HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121074 Ver 1_Public Notice Comments_20121206Strickland, Bev
From: Higgins, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 4:46 PM
To: Strickland, Bev
Subject: FW: Ashley Furniture expansion- Davie County
Attachments: ncdwq.pdf; Army Corp Application 12.2012.pdf
Public comments for DWQ# 2012 -1074.
Thanks -
Karen Higgins
Supervisor, Wetlands, Buffers, Stormwater - Compliance & Permitting Unit
NCDENR - Division of Water Quality
1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650
Phone: (919) 807 -6360
Email: karen.higgins @ncdenr.gov
Website: http: / /Portal.ncdenr.org /web /wq /swp /ws /webscape
E -mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be
disclosed to third parties.
From: Nicole Puccinelli- Ortega [mai Ito: nporteQaayahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 9:25 PM
To: Higgins, Karen
Subject: Ashley Furniture expansion- Davie County
Re: Corps Action ID# SAW - 2012 -01900
Ashley Furniture Industries Inc. (916 Baltimore Rd., Advance, in Davie
County, North Carolina), permit authorization application to expand the
current facility in Davie County, NC
Ms. Higgins,
My husband and I, who are homeowners in the Baltimore Trails equestrian subdivision which is
located directly behind Ashley Furniture Industries and will be impacted by the company's
application for permit to expand manufacturing facilities, are requesting that the certification
needed for permit authorization required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act be DENIED by the
NCDWQ. I have attached this letter in PDF format as well as the US Army Corps of Engineers
application from Ashley Furniture Industries for your review.
To comply with the current comment deadline of December 27, 2013 for written comments, the
following are our initial comments regarding detrimental effects to our water quality for the
certification from the NCDWQ to deny the permit to expand the Ashley Furniture facility:
1. The community and affected property owners need be given proper notice and an
opportunity to be heard. All affected property owners were not given this public
notice and therefore may be unaware of this deadline and notice.
2. The threat of water quality declination, particularly contamination of current aquifers
and Buffalo Creek water supply for all affected downstream during all phases of
construction including additional homes, schools, farming interests and livestock.
3. The likelihood of contamination of well water during construction and monitoring for
chemical intrusion once the manufacturing facility begins operations.
4. The likelihood of surface water contamination to adjacent land from construction or
manufacturing operations that could impact our equestrian developments with
possible toxic effects on our horses due to their feeding on field grass and drinking
from streams.
5. The likelihood of flooding due to fill placement in wetlands. Ashley Furniture
Industries has a history of causing flooding as they did in Arcadia, Wisconsin October
of 2010.
6. The incorrect statement on page 2 of public notice that "land use in the area around
the Ashley Furniture property is mostly open pasture and forest with FEW rural
residential properties..." The actual fact is that land use in the area around the Ashley
Furniture property is more than 24 homes and lots in the Baltimore Trails and
Baltimore Downs subdivisions directly adjacent to, not including the hundreds of
homes and farms across and alongside Baltimore Rd. and others located further down
Buffalo Creek and south and west of the facility who will be affected by this.
For these compelling reasons, we ask that the NCDWQ investigate this request for permit
certification more in depth and that certification for the permit to expand the Ashley Furniture
facility be denied.
Thank you for your help and for taking the time to review this matter in more depth and to consider
that this should not be issued.
Nicole and Mauricio Ortega
Concerned homeowners, Baltimore Trails
Cc: Senator Richard Burr
United States Senator
2000 W. First Street, Ste 508
Winston - Salem, NC 27104
Senator Kay Hagan
Unites States Senator
701 Green Valley Rd., Ste 201
Greensboro, NC 27408
Representative Virginia Foxx
6000 Meadowbrook Mall, Ste 3
Clemmons, NC 27012
Representative Julia C. Howard
NC House of Representatives
16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106
Raleigh, NC 27601
State Senator Andrew C. Brock
NC Senator
300 N. Salisbury St, Rm 623
Raleigh, NC 27603
December 27, 2012
Ms. Karen Higgins
North Carolina Division of Water Quality
1650 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617
Re: Corps Action ID# SAW- 2012 -01900
Ashley Furniture Industries Inc. (916 Baltimore Rd., Advance, in Davie County, North Carolina), permit
authorization application to expand the current facility in Davie County, NC
Ms. Higgins,
My husband and I, who are homeowners in the Baltimore Trails equestrian subdivision which is located
directly behind Ashley Furniture Industries and will be impacted by said company's application for
permit to expand manufacturing facilities, are requesting that the certification required by Section 401 of
the Clean Water Act be DENIED by the NCDWQ.
To comply with the current comment deadline of December 27, 2013 for written comments, the following
are our initial comments to for the certification from the NCDWQ to deny the permit for the US Army
Corps of Engineers to expand the Ashley Furniture facility:
1. The community and affected property owners need be given proper notice and an
opportunity to be heard. All affected property owners were not given this public notice
and therefore may be unaware of this deadline and notice.
2. The threat of water quality declination, particularly contamination of current aquifers and
Buffalo Creek water supply for all affected downstream during all phases of construction
including additional homes, schools, farming interests and livestock.
3. The likelihood of contamination of well water during construction and monitoring for
chemical intrusion once the manufacturing facility begins operations.
4. The likelihood of surface water contamination to adjacent land from construction or
manufacturing operations that could impact our equestrian developments with possible
toxic effects on the horses due to their feeding on field grass and drinking from streams.
The likelihood of flooding due to fill placement in wetlands. Ashley Furniture Industries
has a history of causing flooding as they did in Arcadia, Wisconsin October of 2010.
The incorrect statement on page 2 of public notice that "land use in the area around the
Ashley Furniture property is mostly open pasture and forest with FEW rural residential
properties... " The actual fact is that land use in the area around the Ashley Furniture
property is more than 24 homes and lots in the Baltimore Trails and Baltimore Downs
subdivisions directly adjacent to, not including the hundreds of homes and farms across
and alongside Baltimore Rd. and others located further down Buffalo Creek.
For these compelling reasons, we ask that the NCDWQ investigate this request for permit certification
more in depth and that certification for the permit to expand the Ashley Furniture facility be denied.
Nicole and Mauricio Ortega
Concerned homeowners, Baltimore Trails
Cc: Senator Richard Burr
United States Senator
2000 W. First Street, Ste 508
Winston - Salem, NC 27104
Senator Kay Hagan
Unites States Senator
701 Green Valley Rd., Ste 201
Greensboro, NC 27408
Representative Virginia Foxx
6000 Meadowbrook Mall, Ste 3
Clemmons, NC 27012
Representative Julia C. Howard
NC House of Representatives
16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106
Raleigh, NC 27601
State Senator Andrew C. Brock
NC Senator
300 N. Salisbury St, Rm 623
Raleigh, NC 27603
I s,.;ue Date mber 06, 20 112
CorpsAd ion ll. #; SAIM-22012-019041
nw. w4mington, District, tits. of lioginm—s. has receivedaji, application fToin
Mt. Michael Momn, of"Aspicy Fumititrie 1-ndustrios, (Astor iii u,rnilure), s ng '41
Depanix,imt, of tlL,,,c. Amy perimit authorization for periti air ow, impac6i to 316 linzar feet of
) risdocti mal, stm -,wn channefs atid 4.089 acre% of' farested wethmids,
a jurisdittioual
pkljflIerit to BtAfTuto Creok, awpolat-Orl w ]III Cl], pwposed expat"18:1011 of' Thei r eximiag,
%wirch-ouse and. mm.rufacturfi-rg faicilifies loc, ated off of 916 Baltimore Rozid, wot oil-
Advaize, fti Davie Comity, North Carolina.
of plans, ultunatims, an(f loot-Eun's Am dewribm] below, and sbpa , on, the, atta0hedl
plari& This Public Notice wid1 all attached plams. are al a, available mi the Wilmin, gton
District Web Site at
Applica,ut: Ashley Fumiture Industries, Inc.
Atin- Mr. Mklvaet k
, forao
Grio Ashley Way
Puradia, W1 54612,
'T"kh ('70tv, will evalwate US i0ati,011 anal tfeoide whethu tu issuc, Conkliltionally I ssm,
or(k.n,y-t'h cprop oral. N,v anti ,k.put-su,a rat toi-ippli,eaible rocedi,Lreso�,fScetion4,04(b)oftlic
Clemi AVater Act (.43 U.S.0 1344),
Mhtey Fumiturcowns ai,. id oj3C-,ratCS an, CXigthlq, Melreliouse and manufficturhig facifity,in
f1w, nordwastem poitimi of Davie; County, adjacent to tflbutarie.s of l ffato Clreek- J"he
fimlity Mdres�,; is 916, 1-.1alt inure, ,t',k pia di, A- dvarlce, North Carolina 27006. Th- e, prop osmi
prqject ib awecxp4osiou, of 11w exisllug 11wilities. noucssoty oporalmorl of t I he pi,-('jposed
AMiley Manxll[acluring mul Distribulion Center,, The proposed
facility cxpausmon coms, ists of constructiniii of a 2,30 ,p 100 squm,,e foot building addition,
traz�ta,r trailer, loading areaq)puki ng wevs, afxess row"Is"a Faillif"Nad, spur, kil,:O
�nie gei.icral, project area is a portion offlic 667-63 acm tsar , c5wiled by Ashley F-tti-ii1fti.ve,
located ojiTax,Par-oel No, F70,0000048, offof Beltirrim-c Road, west of'Adwaiice, in
Davie C'u,u rtly, Nor(li Cam1iiia (35,962 a' 1 511\1, -90-471 0439V')� The location of the s�ulijix�t
property isi, dop i ard by the a. p , I I
projxiate poilk,-u-i oftbe 1981,Advance, N-C, IJSGS
Topograpilio Maj.) (R °ure 1),,a site plart (F k�mry-e2% a USDA Stoko,,,', (louii ly Sod, Survey
Map (T'Iguve 3), a National W Hands Invzritory NIAIrii (Figure 4), EnA a stmani &wellaand
deti neatimi. jimp (Figure. 5-
Ex Mitig S iu "ond itions
The situp curreiiAly dewlopod With approximately 1,7 million squarc fee! of industrilil
struet-ums that include a nunirte'llance garag itti, fticl slorkqe, area, flih-ty-two
and aiiajlproxlmaoc 4118,0'M square fkto1
w,q,,reIious&rT,i arguJIL'Ouring facility- T110 "J'Stirig maintenamee 8vaTago wi I-1 be, utH iz,,ed as is,
NviAl minin-tail I A irty-llwo warchaus,,estm-ugw unit ,k, aj7 pro xirnately
I -p (Lates, Tbe, ex ist i 1 g Itt-
3 squal'-C Beet ill size, wilt tic, uh fimd for lunAvr dryllig etefivities, raw, nu,.,ttr
, rm
stonmg,e und sene -:is storag-e firt-oas-For over-flow of Zia-iishcd goods-
Tovornpate witti, grolwing dunands fm- goods in today's mar atid in order f6T the
propel°ty t(:Fbe dCVeIoTx-d for its j n(ended use,-Asliley T I 'U VITi ( UTC rCq U i R" S 'Ll I I add i t i (Arl M,
2,M4,1 QO Pm building squave fkjo(Age that )AIII I to the existiligy
"FIre faudi.Ay will be
expanaded i n ft,)ur buses Of Constrt'luio 11, 1) 620,075 J3621 aixi 115 Irad cr docks, 2
902,019 squm, ro feel: acid 181 to l douks
,; J), 5,09,871 sirtourc I'M, an.d. 9,8 trai lei do(ks;
and, 4) 272,075 square fett. amic'I 5 1 traitor docks. '`4 wrrip!ewd nmnufacaadjr and
dist,ributimi uniterwill provide, a total o f'43 8 douks to loud/milo ad i-nat(- it
, , r],91s.
A railroad spurislocatcd oil the. "I'he imilroad spur 16r1 s
Oil, the Cemrat J,-Mrtion, of the r it w, the iwrtli mid Fwu ("l-i of the existirtg di�U-Jbutioj,ii
,g fa: ility. Au hitmuiodal yaAl which includes flie, ad(lifion of
apprimlimate[y mule of radmad atut storagc areas fbr 20-1) TnImnaodal contain ors am
n, -I becawe- ofincmashig costs. k1tormodal yai,d and addioUT11
ol'one m ll. e (- ,f rail road track wi 11 be: cormp let mi ji'l a fififli phase 0l wn Structi on,:
Ina,dequate 1,,xirkmg atmqs are Culmilly located in the v i uto -jy,q,('e.x u 0 -es
I ,isting s uct To
reduce thne and fliel. expei.iqes, M traillcr spots and, 1,939automobile paces are rucluired
is the irt;uua cdiate Vicillity of 11"Ic ocnter art-d.lor the int,ertmodal
yard, Another 11,3 7th ,ti,-alleTspots ax c Proposed t. be loemed east of tho, ounipictccl
mattttf,' ctu rhig aml d istributimi facil ity.
1he: im-daveloped poil irate ofdw 667.,63 acre tract is lqcat d m,tliz smidi amd wer ,q of flie
ex-Ast ire g'laic iliA ies. Tfie maluveloped I rfl m is.. dutmetcrized, by rc:41 Ing mpograp. Iiy
co,asisfing of oprm post m rl ages zuid wcwded valleys typical of ThONorth Camiina
Piedrti,ont, Iaod uw, in flic area around the Ashleyiuvoltuir, projxrly is mostly ojm)
pasture and forest with a. few rural imsid carnal propertics, thmughout this ttrom InDwvlo
ECS CHrolfims, cuim:uIIa;nIsI-6r Ashley Furniturc, cond
I , ufaed a j ujilsdicticii-tal delineation of'
the proposed projcetprorpexty betivccii Apn-.[, and M'IIY of 20 11 Mi- John. I'lion'Nas of The
Rate igh Regul ator'y I'lield Offiu,� Wit mi ngton,'Distr[ct Corim of ErIghwers ecmiductod site
IrIspeolons N-6111; T Carol o'las ixuisulianIj To ved.fy themse j urisdictiotial del ineadoll's on
Un c 5, 20 12. Th u sc j u n- 8 di cli oii ki I NO u 11 (1 an, c s arc rch- F= ucd by F iktcre 5 — 84r alt d
mvlumd delMeadmi imap,
Appliem-it's Stated Pu'rpou
111,ie applicarits. stated purpose is tot expeat their existiiig facilities to develop astatD of-
6w art muid-AtIantic furni tum roanufacturingand disId bution facil itly to rnectprese-iit. asi:id
J`Oturc bosirmss mold rvevd1s,
Project Dewiption
"I'll e pr(Ppo'sed expallsion Site is aun-ently (IcA-cluped wi(happro aim atoty L7 aTullirm,
Rjuarc fact of firid ustrhil structums That inel.udc a maintmance garage with, frail
storage area, fliirty-two wamhowgelsforage buildimigs mid an, appluxinuAe 4 18,078;
square fbot &-wage will be-,
Wilized -as is with minimal. up&ttm, The, cxisting thirty-two-warebouse, StoTago- Units,
q,prDximatcI,y.3 7,200-41- square feet in size, will be utili7ed for lumber dryingactivities,
raw mated at storage, mid serm as storage. aroas, f(),r Ovor-flow'Of rmi%hed Boods,
Tucompete with, gmwing dommids for goods hi today's market aiiA hi order for the,
pix)perty tf) be,, developed for its I atended we, Ashlq ral'uIr" an, addidimial
2,304, 100 as building m:juaTC.. fOOta�0 that swill Cora of to t CXiSfillg
Warel-lousef niaiiufacturing,,faci,].,itv- The fi edit y will be
pmdcd in four pleases ofconstructioo: 1) 62-0,075 arul 115 Trader docksq 2)
902J)79, square 184 Imiler do-AsI 3),509,87 1 squarc foot and 98 'trailu docks,
M,Tr4, 4) 272,075 square feet ttiuI 54 trafler docks,.Thc completed manufkturing and
diNI,rIbufio,i,i ocriter wil.1 pro v ide a total of 43 8 docks to to hunl.o ri materiak
A railroad spur, is located on the southeastern portim otthe site® T"he railroad. spur 667tks
o 'hie central portloji of the site to, the north mul south of Tbe existing distribution
n. t, I
wa-mh,o,usdn,-kanur,fa,c,tkiming fac flit v, Aji 1`aiterroo4al, yard which inviudes, the 041111flion of
approximately one mile of m1hvad tired swrage areas for 200 b1temlodul 01'.nuailleonss r1ro
neoded In use of Meteasing wstqm The 1111,0FIM&II, y0d kAnd 4Wd'16011
of one ril ile (.4 milxo�,,Id track wi H bt, vompWcd iva a fifth phu,Y-c of construction.
Inadequate parking a r e a s . a m currently l o u a t e d , i n The vicinity, of tit �g,. stroctures. Io
Ye duce thm, and fad expeoseq, 8 if) trall(,r Spotsaml 1.939 Ra start bilo Spa.%Ims are requirud
is the im' 'Tar c(hute virmuly ofthu centel: and,lor the hiterimodal
yaixd. Aiiofl-m 1 X37 t-railer spots, are, proposed To be haute d cast of the completed,
2-naturfficturitig, and distriWO-Ion faci 1 Ry.
Proposx-d finallmels re-q ulti rig f"'rom' tltv mane ffictud ng aod dlistribution, fild fity prQjje et"
stirnmarized in 'Table' k'h denotes the twal 1 urisdictional featugv; to
be impacted as "fill plazeinent inipacts", Fi g ure-� 6 & 7 are inaps tf)eotlng thiv propuscd
'Stfearn tilad wel'aail finpacts. T[ie pivposed pr w. t 316 fincar
fect of stream charm and 4,089 lbrcsted'wet Nld,
A-shley Fln'-"ll'itult'l has an extensive analvs[sin the. 41,11C
'M pt to
decor,illic the most pjaus'iblo, preferred alte.Fruai've with a ininfinal impad, (G the
enivirwunei,it- Tftr; ]tQrnHl:i-%,c.s na[ysis-i Is lnuludcd in', the pen tut p4trA,kigt, suLnnitted by
Ast'lle)rl"Unol kure- and is avaflable, on dic Wil]lllington Di slril(A Web Site at
WIN"W. 1; Jr nce
The It �jjuilysis idenflfie% tha, ds, how
ak,erriafi-ves to the ptoposed action affibet 01"I'O',"ie ram d"'s' ally rnaj or (firuct
C-'jI-V'jronmc'j"-Aal crinse q tiences and di!;cusslon cil't I he puacticalA ty for erich, aitc.rivadw.
Adidey F'urn itumv bogpa nr its se,'ud'L, for a, potential site is earl y 2006. Seven p4aen,,OM 9 Li , .s
in Nartli (lai-oEiut were considcrod, ',nic zsites, wen-, analyz(,xi for a number of mlxfl a
indild'ing but rant limited toj I unixw(s to the el'Al-OM!"Iell I, Wsl of developinval, existing
facility conditions, aval liabili ty tx") rail service, avaIlaIx]c infm-articarm and fbl fill ment n. f
.Ashley P'NAIrI'It urn's , jicc,-ds, For other projects, ECS has 1pieviomfly last fCJM'UXt WO[Affut
duternii natjon,v'delineati om at many of f! ve Y,,-vu n pottm'N'd 51111c;s", iReluding the facifitics
lo,caited -it 122100 "RrripW� ' choul Rxy ir. Kernersville (Dell) mid 65 50 Judge Adams Roa- d,
in- 1NIA ScIt. he aJtU-r11M'iVC 10 CatioDS haxe facilities I'Ji'at taw jjositiorwd in, a manner sivc;h
fl-,mt tlic proposed prqject would msult, I a far gmaitraraioumit of Stromm-dwelland
and Claus, a gre titer negative 11-avaot to Mc C]"I'vinmmork thmi the preferred alternative. '['1v
Advance, North Carolinp. site was selected due to a number of reasoos. inokw- 6)8; the
abilily to Purobasm the onfire site from o °net; fl'-,tesize of:,'ttic Site provided cnou'gli'
area-fix cxpansion, and, eXiSfirlg iriclucting a truck maimeli.ance
JA(Olty, thirty -two free sly att s-tora9v units, thatmuld !bc us ed for limiber cirying, ram
T.i.-ia ter iA storage anA overflow storage of finished goods, anti exisling. WHO% chat could
be us ed i n rj1j e shor! (erm, tea. rc-m'ip operat! ng losses as. the fa6l ityis Oxj'14141,ded, and
Following the selectioll of tk dvarkoc, North Carolina location, Ashley Furohuro
ecynclucted mi eNhams.flve
, I atufly.sis of pqtciitiall altern atives to, ji-,)cet its proiluoJoili, storagr,c,
distii,bufloji itrid jttattagement nceds— 31 on -site ililte-mali'vm, tlimt wcYc analyzed hiclude
tlte fi) 11 o W I T12":'
I - Maijitain existingBroil it in curt mit condifiovi (?'eta- -Dray lug);
2. Additiort ofsecond story wi existing filcifity
3. Mova"l-lent of solve Operations. to aft, mativc location ofIF-Site
4. Demoh-sh, the existi og 1-mcility and, rebuild oji anti, upi'aT a(l site n the po pc
5, Addi iiojj, to, thc aura, scufli oft"I'le exi ,"'ti og' rReility
6. Expamion, directly to Ow swulh of the existing. faci I i ty
7F $iXI"I'a'I"nion cast-xvc'st rect"Ingle Pandid to, cxhifing facility
8. •cIdition to thoarea north of the, existhig faci Hty
9, E"Ipalmim cast-"vst, rect4artgje it,) oxW,hig- fficility,
10, Expalsi O;n OU:votly to thc north of the ex hs,(!ing facil ily
1, 1, Additlov to dw east oft ho exisfiliig fi'acli'lity
1, 2. L-stuaped expattsiort to the southeast o f the exf."';ti og (' Oil Ifty
'l. - "I expansion directly to the as of lhv cx isting faci lity
I A . A d di ti o i i to the Wes 1, 0 f t h c, c xi s ti n g Roil it
I 5,. L-shaped expansion, to the we arLd iiortli
I"i rWA r C x ] i Cin, d i re Ct IV to the e PW (� n7v ti a A, er n, a t1
v e)
115 1 -
Following Ashley F'urwtoTes c. tonsive alternatives ana-lysk, altcruative
was. sciected due to limiturd ln.ipacts on the ejivironnielij, w,i-td Ox.-,,i;ostsof development,
pj"Oduction c ajxmtfi(l"JI" '11iz wlum comparcd to other Imssible
alterba6vel"31 I'M a total, cost diffLiremial fl-at, Tvuigrs Ilium 4 R-9 to 13 81 nii 11 ion c[ollors,
Mliky "ii r- per to comlvmmtc= ft)r flill il-upacts for the Constructiogo of the
proposed j?kNject, by off ering paynxllt il'Ilo thel-kosysteni Eil"'halwer"itelit, Program (EEP)
and,lor private, jyflfigation N t.,nk--,,. 1111rivate inifigallon hmiks, Ui the watergliv.d (8- Digit:
CataIciging UJI R03 040 10 1) of 1.11C proposed !�.Irojwo, Jortol: have. crmfits available t this
time. Aoc<g�1jjjg- to kt Scptmuber 1 R, 2012 loiler isskwd by the EEP, the req ' uh,ed ni4igktamo-11
credics, aTv rivailable, Tarble, 3 shows, the, jimposed inlipacts, Proposed miti'80011 MbO fbT
t be im
-pqwts, aud total ctedlis Whig, p ropowd'f6r colI)peasatoty mi ti, ra (im ],or the project.
Ofher Required, Authorizations
This 110fico ar,'Id tall ''app'licable apptica(roa matcrialsafire benig forww-dW, W Jhc app. �?ropjiate
State agencio,for revie-mr, "I'lle C(,'jqms vvj H gencra.113" D,Otmatke, a, decision uritiI.
tll �011111 CRrolin. Division of Wmcr Q11joity, GN'CDW'Q)
I I I (�'S' or Nvalve..; State
cerc i fiwal ion re q tdred by Sejai on, 4 01 of tfie Clean Water Aia (FIL 92- 50ft The receipt o1•.
Ow applicaficvii and this pub)'Ic;,nol Icc conibined with aE,qw,,)pi'Woc application fee rat ale
North Cm-ofirnallivisioti, of Wkitcr Quality central olAtico Hi RmIcigh ivjil eonstit-aw itillial
mccipt of ani all!"Ale"'Ition lbi: a 4101 Water 0 w ity C',Orh J-Wmtiui'i:. A -w-aiver wiIi I:w dw.rncd,
ii` flat NCT)WQ fads to act 0,11, Ib is' rt'..qw-St fim- ccriffli catim withi n s--i xdy days of
to occur � I
the date rewit of this notio� in lbu� NC DWQ Central Off! ce. Addi (ional
i ri rornmi io;n, re, 'I
tar, iugr Tfie Ovin. Water Act cerd f1cmi oat n) o.jli be mvivwed L i L flie N ("l',)WQ
C'mit'ral Offio�, 401 Ovca.--!.i9ht 'culd E`xpress Per niiis Unit, 2321. Crabtree flobI�wmr
g t Nwort a Cm viJoa 27604-22% All perm-ms dc siring to rnakc com,n.iGnts regarding
1he application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so I'll
writing delivered to the Nonh, Caroling of Wtiltr Q ual ity (NCIDINIQ), 1.65 Mail
Service ("eutex, Ralei gh, North Carolina 27699 -1. SO At tcntion, , Karen. 1.1iggins by,
Deoeimmbcm 27, 2013.
ESS'eluiat ITISh Habitat
Ill'is notico the Essenlial, Fish Habitat ("EFH) constiltation, requirements of t1le
Gamsetmati.,on and Management ike.l, "I'lie. Corps' lttutw
dctermirration is that the proposed pm oe
q -t will n, at adversOly -ImImcl •FE, or associated
fisheries managed, by trio SoufliAdantic or hfid Atlantic F-IsItery h- agemeitt GOUDCils
or -the National Mmino Fisherics Service,.
Cultural Ilt-Sources,
The Corps has consulted th e vorsiori,of the National Register of 1,11swric
I'Lices and. is not aware, tliataiziy regirstered properties, or properties listed as being
el fgibll o 1 y in ha therein are located Mt1iit5 tlw Proicot area or will be affectcd by the
proposkA work, Presently,, unkn.owa archoologlval, sment-Ific, prchistork, or his torical
data may- be !oeated with k) th,�
I Li projeot arca and/or could be affected by the proposed
Endangered S'"Cie-9
'The Corps,, has 3,-evirmod the project area, examined al I infornation, provirided, by (fic
al')pliemt and consulted the latest Noilb Garollina NAM ural Hurftagc Database., Bascd, ort
,,tva,Rable information, die ( r1is I's not aware. of'tlm presence of' species listed as
ttueatemed or endangcrcd or their critical liabitat fornia[ly signal od putsunin
- ,, � 1, to the
Ernfortgercd Species Act of 1973 within the projeol amm ® A finial dctcrnfinatior t on, dme
-Z�Jllbcts- Of t1le Proposed J'vroj ectswill be madc upotit additional review, of tl,ie project 4tr011
w'US -�is,'
mild WildlifJe Scn-'icc arid/ or National Marhie Fisharies Servicc,
"Me decis.ion, W[wthiur to issm a pm-nift mitt be baswd on, ao evaluation 0171"ho probable
impa'01s, incimli:ng clumilat'i've impacts, of flie fICOM ty on Ilit, pi blic 11110rcsL
"Mal dcaision will. reflect the national. conce.ro, for both prott-.otion mid utilizati,on of
initi-ortant resiximes. Tile I�x'nerlt Ali It remsouably may be expected to accrue from tho
prqposal must be batartee(I' vigai"nslits dad ments.. Ali fito-fors,
IvIlich truty (.1e mlevanl to tflc pro j-,osal wi I I be coot yid t-'red" i oelvdi"rtg I hu utl M11 htdvc effects
11senoP, mnong those are conse, rvation" ecoll'attlics" geri.cral envirornnental
t)Mxems' m'L'tlands' II lstovlo prop odits' 11911 and, wildlife values, flood hazards, flo(,.id pllaiin
vahles (tn' av'Comange Wiffi, Ex.mifive. Order 11 9188 , Jand use, navigotimt, sliumt1lile
erosi 3 oo a
v[4 wtaveion, rcer&411011"' wuer supplyfiwt oon rvalion, water qual ify, enej�, ,y
nwds, safety, food and fiber juvduoiticai, ti,.iineral nzcAm, oaresider ations of propway
owjwrship, and, in gen�,Tul, it; P=ds and. w fire of Ifiepeotfle., l °or ooivkk�s- involving
the dischug, of ArIgN car fill materials in ",afers of the United States, Ow cvaluafion of
the i aril .m, CL o ON noti viQ on the ImIThe, intefest, vvi [1, 4'1'0bt('k a'Pill ication oaf the
Environin ,ival Protection Agency's
Th,c Cw.-ps of'Engineo n, is soliciting cornments fr('tn) Tho ptibfic; F-cderut, State ajid local
agencies: andt'iffiw4ils, including any. cowiolidau- State Viempint cvr written position of
ttit Govornor; Indian 'I)ribes and oti-Ror i [NItrrzI'rd parties in ajder to coni i d r arul evaItiatc
tho in-I'Pauts of this Proprw ed aotilvity'. An,y coninients veceived %vi 11, he (XaTusidcred by dw
Cortm of Enowns to dweminz Wicther 1z issue, niodlify, Oonditioi'i. or deny a permit Ar
U11-sproposal, To nuke Us dedsiwt comawnts axe used to ass ems impacts oneauhwgomd
gei ntral cnvi.ronmental effic�cts andthc oflher
public inIMS1 IVOIS I k.tcn4l abovo. Comments, are wed i 1-1 thre, ptvpvration of arl
Envi ronincitud, Assessrivo, (EA) and/or an EnVi MllffleOMI IMpaCt StErte-I'llent (EI S)
purmitant to t1te Nximal Enyinanmental Policy Att (KEPA),. Cornj-,nemts are also owM to
d'etern,iine i4w, jivod For a, publiehearh g. awl to jowmaine Se aver ffl pub] je interest of tbo
proposed w(ivity',
Any pemn inn y reqyest, iti, wrifing, within thecarnrile-ill jvi, iod spuci'f�'icd iii this not i ce,
tlml: a jiu1i'lic hearing be held tb consid.,ar be appWation , Rmjucsts Bor pubi ic ng'-S
shall low, WN partit�'ir.larfty' flie lv"isaruvror' boldi ng a ptiblic lieari ng. Req(tt,,�Js, J,,br a,
p-ablie heoringsliall, be gianted, Wass the Disftict I`,.,-ngineej- dotw-ujinios that the issues,
viiwd pirc ins.iibstanti at or there, is other me no Q id bAwyn, to be scr by a fieari rtg,
Written eommo-n(s Pertinent to the 1Ij'("q1ose(l work, as otrflhied abow, wit.[ be rrccivcd
by 1,110 Corps of rfjlghiee'°s, Wil rMirtg7jun Disttict, until 5pni;, Jorivar , 2013 , Conunews,
,ihould bc siibmitted tolotm Thorn as, Ra lei p)i 3331 Ijeflwgo
"Nade Drive, Suite 105, Wakef� orest, Nbri[L Carolina ,27587.
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