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20210643 Ver 1_Pre-Filing Meeting Request_20210328
DWR Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form ID#* Regional Office* Reviewer List* 20210643 Version * 1 Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 Stephanie Goss Pre -Filing Meeting Request submitted 3/28/2021 Contact Name * Contact Email Address* Project Name* Project Owner* Project County* Owner Address: Wyatt I brown brownenvgrp@gmail.com Willowbrook Stream Repair WILLOWBROOK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCI Johnston Street Address 14100 POSSUM TRACK ROAD Address Line 2 City State / Rovince / Region Raleigh North Carolina Fbstal / Zip Code Country 27614 United States Is this a transportation project?* r Yes (' No Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: fJ 401 Water Quality Certification - I— 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular Express I— Individual Permit I— Modification r Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* r Yes (' No Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? Stephanie Goss, Rick Trone (I have discussed with Stephanie) Please give a brief project description below and include location information. * The bank of the stream has eroded well into the bank getting dangerously close to inhabited condos. This repair should stabilize the bank and stop the erosion. Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting. 4/14/2021 4/15/2021 Please attach the documentation you would like to have the meeting about. c-00 property information (3).pdf c-1 existing conditions (2).pdf c-2 Proposed Retaining Wall and (2).pdf C-3 Stream Cross -Sections (1).pdf c-4 retaining wall cross-sectio (1).pdf D-1 Retaining Wall Details.pdf D-2 Erosion control Details (1).pdf site photos.pdf pdf only 7.12MB 595.79KB 713.46KB 267.63KB 543.76KB 2.84MB 678.47KB 1.19MB By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: • This form completes the requirement of the Pre -Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. • I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre -filing meeting request. • I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty -day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty -day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. Signature Submittal Date 3/28/2021 Vicinity Map Scale: 1" = 1000' USGS Garner and Clayton Quadrangle Maps 2016 Garner Qu a• rangle p 201'.p ClayteiZQuadrangle Scale: 1" = 1000' Scale: 1" = 1000' —1- USDA Soil Survey Soil Symbol Soil Name Hydrologic Group Seasonally High Water Table RnF Rion B >6.0' WoB, WoD Wedowee B >6.0' UcC Uchee A 3.5'-5.0' NkB Nankin C >6.0' Ra Rains B/D 0'-1.0' NoA, NoB Norfolk B 4.0'-6.0' FOREST DR TRDR 'I Project Discussion Stream bank erosion is occurring adjacent to two (2) residential buildings, and if left unchecked, could undermine the deck structures. Approximately 102 lineal feet of Gabion Wall will be constructed to stabilize the stream bank. To protect the work area and minimize sediment issues, the water flow in the stream will be minimized by lowering the upstream pond to store runoff during rain events. A rock check dam will be constructed down stream of the proposed disturbance. All work will be conducted within the Willowbrook Home Owners common property. Total land disturbance is 0.13 acres (5,667 SF). The retaining wall with a maximum height of 4.5 ft. is designed to withstand a 100 year rain event and has a Factor of Safety of more than 2 against overturning and sliding. SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS IT-4 MODULAR RETAINING WALLS (NCBC SECTION 1704 AND 1807.2.5) ITEM MONITORING NOTES AND SCOPE MATERIAL VERIFICATION PERIODIC PERIODIC • VERIFY GABION STONE FILL, AND FILTER FABRIC • VERIFY GABION , LASING AND TIE WIRE TYPE AND SIZES FOUNDATIONS PERIODIC CONTINUOUS • PERFORM SOIL TESTING OF FOUNDATION AREA TO VERIFY ADEQUATE BEARING CAPACITY • VERIFY THICKNESS AND WIDTH OF RETAINING WALL LEVELING PAD STRUCTURAL FILL CONTINUOUS • VERIFY USE OF PROPER SOIL, DENSITIES, MOISTURE CONTENT, AND LIFT THICKNESSES DURING PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF STRUCTURAL FILL WALL CONSTRUCTION PERIODIC PERIODIC • VERIFY INSTALLATION OF GABION BASKETS • VERIFY LACING AND TIE WIRE LOCATIONS AND INSTALLATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1704 OF THE NORTH CAROLINA BUILDING CODE, RETAINING WALLS WITH A CUMULATIVE VERICAL RELIEF GREATER THAN 5 FEET IN HEIGHT WITHIN A HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCE OF 50 FEET OR RETAINING WALLS LESS THAN 5 FEET IN CUMULATIVE VERTICAL RELIEF AND ADJACENT TO STRUCTURES LOCATED CLOSER THAN THE VERTICAL RELIEF REQUIRE SPECIAL INSPECTION TESTING. THE OWNER SHALL ENGAGE A QUALIFIED 3RD PARTY INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY TO CONDUCT SPECIAL INSPECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1807.2.5 OF THE NORTH CAROLINA BUILDING CODE FOR THE SITE RETAINING WALL(S) PROVIDED ON THESE PLANS. AFTER CONSTRUCTION, A SUMMARY OF THE SPECIAL INSPECTION TESTING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE TESTING AGENCY TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL AND THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FOR THE FINAL REVIEW. Drawing List C-00 Property Information C-1 Existing Conditions C-2 Proposed Retaining Wall and Erosioin Control C-3 Stream Cross -Sections C-4 Retaining Wall Cross -Sections D-1 Retaining Wall Details D-2 Erosion Control Details Property Owner: Willowbrook Homeoners Association 3815 Barrett Dr. Raleigh, NC 27609 Attn: Victor Jones/Willowbrook HOA Manager Property Information: Parcell Id: 05G01192E N C P I N :174004-82-4693 Book/Page: 01197/0101 Acreage: 0.610 acres Address: Not Asigned ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL C SCIENCE COMPANY 3008 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 781-7798 02/17/21 Property Information Stream Bank Stabilization 2009 Willow Hill Lane Clayton, NC 27520 02/17/21 DRAWN: TPS REVISED: SCALE: See Drawings Sheet No. Willowbrook HOA NCPIN: 174004-82- x102.36 101.68 x 100.33 x. x 94.27 99.61 x x 97.35 x 98.29 101.82 x •i 0 Paved Parking Lot Gaped Area Invert Elevation: 84' (Approx.) 98.89 x Scale: 1 "=10' 10 20 99.49 x Michael M Leham 2009 Willow Hill Ln Clayton NC 27520 NCPIN: 174004-82-4697 94.45 x Chana D Perrell 2005 Willow Hill Ln Clayton, NC 27520 NCPIN: 174004-82-4699 x 96.40 98.78 x x 96.40 x98.78 x 90.37 S fin amine x 90.95 94.67 x x94.94 x 96.52 LEGEND x 96.40 Existing Toe of Stream Bank Exisiting Top of Bank Topo Lines Spot Elevations Property Line Tree Line ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL 6,, SCIENCE COMPANY 3008 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 781-7798 Existing Conditioins Stream Bank Stabilization 2009 Willow Hill Lane Clayton, NC 27520 02/17/21 DRAWN: TPS REVISED: SCALE: See Drawings Sheet No. Center Reference Line 0 N a- 100.33 ^102.36 101.68 x 94.27 99 61x Cross-Section 1 Scale: 1 "=10' 10 20 98.29 101.82 x Paved Parking Lot Willowbrook H NCPIN: 004-82-4693 Cross -Section 2 aped Area oa• 'etainin 99.51 C/O Stock Piled S 0 Elevation:84' A 93.49 ----- 98.89 Cross -Section 3 92.94 99.49 Cross-Sectio Michael M Leham 2009 Willow Hill Ln Clayton NC 27520 NCPIN: 174004-82-4697 House X 92.36 94.45 - Cross -Section 5 Limits of Distur 0.29 m Chana D Perrell 2005 Willow Hill Ln Clayton, NC 27520 NCPIN: 174004-82-4699 House 98.78 Cross -Sec Retaining Wall 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooa0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Remove 96.40 98.78 Cross -Section 7 0 x96.40 LEGEND Existing Toe of Stream Bank -- -- Exisiting Top of Bank Existing Topo Lines Spot Elevations Property Line Proposed Retaining Wall Limits of Disturbance Existing Tree Line Construction and Erosion Control Sequence 1. Install silt fence below soil borrow area. 2. Construct downslope rock check dam. 3. Remove existing wood pedestrian bridge. 4. Start construction of retaining wall. 5. Re -vegetate all areas disturbed. Use excelsior on stream banks. 6. Spread rock from downslope check dam uniformly along the stream. _ _a-4.59 35 X 92.46 Center Reference Line 94.94 96.52 Cross -Section 8 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL 6,, SCIENCE COMPANY 3008 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 781-7798 Proposed Retaining Wall And Erossion Control Measures Stream Bank Stabilization 2009 Willow Hill Lane Clayton, NC 27520 02/17/21 DRAWN: TPS REVISED: SCALE: See Drawings Sheet No. CROSS-SECTION 1 CROSS-SECTION 2 105 100 95 90 85 25 105 100 95 90 85 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 CROSS-SECTION 3 20 25 30 35 40 45 Gab ion Wall ` 1e_• jrag u t s ,era' .3o0°°e 0°0 a°c, v o °o °e 0 °o•e°o °o °o� 0,0 �0,0 0,0 cam/ • O 0°0 0°e 0°O,0-'00600°O. JEMENEEMENEEMEM 105 100 95 90 85 25 105 100 95 90 85 20 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 CROSS-SECTION 5 20 25 30 35 40 105 100 95 90 85 25 105 100 95 90 85 45 40 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 CROSS-SECTION 4 25 30 35 40 45 Gabion • 0°`J', 00,0 00c INEEMERNEEN W all 0 W 0 0 0 Ga 'ion Wall 4J4/ 4JcdJOsJ4 ° off °off 100- 2 10- ear -ar 2-year 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 CROSS-SECTION 7 20 25 30 35 40 45 G abion all V ��w�• ♦- o o oOa C4OA� o 60A000 °, Pam, Pc 100-year 25-year 10-yea 2 Y. 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 105 100 95 90 85 25 105 100 95 90 85 50 35 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 CROSS-SECTION 6 10 15 20 25 30 0 x W m O ❑ Gabi on Wall ° -cam rna� 100- ear 10-year -year 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 CROSS-SECTION 8 25 30 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 40 45 Existing Ground Level Proposed Ground Level Horizontal and Vertical Scale: 1 "=5' ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL 2 C SCIENCE COMPANY 3008 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 781-7798 Stream Cross -Sections Stream Bank Stabilization 2009 Willow Hill Lane Clayton, NC 27520 02/17/21 DRAWN: REVISED: SCALE: See Drawings Sheet No. 1 nn Elevation, Ft. © c.m T of �B nk Existin Ground S rf- ` 7077 _ 77�,7 h ,77-L%OO 0�,0O. 77wow•re WO K o o O O� o KDW 07 �O�7 o o e o07,)77 o off(,1<DI O o ) O o ) o O 1 0 20 ) O ) � � � ��� � �� �o �. oo � �o n0 �o �o 00 '� ,o 00 ,° ,00 � �� �o �0 � 00 oo � �o 00 imo�� � �> \✓ � �} _> °00°D000°I o\�<> \✓ �> O � �✓ OO _> A� O _ °O,00 � <> \,/ � O°O � _' b° �✓ OO _> �,-/ �> °00° <> \✓ O°00 �> O , \✓ � OO _> �,� � {> °00° A� O O°00° �> O \,/ OO {> \,/ O {> 000° _ A� O 0°0 '> °Ill _' \� O O O 0° ° �✓ 0)0Al'ki,il° 0 � °��ez 0°0) 0 � � 0 J � 00 O 00) 0 Wr _ \,/ O 00 � \,/ 0 1 � °00° , O ,00°]00 ,0.° c, P k< ����� ea • ... , _ o 1� ;, <> O O O O°� O° O On <> O O° O O° <> O°0 -'_ ° ��/ O > °n O° < > �✓ O°� O°00 O I Li'�5 ODO \✓ 0° L u� O°DD 0 fl O°fl O O°O �-' 0�� O°f i°�° O 0 I!°0 OO 0 0. 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O � 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 85 1 0+45 nil 0+50 Station 0+75 1+00 1+10 Elevation, Ft. © v1 Top of Bank Existing Ground Surface O c� �U. 0 0 ° 0� Oc <-) On 70 � a 77 7� ��� 7)777 77 � � � - L ����7 � � � 177i 0 0 0 0 0 if 0 0 0 f �� 0 0 .� o � 0°0a0°0 �.� �� 000 0� �.� O a0 c> 0a�i�a0iOa�i0a0�� o c> o c 00 o c i. o Al c) b ills o Uo , �I® • � �o a1�diLA �.c et o. Lh fij O ! s0�0�0�0 0 c � �o O� o 0�0 D o 0 o aD c O�i0 � �o O� o a0i�0e c> O �10a0 0)o o�0 000 • • �� 0 0 0 0 OW • � � C 0��0 0 O C� 0. 0 4 O O �o O ( oo OOOoO 0 .c, 0 0 c o o o oO �0�0���0o0 �00oo�o T�eO�0v0�0�r����� Q _ • 0 0� a a oHt: 0 0 a� o • 0 0 0� 0 0 io 0 oII+) O >7<-) O 7s O O 7� � i� � _— O a "� .� � 7� � '� � � >7� � 7� � � 7b W 7� ' � 7� � >7� � 7�> � 7� � 7� � 7� � �70 7� t •.- - - �_a _a O O 0 o 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 00 00�0 O0�O O_>O� 00�0 ° 00 O00 O �O O0 00 000 Oo Ot�O Oo Oo00 00 0O �� o 0O � 0O �� >00 0 00 00 o 0 �OoO rem Emmy= 85 1 +10 Horizontal and Vertical Scale: 1 1+25 "=2' Station 1+50 1 +65 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL 2C SCIENCE COMPANY DATE: 02/17/21 3008 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 6 (919) 781-7798 DRAWN: TPS 02/17/21 an Retaining Wall Cross -Section REVISED: �04 $y; ''�' ` Q � SCALE: See Drawings SEAL Z. t 15472 / _ _,AN _; %�.o,� FNGItdEE�/����` %, �.K.8H��������� Stream Bank Stabilization 2009 Willow Hill Lane Clayton, NC 27520 Sheet No. C-4 of: WORK DISCRIPTION EXECUTION A. Retaining Wall: 1. Work consists of furnishing and construction of 102 lineal feet of Gabion Retaining Wall System in accordance with the specifications and in reasonable close conformity with the lines, grades design and dimensions shown on the plans. B. Earthwork: 1. Preparing foundation soil subgrade to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. 2. Furnishing and installing leveling pad to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. 3. Prepare final soil subgrade after retaining wall installation to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. C. Erosion Control: 1. Although an erosion control permit is not required, a stone check dam shall be installed downslope of the disturbance, and any soil excavated to install the retaining wall shall have a silt fence install downslope of stockpiled soils. 2. All disturbed areas will require revegetation as per the plans. D. Surface Water Control: 1. An existing pond is located approximately 600 ft. upslope of the retaining wall installation. The contractor will coordinate with the Engineer, T. Patrick Shillington, P. E., to ensure that the pond water level is sufficiently lowered to reduce stream flow through the construction site. The Willowbrook Home Owner's Associations shall be responsible for lowering the water level in the pond. 2. During installation of the leveling pad, some dewatering is expected by the contractor. MATERIALS A. Gabion Baskets: 1. Gabion baskets shall consist of twisted hexagonal mesh meeting ASTM A975. Hexagonal openings shall not exceed 3 inches. The mesh wire shall be galvanized steel and have a diameter of 0.120 inches. (11 Gage). 2. Selvedge galvanized wire shall have a diameter of 0.150 inches (9 Gage). 3. Lacing and tie galvanized wire shall have a diameter of 0.87 inches (13.5 Gage). 4. All galvanized wire shall conform to ASTM A510, grade number 1006 through 1020. Wire shall have a minimum tensile strength of 60,000 psi, and a Class 3 coating conforming to ASTM A 641. The galvanized coating shall be applied by the hot dip process in accordance with ASTM A 385 and ASTM A 386. B. Filter Fabric: 1. Filter Fabric shall be used to separate the No. 57 Stone and the Gabion Stone Fill from the native soil and soil backfill. The Filter Fabric shall be minimum 4.0 oz/sy, polypropylene, needle - punched nonwoven fabric. C. Leveling/Foundation Base: 1. The leveling/foundation base shall consist of No. 57 Stone as defined by NCDOT. D. Gabion Stone Fill: 1. Gabion stone fill shall consist of Class B Erosion Control Stone as defined by NCDOT. E. Soil Backfill: 1. Native soil excavated to install the Gabion Wall can be re -used for backfill behind the wall. 2. The backfill shall be placed in 6 inch loose lifts and compacted to 92% of Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-698). 3. Initial compaction may require mechanical hand operated equipment. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Quality Assurance - The Owner shall/may engage inspection and testing services, including independent laboratories, to provide quality assurance and testing services during construction. This does not relieve the Contractor from securing the necessary construction quality control testing. Quality Assurance should include foundation soil inspection, verification of geotechnical design parameters and verification that the contractor's quality control testing is adequate as a minimum. Quality Assurance shall also include observation of construction for general compliance with design drawings and project specifications. B. The wall contractor shall correct work that does not meet these specifications or the requirements shown on the Drawings at the wall contractor's expense. C. Quality control testing shall include soil and backfill testing to verify soil types and compaction and verification that the retaining wall is being constructed in accordance with the design plans and project specifications. The compaction test locations should vary and cover the entire area of the reinforced soil zone, including the area compacted A. Examination: 1. Prior to commencing work, the retaining wall contractor shall examine the areas and conditions under which the retaining wall system is to be erected, and notify the [Architect] [Engineer] [Owner] [General Contractor] in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 2. Promptly notify the wall design engineer of site conditions which may affect wall performance, soil conditions observed other than those assumed, or other conditions that may require a reevaluation of the wall design. 3. Verify the location of existing structures and utilities prior to excavation. Ensure surrounding structures are protected from the effects of wall excavation. Excavation support, if required, is the responsibility of the Contractor, including the stability of the excavation and its influence on adjacent properties and structures. B. Excavation and Foundation Soil Preparation: 1. Contractor shall excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. 2. The Project Geotechnical Engineer will examine foundation soil to ensure that the actual foundation soil strength meets or exceeds that indicated on the drawings. At the direction of the project geotechnical engineer, remove soil not meeting the required strength, and will determine if the foundation soils will require special treatment or correction to control total and differential settlement. C. Leveling Pad: 1. Leveling pad material shall be placed to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. 2. Leveling pad shall extend a minimum of 6 inches beyond both the front and back of the lower most gabion units. 3. Leveling pad materials shall have a minimum thickness of 8 inches and consist of No. 57 stone as defined by NCDOT. 4. Final surface of Leveling pad shall be prepared to insure full contact to the base surface of the concrete Facing Units and have a tolerance within +/- 1 inch over a 10 foot span. D. Gabions: 1. Gabions shall be fabricated in such a manner that the sides, ends, lid and diaphragms can be assemble at the construction site into the baskets of the sizes specified: 3 ft. wide, 3 ft. long, 3 ft. high 4.5 ft. wide, 3 ft. long, 3 ft. high 2. Lacing wire shall be used for both the assembly of baskets and connecting baskets together. The lacing procedure consists of cutting a length of wire approximately 1.5 times the distance to be laced (not to exceed 5 ft.), securing one end of the wire at the corner by looping and twisting, alternately lacing with single and double loops at approximately four (4) inch intervals, and securing the other end of the wire to selvedges by looping and twisting. 3. Placing gabions shall consist of installing baskets to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. Gabions shall be securely tied to each adjoining gabion with lacing wire along the vertical reinforced edges and top selvedges. Empty gabion sections stacked on a filled gabion shall be tightly laced to the filled lower section along the front and back. For the end sections only, the layer of empty gabions placed on top of the filled gabions must be wired to the latter at the front, back and lateral edges. 4. The gabions shall be carefully filled with rock, by either machine or hand placement to ensure alignment, avoid bulges, and provide a compact mass with minimum voids. Machine placement may have to be supplemented with hand work to ensure a neat, compact, and square appearance. A stretcher, block and tackle, come -along, ect. may be used to stretch the wire baskets and hold alignment during the filling process. 5. Cells in rows shall be filled in stages such that the depth of rock placed in any cell does not exceed the depth in an adjoining cell by more than one (1) ft. 6. Stone filling shall be conducted in 12 inch lifts. 7. During stone filling, the tie wires shall be installed per the Gabion Tie Wire Detail. All tie wires shall be looped around three (3) mesh openings and the ends of the wires shall be securely twisted with a minimum of five (5) twists after looping. Internal Radius Joint Face of Wall Leave End Panel Flat Joint Notes: 1. For interior curves leave one end down and fix the adjacent gavion to the rear vertical of the adjacent gabion. 2. For exterior curves leave one end down and fix adjacent gavion to the front verical of the adjacent gavion. External Radius Face of Wall Leave End Panel Flat Gabion Curve Construction Detial Plan View (NTS) SEE LACING DETAIL FOR LACING LIP DOWN - LACE FRONT, SIDE tiBACK i .1145111.7ABIONS404 "41100 TOGETHER TWISTED WIRE MESH --- DOUBLE LOOP Selvedge Wire CONTINUOUS TIE WIRE TO NEXT SINGLE LOOP. Lacing Locations (NTS) SINGLE LOOP Filter Fabric 3' 3' 36" 1 12" 12" 12" 36" 36" End Gabion Adjacent Gabion _ 1----_1- - Ties k 36" Front Perspective View (NTS) 36" 1 \/ V V 12" End Gabion Adjacent Gabion '6" 12" Ties 12" /\ /\ /\ 19" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" Stream Bed 4" NOMINAL SPACING Lacing Detail (NTS) Ground Surface Native�Stoil Used For 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Standard P ctoN f\ ASSTMw 698) Oo0 °O0 °0 0 °000 nmICS Ow0 °L 0'00wc) L ' L ° 0 • •CD 0OC�0OC�0O���OC� • •CD 0 •0 •0 •0 •0 •0 b 0 0 0 0 0 4e1106 Q Q Q Q Q Q Doccloclop0000cloo 8" 4.5' 5.5' Gabion Retaining Wall Cross -Section (NTS) Plan View (NTS) Gabion Tie Wire Detail (NTS) Internal Connecting Wires Shall Encompass 3 Mess Spaces Internal Tie Wire Connection Detail (NTS) E�s 02/16/21 1 SEAL r-- 15472 '%,�A9FNG1NEEe \Gt� ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE COMPANY 3008 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 781-7798 Stream Bank Stabilization 2009 Willow Hill Lane Clayton, NC 27520 DATE: 02/16/21 DRAWN: TPS REVISED: SCALE: NTS Sheet No. D-1 CLASS B EROSION CONTROL STONE Downslope Rock Check Dam Details (NTS) CROSS SECTION 5' 3.5 3 0000000000000000000 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aoe0000000000000000000000000 +00000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 4000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 Q 00000000000000000000000000 1 )00000000000000C A 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000 1.5 0000000000000000000000 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 4' 0 0 o0 o000000000000 00000000000000 000000000000 FILTER FABRIC' 0000000000 2' lft. THICK No.57 STONE FLOW DIRECTION SEED BED PREP AND SEEDING SCHEDULE. PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE FOR AREAS 3:1 AND FLATTER 5.0 3 00 00000 000000000000000000000000000000 FRONT VEIW 0000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000, 0000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 36' 0 0000 )000000000000000000000000 0000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 )000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000(lc 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 000000000000000000 00000000000000000, 0000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 )00000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 FILTER FABRIC Maintenance Notes: Check the embankment for erosion damage. Replace No. 57 Stone when clogged by sediment. Make all neacessary repairs immediately. SPECIES RATE (LB./ACRE) TALL FESCUE TALL FESCUE AND ABRUZZI RYE TALL FESCUE COMMON (HULLED) BERMUDA TEMPORARY SEEDING MIXTURE 300 300 300 25 OPTIMUM PLANTING TIME AUGUST 15-NOV 1 NOV 1-MARCH 1 MARCH 1-APRIL 15 APRIL 15-JUNE 30 *RESEED ACCORDING TO OPTIMUM PLANTING TIMES IN PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE. ALLOW TEMPORARY COVER TO GET NO MORE THAN 12" HT. BEFORE MOWING. SPECIES RATE (LB./ACRE) DATE TALL FESCUE AND BROWNTOP MILLET (OR) SORGHUM-SUDAN HYBRIDS 35 TOTAL JULY 15-AUGUST 15 PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE FOR AREAS 3:1 TO 2:1 SPECIES RATE (LB./ACRE) SERICEA LESPEDEZA (SCARIFIED) 50 AND ADD TALL FESCUE 120 OR ADD WEEPING LOVE GRASS 10 OR ADD COMMON (HULLED) BERMUDA 25 BERMUDA (UNHULLED) 30 PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE FOR AREAS 2:1 AND STEEPER OPTIMUM PLANTING TIME MARCH 1-JUNE 1 MARCH 1-JUNE 1 MARCH 1-JUNE 30 MARCH 1-JUNE 30 DEC 30 - APRIL 1 SPECIES RATE (LB./ACRE) WEEPING LOVE GRASS 40 TEMPORARY SEEDING MIXTURE OPTIMUM PLANTING TIME MARCH 1-JUNE 30 *RESEED ACCORDING TO OPTIMUM PLANTING TIMES IN PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE. ALLOW TEMPORARY COVER TO GET NO MORE THAN 12" HT. BEFORE MOWING. SPECIES RATE (LB./ACRE) DATE TALL FESCUE BROWNTOP MILLET (OR) SORGHUM-SUDAN HYBRIDS 120 35 30 JUNE 1-SEPT 1 SERICEA LESPEDEZA (UNHULLED UNSCARIFIED) AND TALL FESCUE SORGHUM-SUDAN HYBRIDS 70 120 30 SEPT 1-MARCH 1 * ADD ABRUZZI RYE 25 NOV 1-MARCH 1 SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE TILLED OR OTHERWISE MIXED TO 8" DEPTH PRIOR TO SEEDING THE TOP 3" SHALL PULVERIZED TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM SEED BED. HARD PAN SHALL BE CHISLED WITH SOIL SCARIFIER IF CONDITIONS WARRENT BY ON SITE INSPECTION. ALL ROCKS AND DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO FERTILIZING AND SEEDING EXPOSED AREAS. UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE BY SOIL TEST REPORT: APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AT A RATE OF 95 LBS PER 1000 SF APPLY FERTILIZER AT A RATE OF 21 LBS PER 1000 SF (5-10-10). MULCH MULCH - 70 LBS PER 1000 SF - SMALL GRAIN STRAW OR EQUIVALENT COVER. ANCHOR - ASPHALT EMULSION ON MULCHED AREAS @ 200-400 GAL./ACRE (TYPE R.S.) MAINTENANCE REFERTILIZE AT THE END OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD ACCORDING TO NC COOP EXT SVC. RECOMMENDATIONS MOW TO 3" HT. WHEN AVERAGE HT. OF GRASS BECOMES 5". RE -DISK, APPLY SOIL AMENDMENTS AND RESEED & MULCH DAMAGED OR DEAD AREAS IMMEDIATELY. CLASS B EROSION CONTROL STONE Minimum 10 Gauge Line Wires Cross -Section SILT FENCE DETAILS Minimum 12 - 1/2 Gauge Intermediate Wires 8' MAXIMUM (variable as directed by the engineer) Grade 3' - 0" 2'-0" Silt Fence Specifications 1. Steel posts shall be a minimum of 5 ft. long, weigh a minimum of 1.3 lb/ft, and have projections to aid in fastening the wire or fabric. Steel posts shall also have a metal plate welded near the bottom such that when the post is driven to the proper depth, the plate will be below the ground level for added stability. 2. Woven Wire Fence shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 116, Class I zinc coating for wire. The fence shall be at least 32 in. high and shall have at least 6 line (horizontal) wires. Stay (vertical) wires shall be spaced 12 in. apart. The top and bottom wires shall be 10 gage. All other wires shall be 12 1/2 gage. 3. Filter Fabric shall be composed of fibers consisting of long chain synthetic polymers composed of at least 85% by weight of polyolefins, polyesters, or polyamides. The fibers shall be formed into a network such that the filaments or yarns retain dimensional stability relative to each other. The filter fabric shall be free of any treatment or coating which might adversely alter its physical properties after installation. The fabric shall be free of defects or flaws which significantly affect its physical and/or filtering properties. The fabric shall have a minimum width of 36 inches. The filter fabric shall be furnished with suitable wrapping for protection against moisture and extended ultraviolet prior to placement. EXCELSIOR DETAILS (NTS) Exclelsior Channel Bottom Steel Post Woven Wire Fabric Silt Fence Geotextile Fabric Grade 8\ 8" Minimum Cover over Skirt * 4" Minimum horizontal turn The filter fabric shall meet the following minimum physical requirements: PROPERTY* TEST METHOD REQUIRED VALUE Tensile Strength ASTM D 4632 400 Newtons (901b) Elongation ASTM D 4632 <50% - fabric self supporting > 50% - fabric requires woven wire backing Apparent Opening Size (AOS)** ASTM D 4751 0.84 millimeter (U.S. Sieve #20) Permitivity ASTM D 4491 0.01 Sec: Ultraviolet Stability (retained strength after 500hrs of ultraviolet exposure) ASTM D 4355 70% 4. A 6 in. x 6 in. trench shall be dug on the upstream side of the silt fence. The silt fence shall line the trench and extend up the posts for the remainder of the fabric width. The trench shall then be backfilled and tamped. Silt fence fabrics shall be spliced together only at supporting posts with a minimum of 6 in. of overlap and in such a manner to prevent silt from passing between the two ends. At the time of installation, the fabric will be rejected if it has any defects, deterioration, or other damage incurred during manufacture, transportation, or storage. Silt Fence Maintenance Considerations 1. Inspect silt fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. 2. Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace it promptly. 3. Remove the sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. 4. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. EXCELSIOR SPECIFICATIONS 1. The erosion control blanket (excelsior) shall consist of a machine produced blanket of curled natural fibers. The fiber thickness shall be consistent and evenly distributed over the entire area of the blanket. Both sides of the blanket shall be covered with an extra heavy-duty plastic netting with a mesh opening of approximately 3/4 inch. by 3/4 inch. 2 Installation shall start at the furthest point downstream of the reshaped river bank and proceed upslope with each panel overlapping the other as per the manufacturer's specifications. 3. For each panel, start installation near the toe of each bank at the normal river stage level and install up the bank. From the toe to the top of the bank, one complete panel shall be installed (no splicing is allowed). 4. The blankets shall be stapled in place as per the manufacturer's specifications. 5. Anchor the top of each panel by burying the panel edge. 6 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL 2C SCIENCE COMPANY 3008 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 781-7798 Erosion Control Details Stream Bank Stabilization 2009 Willow Hill Lane Clayton, NC 27520 02/17/21 DRAWN: TPS REVISED: SCALE: See Drawings Sheet No. a to o4 za o o n o _ o z D- o al E an ox ca L oU Photo #1 Photo #2 Photo #3 Photo #4 Photo #5