HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071235 Ver 1_More Info Received_20121128e7- 1 a3s Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846 -5900 • Fax: (919) 846 -9467 www.SandEC.com To: N.C. Division of Water Quality WEBSCAPE Unit Attn: Karen Higgins 512 N. Salisbury Street (9th floor) Raleigh, NC 27603 From: Deborah Edwards Soil & Environmental Consultants, P.A. 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Re: Beckwith 401 Approval - Condition #8 DWQ Project # 07 -1235 Wake County, Apex, NC a-oo7 November 27, 2012 S &EC Project # 9658.P12 On behalf of Toll Brothers, Inc., please find the attached detailed culvert crossing plan and profile for Impact #5 for the project known as Beckwith. This project received a 401 Water Quality Certification Approval on August 29, 2007. Condition #8 of that Approval required that the permittee provide plans of adequate details that indicate that the current stability of the stream will be maintained or enhanced. Therefore, we are providing you with the most current plan and profile of the previously approved stream crossing. It is important to note that we have kept the Nationwide Permit 29 valid with the US Army Corps of Engineers, I have attached a copy of the most resent re- verification for your files. In addition, I have attached 'a copy of the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program Receipt for the compensatory mitigation that was required, per Special Condition by the USACE and Condition #7 of the 401 Water Quality Certification Approval. Construction of the culvert crossing is anticipated to take place in January 2013. Therefore, if we do not hear from you within 30 days of the date of this letter, Toll Brothers, Inc. will move forward with construction of Impact #5 per the attached plan. Please contact me at (919) 846 -5900 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Deborah Edwards Environmental Specialist CC: John Poe -Toll Brothers, Inc. Attachments: 1) Nationwide Permit Re- Verification- Beckwith (AID #200703230 2) NCEEP Receipt (EEP# ILF- 2007 -5501) 3) Triple 8'Wxl2'W Concrete Box Culvert- Proposed Condition -Sheet 1 of 1 4) Road H & Road I Plan and Profile- Beckwith -Sheet P -5.0 E C NOV 282012 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID. 211111703110 County: Wake USGS Quad: A ex GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICA'T'ION Property Owner! Authorized Agent: Toll Brothers Inc Address: Attq. Brad Nelson 2311) TW Alexander Drive Suite G Raleish, NC 27617 Telephone No.: 919—M-4800 Size and kwation of property (water body. road nainelnuinber, town. etc. ): The 191 acre RCMIWt site is locked nn the southwyst quadrant•; of Green Level West Road and Green level Church Road in White Oak '1'ownshiu Description of projects area and activity: This permit verifies permanent impacts to 0.22 acres of riparian wetland :l impacts stated above (See permit condition helow). Appiicable Law: ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act. 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 113 (Rivers and Harbors Act. 33 USC 403) Authorisation: Regional General Permit Number: Nationwide Permit Number: 29 Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance wish the attached conditions and your submitted plans. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your subntittM plans may subject the permittee to a slop work order. a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified helow unless the naftomvidc authort✓,►hon 1% modi lied. suspended or revoked. If. prior t o t he expiration date identified W- ow. the nationwide permit author ir.rtion is reissued and/or nhmfilied, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identilied below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide permit authorization expires of is suspended. revoked, or is modified. such that the activity would no lon-ecr comply with the teens and conditions of the nationwide permit. activities which have commenced (i.e.. are under construction) or arc under contract to contntence to reliance upon the nationwide permit. will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve ntonihs of the date of the nationwide pent»t *s expiration. modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has twen exercised on a case -by -case basis to modify. suspend or revoke the authorization. Activitici subject to Section 449 (as indicated ahove) may also require un individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality (telephone (1) 19) 733 -1796) fo detrrtnilie Section 401 i cqui rements For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Manaycmeni Act (CAMA). prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division Lit* Coastal Munagement . This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the perinittce of the responsibility io obtain any tidier required Federal. State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this veril ication. any of the conditions of the Permit. or the Corps of Engmecrs regulatory program, please contact Mr. Jamic Shern at jamcs I shernCbus.arin)•.mil. Permit Condition: In order to compensate for impacts to 11.22 acres and 17 Linear feet Ott' warm water stream the permiurc shall make paynicat to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Pro�_ram (NC EEP) in the amount determined by the NC C-El' sufficient to perforin the restoration of .22 acres and 187 ,linear feet of warm %cater stream in ilic Crape Fcar Rivei Basin. Cataloging Unit 11303W02. Construction within jurisdictional areas on the property shall begin only alter the permince has made rull payment to the NC EL-P and provided a copy of the payment dot:uinentation to the Corps. The NC EEP has provided written contirmalion to the Corps that it agrees to accept resperosibilhy for the mitigation work required (see July 12, 21107 Acceptance Letter). in compliance with the MOU between the North Carolina Department or Enviromncni and Natural Resources and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District, dated Novcniher 4, 19% * *Note: Habitat type may be described as found in Schal'alc and Weakley. Classilicaiion of the Natural Communities of North Carolina. Third Approximation. 1991): or in accordance with Cowardin, et al (1979). Classiticaliun of Wetlands and Deepwaier Habitats ol'the of the United $tatcs ** Corps Regulatory Official: Jamie Shern - �/ Date: Permit vea�authnriixtl via statutory requirements on August 30, 211117 Reverified 20- Apr -2011 Expiration Date of Verification: 0cl(Rer5. -24)09 Octcber- tJ;--20-3Y-- March 18. 2012 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the, highest level of suppoil to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so. please Loinplete the attached customer Satisfaction Survey or Visit ttttn•l/www. saw. usacc .army.mil /WETLANDS /index.htinl to complete the surrey online Electronic Copy Furnished: Ms. Debbie Edwards Soil & Environmental Consultants I 10 10 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Y : =co tem ni4'F'p'�;v PROGRAM RECEIPT December 4, 2007 Brad Nelson Toll Brothers, Inc. 2310 TV Alexander Drive, Suite G Raleigh, NC 27617 Project: Beckwith Property County: Wake DWQ#: 07 -1235 COE#: 2007 -03230 EEP #: ILF- 2007 -5501 Amount Paid: $53,152.75 Check Number: 228723 The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program ( NCEEP) has received a check as indicated above as payment for the compensatory mitigation requirements of the 401 Water Quality Certification/Section 404 /CAMA Permit(s) issued for the above referenced project. This receipt serves as notification that your compensatory mitigation requirements associated with the authorized activity as specified below have been satisfied. You must also comply with all other conditions of this certification and any other state, federal or local government permits or authorization associated with this activity. The NCEEP, by acceptance of this payment, acknowledges that the NCEEP is responsible for the compensatory mitigation requirements associated with the project permit and agrees to provide the compensatory mitigation as specified in the permit. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the US Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998, as indicated below. River Basin Stream Credits Wetland Credits Buffer I & II CU (linear feet) (acres) (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non-Riparian Coastal Marsh Cape Fear 0 0 187 0.22 0 0 0 03030002 Please note that a payment made to the Ecosystem Enhancement Program is not reimbursable unless a request for reimbursement is received within 12 months of the date of the receipt. Any such request must also be accompanied by letters from the permitting agencies stating that the permit and/or authorization have been rescinded If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 716 -1921. Sincerely, Wilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndt Karoly, NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unit Jamie Shern, USACE - Raleigh; Thelma Hemmingway- Wilmington Ian McMillan, NCDWQ- Wetlands /401 Unit Debbie Edwards, agent File R"toru -t5... E ... pro". Sta g FWA DET�IR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net �7 LES _N it i L-1, GFR"z ASSE P-1 A A PLAIN, SIM' Ew — LAN! INH RMATICOINI TAKUNI PR� EE'RTi �:,UBDO-A"ON P1 AIN' — PHP-SlE uE,­vE--L 0-' R 0 .'° SIN (3', 9 E_* (" K V?'f T INORTH CAROUN,4,,� GRE N! LiE'AD Cil H !��,IOAD, APF'K, t4� L U I 2-305 AND PREF',50"ED, 6,Y' GHA�3, 14, SEL-f"Sc INIC-, DA"ED % LAST REWS,ED MARCH 7, 20,07, Rl 0 2, S! GRAD-iNG TAKE114 PROM A PLAN H L:' 01v i_ OK A %z, G`z,,E,Et-_J LEEIAEDL CR0SS.2N,,, PRE GRAIC)ING' 'PRID, 'lE7D BY S E CGN'53 TANT55, DAT;M FEh,11A F 1:­' AN- lf',_ 'IviAS T! KEIN;: FROIKA i 0Ntl A INI E TE IMIAY 2, 20C,6- J u F, 5, DA 4, VzRUIC]AL 1Y i\ 1 T f 7,� -0 1 N A �ru'k ;8 MATCHLINE 5HEET EC- I * P-5 PERENNIAL 5TKEAM RIPARIAN BUfFEK (I OU EITHER 51DE Of TOP OF SANK) ZONE -1 30' ZONE 2 = 20' ZONE 3 = 50` UARK -M-l-,iiNai -A -.272 50 . ........ .. .. Shl,5P ORAMIPM5 TO SP- ' P. R(AAMED W/ RNIAL I 62, Ups-fl REM-1f; i(AFF teN E END, 7N, 57A. 40.41!811 T 0_EV,=263X`u EIN.0 STA. 2+29"Lgll, A, 33-i I-F DOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: V N,,, k J L G__ APHI-C 9"i"I 'l- 1. PRfOR'70 COMMENCING CLEARING FOR BOX CULVERT INSURE TREE PROTECTION I'ALEE FENCE AND SILT FENCE 15 INSTALLED AS SHOWN. H 2. CLEAR-AREA FOR BOX CULVERT. -`3 — 3. CONS . 7RUCT TEMPORARY DIVERSION. DITCH - 15E GI NNING AT DOWNSTREAM END J., W 4. CONS:. RU CT SAND BA AT UPSTREAM END Of EX15TING CHANNEL WHERE PROPi iC." G Mlun'.' 51 M Ri,,* 51 1 FRI E I sit vkt 'j- ER ;H, I - END ?11E 1"IDWAL E�El V ---------- ........ ------ .............. Q; 0 ?MPmUrA-48 %q,e-pWj*, R, 11A o-,, i J > > ca COD Qi w ct.. it ; t,� .0 70 U in 0 m M va rnt 0 tz. 0- to on W to � ri 4A UR 'K X 1010-,-Y AR' F11:11 1 00- AR f '`ZEC_11M_70 El RECYAX 1-ClUR- Wt),E_X� CRUIR 52 ­4 9) J11, J, C 2 g 00" RIN RN 0=2 11 71�1 g% IN gg. I 5 WE 01; 01, s. R., SO ,g • ".::. 1 . Wig Re DOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: V N,,, k J L G__ APHI-C 9"i"I 'l- 1. PRfOR'70 COMMENCING CLEARING FOR BOX CULVERT INSURE TREE PROTECTION I'ALEE FENCE AND SILT FENCE 15 INSTALLED AS SHOWN. 2. CLEAR-AREA FOR BOX CULVERT. -`3 — 3. CONS . 7RUCT TEMPORARY DIVERSION. DITCH - 15E GI NNING AT DOWNSTREAM END AND VV0RKJNG UPSTREAM. W 4. CONS:. RU CT SAND BA AT UPSTREAM END Of EX15TING CHANNEL WHERE milr, INDICATED AND DIVERT FLOW. IV/ 5. CONS. RUCT BOX CULVERT WORK MAT AT ELEVATION FOR CENTER BOX (CENTER BOX 15 SET I.9 LOWER THAN EACH OUTSIDE BOX). INSTALL CENTER BOX CJLVEKT. I t G. ADD 5TONE / SET WORK MAT FOR INTERIOR BOX CULVERTS. INSTALL EXTERIOR BOX CULVERTS. INSTALL WING WALLS. 7. REMOVE TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH AND BACKFILL BOX CULVERT TO ELF-VA! 1ON 27G.00. 8. PROCCEE-D WITH MAKING THE IMPACTS PROPOSED. F O R CONSTRUCTION OF THE Z BOX C-JLVEKT - FOLLOW THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE DETAILED WITHIN, THAT PLAN 541EET, UPON COMPLETION Of EACH IMPACT - ESTABL15H ADEQUATE GKOUI'=OVEK ON GRADED 5LOPE5 AND FILL AREAS. ALL AREAS THAT ARE GRADED ;n 0 L 5TEEFF-R. THAN 3:1 MUST BE 5TA51LIZED WITHIN (7) DAYS Of COMPLETION Of i DISTUP-5ANCE AND ALL OTHER AREAS MUST BE 5TA131LIZED WITHIN (1 4) DAYS .72 _.-a uj 5 Of COMPLETION Of THE DISTURBANCE. TIE SILT FENCE TO WING WALL (4 LOCATIONS). PROPi iC." G Mlun'.' 51 M Ri,,* 51 1 FRI E I sit vkt 'j- ER ;H, I - END ?11E 1"IDWAL E�El V ---------- ........ ------ .............. Q; 0 ?MPmUrA-48 %q,e-pWj*, R, 11A o-,, i J > > ca COD Qi w ct.. it ; t,� .0 70 U in 0 m M va rnt 0 tz. 0- to on W to � ri 4A UR 'K X 1010-,-Y AR' F11:11 1 00- AR f '`ZEC_11M_70 El RECYAX 1-ClUR- Wt),E_X� CRUIR 52 ­4 9) J11, J, C 2 g 00" RIN RN 0=2 11 71�1 g% IN gg. I 5 WE 01; 01, s. R., SO ,g • ".::. 1 . Wig Re qV,� t W milr, IV/ I cli ckl` I t (m W. Z ui ;n 0 L 2 i .72 _.-a uj 5 A I o 0 Z > 5 C oiv I CE 4-E 4 u� i• Z .- �3 g A RZI., Z "x I r) L 4- x .1 J < 0 v. 0 & [3 % --- ---------------_- - - ....... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ............ n T-7 llb,,a�, wk,,� No on lnomw nd appawn, s,",�,"d- 7 i �4', / �x 4- VZO -7, -A z "ev SON _fz/4_ —L, __7 US I J P. U. OF 0 AMP , *47' 5 LT FENCE J A/V six" son f1l FTI F r ��ON5`TKDC 27 A /T (3),,,­70Zff EAC#'�-/ Z .. CEI 'CO14CRM BQ)( C�&VE 418 A r WWR DARREL R z S 2- MIT is RG 7 15MG I �11 ey g" —1 W -rSNk --saw- WM7.2i INVERTA O'BEL ;45tQK "RREL INVERT5 (TYPICAL) F11 Aw, A'Nv,�u U- g� SJAE 7V ?.e, .7 (CENTEA BARREL), W; 22"gQ jT pg N 57/6� I? N T I �. I- I/ - 'e, I , TNIS DOW _T EMPORAKY COI ATJ0_ N 5 limp t M; WFA S, OF; As )Q v 51 0", ur TAME PKC)Tt� z? R,0r:TA0P;Z2 81 'Jim 7�0 bov 141 FENCE (TYPICAL�l 'x Ap y 1 2.111 Ij j j hmyF-d j /' 1 '4 1 —1- . )v W `Y X,,�, v ;�6 I I IMO­4­03 V14 I �" I xx 122� z W v ER�JNNIAL 5TREAM WfA -v A J _0 N A T XM-1 YA,,A�it eN, N s -7 R o ob, EITHER 51DE OFN-OP OF BA d.V4S f ZqNF- I 3a Ali J Sj 4S A:1 7 A, Y SF,. ZONE 2 2U SF1 " N Wk. 7bNE 3 50' Z' )_-Z 'T e Ilk 0 A Ifew I i N//L /p"F r Rfa ­ -'k-002p,� 9, TEMPORARY T E��E ff x" W, /'­zg f4ek 2p PROTECTION FENCE ):A,,0 1 '"Now c 55-' _-,_-',)A UTRUJITY Mi - --; a— i (TYPICAL) % Rv _11, A 1 c A OEM �,Idv J W 7-- t I t"X OF;- AT X X eo- 0� 'M ;zM W jj. x Z _S - 4 R - m, 4­1 % i . . , - X4 J 12":5ANITARY St wi 41 4T 17 #V-1 7 OUTffALL CON5TKUCTION Cow RE d uji 11 1 1 4, 'Ar, HEIN 1 --& S _4 Eli Yfyql. 1) 7- g "'!H"EA-D WAL F fin/vv A f FROM MH-F 10 TO MI­14=28 "D 0_1 J/ X (5EE:5HE 6� ;e J, /'I ?, _Z/ AC U-j 100 1 A-1 GETS AE iER (TYP,) F Tp "'K % Sm. z p P i R \-4 vc 3T (TY? Ml !_ I R - 10. 1 H A v L z i IMPACT #5 3C 187-00 LF kRMANENT -4 CHANNEL JMPACT5 iA A OWL OEE 5HEfT P-5.0A) Y, r*%A Lp M X _Y (5HADE Is Cliff `7 E _M AT LI, E-511 s ......... RY 5-EWF: �,UT-FA�LL—K 5ANITA' )T ? T-: _-;�,;zz. , 08 ----------- ........ . ... . ..... ... .... U ... ....... A— T -E 0 ALL --------- ------ -,-----DOW-N!-�-T-RE-AM-5E-C-,iON5--TtiAT--�DO NOT- t GONNE, a­ --T 0­ 07-HE:R .. 55 L- - 5 E C, T 11, N'S. - TH' rI — ----- - Tq� T -PRCORT-IEYP--IT-4-&GAAfh,,5T-�,f-L-UID5,-LEAVff NG-,- T ------ ��z L F -:,QJ N, V4 PWIELEV 28MAK - ---- ------- Sbu 7:, --­-----­- ------------- Z9 64-N so J __v K - - -- --------- ------ .. .... . ... ........ ... .. ...... ........... ------- - - - - ------- . ........... ......... 2 --- ----------- ----- ------ -c --------- -- w 81'. ic, _-A 4- 1*1 W, Fir— 1_% 14 cy "d _8 w ..... ..... --------------- 7 r vv ul"�` . .......... _-T .. ........... 7. -An pz'N 288 9:74 4. 7`,� -�o J, fR- 2L W, lo; up . ..... T- 286 'T .... ... ........ 4 1 _5� ZD if z ---------- 1�,,. Run `4 284 A 11. 284 - -- -- --------- ............. ....... 0. 2,82 71- + 3 . ­5 1 E:, W­ M 2�_, ---- t T 2� 77 '17 2182, t- T Q .. ........ 1 6 7 280 T .. . .... ... .. ....... . "NED w ---- -- --- T': ­41 FOF HYDRAiNI - ------ ------------ RoM W MP + L .1ill AT H A 7­1',-M I ------ 0 --- - ------ ------ A f Z L .......... . J! 2.74 V uxi; ..... . .... SW F_ j .......... ...... . ... ............... T MAW?' SE" ---------- 272 NO-43 - -ON-A, tW'S 70=13 S�HEFT DET _2 - - - ------- 270 _0 -- ----- - ------- 4A... W, Ai - ..a 1 L.. J T_ A — ---------- _0 A 46, il �_v �zi La . . .. ....... .... ------ 44Z py_Z . . . . . ...... j 2 CON:5TRUCT (3) 70 LF EACH 1;ttT BOX CULVERT5 W/ CENTER BARREL CONC E 5� F� ONVERT I.CO'BELOW EXTERJOR BARREL INVERT5 INV UP. 5TREAM=257.37 (CENTER BARREL) INV ........ DOWN 5TREAM= 257.00 (CENTER BARREL) 7 PARAPET TOP-275.00 -a 'I, 112 pj It ..... ..... IN t ---- - --------- -- --------- .................. 41 --------- ------ a+ oc, 14100 24a . . . . . . 18+00 19+00 ........... 21 0 0 &M K < U_Sa ...... sl� i PAIc— _Z; "C SCALA 'Alp f,,,r J, sl A P III V, Su N/ �4� gmg " M, 7-0- :7 N�k in mr .4 110 i- D I C `RVE IL, CURVE 1 pn AN 1123, 50Q, GO & too 40 Dal 16, 2,;, 00, ig, IF,, W R VE TAETE ............ ............ . . . . . . . . . . ...... -wK1 171A-21 ]-]l A,53­11 L)� t kc,1f ­0117 -------------- 324 . .... ..... .......... _44w� . ...... J-3 122 "E -Ps I py=_ 1, --1322 TS, ILE N-1 E 0 11 ------------- ......... . 'aw T .;Mll (CA T-1 314 .......... ... . 5z F- ��--q' Sy u 1 99 too z, AOMA Q,"i f -49 U, ej.......... ..... .. Z. ... . .. . ....... SET ------ 302 JZ ---- ------ 3021 A aP 29a 2 A 1 298 . ................ .... ........ j 0, ........ ....... Z, r 2S4 s,4 ... ... .... . ........ ... ........... ............... 2--EKD 2se We..... .................. ... ­­­- 2W Ems 284 Nato 12 ....... .. ... ... ADD, IMPACT . . ............ PER TOWN Off J, �P 2. . ........... . ......... -1281 QPEX FLANN 280 iN6 4,� UTILITY PEffT5. 2,;z ..... ..... ..... P ------- I i EVIEW-COMMENT5 0-4 278 1 2,6 j 274 274 ------------- -,,�qg By: j 270 J owl wki) El an lzolki) 1 N & 11F, 0'11',�11 MAP 20 . .... ...... ............ .0 _:�,T,0 A,1111.'�,:,i- IZZ tW B.S. W. P 16� �JN g 2S2 ............................... "I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041AMARLINE 5HEET EC— I 7=9' 40z At Z f "jz�y /, J ,:K IF i Q --- ---------------_- - - ....... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ............ n T-7 llb,,a�, wk,,� No on lnomw nd appawn, s,",�,"d- 7 i �4', / �x 4- VZO -7, -A z "ev SON _fz/4_ —L, __7 US I J P. U. OF 0 AMP , *47' 5 LT FENCE J A/V six" son f1l FTI F r ��ON5`TKDC 27 A /T (3),,,­70Zff EAC#'�-/ Z .. CEI 'CO14CRM BQ)( C�&VE 418 A r WWR DARREL R z S 2- MIT is RG 7 15MG I �11 ey g" —1 W -rSNk --saw- WM7.2i INVERTA O'BEL ;45tQK "RREL INVERT5 (TYPICAL) F11 Aw, A'Nv,�u U- g� SJAE 7V ?.e, .7 (CENTEA BARREL), W; 22"gQ jT pg N 57/6� I? N T I �. I- I/ - 'e, I , TNIS DOW _T EMPORAKY COI ATJ0_ N 5 limp t M; WFA S, OF; As )Q v 51 0", ur TAME PKC)Tt� z? R,0r:TA0P;Z2 81 'Jim 7�0 bov 141 FENCE (TYPICAL�l 'x Ap y 1 2.111 Ij j j hmyF-d j /' 1 '4 1 —1- . )v W `Y X,,�, v ;�6 I I IMO­4­03 V14 I �" I xx 122� z W v ER�JNNIAL 5TREAM WfA -v A J _0 N A T XM-1 YA,,A�it eN, N s -7 R o ob, EITHER 51DE OFN-OP OF BA d.V4S f ZqNF- I 3a Ali J Sj 4S A:1 7 A, Y SF,. ZONE 2 2U SF1 " N Wk. 7bNE 3 50' Z' )_-Z 'T e Ilk 0 A Ifew I i N//L /p"F r Rfa ­ -'k-002p,� 9, TEMPORARY T E��E ff x" W, /'­zg f4ek 2p PROTECTION FENCE ):A,,0 1 '"Now c 55-' _-,_-',)A UTRUJITY Mi - --; a— i (TYPICAL) % Rv _11, A 1 c A OEM �,Idv J W 7-- t I t"X OF;- AT X X eo- 0� 'M ;zM W jj. x Z _S - 4 R - m, 4­1 % i . . , - X4 J 12":5ANITARY St wi 41 4T 17 #V-1 7 OUTffALL CON5TKUCTION Cow RE d uji 11 1 1 4, 'Ar, HEIN 1 --& S _4 Eli Yfyql. 1) 7- g "'!H"EA-D WAL F fin/vv A f FROM MH-F 10 TO MI­14=28 "D 0_1 J/ X (5EE:5HE 6� ;e J, /'I ?, _Z/ AC U-j 100 1 A-1 GETS AE iER (TYP,) F Tp "'K % Sm. z p P i R \-4 vc 3T (TY? Ml !_ I R - 10. 1 H A v L z i IMPACT #5 3C 187-00 LF kRMANENT -4 CHANNEL JMPACT5 iA A OWL OEE 5HEfT P-5.0A) Y, r*%A Lp M X _Y (5HADE Is Cliff `7 E _M AT LI, E-511 s ......... RY 5-EWF: �,UT-FA�LL—K 5ANITA' )T ? T-: _-;�,;zz. , 08 ----------- ........ . ... . ..... ... .... U ... ....... 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