HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000413_Phase-II-MS4-Audit-Report-Kannapolis_20210413MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4)
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Audit Date: February 2021
Report Date: February 2021
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Stormwater Program
512 N. Salisbury Street, 9th floor
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
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Audit Date: February 2021
MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Audit Details .........................................
Permittee Information .........................
Supporting Documents ........................
Construction Site Runoff Controls .......
Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) ..
Appendix A: Supporting Documents
Appendix B: Photograph Log
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This Audit consists of an evaluation of program compliance with the issued permit and implementation of
the approved Stormwater Management Plan. This Audit Report does not include a review of all program
components, and program deficiencies in addition to those noted may be present. The permittee is
required to assess program progress and permit compliance, and to implement the approved Stormwater
Management Plan in accordance with the issued permit.
Audit Date: February 2021
MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
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Audit Date: February 2021
MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Audit Details
Audit ID Number:
Audit Date(s):
NCS000413_Kannapolis MS4 Audit_2021.02
February 2021
Minimum Control Measures Evaluated:
❑ Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment
❑ Public Education & Outreach
❑ Public Involvement & Participation
❑ Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
❑X Construction Site Runoff Controls — No delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program
❑ Construction Site Runoff Controls — Delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program
❑X Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
❑ Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
❑X Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
Field Site Visits:
❑ Municipal Facilities. Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ MS4 Outfalls. Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ Construction Sites. Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ Post -Construction Stormwater Runoff Controls. Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ Other: Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ Other: Number visited: Choose an item.
Inspector(s) Conducting Audit
Name, Title
J.P. Johns, Civil/Water Resource Leader
Brian Bates, Project Director
Rebecca Coulter, Phase Manager
Audit Report Author:
February 15, 2021
Signature uuJJ .
Audit Report Author:
Audit Report Author:
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Permittee Information
MS4 Permittee Name: City of Kannapolis Permit Effective Date: Permit Expiration Date:
February 20,2017 February 19, 2022
City, State, ZIP: Kannapolis, NC, 28081 Date of Last MS4 Inspection/Audit: November 17-18, 2020
Co-permittee(s), if applicable: N/A
Permit Owner of Record: Wilmer Melton, III
Primary MS4 Representatives Participating in Audit
Name, Title Organization
Scott Kaufhold
City Engineer City of Kannapolis — Engineering (Public Works)
Catherine Bolick
Civil Engineer I City of Kannapolis — (Public Works)
Brent Yost
Senior Engineering Technician
Rich Burris
Engineering Technician
Jamie Pope
Engineering Technician
Misty Tutt
Civil Engineer II
Irish Buffalo Creek
(from Kannapolis Water Supply Dam
To Rocky River)
Cold Water Creek
(source to 0.5 miles downstream of Rowan
SR 1221)
Cold Water Creek
(Lake Fisher)
Cold Water Creek
(Dam at Lake Fisher to Irish Buffalo Creek)
UT to Cold Water Creek
(source to 0.7 miles downstream Rowan/
Cabarrus line)
UT to Cold Water Creek
(Lake Concord)
UT to Cold Water Creek
(Dam at Lake Concord to Cold Water
Three Mile Branch
Coddle Creek
(0.2 miles upstream NC 73 to Rocky River)
Afton Run
(source to Coddle Creek)
City of Kannapolis — Engineering (Public Works)
City of Kannapolis — Engineering (Public Works)
City of Kannapolis — Engineering (Public Works)
City of Kannapolis — Engineering (Public Works)
MS4 Receiving Waters
Stream Index/
13-17-9-4-(0.5) WS-IV
13-17-9-4-(1) WS-IV; CA
13-17-9-4-(1.5) C
13-17-9-4-2-(1) WS-IV N/R
13-17-9-4-2-(2) WS-IV; CA Chlorophyll a (40µg/L,AL, NC)
13-17-9-4-2-(3) 1 C I N/R
13-17-9-4-5 C N/R
13-17-6-(5.5) C Benthos (Nar, AL, FW)
13-17-6-6 1 C N/R
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Supporting Documents
When Provided
Document Title
(Prior to/During/After)
Annual Reports 2006 through 2020
Prior to Audit
Charlotte -Mecklenburg Stormwater Design Manual [January 1, 2014]
Prior to Audit
City of Kannapolis Ordinance — Article V. Stormwater Utility, Control and
Prior to Audit
City of Kannapolis Unified Development Ordinance Article 9
Prior to Audit
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program Procedures Manual
Prior to Audit
[August 2020]
NC DEQ Stormwater Design Manual
Prior to Audit
City of Kannapolis Unified Development Ordinance Article 4
Prior to Audit
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Construction Site Runoff Controls
Staff Interviewed:
Brent Yost, Senior Engineering Technician
(Name, Title, Role)
Rich Burris, Engineering Technician
Jamie Pope, Engineering Technician
Catherine Bolick, Civil Engineer I
Program Delegation Status:
❑ The permittee has a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program and implements the North Carolina
Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 components of this minimum measure (complete the permit
citation and SPCA citation sections).
❑x The permittee does not have a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program and relies on DEMLR to comply
with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 components of this minimum measure
(complete only the permit citation section).
Permit Citation Program Requirement Status
Doc No.
II.E.3 Construction
Site Runoff Controls The permittee provides and promotes a means for the public to notify the
(NPDES Permit No. appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems (e.g.,
NCS0004351 promoting the existence of the DEQ DEMLR "Stop Mud" hotline).
Comments (Describe how provided and promoted)
The City relies on the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program and DWQ
general stormwater permit along with the NC General Construction Permit for its construction activities to meet this minimum
control measure.
The City receives calls from the public regarding construction items. These calls are logged into CityWorks (since approximately
November 2018) and then the City addresses the concerns accordingly. The City checks the sediment and erosion control issue to
determine if it is necessary to call the State or another involved party. The City handles projects that are less than one (1) acre, so in
the case of these problems, the City addresses it. If an erosion and sediment control problem persists after the City assists in
corrective actions, then the State is contacted. When the State becomes involved the City is no longer included in corrective actions.
For new development the City meets on -site during the pre -conference to go over City maintained items.
The engineer for a project lets the City know when the State has approved plans. The City then familiarizes itself with the sediment
and erosion control plans.
Poorly maintained sediment and erosion controls are noted in City inspections. A hold is put on permits for projects that are less than
one (1) acre (non-DEQ projects) to get items corrected.
The City acts as the "eyes for the State". When sediment and erosion control issues are noticed on DEQ projects, the City tries to step
in. In certain cases, the State has stepped in when they were called upon after things escalated.
It was noted that third party inspections are not always done thoroughly. There is high turnover seen with the third -party inspectors
at some construction sites and, in some cases, major issues are repetitively not being noted.
SPCA Citation
Delegated Program Requirement
Doc No.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Construction Site Runoff Controls
113A-60 Local
erosion and
The permittee has adopted an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to enforce
the erosion and sedimentation control program.
control programs (a)
If yes, the ordinance meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the
If yes, the ordinance applies throughout the corporate limits of the permittee.
[Permit Part I.D]
Comments (Provide regulatory mechanism reference or Supporting Documentation number)
The City relies on the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program so this section
does not apply.
§ 113A-60 Local
erosion and
The permittee collects a fee paid by each person who submits an erosion and
sedimentation control plan.
control programs (d)
Comments (indicate the fee amount, if applicable)
The City relies on the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program so this section
does not apply.
§ 113A-60 Local
Has any person initiated a land -disturbing activity (within the permittee's
erosion and
jurisdiction) for which an erosion and sedimentation control plan is required in the
absence of an approved plan?
control programs (e)
If yes, the permittee has notified the North Carolina Sedimentation Control
Commission of all such cases.
Has the permittee determined that a person engaged in a land -disturbing activity
has failed to comply with an approved erosion and sedimentation control plan?
If yes, has the permittee referred any such matters to the North Carolina
Sedimentation Control Commission for inspection and enforcement?
The City relies on the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program so this section
does not apply.
§ 113A-61 Local
The permittee reviews each erosion and sedimentation control plan submitted to
approval of erosion
them and notifies the person submitting the plan that it has been approved,
and sedimentation
approved with modification, or disapproved within 30 days of receipt.
control plans
The permittee only approves an erosion and sedimentation control plan upon
determining that it complies with all applicable State and local regulations.
The permittee has disapproved of an erosion and sedimentation control plan in
order to protect riparian buffers along surface waters.
If yes, the permittee notified the Director of the Division of Energy,
Mineral, and Land Resources within 10 days of the disapproval.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Construction Site Runoff Controls
The City relies on the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program so this section
does not apply.
§ 113A-61.1
Inspection of land-
The certificate of approval of each erosion and sedimentation control plan
disturbing activity;
approved by the permittee includes a notice of the right to inspect.
notice of violation
The permittee provides for inspection of land -disturbing activities to ensure
compliance with the SPCA and to determine whether the measures required in an
erosion and sedimentation control plan are effective.
The City relies on the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program so this section
does not apply.
§ 113A-61.1
When the permittee determines that a person engaged in land -disturbing activity
Inspection of land-
has failed to comply with the SPCA, the Permittee immediately issues a notice of
disturbing activity;
violation upon that person.
notice of violation
Each notice of violation issued by the permittee specifies the date by which the
person must comply.
Each notice of violation issued by the permittee informs the person of the actions
that need to be taken to comply.
The City relies on the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program so this section
does not apply.
113A-64 Penalties
Does the permittee issue civil penalties as part of the erosion and sedimentation
Comments (indicate when/why a civil penalty is issued, and the amount, if applicable)
The City relies on the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program so this section
does not apply.
Overall, it appears that the City is in compliance with this minimum control measure since the City relies on the
NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program to implement
this program.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
Staff Interviewed: Misty Tutt, Civil Engineer II
(Name, Title, Role) Scott Kaufhold, City Engineer
Rich Burris, Engineering Technician
Jamie Pope, Engineering Technician
Catherine Bolick, Civil Engineer I
Implementation (check all that apply):
0 The permittee implements the components of this minimum measure.
❑ The permittee relies upon another entity to implement the components of this minimum measure: N/A
0 The permittee implements the following deemed -compliant program(s), which meet NPDES MS4 post -construction
requirements for the areas where implemented and in compliance with the specific program requirements as provided in 15A
NCAC and noted below (Complete Session Low2006-246 section below):
❑ Water Supply Watershed I (WS-1) —15A NCAC 213.0212
❑X Water Supply Watershed 11 (WS-11) —15A NCAC 26 .0214 Coddle Creek.
❑X Water Supply Watershed III (WS-III) —15A NCAC 26 .0215 Irish Buffalo Creek [Kannapolis Lake (Cannon Lake)]
❑X Water Supply Watershed IV (WS-IV) —15A NCAC 213.0216 Unnamed Tributary to Cold Water Creek, Lake Conrad, Cold
Water Creek (Lake Fisher)
❑ Freshwater High Quality Waters (HQW) —15A NCAC 2H .1006
❑ Freshwater Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) —15A NCAC 2H .1007
❑ Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive (NSW) Management Strategy —15A NCAC 2B .0235
❑ Tar -Pamlico River Basin Nutrient Sensitive (NSW) Management Strategy —15A NCAC 2B .0258
❑ Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Nutrient Management Strategy —15A NCAC 2B .0251
❑ Universal Stormwater Management Program —15A NCAC 2H .1020
Ordinance(s) (check all that apply):
The permittee utilizes the following ordinances and/or regulatory authority to fulfill post construction minimum measure program
requirements throughout the MS4 permitted area (check all that apply):
❑X DEQ model ordinance The City's ordinance is modeled after this.
❑X MS4 designed post -construction practices that meet or exceed 15A NCAC 02H .1000. The City uses the NC DENR Manual of BMPs
so it should be assumed this meets these regulations.
❑ DEQ approved comprehensive watershed plan
0 DEQ approved ordinance for a deemed -compliant Program (see list above) This is included in the Unified Development Ordinance
Article 4.
For MS4s not implementing a S.L. 2006-246 deemed -compliant program, complete only the Permit Citation section below.
For MS4s implementing a S.L. 2006-246 deemed -compliant program, complete the Session Law 2006-246 section below. If the MS4
does not implement a deemed -compliant program throughout the entire MS4 permitted area, then complete the Permit Citation
section below for the permitted area(s) not covered under the S.L. 2006-246 deemed -compliant program.
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Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
Session Law 2006-
Program Requirement
Doc No.
Deemed -Compliant
The permittee implements deemed -compliant Program requirements in
accordance with the applicable 15A NCAC rules.
The permittee implements deemed -compliant Program requirements throughout
the entire MS4 area (If not, also complete the Permit Citation section below.)
The permittee applies deemed -compliant Program requirements to all federal,
state and local government projects within the permitted MS4 area who do not
have their own NPDES stormwater permit.
The permittee included deemed -compliant Program reporting in their MS4 Annual
The permittee included deemed -compliant Program implementation in their
Stormwater Management Plan.
During the Audit with the City, they were unaware if they were running a deemed -compliant program, though it was determined
that the City of Kannapolis does drain to Water Supply Watersheds, WS-11, III, and IV. This was further reviewed after the Audit and
the City of Kannapolis UDO, Article 4 was found to have a section that covers Watershed Protection Overlay Districts (Section 4.16).
The provisions of this ordinance apply within the areas designated overlay districts on the City's Official Zoning Map. Further
requirements for Watershed Overlay Districts are provided in UDO, Article 4 Section 4.16.
The City's SWMP was reviewed prior to the Audit and no information on a deemed -compliant Program was included. This is not
something that is required by their current permit to include in the SWMP, but as the SWMP is being updated, information will be
*The phrase "Deemed -Compliant Program" is not stated anywhere in the City's current Permit. The City does not include specific
in their SWMP or include "deemed -compliant Program" reporting in their MS4 Annual Reports.
Permit Citation
Program Requirement
Doc No.
The permittee maintained an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism designed
Legal Authority
to meet the objectives of the Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Stormwater
Management Program.
If yes, the ordinance applies throughout the corporate limits of the permittee
(Verify permit coverage area listed in Part I.D of permit and modify
The permittee has the authority to review designs and proposals for new
development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater
control measures will be installed, implemented, and maintained.
The permittee has the authority to request information such as stormwater plans,
inspection reports, monitoring results, and other information deemed necessary to
evaluate compliance with the Post -Construction Stormwater Management
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
The permittee has the authority to enter private property for the purpose of
inspecting at reasonable times any facilities, equipment, practices, or operations
related to stormwater discharges.
Comments (If the permittee relies upon another entity, specifically note the legal authority that allows that entity to implement
the program within the MS4 area)
The City's LIDO includes the post -construction program goals. The City utilizes the NCDENR Manual of Stormwater Best
Management Practices as the basis for decisions about stormwater permits and about the design, implementation and performance
of structural and non-structural stormwater BMPs. The LIDO also includes the administration and procedures related to the post -
construction program and allows the City to have the authority to review designs and proposals, enter, inspect, monitor, maintain,
repair, and reconstruct structural BMPs.
03, 04,
Stormwater Control
The permittee utilizes strategies which include SCMs appropriate for the MS4.
Measures (SCMs)
SCMs comply with 15A NCAC 02H .1000.
03, 04,
The City's LIDO includes the documents to reference for stormwater control measures (SCMs). The City utilizes the Charlotte
Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual for the methodology of computing peak flows, runoff volumes, and discharge capacities
for storm events and stormwater management facilities. In any case where the Charlotte Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual
and the NCDENR Manual of Stormwater Best Management Practices have conflicting design standards, the State BMP requirements
It is assumed that since the City utilizes the NCDENR Manual of Stormwater Best Management Practices, that it complies with 15A
NCAC 02H .1000. The City's LIDO also states that for high -density projects "General engineering design criteria for all projects shall
be in accordance with 15A NCAC2H.1008(c), as explained in the Design Manual."
The permittee conducted site plan reviews of all new development and
Plan Reviews
redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal to one acre (including sites
that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of
development or sale).
If yes, the site plan reviews addressed how the project applicant meets the
performance standards.
If yes, the site plan reviews addressed how the project will ensure long-term
The City conducts site plan review to address the site performance standards and review the maintenance associated with
stormwater controls. Documents are provided online on the Stormwater Forms page for Stormwater Collection System Maintenance
Requirements and Guidelines for Stormwater Maintenance Agreement.
Plans are reviewed by the different departments of the City and there are several back and forth iterations during the review and
edit process. Plans can receive conditional approval until they get approval from the State and a pre -conference is held. Some review
work is also completed by a contracted company.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
The permittee maintained an inventory of projects with post -construction
Inventory of Projects
structural stormwater control measures installed and implemented at new
development and redeveloped sites.
The inventory included both public and private sector sites located within the
permittee's corporate limits that are covered by its post -construction ordinance
The City maintains an inventory of post -construction structural stormwater controls installed and implemented at new development
and redeveloped sites in their MS4 area. This is currently stored in a spreadsheet, though an effort is currently in process to update
the information in a geographic information system (GIS) database.
The permittee provided mechanisms such as recorded deed restrictions and
Deed Restrictions
protective covenants that ensure development activities will maintain the project
and Protective
consistent with approved plans.
The City's Ordinance contains language regarding deed restrictions and responsibilities are recorded to ensure activities will
maintain the project as described in the approved plans. The operation and maintenance agreement is signed by the owner and kept
with the deed (in most cases).
The permittee implemented or required an operation and maintenance plan for
Mechanism to
the long-term operation of the SCMs required by the program.
Require Long-term
Operation and
The operation and maintenance plan required the owner of each SCM to perform
and maintain a record of annual inspections of each SCM.
Annual inspection of permitted structural SCMs are required to be performed by a
qualified professional.
The City provides information on what is required for stormwater operation and maintenance agreement documents on the
Stormwater Forms webpage. There are also maintenance and inspection forms online that provide a list of maintenance items
related to the specific structural control, an area to indicate if the maintenance item is satisfactory or unsatisfactory, and an area for
other comments or actions required.
The inspections are required to be completed annually and to be completed by a registered North Carolina Professional Engineer,
Professional Land Surveyor, or Landscape Architect.
The permittee has developed and implemented a written inspection program for
Inspections of
structural stormwater controls to ensure that all stormwater control measures
meet the permittee's performance standards and are being maintained pursuant to
Stormwater Control
the maintenance agreement.
The permittee documented and maintained records of inspections.
The permittee documented and maintained records of enforcement actions.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
The City has implemented an inspection program, though this program is not formally documented. The City sends letters to
property owners annually to remind them that their annual inspections are due. Structural control owners are responsible for
conducting the inspections and sending in the inspection results and maintenance form to the City documenting what was done. The
City is considering conducting their own inspections due to the low return rate of inspection forms. The City currently inspects
structural control measures informally. Returned inspection forms are maintained for record, though not all structural controls are
currently maintained annually. Enforcement actions have not currently been taken regarding owners not submit their annual
The permittee made available through paper or electronic means, ordinances,
post -construction requirements, design standards checklists, and other materials
Materials and
appropriate for developers.
02, 03,
Training for
Note: New materials may be developed by the permittee, or the permittee may use
materials adopted from other programs and adapted to the permittee's new
development and redevelopment program.
Comments (if the permittee has adopted materials from other programs, indicate here which materials they are using)
The City has relevant Ordinances available online and in these, the design manuals utilized are referenced. The City has the UDO that
references the Charlotte Mecklenburg Stormwater Design Manual methodology for calculating peak flows, runoff volumes, and
discharge capacities. When Charlotte Mecklenburg's Stormwater Design Manual and the NCDENR Manual of BMPs conflict, the
State BMP requirements apply. The NCDENR Manual of BMPs has a list of the acceptable stormwater treatment practices allowed
by the State.
II.F.2.i Enforcement
The permittee tracked the issuance of notices of violation and enforcement
If yes, the tracking mechanism included the ability to identify chronic violators
for initiation of actions to reduce noncompliance.
This currently reads as not applicable because the City has not issued any notice of violations (NOVs) or enforcement actions. If they
were to issue any enforcement actions these should be documented in CityWorks.
The permittee fully complies with post construction program requirements on its
New Development
own publicly funded construction projects.
The City complies with post construction program requirements on its own publicly funded construction projects.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
Does the MS4 have areas draining to Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) pursuant to
Nutrient Sensitive
15A NCAC 02H .0150?
If yes, does the permittee use SCMs that reduce nutrient loading in order to
meet local program requirements.
If yes, does the permittee also still incorporate the stormwater controls
required for the project's density level.
If yes, does the permittee also require documentation where it is not feasible to
use SCMs that reduce nutrient loading.
Comments (Provide reference for local requirements)
According to the map tools on the NCDENR webpage, the City of Kannapolis does not drain to any nutrient sensitive waters (NSW).
The permittee ensured that the design volumes of SCMs take into account the
Design Volume
runoff at build out from all surfaces draining to the system.
Where "streets" convey stormwater, the permittee designed SCMs to be sized to
treat and control stormwater runoff from all surfaces draining to the SCM including
streets, driveways, and other impervious surfaces.
The City ensures design volumes of stormwater control measures take into account the runoff at build out from all surfaces draining
to the system. The City also ensures that streets, driveways, and other impervious surfaces are considered in the design size of
stormwater control measures for treating stormwater runoff.
Overall, it appears that the City is partially out of compliance for this minimum control measure. Though the
appropriate legal authority is in place and plan reviews are being performed, the City is not fully implementing
the requirements for long-term operation and maintenance of SCMs. Though the process for annual
inspections of SCMs begins, it is not fully carried out to ensure that annual inspection results and maintenance
forms are received.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
Staff Interviewed:
Scott Kaufhold, City Engineer
(Name, Title, Role)
Catherine Bolick, Civil Engineer I
Program Status:
❑x The permittee is not subject to an approved TMDL (skip the rest of this section).
❑ The permittee is subject to an approved TMDL for: N/A
There ❑ is ❑ is not a Waste Load Allocation (WLA) in the approved TMDL (If there is a WLA, then complete items H.H.1-5
below. If there is not a WLA, skip to item II.H.6 below)
Permit Citation Program Requirement
Doc No.
II.H.3 TMDLs Within 12 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports included
a description of existing programs, controls partnerships, projects and strategies to
p g p g p p' p j g
address impaired waters.
Within 12 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports provided
a brief explanation as to how the programs, controls, partnerships, projects and
strategies address impaired waters.
The City is currently not subject to an approved TMDL. The City should be aware of future approved TMDLs to determine if they are
responsible for any permit requirements.
Within 24 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports included
an assessment of whether additional structural and/or non-structural BMPs are
necessary to address impaired waters.
Within 24 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports included
a brief explanation as to how the programs, controls, partnerships, projects and
strategies address impaired waters.
The City is currently not subject to an approved TMDL. The City should be aware of future approved TMDLs to determine if they are
responsible for any permit requirements.
Within 36 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports included
a description of activities expected to occur and when activities are expected to
The City is currently not subject to an approved TMDL. The City should be aware of future approved TMDLs to determine if they are
responsible for any permit requirements.
If there is no Waste Load Allocation in the approved TMDL, the permittee
evaluated strategies and tailored and/or expanded BMPs within the scope of the
six minimum measures to enhance water quality recovery strategies in the
watershed(s) to which the TMDL applies.
The permittee described strategies and tailored and/or expanded BMPs in their
Stormwater Management Plan and annual reports
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Kannapolis, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000413
I Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
The City is currently not subject to an approved TMDL. The City should be aware of future approved TMDLs to determine if they are
responsible for any permit requirements.
Additional Since the City is not currently subject to an approved TMDL there are no additional comments. The City should
Comments: be aware of future approved TMDLs to determine if they are responsible for any permit requirements.
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