HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090858 Ver 2_Year 3 Monitoring Report_20121212I EllEcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To Ms Katie Merritt Date December 12, 2012 NCDENR - DWQ, Wetlands & Stormwater Branch 512 N Salisbury Street, Archdale Building Raleigh, NC 27603 REGULAR MAIL Re Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel Job No am sending you the following item(s) MAM -09010 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 comment response letter 1 Year 3 Monitoring Report These are transmitted as checked below ❑ As requested ❑ For approval ❑ For review and comment Remarks Copy to ❑ For your use El �. Signed � George Buchholz, REM, Environmental Scientist FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ❑ Copy Letter of Transmittal Only to File ® Copy Entire Document to File 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, North Carolina 27713 PO Box 14005, RTP, North Carolina 27709 EcolEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. G �--- V DEC 1 4 2012 w�rE ouA�IrY December 11, 2012 wetar,ds DEN - R 3 aNtr Ms. Katie Merritt Environmental Compliance Specialist & Nutrient Offset Coordinator Wetlands & Stormwater Branch NCDENR - DWQ Archdale Building 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Re: Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel Year 3 Monitoring Report Response to Monitoring Year 3 Report Comments MAM -09010 Following your December 5, 2012 e -mail, please find our responses to your review comments on the project listed above. Our response comments are in bold. 1. Comments from DWQ on the Year 2 monitoring report addressed encroachment of the conservation easement due to mowing in parts of the restoration area by a landowner. A response from Eco Engineering stated that replanting was needed and would be done between March — April 2012. However, there is nothing in the Year 3 monitoring report that states anything about replanting. Response Needed: ■ please provide an explanation that addresses this concern. ■ If replanting was not done, please provide dates for when it is expected to be completed., ■ Please provide "before" and "after" pictures if you have them. JRM Response: A fourth paragraph has been added to Section 2.0 which states the following: During Monitoring Year 2 field investigations, it was determined that the conservation easement had been encroached upon by mowing activities associated with the adjacent parcel. The encroachment area is approximately 2,001 square feet (0.05 acres) in size and located in the extreme Remmh Triangle Park, NC northeastern section of the Bank Parcel. The Post Off" Sm 14M encroachment area is located between Photo Stations 16 Rem KhTrt n* Park, and 17 and can been seen in the pictures for Monitoring North Cuohna2TM Year 2 (Appendix E, Photo Stations 16 and 17). Re- m Men` w ftrk"my lantin within the encroachment area occurred within din Durham, North Car 27713 planting e OM05M 919287 -4282 919381 -2268 Fax wwoomV.wn Design Services Focused On Client Success EcoEr)gineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc Ms Katie Merritt Response to Monitoring Year 3 Report Comments December 11, 2012 Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel Page 2 of 4 May, 2012. A total of 300 species (50 Quercus laurifolia [laurel oak], 50 Quercus nigra [water oak], 50 Betula nigra [river birch], 50 Fraxinus pennsylvanica [green ash], 50 Plantanus occidentalis [sycamore], and 50 Liriodendron tulipifera [tulip poplar]) were re- planted. During Monitoring Year 3 field investigations, the previously encroached upon area was visually inspected and it was determined that the re- planted species are surviving and the area has not been further encroached upon. During Monitoring Year 3, Photo Stations 16 and 17 (Appendix E) shows re- growth within the previously encroached upon area. /2 Please change the bank sponsor name to "EBX -EM, LLC" JRM Response: The bank sponsor name has been changed to Environmental Banc and Exchange — Earth Mark, LLC (EBX). Table 2- Please explain why EBX -EM chose not to count the "Not Listed" volunteer species (red maple and sweetgum) as they have been included in recent monitoring reports JRM Response: According to the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Ecosystem Enhancement Program Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration (October, 2004) acer rubrum (red maple) and liquidambar styraciflua (sweet gum) are not listed as preferred species to be planted within riparian buffers. Therefore, the quantities were not included within Table 2 for Monitoring Year although they were inadvertently in previous years. However, during field investigations conducted for Monitoring Year 3, red maple and sweet gum quantities were reported within each of the Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Forms (Appendix D). A fourth note has been added to Table 2 which states the following: "Not Listed" Species Type are species which are not listed as preferred species to be planted within riparian buffers according to the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Ecosystem Enhancement Program Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration (October, 2004). Therefore the values for each of these "Not Listed" species were not quantified for Table 2 of Monitoring MAM -09010 EcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc Ms Katie Merritt Response to Monitoring Year 3 Report Comments December 11, 2012 Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel Page 3 of 4 Year 3, although they were inadvertently done so in previous monitoring years. The values for these "Not Listed" species were still recorded in the individual Vegetation Monitoring Data Forms 4 Table 3 shows very low survivability in almost '/2 of the vegetation plots Please keep an eye on the site and if replanting is considered / necessary, notify DWQ prior to replanting JRM Response: Comment has been noted. 5 Comments provided by DWQ on the Year 2 Monitoring Report requested that trees <IOcm not be counted since the Level II protocol for reporting vegetation says that trees <10 cm should be ignored Eco Engineering's response stated that they would not use 0 -50cm as a Height Class when recording vegetation and that they would change the Height Class to 10 -50 cm on all future monitoring reports Response Needed • Please provide an explanation as to why this was not accounted for in the Year 3 report • Please change the height class from 0 -50cm to 10 -50cm on this report and all future reports • Please modify all of the data accordingly (DWQ is unable to approve of the data without knowing how many of the trees counted in this height class were <10 cm) Any trees <10 cm shall be removed from the data and all numbers recalculated and provided to DWQ JRM Response: Level II protocol was followed for reporting vegetation in which trees less than 10cm were not counted; however, it was an oversight in the data sheets and the parameter of 0 -50cm was not changed to accurately reflect the monitoring exercises conducted in the field. Therefore, the 0 -50cm parameter has been changed to 10 -50cm. The data retrieved in the field is still valid. It is out intent to reflect in future monitoring reports the 10 -50cm parameter. MAM -09010 EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. Ms. Katie Merritt Response to Monitoring Year 3 Report Comments December 11, 2012 Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel Page 4 of 4 Consideration of this response is greatly appreciated. A revised report is provided. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 361 -5000. Sincerely, EcoEngineering a division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. George Buchholz, REM, S Environmental Scientist cc: Tommy Cousins, Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Enclosures MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD BANK PARCEL ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT DWQ Project Number: 09- 0858v2 December 11, 2012 112@20WR I VNR 1 4 2012 A R QUALITY I Table of Contents 10 Introduction 1 1 Project Location and Description 12 Project Goals and Objectives . 2 0 Vegetation Condition and Comparison 3 0 Methodology . . . 3 1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots . 3 2 Photo Stations 4 0 References 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 Appendix A: Site Maps Figure 1 • Site Location Map Figure 2 Monitoring Year 2 Exhibit Appendix B: Vegetation Assessment Data Table 1 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 2 Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Table 3 Planted Species Comparison by Vegetation Plot Appendix C: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets Appendix E: Photo Stations 1 [JI]EcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Location and Description Located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Holly Creek Lane and Old Greensboro Road (SR 1005) in Orange County, North Carolina (Appendix A. Figure 1 — Site Location Map) is the Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel (Bank Parcel) which is a nutrient mitigation bank The purpose of this Bank Parcel is to improve water quality within the B Everett Jordan Lake watershed by providing off -site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) which require nutrient offsets This Bank Parcel is not intended to function for mitigation of buffer impacts It will only be used for nutrient offsets The Bank Parcel is located within the Upper New Hope Arm of the B. Everett Jordan Lake watershed, inside of 14 -digit USGS HUC 03030002060070 Stormwater runoff from this site drains into two unnamed tributaries of Neville Creek (Stream Index #16- 41- 2- 2- 1 -(1)), which drains into University Lake approximately three (3) miles downstream According to the N C Division of Water Quality Basmwide Information Management System (BIMS), Neville Creek is classified as WS -11, HQW, NSW in this location The overall tract, which consists of two (2) parcels, is approximately 74 acres with a riparian buffer restoration area of 10 84 acres (Appendix A. Figure 2 — Monitoring Year 1 Exhibit). This Bank Parcel has been established under the terms and conditions of the Cape Fear Basin Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Mitigation Umbrella Bank (Bank) made and entered into by Environmental Banc and Exchange — Earth Mark, LLC (EBX), acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of this nutrient mitigation project are to To improve the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tributaries of Neville Creek by reducing sediment into the streams caused by agricultural influences To improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation easement To provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributaries of Neville Creek and associated riparian and upland buffers These goals will be met through the following objectives By establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Parcel By reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through mechanical and chemical methods By establishing a conservation easement to provide long -term protection for the Bank Parcel 2.0 Vegetation Condition and Comparison Current stem counts were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data. Final stem count criteria are 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring (Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel - Bank Parcel Development Package, 2009) As for Monitoring Year 3, the Bank Parcel had 9 2 [JEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc plots encompassing 0 2224 acres, containing 312 planted and volunteer stems, which yielded a density of 1,403 trees per acre including planted and volunteer species Vegetation survival threshold was met for each of the plots except for Vegetation Plot 1 Summary tables of the data collected are provided in Appendix B Within the Bank Parcel, Chinese lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), which is an exotic /invasive species was observed at the time of the field investigations Approximately 2 75 acres of the Bank Parcel contains Chinese lespedeza The extent of exotic /invasive species is depicted in the Monitoring Year 2 Exhibit (Appendix A, Figure 2) During Monitoring Year 3 field investigations, it was determined that Vegetation Plot 1 did not meet the vegetation survival threshold of 320 trees per acre Therefore, re- planting within the area of Vegetation Plot will occur sometime between the months of November, 2012 and April, 2013 During Monitoring Year 2 field investigations, it was determined that the conservation easement had been encroached upon by mowing activities associated with the adjacent parcel The encroachment area is approximately 2,001 square feet (0 05 acres) in size and located in the extreme northeastern section of the Bank Parcel. The encroachment area is located between Photo Stations 16 and 17 and can been seen in the pictures for Monitoring Year 2 (Appendix E, Photo Stations 16 and 17). Re- planting within the encroachment area occurred within May, 2012 A total of 300 species (50 Quercus laurifolia [laurel oak], 50 Quercus nigra [water oak], 50 Betula nigra [river birch], 50 Fraxinus pennsylvanica [green ash], 50 Plantanus occidentalis [sycamore], and 50 Liriodendron tulipifera [tulip poplar]) were re- planted During Monitoring Year 3 field investigations, the previously encroached upon area was visually inspected and it was determined that the re- planted species are surviving and the area has not been further encroached upon During Monitoring Year 3, Photo Stations 16 and 17 (Appendix E) shows re- growth within the previously encroached upon area 3.0 Methodolo 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by EEP (EEP, 2006; EEP, 2009) All nine (9) vegetation plots installed by EcoEngineering were located in Monitoring Year 3 Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in accordance to CVS- EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (CVS -EEP, v4 2) Table 1 (Appendix B) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot which the target density is a minimum of 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period Table 2 (Appendix B) provides a stem count total and planted stem total by each individual vegetation plot Table 3 (Appendix B) provides a summary of only planted stem counts as compared to planted stem counts of the As Built Vegetation monitoring plots were photographed and are located in Appendix C Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix D Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides measurements, location, and vigor of each planted species within a respective vegetation monitoring plot 3.2 Photo Stations Photo documentation is essential to monitoring the success the Bank Parcel Photos provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions All 19 photo stations installed by EcoEngineering were located in Monitoring Year 3 Photographs were taken at high resolution [E—S]EcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc using an Olympus FE -115 5 0 megapixel digital camera The locations of the photo stations are depicted in the Monitoring Year 3 Exhibit (Appendix A, Figure 2). Photographs for the photo stations are located in Appendix E [E—g]EcoEngineering A dmsmn of The John R McAdams Company, Inc 4.0 References EcoEngmeermg — A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc August, 2009 Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel — Bank Parcel Development Package Lee Michael T, Peet Robert K, Roberts Steven D, and Wentworth Thomas R, 2008 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level 1 -2 Plot Sampling Only Version 4 2 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2004 Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration Available at internet site http / /www.nceep net/news /reports/buffers pd f Accessed August 2009 Schafale MP and AS Weakley 1990 Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina Third Approximation North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh, North Carolina. [jEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc APPENDIX A Site Maps [JEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company Inc PROJECT NO. MAM -09010 CARL LLYOD AftoEngineering' F LENAYE: MAM 09010X. D WG BANK PARCEL A� ofTLelo}m R ►, .Camp W M SCAM: A S SHOWN Kmmfnm • PI.ANNm - si1Hmom - SNVU1DNlC$NTAL FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION MAP TRPNC��• GATE: 11 -05 -2012 NO-M -5 a --jv P.A.". ��Lke no:C -QM ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA � ®- � � OQ� o 4 I G,j- / ` 100001- NOW FORMERLY WILLIAM J. CALLAHAN & JUNE POINEAU CALLAHAN DB 934, PG 498 PIN: 9758428104 — — A — — __� NOW OR FORMERLY ALSTON VANESSA DB 2209, PG 253 PIN: 9758416824 —r___J - - -� I BLESSING DRIVE 50' PRIVATE ACCESS I EASEMENT PB 60, PG 117 NOW OR FORMERLY SHAWN W. GOINS, SR. & USA A. GOINS DB 1892, PG 450 PIN: 9758415690 1 pON 67 1M A� /��'�\ ♦\\ E28 7I CONSERVATION u EASEMENT 1 I 1 397,187 sq ft I 1 1p 9 12 acres E21 �C 1� \F," LESPEDEZA CUNEAT� ENCROACHMENT 512 5 t9�,,n E59 ssys�OG'"��sJ dy on. n. @9 f s d'�991j su � s f 0^119 `' oy NOW OR FORMERLY EDWARD &BACHMANN DB 4529, PG 429 PIN: 9758512384 NOW OR FORMERLY CALVIN MELLOTT 08 2329, PG 281 PIN: 9757498340 GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS IS A SURVEY OF AN EXISTING PARCEL(S) OF LAND. THIS IS A VEG PLOT SURVEY. 2. PROPERTY LINES WERE TAKEN FROM REFERENCES SHOWN HEREON AND ORIENTATED TO NC GRID NAD 83 USING GPS METHOD. 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. 4. AREA BY COORDINATE GEOMETRY. S. REFERENCES: DB 3683, PG 299; PB 29, PG 14; PB 32, PG 40; PB 51. PG 162; PB 53, PG 19; PS 56, PG 153; PB 60. PG 117; PB 74, PG 194; PS 85, PG 17; PB 88, PG 105 OF THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTRY. PIN: 9758524286; 9758507824; 9758524286; 9758606891 6. UTILITY STATEMENT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPRISE ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTIFY THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM INFORMATION AVAILABLE. THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 7. NO GRID MONUMENTS FOUND WITHIN 2000' OF SITE. 6_ NOW OR FORMERLY I CARL BRADY LLOYD, ETAL TRACT 3 I DB 397, PG 815 PB 51, PG 162 PIN: 9757598564 NOW OR FORMERLY CHRISTOPHER FRANCIS SMOLLEN & LESLIE 0. SMOLLEN DB 2505, PG 278 PB 85, PG 17 PAE 9758627120 DETAIL CONSE ATION \EASEM T 3 ` 154 ,730 s S ft \ 3 acre 55 s \ E116 � BUFFER VJ RESTORATION AREA 5 73,789 sq ft 1 69 acres 1P9R fhb 3„1♦ ` � E121 —�, ` 130 E1z3� 1 E ; EXISTING 50' ACCESS 4 EASEMENT E38 PB 48, PG 60 1� 2 PPXy i,F 2Y r INITIAL ACCESS EASEMENT TO �2ti ro y� CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1 AND 2 NOW OR FORMERLY LESPEDEZRAA&EWTIZ & SONIA GONZALEZ ENCROACHMENT DB 3034, PG 430 PIN: 9758710467 BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 6 4,290 sq ft 0 10 acres LESPEDEZA CUNEAT ENCROACHMENT =ISFRVA710 EAS MM ARE NCUMW OF IM AREAS N07ED AS BUFFER RW ORA710N AREAS. CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1 BUFFER RESTICRA7101011 AREA 1 BUFFER RF970RA710N AREA 2 CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1 AEA RE1MAN10 CONSERVATON L400A 11T 2 BUFFER RESTMA110N AREA 3 BUFFER RESTMA71ON AREA 4 CONSFRVATM EASEMENT 2 AREA REMAMM 2. r "0 MAM -09010 EXISTING IRON PIPE mm"m MAM09010 -AB IRON PIPE SET mu_' " EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT 1 =250' CALCULATED POINT 11 -05 -2012 8 0 7 AREA AOIA11141140 397,187 S0. FT. — 0.12 ACRES 107,144 SQ. FT. — 3.84 AGREE w>0 S0. FT. — 209 ACRES 1406473 SQ. FT. — 3.21 ACRES 1986910 SQ. FT. — 4,82 ARE= 104,184 S4 FT. — 2219 ACRES 236422 SQ, FT. — GM ACRES 89,334 S0. FT. — 1.99 ACRES 181,730 SQ. FT. — 108 ACRES 73,780 SQ. FT. — 1.99 ACRES 4.21110 S96 FT. — 0.10 ACRES 0.464 SQ. FT. — 0.222 ACRES 97,167 9Q6 FT. — 1.84 ACRES BUFFER /F RESTORATION AREA 4 M 23,422 sq ft 0 54 acres CONSERVATION EASEMENT 2 196,910 sq ft 4 52 acres PS�79 L178 L176 L175 LEGEND All 1� 0 EXISTING IRON PIPE C IRON PIPE SET ■ EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT A CALCULATED POINT ctL UTILITY POLE 8 PHOTO STATION VPA VEG PLOT EXISTING 7 30 DRAINAGE um EASEMENT PSIS PB 48, PBUFFER + RESTORATION VP�fY AREA 7 9,464 sq ft 0 22 acres t� ♦ U82 � Psig :SPEDEZA CUNEATA I 1 - ENCROACHMENT I I BUFFER I I RESTORATION I I AREA 3 104,154 sq ft 2 39 acres I I NOW OR FORMERLY I MARK J. WEHRMAN d� ERLINDA Z WEHRM WXY � DB 1624, PG 43 I POW. PG 153 mmt PIN: 9758808891 I IJ EXISTING I I 30' DRAINAGE ♦ � �EASEMENT I I B 48, PG 60 NOW OR FORMERLY `��♦ ��\ GERALD W. FERNALD & MARJORIE L FERNALD � DB 770. PG 204 PB 51, PG 162 PIN: 9758607107 GRAPHIC SCALE R 250 0 128 500 INVASIVE / EXOTIC ® SPECIES POPULATION LLOYD PROPERTY CONSERVATION EASEMENT PHOTO STATION & VW PLAT CHAPEL HQL TOWNSHIP. ORANGE COUNTY NORTH CARUM ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 000 ft ® THE JOHN R. WADANS COMPANY, INC. )�SC97>321Q®i f�� • fS�IDAl� •16 Mown Dafm 11C wm eooauaeu....�. m Nu ass 0 APPENDIX B Vegetation Assessment Data [jEcoEngineering A diismn of The John R McAdams Company, Inc . Table 1. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 3: October 17, 2012 EcoEngineering Project #: MAM -09010 PLANTED & VOLUNTEER STEMS PER ACRE Buffer Restoration Area Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Threshold Met ?* Tract Mean 1 1 No 89% 1 2 Yes 3 3 Yes 3 4 Yes 4 5 Yes 2 6 Yes 2 7 Yes 5 8 Yes 7 9 Yes *Target density is a minimum of 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period according to the "Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel - Bank Parcel Development Package ", August, 2009 0 Table 2 Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegation Plot Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel, Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 3 October 17, 2012 Bank Parcel 10 84 acres ecoen meerm rro ect s MAM -uyu-Iu CURRENT PLOT DATA MY -3 October, 2012 ANNUAL MEANS Scientific Name Common Name Species Type VP -1 PLI NT VP -2 PL NT VP -3 PL I NT VP-4 PL NT VP -5 PL NT VP -6 PL NT VP -7 PL NT VP -8 PL NT VP -9 PL NT MY -3 (October, 2012) MY -2 (October, 2011 ) MY -1 (October, 2010 ) AS BUILT (May, 2010) Aroma arbutifolia red chokecherry Shrub 0 0 5 18 m Betula ra river birch Tree 1 1 1 4 1 8 10 8 11 Car anus caroliniana ironwood Small Tree 2 2 2 1 13 20 14 16 24 Fraxinus Dennsvlvanica green ash Tree 1 1 2 1 5 3 3 4 4 2 2 28 23 26 16 Lmodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar Tree 1 1 2 2 2 6 M nca cenfera wax myrtle Shrub 0 0 10 14 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 4 4 Prunus serotina cherry Tree 1 1 2 5 5 11 Quercus alba white oak Tree 1 4 1 1 7 8 11 12 Quercus launfolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 0 2 Quercus I rata overcup oak Tree 0 0 0 1 Quercus michauxn swamp chestnut oak Tree 0 0 0 1 Quercus m ra water oak Tree 1 1 5 1 3 Quercus pagodafolia cherrybark oak Tree 2 1 1 4 4 4 6 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 5 6 2 2 1 16 7 10 8 Quercus rubra red oak Tree 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 6 11 14 Li uidambar stVraciflua sweet gum Not Listed 0 234 223 Juni erus vir miana red cedar Small Tree 1 1 2 1 1 Ulmus americans American elm Tree 2 11 24 14 23 72 30 12 6 194 57 49 Acer rubrum red maple Not Listed 0 64 65 Rhus co allma winged sumac Shrub 0 0 64 Ca rya tomentosa shagbark hickory Tree 1 2 6 2 11 2 1 N ssa s Ivatica black gum Tree 2 2 Quercus stellata post oak Tree 1 1 Persea borbonia I red bay Small Tree 0 0 3 Planted Stem Count Total 3 11 10 5 16 4 9 9 5 72 91 95 Natural Stem Count Total 3 21 25 14 29 72 31 22 23 240 445 424 Size of Vegetation Plot Acres 0 0247 00247 00247 00247 00247 00247 00247 00247 00247 02224 02224 02224 Number of Different Species 5 10 7 6 10 4 7 7 5 61 79 78 Planted & Volunteer Stems Per Acre 243 1295 1 1416 769 1821 3076 1619 1255 1133 1403 2410 2334 1) The following "Species Types" were not recorded "Shrub" & "Not Listed" 2) PL = Planted Species 3) NT = Natural/Volunteer Species 4) "Not Listed" Species Type are species which are not listed as preferred species to be planted within riparian buffers according to the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources— Ecosystem Enhancement Program Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration (October, 2004) Therefore the data for each of these "Not Listed" species were not quantified for Table 2 of Monitoring Year 3, although they were inadvertently done so in previous monitoring years The data for these "Not Listed" species were still recorded in the individual Vegetation Monitoring Data Forms J • Table 3 Planted Species Comparison by Vegation Plot Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel, Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 3 October 17, 2012 L, � L, Eco VP -1 VP -2 naineenna Pro ect # MAM -09010 VP -3 VP-4 VP -5 VP -6 VP -7 VP -8 VP -9 ear 3 Planted Ste m Count Total 3 11 10 5 16 4 9 9 5 MMonitoring Built Planted Stem Count Total 14 13 22 16 17 20 12 19 18 d Stem Difference from As Bud -11 -2 -12 -11 -1 -16 -3 -10 -13 it Rate % Monitoring Plot 21% 85% 45% 31% 94% 20% 75% 47% 28% rvbte i ne umerence between planted stems from the As Bunt and Monitoring Year 3 is due to species which were deemed "missing" or "dead" in previous monitoring years One possible explanation for "missing" species is due to thick herbaceous growth obscuring the species from identification during previous and current monitoring years Therefore, it is possible "missing" species could grow larger than the herbaceous growth and allow for their identification and measurement in subsequent monitoring years In addition, species which were deemed "dead" could survive in subsequent years because the species may have gone dormant at the time of monitoring while the roots of the species are surviving below ground Therefore, in subsequent years the species could grow under more favorable conditions • • • APPENDIX C Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos [jEcoEngineering A donsion of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc VE6 PLOT It WITHIN AREA I AT Op FAGIN6 2i6 °W. VE6 PLOT 2: WITHIN AREA I AT Op FAGIN6 266 -K PEOJECT N°. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD lln FIIENAME:MAM09010X.DWG BANK PARCEL VEGETATION PLOTS AftoEngineering' A divisor of R �Y, Inc. scAlE: AS SHOWN S - UR ORS - EN SNGINffiiS • PIANN�iS • SORYHYORS • ffiiYIIiDN][�l'PAL nESEAxcs TRUNGIE PARK • MARLOWE D.A.. DA7E 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA scom"s e•- � ft.: c-0m � n C7 v S (n VE6 PLOT 3s WITHIN AREA 3 AT Op FAGIN6 206 05. VW PLOT 4: WITHIN AREA 3 AT Oro FAGIN6 216 °5W. PROJECT NO. MAM -09010 CARL L LLOYD CA IL E S LE: ME: BANK PARCEL cAL AS SHOWN VEGETATION PLOTS DATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AEcoEngineerin 9 ' A division of 7Le John R McAd®s Cody, Inc. ENGINEERS • P1ANNEW • SURVEYORS • ENVERONKMAL RESEARCH TRIANGIE PAR[ • CHARLOTTE 2X05 Nvid= Puksa7, DurhWm NC ZM3 �a ty a VE6 PLOT 9, WITHIN AREA _I AT Op PAGIN6 116 05. FPROJEC-T M -09010 C � �T LT n� L �1W 1JV ®EcoEngineering 9010X.DWG B� PARCEL A dtvmm of "Ibe John R McAdam Campmy, Ic. %NGII�I& SRS • PLNIiBSB • SOSYEY�3 • ffiiV�O�fiiAL sHOw►v VEGETATION PLOTS fUMm KU =FMK- °"'B 11 -05 -2012 eoo�xis � i:�.mX c-= ORANGE COUI�TIY. NORTH CAROI�ITA i • APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitoring Data Sheets g FJO]EcoEngineering A dnssion of The John R. McAdams Company Inc Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis MY -3 10/12/2012 1 1 314NW CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 50-1001 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vigor ddh Height DBH Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter cm 1 Betula ni ra river birch B 03 03 M 789 41 2 Prunus serotma black cherry C 32 03 M missing 3 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 1 57 03 5 85 3 432 73 4 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore C 87 041 1201 154 051 2 1084 163 0 435 stress 51 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 86 34 122 12 3 929 67 6 M rica cenfera wax myrtle B 61 34 M missing 7 Quercus rubra red oak C 31 31 M missing 8 Quercus rubra red oak B 04 28 M missm 9 Arorna arbutifolia red chokeberry C 04 58 M 1549 86 10 Quercus alba white oak B 31 61 M missing 11 Quercus alba white oak C 61 67 11 92 131 3 91 91 12 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 87 67 1795 150 0 225 3 125 102 13 Arorna arbutifolia red chokeberry C 75 92 1 M 426 39 14 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 421 89 1 M Imissing C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missmq CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50-1001 > 100 Ulmus americana 2 Li uidambar styraciflua 2 6 Jurn erus vir iniana 1 Pmus taeda 1 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 2 Date: 10/12/2012 Area: 1 Veg Plot No.: 1 X -axis: 314NW 1 a E e 1 0.5 0,0 0.5 i c j Odenotes missing ff 4 0 0 / 0 V lu X -AXIS MMM MMMMMMMMMM i c j Odenotes missing ff 4 0 0 / 0 V lu X -AXIS Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis MY -3 10/12/2012 1 2 302NW CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 10 -50 X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vigor ddh Hei ht Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source millimeter centimeter 1 Quercus rubra red oak C 06 03 865 65 1 3 6 15 51 2 Quercus phellos willow oak C 35 04 2205 160 0 485 3 1278 103 3 Quercus pagodafolia cherrybark oak C 1 63 04 85 62 3 619 62 4 Prunus serotina black cherry C 76 051 1821 111 1 3 1591 112 5 Quercus pagodafolia cherrvbark oak C 92 29 666 80 2 571 60 stress 6 Quercus hellos willow oak B 63 28 2329 150 0 337 3 1635 93 7 Quercus pagodafolia cherrybark oak C 27 27 M missing 8 Car mus caroliniana ironwood B 0 26 M 598 59 9 Lmodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 1 1 3 54 83 52 3 743 31 insect 10 Quercus phellos willow oak C 38 541 11 5 142 03351 3 772 74 11 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 66 54 M missing 12 Betula rn ra river birch C 94 54 1329 121 3 443 31 13 Quercus phellos willow oak C 37 98 1638 163 0 451 3 1562 135 14 Quercus phellos willow oak C 39 34 131, 165 0 365 3 Ifound this year C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missinq CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50-1001 >100 Ulmus americana 1 91 1 Acer rubrum 8 12 1 N ssa s Ivatica 2 Jum erus vir miana 1 Li uidambar st raciflua 2 5 Quercus phellos 1 2 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 NOTES Lespedeza cuneata within plot E 4 C 1 05 0,0 ' 266W MMMKJIIOI Site Page Carl Lloyd Bank Site 2 Date 10/12/2012 Area 1 Veg Plot No 2 X -axis 302NW 1 E 4 C 1 05 0,0 ' 266W MMMKJIIOI MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMECOMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MM -MMMM MAI.MM-M -IMMUOO MMMMMWMM MMMMMMMM UO MMMMMMMMM MM Odenotes missing X -AXIS r a a I Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis MY -3 10/16/2012 3 3 156SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 10 -50 X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vigor ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Namc Source millimeter centimeter 1 Quercus alba white oak B 05 04 12 40 3 2088 33 insect 2 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 31 04 1183 90 3 618 47 3 Quercus alba white oak B 1 59 04, 37 41 2 288 43 stree 4 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 86 04 1 M missin 5 Quercus alba white oak B 76 12 1365 90 3 888 55 6 Quercus alba white oak B 49 1 5 M missin 7 Quercus alba white oak B 22 16 1965 98 3 1261 86 8 Quercus rubra red oak B 05 33 M missing 9 Aroma arbutifolia red chokeberry C 351 32 378 28 3 Imissinq insect/deer 10 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 61 31 M missing 11 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 10 74 23 51 3 621 62 res rout 12 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 8 8 6 2 122 68 3 1098 59 13 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 7 6 7 6 M 591 53 14 Aroma arbutifolia red chokeberry B 5 5 6 2 M 631 37 15 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 46 7 6 M missm 16 Betula ni ra river birch B 3 6 2 M missing 17 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 1 6 7 7 M missing 18 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeber C 0 3 6 2 M missing 19 Fraxinus p enns Ivamca areen ash IC 1 0 7 9 11 11 95 55 3 126 64 deer 20 Betula ni ra river birch B 3 5 9 698 68 3 1 589 30 21 Quercus rubra red oak B IC 6 1 1 9 213 42 3 1 945 33 res rout 22 Quercus pagodafolia cherrybark oak 9 4 9 1 M Imissino C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50-1001 > 100 Pinus taeda 15 2 Ulmus amencana 11 13 Ca rya tomentosa 1 Li uidambar st raciflua 3 2 NOTES Lespedeza cuneata within plot Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 2 Date: 10/16/2012 Area: 3 Veg Plot No.: 3 X -axis: 156SE 0 4 3 L 7 X -AXIS Odenotes missing 10 3 I I 0.5 0.5 0,0 \(!f) iiiiiiMiiiiiiiii a�I 0 4 3 L 7 X -AXIS Odenotes missing 10 3 I I 0.5 0.5 0,0 \(!f) Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis MY -3 10/16/2012 3 4 162SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 10 -50 X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Hei ht centimeter DBH cm Vigor ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source millimeter centimeter 1 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 1 7 06 21 95 160 3 1778 102 2 Linodendron tuli ifera I tulip poplar C 45 06 53 25 3 565 43 stress 3 Betula ni ra river birch B 73 05 1025 120 3 1 635 76 4 Betula ni ra river birch B 99 051 M 269 25 5 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 9 31 M missing 6 Quercus pagodafolia cherrybark oak C 6 34 505 48 3 565 43 7 Fraxinus p enns Ivanica green ash C 36 21 55 42 3 556 35 insect 8 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 25 35 1341 121 3 615 57 9 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore C 1 69 41 690 60 3 1 599 49 10 Quercus alba white oak B 81 59 M missing 11 Arorna arbutifolia red chokeber C 51 6 496 40 3 missing 12 Quercus alba white oak B 25 61 M 597 32 13 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 03 871 84 105 3 279 28 14 Quercus michauxn swam chestnut oak C 32 87 M missin 15 M nca cerifera wax myrtle B 621 86 3451 186 0 495 3 1 1561 102 16 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry IC 1 891 85 1 1 1 M Imiss,ing C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 Ulmus amencana 5 9 Pinus taeda 5 NOTES Lespedeza cuneata within plot Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site ),Page 2 Date 10/16/2012 Area 3 Veg Plot No 4 X-axis 162SE MWI 0 denotes missing X-AXIS 10 3 05 1 05 10,10 M = == Hamm =1 i ii�ii�� O MWI 0 denotes missing X-AXIS 10 3 05 1 05 10,10 Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis MY -3 10/16/2012 4 5 160S CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 10 -50 X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vi or ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source millimeter centimeter 1 Car mus caroliniana ironwood C 05 06 1019 75 1 3 808 61 2 Betula ni ra river birch C 32 06 M missing 3 Quercus alba white oak C 1 61 06 1001 94 3 618 52 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica qreen ash C 89 051 1632 87 3 1575 85 5 Prunus serotma black cherry C 99 34 M missing 6 Quercus rubra red oak C 85 — 43 M missing 7 Quercus launfolia laurel oak B 73 35 M missm 33 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 51 49 M missing 62 9 Betula rn ra river birch B 45 33 1049 181 3 1769 92 10 Car mus caroliniana ironwood C 16 321 11 75 45 3 929 62 11 Arorna arbutifolia red chokeberry C 04 461 24 40 2 245 35 stress 12 Fraxinus enns Ivanica reen ash C 69 62 119 80 3 756 56 13 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore C 88 88 989 78 3 801 75 14 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 71 99 965 51 3 1084 41 15 Betula rn ra river birch B 55 85 1345 134 3 1399 117 16 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Inver green ash C 28 86 975 62 3 895 54 17 Betula ni ra birch B 031 871 992 94 3 931 56 C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 Ca rya tomentosa 1 1 Li uidambar st racdflua 16 25 15 Acer rubrum 13 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 2 Ulmus amencana 181 5 Plantanus occidentalis 1 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 2 Date: 10/16/2012 Area: 4 Veg Plot No.: 5 X -axis: 160S 1 s E e i MMM_ MMMMIMO"MM MMMIV�MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMIJIM MMMM MM "(90 1 UO 0.5 0,0 0.5 1 f z s Odenotes missing 4 5 b / is v lU X -AXIS Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis MY -3 10/16/2012 2 6 124SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 OCT, 2011 50-1001 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vigor ddh Height DBH Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter cm 1 Quercus rubra red oak C 07 01 M 441 51 2 Betula ni ra river birch C 16 0 7 104 3 885 87 vine 3 Prunus serotina black cherry C 1 42 04 M missing 41 Prunus serotina black cherry C 69 091 M missing 5 Betula ni ra river birch C 98 1 M 388 47 6 Quercus phellos willow oak C 92 25 M missing 7 Quercus phellos willow oak B 89 38 M missing 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 76 29 M missin 9 Quercus rn ra water oak B 49 38 M missing 10 Prunus serotina black cherry C 22 221 M missing 11 Car anus carolirnana ironwood C 02 46 M 1101 92 12 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 56 53 M missing 13 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 84 59 154 179 3 1075 64 14 Quercus rubra red oak C 98 57 679 65 3 555 38 15 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 10 58 M 874 84 16 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 84 841 1495 180 3 889 89 17 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 6 84 M missing 18 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 2 7 78 20251 194 3 911 120 19 Quercus phellos Iwillow oak C 1 5 87 1341 162 3 879 109 20 1 Quercus phellos 1willow oak IB I 0 4 73 28051 231 3 1745 1801 0581 C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50-1001 > 100 Ulmus amencana 28 411 3 Rhus co allina 21 25 12 Li wdambar st raciflua 72 60 40 Acer rubrum 48 40 25 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 2 Date: 10/16!2012 Area: 2 Veg Plot No.: 6 X -axis: 124SE 1 i E 1 MMMMMMMMMM MMM_ ==Kb=MMM , W, IMMMMM.-M.MM MCI 1 Wce- 0.5 0,0 f L J Odenotes missing w o o i a to 1u X -AXIS Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis MY -3 10/16/2012 2 7 138SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 OCT, 2011 > 100 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vigor ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 08 03 1195 135 3 92 73 2 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 36 06 505 68 3 315 39 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica qreen ash B 1 71 06 11 78 75 2 1109 801 stress 4 Quercus alba white oak C 98 06, 445 40 3 445 36 insect 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica qreen ash C 0 351 11 8 82 3 1075 82 6 Car anus carolirnana ironwood C 29 36 M missing 7 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 58 36 149 59 2 1303 67 insect 8 Quercus rubra red oak C 89 37 555 63 3 687 23 9 Quercus rubra red oak C 81 68 351 27 3 missing 10 Quercus phellos 1willow oak B 49 68 1318 160 037, 3 missing 11 Aronia arbutifolia ir ed chokeberry C 19, 67, 722 112 3 10 71 103 insect 12 Quercus a odafolia cher bark oak C 421 991 119 100 3 927 68 C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missinq CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50-1001 > 100 Quercus stellata 1 Li wdambar styraciflua 25 38 Acer rubrum 21 29 Ulmus amencana 9 21 Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 2 Date 10/16/2012 Area 2 Veg Plot No 7 X -axis 138SE 1 s f i E 1 05I 0,0 e 7 L 3 4 5 6 X -AXIS Odenotes missing / d 9 10 Y� app 1 05I 0,0 e 7 L 3 4 5 6 X -AXIS Odenotes missing / d 9 10 Site Page Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis Carl Lloyd Bank Site 1 MY -3 10/16/2012 5 8 152SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 10 -50 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vi or ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 04 02 1025 119 3 638 71 2 Betula ni ra river birch B 31 03 M missing 3 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore C 1 59 04 865 78 3 63 66 4 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 87 031 M missm 5 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 10 271 M missing 6 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 81 28 M 10 58 7 Linodendron tul ifera tulip poplar C 57 1 5 M missing 8 Quercus ni ra water oak C 46 27 1485 115 3 77 58 9 Arorna arbutifolia red chokeberry C 1 9 28 1 M Imissing 10 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 07 98 M missin 11 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 34 58 86 55 3 619 41 12 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 52 61 122 95 3 109 60 13 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 61 62 10 74 3 943 56 14 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 1 8 631 718 73 3 585 34 15 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 93 57 851 50 3 275 33 16 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 81 89 521 52 3 428 54 17 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 53 88 M missing 18 Car mus caroliniana ironwood C 25 87 M 46 61 19 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 021 87 M missin C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 Ulmus amencana 8 4 Ca rya tomentosa 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvaniGa 1 3 Li uidambar st raciflua 3 2 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 2 Date: 10/16/2012 Area: 5 Veg Plot No.: 8 X -axis: 152SE 1 9 i E c 4 a e � M mom==, MWAM MMMMMMMMMM W.P.-n-womm M-Mrow !OIN woum- UMMMMMMMMO MMMMMMMMMM w 1 0.5 0,0 0.5 f C s 4 0 b X -AXIS Odenotes missing d 9 10 Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis MY -3 10/17/2012 7 9 130SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 Scientific Name X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vi or ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source millimeter centimeter 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 04 03 668 45 Car inus carolmiana 3 missing 1 insect 2 Car anus carolimana ironwood C 29 05 M missing 3 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 1 49 09 M missing 4 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 62 051 M missing 5 Quercus phellos willow oak B 89 28 M missing 6 Aroma arbutifolia red chokeberry C 7 33 M missing 7 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak B 53 33 M missing 8 Car anus carolimana ironwood C 34 34 M missing 9 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 1 5 39 M missing 10 Quercus I rata overcup oak B 03 231 M missin 11 Quercus rubra red oak B 22 5 528 26 3 missing 12 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 31 61 M missing 13 Quercus m ra water oak B 49 64 M missing 14 Aroma arbutifolia red chokeberry C 7 61 M Imissing 15 Quercus rubra red oak C 86 45 555 58 3 312 26 16 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 9 831 718 53 3 632 41 17 Quercus m ra water oak B 4 3 8 9 M 265 48 18 Car mus carolimana ironwood C 1 2 81 695 54 3 631 73 C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 >100 Ulmus amencana 5 1 Li wdambar st raciflua 7 3 Ca rya tomentoss 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 2 Acer rubrum 11 Car inus carolmiana 131 1 NOTES Lespedeza cuneata within plot Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site i Page: 2 Date: 10/17/2012 Area: 7 Veg Plot No.: 9 X -axis: 130SE IV H 6 / Odenotes missing O D 4 J L l X -AXIS 10 3 ; I I 0.5 0.5 0,0 1765 we= ON MMMMMMMM MMM on MW W'.M.-ROMMO MMIGN MMI MM MMMMMMMMMMMEPI.M-I MMMMMMMMMMK(vj MM�MMMMMMMMMMMM� MMM IV H 6 / Odenotes missing O D 4 J L l X -AXIS 10 3 ; I I 0.5 0.5 0,0 1765 APPENDIX E Photo Stations 9 [AEcoEngineering A dwimm of The John R McAdams Company, Inc PHOTO STATION I: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWE5TERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA I FAGIN& 184 05. PHOTO STATION 2: VIEW WITHIN CENTRAL_ 5EGTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA I FAGIN& 16805. PHoacT No. MAM -09010 C A _ LLOYD lE:MAM09010X.DWG t BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS O S SCAM scA�E: AS SHOWN C° DATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA [4ftoEngineedng A durum of The John R McAdsm Caopony, Ino. SN UCERS • PLNNER.S • SURMORS • ENV AL LARCH TRUNCIE PAM . caARLOM 2M V..b- Pabq, Do*.. IC 27:13 MDIZI-0UU-rrpbzmcm6®.Lie: N-- C—o , PHOTO STATION 5: VIEW WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BLFFER RESTORATION AREA I FACING 710 0W. PHOTO STATION 4: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWE5TERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 5 FACING Iq8 05. FR0 - do. MAM -09010 CAM LLOYD Fn.ENAnE: M AM 0901 OX. D WG I BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS AEcoEngineering A diva m of Tbc John R McAdm Canny, Inc, scAtE: AS SHOWN SNGINffit3 • PLNN�3 • SQSYEl�S • �1V®ONI�[iTAL �u>ica I�ncls•�nom DATE: 11-05-201 Z ORANGE COUNTY. NORTH CAROIlNA EOp7�}(Na.v," pok- � R �u ^�mm-Umm lb c-m PHOTO STATION 5: VIEW WITHIN CENTRAL SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 3 FAGIN6 190 °S. PHOTO STATION b: VIE^! WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 3 FACING 32O'NK PXaECr ND. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD FuENAYE: M AM 09 010 X. D WG 9 BANK PARCEL A diviim of The Jahn R McAdm WscALE: HNGINffiiS • PIJ1Qi�.9 • SUYYil�S • IIIY�AS SHOWN PHOTO STATIONS Xs�cam�srra•ceAmom In DATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA zm ■vi�l� }�4 �= NC ZM3 OW73 ,a•... s•ti�.�".- PHOTO STATION 1: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 4 FACING 144 05E. PHOTO STATION 8: VIEW WITHIN CENTRAL SEGTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 4 FAGIN& 122 0E. PROJECT NO. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD ` AEcoEngineerin9 FILENAME: M AM 09 010 X. D WG BANK PARCEL w divnian of nm Jolo K McAdm Camay, ino- SCALE: KNGU03M - PIANNM - SUBMCM - ENY®ONWXNTAL AS SHOWN PH0'I'O STATIONS BBSRARCH TRIANGLE PAR[ - CRALOAorfs °A� 11 -05 -2012 000.771%U- -,Ioe� 1— 5-- C-6M ORANGE COUIITIY. NORTH CAROLINA � PHOTO STATION q= VIEW WITHIN 5OUTHEA5TERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 4 FACING 352 0N. PHOTO STATION 10: VIEW WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 2 FAGIN& 556OR PROJECT NO. MA901OX. 0 CARL LLOYD [AEcoEngineering' � F"�"'""E�MAM09010X.DW MC M13 BANK PARCEL 9 A division of 7be John R McAd®s Cony, Inc. > scA�: SNGINffitS • PIANNSRS • S[JRVBYORS • ffiVVIIiDNl�1TAL 4 AS SHOWN PHOTO STATIONS � RESEARCH TRUxcus PARK • ceeRw�rrs �/] DATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY. NORTH CAROUNA � "A th -7i' v vy f"f r} a r Pv o n Y G a� uJ PHOTO 5TATION 13: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RE5TORATION AREA 5 FACING 140 °5E. PHOTO STATION 14: VIEW WITHIN CENTRAL SECTION OF EX#ff99Z RESTORATION AREA 5 FACING 104 0E. PROJECT NO. MAM -09010 CAM LLOYD SCAM: ME: MAM09010X.DWG BANK PARCEL AS SHOWN DATE: PHO'T'O STATIONS 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA kiEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdsm Convmy, Inc. ENGUCOM •PLANNERS • SURVEYORS • E NVERONVINTAL RESEARCH TRIANGIE PAR[ • CDARI.OWN ZM Mmdon Pwtk y. Durham NC M13 Re: C- , PHOTO STATION 15t VIEW WITHIN 5OUTHEA5TERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 5 FACING 318 6NW. PHOTO STATION I6J VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 6 FACING 152.5E. PROJECT NO. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD [JEcoEngineering Fa EN "E:MAM09010X.DW BANK PARCEL A division of S - Jahn R McAdams NXK Inc, SCALE: AS SHOWN axcirrffits • PI.ANDiSitS • SOBYSY�s • HNVQdoNI�PiTSL PHOTO STATIONS ��"*�• CRARLOM DATE: 11-05-2012 NO- 733M". w�w.�prmi�aaf. Uameme � C-QM ORANGE COUNTY. NORTH CAROIINA � PHOTO STATION I'1: VIEW WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA b FAGIN6 330 °NW. PHOTO STATION I& VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SEGTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 7 FAGINS 138 °SE. PROJECT N°. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD EcoEngineering 0 I'M MEN""E:MAM09010X.DWG BANK PARCEL A diviUB of TLc John R Inc. sc"I.e: AS SHOWN BNGINffiiS • PIJIQQSRS • SURVEYORS • SNVIImNI�NTAL ORS - FM NV CHARIAYTTE IM733480.wwyohmoncedo—cm Iii Nu. C-M � PHOTO STATIONS��• OANGE COU1Y, NORM CAOINA DATE: 11 -05 -2012 PHOTO STATION 19, MEW WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF Btu RESTORATION AREA I FAGIN& 306ONK PROMCT NO MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD BANK PARCEL "$ MAM0901OX DWG ce� CAMS AS SHOWN PHOTO STATIONS ° "'� 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORIH CAMIMA AEcoEngineedn 9 ' A &vnwn of lbe John R MMd� Ocqz y, b� ffi�t�B B • -- -- BS • SUEVETM • ffiiym@G80ffAL BESKABCB ,RUNGLE FAM• CELARIOM 2W5��,.�mc rm 800=4W -ww ®.1� ND- C-�