HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00258_Well Construction - GW1_20210125 "ELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD I , na—„al 0v1 r I hn erect(I'll be uxd to,anal, I,mnloplc,cdh I.AN ell I onlraelor Infurmatiun: Virgil Wilson la.WATER ZONES I RLI\i I to I DIFSrRIMION Icdl r„nuactot cam= 45 r`' 58.5 ft' wet 4473 �t'1t 211 c'.I,nma,,,t-notf..,00n�unth,, ISOCTER(ASING formal&rased wells OR LINER ifa tiraMe FROM '1'O DOmIf.R TIIIERNF\ti NxTFRIM. Parratt-Wolff, Inc. ft. ft. a r„n q,;,m gins 16.INNER CASING OR TU I free tetnal closed-Iao 168-96-MW60-RW25 ROV DNNFTFH llKNESS N\TFRI%l. 2.MN ell('(Instruction Permit it: 0 a 2 In SCh40 pvc n .Illy"ea.h/I n,ll p,on., .. nrnn. vmo. I.neon... If.n'LL I 3.AN Ise(check"ell use): 17.SCREEN Pater Supply NN'ell: FROM 1 14) IMILMf_I'ER 11,01 soot 1'HICE\f;SC \I xTFR1.U. —.:\an.'ulmral —Municipal Public 43.5 rt' 58.5 ft- 2 010 SCh40 pvc -Gcilh"'m,l lllcatme Cuol,n_Supplcl 1-RcadcnualACalcr$upph l anelcl It. rt. 2 In' .010 1 SCh40 pvC lndustrinl C tripletcnll L ReadcnDJl\1Jtcrpple Su l shared) 1R.GROUT FROM 111 N11TRI xl. LSIYI_\lT\I f:\T VETHOUS\NOIV :trnaauon 0 to 39 5 fk Portland Cem Pour Non-Myater Supple AN ell 1Lnnturinq ❑Rcco,,.. 39.5 ft 41.5 ft. Bentonite Ch Pour Injection MN-ell: D. R. -AyuJcr ltediarae CGDnmdoaml Rc,ncd,atwn 19.SAND/GRAVEL PA oulpImaMe FRIHI 'I'tl MITERILL EMPLxCFMFNTMF'1lIOD -Ayu Jcr Storage and Recocrn 6ahmts Barncr 58.5 R' #1 Fine Sand Pour -Ayu I Ice Tcst C Snxmccaler Dm,nagc ❑. C-cperinunlnl Tcchnula_c Ctiub.nlcncc Coruna 20.DRILLING LOG Catiourb DF-M'IIfdeto ON(o ifnecnsa �1Gen[hCflnp (CoFCd Ilu,p) Cl Ndrr FRfI\I Trl DEMRIY'I ltl\Irnlnr.6urdnes so4rock tc e. e.emd —0cothennal Q lcaone/(-Liam(,,Retail L Odier(c,,plan n under dl l Ranarks l R. rt. NO Completion 12/1 1/20 2W-29 leaving 24"sonotube J. Date NyrBls)Cmnplrted: Pell IIJk 8"FMC Sa.M,ell Location: Plantation Pipe Line Co 3571 a I ahn IMn..N.,n, I'o,,W, IU=uI n. n. 2617 Quaker Landing Road, Greensboro, 27455 rt ft. Plps,col Aadtl" Iln end hp 21.REMARKS Guilford 7847837248 (o,t,ttl ILL"" idcl,ll li<:11LLU I A,I (PINI 56 1 anlude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 (el Ilhcal , t„a'tlldd 011C sal lUnCo all w t N -79.850891 36 146761 P �j ✓� ' - 6. Is(are(the welhs): GPermanenl nr CJ 1 emporan q, „c,,,,,,¢d1.1 I.a,u. r hot"I" mean dnu rh. ,.rule.( IL , ILI,..I. III III „ nrdena ILL,i i f Al It'0A JIIOU e.'l�J VI_L III nJLL It,l t,nnuwuuu}Iend,IrdI end(lim n .Is this a repair in an existing"ell: ❑les or rNn —rlol. ,011,I.h.'.11.......hJ I„Ill.-neII 111L ILL l I r pa".ILL/ 'A .. ll I.III urn I ,n ere Il 'ill nnu rc nl lM� . I.-/ III / k .m, I-L..A,/tl I t11. 23.Site diagram or additional"ell details: ;,M b }'nu mac o,c the hack of thcs pu;c to lumide addrinal tcell slue delads w s,ell S.Number of wells constructed: 1 annsoucuon details You mac also mwch uddul nut pages dnecelld" I„I,vulnpl.ln..... ✓r'III, r,opph „,1/'olNr.F uInl ill,_same�fiof nntwoo .,.m ,IIhn1Il.IIIe hIInI. St'BALM Al INNTI(CTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 58.5 Ift) 24a. For All Wells: Suhm,t Ihu ,b,m ,whin 3❑ dins of completion of ,,It I„r.00lupl.,nJ6 ... lia,plh•N,6pa.nlnom..1, Ov]uu end`/.ILI, - amsuuuion to the tbllo,v,na ID.Sack"'ater level below tap of casing: 45 Iftl Division of Pater Resources,Itit'nrtwo lion Processing t niL I/ .....-IL r.J I,ehor.-.m.... u,. 1617 Mail Senice Censer,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I1.Borehole diameter. 8 1/4 (in.) 24h. For Infection N'ells ONIA: In add,lton m send mu the Ib,m to the address m HOIIOW Stem Auger '_4o uhoxe olsn submit a cop, 'It tha tbt'm u'lthm 30 Jac, nl complcuan nl„ell 12.Nyell construction method: Hollow to the Il)IIOR In,, u. unicr_nnur..cable data p,I,h z,, Dicisiml of Water Resources.1-ndergrnunJ Injection('(Intro(Program, FOR P A I ER St PPIA W FI.I S ON'IA': 1636 Mail Senice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.field IgPntl Method of lest: Mc. For Pater Sol & Injection Pells: Vlu, Iuhm,t Line cope of Ehu loon s,,lhm 30 da,s Lot donlplcuon of 136. Disinfection ape: Amount: s,cll construction to IhC a.unp hcaldl dcpwlment of the unum v,,here mmu udcd I.nm OAA-I CaitlrtS,nlmv U.pan,n.n,,.II lnuonn¢nl.,udA.n uulRco,vo¢— )II Rmp n,Uaci licmurcc. RancdAulust'01�