HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111013 Ver 2_More Info Received_20121030A -9i \e0 �V e Z R 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE SUITE 2 I N C O R P O R AT E D WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 -1725 4 _ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS TEL 910 492 -9253 FAX 910- 392 -9139 czrwllm @czr- Inc.com Technical Memorandum To: Martin Marietta Materials (MMM) From: CZR Incorporated (CZR) Date: October 30, 2012 Subject: Technical Memorandum to address potential direct and indirect effects on identified fish populations from predicted changes in Blounts Creek water quality as identified in Kimley Horn and Associates, Incorporated (KHA) Stability, Flood, and Water Quality Analyses Technical Memorandum dated 06 September 2012 and CZR outline dated August 6, 2012. ■ Purpose and Background In response to comments provided by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) regarding stream stability, potential flooding, and water quality issues associated with the addition of the proposed Martin Marietta Materials (MMM) quarry dewatering discharge into Blounts Creek, Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) prepared a Technical Memorandum. The September 2012 KHA memorandum described the results of several analyses performed to address the agencies' concerns and also provided zones of potential impacts to aquatic resources. CZR Incorporated (CZR) subsequently prepared an outline of tasks to address biological impacts to fish populations in Blounts Creek associated with the predicted changes described in the KHA Technical Memorandum. Comments on the CZR outline were received from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) at a meeting on 21 September 2012. This Technical Memorandum prepared by CZR addresses direct and indirect effects from the predicted MMM- Vanceboro quarry discharge to applicable fish populations in Blounts Creek. Table 1 presents a summary of findings which demonstrate that no adverse effects are likely to occur to fish species, macroinvertebrates, or Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) in Blounts Creek due to predicted changes in pH, salinity, and flow velocity from the proposed maximum quarry discharge of 12Mgal /day. CZR Incorporated Page 1 30 October 2012 2151 Altemate Al South a SUITE 2000 a JUPITER, FLORIDA 33477 -3902 TEL 661-747-7455 o FAX 561-747-7576 o czrinc @ozr- inc.com o wwwCZRINC.com Table 1. Summary of direct and indirect effectsron identified fish populations in Blounts Creek due to predicted changes in pH, salinity, and flow velocity from a proposed quarry dewatering discharge into Blounts Creek. CZR Incorporated Page 2 30 October 2012 Freshwater Habitats Estuarine Habitats (areas upstream of Herring Run). (areas downstream of Herring. Run) Fish Species No adverse effect likely No adverse effect likely • Increase in pH and perennial flow above Effects of the project are predicted to be within the range of Herring Run may provide more habitat for and existing natural conditions. Species and fish assemblages less stress to a more diverse assemblage of occurring in this environment are highly mobile and adapted freshwater fish species and increased egg to a wide fluctuation in estuarine conditions. Fish survival communities are naturally variable in this environment due to • Increased pH reduces the solubility of seasonal and annual climatic conditions. aluminum and therefore the toxic effects of aluminum • Diadromous species may have more suitable habitat for spawning and all developmental and adult life stages. Macroinvertebrates / No adverse effect likely No adverse effect likely Managed Invertebrates • Low pH conditions in NC swamp streams • Effects of the project are predicted to be within the range of naturally reduce fauna richness and diversity. existing natural conditions. Species and invertebrate • Increased and more regular flow will likely alter assemblages occurring in this environment are highly adapted community structure as functional feeding to a wide fluctuation in estuarine conditions. Invertebrate groups in intermittent sections shift to those communities are naturally variable in this environment due to more characteristic of perennial streams. seasonal and annual climatic conditions. Essential Fish Habitat No adverse effect likely No adverse effect likely • SAV • SAV has been documented in the lower • Effects of the project are predicted to be within the range of • Aquatic Bed approximate 0.2 mile (above Herring Run in existing natural conditions and no adverse impact is • Wetlands 2006). Anticipated changes in velocity and pH anticipated to SAV. This portion of the creek is largely • Water Column are not expected to affect SAV. In general, SAV influence by estuarine and other climatic factors (i.e., Pamlico in upper estuarine conditions are more tolerant to fluctuations in light (Deaton et al. River discharge, rain, drought, wind) that will make detection 2010). of measurable impacts from the project difficult to detect. • Changes in the pH and hydrology regime will • SAV species distribution is influenced by salinity but many likely alter dominant herbaceous vegetation species are able to tolerate a wide salinity range; most species found in the channel and flooded portions of found in Blounts Creek are characteristic of freshwater and the upper palustrine forested wetlands as the upper estuarine conditions. pH classification changes from acid (pH <5.5) to . No change in the classification (in regard to salinity) is circumneutral (pH 5.5 -7.4). anticipated for SAV, aquatic bed, wetlands, or water column. CZR Incorporated Page 2 30 October 2012 a What managed fish species may inhabit Blounts Creek? As a result of the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, managed fish species fall under the joint responsibility of the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (SAFMC), the Mid - Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC), and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Both the SAFMC and MAFMC have defined several habitats to be EFH for managed species (SAFMC, 2008; MAFMC, 2008). The SAFMC and MAFMC have also developed fishery management plans (FMPs) for several species, or species units (SAFMC, 2008; MAFMC, 2008). As part of each FMP, the council designates not only EFH, but also Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC), a subset of EFH that refers to specific locations required by a life stage(s) of that managed species. Federally managed fish species found within the project area of Blounts Creek are bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) and summer flounder (Paralichthys dentotus); both species fall under the responsibility of the MAFMC. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ( USFWS) in conjunction with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) safeguard against species that become listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Currently, the only federally listed endangered, threatened, or special concern fish species known or expected to regularly occur in the vicinity of Blounts Creek is American eel (Anguilla rostrata), currently listed by USFWS as a species of concern. Although habitat for shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) and Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus) (both listed as endangered by the NMFS) is present in the vicinity of the most downstream reaches of Blounts Creek, neither species is likely to be present. In addition to federally managed species, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission ( ASMFC) serves as a deliberative body, coordinating the conservation and management of the states' shared nearshore fishery resources — marine, shell, and anadromous — for sustainable use. Member states are Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Species managed by the ASMFC that are possibly found within the project area of Blounts Creek include: American eel, Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), bluefish, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), river herring [blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) and alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus)], spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), spotted seatrout (Cynoscion 'nebulosus), southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma), striped bass (Morone saxatilis), summer flounder, and weakfish (Cynoscion regalis). Under the Fisheries Reform Act of 1997, the NCDMF prepared FMPs for all commercially and recreationally important species or fisheries that comprise state marine or estuarine resources, with the goal to ensure the long -term viability of these fisheries. The State of North Carolina has developed FMPs for several species that include: bay scallop (Argopecten irradians), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), hard clams ( Mercenaria mercenaria), kingfish (Menticirrhus americanus), red drum, river herring [blueback herring and alewife], shrimp (Penaeus spp.), southern flounder, spotted seatrout, striped bass, and striped mullet (Mugil cepholus). CZR Incorporated Page 3 30 October 2012 Several of the managed species listed above are among the most important fisheries on the east coast. Atlantic croaker, blue crabs, hard clams, shrimp, and both southern and summer flounder are some of the most commercially important fisheries in North Carolina (NCDMF, unpublished commercial fishing data). 9 What recreationally important fish species may inhabit Blounts Creek? Several inshore managed fish species of recreational importance can occur within Blounts Creek (e.g. Atlantic croaker, bluefish, red drum, southern flounder, spot, spotted seatrout, striped bass, summer flounder, and weakfish). Unmanaged fish species likely found within the project area of Blounts Creek considered of recreational significance include: black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), catfish (Ameiurus spp. and Ictalurus spp.), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), white perch (Morone americana), and yellow perch (Perca flavescens). ® What are the direct effects of changes in pH above the confluence of Herring Run on identified fish populations? An increase in pH from the upstream quarry dewatering outfall to Herring Run is predicted to increase from the existing conditions of 4.0 -5.5 to 6.3 -6.9. However, the predicted increase in pH levels to 6.3- 6.9 is most likely a bit higher than the actual levels that will be experienced in upper Blounts Creek since organic acids within the creek bed and watershed were not accounted for by the water chemistry model used by Kimley -Horn and Associates, Incorporated (KHA) in the September 6, 2012 Technical Memorandum. Shifts in pH, whether acidic or alkaline, are important because they alter the configuration of enzymes used by fish to regulate acute biochemical processes that maintain both blood and tissue pH within certain limits (Helfman et al. 2000). Levels of pH also determine the solubility of inorganic aluminum and its toxicity on aquatic organisms (Baker and Schofield 1982). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) currently list chronic levels of aluminum as 0.087 mg /L for pH levels of 6.5 -9.0 (EPA 1988). Acidic pH levels found in upper coastal plain waters such as Blounts Creek naturally have greater concentrations of inorganic aluminum (Hall et al. 1980). In fish, inorganic aluminum is toxic and reduces important gill enzyme activity responsible for the active uptake of ions (Rosseland et al. 1990). The more sensitive a fish species is to acidic levels of pH, the greater the toxic response to aluminum concentrations will be with decreasing levels of pH (Baker and Schofield 1982). Many fish species located in the upper reaches of coastal plain streams such as Blounts Creek are characteristic of species that are capable of surviving dry periods and /or periods of low to no flow, low dissolved oxygen (DO), and exceptionally low levels of pH (CZR Incorporated 2011; Spruill et al. 1998). As water quality (WQ) conditions improve further downstream and near the confluence of Herring Run, other common freshwater species encompass a much larger diversity of sunfishes and basses (Centrarchidae), minnows (Cyprinidae), darters (Percidae), and catfishes (Ictaluridae). These four families of fish cover most, but not all, species encountered or confined in the freshwater limits of Blounts Creek. CZR Incorporated Page 4 30 October 2012 Residential freshwater fish species throughout Blounts Creek are more isolated within the watershed and therefore more susceptible to shifts /changes in pH that occur between the upstream quarry dewatering outfall and Herring Run. Although some fish species are known to tolerate lower pH levels than others, many prefer a more moderately acidic, neutral, or slightly alkaline environment, often requiring pH of greater than 5.0 (Wilbur and Pentony 1999). The optimum pH range for freshwater fish common in Blounts Creek is 6.5 -8.5 (Stroud 1967). Table 2 list pH tolerance ranges for a few freshwater species that are commonly found throughout coastal plain fish communities. The increase in pH from the upstream quarry dewatering outfall to Herring Run may provide more suitable habitat (water column) for a more diverse realm of freshwater fish species, as an increase in pH to a near neutral environment will lead to less stress, increased reproduction and egg survival, and the capability of fish to absorb DO (Wilber and Pentony 1999). The increase in pH also decreases the solubility of aluminum and therefore, decreases the multitude of potential toxic effects it has on fish functionality (Baker and Schofield 1982). The upper reaches of Blounts Creek are also utilized by coastal, diadromous fish species that inhabit the freshwater reaches of Blounts Creek for various life stage developments. Table 3 list pH ranges for diadromous (both anadromous and catadromous) fish species that most likely use the freshwater reaches of Blounts Creek for one or more life stages. The literature reviewed and presented in Table 2 suggest that overall, higher ranges of pH than what is currently found in Blounts Creek may create more suitable habitat for spawning, egg and larval development, juvenile, and adult life stages for all diadromous fish species. The American eel is the only diadromous fish species thought to utilize Blounts Creek that has been documented as tolerant of extremely acidic pH conditions. River herring can tolerate lower pH levels found throughout upper reaches of coastal plain streams; however, most literature acknowledges "optimal' pH ranges above the current pH levels found in Blounts Creek. Additionally, shad and striped bass are less tolerant of acidic pH conditions and cannot tolerate acidic ranges of pH currently found in the upper reaches of Blounts Creek. Therefore, an increase in pH from the upstream quarry dewatering outfall downstream to Herring Run may create more suitable nursery habitat for diadromous fish species within this portion of Blounts Creek. Table 2. pH tolerance ranges for freshwater fish species. ' Tolerance Common name ; S ecies name Range f Literature Cited I Notes Bluespotted sunf_istrEnneacanthus gloriosus ; 41 -7.0 1Graham and Hastings 1984 i Reduced growth at lowest pH (Gonzalez and Dunson 1989) Green sunfish l Lepomiscyonellus 40.10.3 !Ultsch 1978 iTolerance assumed similarto Bluegill Bluegdl ;Lepomis mocrochirus 4.0 -10.3 ;Ultsch 1978 !pH extremes caused partial kills yellow perch !Perca f/avescens 3.9 -9.5 'Johnson et al 1977 Reproductive success reduced pH <5 5 (Ryan and Harvey 1979) Largemouth bass 'Micropterussalmoides 3.9 -10.5 Calabrese 1969 :Short-term exposure only outside of optimum Common shiner !Pomoxisnigromoculatus 5.8.7 --'Harvey 1980 ;<5.8 populations disa pear or decline and reproduction ceases CZR Incorporated Page 5 30 October 2012 Table 3. Diadromous fish and associated life stage requirements for pH, salinity, and velocity. Common name Species name Life stage pH Salinity (ppt) Velocity (fps) Alewife Aloso pseudoharengus Adult (spawning) Tolerance of 6.5 to 7.3 (Collins 1952) Wide ranges (Klauda et al. 1991) Slow flowing waters (Greene at al. 2009) Spawning occurrs < 5.0 (Stevens 3979) Optimal of 3.30 to 6.60 (Fay at al.1983)(Hill at al. 1989) Observed in average of 5.0; Successful in 4.5 ( Byrne 1988) Suitable of 0 to 5.0 ( Deaton at al. 2010) Slow flowing waters are optimal ( Deacon et al. 2010) Suitability increases with increased river discharge (Greene at al 2009) Egg and larval Suitable of 5.0 to 8.5 for eggs and prolarvae (Klauda et al. 1991) Optimal or 0 to 2.0 for eggs (Klauda et al. 1991) Slow flowing waters (Greene at al. 2009) Egg and Larval Tolerance of 6.6 to 9.0 for eggs (Bowker et al 1969) Tolerance-of 0 to 10.0; Optimal of 15 to 3.0 for eggs (Mansueti 1958) Mostly freshwater - 0 (Dovel 1971) Tolerance of 6.0 to 9.0; Optimal of 7:0 to 8.0 for larvae (Regan at al. 1968) Tolerance of 0 to 9.0, Optimal of 1.7 for eggs (Albrecht 1964) Tolerance of l) to 16.40; Optimal of 0.98 to 3.28 for larvae (Regan at aL 1968) Suitable of 0 to 5.0 for eggs; Suitable of 0 to 3.0 larvae (Deaton et al. 2010) Optimal of 7.46 to 7.85 for larvae ( Davves 1970) Tolerance of 0 to 8.0 for eggs (Morgan and Rosin 1973) < L02 leads to incaeassed egg mortality (Fay at al. 1983) Larvae collected 0 to 8.0 (Dovel 1971) Larvae documeted from 0 to 32.0 (Greene et al. 2009) Eggs collected 0.72 to 2.40 (Beasley and Hightower 1998) Juvenile Abundance peaked at 8.2 (Kosa and Mather 2001) Collected 0 to 8.0 (Dbvei 1971) Avoidance of > 0.33 (Gordon et al. 1992) Optimal of 5.0 to 25.0 for larvae (Rogers and Westin 1978) Suitable of 0 to 5.0 (Deaton et al. 2010) Suitable of 0.5 to 10.0 for eggs; Suitable of 1.0 to 105 for larvae (Deaton et al. 2010) Optimal of 0 to 5.0 (Pardue 1983) Optimal o 3.0 to 7.0 for larvae (Lai et al. 1977) f Juvenile Tolerance or 0 to 32.0 (Richkus 1974) Tolerance of 0.2 to 16.0 (Merriman 1937)(Dovel 1971) American eel Anguilla rostroto Glass eel / Elver Tolerance cf 4 0 to 7.0 (Reynolds 2011) Observed 0 to 25.2 (Sheldon and McCleave 1985) Tolerance of (3 to 0.82 (Jessop 2000) - (50 -100 mm in length) Tolerance of 0 to 35.0; Optimal of 10.0 to 20.0 (Bogdanov et a1.1967) Upper limit of 1.15(Mcaeave 1980; Barbin and Krueger 1994) Yellow eel Tolerance oF4.1 to 5.5 (Lacroix 1987)(Graham 1993) Wide ranges -not an Important habitat parameter (Morrison at al. 2003) Model - Habitat suitabilityincreases with flow -1.40 (Rashleighet al. 2008) Optimal of 17.0 (Peterson at al. 2000) Optimal of < 12 (Geer 2003) Variability in velocities is optimal (Greene et al. 2009) American shad Aloso sapFdissimo Adult (spawning) Mostly freshwater (Greene at al. 2009) Optimal of 0.98 to 295 (Stier and Crance 1985) Tolerance of Oto 35.0 (Collins 1 §85) Suitable of 0 to 18.0 ( Deaton at al. 2010) Optimal of 2.00 to 3.00 (MacKenzie et al. 1985) Euryhaline (Hotos and Vlahos 1998) Optimal of0 to 2.30 (Ross et al. 1993) Egg and larval Larvae are more sensitive to acidic conditions than eggs (Klauda 1994) Observed 0 to 7.6; Optimal of 0 for eggs and larvae (Leim 1§24) Eggs observed 0 to 3.28; Optimal 0.98 to 2.30 (Bilkovic 2000) b Tolerance of 6.0 to 9.0 of both' gs and larvae Leim 1924 ag� ( ) Variable ranges reported for s and larvae (Greene M aL 21109 ge Po g8 ) < 0.98 leads to increassed siltation, g mortality (Williams and Bru er 1972 e8 B ) Tolerance of 6.5 to 6.5 foreggs; Tolerance of 6.5 to 9.3 for larvae (Bilkovic at al. 2002) Suitable of 0 to 18.0 for eggs and larvae (Deaton at al. 2010) Larvae observed 0 to L97; Optimal 0.98 to 23018ilkovic 2000) Tolerance of 6.0 to 7.5 for eggs; Tolerance of 6.7 to 9.9 for larvae (Klauda 1994) Eggs observed 0.31 to 4.33 (Kuzmeskus 1977) Tolerance of 5.5 to 95 for eggs; Mortality at < 5.2 (Bradford et al. 1968) Optimal for larvae - 7.0 (Leach and Houde 1999) Juvenile Low alkalinity provides degraded nursery habitat; High alkalinity porvides more stable, suitable nursery habitat (Klauda et al 1991) Wide ranges of gradual changes (Chittenden 1969) Optima) of 0.20 to 2.46 (Klauda et aL 1991) Suitable of 0 to 30.0 (Deaton et al. 2010) Blueback herring Aloso oestivolfs Adult (spawning) Spawning occurred over a range of 6.0 to 7.5 (Christie et al.1981)(Christle and Barwick 1985) Suitable of 0 to 6.0, Optimal <1.0 (Klauda at al. 1991) Swift flowing waters (Greene et al. 2009) _ Suitable of 0 to 5.0 (Boger 2062) Strong current /flow (Deaton et aL 2010) Egg and Larval Suitable of 5.7 to 8.5; Optimal of 6.0 to 8.0 for eggs (Klauda et al. 1991) Optimal for eggs of 0 to 2.0 (Klauda et al. 1991) Eggs collected 0 to 3.08 (Harris and Hightower 2007) Suitable of 6.2 to 8.5; Optimal of 6.5 to 8.0 for prolarvae (Klauda at al. 1991) Eggs and larvae survive in high salinities of 18.0 to 22.0 Vohnstdn and Cheverie 1988) Larvae more sensitive to 5.7 and 6.2; more tolerant of 6.7 and 7.5 (Klauda and Palmer 1987) Suitable of 0 to 22.0 for eggs; Suitable of 0 to 18.0 for larvae (Deaton et al. 2010) Suitable of 6.0 to 8.0; Optimal of 6.5 to 8.0 for eggs (Boger 2002 - based on Klauda et al. 1991) 1 Juvenile Suitable of 7.2 to 8.2; Collection peaked at 8.2 (Kosa and Mather 2001) Often collected O to 2A;`rolerant of much higher salinities (Jones et al. 1988) Collected 5.2 to 6.8 (Davis and Cheek 1966) Optimal of0 to 5.0 (Pardue 1983) Suitable of 0 to 2.0 (Deaton et al. 2010) Suitable of 0 to 28.0 ( Klauda M al. 1991) Hickory shad Aloso mediocris Adult (spawning) Mostly freshwater (Greene et al. 2609) Variable (Greene et al. 2009) Egg and Larval Eggs observed 6.4 to 6.6 (Hawkins 1980) Eggs collected 0.07 t04.13 (Harris and Hightower 2007) Juvenile Wide ranges (Greene et al. 2009) -Striped bass Morone soxotiRs Adult (spawning) Optimal spawning occurrs OJO to L5 (Johnson and Koo 1975) Sustained minimal flow is optimal (Fish and McCoy 1959) Spawning occurrs < 5.0 (Stevens 3979) Optimal of 3.30 to 6.60 (Fay at al.1983)(Hill at al. 1989) Suitable of 0 to 5.0 (Deaton et al. 2010) Suitability increases with increased river discharge (Greene at al 2009) Spawning occurred over a range of 0 to,22.8lRulifson and Dadswell 1995) Egg and Larval Tolerance of 6.6 to 9.0 for eggs (Bowker et al 1969) Tolerance-of 0 to 10.0; Optimal of 15 to 3.0 for eggs (Mansueti 1958) Tolerance of 1.00 to 16.40; Optimal of 3.28 to 6.56 for eggs (Mansueti 1958) Tolerance of 6.0 to 9.0; Optimal of 7:0 to 8.0 for larvae (Regan at al. 1968) Tolerance of 0 to 9.0, Optimal of 1.7 for eggs (Albrecht 1964) Tolerance of l) to 16.40; Optimal of 0.98 to 3.28 for larvae (Regan at aL 1968) Optimal of 7.46 to 7.85 for larvae ( Davves 1970) Tolerance of 0 to 8.0 for eggs (Morgan and Rosin 1973) < L02 leads to incaeassed egg mortality (Fay at al. 1983) 6.0 or less casuses mortality (Rago 1992) Larvae documeted from 0 to 32.0 (Greene et al. 2009) Eggs collected 0.72 to 2.40 (Beasley and Hightower 1998) Optimal <2.0 (Dove[ i971) Optimal of 5.0 to 25.0 for larvae (Rogers and Westin 1978) Suitable of 0.5 to 10.0 for eggs; Suitable of 1.0 to 105 for larvae (Deaton et al. 2010) Optimal o 3.0 to 7.0 for larvae (Lai et al. 1977) f Juvenile Optimal of 7.06 to 8.35 (Davies 1970) Tolerance of 0.2 to 16.0 (Merriman 1937)(Dovel 1971) Tolerance oft) to 16.40; Optimal of 0 to 3.28 (Mansueti 1958) (20 -50 mm in length) Tolerance of 0 to 20.0; Optimal of 10.0 to 15.0 (Bogdanov let al. 1967) (50 -100 mm in length) Tolerance of 0 to 35.0; Optimal of 10.0 to 20.0 (Bogdanov et a1.1967) Suitable -of 0 to 6.0 ( Deaton et al. 2010) Striped mullet Mugrl cephalus Juvenile Optimal of 17.0 (Peterson at al. 2000) Euroalme (Nordlie et at. 1982) Suitable of 0 to 75.0, Optimal of 20.0 to 28.0 ( Deaton et al. 2010) Tolerance of Oto 35.0 (Collins 1 §85) Adult Euryhaline (Hotos and Vlahos 1998) CZR Incorporated Page 6 30 October 2012 What are the direct effects of changes in salinity above and below the confluence of Herring Run on identified fish populations? The lower reaches of Blounts Creek are estuarine and classified by the state as "saltwater" from Herring Run to the Pamlico River. The estuarine waters of Blounts Creek provide habitat and nursery grounds for several commercially and recreationally important coastal fish species, including diadromous species, which are often managed by federal and /or state agencies. Although estuaries are extremely productive ecosystems, they are ever changing environments. Estuaries are often inhabited by highly adaptive and mobile fish species that acclimate to daily changes in WQ parameters and the complex issues that they involve (e.g. salt wedge). The addition of a constant input source of freshwater from the upstream quarry dewatering outfall will likely move the salt wedge further downstream in Blounts Creek. The salt wedge currently varies daily and is mainly dependent on natural conditions such as tidal influence and weather (e.g. drought, rainfall, wind direction, wind speed). Estuarine fish species are highly adaptive and mobile and are less impacted by daily changes within the estuary and often avoid anoxic conditions which may be caused by the salt wedge. Additional water column habitat for freshwater fish species and nursery habitat for diadromous fish species will likely be created by possibly moving the salt wedge further downstream via the addition of freshwater input in the upper headwaters of Blounts Creek. Table 3 list salinity ranges for diadromous (both anadromous and catadromous) fish species that most likely use the freshwater /saltwater interface of Blounts Creek for one or more life stages. Freshwater input from the upstream quarry dewatering outfall will be one of many factors that determine the daily position of the salt wedge within Blounts Creek. Both freshwater and estuarine fish species are mobile and currently adapt to the natural conditions presented daily in Blounts Creek; therefore, it is unlikely that freshwater input from the upstream quarry dewatering outfall will cause any degradation to fish populations or the water column since predicted changes in salinity are not beyond existing natural variability. ■ What are the direct effects of changes in velocity on identified fish populations? The addition of a constant input source of freshwater from the upstream quarry dewatering outfall will create perennial flow throughout the upper reaches of Blounts Creek. Perennial flow increases water column habitat for freshwater fish and creates a steadier flow regime, increasing DO within the water column. Additionally, perennial flow creates more suitable habitat for fish populations by decreasing predation and more importantly, abiotic stress associated with intermittent stream drying /drought, inevitably increasing fish species diversity and /or decreasing fish mortality (Lake 2003; Magoulick 2000). Increased velocities are also associated with the addition of perennial flow from the upstream quarry dewatering outfall. Maximum velocities of 2.84 feet per second (fps) are expected at the upper reaches of Blounts Creek immediately downstream of the dewatering outfall, and do not exceed 1.00 fps below River Station 50380 (located upstream of the railroad crossing) (KHA 2012). Flow and /or velocity are CZR Incorporated Page 7 30 October 2012 important physiological factors that affect fish species distribution and productivity, especially diadromous fish species. Table 3 list velocity ranges for diadromous (both anadromous and catadromous) fish species that most likely use the freshwater reaches of Blounts Creek for one or more life stages. The literature reviewed and presented in Table 3 suggests that expected velocities in upper Blounts Creek up to the upstream dewatering outfall are all within "optimal' ranges for all life stages of striped bass and outfall velocities below River Station 57222 (located directly downstream of the outfall) are all within "optimal' ranges for all life stages of blueback herring and shad. Minimum velocities of approximately 1.00 fps are needed for egg survival of both striped bass and shad (Fay et al. 1983; Williams and Bruger 1972). All life stages of alewives have been documented as preferring slower velocities than expected upstream of River Station 34964 (located upstream of HWY 33). However, glass eels and elvers have been documented as tolerating velocities below River Station 50380, while yellow eels are tolerant of a larger variety of water velocities. Predicted velocities are not persistently constant throughout the cross - section of Blounts Creek at a given point; therefore, alewives and American eel will not be forced to swim against estimated velocities constantly, often being able to migrate closer to shore or out of the maximum velocity threshold, enabling migration further upstream. Additional flow /velocity will likely create more suitable habitat (i.e., permanent source of oxygenated water) for all fish species. Opportunities for more early spring overbank events in the narrow upper portions of Blounts Creek will also increase spawning areas for anadromous fish species that utilize Blounts Creek. ■ What are the potential indirect effects on identified fish populations? Indirect effects on fish populations may arise from potential changes to habitat designated as EFH that include the Aquatic Bed, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), Palustrine Forested Wetlands, and the water column within Blounts Creek (SAFMC 2008; MAFMC 2008). Additional flow, increased pH, and decreased salinity also have the potential to indirectly affect fish populations through possible changes or shifts in the macroinvertebrate community as discussed in other portions of this memo. ■ How might an increase in pH from 4.0 -S.S (existing) to 6.3 -6.9 above the confluence of Herring Run affect the Aquatic Bed and SAV? Permanently, semi - permanently, and seasonally flooded wetland habitat which is primarily inhabited by plants growing on or below the surface for most years during the growing season is known as Aquatic Bed (Cowardin et al. 1979). Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), underwater vascular plants, provide important fish habitat and root in the Aquatic Bed (Deaton et al. 2010). A North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) survey completed on July 7, 2006 documented seven SAV species in Blounts Creek: horned pondweed (Zannichellia polustris),• widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima), pondweed (Najas guadalupensis), wild celery (Vallisneria americana), slender pondweed CZR Incorporated Page 8 30 October 2012 (Potamogeton pusillus), redhead pondweed (Potamogeton perfoliatus), and coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum). A geographic representation of data collected from this study reveals the extent of surveyed SAV ends approximately 0.2 -mile above the confluence with Herring Run. The pH requirements for SAV habitat are not clearly defined in SAV studies; most studies are focused on the amount of light available to leaf surfaces and other chemical habitat parameters. However, some habitat data was recorded during field collection of the aforementioned species, and suggests these species collectively have a wide range of pH tolerance values (Table 4). Table 4. Habitat data taken from SAV species collection (Beal, 1977) Common name Species name Number of observations pH range or value(s) Horned Pondweed Zannichellia palustris 1 7.5 Widgeon Grass Ruppia maritima 5 to 12 6.7 -7.6 Pondweed Najas guadalupensis 12+ 6.6 -10.0 Wild Celery Vallisneria americana 3 5.6, 6.8, 7.9 Slender Pondweed Potamogeton pusillus 12+ 5.8 -8.4 Redhead Pondweed Potamogeton perfoliatus 2 6.7, 6.8 Coontail Ceratophyllum demersum 5 to 12 6.3 -8.3 ■ How might an increase in pH from 4.0 -5.5 (existing) to 6.3 -6.9 above the confluence of Herring Run affect Palustrine Forested Wetlands? Wetlands include the transition zone between terrestrial and aquatic environments, and provide habitat and food sources for fish (Deaton et al. 2010). The wetlands in Blounts Creek upstream of Herring Run are classified as Palustrine Forested Broad - Leaved Deciduous Seasonally and Temporarily Flooded (PF01A /PF01C) according the USFWS' National Wetland Inventory (NWI). In addition, these wetlands are receiving surface flow from a watershed managed for silviculture. According to the pH modifiers found in the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin et al. 1979), the wetlands in Blounts Creek are acid (pH <5.5) based on measurements of the baseline pH measured by KHA. A circumneutral modifier applies to wetlands where the water pH is 5.5 -7.4. Values are difficult to accurately measure given their fluctuation throughout seasons and weather events. Nevertheless, the types of plants that will inhabit a wetland will vary when even slight changes in pH occur over small distances (Cowardin et al. 1979). Based on the KHA predicted pH increase from a range from 4.0 -5.5 to 6.3 -6.9 and the Cowardin classification modifiers, wetlands in Blounts Creek above the confluence of Herring Run would be reclassified as circumneutral. Thus it is possible for some changes in the vegetation /wetland habitat to occur: CZR Incorporated Page 9 30 October 2012 ■ What are the potential effects to the macroinvertebrate or managed invertebrate communities from an increase in pH from 4.0- 5.5(existing) to 6.3 -6.9 above the confluence of Herring Run? Blounts Creek from its source to Herring Run currently has a NCDWQ classification of Class C waters and supplemental state classification as nutrient sensitive (NSW) and swamp (Sw) waters (NCDENR 2007). If the proposed discharge were to add enough water to increase the pH to the expected 6.3 to 6.9 range (circumneutral) then it is likely Blounts Creek will have year round flow, increased DO concentrations, and a reduction in natural tannins. This equates to the Blounts Creek headwaters no longer exhibiting low DO concentrations, intermittent flow, and tannin -laden waters characteristic of (Sw) streams (Larry Eaton, Environmental Senior Specialist, NCDWQ, personal communication, October 16, 2012). As a result, the use of swamp stream criteria (Standard Operating Procedures for Collection and Analysis of Benthic Macroinvertebrates, NCDWQ) may no longer be appropriate to evaluate macroinvertebrate data. The results of many field studies and reports regarding stream pH settle on the conclusion that deleterious effects to and reduced diversity of macroinvertebrates are associated with lower (acidic) pH values (NCDENR 2005; Schmidt et al. 2002; Earle and Callaghan 1998; Bell 1970). Such streams in North Carolina where a low pH is caused by natural conditions often exhibit low in fauna richness and diversity (NCDENR 2005). Henry Bell's 1970 laboratory experiment with aquatic insect species that were both widely distributed and an important food source for fish species found that a decrease in pH values yielded a smaller percentage of successfully emerging aquatic insects, and his data suggests that a pH of at least 5.5 will allow for successful emergence of at least 50 percent. Bell further explains that pH tolerance varies among different families, and Mayflies (Order Ephemeroptera) were indeed the most sensitive to acidic pH values (Bell 1970). [No mayflies were collected in the CZR 2011 habitat assessment. However, other less sensitive stoneflies and caddisflies were collected even though EPT taxa richness was low at 2]. The current NCDWQ water quality standard for pH range is 6.0 -9.0 for freshwater aquatic life (NCDENR 2007). The expected pH increase may create conditions in the Blounts Creek headwaters that are both within NCDWQ's criteria for protection of freshwater aquatic life and more inhabitable for more sensitive freshwater benthic organisms. Concentrations of inorganic aluminum increase as the acidity of stream water increases (Hall et al. 1980). Since the Vanceboro site discharge will elevate the existing pH from 4.0 -5.5 to 6.5 -6.9 upstream of the confluence of Herring Run, potential harmful inorganic aluminum effects on invertebrates may be reduced. Aluminum in high concentrations accumulates and is toxic to freshwater invertebrates (Rosseland et al. 1990). Further, the benthic community may be indirectly affected by the increase in pH from previously discussed potential changes to the Aquatic Bed, SAV, and wetland vegetation. Macroinvertebrate organisms are reliant upon inputs from vegetation and the consequent energy provided in the form of detritus from wetlands (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). Research has also shown that SAV beds can CZR Incorporated Page 10 30 October 2012 provide habitat and increase the abundance of invertebrates (SAFMC 1998). Commercially important managed invertebrates such as blue crabs, hard clams, and shrimp are likely found within the estuarine confines of Blounts Creek. However, the NCDWQ SAV survey in 2006 identified SAV only 0.2 mile above the confluence of Herring Run and changes in pH above the confluence of Herring Run will likely have little bearing on managed invertebrates since most are likely found downstream of Herring Run. How will a decrease in salinity downstream of Herring Run potentially affect the Aquatic Bed and SAV in Blounts Creek? The majority of the SAV species surveyed from Blounts Creek tolerate a salinity range of 0 -10 PSU while Potamogeton perfoliatus and Ruppia maritima can tolerate higher salinity of 20 and 36 PSU respectively (NCDENR 2006). The distribution of SAV species in both estuarine and freshwater ecosystems, though not solely dependent on salinity, will be influenced by their tolerance to salinity (Day et al. 1989). SAV species are able to tolerate a range of saline conditions by adapting their metabolic functions to regulate osmotic potential and maintain cellular functions, and the ability to facilitate these adaptations relies on how much and how fast salinity changes in relation to the baseline salinity (Moore, undated). Natural conditions are dynamic and allow for range of salinity and flow rates in Blounts Creek due to varying amounts of rainfall. Sweeping changes can occur naturally in a short period of time. KHA confirmed this natural variation during monitoring completed in spring 2012 which yielded various measured salinities in flow conditions ranging from one day after a week without rain to one day after approximately 3.5 inches of rain (KHA 2012). Even though SAV can tolerate a range of conditions, those varying conditions are naturally highly variable both in magnitude and duration; thus, the SAV response is just as variable. Extreme flooding events, storms, or human - induced additions of freshwater may either raise or lower salinities with consequences ranging from complete losses of SAV beds to shifts in species of SAV based on their tolerance for salinity (Orth and Moore 1983; Moore, undated). What are the potential effects from a decrease in salinity downstream of Herring Run on Palustrine Forested Wetlands? Similar to pH levels, salinity levels in wetlands are highly variable and exert considerable influence on the type of vegetation and therefore are highly difficult to classify in such a dynamic environment (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000; Cowardin et al. 1979). However, wetland habitats are classified in regards to salinity using salinity (coastal) modifiers found in the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States ( Cowardin et al. 1979) Based on the natural variability confirmed during the KHA salinity sampling, wetlands downstream of Herring Run in Blounts Creek may fall under both the Fresh (<0.5 PSU) and Mixohaline (0.5 -30 PSU; Brackish) coastal modifiers. Current conditions in the area sampled were near the lower end of the brackish range. The predicted salinity changes in Blounts Creek between the confluence of Herring Run and the Cotton Patch subdivision, as reported in the 06 September 2012 KHA Water Quality Technical Memo, do not CZR Incorporated Page 11 30 October 2012 indicate a change in salinity that would change the salinity beyond the existing natural variability or change the salinity classification of the wetlands. ■ Will a decrease in salinity downstream of Herring Run affect macroinvertebrate or managed invertebrate organisms? Changes in macroinvertebrate taxa abundance and composition accompanied salinity changes in a Florida estuary. This four -year study (St. Johns River Water Supply Impact Study) examined the effects of upstream withdrawals, and therefore increasing estuarine salinity was the main concern as opposed to a decrease. However, the St. Johns River Management (SJRM) District was able to show how a varied salinity regime due to changes in freshwater inflow affected the macroinvertebrate community. Populations of aquatic insects (less tolerant of salinity), based on a large data set, were reduced while the marine taxa abundance increased. Salinity exerted the greatest influence on the infaunal benthic species composition and abundance, and salinity varied most in the lower reaches of the estuary. This variation was considered to reduce abundance due to physiological stress to the organisms. Their study found the sites with salinities less than approximately 2 to 3 PSU had the greatest abundance (Mattson et al. 2011). On the other hand, diversity increased in estuarine waters during periods of high salinity by invasion of marine species into the Guadalupe Estuary and decreased during periods of lower salinity. Abundance in the estuary, as in the SJRM study, increased as salinity decreased (Montagna and Palmer 2011). Day et al 1989 reports abundance to be much higher in increased salinities due in part to a greater availability of food, and diversity is reported as being lower in estuaries. This may suggest there is no 'rule' that we can apply to determine the outcome of the invertebrate community as salinities are changed due to natural events or human impacts. Similar to the discussion on the effect of pH, macroinvertebrate organisms may also be indirectly affected through the potential alteration of available habitat (SAV and wetland) resulting from highly variable levels of salinity. Clearly, SAV species' salinity tolerance will affect their distribution (Day et al. 1989). Many commercially important managed invertebrates (e.g. blue crabs, hard clams, and shrimp) also depend on SAV for habitat and foraging. The predicted salinity changes in Blounts Creek between the confluence of Herring Run and the Cotton Patch subdivision will likely not affect the distribution of important managed invertebrates because the predicted salinity changes are not beyond the existing natural variability already present in Blounts Creek. ■ How will additional water and flow (velocity) potentially affect the Aquatic Bed and SAV in Blounts Creek? Much of the concern in regards to water quality parameters that affect SAV centers around the light conditions available for photosynthesis and subsequent growth and survival. Water quality indicators of available light are related to suspended solids and additional nutrients in the water column. Nutrients may cause a reduction in light reaching leaf surfaces because they enhance the growth of phytoplankton (Orth and Moore 1983). Additional suspended sediments scatter and reduce the amount of light CZR Incorporated Page 12 30 October 2012 available for photosynthesis, and have been linked to reductions in SAV (Kemp et al. 1983). A field study from various sites in the Chesapeake Bay yielded a threshold value for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) of <15 mg /L. SAV were not present in this study at TSS levels in excess of this threshold value (Kemp et al, 2004). Tinting of the water by naturally occurring dissolved organic matter will also change the amount of light reaching leaf surfaces. Past data indicate that freshwater SAV are more tolerant of higher turbidity as determined by Secchi depth and are able to tolerate slightly less light at the leaf surface than moderate salinity (brackish) SAV (Deaton et al. 2010; Ferguson and Wood 1994). If photosynthesis is reduced then SAV production and survival are limited (Deaton et al. 2010). The Vanceboro site discharge(s) will create the potential for re- suspension of substrate and runoff sediment from additional perennial flow in the upper reaches of Blounts Creek; therefore, the amount of light able to penetrate the water column may decrease. North Carolina's current water quality standards do not support recommended standards for maintaining the establishment of SAV beds (Deaton et al. 2010). However, Martin Marietta Materials' NPDES Discharge Permit will require adherence with current North Carolina water quality standards. As previously mentioned, NCDWQ has assigned Blounts Creek from its source to Herring Run a classification of Class C waters with supplemental classification as swamp (Sw) and nutrient sensitive waters (NSW). NCDWQ water quality standards related to this discussion for these waters are 20 mg /I total suspended solids (TSS) for certain discharges, 40 mg /I Chlorophyll , and 50 NTU for turbidity (NCDENR 2007). Turbidity can express the amounts of suspended particles, dissolved organic material, and phytoplankton growth, or actually to what degree these scatter or absorb light in terms of the clarity of the water (EPA 1999). If natural in -situ conditions in Blounts Creek already are in excess of the 50 NTU turbidity requirement then the level of that natural condition shall not be increased (NCDENR 2007). Velocity recommendations for freshwater and estuarine SAV habitat in Chesapeake Bay range from 0.03 feet per second (fps) to 1.64 fps to reduce the potential decline or even loss of SAV growth (EPA 2000). KHA's stability analysis in the September 6, 2012 Technical Memorandum indicated the existing (low - flow) velocity in Blounts Creek does not exceed 1.44 fps. However, future velocities in the Blounts Creek headwaters are expected to reach a maximum of 2.84 fps near the NPDES Discharge Point and decrease to 1.34 fps around River Station 56714, which is well upstream from the furthest extent of SAV mapped during the NCDWQ 07 July 2006 SAV study. What are the potential effects of additional water and flow (velocity) on Palustrine Forested Wetlands? If constant additional water and flow are present in areas upstream then more opportunities for overbank events exist in the narrow upper portions of Blounts Creek. An increased wetted perimeter of the stream bed may eliminate those species which are not adapted to inundation and create more habitat for those species that are adapted to such conditions (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). In a similar manner, lotic conditions can either enhance species diversity by adding new types of habitat, or reduce CZR Incorporated Page 13 30 October 2012 and limit species diversity by creating a more homogenous habitat (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). Vegetation in these bottomland hardwood forests is crucial to providing inputs to the surrounding aquatic environment (Vannote et al. 1980). Resources provided by surrounding woody and non -woody vegetation will inevitably become the building blocks and energy supply of the Blounts Creek macroinvertebrate community structure as well (Corline, undated). a What are the potential effects of additional water and flow (velocity) on Blounts Creek benthic community structure? If both stream flow and velocity increase, particularly in the headwaters of Blounts Creek, then a potential compositional change may occur to the benthic invertebrates inhabiting Blounts Creek. A steadier flow regime creates the potential to alter the amount (retention) of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), particularly non -woody debris, in portions of the creek which do not have year -round flow. Increased flow or velocity in the upper portions of Blounts Creek may reduce the amount of CPOM, and therefore change the amounts and proportions of benthic shredders and collector- gatherers. Potential changes may include reduced numbers of shredders due to lesser amounts of CPOM in upper portions of the creek. Consequently, these organisms would be displaced to portions of the creek further downstream as they collect in large woody debris (LWD) or other debris dams, and collector - gatherers would thus shift downstream of the shredding organisms (Vannote et al. 1980). CZR Incorporated Page 14 30 October 2012 Literature Cited Albrecht, A. B. 1964. Some observations associated with the survival of striped bass eggs and larvae. California Fish and Game 50: 100 -113. 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