HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121074 Ver 1_Public Notice_20121206I swe Datop December 06, 20 112 januUY07,2013 CorpsAdion ll. #; SAIM-22012-019041 nw. w4mington, Dis tai c't, Cotps. of lioginm—s. has receivedaji, application fToin Mt.. Michael Momn, of"Aspicy Fumititrie Indus trios, (Astd ". Fu,rnilure), seeki in '41 few -tixwnt, of the Amy perimit authorization for pent Maur ent hnpac6i to 316 linzar feet of ) risdocti onal stm -,wn chatmefs and 4.089 sore of' farested wethmids a jurisdittional pkljflIerit to BtAfTuto Creok, aswolat-Orl with Cl], pwposed expal"18:1011 of' Thei r eximing, %wirch-ouse aand. mm.rufacturing faicilifies loc, ated off of 916 Baltimore loud, wot oil- Advaize, fti Davie County, North Carolina. Spud ,fic plans, ultun akin s, and loot-Eun's Aug: dewribm] below, and sbown, on, the atta0hedl plari& This Public Notice wirl all attached plams. are also, available on the Wilmin, gton District Web Site at Applicaitt: Ashley Fumiture Industries, Inc. Attn- Mr. MkIvaet k tray One Ashley Way Arradia, W1 54612, M= 'T"kh ('70tv, will evalwate US allJ)l i0ati,011 aDd tfeoide whethcx to, issuc, Conkliltionally I ssw, or(k.n,y-t'h cprop oral. N,voi,k.put-su,anttoi-ippli,eaible rocedi,Lres o� ,fScetion4,04(b)oftlic p Clean AVater Act (.43 U.S.0 1344), Mhtey Fumiturcowns ai,. id oj3C-,ratCS an, CXigthlq, Melreliouse and manufficturing facifity,in f1w, nordwastern ponion of Davie; County, adjacent to tflbutarie.s of l ffato Clreek- J`he fad,lity Mdres�,; is 916, 1-.1alt inore,,t',k pia di, A- dvaace, North Carolina 27006. Th- e, prop osmi prqject ib awecxp4osiou, of tlwexisllug 11wilities. noucssoty fir oporalmorl of t I he pi�'jposed AMiley Fumitum,'Milld-Atlantlo Manx,117acluring anxi Distribution Center,, The proposed facility cxpausmon coms ists of construction of a 2,30 , 100 squm,,e foot building addition, traz�ta,r trailer, loading area s),puki in mews, afxes� row"Is"a spur, kil:O siorluwatQ1T, p(,rad,;. ImmTW �nie gencral, project area is a Partion ofAlic 667-63 acm tracl, owile(I by Ashley Fitti-ii1ture, localed oar Tax,Par-oel No, F71MO00048, offof Beltirrjuiv Road, m of'Advaiice, in Davie C..'u,u rjily, North Camlina (35,962 a' 1 511\1, -90-471 0439V')� The location of the s�ulijixt lYropertry is dopid-rd by 0.,Ite aj� 7 I prolmiate pool oftbe 1981 Advanc�, N- C, IJSGS Topograpilio Map ( ijrre 1),,a si te plart (F k�mry-e2% .9, USDA Stokes (,louii ly Soil Surve Y Map (T'Iguve 3), a National tlftnds Inventory ktaja (Figure 4), kund a sti-cam &,wetlaand delineation. map (Fi ter e. 5), Ex Mitig S iu� Conditions 'the currently -developod with approximately 1,7 million squam feet of industrilil structutus that include a flnztintenanee garage witti, fticl 'storn area, tfih-ly-two and anallproxi'maoc 4118,0'M - tiare fktot waireliouse.4T,i arguJIL'Ouring facility- 1110 Xisdtig niaintenamee 8vaTago wit] be, util iz'ed as is, Nvith. minirriall u I � irty,two warchaus,,e stm,-mgw units,,, a,j7 pro xiinately (lates, Tim, ex ist i jig Ilt- 3 foot in size, Wit I tic rah hmd for lull-AxIr clTyllig ewfivities, raw, nu,.,tu , r fi ma I stor,lige und sene as storage I)Mas, For over-flow of fi,,i-iishul goods- To,compate witti, grolwing dunands fm- good5 in to days mar atid in order f6T the pro"pel,ty t(:FtV (ICv&ICTTx-d for its i n(ended use,-ASIlley 1"I'MITit arr, rcqui re-s an additiooad 2,M4,1 QO rmew building squave, fkjotage that )AIII I e0ijnool, to the ex astir gy filmlity The L 1. Y will be expanded its ft,)ur pbu,5es Of eonstrt'luio I I - 1) 620,075 feet aii(i 115 trail cr docks, 2 902,019 square fect and 181 to ler douks ,; J), 5,09,871 sqjarc I'M, an.il. 9S, trai let (1o(ks and, 4) 272,075 square fettamil. 51 trail docks. '`fj d6aribution ct jiterwill provide, a total o f'43 8 (Iouks to nat( loud/unlo ad i-- it , , nals. A railroad spuris boat cd oil the. 17he imilroad spur 16rks Oil, the centrat J,-Mrtion, of the r is w, Itic nortli mid Fmu tb: of the existing di�U-Jbutiol,ii fa: Aft y. Au hitmuiodal yan] which includes flie, ad(lifion of apprimlimatelY mule of raflToad anal ,storagc aream fbr 20-f) TnImnacdal contain ors Marc at, .l he arts ofinc-masing costs. A•ve, kl[ormocial yai,d and add,41011 (r1 -one m ll. e (- ,f rail mad track wi 11 be: coniple(ml hi a fifth phase 0 f C'un, Structi on: butd.equate jurking to ;.as are cunently located ill the V i el 011,Y ref uxisting sumtote,"'i, To reduce thne and fliel. expenqes, M traillcr spots and 1,939automobile paces arc ruquired in the jttuucdiate Vicillity of 11"It center and(v lbc; intutmodal yard, Anot'her ax c proposed) t. be lomted east of tho, oompictc(I as attttf ctu ring mail di tri ution lacil ity. Ihe: undeveloped poil ion ofdlo 667, 63 acre tract is lqcat d tea the smah amd wer ,q of t1m, ex-Asting''Ifficilil ies. Tfie toaluveloped I rfl ori is.. dutradcrized, by rc:41 In6 tope grapIq , C<n,tsistffig of oprm pastum ficipsmid wiLwo'ed valleys typical of thoiNorth Camlina Piedrnont, Iand u,%,, in the area aroumn(l the Ashleyiuvriitum pmper I , �Iy is mostly oj.m) 2 pasture and forest with a. few rural msidm -aialpropertics, thmughout dais ttrom InDwvlo County. ECS CHrolfims, cuimuhantsi-tT Ashley Furniturc, mnd I , ufaeda j ujilsdicticii-tal delineation of the proposed projcetprorpexty betivccii Apn-.[, and M'IIY of 20 11 Mi- John. I'lion'Nas of The Rate igh Regul atorY I'lield Offiu,� Wit mi ngton,'Distr[ct Corim of ErIghwers ecmiductod site lospeolons N-6111; T Carol 41" ixuisulianIj To ved.fy themse j urisdictiotial del ineadoll's on J 11 n c 5, 20 12. Th u sc j u n- 8 di ct i wi ki I NO u 11 (1 a ri, c s arc rch, - F= ucd by F iktcre 5 — 8 Owns alt d Poellaud deMueadoij mrap, Appliem-it's Stated Pu'rpou 111,ie applicarits. stated purpose js, tot expeat d ter existiiig facilities to develop astatD of- 6w art muid-AtIantic furni tum nianufacturingand disId bution facil itly to rnect, prese-iit. asi:id JOturc bosirmss mold rvevd1s, Project Des"iption "I'll e pr(Ppo'sed expallsion Site is aun-ently (IcA-cluped wi(happro aim atoty L7 aTullirm, Rjuarc fact of firid ustrikfl structums That inel.udc a maintmance garage with, frail storage area, thirty -two wamliowgelstorage buildimigs mid an, appluxinuAe 4 18,078; square fbot facility,. 'The &-wage will be-, Wilized -as is with minimal. up&ttm, The, cxisting thirty-two-warebouse, stoTage- Units, q,prDximatcI,y.3 7,200-41- square feet in size, will be utili7ed for lumber dryingactivities, rmv mated at storage, mid serve as storage. aroas, f(),r favor -flo w of rmi%hed Boods, Tucompete with, gmwing dommids for goods hi today's rnarkA-A aiiA hi order for flie, pix)perty to be,, developed for its I atended we, Ashlq ral'uIr" an, addidimial 2,304, 100 as building -A,:IuarC fOOta,d.0 that swill Cora of to t CXiSfillg Warel-lousef mmuf acturing',facility- The fi edit y will be e pmdcd in four pleases ofconstructioo: 1) 62-0,075 arul 115 Trader docksq 2) 902J)79, square 184 Trailer do-AsI 3),509,87 1 squarc foot and 98 'trailer docks, M,Tr4, 4) 272,075' square feet aud, 54 trafler docks,.Tlic completed manufkturing and diNI,rIbufio,i,i ocriter wil.1 pro v ide a total of 43 8 docks to to hunl.o ri materiak A railroad spur, is located on the soudicmtern portim ot the site. T"he radroad, spur o 'hie central portloji of the site to, the north mul south of Tbe existing distribution n. t, I wa-mb,o,usdn,-kan,u�,fa,c,tkiming facihv, Ara 1`uiterroo4al, yar(I which indudes, The adfid"Iflion of approxirnavely one mile of m[Troad tired swrage areas for 200 611c'miodul 01'.nuailleonss r1ro neoded la use of Meteasing WS(9m ]'he i11.14FIM&II, yatd kAnd ttd(I'16011 of one ril it (.4 milxo�,,Id track wN H bt, vompWcd i ua a fifth phzuyc of construction. Inadequate parking a r e a s . a m currently l o u a t e d , i n The vicinity, of tit �g,. stroctures. Io Ye duce thoo and fad expeose,% 830 trall(,r Spot,5aml 1.939 RaWrii,iobilo Spa.%Ims are requirud is the im' .ray c(hute virmuly oftho umtel: and,lor the hiturnodal yaixd. Aiiofl-m° 1 X37 t-railer spolls are, proposed To be 1i)cated cast of the completed, 2-naturfficturitig, and distriWO-Ion faci 1 Ry. fi Proposx-d finallmels re-q ulti rig f"'ro' tltv manuffi ctud ng aod dlistrilnition, fild fity prQjje et" re stirnmarized in 'Table''I A 2, �Ak'h denotes the twal 1 urisdictional featugv; to be imp acled as "fill plazeinent inipacts", Fi g ure-� 6 & 7 are snaps tf)eotlng thiv propuss 'Su earn tilad wel'and impacts. T[ie pixyposed pr w. t 316 linear fect of stream channet and 4,089 lbrcsted'wet Nld, A-shley Fln'-"ll'itult'l has an extextsive anal ysisin th e. xllcmpt to decor,illic the most pjaus'iblo, preferred altewruanoe with a ininirnal hupii;,t w the enivirwunei,it- Tftr; ]t a°nativ s na[ysis-i I., Inul udcd in', the pentul p4trA,kigt, suLnni tled by q Ashle)rl"Unol kure- and is avaflable, on flic Will:lllington Di slril(A Web Site at �j The alterllativvs tjjuilysis idenflfie% thoir nceds, how - ak,erriafi-ves to the ptoposed action affibet 01"I'O',"ie nCT'd"'s' ally major (firuct C-'jI-V'jronmc'j"-Aal conseq tiences and di!;rnsslon cil't he puacticalA ty for erich, aitc.rivadw. Adidey F'urn itumv bogpa nr its se,'ud'L, for a, potential site it earl y 2006. Seven p4�ten,,OM 9 Li , .s in Nardi (lai-oEiut were considcrod, is zsites, wen-, analyz(,xi for a number of mlxflia indild'ing but not limited to I ai]xw.,(s to the el'Al-OM!"Iell to Ws of developinval, existing M facility conditions, avallability tx") rail service, avaIlaIx]c infmstrucarm ancl fbl fill ment of Ashley 1 raratit urc's, ji. c,-dls, For other projects, EC S has 1pieviOULd y pe'r 1`0 MI (Xt WO kiffut duternii natjon,v'delineati om at many of f! ve Y,,-vu n pottm'N'd 51111c;s", iReluding the facifitics lo,caled -it 122100 "RrripW� ' choul Rxgad ir. brat nersville (Dell) md 65 50 Judge Adams Roa- d, in- 1NIA ScIt. Thc aJ1.U-r11M'iVC IOCafloDS haxe fac4tities I'Ji'at awpositiorwd in, a manner sivc;h fl-,mt tlic proposed prqject would msult, I a far gmaltrarftio umit of 31romm-dwelland an.cl tIms, a gre at negative Impaot to Mc C]"I'vinmmork than the preferred alternative. '['1v Advance, North Carolinp. site was selected due to a number of reasoos. hlokw- 6)8; the at i'14. to piny hasic the entim sitc-from, me owrtot, tlu-,, size ofthc Site provided,,, cnoiqgli area-fix cxpansion, and, exisfing soix-ttul' MR(rasIrtictum iriclucting a tTuc.k maimmance JAGillty, thirty two T"reespan tr a l r units, that could !be used for limiber drying, ram T.i.-iat.'eriA storage amd overflow Storage of finished goods, art exisling. WHO% chat mild be r i n the shor! (erm, tit. rc-coup operating losses as. the fatil ityis OXI'14141,ded, and laffmaj Followi.ng the selectioll of tk dvarkoc, North Carolina location, Ashley Furohuro ecynclucted mi eNhams.flve , I atuflysis of pqtciitiall altern atives to, meet it% proiluoJoili, start gr,c, distii,bufloji itrid jmotagement need. Tlic on -site ililte-mali'vm, that wcYc analyzed hiclude tlte fi) 11 o W I T12":' I - Maijitain existing lit. oil it in curt mit condifiovi (No-,Bulld)i 2. Additiort of second story wi existing filcifity 3. Mova"l-lent of solue Operations. to aft, mativc location ofIF-Site 4. Demoh-sh, the cxisfing 1-mcility,,and, rebuild rata anti, upi'aa(l pit (n the T c i� 'Y 5, Addi iiojj, to, thc area, scufli oft"Ite exi ,",'ti og, rneility 6. Expamion, directly to Ille swulh of the existin g. fa.c-iiit. 7F $iXI"I'a'I"nion cast: -Avert Fe titan gle pandiel to, cxhifing facility 8. Addition to the a, � north of, t r , i s i fa, I y tea he ex th g ci A 9, E"IPRImimi cast-"vst, rect4artgle it,) oxW,hig- fficility, 10, E,xpalsi O;n OU'votly to thc north of the ex hs(!ing fa, ciliay 1, 1, Additlov� to dw east oftho exlsfiliig fiawi'lity 1, 2. L-stuaped expatts1lort to the southemst o f the exf."';ti og (' Oil Ifty 1.1 A expansion directly to the as of by cx isting faci lity I A., Addition to the West Oftho misting fiteility I I 5,. L-shaped expansion, to the wusst arLd iiortli I"i rWA r C x ] 11 i Cn, d i re Ct I1 V to t 11, e PW 7v ti a A, er n, a ri v e) — Following Asliley F'urwtoTes ana-lysk, altcruative was. sciected due to limiturd ln.ipacts on the err vironnv�nt w,i-td Oiei;ostsof development, pj"Oduction cool ajxmtfi(l"rI" '11iz wlum comparcd to other Imssible alterba6ve 811 I'M a total, cost diffliremial fl-at, Tvuigrs Ilium 4 R-9 to 13 81 nii 11 ion ttoll , Mliky Fitmiture pro-poses to comlvmmtc= ft)r flill il-upacts for the constructiogo of the proposed j?kNject, by offering payjnxllt il'Ilo the l-kosysteni Program (EEP) and,lor private, jyflfigation N vnks. 1111rivate inifigallon hmiks, Ui the watergliv.d (8- Digit: CataIciging UJIR03040101) cif'(11C proposed !�.Irojwo, Jortol: have. crmfits available t this time. Aoc<g�1jjjg- to kt Scptmuber 1 R, 2012 loiler isskwd by the EEP, the req ' uh,ed ni4igktamo-11 credics, aTv rivailable, Tarble, 3 shows, the, jimposed inlipacts, Proposed miti'80011 MbO fbT t be im rpacts, aud total ctedlis beiiig, propowd'f6r colI)peasatoty mi ti, ra (im ],or the project. tiler Required, Authorizatimis 'Filis 110fico ar,Id tall is l.icable aliptication, matcrialsacre ben%' fbjww'%WI W lhc app. �?rojpjiate State agencio for rcvimv� I'lle vvj 1.1 g4merally nit Amake a, fliml p(.,, m— ilt docision until the �011111 CRrol in. , Division of Wm Qvi joity, GN'CDW'Q) a sm eg, dmi,I c'S' or Nva I Ives State cerc i fiwal ion re- quire by Sejai on 4 01 of tfie Clean Water Ala (PL 92- 5Oft. The receipt o f' Ow applicaficvii and this pales; nol Icu conibined witty application fee ut the Nordi Cm-oknallivisioti, of Wkitcr Quality Central olAtico Hi 1. gal ivjil eonstit-aw itillial mccipt of ani all!"Ale"'Ition lbi- a 4101 Water 0 w ity C',Orh J-Wmtiui'i:. A waiver wiIi I:w dw.rncd, it'd NCT)WQ fi-ids to act 0,11, Ib is' rt'..qw-St fur ccriffli Catim withi n si xdy days of to occur � I the dats� rewipt of this notio� in lbu� NC DWQ Central Off! ce. Addi (iomd i ri rornial io;n, re, gtar, 41gr Tfie Ovin. Water Act cerd fi eat i oat niot jli be mvivwed L L flie N("l',)WQ C'mit'ral 0 ffio�, 401 Ovuj'.-Idght 'clild E`xpress Permit 's Unit, x:321. Crabtree flobhwm, r(I" 6 Rale[,Q g 1,, No rth Cmy rya 27604-22% All pcmwns dc siring to rnakc com,n.iGnts regarding t application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so I'll writing delivered to the Nonh, Carolino Di'vis-ion of Waltr Q val ity (NCIDINIQ), 1.65 Mail Service ("eaue'x' Ralei gh, North CarolMA 27699 -1. SO At tcntion, , Karen. 1.1iggins by, D eta eimmbcm 27, 2013. ESS'en'liat ITISh Habitat °t leis notico the Essenlial, Fish Habitat ("EFH) constillation, requirements of t1le Camser-vati.,on and Management Act, "I'lie. Corps' dctermination is that the proposed pm oe q -twill n adversOly fisheries star aged. by Atlantic F-IsItcry h- agerue'lltGOUD61S or''the National Mmino Fisherics Service,. Cultural Ilt-Sources, The Colps has consulted vorsiori,of the National Register of 1,11swric I'Lim; and. is not aware tliatany registered properties, or properties listed as being el fgibll o 1 y in ha therein are located Mt1iit5 the proicot area or will be affectcd by the proposkA work, Presently,, unkii.own archoologlval, sment-Ific, prehistoric, or himorical data may- be !oeated k,) with th,� I Li Endangered S'"Cie-9 'The Corps, has 3,-evirmod the project area, examined al I inforn ation, provirided, by (fic al')pliemt and consulted the latest NoIlb 011tolina NAM ural Huriitagc Database., Bascd, ort ,,tvailabfe information, tae. ( t I's not aware. of'tlm presence of'species hstexq as ttueatemed or endangt--rcd or their crilical liabitat fartvja[ly &signalod pumnin - , � 1, to the Erxfortprcd Species Act of 1973 within the proj'eo amm ® A final dxtcrnfinatiort on dme -Z�Jllbcts- Of t1lo propose-d I'vrojectswill be madc upotit additional. review, of the project 4tr011 cmnpletion of imly nevussary Kologizal assemsment and /or w, nsultoion wit h 11 ,: U ,S .1 -�ish mild Wildlife Scn-'icc arid' r° National Marhie Fish aries Servicc, "Me decis.ion, W[wthiur to issm a pernii t %,j11 be based on, ao eva] oation 0171"ho pro, bable clumi last ive impacts, of flie jux'm )-,, wd fI , p( -COM (y on Ovu, pitblic 11110rcsL "Mal dcaision will. reflect the national. conce.ro, for both prott-.o.tion mid utilizati,on of iniportant resiximes. Tile twnerlit wfim"h remsouably may be expected to accrue from tho prqposal must be bataTtee(I' vigai"nstits detfi ments.. Ali fiflo-fors, IvIlich truty (.1e m1c.vanI to 1:11c proposal wi I1 be cons yid t-,red" i oeladi:ri g I hu utl M11 hitivc effects ainong t1iose are conservatiori,, econattIlk �S , ae %11 1, I k I- 1,- , Ics, gerizral envirorunental t)Mxems' m'L'tlands' II lstovlo PL*Podits' 11911 and, wildlife value-s, flood hazards, flo(,.id plaint vahle's (tn' av'Comhinge Wiffi, 1.3mectifive. Order 11918 8), Jand use, navigotimt, sliumt1lile W erosi 3 oa a v[A mouiveion, mcmation", wuer -suPplyfind oun rvation, water qual ky, enugy n wd s, s a fe ty, food and fi be r 1) ro d aoit I oi i, in i n ra,,l nz &%-, oan s, i d er it i 0 ns afp rop etly owixiship, and, in en rail, fiwncuds and welfb.m of the 'Peot.11 I C-1 °ar o'ctivides involving the d[se'lial%ge of djvdg-(x,,I or fill materials in maters of ttv Un-Aed Ow cvuluafion of thc,imj.m,CLOl'tl:,Io,A 1 1, ti the In,6111c, interest. vv 1 [1, itlel'tak apill imfion 0f the 0(jv'(y 4) Proteetion Apne'v's I Th,c Carps of'Englueo m, is soliciting comments fr(,tn) fir F-cderut, Staten local agendes andt'iffimials, including any. cowiolidau- Statc Vimvpoint cvr written position (if ttit Govern, oir; Indian 'I)rfl,)eS al'I'd othor i rm,=zIrd parties in order, to coni i der, and evaklatc the i1nixwts of this Proprw ed Any comments veceived %v- 11, h (xaysidcred by flic, Corps of Ingjiwers to cloteminu whuther, toissue, niod' 7 fy n I , Oonditioii� or de, y a perm it: fi,:Pr U11s,proposal, Ton'take this decision, are used to assess impacts oneauhm oivd stet~ -ies, 11i'st"orivproputies, wt - qoalit V, gentral cmi.ronmental Gaff ects, and thc other Public iderest, fac.tors I k.tcnd �tbovo. Cximments, we wed i 1-1 I'lie, il q1:1 ,. reparation of,,, Envi rom-nentM, Assessrivo, (EA) and/or an EnVi r0l'Inle-111,M] Impact Stfltedilent S) pursuant to the NxIonal 'Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),. Corm-n-mtits are fttso owd to d'etemine 14te, ueod For a, public hearin'g. and V'. (Jetorrnine I.,he over G Imb] ic [,uIvrv-s[ of tbo propmed w6vity, E Any person, inn requesi, M. writing, within the cc) mraient jvfiOd spuG ,,f.7icd in this notice, thFil, a public hearing be Imid, to consid.,ar the aptlication ° Requests Bran Pub] is ng-S, shall state, with puruuifladty, fliz Ivaso!rIsfix— b(Adling a public hearing. Requesis, I a vilsed pire insubstand at or tharc, is otherwi se no val id mlerest tea be suved by a heafl rtg, Written lira is Pell'inent to the lux"qlaml work, cgs out.1hied is o, wit[ bc ruccivcd by 1,110 Corps gat: .rfjlghima°s, WilmIrug7,tO.T,.i Distxict, until 5pni;,,Tuu,,a v I 1� 07,2013, Conunews, ,Auld bc submitted to Jot` m Thomas, Ra lei p)i Regolatory Fivild Offiect, 3 3 31 1A eri mgp "Nade Drive, 1841(,e 105, Wake'Forest, Non[L Carolina,27587. m LL -NE U rL k�� / . � S( \)| . ..� y . \\ate S ±< . I f qp CD TOM I NCO- J1 rv� �r pY _Y All "Ji, lr-�) i qp CD TOM tons! K R{a i as m Fit NCO- J1 rv� �r pY _Y All "Ji, lr-�) w q ff f b w� p �aP Lei — w q ff f b w� 415,E y j3 9 ^s f w .�c qPPP tp�'k P •:tip s° Ll 1 X33 415,E y j3 9 ^s f w .�c qPPP tp�'k P •:tip Ll w re 3 w' f¢, 415,E y j3 9 ^s f w .�c qPPP tp�'k P •:tip s �. e 1 3 y r SHIP R � s . u F n s .. - �ttN3t'�J6t'a u'risrtJl- -��evq - r'!d5�s'• .s,� SOURCE: FIG 7 8ETE� L T[O AD E",1 ,' Q IIP% Dl A1-4 L MAP E �I� tlt ALE: CSI ST R M OT 100 C E NTE',.R, PT T JEt-l', OFJ t � V!�� L N1) R, 19 C Afllu L11l A - `'ri..t>i YC'FSEk'�kill."Sti f4,1= ""''— '.2`�g"tiffiRill e9W'ki�.Jkew...1,iir -.mss, rail x'"�x:' .. !33;k�fi,,i�,. 1.,4?YJ'a i 1 ` `F-. , Q`SS'�tflat54�iuE. r. - -,;. - - - f 4f4p1�"ni 1Pr'f11141Riy'r `4t "2. S?,xi S- r4 P w. FRO irv-is' iol., tl FIGURE� �! SPTE"' PLAN BSI 1,LEY FURNITURE MID-ATLANTIC MANAJFACT URI NG AND FRI 131111 OR C ENTF R 91GIBM"'TWONIF"ll R(AL)