HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210751 Ver 1_P1505F_USCG_Letters_20210412 U.S. Department of The Commander 431 Crawford Street Homeland Security United States Coast Guard Portsmouth,VA 23704-5004 Fifth Coast Guard District Staff Symbol: dpb United States te9 Phone: (757)398-6422 Fax:(757)398-6334 Coast Guard Email:Crvstal.k.tucker(duscg.mil or CGDFIveBridQes1uscQ.miI 16591 04 JAN 2021 Commanding General Public Works Division Attn: Design Branch Douglas Zimbelman 1005 Michael Road Camp Lejeun,NC 28547 Dear Mr. Zimbelman: Coast Guard review of your proposed project as provided in an email dated November 12, 2020 from Mr. Terry L. Burhans with Michael Baker International, on behalf of the MCB Camp Lejeune, is complete. Based on the documentation provided and our research, it is determined that a Coast Guard bridge permit will not be required for the proposed railroad fixed bridge—Bridge S882 over White Oak River, mile 12.92, 34.772543, -77.152265 near Stella,NC. The project will be placed in our Advance Approval category as per Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations Part 115.70. This Advance Approval determination is for the location and structure described above and is valid for five years from the date of this letter. The following conditions apply to this determination: a. If the construction project on the above bridge does not commence within this time, you must contact this office for reaffirmation of this determination. b. Future bridge projects along the above waterway will have to be independently evaluated before they may be considered for placement in the Advance Approval category. This includes modification, replacement and removal of the above bridge, following its initial construction. c. Prior to bridge construction,the bridge owner should submit a bridge maintenance project plan to this office at least 30 days (preferably 90 days)prior to work commencing on or over the navigable waterway. Please see enclosure(1). The fact that a Coast Guard bridge permit is not required does not relieve you of the responsibility for compliance with the requirements of any other Federal, State, or local agency who may have jurisdiction over any aspect of the project. Although the project will not require a bridge permit, other areas of Coast Guard jurisdiction apply. The following conditions apply concerning construction of the above bridge: a. You or your contractor must notify this office at least 30 days (preferably 90 days) in advance of the start of construction and any other work which may be an obstruction to 16591 04 JAN 2021 navigation, so we may issue and update the information in our Local Notice to Mariners and monitor the project. The notice should include details of the project as described in enclosure (1). b. At no time during the project will the waterway be closed to navigation without the prior notification and approval of the Coast Guard. The bridge owner or contractor is required to maintain close and regular contact with Coast Guard Sector North Carolina at 910- 772-2230 or D05-SMB-SecNC-MarineEvents@uscg.mil to keep them informed of activities on the waterway. c. The lowest portion of the superstructure of the bridge across the waterway should clear the 100-year flood height elevation, if feasible. d. In addition, the requirement to display navigational lighting at the aforementioned bridge is hereby waived, as per Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 118.40(b). This waiver may be rescinded at any time in the future should nighttime navigation through the proposed bridge be increased to a level determined by the District Commander to warrant lighting. The National Ocean Service(NOS) of the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) is responsible for maintaining the charts of U.S. waters; therefore,they must be notified of this proposed work. You must notify our office and the NOS at the address below upon completion of the activity approved in this letter. Your notification of project completion must include as-built drawings or certification of the following: a. Bridge name b. Action type (new construction, modification, relocation, conversion(fixed/draw), etc.) c. Dates (commenced and completed) d. Location (latitude and longitude at bridge center and centerline of channel, statute miles above mouth of waterway, and bridge or causeway orientation or geographic positions of approaches) e. Type of bridge (fixed, vertical lift, bascule, suspension, swing, trestle, pontoon, etc.) f. Navigation clearances (vertical at mean high water and horizontal) (Moveable—vertical at mean high water in open and closed positions) g. Whether or not the bridge is fitted with clearance gauges h. Whether or not the bridge has pier protection and/or fender system. i. Type of land traffic (highway, railroad,pedestrian, pipeline, etc.) Ms. Sladjana Maksimovic National Ocean Service N/CS26, Room 7317 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 2 16591 04 JAN 2021 If you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Crystal K Tucker at the above listed address or telephone number. Sincerely, HAL R. PITTS Bridge Program Manager By direction End: (1) Bridge Maintenance Project Plan Copy: Ms. Sladjana Maksimovic,NOS Terry Burhans, Michael Baker International CG Sector North Carolina, Waterways Management U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Federal Highways Administration, Raleigh,NC 3 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE PROJECT PLAN 1. The bridge owner, or entity acting on behalf of the bridge owner, should submit a bridge maintenance project plan at least 30 days (preferably 90 days)prior to commencement of work on or over the navigable waterway. Correspondence may be submitted via .pdf email attachment to CGDFiveBridges@uscg_mil or mailed. 2. Once received,the request will be assigned to a project officer for review and processing. The project officer will publish a local notice to mariners. If appropriate,the project officer will publish a temporary deviation from drawbridge operating regulations. a. Bridge Information: Provide bridge name, bridge type (highway, railroad, pedestrian, pipeline, etc.), roadway (s) carried, waterway name, mile (statute) on waterway from confluence, municipal location(town/city, county(if applicable/if known), and state). b. Project Description: Provide the general description, nature and scope of the project. Drawings may be submitted, particularly if there are any planned temporary reductions in navigation clearances. c. Project Dates/Work Hours: Provide primary and alternate (if applicable)project dates and work hours. Alternate dates and work hours may be included to account for inclement weather, etc. d. Navigation Clearances: Provide any proposed temporary reductions in navigation clearances (vertical and/or horizontal), including the amount of the reduction(s) in feet and when the reduction(s) will be in place. e. Temporary Deviation (from Operating Regulations): For drawbridges—Provide any proposed temporary deviation from operating regulations including: purpose (why it is necessary); dates/times of closure; if the bridge will be closed when bridge work is not being performed, provide justification for closure during non-work hours; whether the bridge will be able to open for an emergency and within how much time of notice; whether vessels may pass through the bridge in the closed position at any time or with prior notice. f. Project Resources: Provide list of vessels, barges, equipment and location of personnel involved in the project. Indicate whether the project resources will relocate from the navigation channel during work hours, and if so, provide the timeframe for notice and method of notice. Indicate whether the resources will relocate from the navigation channel during non-work hours, and if not, provide justification for them to remain in the navigation channel during non-work hours. g. Communications: Provide communications plan for project resources. This should include VHF-FM channel 13 for vessels and drawbridge tenders and may include mobile phone devices for vessels and project personnel. Vessel operators need to be able to communicate with project resources for safe navigation. h. Bridge Owner Information: If the request is submitted by an entity on behalf of the bridge owner, provide the bridge owner representative's contact information(name, telephone and email) and the bridge owner's mailing address for the appropriate office. U.S. Department of Commander 431 Crawford Street Homeland Security 9'°�P United States Coast Guard Portsmouth,VA.23704-5004 Fifth Coast Guard District Staff Symbol:(dpb) United States �+ Phone:(757)398-6422 Fax:(757)398-6334 Coast Guard Email:Crystal.k.tucker(cusca.mil Or CGDFiveBridaes az�uscg.mii 16591 04 JAN 2021 Commanding General Public Works Division Attn: Design Branch Douglas Zimbelman 1005 Michael Road Camp Lejeun, NC 28547 Dear Mr. Zimbelman: Coast Guard review of your proposed project as provided in an email dated November, 12, 2020 from Mr. Terry L. Burhans with Michael Baker, on behalf of the MCB Camp Lejeune, is complete. Based on the documentation provided and our research, it is determined that a Coast Guard bridge permit will not be required for the proposed railroad fixed bridge—Bridge S880 over Queens Creek, mile 11.56, 34.744766, -77.233540 near Hubert,NC. In addition, navigational lighting at the aforementioned bridge is not required, as per Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 118.40 (b). The fact that a Coast Guard bridge permit is not required does not relieve you of the responsibility for compliance with the requirements of any other Federal, State, or local agency who may have jurisdiction over any aspect of the project. If you have any further questions,please contact Ms: Crystal K. Tucker at the above listed address or telephone number. Sincerely, 7104 4) HAL R. PITTS Bridge Program Manager By direction Copy: Terry Burhans, Michael Baker International CG Sector North Carolina, Waterways Management U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Federal Highways Administration, Raleigh,NC