HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026611_Wasteload Allocation_19920514NPDE:i DOCUMENT SCANNINC COVER SHEET NC0026611 Morehead City WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance /ste1oad Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: May 14, 1992 This document is printed an reuse paper - ignore any content on the reirerse side DRAFT R EQ U ESIESw.shwao PERMIT NO.: NC0026611 PERMITTEE NAME: Town of Morehead City / Town of Morehead a4lJIA) T Facility Status: Existing Pemut Status: Renewal Major N'Iinor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: - 3.4-MGD— Domestic (% of Flow): 100 % Industrial (% of Flow): Comments: pretreatment information attached - no SIU's. Flow is at 2.7 MGD. A flow increase above 1.7 MGD was denied last time according to the town, and plant improvements were called a modification. RECEIVING STREAM: Calico Creek Class: SC Sub -Basin: 03-05-03 Reference USGS Quad: I 32 NW (please attach) County: Carteret Regional Office: Wilmington Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 10/31/91 Treatment Plant Class: Class III Classification changes within three miles: Requested by: Rosanne Barons Date: 2/20/91 Prepared by: Reviewed by: Qt� I iI . S (5) 35 (u.) \\IQ 6- Date: Date: 5(11- 91- Modeler Date Rec. # 2-c.v.. z(zo( t fao 0 Drainage Area (mil ) Avg. Streamflow (cfs): -Fdal 7Q10 (cfs) Winter 7Q10 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC Instream Monitoring:4" Parameters imp tiro Upstream Downstream F1'cUErrtI: % 30Q2 (cfs) Acute/Chronic reCcdCc t,brrn Coc,rchyri� 3 /wee t. r7 ,E rrn_r• • Location CGtrco Cc ai• Rri-trriSe Lizf, b-loTP LocationCciico Cie. C.+ P,cr6b,f3r. I Iweek ,n „rater y d) eJ: i 1f o�} ,-J ,) he ice. t, 1 '-huhrr , Comments: } ogre (i- end") z`A'.rne cfnci noJ th . u • , r^b�uvr,LLt '7t� :rt 4r>r le`r,�7 pi-1 ('.i'lI -Ce iP TnI be. of A l ig a rnpled cocc (Y oeet) Pin Ct.nd {1 P raid o�'1Ce be1weerl i ram 50 ? at' •n{Ji,r tee , 3icFF c�cw;e rc 'Jtr1 �.1 tG�iCi r x� . � r el..7re{{ ref LGLF'r �+:L .f7.-w;t. .:lAr .�n'pfe -1-1r!1_,-) . Effluent 04 = i.1 Characteristics m Summer Winter BODS (mg/1) 024 30 NH 3-N (mg/1) , q NI L D.O. (mg/1) :, J TSS (mg/1) . ' F. Col. (/100 nil) p tr pH (SU) Zictuerlf iyx.-.;iTdlrlt 6 ttti- -t r rllA<<t C111()r10 J olonitanr ,^� PLTTED yca aw r SVG.H,��pEth)rff) d,/urnc4 * rii adridicei b fie. VD Ciu.vrll% ter iTtxr • .',4(1-4/ttf:. {4.>of ic::iai Gr -N'te (.4.fx_ re.Crr1 '?Lt e. ihe_ [eMu il'Oi1 Degf doc rt:zirram Yerord 44-e iiMPN. WELCOME TO THE MOREHEAD CITY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. The average arson produces 100 - 170 gallons of wastewater per day. The average ousehold produces 3,000 - 5,000 gallons of wastewater per month. The astewater entering the treatmentplant is 99.9% water and only 0.1% solid waste. The purpose of a wastewater treatment plant is to remove the waste from the water and reduce its threat to the public health. The Morehead City Wastewater Treatment Plant has a maximum capacity of 2,700,000 gallons per day. The attached treatment plant diagram will aid in understanding the flow and treatment of that wastewater. ` The water coming into the plant (influent) undergoes pretreatment in the GRIT REMOVER (1). The grit remover takes out the heavy coarse material (sand, gravel, egg shells, etc.) from the wastewater. It also aerates and freshens the water. A flow -measuring device is installed at this point to record the volumeand rate of water entering the plant. The water then flows to a SPLITTER BOX (1A) which divides the flow between the two PRIMARY CLARIFIERS (2). In the primary clarifier it undergoes primary treatment. The clarifier allows oil, rease and other very fight materials to float to the water's surface and be removed by a skimmer arm. The insoluble materials settle to the bottom of the clarifier and are pumped to the digesters. The water then flows on to the TRICKLING FILTERS (3) where it undergoes Isecondary treatment. Secondary treatment is a biological process whereby millions of. micro-organisms consume and stabilize the organic material in the water. The slime on the trickling filter media is produced by the micro-organisms as they feed and grow. From the trickling filter, the water flows into the SECONDARY CLARIFIERS (4). Insoluble material and any slime which has sloughed off the trickling filter media is allowed to settle in these clarifiers and is pumped to the digesters. The last stop in the treatment process is the CHLORINE CONTACT CHAMBERS (5). Here chlorine is added as a disinfectant before the treated water (effluent) is discharged into the receiving stream. One ton cylinders of chlorine gas and the chlorinating equipment are .located in the CHLORINE BUILDING (6). The pumps which recirculate, water through the trickling filter and other pumps which carry sludge to the digester are located in the PUMP BUILDING (9). The sludge pumped from the bottom. of the clarifiers is deposited in the DIGESTERS (7). The materials in the sludge are further broken down by micro-organisms. The "digested" sludge finally contains materials which cannot be decomposed any further. This sludge is spread on the SAND DRYING BEDS (8) . Here the waste is allowed to dry before it is taken to a landfill. The SHOP BUII:DINGS (11) contain spare parts, tools and other equipment necessary for', maintenance and repair of all treatment plant equipment. The primary objective is to keep the plant running efficiently. All treatment processes are monitored in the.WASTEWATER LABORATORY (10). Samples of 1nfluent and effluent waters are. collected daily and brought here for analysis. 446 10 • • 11 • MOREHEAD CITY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT lA INFLiJ&NT • no•102 9 5 EFFLUENT discharge no.103 NPDES PERM1NO. NC0026611 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 14. Description of Influent and Effluent (see Instructions) Parameter and Code 214 Flow Million pallors per day 50050 pH Units • 00400 Temperature F 74028 (winter) • Tempnature (summer) F 74027 Fecal Streptococcl Bacteria Number/100'm1 74054 (Provide if available) Fecal Coliforin Bacteria Number/100 m1 74055 (Provide if available) Total Coliiforfin Bacteria Number/100 ml 74056 (Provide if available) BOD Sday mill 00310 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/1 00340 Qsovide if available) OR Total Otpnic Carbon (TOG) ssag/l 00630 (Provide if available) (Either analysis u acoeptabk) CAbrine—Toti1 Residual 50060 Influent (1) 184.6 0.995 17.4 25.3 24.52 1.09 0.865 7.42 14.4 23.4 9.88 0.31 Silkiest (5) 1.142 cont. 7.68 5/7 22.5 5/7 . 26.9 5/7 106.6 31.00 2.69 5/7 5/7 7/7 FOA AGENCY UU 365 260 G 260 G 260 G 260 G 260 24 365 G u•5 Reported as Total Nitrogen 00600 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 14. Dsss$pthsn of tefleNnt sod Moot (as Mstructloes) (CoMlnwd) Parameter and Code Total Solids mg/1 00500 Total Dissolved Sobds mg/1 70300 Total Suspended Solids mg/1 00530 Settleable Matter (Reidue) • m1/1 00545 Ammonia (u N) m j/l 00610 (Provide if available) JCjeldahl Nitrogen mg/1 00625 (Provide if available) Nitrate (as N) eeu/i 00620 (Provide if availabkt Nitrite (si N) -1 00615 (Provide if available) Pbospborus Total (u Pj nig/1 00665 (Provide i( available) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) min 00300 FOR AGENCY USE1 Influent i Effluent • (1) <> (2) ill i < (3) i a 1 i Z< (4) • 1111 (S) (6) Sample Type 1 1,424 943 564 1926 1/30 12 24 '163.8 17.25 13.04 23.84 - 5/7 260 24 0.5 Z 0.5 4 0.5- 5/7 260 G .16.74 4 5.00 1.08 8.93 1. - /30 12 24 1/ 30 12 24 21.05 14.80 4 • 32.50 1/30 12 , 24 1/30 12 24 3.42 1.90 5.46 /30 12 24 7.00 6.40 8.48 • 5 /7 260 G 440 NPDES PRETREATMENT INFORMATION REQUEST FORM FACILITY NAME: 7k,.nn NPDES NO. NCOO a ao ao l REQUESTER: ,o,C11) DATE: a / f013'/ y/ REGION: a PERMIT CONDITIONS COVERING PRETREATMENT This facility has no SIUs and should not have pretreatment language. This facility should and/or is developing a pretreatment program. Please include the following conditions: Program Development Phase I due / / Phase II due / / Additional Conditions (attached) This facility is currently implementing a pretreatment program. Please include the following conditions: Program Implementation Additional Conditions (attached) SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USERS' (SIUs) CONTRIBUTIONS SIU FLAW - TOTAL: - CDMPOSITION: MD TEXTILE: MGD METAL FINISHING: MGD OTHER: MC0 MGD MGD MGD FEADWk)RRS REVIEW PARAMETER Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn CN Phenol Other PASS :THROUGH DAILY LOAD IN LBS/DAY ACTUAL ALLOWABLE DOMESTIC PEF T'ritz) INDUSTRIAL % REMOVAL RECEIVED: L I 0 / 9/ REVIEWED BY: RETURNED: ( Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Morehead City WWTP NC0026611 Domestic - 100% Existing Renewal Calico Creek SC 030503 Carteret WiRO Barona 02/20/91 I32NW Request # 068 Stream Characteristic: USGS # Tidal Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): 1992 ^ Rfonal Office prim Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) it Facility had been bypassing wastewater during rainfall events. Expanded WWTP to address e =� problem. Therefore design flow of plant is now 3.4 MGD, but ATC authorized for 1.7 MGD. Level C analysis was performed as part of Carteret County EIS which indicated that plant removal% r o7' would be best for stream and if not feasible should meet advanced tertiary limits w/nutrient removal. Since much of plant is new, it was decided in meeting to renew permit at existing limits (except hold flow at 1.7 MGD) and increase instream monitoring. In addition, region will write letter to facility informing them that more advance limits may be required at the ne rmit renewa;N.) �a and that their design flow will be frozen at 1.7 I1�1UD. Ti as dition, we recommend them removing , discharge. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: 2.11 C_ LJ(24CLk Date: o? I I I q Q Reviewed by t: �._,y Date: 2- Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: Date: Date: ,36-9 MAR 2 3 i99z RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: 2 Existing Limits: Wasteflo (MGD): BOD5 (mg/I): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1)': TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (14/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Recommended Limits: Wasteflo (MGD): 6 BOD5 (m ): NH3N (m )• c)"� DO (mg/I) TSS (mg/1) : 2 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual hlorine WA): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Toxicity Limits CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Monthly Average Summer Winter 3.4 3.4 24 30 19 NL 5 5 30 30 86 86 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL 1.7 1.7 24 30 19 NL 5 5 30 30 86 86 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Acute qtrly pass/fail mysid shrimp (see attached) Limits Changes Due To: Parameter(s) Affected Change in Q10 data Change in tream classification Relocatio of discharge Change in wasteflow Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data Wasteflow New regulations/standards/procedures New facility information _x Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. (Note: instream data indicate no new dischargers should be allowed). OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 3 (PAeidot ,(74%,„4") - INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: Calico Creek at first bridge crossing upstream of WWTP Downstream Location: Calico Creek at Piggotts Bridge Parameters: Temperature, DO, fecal coliform, conductivity Special intream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: 3x /week summer; weekly winter In addition to the above monitoring, the faciity shall perform diurnal DO sampling every hour over a 24 hour period one time per month during April to October at the upstream and downstream sampling sites l;s+' above. T1e facility shall record the times of high and low tide times for each day as well as establish a st44 gage at each site. On the same day as the diurnal D(,sampling, temperature, pH, chloropi and total nitrogen should be sam led etween the hours of 8 and 1 AM an cd/ an 5 PM at phosphorus, g P sw, sampling sites. Staff gage readings should also be recorded at each of theses. Special condition should be included on the monitoring page which states that Division water quality studies indicate DO standard violations. Therefore, instream monitoring required to establish larger baseline and will be used to evaluate permit limits and alternatives to discharge at the next p�rmit renewal. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the fa 'lity demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If 7o, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? _N (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Facility Name Movie ito ad COki Permit # NCOUPtal 11 Pipe # 00( ACUTE TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a quarterly basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration." The monitoring shall be performed as a Mysidopsis bahia 24 hour static test, using effluent collected as a 24 hour composite. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defmed as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). Effluent samples for self - monitoring purposes must be obtained during representative effluent discharge below all waste treatment. The first test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit during the months of Feb rrrA,� AcNov All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGE3E. Additionally, DEM Form AT-2 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the t xicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be meas and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately til such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in a months specified above. Should any test data m either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to ac ieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 Tda l cfs Permitted Flow lei MGD IWC % Basin & Sub -basin WOk.O3 Receiving Stream cb1 c() Cree County Co d ere t Recommended by: Date al ICI 1Ga stdcuitt,k_ QAL PlF Mysid 24 Version 9/91 STREAM DATA INSTREAM SELF -MONITORING DATA MONTHLY AVERAGES Discharger: or4head Ct Permit No. P.1C-002Vu1I ReceivingStream: Sub -basin: L C',a t� co �e� Cn loco Crete Upstream Location: 2,14-6p; rettirt4yticwosivti Downstream Location: C , 204" 51-, DATE Dec-91 Nov-91 Oct-91 Sep-91 Aug-91 JuI-91 Jun-91 May-91 Apr-91 Mar-91 Feb-91 Jan-91 Dec-90 Nov-90 Oct-90 Sep-90 Aug-90 Jul-90 Jun-90 May-90 Apr-90 Mar-90 Feb-90 Jan-90 Dec-89 Nov-89 Oct-89 Sep-89 Aug-89 JuI-89 Jun-89 May-89 Apr-89 Mar-89 Feb-89 Jan-89 Min t) D.O. eer. FECAL COLT. it', ID $.DO Q . (7 1415 1.t.8 5 4 (..Q 11.12 /44%5 ki„ 1 D3.y 4.S-3 I.3 0(4,1 3.70 42N,/ Q4--.9- 0.15 O.4 a3. 83 3,07 1, 3 piU 0.10 0.((1 Ia.' 150 6, Kt 3 q ia.00 -115 5N c 9.15 1.o t2 la '7.1 EA) 12.25 7.42 5.g 15. Co 8.41'5 4.3 ,q. S' ,2. 04 O.' Ifox : 4.1 c .5 a.8.1 1 .4l Uoa'=1,.2 Pisue-4 cQG.'J 3.14 D.2. 5.45 a. ate b.9 i4o v= 41.5 a2.D3 a.7Q. 1./ 1 •M,2 ao l'l 5.3 0.9 i-i 4/ 16.2. 4.2t/ a•0 tlax.b.5 13.Liz R.o tc lc.3 9.rc 7.82. Lt. .3 $.9 7•9 2 le.5 . Mee. 4i! TEMP D.O.ahnDio Cali FECAL CO 1/AO g .,5 0 4A 0 ia.? 5 -)..5? a Le . 4 3.41 5. 5-) 3. a . S 1.3. 1.3 1, a. 34`Z Is 3- 0. Ti.D. 4.oa e ) 1 ).. 3U i.e.R AD ID . 5 1. 3-) . ,1 q,Q5 c.5 --?,7' a.ta. 8,c 0.3 12.12 -7.57 1:7 /3.C1.7 Gc.15 a _n.'7 372 2.1e 35 .P1.1 'l.17 1, 3 ?lax.G.3 a .7.4-/ a, 9 g 1,3 Maie 6.0 .24.12. 3.II 1.t Has' 4.3 a3. 4. 27 3.2. Mae s&J al. a 3.9 027 1•lay.ti.o to,9 0.4-10 3.0 ?-bs6314 13.5 it.3n lb./ 9.L 2. ?.')6 1 7 .O -7.g g.4S' Lc-2. rnple3 Ict . pn'or to 9:00 AM Page 1 al I g l 0- - ►4cxehecd G� - NCDoactull 5We T i revo r Pre,StD( Me auve- n5 Thn r b.. iro propri pArni - I e-V-1- pt,k.rnui- coil( hau er 5h1 hm c.4.41I < 5 Iry t&O 0 17) a rm y d - sfi (I %-e -eze 1. 7 ro6 D to e-rcoura e. tut_ *b ✓2YnOu2 C itia-e- (PC.i0v(, /1 /Or) e 1 jler - Honla n, f egiCi' G A to ! nu.-hlen -F c Ch t_ o C!Cc a - Gc:'-E- c�c. a Copt-) �� l.uLt_ --hc _ (net k c i►r)cd? 'Dr) e °al Iru;-A_r C.\.)ecDLJ p ( I mbn4V1m) sari ch1.s , pH , = +e ry-) p� ., j ) 3ct . ;,O 'crew-cc-4 he_ cL_ Icy -hcL rn� ( c -DI fie.cica. CondL hon - tQ k{,z[� ez) Lug , d U cricehc Irk earyl more . r2cu rec e 4m ic148ec_ f .c:64 kaki tD el. 'L&O Jtf-- pe rn d m' iCtUes YP I f a+ NM,u F rp-LAm, i- ,(e- _Lo cLO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT February 10, 1992 MEMORANDUM To: Steve Tedder urigina! Signed By From: Preston Howard PRESTON HOWARL, 1k Subject: Town of Morehead City NPDES Permit No. NC0026611 Effluent Limitations Carteret County CEIVE FEB 1 2 1992: JEetir c4L Sal?POR7 BRANCH I would like to request an in-house meeting be scheduled to include you, Technical Support, Permits and Engineering, and regional personnel to discuss final effluent limitations for the Town of Morehead City. The possibilities which come to mind are as follows: reissuance with the existing limitations at 1.7 MGD with a provision the facility cannot be expanded; reissuance with existing limitations at 1.7 MGD with more stringent limitations to take place when the permit is reissued (next permit cycle); reissuance with existing limitations at 1.7 MGD and more stringent limitations if/when the facility is allowed to expand to 2.0 MGD or 3.4 MGD. One issue which may be raised by the Town and which may need a legal interpretation is NCGS 143-215.2 (al)(d) which seems to indicate that more stringent limitations cannot be applied to a person that has constructed facilities under a compliance order, if: 1. the treatment works alleviated the water pollution to the extent required by the order/permit, and 2. such person has complied with the terms and conditions of the order/permit. The enlarging of the capacity at the facility did eliminate the noncompliance issues identified in the Order. After the Division's position relative to the discharge from Morehead City's wastewater treatment plant has been determined; the Regional Office staff will, if necessary, hold a meeting with Town Officials to discuss the Division's position. I would suggest a meeting date on either February 19 (AM), 20 (AM), 25 (PM), or 26 (PM). Please advise if you have any questions or need additional information from this Office. cc: Trevor Clements Don Safrit Wilmington Regional Files To: Perm Wate is and Engineering Unit Quality Section Date: February 7, 1992 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County: Carteret Permit No. NC0026611 REVIEW ENGINEER: Rosanne Barona PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facil ity and Address: Town of Morehead City Morehead City Wastewater Treatment Plant Post Office Drawer M More ead City, North Carolina 28557 2. Date of Last Inspection: May 1, 1991 3. Report Prepared by: Dave Adkins 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Mr. Joe Clayton, ORC 919/726-5022 5. Directions to Site: Travel north from Arendell Street on Crab Point Road (NCSR 1176) across Calico Creek. Turn left on Lopp Road (NCSR 1179) and travel approximately 0.5 mile, turn left on Treatment Plant Road. The wastewater treatment plant is located at the terminus of this road. 6. Discharge Point: Latitude: 34° 43' 55" Longitude: 76° 44' 15" USGS uad No. I 32 NW USGS Quad Name: Beaufort 7. Size: There is limited land available for expansion and/or upgrading at the present plant site. 8. Topography: The site is located adjacent to Calico Creek. The elevation of the site is approximately 8' msl. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: There is an apartment complex located within 500 feet of the plant. 10. Recei ing stream or affected surface waters: Calico Creek a. lassification: Class "SC" waters. b. iver Basin and Subbasin No.: 030503 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Coastal stream with limited flushing. Downstream waters (approximately 1.53 miles) are classified "SA" and are utilized for commercial shellfishing. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. Type of wastewater: 100% Domestic a. Volume of Wastewater: Dual train facility (1.70 MGD per rain) is on line. b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: None at this time. c. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater: Chlorine d. Pretreatment Program is not required. 2. Type of treatment: The existing wastewater treatment facilities consist of aerated grit removal, flow splitter box, dual primary clarifiers, dual trickling filters, dual secondary clarifiers, gaseous disinfection facilities (chlorine), chlorine contact chamber, and post aeration. 5. Sludger handling and disposal scheme: The sludge is stabs ized in aerobic digesters, dewatered on sludge drying beds, and disposed of in the County landfill. The Town has recently developed criteria for a land application program. Bio Gro has filed a nondischarge permit application to land apply the sludge from the Town's wastewater treatment plant. 6. Treatment plant classification: Class III facility presently, will become a Class IV plant when the land application of sludge permit (WQ0006018) is issued. 7. SIC Code: 4952 Wastewater Code: 01 Main Treatment Units: 40001 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grants Funds No 2. Special monitoring requests: It is recommended that the draft permit be prepared with Class IV monitoring requirements. 3. Additional effluent limits requests: None PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Town's existing wastewater treatment facility is a high rate trickling filter facility (dual path 1.7 MGD units) with gaseous chlorination and post aeration. The second train was constructed (completed December 20, 1991) to prevent bypassing which routinely occurred in conjunction with significant rainfall events. The presently permitted capacity is 1.7 MGD. The average daily flow for the past twelve months was 1.173 MGD. The 2.497 MGD maximum daily flow reported for the same time period is 1.5 times the average daily flow. The solution the Town selected to eliminate the sewage overflow has been effective. The Town has indicated in their application that the facility has a design capacity of 2.0 MGD. Any increase in the permitted (design) capacity of the wastewater treatment plant would be contrary to the Division's position of no expansion of any POTW until a comprehensive EIS was completed. The recently completed Carteret County Planning Document indicates there should be no new or expanded discharges into the estuaries. A comparison of the existing effluent limitations and the effluent limitations proposed in the most recent evaluation by the Technical Support Branch is shown below: Parameter Flow BOD5 NH as N Total TSS Dissol Fecal Total Nitrogen ved Oxygen Coliform Phosphorus Existing, Proposed Daily Average Daily Average, 1.7 MGD & 3.4 MGD 1.7 MGD 30 mg/1 5 mg/1 WPM 1 mg/1 30 mg/1 30 mg/1 5 mg/1 5 mg/1 86/100 ml 86/100 ml 0.05 to 0.10 mg/1 It would appear that prior to establishing such stringent effluent limitations for Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus; the EMC would need to consider a Nutrient Sensitive classification for Calico Cre k. In addition, the Division of Marine Fisheries considers he area one of the most productive primary nursery areas in tIe region. Extending/relocating the discharge point would be most difficult as the downstream waters (Newport River) are classified as "SA" waters. After the effluent limitations have been established, it is recommended a draft permit be prepared and placed at public notice which includes the final effluent limitations and any restrictions determined by the Division to be appropriate for this facility. If no significant adverse public comment is received, it is recommended NPDES Permit No. NC0026611 be reissued for a five year period. Wa er Qualit Re.iona Supervisor Regional Su rvisor Date NC26611.SR cc: Wilmington Regional Files Technical Support Branch Central Files 34 °45'i. —; t 3845 '41 /OdrJPJ o� •342 Calico C'Ieek • 11111111111111101111 Lui ale mail fa Light Par titr ■-i•; am ��� 3 42'30" 43-er WIIIIsPt INTRACOASTAL Beacon 0 o Beacon o Light WATERWAY ,C n r7 ,►r „ sr 1kra- t 6:4 11 COAST AND GE • .' ETIC SU 5653 I SW 345 (CORE CREEK) figa- -1_117\ .�j,i,� shy114f.;:.1...11.( n47 r -B Dolphins " l owera ort Terminal Light 0) Phllllps Island