HomeMy WebLinkAboutU4758_MERGERScreenMtg_082312_Minutes_Distributed011113.docx- . , ,- Federal Andy Williams, USACE Felix Davila, FHWA State (excluding CDT) Amy Euliss, RICDWQ Amy Simes, RICDERIR High Point Mark McDonald, Transportation Atkins Jill Gural< Kim Bereis (via telephone) Handouts and Displays CDOT Michael Abuya, Trans Planning Branch (TPB) Matt Lauffer, Hydraulics Jim Mason, Natural Env Section (RTES) Greg Price, Natural Env Section (RTES) Ed Reams, Utilities Vince Rhea, Proj Dev & Env Analysis (PDEA) Hamal Shah, Trans Planning Branch (TPB) Jay Twisdale, Hydraulics Derrick Weaver, Proj Dev & Env Analysis (PDEA) • Agenda • Scoping Packet Data Sheet and Figures • Summary of Scoping Responses • Map — 2009 AADT • Map — Watersheds • Map — High Point Airport Overlay District Zones • Merger Screening Meeting Procedures • CTP Problem Statement for U -4758 Minutes Vince Rhea opened the meeting with introductions. Background Information. Jill Gurak provided a project description and described the resources in the project area. The proposed project is approximately 4.5 miles in length and extends from Skeet Club Road U -4758 Merger Screening Meeting — 08123112 1 Plan Design Enable The route is a popular designated bicycle route, although there are no bicycle lanes or shoulders. The corridor is a patchwork of land within the City of High Point and Guilford County. The City's land use plans call for bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the corridor. The City of High Point projects that traffic volumes in 2035 will exceed the current roadway's capacity. The City desires to widen the roadway to four travel lanes with bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. The speed limit likely will be 45 -50 mph. The typical section is not known at this time, and may vary along the corridor depending on needs and surrounding resources. There is one major stream crossing along the project. Johnson Street crosses over the West Fork Deep River just north of Oak Hollow Lake. North of this crossing, West Fork Deep River is designated a 303(d)- listed impaired stream. The land at the crossing and upstream and downstream is owned by the City of High Point and is designated a future open space park that will have a greenway along West Fork Deep River. Land and Water Conservation Fund moneys were used to acquire this land. The Johnson Street Sports Complex, a publicly -owned park, is on the west side of Johnson Street just north of West Fork Deep River. A residential subdivision, with a pond and a walking trail around it, are located on the west side of Johnson Street south of West Fork Deep River. Oak Hollow Lake water supply is to the east. The state's defined critical area for the Oak Hollow Lake water supply watershed extends to Johnson Street. The City of High Point also has its own watershed boundaries. Most of the project is within Oak Hollow watershed Tier 4 or the general area. North of Clinard Farms Road, the east side of Sandy Ridge Road is the boundary of the City Lake watershed general area. These areas have established development restrictions, such as number of dwelling units per acre or impervious surface limits. The entire project corridor is subject to the Randleman Reservoir Buffer rules. Due to the constraints listed above, there will be no new location alternatives to widening Johnson Street. There are alternate routes to the east and west that can serve as offsite detours if the existing bridge needs to be closed to implement the improvements. There is only one other notable stream crossing along the existing corridor. This stream runs along the north side of Skeet Club Road. Johnson Street crosses over the stream with a pipe culvert. Farther north along the corridor, the existing roadway runs along a ridgeline. In the northern half of the corridor, a previous feasibility study recommended a new location alignment west of the existing roadway due to the presence of residences, churches, and cemeteries near Sandy Ridge Road. This new alignment likely would cross several headwater streams. Both widening the existing road and a new alignment will be considered, at least initially. An additional development constraint in the area is the High Point Airport Overlay District. The district zones in the northern portion of the study area prohibit new noise - sensitive development (such as residences). Discussion. Andy Williams led the discussion of whether the project should be placed in the Merger Process. He stated that since it is not definitely known at this time whether the project would require an individual Section 404 permit (IP), there is not a benefit in taking the project out of Merger. When there is limited information, it is better to continue in Merger. Being in the Merger process greatly facilitates the issuance of an IP. If additional information later reveals that an IP is not needed, the project can be taken out of Merger at that time. U -4758 Merger Screening Meeting — 08123112 2 Plan Design Enable I Amy Euliss stated that she agreed, and also noted that since the Section 4(f) /6(f) resources were in one location at the West Fork Deep River, she was more comfortable about the project alternatives. She also stated she would be comfortable with combining concurrence points, as was done recently for U -5110. The group cautioned that the purpose and need should not be taken for granted, but they expected that the capacity issues would be clear. Ms. Gurak noted that the City strongly supports including bicycle /pedestrian facilities. These will help connect the isolated neighborhoods along the corridor. Ms. Gurak also noted that although it has been mentioned that this corridor is an alternate route to the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA), this would not be an element of the purpose and need. If the corridor is improved, another higher capacity facility to the airport would be considered an extra benefit only, not a primary element of the purpose and need. The main route from High Point to the PTIA is, and will continue to be, NC 68 to the east. Derrick Weaver suggested that a draft purpose and need statement could be circulated to the Merger agencies to see if there were any major concerns. If there were none, then a combined merger meeting would be held when concurrence points 1, 2, and 2a could be discussed at the same time. The group agreed with Mr. Weaver's suggestion. After the meeting ended, Jay Twisdale and Matt Lauffer discussed stormwater control with Mark McDonald and Jill Gurak. They noted that in areas subject to Buffer rules, such as the project corridor, a shoulder section makes it easier to provide the required stormwater controls. They recommended that curb and gutter be used only if necessary. Mr. Twisdale provided the Bridge Inspection Report for the West Fork Deep River bridge. This 2- lane bridge with 30 feet of clear roadway was constructed in 1997. Since it is a cored slab bridge, it cannot be widened. A second parallel bridge to the east should be considered for the northbound lanes, while retaining the existing bridge for the southbound lanes. The existing bridge has a 13- foot clearance, which would be sufficient clearance for a future greenway. ACTION ITEMS NrnnT • NCDOT will facilitate the next Merger meeting when needed. Atkins • Prepare meeting minutes and distribute to attendees for review. • Distribute the draft Purpose and Need Statement to the merger team agencies when ready. U -4758 Merger Screening Meeting — 08/23/12 3 Plan Design Enable