HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020621_Environmental Assessment_19930910 NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0020621 Boone WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Speculative Limits 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (6713) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History 7 Document Date: September 10, 1993 This documeat is priated oa reuse paper-igzzore aay coateat oa the re-Werse side NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ,ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT September 10, -1993 MEMORANDUM TOi Monica Swihart Planning Branch THROUGH: Steve Mauney, WSRO FROM: Lee G. Spencer, WSRO SUBJECT: EA for Boone WWTP Expansion Requested Comments Watauga County Per your request, we offer the following comments concerning the above document: This office has no objection to the basic premises outlined by the "Environmental Assessment" of expanding the Boone WWTP from 3 .2 to 5 MGD. Indeed, upgrading the WWTP on the existing site to tertiary treatment standards" should, in the long run, improve Water Quality in the receiving stream. There should be very little adverse environmental impact with this approach. However, two items of significant interest were noted in the report. The last paragraph on page 13 states that "The Town of Boone will attempt to delay new construction by eliminating some existing I/I flows and making interim repairs and some permanent improvements to the existing plant" . This type of approach is probably why Boone WWTP is in the poor condition it is now. If this direction is followed, then a detailed, comprehensive plan is needed immediately. This plan should adequately address solids handling and I/I removal . ( I/I removal is needed regardless if the plant is upgraded or not. ) Near the end of the top paragraph on page 11, plant flow is discussed. The Engineers measured a plant influent flow of 1 MGD more than the plant's flow meter measured (over a one month period) ! This is a discrepancy of over 30% . During our Compliance Inspection in August, 1993, it was noted that the plant' s flow meter appeared "way out" of calibration. This office would like to have explanations for the above two items . Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to comment on this document. �G C c.,Tza � face s CJ 5QO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 27, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO:_ Monica Swihart THRU: Ruth Swanek Carla Sanderson � FROM: Jacquelyn M. Nowell SUBJECT: Review of Environmental Assessment of Boone W WTP NPDES Permit No. NC0020621 Watauga County The Technical Support Branch has completed its review of the subject document and has the following comments. The environmental assessment addressed most of the concerns with water quality in the New River Basin. One very important issue is the management strategy for the South Fork New and New River ORW Area where the Boone WWTP discharges. The expansion of the Boone WWTP to 5 MGD will have to meet the more stringent limits listed in Table 4(p.20). It should be noted that the proposed TSS limit will be 20 mg/1 for non-trout waters per 15A NCAC 2B.0216 (e)(4)(C)(ii). Additional safety factors will also be applied to effluent limits for specific chemical constituents and the whole effluent toxicity test for the facility based on the downstream ORW classification. If there are any questions concerning these comments, please contact me. cc: Steve Mauney WLA File d ��/ �� -- �--- -� - -- - qUAw Hobs Upchurch & Associates, PA. mqMv 20, "ro 1 Consulting Engineers US I \Utz/V Post Office Box 1737 . Southern Pines, NC 28388 r 3 rn 1b7IP �'t n May 11, 1993 l , Mr. Jim Johnston MAY 14 199; 7�) r; N.C. Division of Environmental Management QUALITY 8025 N. Point Boulevard, Suite 100 $��T1C vVATER Winston-Salem, NC 27106 RE: Upgrade of Boone Wastewater Treatment Plant Watauga County ; l'_ HUA No. BN9301 Dear Mr. Johnston: MAY 1 4 As you know, the Town of Boone is studying its wastewater needs rand pllaniimg for the eventual upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant. The existing plant is on a confined site which is bordered on three sides by the river and by a small mountain on the other side. Expansion of the available space at the site will require extensive rock removal. To further complicate matters, relocation of the treatment works to another site would be quite difficult for the following reasons: 1. An alternate site must be adjacent to the river for practical reasons. 2. Available areas within a reasonable distance from the existing plant which are topographically acceptable lie within the 100 year floodplain. 3. These available sites are bordered by homesites. 4. A pumping and force main system would be required to transport the wastewater from the existing site to any new site. 5. Relocating the plant might require additional expenditures for a new operations building. 6. Relocation of the plant would require abandonment of the existing sludge facilities which consist of digesters and covered drying beds or the conveyance of waste sludge from the new plant site back to the old plant site. 7. Relocation of the plant would result in relocation of the discharge or pumping of the treated effluent from the new plant site to the old discharge point. 290 a.W. Broad Street Telephone 919-692-5616 Fax 919-692-7342 Mr. Jim Johnston Page 2 May 11, 1991 S. Greater environmental impact would be felt in claiming land for the new plant site. This would almost certainly require fill in a low lying floodplain. 9. Suitable land would have to be purchased, possibly condemned. The alternative to relocation of the plant is upgrade of the treatment plant on the existing site. The Town of Boone would prefer that the existing plant site be utilized. Because of projected effluent limits, it is unlikely that the existing process will be adaptable to the plant upgrade. We have considered the possibility of a staged construction project to accomplish the upgrade. We presently believe that by abandoning and demolishing one of the two treatment trains, constructing one new treatment train, abandoning and demolishing the final treatment train and constructing the second new treatment train, we could manage to build a new treatment plant on the existing site. This would necessitate operation of the plant at a reduced capacity for a reasonable period of time. Such a plan would necessitate non- compliance with the existing discharge limits during a portion of the construction period. I would like your comments on the availability of an SOC or other means of allowing for �`o 17? c a plant upgrade on the existing site. Are the effluent receiving waters of a particular 00 W classification that would cause more problems and possibly disallo v the alternative? What ar"I �rt, to interim measures might be required to minimize negative impacts on the receiving stream'. cQ d S In the event that this scenario or a similar scenario is impossible, we presently see no '0s alternative in pro riding a wastewater plant capable of meeting effluent limitations of 5 G� milligrams per liter BOD and 2 milligrams per liter ammonia as are proposed on the existing site without extensive rock removal. Please supply your comments at your earliest convenience. We are now proceeding with the wastewater study and need to know what constraints we are working under. Please contact me at my office if you would like to discuss this matter or have further questions concerning the situation. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Ron Huff, P.E. cc: Mr. Greg Young, Town Manager/Town of Boone Mr. George Suddreth, Director of Utilities/Town of Boone ,.Mr. Steve Tedder, Water Quality Section/Division of Environmental Management RH,'rjpimay11 x}rc_ copL, of IeNe� cr l�cl�ecf. Hobbs, Upchurch &Associates, P.A. Consulting Engineers Post Office Box 1737. Southern Pines, NC 28388 r, t March 8; 1993 - I , , . • MAR Q;,9 a 3 i Mr.;Steve,.Tedder '�(Hi GAL SUPpO;e!` 41, Water.Quality Section Division of Environmental Management „ r, P.O. Box 27687 i) Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 j .4 r RE: Wastewater Treatment Plant, Boone, North Carolina k' NPDES Permit No. NCO020621 1 a Laurinburg/Maxton Airport Commission Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit No. NC0044725 HUA Nos. BN9301 and LM9203 Dean Mr. Tedder: Thank you for meeting with representatives of the Town of Boone and our'firm last week to discuss the future of Boone's wastewater discharge. In addition to Boone,,we are., , currently studying the expansion needs of the Laurinburg/Maxton Airport Commission wastewater discharge. They presently discharge 1 MGD to the Lumber River into:C-Sw ,. HQW waters. Laurinburg/Maxton would like to position themselves so that theyld eou . "�,` expand their wastewater treatment plant as rapidly as possible in the event that a large water IV .. P;- � f L consuming industry or industries would express interest in discharging to their wastewater O�tJ a treatment facility. It is presently anticipated that we will request a step permit for up to 4 MGD. Since Laurinburg/Maxton discharges to high quality waters, any increase hydraulic �� u��� discharge would result in discharge limits of 5 milligrams per liter BOD and 2 milligrams per liter ammonia if the new definition of "new discharge" is applied in this instance. z +gbn6 �k � Although the interpretation of"new discharge" seemed clear in the case of Boone after our JP V meeting, a subsequent conversation with Trevor Clements indicated that some interpretation is still being made which might effect limits given to one or both expanded discharges. We are presently preparing environmental studies for both discharges and need clarification of the discharge limits that can be expected. Please furnish us with the proper interpretation of the term "new discharge" as it relates to the Boone situation in the New River basin and 290 S.W. Broad Street Telephone 919-692-5616 Fax 919-692-7342 Mr. Steve Tedder . Page 2 March 8, 1993 SE -the .Laurinburg/Maxton, situation at the Lumber:Rrverlas well..assothe _;discharges.which might be effected by the redefinition of anew dischargei-, We would• tirther like tto:,requ6sv vL4 speculative'limits:for'Boone ati'flows of 4.5, 5 :arid,5r5"MGD aril.;for Laurinburg/Maxton s :;ij r, gaU:t: Airport Commission at flows of.2,-3 and 4-MGD.; , i 9 ;, nr ,l;i.' ' ' - We appreciate:,the •efforts and cooperation',of�you;andi;the Division!�,of"Enviromnental :; .:0 ; i Management;m assisting us.to,properly plan for"the�wastewaten'nee'ds6'of-our clients: ,If I can lie of,further-assistance,to you in!these matters;rplease,contact,meiatiour`officesiI Sincerely, HOBBS,'UPCHURCH &,ASSOCIATE&&A.,;zi .. Ron.Huff, P.E. cc: Mr. Trevor Clements, Technical Services.Branch Mr. Greg Young; Town Manager/Town of Boone Mr. Larry" Barnett/Iaurm urg/Maxton Airporh,Commission - RH/rjp/mar8