HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00255_Well Construction - GW1_20210125 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD mlcmal 1 ,�nyLv nu.Iimnl can be a.eA ht ainglc Ili nvihiplc ,If, I.%Nell(untrue her Information: Virgil Wilson IJ.WATER ZONES FROM 111 DES(:RIMION %k,11,nt„et„rya1IIe 45 It 57 n. wet 4473 n 0. M \\dl( ,MOi, ,,l'cmli.en„,\II... IS.OUTER CASING for mWli-ruM sells OR LINER ifs 'cable FNtIM "rrl DI\METER Till(ENF.SS xIxTERI\L Parratt-Wolff, Inc. -„.„..,tip \.nnc 16.INNER CASING ORTUBING eothermalclmed-los 168-96-MW60-RW25 F""" T(' DI\METER THI('RSESS TFRIM 2.ll ell Construction Permit 11: p ft 42 ft 2 SCh40 pvC r,I.dl.,pphn,hle hell pe.nlm �_ rz,ni.tiunr. Ibrmne hr,ew."�_.mt 3.%Veil I (cheekwell use): 17.SCREEN 1\titer Supply R ell: FROM 1 TO DI\MI:TF:R I SL(FTSI/.F: llll(RNES Mdl'IRlal. -\xnculat'll Iti111m.Iral Puhhc 42 0 157 ft 2 in .010 SOh40 i PVC -(imuthennullilcuums C ooh ma SupPle) -IRcslJcnu,Il Rk,w, Supple tsmglcl It. II f` 2 in .010 SCh40 pVC hldustnal!I ommercial -IRcsidenoal%Cater Supplc(sha,ed) 18.GROUT FROM TO %1 kTF"RI\I. FNPI..%('EMENT NF.THOI)& %Mm NT -bngml"a 0 n' 38 It. Portland Cem Pour Non-11'ater Supple 1Vell: ?,btuiutonna -Rccovcn 38 O. 40 ft. Bentonite Ch Pour Injection(fell: n. n. --%quite,Recharge -IGnoundlsmcr Rcmcdiation 19.SAND/GRAVELPACK if ' able FROM TO xUTERI>I. F\IPIA(F\IENT NI Erin1D -lywterSmrage andRmxcn ❑Sahnin tiarncr 40 ft. 57 ft #1 Fine Sand Pour =Ayuitcr Test CSmrmouter Uramuge ft. ft. -1 penmcntal Technolusl ❑Subsidence Control 20.DRILUNG LOG nuenth addiRonal ebeeb if necev -Geothermal(Closed Loop) -Tracer FROM TO Dr5(ItIPTION mnmr.n.rdn�sniF.n.l.n �. �a .um. -.(reothermal(fleating/Coolin_Return) ❑Other Kctlam under 421 Remarks) 12/11/20 2W-26 J.Dale N'ell(s)Completed: Well IDH ft. ft. 5a.Well Location: ft ft Plantation Pipe Line Co 3571 ft. ft. Faedu�ut,n.. l0=nhppbca6lo ft. ft. 2617 Quaker Landing Road, Greensboro, 27455 ft. I ft. Pln sisal Udrev_(II¢nrld/ip 21.REMARKS Guilford 7847837248 I\mnp Ilmcd ldcnulicnuwi\u (PINI 56.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.(ertifica on: ui itch lidd.o."IuiI... u.ulTuenu 36.146603 -79.851074 .s,tauueof(anled Reif Lonna.... Um. 6. Is(are(the well(s): 61 Permanent or ❑Temporan eI ..e,onc no,ro.... l hen-h, e ,Io IIreI It, hello) „,.�,,. rJ.. ,moor n ul LI I VI dl'0-'I' 11100... I`J %,,1. ", Oj....)fell I�u...I,la n"o,Am..th"I end Ihnl e 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Ves or Z'No ,:spi ,,,du,ra era ha.hrrn prnrnbJ rn the nvll.nonr. It tlrn I,„,rpm,./ill urrl I ll,»mvucllm,utlo.meunu end e-(pion ore nnuva of Ihr .ryv,.a„der 'I run...4, n,n:...,n me h,nk.c rho pII,n 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 1'no mac use the hack ul this page to provide additional vcell site details of Ivdl 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 consuu von details Vuu mn) also attach additional pages it necessan I-e.rvulupla uyruunl nr moo omer vlppll nvll,O N1.1, inlh the.time cuawn,to. I..rz,een 'sh,n„,,,I,I„.... SI-FIND T T%L INSTFCTION S 9.Total well depth below land surface: 57 (ft.1 24e. For .UI Wells: Submit this Ginn within 30 dais of completion of well 1—nmh,ple ael6 0,I ell Jep14,"'I'll.....mmmplu-i 1,2110 emI2 d Hs,I q 'l tnlenon to the lollovvng III.Static water level below nip of casing: 45 I\F� {J((f.l ll Division W'll'ater Resources,Information Processing I nit, //,,,,,,,.1,",.I„„I.....e„qcr,,,, 1617%fail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 8 1/4 (in.) 24b. For In iection 11'ells ONI.V: In add it,on to sending the loon to the address tit Hollow Stem Auger -aaahave also ..bout a cope of this limn within 30 dacs of completion of vsell 12.11'ell construction method: consructon to the t'ollowmg i e nicer.,man:cable direct pu.h.cic Division of Water Resources.I-nderground Injection('ontrol Program, FOR W.\TER St PPLI-KELLS ON11 1636%fail Sees ice I enter,Raleigh.N( 27699-1636 13a.It (gpm) Method of lest: 24c. For NA titer Supplx IS, infection Wells: %Iso submit one cap% of Ihi, furor within 1,11 down(completion of 136.Disinfection n'pe: Amount Nell consovuuon to the count, health department of the count\ where - _ _ ConslruelCd I"onilA1-1 No III(-amlum DO,N.... iu.d l ulannmaa.ulJ Aauu+l R<snwcc,a Uh u.on..IAknet Resources Raised lnuo Nil;