HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026611_Report_20011130NPDES DOCUMENT 5CANNINO COVER !;CIEET Permit: NC0026611 Morehead City WWTP NPDES Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: November 30, 2001 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the z-ewerse side Division of Water Quality November 30, 2001 MEMORANDUM To: Rick Shiver From: Harold Quidley Through: Dianne ReiciV Subject: Calico Creek Water Quality Study September 2001 Morehead City WWTP (#NC0026611) Sub Basin 03-05-03 DEC - 6 2001 DENR - WATER OUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH Accompanying this memo are the results from the Calico Creek water quality study conducted by the Environmental Sciences Branch on September 26, 2001. The purpose of the study was to provide an updated water quality assessment of Calico Creek in regard to NPDES permit renewal for the Morehead City WWTP. Chemical data indicates that the Morehead City WWTP effluent continues to contribute to nutrient loading in Calico Creek. As shown during previous water quality studies conducted on Calico Creek by the Division of Water Quality, effluent remains in Calico Creek for a prolonged period of time due to the actions of the tide. The study included high and low tide sampling at 8 Calico Creek stations, 2 background stations and from the Morehead City WWTP effluent prior to discharge. Parameters consisted of BODS, N&P, fecal, depth integrated physical profiles and cross - sections. Also included in the report are tables and figures showing the resulting data and a map of the survey area showing station locations. If you need additional information or clarification regarding the Calico Creek study please contact Dianne Reid or Harold Quidley at (919) 733-6510. cc: Jay Sauber1 Jimmie Overton Jackie Nowell Rich Gannon • Environmental Sciences Branch Water Quality Section Calico Creek Study — September 26. 2001 On September 26, 2001, Environmental Sciences Branch staff (DWQ) conducted a water quality study on Calico Creek, receiving waters for the Morehead City WWTP (NC0026611). Calico Creek is located in the White Oak Basin and is currently classified as SC HQW. The purpose of the study was to provide an updated water quality assessment of Calico Creek in regard to NPDES permit renewal for the Morehead City WWTP. The 1.7 mgd facility is scheduled for permit renewal during the fall of 2002. DWQ previously conducted intensive studies on Calico Creek, during December 1977, August/September 1981 and September 1988. As shown during the previous water quality studies, effluent remains in Calico Creek for a prolonged period of time due to the actions of the tide and continues to significantly contribute to nutrient loading in Calico Creek. Paramedic coverage for the September 2001 study included BOD5, nutrients, coliform and physical measurements (D.O., pH, temperature, conductivity and salinity) at Calico Creek stations and from the WWTP effluent. Calico Creek is tidally influenced; therefore two Calico Creek sampling runs were performed during the study, the first at low tide (approximately 10:00 am), and the second at high tide (approximately 4:30 pm). Samples were collected at seven Calico Creek stations established by DWQ during the previous studies (Figure 1). Cross-section measurements were also taken at each station using a laser range finder. A staff -plate as temporarily installed at Piggotts Bridge and monitored throughout the day of the study to determine relative tidal amplitude. The staff -plate indicated a maximum low to high tidal amplide of feet: Tide Table for Sept 26, 2001 High 3:54 am Low 9:57 am High 4:30 pm Low 10:55 pm Sampling tation locations are as follows: Station Location Coordinates CO Calico Cr. 1945 ft upstream from outfall (Lat 34° 44' 02' Long 76° 44' 34') C1 Calico Cr. at influent pipe (Lat 34° 43' 10' Long 76° 44' 44") C2 Calico Cr. near WWTP effluent pipe (Lat 34° 43' 54' Long 76° 44' 14') C$ Calico Cr. 400 feet dns effluent pipe (Lat 34° 43' OrLong 76° 44' 42') C4 Calico Cr. 2000 feet dns effluent pipe (Lat 34° 43' 48' Long 76° 43' 13') C Calico Cr. SR1176 bridge (Piggotts Bridge) (Lat 34° 43' 48' Long 76° 43' 53') C Calico Cr. at Morehead City School (Lat 34° 43' 41' Long 76° 43' 30') Q7 Calico Cr. at SC/SA line markers (Lat 34° 43' 48' Long 76° 42' 36") BR1 Crab Point Bay (background site 1) (Lat 34° 44' 18" Long 76° 43' 30") BR2 Crab Point Bay (background site 2) (Lat 34° 44' 28' Long 76° 43' 27') Fecal coliform samples were collected during the first sampling run only (low tide). The coliform samples were delivered to Mr. George Gilbert (Shellfish Sanitation Lab, Morehead City) for analysis inunediately following the first run. Chemical/Physical Data Chemical data indicates that the Morehead City WWTP effluent continues to contribute to nutrient loading in Calico Creek (Table 1). This is particularly evident during low tide when in- stream waste concentration is highest. Figures 2 through 5 show high tide and low tide nutrient values (NH, TKN, NOX and P total) for the seven Calico Creek stations sampled during the October 26,' 2001 study. Previous water quality, and rhodamine dye studies conducted by DWQ have shown that effluent remains in Calico Creek for a prolonged period of time due to the actions of the tide. These studies indicated that several tidal periods are required to flush a slug of waste out of Calico Creek. The effects of tide on in -stream waste concentration are clearly shown in Figures 2 through 5. At low tide nutrient values are very elevated near the WWTP outfall and decrease in downstream order to near background levels at the farthest station downstream (station C7). During high tide the nutrient values are considerably lower at all stations downstream from the WWTP outfall due to dilution of the effluent. The most elevated values during high tide occur upstream from the outfall where the incoming tide carries the effluent into the much narrower headwaters where there is less dilution. Two background stations (reference sites) located near Crab Point Bay (BG1 and BG2) were also sampled during high and low tide. The background sites were selected to provide comparison data from similar creeks in the area that are not influenced by municipal wastewater. Nutrient data from BG1 and BG2 are presented in Table 2. As shown in Table 2, nutrient values from the background stations are considerably lower than values detected in the mid to upper reach of Calico Creek. Nutrient levels from BG1 and BG2 are generally similar to values detected at C7 near the mouth of Calico Creek where the presence of wastewater is less detectable. Effluent samples were collected prior to discharge from the Morehead City WWTP during the high and low tide sampling events (Table 3). Effluent values for NH3 were 0.89 mg/L during low tide samping and 1.1 mg/L during the high tide sampling. Self -monitoring data for the Morehead City facility indicates an average NH3 of 1.42 mg/L for the month of September 2001. There are currently no NH3 limits for the facility. However, NPDES permit limitations for NH3 (summer) will be 1.0 mg/L upon issuance of the 2002 permit. TKN values at low and high tide were 2.5 mg/L and 3.4 mg/L, respectively. NOX and P total values were consistent during both sampling events at 14.0 mg/L N(30) and 3.5 mg/L total P. BOD5 values for Calico Creek stations and the Crab Point Bay background stations were low with most samples being reported at levels not detected above the DWQ practical quantitation limit. BOD5 effluent values were 9.2 mg/L during low tide sampling and 3.2 mg/L during high tide sampling, both within current permit limitations. NPDES permit limitations for BOD5 (summer) will be 5.0 mg/L upon issuance of the 2002 permit. Self -monitoring data indicates 10.1 mg/L average BOD5 for the month of September. Depth integrated physical measurements (D.O., pH, temperature, conductivity and salinity) were taken at Calico Creek stations during low and high tide (Table 4). Stratification of the water column was observed, particularly in regard to D.O., conductivity and salinity. Physical parameters indicate significant differences at all stations between low and high tide (Table 5, Figure 6). As noted during previous studies, the main impacts on D.O. in Calico Creek come frorf oxygen consuming wastes and the diurnal fluctuations associated with eutrophication. During low tide, D.O. levels are much lower than during high tide due to decreased dilution of the wastewater. At low tide surface D.O. at the seven Calico Creek stations ranged from 5.3 mg/L at Cl, the most upstream station, to 2.6 mg/L at Piggots Bridge (C5). A D.O. sag is evident in the area of Piggotts Bridge (C5) during low tide (Figure 6 and Table 4) with a surface value of 2.6 mg/L and a bottom value of 1.5 mg/L. Another area of depressed D.O. is evident during low tide in the shallow ater at C2, 250 feet upstream from the outfall. At high tide, surface D.O. ranged from 6.5 mg/L to 5.3 mg/L. Diurnal fluctuation may have contributed to the decreased D.O levels during low tide because it occurred during the morning hours when D.O. values may have been depressed due to the affects of respiration and photosynthesis by phytoplankton. Green water, indicative of algal productivity, was noted in Calico Creek during the study. On September 20, 2001, one week prior to the September 26 Calico Creek study, a pre -survey was conducted of the Morehead City area to assess potential boat ramps and general station access. During the pre -survey, physical parameters (surface and bottom only) were measured at the seven Calico Creek stations during high tide and are also included with this report in Table 6. Fecal coliform samples were collected at all stations during the low tide sampling event and delivered to Mr. George Gilbert (Shellfish Sanitation Lab, Morehead City) for analysis. Fecal coliform and E. Coli results in Calico Creek ranged from >1600 at stations CO and Cl, upstream from the WWTP outfall, to 23 at the farthest downstream station C7 (Table 4). Fecal coliform and E. coli values were <1.8 in the WWTP effluent at the time of the high and low tide sampling. Cross-s tion measurements provided a relative indication of the water surface during low and high tide in relationship to the bottom profile at each station. Cross-section data showed relatively similar wid s and depths to those that had been reported during previous studies indicating little physical ch nge in channel characteristics in Calico Creek. During low tide, at stations upstream from Piggots Bridge (C5), the water surface is generally confined to a relatively narrow and very shallow channel, and does not extend into the marsh. During high tide, the volume of water in Calico Crek is significantly increased and the water surface extends out of the channel and into the wide expanse of marsh. For example, Cl cross-section data indicated a maximum depth of only 0.9 feet and a cannel width of 52 feet during low flow. At the same site during high flow, maximum depth was 3.5 feet in the channel and width extending into the marsh to 442 feet. Figure 1 - Calico Creek Study Sites • • ,(6• •• rc • 1 • J • • t —1ti _ $. ♦• �1IJ7. ': - 1 ,I • • • 1 -•`fir' e•. • 1.1 __ Q2 ;--�- J'::' •j.• it'•• _ �.•k -��4..4_.- • x.'}.#_' `' - 11 ••_ �'_ - .•r-. l'i !i4/ ('+�••4 �' ice' J.11 t* ' 1 :' . •. f'-ij- .. - ~C1_• ••ter • • i Jfi% CV- •••i•h?;!•• • ' ..1. _ _• =, .11 i _- ;I: ■ u? ' -,'4. •• . - . , - `' f — ds—'. r — .- - _ --- , i T PiggotLi �i�J / , �� f 1 • :;:::: 1�• Poirrt :`.--_ Neek , • Cab' POt11,t rf ' 1 f' i I ?taaccci0 0 , I. I. (1:;Ituf1t. s Jr �^I • 11‘' ,�� •.fit+; / ',� 1..• •.• • 1 a Cap'jtig,ht(C) 19R7, Mapte eh, Ino. ♦ �1 ,ri1�t�rf-� ..- -_1' C.. 1, r'• . .ti1-' •Ti _ ' �;.�•1' .. • 1_• Table 1 Calico Creek Study - September 26, 2001 Chemical Data for Calico Creek Stations (NH3, TKN, NOX, P Total) at High Tide and Low Tide NH3 NH3 TKN TKN NOX mg/L NOX mg/L P Total mg/L Low Tide P Total mg/L High Tide Station Location mg/L Low Tide mg/L High Tide mg/L Low Tide --mg/L High Tide Low Tide High Tide 0 Calico 9000 ft upstream from outfall 1.10 0.96 2.7 2.1 0.13 2.50 0.87 0.98 1 Calico at influent pipe crossing 1.20 0.56 2.2 1.3 1.20 1.80 1.10 0.57 2 Calico 20 ft from end of outfall pipe 0.97 0.38 2.8 1.0 5.60 0.80 1.90 0.31 3 Calico 400 ft downstream from outfall 1.00 0.31 2.7 1.0 4.50 0.27 1.70 0.19 4 Calico 2000 downstream from outfall 1.10 0.21 2.1 0.7 3.30 0.13 1.30 0.11 5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) 0.90 0.19 2.0 0.7 1.90 0.11 0.84 0.10 6 Calico near City School 0.64 0.20 1.2 0.6 1.10 0.08 0.57 0.09 7 Calico at SC/SA line markers 0.41 0.09 0.4 0.5 0.22 0.02 0.04 0.04 Table 2 Calico Creek Study - September 26, 2001 Chemical data for 2 Background Stations (Crab Point Bay) (NH3, TKN, NOX, P Total) at High Tide and Low Tide Station Location BG1 Crab Point Bay (background site 1) BG2 Crab Point Bay (background site 2) NH3 NH3 mg/L mg/L Low Tide High Tide 0.20 0.07 0.48 0.07 TKN TKN mg/L mg/L Low Tide High Tide 1.2 0.6 1.0 0.8 Table 3 Calico Creek Study - September 26, 2001 Chemical data for Morehead City WWTP Effluent (NH3, TKN, NOX, P Total) at High Tide and Low Tide (Sampled prior to discharge) Station Location IC-EFF Morehead City WWTP effluent NOX NOX mg/L mg/L Low Tide High Tide 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 P Total P Total mg/L mg/L Low Tide High Tide 0.18 0.04 0.12 0.05 NH3 NH3 mg/L mg/L Low Tide High Tide 0.89 1.1 TKN TKN mg/L mg/L Low Tide High Tide _2.5 3.4 NOX NOX mg/L mg/L Low Tide High Tide 14.00 14.00 P Total P Total mg/L mg/L Low Tide High Tide 3.50 3.50 Figure 2 Figure 3 1.40 1.20 J 1.00 r 0.80 = 0.60 Z 0.40 0.20 0.00 Calico Creek NH3 Data 10/26/2001 (WWTP outfall) Low Tide High Tide 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Stations 3.0 2.5 2.0 rn E 1.5 Z I- 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 Calico Creek TKN Data 09/26/01 (WWTP outfali) Low Tide High Tide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Stations Figure 4 Figure 5 Calico Creek NOX Data 01/26/01 (WWTP outfall) 3 4 Stations 2.00 To 1.00 0 t` a 0.50 0.00 Calico Creek P Total Data 09/26/01 (WWTP outtall) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Stations Table 4 Calico Creek Study - September 26, 2001 Physical Parameters for High Tide and Low Tide (showing depth profiles) Station Location Tide Date Time Depth (M) D.O. Temp pH Cond Salinity Fecal E coli MPN /looml CO Calico 1945 ft upstream from outfall Low 09/26/2001 1150 0.1 5.3 23.8 7.8 10340 5.9 1600 >1600 CO Calico 1945 ft upstream from outfall High 09/26/2001 1455 0.1 5.3 23.6 7,3 38630 -24.5 CO Calico 1945 ft upstream from outfall High 09/26/2001 1455 0.8 5.5 23.4 7.4 43450 28.2 C1 Calico at influent pipe crossing Low 09/26/2001 0930 0.1 3.0 20.2 7.0 22810 13.5 1600 1600 C1 Calico at influent pipe crossing High 09/26/2001 1455 0.1 6.1 23.3 7.6 40780 29.5 C1 Calico at influent pipe crossing High 09/26/2001 1455 0.9 5.7 23.4 7.6 46130 29.9 C2 Calico 20 ft from end of outfall pipe Low 09/26/2001 0950 0.1 4.8 21.0 7.3 18340 11.1 540 350 C2 Calico 20 ft from end of outfall pipe Low 09/26/2001 0950 0.7 3.9 20.8 7.2 21000 12.7 C2 Calico 20 ft from end of outfall pipe High 09/26/2001 1555 0.1 6.5 23.3 7.6 31170 24.5 C2 Calico 20 ft from end of outfall pipe High 09/26/2001 1555 1.0 5.6 23.3 7.6 46790 27.4 C2 Calico 20 ft from end of outfall pipe High 09/26/2001 1555 1.7 5.5 23.3 7.6 46480 30.2 C3 Calico 400 ft downstream from outfall Low 09/26/2001 1000 0.1 4.6 21.0 7.3 20300 12.0 920 540 C3 Calico 400 ft downstream from outfall High 09/26/2001 1600 0.1 5.8 23.3 7.6 45960 29.7 C3 Calico 400 ft downstream from outfall High 09/26/2001 1600 1.0 5.5 23.3 7.6 46830 30.5 C4 Calico 2000 downstream from outfall Low 09/26/2001 1010 0.1 3.4 20.8 7.2 27760 17.0 350 350 C4 Calico 2000 downstream from outfall High 09/26/2001 1.610 0.1 6.0 23.3 7.7 47280 30.8 C4 Calico 2000 downstream from outfall High 09/26/2001 1610 1.0 5.8 23.3 7.7 47990 31.3 C5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) Low 09/26/2001 1020 0.1 2.6 20.8 7.2 37420 23.6 350 170 C5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) Low 09/26/2001 1020 1.0 2.2 20.9 7.1 40040 25.5 C5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) Low 09/26/2001 1020 1.6 1.5 20.9 7.1 41440 26.9 C5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) High 09/26/2001 1615 0.1 6.0 23.3 7.7 47450 30.9 C5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) High 09/26/2001 1615 1.0 6.0 23.3 7.7 48030 31.3 C5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) High 09/26/2001 1615 2.0 5.9 23.2 7.8 48700 31.8 C6 Calico near City School Low 09/26/2001 1030 0.1 3.8 20.3 7.2 40530 25.8 350 170 C6 Calico near City School High 09/26/2001 1625 0.1 6.0 23.3 7.7 48070 31.3 C6 Calico near City School High 09/26/2001 1625 1.0 5.6 23.1 7.8 48880 31.9 C7 Calico at SC/SA line markers Low 09/26/2001 1040 0.1 4.3 21.0 7.4 45680 29.6 23 23 C7 Calico at SC/SA line markers Low 09/26/2001 1040 0.6 4.4 20.9 7.4 46810 31.4 C7 Calico at SC/SA line markers High 09/26/2001 1635 0.1 6.5 23.4 7.8 48910 31.9 C7 Calico at SC/SA line markers High 09/26/2001 1635 1.0 5.7 23.7 7.9 50150 32.8 C7 Calico at SC/SA line markers High 09/26/2001 1635 1.3 5.4 23.8 7.9 50300 33.0 C-EFF Morehead City WWTP effluent 09/26/2001 0945 effluent 8.1 22.0 7.7 3030 <1.8 <1.8 C-EFF Morehead City WWTP effluent 09/26/2001 1455 effluent 8.5 22.9 8.1 3090 ns ns Table 5 Calico Creek Study - September 26, 2001 Physical Parameters for High Tide and Low Tide (Showing surface measurements only) Station Location Tide Date low/high Time Depth (M) Low Tide D.O. Hlgh Tide D.O. Low Tide Temp Hlgh Tide Temp Low Tide pH Hight Tide pH Low Tide Cond High Tide Cond Low Tide Salinity High Tide Salinity 0 Calico ]945 ftupstream from outfall Low/High 09/26/2001 1150/1730 0.1 5.3 5.3 23.8 23.5 7.8 7.3 10340 38630 5.9 13.5 11.1 12.0 17.0 23.6 25.8 29.6 24.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Calico at influent pipe crossing Calico 20 ft from end of outfall pipe Calico 400 ft downstream from outfall Calico 2000 downstream from outfall Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) Calico near City School Calico at SC/SA line markers Low/High 09/26/2001 0935/1545 0.1 3.0 6.1 20.2 23.3 7.0 7.6 22810 40780 Low/High 09/26/2001 0950/1555 0.1 4.8 6.5 21.0 23.3 7.3 7.6 18340 31170 Low/High 09/26/2001 1000/1600 0.1 4.6 5.8 21.0 23.3 7.3 7.6 20300 45960 Low/High 09/26/2001 1010/1610 0.1 3.4 6.0 20.8 23.3 7.2 7.7 27760 47280 Low/High 09/26/2001 1020/1615 0.1 2.6 6.0 20.8 23.3 7.2 7.7 37420 47450 Low/High 09/26/2001 1030/1625 0.1 3.8 6.0 20.3 23.3 7.2 7.7 40530 48070 Low/High 09/26/2001 1040/1635 0.1 4.3 6.5 _21.0 23.4 7.4 7.8 45680 48910 Figure 6 Surface D.O.values for Calico Creek High and Low Tide 09/26/2001 (WWTP outlall) 7.0 6.0 -J 5.0:1 0) 4.0 3.0 0 2.0 1.0 0.0 • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 stations High Tide ; Table 6 Calico Creek Pre -Survey - September 20, 2001 Physical Parameters for High Tide only (surface and bottom readings only) Station Location Tide Date Time Depth (M) D.O. Temp pH Cond C1 Calico at influent pipe crossing High 09/20/2001 1050 0.1 5.1 23.5 7.1 45,000 uentpipe crossing High 09/20/2001-1050 0,8 5.0 23.5 7.6 45,000 C3 Calico 400 ft downstream from outfall High 09/20/2001 1100 0.1 4.9 23.7 7.4 45,320 C3 Calico 400 ft downstream from outfall High 09/20/2001 1100 0.9 5.5 23.5 7.4 45,000 C4 Calico 2000 downstream from outfall High 09/20/2001 1110 0.1 5.3 23.7 7.6 45,150 C4 Calico 2000 downstream from outfall High 09/20/2001 1110 1.1 5.4 23.7 7.6 45,800 • C5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) High 09/20/2001 1120 0.1 5.4 23.6 7.6 45,190 C5 Calico at SR1172 (Piggotts Bridge) High 09/20/2001 1120 1.8 5.5 23.6 7.7 45,360 C6 Calico near City School High 09/20/2001 1125 0.1 6.2 23.7 7.7 45,300 C6 Calico near City School High 09/20/2001 1125 0.9 6.1 23.7 7.7 45,210 C7 Calico at SC/SA line markers High 09/20/2001 1135 0.1 7.4 24.0 7.8 47,190 C7 Calico at SC/SA line markers High 09/20/2001 1135 1.4 7.6 24.0 7.8 47,350 C-EFF Morehead City WWTP effluent 09/20/2001 1400 effluent 7.4 24.9 7.9 640