HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS 421/NC 87 (3)Environmental Evaluation For Waste Site #6 US -421 & NC -87 Sanford Bypass Lee County Blue Ridge Environmental Consultants, P.A. Engineering I Planning I Environmental Environmental Assessment Environmental Assessment Purpose - The evaluation of the status of a specific ecosystem or geographic area and how a proposed change in management or a proposed project will affect that status Prepared by: BREC Blue Ridge Environmental Consultants, P.A. 828.265.4425 Engineering I Planning I Environmental Prepared For: DeVere Construction Company, Inc. 110 Fortune Way Raleigh, NC 27617 PropeM Owner: NCDOT PO Box 1067 — Aberdeen, NC 28315 Property Address: Cotten Road Sanford, NC PIN: 9635-11-1026-00 Deed Book/Page: 1123/364 Lee County, NC (further identified in maps contained within) 2 Vicinity Map Waste Site — 7.12 acres a 0 r r � 4 SITE YA 1 lO� O WASTE ;~ WASTE S #7 ` SITE 46 3 Fhirin, Cllr Ja CO V FjR (Z--D USGS —Colon Quad- 1:24,000 Scale WASTE WASTE SITE #7 SITE #6 USGS —Colon Quad- 1:24,000 Scale Introduction BREC, PA. was retained by DeVere Construction Company, Inc. to evaluate the natural resources on a proposed waste site. The site was evaluated for aquatic resources, wetlands, threatened and endangered species, terrestrial resources, and wildlife habitat. BREC, PA. has been approved by the NCDOT to perform these evaluations. A. Present Use and Existin>? Conditions The proposed site presently consists of forest land and vacant uses. A field survey of the proposed waste site and search for rare species, aquatic habitat and wetlands was conducted on October P, 2012. Photographs of the proposed waste site are included. 2010 Orthographic Image .. PROPERTY CORNERS CORKER LATITUDE LONGITUDE 1 35.539507 N -?9233639 W 2 35.539250 N - 7923370S W 3 35.539143 N - 7922.9361 W b 35.537319 N - 79229673 W 5 35.5369E+7 N -73231370 W r r� ��� q .j � �'_ . 1- ,�.�iL'� Z� 90.44444 1�i � ��' � y ,� •� _ _ �i`.: - 1 ,9� k ALL B. Proposed use Vacant land /Forest Use C. Past Use As reviewed in Historical ortho photography housed in the Soil and Water Conservation District, timber and pasture usage has been continuous since at least 1944 and verified through imagery in the years 1958, 1966,1996 and 2004. D. Vegetative Considerations Proposed vegetation (see Reclamation Plan) consists largely of existing species and is consistent with both the past and present uses. The vegetative community consisted of various common native tree species that indicate frequent timber harvest E. Threatened or Endangered flora and fauna A review of the site and proposed areas did not reveal any threatened or endanged species. Furthermore the potential of presence of these species is low due to present and past management, topography, and past disturbance. A list of species that have been known to occur is listed below. This listing acquired from the NC Natural Heritage Program was used in site analysis and our determination of no impact to threatened and endangered species. 8 Species/Listing Name E Bat, Indiana (Mvotis sodalis) E Bat, Virginia big -eared (Corynorhinus (= Plecotus) townsendii virginianus) E Beetle, American burying (Nicrophorus americanus) E Butterfly, Saint Francis' satyr (Neonympha mitchellii francisci) E Cahow (Pterodroma cahow) T Chub, spotfin Entire (Erimonax monachus) E Curlew, Eskimo (Numenius borealis) T Eagle, bald lower 48 States (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) E Elktoe, Appalachian (Alasmidonta raveneliana) E Heelsplitter, Carolina (Lasmi ona decorata) E Mussel, oyster Entire Range; Except where listed as Experimental Populations (Epioblasma capsae ormis) E Pearlymussel, littlewing (Pegias fabulal T Plover, piping except Great Lakes watershed (Charadrius melodus) E Puma (= cougar), eastern (Puma (= Felis) concolor couguar) E Riffleshell, tan (Epioblasma 1lorentina walkeri ( =E. walkeri)) E Sawfish, smalltooth (Pristis pectinate) T Sea turtle, green except where endangered (Chelonia mvdasl E Sea turtle, hawksbill (Eretmochelvs imbricate) E Sea turtle, Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelvs kempii) E Sea turtle, leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) T Sea turtle, loggerhead (Caretta caretta) E Shiner, Cape Fear (Notroois mekistocholas) T Silverside, Waccamaw (Menidia extensa) T Snail, noonday (Mesodon clarki nantahala) E Spider, spruce -fir moss (Microhexura montivaQa) E Spinymussel, Tar River (Elliptio steinstansana) z E Squirrel, Carolina northern flying (Glaucomvs sabrinus coloratus) E Sturgeon, shortnose (AcWenser brevirostrum) E Tern, roseate northeast U.S. nesting pop. (Sterna dougallii dougallii) E Wedgemussel, dwarf (Alasmidonta heterodon) E Whale, finback (Balaenoptera ph sy alus) E Whale, humpback (Me gaptera novaeangliae) E Whale, right (Balaena glacialis (incl. australis)) E Whale, sperm (Physeter catodon (= macrocephalus)) E Wolf, gray lower 48 States, except MN and where XN; Mexico (Canis lupus) E Woodpecker, red - cockaded (Picoides borealis) Plants -- 27 Status Species/Listing Name T Amaranth, seabeach (Amaranthus pumilus) E Arrowhead, bunched (Sagittaria fasciculata) E Avens, spreading (Geum radiatum) E Bittercress, small - anthered (Cardamine micranthera) T Blazingstar, Heller's (Liatris helleri) E Bluet, Roan Mountain (Hedvotis purpurea var. montana) E Chaffseed, American (Schwalbea americana) E Coneflower, smooth (Echinacea laevigata) E Dropwort, Canby's (Oxypolis canbvi) T Goldenrod, Blue Ridge (Solidago Withamaea) E Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum) T Heartleaf, dwarf - flowered (Hexastylis nani ora) T Heather, mountain golden (Hudsonia montana) E Irisette, white (Sisyrinchium dichotomum) T Joint- vetch, sensitive (Aeschynomene vir inica) V E Lichen, rock gnome (Gvmnoderma lineare) E Loosestrife, rough - leaved (Lysimachia asperulaefoha) E Meadowrue, Cooley's (Thalictrum coolevi) T Pink, swamp (Helonias bullala) E Pitcher - plant, green (Sarracenia oreophila) E Pitcher- plant, mountain sweet (Sarracenia rubra ssp. 'oI nesii) T Pogonia, small whorled (/sotria medeoloides) E Pondberry (Lindera melissifolia) E Sedge, golden (Carex lutea) T Spiraea, Virginia (�iraea vir ink) E Sumac, Michaux's (Rhus michauxii) E Sunflower, Schweinitz's (Helianthus schweinitzii) F. Wildlife Habitat With respect to wild game and in accordance with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission the site will have no negative impact on wildlife habitat. G. Water Oualitv Considerations The appropriate sediment and erosion control techniques have been included in the waste site reclamation plan that adequately protect against sedimentation and turbidity. The site characteristics such as topography, buffer (greater than 50' from Fill), and distance provide adequate protection to surface and groundwater resources. No streams, springs, wetlands, or seeps were found in the project area. H. Soil Considerations (see Attached USDA -NRCS Soil Survey may) On site soils were evaluated for Hydric Soils, (see Regulatory Jurisdiction Heading) and Prime and Unique Farmland. None of the factors were present to classify the sites' soils in this manner. Furthermore, the proposed waste material is similar in type, slope, and classification to the soil found on the proposed waste site. Listed below is a soil classification and description from the proposed waste site. Lee Count y, North Carolina NC105 Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name I Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Ch Chewacla silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 27.1 17.8% MfB Mayodan fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 2.1 1.4% PfB Pinkston silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 17.9 11.8% PfD Pinkston silt loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 40.9 27.0% PfF Pinkston silt loam, 15 to 40 percent slopes 63.7 42.0% Totals for Area of Interest 151.7 100.00/0 I. Wetlands and Jurisdictional Impacts In accordance with the Clean Water Act sections 404 and 401 and the 1987 ACOE Manual there are no jurisdictional impacts to water of the United States or of North Carolina. There is an ephemeral drainage feature that is depicted in the pictures above and labeled on the maps. Our firm evaluated the feature using the NCDWQ methodology (Form Attached) and determined it to be non jurisdictional. J. State/Local Reeulations 12 A Floodplain ordinance exists in Lee County, but the proposed project will not impact the flood buffer as defined by ordinance. No riparian buffer ordinances exist on the proposed site. K. Cultural Resources In accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act there are no known qualifying sites that exist or will be impacted by the proposed waste site. In addition the waste fill material will not impact any know Native American burial sites. SHPO letter attached. L. Alternatives considered but dismissed Alternative sites were considered during the selection of this site, but it was determined based on the likelihood that no negative impact would occur the proposed site is recommended and no alternatives are offered in this assessment. M. Permits No additional permits will be needed for the use of this tract as a waste site. Environmental Consequences /Conclusions There is no forested wildlife habitat on the tract. No federally endangered, threatened, or species of concern were found on the project site. It is our professional opinion based on the information provided above, site reconnaissance, and existing information that the proposed Waste site of 7.12 acres off of US 421 in Lee County, NC will have NO adverse environmental consequences. Qualifications and Methodologies The field investigation and preparation of the Environmental Evaluation was conducted by Derek Goddard of BREC, PA. Mr. Goddard is a highly regarded and recognizable figure in the professional consulting community. Mr. Goddard has worked extensively in the conservation and planning fields. Currently the vice president of Blue Ridge Environmental Consultants P.A., Mr. Goddard has worked for a number of diverse organizations and projects in the non - profit, private, and public sectors. Before his current position, Mr. Goddard held adjunct faculty positions and served as the lead technical staff for the Watauga Soil and Water Conservation District. Among his notable skill sets, is the ability to organize and manage complicated stream restoration projects from concept to design and construction. Mr. Goddard has procured over 4 million dollars in grant funded water quality projects and has completed over 8 miles of stream bank enhancement, restoration and stabilization projects throughout the Southeast. Additionally, Mr. Goddard is a recognized expert in the environmental permitting and compliance sectors, having served as the lead consultant on hundreds of section 404 and 401 authorizations, compensatory mitigation plans, and individual permits. Mr. Goddard is known for his ability to consistently and efficiently manage the ever - changing permitting process over a myriad of various 13 jurisdictions. A frequent presenter and speaker, Mr. Goddard has given presentations about ecosystem restoration and management to numerous professional and community groups. Areas of Expertise: Environmental Permitting and Entitlement, 404/401 Processes, Erosion and Sediment Control, Jurisdictional Determinations, Zoning Process, Environmental Due Diligence Education BS Appalachian State University MS Appalachian State University Stream determinations were made using the criteria developed by the NC Division of Water Quality. Factors considered include hydrology, stream channel, biological communities, and topography. Wetland determinations follow the USA Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (1987). Chief Preparer: 1♦ 10/15/2012 Derek S. Goddard, Vice President Date BREC 14 0 0 0 0 x y A m m 0 < D � 10 Z p 0 0 0 n� NOUVA313 I w CD w_ ffff � O�� -p u a cc u o m cn CD m - -p0M m m-����O ¢, 1<n RR la cB u nlln IIpV IV n Cam 11� ul N�`11a U,I +I +cn -• cQao 1 0 ocsla oz S.aa 0 o r II m rn r OC Q II N g ° cn NN SIC" -o a o II ^I II rn II cWi, mm c7 cnc�D NI 4' a o + co cn W O A N A m U n tp II ? 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ROCK PIPE INLET SEDIMENT TRAP TYPE A NORTH CAROLINA - DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 0 RALEIGH, N C co 0 N N = 3dId „84 f1UHl ,ZL tl313WVIa ,9 0NV ,S `,b 310HNVW LSV33Hd - HOd ONIMVHG OHVONVIS HSII9N3 0 N 'H9131VU SAVMHDIH 30 NOISIAIG NOIl VI I� OHVO HIHON 1d30 Z1711 d0 31VIS �m 2e m gG m m C i � �„ a m . Oil 8- i III II1yr ai T 1 II II I II 111 M r Il rl rlr�r�i 11 a�m °£ rz I, 99 r° m m �m c 1 III I �mr m O II I� is T8 114 ��� I I S' ba 9 Tic@ m� z sm N �g m s oS 8 m g o g 8 - -- FEEI: e9 ��g m u iy o 88 v4 'yy� pE a _0 o m M .o� m _° A g €3 m r m m m m• oz O o'y^ - °r = i = mCg C �d 1 O m z ^ =o - MG _ i ° r ark ppm ENGLISH STANDARD DRAWING FOR STATE OF c; PRECAST MANHOLE 4',5' AND 6' DIAMETER NORTH CAROLINA O1° 12" THRU 48" PIPE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS p - RALEIGH, N C SANFORD BYPASS WASTE SITES N6697 46, BLUERIDGE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS PA DATE REVISIONS ENGINEERING I PLANNING I ENVIRONMENTAL 12)072012 NCDOT COMMENTS 11262012 PREPARED FOR DBVERE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC NCBELS ENGINEERING FIRM gG3448 PRELIMINARY 110 FORTURE WAY RALEIGH NC 28315 1708 SOUTH COLLEGIATE DRIVE 3388444008 WILKESBORO NC 28897 htp 1&q oD¢ \ /IGW - MOT PPI FACFfI pn0 ((1NCTPI IC TIC1N DO NOT SCALE PLANS MUST BI DETAILS (�o `� Wainwright, David From Wainwright, David Sent Thursday, December 20, 2012 1 07 PM To King, Art C Cc Smith, Ronnie D SAW Subject RE R- 2417AA, SANFORD WASTE SITE #6 Art, In response to your request regarding the construction of Waste Site #6 as part of the Sanford Bypass (R- 2417AA), I have reviewed the information you sent regarding the project Additionally, I was in the area on December 18 and visited the general area (Cotton Road /US 421, was unable to access the site directly) I have also spoken to Mr Ronnie Smith (USACE) about the proposed project Based on the provided information, the site visit, and discussions with the USACE, the DWQ does not believe that the project will impact jurisdictional resources as proposed , and is to be built on uplands At this time it is not believed that any further action is required by the NCDWQ However, should any aspect of the project change, please notify the NCDWQ so we can confirm if any further actions are needed Also, please be reminded that the associated stormwater BMPS should be designed, installed, and properly maintained as to not create a water quality violation(s) from discharge Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me David Wainwright NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Transportation Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1650 Phone (919)807 -6405 Fax (919) 807 6488 David Wainwright@ncdenr sov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation APlease consider the environment before printing this email From King, Art C Sent, Monday, December 17, 2012 10 09 AM To: Smith, Ronnie D SAW, Wainwright, David Subject: FW R- 2417AA, SANFORD WASTE SITE #6 Gentlemen, Please review the attached study and revised plan for the waste pit for project R- 2417AA in Lee County Please let me know if you have any questions or comments I will be back In the office on January, 2nd Thanks, Art From. Lentine, Sarah F Sent Friday, December 14, 2012 8 47 AM To, King, Art C, Harrington, Barry W Subject FW R- 2417AA, SANFORD WASTE SITE #6 Please review the revised plans for the waste pit Thanks, Sarah Lentine From: Mike Habig [mailto mhabig @deverecc us] Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 3 57 PM To, Lentine, Sarah F Cc, Phillips, Michael G, ]oe Coleman, Chris Meyer Subject R- 2417AA, SANFORD WASTE SITE #6 Sarah, Attached are the revisions to the NCDOT waste pit for your review If acceptable, please let me know and I will have the hard copies sent to your office Regards, Mike Habig ®e Vere Construction Company, Inc 110 Fortune Way, Raleigh, NC 27617 919 - 363 -6551 ph 919 - 363 -6575 fax Cell phone # 919 - 524 -4435 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N C Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Wainwright, David From Smith, Ronnie D SAW [Ronnie D Smith @usace army mil] Sent Thursday, December 20, 2012 9 30 AM To King, Art C, Wainwright, David Subject RE R- 2417AA, SANFORD WASTE SITE #6 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification UNCLASSIFIED Caveats NONE Art, I received information for Waste Site #6 located off Cotton Road, east of the intersection of Cumnock Road and Boone Trail Road, near Big Buffalo Creek, north of Sanford, in Lee County, North Carolina Based on the information that you provided and a conversation with Mr Derek Goddard with Blue Ridge Environmental Consultants, all work will be conducted in high ground and will not impact or degrade any wetlands or waters of the United States Please notify our office if the waste site expands to areas that have not been evaluated Thanks Ronnie Smith Project Manager U S Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Office 910 - 251 -4829 Fax 910 - 251 -4025 Website http / /www saw usace army mil /WETLANDS The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http / /per2 nwp usace army mil /survey html to complete the survey online - - - -- Original Message---- - From King, Art C [mailto ackingOncdot Rov] Sent Monday, December 17, 2012 10 09 AM To Smith, Ronnie D SAW, Wainwright, David Subject FW R- 2417AA, SANFORD WASTE SITE #6 Gentlemen, Please review the attached study and revised plan for the waste pit for project R- 2417AA in Lee County Please let me know if you have any questions or comments I will be back in the office on January, 2nd Thanks, Art From Lentine, Sarah F Sent Friday, December 14, 2012 8 47 AM To King, Art C, Harrington, Barry W Sub3ect FW R- 2417AA, SANFORD WASTE SITE #6 Please review the revised plans for the waste pit Thanks, Sarah Lentine From Mike Habig [mailto mhabig (@deverecc us] Sent Friday, December 07, 2012 3 57 PM To Lentine, Sarah F Cc Phillips, Michael G, Joe Coleman, Chris Meyer Subject R- 2417AA, SANFORD WASTE SITE #6 Sarah, Attached are the revisions to the NCDOT waste pit for your review if acceptable, please let me know and I will have the hard copies sent to your office Regards, Mike Habig DeVere Construction Company, Inc 110 Fortune Way, Raleigh, NC 27617 919 - 363 -6551 ph 919 - 363 -6575 fax Cell phone # 919 -524 -4435 2 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N C Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Classification UNCLASSIFIED Caveats NONE