw US-221 7 1 XW � XW XW XW xw - �- US-221 W xw xw xw XW oti xw xw xw xw xw - _ - xw xw xw xw X -Gx SCALE: 1 " 40' X JX KG � � 0 DATE: 04/23/2021 —° G� DRAWN BY: LCT U S— 221 M xG �x ���� — M CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO °x �G� Ma -° o� M� 40 0 20 40 0 120 �c�M Ma SHEET: 9 OF 22 A °� xc M8 M� �G GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INC' = 40 FEET 0x c M8 M vi X M� °� 14k8 JOB 19 NUMBER: 0 2 3 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS be laid least feet laterally DATE (a) From Lateral existing Separation of Sewers and Water or proposed sewers, unless Mains. local Water mains shall at 10 conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral 0-1 0 separation —in which case: 01 0 (1) The least water 18 main is laid in a separate inches trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at (2) The water above the top of the main is laid in the same sewer; trench as or the sewer with the water main located at one side >- m on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 18 inches Crossing above the top of the sewer. Water Main Over Sewer. Whenever it is for DESCRIPTION (b) sewer, the a a water main shall be laid at such an necessary a water main to cross over a elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation --in which case both the water that to main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and for distance 10 feet the with point joints of crossing. are equivalent water main standards a of on each side of (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a 000 sewer, equivalent both the water main and the sewer to water main standards for a distance shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints of 10 feet on each side of the of crossing. A 000 section of water main pipe shall be centered at point the point of crossing. / R VALVE / / ` STATIRONELEASE 69+00.00 N\ / \ i�-�/ J / _ MIN.3• \ �� -�- / 1V - --... - J 990 ��\ ,/ —990 —// \ / / `\ /r i / / / EXISTING STATION AS 44+09 31N v — — — EXISTING STATION: 20" WATER 74+93.11 MAIN W CC 1- N M LO I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. 980 20 LF OF 4"0 DIP (CL-350) 980 FOR WATER CROSSING 4. • • iE5sIo+ D 0 ' ` 970 7n- 65+00 66+00 67+00 68+00 69+00 70+00 71 +00 72+00 73+00 74+00 75+00 76+00 77+00 G u uCAu1101\f ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE — ox — — -,c 1,1 iik 'i O'f- Ao 04 / ill x c) x C) x C) X. 0 — — al 0 < �— ■ -�--� nA n�L� XW �R17. :"���;;�-�������i�w�►. re.- XW ��y retega �-�;iri: � w--_—'�-1_ , `amik �4V -. is���OrcaA�� AL, _ . us��- __ alwIMan�..A aaa.�C—-a"a------ r��,uw—."la-- ��� e_^ „ ,w�. — — , �\ \ n '"_ _ _ r=Z, �� 7v_-1AM;1���`■r1"''��x--��G�1ii�:` asiitim " i�—L�J.�.TMlr. mw� 5?�_ la ��w�a. .I =!- iG^.:firy �u1a�wa�■ ♦ sn i r - / _r. iT1�R \ %.a ��aM� ����X. „G ,:� _® — -995 � \ �' i�,` J\ �I,,/‘ �/ � ��.;T, .�— �--oo �.. __________________=- __— � -- - -— - - -=_V • - - C•!v -- �__ �a����a:�.-aau�a���� 1 1_ -- x ---X 99p ------------- --- -- ----------- v-995 — 995—_-- �a_ \�4 --— — ------ — ��\ — ——— —------------- <_� __= � 70,�I I Xw __—_—-------/ an♦ -------sa�— / — — — — —��� --� __ cam• m _ ---- —-------------- — �--——— _ =j� —-990- � - — xW_ — ------ —/�� _______—__ a�N \• —`� —— _— —_ G} -------------- �—� 990— �`6� ------ II:, Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 a.fi►lriWa a — — •--- — — —— —�� —w —---—-- \ `a-- G_990— — — — 1 -- --\\�L —7_ — vr 990—_ —xW xw _ m US-221 x e?" a°o a U S — 221 , oova }} XW W XW XW m X XW XW XW XW XW XW XW W US-221 x U S— 221 x SCALE: 1 "=40' ' DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT BY: DWO OX XG OX OX OX OX OX OX OX OX OX OX OX X OX OX OX OX OX OX OX 0X OX OX — OX OX OX OX OX OX 9X -, XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG G XG XG XG XG XG XG XG H8 MgJx Mb °UX °AX °Ax °AX °J OAX oAx ° °�yM21 au\. °�yM2i °�1�21 °JA8 °ic21 oAx °CHECKED °111�21 °1 °/ M21 Mgjx M2! M21 M2�AX M2! M21 M2��X M21 MN a M2� Mel Mel mgux Mel°AX Mel M20Ax Mel°AX MN MboJx MN Mel 21 M�loux MMeloAx MN M21oJx Mg MN 21 M2ioAx MeloAx Mel 21 M21°Ux Mg PROJECT MGR: DWO 0 4 k 0 20 40 80 120 SHEET: 10 O F 22 G" APHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET / JOB 19023 NUMBER: DATE 000 000 co DESCRIPTION EDGE OF PAVEMENT ^ \ 2' ```\-- — 7'. / 990 -� \ - ___ _ 990 EX STATION: STING 20" WATER 74+93.11 MAIN \ / / \ // N / - / \ / NEWTON COLE RD ; \ _ ^ , _ `_` \I \ \ / / \ \\ \ / /^\\ \ / \ / \J Y EXISTING STATION: 20" 79+70.45 WATER MAIN \ \ \ _ _ - -&W 0 Ea Vali- 20 LF OF 4"0 DIP (CL-350) illill ,� _ _ - FOR WATER CROSSING BOR PIT - TYPICAL \_ \ _ i - - - - - - - - - - BORE PIT - ' PICAL _--��^- 980 `- 980 43 LF OF 4"0 DIP CL-350 IN 8" X 0 25 W/ SPIDERS ENCASED BORE - 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral w W cV M If) ® separation —in which case: (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 970 18 inches above the top of the sewer. 970 (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and for distance feet ���.�`�� `% p4�• '• .4 _ = .. . C4R''%, 'SS')' St 2 D 1 1110` 0`` • O�, , �' ' I?" S I with joints that are equivalent to water main standards a of 10 on each side of the point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints for distance 10 feet A equivalent to water main standards a of on each side of the point of crossing. section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. 960 78+00 79+00 80+00 81 +00 82+00 83+00 84+00 85+00 86+00 87+00 88+00 89+00 90+00 CuuCA.uu®N ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE � O V a- O � Gig,, O / -b — >>Q N O I yI 1 < o jam_ -` �!, /��� _ 86� \ -�a.��mTa!a����t4� e� .�� �� 1,�� ���� �� >r lT% �� �. na �. �- r- llgrattli . - " - %� _ ua��_� �au����s:a _�g�wlG�mi1�� / .� �� _ - v: �IIW_.�l,�NlA1a_:��►��LL1��ellu���/ '� // 8 �/ ' \ \ / // /0° ---` \ \ To A� �+ P --' \\ \\\ __��/ �\ - \I /^\ /`\/.., J\ \ / rh Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 \ // / moo / \ 1 \ // \\ re �� .• 3�i�X �/ 3HOX 3xfOX 3HOX / 3HOX / 3H \ HOX� \ \ --- \ /,ay / \ \ ✓ - - \ / / / , 3HOX - -3�0� =/y - 7HOX- - - - - -3HOX 3HOX 3, Ox`a I 3HOX \ \ - / \ / / - �, �_ \-�/ , / �� Og6 / 3HOX 3HOX b' 3HOX 3H0� \ / ` ) _ )X _- XW //+efiT / .+ �'/ /// °w / / -------�' .o� - //�-i �� - 3HOX ( OX - H9•'� ^Sa 3p �— ----_-_ — -c16— -___ --_-__ -- `_ 086 _ ) A -------- a ` 3Nb� JNINnl \ —_— -t—-------� I\ I\- - ak_-� ��.� =�- 1 \ T t , ` — XW XW XW XW XW XW a XW MX MX MX MX MX MX MX MX MX - a i\ MX — -imQ ' �, ° n - - MX MX M MX MX M / MX - - 7VVX-- MX \ MX °0 } tic„ _� __ , s: -a ? s U S — 2 21 }° a a4 4,I a,, a aa om �a/teaa � �a } }°teaa °} }o a } °} } ° -& i.. 2...x / e ? d� yr -& a, a� a o ^� c'' 0 °° -4 'ate 2 °\ ?°Y °y °\y b �7 7 O° °° -a°° ° °a ° °y °am X ( US-221 U S— 221 x SCALE: 1"=40' lb DATE: 04/23/2021 \ \ � DRAWN BY: LCT °UX M8 o ! M2i 0Ux Md CUX M8 Mb 0Ux Md OJX M8 961 M2i OAX MN X 40 0 0 40 80 120 CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO ox x OX ox �I XG XG xGOX XG9X X SHEET: 11 OF 2 2 0 Mb °.dx MN A� Mel MN MN 0dx MN ox ox ox ox OX OX OX OX OX Ox OX OX OX OX OX Ox OX OX OX OX DX Ox 0x Ox Ox Ox 1 ; GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH — XGnG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG x XG XG oI - O�XG OLXG O�XG OLXG O�XC OHXG O�XG O�XG O�XG O�XG J M2� AAA k oxc M2! M21 M2i Ma M21 M2� M2! M21 M21 M2! Mb M21 M21 MN M21 IRS M21 I JOB 19023 NUMBER: DATE 1000 980 >- DESCRIPTION AIR RELEASE VALVE 1EDGF OF —I PAVEMENT STATION: 91+00.00 \\\� �� �— ,/ / i---� — —.------'--�'/l —N------_` �_ — --- EXISTING 2' GAS MAIN j \ . ��il 1 -,— STATION: 93+54.18 TOMS LAKE RD I , \ 11 EXISTING STATION: 2" GAS 93+24.31 MAN BORE PIT -TYPICAL / \ _ 970 iii MIN.3 EXISTING O" WATER N ���i� EXISTING 15" RCP STORM DRAIN0 STATION: 100+12 30 STATION: 100+97.38 7. 1 10' MIN. DEPTH �'/ EXISTING STATION: 2" GAS 101+74.35GAS MAIN BORE PIT - TYPICAL A / .,......,.....,...., . // . p /r 980 40 LF OF 4"0 D P (CL-350) 960 FOR WATER CROSSING 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS 41 LF OF 4"0 DIP CL-350 IN (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally From existing or sewers, unless local conditions or barriers a 10-foot lateral ^ 8" ENCASED X 0.25 W/ BORE SPIDERS proposed prevent separation —in which case: ® w w cv M (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 970 18 inches above the top of the sewer. (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 950 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. `0. AA •` p4 4 = = 11C4Ro,,,, E5srp St I 2 D1110` o`` ",,, l` (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. A section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. 960.00 91 +00 92+00 93+00 94+00 95+00 96+00 97+00 98+00 99+00 100+00 101 +00 102+00 1( CIER111L1H1LCA.uu®1q ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE x �a� x x x X o CC 3 W x m < o __Iv coX S o I 0 �aD ° �� N�dM3o1S� x 0 x p66 0 01 x 1�� n — ` ' �ir�Tiiii�7��iv� mai aTaii �r�- irltialZ iiT�-alai �`�a\ I i�s�� a�ai �ai�i� sir=l.Caiv_ .ar���e .1��`1 l o° _ 1 �� in n m Odom = Engineering . If:, PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 I \\\-\ / �\ a� may, �• \\\�h�� I,� / `` 066 — \ � � kc ���c =mac — \ I1 \ / o / 7 \\ �': a'` ��r� x �— — fox 3 �a — \ \ D ,� .� _ ... —_ --_ — \_ \ i > _ d `r A — \ I \ ril���� �r_�+l1A�_i►tfl,i _ _—__\ —_------�\� —I"gg6-Y3)-\-=_— =__ �__ _ --— �4e:*. 2 mIHE ® A l / \ J m, • • <— // � — _ __----____ ___%__ —�— \ ���� �i ° — /J / -- `� y c/�c 066= , x ®�66 ` • •-jOOA ! — m _ — ,�;� \_ 66 , -- —o--== J „/.Y n � —� 066� —s =�1_.'_ _ __ �� �_ ar \\ �� — ____ --__ ____ _ - - i /y ,. /' , _ i1��I:71�i�1t,T1��ii�T'1:��-\��Ti��iii�\7i�i�,I� atg_—��11� _ _xoHE _ :t, iiir'.��s �z?��ii�-"":�i�Or'��ii� .T �ii�rn iit,T.3iiii... V �'�.`iGri�AL�is7�.aViiiil _ — `�71iii .ii i�ii__��Si �iii.f���ii:V1 �i�_�+. iii �Tiiii�r ii�in _ - _ - _ _ i (� ��1•.U�:.��i��tA��r�iiiv:I \�����:`�a�iiir' I.iiit�Ui! 11,�iiilil�iiiV�iii�ll.lAidiiial.�lii0��'JJ� _ �V .aa if/i iii —'�iiW i�iiW:�wm-ami .iii ai.mt. Gii AW :giiaA� \ \ - - y _ — — — _ \ — 1 — aMX " MX MX— MX MX— MX� M MX — MX —Mx \ X MX x° Y X N6 �� MX MX MX MX r MX _ ,. MX M — `m �� — — — — — — \ — — _ MX MX a x ] MX \ MX ` — — o a --- �Y �� \ ? ,ro0 �� a ma a --- ---J� a } a ti� °� b } a + a o 1- }°tea � �a a ° aD a °tea �' a� *° * U S — 2 21 a� ° l o`� i \ \ a�� + \ \ $. a yF ° Da & � 3 ^' 'b '7 o° a° A °° moo �00 oA OY O ?C? SOY 4)is's. O 2 1,7 X ( X U S— 221 U S — 2 2 1 91 DATE: 04/23/2021 x DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO 40 x 0 20 40 80 120 PROJECT MGR: DWO SHEET: 12 OF 22 �k M21 OJXGox Mb O XM� GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET OX GX °X ox GX OX °X GX ox OX °X ox ox OX Ox ox OX GX OX OX ox OX OX GX ox OX 0'4 XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XGOX \0.vIk-G9,jr -, -X M� OAX MA 0dXM11 M7Yx AA NJ OAX M� 0dXM11 MQiX Mil OAX AAy Oj XAA ]! AA QJJX AA11 OdX AAL Od XAA J AA�X AAL OAX AA OAXAA ]1 AA �X AA OJX AA OA%AV- AA 'cox AAV O.dX AAV OAyAAV AA �QdX uV OUX AA\I OAXA �I AA ,QAX AA �I OAX A... OV AEI JOB 19023 NUMBER: 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS DATE (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally 0 00 From existing or proposed sewers, unless local separation —in which case: conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral 00 0 (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or co (2) The water main is laid in the same trench on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with as the sewer the elevation of with the the water main located bottom of the water main at one at side least 18 inches above the top of the sewer. DESCRIPTION (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a sewer, the water main shall be laid at such inches above the top of the sewer, unless local an elevation conditions that the or barriers bottom of the water prevent an 18 main inch vertical is at least 18 separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a 990 sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints 9 9 C — — — — -- equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. A N section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. \\ N - - / EXISTING 20" WATER MAIN STATION: 115+10.48 -�� \ 1 / / EXISTING 18" RCP STORM STATION: 114+82 DRAIN 47 1. W W N M In N_ -- `` ` EXISTING 2" GAS MAIN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT EGIS EREDI AM SUPERVISIONA DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. STATION: 101+74.35 M N.3 ' ,�' / 20 FOR LF OF WATER 4"� DIP (CL-350) CROSSING /� 9 O 9(� " '-D0```` Irf ` � �n 102+00103+00 104+00 105+00 106+00 107+00 108+00 109+00 110+00 111 +00 112+00 113+00 114+00 - C 11 uCA.uu®N ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE n r -23 - Sao - - - °o - - _ \ _3snoH3NOX111 yvrr 980 Li — 3HOk El VV • • XO HE ) �� •• R���Mi(^ �1�. V n�,.7.111g ,VP7T'r2=pir Sri � VV V� 't•ZT�7:2iZ. �Tr t ^t•Z� M=ae, vWZM1 T.rr.MVE •Zar4ry i J + � •:, , -�� � a uT� �ri� u� a�i arur- �r/ a eTi� 7 raver/ �r.� a�a� �Tw_. aT�r/ �ra��::�r• �� at as .�� r=m1MiA r..=7 - - u tu��Ti �� w �TiT� �1ai� sae rr ru�u �r..a�reaa �. r/ �� �awaTi-��r' auar/ ter• � a!♦r- ��rit.,u r/ �r•s. was �_at, .aim rat r. �t� y-�r♦� �► - �0o '�HOx t• "�. / / - - ae a►� �raa►� _��� �V �V VV �� ��. ��. I - - - - -�sau�� ��,�%�j, / 2�n� / - - - -_- --_-_-_-_-_� / - \ 3 3HOX 3HOX---_3.'u9X - - - - -3HbX 3HOX - - 3HOX�T► ��,: 1 �' —�����r 3H0D � w?i�-- '1'1:-��ir_�rir.- ����f• a��a.�.=e=tea � ■ ` _ _ _ _ _� --------------- / \- 3HOX 3�OXo - - - �'-- r_ir,�r_ rim_ - 3HOX 3HOX1 ��l�=au,��TiT'.w..r•T��Taaa��Y V'afi �r�rr�s�� � �� � 1/1^� �fT1.�•..t ��r.a .e+ �� -I T! `����L• `` / � /� I\ \ - - ---- -/ - _- ---- z i ---- - ----- - ---- - -tea- ���-��r--� r^-wrar�r_iw��t•�w�_ 0 ��� ✓ v - C \- --= -----_ ---- A / / D -- ----- -_-_--- -� /v / v -- �3HOX 98� `iWi'._ -/� ----_ _---- 1 --- ------yam- / -c��, I _ X^1_ XOHE -985 _ Y=fir \� m �� -� \ ------ -------- -_-_ ,� D— o —V. \--_-X�L -- -- - =?Z� VV�HOX \-_ _ x. \��--- 0 i �1 - �-� m .f MX MX MX� MX �- A-- �X M; v n -� - �.� > — -� — m X— 980— 0 MX MX - --- - MX -�T+- A� n — r.1�Alllyl - , o xw — xw - �� m u M J o0 M o — — / xw ` �.rr,=��� u rr _ aX MX \ MX MX Xis Xw' - < - \-- _ . ---- � �� a �+ n� ? -� / - N= ��j _975- ��- i wss ... f \ / �� — - /► �� - -975- ti < -- .' i r�� rr 00 o���� �� � x v a Y aP } eY as +° �a 5 �° \ a O} & �� U S - 2 21 �Y +° °� �� •2 a a z` — �,Y �� ao \�� / Ur ._./ Eng i PLLC 169 Oak Street, ph: 828.247.449 NC Firm#: P-0! �,Y x �� 6� ) 4 ° �� -a° �° Y ° Y U S- 221 U S- 221 (---- SCALE. 1 =40 DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT °x ox ox DX ox OX ox CHECKED BY: DWO XG xGox XG xGox XG xG°x XG XG XG xG°x XG X M XG oJxGoM�l °1�A21ox M21 oAxG°M2i °�A2lox oX XG oAxGoM� o OAX OAG M21 oAxGoM2i ° t2!°x M21oAo OAX o M21 oJxGoM2i ° ix M8 OAX M8 OAA Ma MeG l 2!°x M2ioA OAX oak MboA M21 Mel M21 M2�o� or M21 Ma M� M2� MLI Mel M2� b >D`p xG°X OAX Ma ox ox ox ox ox ox X X Ma PROJECT MGR: DWO XG XG XG XG XG M2i 0.* MgAx MeloAx MeloA� M��x Mb OAX Mb 40 0 20 40 80 120 SHEET: 13 OF 22 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET JOB 19 NUMBER: 0 2 3 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers OF and WATER Water MAINS TO SEWERS Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally DATE From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral separation —in which case: The is laid in bottom 00C (1) water main at least 18 inches above the a separate top of the trench, with the elevation of the sewer; or of the water main (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side co 000 on a bench of undisturbed 18 inches the top earth, and the with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least above of (b) Crossing a Water Main sewer. Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a DESCRIPTION sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the --in sewer, both the unless local conditions or barriers prevent be an 18 inch vertical— ferrous 20, f X STING 2" WATER MAIN separation which case with joints that are equivalent to water water main and sewer shall constructed main standards for a distance of materials and of 10 feet on each side of the 8'- EDGE 0 - PAVEMENT STATION: 120+8032 1 r—_---_\ point of crossing. / /~—\�_ -----�— ------� \..._L_ _ \ (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a \ \/ / EXISTING 20" STATION: WATER 122+67.87 MAIN \ \-- / \ �--1 sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints r --_ �/ --- ... for distance 10 feet BORE PIT - TYPICAL WALKER LAKEfRDI \\� �`___r__ �I \—_� equivalent to water main standards a of on each side of the point of crossing. A 'r—�-_ /// 9 9 C section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. ( V / / EXISTING 2" GAS MAIN ��/ / —'' \\ \ / / / STATION: 123+39.74 \ \ / \ / / EXISTING IO WATER MAIN STATION: 125+70.31 990 / / EXISTING 18" RCP STATION: ' TORM DRAINN 120+04.01 — — a W N — — EXISTING 20" WA "MAIN ��� N N / �- _ _ — STATION: 1 +96.17• EXISTING 2" GAS MAIN ✓ / / Z = �� STATION: 120+92.4 Z — - \ �- o \ / 20 LF OF FOR WATER 4"0 DIP (CL-350) CROSSING Naomi" \ — EXISTING 8" RCP STORM DRAIN ` `�-��%r ...411. _ V \ — STATION: 117+79.71y m 1 \ — uNii \ - i — / 20 LF OF 4"0 DI' (CL-350) BORE PIT -TYPICAL 20 FOR LF OF WATER 4"0 CROSSING DIP CL-350) \/ - - \ Q R C EXISTING 2" GAS MAIN 17 FOR WATER CRO -INC 65 LF OF 4"0 DIP CL-350 IN 9 8 STATION: 117+53.20 8" X 0.25 W/ SPIDERS ENCASED BORE MIN.3' 9803 W W •— cV M LO I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONA DULY REGISTERED EGIS EREDI AM ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. 9 (� " 970 .,`' �1. `�p4•'iESSIp• • C4Ro''%-, is 1fl�� o`` :_ l` 96C 116+00 117+00 118+00 119+00 120+00 121+00 122+00 123+00 124+00 125+00 126+00 127+00 128+00 GERI.11- LCC�Illl®T,T ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE x o X CH cH X C x > a° x 3aois 3avMaavH�� X 0 — 995 - —� O �* a0 W /� x I J 9951 D ` y dOHS 3INvH0341 T a° I ' I Oy �-Ni 995 zo /\ °„n� ado — ,2 1 — '�I -1y Fid5'd \ x \ S/ a — -1-__‘tii: _ \ \ — — ® TIRE SHOP 'Ib — 1 -�\\ I\ \\ \\ - \\ -\\ \\ $�F995 5 --_--_—�__ c \\\ \� \\ \ wis'�� �� / �// \\ ��--- \ \ '13Ad d0 1 oar �� \ O �� ��_ xpNE i� \ ASPHALT PARKING LOT \ �I� -I \ �� -\ X \ \ ONl avd .�� \ �� XOHE a _ _ _- \ — — \ L \ j i 'n�►I \ \ 10� \� ` �� OH E \ —� �� Y XOHE — �\ \ \ \ \ ' r.. E 1 a / \ i i� �� — \ l o 0HE \ \ �.� vv� /J 7 \ \ x If:, Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 101 ONIJI IVd 13AvaO \ / \ — \ \\\\\ av v . ��_:..� XOHE — / i i 9 / \ \ Wo \ lol ONI>IaVd 13AV80 \ ? o"A. wC��'�l �'7 wZ�>`�.0 a - __ 101 O O�iE- �' — / / „.,.,..--X: �'y __ / < \ \ \ NlHayd o ��� ��\ 990 \ 1lVHdSV \ / E _ /\ \ 3 ���— _ `� • �� XOHE— XON----- / / "� — / o �1 �- ^\ cD \\ \ 03 cn \ °a �` •`�� A, v xOHE _� �l \ o° ''tea. x0 - //— _ + �.�_�„al \�\ % 4I / c — �xw \ I --- ���_� �'--- \ \• J ---/ — — — — 995 �_� , -- ' _ — — �� xw a I y a oye.��,� \� _----_— `�►=���'c��.� X�HE XOHE XOHE X061E \ \ �\ > \ �__—___� XW �` �� ,—�\� � —w —� ------ XOHE .� _ — -------�w � '\� ��� 0-:cuu�� �- - -� a°ice \\ -�`-- C \ -- �` -_- ---� --_ �\ - r �Z J t �` _ - _ \ _L 0 rr �±W11.i.., r� �.:� .,.. r _, :w::��ol a rrr. ��,�� i. — `) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — __ — — r �y �i�.,�,iaz m _ —goo m �, :_z���, ��..A.. r rrr I --— - - - \ /� r r �IIUA �_�I "ul �reaiw�ae =_��:.a���������:.+� rr _rry-^ r — aili�r. _ - r rr - �Y�� \ a a� — — m'. rr rrrrr► _ a A. — — 01 ) 4, X 10 )(---- 0 ..) 1 US-221 X L7 x U S— 221 US — SCALE: 1"=40' DATE: 04/23/2021 9 x 0 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO OX OX OX OX OX OX OX OX OX i OX OX X OX OX OX X OX\?X - XG XG XG XGXc Xc XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG X XG XG - XGOx 40 0 20 40 80 120 o�x o3x o�x ox o�x o3x • o�x o3x oJx oAx OdX oJx o3X Ox M21 M21 M2i M21 M21 MN Mel M21 M21 Mi M21 M21 M2i i _ M21 M21 Mi MN M21 M21 M2i Me —o_dXc— x°X M�1kg Ox - - — SHEET: 14 OF 22 M� odx x °�x M xcxc°= x GRAPHIC SCALE �x r �XG Ml'E'I� higa adx cox /� M� M21 M 0_dxc� OX Ox Ggx JOB 19023 NUMBER: 103C (103C 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS — —' DATE (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally /'r/ From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral separation —in which case: /' //--' 990 (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main // _ at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or — 'EDGE OF PAVEME 10. // co (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least / /r—./ 18 inches above the top of the sewer. \ / / DESCRIPTION (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a j `/ �/ ISHILOH RDI //r sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical . / —/ / 2 _ EXISTING 12" STATION: WATER 141+00.39 MAIN h 2 separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and EXISTING 8" RCP STATION: // STORM 137+53 DRAIN 52 1 / //' �/ with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the //' e ; �/J �� point of crossing. /�� (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a // m sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints /' ����������� 20 LF OF 4"0 DIP (CL-350) 980 equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of thepoint of crossing.A q be r / FOR WATER CROSSING section of water main pipe shall centered at the point of crossing. /' BORE PIT - TYPICALAr j -,ii�ii�i7,-,- iiiiii /i//fi///////i/� EXISTING 6" WATER MAIN 36.3098 STATION: 138+65.77 �—/ .� i i , ' /-� / / / 83 LF OF 4"0 DIP CL-350 8" X 0.25 W/ SPIDERS IN / /// ENCASED BORE 1 0 1 C / 1 0 1 C r \-- - - / / EXISTING 15" RCP STORM D STATION: 138+.' 3 / / MIN.3" ' 17 970 ' 20 LF OF 4'•0 DIP (CL-350) / j FOR WATER CROSSING / / / // i /' 100 1 0 0 C CC CC c'1 M In / BORE PIT - TYPICAL 36.2583 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT ERVSIN AND THAT SUPA DUILYO EGIS EREDI AM ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. / ® 960 - _ / / /' .7 / 1 \ � / 1 36 2039 ttttotiutsig",,MINS No �7, CQjII' 1�`� 2 II smisso ,i i'Ess./o�� '=; l` - 99C 99C:o� n c n 129+00 130+00 131+00 132+00 133+00 134+00 135+00 136+00 137+00 138_+00 139+00 140+00 1 41+00 CIER a ucA.11110INT ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE NZN /11 C) y / p \gyq:p\\\`�� / III I NC I 16,\ I -3N0 \ \ �\ \ —-. — \ \[r\ --_ -- _ > // •\ ` .iana aaa aaa�aaaa�ice� n,.,ta �a�a�TaaO>Lai�a��ciMaZliZ�raaaa:a'a-a..:ir aiiasn"i71aaww\�,�Ca_air,Tr.aZauaryav_aXWLa r—aas—a �»� `�'� \\�N�,- iiux:[Aa- a a"aaC rim �aaa�err- ri� s �:vr�aT�a- et_a ta . aa�-.... a�a.�raaaa-:I - —_� aW_ ra���.��, aaao \ aiaaa-r _ a��aaL aaia�=aa�.•_:,aa:av;aaaa�s1::�aasaaa �tiaaiawaaaaawaaaaE.__aa��ua�aa3,.%aaaa�a�uu5t7_\ a --- ti....- — — --n-- - - � . -- _�avaa------- — ——— \ \ \\\ \ \ \ —995 � ��u►�r/ \ \ li� / —�__--------__-----_ -- \ \��• 0--_ �� :v.-'' __ —\ �\\ �\�--\ _��►� %,e — -- --- ---------- --��\`�� �^- rr •/—�_— x\ �� \ \\ ►��s�aaaL�ea: r:, a�aaaaau:caaMU�.��, _ — -- \\ ----J a��:,�—�AIaa9'1 ��� , -b—o- -__-___--- \ 990 \ \ o?� Z0-,,- \ \ �_� \ \\\ \ \ \; _____ ______\�__ ^"- S_ - ,_— — — — — — �, — —_ __________-----_ 1 / \\ � J ----- --__� \ _ ,,�— ./ -y / ''�/ \ \ , _ 0� \ �\ / ate_aI =- ---- 1 - - --ti---------------- --------_---_-_- --_- - -- 111) Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 _ \\ m -O\\-°/ \ - ��_-�����> \ r`--_ \--_/-_ /__ \: �—�_—��— �-i \ -—___ ___ __ �j �_-_�_ I---\— ,'-^-_ ---__ _1 ------------�I— LT 000-�\�,L, ;� l; -- ar—\ Os �,-. 1,=--------\ —.— —— -- am_ — ---_ _ \"4�� I x-----_/`�/--/ -�L �D�_rX __ — w_XI �W �I _ -- —--- ------ — _ w ---- ix ,c �-/// / ti / �- —_— --- US-221, I I ti 4 n� D US-221 US-221 US-2 SCALE: 1"=40' DATE: 04/23/2021 °xcoX — xcox XGOX xcox XGGX )(COX xcox Gx �``pp DRAWN BY: LCT DX �0� XG0 ov a m Ax M2i odx MN °�Ifl1el M2 X MZI o�x M8 °�1�1N M2��x Mel o�x OAX ox — - - — xc M2i M2� ox CHECKEDBY:DWO x o� M2� XG oAx °OX XGOG • `_�- M" pox — Lgox PROJECT MGR: DWO M�120 400 20 4080M��X SHEET: 15 OF 22 A xG xG xc xG xc xG xc xc xc xG xc xG xG x X��x oAx oAxMb MAX M2� oAx Mel o�xM2i M°2 X M21 oux M2� oAxMb MAX M21 oAx M2� o�xM2� OAXM8 M2l�X M8 Mel MAX 'i M GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET 1 u-ry JOB 19023 NUMBER: PN\\ 1 01 0 NN ,. DATE 980 980 . \ . . AIR STATION: RELEASE 141+80.00 VALVE \ _ _� - - \\ DESCRIPTION ,— ��� \\ \N \\__ / ,_,r---.. 1000 _,i \ �- _, �\ ' �, 970 �' 970 MIN.3' \ ♦ r y \ ; �_ MIN.3 \ N \ MIN.3' \ \ \ \\ \ �\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ 1020 `\ \ `.\ \\\ 990 \ `, \ \ \\ \\ 960 960 /_ \ \ \ . . \ 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS \ \\\ be laid least feet laterally 010 (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall at 10 . From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral > ct N M Ire separation —in which case: \ \\ 980 (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main --- least 18 inches \\ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. at above the top of the sewer; or is laid in located \� (2) The water main the same trench as the sewer with the water main at one side 950 950 on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least \ 18 inches above the top of the sewer. \\ Crossing Water Main Over Sewer. Whenever it is for to (b) a a necessary a water main cross over a be laid bottom is least 18 \ sewer, the water main shall at such an elevation that the of the water main at inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical \ separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and \\ that to for distance 10 feet the with joints are equivalent water main standards a of on each side of ``ttttotilmC .�..4� • �OQ - = - -, ,,,.,, „"" Ralf'-, Essr ol;"_ S I 2 - = ,,1,, point of crossing. 1 (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the of crossing. A 970 point be the section of water main pipe shall centered at point of crossing. 940 940 +00 143+00 144+00 145+00 146+00 147+00 148 1+00 149+00 150+00 151+00 152+00 153 —00 154+00 CIER 11 1LCAu1101q ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE — _ _ _ -- ___ — -- - ��-'y 1010 -\ �vl,o '� CCh, \ \ \ `9,9 \ ----� - \ \` \ \ 'S` NI - \ \ \ \ \ \ ��p \ x Wit:.: ��., . ter,-,�"�•_r \ _95 \ / -- -_--�_--1015— \ \ al \ \ / \\ \\ / \`// \`_ ----- �� r \ \ \ \ ��� \ �. ,, \ I /' \ I _ IR -- -- \ -_ - — — -1025- �.�u�aiu'"�����3,�■����';�1 __ ---- r_�:�_�,`� mow. ��� \ \ \ - \ 'l_ \ \ i \ ` �' _ =ice_ �__ ��-..., ►:���� —• T� \ 1 1 \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ \\ -�� - _� - ���...5���� _ .ui..� \ \ \ �PV l��►_�,�' _\ \� �� t'��� i / `�� yew ��.�� \ _ _ ���=�w��.��:; •������tL� / / /� / / r tu�` ��11�a,1i�i T. 'Hlrii \����:J�' �,�r� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / ��'■r!'��_� / — I I \ 1 /I \ \ /// / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �u:� — , \ \ R��������. �i1���'�17�_► n��r i; G� ttiir_.,�� I� -i \ \ \ \ XW'- , / / /i i /� / // i j �_ `). \ \ \ \ y �1\ \ \ \ „ I \ \ in n m Odom = Engineering . If:, PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 �.��� !�_t _'�i _���^± ..- - - - - - \ Iy \ \ \-- ny \ \ \ \ —` \ , \ \ �T X� 1010�_ �/ /�___-- \ \ 1 \ \ N. \ 1 � 1 /�i_/ N\ - -��\� ro�`� / / j\\ \ _----/ /ice-== ----_----� �,-- --J —� —� \ �A \ \ \ -- - XW --\ --i/ W--=�i//iiii//i/ /�_ ----- \ \ �\ \� \ XW .. / --- _---_----� — \ \ \ \ XW\ -�-�,`�` \� _- xw �x \ \_ \ �_— — rw— --_— \ -/ 9 _ — �------ \ 1 \ \ \� — \---- `"� _— -_--- �/ ll _x� —�i/ nr^ \ — 1025 —_---- --- --- _�w\��w\--���w--� --\� / . — — /vim_-- — / \ \ \ � \ \\` ---- \ \ \ \ ' —\ �O �\ �� ---------��1 -- N. — __— � — �;��'1005;�/// � — _ \ a \ \ \\ — �— __-10' _—____ --- --- /` a- -- -/ / /� --- -_-_ ---- - 1020. -- 1015- - - - \ I \ xw �� -``�� --- --- 6;\max\ __---- _---___— _----- 9Xwe _____ _- _ - � - k� ------- \ \ \ - \ kW s Y\ \\ --�//-1015 \��__ ___________� __-----c--_ --- \ 00 \ \ I \ I o \ \\ _ �\�\/ � - am - \ N N \\\\ �\ \ \ \\ \\ VI c. \ \// /' I \ \ —.— — \ \ \ \ 1015— I ,- ------_------\ — — -- — \ �— \ \ \ — —\ / �—// — \ \ x US-221 xw xw- U S— 221 0 DATE: 04/23/2021 U S - 221 i DRAWN BY: LCT _oX °x —� �°� X�o 40 0 20 40 80 120 CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO pox xG� kcDA, °� xG� X� oAx� o�X� M21 ax ox SHEET: 16 OF 22 ,q /L\ pox o�x M2� Ma °x ox xc` ox Gx °x ox xG°� x� o�x� ° M \�\ xG ' _ M21 Gx G XG xG xG Mb ` o�x . 0 � o�x M8 xc°x xGox G _� M8 _ ox Gx XG o�x o�x M8 Ma °11Ax21 GMT XGox XGOX xc G o�x °1 Mel o�x Mel Mel M� oxc�k GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET xGox xGox o�x o�x °fib M21o�x Mb M� 21 M2�o�x oJx olid MdM8 M8 — M�Ax Ma M8 �x o�xGox \�� _ xG / M JOB 18007 NUMBER: // / 990 990 / / DATE / _ - . BORE PIT - TYPICAL / i / 970 \ \ EDGE OF PAVEMENT / / / ••• 10' / / IAL 1 co - V r \, // ---- /- �--'� DESCRIPTION LONG BRANCH RD I / \ \ BORE PI- - TYPICAL \., / A // / / 980 /'' 980 / EX STING 6' WATER MAIN / \ \ /' i / STATION: 141+00 39 / \ \ "0 v /' f 20 L DIP NGL-350) v .0 FGR WAOF TER \ \ / �OS j 83 LF OF 4"ta DIP CL-350 IN / \ / / / 8" X 0.25 W/ SPIDERS \ \ „ \ ,- / _ -'\ / ENCASED BORE \ /\ // �� \ \ \ \ / 3, \ % 970 970 \ // \ / / MIN.3' \ \ / / \ 950 \\ / - \ \ // / / \ \ / / WATER LEVEL \\ / / \ / \ 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS /' / (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally \ W cV r� u) From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral \ / separation —in which case: \ \ / 960 960 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED R ARCHITECT LAWSR OF THE UNDER THE OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main \ j / at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side 940 on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer. 5BOT MI FROM b Crossinga Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessaryfor a water main to cross over a ( ) BOTTOM OF OF CREEK sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and �0.�`� ;`� 04s' - ... %,��I �'I���`` A C.4j/",, ES% •,N, '7 = s, 2 ' = I . �' ```,�.. D0,, with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a.4 �� IRON PIPE ITN �MEG CR �� sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints LIMITS of CREEK CROSSING 950 950 equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. A section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. 7n, 155+00 156+00 157+00 158+00 159+00 160+00 161+00 162+00 163+00 164+00 165+00 166 ]-00 167+00 - CIER 11.11-llCA.11110N ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE \ \ `` \ ♦ • \ \ • \ \ \Q•6 \ 0 9�/9ti ` `9p`-)B ` \<6 /94, T \ y \ "73_ \ \ I i ��vwv�v _ _ I ; 1, I—�� _�v Ili I I \ alik I �— 970� to' \\ — —� --- --� /m_ -- -- -975 �� et 11 \ \,, -_ --tSMSVN--_975 - ___ �7 --��� / i I \�—\ �� -----� I^ n Q I ` = \` \\`_ .. — ✓ \ -- —�3> --__— —__— ------� — �,asQ�, � \``````\ ���s.�s.v�m _ _—_ \ �lok �— �� \�� -- —---- — -- _= 975_ -- _---- ----- ------_ — — -� 965 I I IN I :��ii"� — ��\�;\ �� ------ - _-��.���..__ \ `_ II:, Odom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 _ r \ �� _ \ ��--- --- _- ___ r=970-=-------- --- - --- - - _1. - =996- ___� --� I \ ram•. �-- _—_ —_ _ _ - ee.::. .:_.,.._...�., --- may." s�b�s.r74 a ` -00 I �L/�as/ar.. �� �_ —, — \ �— _— _— _-- -- — _-- �_ ---- --- — —------------ ---- -- _ __--_---- — __---___ __— — -- —J -- \----- — .� —--- —_-- --_— __-- -- _—_ —--_—_ _-- — -- — — —------- -- ——---- ---- —096- — -- _------- �— / _=�_=_-Zr�,=..� ,, ! Imo — �sl.� slash•��,Is, �..,, s A� ..,r s. �970� _ —, — � —� � �►, — — � �_S�i�'=� w�.�0 — — — — — i�����G agrAri b. �s � O — — — — — — — �+ ���...���`li� ���- o` � — — _ � — li��T�GC�'C:iTLf�9� �-. __• �6 \ \ — — — - — — — — — i,��i�= �3 ���� - o =�r^,�=�_ ���- �_ s--11 �.-..cry _::"Cl= .�Z»oc=c. ��. ���^ ��.._r����1. �� N00 \ vM `fr X Y st�1 . _ G� �s� • I�' a'i�,ol a. asQ, / _ - - _ ` �\ e_�� a e��T �r��sn��� �� ., ' I,^^ � ' �i��e: a► »� Wf1�A� F?_ ,iVW_ 960 \ .tri ���4A���CeI.J•�_��QLL!•���� ���.i�aa �a��:u.�i� _:,-'1'I:l���l�ls.! 1 / ��►a,.���r�—c:1�����u,�s���s��it �� � � — — — — 950 = ,�.'�s� 1if�� -♦'I ,, �E troAt- �I�,., a���I r s. ���is.� ♦'/�� � vic I a �♦r asfy, ► asl�- i i \ _ - �� — CO �\ — — — — _ — ��. •_ate a=.,. %!jam ��.�. ..�•...,. — ✓ \ � \ \ \ \ \ - _ _ — _ — — — — _ _ — — 1� ✓ ,o/ — \ / f tv x U S— 221 °' / / / / / X / //,'.7 / X / U) / /5 / / C xw xw xw xw / xw xw xw xw xw X','r XW xw xw xw xw XW xw xw xw xw xw xw / / SCALE: 1 "=40' / + DATE: 04/23/2021 oo ox ox ox °X ox ox > °X — ool -/ oo a 7-- / NA / ox oX ox ox 0 xW xXX DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO / / xw / xw xw xw PROJECT MGR: DWO ox ox ox X X�x 129 i �I ei 0 Mc x�_ Ma 2 oJXMd so 94� x M ox x ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox ox SHEET: 17 OF 22 ox XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG XG X v °A OAX oAx oAx oAx oAx MN oJx M21 R4 M a o�x MN oJx M21 M21 oAx M21 oAx M21 mg Mb�o x M2i nR Ma✓Ax M2! M nR M2� oAx M8 oAxMb X oAx oAxMb oAx OAX M21 Ma Mb MN MN MN MN MN M2! M2i MN Mb m i / ' / / / GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET JOB 18007 NUMBER: 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally DATE From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral separation -in which case: AIR RELEASE VAL (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main STATION: 175+7'.00 10 EDGE OF PAVEMENT -, 10. 1 01 0 1 01 0 at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or " /i V - - - - - - (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least --' _ - m 18 inches above the top of the sewer. --' / IUS-221 I (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a -' / --- --- '� /� �i' BORE PIT TYPICAL DESCRIPTION sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 / Ex�S11Nc zo• WATER MAIN inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical �/ srAnoN: ,3a+s5.n separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and , ' MINA N with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the /�T ; ? / ®, \ \\ point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a --'� _ - m \\\ sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints _ - / / \\ equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. A be -----' BORE PIT - T -ICPI .� / \ \ 1 000 1 000 section of water main pipe shall centered at the point of crossing. / --�' / - \\ // \ \ - /' 129 LF OF 4"0 DIP CL-350 IN 8" X 0.25 W/ SPIDERS ENCASED BORE \ \ \ /' \ "- \ — f. .-- ...i._ \ /,-- — ��� / ����' �7 --_._ ,--.__—_��__\ — --_1- 990 — MIN.S LLI CC (N1 rt) In I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI` PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION A DU IISDTHAT I AM ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. 9 8 0 980 C� ``,`%%mmmu mms,,, n�n 167+00 168+00 169+00 170+00 171+00 172+00 173+00 174+00 175+00 176+00 177+00 178+00 179+00 CIERx1111-,1CA,11u®Y4 ASBUILT PLANS FOR HENSON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC PLAN & PROFILE \ - - 8p— -- Z;.— - r i.A.-�.�aCwff.1�Zmf:A'' v-11 ___ - ����.::riw_a-, �➢r=4:��FM FM rM-- FM � , — — — \ --- _ / 7 7 �-- _/ — ' — — _ ' / i���' --' _-' —_-- I -- / — / /' � V --�C ' / o ,\/ \ \ � �V � COdom Engineering PLLC 169 Oak Street, Forest City, N.C. 28043 ph: 828.247.4495 fax: 828.247.4498 NC Firm#: P-0880 \\\US-221\\\ 11 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 / \ xw xw \111 / \ \ xw \\w xw \ xw xw\ xw ___777.770 .....„.. w \\ \ ,\ \\ \\ �\ , \ , xw �- ,__ \ �, N \\ 7, 77 \ — 7, �,� �, �,— ,� v v _, v v \ v �, N. ® N� xw— ��\ \\ \ \ \--_ \\ N� -_ ,' / \ N w xw xw xw \ — — — — \ \ -`\ _-- V A -, -- / �� / / --- \ �77� ox ex ox ox ox ex ex ex ex ex ox ox \ `Jx\\ ex \ _ \ / \ \ / ox \ —0X DX CX CX �X 9X OX OX CX DX OX OX \ OX X �\ x \ �' �x \ �X\ �\ \ \ \ OAX OAX OAX �x Mb OAXMN OAX OAX \ 'JX`�x OAXm8 (I �x �x OX OX , cJx cJx OX 7' / \ Mix M2i Mb M21 Mix M2i Mb Mix Mel Mb M20x M8 M8 )A8 \ M2i odx OAY OJX oA\ �x ox - Ox 7 x X �x Cx �x \M$ux \ \ MN M.Ax �xox b xDx o��x �x OAX o� M- T M2! %N21 M Mb �x �x �x Cx �x �x �x Cx �x \��_ _ - Mb m8 Ma AMA MN A� \�\\ +�x �x o� �x� o�x o �x �x �\ M_ M2i - / \I \\ - \\\ ---N \N\ ��\ M2i 1�12� M2� �x o�x o o�x Mb//, MB-- �— M2A MN 7Ne1 / / — — — �I — �\ I I v v vv \ v v - - - `� /7-- -- — __ Mel -- \ M2i �A/2i — — / / / / - v SCALE: 1 40 / __ �� �� A• / / N / v / / ii I v\___---__ v NN �� �-� / / / v / vv ��� / DATE: 04/23/2021 / / / / / I v �� ��� ��� A - / / // ��� �--_,_ I \v \� vv — — — -� ��� �� ��� \ �� // // / / /--__ , / // -__ v --v v �� �� �� �� / , / / / �� / �� --__ 7 __-- _ ��� 40 �__- _ v - ��v __ v ���� �/ �� ���� ��� ��� ���-� �, / / � �v p 20 40 r -- 7� 8 --- - 120 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO MGR: DWO SHEET: 18 OF 22 ----_-�'�� / // ��� — _ v vvv ��-_-_ _ ,��� ���� ���� ���� �� �' GRAPHIC SCALE �� 1 INCH = 40 FEET / v —7— 77 - _ N, 000 990 980 970 ncn ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■• ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I 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EXISTING MH RIM: 964.52 INV: 957.37 1000 990 980 970 960 179+00 180+00 181+00 182+00 183+00 184+00 185+00 186+00 187+00 188+088+25 15A NCAC 18C .0906 RELATION OF WATER MAINS TO SEWERS (a) Lateral Separation of Sewers and Water Mains. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet laterally From existing or proposed sewers, unless local conditions or barriers prevent a 10-foot lateral separation —in which case: (1) The water main is laid in a separate trench, with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; or (2) The water main is laid in the same trench as the sewer with the water main located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and with the elevation of the bottom of the water main at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer. (b) Crossing a Water Main Over a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross over a sewer, the water main shall be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer, unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation --in which case both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints that are equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. (c) Crossing a Water Main Under a Sewer. Whenever it is necessary for a water main to cross under a sewer, both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of ferrous materials and with joints equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. A section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. JOB NUMBER: 18007 i / 73 o / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ +o \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ 1 +T \ \ 1 \ \ \ NxPo Po NN N 0 • N N j).,(NN N N ,, , \ 2 Nx____________::::, 0.: ::::0,,C\1\ .,,,,, NNN N N N N NN _ _ :m3x— -----=---ity\ N x NN"„)(7N 42 NNNNNx N N N NNNN:-°- NNNNN N N • • N N N 0 N N GRA'PHIC SCALE • • • c mom I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. `11111ill I1,,,,, s CIEIt3ll'lllt .LC.11 ILO T ASBUILT PLANS FOR 0 0 cn RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC FOREST CITY en ce E t—') ci. i 0 11) C.) el 7, . 1 I L • ) Z' "Vi 0 1— "fili DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO SHEET: Plotted on: ASBUILT.dwg HENSON RD LIFT STATION & FORCE MAIN\DWG\19023 N 0 O 0 N E 0 c c 0 0 \ R`N R`N �vv 0 20 GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 60 1 INCH = 20 EFT' JOB NUMBER: 19023 N K) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. %%%%%% 71:77 %%%%% %% 4� FES /04; S CCIER t 1111-,1(aA'II7io1,1f Z 0 N SCALE: 1" = 20' DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO SHEET: 20 OF 22 LIFT OUT CHAIN ATTACHED TO STAINLESS STEEL EYE BOLT METAL ROOF SHEATHING OVER 15# BUILDING FELT OVER 2"X4" PT WOOD FRAME SHED JOB NUMBER: 19023 Plotted on: SPLICE BOX 6" DIP VENT WITH STAINLESS STEEL INSECT SCREEN CONTROL PANEL 4" THICK CONCRETE PAD WITH 6X6X10 WWM. 1/2" THICK EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL WITH CAULK AROUND WETWELL GUTTER GROUND EL. 920.50 A A CONDUIT TO PULL BOX STAINLESS STEEL FLOAT CABLE BRACKET NOTE: ALL VALVES TO BE MUELLER VALVES 11.=11=1=11=1=11 111 -11=11= 11=11=1=11=i.=.11=11=1. 1.=1=11=v=11=1;=11 �_=II=ice I IL I 1 =11-��'II-11-II ', 1��11.=ILWI� 1='� T111=11 W11.=1� �=11=11=11 -11=11=1 =11=11.=11. 111�.1 r HIGH WATER ALARM #1 EL. 914.50 LAG PUMP ON EL. 914.00 LEAD PUMP ON EL. 913.50 PUMP OFF EL. 911.50 WETWELL BOTTOM EL. 908.50 GRUNDFOS SLV.30.A30.420 480V 42HP, 8" IMPELLER 105 GPM @I 255.9 FT OF TD-H 10'-0" MAX. (TYP.) No.9 GAUGE WIRE 2" MESH (TYP.) LINE POST A 2 d a \ 9„ MIN. (TYP.) HAS" FOR PADLOCK 3'-0" MIN. (TYP.) 1-3" MIN. (TYP.) 4" 0.D. GATE POST • —I It=1I��11=11��.11.��.11 -1=11 d:11=11al117.ii:=1111=11-i. 11=11=1111 W 11= 111111=11.11�II=11=11=1111 i 1• •�� imMai l n ■ I�- Hair-i1-11y11�11�:11'� 1111uil .II=II=II=IIWII=II '.=I1=I1=11=11=II=II=II=II=I1=I1- -11=11=11=11=11=u-11=.1:=.u=u=.11=J1=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=111 .11=11=11.=1111= '.1=11i1.=11=11=11F?11=11=1W9#1111=11=11=11; =11=11n=11=II=11-11=11=II=II=II=II=II=ii=II=II=II=11. _ - 11=1-1%=I-11=11=11-11-1I=IIP�II=II=II=II=11-9-1I=II=II 11=11=11=11 .111111=11=1111=11=11=111111=11=11=1111 =11.-, 11:=11=11=11=11=111=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11 11=11=1111=.11=11=11 .11=.11=L .1111=11=1111=.11=.11=11=11 =;1' 11=11=11=IIII=1=11.=9: 11=11=:1. 11-11-11-11-11-11-11.-II I 11=11=11=,1 ,= ,= y=.11=111111=11.1111.=111111=11- ' :11=11=11=11-I1-1 11=11-i, 11=11=11-I E11=11 11= =' 1111.=11 11.=11.=IWIL11 II=1i�� 11.1111?11.F11=:, - • 2.4 C.Y. OF CONCRETE TO BE ANCHORED TO BOTTOM OF WETWELL 8" MIN. #57 WASHED STONE PUMP STATION SECTION 11=111111uu—auu- . 11-�-1111-�=11.=11.=11=11=WIIWIIWIIWIIWII11=11=11� '=11=11.=11=11=11=IIW11=11=1mli.e= -�=11=IIW�=IIIII II„=1.11.=11.=11=11 W II W II=11=11=11= II=I W II W I I=I I=II=II=II=IIi -11=II.=II=II W II=I I W I I W I I W TRANSITION TO SDR-13.5 PVC FORCEMAIN SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS (2) BACKFILL UNDERFOOTINGS WITH 8" MIN WASHED STONE 2" STAINLESS DISCHARGE LINE CONCRETE SUPPORT 4"0 DRAIN 304 S.S. INTERMEDIATE GUIDE RAIL SUPPORT © 6" MINIMUM SPACING 2" PUMP DISCHARGE PIPE INV. IN: 914.80' 6' DIA. PRECAST WETWELL WITH EXTENDED BASE SECTION WITH 7" WALL THICKNESS 304 STAINLESS STEEL LIFT OUT CHAIN 304 STAINLESS STEEL GUIDE PLATE BREAK AWAY FITTING GROUT INVERT TO SLOPE TO PUMPS A SCALE: N.T.S. BARBED WIRE (3 STRANDS) NOTE: ALL AREA INSIDE FENCE TO BE CONCRETE WITH A 1' WIDE GRAVEL STRIP THAT SHALL BE 6" OF STONE WITH FABRIC. 1 5/8" 0.D. GALV. MIN. y STD. PIPE \\ 9„ MIN. 12' WELD ALL JOINTS PADLOCK HOLE A�// 2" 0.D. GALV. \\/ STD. PIPE CHAIN LINK FENCE AND DOUBLE GATE DETAIL SEMI -SELF DRAINING CENTER STOP (3) 3" SOCKETS FOR PORTABLE HOIST ALUMINUM HATCH WITH HOLD -OPEN DEVICE IN WETWELL TOP SECTION CENTER OVER PUMPS FOR SLIDE RAIL OPERATION. LID SIZE TO BE DETERMINED BY PUMP SIZE SCALE: N. T.S. 48"x36" ALUMINUM HATCH WITH HOLD -OPEN DEVICE WETWELL/VALVE VAULT 2500 PSI CONCRETE (TYP.) HASP FOR PADLOCK A a GROUT INVERT TO SLOPE TO PUMPS ELEV. 810.50 6'-0" (TYP.) 3'-0" MIN. (TYP.) a \< 61Z-1(.1( l's\ 1'-9" --3" MIN. MIN. (TYP.) (TYP.) r r r T • 11=11.=11.=11APia11=1l 1:=11:=11=IIWIIWII=11� ' 11=IL II=11=11Wr 1=11=11=11=11=1- II=II=11= "-" — 6" MIN. 2" 90" BEND (TYP. 2) 2" PUMP DISCHARGE PIPE r 8" MIN. 2.4 C.Y. OF CONCRETE 8" MINIMUM WASHED STONE RIGHT ELEVATION 8c SECTION VIEW SCALE: N. T.S. A A n � d 4 4 A BARBED WIRE (3 STRANDS) 3' A 4 Aa 0 A CHAIN LINK GATE DETAIL SCALE: N. T.S. 72" 2' 0 C 0 r 0 9-1 /2"H- 8"H 0 ¢ SUMP 4"0 DRAIN TO WET WELL 2 IN. N.P.T. CONDUIT SEAL Pm- 4 FLOOD LIGHT PT WD. 2X4 - 2' MIN. PT WD. 4X4 PANEL TO BE LOCATED OFF SUMP -00 FLOOD LIGHT FLOOD LIGHT 12" MIN. SUPPORTS FOR CONTROL—. PANELS SHALL BE UNI-STRUT DUPLEX CENTRAL CONTROL PANEL IN/AUDIBLE & VISUAL ALARM, GENERATOR HOOK-UP/DISCONNECT AND 3 PHASE PROTECTION GENERATOR HOOK-UP 100 AMP MINIMUM SUBMIT TO OWNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SUPPORTS TO BE MADE OF 4" CHANNEL A 4 12" A a A 8'-0" a d a 4' EMBEDED 4X4 WITH CONCRETE 4 A 12" VISUAL ALARM AUDIBLE ALARM FLOOD LIGHT 12' MIN. POWER METER DUPLEX CENTRAL CONTROL PANEL MAIN BREAKER OR FUSE PANEL ALARM SILENCE BUTTON SEAL OFF FITTING WITH PUTTY SEALANT 0 / FLOOD LIGHT try LIGHT SWITCH FOR STATION 120 V OUTLET VERBATIM AUTO DIALER CONTROL PANEL 6" UNI-FLANGE 2" STAINLESS STEEL 9-1/2" 9-1/2" 2 IN. N.P.T. COUPLING 4"0 DRAIN WITH STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN A a d O A O A A a a a G A a d 1'-0" MIN o SWING CHECK VALVE WITH EXTERNAL LEVER AND WEIGHT OR LEVER AND SPRING FOR SEWAGE SERVICE PLAN VIEW WETWELL/VALVE VAULT GATE VALVE TRANSITION TO SDR-13.5 PVC FORCE MAIN a ELECTRIC SERVICE IN CONDUIT TO SPLICE BOX FOR FLOATS AND PUMPS O TO LIFT STA11ON, ETC. H 0 >— DESCRIPTION N K) 1n I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. `%%%%%%111111l1, % �• 'Y T%4��` CAI la 1LkaJLCA1I110 ASBUILT PLANS FOR RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC FOREST CITY W 0 V L77, . TH Cr.) t' Y< be �a �r N 1 Oo +I R ,. z SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO SHEET: SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS 21 OF 22 A Q 0 0 N N 0 (N O) N Q Plotted on: ASBUILT.dwg HENSON RD LIFT STATION & FORCE MAIN\DWG\19023 STANDARD MH RINGS AND COVERS: SEE DETAIL 5-3 1VARIES0" MIN 12" MAX. 15" O.C. (TYPICAL) --..---GROUT JOINT PRECAST MANHOLE STEPS 1" DIA BU RUBBER SEALANT BOLTS ON MH FRAME AND COVER PROVIDE BOLTS ONLY WHERE SPECIFIED 1=111=18=I Iru STRAIGHT WALL OF M.H. TO BE LOCATED OVER INFLUENT PIPE PLACE MASTIC BETWEEN GRADE RINGS GRADE RINGS AS REQUIRED GDMIELEME PROVIDE FLEXIBLE BOOT PER ASTM C443 & C923 I 1--z=-I 6" STONE BASE 3/4 PIPE DIAMETER 23-,/4" T A I11-1h• 1 � Mill 2-3 '/4 I y ft/Y 1/By COVER 8C1I011 ESTIMATED WUGHT VULCAN 'ME V-1384 U.S. FIXRDMY 669 RING & NL COVED LOAD RATING - HEAVY DUTY LOAD RATING - HEAVY DUTY FRAME SO UM: 1BS & FRAME 12DU5 1 TOTAL 3B6 1BS TOTAL 315 1BS. NOTES: 1. MANHOLE RISERS AND CONE SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-478, LATEST REVISION. 2. TRANSITION RINGS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 2'-0" ABOVE THE EFFLUENT OVERT ELEVATION. 3. FLEXIBLE WATERTIGHT, SYNTHETIC RUBBER SLEEVES, WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP: DRAW BOLT AND NUT; OR CAST -IN SLEEVE; OR "A" LOCK CONNECTION SHALL BE FURNISHED FOR EACH PIPE TO MANHOLE CONNECTION. NOTE: 1. 4" ABC BASE COURSE 2. DITCHES TO BE 1' DEEP WITH 2: 1 SIDE SLOPES ROAD CROSS SECTION N.T.S. \/\\\\\\\\\ \\// LONGITUDINAL ANCHOR TRENCH INITIAL CHANNEL ANCHOR TRENCH NOTES: 1. CHECK SLOTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 2. STAKING OR STAPLING LAYOUT PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. TERMINAL SLOPE AND CHANNEL ANCHOR TRENCH CHECK SLOT AT 25' INTERVALS. ISOMETRIC VIEW INTERMITTENT CHECK SLOT FABRIC CHANNEL LINERS CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Dig initial anchor trench 12" deep and 6" wide across the channel at lower end. 2. Excavate check slots, 6"x6" across channel at 25' intervals along channel. 3. Cut longitudinal channel anchor slots 4"x4" along each side to bury edges of matting. 4. Beginning at downstream end in center, place the initial end of first roll in trench and secure at 1' intervals. 5. Position adjacent rolls in trench w/3" overlap. 6. Secure these initial ends of mats at 1' intervals, backfill and compact soil. 7. Unroll center strip of matting upstream. Stop at next check slot or terminal anchor trench. 8. Unroll adjacent mats upstream in similar fashion, maintaining 3" overlap. 9. Fold and secure all rolls of matting snugly into all check slots. Lay mat in bottom of slot then flow back against itself. Anchor through both layers of mat at 1" intervals then backfill and compact soil. Continue rolling all mat widths upstream to next check slot or anchor trench. © 1994 JOHN McCUUAH SURFACE TO BE MACHINED RIa( sDT 18 ELIME_SEcnaB DRAIN GRATE - ATTACH FILTER FABRIC SECURILY TO 2X4 WOOD FRAME, OVERLAPPING FABRIC TO NEXT STAKE 18" MAX. I 36" MAX A PLAN VIEW \OSBSBSB 1 , SECTION A -A NOTES: 1. DROP INLET SEDIMENT BARRIERS ARE TO BE USED FOR SMALL, NEARLY LEVEL DRAINAGE AREAS. (LESS THAN 5%) 2. USE 2X4 WOOD OR EQUIVALENT METAL STAKES, (3 FT. MIN. LENGTH) 3. INSTALL 2X4 WOOD TOP FRAME TO INSURE STABILITY. 4. THE TOP OF THE FRAME (PONDING HEIGHT) MUST BE WELL BELOW THE GROUND ELEVATION DOWNSLOPE TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM BY- PASSING THE INLET. A TEMPORARY DIKE MAY BE NECESSARY ON THE DOWNSLOPE SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE. FILE SEDIM07 TOP FRAME NECESSARY FOR STABILITY PONDING HT. TEMPORARY DIKE IF NEEDED SILT FENCE DROP INLET SED. BARRIER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Support posts for silt fence must be steel posts or 2"x4" wood, length 3' minimum, spacing 3' maximum, with a top frame support recommended. 2. Excavate a trench 4" wide and 6" deep and bury the bottom of the silt fence in the trench. 3. Backfill the trench with gravel or soil. Compact backfill well. 4. The height of the silt fence shall be a maximum of 1.5' measured from the top of the inlet. 5. Inspect the barrier after each rain and promptly make repairs as needed. 6. Sediment shall be removed after each significant storm (1" in 24 hrs.) to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain. 7. The removed sediment shall be deposited in an area that will not contribute sediment off -site and can be permantly stabilized. -D CIO 0 IV MANAGING THE WATERCOURSE: BYPASS PUMPING DEWATERING DEVICE NOTE E NSVRE TO ANCHOR ALL PUMPS AND PIPES SECURELY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUGUST 2003 Construction Maintenance - TOP OF BANK BMP& FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Step 1 - Set up bypass pump and temporary piping. Place outlet of temporary pipe to minimize erosion at discharge site or provide temporary energy dissipation measures. Firmly anchor pump and piping. Step 2- Construct outlet protection if needed. Step 3 - Construct impervious dike upstream of work area to impound water for bypass pump intake. Use a floating intake for pumps where possible. Step 4 - Construct an impervious dike downstream, if necessary, to isolate work area. Step 5- Check operation o1 pump and piping system Step 4 - Step 6 - Upon completion of construction, remove impervious dike, bypass pump, and temporary pipe. • Routinely inspect bypass pump and temporary piping to ensure proper operation. • Inspect impervious dike for leaks and repair any damage. • Inspect discharge point for erosion. • Ensure flow is adequately diverted through pipe. FILTER RECEIVING MATERIAL ELEVATION THICKNESS ('d') = 1.5 x MAX ROCK DIAMETER (6" MIN.) 2' MIN. SECTION a �• ism• I • • s••�•, • •t °• I It'.?��0a!,'•�ROCK d50 40�! 11I'�'IIIII 7r. • . 50% SHALL BE LARGER O ��° 4.0 x 'D' 1 ► :, • I �Q .�QC� a �THAN 6" (MIN.) DIA. • g j MIN. PLAN NOTES: 1. 'La' = LENGTH OF APRON. DISTANCE 'La SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO DISSIPATE ENERGY. 2. APRON SHALL BE SET AT A ZERO GRADE AND AUGNED STRAIGHT. 3. FILTER MATERIAL SHALL BE FILTER FABRIC OR 6" THICK (MIN.) GRADED GRAVEL LAYER. OUTLET PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT ONS 1. Ensure subgrade for the filter and riprap is at zero grade. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by increasing riprap thickness. 2. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be protected from punching or tearing. All connecting joints should overlap at least 1'. 3. Riprap may be field stone or rough quarry stone. It should be hard, angular, highly weather -resistant and well graded. 4. Construct the apron on zero grade with no over- fall at the end. Make the top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. 5. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout its length. If a curve is needed, place it in the upper end of the apron. 6. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation. 1. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff -producing rainfall but in no case less than once every week. Any needed repairs will be made immediately to maintain all practices as designed. 2. Sediment will be removed behind the sediment fence when it becomes about 0.5' deep at the fence. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier. 3. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseed as necessary according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense, vegetative cover. Page 2 of 2 EXISTING PAVED ROADWAY >- 0 0 O A 0 0 o_ CD z 1- (/) X w DIVERSION RIDGE SECTION A - A DIVERSION RIDGE PLAN NOTES: 1. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WALL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLONING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS- OF -WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE TOP DRESSING, REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 2. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBUC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABUZED WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN. MIRIE FABRIC TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots, and other objectionable material and properly grade it. 2. Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans, and smooth it. 3. Provide drainage to carry water to the sediment trap. 4. Gravel to be placed on Geotextile cloth. Construction Maintenance GEOTExTILE FOR DRAINAGE B" OF BED, NOTES CONTROL BTO BE NO. 5 OR NO. 57 STONE FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE. PROVIDE STABILIZED OUTLET TO STREAM BANN. WOOD PALLETS MAP BE USED IN LIEU O AND LE AS DIRECTED. A SUFFICIENT NUM PROVIDEDOF PALLETS MUST BE TO ELEVATE THE RE SPECIAL STILLING BASIN ABOVE NATURAL GROUND. Fv 1630.06 • The silt bag shall be at least 10 ft. by 15 ft. The bag should be made from a nonwoven fabric and have a sewn -in sleeve for receiving pump discharge. • The sediment control stone shall meet the requirements of Section 1005. • The bag seams should be sewn with a double needle machine using a high strength thread_ The seams shall have a wide width strength of at least 60 Ibiin. (using test method ASTM D-4884). • The filter fabric shall meet the requirements of Section 1056 for Type 2 fabric. It shall also meet the following specifications for flow rates, strength, and permeability: Property Test Method Weight ASTM D-3776 Grab tensile ASTM D-4632 Puncture ASTM D-4833 Flow rate ASTM D-4491 Permittivity ASTM D-4991 UV Resistance Units Minimum Specifications oz/yd 8.0 Ib. 200.0 Ib. 130.0 gal/min/s.f. 80.0 1/sec 1.5 ASTM D-4355 %70.0 The silt bag shall be placed on top of at least 6-inches of sediment control stone in an area that will drain away from the work area. Plan ahead for acceptable methods of removal and disposal of silt bag. • Inspect inlet pipe and bag for damage and blockage. • Replace bag when % full of sediment. STEEL POST PLASTIC OR WIRE TIES EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC NEEDED WITH WIRE MESH SUPPORT �/\��/\��/\�8 FT MAX SPACING WITH -` �\`\\\\\\\\\\ WIRE T 6 FT MAXPSPAC NGCE WITHOUT SUPPORT FENCE 8 DOWN AND 4" FORWARD ALONG THE TRENCH STVL POST 36 HIGH MAX FABRIC FILTER 18"-24" HIGH MAX T 24" MIN. PONDING HT. FL a`f FLOW FLOW NOTE: DO NOT ATTACH FABRIC TO EXISTING TREES. FABRIC FILTER • ATTACH SECURELY TO UPSTREAM SIDE OF POST. RUNOFF 4"x8" MIN TRENCH WITH THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BACKFILL STANDARD DETAIL TRENCH WITH NATIVE BACKFILL NOTE: 1. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN NECESSARY. 2. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT OFF-STE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABIUZED. i SILT FENCE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL 1. Use synthetic filter fabric or pervious sheet of polypropylene, nylon, polyester, or polyethylene yarn, which is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as having a minimum filtering efficiency of 85%, tensile strength of 30 Ib/in (standard) or 50 Ib/in (extra strength) at 20% elongation, and a slurry flow rate of 0.3 gal/sq ft. Synthetic fabric should contain ultra- violet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide min. 6 months expected usable life at 0-120 deg. F. 2. Ensure that posts are 1.33 Ib/ft steel with a minimum length of 4 feet. 3. Use min. 14 gauge wire fence with max mesh spacing of 6". CONSTRUCTION 1. Ensure height of fence does not exceed 18" above ground surface. 2. Construct fabric from continuous roll cut to length of barrier to avoid joints. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with overlap to the next post. 3. Support standard strength fabric with wire mesh fastened securely to upslope side of posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1" long. Extend wire mesh to bottom of trench. WASHED CRUSHED STONE (NO. 57) UNDISTURBED EARTH WASHED CRUSHED STONE (NO. 57) UNDISTURBED EARTH UNDISTURBED EARTH 12 GUAGE COPPER TACER WIRE SECURED TO PVC PIPE Bd Max Bc + 18" .-ifull'uTh% 11.=.11-11.=. 11=11=11: I I = I I = -1I= 11.=11 _ El 11.=11.=11=11=11=11-1 11-11-I I-11-11 11 BE 1.=g7 . :e=11=11=11=11=11. 1= -11=11=1= =11=11=I 1.=11=11=1L-11-1- - - =1-11- 12" min CLASS "B" BEDDING (Note: All PVC pipe must use Class "B" bedding) Bd Max Bc + 18" r�u-u-u I I I.=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=1 11=11=11. FI-11=11=II=11=11=II=11=II=.II.=.�II.=.II.=.II.=.I 1:=11=11=11=II=11= _ I=11- COMPACTED SELECT BACKFILL TO 90% STANDARD PROCTOR b CLASS "C" BEDDING Bd Max Bc + 18" II=1 / /•11=11-11= 11= 1=II-11-1 11=1 11=11-II RIP =1=u: ?If III�11 II11. 11=I 11=1. II = 11-11i I:�I:I �I� AFii L11.1 11" II II-D-II` IIPII=11=11=11=11=11=11.=11.=11=11.=11... �=_�=11= -1=II=11.=.11=11.=.II.=.I - CLASS "C" BEDDING COMPACTED SELECT BACKFILL TO 90% STANDARD PROCTOR 1/6 Bc min b COMPACTED SELECT BACKFILL TO 90% STANDARD PROCTOR 1/16 Bc CLASSES OF BEDDING FOR SEWER PIPES IN TRENCHES N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES: 1. ONLY DISTURB CLEAR OR GRADE AREAS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. FLAG OR OTHERWISE DELINEATE AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED. EXCLUDE VEHICLES AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT FROM THESE AREAS TO PRESERVE NATURAL VEGETATION. 2. CLEAR AND GRUB AREAS TO BE FILLED TO REMOVE TREES, VEGETATION, MUCK, ROOTS, OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL THAT WOULD AFFECT THE PLANTED STABILITY OF THE FILL. 3. PLACE FILL IN LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED 6" IN THICKNESS AND COMPACT THE LAYERS AS REQUIRED TO TO REDUCE EROSION, SLIPPAGE, SETTLEMENT, OR OTHER RELATED PROBLEMS. 4. KEEP DIVERSIONS AND CHANNELS AND OTHER WATER CONVEYANCE MEASURES FREE OF SEDIMENT AT ALL TIMES. 5. ROUGHEN THE SURFACE OF ALL SLOPES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OPERATION TO RETAIN WATER, INCREASE INFILTRATION, AND FACILITATE VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT. 6. PERMANENTLY STABILIZE ALL GRADED AREAS IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINAL GRADING IS COMPLETED ON EACH AREA. 2:1 OR STEEPER SLOPES MUST HAVE TEMPORARY GROUND COVER WITHIN 7 DAYS. 3: 1 SLOPES OR FLATTER SLOPES MUST HAVE TEMPORARY GROUND COVER WITHIN 14 DAYS SEEDING WINTER/EARLY SPRING SEEDING MIXTURE (LI3/ACRE) 120 50 SPECIES RATE RYE (GRAIN) ANNUAL LESPEDEZA (KOr3E IN PIEDMONT AND COASTAL PLAIN, KOREAN IN MOUNTAINS) TEMPORARY SEEDING OMIT ANNUAL LESPEDEZA WHEN DURATION OF TEMPORARY COVER IS NOT TO EXTEND r3EYOND JUNE. SEEDING DATES MOUNTAINS -ABOVE 2500 FEET: FEI3. 15 - MAY 15 I3ELOW 2500 FEET: FEB. 1- MAY 1 COASTAL PLAIN -DEC. 1 - APR. 15 SOIL AMENDMENTS FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LI3/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 750 1_13/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. MULCH APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK W/TH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE REFERTILIZE IF GRowTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTILIZE AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. SUMMER SEEDING MIXTURE PELIES RATE (LB/ACRE) IN THE PIEDMONT AND MOUNTAINS, A SMALL -STEMMED SUDANGRASS MAY BE SU13STITUTED AT A RATE OF 50 LB/ACRE. SEEDING DATES MOUNTAINS -MAY 15 - AUG. 15 PIEDMONT -MAY 1 - AUG. 15 COASTAL PLAIN -APR. 15 - AUG. 15 SOIL AMENDMENTS FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 1_13/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 750 L13/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. MULCH APPLY 4,000 LI3/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW 13Y TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH 13LADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN I3E USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTILIZE AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLoWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. FALL SEEDING MIXTURE SPECIES RATE (LB/ACRE) RYE (GRAIN) 120 SEEDING DATES MOUNTAINS-AUG. 15 - DEC. 15 COASTAL PLAIN AND PIEDMONT-AUG 15 - DEC. 30 SOIL AMENDMENTS FOLLOW SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 1,000 LB/ACRE FERTILIZER. mULCH APPLY 4,000 LI3/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW 13Y TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH 13LADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN I3E USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE REPAIR AND REFERTILIZE DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. TOPDRESS WITH 50 LI3/ACRE OF NiTRoGEN IN MARCH. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO EXTENT TEMPORARY COVER BEYOND JUNE 15, OVERSEE) WITH 50 L13/ACRE KOI3E (PIEDMONT AND COASTAL PLAIN) OR KOREAN (MOUNTAINS) LESPEDEZA IN LATE FEBRUARY OR EARLY MARCH. 1. 2. 3. 4. min NOTE: Bedding thickness under pipe barrel, b, shall be 1/8 Bc, 4" min, 6" max. MAINTENANCE PLAN All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff -producing rainfall but in no case less than once every week. Any needed repairs will be made immediately to maintain all practices as Sediment will be removed behind the sediment fence when it becomes about 0.5' deep at the fence. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier. Ensure temporary sediment trap is cleared once sediment reaches cleanout mark. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary according to specifications in the veg- etative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense, vegetative cover. PERMANENT SEEDING AREAS TO BE SEEDED: MINIMUM DEPTH OF FOUR (4) INCHES. REMOVE STONES LARGER THAN THREE (3) INCHES ON ANY SIDE, STICKS, ROOTS AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIALS THAT SURFACE. IF NOT INCORPORATED DURING THE SOIL PREPARATION PROCESS, ADD PH MODIFIER AND FERTILIZERS AT THE RATE SPECIFIED IN THE SOIL TEST REPORT. • RE -COMPACT THE AREA UTILIZING A CULTIPACKER ROLLER. THE FINISHED GRADE SHALL I3E A SMOOTH EVEN SOIL SURFACE WITH A LOOSE, UNIFORMLY FINE TEXTURE. ALL RIDGES AND DEPRESSIONS SHALL BE REMOVED AND FILLED TO PROVIDE THE APPROVED SURFACE DRAINAGE. SEEDING OF GRADED AREAS IS TO I3E DONE IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINISHED GRADES ARE 013TAINED AND SEEDBED PREPARATION IS COMPLETED. AREAS TO I3E SPRIGGED, SODDED, AND/OR PLANTED: ED AREAS TO A DEPTH OF FOUR (4) TO SIX (6) INCHES I3ELOW THE APPROVED FINISHED GRADE. REMOVE ALL STONESLARGER THAN THREE (3) INCHES ON ANY SIDE, STICKS, ROOTS AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIALS THAT SURFACE. IF NOT INCORPORATED IN THE RIPPING PROCESS, ADD PH MODIFIER, FERTILIZER, AND OTHER RECOMMENDED SOIL AMENDMENTS. • RE -COMPACT THE AREA UTILIZING A CULTIPACKER ROLLER AND PREPARE FINAL GRADES AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. INSTALL SPRIGS, SOD AND PLANTS AS DIRECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINE GRADING IS COMPLETE. MULCH, MAT AND/OR TACK AS SPECIFIED. GRASS -LINED CHANNELS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 15 113/AC RYE (GRAIN) 40 1_13/AC LIME 4000 LB/AC 10-10-10 FERTILIZER 1200 LB/AC ALL OTHER SURFACES RYE (GRAIN) 40 1_13/AC 10-10-10 FERTILIZER 1000 LB/AC JOB NUMBER: 19023 DESCRIPTION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND SEAL. ASBUILT PLANS FOR AND FORCE MAIN 0 LJ Ci 0 0 cn RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC FOREST CITY Lil E ti) 14 00 0 C) L'7, ori 7, ." ,.: c, ,... 0 I- e,,,li,. E SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 04/23/2021 DRAWN BY: LCT CHECKED BY: DWO PROJECT MGR: DWO