HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003549_Wasteload Allocation_19880825 NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0003549 Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Speculative Limits Correspondence Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: August 25, 1988 This document Is printed on reuse paper-ignore any content on the reverse side a. I. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 25, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry THROUGH: Steve Tedder FROM: Trevor Clements SUBJECT: Comments regarding Shell Oil Co. objections NPDES No. NC0003549, Johnston County I have reviewed the letter from Shell Oil requesting relief from several proposed parameters in the permit and a reduction in monitoring requirements. It should be noted that these parameters are being applied to contaminated runoff from all tank farms, which recent studies have shown to be of concern. The par peters should remain in the permit as recommended. The facility may, after 12 months of monitoring, rerequest an evaluation of these requirments. With regard to the facility's comments on phenols, the limit must remain intact. The purpose of the limit is to protect the downstream water supply from taste and odor problems associated with phenolic compounds. The state standard for phenyls is 1.0 ug/1 for all WS waters. This facility has already been given a break ince their limit reflects the BPJ level applied as a maximum to all discharg s of this type rather than applying the standard at their outfall (which has no dilution) . The BPJ limitation was coordinated with the Division of Healt Services in reviewing this and other tank farm discharges. Since the Town of mithfield's water supply intake is just downstream, it is important that phe olic compound discharges be held to a minimum. The oxicity testing requirement is consistent with that being applied to all tank farm discharges with episodic (i.e. stormwater related) discharges. The numb r of samples (5) is required to obtain representative information. (It should b noted that DEM is now recommending and annual toxicity test after the first 5 events have been monitored) . Continuous discharges are required to sample oce per quarter during the life of a permit, which corresponds to 20 test sam les. The settleable solids and turbidity limitations are applied to all sto 'water or retaining pond discharges. These limits reflect state stan- dards an7 regulations intended to protect aquatic life instream. Please let me know if further clarification is required. JTC cc: Bil Kreutzberger Ken Eagleson Central File ._ ems.STATEa - ,..--- ‘ • A, ..„,): kJ-, ,.„.., .4.M.w Y. QMM� State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Communit y Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martip, Governor July 29, 1988 S. Thomas Rhdd ry es, Secreta R. Paul Wilms Director Mr. Reece L. Andrews Health, Safety & Environmental Manager - East Shell Oil Company P.O. Box 1703 Atlanta, GA 30371 Subject: - DRAFT Permit Comments NPDES No. N00003549 Shell Oil - Selma Johnston County Dear Mr. Andrews: This 1 tter is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Jul containing co ments on the subject DRAFT Permit. The Division of EnvironmentalY 14' 1t Management wi 1 consider your comments in making its decision suance permit. If y u feel that your comments are not addressed in the issuedpermit,issuance u may request an adjudicatory hearing in accordance with Chapter the1508ofGen you Statutes of No th Carolina within 30 days of issuance of the General permit. If you ave any questions, please contact me at (91.9) 733-5083. Sincerely, ,9:Qw....,.<,L________. H. Dale Overcash, P.E. Supervisor, NPDES Permits Group cc: Mr. EU.l Kreutzberger g (with attachments) Mr. Trevor Clements (with attachments) Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 • A r_ t . . . . likk I 1,,y„ . . t , ASki. J,,LQ w July 14, 1988 Shell Oil Company 61 qi-/1/.1 fo5 6 P.O.Box 1703 Atlanta,Georgia 30371 320 Interstate North Parkway Atlanta.Georgia 30339 CERTIFIED MAIL - P794247468 ' i iVii. ►r.. State of North Carolina ['cis''./,:"~ Enviro ental Management Com mission =� Post Of ice Box 27687 JUL Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 20 198$ DIY.0f EAVON,MRSTAI fliANAGEMENT • Dear Si /Madam: SUBJECT: „i c•-Pi''' '''•4 I ti NPDES NO. NC00 r. �: . ► �rZ Shell Oil Company t'• Y �... :;,'., �.. Oak Street Extension JUL 21 1988 Selma, NC We have reviewed the draft of the m WATER QUALITY Permit for this facilityodification to the existing N§ 11��and provide the following informd'Cib~rl'' ieir ma permitconditions. Y have a significant impact on the final Shell is in the process of constructing tanka to prevent the discharge of an ge and a collection system draft "wastewater" Y "contact water," or, in the terms of the permit, wastewater from the facilit aY, and therefore request that the permit be reclassified to monitori g "stormwater only" permit without This pro ect will be completed by September 1, 1988, and we hereby request t at the monitoring pstorrmwate o ofons this Draft Permit be han changed to reflect that the effluent is ter only, g It is noted that the limitations and monit statement that "the permit oring requirements include a imposes no limitation on the discharge of storm wat r runoff. . , ," May we assume that th is also means that no measureme t or monitoring is required for such discharges? If this interpretation is comments/ bjections regarding in error, then consideration, g g the Draft Permit are esubmitted ng for your • 1• It is believed that some con l �' discharge fusion exists as to the designation g points as the existing permit addresses g ion of Point 001, although the renewal a only Discharge Disch rge Point application included an additional review the a (002) as a stormwater discharge application dated Mayg point. Please existing permit without reference 5, 1986. When we accepted the exas ying were to Discharge Point not addressing storm water discharges atO that 2, e assumed time. TAF8819602 - 0001.0.0 • 2. Our records indicate that we have requested a modification of the phenol limits which exist in the present permit as 1.0 u/1 as a da ly maximum and daily average. The date of our request is Oc ober 2, 1986; and according to Mr. Mouberry's reply dated Oc ober 8, 1986, we were to be informed of the outcome of the Di ision's review of the matter. The .only response to date is the Dr ft Permit with a phenol limit of .001 lbs/day as well as other ver stringent monitoring requirements. 3. The modification of the monitoring requirements for Outfall 002 (be ieve this should read 001) appear to be unduly onerous given the typ of discharge. As stated in the original permit application, the discharges from this facility are the result of storm water and not due to the plant process, which means that they are intermittent and not continuous in nature. The imposition of a daily maximum qua tity of phenol rather than a per unit volume limit is unfair to a f cility of this type and fails to recognize that the only time phenol (or any other constituent) is being discharged is during a period when the receiving stream(s) is under heavy flow conditions which provide maximum dilution and therefore the least effect on the environment. 4. The requirement for five (5) acute toxicity tests appears to be a matter of overkill in that our experience has shown that such eff ents are not acutely toxic. It is therefore requested that this requirement be removed or at least be reduced to a more real nable number. It should not require that many tests to establish the character of the effluent. In conclusion, it is Shell's considered opinion that as of September 1988 the only discharges from this facility will be of stormwater runoff and the issue becomes a matter of whether your Division requires an NPDES permit fo stormwater discharges. It is our understandingthatthe USEPA regulations require a permit but our contention is that it wo uld not require monitoring and testing, certainly not to the extent contained in If there are any questions, or if we can provide more information, lease contact this office at 404-955-4734. p Yours very truly, /,/; ;;-Z, ,2:15 ..."..40 .... Reece L. Alidrews Health, Sa. ety & Environmental Manager-East TAF8819602 - 0002.0.0 NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Modeler Date Rec. # PERMIT NO.: NCO() p 3 S "/ 9 j (c-- 3 i zs1 8 S y 50 FACILITY NAME: S-Ae i/ (),'/ f,ta.,,,t ' f' Facility Status: E?CTSI�IG PROPOSED Area (mil) �''S Avg. Streamflow (cfs): C'-'" i (circle one) 9 7Q10 (cfs) C Winter 7Q10 (cfs) ° 30Q2 (cfs) 0 Permit Status: RENEWAL(-MODIFICATION-1)UNPERMiTTED NEW (circle one) Toxicity Limits: IWC � �s%c (circle one) cute i Chronic Major Minor t------- Pipe No- 00 / Instream Monitoring: Design Capacity (MGD): Parameters Domestic (S of Flow): — Upstream Location 0 Industrial (% of Flow): /00 Downstream Location Comments: c.�c...f.4l n f �t fd,e t ilstlI 4,4,A AP/ 0 it/L)itt±4,. $P Qn Or - rt/.t-c el ct.L. L Effluent Characteristics �VS4k `4\1 ba --ax RECEIVING STREAM: t"T 5 PX. / s4 /2,•..AK Ph L L.� � c.N c�v�o t S [�.,o i ��ca Class: Gt1�=-- � Sub-Basin: Q 3 DY 0 ,Z , evg q 0_�',,+iJ� &II �``6 e_�( 2` 3C� yI (r,G Olt Reference USGS Quad: Se-li1...e,, (please attach) `x'�ililQ0.� `'a��s v►1�1� County: -ToAn•s 74tr,., Pil VI .- ���-�1 (©--C{ SO Regional Office: As Fa Mo Wa Wi WS (��y (circle .sel ECiJ Ono0t+Dc kN --PC)C +0( 1 U c�vP vile J Re ested Arr-Z. _ r / rA I `w c,...,cre- .� - ii - ft qu By: �,. gate: ��� �/ k� � � `� W ..1lL-�Il�. -k-- Prepared By: _— 1- Date: /,"aiAg-t? ,, C1 v r i �� c 0ok Cc".A.f2 :,,,Gt'ce.U.srvi &)ti c O,u t4 -wt Reviewed By: Date: 0ef Comments: Pri \1o'�'virtec- o7C L G- L ki( Request No . : 4St,2 WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name : SHELL OIL COMPANY 2 NPDES No. : NC0003549 MAILn `) 0 1988 Type of Waste : STORMWATER Status : EXISTING - MODIFICATION _ Receiving Stream: UT TO NEUSE RIVER Classification: WS-III Subbasin: 030402 Drainage area: 0. 150 sq mi County: JOHNSTON Summer 7Q10 : 0. 00 cfs Regional Office : RALEIGH Winter 7Q10: 0 . 00 cfs Requestor: ART MOUBERRY Average flow: 0 . 10 cfs Date of Request: 4/24/87 30Q2 : 0 . 00 cfs Quad: SELMA RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS mn avg dy max � ; Wasteflow (mgd) : phenols (lbs/day) : 0. 001 oil & grease (mg/1) : . .e-30 (Qa r41AY a : .1988 settleable solids (m1/1) : 0 . 1 pH (su) . 6-9 6-9 Ac.`te L- � Toxicity Testing Req. : iodaphnia, 99 perC_ent_,.—Qua-rye-r-ry Turbidity: Shall not cause the instream turbidity to exceed 50 NTU Effluent monitoring: .Lo. -thy monitoring for toluene , benzene , and xylene . MITORING Upstream (Y/N) : N Location : Downstream (Y/N) : N Location : COMMENTS Permit must contain flow monitoring requirement such that all volumes of wastewater leaving the facility are monitored . Recommend weekly monitoring for phenols , oil & grease, settleable solids and pH. A reopener clause should be placed in the permit to allow for limits to be placed on toxicants should the facility fail its whole-effluent toxicity tests . Recommended by: _ 8 AqA ___(.1...C2_, Date: 32 8C� Reviewed by Tech Support /Su ervisor: Date ::� .+ �/ CJ!WIC__ ---d G✓9ro Regional S ervisor: __ .e__ /__y_ _ Date: S' _Z7 Permits & Engineering: __LOS. L 0t ta'/ Date : 61/l d b RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: APR 2 2 198$,_ • Facility Name ,S►AaJ C I C o . Permit# C-(D)C3C) Lfcl ACUTE TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT Daphnid 48 hr- Monitoring for Episodic Events The permittee shall conduct FIVE acute toxicity tests using protocols defined in E.P.A. Document 600/4-85/013 entitled"The Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms". The monitoring shall be performed as a Daphnia nulex or Ceriodaphnia 48 hour static test, using effluent collected as a single grab sample. Effluent samples for self-monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. Sampling and subsequent testing will occur during the first five discrete discharge events after the effective date of this permit. The parameter code for this test if using Daphnia pulex is TAA3D. The parameter code for this test if using Ceriodaphnia is TAA3B. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form(MR-1) for the month in which it was performed,using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally,DEM Form AT-1 (original)is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Technical Services Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re-opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute a failure of permit condition. 7Q 10 6.0 c1f§ Permitted Flow vad-:e.W.c MGD Recommended by: IWC% (o Basin & Sub-Basin 6304 oZ Receiving Stream uT Muse ,(Z<<,e.,e S--/°,�rn County �o�.�•s tee. Date �l(o // **Acute Toxicity(Daphnid 48 hr) Monitoring, EPISODIC, See Part3 , Condition(r .