HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161220_Meeting Minutes_201211080HO¢THC4 G ne�1 T+c 4,n �KL1tf �F ey 'uti+*�Sr!St�it�k +MHi<+�lA�� Hf F1YN }sb�«.. �yt lF'r t1b+WJL =tuyt+a utY'" ^i +ftS -ti v.i>wJ -LrM RFtt.�tfHtt�f� � O 1 -35 / US 321 Interchange Geometric ! �* Improvements O OF nANSQ Concurrence Point 2A /4A 1 -85 / US 321 Interchange Gaston County TIP Project 1 -5000 NABS No. 41153.1 1 North Carolina Department of Transportation November 8, 2012 Prepared By Elmo Vance Project Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Ao� HO�IN ;�'ror rn�NS�oC Purpose of Today's Meeting I -85 / US 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T I P No I -5000 Table of Contents Project Decsription Need for and Purpose of the Proposed Action Project Schedule and Status Project Cost Permit Information Hydraulic Structure Recommendation Floodplain Management Federally Protected Species Minimization Efforts List of Figures Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Study Area Environmental Feature Map Figure 3 Jurisdictional Resources Figure 4 Natural Communities Figure 5 NCDOT Preferred Alternative List of Tables Table 1 Summary of Impacts Table 2 Stream Crossings and Impacts in Project Study Area Table 3 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Impacts in Project Area Table 4 Hydraulic Recommendations Table 5 Federally Protected Species for Gaston County Page 4 4 7 7 h0, NOYIN � fO�y, 4' 1 a v ;�� OF A ISMS Purpose of Today's Meeting I -85 / US 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T I P No I -5000 A merger screening meeting was held for the subject project on April 29, 2009 The protect is needed in order to relieve congestion and improve traffic flow at the 185 / US 321 interchange It was agreed that in lieu of holding Concurrence Points 1, 2 and 2A, the full merger team would convene after preliminary plans were available It was decided that this meeting would be scheduled after environmental field studies were completed, but prior to completion of the Categorical Exclusion At that time, The North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) would conduct a combined Concurrence Point 2A /4(A) meeting` where the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative would be presented and measures of minimization and avoidance would be discussed Three alternatives for the project were explored in the vicinity of the 185 / US 321 interchange Two design options alternatives were carried forward for detailed analysis After review of the functionality, environmental impacts and cost, it was decided that the Split -Left Alternative (alternative 3) would be the preferred design alternative option NCDOT has compiled information to obtain consensus from the Merger Project Team on Concurrence Point 2A and 4A which is to review preliminary designs to perform a bridging and alignment review and to ensure that avoidance and /or minimization to the human environment and natural environment have been achieved for the preferred alternative for the proposed interchange improvement project This packet includes a description of the project, the project study area and summarizes the conclusions of Concurrence Points 2A and 4A It also provides the project status and schedule, and describes the impacts associated with the project The following information is also included for the alignment review of the project hydraulic structure recommendation table, and stream and wetland impact data PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan classifies US 321 (North Chester Street) as a Mayor Thoroughfare The North Carolina Functional Classification of US 321 is a Principal Arterial US 321 is the only mayor north -south route in Gaston County Interstate 85 is the only major freeway traveling east -west through the county The project is funded as TIP I -5000 in the Draft 2013 -2023 Transportation Improvement Program The proposed project would relieve congestion and improve traffic flow in proximity of the 1 -85 / US 321 interchange in Gastonia 2 " °" "`'• I -85 /ITS 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T I P No I -5000 Three conceptual alternatives were initially considered One alternative (Alternative 1, Direct Left) was eliminated early in the process due to its operational deficiencies Two alternatives, Alternative 2 (Flyover) and Alternative 3 (Split Left), were carried forward for detailed study After detailed analysis the Split Left was chosen as the Preferred Alternative due to its superior operational efficiency, lower impacts, constructability, and significantly lower cost The detailed study alternative will have the following characteristics • Multi -lane lane ramp configuration • Controlled access facility See Figure 2 for the project study area Need for and Purpose of the Proposed Action The existing interchange cannot adequately accommodate the current or future traffic exchange between 185 / US 321 The proposed project evaluated several design alternatives, with Alternative 3 being selected as the NCDOT preferred alternative Alternative 3 would add a ramp to the northeast and southeast quadrants that will tie into US 321 at the intersection with Rankin Lake Road, which is adjacent to the north of the current intersection with the northbound I- 85 ramps The additional ramp in the northeast quadrant will reduce the volume of vehicles using the loop in the northwest quadrant, allowing it to be a one lane ramp for drivers going south on US 321 The additional ramp in the southeast quadrant will eliminate the loop in the southwest quadrant As a result of the changes to the roadway with Alternative 3, the following changes to other infrastructure will be necessary Box culverts in the northeast and southeast quadrants will be extended to accommodate the new ramps • The existing pedestrian trail will be relocated near its existing path New culverts will carry the pedestrian trail under the new ramps in the northeast and southeast quadrants • Bulb Avenue will be extended from its current terminus close to US 321 to Marietta Street This extension is necessary because the current connection from US 321 to Marietta Street, Rankin Lake Road, will be disconnected due to the new ramps in the northeast quadrant 3 �� °•N ° " "`,•�� I -85 / US 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T.I P. No I -5000 Project Schedule and Status Project development studies for this project began in 2008 The scopmg meeting for the project was held on December 17, 2008 Right of way acquisition for the project is scheduled to begin in fiscal year 2014 and construction is scheduled for fiscal year 2016 The project status includes the following ❖ Scopmg Meeting Occurred on ❖ Merger Screening Meeting ❖ Citizen Information Workshop on ❖ Local Officials Meeting ❖ Local Officials Meeting ❖ Citizen Information Workshop on ❖ 2A/4A Meeting ❖ Categorical Exclusion ❖ Right of Way acquisition ❖ Construction Project Cost December 17, 2008 April 29, 2009 June 11, 2009 August 26, 2010 January 17, 2012 May 17, 2012 November 8, 2012 Fall 2012 FY 2014 FY 2016 The current estimated cost for the proposed improvements is as follows Right of Way Acquisition $ 1,220,000 Construction $ 11,500,000 Total Estimated Cost S 12,720,000 rd I -85 / US 321 Interchange *� Geometric Safety Improvements {� 5•� Gaston, NC 'I'.I P No I -5000 Table 1 Summary of Impacts Impact Category Alternative 2 (Flyover) Preferred Alternative 3 (Split -Left) Protect (Description Project Length (miles) N/A N/A Natural Resources Impacts Federal Listed Species Habitat Yes -No Effect Yes -No Effect 100 -Year Flood Plain and Floodway Impacts No No Wetlands (number of crossings /acres) 1/0 09 ac 1/0 09 ac Stream Crossings (number/linear feet) 3/579 3/839 Potential Riparian Buffers (acres) 0 0 Water Supply Critical Areas 0 0 Potential 4f Impacts Yes Yes Human Environment Impacts Residential Relocations (number) 0 0 Business Relocations (number) 8 4 Low Income /Minority Population 0 0 Churches /Church Office (number) 0 0 Cemeteries /Gravesites (number) 0 0 Recorded Historic Sites /Distncts 0 0 Physical Environment Impacts Railroad Crossings 0 0 Underground Storage Tanks (number) 0 0 Costs Right -of -Way Costs ($ M 2010) $4,650,000 $1,220,000 Construction Costs ($ M 2010) $19,900,000 $12,720,000 Total Construction Cost $24,550,000 $12,720,000 I -85 / US 321 Interchange a Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T I P No I -5000 Table 2. Jurisdictional Streams & Impacts in Proiect Area Alternative 3 (Preferred) Map ID Classification Mitigation Required River Basin Buffer Length within Study Area (ft) Stream Impacts (ft) SA Perennial Yes None 509 0 SB* Perennial Yes None 4,425 839 Sc Perennial Yes None 114 0 *Stream SB is named locally as Hrghlard Creek DWQ does not recognize the name Highland Creek for this stream Table 3 Jurisdictional Wetlands & Impacts in Project Area- Alternative 3 (Preferred) Map ID NCWAM Classification Wetland Size within Study Area Wetland Impacts WA Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh 0 09 acres 0 09 acres C1 o= *�'�'ror nwas�t Permit Information I -85 / US 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T.I P. No. I -5000 Impacts to Jurisdictional surface waters are anticipated In accordance with provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, a permit will be required from the USACE for the discharge of dredged or fill material Into "Waters of the United States " A Nationwide Permit (NWP) No 14 [33 CFR 330 5 (a) (14)] is likely to be applicable for all impacts to Waters of the United States resulting from the proposed project Final permitting decisions rest with the USACE A Water Quality General Certification (401) is required Section 401 Certification allows surface waters to be impacted for the duration of the construction and Insures compliance with the state's water quality standards A Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WRC) will be required from the NCDWQ Hydraulic Structure Recommendations- To accommodate the proposed Improvements, an extension of the existing 3 @ 8' x 9' reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) located on Highland Creek under 1 -85 on the outlet end will be required The required culvert extension will be approximately 485 ft Two new culverts will be required, one new 3 @ 8' x 10' RCBC approximately 155 feet in length on Highland Creek under proposed ramp D and Ramp DD located approximately 170 feet upstream (south) of 1 -85, and the other 3 @ 8' x 10 ' RCBC approximately 144 feet in length will be located on Highland Creek at the proposed Bulb Avenue extension (see Figure 4) It is recommended that the existing 15 ft long bridge on Rankin Lake Road located approximately 250 feet downstream of the culvert extension be removed and the natural flood plain restored This will help reduce the 100 year flood elevations upstream and offset impacts due to the culvert extensions Table 4. hydraulic Recommendations Alternative 3 (Preferred) Note Based on Hvdraulrc Recommendation Hydraulic Stream Name DWQ Existing Proposed Linear Stream Site Class Hydraulic Hydraulic Impacts (ft) Opening (w x h) Opening (w x h) 1 UT to Long Creek C 3 @8'x9' Retain & Extend 3 @8'x9' 485 2 UT to Long Creek C n/a 3 @8'x10' 210 3 UT to Long Creek C n/a 3 @8'x9' 144 *UT to Long Creek is named locally as Highland Creek however DWQ does not recognize the name Highland Creek for this stream V/ �, iaOtlM a I -85 / US 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T I P No I -5000 Floodplain Management Gaston Co is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) The project as proposed will cross a UT to Long Creek UT to Long Creek is listed as Tributary L -8 in the most current Gaston County Flood Insurance Study Based on mapping the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), this stream crossing is in a designated flood hazard zone which is within a detailed flood study reach, having regulated 100 -year floodway The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) in the vicinity of the crossing depict the limits of the 100 -year floodplain and floodway in the project vicinity it is anticipated that the proposed roadway and associated drainage accommodations will not have any significant adverse impact on the affected existing floodplain areas NCDOT will coordinate with the FMP, the delegated state agency for administering FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program, to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of NCDOT's Memorandum of Agreement with FMP, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Federally- Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered, Threatened, Proposed Endangered and Proposed Threatened are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended As of January 31, 2008 the USFWS lists the following federally protected species for Gaston County (Table 5) Table 5. Federally- Protected Species for Gaston County Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Habitat Present Biological Conclusion Glyptemys muhlenbergu Bog Turtle T(S /A) No Not Required Hehanthus schweimtzu Schweinitz's sunflower E Yes No Effect E Endangered is defined as a species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range T(S /A) Threatened due to similarity of appearance These species are not biologically endangered or threatened and are not subject to Section 7 consultation MANLAA May affect, not likely to adversely affect �o Minimization Efforts I -85 / US 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T I P No I -5000 The following minimization measures will be implemented to reduce environmental impacts • The southbound 1-85 off ramp was adjusted to minimize impacts to Highland Creek to the best extent possible • The design for the typical section along US 321 has been revised to stay within the existing edge of pavement, therefore, minimizing impacts to existing businesses 9 °•"° " "�� I -85 / US 321 Interchange s' t Geometric Safety Improvements Gaston, NC T.I P No I -5000 Concurrence Point No. 2A. Bridging Decisions Concurrence Point No 4A: Avoidance and Minimization Protect Name/Description: 185 /US 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements TIP Project No. I -5000 WBS No. 41153.1.1 See attached documents for bridging decisions and avoidance and minimization measures The Project Team has concurred on this date of November 8, 2012, on Concurrence Point 2A (Bridging Decisions) and Concurrence Point 4A (Avoidance and Minimization) for the 185 / US 321 Interchange Geometric Safety Improvements for TIP Project I -5000 USACOE USEPA DWQ NCDOT USFWS WMC SBPO MPO 10 i O of , NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT f " OF TRANSPORTATION rT%DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH a 1 -85 / US 321 INTERCHANGE GASTON COUNTY WBS No. 41153.1.1 TIP No. 1 -5000 0 N 0 2,000 4,000 Feet VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 / ` �� • /^ 321 ankin La/ / •r � � r! � � h, � � b �. try:- � '�._/ I cre e k f „ iii �\ _ ✓ 1 , t � • d • �� Sims ; a..• 4 �` r Park% hift f ' Q f f � l ,� 5� "� i 11 � 1� '• •' J �} '• � rw Per 321 Legend =� ("- y' ® Study Area J Fee :• '. ! 0 375 750 1,500 2,250 3,000 4, ' How 4�0% NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT 1 -85 / US 321 INTERCHANGE OF TRANSPORTATION GASTON COUNTY STUDY AREA z DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND WBS No. 41153.1.1 A ° ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH TIP No. 1 -5000 FIGURE 2 1 -5000 (ALTERNATIVE 3) o 0 O m ` 'r- D'� PUBLIC OFFICIALS MAP TM NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT T! c o m ; w "' O 1-851 US 321 INTERCHANGE OF TRANSPORTATION z GEOMETRIC DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS m No :A La I _� c Z PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH N °o GASTON COUNTY TIP PROJECT 1 -5000