HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00256_Well Construction - GW1_20210125 WELL CONSTRICTION RECORD th,.IB,ill.an be u.al L„ I L cic,., muluplc..ell, I.Nil ell If Inforni.tion: Virgil Wilson 14.WATER ZONES rnoM To nFscnlrnoN tc,u r��mmtmr N.,o,� 45 It. 58 It. wet 4473 " rh VC to dl Cnnp;,am t'ahli..un.n Aumhc, 15.OCTER CASING Ifor mdti-eaaedwella OR LINER ifs lica6le FnrIM Ttl DI\NE'in l'lllC6N F55 NI\TERI U. Parratt-Wolff, Inc. ..l'y,,n„\,up, 16.INNER CASING OR TU Gjclhecan. dosed-o6 168-96-MW60-RW25 o a. 2 SCha s mirOtm IRONI TU Itl\MFTFR fll l('HNFS '_.Nell Constrnelinn Permit a: I. ft. 0 pvC I.u.eu.. .u._ ft. ft. n 3.\\ell 1 se lehrek well use 1: 17.SCREEN \Aster sluri NN elh FROM Tll "I%%IFTI:R 110111Z1 Illlf-R\tS MkItRICU -.A"ucu truest -.Slun,a p.d Puhhc 43 R. 58 It. 2 In. 01C SC h40 pv -(imt[101 ndl l l lChmle C"Ohl-'tillpplcl RCadeJlual Ualcr tiupph smvl❑ IL IC 2 In. .010 SCh40 pvc -lnduallel(om mcloal Lltcs,dcnua AAJeCe Supplt lShandl 18.GROUT HUNT 1 10 NIMRI\I. INYI.MFNt I:NI MIIIIo11Y\NOT NI -Il " "ion 0 ° 39 IT. Portland Cem Pour Non-\Haler Supph'\Nell: ZVll....I e CReatten 39 1 41 ft Bentonite Ch Pour Injection\\ell: --Ayudcl kedmtic -Gmwnd.vucr RC,lIId,awpD 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK if a Ii'll FROM TO NI\TFRI\I. FNII`L\t"FNIFNI NIFTITOD --Ayudcl Storage and Rccocer< �Suhmtt lihrner 41 ft. 58 f` #1 Fine Sand Pour -Ayudcr T cst LSnrtnitcater Dlalllp"e ft. ft. -P spcnmantal Technuloet -:SnhStde11000 onlrul 20.DRILLING LOG Onal addithand aheeta if neceaaa -GCJIhCnn11 (C losed Loop, L-Iraeer FROM TO DESCRIPTION .I..6:Mness.sail.rockry a e.eh., -6,"d..r,nal(I I"T in,_:Couh n"Rman) COthei (eNplom under 121 Rcntorksl n, ft, 24"Sonotube 12/10/20 2W-27 ft. ft. with 8" FMC J. Date\Yr14sl(hmpleteJ: Nell 119d n. n. 5A.Nell Location: n ft Plantation Pipe Line Co 3571 n n Fualur O..ncr Naum Fa.,liq 11)-1 d.,ppl,c:IMcl n. a. 2617 Quaker Landing Road, Greensboro, 27455 „ — P1......d 4dd,crc Ila.and/,,, — 21.REMARKS Guilford 7847837248 t-.. Pam,l l den,uteauh o Na ,PINT 5b.I.a litude and I.ongitude in degrees/minules/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 ( ertitication: d.,,It Geld_.nm to Iona o mlllacnu -� 36.146787 N -79.850586 vv S,enaun�I(b,hfied Dell lAnV,aeGn Dale 6.Is(are)the ilelh%): G Ile,ntanent or -1'1 cntporam m ,n,e rho lw,a I hneh, r„n rt„u,h; 11", 1 ��........ .... .a a wd ....- .,,ncl t, omr ulna„rl+l \r rt , ,eau nrur so,,,d.,,,n.,,,d,n„le �. Is this a repair to an esisling"ell: ❑ I or z\o .,.pt,onu•,..,,rJ lm,.nee,p.,,.nled,,,n„ ,..11„,,,., lr,hn u. repo. lilt no.km11L ,„Gl.. nOV.1Oo1 minr..soon,urJ np/em the nmurc ul IL. ,ndr) ]I rAl l..rI"»'If"I,h.It'll d..I tln.l.Iro, 23.Sut Wa,{ram or additional ntll details: 1 qnr\ Abu m lc u_e the bavk of thu pa It) ploside add,uvnll lwll .uc details to vNell % Number of wells constructed e� {.V construhuon dIt"I1 1 uu may ulx It.adl adiltit n-d fuss itne'Csson Ir1/ 1 '1 .„ n .uu vlpl ell.llbL1' uh lh.vu turf}y .u, rn,t n.f ot,. ���� St B,AIIII it INSTIt CT10NS 9. LOOT well depit,he law land surface: 58 Ifl.l 24a. For All Ni: Suhmu Ih,n lot', v"Llf'n 3u dots of con.plenon of twill I,rm../I,M ludA by ill d,ptlr•ad .nor I...ll,h J,i]nn .,nJ'e lou'I a,rouueuon to Lhe ttdlott,n" III.Static Neater level below lop of casing: 45 IfLI Dis i si nn 9f Na ter RI rc es,In forma Linn Processing 1 nil n,­f.l&,d r..,h,.,e.e•nm.e•. 161-%fail Senor('en ter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 11.Borehole diameter: 8 114 find 24b. Far Iniecton IN ells ONI.1`. In additoo to send,.._III firm m the address in Hollow Stem Auger14a ohot1 also Suhmu a cops of thu tbrnl mahm 3w dacs of rn,nplel,on ul' tech 12.AA'ell construction method nlnsu'uctum to the fidl'tmil" ,,. _ mtnn.eohle.dvrn,pu.h.el. _ IliNisian of Water Resources.I ndergatmtJ Injection('ontrol 1'rngrant. FOR N V'1 f R SI PPI l NM IS ONI So 1636 V Ili it Saniee Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.\'ield fart Melhnd of test: 24c. Fur\\alci Supple& Injection\\ells: Vlao Suhmu one cope nl this town ttrlhm iu devsol rnlnpleunn of 13b.1limilleelion I,pe: _ AmnunL tell CU,I>tll,Ct10.. In the court health department of the munn ethers cunalucfcd I.nm„AA-I Ao„L[-auLv,,Dgc,h..a n„ill muuuwan,u,aAd"ItAlliz<•mcc. 1VAa,o R....... Ida.,.cd t"i"t lol: