HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210194 Ver 1_Figure_3_JurisdictionalFeatures_20210420FIGURE 3 JLKTPO MAI Client: Proje ct: Title: STV Eng in eer s, Inc . Project No. Appro ve d By: Drawn By:Chec ked By: Date:4/16/2021 Notes:1. Potential jurisdictional waters of theU.S. were d elin eated by STV duringfield reviews con ducted on July 24 and Augu st 31, 2015 . Jurisdictional boun darie s h ave bee n marked in the field with pink wetland boundary tapeand mapp ed using a Trimble GeoXHhand-he ld GPS u nit capable of subfoo t accuracy. This map is inten ded for p la nning purposes only. 2. Ju risd ictiona l waters of the U.S.boun darie s we re ve rified by the U.S. Army Corps o f Engineers on Ap ril 18, 201 6. Source s: NCO n e Map M ecklenburg County Aerial Imagery (2019) McCullough DriveStreetscape Mecklenburg County, NCMcCullough DriveNC 24 (W.T. Harris Boulevard) C ollins-Aik m an D rive U.S. 29 (Tryon St.)University Executive Park DriveIKEA Boulevard§¨¦85 sRPW Stream B (~ 166 lf) Wetland A (~ 0.01 acres) sRPW Stream A (~ 132 lf)U.S. 29 (Tryon St.)Inset 1 Ins et 2 1 23 4 Dat a Point 1 Dat a Point 2 EastMcCullo ughDriveFlow F lo w Fl ow4018354 APPROXIMATEWATERS OF THE U.S.AND WETLANDSBOUNDARY MAP Legend ² 0 500 1,000250Feet Jurisdictional W etland Wetland Data Point Photograph Location Added Study Area (~ 5 acres) Jurisdictional Stream Original Study Area (~ 30 acres)