HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210751 Ver 1_P1505F_Agency_Meeting_Notes_20210412Camp Lejeune MILCON PKG 4 Onslow Beach Bridge and RR Trestle Bridge Replacements OneStop Interagency Scoping Meeting: - Minutes Location: WebEx Date: October 26, 2020 Time: 1pm EDT Meeting Attendees Name email Affiliation Present Cameron Weaver (Host) cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Environmental Assistance Outreach X Terry Burhans Terry.Burhans@mbakerintl.com Michael Baker Engineering X Jessi Baker jessi.baker@usmc.mil MCB Camp Lejeune X Anne Deaton anne.deaton@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Marine Fisheries Kimberlee Harding Kimberlee.Harding@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Marine Fisheries Twyla Cheatwood twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov NOAA X Kathryn Matthews kathryn_matthews@fws.gov USFWS Maria Dunn maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org NC Wildlife Resources Commission X Daniel Govoni daniel.govoni@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Coastal Management X Rhonda Hall rhonda.hall@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Land Resources X Kelly Johnson kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Land Resources X Jeremy Humphrey jeremy.humphrey@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Environmental Health Mickey Sugg Mickey.t.sugg@usace.army.mil USACE Sarah Hair Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil USACE Holley Snider holley.snider@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Water Resources Hal Pitts hal.r.pitts@uscg.mil US Coast Guard Brad Shaver brad.e.shaver@usace.army.mil USACE X Mickey Wing Mickey.Wing@mbakerintl.com Michael Baker Engineering X Dwain Hathaway DHathaway@mbakerintl.com Michael Baker Engineering X Brad Bell Bradley.Bell@mbakerintl.com Michael Baker Engineering Kevin Ott kott@walshgroup.com Archer Western X Laurence Wadman lwadman@walshgroup.com Archer Western X Jason Doughty JRDoughty@modjeski.com Modjeski & Masters X Brad Connell brad.connell@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Coastal Management Bryan Loflin bjloflin@modjeski.com Modjeski & Masters X Josh Dalton jdalton@sungatedesign.com Sungate Design Group X Brandy Creech BCreech@mbakerintl.com Michael Baker Engineering X Joanne Steenhuis joanne.steenhuis@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ – Water Resources X 1. Cameron Weaver opened the meeting with introduction and attendee verification. 2. Terry Burhans presented meeting slides (attached). Projects were presented one by one and questions & comments were fielded after each project presentation. a. Project P-1387F: Onslow Beach Bridge Replacement i. Brad Shaver (USACE) initiated comments: 1. Confirmed project would likely fall under coverage of Nationwide Permit 14 (NWP 14) 2. Requested verification of Aquatic Resources onsite (Jurisdictional Determination Request) prior to submittal of Permit Application. a. Onsite verification with USACE, NCDEQ – Coastal Management, NCDEQ – Water Resources 3. Determined that pilings for bascule counterweight structure will result in 404 impacts to ICW and USACE will be lead federal agency for project. 4. Questions about temporary work trestle dimensions (width, height, type of pilings etc.) Mentioned that trestle height would be important and that higher would be preferred to allow light to reach ground surface. Suggested to aim for at least 4-6 ft clearance. a. Determined that ESA issues result from project due to presence of Atlantic Sturgeon habitat. Can avoid consultation with NOAA PRD by adhering to the Feb-June moratorium.Mentioned that other projects with Sturgeon habitat resulted in a Moratoria from February 1 – June 30 (without EFH consideration). 5. 6. Coordination with NOAA Habitat Conservation for EFH consultation which will require an EFH Assessment. Confirmed with Twyla Cheatwood (NOAA). a. EFH Moratoria timeframe could not be determined until EFH Assessment was concluded. 7. Determined that Section 10 permit would not be required since the US Coast Guard Bridge Permit (Section 9) would take precedence. 8. Mentioned NWP Regional Condition 3.12.2 requirement: a. 3.12.2 The permittee shall obtain a Consent to Cross Government Easement from the Wilmington District’s Land Use Coordinator prior to any crossing of the Corps easement and/or prior to commencing construction of any structures, authorized dredging or other work within the right-of-way of, or in proximity to, a federally designated disposal area. The Land Use Coordinator may be contacted at: CESAW-OP- N, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343, email: SAWWeb- NAV@usace.army.mil 9. Confirmed Section 408 Review Required. ii. Kelly Johnson (NCDEQ – Land Resources) 1. Mentioned we should check with MCB Camp Lejeune, but project may be exempt from Post- Construction Stormwater Management citing: 15A NCAC 02H .1001 (1)(c): a. APPLICABILITY. This Section shall apply to development projects and major modifications of development projects for residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional use that are subject to one or more of the post-construction stormwater management programs listed in Item (2) of this Rule. This Section shall not apply to: b. (c) linear transportation projects undertaken by an entity other than the NCDOT when: (i)the project is constructed to NCDOT standards and is in accordance with the NCDOT Stormwater Best Management Practices Toolbox (Version 2, April 2014 Edition) which is herein incorporated by reference, including any subsequent amendments and editions, and may be accessed at no cost at https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/hydro/HSPDocuments/2014_BMP_Toolbox.pdf; (ii) upon completion, the project will be conveyed either to the NCDOT or another public entity and will be regulated in accordance with that entity's NPDES MS4 stormwater permit; and (iii) the project is not part of a common plan of development; iii. Joanne Steenhuis (NCDEQ – Water Resources) 1. Mentioned that holes resulting from pilings for temporary work trestles (once removed) should be filled for safety. iv. Maria Dunn (NCWRC) 1. Mentioned requiring methodology for in-water work, coffer dams, etc. Will comment on in agency review. Requested that any substrate disturbance in wetlands from pile removal should be returned to existing elevations. b. Project P-1505F: Railroad Trestle Replacements i. Brad Shaver (USACE) 1. Queen Creek Trestle Replacement - Mentioned that if proposed pilings for Queen Creek Trestle Replacement were driven (as the installation method), project would not require coverage under a USACE Permit. 2. White Oak River Trestle Replacement - Confirmed Likely Coverage under Nationwide Permit 3 (NWP 3) as long as drilled shafts were proposed installation method for pilings through the White Oak River Channel. a. Larry Wadman (AW) brought up potential for alternative installation methods (driven pilings) pending final Geotech findings. Brad Shaver mentioned that if driven pilings were feasible and selected method of installation for entire bridge length, and that no other wetland or open water impacts were associated with project, the USACE would have no need to issue a permit for the project and the USCG would become Lead Federal Agency. 3. White Oak River - Requested verification of Aquatic Resources onsite (Jurisdictional Determination Request) prior to submittal of Permit Application. a. Onsite verification with USACE, NCDEQ – Coastal Management, NCDEQ – Water Resources ii. Maria Dunn (NCWRC) 1. Mentioned that temporary trestles at White Oak should maintain navigation channel in deepest part of river and to provide water depths across the channel. c. General Comments i. The issue of moratoria was raised for both Onslow Beach Bridge and White Oak River and while no consensus was made on potential timeframe, it was mentioned that methodology would drive timeframe. Similar Projects involving Atlantic Sturgeon habitat resulted in a moratoria from February 1 – June 30. Projects involving Primary Nursery Areas (PNA) had Moratoria from April 1 – September 30. Action Items 1. Project P-1387F: Onslow Beach Bridge Replacement a. Submit Jurisdictional Determination Request to USACE, NCDEQ – Water Resources, and NCDEQ – Coastal Management and schedule onsite meeting to verify extents of aquatic Resources onsite. b. Coordinate with NOAA on requirements for Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for ICW 2. Project P-1505F Railroad Trestle Replacements a. Submit Jurisdictional Determination Request to USACE, NCDEQ – Water Resources, and NCDEQ – Coastal Management and schedule onsite meeting to verify extents of aquatic Resources onsite.