HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050734 Ver 1_Closeout Report_20120523o'S - a1�3�F Silver Creek - Conway EEP ID (IMS #) 92218 FDP CONTRACT NUMBER D05016 -1 USACE ACTION ID # SAW- 2006 - 40036 -312 DWQ 404# 06- 1152.V2 CLOSEOUT REPORT Stream Protect Setting & Classifications County Burke General Location Morganton Basin: Catawba Ph sio ra hic Region: Mountain Ecore ion: Northern Mountain USGS Hydro Unit: 03050101050050 NCDWQ Sub - basin: 11- 62 -3 -1 Wetland Classification December 2008 Thermal Regime: Warm Trout Water: No Monitoring Year 3 December 2009 Beaverdam removed along main stem 4 +75 July 2010 Project Performers July 2010 Source Agency: EEP Provider: Wetlands Resource Center Designer: EMH&T Monitoring Firm EMHBT Channel Remediation South Mountain Forestry Plant remediation Wetlands Resource Center Property Interest Holder EEP Overall Protect Activities and Timeline Milestone Month -Year Project Instituted June 2005 Permitted Aug. `06/Ma `07 Construction Completed Aril 2007 As -built survey May 2007 Monitoring Year -1 January2008 Bank stabilization along UT -A (11 +00 to 13 +00); natural log sill replaced with rock structure along UT -A 5 +75 October 2008 Monitoring Year -2 December 2008 Supplemental planting throughout the project April 2009 Fence repairs due to cattle intrusion, reseeding of isolated denuded areas and riffle reconstruction along UT -A lower end Sept. — Oct. 2009 Monitoring Year 3 December 2009 Beaverdam removed along main stem 4 +75 July 2010 Invasive species management along the main stem and UT -A July 2010 Monitoring Year 4 February 2011 Supplemental planting along UT -A (lower end March 2011 Monitoring Year 5 December 2011 Supplemental planting along the main stem April 2012 Easement boundary fence adjusted along portions of the main stem April 2012 Invasive species management along the m ain stem and UT -A June 2012 Closeout Submission September 2012 Prlect Setting and Backaround Summary The Silver Creek stream restoration project is located near Morganton, in Burke County, North Carolina Pnor to restoration, channelization and cattle intrusion resulted in vegetative denuding and bank destabilization The vertical to undercut unstable streambanks were contributing large volumes of suspended sediment and bedload material to the larger Silver Creek watershed The restoration of project streams re- established geomorphic features consistent with natural stream channel characteristics Elements of the restoration included stable channel pattern, profile, and dimension consistent with reference reach conditions quantified within the Silver Creek watershed, upstream of the project on Brindle Creek. In -stream structures were constructed to provide grade control, streambank stabilization, and aquatic habitat features Restoration reconnected project stream channels to functional tloodplams with extensive riparian plantings Goals and Obiectrves • Stable stream channels with features indicative of a biologically diverse environment • Reversing the effects of channelization and stabilizing eroding and undercut stream banks • Restored connections between the bankfull width and floodprone width of the channels by restoring (excavating) the floodprone area • Improved physical aquatic habitat features, including in- stream habitat features • Minimization of existing agricultural land use impacts to the stream • Long -term protection of the stream corridors, including Re- vegetation of the riparian corridors with native trees and shrubs and preservation of existing vegetated corridors Success Criteria Performance Criteria Noted Project Success (cifing Monitonng Re its Minimal or negligible development of in- stream bar deposits Minimal channel aggradation has been observed throughout the 5 -year monitoring period There are current) no m -stream bar deposits threatening the stability of the channel Minimal or negligible change in channel pattern, profile and dimension in The channels for the main stem and UT -A have maintained relative consistency with the as -built comparison to As -Built conditions dimensions, as shown in the tables on the following page UT -B and UT -C were not monitored for geomorphic properties Maintenance of floodplam connectivity The entrenchment ratios for the main stem and UT -A have remained consistent throughout the 5- ear mon►torm period, as shown in the tables on the following page Target density of 320 stems per acre after 3 years and 260 stems per acre The average planted live stem density across all of the vegetation monitoring plots for Silver Creek after 5 years for planted woody vegetation and UT -A is 397 stems per acre The lowest planted density is 284 stems per acre When considering all live stems, those numbers increase to 608 and 446, respectively 401 Water Quality Certification Monitoring for UT -B and Q* I The average live stem density in the monitoring lots for these channels is 668 stems per acre *Various project impacts associated directly or indirectly with the restoration project required a separate 401 certification through the DWQ, which stipulated monitoring for vegetative success along UT -B and UT -C Page 2 of 29 MITIGATION SUMMARY TABLE Restoration Pre Construction Mitigation Watershed Acreage As -Built Linear Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Units Segment/Reach linear feet Approach S Mt Footage /Acreage — (SMU/WMU) STREAM — — ` ' t Previous Revised Previous Revised Previous Revised Previous Revised Silver Creek Mamstem 3,043 R Same 826 2,905 Same 10 Same 2,905 Same UT -A 1,508 R Same 0 075 1,552 1,537 10 Same 1,552 1,537 UT -B 66 P E2 ** N/A 66 Same 5.0 2 5 ** 26.4 264 UT -C 48 P E2 ** N/A 48 Same 5.0 2 5 ** 10 19.2 UT -D 52 P Same N/A 52 Same 5.0 Same 10 Same TOTALS= 4,717 4,623 4,608 4,490 4,498 "Previous" — from the Mitigation and Monitoring Plan reports, "Revised" — changed for the close -out report * Reflects reduction of 15 feet for overhead utility line along UT -A (50% of presumed 30 -foot maintenance easement) * *Change made to account for constructed profile adjustments and channel stabilization along UT -13 and UT -C within the limits of the conservation easement MITIGATION UNIT TOTALS 'Stream atign Units Riparian Wetland Noi- riparian Total Wetland � J' °``�" ]der Nutrient "get ASMM Units. Wetland Units I 4,498 (Revised) — — -- — — Page 3 of 29 Page 4 of 29 Page 5 of 29 Page 6 of 29 o. r 6=C MW-Me,, A(Vw 6) mu.w Deane W SI)m Creek Mffiutmn XS4 WHO (Yew 5) Mw)mer Dw—(n) S6w Creek Ma ndwn x37 Pool (Yews) Onlr.tr . =' ti Ow�N¢ .SAO P�1te. i� �Oprq Ilaoae/Dmt� (M) S6w Leek Meingwn XS6 rffft (Y= 6) m mewwsbmcpD Page 7 of 29 SOM week Mw tefn Xe6 yow (Yew 5) � r..� .� +gym .� .m oom •�o o�.m n_ 10 m mww.wmn—(R) SUver Creek Ma)m)iem XS8 - pool (Year 5) r err et eea r n rw a� llorle7rtd DMWAS (R) C_ C b w e 8 I UiA XS1 - riffle (Year 5) M.1 - 9A1 MYf - .1• .Mi - •.z irOrlta�trr fl4hnes (a) UTA XS4 - riffle (Year 5) WXI r9.1 9... - i, x e p Horizontal Distance (ft) UTA XS4 - pool (Year 5) Horizontal Distance (ft) Page 8 of 29 UTA XS3 - Pool (Year 5) r MYf -1.15 M.i -..9 M F -..9 0 Silver Creek mainstem - Year 5 Profile - 20 Sep 2011 •was O"MFG— voa n ♦ueaie OngNUa Tut",, Xtpllw or vat oval pvat -Ww7 vnrl cm.1 wNi .1 cm.1 caws cm.1 cm., cm.1 Silver Creek mainstem - Year 5 Profile - 20 Sep 2011 •Y1w7 OParuna ♦man 0WIDA pegnua +utepa xt4n+�a MID evai pnwx ilttq TV=$ c�a.i a I tai cma uaa C-1 come cum Page 9 of 29 Silver Creek Unnamed Tributary A - Year 5 Profile - 20 Sep 2011 1 ml �I xl 11 I I P I I IE I 1175 0 120 240 300 480 000 • Year o Water • OwMM • Len o RVd " Left x RIO a Year2 Year o Yew 3 • Year4 Channel Mce Bank Bank Edge or Edge a, Channel Channel Channel Channel Water Water Silver Creek Unnamed Tributary A - Year 5 Profile - 20 Sep 2011 • Year o Water V BanMO • Len o Right + Lan x Right a Year2 — YewO o Year3 • Year4 Channel Burrace Bank Bank Edgeor Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Water Water Page 10 of 29 so USM 02138600 LINVLLE RIPER NEAR N 30, NC 'map of im mr �aee dS> O so Ulu aeta aen 2W aut am eauy amd� dladrp EgUmM d daily a dLsdmrgo — Bally ehdi di-h -p rwiad of at - data — Od19 a dL-hU p USGS Sudwz.Wates Daily Date for North Carohas X USGS UM 02138600 LB &U MR NEAR NEBO, NC 7.e e.e Y a Y 4.0 8.e 2.e l.e e.9 SW mm im NW on Ad SW able the =I am Im aen am — 0" mod— pp hdyht D" aaro ow MUM — eatly slab= pp Mdot frlod K appvaad data USGS Stafece -Water Daly Data for North Carolma hslp //waterdara.aSMRQv /nd ? Table EL Verification of Banld'ull Events Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo # 9/21/09 1/6/09 - 1/8/09* Crest gage onlTT -A BF 1 9/21/09 1/6/09- 1 /8 /09* Crest gage on Mamstem BF 2 5/12/10 1/24/10 - 1125/10* Crest gagge on UT-A BF 3 5112110 1 /24 /10- 1 /25 /10* Crest gage on Mamstcm BF 4 5120/11 4/16/11- 4/17/11 * Crest gage on Mainstem BF 5 *Date is aWroxmmte, based on a review of recorded ran►tall data Page 11 of 29 Table XHa. nesellue Geomorphk and Hydraulic Summery Silver Creels btrcam RoetorMUM / EEP Project No D05016-01 Statinn/Reaeb Malnseem ([ao8 Term Monitmtng Profile Station 0+00 to 20+7194 (207194 Ileear feet)) parameter Reference Ruch Pmr xi hog Carditum Desrgm As -Owlt Year 1 Sts. 0+00 - 18 +71 Year 2 Sta. 0+00 20+72 Year 3 Sts. 0+00 20+-72 Year 4 Sts. OMfI 20+72 Yeti 5 Sta 0+00- 20+72 Dimension Dramoge Area (mi) Min I Max I Mod M1a Mu Mad Mi. Max 1_M _Min I MaxMal6 Mm 1_Mat_I Mad Ml. Max Mad M(n Max M Min I Max Mad Min Max Mad I_ I 116 1 f -826 I f 826 8.26 BF W rdth (R) I �� 2402 29221 122 471 60.86 _ I 1 3000 46181 6981 58 00 46141 6880 5747 4336 66 44 6.390 43 851 6103 5501 40 6U 62301 4896 4107 59 17 53 94 Flood lone Width (ft) I 232 00 3700 8400 6000 S401 14501 993 82811 11445 9863 82931 11425 MIS 96 59 8198 114 11 101 89 73961 12600 10503 83541 119591 10606 9441 121.311 10457 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft � I 30 77 139 70 23044 17646 9000 8339 103 55 93 57 83 971 100 92 06 7369 9539 8990 82 72 91 44 9699 6011 100201 9105 62-95 ----93-7-6T- 8232 BF Me= Depth (V -_i 1 1 78 1 88 545 195 1 1 19 129 1 111 111 1 461 1 112 164 1 19 1 611 141 1 5n 1 891 148 146 2051 —4.591-3.93 148 13 1 741 1 53 BF MU Deptil fl 172 __ 6.57- 762 704 _ _ 1 _300 1 1887 290 2551 _ _A15 52.16 _ 329 38 84 2B1 2535 349 3 15 308 4 15 335 354 921 373 -7 3 62 336 4M 403 W id& Depth (R) I 1877 536 65 141 2579 4712 3624 2611 49241 4532 2320 40 72 3482 2.398 4273 2743 26 84 _ 4237 3100 En6vtdwmt Rabo I 966 069 191 129 180 483 3.32 159 179 169 166 180 173 160 1 87 179 169 206 191 192 2.17 2- 194 2.06 2 05 Bank llagbt Ratio 100 389 407 398 1 100 100 102 101 1001 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wetted Pennies (ft) 2638 3578 15295 7532 I 33 18 4698 70201 5839 4696 6918 5807 44 62 69 80 59 19 44 85 61 64 56 03 41 87 6356 5032 4248 6130 56M HydrauHc Radius (4) 1I L 1 16 131 4211 123 I 271 _ 127 1 78 133 1451 1791 162 1 17 165 147 1 9 1 84 1 55 1.431_.. 199 1 44 1341 1 671 148 Palae7a _ - Channd Bdtwidlh (ft) 44 17 4630 4522 37 84 60 S4 0 145 0 93 9 82 81 18194 109 79 82 93 11425 102 73 8293 11425 1102 73 8293 11425 I aL73 82 93 11423 10273 92931 11425 102 73 _ •Rodtm of CunvWre (ft) •MnridQ Wavelength (11) 12.97 24 44 _ 8823 115 70 17 67 104 80 _ _I_1 I I 45 0 6U 0 75 0 60 0 191 el_ 125 9 4607 16540 68 70 7} 7g 192 1u 4607 18540 Iyl 68 70 121 4607 71 185 40 68 70 191701 124 46.07 73791 18540 68 70 1')i 124 4607 73791 185 40 - 191 6870 122 4607 195401 191 697 12496 _ - wide Width Rat. —T- 841 194 i 188 0 61 1 381 099 180 4 R31 3 13 1 79 611 89 661 80 79 57 1 891 6 �I 1 B7 04 83 0 202 93 Profile 9 4 47 71 29 4 00039 017871 0 0242 17 1 56 91 35 7 _ 36 4 388 3 145 5 —1 TD- 21,91 212 2121 1041 2511 _ 7 81 45 4 21 0 000171 002031 00076 2t1fie length (R) — Riffle Sbpc (ft/ft Pool Leagtli f R) Pool Spoang U Sabstr_ate _ d50 (nun) d84(m_m) 19 01 31 01_ 73 7 001251 0 03621 0 0211 11 01 31 61 17 44 67 61 5 51 /i4 6 J l O S l 125 00045 00096 00069 20 1 36 11� 26 3 _ 1 1 329 I 1 00036 _ - I _ 65 7 711 4711 27 8 000841 0031E 00165 28 11 70 71 S l 3 7 3 68 61 29 6 00080 00218 0 0131 5 1 00031 237 49 8 20 7 _ 0024 0 0085 8631 54 5 1121- 491 261 0 00091 0.0239 0 0100 23 31 108 71 596 3/81 21871 830 17 81 29 91 47 4 4911 24591 1149 —2171 121 1 62 0 101 11 149 01 129 1 I _ � _ 131 4 129 3851 257 2061 602i 404 _ 61 51 5731 1612 122 21/91 894 4091 20561 893 _ 1 385 i_ 602 --I 2-9T 38 51- 266 206 52.3 77 109 Io5 121 211 Ifil _ 98 214 189 1511 296 276 60 Il4 1671 74 11141 234 571 3851 221 729 RR1 1106_1091 _ 1}7 X92 13926 311 1242 Additional Reach Parameter _ I 1 2077 1 1 2077 1 1 2077 — - 1- -- T 2077 _ 2077 I Va w Length (R) __(__l -Z94 00 1 2077 1 2077 1 1 2077 _ _ Lhand Length_ (ft 1 1 353 00 3040 _ _ 2959 1 -14-3 _ _i 2905 1 140 1 _ 2905 1 1 140 1 1 2905 1-1-140 _ I_ _ _ 1_ 2905 �i 1---1-401 1 1 2905 1 2905 Smumrly 1 1 1 2 1 146 1 1 140 1 1 140 Water SurlLrc Slope (R/ft) BF Slupt lull) I —1 001 I 0 0113 0 00221-0 00301 0 0026 1 I •• 1 1 00025 I 0 0026 1 1 0 0026 1 0 0027 I 1 00028 1 ' 0 0028 I 00027 00027 _ 1 _ _I 0 0029 00028 1 I 00041 00030 I 1 00029 I O oo27 Rosgcn Clmsslftatom I I_ C4 I I _ F4 _ 84c 1_ CAS_ q — I I Rot 1 &k_ 1 Doc Doc B4c 04c _ —_ -Habitat Index •Maarobettthos I I I I I I I I I I I I I I olts • Inclusion will be project spocil c and determtr d prnmardy by A14mult momtonng plaVsuc= cntena ••ImufDcneat fleld uuhcalors to tv=stt, b tnkfull slope under impaired F4 dmnnd conditions Blank fields - Histono protoet documentation nooaasay to provide these data were navalable at the time of this report submmsmn Where no mm/max values are dad only one value was mramrcd or coinputod and is lircacritod as the median value Page 12 of 29 Tabk Xlfb Baseline Geomorphle and Hydraulic Summary Silver Creek Stream Restoration / EEP Project No. D05016-01 Statlow1teaeh Tributary A (LAng -Term Monitoring Profile Station 0a00 m 10+49 79 (1049 79 fat)) Parameter Refcrertce Raub ProTAist rag CwAt3Lon Design As Built Year 1 Sta 0+00 10+43 Year 2 Sta 0+00 10+50 Year 3 Sm 0+00 10+50 Ycm 4 Sta 0+00 10+50 Year 5 Sts 0+00 10+50 Dimension Mm I Max I Mad Mm I Max I Mod Mm Max Mad Mm I Max Mod Mm f Max Mad Mm I Max Mad Mm Max Med Mm Max Mad Min Max Mad Drainage Area (un') I 116 1 008 1 l 0 OS 008 1 1 008 1 I 008 008 008 008 BF Width (ft) I I 2402 1 I _ 13 72 1 8 681 8 111 746 678 7321 705 662 720 691 _ 7511 _ 942 _ 847 8611 9491 9 05 9 10 9 86 948 Floodpro0e W tdlh (ft) II 23200, 1000 15 00 1250 10001 .511 12 13 28 14571 13 93 10 45 1335 I 1 12 151 17831 14 71 11 93 1483 1338 1276 1435 1356 1487 1531 1509 BF Cron Sectional Area (W) 30 77 1 354 1 350 351 339 355 352 337 355 3 291 408 369 410 5 78 4 3 9I 408 400 412 620 516 BF Mean Depth (it) 128 ! 026 1 050 043 053 048 0481 0531 051 0501 0571 0.54 055 061 058 043 0.45 044 045 064 055 _ BF Max ft --I 172 I 090 1 1 1 0.81 1 011 0.91 0 631 1 011 082 1 001 1 021 1 01 1198 099 099 _ 084 _ 095 085 088 0% 0 92 WtdlhtDcptb (fl) I8 77 I 5277 I I 16 12A51 IS 961 1586 12791 15.251 1402 12 631 17 13 141 ] 3 65 1544 1455 1913 22.07 2I 60 1513 2022 17 Entrenchment Ratio 966 1 0 91 I I 1 56 1 80 195 188 143 197 1 7 184 248 213 1581 159 1591 148 1 51 15] 150 134 168 168 161 Bank Height Reno 1 110 I 1 191 1 100 1001 1 110 100 1001 100 1001 1001 100 1001 100 100 1 001 100 100 1 00 100 100 Wetted Permetcr R 2659 1 1397 I 1 900 6971 8.281 7 63 7 OB 7 361 732 6 97 7 SO 724 7 80 968 874 884 966 925 9341 996 965 Hydraulic Radma (ft) 1 16 I 1 025 I 1 039 0421 050 —046 0471 0 501 049 047i 054 i 051 0531 060 037 0 421 044 0 43 0441 062 033 Pattern 'Chwmd Balm -Atli ft 4417 46501 4522 I 10901 14571 12.93 10 60 14 571 l2 95 1060 14 S7 12 95 10 801 1457 1295 10 80 l4 57 1295 10801 14571 1295 *Radius of Curvature (ft) 12 97 932 124 901 2359 932 124 901 23 59 9 32 12490 23 59 9 32 12490 23 59 932 124 90 2359 9.321 124 901 2339 - Meader Wavelength (fl ) 88 231 115 70; 104 80 I_ I 1 58 821 106 30 73 72 58 62 106 301 73 72 59 821 106301 73 72 58 821 106 30 73 72 58 82 106.30 73 72 58 82 106 30 13 72 •Meandc Width Ratio 1 84 1 941 1 88 I 1 I 1 45 1 95 1 74 1591 1991 184 1 631 2021 187 1 441 1551 153 1 251 1 541 143 _ 1 l9 1 48 137 Profile 1 34 47 90 15 30 _ Riffle l.engih fl 19 0 31 11 257 _ r— _ _ i_ _ 232 00401 639 10 92, 49_511 1284 U 454 , 0 1278 2421 1381 150 25 38 78 1851 48 70' 14 07 0 0373 0 5344 01334 408- 4046 No flow No flow ---5—.27-F- 27 _ I S 25 1592 14941 1728 2-29 57 611 1948 _ 2.80 51801 20 90 No Flom No Flow I No Flog Riffle Slope (Will 0 0125 11 0 67 6 0 0362 0 0211 31 6 17 44 77 5 71 4 0 0344 0 6094 01389 6 07 22 79 1243 10 19 143 20 55 63 No flow _ 1177 63 19 _ 00097 041651 01090 6 24 2335 1365 16 17 142 151 6050 Pool L..rtgth R I _ _ 6301 23 301 13 10 01 6 ill 146 70 47 2 6 401 25 701 1260 Pool Spacing (fl) _ _ 18001 144 001 56 0_0 Substrate d50(mm 385 1 1 691 158 114 14; 824 23 24 11 81 71 _ ----U-4 T-- 191 12 18 71_ 2341 107 07 2131 110 091 881 49 d84 (ri0n) 602 1 I 202, 42 41 313 9 21 _ 14 31 118 1 6I 17 9 __j 0 7 6321 103.31 833 _ 1351 8221 489 Additional Reach Parameters VaWLcol h(R) ^_I 29400 1 353 00 1426 1 I 1508 1426 I 1533 I _ I— 1 1426 1-1552 1426 1552 1426 I 1552 _I 1 1426 1 1552 r -� 1426 1 1552 I —I 1426 1552 Channel Length (it) Sinuonty Water smface Slope (0/ft) F2 I 1 0 0106 I I 106 003501 0 05001 00425 II 107 000501 00500 00425 `1 109 I 1 00427 I_ _ 109 00385 1-109 1 00386 1 109 I No Sow 1 109 I 0 0399 1 1 109 No Flow BF Slope (ft) Rcsgcn Classification _ -Habitat Index •Maaobe0[hos 1_ 0 011 S C4 I 1 1 " A —B 00375 Q0535 0 0455 A VA2 -+ 7a 7a I 00469 I B4a _ 003671 B4 1 1 00396 1 1 B4 —00389- I I BS 1 004001 134 I 1 00425 Boa Notes • Indum will be project specific and determined primarily by As built monitoring plantsunxss criteria ••Insufnctmt field indicators to estimate bankfull slope under altered A— B charnel emdrbons Blank fields m Hratone project documcnatuon necessary to provide these data were unawdable at the trine of thus report submission Where no mm/max values provided. only 00e value was measured or computed sod is presented as the mean value. Page 13 of 29 Table XHIa Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Silver Creek and Unnamed Tributary Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D05016-01 Reach Silver Creek Mahutem Parameter Cross Section (Riffle 1) Cross Section (Pool 2) Cross Section (Pool 3) Di menrwn BF Width (ft) MY 0 1 MY 1 4819 45 41 1 MY 2 1 MY 3 4396 4385 I MY 4 406 MY 5 4107 MY 0 1 MY 1 42 09 42 89 I MY 2 1-4313 I MY 3 4146 I MY 4 42 14 1 MY S 3937 MY 0 1 MY 1 S 122 50 34 MY 2 1 MY 3 47 2 1 49 07 MY 4 4857 MY S 37 69 MY 5 6295 11928 1 j I_ 1 { Floodprone Width (ft) 8277 1 8218 1 8199 1 7396 1 9354 9441 9436 1 8148 1 8654 766 7481 I 725 18193 1 133 737 176 791 125 6 1 1217 11574 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) BF Mean Depth (ft) 103.55 1 10015 148 1 146 { _I 1 9144 1 15 1 9105 1 146 BF Cross Secbonal Area (M 8359 83 18 7369 82 72 60 l 1 6285 8964 81 53 1 9399 8281 1 7584 I 6347 9581 I 91 1 84 95 1 89 42 1 9037 7481 BF Max Depth (ft 28 1 281 1 308 4532 354_1 40 72 BF Mean Dep h BF Max Depth (R) 181 3 41 2551 179 11 83 348 1 2481 181 168 11 89 335 I 421 2611 I 232 187 1 169 148 383 _ 2743 2 06 153 403 2684 206 2 13 1 19 484 402 1976 22 57 2 J 19 1 218 2 1 541 503 1978 I 2073 12 01 I 185 1 18 1 161 4 31 362 2341 1 2445 179 1 184 197 11 81 539 454 2739 2781 355 1 -2-66-375 18 1 18 S 33 1 5 83 2622 2759 12 53 1 186 1 -T5- 6 1 2611 1 251 11 98 56 1904 307 Width/ th Ratio 1 1 I I I I I Width/DRatio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 ' 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 { { 1 Wetted Perimeter ft 4698 46 27 44 62 144 85 613 6834 43 43 43 85 1 44 8 43 12 43 35 1 43 03 52.65 1 51 51 48 95 51 81 1 51 19 4l 31 6603 ydraulic Radnu (ft) Substrate 1 78 1 1 8 1 65 1 84 I I_ _ 1 48 1 1 148 I 206 1 86 I 1 2 1 1 l 92 r 1 75 ' 1 47 1 81 11 77 I 174 1 l 73 1 I I 177 1 1 81 165 I I 186 D50 (mm) 0 45 116 47 _18 86 6_03_1_ _ Substrate 13 65 0 67 1 0 83 I 044 0 43 0 9l l 05 1_ 1 25 1 14 1 0 39 83 869 _ 20 92 1-i-118-1 1 30 87 l 06 1 0 95 1126 07 D84 mm 27 57 11 35 16 66 I 297 1 1 6 3 4 1 76 173 1 0 98 1 1798 197 I 1 1 63 I Table XHIa Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Silver Creek and Unnamed Tributary Stream Restoration/ EEP Project No D05016-01 Reach Sliver Creek Mahu tam Parameter Cross Section (RiMe 4) Cross Section (Riffle 5) Cross Section (Pool 6) Dimension MY 0 1 MY 1 I MY 2 63 9 MY 3 i 6108 I MY 4 1 6238 I MY 5 59 17 MY 0 6728 1 MY l 1--67-15--1 i MY 2 6844 MY 3 5501 1 MY 4 MY 5 4896 I 5394 MY 0 1 MY 1 7469 1 72 28 MY 2 7224 1 134 97 1 MY 3 1 MY 4 1 6954 1 7567 14287 1 1194 MY 5 6295 11928 I_ 1 { BF Width (ft) -W8-11 I 68 8 Floodprone Width (ft) 11436 1 113691 11411 1 126 11959 12131 10692 1 11101 1 10957 1 10503 1 106 06 10457 11273 1 11279 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) BF Mean Depth (ft) 103.55 1 10015 148 1 146 1 899 I 141 _I 1 9144 1 15 1 9105 1 146 I 9232 I 139 8655 129 1 8946 133 1 9539 139 I 8688 L 158 I 1002 9376 205 I 174 1071 1 10903 143 I 151 12032 167 1 12199 1 14904 I 175 197 12299 195 I BF Max Depth (ft 28 1 281 1 308 4532 354_1 40 72 362 42 73 1 356 4257 375 52 l6 I 404 5049 415 49 24 t3482 459 43 23 88 1 31 387 I 391 52 23 47 87 448 43 26 48 1 496 39 74 38 41 606 32 28 Width/ th Ratio 4717 4712 Entrenchment obRa Bank Height Raba 164 1 1 65 I I 1 1 79 1 1 206 I 1 1 1 92 I I 1 2 05 I 159 1 165 1 I 1 6 1 1 1 217 194 I 1 1 1 151 11 56 1 I 1 187 1 1 205 [-21-58'- 1 I 1 189 I I 1 1 1 { { Wetted Perimeter (ft) 702 169 18 I 6431 6164 1 6356 613 6834 1 68 32 I 698 56 03 50 32 5602 76 I I 73 55 73 09 7047 1 7727 6603 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 148 1 1 45 l 4 1 48 1 1 43 1 34 1 27 11 31 I 137 1 55 199 I l 67 1 41 I 048 165 173 1 193 186 _ Substrate I _ i _ I I I D50 (mm) 4 ZS 1 7 76 9 75 16 66 I 38 S� 31 06 _' 2 S l 13 65 21 4 7 24 5 7 1 5924 3 Ol 2S i 1 63 0 59 4 1 BS D84 mm 26 9 10 93 1 15 33 38 39 1 88 27 I 1242 l5 47 I 19 85 1 29 8 25 42 72 91 1392 64 12 45 5 14 1 489 273 1864 1412 1 I I Page 14 of 29 Table VVMa Stem counts for each, species arranged by plot -planted stems Sdver_Creek Stream Restoration / EEP Pro ect No DW16-1 PI Is Year YearO Year Year2 Year3 4 Years surd I 1 2 3 4 5 S eclea 6 7 8 9 IO Tomb Teuls Tear Tomb Taah r nb 4: Shrubs Alnur serrulara 3 I 1 1 2 S 5 7 9 8 8 100 Aroma arbutr ohn 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 100 Aroma mcfanocarpa 2 5 2 6 2 3 1 8 8 4 7 10 21 210 Cornus omomum 2 2 4 4 2 3 I 2 3 31 25 20 24 22 23 105 Cornus sencea 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 NA Trees Acer rabrum 3 2 2 2 2 3' 3 100 Acer mccharum 1 3 1 18 I8 13 It 6 5 83 Frannus n lswnrca 1 1 2 2 3 IS IS 9 10 11 9 82 brlodendron ruff era I 1 1 I 1 4 4 4 3 1 2 4 1 200 Plalanus occuientalls 1 4 16 II 8 4 5 5 100 rercus albs 1 3 3 3 4 1 1 100 Quercu coccraca 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 7 NA Quercus mrchauxrr 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 I 1 4 4 100 Qu_ barns 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 100 Qaefcus veluf+na 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Sulu m ra 2 3 3 2 67 Sambucus canadensu 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 100 Year 5 Totals 9 12 15 8 7 8 12 8 12 7 102 96 74 81 80 98 123 teve Sam Density 365 486 608 324 284 324 486 324 486 284 Average Lfve Stem Density 397 EEP Recommendation and Conclusion The Silver Creek Site has met its success criteria established in the mitigation plan during the 5- year monitoring period Subsequent to the submission of the Year 5 monitoring report, it was determined the location of the fencing along the protect corridor was not entirely consistent with the location of the conservation easement To remedy this situation, the conservation easement was re- staked by a professional surveyor and, where necessary, the fencing was relocated Presently, the fencing along UT -A extends upstream beyond the terminus of the conservation easement to prevent cattle intrusions that would otherwise impact the performance of the stream restoration As such, the upstream terminus of the conservation is also marked in the field for reference purposes In addition, supplemental planting and invasive species management has occurred following the Year 5 monitoring event along portions of the main stem and UT -A to further bolster the performance of those channels The Mitigation and Monitoring Plans completed for this project all identify a total of 4,490 SMUs for Restoration along Silver Creek main stem and UT -A, and Preservation of short reaches of UT -B, UT -C and UT -D where they confluence with Silver Creek The total number of SMUs for the project has been updated in this report based on the factors listed below The total length of the restoration along UT -A has been reduced by 15 feet to account for an overhead utility line that crosses the channel and where clearing of vegetation beneath the line has been observed The deduction represents 50% of the presumed total maintenance width of 30 feet There has been no evidence found of an actual easement for the utility line The original credit designation (mitigation approach) for UT -B and UT -C was Preservation However, physical improvements were made to these channels within the protective easement as part of the original project construction These improvements affected the stream profile and also created a stable transition of these tributanes to the main stem (see photos) The vegetative success of these channels has been monitored and documented throughout the 5 -year monitoring period, however, no specific geomorphic data has been collected Therefore, we believe that the work completed for these small reaches at a minimum justifies a minimum of 2 5 1 credit ratio Based on these determinations, EEP in conjunction with Wetlands Resource Center recommends closeout of the Silver Creek project at 4,498 SMUs Contingencies None Page 16 of 29 Pre - Construction Photos Page 17 of 29 Post - Construction Photos Page 18 of 29 UT -B (Year 1): to demonstrate profile reconstruction and stabilization UT -C (Yearl): to demonstrate profile reconstruction and stabilization Page 19 of 29 APPENDIX A - Watershed Planning Summary 92218- Silver Creek (Conway) The Silver Creek - Conway project is located within a designated EEP Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) within the upper Catawba River subbasin (Cataloging Unit, 03050101). The Silver Creek TLW (Hydrologic Unit 03050101050050) is 61 square miles in area and is located in Burke County, including portions of the City of Morganton and the primarily rural landscape stretching southwest of Morganton to the South Mountains. Potential watershed stressors identified within this TLW -- as reported in the Upper Catawba River Basin Restoration Priorities document (EEP. 2009) — include a large number of animal/livestock operations, degraded (non - forested) riparian buffers and stormwater runoff associated with significant impervious cover in the lower portion of the watershed within Morganton. Nutrient and sediment inputs associated with agricultural lands, unstable stream banks, livestock access and past mining operations are likely to be additional important functional stressors. This TLW is also rich in watershed assets, such as natural heritage element occurrences (rare species) and conserved lands, especially in the headwater portions around the South Mountains. Protection of the water supply waters of the mainstem Catawba River through Morganton is also an important goal of any restoration/enhancement or preservation efforts within this hydrologic unit. In addition to the Silver Creek - Conway Project, EEP has four additional projects within this TLW (see map below), including Silver Creek (336) and Upper Silver Creek (94645), both located just upstream of the Conway project site. The three projects on Silver Creek together amount to over 16,000 feet of stream restoration/enhancement, including buffer restoration, bank stabilization and livestock exclusion fencing; all of which will contribute to the reduction of sediment and nutrient inputs to Silver Creek. Page 20 of 29 Catawba 03050101 EEP Project Close -outs: Silver Creek - Conway A0, CaFeWna Rl�ei� —J • �y (EBX) B."Y' 0 0 • 0 F.,k ttvlon Muddy Creek LWP - • Slivx Creek- Conway \ • Prolecl Site (92218) _ 0 Legend Project Types • EEP Ter I E! �F�:E • 4 319 s,n 0 CVVMTF • = Counties • N Q 8-digit CUs 14-dgit HUs LAMJNELL - Major Hydrography Y ` Municipalities 0 1.5 3 6 Mlles EEP LWP 1 r r r I r I I I EEP TLW - ��- - HCB, Ap.1 2012. Page 20 of 29 SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT The land required for the construction, management, and stewardship of this mitigation project consists of the following parcels Grantor County Site Deed Acreage Protection Book and protected Instrument Page Number Seven Burke Conservation DB1585 3 08 (CE) Springs easement PG658 198 Farm, Inc (CE) (access) H Frank Burke Conservation DB1585 6 45 (CE) Queen & easement PG 667 032 Sarah M (CE) (access) Queen LONG -TERM MANAGEMENT PLAN Upon approval for close -out by the Interagency Review Team (IRT), the site will be transferred to the DENR Stewardship Program, which will be responsible for periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement are upheld APPENDIX C — Jurisdictional Determinations and Permits U S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID SAW - 2006.40036.912 County Barks USGS Quad pen Alpine GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner / Authortaed Agent. Wetlands Resonree Center, Aten Cal Miller Address 3410 Bowen Road Canal Wlocbester. Ohio 43110 Telephone No Sim and location of property (water body, road &rne/number, town, etc ) Silver Creek and Unnamed Tributary Reduradon Protect located approx. 3.0011 ft an of DmmrbM le Rd and 2.500 fed south of Patton Road. SW of Morttanton Description of projects area and activity Restore 4.549 linear feet of degraded s"doas of Silver Creek Applicable Law ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Autborrzanon. Regional General Permit Number Nationwide Permit Number ;i Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is aeeompllshed In strict accordance with the attached Nationwide conditions and your submitted plans Any violation of the attached condition or deviation from your submitted plums may subject the permittee to a atop work order a restoration order and/or appropriate legal acuon. This verificaton is valid until the NWP is modified, reiseoed, or revoked All of the unsung NWPs are scheduled to be modified, ressued, or revoked prior to March 18 2007 It is incumbent upon you te remain informed of changes m the NWPs We will issue a public notice when the NWPs are reissued Furthermore, dyou ca®ence or are under contact to commence this activity before the date that the relevant nationwide permit is mod, ed or revoked, you will have twelve (12) from the date of the modification or revocation of the NWP to complete the activity under the present' and conditions of this nationwide permit. If pnor to the expiration date identtfied below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, tins venficauon wd l remain vabd until the expiration date identified below, provided it compl es with all new and/or modified tams and co�nuons The Distinct Engineer may, at any time, exercise his dmscrebonary authonty to modify, suspend or revoke a cane specific activity's authorization under and NWP Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Dmamon of Water Quality (telephone (919) 733 17867 to deteainne Section 401 requirements For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) prior to begmmng work you must coact the N C Division of Coastal Management. Thins Department of the Army verr6cauon does not relieve the permmttee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permnts If there are any questions regarding this venficauon, any of the condmons of the Permit, or the Corps of Eri maers regulatory program, please contact Steve Chapin at 828 -271- 7980 x224 Corps Regulatory Official Steve Chaom Date August 18.2006 Expiration Date of Venfication March 18.2007 Copy Famished Melissa Queen Darby, ENH&T, 5300 New Albany Road, New Albany, Ohio 43054 NCDENR EEP, 2728 Capital Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604 Page 22 of 29 APPENDIX C — Jurisdictional Determinations and Permits 0F W AT 'R O� r >_ 1 O Y Cal Miller Wetlands Resource Center 3970 Bowen Road Canal Winchester, Ohio 43110 MuchM F Easley Governor William G Ross Jr Secretary North Carohrm Depannxrn of Environment mud Natural Pt urces May 25 2007 Subject Property Silver Creek Restoration Site Alan W Klmet, P E Director Drvrsmn of Wile Qualny DWQ Project # 06 -1152 Version2 Burke County Approval of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions Dear Mr Miller You have our approval in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill within or otherwise Impact 4572 linear feet of streams for the purpose of re establishment of a natural pattern, dimension, and profile to Silver Creek (main stem) one (1) tributary (Tributary A) of Silver Creek AND to remove 40 linear feet of culvert from Silver Creek (temporary culvert on main stem), to remove and replace 40 linear feet of culvert to an un -named tributary labeled C at the subject property to remove and replace a 20 linear foot culvert in Unnamed Tributary B, to otherwise restore unnamed tributaries B and C to establish native woody, buffers along unnamed tributary B and C, and to provide fencing suitable to keep livestock from encroaching on the buffer as discussed during the meeting at the Asheville Regional Office of the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources on April 17, 2007, and as referenced in your application received by the N C Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on April 30, 2007 After reviewing your application, we have decided these impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number(s) 3495 (GC3495) The Cer ification(s) allows you to use Nationwide Permit(s) 27 when issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) in addition you should obtain or otherwise comply with any other required federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Erosion and Sediment, Control, Non - discharge, and stormwater regulations Also, this approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted In your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit NuMh CamOna DMtrlM ud W8W Q9 ty 2090 US Hgluway 70 Seannace NC 28778 Phone MM) 296455M IuNaOet wwwx alermwom Fax (828)299.7043 An Equal CppoiturWARomatroe Action Employer- 50%Recyda1110% Poo Ca m m er Paper Page 23 of 29 cusbrer SWAM 1 -077613-6718 ) APPENDIX C — Jurisdictional Determinations and Permits Silver Creek Violation Resolution Page 2 of 6 May 25 2007 This approval is for the purpose that you described in your application If you change your project beyond this approval you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application The current owner and if the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions If total fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre of wetland or 150 linear feet of stream compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H 0506 (h) This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below The Additional Conditions of the Certification are 1 Impacts Approved The following impacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general conditions of this Certification (or Isolated Welland Penult) are met No other impacts are approved Including incidental impacts Stream Segment Amount Approved Units Activity Silver Creek 3,039 feet Stream Restoration Unnamed Tnb A 1,533 feet UT Stream Restoration Unnamed Tnb B 20 foot Culvert Replacement Unnamed Tnb C 40 feet (40 feet of removal and 40 feet of replacement) Culvert Replacement Sedimentation Clean Up Impacts to approximately 2000 linear feet of stream was observed and communicated in the Notice of Violation dated February 19, 2000 In your April 27, 2007 application you proposed 375 feet of stream channel to receive sedimentation restoration a Sediment must be removed from the 375 stream as depicted in your application received dated, April 30, 2007 The material must be place on high ground outside of the riparian zone and stabilized The areas where spoil material is to be deposited must be stabilized, a map depicting the location and photographic documentation must be collected b For the 375 foot stream reach sedimentation depths must be measured and recorded prior to and subsequent to restoration efforts, this information must also be collected c The 375 foot stream reach must be restored within 60 days of the issuance of this Certification and all of the monitoring Information must be provided to DWQ Asheville Regional Office with 90 days of the date of this Certification d Downstream from the 375 foot sediment clean up, sediment measurements must be taken and photographed at 75 foot intervals for 1500 stream feet e Upstream from the maln0 -stem Silver Creek Restoration project, sediment measurements must be taken and photographed at 75 -foot intervals for 1500 Page 24 of 29 APPENDIX C — Jurisdictional Determinations and Permits Silver Creek Violation Resolution Page 3 orb May 25 2007 stream feet The sediment data from the two (2) 1500 stream sediment data must be collected within 60 days of the issuance of this Certification and all of this monitoring information must be provided to DWQ Asheville Regional Office with 90 days Within 90 days of receipt of this Certification, a detailed written account with photographs and must be provide explaining whether the data reveals that additional sedimentation removal is merited [Note DWQ staff will review this information, conduct follow up site inspections and additional cleanup may be required independent of this Certification ] 3 Restoration to Unnamed Tributary B Within 120 days of the date of the Certification, the stream reach known as Tributary B, must be restored such that pattern profile and dimension of stream channel is restored and stable The entire stream footprint must be included in this effort, from its on -site origin or to the most upstream location where it cross into the subject property boundary 4 Restoration to Unnamed Tributary C Within 120 days of the date of the Certification, stream reach known as Tributary C, must be restored such that pattern profile and dimension of stream channel is restored and stable The entire stream footprint must be included in this effort, from its on -site ongin or to the most upstream location where it cross into the subject property boundary 5 Rioanan Zone (stream side) restoration. Unnamed tributary B and C Within 120 days of the date of this Certification the 25 -foot riparian zone for stream reaches known as Tributary B and C, must be stabilized The entre stream footprint must be included in this effort, from its on -site origin or to the most upstream location where it cross into the subject property boundary 6 Maps Within 120 days of the date of this Certification, a map must be provided such that it depicts the location of 25 -foot riparian buffer, stream footprint, road, road crossings and cattle exclusion fencing This map must depict the entire stream footprint and respective buffer from its on -site origin or to the most upstream location where it cross into the subject property boundary 7 Plantings Disturbed stream banks and a 30 -foot vegetated zone must be restored along the construction sites to natural riparian conditions with native trees and shrubs (e g , silky dogwood, rhododendron dog hobble, red maple, silky willow, tag alder, black willow, sycamore) to provide long -term bank stability and stream shading Note, silky dogwood, silky willow and black willow can be planted as live stakes collected during the dormant growing season Cuttings must be randomly planted on four (4) foot centers from the waters edge to the top of the bank Trees should be planted on ten (10) to twelve (12) foot centers Stream banks in these areas should also be seeded with a native annual and perennial seed mix with a temporary nursery crop of wheat, millet or other grain Page 25 of 29 APPENDIX C — Jurisdictional Determinations and Permits Silver Creek Violation Resolution Page 4 of 6 May 25 2007 Replanting of vegetation within disturbed areas located within 30 feet of the stream bank associated with any land disturbing activity repair replacement and /or maintenance must be done in a manner consistent with the Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration Immediately following construction (Please see attached ) All woody plantings shall be established by January 1, 2008, and be monitored for five (5) years beginning on the one year anniversary of completion of planting Survival shall comply with the attached Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration criteria and annual reports must be submitted to the Asheville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality documenting the success of the plantings Cattle fencing shall be placed around these buffered areas a sufficient distance back as to protect the minimum 30 foot buffer on Silver Creek and unnamed tributaries A Band C 8 Post - Restoration Monitonng To ensure that stability is achieved and riparian zone planting are surviving a minimum of 5 years of monitoring must be Implemented at a frequency of no less than once every four (4) months Stream and riparian Monitoring Is to commence once restorabon Is completed Annually a written account of each respective monitoring results must be mailed to Asheville Regional office of the Division of Water Quality, by June 1 of each year 9 Mondonng- Tnaaered Repairs or Corrections In addition to any Division of Land Resource erosion and sedimentation control compliance requirements and NCG010000 construction stormwater permit conditions requirements, if monitoring efforts confirm or notification is provided by DWG of the degradation of the stream unstable eroding or nlled areas or dead plantings, repairs or corrections must be undertaken Immediately (within 20 days of the observation or notification by DWQ) 10 Erosion & Sediment Control Practices Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, Installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices In order to protect surface waters standards The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual The design, installation operation and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites borrow sites and waste pile (spoil) projects including contractor -owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project Page 26 of 29 APPENDIX C — Jurisdictional Determinations and Permits Silver Creek Violation Resolution Page 5 of 6 May 25 2007 c For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, Installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual d The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act 11 No Waste, Spoil, Solids or Fill of Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre - Construction Notification All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards statutes or rules occur 12 Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return the attached certificate of completion to the 401/Wetlands Unit North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties The authorization to proceed with your proposed Impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application and as authorized by this Certification, shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit If you do not accept any of the conditions of this Certification (associated with the approved wetland or stream impacts) you may ask for an adludicatory hearing You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh N C 27699 -6714 This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing Page 27 of 29 APPENDIX C — Jurisdictional Determinations and Permits Silver Creek Violation Resolution Page 6 of 6 May 25 2007 This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act If you have any questions please telephone Mr Kevin Barnett in the DWQ Asheville Regional Office at 628 - 2964657 Sincerely �w Alan W Klimek, P E Director Division of Water Quality Enclosures GC 3495 Certificate of Completion Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration cc USACE Asheville Regulatory Field Office DWQ 401 Central Office Danny Smith, Wetlands and Stormwater Unit Laura Herbert, DLR Asheville Regional Office Ron Linville, NC Wildlife Resources Commission File Copy Central Files Filename 06 -1152 Ver02 SllverCreekRestoration Approval Page 28 of 29 Mitigation Project Name Silver Creek - Conway EEP IMS ID 92218 River Basin CATAWBA Cataloging Unit 03050101 Annlied Credit Rntins 1'1 1 5 1 251 5 1 1 1 3 1 9 1 5'1 1 1 3 1 9 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 ? 1 S 1 1 1 '; 1 n r, 1 r 1 1 1 Information on Assets and Debits Valid as of 8/26/2012 d y y 0 A A q C q q A d q q« q i ry q C 2 y q q C ] C W O 6 C 0 'C q a n O Z C O O C O C O C p t a 4,442.00 114.00 52.00 z z z W z ox U o U m p z Z Beginning Balance (feet and acres) NCDOT Pre -EEP Debits feet and acres): Not Applicable EEP Debits (feet and acres): USACE Action DWQ Permits IDs Impact Project Name 2005 -30185 / NCDOT TIP B -3873 - 2005 -30186 Bridge on SR 1737 125.00 NCDOT TIP R -22378 - 2004 -1246 2004 -21367 US 321 Improvements 1,582.00 NCDOT TIP R -38338 - 2008 -0999 2008 -01982 SR 1101 Widening 729.00 NCDOT TIP B -3822 - 2004 -31383 Bridge 8 on SR 1706 120.00 52.00 NCDOT TIP B -3126 - 2007 -0583 2007- 01591 -214 Bridge 90 on SR 1718 70.00 NCDOT TIP R- 2206B/C - 2004 -1024 N/A NC 16 Improvements 248.00 NCDOT TIP 8 -4041 - 2006 -30362 Bridge 57 on SR 1244 160.00 NCDOT TIP B -4040 - 2005 -32587 Bridge 251 on SR 1128 98 00 2007- 00332 -214 SR 17308 - Division 11 50.00 2010 - 00760 -359 SR 1433 - Division 13 56.00 2008- 01898 -312 SR 2136 - Division 13 30.00 Remaining Balance (feet and acres) 1,174.00 0.00 Information on Assets and Debits Valid as of 8/26/2012