HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040047 Ver 4_Individual_20120926SEGO Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 910.452.2711 (office) - 910.452.2899 (fax) Transmittal Letter Date: 24 September 2012 To: Ms. Laurie Dennison Of: DWQ 401 Oversight - Raleigh Attached you will find:* Sly Project #: 04-200.01 Client Name: AFrLW Properties DWQ Project #: 2004-0N7,?PY V L -❑ Proposal ❑ Sketch(es) ® Permit ❑ Wetland Map ❑ Photo(s) ❑ JD Package ❑ Report(s) ❑ Plans ❑ Information Request ❑ Other Copies Dated Description 4 hard copies and 1 CD 21 September 2012 Application, Supplemental Information and Filing Fee for Mott's Landing Modification to the Individual Permit ! To scab vl� S) . xpmai X C 'It noted items are NOT attached, please contact our office. These are being delivered: ❑ For your Review /Comment ® For your Records ❑ Returned for Correction(s) ❑ Corrected and Returned ❑ For your Signature ❑ As Requested ❑ Other: By: ❑ Hand Delivery ® Fed -Ex ❑ UPS ❑ Regular Mail ❑ Other Notes: Laurie, Please note that 1 copy has been hand delivered to Chad Coburn at the Wilmington Regional Office. I <seat,- c9 AMvic4x C kns. a lsv Qkrnkhed to Uad. Signature and (Typed) Name: David A. Sys �U 7�9? ; SEP 2 s Date: 09/24/12 �� %2 Motts Landing Individual Permit Modification Application for Department of the army Permit OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 (33 CFR 325) Expires December 31, 2004 The Public burden for this collection of information Is estimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, a•,d completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 222024302; and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710- 0003), Washington, DC 20503. Respondents should he aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penally for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a current valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your forms to either of Those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10,33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 14f3, Section 103, Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information maybe shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must he attached to this applicalion (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not complete in full will be returned, (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 SHOULD BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) L APPLICATION NO. L FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED -0. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANTS NAME B. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not required) AFTEW Properties, LLC Southern Environmental Group, Inc. (David A. Syster) 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS 9, AGENT'S ADDRESS 2020 Churchill Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 5315 South College Road, Suite E, Wilmington , NC 28412 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. WlAREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. WIAREA CODE n. Fax: 910.763.4742 a. Residence 910.443.5330 (c) b. Business 910.763.2629 b. Business 910.452.2711 (o) 11. Statement of Authorization hereby authorize, Southern Environmental Group, Inc. —David A. Svster to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to I furnish, upon request, supplemental Information in support of this permit application. See Attached Assent Authorization Form APPLICANTS SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (If applicable) The Village at Motts Landing SEGi Project ##: 06- 200.01 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Motts Creek Corner of River and Sanders Roads. 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Wilmington, New Hanover NC COUNTY STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTION, IF KNOWN (see instructions) See Attachment I — The Village at Mott's Landing Supplemental Documentation to the Individual Permit Modification Request 17, DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE: From UNCW, head south on South College Road through Monkey Junction. Take a right onto Sanders Road. At the intersection of Sanders Road and River Road, take right. Take next left into The Village at Motts Landing. See Attachment 1 for vicinity maps. ENG FORM 4345, JUL 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE Proponent: CECW -OR Molts Landing Individual Permit Modification 18. Nature of the Activity: (Description of Project, include all features) The project will include the removal of hydric soil from 3 jurisdictional wetland areas, within the Mott's Landing Subdivision. Clean earthen fill will then be placed into the areas, to allow for the construction of three (3) single family dwellings and one (1) multi - family structure. Please refer Attachment I for site specific impact acreages and locations. To ensure disturbance of wetlands does not occur outside the requested areas, sediment and erosion control measures will be installed prior to the commencement of land altering activities. 19. Project Purpose: (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) The purpose of the project is to construct a mixed use residential community, with associated amenities, in New Hanover County, North Carolina. Work is expected to begin as soon as USACE and DWQ authorizations have been secured and should be completed within 1 year of the commencement date. USE BLOCKS 20.221F DREDGED ANDIOR FILL MATERIAL 15 TO nE DISCHARGED 10. Reason(s) for Discharge The fill is necessary to facilitate the building footprint of three (3) single family dwellings and one (1) multi - family structure. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Clean earthen fill material will be used for this project. 12. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled: (see instructions) The Applicant is requesting to fill approximately 0,12 acre of non- riparian wetland impact. These impacts shall be treated cumulatively with previous impacts associated with The Village at Molts Landing subdivision, which totaled I.27 acres (Original Impact = 0.16ac. + Impact Approved with New IP = 1.11 ac.) In total, 1.39 acres of wetland are proposed for the entire project. A backhoe will be utilized to dig out the hydric soil and replace it with clean earthen fill. 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes X No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK Impacts to wetlands have taken place within Phase I (0.16 Ac). However, the impacts being sought with this modification request have not taken place. 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners , Leases, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Water body (if more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list Please refer to Attachment 1 — Supplemental Information for details. 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in this Application. A Division of Water Quality 401 Certification is being requested concurrently with this application. Stormwater infrastructure has been installed within the area where impacts are proposed. The Sediment and Erosion Control Permit has been issued. 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete an accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. _ -�J Q�u 1Lai _ s 21 September 2012 _ Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Agent Date The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may he signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block I I has filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or make any false fictitious or fraudulent statements ur representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be rtned not more than $10,000 or imprisoned no more than five years or both. Please see Attachment I — Supplemental Information for details of the project. Attachment 1 The Village at Mott's Landing Supplemental Documentation to the Individual Permit Modification Requested By: AFTEW Properties, LLC Dr. Arnold Sobol 2020 South Churchill Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared By: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 910.452.2711 Date: 21 September 2012 Table of Contents Section Title Page I. Purpose and Need .............................................. ............................... 1 II. Location Existing Conditions .................................... ............................... 1 III. Project History ...................................................... ............................... 1 IV. Project Description ................................................. ............................... 1 V. Avoidance and Minimization ..................................... ............................... 2 VI. Alternatives ............................. ........................ ............................... 2 A. No Action .................................................... ............................... 3 B. Alternate Site Location ..................................... ............................... 3 C. Preferred Location ....................................................................... 3 VII. Sequence of Events ................................................. ............................... 4 VIII. Compensatory Mitigation .......................................... ............................... 4 IX. Adjacent Property Owners ........................................ ............................... 4 X. Other Authorizations ................................................ ............................... 6 XI. Summary ............................................................ ............................... 6 Appendices A. USACE Individual Permit Issued 2012 ......................... ............................... i B. NC DWQ Major Certification Issued 2012 ..................... ............................... ii C. Wetland Impact Map ................ ............................... ....................... iii D. Preliminary Site Plan ............................................... ............................... iv E. NCEEP Acceptance Letter ........................................ ............................... v TOC -i The Village at Mott's Landing IP Modification Supplemental Documentation `–' r—c1 L Purpose and Need The purpose of this project is to construct the Village at Mott's Landing, which includes the building of single and multi- family structures. The need to impact wetlands is critical to ensure project feasibility. IL Location and Existing Conditions The proposed project is located at the corner of Sanders Road and River Road, within The Village at Mott's Landing subdivision, in New Hanover County, North Carolina (34.1276 °N, - 77.9136'W). To access the site from South College Road, through Monkey Junction, take a right onto Sanders Road and enter the site adjacent to the Bellamy School entrance. Alternatively, proceed to River Road, and take a right. Take next right into The Village at Mott's Landing. The subject parcel is comprised of approximately 261.89 acres. According to the wetland boundary survey, approximately 64.0 acres of wetlands and 2,025 linear feet of streams exist within the project boundaries (please refer to the wetland survey, signed by your office on 27 June 2011). Currently, work has begun in Phase I and II. Infrastructure (roads, utilities, etc.) have been installed and dwellings are beginning to be constructed. The remainder of the site has remained relatively undisturbed. III, Project History An Individual Permit (IP) and associated Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Major Certification (MC) were issued for the entire project in 2005, but the permits expired prior to all of the impacts taking place. Wetland impacts, under the 2005 IP, equalled 0.16 acre. Recently, the Applicant applied for and obtained a new IP and MC for the project. The project numbers, assigned by the regulatory agencies, include those listed below: Issuing Agency Document Project Number Date Issued Expiration Date USACE Individual Permit 2001 -01165 02/15/05 12/31/08 USACE Individual Permit 2009 -01847 06/11/12 12/31/17 USACE Signed Wetland Survey 2009 -08147 06/27/11 06/27/16 DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification 2004 -0047 0 04/04/12 Concurrent with 404 DCM CAMA Consistency CD12 -071 03/30/12 Concurrent with 404 Table 1. Project numbers associated with the project. (Note: copies of these muhorizations were not f trnished, as the USACE and DWQ should have them in their files). The previously issued EP and accompanying Water Quality Certification authorized the permanent impact of 1.11 acres and the temporary impact of 0.034 acre of non - riparian wetlands (please see Appendices A and B). To date, the project has received Department of the Army (DoA) and DWQ authorization to permanently impact 1.27 acres of non - riparian wetlands. These impacts were offset by the Applicant's payment to the NCEEP for 3.25 acres of non- riparian wetland restoration credit and preservation of the remaining wetlands located within Phase I of the project. IV. Project Description The Applicant anticipates impacting an additional 0.12 -acre of jurisdictional wetlands with the development of The Village at Mott's Landing IP Modification Supplemental Documentation Sr-G i lots 90, 90A and 91 and one of the duplex structures (See Appendix C — Wetland Impact Map). The table on the following page denotes the impacts to wetlands that are anticipated to take place with this modification request. Wetland Impact ID Type (Road crossing, huilding footprint, utility, etc.) Jurisdiction (Section 404, 10, DWQ 401, other) Proposed Impacts AC (SF) 1 Single- Family Lot Fill 404 0.01 (3 10 SF) 2 Single - Family Lot Fill 404 0.08 (3,230 SF) 5 Multi - Family Lot Fill 404 0.04 (1,829 SF) Total 404 with Modification 0.12 (5,369 SF) Previously Authorized Impacts 1.27 (55,321.2 SF) Cumulative Project Total 1.39 (60,548.4 SF) Table 2. Wetland Impact Summmy. Heavy machinery, such as a bulldozer, grader, back hoe, and track hoe, will be utilized during the construction process. The machinery will be used to clear the land, stabilize the soil, establish grade and to transport and deposit the proposed fill material within the project boundaries. Sediment and erosion control measures will be installed prior to commencement of land disturbing activities. Coastal wetlands are not anticipated to be impacted by this project, and the project is located outside any Areas of Environmental Concern (AF-Cs). A CAMA Consistency Determination is being prepared concurrently with this permit application and will he submitted to the USACE and DWQ upon receipt. Threatened and endangered species and archaeological concerns were addressed within the recently issued DoA and DWQ permits, as well as the DCM's CAMA Consistency Determination. No changes have occurred since the issuance of those authorizations. V. Avoidance and Minimization Due to the County's request for redesign of Mott's Forest Drive, the Applicant was forced to replace townhouses with duplexes. Originally, the Applicant intended to construct 241 townhouse units and 24 duplex units (265 total units). As a result of the redesign, the Applicant reduced the total number of units by 42. Part of this reduction was necessary to avoid impacting 0.17 acre of wetlands. These impacts are noted as Impact Areas 3 & 4, on the Wetland Impact Map and are also denoted on the first impact map received from the Applicant (see Appendix D). VI. Alternatives The Applicant investigated other potential means of developing the subject parcel, and has been unable to find a practicable alternative that would achieve his goal and meet his stated purpose. A. Alternative 1. — No Action The No Action Alternative (leaving the proposed impact areas undeveloped) would not be feasible for several reasons: As it pertains to Impact Areas 1 and 2: These lots are and have been part of a contract to a Iocal builder. The impacts necessary to accommodate the building footprint where overlooked during the IP application. 2 The Village at Mott's Landing IP Modification Supplemental Documentation Sr.61 The No Action alternative would not allow the Applicant to perform on his contract with the builder and be economically damaging, thus the No Action Alternative is not considered feasible. As it pertains to Impact Area 5: This impact became necessary as a result of the New Hanover County Planning Department's request for the Applicant to re- design and straighten the intersection of Motts Forest and Diadem Parke Roads. Additionally, to meet the current real estate market, the Applicant has changed the proposed building from town homes to duplex style dwellings, which have a deeper footprint. The road re- design required the building be placed on the opposite side of the road, adjacent to the wetlands, which positions the duplex partially within an area classified as wetlands. For these two reasons, the No Action Alternative is not considered feasible. B. Alternative 2. — Alternate Site Although the Applicant owns land across River Road, it would not be feasible for several reasons: As it pertains to Impact Areas 1 and 2: In order to develop the west side of River Road, it would be necessary to provide adequate utility and driveway access. This is economically impracticable, at this time, for the purpose of constructing 3 single family homes. Additionally, the Applicant is tasked with delivering building footprints on the subject lots to perform on his contract. Again, these impacts should have been included in the original IP application but were overlooked. Therefore, the land west of River Road would not be a feasible Alternate Site for the proposed development. As it pertains to Impact Area 5: As with Impact Areas 1 and 2, this would also require the installation of adequate utilities and driveway accesses on the west side of River Road. Thus, this is not an economically practicable alternative. C. Alternative 3 — Preferred Location The proposed impacts are the preferred alternative, as they provide the location specific impacts necessary to meet the purpose and need of the project. The Applicant has removed impacts associated with access to other areas of the property and limited the proposed impacts to specific needs within current development areas. By removing the request to access other areas of the property, any significant changes in economic validity have been removed. For those proposed impacts that remain, the economic validity lies within the developer's ability to perform on his contract with the builder. For example, if the developer is unable to deliver buildable lots in the area of Impacts 1 and 2, he will be in breach of his contract with the builder and will lose the sale of those lots, at the very least. Additional legal issues may also arise, should this happen. As mentioned previously, these impacts were overlooked during the initial IP application. An attempt was made to include them at a point in the processing of that application, but the time frame necessary to amend the application made it unfeasible. The subdivision currently has the maximum number of platted lots allowed, per the New Hanover County planning approval. Any additional lots requested would cause the removal of a lot in another area of the project. Thus, economically, there should be little difference over the build out of the project by relocating 3 The Village at Mott's Landing IP Modification Supplemental Documentation 15 r-G 1 lots. The current issue is to provide builders with constructible lots in an area with, or in close proximity to, utilities such as water and sewer. VII. Sequence of events The Applicant has secured stormwater and S &EC permits, thus work is to commence as soon as DoA and DWQ approval of the modification request have been issued. The work will consist of clearing the land, removing the hydric soils from the impact areas, and stabilizing the soil and establishing grade. VIII. Compensatory Mitigation The impact to wetlands is proposed to be offset by making payment to the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), at a 2.1 to 1 mitigation -to-impact ratio. SEGi and the Applicant believe that the proposed mitigation is sufficient to offset the impacts being requested with this request to modify the IP and MC. The impacts are not located within 500 linear feet of any stream. A letter of acceptance, from the NC EEP, has been attached to this document (see Appendix E). IX. Adjacent Property Owners The following table includes all the properties that abut the project limits (see Appendix G - Key Map). Map Key [D Owner's Name New Hanover County Parcel ID Developed? 1 Sycamore Grove HOA R07600 -006- 271 -000 Y 2 Williamson, Jerry and Laura R07600 -006- 233 -000 N 3 First Troy R07600 -006- 266 -000 Y 4 Sycamore Grove HOA R07600- 006 -270 -000 Y 5 Fritz, Brian and Morgan R07600 -006- 325 -000 N 6 First Troy Spec. R07600 -006 -326 -000 Y 7 First Troy Spec. 807600 -006- 327 -000 N 8 First Troy Spec. R07600- 006 -332 -000 N 9 Goodrich, Harvey and Blair R07600 -006- 333 -000 N 10 First Troy Spec. R07600- 006 -125 -000 N 11 Hurley, Michael and Margot R07600- 006 - 174-000 N 12 Hurley, Michael and Margot R07600- 006 - 015 -000 N 13 Middleton, Vanessa Brown Alford R07600 -006- 175 -000 Y 14 Middleton, Alford and Vanessa 807600- 006 -067 -000 N 15 AFTEW Properties 807600 -006 -013 -000 N 16 AFTEW Properties R07600 -006 -014 -000 N 17 Carenbauer, William L. 807600- 006 -011 -024 Y 18 Weddle, Glenn C. R07600- 006 -011 -023 Y 19 Carenbauer, William L. R07600-006-011-022 Y 20 Carenbauer, William L. R07600- 006 -011 -021 N 4 The Village at Mott's Landing IP Modification Supplemental Documentation SE-Gi 21 Blanton, Haynes and Carol 807600- 006 -011 -020 Y 22 Kaiser, Gerard and Joan R07600- 006 -011 -019 Y 23 Brinson, Addison Jr. R07600- 006 -011 -018 Y 24 Yarborough, Lenora R07600- 006 -011 -017 Y 25 Vamum, Glenn and Nellie 807600- 006 - 011 -016 Y 26 Peterson, David and Sandra R07600- 006 -011 -015 Y 27 Home, Benjamin et al. R07600- 006 -011 -014 Y 28 Mathews, Donald et al. R07600- 006 -011 -013 Y 29 Mathews, Cliff Jr. R07600-006-011-012 Y 30 Mathews, Sandra and Cliff W. Sr. R07600- 006 -01 l -01 l Y 31 AFTEW Properties R07600- 006 -011 -025 N 32 Schenk, Donald and Sally R07600 -006 -011 -010 Y 33 Horne, Benjamin R07600-006-011-009 N 34 Horne, Benjamin R07600 -006- 011 -008 Y 35 Horne, Benjamin R07600- 006 -011 -007 N 36 Horne, Benjamin R07600- 006 -011 -006 N 37 Blanton, Haynes Il and Mandi R07600- 006 -011 -005 Y 38 Ranieri, Richard and Rosalind R07600- 006 -011 -001 Y 39 Barnhill, Carolyn W. Living Trust R07600- 006 -011 -004 Y 40 JJ &K Properties Inc. R07600- 006 -008 -000 Y 41 AFTEW Properties 807600- 006 -008 -001 N 42 Bowens Chapel AME Zion Church R07600- 006 -007 -001 N 43 State Employees Credit Union R07600- 006 - 006 -000 Y 44 Sanders, Carlotta Hrs. R07600- 006 -005 -000 N 45 Sanders, Sarah H. R07600 -006- 004 -000 Y 46 Sanders, Carlotta Hrs. R07600- 006 - 003 -000 N 47 Wade, Carolyn R07600- 006 -002 -000 Y 48 Canty, Katie Mae and Graham et al. R07600-006-001-001 Y 49 Dunkey, Sherry and Bradley R07600 -006 -010 -000 N 50 Dunkey, Sherry and Bradley 807600 -006 -181 -000 N 51 Keinath, Christine D, et al. R07600- 009- 160 -000 Y 52 Fritz, Ricky and Laura R07600 -009 -159 -000 Y 53 Lake Brewster HOA R07600-009-115-000 Y 54 Carolina Power and Light R07600- 006 -079 -000 Y 55 Village at Mott's Landing HOA R07600- 004 -005 -000 N 56 Cape Fear Public Utility Assoc. R07600- 006 -086 -000 Y Table 3. The Village at Mott's Landing Adjacent Propen), Owners as of 9119111. Please note that New Hanover Cowq s GIs system does not provide the mailing address for property owners. 5 The Village at Mott's Landing IP Modification Supplemental Documentation Sr- 6 X. Other Authorizations The proposed project will require the following environmental permits: Type Agency Date Issued or Applied For 401 Water Quality Certification NC DWQ Applying for concurrently with IP LAMA Consistency NC DCM Applying for concurrently with IP State Stormwater Permit NC DWQ Issued 4 April 2012 S &EC Permit NC DLR Issued 12 June 2012 Table 4. Other Authorizations XI. Summary The Applicant believes the development plan is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. Measures have been taken to minimize impacts to wetlands to the greatest extent practicable. The Applicant is proposing that mitigation for the proposed impacts will be fulfilled by making payment to the NCEEP for 0.25 acre of wetland restoration credit. 6 riT_ Op. FA °'n - µpa • rrt �t.s �t �`' � • Regulatory Division DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGrIEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 -1343 Action ID; SAW - 2009 - 01947 Dr. Arnold Sobol 2020 South Churchill Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Dr. Sobol: June 11, 2012 �C'CI � IIGG I arias � � (r I In accordance with your written request of December 21, 2011, and the ensuing administrative record, enclosed is a copy of a Department of the Army (DA) Permit to discharge fill material into 1.11 acres of Section 404 jurisdictional non - riparian wetlands to construct the remaining phases of the Village at Motu. Landing, to include the installation of roads and utilities and the building of several single and multi - family structures. The 262 acre project area is located along River Road and the north side of Sanders Road in wetlands adjacent to the Mott's Creek, Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Any deviation in the authorized work will likely require modification of this permit. If a change in the authorized work is necessary, you should promptly submit revised plans to the Corps showing the proposed changes. You may not undertake the proposed changes until the Corps notifies you that your permit has been modified. Carefully read your permit. The general and special conditions are important. Your failure to comply with these conditions could result in a violation of Federal law. Certain significant general conditions require that: a, You must complete construction before December 31, 2017. b. You must notify this office in advance as to when you intend to commence and complete work. c. You must allow representatives from this office to make periodic visits to your worksite as deemed necessary to assure compliance with permit plans and conditions. You should address all questions regarding this authorization to Ms. Emily Hughes at the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, telephone (910) 251 -4635. Thank you in advance for completing our Customer Survey Forth. This can be accomplished by visiting our web -site at http-//, per2 .nn.usace.annv.mil.survev.litml and completing the survey on -line. We value your comments and appreciate your taking the time to complete a survey each time you interact with our office. FILENAME:2N'TO DR. ARNOLD SOBOL.DOCX Sincerely,CESAW- RG- LIEHIcmc Enclosures Copies Furnished (with enclosures): Chief, Source Data Unit NOAA/National Ocean Service 1315 East -west Hwy., Rm. 7316 Silver Spring, MC 20910 -3282 Copies Furnished with special conditions and plans: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636 -3726 Mr. Ron Scchler National Marine Fisheries Service Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Ms. Jennifer Derby, Chief Wetlands Protection Section — Region IV Water Management Division U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303 CESAW- RG- L/BETER MAIL CESAW -RG -L /FILE Steven A. Baker Colonel, U. S. Army District Commander Mr. Jeffrey Garnett Wetlands and Marine Regulatory Section Water Protection Division - Region IV U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth St. SW Atlanta, GA 30303 -8931 Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastal Management N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Mr. Pace Wilber National Marine Fisheries Service 219 Fort Johnson Road Charleston, South Carolina 29412-9110 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT .SUN - 1 2012 Permittee Dr. Arnold Sobol Permit No. SAW -2009 -01847 issuing Office CESAW -RG-L NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittec or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description: Discharge fill material into an additional 1.11 acres of wetlands to complete the proposed Village at Mott's Landing subdivision. This remaining development (Phases IA, IB and 11) includes the construction of 389 single family homes, 241 townhomes and 24 duplexes with associated roads, utilities and amenities. This project was initially permitted February 15, 2005 under Individual Permit SAW - 2001 -01165 and authorized permanent impacts to 1.52 acres of non - riparian wetlands and temporary impacts to 0.034 acre of non - riparian wetlands. Upon expiration of the permit on December 31, 2008, only 0.16 acre of impacts had been completed; this discharge of fill was associated with the construction of roads and infrastructure for Phase 1 of the development. Project Location: Wetlands and Waters of the U.S. adjacent to Motts Creek, a tributary to the Cape Fear River, on a 262 acre tract located along River Road and the north side of Sanders Road, Wilmington, New Hanover County. Permit Conditions: General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31, 2017. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this pen-nit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, ENG FORM 1721, Nov 86 EDITION OF SEP 82 IS OBSOLETE. (33 CfR 325 (Appendix A)) 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit, Special Conditions: SEE ATTACHED SPECIAL CONDITIONS Further Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: { ) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). { X) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). ( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local authorizations required by law, b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit. the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. 2 e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fait to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5, The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions. General condition l establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit, Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. (PERMITTEE) DR. ARNOLD SOBO (DATE) This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below, e-� r-l-, 7)� &/-7 2o17- (DISTRICT ENGINEER) STEVEN A. R, LONEL (DATF,) When the structures or authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions. have the transferee sign and date below. (TR4NSFEREE) (DATE) 'll S GOW..RNMEN'T PRINTING OFF]Cr 1986 - 717425 A AA, MO_- Fijw MCDEMR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality oeverly Eaves Perdue Charles V "valiild, P. E. Dee Fieerrlan Governor Director Secretary April 4, 2012 AFTEW Properties, LLC Dr. Arnold L. Sobol 2020 South Churchill Drive Wilmington NC 28403 Re: The Village At Mott's Landing; New Hanover County DWQ Project # 2004- 00470 Mott's Creek (030617, 18 -82, C, SW) APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions Dear Dr. Sobol: Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 3641 issued to Dr. Arnold L. Sobol of AFTEW Properties, LLC, dated April 4, 2012. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Solid Waste, Sediment and Erosion Control, Stormwater, Non - discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This Certification replaces the Certification issued to you on June 6, 2008. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Since ly, Charles Wakild, P.E. CW/kahlijm Attachments: Certificate of Completion cc: Becky Fox — EPA, 1307 Firefly Road, Whittier, NC 28789 David Scibetta — Southern Environmental Group, Inc., 5315 South College Road, Suite E, Wilmington, NC 28412 Emily Hughes — Wilmington District, USACOE WiRO File Copy Filename: 040047Ver3 VillageAtMottsLanding (NewHanover)40l_IC 1617 toad Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1617 Location. 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919 - 807.63001 FAX: 919 -807 -64921 Customer Service: 1- 877 - 623 -6748 Inlernet www.rimaterguality org An Equal Opporlunily 1 Affirmative Hc!ion Employer No thCarolina Xi atyra11b 3 The Village At Mott's Landing New Hanover County 2004- 00470 Sediment and Erosion Control: Erosion and sediment control practices must be in fuli rornpiianre with all Gp?cifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management .Practices in order to protect surface waters standards: a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual. b. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control :measures must be such d at 'they equal, o: zxueed, tl:e requi:en:ellts sl;ec;illed in the tr.ost recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor -owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act; 4. Upon the approval of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan issued by the Division of Land Resources (DLR) or a DLR delegated local erosion and sedimentation control program, an NPDES General stormwater permit (NCGO10000) administered by DWQ is automatically issued to the project. This General Permit allows stormwater to be discharged during land disturbing construction activities as stipulated by conditions in the permit. If your project is covered by this permit [applicable to construction projects that disturb one (1) or more acres], full compliance with permit conditions including the sedimentation control plan, self-monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements are required. A copy of this permit and monitoring report forms may be found at hgp: / / /portal.ncdenr.org/ web /N,q/tivs/szt/constritctioia; 5. No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the 404/401 Permit Application. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur; b. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters to the maximum extent practicable. If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, they shall be removed and the natural grade restored within six months of the date that the Division of Land Resources has released the project; Continuing Compliance: Dr. Arnold L. Sobol of AFTEW Properties, LLC, shall conduct construction activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act) and any other appropriate requirements of State law and federal law. If the Division determines that such standards or laws are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, the Division may reevaluate and modify this Certification to include conditions appropriate to assure compliance A AA M ®EMR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Qualily Beverly Eaves Perdue Chuck Wakild, P.F Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary :`1ol-th Carolina D .-.f Quality ; . 401 Water Quality Certification Sumnlar`J of Permitted Impacts and Mitigation Requirements In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0500, Dr. Arnold L. Sobol of AFTEW Properties, LLC, have permission to fill impact or otherwise impact 1.27 acres of 404 /wetland, associated with the Mott's Landing residential development, which is located off Sanders Road, just south of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. All activities associated with these authorized impacts must be conducted with the conditions listed in the attached Permit transmittal letter. THIS CERTIFICATION 1S NOT VALID WITHOUT THE ATTACHMENTS. COMPENSATORY MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS, ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM EEP Project Name: Village At Mott's Landing Subdivision DWQ PROJECT 9: 20040047, Ver. 3 LOCATION: Wilmington COUNTY New Hanover BASIN/ SUB BASIN Cape Fear /03030005 As required by 15A NCAC 2H.0500, and the conditions of this Certification, you are required to compensate for the above mitigable impacts through the restoration, creation, enhancement or preservation of wetlands, surface waters and riparian buffers as outlined below prior to conducting any activities that impact or degrade the waters of the state. Note: Acreage requirements proposed to be mitigated through the Ecosystem Enhancement Program must be rounded to one - quarter acre increments and linear foot requirements must be rounded up to the nearest foot according to 15 2R.0503(b). Impacts Mitigation 3.05 Acres Of Non- Riparian Wetlands 3.05 Acres Of Non- Riparian Wetlands One of the options you have available to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirement is through the payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration Fund per NCAC 2R.0503. If you choose this option, please sign this form and mail the form along with a copy of your 401 Certification or Buffer Approval to the Ecosystem Enhancement Program at the address below. An invoice for the appropriate amount of payment will be sent to you upon receipt of this form. PLEASE NOTE, THE ABOVE IMPACTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL YOU RECEIVE NOTIFICATION THAT YOUR PAYMENT HAS BEEN PROCESSED BY THE ECOSYTEM ENHANCMENT PROGRAM. Signature Date ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 1652 Mail Service Center RALEIGH, N.C. 27699 -1652 (919) 716 -0476 Filename: 040047Ver3 ViIIageAtMom Land ing (NewHanover)401_lC_EEP ;ke10-.k. m, =i SD FII'ont-i, )I,,id IhIpt {1,.1;.,. =iF.. — p0 OUT PARCEL 21.71 ACRES H �1 I• •T � M fir■ .. .',.t ,. 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ADD !!YT T1w1 L + w THIEF = K.UNO WEST SoE w+en ImW. 91 l9POCilAPIK NOw�O10l1 FROY NEW !W[R9f fnUIIT I� TiAE ARE NO flwa,CWr TEES WISH T E P"IT C 1M14 �• tlm~• G. r •f 12) ,00 YEALi FtDO6 lY+f AS RFA FtiM MAP PUEP. JIAE i tOtlE. �O� N ' �l7 1T]T, WERANS M BE 1711.0 - WITH "m Sc,E „ 12 �i•W,f`" q DRAWN� 1 lY— UTHO AUi1i0RIZED UNDER 2012 tP �T 1 t i SHEET 1 OF 12 jj1, I i WALL W 4 UI a Z. } r .� III I i H �1 I• •T � M fir■ .. .',.t ,. SF 1 N DATE PRINTED N SEP 2 1 2012 �1 a O Tlmpac � A ynd u o &h S - 1' - too' 0 DO lm T2271 REMSIONS a 6m �IIIIIIIIII�Fr.+ilE.� 1� {� t�t:.ilf i�r��:r■r i7 LT.J1 �TCFi7RF1 R^�^Jf Rl I.n tl•�FF�•TIFit!•Gil• ■ i�iLTLCSI!•i� t11•<:f1L�it�•iJ• �:i_a�e•� �e>•ir;TrA•T�a �F�E_srA•ro rr■:•1�I5rr■i:,rrr■r■c�r�r � • Lu'��i['i19Y{:ESiI:zJ� 7 (BRACKISH MARSH) a o TOTAL 211"1 ACRES ZONING: R -15 ALLOWABLE DENS"; 5 U.- 54 PROPOSEO UNRS GREE34 SPACE AREA 133 ACRES lox 01 51NCLE FALS.Y UN1I � 5 DUP= Z"UNM TOWHHOYFS 1 SM S1LU.L E PACW':F.0 tL = 110(1111 tJhOl.►A WAOTT SOIFiI 9V1L E APPIEL R HE.lr1.eNs4 TOTAL ,5% ONrm a o TAX IMP NO. 7650- 005 -512A5 MCA LOCATETI WRHN 52 ACRES '0 DO N 100 YUIN f1A00 PLAN qy■ GREE34 SPACE AREA 133 ACRES lox 01 1 SM S1LU.L E PACW':F.0 tL = 110(1111 tJhOl.►A WAOTT SOIFiI 9V1L E APPIEL R HE.lr1.eNs4 v N n . 7A '+!" tom' Wlm CAq 1LTf TARI VRE iO wuEx RCW • ' +1 ma WM Z; wa>v+b s a� nv c a Tm FMODE ( w+ fA/S IIRC ,ume ,IOfi aw'>lL15IH q a m o a w 1 o m I .n Am o ADD NOW A m0' brrn •} A00 RtAii 14+0 tFF7 TUw/ WE9 TO svacits "O'D� TURN INF9 TO MRR ROW AT BE1�Ni�P,�jE 1NY Y. ADD !!YT T1w1 L + w THIEF = K.UNO WEST SoE w+en ImW. 91 l9POCilAPIK NOw�O10l1 FROY NEW !W[R9f fnUIIT I� TiAE ARE NO flwa,CWr TEES WISH T E P"IT C 1M14 �• tlm~• G. 11) mum q vmm sakL FAIyY PWf WRN WAVY AROlR�O R. 12) ,00 YEALi FtDO6 lY+f AS RFA FtiM MAP PUEP. JIAE i tOtlE. 1T]T, WERANS M BE 1711.0 - WITH "m Sc,E „ 12 �i•W,f`" q DRAWN� 1 lY— UTHO AUi1i0RIZED UNDER 2012 tP �T 1 t i SHEET 1 OF 12 T ,1W .1 WA W w � � i yt� i L rf_ r�j'I , r_�"11 Pik". ill X- I I ..J. 11I'r I {t 1w WJ�� !!fl n r m n f i r i t i r ti r i t i r r' , r r, ! 5! Y i i s 0)/ OiO ;y . cagy � / N/, i V r i i r ; r ♦j i F , ♦j♦ ♦♦H� ♦ ♦`, E 1_ IKE Ad \ V =' ►� /aal aasOr' � . ar / 1a.a[ Mrr1 0 rrrar - ti � � ■rraa■ � � Jr � F p! Prawry 1t�� "r I jaiii�rn a - -aarr �/ Ir rrr IVI r l AT MOTTS LANDING' r WRIGHTSVM 1 r- O mm Cn N M Z �O La OD W_ N l0 N p La a n( n� n n 000—;u -P1 CD n D m n� 0 m 0 f i r i t i r ti r i t i r r' , r r, ! 5! 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Prawry 1t�� "r I jaiii�rn a - -aarr �/ Ir rrr IVI r l AT MOTTS LANDING' r WRIGHTSVM 1 n m rn n cn 0 V C T) a o 4 m y "..co y � _ x a ID y \ p CD 4y \ w OO O to z °"" y y' -- -- - - - - -- — — to C, t7 eb W tv co - ,;1, l rf N 00 ` MCi �'� �D-p C P m ooh. 17& y �nl m z z rn ' y y o m m + ; _ MILEAGE AT MOTTS LANDING rri -u WRIGHTSV= BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA N '''�frN 11111UN +�`` r O D Ln N m Z tl op (A [,f E Nto OD N W E a Lo0��� n u) C1 ,., c o o a m E E r rrE E F v E E;r r m I I I I n l frl O T) a o 4 m y "..co y � _ x a ID y \ p CD 4y \ w OO O to z °"" y y' -- -- - - - - -- — — to C, t7 eb W tv co - ,;1, l rf N 00 ` MCi �'� �D-p C P m ooh. 17& y �nl m z z rn ' y y o m m + ; _ MILEAGE AT MOTTS LANDING rri -u WRIGHTSV= BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA N '''�frN 11111UN +�`` 1 t E E E rr E E E r E E r rrE E F (7) E E E;r r E E E l T) a o 4 m y "..co y � _ x a ID y \ p CD 4y \ w OO O to z °"" y y' -- -- - - - - -- — — to C, t7 eb W tv co - ,;1, l rf N 00 ` MCi �'� �D-p C P m ooh. 17& y �nl m z z rn ' y y o m m + ; _ MILEAGE AT MOTTS LANDING rri -u WRIGHTSV= BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA N '''�frN 11111UN +�`` 0®® th 4� OUT PARCEL Ln In "� fp 21.71 ACRES Ld ■ . K - Ia- ol II 1 IW1 IF 7. L kVVl mMUM xw L �i1t14SFTAla� T,e AIrIF�llif+fNrQ R jny ralf.2'.Tf,.�yQ Kl7rrlril0%,pE:m� a 1 a I la�S ?FlEF•le r MM u�o to xrow .om Al 6 H /CA 104�M iiiii♦i LOCATION �@ 0 L moo. K Limo n\ !LR 1' • tar 00 e1 to I'm mo ]EO 0 Z52 W �H Lj R, P xw L �{ .API YWL K i�ra W I" uo�cM OKu Q Mmm anT. tJ tuffmi goo BHKL K *"= K r m m 1. .7.. a i[. � n �71J AM LM Tt4 UK m !am FAM . KStiso301 wm R jny CLIDJU A] Lwow"' TN �-aa' }D ruse sa• store[ a 1 a I m pw" Jr c turf " WM 4vm wn err[ KM xw r MM u�o to xrow .om Al 6 H /CA !m !n rq L07 n= ion ?a W40 AM 0 KuwT PohM war DIfamM r+ Mm LWF Mm ern . rmx mn am rx 3" or W" ole. M9 o �@ 0 L moo. K Limo n\ !LR 1' • tar 00 e1 to I'm mo ]EO 0 Z52 W �H Lj R, P � � u L �{ .API YWL K i�ra W I" uo�cM OKu Q Mmm anT. tJ tuffmi goo BHKL K *"= K r m m 1. .7.. a i[. � n �71J AM LM Tt4 UK m !am FAM . KStiso301 wm e- r CLIDJU A] Lwow"' TN �-aa' }D ruse sa• store[ a 1 a m pw" Jr c turf " WM 4vm wn err[ KM xw r MM u�o to xrow .om Al 6 M!Ml !m !n rq L07 n= ion ?a W40 AM 0 KuwT PohM war DIfamM r+ Mm LWF Mm ern . rmx mn am rx 3" or W" ole. M9 rwoM �r zwroa rAarsr rTw 4 ■ TcF■G 1MTR ,rmo �. nD 1 7121[ 111[ w pfGLM Tn 1im TW HD K rri 11 m = 6 eai■r >Wtl. Tsar /SY7 .T61 Mow UMO,GI.4 snow le} Imm Tx 1r[ a rw rmI wr Dam jLW 1 z7L L9 axame� rLD00 ZoK » ® ,r[,wo rn ee num Wert 04a..12 COP, pr.rw LN f�r 1 �i 1 !J T .I 4 q � h- `w ` i ! w i q S j k 1� �s ti R Is At a 4 z k f r �P r R r L:�J i. 4F aW � rr ,2 M x w x 5 t 'f mr , w1 6 ar qw 4F f 3 IF d jr d� W T .I q � h- `w ` i ! w i j v 1� �s ti ti ti 4� �� i n9 E_ 5 4b R � IL T T J — .r OF q&V I Y ir 1 rt IN 45. f 5 IdF # i" 1, 40 ir a w lw Us M � � w 1 * f ! 11� m qp b i as * 0 lip k rt +!F f IF f w P t 10 _"10 IV R r L:�J i. 4F aW � rr ,2 M x w x 5 t 'f mr , w1 6 ar qw 4F f 3 IF d jr d� t k Ir. i t I � I L I u 1 jp I I OWL f. I: m .w 3 amml1k— q I r J� a w .0 * ip s W T .I q � h- `w ` i ! w i 1� �s ti ti ti 4� �� i n9 E_ 5 t k Ir. i t I � I L I u 1 jp I I OWL f. I: m .w 3 amml1k— q I r J� a w .0 * ip s W T 1 r q � h- `w ` i ! w i 1� L � I 'is # R i R R � IL J — .r OF q&V I Y 1 5 i" 1, t k Ir. i t I � I L I u 1 jp I I OWL f. I: m .w 3 amml1k— q I r J� a w .0 * ip s W T .. q � h- `w ` i ! w i 1� I 'is # R IL — OF q&V I Y i" a w lw Us M � � w 1 * f ! b i as * 0 ..r Aw N k w I I I 7 14 PV � 16 4� � � b I d i 4 !R or II 1 r� '� , :1 a OF a q 1 a, I h i l .L i `r i .� i• m J? a •I ! i � r OF dr Or IF r a Ir f ! g e UJI 1 ! or Y 'VI jr re t f� IL J a $1 1� N 6 y 9 l� t T te wos sm x PROGRAM September 18, 2012 Dr. Arnold Sobol AFTEW Properties, LLC 2020 South Churchill Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Project: Village at Mott's Landing IP Modification Expiration of Acceptance: March 18, 2013 County: New Hanover The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the NCEEP will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. You must also comply with all other state federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including SL 2009 -337: An Act to Promote the Use of Compensatory Mitigation Banks as amended by S.L. 2011 -343. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certiftcation/CAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the In- Lieu Fee to be, paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.nceep.net. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the NCEEP, the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required for this impact is determined by permitting agencies. Impact River Basin CU Location Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) I Buffer I (Sq. Ft.) Buffer 11 (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool 1 Warm Ri arian Non-Riparian Coastal Marsh Cape Fear 03030005 0 0 0 0 0.12 0 0 0 -- -Upon- receipt -of payment; -EEP will take responsibility-for providing-the compensatory-mitigatibri:- The mitig5tioii will -tie pe roffh6d-in accordance with the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources' Ecosystem Enhancement Program In -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. Thank you for your interest in the NCEEP. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 716 -1921. Sincerely, i Su :4�ic Actin cc: Karen Higgins, NCDWQ Wetlands1401 Unit Emily Hughes, USACE - Wilmington Chad Coburn, NCDWQ- Wilmington Doug Huggett, NCDCM- Morehead City Dana Lutheran, agent File xe&orl ... ... prott:Gt. OGw State' AMA FCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 1 919-715-0476 1 www.nceep.net