HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200624 Ver 3_ePCN Application_20210416DWR Division of Water Resources Initial Review Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form April 4, 2021 Ver 4 Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* 6 Yes ✓ No Is this project a public transportation project?* CYes r No Change Only 1 needed. BIMS # Assigned* 20200624 Is a payment required for this project?* ✓ No payment required ✓ Fee received 6 Fee needed - send electronic notification Reviewing Office * Central Office - (919) 707-9000 Information for Initial Review la. Name of project: GALAHD DRIVE MOB la. Who is the Primary Contact?* Bob Zarzecki lb. Primary Contact Email:* bzarzecki@sandec.com Date Submitted 4/16/2021 Nearest Body of Water Longview Branch (Stream Index No. 27-33-21) Basin Neuse Water Classification C;NSW Site Coordinates Latitude: 35.783605 A. Processing Information Version#* What amout is owed?* r $240.00 6 $570.00 Select Project Reviewer* Rick Trone:eads\rvtrone lc. Primary Contact Phone:* (919)846-5900 Longitude: -78.591470 County (or Counties) where the project is located: Wake Is this a NCDMS Project ✓ Yes G No Is this project a public transportation project?* ✓ Yes G No Pre -Filing Meeting Information Is this a courtesy copy notification?* ✓ Yes f• No ID# 20200624 Version 2 Pre -fling Meeting or Request Date 3/16/2021 Attach documentation of Pre -Filing Meeting Request here: Click the upped button or drag and drop files here to attach document GALAHD DRIVE_Pre-Filing Meeting Request Form & Email_16ApriI2021.pdf Fie type rust be FCF la. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: fJ Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) r Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?* ✓ Yes ✓ No Please provide the date of the previous submission.* 5/21/2020 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? 17 Nationwide Permit (NWP) r Regional General Permit (RGP) r Standard (IP) lc. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? 6 Yes r No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 39 - Commercial/Institutional Developments NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): Id. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: I7 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit r Individual 401 Water Quality Certification le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: lf. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* ✓ Yes ('No 741.3KB r 401 Water Quality Certification - Express r Riparian Buffer Authorization lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? ✓ Yes r No lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? ✓ Yes rNo Acceptance Letter Attachment GALAHAD DRIVE_Neu-Con Stream SOA - Blackbird - Galahad Drive MOB.pdf GALAHAD DRIVE_Buffer SOA - Galahad Drive MOB.pdf 1 h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? ✓ Yes (-No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? 4Yest No 139.5KB 123.11KB ✓ Yes t: No ✓ Yes t: No B. Applicant Information C^U Id. Who is applying for the permit? n Owner II Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* ✓ Yes r No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Glen Summit Properties, LLC 2b. Deed book and page no.: Book 14459 / Page 154 2c. Contact Person: W. Dwight Graham (for all properties) 2d.Address Street Address 10600 Candler Falls Ct. Address Line 2 aty State / Province / Region Raleigh NC Postal / Zip Corte Country 27614-9111 USA 2e. Telephone Number: 2f. Fax Number: (804)229-9175 2g. Email Address:* dvdg ht_g ra h a m@outlook. com 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: D&K Corp. 2b. Deed book and page no.: Book 2478 / Page 553 2c. Contact Person: James Davis & Charles Davis (managers) 2d. Address Street Address 414 Delaware Ave. Address Line 2 Apt. 120 (Sty State / Province / Region Norfolk VA Postal / Zip (Side Country 23508-2850 USA 2e. Telephone Number: 2f. Fax Number: (919)846-5900 2g. Email Address:* bzarzecki@sandec.com 3. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 3a. Name: Robert (Trey) S. Adams III 3b. Business Name: ATLAS STARK HOLDINGS, LLC 3c. Address Street Address 911 N. West Street Address Line 2 Suite 201 aty State / Province / Region Raleigh NC Rbstal / Zip Code Country 27603 USA 3d. Telephone Number: 3e. Fax Number: (919)964-7116 3f. Email Address:* tadams@atlasstark.com 4. Agent/Consultant (if applicable) 4a. Name: Bob Zarzecki 4b. Business Name: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 4c.Address Street Address 8412 Falls of Neuse Road Address Line 2 Suite 104 aty State/ Bovine/ Region Raleigh NC Postal / Zip Code Country 27615 USA 4d. Telephone Number: 4e. Fax Number: (919)846-5900 (919)846-9467 4f. Email Address:* bzarzecki@sandec.com Agent Authorization Letter* Galahad Drive MOB - Agent Authorizations.pdf 1.51 MB C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (d appropriate) n/a lc. Nearest municipality/ town: Raleigh 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 1724106215; 1724107410; 1724108414 2c. Project Address Street Address 2911 & 2919 Galahad Drive Address Line 2 100 Luther Drive aty Raleigh Postal / Zip Code 27610 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Longview Branch (Stream Index No. 27-33-21) 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* C;NSW 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Neuse 2b. Property size: 2.41 State / Bovine/ Region NC Country USA 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030202010804 4. Project Description and History 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* The site is an assemblage of three (3) parcels located between Galahad Drive, Luther Drive, West Campus Drive and New Bern Avenue adjacent to the WakeMed Raleigh Campus hospital complex. The property is vacant, forested land. The stream on the site originates at a stormwater pipe which receives uncontrolled stormwater runoff and most likely air conditioning condensate water from the hospital. No stream exists above this point. The stream is daylighted on site for approximately 230 LF and then enters another pipe, flowing under an existing parking lot and New Bern Avenue before daylighting again on the northwest side of New Bern Avenue and flowing into Longview Branch. The site is an inholding vacant lot surrounded by urban development. WakeMed P1 Green Visitor parking lot and deck exists just south of the site, WakeMed exists to the east, Lot 6 Heart Center employee parking lot exists to the north and medical office buildings to the west. Note: The outlet end of the existing 48" RCP pipe, headwall and several sections of the pipe have failed (see photos attached to the NCSAM form). The surrounding land slope and shoulder of Galahad Drive has also failed, sending fill and sediment into the stream. The area is a safety hazard. Safety cones and fencing has been placed around the area pending a repair or the development of this site. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* R Yes r No C Unknown If yes, please give the DWR Certification number or the Corps Action ID (exp. SAW-0000-00000). DWR#2020-0624v2 SAW-2020-00922 (There is no change to the previously approved impacts. The applicant simply will not be able to complete the impacts prior to March 18, 2022 and thereby requests reissuance under the new NWP and GC. A Major Exception was approved for impacts to the Neuse Buffers, but this approval does not require reissuance.) Project History Upload 20200624v2GalahadDriveMOB(Wake)_401_GC.docx.pdf SAW-2020-00922 - NWP 39 Verfication.pdf 20200624v1 GalahadDriveMOB(Wake)_NRB_EXCEPTION.docxpdf 697.04KB 830.75KB 706.18KB 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) Galahad Drive MOB - USGS.pdf 2MB 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) Galahad Drive MOB - Soil Survey pdf 3.33MB 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 230 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of the project is to construct a 24,00 SF medical office building (MOB) and required 120 lot parking lot and 10,500 sf passive open space + courtyard at main entry consistent with the rest of WakeMed campus. 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The project will involve site clearing, grading and piping the daylighted 230 LF section of stream located between the existing storm pipes on either side of the site. An appropriately size pipe. The new pipe has not yet been fully designed, but most likely will be an extension of the existing 54" RCP culvert at the lower (north) end of the site, south through the site and connecting to and receiving discharge from the existing 48" RCP culvert on the upper (south) end of the site. The site will then be raised to grade suitable for the construction of the site improvements (MOB and parking lot). The project will also include the installation of two (2) subsurface sandfilter and detention devices to control and treat stormwater runoff from the new development. Heavy earthmoving equipment (e.g., excavators, dump trucks, bulldozers, etc.) typical for such site work will be used. 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. Galahad Drive MOB - IMPACT MAPS - 2020.05.01 - MOB Concept_Surface Park.pdf 545.63KB 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* C Yes r' No O Unknown Comments: A JD has not been verified by the USACE for the site. However, S&EC has delineated the site (found no potential wetlands) and confirmed the perennial stream determination with NC DWR staff. The applicant is not requesting a JD verification in association with this NWP39 verification. 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* r Preliminary r Approved 6 Not Verified r Unknown r WA Corps AID Number: n/a 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Other: Bob Zarzecki S&EC, PA 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload Galahad Drive MOB - DWR-NBRRO19-298_24Sept2019 (reduced).pdf 848 73KB 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* r Yes 0 No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): r Wetlands r Open Waters I7 Streams -tributaries r Pond Construction ❑ Buffers 3. Stream Impacts SI 3a. Reason for impact (?) S1 3b.Impact type* Permanent 3c. Type of impact* Culvert 3d. S. name* Stream "A" - UT to Longview Branch 3e. Stream Type* (?) Perennial 3f. Type of Jurisdiction* Both 3g. S. width* 5 Average (feet) 3h. Impact length* 230 (linear feet) 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 230 3i. Total stream and ditch impacts: 230 3i. Total temporary stream impacts: 0 3j. Comments: Neuse River riparian buffers impacts are also proposed for this project. These impacts require a "Major Exception" approval which was approved NC DWR (DWR Project No. 2020-0624v1) on September 9, 2020. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization la. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: The applicant hired S&EC to delineate the site and obtain confirmation of the Neuse Buffers. The applicant then used this information in an attempt to design a development for the site that would avoid and minimize impacts. Ultimately the applicant determined that the entirety of the stream would need to piped to practicably make a development on the site work. The applicant is under contract with the owners to purchase and develope this property. The applicant does not believe the property is developable for commercial purposes without fully impacting the stream and buffers. This property is unique as the property is currently separated in half by a culvert stream that is subject to a 50' buffer which has been determined to be low -medium quality in nature (NCSAM attached) and it appears that most of the runoff can reasonably be attributed to runoff from the WakeMed's campus. The stream starts at the culvert at Galahad Drive and flows into a culvert under an existing parking lot and New Bern Avenue. Because of the bisection, in order to develop the property in its current condition, you would have to construct a medical office building with under grade parking on one side of the stream while the other side would be designated as patient or employee parking with a pedestrian bridge/cross walk connecting the two areas. The cost of subgrade parking is cost prohibitive to get any return and more importantly it's not an ideal condition to have patients crossing an exposed bridge/cross walk if they are seeking medical treatment. Distance to the entrance is becoming increasingly important as the age of patients seeking medical care is increasing due to the baby boomer generation. Other developers have walked from this site due to the costs associated to develop it. The cost of the proposed development plan also produces a return below Mat is typical or desired for similar development projects, but it is acceptable to the applicant, even after factoring in the anticipated $310k+ of stream and buffer mitigation costs. If this proposed development plan isn't approved, then the applicant too will need to walk from this site. During the previous review, the USACE & DWR asked a couple additional questions and the following information/responses were provided: "Attached shows the existing slope as roughly 16%which is pretty typical across the site. Generally speaking the steepest a vegetated slope can be 33% or 3:1 without some slope stabilization measures, but for anything developed generally the steepest a parking lot can be is 5% otherwise car doors open to abruptly and damage the neighboring car. Roadways can be steeper but are generally limited to 10% max. A building footprint is flat or 0%. As you can see the existing slope is steeper than any of the development types and therefore a wall will be required on the low end to hold up any proposed improvement. Any development whether the stream remains or not will require a wall down to existing grade. In the attached scheme following the 5% through the parking lot a 15' wall will be required to make the parking lot work without the stream. With the stream walls would also be required along the edge of the stream buffer in addition to the wall down to existing grade along the eastern and western property lines. This amount of walls would be cost prohibitive for any development.... I think the key to why impacting the stream can't be avoided is the grades. There are significant slopes on both sides of the site, even if the site could be re -organized so that the amenity area were located over the stream area, in that scenario the grades still would not allow the stream to be persevered. If design is started with persevering the stream then walls are built to maintain the stream corridor the remaining site is not economically viable.... (Joe Puckett, PE, LEED AP, Practice Leader, Civil Engineering)" I've also heard from them that the "amenity area" is intended to be more of a usable park like area similar to other outdoor green spaces around the WakeMed campus. So, they could not count a natural stream/buffer area, which would apparently need to be walled in 15' down, if it even were feasible. In regards to the driveway location on Galahad Drive (question 1.b.), it really could be located anywhere and would not change their options to avoid the stream due to grades, etc. as described above, but the identified location is believed to both provide adequate distance from the West Campus Drive intersection and still enter near the building to provide ease of access for drop off and pick up of patients to the medical office building. In regards to the stream length (question 2), STEWART has confirmed the length correctly identifies the linear feet of stream channel measured along the stream (not point to point, which is closer +/- 175 feet). Finally, as discussed below (question 3), the applicant has agreed to the 1.5:1 mitigation ratio and understands that 345 LF of stream mitigation credits will be required. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: The project will obtain an erosion and sediment control plan from the City of Raleigh prior to construction. The application will also obtain a postconstruction stormwater management plan anticipated to include the two proposed underground sandfilter/detention BMPs. These measures should protect downstream water quality both during and after construction of the site. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ( Yes r No 2c. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): fJ DWR fJ Corps 2d. If yes, which mitigation option(s) will be used for this project? 17 Mitigation bank r Payment to in -lieu fee r Permittee Responsible program Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: Neu -Con Wetland & Stream Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Blackbird Site 3b. Credits Purchased/Requested (attach receipt and letter) Type: Quantity: Stream 345 If Attach Receipt and/or letter GALAHAD DRIVE_Neu-Con Stream SOA - Blackbird - Galahad Drive MOB.pdf 139.5KB 3c. Comments The USACE agreed to a 1.5:1 mitigation ratio given the urban, "medium" quality nature of the stream, and the fact that it is a 230 LF section of daylighted stream between extensive storm networks and discharges above and below, and the buffer mitigation required as part of the anticipated major variance (SOA attached), and the City of Raleigh Phase 2 & Neuse NWS stormwater management BMPs. 6. Buffer mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) - required by DWR 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? If yes, you must fill out this entire form - please contact DWR for more information. ( Yes r No 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact. 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Total impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e. Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 Lot Fill 17,174 3 51,522 Zone 2 Lot Fill 6f. Total buffer mitigation required 65606 9,389 1.5 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, is payment to a mitigation bank or NC Division of Mitigation Services proposed? 6' Yes r No 6h. Attach the acceptance letter from the mitigation bank or NC Division of Mitigation Services. GALAHAD DRIVE_Buffer SOA - Galahad Drive MOB.pdf 123.11KB 14,084 6j. Comments: As stated previously, the applicant is not requesting the buffer impacts as part of this PCN application as these impacts were approved and required as a condition of the "Major Exception" approval. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan la. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? r Yes ( No If no, explain why: The project is within the City of Raleigh's jurisdiction and will obtain an approved stormwater management plan that complies with NPDES Phase 2 requirements as well as Neuse River NWS requirements. The conceptual plan calls for two underground sandfilter/detention devices in the approximate locations shown on the attached plans. The applicant asks for a conditional approval such that the stormwater management plan details (BMP Supplement Form & O&M Form, etc.) are provided pending the Major Variance approval and at the time of the 401 Water Quality Certification application. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* ✓ Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? ✓ Yes G No 2c. Does this project have a stormwater management plan (SMP) reviewed and approved under a state stormwater program or state -approved local government stormwater program? 6' Yes r No ✓ N/A - project disturbs < 1 acre 2d. Which of the following stormwater management program(s) apply: fJ Local Government r State Local Government Stormwater Programs 7 Phase II 17 NSW r USMP n Water Supply Please identify which local government stormwater program you are using. City of Raleigh Comments: The project is within the City of Raleigh's jurisdiction and will obtain an approved stormwater management plan that complies with NPDES Phase 2 requirements as well as Neuse River NWS requirements. The conceptual plan calls for tyro underground sandfilter/detention devices in the approximate locations shown on the attached plans. The applicant asks for a conditional approval such that the stormwater management plan details (BMP Supplement Form & O&M Form, etc.) are provided pending the Major Variance approval and at the time of the 401 Water Quality Certification application. G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* ✓ Yes f No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15ANCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)?* ✓ Yes r No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* ✓ Yes ( No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The project involves the development of an existing inholding site surrounded by existing urban development and the WakeMed Raleigh Campus. There are no other available vacant properties in the immediate vicinity with streams or other WOTUS that could result in additional development which could impact downstream water quality. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* 6. Yes r No r N/A 4b. Describe, in detail, the treatment methods and dispositions (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project. If the wastewater will be treated at a treatment plant, list the capacity available at that plant. City of Raleigh sanitary sewer system 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* ✓ Yes f No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* ✓ Yes f• No 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* ✓ Yes 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? ✓ Yes ( No f• No r Unknown 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? <7 Yes r No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? ✓ Yes r No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* ✓ Yes G No 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? ✓ Yes 6 No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? FWS & NHP; NHP & FWS online databases; Of all the Federally listed species the only one identified by NHP within 1 mile of the site is Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus) known to exist within Crabtree Creek. However, no habitat for this species exists on site given the isolated nature of this 230 LF of daylighted stream. An aquatic survey was done in association with the attached NCSAM form and no fish species were found to exist within the stream. There was actually very little aquatic life found in the stream beyond amphipods.(5f) Yes. Essentially all existing trees will need to be removed. New landscape trees will be added per attached plans. Previous consultation w/ FWS associated with the existing 404 NWP verification was conducted. No potential habitat exists on the site other than NLEB. Consultation Documentation Upload 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* ✓ Yes f No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* NMFS EFH Mapper website; The project is located in the piedmont region of NC far from any EFH areas. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* ✓ Yes f• No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* SHPO HPO WEB website; Longview Gardens Historic District exists to the southwest, but the site is not located within the district and is isolated from it by existing urban development. There are no structures on the site. 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload Galahad Drive MOB - SHPO.pdf 376.13KB 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* ✓ Yes t No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* Wake Co. iMAPS & FEMA DFIRM Miscellaneous Comments As stated previously the Neuse Buffer impacts depicted on the attached plans required a "Major Exception" which was approved by DWR (DWR Project No. 2020-0624v1) on September 9, 2020 and remains valid. Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. GALAHAD DRIVE_Engineer's Justificaiton Exhibit 30June2020.pdf Galahad Drive MOB - NCSAM.pdf Galahad Drive MOB - Recorded Map Book1979-Page687.pdf 2.32MB 3.84MB 125.23KB Signature * fJ By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: S&EC, PA - Bob Zarzecki Signature SsG'3!-�d�r Date 4/16/2021     EBX-Neuse I, LLC Stream and Wetland Banks Statement of Availability April 16, 2021 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lyle Phillips Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Center, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re Project: Galahad Drive MOB This document confirms that Atlas Stark Holdings, LLC (Applicant) for the Galahad Drive MOB (Project) has expressed an interest to utilize 460.00 Stream Mitigation Credits the EBX-Neuse sponsored Neu-Con Wetland & Stream Umbrella Mitigation Bank, specifically 460.00 stream credits from the Blackbird Site, in the Neuse HUC 03020201. As the official Bank Sponsor, EBX-Neuse I, LLC, attests to the fact that mitigation is available for reservation at this time. These mitigation credits are not considered secured, and consequently are eligible to be used for alternate purposes by the Bank Sponsor, until payment in full is received from the Applicant resulting in the issuance of a Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate by the bank acknowledging that the Applicant has fully secured credits from the bank and the Banker has accepted full responsibility for the mitigation obligation requiring the credits/units. The Banker will issue the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate within three (3) days of receipt of the purchase price. Banker shall provide to Applicant a copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate and a documented copy of the debit of credits from the Bank Official Credit Ledger(s), indicating the permit number and the resource type secured by the applicant. A copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate, with an updated Official Credit Ledger will also be sent to regulatory agencies showing the proper documentation. If any questions need to be answered, please contact me at 919-209-1075. Best Regards, Caitlan B. Parker Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 701 E. Bay Street, Suite 306 Charleston, SC 2922.903     EBX-Neuse I, LLC Stream and Wetland Banks Statement of Availability April 16, 2021 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lyle Phillips Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Center, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re Project: Galahad Drive MOB This document confirms that Atlas Stark Holdings, LLC (Applicant) for the Galahad Drive MOB (Project) has expressed an interest to utilize 460.00 Stream Mitigation Credits the EBX-Neuse sponsored Neu-Con Wetland & Stream Umbrella Mitigation Bank, specifically 460.00 stream credits from the Blackbird Site, in the Neuse HUC 03020201. As the official Bank Sponsor, EBX-Neuse I, LLC, attests to the fact that mitigation is available for reservation at this time. These mitigation credits are not considered secured, and consequently are eligible to be used for alternate purposes by the Bank Sponsor, until payment in full is received from the Applicant resulting in the issuance of a Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate by the bank acknowledging that the Applicant has fully secured credits from the bank and the Banker has accepted full responsibility for the mitigation obligation requiring the credits/units. The Banker will issue the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate within three (3) days of receipt of the purchase price. Banker shall provide to Applicant a copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate and a documented copy of the debit of credits from the Bank Official Credit Ledger(s), indicating the permit number and the resource type secured by the applicant. A copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate, with an updated Official Credit Ledger will also be sent to regulatory agencies showing the proper documentation. If any questions need to be answered, please contact me at 919-209-1075. Best Regards, Caitlan B. Parker Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 701 E. Bay Street, Suite 306 Charleston, SC 2922.903     EBX Buffer Mitigation Banks Statement of Availability April 16, 2021 NC Division of Water Resources Paul Wojoski 512 N. Salisbury St. Archdale Building, 9th floor Raleigh, NC 27604 Re Project: Galahad Drive MOB This document confirms that Atlas Stark Holdings, LLC (Applicant) for the Galahad Drive MOB (Project) has expressed an interest to utilize 65,605.50 Square Feet of Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits from one of the following banks, EBX-Neuse I, LLC Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank, RES Neuse Buffer and Nutrient Offset Umbrella Mitigation Bank, RES Poplar Creek Buffer & Nutrient Offset Umbrella Mitigation Bank, or EBX Upper Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank. Specific bank sites that may be debited are Buffalo Branch, Selma Mill, Cedar Grove, Hatley, Ezell, Hannah Bridge, Stone Creek, Meadow Spring, Uzzle, Poplar Creek and Polecat, all located in HUC 03020201. As the official Bank Sponsor, EBX-Neuse I, LLC and EBX, attests to the fact that mitigation is available for reservation at this time. These mitigation credits are not considered secured, and consequently are eligible to be used for alternate purposes by the Bank Sponsor, until payment in full is received from the Applicant resulting in the issuance of a Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate by the bank acknowledging that the Applicant has fully secured credits from the bank and the Banker has accepted full responsibility for the mitigation obligation requiring the credits/units. The Banker will issue the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate within three (3) days of receipt of the purchase price. Banker shall provide to Applicant a copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate and a documented copy of the debit of credits from the Bank Official Credit Ledger(s), indicating the permit number and the resource type secured by the applicant. A copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate, with an updated Official Credit Ledger will also be sent to regulatory agencies showing the proper documentation. Please contact me at 919-209-1075 or cparker@res.us if you have any questions. Best, Caitlan B. Parker Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 701 E. Bay Street, Suite 306 Charleston, SC 29403 Bank Sponsor – EBX-Neuse I, LLC and Environmental Banc & Exchange (EBX)     EBX Buffer Mitigation Banks Statement of Availability April 16, 2021 NC Division of Water Resources Paul Wojoski 512 N. Salisbury St. Archdale Building, 9th floor Raleigh, NC 27604 Re Project: Galahad Drive MOB This document confirms that Atlas Stark Holdings, LLC (Applicant) for the Galahad Drive MOB (Project) has expressed an interest to utilize 65,605.50 Square Feet of Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits from one of the following banks, EBX-Neuse I, LLC Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank, RES Neuse Buffer and Nutrient Offset Umbrella Mitigation Bank, RES Poplar Creek Buffer & Nutrient Offset Umbrella Mitigation Bank, or EBX Upper Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank. Specific bank sites that may be debited are Buffalo Branch, Selma Mill, Cedar Grove, Hatley, Ezell, Hannah Bridge, Stone Creek, Meadow Spring, Uzzle, Poplar Creek and Polecat, all located in HUC 03020201. As the official Bank Sponsor, EBX-Neuse I, LLC and EBX, attests to the fact that mitigation is available for reservation at this time. These mitigation credits are not considered secured, and consequently are eligible to be used for alternate purposes by the Bank Sponsor, until payment in full is received from the Applicant resulting in the issuance of a Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate by the bank acknowledging that the Applicant has fully secured credits from the bank and the Banker has accepted full responsibility for the mitigation obligation requiring the credits/units. The Banker will issue the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate within three (3) days of receipt of the purchase price. Banker shall provide to Applicant a copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate and a documented copy of the debit of credits from the Bank Official Credit Ledger(s), indicating the permit number and the resource type secured by the applicant. A copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate, with an updated Official Credit Ledger will also be sent to regulatory agencies showing the proper documentation. Please contact me at 919-209-1075 or cparker@res.us if you have any questions. Best, Caitlan B. Parker Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 701 E. Bay Street, Suite 306 Charleston, SC 29403 Bank Sponsor – EBX-Neuse I, LLC and Environmental Banc & Exchange (EBX) S& EC Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 14.12 balls of Neusc Road, Suite 104, Raleigh tiC 27615 • Phone: (919) 846-5900. Fax: (919) 8-16-9467 andec.com PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION / AGENT AUTHORIZATION Project Name/Description: WakeMed Project at Galahad Drive S&EC Project # 13980 Date: 2019 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Attn: Ross Sullivan USACE Regulatory Field Office: Raleigh I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) staff (as my agent) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on -site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. This document also authorizes S&EC (as my agent) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of a permit or certification and any and all associated standard and special conditions. This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by S&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site. PARCEL INFORMATION: Address: 291 1 & 2919 Galahad Dr. Raleigh, Wake County, NC Deed: 014459/0154 Evaluation Area: +/- 2 acres PIN No.: 1724106215 & 1724107410 Lat/Long: 35.783605/-78.591470 Watershed: Longview Branch, 27-33-21, "C:NSW". Neuse 03020201-0804 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: Name: Glen Summit Properties, LLC; Raymond Dewitt Kornegay Address: 10600 Candler Falls Ct., Raleigh, NC 27614-9111 Phone No.: ( ) Fax No.: ( ) Mobile No.: 004 aaq Email: d61.9kt 9 ragi:LA,- Cv zu f ek . cm+►, W.I 1*Gvak- 5/6/2020 Property er (please rint) Date ,� % Adam,- frcAr a. t �s y �e a � Pa,mokS K i rv►eJ J Property Owne tgnature We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3E2484C-8412-4862-B9AE-C0825F3083DC S& EC Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 8412 Fall: of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 . Plume: (9.49) 846-5900 • Fax: (91.9) 846-9467 sandec.com PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION /AGENT AUTHORIZATION Project Name/Description: WakeMed Project at Galahad Drive S&EC Project #13980 Date: 2019 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Attn: Ross Sullivan USACE Regulatory Field Office: Raleigh I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) staff (as my agent) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on -site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. This document also authorizes S&EC (as my agent) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of a permit or certification and any and all associated standard and special conditions. This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by S&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site. PARCEL INFORMATION: Address: 100 LutherDr., Raleigh, Wake County, NC Deed: 002478/00553 Evaluation Area: +/- 0.41 acres PIN No.: 1724108414 Lat/Long: 35.783605/-78.591470 Watershed: Longview Branch. 27-33-21, "C:NSW", Neuse 03020201-0804 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: Name: D & K Corp; c/o Barbara Adams Address: 414 Delaware Ave., Apt. 120, Norfolk, VA 23508-2850 Phone No.: ( ) Fax No.: ( ) GQu/h' Email: gitt,,, rs�ai«. e e'r hmk, #.4- Property Ow er (please prim) Date Mobile No.: (fa) Aa.q- Property Owner Sature �. [1 /l (01, forich;‘, We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge.   NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis Project Number: BZ Project Manager: 1" = 1000'Scale: 08/23/2019Date: Map Title: Source: Figure 1 - USGS Map Wake Med Galahad Drive, Raleigh, NC 2016 NC Raleigh East Quad ¯0 1,000 2,000 Feet 13980.W1   NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis Project Number: BZ Project Manager: 1" = 500'Scale: 08/23/2019Date: Map Title: Source: Figure 2 - Soil Survey Wake Med Galahad Drive, Raleigh, NC Wake County Soil Survey Sheets 59 & 60 ¯0 500 1,000 Feet 13980.W1 Site Information Total Combined Parcel Size: 2A1 AC Zoning: OX-7-PL (7-Floor Mixed -Use Office, Parking Limited) Amenity Area Required: 10% of parcel 1 0, 500 SF Tree Conservation Area (TCA): 10,500 SF minimum (if all parcels recombined) 0 5F (if no parcel greater than 2 acres) Proposed Building: 24,000 SF Medical Office Building Parking Required for MOB: 1/300 SF 80 Minimum, 120 Maximum (1. 0% of minimum parking) Must have a primary entrance face primary street 1 Galahad Drive -PL limits surface parking to 2 bays with a single drive aisle between the building and the street. MOB CONCEPT Parcel Area: 2A1 AC Medical Office Building: 4,000 SF Surface Parking: 120 (approximate) Amenity Area: 10,500 SF Passive Open Space -F Courtyard at main entry GALAHAD DRIVE MOB CONCEPTS ZONE 1 = 17,174 SF ZONE =9389SF TOTAL STREAM BUFFER = 26,563 SF 230 LF EWW TWO PROPERTIES .tosoftCorporation el 202' STEWART 0 25 50 SCALE 1- = 50" 01 24 2020 Site Information Total Combined Parcel Size: 2.41 AC Zoning: OX-7-PL (7 Floor Mixed -Use Office, Pcrking Limited) Amenity Area Required: 10% of parcel 10,500 SF Tree Conservation Area (TCA): 10,500 SF minimum (if all parcels recombined) 0 SF (if no parcel greater than 2 acres) Proposed Building: 24,000 SF Medical Office Building Parking Required for MOB: 1/300 SF 80 Minimum, 120 Maximum (15096 of minimum parking) Must have a primary entrance face primary street / Galahad Drive -PL limits surface parking to 2 bays with a single drive aisle between the building and the street. MOB CONCEPT Parcel Area: 2A1 AC Medical Office Building: 4,000 SF Surface Parking: 120 (approximate} Amenity Area: 10,500 SF Passive Open Space + Courtyard at main entry r r CP I:uu i SF AME tr(AAEA VARIAtilikHEIGHT TAINIK WALL rI.)FrTO?G"TALL 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING TOR NETWORK HERE 11.STOrrkr rrr;!, 3,50CrS}. Ah'1ENIT Y. AREA ZONE 1=1(,1?-4SF ZONE 2 = Eon SF TOTAL. STREAM BUFFER = 26,563 SF Agfallr P1 IT To EXISTING STORM NETWORK HERE PROPERTIES �oSOft Corporation o a1Grribe C44FfliArtikn Airbusti5 GALAHAD DRIVE MOB CONCEPTS STEWART 01 24 2020 0 25 50 SCALE 1' = 5er TOC MOB CONCEPT Parcel Area: 2.41 AC Medical Office Building: 24,000 SF Surface Parking: 120 (approximate) Amenity Area: 10,500 SF Passive Open Space + Courtyard at main entry 7,000 SF AMENITY AREA VARIABLE HEIGHT RETAINING WALL (UP TO 20’ TALL) PRIMARY ENTRANCE 3,500 SF AMENITY AREA 2-STORY FFE 254 GALAHAD DRIVEWE S T C AM P U S D R I V E LUTHER RD . 2-STORY FFE 242 ADA PARKING Site Information Total Combined Parcel Size: 2.41 AC Zoning: OX-7-PL (7-Floor Mixed-Use Office, Parking Limited) Amenity Area Required: 10% of parcel / 10,500 SF Tree Conservation Area (TCA): 10,500 SF minimum (if all parcels recombined) 0 SF (if no parcel greater than 2 acres) Proposed Building: 24,000 SF Medical Office Building Parking Required for MOB: 1/300 SF 80 Minimum, 120 Maximum (150% of minimum parking) Must have a primary entrance face primary street / Galahad Drive -PL limits surface parking to 2 bays with a single drive aisle between the building and the street. 01 24 2020 GALAHAD DRIVE MOB CONCEPTS ADA ARKING A PARKING CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM NETWORK HERE CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM NETWORK HERE U G S A N D FI L T E R + D E T U G S A N D FI L T E R + D E T ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director Glen Summit Properties, LLC C/O Raymond Dewitt Komegay 10600 Candler Falls Ct. Raleigh, North Carolina 27614-9111 C&K Corp C/O Barbara Adams 414 Delaware Ave Norfolk, Virginia 23508- 2850 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality September 24, 2019 Subject: Buffer Determination Letter NBRRO #19-298 Wake County Determination Type: Buffer I Intermittent/ Perennial Neuse (15A NCAC 2B .0233) Tar -Pamlico (15A NCAC 213 .0259) ® Intermittent/Perennial Determination (where local buffer ordinances apply) ElJordan ( 15A NCAC 2B .0267) governmental and/or interjurisdictional projects) Project Name Address/ Location: Stream( s) WakeMed Project -Galahad Drive 2911 & 2919 Galahad Dr, Raleigh Un-named Tributaries to Determination Date: 09/ 24/2019 Branch Staff: Erin Deck Stream E/I/ P* Not Subject Subject Start@ Stop@ Soil USGS Survey To o A P X Culvert at Culvert at X Galahad Dr Luther Rd B NP X X E111P = Ephemeral/Intermittent/ Perennial 1) E=Ephemeral, 1=Intermittent, P=Perennial, NP=Not Present, NA=Not applicable 2) Refers to riparian buffer rules only. Stream, wetland, or pond impacts may still be subject to applicable water quality standards and permitting requirements. Explanation: The features( s) listed above has been located on the most recent published NRCS Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina and/or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 1:24,000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined to not be at least intermittent or is not present. Streams North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ! Division of Water Resources D EQ RaleighRegionalOffice13800BarrettDriveIRaleigh, North Carolina 27609 o°n°`°"°"'°ie""""°"°'°"°` 919.791.4200 WakeMed Project -Galahad Drive Wake County Page 2 of 2 Streams that are checked " Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be at least an intermittent stream. There may be other features located on the property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers. This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWR may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) days of date of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing. If sending via US Postal Service: c/o Karen Higgins, DWR — 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.): Karen Higgins; DWR — 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, an appeal is requested within sixty (60) days. This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919)-554-4884. If you have questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact Erin Deck at (919) 791-4200, or by email at Erin.Deck@ncdenr.gov Sincerely, 4olich,OLG Assistant Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Center cc: RRO DWR File Copy Bob Zarzecki via email: bzarzeckil@sandec.com f 1R4 4 r14V not subject 1 • h /f - ' + ki 1 14, IV Zl Ir YA mar it IL s y Jp w s ENS J 15 Project Number: 13980.W1 Project Manager: BZ Scale: 1" = 1000' Date: 08/23/2019 Map Title: Figure 1 - USGS Map Wake Med Galahad Drive, Raleigh, NC Source: 2016 NC Raleigh East Quad N e- a_ t tn Z Z ifor Geographic yifa,r at{p 1 nalysi 0 1,000 2,000 ! ! l ! t ! t 1 Feet Sit EC N Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA M11 Felh n[\ems R d b]:le 104 Ralng,11 4C0115I0•Fr P10104,393O•Fa4 (919)A0-0.M i.e. NCHPO HPOWEB Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Local districts & boundaries Local individual resources & centerpoints Local Landmark Local Landmark, Gone Local HD Center Point Surveyed Only individual resources & centerpoints Surveyed Only Surveyed in NRHD 5/21/2020, 1:36:42 PM 0 0.25 0.50.13 mi 0 0.4 0.80.2 km 1:18,056 North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office Town of Cary, Johnston County, State of North Carolina DOT, Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, NGA, USGS | Disc la im er iMap s m akes ev ery effor t to pro duce an d pub lish th e m ost curren t a nd acc urate inform ation p ossib le. However, th e m ap s are pr oduc ed for information pu rposes, and are NOT surv eys. No warran ties, ex pressed or im p lied ,are pr ovided for the data therein, its use,o r its inter pretation. 0 50 10025 ft 1 inch = 50 feet± 7,000 SF AMENITY AREA VARIABLE HEIGHT RETAINING WALL (UP TO 20’ TALL) PRIMARY ENTRANCE 3,500 SF AM 2-STORY FFE 254 GALAHAD DRIVEWE S T C AM P U S D R I V E 2-STORY FFE 242 ADA PARKING ADA ARKING A PARKING CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM NETWORK HERE CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM NETWORK HERE U G S A N D FI L T E R + D E T U G S A N D FI L T E R + D E T Roof Downspouts to Sand Filter Roof Downspouts to Sand Filter Catch Basin, Typ n, Typ Arrow for ge, Typ owfor Typ NC SAM FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM Accompanies User Manual Version 2.1 USACE AID #: NCDWR #: INSTRUCTIONS: Attach a sketch of the assessment area and photographs. Attach a copy of the USGS 7.5 -minute topographic quadrangle, and circle the location of the stream reach under evaluation. If multiple stream reaches will be evaluated on th e same property, identify and number all reaches on the attached map, and include a separate form for each reach. See the NC SAM User Manual for detailed descriptions and explanations of requested information. Record in the “Notes/Sketch” section if supplementary measurements were performed. See the NC SAM User Manual for examples of additional measurements that may be relevant. NOTE EVIDENCE OF STRESSORS AFFECTING THE ASSESSMENT AREA (do not need to be within the assessment area). PROJECT/SITE INFORMATION: 1. Project name (if any): Galahad Drive MOB (WakeMed) 2. Date of evaluation: May 20, 2020 3. Applicant/owner name: Atlas Stark Holdings, LLC / * see AA Forms 4. Assessor name/organization: B. Zarzecki / S&EC, PA 5. County: Wake 6. Nearest named water body on USGS 7.5-minute quad: Longview Branch (27-33-21; C;NSW) 7. River basin: Neuse 03020201-0804 8. Site coordinates (decimal degrees, at lower end of assessment reach): 35.783605 / -78.591470 STREAM INFORMATION: (depth and width can be approximations) 9. Site number (show on attached map): Stream "A" 10. Length of assessment reach evaluated (feet): 230 11. Channel depth from bed (in riffle, if present) to top of bank (feet): 0.5 Unable to assess channel depth. 12. Channel width at top of bank (feet): 5 13. Is assessment reach a swamp steam? Yes No 14. Feature type: Perennial flow Intermittent flow Tidal Marsh Stream STREAM CATEGORY INFORMATION: 15. NC SAM Zone: Mountains (M) Piedmont (P) Inner Coastal Plain (I) Outer Coastal Plain (O) 16. Estimated geomorphic 19 valley shape (skip for Tidal Marsh Stream): A B (more sinuous stream, flatter valley slope) (less sinuous stream, steeper valley slope) 17. Watershed size: (skip Size 1 (< 0.1 mi2) Size 2 (0.1 to < 0.5 mi2) Size 3 (0.5 to < 5 mi2) Size 4 (≥ 5 mi2) for Tidal Marsh Stream) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 18. Were regulatory considerations evaluated? Yes No If Yes, check all that apply to the assessment area. Section 10 water Classified Trout Waters Water Supply Watershed (I II III IV V) Essential Fish Habitat Primary Nursery Area High Quality Waters/Outstanding Resource Waters Publicly owned property NCDWR Riparian buffer rule in effect Nutrient Sensitive Waters Anadromous fish 303(d) List CAMA Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) Documented presence of a federal and/or state listed protected speci es within the assessment area. List species: Designated Critical Habitat (list species) 19. Are additional stream information/supplementary measurements included in “Notes/Sketch” section or attached? Yes No 1. Channel Water – assessment reach metric (skip for Size 1 streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) A Water throughout assessment reach. B No flow, water in pools only. C No water in assessment reach. 2. Evidence of Flow Restriction – assessment reach metric A At least 10% of assessment reach in-stream habitat or riffle-pool sequence is severely affected by a flow restriction or fill to the point of obstructing flow or a channel choked with aquatic macrophytes or ponded water or impoundment on flood or ebb within the assessment reach (examples: undersized or perched culverts, causeways that constrict the channel, tidal gates , debris jams, beaver dams). B Not A 3. Feature Pattern – assessment reach metric A A majority of the assessment reach has altered pattern (examples: straightening, modification above or below culvert). B Not A 4. Feature Longitudinal Profile – assessment reach metric A Majority of assessment reach has a substantially altered stream profile (examples: channel down -cutting, existing damming, over widening, active aggradation, dredging, and excavation where appropriate channel profile has not reformed from any of these disturbances). B Not A 5. Signs of Active Instability – assessment reach metric Consider only current instability, not past events from which the stream has currently recovered. Examples of instability include active bank failure, active channel down-cutting (head-cut), active widening, and artificial hardening (such as concrete, gabion, rip -rap). A < 10% of channel unstable B 10 to 25% of channel unstable C > 25% of channel unstable 6. Streamside Area Interaction – streamside area metric Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). LB RB A A Little or no evidence of conditions that adversely affect reference interaction B B Moderate evidence of conditions (examples: berms, levees, down -cutting, aggradation, dredging) that adversely affect reference interaction (examples: limited streamside area access , disruption of flood flows through streamside area, leaky or intermittent bulkheads, causeways with floodplain constriction, minor ditching [including mosquito ditching]) C C Extensive evidence of conditions that adversely affect reference interaction (little to no floodplain/intertidal zone access [examples: causeways with floodplain and channel constriction, bulkheads, retaining walls, fill, stream incision, disruption of flood flows through streamside area] or too much floodplain/intertidal zone access [examples: impoundments, intensive mosquito ditching]) or floodplain/intertidal zone unnaturally absent or assessment reach is a man-made feature on an interstream divide 7. Water Quality Stressors – assessment reach/intertidal zone metric Check all that apply. A Discolored water in stream or intertidal zone (milky white, blue, unnatural water discoloration, oil sheen, stream foam) B Excessive sedimentation (burying of stream features or intertidal zone) C Noticeable evidence of pollutant discharges entering the assessment reach and causing a water quality problem D Odor (not including natural sulfide odors) E Current published or collected data indicating degraded water quality in the assessment reach. Cite source in “Notes/Sketch” section. F Livestock with access to stream or intertidal zone G Excessive algae in stream or intertidal zone H Degraded marsh vegetation in the intertidal zone (removal, burning, regular mowing, destruction, etc) I Other: (explain in “Notes/Sketch” section) J Little to no stressors 8. Recent Weather – watershed metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) For Size 1 or 2 streams, D1 drought or higher is considered a drought; for Size 3 or 4 streams, D2 drought or higher is considered a drought. A Drought conditions and no rainfall or rainfall not exceeding 1 inch within the last 48 hours B Drought conditions and rainfall exceeding 1 inch within the last 48 hours C No drought conditions 9. Large or Dangerous Stream – assessment reach metric Yes No Is stream is too large or dangerous to assess? If Yes, skip to Metric 13 (Streamside Area Ground Surface Condition). 10. Natural In-stream Habitat Types – assessment reach metric 10a. Yes No Degraded in-stream habitat over majority of the assessment reach (examples of stressors include excessive sedimentation, mining, excavation, in-stream hardening [for example, rip-rap], recent dredging, and snagging) (evaluate for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams only, then skip to Metric 12) 10b. Check all that occur (occurs if > 5% coverage of assessment reach) (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams) A Multiple aquatic macrophytes and aquatic mosses (include liverworts, lichens, and algal mats) B Multiple sticks and/or leaf packs and/or emergent vegetation C Multiple snags and logs (including lap trees) D 5% undercut banks and/or root mats and/or roots in banks extend to the normal wetted perimeter E Little or no habitat F 5% oysters or other natural hard bottoms G Submerged aquatic vegetation H Low-tide refugia (pools) I Sand bottom J 5% vertical bank along the marsh K Little or no habitat *********************************REMAINING QUESTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE FOR TIDAL MARSH STREAMS**************************** 11. Bedform and Substrate – assessment reach metric (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) 11a. Yes No Is assessment reach in a natural sand-bed stream? (skip for Coastal Plain streams) 11b. Bedform evaluated. Check the appropriate box(es). A Riffle-run section (evaluate 11c) B Pool-glide section (evaluate 11d) C Natural bedform absent (skip to Metric 12, Aquatic Life) 11c. In riffle sections, check all that occur below the normal wetted perimeter of the assessment reach – whether or not submerged. Check at least one box in each row (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams). Not Present (NP) = absent, Rare (R) = present but < 10%, Common (C) = > 10-40%, Abundant (A) = > 40-70%, Predominant (P) = > 70%. Cumulative percentages should not exceed 100% for each assessment reach. NP R C A P Bedrock/saprolite Boulder (256 – 4096 mm) Cobble (64 – 256 mm) Gravel (2 – 64 mm) Sand (.062 – 2 mm) Silt/clay (< 0.062 mm) Detritus Artificial (rip-rap, concrete, etc.) 11d. Yes No Are pools filled with sediment? (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) Check for Tidal Marsh Streams Only 12. Aquatic Life – assessment reach metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) 12a. Yes No Was an in-stream aquatic life assessment performed as described in the User Manual? If No, select one of the following reasons and skip to Metric 13. No Water Other: 12b. Yes No Are aquatic organisms present in the assessment reach (look in riffles, pools, then snags)? If Yes, check all that apply. If No, skip to Metric 13. 1 >1 Numbers over columns refer to “individuals” for Size 1 and 2 streams and “taxa” for Size 3 and 4 streams. Adult frogs Aquatic reptiles Aquatic macrophytes and aquatic mosses (include liverworts, lichens, and algal mats) Beetles Caddisfly larvae (T) Asian clam (Corbicula) Crustacean (isopod/amphipod/crayfish/shrimp) Damselfly and dragonfly larvae Dipterans Mayfly larvae (E) Megaloptera (alderfly, fishfly, dobsonfly larvae) Midges/mosquito larvae Mosquito fish (Gambusia) or mud minnows (Umbra pygmaea) Mussels/Clams (not Corbicula) Other fish Salamanders/tadpoles Snails Stonefly larvae (P) Tipulid larvae Worms/leeches 13. Streamside Area Ground Surface Condition – streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams and B valley types) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). Consider storage capacity with regard to both overbank flow and upland runoff. LB RB A A Little or no alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area B B Moderate alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area C C Severe alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area (examples: ditches, fill, soil compaction, livestock disturbance, buildings, man-made levees, drainage pipes) 14. Streamside Area Water Storage – streamside area metric (skip for Size 1 streams, Tidal Marsh Streams, and B valley types) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB) of the streamside area. LB RB A A Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water ≥ 6 inches deep B B Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep C C Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 15. Wetland Presence – streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). Do not consider wetlands outside of the streamside area or within the normal wetted perimeter of assessment reach. LB RB Y Y Are wetlands present in the streamside area? N N 16. Baseflow Contributors – assessment reach metric (skip for Size 4 streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all contributors within the assessment reach or within view of and draining to the assessment reach. A Streams and/or springs (jurisdictional discharges) B Ponds (include wet detention basins; do not include sediment basins or dry detention basins) C Obstruction passing flow during low-flow periods within the assessment area (beaver dam, leaky dam, bottom -release dam, weir) D Evidence of bank seepage or sweating (iron in water indicates seepage) E Stream bed or bank soil reduced (dig through deposited sediment if present) F None of the above 17. Baseflow Detractors – assessment area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all that apply. A Evidence of substantial water withdrawals from the assessment reach (includes areas excavated for pump installation) B Obstruction not passing flow during low-flow periods affecting the assessment reach (ex: watertight dam, sediment deposit) C Urban stream (≥ 24% impervious surface for watershed) D Evidence that the streamside area has been modified resulting in accelerated drainage into the assessment reach E Assessment reach relocated to valley edge F None of the above 18. Shading – assessment reach metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider aspect. Consider “leaf-on” condition. A Stream shading is appropriate for stream category (may include gaps associated with natural processes) B Degraded (example: scattered trees) C Stream shading is gone or largely absent 19. Buffer Width – streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider “vegetated buffer” and “wooded buffer” separately for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) starting at the top of bank out to the first break. Vegetated Wooded LB RB LB RB A A A A ≥ 100 feet wide or extends to the edge of the watershed B B B B From 50 to < 100 feet wide C C C C From 30 to < 50 feet wide D D D D From 10 to < 30 feet wide E E E E < 10 feet wide or no trees 20. Buffer Structure – streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) for Metric 19 (“Vegetated” Buffer Width). LB RB A A Mature forest B B Non-mature woody vegetation or modified vegetation structure C C Herbaceous vegetation with or without a strip of trees < 10 feet wide D D Maintained shrubs E E Little or no vegetation 21. Buffer Stressors – streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all appropriate boxes for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB). Indicate if listed stressor abuts stream (Abuts), does not abut but is within 30 feet of stream (< 30 feet), or is between 30 to 50 feet of stream (30-50 feet). If none of the following stressors occurs on either bank, check here and skip to Metric 22: Abuts < 30 feet 30-50 feet LB RB LB RB LB RB A A A A A A Row crops B B B B B B Maintained turf C C C C C C Pasture (no livestock)/commercial horticulture D D D D D D Pasture (active livestock use) 22. Stem Density – streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) for Metric 19 (“Wooded” Buffer Width). LB RB A A Medium to high stem density B B Low stem density C C No wooded riparian buffer or predominantly herbaceous species or bare ground 23. Continuity of Vegetated Buffer – streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider whether vegetated buffer is continuous along stream (parallel). Breaks are areas lacking vegetation > 10 feet wide. LB RB A A The total length of buffer breaks is < 25 percent. B B The total length of buffer breaks is between 25 and 50 percent. C C The total length of buffer breaks is > 50 percent. 24. Vegetative Composition – streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Evaluate the dominant vegetation within 100 feet of each bank or to the edge of the watershed (whichever comes first) as it contribute s to assessment reach habitat. LB RB A A Vegetation is close to undisturbed in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of native species, with non-native invasive species absent or sparse. B B Vegetation indicates disturbance in terms of species diversity or proportions, but is still largely composed of native species. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clear -cutting or clearing or communities with non-native invasive species present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata or communities missing understory but retaining canopy trees. C C Vegetation is severely disturbed in terms of species diversity or proport ions. Mature canopy is absent or communities with non-native invasive species dominant over a large portion of expected strata or communities composed of planted stands of non-characteristic species or communities inappropriately composed of a single spec ies or no vegetation. 25. Conductivity – assessment reach metric (skip for all Coastal Plain streams) 25a. Yes No Was conductivity measurement recorded? If No, select one of the following reasons. No Water Other: 25b. Check the box corresponding to the conductivity measurement (units of microsiemens per centimeter). A < 46 B 46 to < 67 C 67 to < 79 D 79 to < 230 E ≥ 230 Notes/Sketch: Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.1 Stream Site Name Galahad Drive MOB (WakeMed) Date of Assessment May 20, 2020 Stream Category Pb1 Assessor Name/Organization B. Zarzecki / S&EC, PA Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) YES Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) YES NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial Function Class Rating Summary USACE/ All Streams NCDWR Intermittent (1) Hydrology MEDIUM (2) Baseflow MEDIUM (2) Flood Flow MEDIUM (3) Streamside Area Attenuation HIGH (4) Floodplain Access HIGH (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer HIGH (4) Microtopography NA (3) Stream Stability LOW (4) Channel Stability MEDIUM (4) Sediment Transport LOW (4) Stream Geomorphology MEDIUM (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality LOW (2) Baseflow MEDIUM (2) Streamside Area Vegetation HIGH (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration HIGH (3) Thermoregulation HIGH (2) Indicators of Stressors YES (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance LOW (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat MEDIUM (2) In-stream Habitat LOW (3) Baseflow MEDIUM (3) Substrate MEDIUM (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM (3) In-stream Habitat LOW (2) Stream-side Habitat HIGH (3) Stream-side Habitat HIGH (3) Thermoregulation HIGH (2) Tidal Marsh In-stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In-stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall MEDIUM Disc la im er iMap s m akes ev ery effor t to pro duce an d pub lish th e m ost curren t a nd acc urate inform ation p ossib le. However, th e m ap s are pr oduc ed for information pu rposes, and are NOT surv eys. No warran ties, ex pressed or im p lied ,are pr ovided for the data therein, its use,o r its inter pretation. Gala ha d Dr ive Stormwater iM APs 0 210 420105 ft 1 inch = 200 feet± Wake Med Project - Galahad Drive - Stream PhotosS&EC 13980.W1 - Page 1 Wake Med Project - Galahad Drive - Stream PhotosS&EC 13980.W1 - Page 2 Wake Med Project - Galahad Drive - Stream PhotosS&EC 13980.W1 - Page 3 Wake Med Project - Galahad Drive - Stream PhotosS&EC 13980.W1 - Page 4 NORTH CAROLINA - WAKE COUNTY The f regoing c:tifcate• of Notar (y) (ies) (are) ertified to a correct. This instrument was presented for regist.tion and recorded in this office. This / day o �`-'�'�'7 19 % .� JC� lock,r. M. of Deeds at "c R. B`.' McKenzie, Jr., Register By K� �/ /' f GW( Dipu4y Register o eeds DUNCAN INC.. RALRIaN •7111 MEMO.ri.44 No5 P1 T,4 c.,;) A/o 4./. C. G,2/LJ .Y/0"vc/,,-7EX)"5 EEC/5T /"//T/// ' 2000 0/ A'/e0F�E, • Ty AT 7-/,i-1E of .Sc44z-V4"y' .eEco,PDeo //v /YJA,c, .30o,Y f 979 PPE L-r.-/AKE Al E M O,e/.4[- • • NocPIT/AL7 \. • eco. oeo Score i9C.gr PAGE t33 1 "I, this undersigned City Clark and Treasurer of the City of Raleigh, do hereby certify that the City of Raleigh, as provided by its City Code, on the 2 day of Idr7 7 , approved this plat or reap and accepted the deli ;one as shown thereon but on the further condition that the r:ty gnulnes no responsibility to open or maintain the tanl• until in thefiscretIon end opinion of the gov r(Ing body of the City of Ralglgh it Is in the public interest t,or do ye. / , r aa..�/ L_ qlJ City Clerk end Treasurer" 5 w,r,( Cod/v Ty ,PEG4s -7 y JOHN A. EDWARDS & COMPANY Consulting Engineers 333 Wade Ave., Raleigh, N. C. Phone (919) 828-4428 'OOK 1979 PAGE 687 ,,,,,,rrttrr,, L. • ,y:• U B L I O ,Tit \-\• COW '. so' /oo' ia4Jl'tfiil4 FLD. DK. & PAGE /4V/41Z FILE 140.: �9 53-Z DATE: 8- 8- 79 DRAWN RY: 7�. n"l a/✓A/ This certifies that the undersigned Is (are) the owner(s) of the property shown on this map having acquired title thereto by deed(s) recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Wak• County, North Carolina, or otherwise, as shown below and that by submis- sion of this plat or map for approval I (we) do dedicate to the City of Raleigh for public use all streets, easements, rights of way and parks shown thereon for all lawful purposes to which the City may devote or allow the same to be used and upon acceptonc• thereof in accordance with all city policies, ordinances and regulations or conditions of the City of Raleigh for the benefit of the public, said dedication shall be irrevocable; provided, any dedication of •ase- ments for storm drainage are not made to the City of Raleigh but are irrevocably made to this subsequent owners of any and all properties shown hereon for their use and benefit subject to condi- tions of subsections (b) (c) (d) and (f) of Section 1 and Section 4 of the "City Storm Drainage Policy" (Resolution 1970-742 as this same may be from time to time amended). Book No. Page No. Signature(s) of Property Owner{s) �- , zi :,- voAn .4. Ea/warci , certify that this map was drawn (ly-owe) (under my supervision) from on actual by --es.) (survey mad under my su 1 iqn) deed description recorded in Book N" 4 , Page ^7., etc.: (other); that the error of closure as calculated by latitudes and dapertures is 1/ ,O, 000 ; that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as broken lines plotted from information found in Book — Page — ; that this mop was prepared in accordance with G.S. 7-30 as amended. Witness my hand and seal this day of 44/ GUST , 19 7 9 irt:o SEAL 4. L-1/39 .: ✓'." tic.®�: NORTH CAROLINA c./oy/,./ A' E o tA/AFc' O 5 Personally appeared before me D,./A./4 L . E Q Y , who being duly sworn, Agys that the certificate shown Is true and correct this 8 day of.0 ' 7 19 7 9 My c ission•xpires It / Notar Public WAKE COUNTY S14SET OF 1 Bob Zarzecki From:laserfiche@ncdenr.gov Sent:Friday, April 16, 2021 8:40 AM To:Bob Zarzecki Cc:rick.trone@ncdenr.gov Subject:Pre-Filing Time Clock has been reached for Galahad Drive - 20200624 Ver 3 Attachments:DWR Pre-Filing Meeting Request Form.pdf The North Carolina Division of Water Resources has received the Pre-Filing Meeting Request Form for Galahad Drive that you submitted on 3/17/2021. The ID number for that project is 20200624, Version 3. Your Pre-Filing Meeting Request has now reached the 30 calendar days’ requirement and your application can now be accepted. When you submit your application please upload a copy of the attached document in this email. This email was automatically generated by Laserfiche workflow. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses are not monitored. Internal Use only: Non Transportation DWR Pre-Fil ing Meeting Req u est Form ID#*Ve rsion * Re gional Office * Re v ie we r List * Contact Name * Contact Email Addre ss * Proje ct Name * Proje ct Owne r * Proje ct County * Owne r Addre ss: Is this a transportation proje ct?* Type (s) of approv al sought from the DWR: Doe s this proje ct hav e an e xisting proje ct ID#?* Ple ase list all e xisting proje ct ID's associate d with this proje cts.* Do you know the name of the staff me mbe r you would like to re que st a me e ting with? Ple ase giv e a brie f proje ct de scription be low and include location information.* 20200624 3 Central Office - (919) 707-9000 Rick Trone Pre-Filing Me eting Reque st submitte d 3/16/2021 Robert Zarzecki, Sr. bzarzecki@sandec.com Galahad Drive Atlas Stark Holdiings, LLC (attn: Robert S. Adams III) Wake City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country United States Street Address 911 N. West Street, Suite 201 Address Line 2 Yes No 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular 401 Water Quality Certification - Express Individual Permit Modification Shoreline Stabilization Yes No DWR#2020-0624v2 Rick Trone Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting. Ple ase attach the docume ntation you would like to hav e the me e ting about. Signature Submittal Date Rick - We really have no need to hold a pre-filing meeting unless you would like one. We are simply requesting this previously approved Certification (and NWP verification) to be reissued under the new GC4263 and new NWP39 as the impacts are not anticipated to occur prior to March 2022. There have been no changes to the proposed project or plans. Stream impacts remain the same at 230 lf (+/- 0.03 acres), so we should be good to go under the new NWP39 & GC. Please let me know as soon as I can submit. Thanks. - Bob Zarzecki 3/18/2021 3/22/2021 20200624v2GalahadDriveMOB(Wake)_401_G…697.04KB SAW-2020-00922 - NWP 39 Verfication.pdf 830.75KB pdf only By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: · This form completes the requirement of the Pre-Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. · I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre-filing meeting request. · I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project’s thirty-day clock started upon receipt of this application.  You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary.  You will receive notification when the thirty-day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. 3/16/2021