HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021661_Wasteload Allocation_19910415NPDES DOCUMENT :;CANNING COVER SHEET Permit: NC0021661 Libbey-Owens-Ford WWTP NPDES Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: April 15, 1991 This document is printed on reuse paper - igntore arty content on the reYerse wide NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0021661 PERMITTEE NAME: City of Laurinburg / Libby -Owen Ford WWTP Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor -\1 Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 0.030 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 100 % Industrial (% of Flow): 0 % Comments: SSE t�EL X\ C6eu. Noy as iPIZA ci. Lelow `?ter )k Lrr c,•• \ op, \ q3 . RECEIVING STREAM: $ Shoe Heel Creek Class: C-Swamp Nor gib St+oE Ace, C6e.cE Sub -Basin: 03-07-55 Reference USGS Quad: I 21 NW (please attach) County: Scotland Regional Office: Fayetteville Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 11/30/91 Treatment Plant Class: II Classification changes within three miles: Requested by: Angela Y. Griffin Date: 3/ 11 /91 Prepared by: / 00� Date: Reviewed by: Date: 4-1 /3 WGZ Modele Date Rec. # SA-6 3IlZ 4l lolZ`I Drainage Area (m.2 ) g3 .7 Avg. Streamflow (cfs): e?6. 5- 7Q10 (cfs) / 3 Winter 7Q 10 (cfs) 2- 3 30Q2 (cfs) 3 5— Toxicity Limits: IWC Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream Acute/Chronic ir"p r4- ,J C4fcml, ,,, condircA4 Location U 3 Nw-/ 7 4- Downstream Y Location 5Q i4.12 tic Au Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mO,/1) 30. Q 3O. i NH3-N (mg/1) /11, 4/7 D.O. (mg/1) 5. 0 5 _ 0 TSS (mg/1) - j 0. 0 30. 0 F. Col. (/100 ml) 200 O 2io . 0 pH (SU) 6,. 0 — `7. 0 6.0 - 9 O 05,'e4ra /-j/m,L - ✓Harr/ ?V. m am ' refer: Basinwide / Streamline WLA file at front of subbasin ,ii-- : -;, tali ‘604 i . id liolo illy Comments: Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request # 6127 City of Laurinburg/Libbey-Owens-Ford NC0021661 Domestic - 100% Existing Renewal hoe Heel Creek -Swamp 030755 Scotland Fayetteville Regional Office Griffin 3/11/91 I21NW garyqAPR 1 199t ENV. MANAGEMENT FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area: Summer 7Q10: Winter 7Q10: Average Flow: 30Q2: Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Lcttcr should be scnt to facili. changed from 1000/100 ml to 200/100m1. This permit, although officially held by the City of Laurinburg, is for the domestic discharge generated by the Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Plant. Libbey-Owens-Ford has a separate NPDE, permit for the discharge of process wastewater (NC0049514). Estimated from 02.1323.1600 1986 83.9 13 23 96.5 35 ifiRR 19g, e f k?Ci oli£orm limit was Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: (14/.7,1 Date: 3 Date: Lk, ,\\ `.k Date: APR. 2 5 1,01 RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: t 2 CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Existing Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 0.03 BOD5 (mg/1): 30.0 NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): 5.0 TSS (mg/1): 30.0 Fecal Co1. (/100 ml): 1000.0 pH (SU): 6.0-9.0 Oil &Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Residual Chlorine (µg/1): ruby t z V Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Co1. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Chlorine (µg/1): Monthly Average Summer Winter 0.05 30.0 5.0 30.0 200.0 6.0-9.0 —2-8-:01 t Mb NA to INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Upstream: x Location: Downstream: x Location: US Hwy 74 SR 1612 near Maxton Parameters: D.O., pH, Temperature, Fecal Coliform, and Conductivity Special Instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Note the addition of conductivity. l/tIa 6py7 (t-w1iy WAftrr /315fierrICC%Z-c,eEx Fo4 GiryorivItt'rrt/eo,eI,/blegY-616tls-ice A/PPt # Af& 002 /64 / ¢ . //f r tu'M* mixf+ring W'D1 MUD Duct,; j ck. t 1...i14y0Livis Fork att w 1w 0.2 MG,.D No-r jn 5ce .Zyn,i N 02.1323.1WD 066) t7.A.- +} atm, 1s cFS 30Qz = 3S CF5 S?A.ro = i (.4=5 tN74i0 =L3 cPS C ;+ s5 L ,N Libb M5- - Q,,j . 03 Myv aA." ce5 39Q2.. = 35' 6p-s siaie = 13 ce5 Hl?D.w = 23 cPS (697-)104-6, FWot4 01.1313. 1'oo) �.I - cps cFs .16 c,GS .2f c/es CITY OF LAURINBURG/LIBBEY-OWENS-FORD WWTP - Allowable Waste Concentrations Residual Chlorine Ammonia as NH3 7010 (CFS) 13 7010 (CFS) 13 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.03 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.03 DESIGN FLOW (QFS) 0.0465 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.0465 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 0.3564174 IWC (%) 0.356417 Allowable Concentration (ug/I) 4769.6882 Allowable Concentration (mg/I) 219.0645 NC0021661 DAG 3/18/91 .31/4g/9I rAtc- 01-4 gle r7ofLs • inf i 4n a 1. s%Pi Pi 4i , ,6, i 4/ 51A 77;915 - ayu lxi5/5 (4/C// 47iVr9sl`rcAM aJ 7/k,s C 0.7,02.3%, 24oe get/ CA. S,' //D/ �r Aor4v ,49( -roA. g 1-2/SE _t6-6,Sin/ D3o755 // 7 Cfd /20 5 -76/o = .20 iJ7410 = 30 4' ,l�T PP( � �Ec us f bl./ i5i t4(2 .. /Ul�'s �.v r'k f`� �I y e L•Lur 4 °v �o -F 645.5. is (5 d�mcsh'- Astute fbroly, t o-f 47so s A Aeno0fr,;264egiimt Page. P-ank C-Sw(mp' . Ya,ld paws- ea/cu/a fd �vn ° z13 z3 /600 (N'6) Q.1)16 _ 95' 3oaZ - 3� 57Q/o = /3 W7WWU% ri15#14* olA 111/ /990 shows Gliffr (( C.o) pc s w4 itea6 > Zoo s p noval 3, - G. 4/ l -6 f As, 4& (ill/4) _ t�j fi /( - mode( not -c,In 6t.h ' U72L-. /11- 'a o f /(s a mfp bet i.Iai( hkvh. c4 L `esi- l� C/1}m /' I rzak i o/o0,� ,csu �s (4( ) 6 = `/7 7d (. A; .t 4i a/ cj ce4✓rs. /5 'ho 5,/ l;u' 14A-u /7 gerkifine4/-- 64-14c- / Lei d Suvtik s/ds ,g' i . tc a-'14 ne?L �ZLCG�CL QI frn" /7. 61L th44ry a 0 ►UQdut'- (o 021. STREAM DATA INSTREAM SELF -MONITORING DATA MONTHLY AVERAGES _ - rn ,• Discharger: Receiving Stream: Upstream Location: DATE Dec-91 Nov-91 Oct-91 Sep-91 Aug-91 Jul-91 Jun-91 May-91 Apr-91 Mar-91 Feb-91 Jan-91 Dec-90 Nov-90 Oct-90 Sep-90 Aug-90 Jul-90 Jun-90 May-90 Apr-90 Mar-90 Feb-90 Jan-90 Dec-89 Nov-89 Oct-89 Sep-89 Aug-89 Jul-89 Jun-89 May-89 Apr-89 Mar-89 Feb-89 Jan-89 TEMP D.O. Shoe cX ck I15 71-f' ra 5 k' Permit No. 0-1l6.I Sub -basin: D.3075-5- Downstream Location: G1e. //j/�• or'/t'iq�Yf� FECAL COLI. r0 73 itZ7 /9 4.7 z� A/C, 95� /67 3/4 i5- /( /2,0 57 9 1/7 3.8-6• f t6g 6.0 5 •/�57 5. J-5G TEMP D.O. COND. FECAL CO /0 9`• !o i9 2/ 5. 5- 7 S aDS 2. /90 17 /�- 7•� /09 1/76 9.7 Page 1 SVia- f IC (5'/e -t3z33(c, _S:Abrci7 r z(56... 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ME ■HMI' ■■.■...■ I• i ENU LEI ■:..■::n ..... .....:N ...■.. EUUUUH EF-... n1g .. I OS�S �oj� - G72 6 P 01,ti-1- it, • ciii/vilibidp ,21e to ,tiely. 0° ads L oF Aa s a zsci S 4g/0'1,12144j 1:545, 60.40( noji Lcl i C'k- ' Oxford Laboratories, Inc. CITY OF LAURINBURG P.O. BOX 249 LAURINBURG , N.C. 28352 ATTENTION: CARL HEGWER Analytical DATE RECEIVED 1-18-88 DATE REPORTED 1-22-88 88W8991 PAGE 1 OF 2 P.O. # 2202 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: METALS - PRIORITY POLLUTANTS 1. EFFLUENT Antimony , as Sb , PPM Arsenic , as As PPM Barium , as Ba , PPM Cadmium , as Cd PPM Chromium , as C , PPM Total Cyanide , as Lead , as Pb , PPM CN , PPM Mercury , as Hg ; PPM Nickel , Selenium as Ni , as Se Silver , as Ag , Copper Zinc , as Zn , PPM PPM , PPM PPM as Cu ,'PPM RESULTS 1 <.005 <.005 <.020 <.010 <.010 <.02 - <. 010 <.0002 <.010 <.005 <.010 <.010 .050 and_ Consulting : Chemists 1316 South Fifth Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (919) 763-9793 RECElyEn FEB 4 i988 TECHNICAL SERVICES 6' .NCH 6. rf Oxford Laboratories, Inc. CITY OF LAURINBURG P.O. BOX 249 LAURINBURG , N.C. 28352 ATTENTION: CARL HEGWER Analytical ;and::_Consulting (semis DATE RECEIVED 1-18-88 116 South-ifthStreet: DATE REPORTED 88W8991 1-22-88 Wilmingf01, N.0 28401 .C919) 763-9793 PAGE 2 OF 2 P.O. L_ 2202 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: METALS - PRIORITY POLLUTANTS 1. EFFLUENT RESULTS Beryllium , as Be , PPM Hexavalent Chrome , as Cr+6 , PPM Thallium , as Ti Asbestos , fiberl/L PPM 1 <.010 <.010 <.010 NO ASBESTOS ROGER C. OXF RD , CHEMIST Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Analytical -an Consulting .Chemists. DATE RECEIVED 1-18-88 1316 South.FSfth Street Wilmington, 2840 DATE REPORTED 1-2 5- 8 8 ilm gtOn, N.C. 1 8 8 W 8 9 9 7 (919) 763-9793 CITY OF LAURIINBURG P.O. BOX 249 LAURINBURG , N.C. 28352 ATTENTION: CARL HEGWER PAGE 1 OF 2 P.O. # 2202 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: PRIORITY POLLUTANTS TABLE IV 1. EFFLUENT Bromide , as Br Apparent Color Fluoride , as F Nitrite & Nitrate , jl Total Organic Nitrogen Oil & Grease , PPM Total Phosphorus,, as Sulfate Gravimetric Sulfide TitrimetFic I. Sulfite Titrimetric RESULTS 1 PPM 2.7 APHA 25 PPM 1.02 as NO3+NO2-N , PPM 3.42 , as NH3-N , PPM 0.67 4.6 . PO4-P , PPM 1.10 , as SO4 , PPM 18.54 , as H2S , PPM NEGATIVE TO LEAD ACETATE PAPER as S03 , PPM NEGATIVE - D.O. LEVEL GREATER THAN 8.0 PE Surfactants , as L.A.S. , PPM Aluminum , as Al , PPM Boron , as B , PPM .06 .124 .09 • Oxford Laboratories, Inc. CITY OF LAURINBURG P.O. BOX 249 LAURINBURG , N.C. 28352 ATTENTION: CARL HEGWER Analytical and Consulting -Chemists DATE RECEIVED 1-18-88 DATE REPORTED 1-25-88 88W8997 PAGE 2 OF 2 P.O. # 2202 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: PRIORITY POLLUTANTS TABLE IV 1. EFFLUENT Cobalt , as Co , PPM Iron , as Fe , PPM Magnesium , as Mg Molybdenum , as Mo Manganese , as Mn Tin , as Sn , PPM Titanium , as Ti , PPM NOTE: O&G LAB #22 RESULTS 1 <.010 -.201 PPM 1.00 , PPM <.010 PPM <.010 <.005 <.010 C?tzki2--%- ROGER C. OXFORD , CHEMIST. 1316 South Fifth Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (919) 763-9793. • Oxford Laboratories, Inc. DATE RECEIVED 1-18-88 DATE REPORTED 1-20-88 88W8988 CITY OF LAURINBURG P.O. BOX 249 1 LAURINBURG , N.C. 28352 ATTENTION: CARL HEGWER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: VOLATILES 1. EFFLUENT PAGE 1 OF 3 RESULTS 1 Chloromethane , PPB <5 Bromomethane , Vinyl Chloride Chloroethane , PPB PPB PPB Dichloromethane , <5 <5 <5 PPB <5 Acrolein , PPB <25 Acrylonitrile, PPB <10 1-1-Dichloroethylee , PPB <5 1-1-Dichloroethane PPB trans-1-2-Dichloroethylene , PPB Chloroform , PPB 1-2-Dichloroethane , PPB 1-1-1-Trichloroethane , PPB <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 P.O. # 2202 Analytical and .Consulting Chemists 1316 South`tifth S_ treet Wilmington, N.C. 28401. {919) 763-9793 Oxford Laboratories, Inc. CITY OF LAURINBURG P.O. BOX 249 LAURINBURG , N.C. 28352 ATTENTION: CARL HEGWER Analytical and : Consulting Chemists DATE RECEIVED 1-18-88 :1316 South Fifth Street. DATE REPORTED 1-20-88 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 -88W8988 (919) 7639793 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: VOLATILES 1. EFFLUENT Carbon Tetrachloride Bromodichloromethane 1-2-Dichloropropane , , PPB • PPB PPB PAGE 2 OF 3 RESULTS 1 <5 <5 <5 Trans-1-3-Dichloropropene , PPB <5 Trichloroethylene , PPB Benzene , PPB Dibromochloromethane , PPB 1-1-2-Trichloroethane , PPB Cis-1-3-Dichloroprpene , PPB 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether , PPB Bromoform , PPB Tetrachloroethylene , PPB 1-1-2-2-Tetrachloroethane , PPB <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 P.O. # 2202 Oxford Laboratories, Inc. CITY OF LAURINBURG P.O. BOX 249 LAURINBURG , N.C. 28352 ATTENTION: CARL HEGWER Analytical and Consulting Chemists DATE RECEIVED 1-18 - 8 8 1316 South Fifth Street DATE REPORTED 1-20-88 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 88W8988 (919) 763-9793 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: VOLATILES 1. EFFLUENT Toluene , PPB Chlorobenzene , PPB Ethyl benzene , PPB Styrene , PPB P-Xylene , PPB M-Xylene , PPB O-Xylene , PPB PAGE 3 OF 3 RESULTS P.O. * 2202 1 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 BRUCE A. BABSON , CHEMIST North Carolina Division Of Environmental Management Water Quality Section / Technical Services Branch ; Intensive Survey Unit p5.b 14 December 1987 �� Heel cl^Per MEMORANDUM i t� To: Trevor Clements Thru: Jay Sauber J' From: Howard Bryant t .4 Subject: Laurinburg BOD Longterm Date Collected: 22/23 July 1987 (1030-1030) Collector: K. Cox Setup: 24 July 1987 (1250) Dag DOD NH3 TKN NOX TOT N Reu 0 0.34 1.1 4.8 5.9 5 4.9 0.52 1.2 4.2 5.4 7 10 6.4 0.58 1.2 3.7 4.9 6 20 10.7 5 30 12.7 0.01 0.5 4.3 4.8 5 40 14.3 0.03 0.5 4.8 5.3 4 50 14.7 3 60 15.2 3 70 15.8 0.02 0.5 4.5 5.0 3 80 16.4 2 90 17.0 2 100 17.3 2 110 17.6 2 122 17.9 2 137 18.4 2 Comments: Cary Lab BODS: 1.8mg/1. pH: 7.05 Sulfite: 2drops Bi ni odate: 1 drop P&N sample preserved 870724 (0940) Total phosphorus: 5.6 mg/1 Sample was seeded. Test evaluation: good