HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070972 Ver 1_Restoration Plan_20070601RESTORA TION PLAN ADKIN BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT Lenoir County, North Carolina Project ID No. 050656101 Prepared for: ,, r ,~ l~,cxny~tcn~ NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program 2728 Capital Boulevard, Suite I H 103 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 March 28, 2007 ~~~~~ p J~JN 12007 lJ i:.a ~.~ . 1 rt'. 411r-LITY FI Project ID No. 050656]0] Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Prepared by: ' ~ K A IATE P. O & SSOC S, C Consulting Engineers Ko & Associates P.C. 1011 Schaub Drive, Suite 202 Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 919.851.6066 919.851.6846 (fax) 1 R. Kevin Williams, PE, PLS, CPESC, CPSWQ Project Engineer/Manager 1 ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. page i Cunsulling Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PL AN TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... ... I ' 1.0 PROJECT SITE LOCATION ........................................................................................ .. 1 1.1 DIRECTIONS TO PROJECT SITE .................................................................................... .. 1 ' 1.2 USGS HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE AND NCDWQ RIVER BASIN DESIGNATION ........... .. 1 1.3 PROJECT VICINITY MAP ................................................... 2 2.0 .......................................... WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION ...................................................................... .. .. 3 2.1 DRAINAGE AREA .................................................................................................. 3 2.2 ..... SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION/WATER QUALITY ............................................... .. .. 3 2.3 PHYSIOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, AND SOILS ..................................................................... .. 3 2.4 2.5 HISTORICAL LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS ................................................ THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES ................................................................. .. 4 .. 5 2.6 CULTURAL RESOURCES :............................................................................................ .. 6 2.7 POTENTIAL CONSTRAINTS ......................................................................................... 2.7.1 Property Ownership and Boundary ................................................................... .. 6 .. 7 ' 2.7.2 Project Access ................................................................................................... .. 8 2.7.3 Utilities .............................................................................................................. 2 7 4 FEMA/H d l i T ..8 ' . . y ro og c respass ............................................................................. .. 8 3.0 PROJECT SITE STREAMS (EXISTING CONDITIONS ........................................... .. 9 3.1 CHANNEL CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................ .. 9 , 3.2 DISCHARGE ................................................................................................................ 14 3.3 3.4 CHANNEL MORPHOLOGY ........................................................................................... CHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENT ............................................................................ 14 14 3.5 BANKFULL VERIFICATION ......................................................................................... 15 3.6 4 0 VEGETATION .............................................................................................................. 15 ' . REFERENCE STREAMS .............................................................................................. 17 4.1 4.2 WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION ............................................................................. CHANNEL CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................ 17 17 ' 4.3 DISCHARGE ................................................................................................................ 18 4.4 4.5 CHANNEL MORPHOLOGY ........................................................................................... CHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENT ............................................................................ 18 18 ' 4.6 BANKFULL VERIFICATION ......................................................................................... 18 4.7 REFERENCE FOREST ECOSYSTEM ............................................................................... 19 , 5.0 PROJECT SITE RESTORATION PLAN ...................................................................... 21 5.1 RESTORATION PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................... 5.1.1 Designed Channel Classification ...................................................................... 21 22 5.1.2 Stream Restoration Activities ........................................................................... 23 5.1.3 In-stream Structures .......................................................................................... 25 a KO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Page ii ' Cunsrrlting Engrneere 1 Project ID No. 0$06$6101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN $.1.4 Removal and Replacement of Unsafe Pedestrian Bridges ................................ 2$ $.1.$ Target Buffer Communities .............................................................................. 2$ $.2 SEDIMENT TRANSPORT ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 2S ' $.3 HEC-RAS ANALYSIS ................................................................................................ $.3.1 Bankfull Discharge Analysis ............................................................................ 27 28 $.3.2 No-Rise ............................................................................................................. 28 $.4 $.3.3 Hydrologic Trespass ......................................................................................... STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ........................................................ 29 29 $.4.1 Narrative of Site-Specific Stormwater Concerns .............................................. 30 ' $.$ $.4.2 Device Description and Application ................................................................. SOIL RESTORATION .................................................................................................... 31 3$ $.$.2 Floodplain Soil Scarification ............................................................................ 3$ ' S.6 NATURAL PLANT COMMUNITY RESTORATION ........................................................... $.6.1 Planting Plan ..................................................................................................... 3$ 37 $.6.2 Neuse River Buffers .......................................................................................... 39 6.0 $.6.3 Invasive Species Management .......................................................................... PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ....................................................................................... 39 40 ' 6.1 STREAMS ................................................................................................................... 6.1.1 Stream Success Criteria .................................................................................... 40 40 6.1.2 Stream Contingency .......................................................................................... 41 ' 6.2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DEVICES ..................................................................... 6.2.1 Sand Filter Device Monitoring and Maintenance ............................................. 42 42 6.2.2 Stormwater Wetland Monitoring and Maintenance .......................................... 42 ' 6.3 VEGETATION .............................................................................................................. 6.3.1 Vegetation Success Criteria .............................................................................. 43 43 6.3.2 Vegetation Contingency .................................................................................... 44 6.4 SCHEDULING AND REPORTING ................................................................................... 44 7.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 4$ List of Tables Table 1. Project Restoration Structures and Objectives ................................................................. 1 Table 2. Drainage Areas ................................................................................................................ 3 ' Table 3. USDA Soils Mapped within the Project ........................................................................ 4 .. Table 4. Land Use of Watershed .................................................................................................. .. 4 Table $. Federally Protected Species for Lenoir County ............................................................. .. $ ' Table 6 Design Constraints .......................................................................................................... .. 7 Table 7A. Adkin Branch Morphological Stream Characteristics ................................................ 12 Table 7B. UT to Adkin Branch Morphological Stream Characteristics ...................................... Table 8. Reference Forest Ecosystem .......................................................................................... 13 20 Table 9. Sand Filter Summary ..................................................................................................... 31 ' Table 10. Planting Plan ................................................................................................................ Table 11. Project Scheduling and Reporting ............................................................................... 38 44 r a KO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Page iii Consulting Engineers 1 Project [D No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN List of Figures Figure 1 Restoration Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 Restoration Site Watershed Map Figure 3 Restoration Site Soil Survey Map Figure 4 Restoration Site Hydrological Features Map ' Figure 5 Johnson Mill Run Vicinity Map Figure 6 Figure 7 Johnson Mill Run Watershed Map Johnson Mill Run Soil Survey Map ' Figure 8 UT to Wildcat Branch Vicinity Map Figure 9 UT to Wildcat Branch Watershed Map Figure 10 UT to Wildcat Branch Soil Survey Map ' Figure 11 Reference Vegetative Communities Map List of Sheets , Sheets 1-1 B Restoration Site Existing Stream Conditions Sheets 2-2 B Restoration Site Proposed Stream Conditions Sheets 3-3 C Longitudinal Profiles Sheets 4-4 B Planting Plan Sheet 5 Existing Neuse Buffers ' Sheet SA Existing Neuse River Buffers Sheet 6 Proposed Neuse River Buffers Sheet 6A Proposed Neuse River Buffer Appendices A di ppen x A. Adkin Branch Site Photographs Appendix B. Restoration Site NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms 1. Stream Form Location Map ' 2. Stream Forms 3. Email Documenting Perennial Status Determination of UT to Adkin Branch Appendix C. Restoration Site NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms 4. Stream Form Location Map ' 5. Stream Forms Appendix D. Reference Site Photographs 1. Johnson Mili Run ' 2. UT to Wildcat Branch Appendix E. Reference Site NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms ' 1. Johnson Mill Run 2. UT to Wildcat Branch Appendix F. HEC-RAS Analysis Appendix G. BMP Supporting Documentation Appendix H. Regional Curve Documentation a KO cPc ASSOCIATES, P.C. Page iv Consnlling Engineers 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) is currently developing stream restoration plans for the Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project (Project) located on the southeast side of the City of Kinston, in Lenoir County. The Project begins at North Carolina Highways 11 and 55 and ends at Lincoln Street. The Project is located in United States Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) and Targeted Local Watershed 03020202060030 (North Carolina Division of Water Quality [NCDWQ] Subbasin 03-04-OS) of the Neuse River Basin and will service the USGS 8-digit HU 03020202. This document details planned stream restoration activities on the Project. A 46-acre conservation easement will be placed on the Project to incorporate all restoration activities. The Project contains Adkin Branch, an unnamed tributary (UT) to Adkin Branch, riparian buffer, ' floodplain, and upland slopes. The Project watershed, including the Project, is characterized primarily by urban development associated with the City of Kinston, agriculture, disturbed forest, former neighborhoods, a former landfill, and a former wastewater treatment plant. ' Adjacent urban land uses, which include the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, impervious surfaces, and straightening and rerouting of stream channels, has resulted in degraded ' water quality and unstable channel characteristics (stream entrenchment, erosion, and bank collapse). ' The primary goals and objects of this project include: • Reducing sediment input to Adkin Branch by restoring a stable dimension, pattern, and profile, and establishing a vegetated stream bank, floodplain and terrace forest. Forest vegetation species were selected by studying a Reference Forest Ecosystem located directly upstream of the Project and reviewing species listed in Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation (Schafale and Weakley 1990). These species will mimic a Coastal Plain Forest. • Promote floodwater attenuation and decrease floodwater levels by excavating a gently sloping floodplain bench that begins at the bankfuil discharge elevation and slopes up to the terrace elevation, and increasing roughness in the floodplain by establishing a vegetated riparian buffer. • Improving aquatic habitat by enhancing stream bed variability (riffle-pool sequence), and introducing woody debris in the form of rootwads, log vanes, and log sills. A riffle-pool sequence and woody debris structures provide places for forage, cover and reproduction for aquatic fauna and in some instances flora. • Improve terrestrial habitat by restoring a forested riparian corridor through a highly urbanized environment which has historically experienced vegetation maintenance and forest segmentation. This corridor will provide a diversity of habitats such as mature forest, early successional forest, riparian wetlands and uplands. • Reduce nonpoint source pollution associated with urban land uses (i.e. maintained ball fields, roadways, residential communities) by providing a vegetative buffer adjacent to KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Executive Summary Page I i~ Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, i.enoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN streams to treat surface runoff. Virtually all research that has been conducted on vegetated riparian buffer strips shows a substantial decrease in pollutants such as nitrate- nitrogen, phosphorous, chloride, ammonium, and sedimentation. • Improve water quality by creating riparian stormwater wetlands adjacent to the UT, implementing BMPs along Adkin Branch for stormwater runoff that will retain sediments and nutrients, and removing creosote timber retaining walls throughout the project. Project restoration efforts will result in the following: • Restoration efforts will increase the stream length of Adkin Branch from an existing length of 7,982 linear feet to 8,521 linear feet. Restoration efforts will increase the stream length of the UT from an existing length of 1,263 linear feet to 1,6161inear feet. • Creation of approximately 0.45 acres of riverine stormwater wetlands adjacent to the UT . • There are currently 22.4 acres of buffers within the 50 foot riparian corridor of Adkin Branch and the UT. Of the 22.4 acres there are 7.6 acres of forest which meet vegetation ' requirements of Neuse River Buffers. The remaining area of 13.5 acres of grass, 0.7 acres of impervious surface, and 0.6 acres of maintained sewer easement, do not meet vegetation requirements of Neuse River Buffers. These buffers will be impacted by the ' relocation of Adkin Branch and the UT. • The relocation and reforestation of Adkin Branch's riparian corridor will result in a total of 22.63 acres of riparian corridor within 50 feet of Adkin Branch. Of the 22.63 acres there are 21.55 acres of forest vegetation which will be considered Neuse River Buffers. The remaining area of 0.65 acres of maintained grass, 0.31 acres of maintained sewer easement, and 0.12 acres of impervious surface, will not meet vegetation requirements of Neuse River Buffers. • A total of 41.74 acres of stream banks, floodplains, upland slopes and BMPs will be , reforested within the project limits This document represents a detailed restoration plan summarizing activities proposed within the Site. The plan includes 1) descriptions of existing conditions, 2) reference stream and forest studies, 3) restoration plans, and 4) Project monitoring and success criteria. Upon approval of this plan by EEP, engineering construction plans will be prepared and activities implemented as outlined. Proposed restoration activities may be modified during the civil design stage due to constraints such as access issues, sediment-erosion control measures, drainage needs (floodway constraints), or other design considerations. Many properties adjacent to Adkin Branch, a landfill, and a wastewater treatment plant were purchased by the City of Kinston with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds ' following Hurricanes Fran and Floyd. The City of Kinston is in the process of developing a plan for reuse of these properties, which will include the establishment of a greenway and trail, educational nature park and facilities, and an arboretum. Executive Summary a KO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Page II ' Constrllrng Engineers 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 1.0 PROJECT SITE LOCATION: The project site is located on the southeast side of the City of Kinston, in Lenoir County, North Carolina and includes Adkin Branch and an unnamed tributary (UT) to Adkin Branch (Figure 1). Approximately 10,137 linear feet of stream are to be restored at the Site. Table 1 describes the Project restoration structures and objectives. t Table 1. Project Restoration Structures and Objectives PrniPrt TTl Nn_ tl~,tl(h5(1I11 (Adkin Rranch 4tream Restnratinn Prniectl 1 1 L! t 1 1 u Existing Designed Restoration Restoration Priority Linear Linear Segment/ Station Range Type Approach Footage/ Footage/ Comment Reach ID Acrea a Acrea e NC11/55 to 10+00 - 35+26 Restoration II 2,488 2,526 Washin ton Avenue 35+26 - 35+96 --- --- 70 ---- Existin Box Culvert Washington Avenue to 35+96 - 53+46 Restoration II 1,680 1,750 Gordon Street Adkin Branch 53+46 - 54+03 --- --- 57 ---- Existin Box Culvert Gordon Street to 54+03 - 60+27 Restoration II 636 624 Caswell Street 60+27 - 60+68 --- --- 41 ---- Existin Box Culvert Caswell Street to 60+68 - 96+90 Restoration I[ 3588 3,622 Lincoln Street UT to Adkin ] 0+00 - 26+15 Restoration I & II 1,200 1,615 --- Branch Trees and shrubs will be Forest (> 100 planted in all areas located trees per acre) Restoration --- 7.58 21.55 within the project's easement area. The 0.65 acres is located Neuse River Grass /Forest (< outside of the proposed Buffers 100 trees per --- --- 13.58 0.65 easement, therefore could acre) not be reforested. Sewer --- --- 0.55 0.31 --- The impervious areas inside Impervious Area --- --- 0.69 0.12 of the easement area cannot be reforested. 1.1 Directions to Project Site: From Raleigh, North Carolina take I-40 east for approximately 6.5 miles to US Highway 70 east. Take US 70 east for approximately 68.5 miles to NC Highways 11 and 55. Take a left turn and travel northeast on NC 11/55 through Kinston for 2.6 miles to the intersection with Adkin Branch. The project study area is southeast of NC 11/55. 1.2 USGS Hydrologic Unit Code and NCDWQ River Basin Designation: The ' Adkin Branch Project is located in Lenoir County, North Carolina within United KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 1 a ons dlin En =ineers C i S ~ Project ID No. 050656101 ' Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN States Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) and Targeted Local Watershed 03020202060030 (North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Subbasin 03-04-OS) of the Neuse River Basin and will service the USGS 8-digit HU 03020202 (USGS 1974, NCWRP 2003). NCDWQ Subbasin 03-04-OS of the Neuse River Basin includes most of Lenoir ' County, the southeast corner of Wayne County, and small portions of Craven, Jones, and Greene Counties. This Subbasin includes the Neuse River from the , mouth of Stoney Creek to the mouth of Contentnea Creek (NCDWQ 2006a). 1.3 Project Vicinity Map: The Project is located on the southeast side of the City of Kinston, in Lenoir County, North Carolina. The Project begins at NC 11/55 and ends at Lincoln Street. The project vicinity is depicted on Figure 1. 1 i~ e r KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 2 ' a Consulltng Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN ' 2.0 WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION 2.1 Drainage Area: Adkin Branch has a watershed area of approximately 3495 acres (5.46 square miles) at its downstream most point of the Project (Table 2 and ' Figure 2). The UT to Adkin Branch has a watershed area of 78 acres (0.12 square miles) at its confluence with Adkin Branch. Onsite elevations range from a high of 42 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) at the upstream extent of ' the Project to a low of approximately 14 feet NGVD at the downstream extent of the Project, as obtained from field surveys. C Table 2. Drainage Areas Project ID No. 0506056101 (Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project) Draina a Area Reach Acres S ware Mile(s) Adkin Branch (at Washin ton Avenue 2495 4.60 Adkin Branch (at Gordon Street) 3220 5.03 Adkin Branch at Caswell Street 3260 5.09 Adkin Branch (at Pro'ect outfall -Lincoln Street) 3495 5.46 UT to Adkin Branch (at confluence with Adkin Branch) 78 0.12 2.2 Surface Water Classification/Water Quality: Adkin Branch and its tributaries have been assigned Stream Index Number 27-79, a Best Usage Classification of C Sw NSW, and are supporting their intended uses (NCDWQ 2002, NCDWQ 2006b). Class C waters are suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental manner. Sw (swamp waters) is a supplemental classification intended to recognize those waters that generally have naturally occurring very low velocities, low pH, and low dissolved oxygen. NSW (nutrient sensitive waters) is a supplemental classification intended for waters needing additional nutrient management due to their being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. 2.3 Physiography, Geology, and Soils: The Project is divided by two ecoregions within the Southeastern Plains of North Carolina: 1) Rolling Coastal Plains and 2) Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terrace. The Rolling Coastal Plain ecoregion, located at the upstream/northern half of the Project, is characterized by dissected, irregular plains and smooth plains on broad interstream divides with gentle to steep side slopes dissected by numerous small, low to moderate gradient sandy bottomed streams. The Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terrace ecoregion, located at the downstream/southern half of the Project, is characterized by major river Foodplains and associated low terraces containing low gradient streams with sandy and silty substrates, oxbow lakes, ponds, and/or swamps (Griffith 2002). a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Soils that occur within the Site, according to the Soil Survey of Lenoir County, North Carolina are depicted in Figure 3 and described in Table 3 (USDA 1992). Table 3. USDA Soils Mapped within the Project Project ID No. 0506056101 (Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Prniectl Soil Series HYdri~ Status Family Description This series consists of frequently flooded, poorly drained, moderately permeable, nearly level soils on floodplains. (BB) Class A Fluvaquents Slopes are generally less than 1 percent. The seasonal high water table generally occurs at the soil surface. Marl occurs at a de th of 4 to 7 feet. This series consists ofwell-drained, moderately permeable, Kalmia Class B Typic Hapludults nearly level soils on stream terraces. Slopes are generally (Ka) between 0 and 2 percent. Depth to the seasonal high water table occurs at 5 feet. Kenansville Arenic This series consists of well-drained, moderately rapid (Ke) Class B Hapludults Permeable, nearly level soils on stream terraces. Depth to the seasonal hi h water table occurs at 5 feet. uass [~ - nyanc so~-s; Class ti = nonhydric soils, which may contain hydric soil inclusions 2.4 Historical Land Use and Development Trends: Land use within the Project watershed is characterized primarily as urban development, which is associated with the City of Kinston. Land uses include agriculture, disturbed forest, parks, former neighborhoods, a former landfill, and a former wastewater treatment plant (Table 4 and Figure 2). The removal of riparian vegetation, impervious surfaces, and straightening and rerouting of stream channels, has resulted in degraded water quality and unstable channel characteristics (stream entrenchment, erosion, and bank collapse). Many of the former neighborhoods, landfill, and wastewater treatment plant were purchased by the City of Kinston with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds following flooding from Hurricanes Fran and Floyd. The City of Kinston is in the process of developing a plan for reuse of these properties including the establishment of a greenway, educational facilities, and parks. Table 4. Land Use of Watershed Project ID No. 0506056101 (Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Prniectl Land Use Acrea a Percenta e Urban Land 2655 76 A ricultural Land 450 13 Mixed Forest/Disturbed Forest 260 7 Ever reen Forest 130 4 TOTAL 3495 100 a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 4 Consnhing Engineers C 1 n 1 ' Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 2.5 Threatened and Endangered Species: Species with a Federal classification of ' Endangered or Threatened are protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The term "Endangered species" is defined as "any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range," and the term "Threatened species" is defined as "any species which is likely to become an Endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range" (16 U.S.C. 1532). Based on the most recently updated county-by-county database of federally listed species in North Carolina as posted by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) at http://nc-es.fws.gov/es/countyfr.html, three federally protected species are listed for Lenoir County. Table 5 lists the federally protected species for Lenoir County and indicates if potential habitat exists within the Project for each. ' Table 5. Federally Protected Species for Lenoir County Prniert iln Nn_ (15(1F(15h1 M (Adkin Rranch stream Restnratinn Prniectl Habitat Biological Common Name Scientific Name * Status Present Within Conclusion Project Vertebrates Bald ea le Haliaeetus leucoce halus Threatened No No Effect Red-cockaded wood ecker Picoides borealis Endan ered No No Effect Vascular Plants Sensitive 'oint-vetch Aesch nomene vir mica Threatened No No Effect *Endangered = a taxon "in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range"; Threatened = a taxon "likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range". Potential habitat may occur for the bald eagle approximately one mile south of the Project along the Neuse River. The Project may serve as a fly over corridor for the bald eagle; however, the urban nature of the Project indicates that the proposed project will have no effect on the bald eagle. The Project is almost entirely composed of urban/disturbed vegetative communities and contains no open stands of pine suitable for red-cockaded woodpecker foraging (30 years or older) or roosting/nesting (60 years or older) habitat; therefore, no habitat for red-cockaded woodpecker occurs within the Project and the proposed project will have no effect on red-cockaded woodpecker. In addition, the Project is not tidally influenced and therefore, contains no suitable habitat for sensitive joint-vetch and this project will have no effect on sensitive joint-vetch. A NCWRC response letter can be found in Appendix C. No designated units of Critical Habitat are listed as occurring in Lenoir County. ' , KO ~c ASSOCIATES, P. C. 5 a Cunsldtin En ineers 8 S Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 2.6 Cultural Resources: Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for compliance with Section 106 (36 CFR Part 800) comments were received for the Project from the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (NCSHPO) (Appendix C). No known archaeological sites are present within the proposed project area. NCSHPO indicated that it is unlikely that any archaeological resources that may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the project; therefore, NCSHPO recommends no archaeological ' investigations be conducted in connection with the project. One structure of historical or architectural importance is documented in the general area of the Site, (LR 465) Queen Gordon Streets Historic District, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. However, this stream restoration project will not affect any structures associated with the Historic District listed above and will therefore not affect any known structures of historical or architectural importance. ' 2.7 Potential Constraints: The resence of conditions or characteristics that h p ave the potential to hinder restoration activities at the Project was evaluated. The evaluation focused primarily on the presence of hazardous materials, utilities and restrictive easements, rare/threatened/endangered species or critical habitats, and the potential for hydrologic trespass. Existing information regarding constraints was acquired and reviewed. In addition, any Project conditions that have the potential to restrict the restoration design and implementation were documented during the field investigation. One potential offsite environmental concern was identified during a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. EI, Inc. recommended obtaining any additional information regarding the potential underground storage tank near the Adkins ' Branch project corridor, south of NC 11/55. Depending on the findings of an additional file review, further investigations of soils and groundwater may be necessary to assess potential impacts to the subject project area. a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 6 ' Consttlling Engineers ' Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 1 Table 6 Design Constraints Proiect ID No. 0506056101 (Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Proiectl Location Design Constraint Number of Constraints in Project Area First Section of Project Existin Buildin alon ri ht side 1 Sanita sewer line and easement aloe left side 1 NCll/55 to Kinston Housin Authorit alon ri ht side 1 Washington Avenue Storms stem outfalls 8 Draina e swales or channels 5 Residential ro erties with structures alon left side 4 Charter school ro ert alon ri ht side 1 Second Section of Project Adkin Alumni Buildin alon ri ht side 1 Water line crossin 1 Washington Avenue to Sanita sewer line and easement alon left side 1 Gordon Street Rochelle Middle School Park alon left side 1 Residential ro erties with structures 10 Pro erties with no structures 19 Storms stem outfalls 8 Third Section of Project Pro erties with structures 1 Pro erties with no structures 7 Gordon Street to Caswell Street Storm system outfalls 2 Fourth Section of Project Water line crossin 2 Sanita sewer line and easement alon left side 1 Caswell Street to Sanita sewer line and easement crossin 1 Lincoln Street Sanita sewer line and easement alon ri ht side 1 Ci of Kinston well 1 Cit of Kinston swimmin ool 1 Pro erties with structures 10 Pro erties with no structures 45 Storms stem outfalls 12 Draina e swales or channels 3 Ci of Kinston baseball/football field 2 Baseball/football field lights 4 ' 2.7.1 Pro ert Ownershi and Boundar p v n v ' The Project contains parcels owned by the City of Kinston and private individuals. The City of Kinston purchased many properties using FEMA hurricane relief funds. Other City owned properties are existing parks and public ' housing. The City of Kinston is donating permanent conservation easements on these properties for areas associated with this Project. Easements on the privately owned properties were obtained in a joint effort between the City of Kinston and ' the EEP. The Project requires that a permanent conservation easement be placed along the ' riparian corridor of Adkin Branch and the UT. A 50 foot from top of each bank ' ~ KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 7 a Consnltin En ineers 8 S Project ID No. 050656101 ' Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN easement was the goal for the easement bounds. However, because the Project traverses numerous private and public properties with structures on many ' properties, a minimum 50 foot easement was not able to be placed along the entire riparian corridor through the Project. Some areas of the project required less than a 50 foot easement because of constraints, however there is an easement that spans the entire Project. The permanent conservation easements will total approximately 46 acres. Approximately 41.3 acres of the permanent easements will result in a reforested riparian buffer. 2.7.2 Proiect Access , The Project is located in the City of Kinston; many points of access to the restoration areas are available. A transportation plan, including the location of access routes and staging areas will be designed to minimize Project disturbance to the maximum extent feasible. The number of transportation access points into the floodplain will be maximized to avoid traversing long distances through the Project interior. 2.7.3 Utilities Sanitary sewer and water lines are present within the Site; however, coordination with the City of Kinston has been made so that disturbance to the sewer and water lines will be minimized as a result of restoration activities. 2.7.4 FEMA/Hydrolo~ic Trespass , The HEC-RAS analysis indicates that the restoration design will result in a no-rise in the 100-year floodplain water surface elevations outside of the project area. The results of this analysis affirm that hydrologic trespass to adjacent properties will not occur. The HEC-RAS is discussed in more detail in Section 5.3 (HEC- RAS Analysis). 8 KO & ASSOCIATES P C , . , . a o . ~. C nsullrng En~,rneers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 3.0 PROJECT SITE STREAMS (EXISTING CONDITIONS): Project streams proposed for restoration include Adkin Branch and an UT to Adkin Branch (Figure 4 and Sheets 1 through 1 B). ' 3.1 Channel Classification: Stream geometry and substrate data have been evaluated to classify existing stream conditions, utilizing fluvial geomorphic principles (Rosgen 1996). Tables 7A and 7B provide a summary of measured ' stream geometry attributes under existing conditions (considered to be unstable) in addition to stable stream attributes (reference and proposed). t Adkin Branch -Rochelle Middle School Park Data collected during a Rosgen Level II survey, near Rochelle Middle School Park, were used to classify Adkin Branch as a GS-type channel for the large majority of the Project. G-type channels typically display low entrenchment ratios, low width-to-depth ratios, and a low sinuosity. The second descriptor, 5, indicates that channel materials are dominated by sand. These conditions, as shown on Adkin Branch, lead to higher shear stresses on channel banks and bed and typically an over abundance of stream power, which leads to channel degradation. Evidence of channel degradation can be seen in the existing photographs (Appendix A). The primary cause of degradation stems from historic channehzation, urbanization of the watershed, and routine maintenance of channel banks. Adkin Branch -Pilot Site Data was also taken at a Pilot Site to study its design concept. The Pilot Site is located between Caswell Street and Lincoln Street near Holloway Park (Sheet 1 B). The Pilot Site was constructed in 2002 by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT). The DOT had planned to restore the entire length of Adkin Branch within the current Project Area, but decided to construct the Pilot Site to determine potential problems that may arise from a design and construction aspect. Existing conditions of the Pilot Site revealed that the channel has become ' somewhat incised and shows signs of degradation. The existing stream type here is an incised and degraded C/E5. C/E type channels display characteristics of both C and E type stream types. C/E streams typically display moderate width ' ratios ranging between 10 and 12, with entrenchment ratios higher than 2.2. C/E channel types also typically display steep point bars, where as E type channels typically have little to no point bars and C type channels typically display gently ' sloping point bars. It was determined that the pilot site is unstable for numerous reasons. However, the primary reason seems to be because the bankfull discharge elevation is below ' ~ KO & ASSOCIATES, P. G 9 a Consullin > En >ineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN the top of existing bank (i.e. an incised channel was constructed). This means that high flows (above bankfull discharge) are contained within the channel banks, which consequently leads to excess stress within the channel. A designed incised channel is understandable because bankfull indicators are hard to identify within the Project Area. Additionally, at the time the channel was designed and constructed information within the stream restoration industry seemed to indicate that bankfull discharge may be substantially higher in urban watersheds compared with rural watersheds within the same physiographic region. Many, including Ko & Associates, now agree that the bankfull discharge remains constant for a channel regardless of impervious area within a watershed. ' The bankfull discharge return interval may increase as the watershed becomes more urbanized, but the bankfull discharge should remain constant. The theory during the time that the Pilot Site was designed and constructed that urbanized watersheds tend to display higher bankfull discharges led to the channel being constructed to a bankfull discharge that is larger than the actual bankfull discharge because the Project's watershed is located in a highly urbanized watershed.. ' After reviewing features in the Pilot Site and finding other indicators through the Project Area, the bankfull discharge was determined to be much lower than the Pilot Site design. ' Other "lessons learned" from the Pilot Site are a) that immediate vegetation cover of the channel banks will be required for a stable channel, b) very fine sands are ' located within the soils throughout the Project which will slow construction of structures and side slopes, and c) overland flow on the floodplain can scour inside ' meander bends where overland flow reenters the channel. UT -Holloway Park , Data collected during a Rosgen Level II survey was used to classify the UT to Adkin Branch as an ES-type channel. Survey data was collected in the most stable reach of the UT to help determine bankfull discharge. However, ' classification of the UT ranges from FS- to GS- to ES-type channels. The reasons for multiple channel classifications vary and are outlined below. Some reaches of the channel, classified as an F-type channel, have not formed a bankfull channel ' due to emergent vegetation that has "choked" the channel flow, not allowing a low flow or bankfull channel to form. Other reaches are incised; therefore, the channel in these areas contains the bankfull flow and resembles a G-type ("gully") channel. Some reaches, such as the surveyed reach, have begun to form a bankfull bench, but still display evidence of scour resulting from a lack of rooted woody vegetation stemming from ongoing channel maintenance. Evidence of ' historic channelization and continual maintenance of the UT can be seen in the existing photographs (Appendix A). a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 10 ' Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN The UT has a watershed area of 78 acres (0.12 square miles), which raised the question of if the channel was a perennial or intermittent stream. Mr. Garcy Ward of the NCDWQ, Mr. William Wescott of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), and Mr. Ryan Smith of Ko & Associates, P.C. met on June 20, 2006 to discuss the perenniallity of the UT. A NCDWQ Stream Identification Form was completed on two sections of the UT by Mr. Smith during this meeting. Mr. Smith's two forms scored a 22.25 and 25.25 respectively. Mr. Ward and Mr. Wescott revisited the site on August 8, 2006 and completed a NCDWQ Stream Identification Form, which scored a 27 for an average over the entire reach of the UT within the Project Area. Mr. Ward and Mr. Wescott determined that under existing circumstances the UT was a perennial stream. Correspondence with Mr. Ward concerning this issue can be found in Appendix B. 1 1 1 1 ' ~ KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 11 a Consulting Engineers ~z o~Q a ouz o=o zz ~~ O E-' U ~ Vl .o U ~ p"' O O U ~_ .~ U •O i.. _V a '~ O 's. ~' U O ~ +~ L `~ U CC S. rrim. C/] Vl ni U C~ ~ V CC •~ i. _O ~ O •~: rti '~ CL '=f O Q ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ S. ~ O C ~ .w 'CS O Qz A r U ^~ CC ~ Er a ~ K ~ o K V O K C ~ ~ O < m ~, N ~ r h ~ ~ ~ ,~ r m C ei C US m ^ N N •A O'! N O W OD 1~ 'O° 1~ ^ W p GO ^ ,- K N O, N K Q ~ 00 s • 0 ' CY ^ • O O•D • O N • O ~ V N O +° '~ +- p O O p O N OOr O O ' N O K m N M OD ': K Y W Ol W O ' ^ • f'D V ~ ~ ^ a 0 0 0 u ~ c n o a a a C e» ~ ~ a K k '~ a o v 0 ~ ~ 0 o ~ ~ ~ 0 d C C O '~ ~ O CJ N 1~ ~ O u7 M fV W .- O to N .~- m A K O m ^ O ' O • O ' O ^ • O • O 07 ~ c m p N a ~ O fD O O G a N. m rtf N a O ~ O ^ O c ' O UU Q ~ ^ f7 N .- O O a fV ^ m m 1"f V O fV ^ O o O 0 O o M N '~' GD m } Q U ~( 1 ~' Q N ~ ~ $ ~ a K K az e» a~ t ~ E W oi `k ~ '~ o m e R r' 0 d ~ o i 0 ao ~ m ~ ~ ~ 0 r ~ ro v a K , a • r - a K C c (~ O C p ~ m V O N n ~ O N f/ N ' m ^ O ~ N ^ m ~ K O GD ~- O ' O • O ' O ' O O 1~ ~ N_ p ~- ~ a~ O M. m •(1 OV O R Q `-: ' O ' O (3 U C L .Q N .- f 1 ^ ~ ~ ~ A s1 V [V ^ O C O O H N '- ~ V 4 Cl O tMD O O 9 x L C a e N ~ $ ~ S ~ ~ N ~ K O O W K O O a O ^ ~ ~ ~ K O r m C u C C P O ~ a ~ m •A C O N C CD ~'1 O (G /'~ O 1~; ^ O O ~ K Nm C O f0 .- O 0 ^ ' 0 ' 0 N 0 ' 0 OD 0 a 0 N p m_ p tD pO y O K ~ 1n !H C O ~ O R ' O 00 O Y Q (b U • N N ~ O N ^ t9 •f7 •- O O .p ONO /V '- tG GD P') O Y N ^ O O O O O O M N ^ ~ y p N v m ,p on as g a a ~ C d ea o_~ t$ t m ~ a c 'k ~ '~ a o v p r' o ~ oi 0 ~ ro ~ ~' ~ 0 ~ m ~ C C 0 O m O t'1 1~ O N H OC m • • u • • c th a m !~ ~ a to a O O ' L V ~ U U ^ m ~ U a N N ~! ^ m O t9 ~- O •L~ ^ ~ ^ O O ^ 0 0 fV 0 00 0 1`~ 0 ~) 0 tV ~ ^ p O p O p O O ~ M fV R N R '- O O y m ~ U z ~ °~ ~ .- m V c o o ~ ~ a N _ O L p W ~ ~ c u v C C , ~ w~ - ~c ~ J O h h I1 K m O K N ° N m O ~D• ~ a W c v of ui c a= k ~ u a c N ^ .- y .- ~c ^ rri ~ ~ ~ K K ~ o C Lp C O m U .V., y~ m m 'o t7 N e~ m ^ W N ^ n M y c'f ^ O •fI .n OD ^ W ~ N O N < W ^ V N Yl W 0 ~ f~ ^ O ~ m N ^ ^ m 0 0 t~ 0 0 N 0 0 ~ O ' ~ H N H ry ~ O ' N m H h e o ~ a a U Q ~ eo ~ H c o o ,~ ri n ~ Z a N W O ~ ~ {~ ~ a~ f (n O ~ K C 1h G' O W K ~ pRp" O t ~ C .L, ~W u ~ o c W c •n n k W ry u o ry C m C q a v • ^' • M ~ ''' • '°n ' ri ~ •n ~ ~ ~ o o K m m K m W n p m (O~ Y m U V= ~ N ~ 0 < ^ •°n ^ OV N , ^ A m N ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 O _ M ^ m N S ~ C O~~ > Y v uC ~ a u A ° ~ ~ N COI O O O ~ m i Q J K K ~ _`w A n a a _ W J J O ~ o~ u o U '•n ~ O r K k ~' ~' K C7 a W 7 C 6 w LL Z Z U V ,.. ,= 2 C ,.. > > a a ~ ~ a ~ ° ~w a ~ ~ ~u" 9 7`, W ~ K w O O ~ O ~ K z J ~ ¢u " ~ ~ o 3 ~ O w w ~ ~ ~ Y d o ~ J = a ~ ? o ~ ~ ~ w O a s p Q g a ° z g ~ w z g U E ° '~ ~ Z C9 0 F- K 0 r ~ ° ~ u' a ~ ~ ~ ~~ K ~ N O ° Z o w ja ~ z a W ~S u ~ J J ~ a W vj x J J u ~ J J ~n o J J v p ~ f J J n. ~ ~ ~ " w ~ = U z ~ ~ E J LL ° U LL O f- ~ LL ~ O ~ ~ Y Y F O J (7 O t4 W a O p8 s ~y w ° J p 8 Bw a° J LL J H °_ O a LL O O a p a f J LL J F- a a W a ? 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W O ~ J ~ O 8 a 00 0 F Oo W Q ~ ~ 4? lL ~Yj ~Yj ~ ~ Yj Yj Yj ~Yj ~ ~ Q' I- QZ W _ F ~ O _ F- J Z ~ Z J a W > J Q _O a t" O a ( Q O ~Yj Q QJ O_ ~ ~ O /JJ[~ _O ZY ~ Q ~ J f A O 4 o0 V ~1 V m V m V 00 Q 00 W ~ K ~ ~ a0 ~ N l1J K fq `s Q C' m V a OC V 1 K fD N u n C A C t! A a A V ,p '" a` a u t {, H .~ .~.. R N O Z. U U C m m 9 Q _O F H ~ ~ O O L A A .~ o, E 0 u n ~ u Y Q C '" a N A ~ u 9 N O o ~ U Q W ~ti "`~ W rO v f Q 0 v Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 3.2 Discharge: Two sections of Adkin Branch were studied to determine existing bankfull discharge. The first section was between Washing Avenue and Gordon Street. The drainage area at Gordon Street is 3220 acres (5.03 square miles) with a bankfull discharge of 50 cubic feet per second. The second section of Adkin Branch studied was between Caswell Street and Lincoln Street. The drainage area at Lincoln Street is 3495 acres (5.46 square miles) with a bankfull discharge of 55 cubic feet per second (Table 7A). The UT to Adkin Branch was also studied to determine bankfull discharge. The drainage area at the confluence of the UT to Adkin Branch and Adkin Branch is 78 acres (0.12 square miles) with a bankfull discharge of 3.5 cubic feet per second (Table 7B). 3.3 Channel Morphology: Channel cross-sections and stream profiles were measured for each of the existing reaches. The Morphological Stream Characteristics tables (Tables 7A and 7B) include a summary of dimension, profile, and pattern data for each reach. 3.4 Channel Stability Assessment: A visual assessment accompanied by a morphological assessment using data collected during a Rosgen Level II survey was used to determine channel stability. These data, which can be found in Tables 7A and 7B (Morphological Stream Tables) and in Appendices A and B (Project Site Photographs and Project Site NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms), confirmed that the channel attributes do not fall within acceptable ranges for a stable channel. Excess sedimentation within the channel's banks (from bank scour), bankfull benches/indicators within the channel banks (i.e. an incised channel), severely eroded meander bends, absence of a repetitive sequence of riffles and pools, and timber and concrete lined retaining walls are evidence that Little Lick Creek is degrading and experiencing an excess amount of energy during high flows. If the bankfull discharge were at the existing top of bank, the above indicators of degradation probably would not be as evident. Sedimentation from bank scour has essentially filled Adkin Branch's substrate, creating a uniform bed form, which lacks a riffle and pool sequence. Much of the existing bed form can be described as a smooth, plane surface. The lack of pool diversity, woody debris in the channel, and the lack of cover from riparian vegetation have severely decreased the ability of aquatic fauna to survive within Adkin Branch. The only areas of the entire Project Area which displayed schools of fish, a diversity of macrobenthos, and amphibians in the same location was within the Pilot Site. Although the Pilot Site does show signs of degradation, it also has a vegetated buffer that shades the channel and provides woody debris. Also very important is the fact that woody structures such as log vanes and log a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 14 Consulting Engineers 1 1 1 u 7 1 1 1 Project ID No. 05065610] Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN cross-vanes are forming pools, providing cover, and providing woody materials for aquatic life to survive and propagate. 3.5 Bankfull Verification: Onsite data was compared with Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Rural North Carolina Coastal Plain Streams (regional curve) (Doll et al. 2006) and reference streams (discussed below) to verify the bankfull discharge. Although there are no reaches on Adkin Branch in the Project which ' would be considered stable, there are some sections which displayed bankfull indicators which matched consistently from the upstream most point of the project to the downstream most point of the project. Measurements taken at these indicators included channel width, depth, cross-sectional area, and bankfull elevation. As the entire channel was being studied a trend developed which consistently displayed similar data. Data from the existing conditions survey of Adkin Branch near Rochelle Park and at the Pilot Site support these findings (Table 7A). The bankfull discharge on Adkin Branch is estimated to be 50 to 55 cubic feet per second (depending on the reach) and 3.4 cubic feet per second on the UT to Adkin ' Branch. 3.6 Vegetation: Four plant communities are currently present at the Site: 1) urban/disturbed land, 2) disturbed forest, 3) scrub/shrub, and 4) stream-side assemblage. ' Urban/disturbed land contains residential and industrial developments that are generally maintained. These areas contain a range of vegetation from herbaceous to sparse trees and includes fescue (Festuca sp.), American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens), yellowdicks (Helenium amarum), juniper leaf (Polypremum procumbens), goldenrod (Solidago sp.), buttonweed (Diodia sp.), pepper vine (Ampelopsis sp.), fleabane (Erigeron sp.), ash (Fraxinus sp.), dock (Rumex sp.), tropical Mexican clover (Richardia brasiliensis), Mexican tea (Chenopodium ambrosiodes), narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata), flatsedge (Cyperus sp.), fanpetals (Sida sp.), willow oak (Quercus phellos), aster (Aster sp.), milktree (Sapium sp.), Canadian horseweed (Conyza canadensis), and java-bean (Senna obtusifolia). ' Disturbed forest is scattered throughout the project and contains several invasive species including mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), Chinese privet (Lonicera japonica), and chinaberry (Melia azedarach). ' This community is characterized by a canopy layer consisting of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), mulberry (Morus sp.), bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis), hackberry (Celtis laevigata), pecan (Carya illinoinensis), red maple (Ater rubrum), northern red oak (Quercus rubs), water oak (Quercus nigra), ' Q KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 15 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN black cherry (Prunus serotina), eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), willow oak, sycamore (Platanus occientalis), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), and river birch (Betula nig~a). The understory consists of species listed above as well as persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia), wisteria, pepper vine, brome (Bromus sp.), and fetterbush (Lyonia lucida). Scrub/shrub areas are in the early stages of succession and include black cherry, ' plum (Prunus sp.), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), loblolly pine, sweetgum, eastern baccharis (Baccharis halimifolia), willow oak, winged sumac (Rhos coppalinum), Gallery pear (Pyrus calleryana), blackberry (Rubus argutus), greenbrier, muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia), pepper vine, Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), poison ivy, dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), goldenrod, creeping cucumber (Melothria pendula), fireweed (Erechtites hieracifolia), pokeberry (Phytolacca americana), beggarticks (Bidens sp.), bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum), and Brazilian vervain (Verbena brasiliensis). The stream-side assemblage is on the banks of Adkin Branch and includes sycamore, pecan, mulberry, bald cypress, river birch, willow oak, sweetgum, American elm (Ulmus Americana), box elder (Ater negundo), and cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) in the canopy. The subcanopy contains species listed in the canopy as well as northern red oak, mimosa, tree-of-heaven, eastern red cedar, , chinaberry, water oak, sassafras, hackberry, and elderberry. The shrub and herbaceous layers include lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus), trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), Brazilian vervain, netted chainfern (Woodwardia aerolata), Johnson grass (Sorghum halapense), eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides), alligatorweed (Alternanthera philoxeroides), and hydrocotyle (Hydrocotyle sp.). u i a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. G 16 Consulting Engineers ' Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 4.0 REFERENCE STREAMS: A reference reach search for both Adkin Branch and the UT was completed to find a BSc (for Adkin Branch) and ES (for the UT) type channel. A BSc type channel with a relatively large drainage area was not found near the site within the Neuse River Basin, so a search was conducted that covered the areas that would ' potentially yield a BSc type channel. This search was conducted through the Lumber, Cape Fear, Neuse, and Tar-Pamlico River Basins. Only one suitable reference (Johnsons Mi11 Run) that displayed BSc type characteristics with a relatively large drainage area was found. Johnsons Mill Run is located near Greenville in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin. A search for an ES type channel with a relatively high valley slope was completed near the Project area and yielded no potential references, so the search expanded into adjacent river basins. The UT to Wildcat Branch was identified as a suitable reference reach for an ES type channel with a high valley slope. The UT to Wildcat Branch is located near ' the Howellsville Township in the Lumber River Basin. The Johnsons Mill Run site vicinity, watershed, and soils are depicted in Figures 5 through 7. The UT to Wildcat Branch site vicinity, watershed and soils maps are depicted in Figures 8 through 10. ' Photographs for the reference reaches can be found in Appendix D. Distinct bankfull variables were identifiable in each reference and pattern/profile ' characteristics appear to have not been degraded, allowing for assistance with proposed design characteristics. ' 4.1 Watershed Characterization: Land use within the Johnson Mill Run watershed can be characterized as rural and more specifically agricultural in nature. Pine plantations and row cropping dominate the watershed, consuming approximately 90 percent of the land area. Residential development, roads, and other impervious surfaces comprise the remaining 10 percent of the watershed land area. ' The UT to Wildcat Branch watershed is dominated by mature forests (approximately 60 percent of the watershed). Deforestation is occurring within the watershed; however, most cleared areas have been replanted with pine. The remainder of the watershed is comprised primarily of agricultural land use practices (approximately 40 percent of the watershed). ' 4.2 Channel Classification: Johnsons Mill Run is characterized by a B-type, low sinuosity (1.10) channel with sand-dominated substrate (Table 7A). B-type streams are characterized as slightly entrenched, step-pool channels exhibiting ' low sinuosity. In North Carolina, B-type streams often occur in narrow valleys that limit the development of a wide floodplain (Valley Types II and VI). UT to Wildcat Branch is characterized as an E-type, moderately sinuous (1.15) channel with sand-dominated substrates (Table 7B). E-type streams are characterized as slightly entrenched, riffle-pool channels with sinuous flow ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 1 ~ Cuns-~lting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN patterns. In North Carolina, E-type streams often occur in narrow to wide valleys with well-developed alluvial floodplains (Valley Type VIII). 4.3 Discharge: The Johnsons Mill Run reference reach has a drainage area of 13.5 square miles and a bankfull discharge of 80.9 cubic feet per second (Table 7A); ' while the UT to Wildcat Branch reference reach has a drainage area of 0.44 square mile and a bankfull discharges of 9.2 cubic feet per second (Table 7B). t 4.4 Channel Morphology: Channel cross-sections and stream rofiles were p measured along the reference reaches. Surveys included a plan form analysis, bed material evaluation, and buffer assessment. The reaches are transporting their sediment supply while maintaining their dimension, pattern, and profile. The Tables of Morphological Stream Characteristics (Tables 7A and 7B) include a summary of dimension, profile, and pattern data for each reference reach to assist with the establishment of reconstruction parameters. The channel streambed material is dominated by sand-sized particles. 4.5 Channel Stability Assessment: A visual assessment accompanied by a morphological assessment using data collected during a Rosgen Level II survey ' was used to determine channel stability. These data, which can be found in Tables 7A and 7B (Morphological Stream Tables) and in Appendix D and E (Reference Site Photographs and Reference Site NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms), confirmed that the channels fell within acceptable ranges for a stable reference channel. Mayor components for stability include determining if the channel is conveying its discharge and sediment load without aggrading or degrading. Evidence that a channel does not fit this criteria includes, bank degradation, channel incision, ' channel widening, channel aggradation, massive amounts of sediment loading within and/or outside of the channel banks, channel armoring, and generally speaking no vegetation on the channel's banks. 4.6 Bankfull Verification: Onsite data was compared with Hydraulic Geometry ' Relationships for Rural North Carolina Coastal Plain Streams [regional curve] (Doll et al. 2006) to verify the bankfull discharge. The bankfull discharge on Johnson Mill Run at the point of the survey is estimated to be 80.9 cubic feet per , second and for UT to Wildcat Branch is 9.2 cubic feet per second. The regional curve estimates the bankfull discharge to be 107.9 cubic feet per second and 9.2 cubic feet per second, respectively, which verifies the estimated bankfull ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 18 ' Cons:dling Engineers discharge found on the reference sites Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 4.7 Reference Forest Ecosystem: According to Mitigation Site Classification (MIST) guidelines (USEPA 1990), a Reference Forest Ecosystem (RFE) must be established for restoration sites. RFEs are forested areas on which to model restoration efforts of the restoration site in relation to soils and vegetation. RFEs ' should be ecologically stable climax communities and should represent believed historical (predisturbance) conditions of the restoration site. Quantitative data describing plant community composition and structure are collected at the RFEs and subsequently applied as reference data for design of the restoration Project planting scheme. n 1 a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 19 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN The RFE for this project is located immediately upstream of the Site. The RFE supports plant community and landform characteristics that restoration efforts will attempt to emulate (Figure 11). Two circular, 0.1-acre plots were randomly established within the reference area. Data collected within each plot include 1) tree species composition, 2) number of stems for each tree species, 3) diameter at breast height (DBH) for each tree species, and 4) a list of understory species. Field data within the following table indicates importance values of dominant tree species calculated based on relative density, dominance, and frequency of tree species composition (Smith 1980). Hydrology, surface topography, and habitat features were also evaluated. Table 8. Reference Forest Ecosystem Project iD Nn. (1.506(1.56101 (Adkin Rranrh CtYPAm RPCtnratinn PrniPrtl Number of Relative Frequency Relative Basal Area Relative Importance Tree Species Individuals ~ Density ~ ~ o (/o) Frequency ,~ s (ft /acre) Basal Value ( ~a) (%) Area (%) River birch (Betula nigra) 1 2.6 50 6.7 4.6 4.5 0.05 Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) 12 31.6 100 13.3 13.2 13.0 0.19 Mockernut hickory (Carya tomentosa) 1 2.6 50 6.7 2.5 2.4 0.04 Sweetgum (Liquidambar sryraciflua) 2 5.3 50 6.7 1.3 1.3 0.04 Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) 4 10.5 100 13.3 28.9 28.6 0.17 Black cherry (Prunus serotina) 2 5.3 50 6.7 1.8 1.8 0.05 Oak species (Quercus sp.) 1 2.6 50 6.7 1.8 1.8 0.04 Southern red oak (Quercus falcata) 1 2.6 50 6.7 7.3 7.2 0.06 Water oak (Quercus nigra) g 21.1 100 13.3 34.3 33.8 0.23 Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) 4 10.5 100 13.3 4.2 4.2 0.09 Winged elm (Ulmus alata) 2 5.3 50 6.7 1.3 1.3 0.04 TOTALS 38 100 750 100 101 100 1.00 mum or two u. r-acre profs Two 0.1-acre plots were established which best characterize expected steady-state forest composition. Forest vegetation was dominated by ironwood, water oak, loblolly pine, and sassafras. Understory species within the RFE include canopy species as well as flowering dogwood, black cherry, American holly, willow oak, eastern red cedar, Japanese honeysuckle, muscadine, and greenbrier. a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. G 20 Cansuifing Engineers 1 1 1 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 5.0 PROJECT SITE RESTORATION PLAN 5.1 Restoration Project Goals and Objectives: This stream restoration plan focuses on improving water quality, decreasing floodwater levels, restoring aquatic and riparian habitat, and implementing best management practices (BMPs) for stormwater retention. The plan involves: • Reducing nonpoint source pollution associated with urban land uses by providing a vegetative buffer adjacent to streams to treat surface runoff. • Reestablishing stream stability and the capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restoring stable dimension, pattern, and profile. Consequently, this will reduce sedimentation within onsite and downstream receiving waters. • Promoting floodwater attenuation through a) excavation of a floodplain at the ,~ bankfull discharge stage of flow, b) restoring a secondary, entrenched tributary thereby reducing floodwater velocities within smaller catchment basins; c) increasing storage capacity for floodwaters within the Project; and d) revegetating Project floodplains to increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing Project floodplains. • Improving water quality by implementing BMPs for stormwater runoff and removing creosote timber retaining walls, timber crib walls, and concrete bag crib walls within the Site. ' • Improving aquatic habitat by enhancing stream bed variability, and introducing woody debris in the form of rootwads, log vanes, and log sills. • Providing wildlife habitat, including a forested riparian corridor, within an ' area highly dissected by urban land uses. • Raising Adkin Branch's invert through culverted crossings such that the culvert inverts are buried one foot beneath the channel bed. Grade Control log sills will be utilized to step the channel invert down along the project length. • Provide stable outlets for stormwater outfalls into Adkin Branch (i.e. splash pools, step-pool systems, etc.). The primary goals of this restoration plan include 1) construction of a stable, riffle-pool stream channel, 2) enhancement of water quality functions in the Project and downstream watersheds, 3) creation of a natural vegetation buffer along restored stream channels, 4) establishment of BMPs for stormwater retention m the Site, and 5) restoration of wildlife functions associated with a ' riparian corridor/stable stream. The proposed restoration plan, depicted on Sheets 2 through 2B, is expected to restore 10,137 linear feet of Adkin Branch and a UT to Adkin Branch. ' Components of this plan may be modified based on construction constraints. Primary activities proposed at the Project include 1) stream restoration, 2) BMPs for stormwater retention, 3) soil scarification, and 4) plant community restoration. ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 21 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 5.1.1 Designed Channel Classification Two designs were completed for the Site, one on Adkin Branch and one on the UT to Adkin Branch. Ad'n Branch t Adkin Branch itself presents a unique design challenge because it is a large, urban, laterally confined (because of property and utility constraints), fine sand system. As mentioned in the existing conditions section, a Pilot site was completed on Adkin Branch near Holloway Park in 2002. The Pilot site has been studied extensively and became a useful tool to assist in the design direction of Adkin Branch for this project. The main concern that was discovered from analyzing the Pilot site and from analyzing soil borings is that the native soils adjacent to Adkin Branch are composed of fine sand materials. Fine sands are not cohesive and as was observed on the Pilot site, have the potential to wash from the banks, which can and will lead to mass wasting if not properly addressed. A solution to the challenges that fine sand presents, is to design a channel that places the least amount of stress on the channel's side slopes (banks), while p gy s a BSc type channel dissipating most of the channel's energy in pools. The stream type that can help to romote this desired ener distribution i A BSc type design channel will allow for a high width-to-depth ratio and low ' maximum depth to average depth ratio. A channel with a high width to depth ratio combined with relatively small maximum depths helps to keep sheer stress and stream power low on channel side slopes because energy is spread more ' evenly through the cross-section. Lower width to depth channels with high maximum depth to average depth ratios tend to experience higher flow velocities, and consequently higher sheer stress on the channel's banks. , Another primary reason why the BSc type channel is ideal for Adkin Branch is that energy dissipation can be obtained through pools rather than strictly through ' the plan form (meanders). As stated earlier, Adkin Branch is constrained laterally by property boundaries, and the fact that the channel is extremely incised (would have to excavate an immense floodplain to develop a channel with large belt widths). Even if it was desired, the design channel could not meander profusely through the Site. So, the proposed design has what could be described as a gently meandering geometry. Pools will be formed within the meander bends, however ' pools will also be created through structure in straight sections throughout the site. The desi n could not inco orate a lar e flood lain or a hi h de re f , g rp g p g g e o sinuosity because of the lateral constraints. Again, BSc type channels fit this scenario very a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 22 Consulting EnKineers 1 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN well because they do not require large floodplains or very meandering channels, because energy is primarily dissipated in bedform (pools) rather than plan form (menaders). Table 7A depicts all designed morphologic variables for Adkin Branch. Sheets 2 through 2B depict proposed conditions. UT to Adkin Branch ' The UT to Adkin Branch is designed as a C/ES type channel, and will be constructed as a Priority II restoration. The channel has a moderate width-to- depth ratio of 11 and a moderately high entrenchment ratio (2.5). The channel is somewhat sinuous as evidenced by a 1.35 sinuosity. A floodplain will be excavated at the bankfull elevation to allow bankfull and higher flows to dissipate therr energy. Table 7B depicts all designed morphologic variables for the UT to ' Adkin Branch. Sheet 2B depicts proposed conditions. 5.1.2 Stream Restoration Activities The stream will be constructed partially on new location and partially in place and 1 the old, entrenched, straightened channel will be abandoned and backfilled. The design ensured that all existing culverts are buried a minimum of one foot. Primary activities that will take place during channel restoration include 1) channel and floodplain bench excavation, 2) sod matting, 3) installation of channel plugs, 4) backfilling of the abandoned channel, 5) removal of timber and concrete bag walls, 6) installation of in-stream structures, and 7) removal of three unsafe pedestrian bridges. An erosion control plan and construction/transportation plan are expected to be developed during the next phase of this project. Erosion control will be performed locally throughout the Site and will be incorporated into construction ' sequencing. Exposed surficial soils at the Site are unconsolidated, alluvial sediments, which do not revegetate rapidly after disturbance; therefore, seeding with appropriate grasses and immediate planting with disturbance-adapted shrubs ' will be employed following the earth-moving process. In addition, onsite root mats (seed banks) and vegetation will be stockpiled and redistributed after disturbance. ' A transportation plan, including the location of access routes and staging areas will be designed to minimize Site disturbance to the maximum extent feasible. The number of transportation access points into the floodplain will be maximized to avoid traversing long distances through the Site interior. a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 23 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Channel and Floodplain Bench Grading The channel and corresponding floodplain will be excavated along the alignment ' as shown in Sheets 2 through 2B. Material excavated during grading of the channel and floodplain will be stockpiled immediately adjacent to channel segments to be abandoned and backfilled. These segments will be backfilled after the stream diversion is completed. Spoil material may be placed to stabilize temporary access roads and to minimize compaction of the underlying floodplain. However, all spoil will be removed from floodplain surfaces upon completion of construction activities. Preliminary earthwork estimates indicate that the project will result in 57,000 cubic yards of waste material. The City of Kinston will remove the waste to one or two disposal sites located within two miles of the Site (the Peachtree Waster Water Plant and/or the Davis Landfill). 1 Sod Matting Warm-season grass sod mats will be harvested from Holloway Park and reestablished along outer meander bends to provide instant vegetation within high stress locations. The grass will be harvested and planted as soon as possible after removal during the optimal reestablishment window between April and July. Channel Plugs ' Impermeable plugs will be installed along abandoned channel segments. The plugs will consist of low-permeability materials or hardened structures designed to be of sufficient strength to withstand the erosive energy of surface flow events across the Site. Dense clays may be imported from off-site or existing material, compacted within the channel, may be suitable for plug construction. The plug will be of sufficient width and depth to form an imbedded overlap in the existing banks and channel bed. Channel Backfilling ' After impermeable plugs are installed, the abandoned channel will be backfilled. Backfilling will be performed primarily by pushing stockpiled materials into the channel. The channel will be filled to the extent that onsite material is available and compacted to maximize microtopographic variability, including ruts, ephemeral pools, and hummocks in the vicinity of the backfilled channel. Removal of Timber and Concrete Bag Walls As part of this project, creosote timber retaining wall wings will be removed at the inlet and outlet of the box culverts at Gordon and Caswell Streets. In addition, all timber crib walls and concrete bag crib walls located along the project length will be removed. Removal of the walls will assist to improve the overall water quality of the project watershed. a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 24 Cons-rllinK Engineer 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 5.1.3 In-stream Structures Stream restoration using natural stream design techniques, typically involves the use of in-stream structures for bank stabilization, grade control, and habitat improvement. Primary activities designed to achieve these objectives may include the installation of log vanes, log sills, elevated log vanes (logs placed in the middle of the channel or protruding from the banks to help create deep pools and provide cover), root wads, and other log type structures. 5.1.4 Removal and Replacement of Unsafe Pedestrian Brides Three unsafe pedestrian bridges will be removed as part of this project including the 1) Towerhill Road, 2) Holloway Park, and 3) South Rochelle Boulevard bridges. An alternative access bridge for the Towerhill Road bridge is located nearby at Washington Avenue. Access from Washington Avenue to the park will run along Adkin Branch within the conservation easement. The Holloway Park and South Rochelle Boulevard bridges will be replaced as part of this project. These bridges provide local residents with access to local parks and schools. 5.1.5 Target Buffer Communities 1 Restoration of floodplain forest and stream-side habitat allows for development and expansion of characteristic species across the landscape. Community associations that will be utilized to develop primary plant community associations ' include 1) Coastal Plain Levee Forest (Brownwater subtype), 2) stream-side assemblage, and 3) stormwater BMP wetland assemblage. This is discussed in more detail in Section 5.6 (Natural Plant Community Restoration). 5.2 Sediment Transport Analysis One of the primary goals of this project is to construct a stable channel on both 1 Adkin Branch and the UT to Adkin Branch that will transport its sediment and flow such that, over time, each stream system neither aggrades nor degrades. This stability is achieved when the sediment input to the design reach equals the sediment output. One of the primary functions of determining the capacity of the channel to transport its sediment load is stream power. Below is a discussion of ' both sediment concentration and stream power and their relation to stability in the desi n g . Sediment Concentration The Engelund-Hansen function was used to analyze sediment transport capacity through the designed channels on-site. The basic principal of the Engelund- Hansen function is to determine if sediment input to the design stream equals the sediment output from the design stream. If sediment input equals or is adequately close to sediment output then the channel is considered a stable channel in equilibrium. Below is the Enguland-Hansen function: ' a KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 Consu!-ing Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN g=0.535D~~~S3~~VQ/d where; g = sediment discharge (lbs/s) D =water depth (ft) S = channel slope (ft/ft) V =average velocity (ft/s) Q =discharge (cubic ft/s) d = median particle diameter of stream bed material (ft) Stable reference reaches at off-site locations had to be used for sediment input calculations since the existing stream channels are unstable. The reference reaches used (Johnsons Mill for Adkin Branch and UT to Wildcat Branch for the UT to Adkin Branch) each had the same stream type and similar slopes, compared to their corresponding design channel, so that accurate comparisons could be made. Astable reference reach can be used because the sediment input is in balance with sediment output over geologic time. In most cases, the bankfull t discharge of a reference reach is different from that of the design reach so, instead of using sediment discharge (lbs/s) for the comparison, sediment concentration (lbs/ft3.) is used in the analysis because the function of discharge is set equal per cubic foot (ft3). Below is the equation for sediment concentration: SC = g/Q where; SC =sediment concentration (lbs/ft3) g =sediment discharge (lbs/s) Q =discharge (ft3/s) The sediment concentration input and output for Johnsons Mill is in equilibrium and is equal to 0.05 lbs/ft3. The sediment output for the proposed design of Adkin Branch is 0.07 lbs/ft3. The proposed design numbers are similar to those of the stable reference reach, therefore the design channel is considered stable and in equilibrium. The sediment concentration input and output for the UT to Wildcat Branch is in equilibrium and is equal to 0.09 (lb/ft3). The sediment output for the proposed design of the UT to Adkin Branch is 0.011 (lb/ft3). The proposed design numbers -- a KO do ASSOCIATES, P.C. 26 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 05065610] Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN are similar to those of the stable reference reach, therefore the design channel is considered stable and in equilibrium. Stream Power 1 A stream power analysis was used as a tool to study the capacity of both stream channels to transport their respective sediment loads. To determine if the restoration design stream power will adequately convey sediment loads, analyses ' of reference stream powers and proposed conditions stream powers were completed. Johnsons Mill has a unit stream power of 0.20 lbs/ft s. As previously stated, Johnsons Mill is a stable channel that is in equilibrium and adequately conveys it sediment load, so it can be assumed that Johnsons Mill's unit stream power is adequate to transport its sediment load. The Adkin Branch design displays unit stream powers ranging between 0.17 to 0.23 lbs/ft s (depending on design reach) which corresponds closely to the Johnsons Mill unit stream power. Using Johnsons Mill as a reference, it is determined that the Adkin Branch design has an adequate capacity to transport its sediment load. The UT to Wildcat Branch has a unit stream power of 0.141bs/ft s. As previously stated, the UT to Wildcat Branch is a stable channel that is in equilibrium and 1 adequately conveys it sediment load, so it can be assumed that the UT to Wildcat Branch's unit stream power is adequate to transport its sediment load. The UT to Adkin Branch design displays a unit stream power of 0.08 lbs/ft s, which ' corresponds closely to the UT to Wildcat Branch unit stream power. Using the UT to Wildcat Branch as a reference, it is determined that the Adkin Branch design has an adequate capacity to transport its sediment load. 5.3 HEC-RAS Analysis: Given that the project involves modifications to a stream channel, it is important to analyze the effect of these changes on flood elevations. Floodwater elevations were analyzed using HEC-RAS. HEC-RAS is a software package designed to perform one-dimensional, steady flow, analysis of water surface profiles for a network of natural and constructed channels. HEC-RAS uses two equations, energy and/or momentum, depending upon the water surface profile. The model is based on the energy equation. The energy losses are evaluated by friction (Manning's equation) and contraction/expansion (coefficient multiplied by the change in velocity head). The momentum equation is used in situations where the water surface profile rapidly varies, such as ' hydraulic jumps and stream junctions. The 100-year discharges were taken from the FEMA Flood Study. ' a KO 8c ASSOCIATES, P. C. 27 Consulting Engineers 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Backwater analysis was performed for the existing and proposed conditions for both Bankfull and 100-year discharges. In addition to steady flow data, geometric data is also required to run HEC-RAS. Geometric data consists of establishing the connectivity of the river system, which includes: cross-section data, reach lengths, energy loss coefficients (friction losses, contraction, and expansion losses), and stream junction information. 5.3.1 Bankfull Discharge Analysis ' The methodology used to evaluate the hydrologic analysis required the evaluation of the existing stream's Bankfull elevation and corresponding Bankfull area. The existing Bankfull elevations and Bankfull cross-sectional areas were determined by evaluating Bankfull indicators found on-site and using Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Rural North Carolina Coastal Plain Streams [regional curve] (Doll et al. 2006) to verify on-site indicators. Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS Version 3.0.1, see section 5.3.2) was used to evaluate how the discharge flows within the proposed channel geometry. This evaluation verifies that the proposed plan, dimension, and profile would adequately carry the discharge at the Bankfull stage, the point where water begins to overflow onto the floodplain. The discharge analysis required the evaluation of the existing stream's watershed area, Bankfull area and corresponding Bankfull discharge. Discharge rates for the Bankfull event used in the design of this project were calculated using the Coastal Plain regional curve. Qekr =16.56x°''~ ; (R~ = 0.90) (Doll et a12006). The Bankfull discharge for the Site is between 50.0 and 55.0 cfs (depending on reach). The existing and proposed geometries were evaluated at the Bankfull ' discharge, using HEC-RAS. A HEC-RAS evaluation of the design's discharge was utilized to determine if the Bankfull discharge is carried in the proposed channel's geometry. This evaluation has verified that the proposed plan, ' dimension, and profile will adequately convey the Bankfull discharge, the point where water begins to overflow onto the floodplain. 5.3.2 No-Rise , A HEC-RAS analysis has been prepared and completed on both the existing and proposed conditions of the restored channel(s). The resulting data output has been analyzed to determine if the design channel is adequately conveying its Bankfull discharge, and to determine if a rise, fall, or no-rise in water surface elevations during the 100 year flood event has occurred. ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 28 Consulting Engineero ' Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN The City of Kinston requested that a LOMR (Letter of Map Revision) be prepared and submitted to the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program for review and approval. The 100 year flood elevations will be reduced due to the proposed I greater flow area. The proposed channel will have a larger flow area below existing ground elevations than the current conditions. The Effective HEC-RAS Model was obtained from the City of Kinston on March 31, 2006. This model was received from Watershed Concepts, by the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program. The Effective FIS (Flood Insurance Study) was prepared using HEC-RAS 3.0.1 in 2004. The current version of HEC- RAS, 3.1.3, is available for use; however, the models used m this LOMR analysis ' were produced using HEC-RAS 3.0.1 for ease in comparing model results with the Effective FIS data. Inconsistencies were found between HEC-RAS 3.1.3 and 3.0.1 when comparing the output results, and it was determined that version 3.0.1 ' would be utilized for the LOMR analysis for consistency and comparative reasons. The 100 and 500 year elevations from the Duplicate Effective model were compared with those in the Floodway Data Table within the effective FIS report. It was found that the flood elevations are within 0.1 foot of each other, which is within acceptable limits. ' S7 geometric cross-sections were modeled along the length of the existing and proposed channels, with 38 of those sections falling within the site limits. Three models, Duplicate Effective, Corrective Effective, and the Proposed Conditions ' model, were developed and executed to determine the water surface elevations for the 10, 50, 100, 500, and 100 year floodway events. The 100-year discharge varied between 2800 cfs and 3680 cfs along the project reach. The analysis ' indicates that the proposed channel geometry will not increase the 100-year flood elevations within the project area. In fact, the analysis indicates that the 100 year water surface elevations will be reduced along the project length. Results are located within the HEC-RAS Summary Table in Appendix F. 5.3.3 Hydrologic Trespass ' Hydrologic trespass includes any issue which may affect hydrology outside of the property boundaries on which the project is located. These issues were reviewed for this project. All onsite modifications will not affect off site hydrology. ' S.4 Stormwater Best Management Practices: The implementation of best management practices (BMPs) at selected sites throughout the project will provide benefit by improving water quality and providing attenuation of stormwater flows. The primary BMP devise that is expected to be used is a sand filter. Sand filters were chosen over stormwater wetlands because the water table a KO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 29 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN at selected BMP sites was too far below the invert of the proposed BMP. The BMP's utilized in the project will: ^ Reduce nonpoint source pollution associated with urban land uses by providing basins to treat surface runoff. ^ Promote floodwater attenuation by increasing storage capacity for stormwater flows. Sand filters are most effective in removin Total Sus ended Solids TSS . Most g P ~ ) studies tend to suggest that sand filters are able to remove up to 85 percent of TSS through sedimentation filtration. Sand filters are also effective at filtering total nitrogen, total phosphorous, heavy metals, grease, oil, and fecal coliform through adsorption and filtration, but at less effective rates compared with organic based ' BMPs such as stormwater wetlands or peat based BMPs. The reason that sand filters are less efficient m removing nitrogen, phosphorous, heavy metals, grease, and oil is because, when compared with organics, sand has a much lower cation exchange capacity, which lowers its effectiveness for attracting pollutants. 5.4.1 Narrative of Site-Specific Stormwater Concerns ' The project corridor is located within the City of Kinston limits. Land use within the watershed is primarily characterized by urban development. Throughout the restoration reach, there are municipal storm system outfalls that discharge directly into Adkin Branch. It was determined that these existing stormwater outfalls may provide the best opportunities to place BMP devices. The preliminary locations were determined by identifying existing storm system outfalls located on or ' adjacent to a parcel that is owned by the city and the parcel is of adequate size to for a BMP device to be constructed. Of the thirty-eight (38) Stormwater outfalls along the project corridor, only nine (9) locations provided opportunity to construct a BMP device. Soil borings were obtained at ten preliminary locations and soil conductivity tests were performed at five of the preliminary locations. It was determined that infiltration basins could not be utilized at any of these locations due to the shallow groundwater table. Design guidelines for infiltration basins require that the groundwater table be at least four feet below the invert of the basin (NCDWQ 2005). This requirement can not be achieved at any of the preliminary proposed locations. Therefore, the project will retrofit nine (9) of the existing stormwater outfalls with sand filter BMP devices to improve water quality with secondary Stormwater flow attenuation effects. In addition, an offline Stormwater wetland will be incorporated into the ro~ect P J adjacent to the existing reach of the UT located within Holloway Park, to improve water quality and attenuate stormwater. a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 30 Constrhing Engineers 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 5.4.2 Device Description and Application ' Sand Filter Devices The proposed sand filter BMP devices will fill with stormwater runoff and allow I the water to exit the device by percolating down through the sand layers, where Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and other pollutants are filtered out (see Detail of Sand Filter below). The device design parameters allow the first inch of rain to ' pass through the filter within a period of 24 hours. Sand filter devices can have a TSS removal efficiency of 85 percent, a Nitrogen removal efficiency of 35 percent, and a Phosphorus removal efficiency of 45 percent (NCDWQ 2005). The implementation of the sand filter devices at these locations will provide improved water quality with secondary stormwater flow attenuation. 1 1 Tahle 9. Sand Filter Summary Sand Filter ID & Location Drainage Required Required Nitrogen Phosphorus Sediment Area (Ac) Filter Filter Reduction Reduction Reduction Volume Surface (lb/yr) (lb/yr) (ton/yr) (cf) Area (sf) BMP1 Martin Drive) 10.86 2700 1800 16 4 0.50 BMP2 Martin Drive) 6.8 2700 1800 16 3 0.43 BMP3 (Martin Drive) 10.88 3675 2450 25 5 0.70 BMP4 (Miller Street) 3.45 1875 1250 10 2 0.31 BMPS (South Dover Street) 8.8 2700 1800 25 5 0.77 BMP6 (South Seacrest Street 18.39 3675 2450 39 8 1.05 BMP7 (South Myrtle Avenue) 12.19 2700 1800 20 4 0.39 BMP8 (Holloway Drive) 3.8 1200 800 6 1 0.13 BMP9 (East Shine Street) 12.75 3675 2450 33 7 0.97 Total 190 40 5 ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 31 Consulting Engineers Project [D No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Stormwater Wetland An inline stormwater wetland BMP was proposed to be placed at the outlet end of the culvert under Cedar Lane on the UT. However, current regulations of the ACOE and NCDWQ do not allow an inline structure for BMPs on perennial streams (Appendix F e-mail documentation). For this reason, a Stormwater wetland which is located offline of the UT was devised which will capture flows which are approximately half of the bankfull discharge and higher (see Stormwater Wetland detail below). The proposed stormwater wetland will be constructed to mimic a natural riparian wetland in an effort to mitigate urban impacts on water quality and quantity (see Detail of Stormwater Wetland below). The Stormwater wetland will also effectively reduce peak runoff rates and stabilize flow to the adjacent stream. The stormwater wetland will support emergent and riparian vegetation and provide temporary storage, forming an ideal environment for the removal of many pollutants, TSS, nutrients, heavy metal, toxic organic pollutants, and petroleum products. Pollutants within the wetlands are transformed by plants and microbes, immobilized in sediments, and released in reduced concentrations in the outflow. The stormwater wetland vegetation incorporates nitrogen fixing and known excellent toxin uptake plant species. Details of stormwater wetland vegetation can be found in Section 5.6 (Natural Plant Community Restoration). a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 32 Consullin~,~ Enxineer~ Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN DETAIL OF SAND FILTER (~ UNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM FILTER BED ~~-- 1 -~_ OUTFLOW ~ _ SPILLWAY INFLOW PERFORATED STANDPIPE DETENTION STRUCTURE Norizonai surface ~ •••. ;•;•.•.•.• 1„ to 2„ '~4•'~~~•'~'~'~ ~•'~'~ gravel layer 18"-24" ~~~:~~~:;~~ y............. ':' :`.L':...:.y:.. .::' ' ::'1. 'F' UNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM OUTFLOW SPILLWAY 0~01N 3" topsoil layer with Sand (pea gravel bed ;.; e: window for podce _ ~ sand filter ony) cc•.c-.•c•ss•:s.: Geotextl a ,; :~;~.;.; :~:~:;:; ,.. fabric ~ ,..,.,.............,-,12 -18 Max. slope 4:1 Filter Perforated fabric Impermeable liner 6" PVC pipe where necessary GDS 0046 Max. 10' O.C. a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Consrrlting Engineers 33 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN DETAIL OF STORMWATER WETLAND \, STORMKATER OUTLET STORMYYATER OUTLET ~~_ _.__ __- A ~` is 1a' BENCH MNKFIR.L TEMACE ELEVATIpI ~'• {,~ ...~ -ti , . .. 14 M~NIO~1IA.L ... BTCIIIBTI~TER ~,'~: '.'~~.._ _ t~ --o. -~iu 'i~~ -L~ IIETLAIO ~ ~~`-. ,/ C~~ ~ TEA BIDE 6lOPE -`/ ~- L06 8ILL .~ a I i B t I i ~I ' ~i I ~ I ~ I ~ i B,RNI(Fil~,l ELEVATI ~~J \ L~T6LEVATION PROFILE .~_.. = ~.-- ' J'' . SECTION A-A 610E $10PE -~~~~ ~ - BIDE 9lOPE NCTE$: `-- l00 $Tll BANKFULL Jl 1. STCRIBIATER IIETLAIO'8 EIEVATIDB BNALL ^IDTN BE BET AT Y2 T!E BANNFULL DEPTH UP FRDB CNANNEL INVERT. CROSS-SECTION sECnoN s-e IgTEB: 1. INVERT BET AT Yp BANKFULL DEPTH. 2. LOB BILL BET AT INVERT TD PRDTECT FRDB OCOUR. $. BASE MOTH SHALL ~ Yj BANKFULL CHANNEL 8118E If1071i. $IDE 6LDPE6 6FIALl BE BUILT AT A 8:1 610PE. a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 34 C'onsu!lin~ L'n~;inea-s 1 1 J Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN The stormwater wetland will be located within Holloway Park along the existing UT to Adkin Branch. The USACE will not allow the wetland to occur in line with the stream; therefore, a bankfull channel will be constructed. Inflow and outflow breaks will be placed within the banks at one-half the bankfull channel 1 depth to allow stormwater flows to access the stormwater wetland areas. Stormwater BMP Maintenance The City of Kinston has agreed to provide maintenance for the sand filter BMP devices and the stormwater wetland for the life of the BMPs (30 years). A maintenance guideline manual will be provided to the City of Kinston by EEP. 5.5 Soil Restoration Soil grading will occur during Site stream restoration activities. Topsoils will be stockpiled during construction activities and will be spread on the soil surface once grading activities have been completed. The replaced topsoil will serve as a ' viable growing medium for community restoration to provide nutrients and aid in the survival of planted species. Preliminary earthwork estimates indicate that the project will result in 61,000 cubic yards of waste material, much of which would be considered topsoil. The City of Kinston will remove excess waste to one or two disposal sites located within two miles of the Site (the Peachtree Waster Water Plant and/or the Davis Landfill). 1 5.5.2 Floodplain Soil Scarification Microtopography and differential drainage rates within localized floodplain areas represent important components of floodplain functions. Reference forests in the ' region exhibit complex surface microtopography. Efforts to advance the development of characteristic surface microtopography will be implemented; in areas where soil surfaces have been compacted, ripping or scarification will be performed. After construction, the soil surface is expected to exhibit complex microtopography ranging to 1 foot in vertical asymmetry. Subsequently, plant community restoration will be initiated. 5.6 Natural Plant Community Restoration: Restoration of floodplain forest and stream-side habitat allows for development and expansion of characteristic species across the landscape. Ecotonal changes between community types contribute to diversity and provide secondary benefits, such as enhanced feeding and nesting opportunities for mammals, birds, amphibians, and other wildlife. ' Reference Forest Ecos stem (RFE) data, onsite observations, and community Y descriptions from Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina ' (Schafale and Weakley 1990) were used to develop the primary plant community ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 35 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN associations that will be promoted during community restoration activities. Community associations that will be utilized to develop primary plant community associations include 1) Coastal Plain Levee Forest (Brownwater subtype), 2) stream-side assemblage, and 3) stormwater BMP wetland (Sheet 4B). Planting elements are listed below. Coastal Plain Levee Forest 1. River birch (Betula nigra) 2. Slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) 3. Winged elm (Ulmus alata) 4. Pignut hickory (Carya glabra) 5. Mockernut hickory (Carya tomentosa) 6. Southern red oak (Quercus falcata var. falcata) 7. Water oak (Quercus nigra) 8. Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) 9. Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) 10. Black cherry (Prunus serotina) Stream-Side Assemblage 1. Black willow (Salix nigra) 2. Silky dogwood (Corms amomum) 3. Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) 4. Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) 5. Tag alder (Alms serrulata) 6. Common rush (Juncus effusus) Stormwater BMP Wetland Assemblage 1. Tag alder (Alms serrulata) 2. Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) 3. Water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) 4. Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) 5. Silky dogwood (Corms amomum) 6. Black willow (Salix nigra) 7. Arrow arum (Peltandra virginica) 8. Emergent herbaceous seed mix a. Long hair sedge (Carex crinita) b. Common rush (Juncus effusus) c. Lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus) d. Bur-reed (Sparganium americanum) e. Rice-cut grass (Leersia oryzoides) f. Virginia iris (Iris virginica) g. Rosemallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) a KO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 36 Cons:dling Engineers 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Project ID No. 050656]01. Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Stream-side trees and shrubs include species with high value for sediment stabilization, rapid growth rate, and the ability to withstand hydraulic forces associated with bankfull flow and overbank flood events. Stream-side trees and shrubs will be planted within 15 feet of the channel throughout the meander belt- width. Shrub elements will be planted along the reconstructed stream banks, concentrated along outer bends. Coastal Plain Levee Forest is targeted for the majority of the Project outside of the 15-feet immediately adjacent to the restored stream channels. These species were selected due to their ability to withstand drought conditions, due to the well- ' drained sandy soils present within the Site, as well as tolerate moderate amounts of moisture. The stormwater BMP wetland assemblage is targeted for the stormwater wetland adjacent to the UT to Adkin Branch within Holloway Park. Species have been selected based on the expected/designed hydrological conditions; in addition, close consideration was given to incorporate plants with the ability to fix nitrogen (tag alder) or with excellent toxin uptake capabilities (common cattail) (NCDWQ ' 2005). The following planting plan is the blueprint for community restoration. 5.6.1 Planting Plan ' Species selected for planting will be dependent upon availability of local seedling sources. Advance notification to nurseries (1 year) would facilitate availability of various noncommercial elements. Bare-root seedlings of tree species will be planted within specified map areas at a density of approximately 680 stems per acre on 8-foot centers. Shrub species in the stream-side assemblage will be planted at a density of 2720 stems per acre on 4-foot centers and within the stormwater BMP wetland assemblage will be planted at a density of 680 stems per acre on 8-foot centers. The emergent herbaceous vegetation seed mix outlined above for application in the stormwater BMP wetland will be applied within 14 days of construction completion at rates specified per manufacturer guidelines. Soils may be scarified to a half-inch prior to seeding to aid in more rapid germination. Table 10 depicts the total number of stems and species distribution within each vegetation association, with the exception of the emergent seed mix outlined above. Planting will be performed between December 1 and March 15 to allow ' plants to stabilize during the dormant period and set root during the spring season. A total of 42,399 native tree and shrub seedlings may be planted during restoration. ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 3 ~ Consrrllin~ Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Table 10. Planting Plan Coastal Plain Levee ~ Stream-side ~tormwater BMP I Vegetation Association ~ Forest Assemblage ~ Wetland Assemblage TOTAL I Area (acres) 34.42 Acres 6.87 Acres 0.45 Acres 41.74 Acres Number planted* Number planted** Number planted* !Species ! (% of total) (% of total) * ~ Bettrla ni ra 3,511 15 i S ( ) (% of total) -- Number planted -- -, ~ 3,51 l __ Ulmus rubra* 2 341 (10) i ~ - 2 341 _ , Ulmus alata * 2,341 (10) - -- - -- Carya glabra* 2,341 (10) -~- -- - - 2,341 -- - 2,341 - I Carya tomentosa* 3,511 (15) - 3,511 Quercus falcata var. falcata 2,341 (10) 2 341 Quercus nigra* ~ 2,341 (10) , 2 341 _ _ _ _ r ~ , Carpinus caroliniana* 2,341 (10) 2,341 'Sassafras albidum* 1,171 (5) _ ' 1,17] Prunus serotina* ~~ 1,171 (5) _ _ 1,171 Salix nigra** ~ ~ 3,738 (20) _ 46 (15) 3,784 ~ _ Corms amomum** ~ 3,738 (20) 46 (15) ~- - - - 3,784 ** Ce halanthus occiden*alis ~P _ _ 2,803 (15) 46 (15) Sambarcus canadensis ~ 2,803 (15) ~ 2,849 2,803 '~Alnus serrulata** ~ 2,803 (15) 46 (15) 2,849 Taxodium dtstichum** I ~ 46 (15 ) _ Nyssa aquatica * * _ 46 (15 ) - Peltandra virginica** - - - 31 (10 ) -_ 'Juncus effuses** _ ' 2,803 (15) 2,803 Juncus effuses*** _ *** ~ Carex crinita*** ~ _ - - *** Saatrurus ccrenuus*** I *** - Sparganium americanztm*** ~ *** Leersia oryzoides*** i _ - -- I - *** - - __ Iris virginica*** *** ~Kibiscus moscheutos*** ' *** TOTAL 23,410 (100) 18,688 (100) ' 307 (100) 42,282 • riamea at a aensay of euu stemsiacre (~ is-toot centers). ** Planted at a density of 2720 stems/acre (~ 4-foot centers) if in Stream-side Assemblage or 680 stems/acres if planted in Stormwater BMP. ' *** Emergent herbaceous seed mixed spread at a rate of 50 pounds per acre). 1 a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 3 8 Cunsulling Engineers ' 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN ' 5.6.2 Neuse River Buffers Neuse River Buffers will be both impacted and restored during construction of the proposed stream and BMPs. Stream restoration activities are exempt activities ' under the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. The existing Neuse River Riparian Buffer on-site encompasses approximately 7.58 acres of forested buffer (> 100 trees per acre), 13.58 acres of grass/forest buffer (<100 trees per acre), 0.55 acres of sewer easement, and 0.69 acres of impervious area (Sheet 5, and Sa). A vegetated riparian buffer will be established along both the left and right banks of Adkin Branch and the UT throughout the project's easement area. As a result the total Neuse River Riparian Buffer area following construction will encompass approximately 22.51 acres (Sheet 6, and 6a). Of this area, approximately 21.55 acres will be forested (> 100 trees per acre), 0.65 acres will remain grass/forest (<100 trees per acre), 0.31 acres will remain in an existing sewer easement, and 0.12 acres will remain in impervious area. 5.6.3 Invasive Saecies Management Noxious species will be identified and controlled so that none become dominant or alter the desired community structure of the Site. If noxious plants are identified as a problem within the Site, aspecies-specific control plan will be developed for approval by EEP prior to implementation. During the five-year monitoring period, where necessary, undesirable plant or ' animal species will be removed, treated, or otherwise managed by means of physical removal, use of herbicides, live trapping, confining wires, or nets. All vegetation removal from the Project shall be done by mechanical means only unless EEP has first authorized the use of herbicides or algaecides for the control of plants in or immediately adjacent to the Site. 1 ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 39 Consulting Engineers 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 6.0 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: Monitoring of Project restoration efforts will be performed until success criteria are fulfilled. Monitoring is proposed for the stream channel of both Adkin Branch and the UT, stormwater management devices, and vegetation. In general, the restoration success criteria, and required remediation actions, are based on Appendix II of the Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USAGE et al. 2003). 6.1 Streams: The restored stream reaches are proposed to be monitored for geometric activity. Annual fall monitoring will include development of channel cross-sections on riffles and pools and a water surface profile of the channel. The data will be presented in graphic and tabular format. Data to be presented will include 1) cross-sectional area, 2) bankfull width, 3) average depth, 4) maximum depth, 5) width-to-depth ratio, 6) meander wavelength, 7) belt-width, 8) water surface slope, and 9) sinuosity. The stream will subsequently be classified according to stream geometry and substrate (Rosgen 1996). Significant changes in channel morphology will be tracked and reported by comparing data in each successive monitoring year. A photographic record that will include preconstruction and postconstruction pictures has been initiated with current Project photographs (Appendix A). 6.1.1 Stream Success Criteria Adkin Branch and Lower Section of the UT Success criteria for stream restoration will include 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning stream system (Rosgen 1996) and 2) channel variables indicative of a stable stream system. The channel configuration will be measured on an annual basis in order to track changes in channel geometry, profile, or substrate. These data will be utilized to determine the success in restoring stream channel stability. Specifically, the width-to-depth ratio should characterize a B-type channel for Adkin Branch and an E-type or borderline E-/C-type channel for the UT to Adkin Branch, bank- height ratios indicative of a stable or moderately unstable channel, and minimal changes in cross-sectional area, channel width, and/or bank erosion along the monitoring reach. In addition, channel abandonment and/or shoot cutoffs must not occur and sinuosity values must remain at approximately 1.3 (thalweg distance/straight-line distance) for the UT to Adkin Branch. The field indicator of bankfull will be described in each monitoring year and indicated on a representative channel cross-section figure. If the stream channel is down-cutting or the channel width is enlarging due to bank erosion, additional bank or slope stabilization methods will be employed. Stream substrate is not expected to coarsen over time; therefore, pebble counts are not proposed as part of the stream success criteria. a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 40 Consulting Engineer ' Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Visual assessment of in-stream structures will be conducted to determine if failure has occurred. Failure of a structure may be indicated by collapse of the structure, undermining of the structure, abandonment of the channel around the structure, ' and/or stream flow beneath the structure. ' UT Through Stormwater Wetland Area It is anticipated that the UT could slightly aggrade through the areas of the Stormwater Wetland area. If this does occur, it would be within the expected ' process of a stream which has some potions of its bankfull flow diverted. This section of the UT would be expected to remain a C/ES type channel after monitoring, but movement towards a D type channel with multiple braided small channels is acceptable. 6.1.2 Stream Contingency ' In the event that stream success criteria are not fulfilled, a mechanism for contingency will be implemented. Stream contingency may include, but may not be limited to 1) structure repair and/or installation; 2) repair of dimension, pattern, ' and/or profile variables; and 3) bank stabilization. The method of contingency is expected to be dependent upon stream variables that are not in compliance with success criteria. Primary concerns, which may jeopardize stream success include 1) structure failure, 2) headcut migration through the Site, and/or 3) bank erosion. Structure Failure ' In the event that structures are compromised, the affected structure will be repaired, maintained, or replaced. Once the structure is repaired or replaced, it must function to stabilize adjacent stream banks and/or maintain grade control ' within the channel. Structures which remain intact, but exhibit flow around, beneath, or through the header/footer pilings will be repaired by excavating a trench on the upstream side of the structure and reinstalling filter fabric in front of ' the pilings. Structures which have been compromised, resulting in shifting or collapse of header/footer pilings, will be removed and replaced with a structure suitable for Project flows. Headcut Migration Through the Site In the event that a headcut occurs within the Project (identified visually or ' through measurements [i.e. bank-height ratios exceeding 1.4]), provisions for impeding headcut migration and repairing damage caused by the headcut will be implemented. Headcut migration may be impeded through the installation of in- t stream grade control structures (log sill and/or log cross-vane weir) and/or restoring stream geometry variables until channel stability is achieved. Channel repairs to stream geometry may include channel backfill with coarse material and r a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 41 Consalling Engineers Project ID No. 050656]01 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN stabilizing the material with erosion control matting, vegetative transplants, and/or willow stakes. Bank Erosion In the event that severe bank erosion occurs at the Project resulting in elevated width-to-depth ratios, contingency measures to reduce bank erosion and width-to- depth ratio will be implemented. Bank erosion contingency measures may include the installation of log weirs and/or other bank stabilization measures. If the resultant bank erosion induces shoot cutoffs or channel abandonment, a channel may be excavated which will reduce shear stress to stable values. 6.2 Stormwater Management Devices ' Stormwater BMP devices will be monitored and maintained periodically, as necessary, to ensure the life of the devices. The City of Kinston has agreed to ' provide maintenance for the sand filter BMP devices and the Stormwater wetland for the life of the BMPs (30 years). A maintenance guideline manual will be provided to the City of Kinston by EEP. 6.2.1 Sand Filter Device Monitoring and Maintenance Sand filters will be inspected at least once per year after a storm event, to determine if the infiltration capacity of the device is decreasing due to clogging of the top layer. The maintenance guidelines are summarized as follows (NCDWQ 2005): ^ The sediment chamber outlet devices should be cleaned or repaired when drawdown times exceed 24 hours. In addition, trash and debris should be ' removed as necessary and sediment should be cleaned out when it accumulates to 6 inches or more. • When the infiltration capacity of the filter diminishes or water ponds on the filter bed surface for greater than 24 hours, the topsoil and underlying 3 inches of filter material should be removed and replaced. The removed sediments should be tested and disposed of appropriately. Sediment/silt ' should be removed from the filter bed when accumulation exceeds 1 inch. ^ Vegetation within the sediment chamber should be mowed to limit the height to 12 inches. ^ Direct maintenance access should be provided to the pretreatment area and the filter bed. 6.2.2 Stormwater Wetland Monitoring and Maintenance Plant coverage within the Stormwater wetland should be assessed and documented ' each growing season. If a minimum of 70 percent coverage is not achieved after the second growing season, supplemental planting should be completed. Plant Q KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 42 Constdlirrg Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN coverage of 90 to 95 percent is desirable. Maintenance guidelines are as follows (NCDWQ 2005): ^ Wetland should be inspected annually after a rain event, and after all large ' (mean annual or greater) storm events to ensure the basin is operating as designed. At a minimum the following items should be corrected if observed. o Clogging of the outlet or very rapid water release o Appearance of invasive species or a monoculture o Erosion on the wetland banks or at the inlet/outlet o Sediment accumulation o Damage to, or blockage of, the emergency spillway ' o Woody vegetation in the embankment or dam ^ Sediment should only be selectively removed; sediment removal disturbs stable vegetation cover and disrupts flow paths through the wetland. 6.3 Vegetation: Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation will monitor plant survival and species diversity. After planting has been completed in winter or early spring, an initial evaluation will be performed to verify planting methods and to determine initial species composition and density. Supplemental planting and additional modifications will be implemented, if necessary. A photographic ' record of plant growth should be included in each annual monitoring report. During the first year, vegetation will receive a cursory, visual evaluation on a ' periodic basis to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species. Subsequently, quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed between June 1 and September 30, after each growing season, until the vegetation success criteria are achieved. During quantitative vegetation sampling in early fall of the first year, up to 47 sample plots (10 meters by 10 meters) will be randomly placed within the Site; however, best professional judgment may be necessary to establish vegetative monitoring plots upon completion of construction activities. In each sample plot, ' vegetation parameters to be monitored include species composition and species density. 6.3.1 Vegetation Success Criteria Success criteria have been established to verify that the vegetation component supports community elements necessary for forest development. Success criteria ' are dependent upon the density and growth of characteristic forest species. Additional success criteria are dependent upon density and growth of "Character Tree Species." Character Tree Species include planted species along with species ' identified through visual inventory of an approved reference (relatively ' Q KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P. C. 43 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN undisturbed) forest community used to orient the project design. All canopy tree species planted and identified in the reference forest will be utilized to define "Character Tree Species" as termed in the success criteria. An average density of 320 stems per acre of Character Tree Species must be surviving in the first three monitoring years. Subsequently, 290 Character Tree Species per acre must be surviving in year 4 and 260 Character Tree Species per acre in year 5. 6.3.2 Vegetation Contingency If vegetation success criteria are not achieved based on average density calculations from combined plots over the entire restoration area, supplemental planting may be performed with tree species approved by regulatory agencies. Supplemental planting will be performed as needed until achievement of vegetation success criteria. 6.4 Scheduling and Reporting: A tentative phasing schedule for the proposed project is presented below; certain tasks may be dependant on seasonal conditions. Table 11. Project Scheduling and Reporting Project iD Nn. 0.506(15(101 (Adkin Rranrh Ctl'PAm RPCtnYatinn Prn~nr•t1 Task Descri tion Date of Scheduled Com letion Restoration Plan Finalized March 8, 2007 Submission of Final Desi n Ma 10, 2007 Permittin Initiated June 21, 2007 Advertise for Bidders Au ust 9, 2007 Bid O enin Se tember 6, 2007 Be in Construction December 6, 2007 End Construction June 5, 2008 Pre are As-built Miti ation Plan and Miti ation Plan Jul 3, 2008 First Year Monitorin Re ort December 1, 2008 Second Year Monitorin Re ort December 1, 2009 Third Year Monitorin Re ort December 1, 2010 Fourth Year Monitorin Re ort December 1, 2011 Fifth Year Monitorin Re ort December 1, 2012 a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 44 Cunsulling Engrneer~ 1 u 1 J 1 1 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN ' 7.0 REFERENCES Doll, B.A., A.D. Dobbins, J. Spooner, D.R. Clinton, and D.A. Bidelspach. 2006. Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Rural North Carolina Coastal Plain Streams. Raleigh, North Carolina. ' Griffith, G.E. 2002. Ecoregions of North and South Carolina. Reston Virginia. United States Geological Society (map scale 1:1,500,000). ' Manning, R. 1891. On the Flow of Water in Open Channels and Pipes. Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. 20, 161-20. ' North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2002. Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan (online). Available: i http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/basinwide/Neuse/2002/plan.htm [September 13, 2006]. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2005. Updated Draft Manual of Stormwater Best Management Practices.. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. t North Carolina Division of Water ualit NCDW 2006a. Neuse River Basinwide Q Y ( Q) Assessment (online). Available: http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/Basinwide/Neuse06BasinReportFinal.pdf [September 13, 2006]. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2006b. North Carolina Waterbody Reports (online). Available: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/reportsWB.html [September 13, 2006]. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. ' North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). 2003. Neuse River Basin Watershed Restoration Plan (online). Available: http://www.nceep.net/services/restplans/neuse_2003.pdf [September 13, 2006]. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. ' Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 1183 pp. Rosgen D. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology. Pagosa Springs, Colorado. a K~ ~c ASSOCIATES, P. C. 45 Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Ccarolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. ' Smith, R. L. 1980. Ecology and Field Biology, Third Edition. Harper and Row, New York. 835 pp. ' United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE), United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. State of North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1992. Soil Survey of Lenoir County, North Carolina. United State Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. u a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. 46 Constt!ling Enkineers 1 Lenoir County North Carolina o ><ooo Zooo i ~ i FEET Grain er Ave. \ 1838 Lenoir Ave. Harvey St. PROJECT A1ZEA 1813 Thompson St. mod. N\~~ St. ~ ~ ~ n Ma`O jo~e Blount St. M(, m 0 Hicks Ave. ~ i / / N Gordon ~ Waters St. ,.__..._~~ c ~ ~ ~ St. N I King 2 ~~ St. I r -\ ~ Truman ~ Ave. `°y~e Dr. East Ridge St. P~R~OjJECT C'~1~LiC~ 1845 C7 1814 F 0 ~. N 0 '2 nmg ~ m ~ ~ ~ rw.~~ t. 1 r i w t F Bri ht St ~ - i S~ ~ ~ i ~ Desmond gt, ~ ~~ s '9 \ Shine St. ~ Shine ~ St. i _ O - Knabb St. ~ ~ Reed fD ~ cn ~ ~ St. / it ~i j ~ 'A Lincoln ~ °- - i O '~ St. w i Sasser St. ~~ i r ~~~ vicinity Map ~'~C'O~~'~tClll Adkin Branch Restoration Plan Lenoir County, North Carolina / KO ~' ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers 1011 SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALEIGH, N. C. 27606 Date: 0323~U7 Figure: 1 (979) 851-6066 NasKett Ra 1845 PROJECT AREA ~- .o - 'S .. r ~, r _ i J~ 4,r, 7 45 fI ~ is• - •~ 58r..A ^.ti•., r i. •Ir Y• ~ ~ O<:•. ~ ~ ~ :0 c>j~ a~ Po f '~ ~ y 's: ... - 1 :~ qtr.{~.-~„_ ~ . ~.J~ ~~ - - :~ i ~,- _ 1 1811 .. _ .:. r • `_~.~=~~ ~ ~ 11569 ~ 197 ~ ..~.~ ~/lOWll~ '~ - i ter. r r r_ -r... ~ ~ ~ - s , - iB10 r G s u 55 r. .. r '~ r .J. ~7.\ •. • 58 ~. I ~,~-. ~ ~ '~ 5 B.YP r - .. ., t - ... .. Zb 8 °vo. w`.?i58 58, . _ R/yam ' •`' 1 r 0 2000 4000 I~Irlrlrl ' Fr~:•r LEGEND ' Lenoir County Watershed North Carolina --~---~ Project Area , C'' Watershed 7 . ~ , , ~ Ma ~ ~ Adkin Branch D Restoration Plan ' KO ~ ASSOCIATES, 1-. C. Lenoir County, North Carolina Consulting Engineers !0!! SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALEIGH, N. C. 27606 Date: 0323FD7 Figure: 2 ' (9!9) 85l-6066 0 1000 2000 I I ~ I FEET LEGEND Symbol Name BB - Bibb Ka - Kalmia Ke - Kenansville - Project Area r~- '~ Soil Survey Map 1~~.'O~~~tC'111 Adkin Branch Restoration Plan Lenoir County, North Carolina ~ KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers loll SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALEIGH, N. C. 27606 Date: 032307 Figure: 3 (919) 851-6066 • • ,; _. = . ,' .~..• 1813 ~,~~ askel j•, Ra ' ` ~~;"~ 18'45 f' z t Ave.. ~~ ~ \ ~ ! 1 ! i ~ ~ i i _ • • ~\ ~.. - ~ ~ • ~ P 9dn ~ 1 ` T G ` ' 'v fiM i St. ~ Waters r~ 7 1 ~~.~~ ~~~~~t~~n 1 ~ KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers 1011 SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALEIGH, N. C. 27606 (919) 851-6066 ~ ~ r man /r/e. 1 '~• ~ • • • • • , , • ~ ~ ~ • ~ • • ~ ' ~' ~ ~ •..... . • Ea~l~ ~r. • ~ 7 M .. ~Ealt ~FAd eGt• • • . ~ ~ • ~~ d ~ ,,}, • • • 1814 en'' sl ,.':~ ~ achalle Hlud ~ ~ ' 1845 _ ~ ,;'~ p ~ S ~ ,~ ~~~\ ~ % ` ,m ~ ~. ...... ~~~. ,~ Q .: o '~.. m .~ '>~~, ~~~ lott ~ ~By' ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ,, . ~ t st. i E• Z I t i ' (~ r ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 1. j St ` - ~-~ 1 I Z I i t. - ~~, ~ 1. _ st, ~ ~ ~~ ' ~ 0 1000 2000 I I I I FEET Hydrological Features Map Adkin Branch Restoration Plan Lenoir County, North Carolina Date: 032307 Figure: 4 Pitt County North Caroling 0 1000 zooo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FEET REFER] SITE .-----~ ----- ~, 33 `~ , 1 REFERENCE SITE ,~,_ ~i ~ 1464 \ ~J I~ ,\ ~ \ ~~ 1463 1418 264 ,' ,- ~~~, ~ ~ohnsons _ ~~'ji~~ , , ~ ~ ~' ~~-_-~ \ ~ \ ~1 1459 ~ 1454 1458 ~~ 33 1456 l 1455 ~~ 1478 1477 ~\ 1401 ~1 1476 r~ `S'OS}'StC'I11 / KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers IOII SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALEIGH, N. C. 27606 (919) 851-6066 Johnsons Mill Run Vicinity Map Adkin Branch Restoration Plan Lenoir County, North Carolina Date: 0323~U7 Figure: 5 ~_ ,~_ _ 1 J • I' ~ ~ J. C,~• . 1416 1415 i ~a~ '~~ ~ -~~.~.~. - . ~ '~ ~ 1a1a _ ~~ ~i w - ~ ~i ` - \ ~.,~ ~ 1451 , ` 'C I' ~~. I .` ~~ ~ \ ~ __ - ~ ~ '^ ~' _ / .~ ~ `, I ~ ~ j ~ -_~ ._, ~ ~ 1ao1 ~-•= i ~ _ ~ ~ 1a1a r • ~ ~_ ~ -1: ~,~ ., ; c f: ~ ` 1'a1s ... TAR - ~ -~ - ~ ,~ '~`. ~' 264 ~ - - ,~~~ _ - \ 'l `. s { . ''.,. a 0 2000 4000 I ~ I ~ 1 ~ 1 FEET LEGEND Watershed ~--- Project Area Reference Site Pitt County North Carolina r~ Icc ~~y~t~~» 1 ~ KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers 1011 SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALEIGH, N. C. 27006 (919) 851-6066 Johnso Waters Ad Resto Lenoir Coun Date: 032307 REFERENCE SITE a ~ ' ~ 1 s Mill Run hed Map ~ n Branch ration Plan ' ty, North Carolina Figure: 6 ' ~ _ n ki REFERENCE 4 ~ 500 I 1000 I FEET c~ ~'1C'()~~'StC'll l ~ KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. a Consulting Engineers 1117 SCHAUl )12., SUITE X212 1ZALEIGH, N. C. 27fIf (919) 851-6066 LEGEND Symbol Name Bb - Bibb - Project Area Johnson Mill Run Soil Survey Map Adkin Branch Restoration Plan Lenoir County, North Carolina Date: 32307 Figure: 7 Robeson fount, North Carolina 0 2000 4000 I I I ~ I FEET / / ~ ~ 1955 REFER SITE 1970 ~/ ~~ 1963 ~ ~, ~, 1~~~ ~, , U ~ ~ ~,-- 1 1971 1969 /°'' __,~ ~- ~_ 1963 1972 1004 1975 1974 r ' ~'O~~~tC'I l l ,,.~ ,. .. ~ KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers 1011 SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALE/GH, X.C. 27606 (919) 851-6066 1968 r /~, Ut to Wildcat Branch Vicinity Map Adkin Branch Restoration Plan Lenoir County, North Carolina Date: 032307 Figure: 8 ~ ~ - ~ ,- ' REF NCE ~ - ,~ .. ~~- ~ r ~- SITE ._,. -~ ~ C_. _ . '. '' ~ i ffi _ _' i • ~~~ ; / ~ .~ ~ r ' ~19'63~ i ~ _. __ ~ ~~ • `` ` ~ ~ 1963- o , ~_r ~_ _. K ~ ~~~~ i.. ~~ - ,^ ., .., ;,, I _~~. ~ ~~ tJ7 O Reference Site Robeson bounty - 0 500 1000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' North Carolina FEET ..:. ,.. LEGEND Watershed -- •-~-~------ Project Area 1.- UT to Wildcat Branch . Watershed Map 1~1('O~V~t(,'Ill Adkin Branch 1 Restoration Plan ' ` ' ' "'' Lenoir County, North Carolina ~ KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers 101] SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALEIGH, N. C. 27606 Date: 032307 Figure: 9 (919) 851-6066 REFERENCE SITE 0 1000 2000 i ~ i FEET '~(.'OS~StC'111 . ~ ,. . ~ KO ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting EngYneers 1011 SCHAUB DR., SUITE #202 RALEIGH, N. C. 27606 (919) 851-6066 LEGEND Symbol Name BB - Bibb i - Project Area UT to Wildcat Branch Soil Survey Map Adkin Branch Restoration Plan Lenoir County, North Carolina Date: 032307 Figure: 10 ~a VEGETATIVE ZONE DIAGNOSTIC VEGETATION Coastal Plain Levee Forest ~ ~ Stream-Side Shrub Assemblage River Birch Water Oak Sweetgum Mockernut Hickory Willow Oak Winged Elm Flowerin Do wood g g River Birch Loblolly Pine Black Cherry American Beautyberry American Elm Southern Red Oak Sassafras Japanese Honeysuckle Sweetgum Eastern Red Cedar Ironwood Muscadine Red Maple Oak Species American Holly Greenbrier Ironwood ~I~x. ~trd4q~t~b 39'dl~.v' ~"u M .4~ ~J M Coastal Plain Levee Forest 1 See species list to left. ~ i N0 1 I Y;J "' ~ Lil)..[Zf1;4~i1~'~L it1 r A,~ ~19gIt6.~9t~1~S _ i 7• 4 W _.__ Y K._ •f PHYSIOGRAPHIC LANDSCAPE UNIT SOILS -~'\ %, 2126 Rowland Pond Dr Willow Spring, NC 27592 (919) 2157693 (919)341-3839 fax Buffer Zone ~~ Levee Riparian Zone Kalmia/Kenansville/Bibb Bibb Soils Well-drained to Poorly Drained Poorly Drained REFERENCE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES MAP ADKINS BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION SITE LENOIR COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA W Levee Figure: 11 Project: 06-014 Date: JANUARY 2007 a- , W Z o G v `r ~ ~ ~~~~ ~i N ~:~ ,' a v ~\ Z z p ti ~:~ Q r-4~ \ d ~~~~ ~ G ~ ~~ z ~s ~ ~ oC 0~1~ a7 ~~ ~ J ,: ~~~osv ~ ~. 9 ~ m r ~`( , ~j d ~ 't ~ L:.~ N j y~9 \ \t ~, ~ H H ~ t ti ~ a o \ ~ ~6s 5 ~,~~n ~~~ ~~ SIG ~ ~ i ~ ~ t' ~ C no^°° J ~a ~ I~''~ JI~ ~ ~I ~ jII N,; ~f s ? a~s`N`"~ # ~ ~ ~ m s Q ~- ~ 7 ~~+ ~ tIi W , ~ , ,t gg \\ U " °+, ~, ~ e O N.5 II~~I~ ra,eb k ,i,~ t>ti` \ '~ r of ~ ~I '~s ~ \\~o~ ~~ cs ~ i '?~~~ 3rv" ~. m i i .$:_' ,4,~~ ~ 4 ~ ~.~ '1 i' Ix, ~ _.s"~- ili ~ ~ur /,ti -I ' ~,^-, `H, ' ~'~1 '~ ,~~-~' = ~ '~ ~0 ,jr ~\ \ ~ ~ ~ n\ _ _ ` I~i~~ ~ I '~~ r---. ~ ~~I~ ~~~ -i ~A I `~ ~ ~ v ~ ttr F;; v~"' `1Y, 1V' r _ _ _ ~`~I Oi ~ ~ --~ `~ ° II iI am z : °as t, ! 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HJl bryy_ u6p•99-ysd-youeag-uiv~pd\sueid ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~+~ Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Resroration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN APPENDIX A ADKIN BRANCH SITE PHOTOGRAPHS ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Consulting Engineers Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN a KO & ASSOC'lATES, P. C. Cun.~r~l~u~,~ L•n,~in~u~.~ APPENDIX A I Adkin Branch Looking Downstream near NC11/55 I Erosion along Adkin Branch Banks -Looking Downstream Nroject ID No. 05O6561O1 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RF.ST(~RATION PL_~N Erosion along Adkin Branch Banks -Looking Downstream a KO c~C ASSOCIATES, P. C. ('ons« Ilin,~ Li~,Li«re~s APPENDIX A Adk~n branch Looking Downstream near Charter School Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RI~ST(~R.ATIC)N P[ ~AN KU & ASSOC/AYES, P. C. ('unstdlin~,~ EnLincuts APPENDIX. A Ex~stmg Storm system Uuttall Project I D No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RLST~)R,1T1C)N PLAN Adkin Branch Looking Upstream near Gordon Street a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. ('onsrdli„~,~ CI,,Y(RCC1 J APPENDIX A Adkin Branch Looking Upstream near Gordon Street Project ID No. 050656101 ~dkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Existing Culvert Crossing with Timber Retaining Walls a KO c~ ASSOC'/AYES, P. C. (~un.crdlirrg l:n,~inur.~ APPENDIX A ~;xishng Pedestrian bridge near Washington street Project [D No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RF:tiT(~R ~~TI(~N PLAN UT to Adkin Branch: Channelized and incised Reach a KO & ASSOC'/AYES, P. C'. Cbnsu!lin~; Entirrrrrs APPENDIX A UT to Adkin Branch: Overwidened (F type) channel. Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN ' APPENDIX B RESTORATION SITE NCDWQ STREAM CLASSIFICATION FORMS 1. Stream Forms Location Map 2. Stream Forms 3. Email Documenting Perennial Status Determination of UT to Adkin Branch [i 1 1 ' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Cunsulling En~irrccrs 1 Project ID No. 050656101 ~dkin Branch Strea~~~ Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Or r u cu cu• ve o~? ~ a.+ ~o tu•'P~ o?" ' co cc~ ,ti• !~ ~ , ,, ~ ! ~ 1 . ' ~l ~. 1 ,i ~ ~ ~ ~ \~_Qj r^ r •• • • ~s I `' ' 8 ~ r , F -~ ~, , •.,. ~ . k ,.. u. ~ ` .. ' • •...: • ~1 R~~n ;~_ ~ • ... '~ ~~ .. ,~•• ... -•~ 240 ~ •+• . r l ~ ~ ~ - , ~ f~tTNnUeI Hill - - • • ~ LAM ~~ ~~~' ~ C~.W~Ip/f `r '~%~' i Rochelle Blvd _ ~' - . ~ • - .Georg ;' ~ ~ sir, ; ~ ;; ~ ' 4 ~ _ on Bv~+wr :: ~ef • _ '~ ' ' r • ~ ` n ,. • -----~., Park ,-~ 1 ~~~ `. ....-- ^ __^.. r ~ ~. ~ i 1• i I -r----~-• ~r l -` ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~4n`? ar.•.~ _ ~ s, ......_ SST ~ ~ ~~-- ~c,~,..x, ~ ~~ ~t~ Cl .9 ~ .. Z ` ' J ` °e ~ ~ `,3 -_.. Z - .' ~ ~ Sewage Disposal - ~ a o Po nds ~ ,,~ -~.- .~., , ~ ~ o t ~ ^~ ~ • ~ r 1 ~ .,.. P ~, '~ _ __ .. tl ' ' ~ _.Y~. 'fib a -" w 'TON ~ ~ _ ~.. _.. .• 0?T>t'C0.[~J'VV 0'?•33':vCOC~'~! 0~.''a'co:x~ w CcS>ngr.:G; 'Biz IrapY_df, h.. a KO c4c ASSOCIATES. P. C. Corl.,ullin~,~ EnL~in~ere APPENDIX B Project ID No. O5Ob56101 Adkin aranch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RF:ST'ORATtON PLAN North Carolina Division of Water Quality --Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 Oato: ~~~r.,/v~ Project: ~f/k / / Latitude: ~ ' ~y,t` Evaluator: Site: Longitude: ~ ~ 3 ~' ,.~c~ ' /~Xlo/r7 __/IlE'~__~rlic Gr_ _ Total Points: __ __ _ _-- _ K ~Ll}o y ---_ Stream 1s at bast tntennarent '~ Gounty: Oth@r d z f! a perennial if Z 30 "~ r~ ~ ~'/1G~i 1~ e ~ Ouad Name: A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = ~~ ) ~ Absent Weak ~ Moderate ~ Strong 1". Continuous bed and bank 0 1 , 2 ~'~`> 2. Sinuosity 0 J { 2 3 3. In-channel swcture raffle-pool sequence _.._._,. _._.._._ -..._. 0 - .. - _ _ ( 2 ; 3 4 SWI texture or stream substrate soAing -- -- -- --r 0 --~ 1 ~ _. _ . 2~ ~.,~_ 3 5- Agive/relic floodpiain 0 i i ~ 2 3 6 Depositional bars or benches -- _ j 0 ~ ~ ~~ j 7 Braided channel _ 0-~ ,_ 1 ~ 2 3 $ Recent alluvial deposds 0 1 j -~y5-~- _ ____ 3 9' Natural levees _ 4 ` _ ~ 2 I 3 10. Headcuts 1 2 ~ '3 i 11 Grade controls _ 0 ~0 5,~~ 1 t 5 12. Nature) valley or dreinageway F 0 ! ~ i ' 0.5 j 1 ~ ~' 1 5 ti ' 13. Second or greater order channel on existino I ~~~° -y USGS or NRCS map or other documented No = 0 I ~. Yos = 3 ~ ~ evidence. ~ , ___ - Man-tnadc ditches are not rated; xc discussions to manual B H +~drology ~Subiotal = _ _._.r-_.___ w -- - I t4. Groundwater fiowJdischarge 0~ 1 ! 2 3 _ . - --t-----~~,- -^ 15 Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or 0 i j 2 ~ / Water in channel - d~ or growing season _ 16 Leaflltter .5 > ~ 1 0.5 0 ~ 17. Sediment on lams or debris ~ i ~--~~"~~ i P _ 0 0.5 ~,a i 1.5 18 Organic debris lines or plies (Wrack lines) 0 ~~~-0.5 1 ~ ~.~ 5 .> f9 Nydric soils (redoxrmorphic features) presenl7 ! ~No~ Yes = 1.5 C_~~B__i_o_i_o~ _~S_u~btoial = /2 5 ~ (2~ Ffb` coos roots in channel _~ _v~1 j~`'~ 1_ 2 ~ _ i -- 0 _ - a 41 Rooted plants in channel r ~ 2 1 0 ' 22 Crayfish 0 05 j > ~ t.5 T ~ .- ~_ -~- . - 23 &valves ~~ '- -~ ' 2 - ~ ~7 24. Fish 0 ! 0 5 ___ 1~ 1 5 ---- -- _ 25 Amphibians U 0.5 __ _ 1 ` 1 5 26 h4acrobenthos (note diversity acid abundance) 0 0.5 _r _ ~ 1 5 27 Filamentous algae, periphyton 0 ~ 0.5 ~ 1 ~ ~ f 5 _. 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus 0 0 5 f' j 1 5 29~Watland plants m streambed C =U FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Oiher = 4 --s-----. -- ----- ___ ..__- Items 2e and 2 t faun on the prestttce of upland plants, Item 29 the presence of aquaUC or wetland plants Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes } Sketch' a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Corrsrr(tin~; En~rinrcr~ APPENDIX B 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Strum Restoration Project, I_,enoir County, North Carolina RI?ST'ORATION PLAN t 1 North Carolina Division of Water Quality -Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 Date: ~p- 20 -Q(o Project: V j ~ /~+~,n ~r>oiecb Latitude: (~35' i5 r 2S G8 N .,...,..~.~e.J.~._`.. .e~~.._.. i Evaluator. n Stq'~'~ Site:~p~~cvas T4!'~ ~~~,~Longitude: U77°,33~$~ Total Points: -5.25 Stroam is at yeast rote !tent County: ~,tNOt f cOghQuad Namo' ~~ ^S~n it 2 19 a eronnial d 2 30 ~subtotal = ) A. Geomorpho o~y ~ Absent _ - Weak ______.. ~ _ Moderate ~ Stron 9 _ - _ . - ---- Y. Continuous bed and bank - -- _ 0 1 2 _ . ~ i _ _ _ - 2 Sinuosity -- ___~ _.~._ _..._ -- - -y 0 t -- t -_. . i __ _~ _ _ 3 . 3 in-channel structure riffle-pool sequence 0 ! 1 _ _ _ ,_ _ ~ 3 ~_ . _ _~ _ _., . __~ i 4 Sail texture or stream substrate sorting t _ 0 t 2 _Q ____ _.A __ _ .__ __ 5 AcGvetre6c floodplain __ 0 ' _ 1 ~__ 3 _ _ _ - -- 6. Deposibonai bars or benches -t 0 i `_ t _ ~ 2 ~ ~ j (7. Braided channel l d ll osit t 8 R t~1 0 1 m 2 2 3 3 uvia ep s ecen a . ~~9 Natural levees __ ~- ~ _ ~ ~~~-~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ 2 _ -3 2 10. Headcuts r ~ ~ __ __ _ _ _ t l 1 G d , ~ i _ 1 __ 0 5 ~ 2 -~ 1 - 3 ~ t 5 e con ro ~ 1 ra s ~ . ~ 12 Natural valley or drainageway F~.~_ __. _ ~ 0 ~ - _ ... 0.5 -_ ~ ~ _ - ~ - 1 5 -- i3 Second or greater order channel on xi ti USGS or NRCS map or other documented No = 0 Yes = 3 evidence. + Manmade ddches are not rated. se ediscussions in manual / B_ tiydrologY Subtotal = 7: S } _ _ ___ _._ - 14 Groundwater8owldtscharge r I 0 ~ ~ _ 2 -3 15 Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, gr 0 0 2 3 Water in channel dry or ~rowin9 season _ ~_ _._ __ ? 16 Leafiitter ~ 1 5 fJ 0 5 _0 t 7 Sediment on plants or debns l ~ 0.5 1 1 5 18 Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack Imes) r hi r r nt? i d f t f 19 H d d i _ ~ ~ 1 No = 0 0 5 1 1 5 Yes 1 es} p r s ( oximorp c ea u ese y c so e (Subtotal = 3.75 ) C. Biology . _ r 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 3 _ I 2 T _ _ , 0 (21b Rooted plants in channel f m _ .~ 0 j 22 Crayfish -- 1 ~j i 0 5 ~ 1 ~ 5 , 23 Bivalves ~ { ~ i i 2 i 3 24 Fish ~ 0 ~ QS ~ ~_ ~ _ 1 5 25 Amphibians _ ~ 0 5 -- _ _ t - 7 5 _ _. _ ____. _ `. 26 Macrobenihos {note diversity and abundance) (~? i 0.5 _ _ ~ 1 - - - w 1 5 i _~ --- - - 27 Filamentous algae penphyton 28 iron oxidizing bactenaifungus its -- ~ - - ~ i I j 0 5 2 ~ t i 3 1 5 29 ° Wetland plants in streambed FAC 0 5 = 0.75 OBL = 1 5 SAV = 2 0 O ther - 0 Items 20 and 21 focus on Uie presonce of upland plants. Item 29 focuses on the presence of aquabc or vretland plants ~~ Sketch Notes (use back side of this torn for additional notes.! Fpr.~t ~O~~G fr~ o n a ^ ~GY~ S<c ~i e.. e~~r UT--- L //,,,, i J_ _ l ,,,_ / I / 'Xw4~ ! s ~' T!-~! _,~?~SP~"'.M o~~Ua' BIiF~.ClGAr [~±rG. T{,,'s.~'oc.~e1 of ~±uM.r l d~~l~g nk~irt(_G.,G~rl4,d low ~ l~,a h < 1: _ _- ---- -- - - KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. a Consuhirr ~ En ~ineers b F, APPENDIX B Project [D No. 050656101 Adkill Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, Not~th Carolina RI?STORA"LION PLAN North Carolina Division of Water Quality -Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 - _ _~ Date: ~ _ 20 _ ~ Project: (~ i {~ i~du~, ~K ~ Latitude: (73 c~° 15 / .25 ~ r N Evaluator: Stte: Lon itude o Total Points. 22, Z S - -- __._ __ _ _ Other 'J ~~ Stream rs at teas! mtermittent County: ~no ~ / e g Ouad Namo: K~ns ~'ew if t f 9 a Oarenn:al d t 30 ` A. Geomorphology (subtotal = 13 r 1° Conbnuous bed and bank _ __ - 2 5~nuos~ly _ _ _. ___ 3 In channel structure riflte pool sequence 4 Sod texture or stream substrate sorimg 5 Active/relic ftoodplain 6 Deposrt~onal bars or benches _e_ __. __ _. __ 7 Braided channel 8 Recent alluvial deposits 9 Natural levees -__ _ 10 Headcuts -- t t Grade controls _-- 12 Natural valley or dramageway _ ~, 13 Second or greater order channel on xt hn USGS or NRCS map or other documented T Absent _ Weak - ? Moderate f - Strong 0 1 2 _ _.. __. 0 - ~ 2 . 3. .. 0 ,_ 2 0 ~ _ _ .2_._ _ __. 3 0 ~ 2 - 3 _ _ ~ ; _2 _ 3 • j 2 3 -- . ~ _ OS _ 1 15 0 05 _ ___ Q ~ _ . i5 Man-made ddches are not ratod. sea discussions m manual Yes = 3 B. Hydrology (Subtotal = 14 Groundwater flow/discharge 0 _ t~ _ 2 3 15 Water m channel and > 48 hrs since ram, or 0 fir, 2 3 Water m channel -- d~ or groNnng season _._ _ v 16 Leafl~tter t 5 __ 0 5 0 17 Sed~menl on plants or debns - __ -. r _ _ 0 ~ 1 1 5 18 Orgarnc debris Imes or piles (Wrack hnes- _ 0 _. ~ __ _ -- t 1 5 19 Hydric sods (redox~morph~c features) presents _ No = 0 Yes = 1 C Biology! (subtotal = 3.75 1 i 20 Fibrous roots m channel 3 ~ i 0 21° Rooted plants m channel 3 _ 2 _ 1 22 Crayfish 0 5 - _. 1 1 5 23 Bivalves _ - 1 2 ~ 3 24 Rsh - ~ 0 5 1 _1 5 25 Amphibians j 0 !] 5 t~ - _~ S 26 Macrobenthos (note drversdy and abundance} ® 0 5 1 1 5 27 Filamentous algae penphyton 28 Iron owd¢m baderia/lun us t 2 3 ' g g i 0 5 1 1 5 29 ° Wetland plants in streambed FAC 0.5; W -- 0 ~ OBL = 1 5 SAV = 2 0, Other = 0 Items 20 and 21 focus on the presence of upland plants , Item 29 focuses on the presence of aquatic or wetland planes Sketch /'Notes (use back side of this form fo~rtaddibonal noLtes t / .L f"OrM GO~JI ~aJ}On Gi. " .00n0 I//Sf/GPe//-'t Or 7HC I1T Gl!/YCij~ (~°WwS~r't4.q_a~..1K~ _G~.erf.Q._1~~.^A/...~i is ~lc~ew o~~ _- c,~.~,Cl IS DYGffN%.~t!i+l~Gi~~ ~t~s Ao 1!p ~itFl1! lfi~Jf~TL+ow_ ~1/ri/ ~/L CGfI ~;VA~vz _R_.d JQ~O~ ~lo,...:y {t.p'latDw•l rn 7,.i GI..,,~~ Qw(~ Gj+oi(•.1 cf~f AHfv nit 1"JOaJ. .. 1 i~ a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. ConrnJlin~~ En~~incef ~ ' APPENDIX B , Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stl°eam Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN ---Otigwa131essage-- From Garcv.~\'azd[:va:'stoPar:-~•.nard.rn.:n3a::.5e;1 ' Sent. Fuesdt}•. Angust 08. ?806 •t:36 PJS To: R~aa Smith Cc: Chas pullitiger; V6'ilham. G. A'escott: Julia.hunt•rncnuilnet Subject. Re' VS m Adkin Breach R}•an 1 lCe rated dte L7 to Adkias Bratxh today. It was touch dries than when we were there m June but there here st81 pockets of water in stretches. patticulazly farther doaztsatam tt'e got a ratiag of ?? on rbe Stream Ideatibcatioa Form. this was rat<~ inm account the whole 1:00' length from the cutsett done to where it gtpded inm Adkias Breach a~ ' trying to corns up with as average for this entire stretch. Girea the modified nature of the stream attel the tints of year. nY feel this is a sufficient enough score m watram perennial status. Feel free ro give the a call if yaa pace am• questions Gares- Nortfi Carolina Division of Water Quality -Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 r^- __ r_.__ _. _____~- _ ___ ___ .____. - ~_ aaU ~ •, ,: .... Project `~ t. A-{•_ LaUtwM ;- a ~ _.,_ y... ~_ _ _ _ .. _ ~_._._ . _. ! { EYilaliiOr: ~, j#t ~ 1 1 l: 9at• 1 ilC , r . lagitUd~. f ? , •t ~ f Total PbMfia: ONaer j 9eaamu atbay inMnfeCero ,_'? Cerny: t '"~'~~. eq 9~t M,rvnrr; rates .nWAZ37 • A. GeomorPhobgy {Suhersal = , r 5 y ~ Absont 11ygk IYlodaab 8tfonp t• CanAn~aa be0 and bank ' 8 7 2: ,w 3 ... __._ _____._______~. -- -_. _ 3 tn.ahanrsl sbupvY r~lk~wal aequerbe I 0 1` 2 a 5oa Nat Wt or it*tMt flbat/IM aortr+g 0 t 1. -3 ~ 5 Aclr.~eheic Aeoddkn i 0 ~ t $ 3 6 0(dt70Lbalifll art or Uaarlles 0 1° 2 3 7 8taid80 ~annat 0 } / 2 ~ 3 6 Recent stairial dapoelta 0~ ( 1 2 3 9'Natw•ad:evtca 0; 1 2 3 t0 Neaefcw ,~' ~ t 2 . -r. _. __._. .v.. .. _ . 3 ._._.. ._ i _ . ~~ 0 tt Grade artlrois -. ~~ t$ ~ t Z Natursi aaieq or drsiaepruay 0 0 6 1? _ __ __ ____ ~ 7 3 _. _ _ 13 Secon4 a+ groatar trdar channel an italal1114 ; i t1SGfi a NRCS map a o?her doaenbtHed No ^ Q % Yea = a j n n d I ~ 1t a a! __ _ __ r~in~-tltieta O~'l4aa YO (!df faM1. f~0 Ciy~y{alpts ;n RV f tii~ B tlYdrab9Y tStt a w° .i.` dr i4 UPG1+titidlMitir ao~ 0 1 2 ~,' t5. Wbeer h dmrr+N sad > ad rya snot ram. ~ _ ~ __ t , _ .. ? 1~ 1 tMMer h elaatanai » or .. a'Y gravHr>~airaaon _ - ' . + j t0 lwANOer 15 t ~~ 0 d 47 $BdM+etsF ~ pbvKa a tlebna 4 _ 0 0 5,r t t 3 ? q _ 1 tt) ~9an~ debns ~ orgies IYrtaUt tateai t4 Hydnc ao lla [rado>minoroluc tiabxal praiMC+ _ _. _ 0 _ _.... _ 0~ No = 8 .. t ... , _ i 5 Ya =°l5_.. / C ~ {SUtNatal iL ~.' ~ _.._. .. ~. _. - _ _ _ 2Q' Frplp11 ft 0la a1 dttlYne~ 9 ~-~ ..~ ~ 2t° ROdNd punts m thennat (2Z Gaylah 3 o ~ tf:~ t , 0 '. t ~ I r ~. $rYa~ea l) t ~ g Z4.fah 0 • D5 ~ 1 t6 25. Arro?tbiaro 0 O S 1-` ' t 3 ', 2b Maorober+taas (note Y' seas a na,eancej 0 ~ ~ t 1 5 ' 23 FMarnenteus s3gat, perphyton ~ y 2 3 1 2!s IranondamgbaKtena~Yurgus t___ ._._._- -- ..__ -._.. 0 _ _ ~.___ ~' 1 t .._..e...._ .,.. _ ._ 13 __ .,,.... _~,. ~ 2fit VM~rJ plinp fn tl'dtatnMd rAC = 0 S: PhGYJ = 0 Tg OBL ~ 1 5 5A V : 2 0: O1nK Q' nema 24 ana 11 tx„s en sx Frayeru of Wwra Oisnv xem 3S raeuses r the p a~+ee ee a4uahc a weaaeW i*t+gs ri~lta t .M Gack ads ar 4nw kem Aw sada.x,at Hates 1 . Sr+6kx! f~~ r n .t __--r-_3 .-t a _ _ .1 -'.1 ), it a" `' i 7< i to , ``~ r ~ r a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Conrrdlin~,~ EnKineers APPENDIX B Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN 1 1 1 APPENDIX C RESTORATION SITE CONCURRENCE LETTERS 1. NCWRC Letter L 2. NCSHPO Letter t 1 1 i~ ' ~ KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Cuns:dting EnKineers 1 1 1 1 t North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission '~' Richard B. Hamilton, Executive Director MEMORANDUM To: W. Grant Lewis Axiom Environmental, Inc. 2126 Rowland Pond Drive Willow Spring, NC 27592 H E rh rt PhD ~~~~ From: Steven ve a , Southeastern Permit Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Date: August 29, 2006 RE: Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the subject project for impacts to wildlife and fishery resources. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et. seq.), and Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act (as amended). ' The project is located just inside the city limits of Kinston, in its southeastern quadrant. Adkin Branch is a tributary of the Neuse River. A letter and vicinity map was submitted for review of fish and wildlife issues associated with the project. ' The applicant proposes to restore approximately 12,000 linear feet of Adkin Branch. The reach has been channelized to promote rapid drainage resulting in channel incision and subsequent ' lateral bank erosion and channel downcutting. The stated goals of the project are: • Construction of a stable, riffle-pool stream channel • Enhancement of water quality functions 1 1 Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 Fax: (919) 707-0028 APPENDIX C Adkin Branch Restoration Project 2 August 29, 2006 • Restoration of wildlife habitat • Implementation of best management practices concerning stormwater retention • Coordination with the City of Kinston Although there is a 2003 bald eagle (F-T; NGT) record about one-half mile from the southern extent of the project area, there do not appear to be any threatened or endangered species that would be impacted by the project and we do not foresee any fish and wildlife issues that might arise from the project. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding these comments, please call me at (910) 796-7217. APPENDIX C 1 1 1 1 ~~lichacl L'. ti,tac~~, (~urcnt<,r I.ia,cih C licntt:, Sccrctaq ~rflrer ~. (-rrne, llePut~ i;ecretar~ ~Ia2"cl1 I, ~~)~)? (rrflnT ~~~. LC\VIS _lsiom I~.nvit-clnmental, lnc. 21?6 Rowland Pond Drive ~~'illow Spring Raleigh, \ (: ?~ 59? ot'fi~ ~ of Archicrs :ut<I I listen llicisiuu of I Iig[oric';d lZc_:uurcc, Daci~l liru<,k. I)irn fur Rc: Follow-up visit ~Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir C;ount~~, f~;R C16-2189 Uear l~[r. Lewis: Based on -our meeting roda~~ with our I~;nvironmental Re~-iew Specialist, Juliana Eiockstra, ~~re find the proposed undertaking is unlikely to affect anv historic resources of the National Rcgtstcr-listed Oucen Cordon Street I Iistoric District. lK%c:, therefore, have no comment on the proposed undertaking. 'T'he above comments are made pursuant to Section 10G at the rational Historic Preser-~-ation :Act and the :~dvisorv Council on I~Iistoric Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 1QG axlifted at 3li CI~R Parr 8OO. "1'hanh you for virur cex{peration altd consideration. If you have questions concerning the comnunts, please contact Renee Gledhill-I~.arl}-, en~-ironmc[~tal review coordinator, at 919-?33 =I7G3, est. 2=~G. In all future conununication concerning this project, phase remember to cite the above-referenced tracking nutnbrr. 1 Sinccrcl~~, ~rer Sandhccl: 1 _ ___ 1Dh1fNISPRA'1'ION K6~ IY)RATIOh! SIRV'~a' Sc Y1.ANVING _ ___ ____ Location ~hihn Address ~1i7 '~. ISlnunt Jtrect, It :1 i{th ~'t" {(,1? SLiil \i trice C ntei_ Rsd i,r \i ? 699-~61 ili ~,. Illnunt ?in-c:, P.alcy~h 5~. -1C,I?.A[ail ~crricrt cnn-r. It.drihh Ai_-'69)d(1' ~I S \ khuuu ~:ur:, R:dc:;d,. ~[_ .;61'- Alail tiea~,rc (on',~r, It.d~ i}Ch V'r: 3~G'}9 161 ~yl ~'WCO ~ ~ ~ North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Pc:rr 13. >u:nlbcck, lilnva:>tran~r '!'ihphonc/I n '.919. -~3 1°L , , ti(=,> ;013;, 13G~t .'1>.tsnl ' APPENDIX C 1 1 1 1 1 1 J Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN APPENDIX D REFERENCE SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 1. Johnson Mill Run 2. UT to Wildcat Creek i ~ KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. a ,• Corrsnllrn~, brr~»reers 1 'i ~ Project 1 D No. 0506561 O l +,~i.~'- ;r~'ail~'~ Ic'.~1' ~''~„~l)Iti?i3,* {'i(71.`~~. ~ ~.'tiil~r ~ Ollnty, North C.arohlla ke F~.STORATION PLAN ' ~ KO & ASSOC'IATF.S. P. C'. a C~oruulfin ~ L•n dn~~~r.+ ,t ,t APPENDIX D Johnson Mill Run Reference Site -Looking Downstream Johnson Mill Run Reference Site -Looking Upstream Project ID No. 05656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina KF:STORATION PLAN KO ~ ASSOCIATES P a , . C. t APPENDIX D Johnson Mill Run Reference Site -Looking Downstream L Johnson Mill Run Reference Site -Looking Upstream I ('roject ID No. 050656101 ~~~, ~ ~ . _ _ , i;.,,... ~ ~:~i,.: ~, 1~,~;~~; ~: ~,~,orl County, North Carolina ~'[~~~Tt)R;~~I~IC)N PI.r1N ' ~ KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. .~ .~ ' APPENDIX D UT to Wildcat Branch Reference Site -Looking Upstream UT to Wildcat Branch Reference Site -Looking Upstream Project 1D No. 050656101 Adkir~ Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORAT[ON PLAN 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX E REFERENCE SITE NCDWQ STREAM CLASSIFICATION FORMS 1. Johnson Mill Run 2. UT to Wildcat Creek 1 1 1 1 1 KO ~c ASSOCIATES, P. C. a Cunsrdli ~ 'n irreers n~ b K 1 Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RES"TORATION PLAN North Carolina Division of Water Quality -Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 I 1 L] Date: ~ _ - - ~_ Project. - _. . Latitude: '° '~ Evaluator: ~i 1 f3/1/t ~Yl V Site: ___.___. ~JG Vt ~ t ~-C/1 ~ Yi <-~. longitude: ~ ~~' 1~~1 ~L,~t _.i. Total Points: Other (Jrr°z•7wr'le ^j1,1~ Stream is et feast intermirtont ~Z'~ County: r} ~ j~f eg OuadNeme: N z t 9 or orarenntat if t 30 -. A. Geomo hol Subtotal = ~~'~ i Absent Weak Moderate Strong __ _ rP __ ~y ~ ---- --- ?-- -- ----_~ _ _ ._ 11' Continuous bed and bank ~ 0 1 2 ~ I ______ . -. _._ t_ _ _ - ---- -- - _ _ ___, _ _.. __ ~_._ _ _. __ (2 Sinuosity 0 t > 3 _~._ _ rM_ _.___ _- _ _~ __ .___._ __ ___ 3. In-channel structure. riffle-pcrol sequence 0 1 ~ 3 -- v. ~__ _. --. _ _ . 4 Sal texture or stream substrete sorting 0 { 1 ! ~ 3 _. _~-_ -_ 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 I 3 fi. Depositbnal bars or benches 0 , 1 ` 2 ~? - -- - T - -- 7 Braided channel " ~ ~ 1 2 3 _____ 8 Recent alluvial deposits 0 _~ Y~ 2 ( 3 9' Natural levees 0 ~ 1 1 3 10. Headcuts _ ~~ --- _ 1 : ______ 2 ~ 3 __ 11. Grade controls 0 c 0.5 _ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 5 _ _ -.- -- 12. Naturet valley or drainageway 0 - ~ 0.5 € ~ _-1.____ l ...__ 1.5 ~_.._ ~ 13. Second or greater order channel on axistina ,c,"'~,~ USGS or NRCS map or other documented No 0 ~ e5 ' 3 1 evidencct. ~- --'' Man-made ditches are not rated, see discussions m rnanual B, H tidrolagy {Subtotal = ~' __ - - - --- 14. Groundwater 8aty/discharge 1 2 3 _. __ __ _ ~_.__T 15. Water in channel and ? 48 hrs since rain, Q( /'~' ~ I Water mchann~~ - dry tx growing season _ _ 0 t 2 3~ 1fi.l.eaflrtter r r a _ 1 0.5 ____ 17 Sediment on plants or debris _.__ 0.5 1.5 - - 18 Organic debris lines or pftes (Wrack l(ass) ~ _ 0 (~_ 0,5 _ _ 1 _ 1.5 ~ 19 Hydrit soils (rtjdoxtmorphic~~atures} present? ~ ~"f-._~ ~ -_Yes -1.5 _C. Biolo y Subiolal / 3 } ~._.~~_ __ R~----._ _. ~ ___ _- _ 20~' Fibrous roots In channel 1 _ i 2 1 0 __ -__- ------ - -- - f _ _ _~ _ _. ~ 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 ~ 2 t 0 22. Crayfish - _ _ _ _ 0 _ -_ ( 0.5 1 1. ____ ___..___ _,. ___ _~__ _ t_....... _~._ . _____ 23 Bivalves s 0? ( 1 2 _ 3 _ _ ___ 24 Ftsh ~ 0 OS ~ t 5 _-- _ 25 Amphibians 0 0.5 1 _ 1_5 26 Macrobenfhos (rate diveralry and abwWenca) 0 0.5 i 1 ~ 1.5 17 Fdamenious algae penphyton ~ 0 0.5 1 t 5 28 Iron oxidizing bactena/(unqus - 0 5 ~-(- ~ t . ~ ~ 1.5 _. _ -____ ._ , _ _ - _ _ L.._. __ _ _ _ 29 . Wetland plants in strearnbed AC = 0.5' ACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 S_AV 2 0: Other = 0 _ (tam 29 and Z l focur on the prrsencr of upland plants. Item :Q (ocu. s on the presence of aquatic nr wetland plsntt. Sketch. Notes. fuse back side of This form for additional Hales } a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Consrdtin~,~ End,=lasers APPENDIX E Project I D No. 05065b I01 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, Forth Carolina RF;STORATION PLAN \CDRYI Serro_ C]~;:ifrl,de~ Form Ara,+:ct Vag LT ao ASbdctt Hsasuh Ri:sv $asr: L~br Co ~-~• Rttoson DA'Q Projoct Vua~v 2: A ?lw:o>n Taawd Sxa~: A't3d:at 3ran:h Dato 8. W L`SGS QL'.tD: Voctwscluffhocoa E;ahrators: R Sw.:.ti S>00 1 Lxa~on'~itxtucs Lat:ssii 3i'i:'36.63'T: Sigratura r'-~; rr~ 1rx.•,r.cx.w[':,.:v,rtr. n~+..,, "«,. .nru;fttrtr'): i,.; ,.+~ r+•+ 34} 3s A ?'' CMar Or Geoaetr Chasmei (r4 Iz~t:aued Qe Teee \ise ,z+.; r a. kc Fiakil Pros®s? 5 .•r3 • . ~1 P1tlJLlltFGfiO3fOJtPHOLOGFLtiDICATOJtPOL~TS ~ 3) Door Tapogaphp htdticato A - __ *.umaal~camas mad' G ~ ; ; sFto.~D,lxFCaoua~rPBOLOCF~Drclro~POl.STS II. A.drolon' r-bseat SPnk ~toder,te :} k i'Lia Yogi s {or Lasi s) Lwf httar 1 r 1~ Ili- t r ~Li ,16e n U,',tfd f t r;r +r. 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C. a Cunsullin > En ineers ~ K APPENDIX F HEC-RAS ANALYSIS I~ ~~ oa Lll N r N N CI 1 W m } Q Q U w 2 U C N m Q 1 1 1 C >O 0r V COO 0 N M`-Nr0 ~ 000 V O ~ 0 000 V NO N N O 7 MCOrO M O (D00000 N O W 000 ~ ~ M O 0NO(OO (O ~ O M106jr O V O W > 0 0 0 r (O r 0 O r 0 O O p r O O O p r p y~ p U 'N O O Q 0 0 0 O Q r O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 r p O O O N r~ ~ 0 Z w r ' W W ~ y J W W O W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r 0 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 N O 0 pa ~ 00000 ~ooo0 00000 Ro4oo 00000 00 0 0 00 00 00 0000 ~ ~ 00000 Qoooo Qoooo Qoooo QoooQ QoQoQ Qo~oo 00000 00000 d U J m W Cp M M CO 0 0 M N N r O L V M 7 d' V ~ N 7 (O O ~ O O O O O O O O O W ~ 0 0r CO (00 NO MO 00000 LO f~000 V M7COM 1~ V O M W O OI~aO 7NM O 07a0M0 O ~ N 000x0 V OMMO ~MMNO N0000 V I~ 00M0 00000N MN M f~N COrN000 rr0p IA0 a a O(O (O I~ N M0N CO ~I~ M M f~ W NON IOMNMCO M 01~ I~ a01OM 01~ (07 M (07 Mr O O O M O M 0 (D O1000r CO O r N N V MCO CON M f~ O N ~ MCO (ON V f~ 0 M 'V V ~ ~O (OM CO N M CO O V u0 u0MM 7 V V N O V CO MOON O V ~0 0 OD V u7 ~O CON O V M h M M M M lOr ~ (O 1~ (O M V V lON ~ F a W J ~ W (n W r N Ml0 (O MI~MO NON07 _ NOON NIA V CO MNCO raO ON CO f~ ~ OM(O ~O V V f~ u0 u0N W ~ 0 N r M00 I~ 07 y' q' V V OM V W W N M M M M MN O~M N M M M N V f` V N N N M M O N V r 0 N N M N MCO~ V M O N N ~W00 V M O N N M MMrO O N N MrNMO 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Q U Z M M M M M LO In M LO LO LO M l0 In LO In In M In M M M M In M M M M M M M M M In In M M LO ~ M 7 M In In Lft ~ O ~ 0 M O O r 0 I~ M I~ N O C ~ O O N O r W M N O 0 V c0 CO O O O I~ V CO V O CO f~ M V O 0 0 ~ M M O O V 0 W O O ` ' W V U . 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X00 ~ r In ~ X00 ~ ~ N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O APPENDIX F n N a ~~ o a cv ~ w m F- } Q U w S m C ^ O V N M O? ~ M N O N~ M O N 0 0 N 0 N N N N O + O O O O O U N d m^ V m 0 ~ ~, N~ O ) p 7 C O M C 7 0) N( V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O , Z x W O ~ M M N O N (O ~~ 0 1 ~`~ M O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O W F ~ W ~ w O p_ J W (n r 0) A N N N N f~ l~ l~ O ~ N f~ (O O V C V M ~ V V N O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O p O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a v O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a~ J m W O L l[ N (MO 6Ni m m W O U O O O O O O O D ~ W N O ^ ~ mN~nMO ~NMI~ O) ~nrnovu°~i'~ MO O D'uMiu`~ivo .- O ovr~NO 1~ ~ u)O ova vo Nrnr~vo rNi~^o d Oln W N Q) If') NN ~ ~ h lnNO 0 f~M 00 O r NNO Ln V NO~O M O O ~ V I~ u]N NO)~~N 7~~ ~0p7 ~ V I~ O ~N COQ) I~ N V Nm L(l7 O)N NO)ONN NMN~O V ~ ~ ~ MN f~0)N NO) N V 7 NNN N ~ NN N~ '-NMM NNO T NM a W J °J M W ~ V V O I~ N(DON C ON U~tl') N 00.--N O(O 61 (O (O m'R O] I~MMQJ 6> ~ ^ 00).--InN I~ n mN N NNt~ OM f~ O.-~O NNOMO) N V COO) In 00)~Nd) W ~ Q 01 O N M M M M NOO N M M M M NOO N M M M M I~OOO N M M M M NIA NN N N N N N N N I~ r rN N N N N N NN I~ ~ ~ N N N N N ~ O Z ^ ~ ~norno ~ o ~ ~ o NNN1~ o v N o nNM ~ m m D? 0 W ~ ' a ~~,.~ No o ~ o c~ivNOio o oo Dui.-o ~ N O 0 0 0 0 0 00000 00 0 0 0 0 0 00000 Z a ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ f` ')MM 000 00000 w ~ ' w LL O J N N w C ~ N W N ^ M O N O 0 0 0 0 0 7 M~ 0 ~ ~ ~ M M M N O O O O O ~ 00000 00000 0000 O O O O O O O O O O uJ Q 0 00000 00000 U Z J ~ W m N N O U N u7 O) Q1 m N O O O O O O O O ~ ~ ^ NO(DMO V O O) ^ON]MN ~ ~ O MN~O I n O 07 f~N O 1~ 1~~ 0 O Ln V O N mr V O ' N NMO M 1~ 1~ _ X d V M~~ O) u ~~~~ l~ Q) n M 0 O h M 0) O O ~ N N O U 7 d N O) O M 0 1~~ 1 n ~ W O M O) O N M O O t D N ~ (p ~ N r C O V f~ 0 N S A D) ~ ~ N V N O) ~ a m N N 6> O N N N V' M t O N~ Q ~ ~ NO) N C1~ N V V ~ ~ NNCON NNN.-- ~N MME O)~~~M W U ~ 00 W ~ W N ~ ^ M f~M M NNN7 N I~ N tD t~ N ~MI~ N Dl V N~ ~[] ~N f~~M NO] Or N ISO r ~ O OCD O) NNOMO) N(D QJ V N (D ~D O) In I~MMO]Q) - ~ O NN M M M M M 41 N M M M M N~ (`0') M M N~ 0M M M N f~ NNN N N N N N V Nf~ rrN N N N N N OQ)' N O) NNf~ ~ h N N N N U O Z N Q m ~ W m L ~ ~ m in o N N rn ~ N rn rn N N LL U O O O O O O O W ~ ~ ~ U J W W ^ ~ ~ ON000 1~ ON(O Q) O) V tO~N QJ d1N O O)~~ ~O In O O ~ NNO 1 ') O~( u~c00 ' Nm1~70 ' ~ ~n0 ~ O d ~01n V O) NN'-~ I~ n ~~~0 ! ~ O O ~ NN I~ O ON ~f !MO 4) V N O)O M O ~ ~~O O W N N N N M N N N V' V NNO) O M N O A Q)lnO O M V O O N V O)N N O O N N N ~ W W N ~ ~ W ~ 7 NNI~N V NQ1~N ~ V NN CON NNN N ~ N MME O O)~~N M H Q J N J uJ 0 N t~ r NR N CONM~ I~ Mm r MOB NIA N MOM NNf~ r M O)O)O~N t00~~0 00)IOMN f~ NO V Dl NN W V N CO V lnm~ I~ MMOI T 00 d ~ ~ O NN M M M M M O) N M M M M NOO N M M M M f~ OOO N M M M M (O I~ NNN N N N N N (O I~ r n N N N N N N )~NO) NNI~1~ ~ N N N N N 0 O Z O O O O O I~ (D N N 0 0 0 0 0 f~ N N N 0 0 0 0 0 f~ N N N O O O O O I~ C D N N O O O O O f~ N N O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O NM(O~N NM(O U7 (O NMN InN NMNtO (O N NM NCO (O f~ N N N NMNlON I N N N NMN~N M l D O l n M V f~N f~ M N O~ M7 h N f~ N M M M M N M M M M N M M M M N M M M M N M M M M N M M M M N M M M M N M M M M N M M M M Z N NNN N O O O O O t D l O~ l n t n ~ C N N N N N N NNN N N NNN N N NNN N U 471n N<nN NNNNN V V 7 V V ~ _N NN N N `- f~f~ r r ~ OO p NCONNN O)01 O)O)O) OOOOO W M M M M M ~ ~[{ V M M M M M OQ)Q)O)O) N N N N N _ _ N N N N N OOO N N N N N U N1n lD Ln In r^ r^^ to to LnN~ ~~~~~ NNNNN MMMMM U1 N N N N N N N N N N C J N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ~ T T>'>'OO ~ T T ~" TO ~ T T ~"'>'O -o T T>'>`O -o >. >. >`>`O ~ T T T>'O a >' T O T> v T T ~"' ~+O ~ T>' ~" O > O O O O w O 0 0 0 0.~ O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O rr 0 0 r 0 O O O O w . 0 0 r O 0 0 W O . 0 0 X 0 0 ~ ~~ 0 0 ` ~~ 0 0~ ~~ 0 0 ~ r 0 O O ~ ~ ~f7 O O O ~ ~~ r 0 0 O O ~ ~ N 0 0 . O O H ~ 0 0 O O ~ ~ N ~~ ~~ ~ tf~ ~ tD ~~ ~~ ~ ~ N H ~ ~ Ln O O O O O O O O O O O APPENDIX F 1 s 1 O ' N N a 1 1 t 1 ~~ E oa cv r ~ N o W D] Q 7 Q U w x U C t0 m Y Q fl 1 1 m ~ C w~, a O O o 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 00000 U~K U 00000 00000 00000 Z W W f- ~ ~ W ~ w 0 J W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O ~ O_ fn O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ ~j 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O Q. (~ N J m W ~ o ° p r c o Q U O O O ~ ~ W ~ ~ vvrmo rao00o oo~rn° O a ~ rrnv0o rc~ao~ co oio ri° ~ _ ~ ~ M M O 100 ~ 1~0 ~O M O ~ c~ t` 7 0M ~ ( D ( ~ a 0 W J~ y W N 1000 V OMO V 1010007x0 Q 0 x0107 NM ~~ ~ r NO(00 W ~~ 7 10 10 O O N M M 7 7 O ~ N N M ~ U Z N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~ W U > O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O U 00 00000 00000 a Z o 000 ~ W ~ F- W' ~ °0 1L ! l j (/J ~ O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O ~ ~ W > Q 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 U Z J ~ W ~ ~ ° O ~ cLi 0 ~ 0 o ~ ~ Z F 0 0 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 7 0 0 ~ n M~ m 0 x ao 0 TN 0 ~ r O~ eo ai o c+i o O 0 O ~ yJ O a 0 ~ (O r W M W tn X1010 (0M 0 ~(` ')t` ') M O F ~ W U J W W W N 1000 7 O M O7 l0 l(7007 W Q ~ a0r 0107 N M10 '- rmOCOO ~ ~ 7 10 l0 (D (0 N M M 7 7 O ~ N N M O U Q N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N U Z Q m ~ m ~ m ° w ~ o {L U O O ~ W ~ Z ~ ~ O U J 0 0 0 ~ rn W W W ~ n rn v a' o ~~~ m o LL 0 LL t0 (h0~0 cOOt`7 M O V (OD~O (0 O W x~ON O c0 r a0 ~ M OrxJ 10 r 10 10 10 CO M O O ~ ~ ~ M (n ~ ~ ~ (n O Q m U ~ j ~ N l0 0 0 7 O M O 7 10 10 N 7 N ~ ~ ~ xJ x010 V NM 10 ~-~- r c00c00 ~ d ~ 710100(D NMM77 O~NNM ~ O U Z N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 d M 10 O 10 M7 r0 r M l0 O l0 M7 r(Or M 10 O l0 M7rCO r U N M M 7 M N M M 7 M N M M 7 M = Q ~ ~~~~ N U 0 0 0 0 0 r r O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 Q W ~~~ M M M M M ~ W w 3 3 3 a T T T T O ~ T T T T O a T T T T O 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 r LL]~ ~ ~ 0 ~10~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~10~ ~ ~ O O O O O O APPENDIX F r r m a Project [D No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORAT[ON PLAN 1 1 APPENDIX G BMP SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 1 1 KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. a Coasullrn En >ineers ~ ~ ' Project iD No. 050656101 Adkin E3ranch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir County, North Carolina RESTORATION PLAN Ryan Smith From: Wescott, William G SAW (William.G.Wescott~saw02.usace.army.milJ Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:02 AM To: Ryan Smith ' Cc: Kristie Corson; Kevin Williams Subject: RE' UT to Adkin Branch Rya rl , TL you are referring to th Sp~r.iYic P.F1F we discussed onsite which Involved putting a etainrn~ structure ir, and arross the stream channel in ordar tc~ creat.e a stormwat.er retention%rretland area there yciu ~tre correct. ' -----Original Message----- From: F,yan Smith (mailty:rsmittt@koassaciates.ccrm] Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2s70t~ 10:5 !JM 7'0: Wtsrott, William G SAw Cc: 'Kristin, Corscn'; 'Kevin Williams' ' Suhject: FW: fiT to Adkin Branch Thanks for the information,. So am T to surmises from this that we will not be able t.o install a B}dF' just d~~wn stream of the c~_,ivert, at the upstream end of the UT to Adkin Branch? 'Thnaks, F'.yan v. Smith, C'F~'S~v, PWS 1011 Schaub prive, Suite 202 Raleigh, NC L~606 Office #: 919-851-6066 Fa;< #: 97.9-851-6896 rsmithl~koassociates.con: -----Original Message----- Fram: Wescott, William G SAW (mailt_o:William.G.NTasc.~ttt~sawi~7~t`.nsace.army.milj Sent: wadnesday, August U9, X006 7:G2 fvM To: Garcy.ward; Ryan Smith Lc: Chris Pullinger; julia.hunttancn:ail.net Suhjr_cr : RE: U1' to Adkin, Brar_eh I checked with the Raleigh field office since they handle rroach more streatn won}; than we do bent, in the coastal plain. Tn-stream sediment. Y>asins, etormwater rrteneion basins, et.c. arse not_ allowed in perennial streams. Ttte Tarboro example I men Toned while onsite with you would not }>a considared tn-..^>tream since. r.he ..hannel will no longer run through it. S~dilliam W_~scctt -----Original Message----- From: Garcy.Ward inrailtc>:yarcy.ward@ncmail.net.i Sent: Tuesday, August O8, 20U6 9:96 FM 'Po: Ryan Smith ' Cc: Chris Pullinger; Wescott, William G SAW; iulia.hunt@ncmail.net 5uhjec.t: Re: tIT to Adkin: Branch Ryan We rar_ed the UT ro Adkins 1~ranch today. 7t was much drier than when we 1 were there in .Tune rut. there were still. pockets of water in stretches, particularly farther downstream. We got a catintl of 17 on the St.rearr Identif icatiutt Farm. This w_is taking into account the whole 1Zt)Ct' lnngt!-e horn the culvert down to where it emptiid into Adkins Branch and i 1 KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. a Consuhin ~ En ~ineei-s b ~ APPENDIX G Project ID No. 050656101 Adkin Branch Stream Restoration Project, Lenoir Col-nty, No--th Carolina RF.S~TORATION PLAN f ryi ng to r.;~me up wl Y.t: an average for th i ~ errt i re sr r=:r_ch. Given the ~. . mcdilie:i nat±tre of t_he .stream and the rime _.. year, we feel this is a =~t`f iciznt enuttgh >c~>re t_o o-razrant. prtet~tia; ., ..~tus. Feel free t~,; yive me a call it yvu }~avc r~r,y questions. ,a. cy iyun 3rniLh vacate: '1'tzar:}:s for the info Garcy. Take it easy, -----original Messa~7e----- -~ Fr_nn: Garcy.Ward [mailtu:yarcy.watd@ncn~aii.nztJ > $vr.t: Thursday, Ruyust 03, ~OU6 6:.5 FM > ^,~,: P.yan sR,ith Sur-~iHCt.: F.r: UT tr. Adkin Franck =° hyat: 1 have,~'t i?=yen bac}:, taut 1 may be able t_o get out there tvn~torrow. if not, T will gat. out t.hera the first of next. wee}:. Z will let you knoca as ~~~~!i as 1 n:akr a det~~rtnination. kyar. Smith wrote: "- Ham t_fizre keen e ~iecisic~n made as t_v tttz juti~~dict_iunal 5tatu~ <>f t._h~ ..> UT Lc• Adk.in Franck that. w~ had 1vvY.ed al? is » 't'h..ttt}a;. ~? ,,; "hVan V. Smith, ~~~ESC, F1dS" IC~11 ,5chaub Chive, Suit.:= %pi ~. P.a1~iyL, NC ~'~006 .; ul'i'i.e H: 919-85t-EUt`:b i? P'a: $: 919-£351-699u ,:> rsar,ithi9}:vastioci~strs.cam >; z a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. Consulting En~,~ineer~ APPENDIX G 1 1 '~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., Nc Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series Group SF Ac Percent BB D 233050 5.35 49.3% Cr C Cv C 200109 4.59 42.3% Go B Jo B Ka B Ke A La A Na B 39692.7 0.91 8.4% Nc B Wd A Wn BID 472851.7 10.86 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hydrologic Soil Groups Group SF Ac Percent A 0 0.00 0.0% B 39692.7 0.91 8.4% C 200109 4.59 42.3% D 233050 5.35 49.3% TOTAL 472851.7 10.86 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Design Specs & Meth. Design Requirements 2/8/2007 Page 1 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.5% 0.41 Shallow 275 6.5% 0.05 Channel 415 5.8% 0.035 Channel 870 1.6% 0.035 1610 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 20.4% Residential - IA 30.6% Residential: Lots 0.16 - 0.3 Land Use by Hydrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn Woods 8.00% 12.40% 35.30% 44.30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.11 0.32 0.40 0.37 0.57 1.62 2.04 0.43 0.66 1.89 2.37 10.86 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Desi n Summa Volume (Vs): 5862 cf 3375 cf Surface Area (As): 3908 sf 2250 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 5862 cf 2700 cf Surface Area (Af): 3908 sf 1800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 1970 sf Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design 2/8/2007 ' Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) Page 2 of 36 Step 1 -Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) _ WQv = Simple Method: IA = Rv = Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) _ Q = Mod. CN = THEREFORE. USE: WQv Step 2 -Site Feasibility: Ditch Inv /Inflow Elev Stream Inv /Outflow Elev Total Available Depth Check Design Depth NG Elev at Boring Water depth Water Elev at Boring 0.452 Ac-ft 19702 cf 20.4% 0.23 in / in 9205 cf Mod. CN 0.23 in 87 2:1 9205 cf 60 120 = 36.0 ft -Based on 1-ft Tailwater Depth = 31.2 ft -Between INV & BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration = 4.8 ft = 3.9 ft = 37.2 = 6.0 = 31.2 ft Step 3 -Confirm local design criteria and applicability: Check with local officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions andlor surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. N/A -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, City of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Step 4 -Compute WQ v peak discharae: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures (see subse (a) Using WQ,,, compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c} Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concentration (d) Compute C~ from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WQ,,. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: A fbw regulator {or fbw sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WQ„ to the sand filter facility. Size low flow orifice, weir, or other device to pass Q,uq N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) 1 L 1 APPENDIX G I Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., Nc Surface Sand Filter Design 2/s/2oo7 Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) Page 3 of 36 ' Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The finer area is sized us~g the folk~nring equation (based on Darcy's Law): ' Ar (WQv) (drl f Ilk) (hr+ dr) (tdl where: A< = surface area of filter bed (ftz) I dr = f~ter bed. depth (typically 18 aches, no more than 24 inches) k = coefficient of permeability of filter media (ft/day) (use 3.5 ftlday for sand) I hr average height of water above f~ter bed (ft) (1/2 h,,,,~, which var~s based on site but h„~ is typically S 6 feet) 4 design fitter bed drams time (days) (1.67 days or d0 hours is recommended maxinum) I Set preliminary dimensions of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 9205 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth I k _ 3.5 ft/day -sand hf 0.75 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 1755 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER. USE: Af = 1755 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio I Approx Chamber Dim: = 25 50 1.5 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand N/ter. The sedimentation chamber should be sized to at least 25% of the ' computed WQ„ and have alength-to-width ratio of 2:1. The Camp-Hazen equation is used to compute the required surface area: ' Where: Af = sedknentation basin surface area (ftZ) O4 =rate of outfbw =the WQ„ over a 24-hour period w = particle settling vebcity (ft/sec) E =trap efficiency Assuming: • 90% sediment trap efficiency (0.9) I • particle settling velocity (fUsec) = 0.0004 ftlsec for imperviousness < 75% • particle settling velocity {fUsec) = 0.0033 fUsec for imperviousness =' 75% • average of 24 hour holding period ' Then: As = (0.0(16) {WQv) ~ for I < 75% As = (0.0081) (WQ„) ft2 for 1 ~ 75% I Set preliminary dimensions of sedimentation chamber. Qo = 9205 cf /day w = 0.0004 ft/sec for IA < 75% ' E = 0.9 As = 608 sf < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA I HOWEVER. USE: As 608 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio Approx Chamber Dim: = 25 50 1.5 2:1 I ' Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) Step 8 -Compute Vmin: V„M, = 0.75 * WQ„ Vmin = 6904 cf Step 9 -Compute storage volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size• Surface sand filter. vn:n = 0.75 tNQv s Vs + Vt + Vr.~„p (1) Compute V. =water volume within filter bedlgraveUpipe = Af ` dr' n Where: n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute V~ =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ' hr' ~ (3) Compute V, =volume within sediment chamber = V,,,;, - Vr - Vim,,,, (4) Compute hs =height in sedimentation chamber = V~/AS (5) Ensure h: and hr fit available head and other dimensions still fit -change as necessary in design iterations until all site dimensions fit. (s} Size orifice from sediment chamber to filter chamber to release Vs within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 hs as average head. (7) Design outlet structure with perforations allowing for a safety factor of 10 (see example) (8) Size distributi~ chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. 2/8/2007 Page 4 of 36 Vf = 1053 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 2633 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 3219 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 2.570 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Design Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 30 60 1.50 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 30 75 1.50 2.5:1 BMP Site Design Elevations Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 3375 cf Surface Area (As): 2250 sf Depth (hs): 1.50 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 2700 cf Surface Area (Af): 1800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 37.2 Inflow Elev 36.0 Spillwa 36.0 75 6.40% Freeboard 0.3 WOpool 35.7 Depth to Bed 3.0-ft SF bed 34.2 Underdrai 32.0 165 0.50% Outflow 31.2 Adkin Inv 30.2 Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series GfOUD SF Ac Percent BB D 200955 4.61 67.9% Cr C 0 Cv C 95114.4 2.18 32.1 Go B 0 Jo B 0 Ka B 0 Ke A 0 La A 0 Na B 0 Nc B 0 Wd A 0 Wn B/D 0 296069.4 6.80 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hydrologic Soil Groups Group SF Ac Percent A 0 0.00 0.0% B 0 0.00 0.0% C 95114.4 2.18 32.1 D 200955 4.61 67.9% TOTAL 296069.4 6.80 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Design Specs & Meth. Design Requirements 2/8/2007 Page 5 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.5% 0.41 Shallow 0 0.05 Channel 625 2.2% 0.035 Channel 240 2.4% 0.035 915 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 30.6% Residential - IA 30.6% Residential: Lots 0.16 - 0.3 Land Use by Hydrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn Woods 12.00% 18.60% 69.40% 0.00% 0.26 0.41 1.52 0.55 0.86 3.20 6.80 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Desi n Summa Volume (Vs): 3671 cf 2925 cf Surface Area (As): 2447 sf 1950 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 3671 cf 2700 cf Surface Area (Af): 2447 sf 1800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 1234 sf Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) St~1_-Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Surface Sand Filter Design Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) _ WQv = Simple Method: IA = Rv = Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) _ Q = Mod. CN = THEREFORE. USE: - WQv Step 2 -Site Feasibility: Ditch Inv /Inflow Elev Stream Inv /Outflow Elev Total Available Depth Check Design Depth NG Elev at Boring Water depth Water Elev at Boring 0.283 Ac-ft 12336 cf 30.6% 0.33 in / in 8028 cf Mod. CN 0.33 in 90 2:1 8028 cf 55 110 = 35.3 ft -Based on 1-ft Tailwater Depth = 30.4 ft -Between INV ~ BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration = 4.9 ft = 3.9 ft = 37.2 = 6.0 = 31.2 ft Step 3 -Confirm local desipn criteria and applicability Check with total officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions and/or surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. N/A -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, City of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Step 4 -Compute WQ v peak discharoe: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures (see subse (a) Using WQri compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c) Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concentration (d) Compute C~ from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WQ,,. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: A flow regulator (or fbw sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WQ„ to the sand filter facility. Size low flow orifice, weir, or other device to pass Qr„q. NIA -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. 2/8/2007 , Page 6 of 36 1 Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G ' Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design 218/2007 Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) Page 7 of 36 1 1 L~ 1 fJ 1 1 1 1 fl 1 1 1 Approx Chamber D 1 Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The filter area is sized us~g the following equation (based on Darcy's Law): Ar = (WQr1(dr) / [(k1(hr + dr) (td) where: Ar = surface area of filter bed (ftz) dr = f~ter bed depth (typically 16 aches, no more than 24 inches) k = coefficient of permeability of filter media (ft/day) (use 3.5 fUday for sand) hr = average height of water above f~ter bed (ft) (112 h,,,~, which varies based on site but h,,,,~ is typically S 6 feet) 4 = design filter bed drams tone (days) (1.67 days or 40 hours ~ recommended maxknum) Set preliminary dimensions of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 8028 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth k = 3.5 ft/day -sand hf = 0.75 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 1530 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER, USE: Af = 1530 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio Approx Chamber Dim: = 25 50 1.5 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand filter. The sedimentation chamber should be sized to at feast 25% of the computed WO„ and have alength-to-widlt- ratio of 2:i. The Camp-Hazen equation is used to compute the required surface area: 14s = - (Qolw) ` Ln (1-E) Where: As = sedknentation basin surface area (ft2) Q, =rate of outflaw =the WQ„ over a 24-hour period w = particle settling velocity (ft/sec) E =trap efficienry Assuming: 90% sediment trap efficiency (0.9) • particle settling velocity (ftlsec) = 0.0004 ftisec for imperviousness < 75% • particle settling velocity (ftlsec) = 0.0033 fUsec for impervousness 2 75% • average of 24 hour holding period Then: As = (0.066) (W QY) ft2 for 1 < 75% As = (0.0081) (WQ„) ftz for I ~ 75% Set preliminary dimensions of sedknentation chamber. HOWEVER, U Qo = 8028 cf I day w = 0.0004 ftJsec for IA < 75% E = 0.9 As = 530 sf E: As = 530 sf W L im: = 25 50 S < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA hmax Dim Ratio 1.5 2:1 ' Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch - Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design 2/8!2007 Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) Page 8 of 36 Step 8 -Compute Vmin: Vmin Step 9 -Compute storage volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size• Surface sand filter. V,,:, = 0.75 WQ„ ~ Vs + Vf + Vf-temo (1) Compute Vr =water volume within filter bedigraveUpipe = Ar " dr " n Where_ n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute Vim,„ =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ` hr " At (3) Compute Vs =volume within sediment chamber = V,,,;,, - Vr - Vr.~,,,, (4) Compute hs =height in sedimentation chamber = V~/AS (5} Ensure hs and hr frt available head and other dimensions still fd -change as necessary in desgn iterations until all site dimensions fit. (s> Size orifice from sediment chamber to filter chamber to release Vs within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 h~ as average head. (7) Design outlet structure with perforations allowing for a safety factor of 10 {see example) (8) Size distribution chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. Vf = 918 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 2295 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 2808 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 2.250 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Design Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 30 60 1.50 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 30 65 1.50 2.2:1 BMP Site Design Elevations Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 2925 cf Surface Area (As): 1950 sf Depth (hs): 1.50 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 2700 cf Surface Area (Af): 1800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft = 6021 cf Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 37.2 Inflow Elev 35.3 S illwa 35.3 75 6.53% Freeboard 0.4 WQpool 34.9 Depth to Bed 3.8-ft SF bed 33.4 Underdrai 31.2 165 0.50% Outflow 30.4 Adkin Inv 29.4 Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G 1 1 1 1 1 Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series GfOUD SF Ac Percent BB D 120794 2.77 25.5% Cr C 0 Cv C 316442 7.26 66.8% Go B 0 Jo B 0 Ka B 0 Ke A 0 La A 0 Na B 36799.9 0.84 7.8% Nc B 0 Wd A 0 Wn BID 0 474035.9 10.88 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hvdrologic Soil Groups GI'OUD SF Ac Percent A 0 0.00 0.0% B 36799.9 0.84 7.8% C 316442 7.26 66.8% D 120794 2.77 25.5% TOTAL 474035.9 10.88 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Design Specs & Meth. Design Requirements 2/8/2007 Page 9 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.5% 0.410 Shallow 250 6.4% 0.050 Channel 330 3.6% 0.035 Channel 520 2.6% 0.035 1150 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 30.6% Residential - IA 30.6% Residential: Lots 0.16 - 0.3 Land Use by Hvdrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn Woods 12.00% 18.60% 69.40% 0.00% 0.10 0.16 0.59 0.87 1.35 5.04 0.33 0.52 1.92 10.88 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Desi n Summa Volume (Vs): 5877 cf 4725 cf Surface Area (As): 3918 sf 3150 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 5877 cf 3675 cf Surface Area (Af): 3918 sf 2450 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 1975 sf Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) Surface Sand Filter Design Step 1 -Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) = 0.453 Ac-ft WQv = 19751 cf Simple Method: IA = 30.6% Rv = 0.33 in / in Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) = 12854 cf Mod. CN Q = 0.33 in Mod. CN = 90 THEREFORE. USE: 2:1 WQv = 12854 cf~~ 70 140 Step 2 -Site Feasibility: Ditch Inv /Inflow Elev = 35.3 ft -Based on 1-ft Tailwater Depth Stream Inv /Outflow Elev = 30.0 ft -Between INV & BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration Total Available Depth = 5.3 ft Check Design Depth = 3.9 ft NG Elev at Boring = 37.2 Water depth = 7.0 Water Elev at Boring = 30.2 ft Step 3 -Confirm local design criteria and applicability: Check with local officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions and/or surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. N/A -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, Cify of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Ste~4_- Compute WQ v peak discharae: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures {see subse {a) Using WQ,,, compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c) Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concentration (d) Compute (~ from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WQ,,. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: A flow regulator (or flow sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WQ„ to the sand filter facility. Size low fbw orfice, weir, or other device to pass Q,,,,y N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) 2/8/2007 ' Page 10 of 36 r I U .__J L APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) ' Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The filter area is sized using the following equation (based on Darcy's Law}: where: Ar = surface area of filter bed {itz) dr = filter bed depth (typically 18 aches, no more than 24 inches) k = coefficient of permeability of filter media (ft/day} (use 3.5 ft/day for sand) ' hr average height of water above filter bed (ft) (112 h,,,~, which var~s based on site but h„~ is typically 5 6 feet) 4 design filter bed drams time (days} (1.67 days or 40 hours is recommended maxonum) ' Set preliminary dimensions of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 12854 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth k 3.5 ft/day -sand hf 0.75 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 2450 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER. USE: - Af 2450 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio ' Approx Chamber Dim: = 30 60 1.5 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand filter. The sedimentation chamber should be sized to at least 25% of the computed WQ„ and have a Ier-gth-to-width ratio of 2:1. The Camp-Hazen equatwn is used to compute the required surface area: ' Where: As = sedknentation basin surface area (ft Qo =rate of outflow =the WQ„ over a 24-hour period w = particle settling velocity (ft/sec) ' E =trap efficiency Assuming: • 90% sediment trap efficiency (0.9) ' • particle settling velocity (fUsec) = 0.0004 ft/sec for imperviousness < 75% • particle settling velocity {ft/sec} = 0.0033 ft/sec for impervousness z 75% • average of 24 hour holding period ' Then: As = (0.066) {WQv) ft for 1 < 75% As = (0.0081) (WQ„) ttz for 1 ~ 75% ' Set preliminary dimensions of sedimentation chamber. 1 HOWEVER. U Approx Chamber D Qo = 12854 cf I day w = 0.0004 ft/sec E = 0.9 As = 848 sf SE: As = 848 sf W L im: = 30 60 forlA < 75% < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA hmax Dim Ratio 1.5 2:1 2/8/2007 Page 11 of 36 Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design 2/8/2007 Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) Page 12 of 36 Step 8 -Compute Vmin: V„~„ = 0.75 ' WQ„ Vmin Step 9 -Compute storage volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size• Surface sand fJlter. V,,,;, - 0.75 WQ„ = VS + Vr + Vr.~ (1) Compute Vr =water volume within filter bed/graveUpipe = Ar' dr * n Where: n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute Vr.~,p =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ' hr' Ar (3) Compute V, =volume within sediment chamber = V,,;,, - Vr - Vr.~,,,, (4) Compute hs =height in sedimentation chamber = V~/Af (5) Ensure h; and hr fd available head and other dimensions still fd -change as necessary in design iterations until all site dimensions fd. (s) Size orifice from sediment chamber to filter chamber to release VS within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 hs as average head. (7) Design outlet structure with perforations allowing for a safety factor of 10 (see example) (8) Size distribution chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. Vf = 1470 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 3675 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 4496 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 2.500 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Design Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 35 70 1.50 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 35 90 1.50 2.6:1 BMP Site Desian Elevations Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 4725 cf Surface Area (As): 3150 sf Depth (hs): 1.50 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 3675 cf Surface Area (Af): 2450 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft = 9641 cf Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 37.2 Inflow Elev 35.3 S illwa 35.3 75 7.07% Freeboard 0.7 WOpool 34.6 Depth to Bed 4.1-ft SF bed 33.1 Underdrai 30.9 180 0.50% Outflow 30.0 Adkin Inv 29.0 Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series Grouo SF Ac Percent BB D 22765.5 0.52 15.1 Cr C 0 Cv C 0 Go B 0 Jo B 0 Ka B 127668 2.93 84.9% Ke A 0 La A 0 Na B 0 Nc B 0 Wd A 0 Wn B/D 0 150433.5 3.45 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hvdrologic Soil Groups Groun SF Ac Percent A 0 0.00 0.0% B 127668 2.93 84.9% C 0 0.00 0.0% D 22765.5 0.52 15.1 TOTAL 150433.5 3.45 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Design Specs & Meth. Design Requirements 218/2007 Page 13 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.5% 0.24 Shallow 397 1.8% C&G 155 0.7% 0.012 System 178 1.1 % 0.012 780 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 45.3% Residential - IA Residential: Lots 0.11 Ac (Avg) Land Use by Hvdrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn/Open Woods ~~ nn°i o_oo°u 0.69 0.73 1.51 0.00 0.14 0.38 3.45 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Design Summa Volume (Vs): 1865 cf 2063 cf Surface Area (As): 1244 sf 1375 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 1865 cf 1875 cf Surface Area (Af): 1244 sf 1250 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 627 sf Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design 2/&/2007 , Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) Page 14 of 36 Step 1 -Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) = 0.14 Ac-ft WQv = 6268 cf Simple Method: IA = 45.3% Rv = 0.46 in / in ' Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) = 5732 cf Q = 0.46 in Mod. CN = 93 THEREFORE. USE: 0.14 Ac-ft 2:1 WQv = 5732 cf 45 90 Step 2 -Site Feasibility: i Sys Inv /Inflow Elev = 30.3 ft -Based on 1-ft Tailwater Depth Stream Inv /Outflow Elev = 25.9 ft -Between INV & BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration Total Available Depth = 4.4 ft Check Design Depth = 3.9 ft NG Elev at Boring = 31.3 Water depth = 3.0 ' Water Elev at Boring = 28.3 ft Step 3 -Confirm local desian criteria and applicability: Check with local officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions andlor surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. NIA -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, Cify of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Step 4 -Compute WQ v peak discharae: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures (see subse (a) Using WQ,,, compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c) Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concentration (d) Compute ~ from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WQ,,. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharae: A flow regulator (or fbw sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WQ„ to the sand filter facility. Size low flow orifice, weir, or other device to pass Q„~. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) APPENDIX G I Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design 218/2007 Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) Page 15 of 36 LI' 1 1 I'. Approx Chamber D 1 Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The filter area is sized using the folbwing equation (based on Dares Law): Ar (WG1~1(dtJ 1((k) (hr + dr) (trJJ where: 14 = surface area of filter bed (ftz) dr = filter bed depth (typically 18 inches, no more than 24 inches) k = coefficient of permeability of filter media (ft/day) (use 3.5 ftlday for sar-d) hr = average height of water above filter bed (ft) (112 h,ryx, which varies based. on site but h,,,,,, is typically 5 & feet) 4 = design filter bed drams time (days) (1.67 days or 40 hours is recommended maxknum) Set preliminary dimensiw~s of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 5732 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth k = 3.5 ft/day -sand hf = 0.75 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 1095 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER, USE: Af = 1095 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio Approx Chamber Dim: = 20 40 1.5 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand filter. The sedimentation chamber should be sized to at least 25% of the computed W(~„ and have alength-to-width ratio of 2:1. The Camp-Hazen equation is used to compute the required surface area: Where: As = sedanentation basin surface area (ftZ) Q, =rate of outflow =the WQ„ over a 24-hour period w = particle settling velocity (fVsec) E =trap efficiency Assumirp: 90% sediment trap efficiency (0.9) particle settling velocity (ft/sec) = 0.0004 fUsec for imperviousness < 75% particle settling velocity (ft/sec) = 0.0033 ft/sec for imperviousness z 75% average of 24 hour hokia~g period Then: As = (0.066) (WQ„) ft2 for I < 75% A, _ (0.0081) (WQ„) ftz for 12 7596 Set preliminary dimensions of sedkr-entation chamber. HOWEVER, U Qo = 5732 cf /day w = 0.0004 ft/sec for IA < 75% E = 0.9 As = 378 sf SE: As = 378 sf W L im: = 20 40 < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA hmax Dim Ratio 1.5 2:1 ' Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., Nc Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) Step 8 -Compute Vmin: V„;„ = 0.75 ' W Q„ Vmin = 4299 cf >= NCDENR Min Volume for Total Basin Step 9 -Compute storage volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size Surface sand filter. V,,:, = 0.75 WQ„ = Vs + Vt + Vr.~ (1) Compute Vr =water volume within filter bed/graveUpipe = Ar " dr' n Where: n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute V~ =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ' hr' Ar (3) Compute V, =volume within sediment chamber = V,,,;, - Vr - Vr.~„Q (4) Compute hs =height in sedimentation chamber = V~/AS (5) Ensure hs and fk fit available head and other dimensions still frt -change as necessary in design iterations until all site dimensions fd. {s> Size orifice from sediment chamber to filter chamber to release VS within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 h, as average head. (7} Design outlet structure with perforations allowing for a safety factor of 10 (see example) (8) Size distribution chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. 2/8/2007 Page 16 of 36 Vf = 657 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 1643 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 2000 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 2.500 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Design Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 25 50 1.50 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 25 55 1.50 2.2:1 BMP Site Desian Elevations Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 2063 cf Surface Area (As): 1375 sf Depth (hs): 1.50 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 1875 cf Surface Area (Af): 1250 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 31.3 Inflow Elev 30.3 Spillwa 30.3 75 5.91 Freeboard 0.0 WOpool 30.3 Depth to Bed 2.5-ft SF bed 28.8 Underdrai 26.6 150 0.50% Outflow 25.9 Adkin Inv 24.9 Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) APPENDIX G 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SurFace Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series GrOUD SF Ac Percent BB D 58036.4 1.33 15.1 Cr C 0 Cv C 0 Go B 0 Jo B 0 Ka B 0 Ke A 325458 7.47 84.9% La A 0 Na B 0 Nc B 0 Wd A 0 Wn B/D 0 383494.4 8.804 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hvdrologic Soil Groups Grnun SF Ac Percent A 325458 7.47 84.9% B 0 0.00 0.0% C 0 0.00 0.0% D 58036.4 1.33 15.1 TOTAL 383494.4 8.80 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Design Specs & Meth. Design Requirements 2/8/2007 Page 17 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.5% 0.24 Shallow 270 1.1 C&G 471 0.5% 0.012 System 499 1.0% 0.012 1290 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 43.3% Residential - IA Residential: Lots 0.16 - 0.3 Land Use by Hvdrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn/Open Woods 26.60% 0.00% 1.58 1.99 3.90 0.15 0.09 1.09 0.00 8.80 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Desi n Summa Volume (Vs): 4755 cf 4500 cf Surface Area (As): 3170 sf 2250 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 2 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 4755 cf 3600 cf Surface Area (Af): 3170 sf 1800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 1598 sf Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) Step 1 -Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) _ WQv = Simple Method: IA = Rv = Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) _ O = Mod. CN = THEREFORE. USE: WQv Step 2 -Site Feasibility: Sys Inv /Inflow Elev Stream Inv /Outflow Elev Total Available Depth Check Design Depth NG Elev at Boring Water depth Water Elev at Boring 0.37 Ac-ft 15979 cf 43.3% 0.44 in / in 14040 cf 0.44 i n 93 0.33 Ac-ft 2:1 14040 cf 60 120 = 26.8 ft -Based on NO Tailwater Depth = 21.2 ft -Between INV & BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration = 5.6 ft = 4.4 ft = 31.3 = 6.0 = 25.3 ft Step 3 -Confirm local desian criteria and applicability: Check with local officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions and/or surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. NIA -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, City of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Step 4 -Compute WQ v peak discharae: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures (see subse (a) Using WQ,,, compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c) Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concentration (d) Compute Gi,,,,q from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WQ,,. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharae: A flow regulator (or flow sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WQ„ to the sand fitter facility. Size low flow orifice, weir, or other device to pass ~,,,,,,q. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. 2/8/2007 Page 18 of 36 LJ~ 1 1 Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) APPENDIX G I Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The filter area is sized using the following equation (based on Darcy's Law): Ar = (H-~) (dt)1 l(k) (hr + dr) (tr)l where: Ar = surface area of fixer bed (fiz) dr = f~ter bed depth (typically 18 aches, no more than 24 inches) k = coeff'~cient of permeability of filter media (tt/day) (use 3.5 ft/day for sand) hr = average height of water above fitter bed (ft) (112 h,,,,~, which var~s based on site but h,,,~ is typically 5 6 feet) tr = design filter bed drakt time (days) (1.67 days or 40 hours is recommended maxertum) Set preliminary dimensions of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 14040 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth k = 3.5 ft/day -sand hf = 1 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 2410 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER. USE: Af = 2410 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio Approx Chamber Dim: = 25 50 2 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand filter: The sedimentation chamber should be sized to at least 25% of the computed WQr and have alength-to-w~dth ratio of 2:1. The Gamp-Hazen equation is used to compute the required surface area: Where: As = sedkrrtentation basin surface area (fiz) Qo =rate Of outflow =the WQ„ over a 24-hour period w = particle settling velocity (ft/sec) E =trap effir5ertcy Assuming: 90% sediment trap efficiency (0.9) particle settling vebcity (fUsec) = 0.0004 ftlsec for imperviousness < 75% • particle settling velocity (fUsec) = 0.0033 fUsec for imperviousness Z 75°i6 average of 24 hour holding period Then: A~ _ (0.066) {W Qr) ftz fa I < 75% As = C0.00$t) (WQr) ftz for 1 ~ 75% Set preliminary dimensions of sedimentation chamber. HOWEVER, U Approx Chamber D for IA < 75% < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA hmax Dim Ratio 2 2:1 2/$/2007 Page 19 of 36 Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) Qo = 14040 cf /day w = 0.0004 ftlsec E = 0.9 As = 927 sf SE: As = 927 sf W L im: = 25 50 APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) Step 8 -Compute Vmin: V„„„=0.75*WQ„ Vmin = 10530 cf >= NCDENR Min Volume for Total Basin Step 9 -Compute storage volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size• Surface sand flier. V,,,;n = 0.75 WG2v ~ VS + Vr + Vr.~ (1) Compute Vr =water volume within filter bedlgraveUpipe = Ar' df' n Where: n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute V~ =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ' tk' Ar (3) Compute Vs =volume within sediment chamber = V„v, - Vr - Vim,,, (4) Compute hs = height in sedimentation chamber = Vs/Af (5) Ensure hs and hr fd available head and other dimensions still fit -change as necessary in design iterations until all site dimensions frt. ts} Size orifice from sediment chamber to filter chamber to release VS within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 hS as average head. (7) Design outlet structure with perf~ations allowing for a safety factor of 10 (see example) (8) Size distribution chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. 2isi2oo7 Page 20 of 36 Vf = 1446 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 4820 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 4264 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 3.410 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Design Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 30 60 2.00 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 30 75 2.00 2.5:1 BMP Site Desian Elevations Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 4500 cf Surface Area (As): 2250 sf Depth (hs): 2.00 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 2700 cf Surface Area (Af): 1800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 31.3 Inflow Elev 26.8 Spillwa 26.8 175 3.18% Freeboard 0.1 WQ ool 26.7 Depth to Bed 6.6-ft SF bed 24.7 Underdrai 22.5 265 0.50% Outflow 21.2 Adkin Inv 20.2 Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) APPENDIX G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series Group SF Ac Percent BB D 94128 2.16 11.8% Cr C 0 Cv C 0 Go B 0 Jo B 0 Ka B 0 Ke A 145505 3.34 18.2% La A 0 Na B 233198 5.35 29.1 Nc B 0 Wd A 328122 7.53 41.0% Wn B/D 0 800953 18.39 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hvdrologic Soil Groups Grnun SF Ar, Percent A 473627 10.87 59.1 B 233198 5.35 29.1 C 0 0.00 0.0% D 94128 2.16 11.8% TOTAL 800953 18.39 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Design Specs 8~ Meth. Design Requirements 2/8/2007 Page 21 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.5% 0.24 Shallow 700 3.1 C&G 940 2.6% 0.016 24" Conc 230 1.3% 0.012 1920 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 27.2% Residential - IA Residential: Lots 0.16 - 0.3 Land Use by Hvdrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn/Open Woods 14.04% 13.17% 66.55% 6.24% 1.82 1.01 7.64 0.40 0.67 1.27 2.67 0.75 0.10 0.15 1.92 0.00 18.39 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Desi n Summa Volume (Vs): 9930 cf 6300 cf Surface Area (As): 6620 sf 3150 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 2 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 9930 cf 4900 cf Surface Area (Af): 6620 sf 2450 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 3337 sf Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., Nc Surface Sand Filter Design 2/s/2oo7 ' Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) Page 22 of 36 Step 1 -Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) = 0.77 Ac-ft WQv = 33373 cf ' Simple Method: IA = 27.2% Rv = 0.29 in / in ' Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) = 19683 cf Q = 0.29 in Mod. CN = 89 ' THEREFORE. USE: 0.46 Ac-ft 2:1 WQv = 19683 cf 75 150 ' Step 2 -Site Feasibility: Sys Inv /Inflow Elev Stream Inv /Outflow Elev Total Available Depth Check Design Depth NG Elev at Boring Water depth Water Elev at Boring 1 = 25.7 ft -Based on 1-ft Tailwater Depth = 20.4 ft -Between INV ~ BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration = 5.3 ft = 4.4 ft = 26.5 = 3.0 ' = 23.5 ft Step 3 -Confirm local desian criteria and applicability Check with local officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions and/or surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. N/A -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, City of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Step 4 -Compute WQ v peak discharae: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures (see subse (a) Using WQ,,, compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c) Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concenVtion (d) Compute ~„q from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WQ,,. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharae: A flow regulator (or flow sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WQ„ to the sand fitter facility. Size bw fbw orifice, weir, or other device to pass Q,,,,q. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) APPENDIX G I Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) I Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The filter area is sized using the folbwing equation {based on Darcy~s law}: Ar (W4r11dd ~ [(k) (hr + dr) (ii)) where: Ar = surface area of finer bed (ft~} I dr = fitter bed depth (typically 18 arches, no more than 24 inches) k = coefficient of permeability of filter media (ft/day) (use 3.5 ft/day for sand} ' hr average height of water above filter bed (ft} (112 h,,,~, which varies based on site but h,,,,x is typically 5 6 feet) tf design filter bed dram time (days) (1.67 days or 40 hours is recommended maxanum) I Set preliminary dimensions of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 19683 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth k 3.5 ft/day -sand hf 1 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 3375 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER, USE: Af = 3375 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio I Approx Chamber Dim: = 30 60 2 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand flRer. The sedimentati~ chamber should be sized to at least 25% of the I computed W(~„ and have alength-to-width ratio of 2:1. The Camp-Hazen equation is used to compute the required surface area: Where: A~ = sedanentation basin surface area (ft Qo =rate of outfbw =the WQ„ over a 24-hour period w = particle settling vebcity (ft/sec) E =trap effiaency Assuming: • 90% sediment trap efficiency (0.9) ' • particle settling vebcity (fUsec) = 0.0004 fUsec for imperviousness < 75% • particle settling vebcity (fUsec) = 0.0033 fUsec for imperviousness 2 7596 • average of 24 hour holding period I Then: A, _ (O.Oti6) (WOr) ftz for 1 < 75% A, _ (0.0081) (WQ„) ft2 for I z 75% ' Set preliminary dimensions of sedimentation chamber. Qo = 19683 cf /day w = 0.0004 fUsec for IA < 75% ' E = 0.9 As = 1299 sf < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA ' HOWEVER, USE: _ As 1299 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio Approx Chamber Dim: = 30 60 2 2:1 2/8/2007 Page 23 of 36 I Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) Step 8 -Compute Vmin: V„„„ = 0.75 ' WQ„ Vmin = 14763 cf < NCDENR Min Volume for Total Basin Step 9 -Compute storage volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size• Surface sand i:<lter. V.,:. = 0.75 WQ„ ~ Vs + Vr + Vr.~„o (1) Compute Vr =water volume within filler bed/graveUpipe = Ar ` dr' n Where: n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute Vr~env =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ' hr' Ar (3) Compute Vs =volume within sediment chamber = V,,,;, - Vr - Vrtemo (4) Compute hs =height in sedimentation chamber = V~/As (5) Ensure hs and hr fit available head and other dimensions still fd -change as necessary in design iterations until all site dimensions fd. (s) Size orifice from sediment chamber to filter chamber to release Vs within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 hs as average head. (7) Design outlet structure with perforations allowing for a safety factor of 10 (see example) (8) Size distribution chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. 2/8/2007 Page 24 of 36 Vf = 2025 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 6750 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 5988 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 3.330 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Design Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 35 70 2.00 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 35 90 2.00 2.6:1 Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 6300 cf Surface Area (As): 3150 sf Depth (hs): 2.00 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 3675 cf Surface Area (Af): 2450 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft BMP Site Design Elevations Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 26.5 Inflow Elev 25.7 Spillwa 25.7 75 7.01 Freeboard 0.2 WOpool 25.5 Depth to Bed 3.0-ft SF bed 23.5 Underdrai 21.3 180 0.50% Outflow 20.4 Adkin Inv 19.4 Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series Grouo SF Ac Percent BB D 95597.4 2.19 18.0% Cr C 0 Cv C 0 Go B 0 Jo B 0 Ka B 0 Ke A 435610 10.00 82.0% La A 0 Na B 0 Nc B 0 Wd A 0 Wn BID 0 531207.4 12.19 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hydrologic Soil Groups Grnun SF Ar. PPrnPnt A 435610 10.00 82.0% B 0 0.00 0.0% C 0 0.00 0.0% D 95597.4 2.19 18.0% TOTAL 531207.4 12.19 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Design Specs & Meth. Design Requirements 2/8/2007 Page 25 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.5% 0.24 Shallow 280 1.1 Channel 330 2.1 % 0.035 24" Conc 0 0.012 660 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 14.3% Residential - IA Residential: Lots 0.16 - 0.3 Land Use by Hydrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn/Open Woods F 04% fi ~9% A574% 0.00% 0.67 0.97 8.36 0.06 0.04 2.09 0.00 12.19 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Design Summa Volume (Vs): 6586 cf 2925 cf Surface Area (As): 4391 sf 1950 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 6586 cf 2700 cf Surface Area (Af): 4391 sf 1800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 2213 sf Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) Step 1 -Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) = 0.51 Ac-ft WQv = 22134 cf Simple Method: IA = 14.3% Rv = 0.18 in / in Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) = 7894 cf Q = 0.18 in Mod. CN = 85 THEREFORE, USE: 0.19 Ac-ft 2:1 WQv = 7894 cf 55 110 Step 2 -Site Feasibility: Sys Inv /Inflow Elev = 24.6 ft -Based on 1-ft Tailwater Depth Stream Inv /Outflow Elev = 19.6 ft -Between INV & BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration Total Available Depth = 5.0 ft Check Design Depth = 3.9 ft NG Elev at Boring = 28.5 Water depth = 3.0 Water Elev at Boring = 25.5 ft Step 3 -Confirm local desian criteria and applicability: Check with bcal officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions andlor surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. N/A -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, City of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Step 4 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures (see subse (a) Using WQ,,, compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c) Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concentration (d) Compute Q,,,q from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WQ,,. NIA -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: A flow regulator (or fbw sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WQ„ to the sand filter facility. Size low flow orfice, weir, or other device to pass Q,,,q N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) 2/8/2007 , Page 26 of 36 1 APPENDIX G I Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The filter area is sized using the folbwing equation (based on Darcy's Law}: I Ar (WTI (dr) ~ ((k) (hr + dr) (tr)l where: A~ - surface area of filter bed (ft2) ' dr = filter bed depth (typically 18 aches, no more than 24 inches) k = coefficient of permeability of filter media (fUday) (use 3.5 ft/day for sand) I h< average height of water above filter bed (ft) (112 h„~, which var~s based on site but h,,,,x is typically 5 6 feet} fi design filter bed draft time (days) (1.67 days or 40 hours is recommended maxlnum) ' Set preliminary dimensions of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 7894 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth ' k 3.5 ft/day -sand hf 0.75 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 1505 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER, USE: Af = 1505 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio I Approx Chamber Dim: = 25 50 1.5 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand fi?Iter. The sedimentation chamber should be sized to at least 25% of the I computed WQ„ and have alength-to-width ratio of 2:1. The Camp-Hazen equation is used to compute the required surface area: ' Where: Af = sedirnnentation basin surface area (ft2) Qo =rate of outfbw =the WQ„ over a 24-hour period I w = particle settling vebcity (ft/sec) E =trap efficiency Assuming: • 90% sediment trap efficiency {0.9) ' particle settling velocity (ft/sec) = 0.0004 fUsec for imperviousness < 75% • particle settling velocity {fUsec) = 0.0033 fUsec for imperviousness =' 75% • average of 24 hair holding period ' Then: As = (0.066) (WQ„) ftZ for 1 < 75% AS = (0.0081) (WQ„) flz for I z 75% I Set preliminary dimensions of sedimentation chamber. Qo = 7894 cf /day w = 0.0004 ft/sec for IA < 75% E = 0.9 As = 521 sf < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA ' HOWEVER. USE: - As 521 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio Approx Chamber Dim: = 25 50 1.5 2:1 2/8/2007 Page 27 of 36 Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., Nc Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) Step 8 -Compute Vmin: V,,,„,,, = 0.75 " WQ„ Vmin = 5921 cf < NCDENR Min Volume for Total Basin Step 9 -Compute storage volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size• Surface sand flier. V,,:, ~ 0.75 WQ„ ~ Vs + Vt + Vt.~„,~ (1) Compute V~ =water volume within filter bed/graveUpipe = Ar' dr' n Where: n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute V~„p =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ` hr' Ar (3) Compute Vs =volume within sediment chamber = V,,;,, - V, - Vim,,,, (4j Compute hs =height in sedimentation chamber = V~/AS (5) Ensure hs and ht fd available head and other dimensions still frt -change as necessary in design iterations until ail site dimensions frt. (s) Size orifice from sediment chamber to filter chamber to release VS within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 h, as average head. (7) Design outlet structure with perforations allowing for a safety factor of 10 (see example) (8) Size distribution chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. 2/8/2007 Page 28 of 36 Vf = 903 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 2258 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 2761 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 2.210 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Design Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 30 60 1.50 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 30 65 1.50 2.2:1 BMP Site Design Elevations Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 2925 cf Surface Area (As): 1950 sf Depth (hs): 1.50 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 2700 cf Surface Area (Af): 1800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 28.5 Inflow Elev 24.6 Spillwa 24.6 150 3.35% Freeboard 0.2 WOpool 24.4 Depth to Bed 5.6-ft SF bed 22.9 Underdrai 20.8 240 0.50% Outflow 19.6 Adkin Inv 18.6 Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) APPENDIX G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series Group SF Ac Percent BB D 32798 0.75 19.8% Cr C 0 Cv C 0 Go B 0 Jo B 0 Ka B 0 Ke A 132521 3.04 80.2% La A 0 Na B 0 Nc B 0 Wd A 0 Wn B/D 0 165319 3.80 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hydrologic Soil Groups Group SF Ac Percent A 132521 3.04 80.2% B 0 0.00 0.0% C 0 0.00 0.0% D 32798 0.75 19.8% TOTAL 165319 3.80 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Design Specs & Meth. Design Requirements 2/8/2007 Page 29 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.5% 0.24 Shallow C&G 680 0.3% 0.016 System 360 0.3% 0.012 1090 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 15.2% Residential - IA Land Use by Hydrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn/Open Woods 15.17% 0.00% 84.83% 0.00% 0.58 0.00 2.47 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 3.80 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Design Summa Volume (Vs): 2050 cf 900 cf Surface Area (As): 1367 sf 600 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 2050 cf 1200 cf Surface Area (Af): 1367 sf 800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 689 sf Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., Nc Surface Sand Filter Design 2/8/2007 Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) Page 30 of 36 Step 1 -Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) = 0.16 Ac-ft WQv = 6888 cf ' Simple Method: IA = 15.2% Rv = 0.19 in / in ' Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) = 2570 cf O = 0.19 in Mod. CN = 86 , THEREFORE, USE: 0.06 Ac-ft 2:1 , WQv = 2570 c~ 30 60 Step 2 -Site Feasibility: Sys Inv /Inflow Elev Stream Inv /Outflow Elev Total Available Depth Check Design Depth NG Elev at Boring Water depth Water Elev at Boring i .~ = 23.6 ft = 17.8 ft -Between INV & BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration = 5.8 ft = 3.9 ft = 25.5 = 7.0 = 18.5 ft Step 3 -Confirm local design criteria and applicability' Check with bcal officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions andlor surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. N/A -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, City of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Step 4 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures (see subse (a) Using WQ,,, compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c) Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concentration (d) Compute 0,,,,q from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WGi,,. N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: A flow regulator (or fbw sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WD„ to the sand filter facility. Size low flow orifice, weir, or other device to pass QY„q N/A -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design 2/8/2007 Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) Page 31 of 36 1 1 1 Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The filter area is sized using the following equation (based on Darcy's law): Ar (Wt~„) (dr) / [(k) (hr + dd (tr)] where: ~ = surface area of filter bed {ftZ) dr = f~ter bed depth {typically 18 aches, no more than 24 inches) k = coefficient of permeability of filter media (ftlday) (use 3.5 ft/day for sand) h< = average height of water above f~ter bed (ft) (1/2 h,,,~, which varies based on site but h„,~ is typically 5 6 feet) tr = design filter bed drain time {days) {1.67 days or 40 hours ~ recommended maxanum) Set preliminary dimensions of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 2570 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth k = 3.5 ft/day -sand hf = 0.75 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 490 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER, USE: Af = 490 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio Approx Chamber Dim: = 15 30 1.5 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand filter. The sedimentatwn chamber should be sized to at least 25% of the computed WQ„ and have alength-to-width ratio of 2:1. The Camp-Hazen equation is used to compute the required surface area: Where: As =sedimentation basin surface area (fiz) Q, =rate of outflow = tl~e WQ„ over a 24-hour period w = particle settling vebcity (ft/sec) E =trap efficiency Assuming: • 90% sediment trap efficiency (0.9) • particle settling velocity (fUsec) = 0.0004 fUsec for imperviousness < 75% • particle setNing vebcity (ft/sec) = 0.0033 ft/sec for imperviousness >_ 75% • average of 24 hour holding period Then: As = (0.066) (WQv) ft for I < 75% As = (0.0081) (WQ„) ftz for I Z 75% Set preliminary dimensions of sedimentation chamber. Qo w E As HOWEVER. USE: As 2570 cf /day = 0.0004 ft/sec = 0.9 = 170 sf = 170 sf W L = 15 30 for IA < 75% < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA hmax Dim Ratio 1.5 2:1 Approx Chamber Dim: 1 ' Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., Nc Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) Step 8 -Compute Vmin: V,~„=0.75"WQ„ Vmin = 1928 cf < NCDENR Min Volume for Total Basin Step 9 -Compute storage volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size: Surface sand filter. V,,:, = 0.75 WQ„ = Ys + Vt + Vr.~„,~ (1 j Compute V~ =water volume within fter bed/graveUpipe = Af ` dt ` n Where: n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute V~ =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ' tk' Af (3) Compute V, =volume within sediment chamber = V,,,;, - V, - Vim,,,, (4) Compute h, =height in sedimentation chamber = V~/As (5) Ensure hs and ht frt available head and other dimensions still frt -change as necessary in design iterations until all site dimensions frt. (s) Size orifice from sediment chamber to finer chamber to release Vs within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 hS as average head. (7} Design outlet structure with perforations allowing for a safely factor of 10 (see example) (8) Size distribution chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. 2isi2oo7 Page 32 of 36 Vf = 294 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 735 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 899 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 2.000 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Design Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 20 40 1.50 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 20 30 1.50 1.5:1 BMP Site Design Elevations Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 900 cf Surface Area (As): 600 sf Depth (hs): 1.50 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 1200 cf Surface Area (Af): 800 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 25.5 Inflow Elev 23.6 Spillwa 23.6 150 3.84% Freeboard 1.0 WQpool 22.5 Depth to Bed 4.5-ft SF bed 21.0 Underdrai 18.9 210 0.50% Outflow 17.8 Adkin Inv 16.8 Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) APPENDIX G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SurFace Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) Drainage Areas by Soil Series Series Group SF Ac Percent BB D 20851.9 0.48 3.8% Cr C 0 Cv C 0 Go B 0 Jo B 0 Ka B 395962 9.09 71.3% Ke A 138682 3.18 25.0% La A 0 Na B 0 Nc B 0 Wd A 0 Wn BID 0 555495.9 12.75 100.0% Drainage Areas by Hvdrologic Soil Groups Group SF Ac Percent A 138682 3.18 25.0% B 395962 9.09 71.3% C 0 0.00 0.0% D 20851.9 0.48 3.8% TOTAL 555495.9 12.75 100.0% NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual: Desian Specs & Meth. Design Requirements 2isi2oo7 Page 33 of 36 Time of Concentration Details L S n Sheet 50 0.3% 0.24 Shallow 300 0.8% Swale 785 0.7% 0.045 System 665 0.7% 0.016 1800 Calculated % Impervious Area of Basin Total Basin - IA 36.9% Residential - IA Residential: Lots 0.11 Ac (Avg) Land Use by Hvdrologic Soil Groups IA -Road IA -Roof, etc Lawn/Open Woods 15.97% 20.94% 63.10% 0.00% 0.54 0.69 1.96 1.41 1.98 5.70 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.39 0.00 12.75 <= Area Check Sediment Chamber: NCDENR Minimum Site Desi n Summa Volume (Vs): 6887 cf 5600 cf Surface Area (As): 4591 sf 2800 sf Depth (hs): 1.5 ft 2 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 6887 cf 4900 cf Surface Area (Af): 4591 sf 2450 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.5 ft 1.5 ft Austin Sand Filter: Sed. Surface Area 2315 sf Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) Surface Sand Filter Design Step 1 -Compute Runoff Control Volumes: Water Quality Volume (WQv): Uniform 1/2" Runoff (WQv) = 0.53 Ac-ft WQv = 23146 cf Simple Method: IA = 36.9% Rv = 0.38 in / in Runoff from 1" Rainfall (WQv) = 17690 cf Q = 0.38 in Mod. CN = 92 T_ HEREFORE. USE: 0.41 Ac-ft 2:1 WQv = 17690 cf 70 140 Step 2 -Site Feasibility: Sys Inv /Inflow Elev = 23.6 ft - Based on 1-ft Tailwater Depth Stream Inv /Outflow Elev = 18.2 ft - Between INV & BKF based on Adkin Br Restoration Total Available Depth = 5.4 ft Check Design Depth = 4.4 ft NG Elev at Boring = 27.5 Water depth = 6.0 Water Elev at Boring = 21.5 ft Step 3 -Confirm local design criteria and applicability: Check with local officials and other agencies to determine if there are any additional restrictions and/or surface water or watershed requirements that may apply. N/A -Per meeting on Jan 30, 2007, City of Kinston has no additional criteria and defers to the NCDENR design criteria. Step 4 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: The peak rate of discharge for water quality design storm is needed for sizing of off-line diversion structures (see subse (a) Using WQ,,, compute CN (b) Compute time of concentration using TR-55 method (c) Determine appropriate unit peak discharge from time of concentration (d) Compute QM,y from unit peak discharge, drainage area, and WQ,,. NIA -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Step 5 -Compute WQ v peak discharge: A flow regulator (or flow sputter diversion structure) should be supplied to divert the WQ„ to the sand filter facility. Size low flow orifice, weir, or other device to pass Q„„y. NIA -Structure is designed for project site as an In-line BMP with disversion from Sediment chamber. Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) 2/8/2007 Page 34 of 36 APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC Surface Sand Filter Design 2/8/2007 Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) Page 35 of 36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Approx Chamber D Step 6 -Size filtration basin chamber: The finer area is sized using the following equation (based on Darcy's Law}: Af (WQr} (~ f ({k) lihf + dr) (tf)~ where: Ar = surface area of filter bed {ftz} dr = f~ter bed depth (typically 18 aches, no more than 24 inches) k = coefficient of permeability of filter media (ftlday) (use 3.5 ft/day for sand) fk = average height of water above f7ter bed (ft) {112 h,,,~, which varies based on site but h„~ is typically 5 6 feet} 4 = design filter bed dram tare (days) (1.67 days or 40 hours is recommended maxanum) Set preliminary danenswns of filtration basin chamber. WQv = 17690 cf df = 1.5 ft -filter depth k = 3.5 ft/day -sand hf = 1 ft tf = 1 day -drain time Af = 3035 sf < NCDENR Min Filter SA HOWEVER, USE: Af = 3035 sf W L hmax Dim Ratio Approx Chamber Dim: = 30 60 2 2:1 Step 7 -Size sedimentation basin: Surface sand Blter. The sedimentation chamber should be sized to at feast 25% of the computed W(1„ and have a length--to-width ratio of 2:1. The Camp-Hazen equation is used to compute the required surface area: Where: A, = sedanentation basin surface area (ft2) Qo =rate of outflow =the WQ„ over a 24-hour period w = particle settling vebcity (f /sec) E =trap efficienry Assuming: • 90% sediment trap efficiency {0.9) • particle settling velocity (fUsec) = 0.0004 fUsec for imperviousness < 75% particle settling vebcity (ft/sec) = 0.0033 fUsec for imperviousness ~ 75% • average of 24 hour hold'mg period Then: A, _ (0.066) (WQr) ftz for I < 75% AS = (0.0081) (WQr) flz for I ~ 75% Set preliminary dimensions of sedanentation chamber. HOWEVER. U Qo = 17690 cf /day w = 0.0004 ft/sec for IA < 75% E = 0.9 As = 1168 sf E: As = 1168 sf W L im: = 30 60 S < NCDENR Min Sed Basin SA hmax Dim Ratio 2 2:1 Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., Nc Surface Sand Filter Design Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) Step 8 -Compute Vmin: V,~;,, = 0.75 ' WQ„ Vmin = 13268 cf < NCDENR Min Volume for Total Basin Step 9 -Compute storaae volumes within entire facility and sedimentation chamber orifice size• Surface sand fiber. V,,;,, a 0.75 WQ„ = Vs + Vt + Vtee„a (1) Compute Vf =water volume within filter bed/graveUpipe = Af' dr * n Where: n =porosity = 0.4 for most applications (2) Compute V~,,,p =temporary storage volume above the filter bed = 2 ' hr' At (3) Compute V, =volume within sediment chamber = V,,;,, - V~- Vim,„ (4) Compute hs =height in sedimentation chamber = V~/As (5) Ensure hf and hr fd available head and other dimensions still fd -change as necessary in desgn iterations until all site dimensions fit. (s) Size or~ce from sediment chamber to fitter chamber to release VS within 24-hours at average release rate with 0.5 hs as average head. (7) Design outlet structure with perforations allowing for a safety factor of 10 (see example) (8) Size distribution chamber to spread fbw over filtration media -level spreader weir or orifices. 2/8/2007 Page 36 of 36 Vf = 1821 cf Filter Bed Volume Vf-temp = 6070 cf Temp Storage above Filter Bed Vs = 5377 cf Sediment Chamber Volume hs = 2.990 cf Sediment Chamber Height>Design Head, Adj Geometry BMP Final Desian Summary RE ADJ'D BASIN GEOMETRY: W L hs or hf Dim Ratio Filter Basin Dimensions: = 35 70 2.00 2.0:1 Sed Basin Dimensions: = 35 80 2.00 2.3:1 BMP Site Desian Elevations Site Design Sediment Chamber: Volume (Vs): 5600 cf Surface Area (As): 2800 sf Depth (hs): 2.00 ft Sand Filter Chamber: Filter Volume (Vf): 3675 cf Surface Area (Af): 2450 sf Filter Depth (df): 1.50 ft Elev Len th Slope Nat Gnd 27.5 Inflow Elev 23.6 Spillwa 23.6 75 7.25% Freeboard 0.4 WQpool 23.3 Depth to Bed 6.2-ft SF bed 21.3 Underdrai 19.1 180 0.50% Outflow 18.2 Adkin Inv 17.2 Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) APPENDIX G ' Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) Page 1 of 18 t Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-1 (Martin Drive) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 10.86 Pre-development impervious percentage 20.4% Post-development impervious percentage 20.4% Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 9.39 9.39 9.39 Annual Infiltration (inches/yr) 3.65 3.65 3.65 Annual Pollutant Load and Target Summary Existing Design Design Meets Total Site Annual Load Landuse without BMPs I art~at with BMPs Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 47 47 31 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 7.7 7.7 4.2 Sediment (ton/yr) 0.59 0.59 0.09 41 O~.F Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 50 ------ - ------ ~ __ 9.0 _ ____ _ 0.70 _ .._ 8.0 0.60 40 7.0 6.0 0.50 30 5.0 0.40 20 4.0 0.30 3.0 0.20 10 2.0 i :a ,t~;t 0.10 ® 0 _ __ - 0.0 0.00 Existing Design Design Meets Areal Loading Rates Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 4.36 4.36 2.84 6.00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Ib/aclyr) 0.71 0.71 0.39 1.33 Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.054 0.054 0.008 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is below the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Ib/aclyr Nitrogen Rate Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate 7.00 1.40 _ _- +<„~~>+_ 0.060 _ ia~y~'~ 6.00 5.00 1.20 - 1.00 0.050 ~ 0.040 ~I -- 4.00 0.80 0.030 3.00 0.60 0.020 1.00 0.20 . 0.010 - 0.00 0.00 0.000 -- _.. ' APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-1 (Martin Drive) Page 2 of 18 Runoff Volume (ac-ft) 1 inch storm 1-yr 24-hr storm 1 inch storm 0.3 _ 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Existing Design BMP Storage Landuse without BMPs Volume to-1-~`t 0.179 0.179 0.197 0.179 1.153 1.153 0.197 0.000 1 yr 24 hr 0.3 -- 0.2 a2 0.1 0.1 0.0 - Storm Event Not Selected Meets Goal? Yes Yes Storm Event Not Selected Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Estimated Peak Flows. Rational and SCS Unit Hvdrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hvd Rational Unit Hvd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 18.60 25.92 18.60 25.92 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design Source Target without BMPs with BMPs 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 25.92 25.92 Estimated 25.92 30 -~1-yr 24-hr storm 25 - - 20 - 15 10 5 0 ~~ 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Meets Goal? Yes Post, no BMPs Existing -Post. with BMPs 12:00 AM 3:00 AM APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) Page 3 of 18 ii Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-2 (Martin Drive) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 6.7968 Pre-development impervious percentage 30.6% Post-development impervious percentage 30.6% Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 13.11 13.11 13.11 Annual Infiltration (inches/yr) 2.20 2.20 2.20 Annual Pollutant Load and Target Su mmary Total Site Annual Load Existing Design Design I <fr fiec Meets Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 45 45 29 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 7.3 7.3 4.0 Sediment (tonlyr) 0.51 0.51 0.08 ,i iI?a Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 50 _ _ 8.0 _ _ i 0.60 40 7.0 0.50 6.0 30 ~ 5.0 0.40 4.0 0.30 20 3.0 0.20 10 2'0 i aiyet 0 0.0 0.00 Existing Design Design Meets Areal Loading Rates Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 6.58 6.58 4.28 6.00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Ib/ac/yr) 1.07 1.07 0.59 1 ~:~ Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.075 0.075 0.012 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is within the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Ib/ac/yr Nitrogen Rate Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate 7.00 _ _ 1.40 +.+ ~;. + 0.080 _ _ 6.00 I _r y i 1.20 0.070 5.00 1.00 0.060 4.00 0.80 0.050 0.040 3.00 _ 0.60 r._ ... 0.030 i i 2.00 ; 0.40 i 0.020 ~ '~ 1.00 h I 0 20 I 0.010 ® II 0.00 0 00 - -0.000 - _~ I APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-2 (Martin Drive) Page 4 of 18 Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Existing Design BMP Storage ~.ar~t Landuse without BMPs Volume 1 inch storm 0.162 0.162 0.182 0.162 1-yr 24-hr storm 0.874 0.874 0.182 0.000 1 inch storm 1 yr 24 hr 0.2 0.2 1 0'2 ° 2 Storm Event 0.1 0.1 Not Selected o0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Meets Goal? Yes Yes Storm Event Not Selected Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Estimated Peak Flows. Rational and SCS Unit Hydrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hvd Rational Unit Hvd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 16.06 20.22 16.06 20.22 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design without BMPs with BMPs Source 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 20.22 20.22 Estimated 25 - - 1-yr 24-hr storm 20 ,~ 15 - " 10 5 0 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM -Post, no BMPs Existing -Post, with BMPs 12.00 AM 3:00 AM Target Meets Goal? 20.22 Yes APPENDIX G ' Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) Page 5 of 18 1 J 1 Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-3 (Martin Drive) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 10.8824 Pre-development impervious percentage 30.6% Post-development impervious percentage 30.6% Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 13.11 13.11 13.11 Annual Infiltration (inches/yr) 3.17 3.17 3.17 Annual Pollutant Load and Target Su mmary Existing Design Design Meets Total Site Annual Load t roclct Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 72 72 47 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 11.7 11.7 6.4 Sediment (ton/yr) 0.82 0.82 0.12 ~~ ~? Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 80 _. _. __ 14.0 _ i 0.90 -- 70 12.0 0.80 60 10.0 0.70 50 0.60 40 8.0 0.50 6.0 0.40 30 4 0 0.30 20 . 0.20 I rc3;:=t 1 ~ ~ 0 - 0.0 - 0.00 Areal Loading Rates Existing Design Design Meets Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 6.58 6.58 4.28 6,00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Ib/ac/yr) 1.07 1.07 0.59 1 33 Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.075 0.075 0.011 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is within the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Ib/ac/yr Nitrogen Rate ~ Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate I 7.00 _ _ ~ 1.ao ~,,. r~:~- o.oao - , 6.00 1.20 0.070 i 5.00 1.00 0.060 ~ t 4.00 K ' .- 0.80 :• 0.050 - .. ~ . 0.040 3.00 0 60 ` 0.030 2.00 0.40 ' v I 0.020 i ~ 1.00 0.20 0.010 0.00 -_ - 0.00 '' -- '- 0.000 _ - - ' APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-3 (Martin Drive) Page 6 of 18 Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Existing Design BMP Storage ~atciet Meets Landuse without BMPs Volume Goal? 1 inch storm 0.243 0.243 0.265 0.243 Yes 1-yr 24-hr storm 1.287 1.287 0.265 0.000 Yes -- - -- 1 Inch storm 1 yr 24 hr 0.3 _. - 0.3 l 0.3 0.3 o.z o.z o.z oz a~ o.i 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Storm Event Not Selected Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Storm Event Not Selected Estimated Peak Flows, Rational and SCS Unit Hydrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hyd Rational Unit Hyd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 24.85 29.86 24.85 29.86 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design Source Tarmac et Meets without BMPs with BMPs - Goal? 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 29.86 29.86 Estimated 29.86 Yes 35 - -- 30 - - - 1-yr 24-hr storm _ - - - -Post no BMPs 25 Existing ~ w 20 - - - -Post, with BMPs " 15 10 5 0 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM 12.00 AM 3:00 AM APPENDIX G I Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) Page 7 of 18 ii Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-4 (Miller Street) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 3.453 Pre-development impervious percentage 45.3% Post-development impervious percentage 45.3% Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 18.43 18.43 18.43 Annual Infiltration (inches/yr) 4.66 4.66 4.66 Annual Pollutant Load and Target Su mmary Existing Design Design Meets Total Site Annual Load Landuse without BMPs rLi1g~t with BMPs Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 29 29 19 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 4.6 4.6 2.5 Sediment (ton/yr) 0.37 0.37 0.06 d. tr>i Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 35 5.0 _ _ _ 0.40 -- 30 0.35 25 4.0 0.30 20 3.0 0.25 0.20 15 2.0 0.15 10 1.0 _ ,. 0.10 ~ ~ ~ 0 _ 0.0 -- 0.00 Existing Design Design Meets Areal Loading Rates Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 8.38 8.38 5.45 6.00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Ib/ac/yr) 1.34 1.34 0.74 1 33 Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.108 0.107 0.017 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is within the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Ib/aclyr ~ Nitrogen Rate , Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate 9.00 - _ _ _ 1.60 0.120 _ _ - _ __ 8.00 1.40 Tr~rg~i 0.100 7.00 1.20 6.00 1.00 0.080 5.00 0.80 0.060 4.00 ~ 3.00 0.60 0.040 2.00 0.40 0.020 ~ - 1.00 0.20 0.00 - 0.00 0.000 ' APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-4 (Miller Street) Page 8 of 18 Runoff Volume (ac-ft) 1 inch storm 1-yr 24-hr storm 1 inch storm 0.2 --- 0.1 0.1 0.0 Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Existing Design BMP Storage Meets Landuse without BMPs Volume 1 arc~ei Goal? 0.105 0.105 0.132 0.105 Yes 0.416 0.416 0.132 0.000 Yes 1 yr 24 hr 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 Storm Event Not Selected Storm Event Not Selected Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Estimated Peak Flows. Rational and SCS Unit Hydrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hvd Rational Unit Hvd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 8.46 8.51 8.46 8.51 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design Source Target Meets without BMPs with BMPs Goal? 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 8.51 6.56 Estimated 8.51 Yes 10 _ _ _ _ _ 1-Yr 24-hr sto m -- 1 $ Post, no BMPs Existing w 6 U - - -Post, with BMPs 4 2 0 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM 12:00 AM 300 AM APPENDIX G 1 Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) Page 9 of 18 1 1 Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-5 (South Dover Street) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 8.803820018 Pre-development impervious percentage 43.3% Post-development impervious percentage 43.3°/a Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 17.69 17.69 17.69 Annual Infiltration (inches/yr) 7.14 7.14 7.14 Annual Pollutant Load and Target Su mmary Existing Design Design Meets Total Site Annual Load Landuse without BMPs with BMPs , ~i c1r~; Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 72 72 47 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 11.5 11.5 6.3 Sediment (ton/yr) 0.91 0.91 0.14 t) i n Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 80 _ _ - 14.0 ~ 1.00 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 70 12.0 0.80 60 10.0 50 8.0 0.60 40 30 6' 0 0.40 20 4.0 0.20 1 ;--~~,aet 10 2.0 0 __ 0.0 ...._ _- 0.00 Existing Design Design Meets Areal Loading Rates Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 8.13 8.13 5.29 6.00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Ib/aclyr) 1.30 1.30 0.72 1.33 Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.104 0.103 0.016 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is within the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Iblac/yr Nitrogen Rate ~ Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate 9.00 +~+,tr~: 1.40 0.120 __ 8.00 ~ 1.20 0.100 7.00 6.00 1.00 0.080 5.00 0.80 0.060 4.00 ' 0.60 3.00 0.40 0.040 i 2.00 ~ o.zo o.ozo ~, - - - -- - J ' APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7!2007 Site: BMP-5 (South Dover Street) Page 10 of 18 Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Existing Design BMP Storage 1 ~r ~{et Meets _ _ Landuse without BMPs Volume _ Goal? 1 inch storm 0.256 0.256 0.279 0.256 Yes 1-yr 24-hr storm 0.914 0.914 0.279 0.000 Yes 1 inch storm 0.3 0.3 0.2 o.z o.l o.l o.o 1 yr 24 hr 0.3 0.3 a2 oz 01 0.1 00 Storm Event Not Selected Storm Event Not Selected Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Estimated Peak Flows. Rational and SCS Unit Hvdrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hvd Rational Unit Hvd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 18.32 14.50 18.32 14.50 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design Source Meets Target without BMPs with BMPs ~ Goal . 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 14.50 10.91 Estimated 14.50 Yes 20 _ 1-yr 24-hr storm - __ _ ___- 15 _ ~st, no BMPs Ewsting u 10 -Post, with BMPs 5 0 ~, 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM 12:00 AM 3:00 AM APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) Page 11 of 18 1 1 1 Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 18.38735078 Pre-development impervious percentage 27.2% Post-development impervious percentage 27.2% Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 11.88 11.88 11.88 Annual Infiltration (inches/yr) 8.62 8.62 8.62 Annual Pollutant Load and Target Summary Existing Design Design Meets Total Site Annual Load Landuse without BMPs with BMPs T~iryet Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 111 111 72 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 18.1 18.1 10.0 Sediment (ton/yr) 1.24 1.24 0.19 0 1 ~i Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 120 __ _ _ - 20.0 1.40 _ _ _ _ _ 100 1.20 80 15.0 1.00 i 0.80 60 10.0 0.60 40 5.0 0.40 i zo yep 20 0.20 0 -- - 0.0 0.00 _ Existing Design Design Meets Areal Loading Rates Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 6.03 6.03 3.92 6.00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Ib/ac/yr) 0.99 0.99 0.54 1.33 Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.068 0.067 0.010 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is within the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Ib/ac/yr Nitrogen Rate Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate 7.00 _ 1.40 +<,»~„~ .. 0.080 __ __ ~~ I a. yai 6.00 1.20 0.070 5.00 1.00 0.060 4.00 0.80 0.050 0.040 3.00 0.60 0.030 2.00 0.40 ~ 0.020 1.00 0.20 0.010 ~ 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.000 - -- APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output Site: BMP-6 (South Seacrest Street) 2/7/2007 Page 12 of 18 Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Existing Runoff Volume (ac-ftl - Design BMP Storage Target Meets Landuse without BMPs Volume ~~~ Goal? 1 inch storm 0.341 0.341 0.374 0.341 Yes 1-yr 24-hr storm 1.360 1.360 0.374 0.000 Yes 1 inch storm 1 yr 24 hr 0.4 - 0.4 °'3 ° 3 Storm Event Storm Event o.z o.2 ! Not Selected Not Selected 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 _~ Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Estimated Peak Flows. Rational and SCS Unit Hydrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hyd Rational Unit Hyd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 34.14 23.11 34.14 23.11 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design Source without BMPs with BMPs 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 23.11 15.30 Estimated 25 ' 1-yr 24-hr storm --- 20 - - a 15 - ~ 10 5 I 0 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Target Meets Goal? 23.11 Yes -Post, no BMPs -Existing -Post, with BMPs 12:00 AM 3:00 AM APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) Page 13 of 18 0 e t Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 12.19484389 Pre-development impervious percentage 14.3% Post-development impervious percentage 14.3% Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 7.18 7.18 7.18 Annual Infiltration (incheslyr) 10.49 10.49 10.49 Annual Pollutant Load and Target Summary Total Site Annual Load Existing Design Design [ a~:~t~=~ Meets Landuse without BMPs ,_ with BMPs Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 56 56 36 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 9.5 9.5 5.2 Sediment (ton/yr) 0.46 0.46 0.07 0 07 Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 60 __. - _ - 10.0 - 0.50 __ 50 8.0 0.40 40 6.0 0.30 30 4.0 0.20 20 10 2.0 0.10 I <~r3et 0 -- ~ 0.0 - 0.00 ~. Existing Design Design Meets Areal Loading Rates Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 4.58 4.58 2.98 6.00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Iblaclyr) 0.78 0.78 0.43 t 33 Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.038 0.038 0.006 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is below the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Ib/aclyr Nitrogen Rate Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate 7.00 _ 1 diyr,t 1.40 ~., ;._. , 0.040 - __. - -__ 6.00 1.20 - 0.035 5.00 1.00 0.030 4.00 0.80 0.025 0.020 3.00 0.60 0.015 2.00 0.40 0.010 1.00 0.20 0.005 ~ 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.000 _ ' APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-7 (South Myrtle Avenue) Page 14 of 18 Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Runoff Volume (ac-ftl Existing Design BMP Storage Meets Landuse without BMPs Volume laru~t Goal? 1 inch storm 0.128 0.128 0.181 0.128 Yes 1-yr 24-hr storm 0.566 0.566 0.181 0.000 Yes 1 inch storm 1 yr 24 hr 0.2 _ - ~ 0.2 0'2 °'2 ~ Storm Event Storm Event 0.1 0.~ Not Selected Not Selected 0.1 p.1 0.0 0.° - i Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Estimated Peak Flows. Rational and SCS Unit Hydrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hyd Rational Unit Hyd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 13.75 5.51 13.75 5.51 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design Source Target without BMPs with BMPs 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 5.51 2.60 Estimated 5.51 6 ~yr 24-hr storm 5 __ 4 - a 3 U 2 1 0 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Meets Goal? Yes ~POSt, no BMPs -Existing -Post, with BMPs 12:00 AM 3:00 AM APPENDIX G ' Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) Page 15 of 18 Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 3.79520202 Pre-development impervious percen tage 15.2°/a Post-development impervious perce ntage 15.2% Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 7.51 7.51 7.51 Annual Infiltration (inches/yr) 10.20 10.20 10.20 Annual Pollutant Load and Target Su mmary Total Site Annual Load Existing Design Design Tar et ~ Meets Landuse without BMPs with BMPs -- - Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 18 18 12 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 3.0 3.0 1.7 Sediment (ton/yr) 0.15 0.15 0.02 G 02 Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 20 _ _ 3.5 0.16 3.0 0.14 15 2 5 0.12 2.0 0.10 10 0.08 1.5 0.06 5 1'0 0.04 f aryet 0.5 0 - 0.0 0.00 ~ ~ Areal Loading Rates Existing Design Design Meets Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 4.70 4.70 3.05 6.00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Ib/ac/yr) 0.79 0.79 0.44 1 33 Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.040 0.040 0.005 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is below the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Iblac/yr Nitrogen Rate Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate 7.00 1.40 ~ . ,_ ~.-,.. 0.045. 6.00 Iaiyut 1.20 0.040 0.035 5.00 1.00 0.030 4.00 0.80 0.025 3.00 - 0.60 0.020 - 2.00 ~ 0.40 0.015 " 0.010 1.00 ; ~ 0.20 0.005 0.00 0.00 ~ ~- 0.000 -- APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-8 (Holloway Drive) Page 16 of 18 Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Runoff Volume (ac-ftl Existing Design BMP Storage Meets Landuse without BMPs Volume ~ ~` ` `~ Goal? 1 inch storm 0.042 0.042 0.075 0.042 Yes 1-yr 24-hr storm 0.189 0.189 0.075 0.000 Yes 1 inch storm 1 yr 24 hr ~ 0.1 p.1 0'1 ~ ° 1 Storm Event Storm Event o.o o.o Not Selected Not Selected o.o o.o o.o o.o Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Estimated Peak Flows, Rational and SCS Unit Hydrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hvd Rational Unit Hvd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 4.97 2.54 4.97 2.54 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design Source Target Meets without BMPs with BMPs Goal? 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 2.54 0.51 Estimated 2.54 Yes 3 - - ._ _ .__ __ _ _' 1-Yr 24-hr storm _ --- -- - 2.5 =Post, no BMPs 2 _ _ _ _ Existing 1 5 Post, with BMPs 1 0.5 0, 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM 12:00 AM 3:00 AM APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) Page 17 of 18 1 1 Upper Neuse Site Evaluation Tool -Site Performance Analysis Adkin Branch City of Kinston, NC BMP-9 (East Shine Street) Land Use Summary Total Site Area (acres) 12.75243113 Pre-development impervious percentage 36.9% Post-development impervious percentage 36.9% Annual Hydrology Summary Existing Design Design Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Annual Surface Runoff (inches/yr) 15.39 15.39 15.39 Annual Infiltration (inches/yr) 6.64 6.64 6.64 Annua l Pollutant Load and Target Su mmary Existing Design Design Meets Total Site Annual Load Landuse without BMPs 1~rct~t with BMPs Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/yr) 94 94 61 Total Phosphorus (Ib/yr) 15.2 15.2 8.3 Sediment (ton/yr) 1.14 1.14 0.17 +:i a ! Yes Nitrogen Load Phosphorus Load Sediment Load 100 ......._.. . _.. __ _ 16.0 14.0 1.20 80 12.0 1.00 60 10.0 0.80 8.0 0.60 40 6.0 0.40 20 4.0 I aryc;l 0 _ 0.0 - 0.00.... Existing Design Design Meets Areal Loading Rates Landuse without BMPs with BMPs Target Goal? Total Nitrogen (Ib/ac/yr) 7.36 7.36 4.78 6.00 Yes Total Phosphorus (Ib/ac/yr) 1.19 1.19 0.65 1 33 Yes Sediment (ton/ac/yr) 0.089 0.089 0.013 Site is located in Urban Residential Nutrient Zone TN loading rate is within the buy-down range of 3.6 to 6 Ib/aclyr Nitrogen Rate I Phosphorus Rate Sediment Rate 8.00 . I 1.40 , .. ;~ 0.100 7.00 1.20 0.080 6.00 1.00 5.00 0.80 0.060 ~ 4.00 i 3.00 0.60 0.040 ~ 2.00 0.40 ~ 0.020 1.00 _ 0.20 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.000 - ' APPENDIX G Adkin Branch -Lenoir Co., NC SET Model Output 2/7/2007 Site: BMP-9 (East Shine Street) Page 18 of 18 Runoff Volume (ac-ft) 1 inch storm 1-yr 24-hr storm 1 inch storm 0.4 _- - 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -- Peak Flow and Hydrograph Summary Target Meets Goal? 0.312 Yes 0.000 Yes Storm Event Not Selected Estimated Peak Flows. Rational and SCS Unit Hydrograph Methods Existing Landuse Design without BMPs Rational Unit Hvd Rational Unit Hvd 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 23.63 17.92 23.63 17.92 Comparison of SCS peak to Design with BMPs Design Design Source Target Meets without BMPs with BMPs Goal? 1-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 17.92 15.32 Estimated 17.92 Yes 20 - - - -------- -- 1-yr 24-hr storm --- -Post, no BMPs 15 ------ - - - Existing ~ 10 v Post, with BMPs 5 0 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM 12:00 AM 3:00 AM Storm Event Runoff Volume and Target Summary Existing Design BMP Storage Landuse without BMPs Volume 0.312 0.312 0.350 1.221 1.221 0.350 1 yr 24 hr 0.4 _ i 0.3 Storm Event 0.2 Not Selected 0.1 0.0 APPENDIX G Project [D No. 05656101 ~dkin Branch Sh~earn Restoration Project, Lenoir County, No~~~h Carolina RES"CORATION PLAN APPENDIX H REGIONAL CURVE DOCUMENTATION a KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. C'on.~trhnr,~ L'n,~iru~r.+ V I` +~+ N ~_ V ~ M~ W N ~ ~ o ~ U "' ~ X ~ O ~ ~ ,~ N ~ N ~ II a6aey~siQ IInl~iua8 APPENDIX H a U O ~ 1' ~ ~ 3 O ~ O ~_. L O C N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ :u ~= ca ,J ~. ,.:, ~~ a~U ~ J.E (6 C " 7 ~~ I' cn ~ c ~~U c ~ m ~ L C C N Q L O N E O a Z U~ t-~. ~w C CO o~ c t N N m~ Y C A U L N-p N~~-_ 1wQv~-(n (nU -a a~~ a~UUC. Q2'~~ZZ~ I I ~ • 4 I I t 1 a 1 • 0 0 0 O O .-- c ca a~ o Q is c .~ O 0 0 0 0 ~ /~~ ~~ V a ~ ~a ca O V ~ ca m N L U `~ C X ~ O M o0 '~ O ~N ~' I I L.L N (~ U N O ~ a O c CO O ~ L O ~ O ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~m ~~ ~ = (p ~, O . ~ U ~ J J ~~ ~ ~ ~ > U U U ~ c U > ~ C c L C ~ ~ N N L O C6 'O "O C~CO~~~C C ~ U C U N O O pp cY c~UU o ~~ ~»~ o ~Q ~c~Ulcn -a a~!- a~UUU Q ~ ~ ~ Z Z Z ~ • 4 I ~ ~ , N a .~ 0 1 • 0 ~S eaad Iln~~lUeB APPENDIX H N 7 ~ m U~ N r OX T .O ~ ~ II r N ~ II ~ U ~' Z ~. ^' W V ~ ~ •//~~ li ^ ^ i.i N 0 C C ~ ~ ~ U - ~ ~ i y.. 1 ,C 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ m t i r 1 1 r t v l~ 4~daa Iln~~iue8 __...., ...,.._,_.......__..__.. I U O ~ I ~ ~ € C C6 I O ~ •~ ~ ~ c mo c o N L.L ~ L.1-.. C m (n (n I_ ~ L U ii ^ ~JJ. ~ ~+-- ,,^ V/ 'I (n ~ O~>U V U' ~ C U > ~ C C a~ ~ ~ ~ a~ a~ ~oca~~-a-a v co v~ ~~.~w=~_- c m ~ c c ~ ~moo ~ cLo ~ m cY ~~UU ,. m o ~ .:LwQ~~<n ~ I,. U "~ ~ ~ ~ U U U I. z Q~~~ Z Z Z I~ ~. _.-.: -' ~ ~ Q i 1 1 1 1 t t 1 1 i r O O O 0 0 C d L Q r C 0 APPENDIX H 0 ___ .._..____ _ o o U O ~ ~ p a U ~ C (0 •~ o ~ L c ti ~ °~~~ ~ ~ ~ II a`~i ~ ~ ~`p ~ cn ~ O N ~~ `U ~JJ ~ II ~ ~ O ~U v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U z L ~ c a i a i ~" c L O CB -O -d c~ c~00~~a~c c O O ~ ~ U C U 0 0 0 m cY ~~UU O ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ Q cn U Y ~ ,ai cn Cn cn a a~F- a~UUU Z Q~~~ Z Z Z ~ • 4 I I I ' -- - -- -- 1 ~1 '` }' ® S //~~ \V ^ ~ ~ i O ~ L Q ~ ~ a x d N 4 ~ ~ Y u O ~ ~'~l •~ U ~c ~ ~ `, c~ m ~ ~ ~~ n i ~~ ~~ Afi r O l~ 43p!M IIn~~1u~8 APPENDIX H