HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100408 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_201211281� -oL�og LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 919 - 829 -9909 — PH 919- 829 -9913 — FAX 10055 Red Run Boulevard, Suite 130 Owings Mills, MD 21117 410 - 356 -5159 — PH 410- 356 -5822 — FAX 604 Greene Street, Suite 100 Camden, SC 29020 8034324890 — PH 410 - 356 -5822 — FAX 137'% Main Street, Suite 210 Oak Hill, WV 25901 3044654300 — PH 3044654302 — FAX TO: Division of Water Quality DATE: November 26, 2012 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 ATTN: Katie Merritt RE: Rudolph Buffer Mitigation Site Year 2 Monitoring Report We are sending via: El Overnight E Regular Mail ❑ Pick -Up Hand Delivered The following items: ❑ Correspondence ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications Other as listed below: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 11/26/12 Year 2 Year 2 Monitoring Report for Rudolph Site These are transmitted as checked below: Q For Approval ❑ As Requested - For Your Use ❑ For Review and Comment REMARKS: ❑ Approved as Submitted E] Approved as Noted Please find enclosed a copy of the Rudolph Buffer Mitigat Please call me if you have any questions 919- 608 -5876. Thank you, Cara Nelson COPY TO: Martin Hovis SIGNED: ❑ Returned for Corrections ❑ For Your Signature Rudolph Buffer Mitigation Site Annual Vegetation Monitoring Report 2012 Growing Season Year 2 Monitoring Report Prepared by: Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 Monitoring Field Work by: NCSU Water Quality Group Campus Box 7637 Raleigh, NC 27695 November 2012 0 NOV - ,H Ot►AItT Y ,.._..- - TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Summary .......................................................................... ............................... 1 2.0 Introduction ..................................................................... ............................... 1 3.0 Vegetation Monitoring .................................................... ............................... 2 3.1 Success Criteria ...................................................... ............................... 2 3.2 Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol . ............................... 3 3.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring ......................... ............................... 3 3.4 Vegetation Observations ........................................ ............................... 5 3.5 Conclusions ............................................................. ............................... 5 Appendix A Site Photos Rudolph Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 2) 1.0 SUMMARY The Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site is located in southeast Johnston County, NC on the boundary with Wayne County, approximately eight miles west of Goldsboro, NC on Buckleberry Road (SR 2541). The site is located in the Neuse River Basin within the USGS HUC 03020201 and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) sub -basin 03- 04 -02. The site is on an old floodplain terrace between Moccasin Creek and Raccoon Swamp. The site drains into Moccasin Creek before flowing approximately 2.25 miles into the Neuse River. Natural drainage patterns throughout the watershed have been altered by cultivation and dredging of the channels. The site is comprised of two parcels, the Worley Tract and the Kornegay Tract, totaling 116.9 acres. The proposed easement, including proposed Neuse riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient uptake, encompasses 44.63 acres. Within the proposed mitigation area, the channels drain surface water and groundwater from the surrounding row crop agriculture. The primary land use in the project vicinity is woodlands and corn production. Within the proposed conservation easement the primary land use is agricultural row crops; specifically corn production. There are also several small areas of bottomland hardwood trees and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) pine plantation. The bottomland hardwoods about the downstream end of the drainage channels, but do not extend the full 200 feet from the top of bank. These areas are an assemblage of mature and successional trees. Beaver impoundments are flooding some of these areas. The CRP land is planted in successional pine trees, and will be removed from the CRP program prior to placement of the conservation easement. The maintained channel banks contain typical disturbed herbaceous species including soft rush (Juncus effuses), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia), woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus), sedges (Carex sp.), and fescue (Festuca sp.). The monitoring results for 2012 (Year 2) documented an average of 400 surviving stems per acre and an average survival rate of 89 %. The site is on track to achieve the final vegetative success criteria of 320 live planted stems per acre at the end of Year 5. 2.0 INTRODUCTION A total of 44.63 acres of riparian area, including Neuse riparian buffers were restored on the Rudolph Mitigation Site. As specified in the Restoration Plan, the Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site was planted with appropriate native species within the protected Neuse riparian buffer easement. The species selected consisted of native species observed in the surrounding forest and species know to occur in similar environments. The Neuse riparian buffer area was planted in bare root tree seedlings to achieve an initial density of 680 planted stems per acre. The objective of reforesting the buffer and riparian areas adjacent to channels is to provide water quality and habitat functions within the sensitive Neuse River watershed. PLANTING PLAN Revegetation of the site included planting bare root trees and controlling invasive species growth. The target communities were Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp (Blackwater Subtype) along the channels grading to Bottomland Hardwood Forest downstream, and Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest on the drier upslope. The communities were as defined by Schafale and Weakely (1990). The planting plan consisted of two planting zones. Zone 1 occupies the wetter, lower landscape areas, and Zone 2 occupies the drier, higher landscape areas. Near - channel areas are in the lower landscape areas. The initial planting of bare root trees occurred in February 2011. Tree species specified for planting on the Rudolph Site are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Tree Species Planted in 2011 Scientific Name Common Name FAC Status Zone 1 wet conditions Betula nigra River Birch FACW Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash FACW Po ulus hetero h lla Swamp Cottonwood OBL uercus 1 rata Overcup Oak OBL uercus hellos Willow Oak FACW- Salix caroliniana Coastal Plain Willow OBL Taxodium distichum Bald cypress OBL Zone 2 mesic conditions Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore FACW- uercus lauri olia Laurel Oak FACW- uercus shumardii Shumard Oak FACW- uercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak FACW- uercus nigra Water Oak FAC uercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak FAC+ uercus phellos Willow Oak FACW- Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash FACW 3.0 VEGETATION MONITORING 3.1 Success Criteria Neuse riparian buffer vegetative success criteria are based upon the density and growth of target tree species as shown in Table 1. Vegetative success criteria will be based upon guidelines set forth in the Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration prepared by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program and will be defined as a success rate equivalent to 320 live planted stems per acre at the end of the 5 -year monitoring period. 2 3.2 Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol The following monitoring protocol was designed to predict vegetative survivability and response to different management treatments. Forty -eight plots in 8 different blocks were established on the Rudolph Buffer Mitigation Site, to monitor approximately 5% of the site. Sampled vegetation monitoring plots were 15mx15m. The blocks were established within the Neuse riparian buffer site to represent the range of conditions that exist on the site. The blocks and plots were randomly located and randomly oriented within the buffer area. Plots were planted with a subset of tree species to specifically measure tree growth response (height and diameter) to different management techniques applied to the site including mowing, herbicide, fertilizer, mowing and fertilizer, herbicide and fertilizer, and an untreated control. The five species studied included B. nigra (Beni), F. pennsylvanica (Free), P. occidentalis (Ploc), Q. michauxii (Qumi), and T. distichum (Tadi). Plot construction involved using PVC pipe at each of the four corners to clearly and permanently establish the area that was to be sampled. Four PVC pipes ten feet tall were placed at each corner of the blocks to facilitate visual location of site throughout the five -year monitoring period. All of the planted stems inside the plot were flagged with surveyor flagging to help in locating them in the future. 3.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring The following tables present stem counts for each of the monitoring plots. Each planted tree species is identified across the top row, and each plot is identified down the left column. The number of surviving stems within each plot is identified in the corresponding species data column. Table 2.2012 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Species Composition Block- Plot Beni Frpe Ploc Qumi Tadi Total Stem per acre 1 -1 5 5 5 5 4 24 432.4324 1 -2 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 1 -3 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 25 450.4504 1 -4 4 5 5 5 5 24 432.4324 1 -5 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 1 -6 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 2 -1 2 4 3 3 0 12 216.2167 2 -2 3 1 5 3 4 2 17 306.3070 2 -3 2 5 3 3 4 17 306.3070 2 -4 3 5 5 2 5 20 360.3603 2 -5 5 4 5 4 4 22 396.3973 2 -6 3 5 4 5 4 21 378.3783 3 -1 1 5 5 5 2 5 22 396.3973 3 -2 5 5 5 4 5 24 432.4324 3 -3 5 5 5 5 4 24 432.4324 3 -4 5 5 1 5 5 5 25 450.4504 3 3 -5 3 4 4 4 4 19 342.3431 3 -6 3 5 5 5 5 23 414.0414 4 -1 3 5 2 3 2 15 270.2708 4 -2 5 5 5 3 0 18 324.3251 4 -3 3 4 2 5 1 15 270.2708 4 -4 5 5 5 4 4 23 414.0414 4 -5 5 4 5 4 5 23 414.0414 4 -6 3 5 4 5 3 20 360.3603 5 -1 4 5 5 4 5 23 414.0414 5 -2 5 5 4 4 5 23 414.0414 5 -3 5 5 5 2 5 22 396.3973 5 -4 4 5 5 2 5 21 378.3783 5 -5 5 5 5 4 4 23 414.0414 5 -6 5 4 5 4 5 23 414.0414 6 -1 5 4 3 3 5 20 360.3603 6 -2 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 6 -3 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 6 -4 5 4 5 5 5 24 432.4324 6 -5 5 5 5 5 1 5 25 450.4504 6 -6 5 5 5 4 5 24 432.4324 7 -1 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 7 -2 5 5 5 3 5 23 414.0414 7 -3 5 5 5 4 5 24 432.4324 7 -4 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 7 -5 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 7 -6 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 8 -1 5 5 5 4 5 24 432.4324 8 -2 5 5 5 5 5 25 450.4504 8 -3 5 5 5 2 5 22 396.3973 8 -4 5 5 3 4 4 21 378.3783 8 -5 3 5 4 3 4 19 342.3431 8 -6 4 4 5 4 5 22 396.3973 Total 212 231 219 196 208 1066 - Average Stems /Acre: 400.0882 Percent Survival of Planted Stems: 891/6 Volunteer species will also be monitored throughout the five -year monitoring period. Below is a table of the most commonly found woody volunteer species. 4 Table 3. Volunteers within the Neuse riparian buffer Area ID Specie Common Name FAC Status A Li uidambar styraciflua Sweet um FAC+ B Acer rubrum Red Maple FAC C Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine FAC Not many volunteer woody species were observed in the vegetation plots. This site was previously an active pasture and the grasses were quick to recover, forming dense ground cover. 3.4 Vegetation Observations Fields continued to be largely populated with successional weeds especially dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) and pigweed (Amaranthus spp.). These weeds appeared to have little if any impact on planted species survival. There was greater mortality in Block 2 this year which was likely due to dryness in that particular area of the planted field. Ditches were predominately lined with rushes, (Juncus spp.), and sedges (Carex spp.). Any threatening weedy vegetation found in the future will be documented and discussed in the monitoring reports. 3.5 Conclusions The 2012 vegetation monitoring data reflects that the overall site is on a trajectory to achieve the final vegetative success criteria of 320 surviving planted stems per acre by the end of Year 5. At present there are no invasive species issues to be addressed. ,. Block 1- Rudolph Site Vegetation Plot 1. Plot 3. Plot 5. Plot 2. Plot 4. Plot 6. Block 2- Rudolph Site Vegetation Plot 1. Plot 3. Plot 5. Plot 2. Plot 4. Plot 6. } aN� - I 1 Block 5- Rudolph Site Vegetation Plot 1. Plot 3. Plot 5. Plot 2. Plot 4. Plot 6. 4" �`'+4 � C v 7. �.'t INI`�( t a s < c tii '1, 0 q- C)�- E�- \(a TIE JOHN R WADAMS COMPANY; INC. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Ms. Katie Merritt NCDENR -DWQ 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Re: Carl Lloyd I am sending you the following item(s): Date: November 9, 2012 ** FEDERAL EXPRESS ** Job No.: MAM -09010 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Monitoring Year 3 Report These are transmitted as checked below: ❑ As requested ❑ For your use ® For approval ❑ ❑ For review and comment ❑ Remarks: On behalf of the Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (EBX), EcoEn ineering is submitting 1 hardcopies of the Carl Lloyd Monitoring Year 3 Report. Copy to: Signed :�_ __ George Buchholz FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ® Copy Letter of Transmittal Only to File ❑ Copy Entire Document to File ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - SURVEYORS - ENVIRONM RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK - CHARLOTTE 800 - 733 -5646 - ww%vjohnnncadams.com CARL LLOYD BANK PARCEL ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT DWQ Project Number: 09- 0858v2 November 7, 2012 Do QV i 3 2012 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................... ............................... 2 1.1 Project Location and Description .......................................................... ..............................2 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ................................................................. ..............................2 2.0 Vegetation Condition and Comparison ..................................................... ..............................2 3.0 Methodology ............................................................................................... ..............................3 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots .................................................................. ..............................3 3.2 Photo Stations ....................................................................................... ............................... 3 4.0 References .................................................................................................. ..............................4 Appendix A: Site Maps Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Monitoring Year 2 Exhibit Appendix B: Vegetation Assessment Data Table 1: Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 2: Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Table 3: Planted Species Comparison by Vegetation Plot Appendix C: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets Appendix E: Photo Stations ' [JEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc 1.0 Introduction LI Project Location and Description Located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Holly Creek Lane and Old Greensboro Road (SR 1005) in Orange County, North Carolina (Appendix A. Figure 1 — Site Location Map) is the Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel (Bank Parcel) which is a nutrient mitigation bank. The purpose of this Bank Parcel is to improve water quality within the B. Everett Jordan Lake watershed by providing off -site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) which require nutrient offsets. This Bank Parcel is not intended to function for mitigation of buffer impacts. It will only be used for nutrient offsets. The Bank Parcel is located within the Upper New Hope Arm of the B. Everett Jordan Lake watershed, inside of 14 -digit USGS HUC 03030002060070. Stormwater runoff from this site drains into two unnamed tributaries of Neville Creek (Stream Index #16- 41- 2- 2- 1 -(1)), which drains into University Lake approximately three (3) miles downstream. According to the N.C. Division of Water Quality Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS), Neville Creek is classified as WS -II; HQW, NSW in this location. The overall tract, which consists of two (2) parcels, is approximately 74 acres with a riparian buffer restoration area of 10.84 acres (Appendix A. Figure 2 — Monitoring Year 1 Exhibit). This Bank Parcel has been established under the terms and conditions of the Cape Fear Basin Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Mitigation Umbrella Bank (Bank) made and entered into by Mid - Atlantic Mitigation, LLC (MAM), acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ). 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of this nutrient mitigation project are to: To improve the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tributaries of Neville Creek by reducing sediment into the streams caused by agricultural influences. To improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation easement. To provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributaries of Neville Creek and associated riparian and upland buffers. These goals will be met through the following objectives: By establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Parcel. By reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through mechanical and chemical methods: By establishing a conservation easement to provide long -term protection for the Bank Parcel. 2.0 Vegetation Condition and Comparison Current stem counts were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data. Final stem count criteria are 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring (Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel - Bank Parcel Development Package, 2009). As for Monitoring Year 3, the Bank Parcel had 9 plots encompassing 0.2224 acres, containing 312 planted and volunteer stems, which yielded a 2 [E—I]EcoEngineering A di iston of The John R McAdams Company, Inc density of 1,403 trees per acre including planted and volunteer species. Vegetation survival threshold was met for each of the plots except for Vegetation Plot 1. Summary tables of the data collected are provided in Appendix B. , Within the Bank Parcel, Chinese lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), which is an exotic /invasive species was observed at the time of the field investigations. Approximately 2.75 acres of the Bank Parcel contains Chinese lespedeza. The extent of exotic /invasive species is depicted in the Monitoring Year 2 Exhibit (Appendix A, Figure 2). During Monitoring Year 3 field investigations, it was determined that Vegetation Plot 1 did not meet the vegetation survival threshold of 320 trees per acre. Therefore, re- planting within the area of Vegetation Plot will occur sometime between the months of November, 2012 and April, 2013. 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by EEP (EEP, 2006; EEP, 2009). All nine (9) vegetation plots installed by EcoEngineering were located in Monitoring Year 3. Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in accordance to CVS- EEP Protocol for Recording Ve etg ation (CVS -EEP, v4.2). Table 1 (Appendix B) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot which the target density is a minimum of 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period. Table 2 (Appendix B) provides a stem count total and planted stem total by each individual vegetation plot. Table 3 (Appendix B) provides a summary of only planted stem counts as compared to planted stem counts of the As Built. Vegetation monitoring plots were photographed and are located in Appendix C. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix D. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides measurements, location, and vigor of each planted species within a respective vegetation monitoring plot. 3.2 Photo Stations Photo documentation is essential to monitoring the success the Bank Parcel. Photos provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions. All 19 photo stations installed by EcoEngineering were located in Monitoring Year 3. Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus FE -115 5.0 megapixel digital camera. The locations of the photo stations are depicted in the Monitoring Year 3 Exhibit (Appendix A, Figure 2). Photographs for the photo stations are located in Appendix E. EcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc 4.0 References EcoEngineering — A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. August, 2009. Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel — Bank Parcel Development Package. Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R., 2008. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level 1 -2 Plot Sampling Only. Version 4.2 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Available at internet site: http: / /www.nceep .net/news /reports/buffers.pdf. Accessed August 2009. Schafale MP and AS Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. 4 [-4]EcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc APPENDIX A Site Maps [JEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc a or GARL LLYOD BANK PARGEL, IL r • N, kolo r 4. r r U565,15 MINUTE, QUADRANGLE, "WHITE GRO55, NG "; Ici68 (PHOTOREVISED Ig55); 35bcl76762 °N, 7cl.14G8090 -N 'ROJECT NO. MAM -09010 CARL LLYOD [JEcoEngineering Fa'o"HE: o MAM09010X.DWG BANK PARCEL A division of The Jahn R NkAdm Compmy, Inc. > scare: 4 AS SHOWN FIGURE 1. SI'Z'E LOCATION MAP SNGIIiE�13 • PI ANN&RS • SURVSYQt3 • ffiI9IADN1uiTAL IMSEAECE TPJANGLF PAW - C9AMAYM cn nnre: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ""a732- SM° -� ®�� Y': C-M ato 4 fb • N I NOW OR FORMERLY 0 1 CHRISTOPHER FRANCIS SMOLLEN & LESLIE 0. SMOLLEN 0000 X00 ��\ D PB 85, PG 278 '�j PG 17 � / "�'\ I DETAIL 58627120 L1 Lt 117 ` ..X NOW FORMERLY I �:: "' CO E A ATION WILLIAM J. CALLAHAN & I `� EASEM T 3 154,730 s ft JUNE POINEAU CALLAHAN 3.55 acres DB 934, PG 498 I CONSERVATION PIN: 9758428104 t :•;;;; `� EASEMENT 1 I 397,187 sq. ft. • 9,12 acres I ` n4 E21 •�j••; ' .. BUFFER ' :. LESPEDEZA CUNEAT RESTORATION 1,'•::::':::::: ENCROACHMENT AREA 5 NOW OR FORMERLY LESPEDEZR&VJNEQKTIZ & SONIA GONZALEZ ENCROACHMENT DB 3034, PG 430 PIN: 9758710467 BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 6 4,290 sq. ft. 0.10 acres NOW OR FORMERLY t,.. 73,789 sq. ft. �YPe \ ALSTON VANESSA I 5e 1.69 acres Ltl DB 2209, PG 253 P512� .E59 %�s :�.�,,5, i; : Et21 E' `\ E 7 130 PSi 7F:.. ?� \ l PIN: 9758416824 I F r EXISTING , _.1 �� S� q,Q�t��y: I 50' ACCESS ! . E37 EASEMENT E38 PB 48, PG 60 ` Qs D�F9�91j'P FS 00 A� r "f `:.::. E39 f� 1 1 \ !ir ::.:. op BLESSING DRIVE W�fes �':.. �• E1 50' PRIVATE ACCESS I "�`' 1 • • • • .►f* 1 t EASEMENT PB 60, PG 117 NOW OR FORMERLY SHAWN W. GOINS, SR. & LISA A. GOINS DB 1892, PG 450 PIN: 9758415690 NOW OR FORMERLY EDWARD &BACHMANN DB 4529, PG 429 PIN: 9758512364 NOW OR FORMERLY CALVIN MELLOTT DB 2329, PG 281 PIN: 9757498340/ GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS IS A SURVEY OF AN EXISTING PARCEL(S) OF LAND. THIS IS A VEG PLOT SURVEY. 2. PROPERTY LINES WERE TAKEN FROM REFERENCES SHOWN HEREON AND ORIENTATED TO NC GRID NAD 83 USING GPS METHOD. 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. 4. AREA BY COORDINATE GEOMETRY. 5. REFERENCES: DB 3683, PG 299; PB 29, PG 14; PB 32, PG 40; PB 51, PG 162; PB 53, PG 19; PB 56, PG 153; PB 60, PG 117; PB 74, PG 194; PB 85, PG 17; PB 88, PG 105 OF THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTRY. PIN: 9758524286; 9758507824; 9758524288; 9758808891 8. UTILITY STATEMENT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPRISE ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTIFY THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM INFORMATION AVAILABLE. THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 7. NO GRID MONUMENTS FOUND WITHIN 2000' OF SITE. EXISTING 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT PB 48, PG 60 BUFFER RESTORATION ww AREA 7 9,464 sq. ft. 1�7*� / 0.22 acres i PS19 :::: INITIAL ACCESS ... EASEMENT TO 1� CONSERVATION 4 EASEMENT 1 AND 2 \� S,2 44 fs : E92 I \ E45 LI E Fs. • A.' L188 E E47 I 39 49 48 \ scax° " 1 =250' E1o1 ESPEDEZA CUNEATA ENCROACHMENT P • LESPEDEZA CUNEATA � �'o� I I ENCROACHMENT RESTORATION �m�, AREA 3 I I BUFFER PS8 RESTORATION 104,154 sq, ft. I AREA 4 WeXY c �'; m 2.39 acres ` vrax li% . 23,422 sq. ft. o,•vra I _ 0.54 acres i " :� NOW OR FORMERLY I V MARK J. WEHRMAN I CONSERVATION �. °:.1�. ERUNDA Z. WEHRMAN I EASEMENT 2 cp DB 1624, PG 43 S6 I 196,910 sq. ft. o PB 56, PG 153 I 4.52 acres PS 170 W VP4X PIN: 9758606891 a _.. L178 .... E75 J y` m ` I r. L176 1\ ...1.. I I L175 E7E 2 EXISTING 3D' DRAINAGE I fj E7 EASEMENT I s E r /B 48, PG 60 I I � \ \ I I I ` I NOW OR FORMERLY I GERALD W. FERNALD do L FERNALD IMARJORIE DB 770, PG 204 PB 51, PG 182 2 ` I PIN: 9758607107 NOW OR FORMERLY I CARL BRADY LLOYD, ETAL TRACT 3 DB 397, PG 615 PB 51, 182 I PIN: 9757575 98584 CCNWWA710 EASEMENTS ARE NCILSIVE OF THE AREAS NOTED AS BUFFER RESTORATION AREAS. CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1 BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 1 BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 2 CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1 AREA RO AlMNG CONSERVATION EASEIINNT 2 BUFFET! FESTORA71ON AREA 3 BUFFET! TIE 110RAT10N AREA 4 CONSERVATION EASEMENT 2 AREA REMAINING CONSERVAMON EASEMENT 3 BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 5 BUFR R RESTORATION AREA 6 SUFFER RESTORATION AREA 7 CONSERVATION EASEMENT 3 AREA REMANMNG 307,157 SM FT. — &12 ACRES 167,144 SQ, FT. — &84 ACRES 80.570 SM FT. — 2.06 ACRES 140,473 SM FT. — &22 ACRES 196,910 SQ, FT. — 4,52 ACRES 101.154 SQ, FT. — 230 ACRES 23.422 9Q. FT. — 0.54 ACRES 69,334 SQ. FT. — 1.50 ACRES 151.730 906 FT - 655 ACRES 73.780 911 FT. — 1.69 ACRES 4490 906 FT. - 0610 ACRES 9,464 911 FT. — 622 ACRES 67,187 34 FT. — 1.54 ACRES FIGURE 2. MONPORING YEAR 3 FAIT Pmm'cr No. MAM -09010 MAM0901 scax° " 1 =250' rA DATZ: 11 -05 -2012 LEGEND 0 EXISTING IRON PIPE 0 IRON PIPE SET ■ EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT CALCULATED POINT cOi UTILITY POLE a PHOTO STATION GRAPHIC SCALE VPA VEG PLOT 4 250 0 125 500 INVASIVE / EXOTIC SPECIES POPULATION LLOYD PROPERTY CONSERVATION EASEMENT PHOTO STATION & VEG PLOT CHAPEL H LL TOWNSHIP, ORANGE COM Y NORTH CAMMA ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 000 ft. ®THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. II49819M • PE.1QI1 - SUNVETM • >QIYIFID141111 M �NCHi111191 usRM. CRAILOtra m umom p 14, nE&M ttc mnl tno na�ea.wwwjdmmmmimnmm -H. Ma 0-M APPENDIX B Vegetation Assessment Data F4-]EcoEngineering A dmum of Tlic John R McAdams Company, hk Table 1. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 3: October 17, 2012 EcoEngineering Project #: MAM -09010 PLANTED & VOLUNTEER STEMS PER ACRE Buffer Restoration Area Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Threshold Met?* Tract Mean 1 1 No 89% 1 2 Yes 3 3 Yes 3 4 Yes 4 5 Yes 2 6 Yes 2 7 Yes 5 8 Yes 7 9 Yes *Target density is a minimum of 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period according to the "Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel - Bank Parcel Development Package ", August, 2009. Table 2. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegation Plot Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 3: October 17, 2012 Bank Parcel 10 84 acres tcotn Ineerin Nro ect v: MAM -09070 CURRENT PLOT DATA MY-3 October 2012 ANNUAL MEANS Scientific Name Common Name Species Type VP -1 PL NT VP -2 PL NT VP-3 PL NT VP-4 PL NT VP -5 PL NT Vp-6 PL NT VP -7 PL NT VP-8 PL NT VP -9 PL NT MY -3 (October, 2012 ) MY -2 (October, 2011 MY -1 (October, 2010) AS BUILT (May, 2010) Aronia arbutifolia red chokecherry Shrub 0 0 5 18 Betula m ra river birch Tree 1 1 1 4 1 8 10 8 11 Carpinus carokniana ironwood Small Tree 2 2 2 1 13 20 14 16 24 Fraxmus pennmAvanica green ash Tree 1 1 2 1 5 3 3 4 4 2 2 28 23 26 16 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar Tree 1 1 2 2 2 6 M nca cenfera wax myrtle Shrub 0 0 10 14 Plantanus ocadnetalis sycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 4 4 Prunus serotina cherry Tree 1 1 2 5 5 11 Quercus alba white oak Tree 1 4 1 1 7 8 11 12 Quercus launfolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 0 2 Quercus I rata overcup oak Tree 0 0 0 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 0 0 0 1 Quercus ni ra water oak Tree 1 1 5 1 3 Quercus pagodafolia the ark oak Tree 2 1 1 4 4 4 6 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 5 6 2 2 1 16 7 10 8 Quercus rubra red oak Tree 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 6 11 14 Li wdambar stvraciflua sweet aurn Not Listed 1 0 234 223 Juniperus virginiana red cedar Small Tree 1 1 2 1 1 Ulmus amencana American elm Tree 2 11 24 14 23 72 30 12 6 194 57 49 Acer rubrum red maple Not Listed 0 64 65 Rhus co allma winged sumac Shrub 0 0 64 Ca rya tomentosa shagbark hickory Tree 1 2 6 2 11 2 1 Nyssa s Ivatica black um Tree 2 2 Quercus stellate post oak Tree 1 1 Parses borboma I red bay Small Tree 0 0 3 Planted Stem Count Total 3 11 10 5 16 4 9 9 5 72 91 95 Natural Stem Count Total 3 21 25 14 29 72 31 22 1 23 240 445 424 Size of Vegetation Plot Acres 0 0247 1 0 0247 1 0 0247 00247 00247 00247 00247 00247 00247 02224 02224 02224 Number of Different Species 5 10 7 6 10 4 7 7 5 61 79 78 Planted & Volunteer Stems Per Acre 243 1295 1416 769 1821 3076 1619 1255 1133 1403 2410 2334 1) The following "Species Types" were not recorded "Shrub" & "Not Listed" 2) PL = Planted Species 3) NT = Natural/Volunteer Species Table 3. Planted Species Comparison by Vegation Plot Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 3: October 17, 2012 - EcoEngineerinq Proiect #: MAM -09010 VP -1 VP -2 VP -3 VP-4 VP -5 VP -6 VP -7 VP -8 VP -9 ear 3 Planted Stem Count Total 3 11 10 5 16 4 9 9 5 EMonitoring Built Planted Stem Count Total 14 13 22 16 17 20 12 19 18 d Stem Difference from As Built -11 -2 -12 -11 -1 -16 -3 -10 -13 it Rate % per Monitoring Plot 21% 85% 45% 31% 94% 20% 75% 47% 28% Note: The difference between planted stems from the As Built and Monitoring Year 3 is due to species which were deemed "missing" or "dead" in previous monitoring years. One possible explanation for "missing" species is due to thick herbaceous growth obscuring the species from identification during previous and current monitoring years. Therefore, it is possible "missing" species could grow larger than the herbaceous growth and allow for their identification and measurement in subsequent monitoring years. In addition, species which were deemed "dead" could survive in subsequent years because the species may have gone dormant at the time of monitoring while the roots of the species are surviving below ground. Therefore, in subsequent years the species could grow under more favorable conditions. APPENDIX C Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos [jEcoEngineedng A dmsmn of The Jahn R McAdams Company, hM VE6 PLOT 1: WITHIN AREA I AT OA FA0I146 2'16 °W. VE6 PLOT 2: WITHIN AREA I AT Op PAGIN6 266 °W. N°. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD EcoEngineering en exaxe: MAM09010X.DWG BANK PARCEL A division of The John R McAdmu Compmy, I� > Y SCAM As sHOwry VEGETATION PLOTS EfiGINSttfft3 • PIANNSRS • SORYSYORS • SNVIIdONI�NTAL F .ATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO -M4446. � � w..: c� VE6 PLOT 5: WITHIN AREA 5 AT Op FAGIN6 206.5. VE6 PLOT 4: WITHIN AREA 5 AT Op FAGIN6 216 °5W. °JECT N °. MAM -09010 IM CARL LLOYD AEcoEngineering � IR F EN"`E:MAM09010X.DW BANK PARCEL A d:viaion of John R McAdams Compan,, Inc. ca�.E: AS SHOWN VEGETATION PLOTS S - ENGINffit5 • FIANNERS • 3UIiVSYORS • SNVIIaDN1�NTAL �E�HT� °� • ATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY. NORTH CAROL NA 2W5 I�idian Party, DarE•m � 2T717 eoo-�ssse,e•..,.,.p�,a®a�' "" X 10 No. MAM -09010 E" ""E: T07ECT M AM 09010X. DWG : AS SHOWN TE: 11- 05 -g01? VE& PLOT "I: WITHIN AREA 2 AT Op FACING 90 °E. VES PLOT 8: WITHIN AREA 5 AT Op FACING 106 -E. RDJECT No. MAM -09010 C CARL LLOYD g gftoEngineerin-1 9 VE6 PLOT 9. WITHIN AREA 7 AT OHO FACIN& 176.5. rRaECr xo. MAM -09010 C e RT LLOYD � �HExA>�: M AM 09 010 X. D WG t/1 �j \L/ j,/t,/ BANK PARCEL kiEcoEngineedng A diviam of 73e John R McAd�on Campy, Irc, IV SCALE: A SHOWN VEGETATnON PLOPS SNGIIiT�S • PI.APilim • SURVEYM • BRV> iAL RESEARCH TRGAGIE PAM • CHAVIDM DATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROIINA z .,.> Zl7I3 °0D-73"M•w* cm•Umw ea: {-M / APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitoring Data Sheets g [jEcoEngineering A dmsion of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc, Site. Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 1 Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X-axis MY -3 10/12/2012 1 1 314NW CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 50-1001 > 100 X Y ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vi or 2 Hei ht DBH Notes Ma ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter Nddh ter centimeter cm 1 Betula m ra river birch B 0 3 0 3 M 7.89 41 2 Prunus serotina black cher C 3 2 0 3 M 3 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 57 031 5 85 3 432 73 4 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore C 87 04 1201 154 05 2 1 1084 163 0 435 stress 5 Fraxmus pennsylvanica qreen ash C 86 34 122 12 3 929 67 6 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 61 34 M missing 7 Quercus rubra red oak C 31 31 M missing 8 Quercus rubra red oak B 04 2.8 - M missing 9 Arorna arbutifolia red chokeberry C 0.4 58 M 1549 86 10 Quercus alba white oak B 31 61 M missing 11 Quercus alba white oak C 61 6.7 1192 131 3 91 91 '12 M nca cenfera wax myrtle B 8.7 67 1795 150 0 225 3 12.5 102 13 Arorna arbutifolia red chokeberry C 751 92 1 M 4.26 39 14 M rica cenfera Iwax myrtle IB 1 421 891 M missing C = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missinq CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50-1001 > 100 Ulmus amencana 2 Li uidambar styraciflua 2 6 Juni erus vir irnana 1 Pmus taeda 1 Site. Carl Lloyd Bank Site age 2 Date 10/12/2012 Area 1 Veg Plot No 1 X -axis 314NW 10 c f 7 E E 4 L MMMww"MR6 MMM MMMErAMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM M WORM M MM M Rol M '01""' MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM Mu (" Mr, =1 M K(OM I MMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM cme)MMMI-MIMMMMMMI 1 0.5( 0,0 05 I Z 3 4 b b X -AXIS Odenotes missing ff 6 9 l0 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 1 Monitoring Year: Date: Area: Veg Plot No.: X -axis: MY -3 10/12/2012 1 2 302NW CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 50-1001 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vigor ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter 1 Quercus rubra red oak C 06 0.3 8.65 65 1 3 615 51 2 Quercus phellos willow oak C 3.5 0.4 22.05 160 0 485 3 12.78 103 3 Quercus a odafolia cherrybark oak C 6.3 0.4 8.5 62 3 619 62 4 Prunus serotina black cherry C 7.6 051 1821 111 3 1 1591 112 5 Quercus pagodafolia the bark oak C 9.2 2.91 6.66 80 2 5.71 60 stress 6 Quercus phellos willow oak B 6.3 2.8 23.29 150 0 337 3 16.35 93 7 Quercus pagodafolia cherrybark oak C 2.7 2.7 M missing 8 Car inus caroliniana ironwood B 0 2.6 M 598 59 9 Liriodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 1.3 5.4 8.3 52 3 7.43 31 insect 10 Quercus phellos willow oak C 3.8 54 11.5 0.335 3 7.72 74 11 Liriodendron tuli ifera tuli o lar C 6 6 5.4 M missin 12 Betula ni ra river birch C 9.4 5.4 13.29 d142 3 4 43 31 13 Quercus hellos willow oak C 3.7 9.8 16.38 0 451 3 15.62 135 14 Quercus hellos willow oak C 3.9 3 4 13.1 0.365 3 found this year C = containerized Vigor. 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50-1001 > 100 Ulmus americana 1 91 1 Acer rubrum 8 121 1 N ssa s Ivatica 2 Juni erus vir iniana 1 Li uidambar st raciflua 2 5 Quercus phellos 1 2 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 NOTES: Lespedeza cuneata within plot Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site age 2 Date 10/12/2012 Area 1 Veg Plot No. 2 X -axis 302NW V i E e C 1 05 0,0 MMMM"Gj,MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMICOMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM UO MMMMMMMMM X -AXIS Odenotes missing f d v 1U Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY -3 Date- 10/16/2012 Area 3 Veg Plot No.: 3 X -axis. 156SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 50 -100 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vi or ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Namc Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter 1 Quercus alba white oak B 0.5 0.4 12 40 3 20.88 33 insect 2 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 31 0.4 11.83 90 3 6.18 47 3 Quercus alba white oak B 5.9 0.4 3.7 41 2 2.88 43 stree 4 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 8.6 0.41 M missing 5 Quercus alba white oak B 7.6 1.2 13.65 90 3 8.88 55 6 Quercus alba white oak B 4.9 1.5 M missing 7 Quercus alba white oak B 2.2 1.6 19.65 98 3 12.61 86 8 Quercus rubra red oak B 0.5 3.3 M missing 9 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 1 3.5 3.2 378 28 3 missinq insect/deer 10 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 6.1 311 M missing 11 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 10 7.4 2.3 51 3 6.21 62 res rout 12 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 8.8 62 12.2 68 3 10.98 59 13 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 7.6 7.6 M 5.91 53 14 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry B 5.5 6.2 M 1 6.31 37 15 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 4.6 7.6 M missin 16 Betula nicira river birch B 3 6.21 M missing 17 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 1 6 7.7 M missing 18 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 0.3 6.2 M missing 19 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 0.7 9.1 11.95 55 3 126 64 deer 20 Betula ni ra river birch 113 1 3.5 9 6.98 68 3 1 5.89 30 21 lQuercus rubra red oak 113 1 61 9 2.13 421 1 3 1 9.45 33 res rout 22 Quercus pagodafolia cherrybark oak IC 1 941 91 1 1 M Imissing C = containerized Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50 -100 > 100 Pinus taeda 15 2 Ulmus amencana 11 13 Ca rya tomentosa 1 Li wdambar styraciflua 3 2 NOTES- Lespedeza cuneata within plot Site Cad Lloyd Bank Site ige 2 .iate 10/16/2012 Area 3 Veg Plot No 3 X-axis 156SE 0 4 J z 1 ub X-AXIS 0 denotes missing 10 r 5 0,0 \(!5 ir OEM =1 MD- MMOOMMERIM EM ��w�i��iQiiMiii� MMMMEMOMMOM no-MM "(00 MMMMMMMMMMM MOMMMMIOMEMM 11110-0 007-MM M on, MMOMMOKIMMM031 0 4 J z 1 ub X-AXIS 0 denotes missing 10 r 5 0,0 \(!5 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY -3 Date: 10/16/2012 Area: 3 Veg Plot No: 4 X -axis: 162SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 50 -100 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vi or ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter 1 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 1.7 0.6 2195 160 3 17.78 102 2 Liriodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 4.5 06 5.3 25 3 565 43 stress 3 Betula ni ra river birch B 1 7.3 0.5 1025 120 3 1 6.35 76 , 4 Betula ni ra river birch B 9.9 0.51 M 2.69 25 5 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 9 3.1 M missing 6 Quercus pagodafolia cherrybark oak C 6 3.4 5.05 48 3 565 43 7 Fraxinus enns Ivanica green ash C 36 2.1 5.5 42 3 556 35 insect 8 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 2.5 3.5 134 121 3 6.15 57 9 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore C 6.9 41 6901 60 3 5.99 49 10 Quercus alba white oak B 81 59 M lmissing 11 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 5.1 6 4.96 40 3 missing 12 Quercus alba white oak B 2.5 6.1 M 597 32 13 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 03 8.7 8.4 105 3 2.79 28 14 Quercus michaux- wamp chestnut oak C 3.2 8.7 1 M missing 15 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 6 2 8.61 34.51 1861 0.4951 3 15611 102 16 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry 1C 1 8.91 8.51 1 1 M missin C = containerized Viqor• 3 = good condition. 2 = survivino and likely to survive next vear B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50 -100 > 100 Ulmus americana 5 9 Pinus taeda 5 NOTES: Lespedeza cuneata within plot '-te Carl Lloyd Bank Site je 2 .jate 10/16/2012 Area 3 Vag Plot No 4 X-axis 162SE MMMM- KIOMMv6MM==-=MzIMj MMMMMMMMMMM ME-Imimmiff MwMazM MMMMM IIE v t$ 1 0 0 4 X-AXIS 0 denotes missing 10 2 I 1 05 0,0 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY -3 Date: 10/16/2012 Area: 4 Veg Plot No.: 5 X -axis: 160S CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 50-1001 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vi or ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter 1 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 0.5 06 10.19 75 3 8.08 61 2 Betula ni ra river birch C 3.2 0.6 M missing 3 Quercus alba white oak C 6.1 06, 10.01 94 3 1 6.18 52 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 8.9 0.5 16.32 87 3 15.75 85 5 Prunus serotina black cherry C 9.9 3.4 M missing 6 Quercus rubra red oak C 8.5 4.3 M missing 7 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak B 7.3 35 M missing 33 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 5.1 4.9 M missing 62 9 Betula rn ra river birch B 4.5 3.3 10.49 181 3 1 17.69 92 10 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 1.6 3.2 11.75 45 3 9.29 62 11 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 0.4 4.6 2.4 40 2 245 35 stress 12 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 69 6.2 11.9 80 3 7.56 56 13 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore C 8.8 8.8 9.89 78 3 8.01 75 14 Fraxinus enns Ivanica qreen ash C 7.1 9.91 9.651 51 3 1084 41 15 Betula ni ra river birch B 5.5 8.5 13.45 13-4F--- 34 3 1 13.99 117 16 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 2.8 8.6 9.751 62 3 1 8.95 54 17 Betula rn ra aver birch 113 0.3 E8.7 n w)l QA1 C = containerized Vigor- 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50-1001 > 100 Ca rya tomentosa 1 1 Li wdambar styracilflua 16 25 15 Acer rubrum 13 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 2 Ulmus americana 18 5 Plantanus occidentalis 1 Site. Carl Lloyd Bank Site 'age: 2 Date: 10/16/2012 Area: 4 Veg Plot No. 5 X -axis 160S 10 f e 1 0.5 0,0 f MMM_ MM&I'MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMIwjM MMMMMMWCDMMM Cos MmuelmrGIMMMME MMMMMMMMMM MMM-M-MMMMMM MMM-GOOMMMMI&OM i c o Odenotes missing w J o 1 6 U I X -AXIS Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 1 Monitoring Year: Date: Area: Veg Plot No.: X -axis: MY -3 10/16/2012 2 6 124SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 OCT, 2011 50 -100 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vi or ddh Height DBH Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter cm 1 Quercus rubra red oak C 0.7 0.1 M 4.41 51 2 Betula ni ra river birch C 1.6 0 7 104 3 8.85 87 vine 3 Prunus serotina black cherry C 4.2 0.4 M Imissing 4 Prunus serotina black cherry C 1 6.9 0.91 M missing 5 Betula rn ra river birch C 9.8 1 M 3.88 47 6 Quercus phellos willow oak C 9.2 2.5 M missing 7 Quercus phellos willow oak B 8.9 3.8 M missing 8 Fraxinus enns Ivarnca green ash C 7.6 2.9 M missing 9 Quercus ni ra water oak B 4.9 3.8 M missing 10 Prunus serotina black cherry C 1 2.2 2.21 M missing 11 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 0.2 4.6 M 11 01 92 12 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 56 53 M missing 13 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 84 59 15.4 179 3 10.75 64 14 Quercus rubra red oak C 9.8 5.7 6.79 65 3 5.55 38 15 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 10 5.8 M 8.74 84 16 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 8.4 8.41 1495 180 3 8.89 89 17 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 6 8.4 M missin 18 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 2.7 7.8 20.25 194 3 911 120 19 Quercus hellos willow oak C 1.5 8.7 13.4 162 3 8.79 109 20 Quercus hellos willow oak B 0.4 7.3 28.05 231 3 17.45 180 0 58 C = containerized Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50 -100 > 100 Ulmus americana 28 41 3 Rhus co allina 21 25 12 Li uidambar st raciflua 1 72 60 40 Acer rubrum 48 40 25 Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site 'age. 2 Date 10/16/2012 Area 2 Veg Plot No 6 X -axis 124SE 10 c E i E 4 MMMMMMMMMM =MM.MMK4=)M=M MMUMMMMMM.Irm I MMMMMMMMU Wce" v on M W(e-3 0 M mm� 1 05. 0,0 5 80E f I G 3 Odenotes missing 4 O O / 8 U lU X-AXIS Site, Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page- 1 Monitoring Year Date: Area Veg Plot No.. X-axis- MY-3 -axis MY -3 10/16/2012 2 7 138SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 OCT, 2011 50-1001 X Y ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vi or ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 08 03 1195 135 3 92 73 2 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 36 06 5.05 68 3 315 39 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 1 71 06 1178 75 2 1 1109 80 stress 4 Quercus alba white oak C 9.8 06 445 40 3 445 36 insect 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 0 351 118 82 3 1075 82 6 Car anus caroliniana ironwood C 2.9 3.6 M missing 7 Fraxinus pennsylvanica qreen ash B 58 36 149 59 2 1303 67 insect 8 Quercus rubra red oak C 89 37 555 63 3 6.87 23 9 Quercus rubra red oak C 81 68 351 271 1 3 Imissinq 10 Quercus hellos willow oak B 49 6.8 1318 160 0371 3 missin 11 A Aroma arbutifolia red chokeber C 1 9 67! 722 112 3 10711 103 insect 12 Quercus pagodafolia Icherrybark oak C 421 991 11.9 100 1 3 1 9271 68 L, = containerized Vigor 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missinq CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER SPECIES HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50-1001 > 100 Quercus stellata 1 Li udambar styraciflua 25 38 Acer rubrum 21 29 Ulmus amencana 9 21 Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site 'age 2 Date 10/16/2012 Area 2 Veg Plot No 7 X -axis 138SE V c E i E 1 I I I I 12 1 I - ---- I I I I I I I I I I - - - - -- --------------- ------- i ------- f- - - - --- I ------- i- - - - - -- I ------- i- - - - - -- I ---- -- + --------------- I ------- I - -- ---- t- - - - - -- I ------- +- - - - - -- I -- -- --- f- -- - --- 1 ---- --- F- - -- --- I --- -- -- ±- - -- - -- I - - -- --- - -- - - -- I ------- i- -- - - -- I ------- i- -- -- -- I I 1 ---- - --k_(- -- ---- �- - - - - -- I ---- -- 4- - - - - -- f ------- F- -- - - -- I ------- ±- - - - --- I -- ----- f- - -- - -- I i ------- i- - - - - -- I ----- --F-- - - --- I 11 - --- ---t -- I -- ----- f- - - - - -- I ------- i- - -- - -- I - - - - -- --------------- I ------- I ------- t- --- - -- 9 I --- t- - - - - -- I I I I I I I I I i I I ---- -- -h-- - - - -- I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I ---- --- f- - - ---- I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I - ------ i- - - - - -- I I --- --- f - - - - -- I I - - - - -- F--- - --- I I ------- F- - - - - -- I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I ------- i- - ----- I I 5 ---- h- - - - - -- I I ---- ---- - - - - -- I ! 6 ---- - - -f -- I I -- --- i- - - - - -- I I -- -- --- i--------------- I I 7 I --- ------- h- - - - --- I I I ------ -f- - - - - -- I I 8 ----- --f - -- I I ------- f- - - - - -- I -- ----- h- -- - - -- --- ---- f- - - - - -- --- -- -- f- - - - - -- ------- i------- ------- i- - - -- -- -- ---- + - - - - -- - -- ---- h- - - - - -- ------- F- - --- -- ------- f- - - - - -- - --- --- f- - - - - -- i I I I I I I I I I I - - - - -- 1 I I 2 I I I 3 I I 1 4 05 0,0 05 e i G 3 4 b b X -AXIS Odenotes missing 6 9 10 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page- 1 Monitoring Year. Date: Area: Veg Plot No.: X -axis: MY -3 10/16/2012 5 8 152SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 0 -50 X Y ddh Height DBH cm Vi or ddh Height Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 0.4 0.2 10.25 119 3 6.38 71 2 Betula ni ra river birch B 3.1 03 M missing 3 Plantanus occidnetalis sycamore C 5.9 04, 8.65 78 3 6.3 66 4 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 8.7 0.3 M missing 5 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 10 2.7 M missing 6 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 8.1 2.8 M 10 58 7 Liriodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 5.7 1.5 M missing 8 Quercus ni ra water oak C 4.6 27 14.85 115 3 7.7 58 9 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 1 1.9 2.81 M Imissing 10 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 0.7 5.8 M missin 11 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 3.4 5.8 86 55 3 6.19 41 12 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash C 52 6.1 12.2 95 3 10.9 60 13 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 6.1 6.2 10 74 3 9.43 56 14 Fraxinus enns lvanica green ash B 8 6.3 7.18 73 3 585 34 15 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 9.3 57 851 50 3 275 33 16 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 8.1 8.9 5.21 52 3 4.28 54 17 M rica cerifera wax myrtle B 5.3 88 M missing 18 Car inus caroliniana ironwood ic 2.5 8.7 M 4.6 61 19 Car inus caroliniana ironwood Ic 02 8.7 M missing C = containerized Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missinq CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50 -100 > 100 Ulmus americana 8 4 Ca rya tomentosa 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 3 Li wdambar styraciflua 3 2 Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site age 2 Date* 10/16/2012 Area 5 Vag Plot No. 8 X -axis 152SE 10 E i E F 4 L 1 05 0,0 05 Odenotes missing f 106E X -AXIS 1 6 w iu 13 Site: Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page: 1 Monitoring Year: Date: Area: Veg Plot No.. X -axis. MY -3 10/17/2012 7 9 130SE CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA MY -2 SEPT, 2011 Scientific Name X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vigor ddh Height Notes Ma ID Scientific Name Common Name Source millimeter centimeter 1 Fraxinus enns Ivanica reen ash B 0.4 03 6.68 45 Car inus caroliniana 3 missing 1 insect 2 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 2.9 0.5 M missing 3 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 1 4.9 09 M missing 4 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 6.2 0.5 M Imissing 5 Quercus phellos willow oak B 8.9 2.8 M missing 6 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 7 3.3 M missing 7 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak B 5.3 3.3 M missing 8 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 34 3.4 M missing 9 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar C 1.5 39 M missing 10 Quercus I rata overcup oak B 03 2.31 1 M missing 11 Quercus rubra red oak B 22 5 5.28 26 3 missing 12 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 31 6.1 M missing 13 Quercus ni ra water oak B 49 6.4 M missing 14 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry C 7 6.1 M missing 15 Quercus rubra red oak C 1 8.6 4.5 555 58 3 3.12 26 16 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash B 9 8.31 7.18 53 3 6.32 41 17 Quercus ni ra water oak B 43 8.9 M 265 48 18 Car inus caroliniana ironwood C 1.2 8 6.95 54 3 6.31 73 C = containerized Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year B = bare root 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES cm Scientific Name 0 -50 50 -100 > 100 Ulmus americana 5 1 Li uidambar st raciflua 7 3 Ca rya tomentoss 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 2 Acer rubrum 111 1 Car inus caroliniana 131 1 NOTES: Lespedeza cuneata within plot ,de Carl Lloyd Bank Site ge 2 oate 10/17/2012 Area 7 Veg Plot No 9 X-axis 130SE I u to 0 1 0 0 14 a z I u D X-AXIS 0 denotes missing 10 1 05 0,0 1'�1765 �� ■iQ��: =SAC :: 161 M ff =ems ��m�■�v = =� I u to 0 1 0 0 14 a z I u D X-AXIS 0 denotes missing 10 1 05 0,0 1'�1765 APPENDIX E Photo Stations 9 FEJ]EcoEngineering A division of7Le John R McAdams Company, Inc. PHOTO STATION I: VIEW WITHIN NORTHNESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA I PAGING 184 05. PHOTO STATION 2: VIEW WITHIN CENTRAL SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA I FACING IWS. PROJECT NO. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROI M AftoEngineenng A dmucn of The John R McAd� Cody, Inc. on: 9 FILE""E: MAM 09 010 X. D WG t7 9 scA1E: AS SHOWN SNGIIiT�S • PLANNERS • SIIIiYSYO1tS • TSN91)�il�PilL eoa sP' °�' 11C M13 ---�own • 1� lk- C-6M m °ATE: 11 -05 -2012 PHOTO STATION 3: VIEW WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA I FACING 270 0W. PHOTO STATION 4: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 3 FACING IQ8 95. ECT no. MAM -09010 CART , T ,T ,l )M CARL "AmE:MAM09010X.DWG `+/ i/j/`/ 1 L BANK PARCEL [JEcoEngineering A chvmon of 7be John R McAd®s Compmy, Inc. AS SHOWN 1�NSU��s • i'lerlxffis' SOSVaYa�s' Evv>1�ril�rlTeL PHOTO STATIONS RnMEH TRUNGIB An • CHARLO M En �: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ZM P.A.", D h- � m„ °0o-73a-%0•— •I Is.: c-4m PHOTO STATION 5: VIEW WITHIN CA NTRAL SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 3 FACING MOOS. PHOTO STATION 6: VIEN WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 3 FACING 320'NW. ROJECr NO. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD AEcoEngineering` K FIE"A"E'MAM09010X.DWG BANK PARCEL M hs• A drv:AN d scALE: A S SHOWN PHOTO STATIONS -ER UNIE, SftGINE�is • PLANNERS � SoRtE7QS � SliY�xl�iTeL E S -SU VZ �^ =�- In DATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 2906 91Qii� n�.v. kr ! Z?713 PHOTO STATION 1: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 4 FACING 144 09E. PHOTO STATION 8: VIEW WITHIN CENTRAL SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 4 FACING 122 0E. PROJECT xo. MAM -09010 C � ?J LLOYD FaEN "E:MAM09010X.DWG Vl �1<L/ BANK PARCEL ®4 A �� d SCALE: AS SHOWN ���.�A. URMOM SB38AHC8,u PukE . Du.CH.BI.M3 No-mw" .- :h+� -1: X.: C-M i PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA [/] C DATE: 11 —05 -2012 PHOTO STATION q: VIEW HITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 4 FAGIN6 352 0N. PHOTO STATION 10: VIEW WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 2 FAGIN6 356 °N. No. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD 'MAM09010X.DW r.MDATM BANK PARCEL A division of The Joh n R McAdams Company, Inc, " '"''' ENGRIliM- PI.ANNIB - SURVEYOILS - 0iVIIlDI�iVM L PHOTO STATIONS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PAR% • CELARL07TS 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NOR I-I CAROLINA „�;&,a P,�,a,,� M„ NO- 737- 56/L.� �.Li x,., C-M A PHOTO STATION II: VIEW WITHIN CENTRAL SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 2 FAGI146 3480N. PHOTO STATION 12: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 2 FAGIN6 13805E. ROJECf No. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD MK PARCEL [JEcoEngineerin g -I A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. FIi.EN""' M AM 09010X. DWG d 5C"U: AS SHOWN PHO'T'O STATIONS K,G�. PI. . sIJ,��. �,YIEMA . RESEARCH TRUNCLE PARK- C"ARLOM °' n ATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA noo-�swe•� —jo P � "� �: C -OM PHOTO STATION 15: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 5 FACING 140 05E. PHOTO STATION 14: VIEW WITHIN CENTRAL SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 5 FACING 104 0E. PROJECT No. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD jEcoEngineering F"'NANE1 M AM 09010X. DWG BANK PARCEL A division of The JoLm R McAdams COSY, Inc. SCALE: ENGINEM • PLANNERS • SURMORS • ENVENDNWMTAL AS SHOWN PHOTO STATIONS RESEARCH TRLANGIE PABC • CHARLOTTE TE HATE: 11 -05 -2012 NO43S- 5W- k".,�..�p 1; Lid: c-M ORANGE COUNTY. NORTH CAROIdNA � PHOTO STATION 15: MEW WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 5 FACIN6 318 °NW. PHOTO STATION 16: VIEK WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 6 FACING 152 05E. ROJECT NO. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD AEcoEngineering TF aENAxE:MAM0 9010X.DWG BANK PARCEL A dlnma° of Te John R McAd®tY, �. CALE: AS SHOWN pH01'O STATIONS ENGMM?S • PLANNM • SURVEYORS • ERE NNMAL RESEARCH TRUNCLa FARx . cRARLO'rrE ATE: 11-05-2012 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA � • ^m-��® � � C-4m / PHOTO STATION h: MEN WITHIN SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA b FACIN6 330 °NW. PHOTO STATION 18: VIEW WITHIN NORTHWESTERN SECTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 'l FACING 13b °SE. xoJeccr xo. MAM -09010 CARL LLOYD � 0 04 F"ENA"E'MAM0901 OX. DWG BANK PARCEL AEcoEngineering A division of Tae John R a I d sc�: AS SHOWN PHOTO STATIONS OW - E Excn�s. • svxvs�roxs .� NK L e Twsxc� rwnu • caeca vrre En DATE: 11 -05 -2012 ORANGE COUNW, NORM CAROIM& ZM „m-;w P,�,, Durham ,C M13 °W733 -N "• •'k� No.. C-M d a cil RESTORATION AREA 'I PAGIN6 306 °NK NO. MAM -09010 FILENAME: M AM 09010X. C scmx: AS SHOWN DATE: 11 -05 -2012 CARL LLOYD ® EcoEngineering A &vimn of lbe John R hkAdm Camay, Inc. BANK PARCEL K,GRUMM...A. RESKARCH PHOTO STATIONS��• CHARLOrrK 2sos rma.. Fotvy , Dwbm ac m17 ORANGE COUNTY. NORM CAROUNA 8W • --Rim • Li� Y�, c-M A