HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0800142_GEO THERMAL_20070327Permit Number WI0800142 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer jesse . wise man Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name William Schmalz SFR Location Address 652 Creekway Cir Bolivia Owner Owner Name William Dates/Events NC 28422 Schmalz Orig Issue 03/27/07 App Received Draft Initiated 03/26/07 Re g ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall . U ~.L Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_ SI/VP_ 03/27/07 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Major/Minor Minor Region Wilmington County Brunswick Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation William Schmalz 652 Creekway Cir Bolivia Public Notice Issue 03/27/07 NC Effective 03/27/07 28422 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin Michael F. Easley., Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alas} W. Klimek, P.E. Dircctar Division of Water Quality March 27, 2007 William Schmalz 652 Creek -way Circle Bolivia, NC 28422 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Injection Water Only GSUP Well System {5QW} Permit No. WI0800142 William Schmalz SFR Brunswick County Bear Mr. Schmalz: In accordance with the application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (iIIC) Program which was received on March 26, 2007, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed -loop geothermal water -only injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump. This system is located at 652 Creekway Circle in Bolivia, North Carolina. This system is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0211(uj(2}}. However, it is recommended that you contact the Brunswick County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. Please call Qu Qi at (919) 715-6935, or email him at uu.gncmail.net if you have any questions regarding geothermal heating or injection well rules and regulations. Sincerely, Jesse Wiseman Aquifer Protection Section Enclosures cc; Wilmington Regional Offtcc - APS Al'S Central Files - Permit No. W10800142 Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center internet: w".ncwaterauaiirK%g Location: 2729 Capital Boulevard An Equal Opportunity ATimiative Action Empiayer 50% RecycledllD% Post Consumer Paper N n`hCaroliita �lw"Allif Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-322 l Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax L M 9] 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-604& Customer Service: (977) 623-6748 From:OBRIEN SERVICE CO. 910 799 5884 03/09/2007 12:37 #045 P.001 0-V a 8lVIF17 14: 31 2015739658 WEsT RIDGE SCHOOL. PAGE a2 FrariT8R I EN SERVICE 00. 910 799 5884 08/09/2007 11: a5 #040 P ,002 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT DF ENViRONI►aWr AND NAM AL A3SCURCES NOTMCAIION OF fNTF.NT TO CONSTRUCT A C>LQ , -LouP GEUTI M AL A,URB —ONLY INJNCTION WELL SYSTEM (GROU" COUPLED HEAT PUMP) Type SQW Weir In Actaxdance witli lb,e pnviaivne oFNCAC'[ift LM 0=0200 — Cmpleta applimdan and mail to adaeesa oss the f x4 r4p, This in W&tht proper farm to bin uird Car Inlecdon w4IN in an eQo �14eo,geotll�r��rl ay�em VDAZU5 ttlie trYna t� ayatems t3s at etxcaipte wtLv �ubtieenca�jiarfae, TO: DIMaCMR, NORTH CA QLINA DMOIDN OF WATER s�C.lALr :r DATE; 31 A. SYSTEM CLABSIFICATION I]cvsa the pNpased syi!k�ar aittvinte p�l�la wetaris, aonts►�Unus piping that campletelyi0alstea the fluid Exam 1ba envhcrocnt? YES If yes, then cotiftus enmplaiwthie fQML NO Farm GW47 HP, 4PP11cattan For PernxH To Conitruar Ae WOF Usa A. WePW Fbr Iq jacdon MA A Nkat Pump 3jjtersr, ahaWd ba aamplmd. 15. SYSTEM FLUD Will Bty additives be iairpduaad to tine sysk,-m's aireuladag bmt tmnafir ff V TX% inoludae, but it nut iimitad to corraeiat irtlsibitut4 w for entifa►xw YES If yea, do Oat F.OU IONWE urns. Farris QW-57 HP, Appli m0cn For Permit Tn CmNfmdr,4ndA:)r Ucx t Whh A Rcaf pamp Smrem, ahvuld be completed. I�TO If nc, tlsass contit7us ev 7l g :hia than. C, PROPMTY OVINEP, Nana: Addre City, Count D. STATUS OF PROPEKTY OWM Privitc Fadml: Btata: MsssctpaL Comwercinl; _____ Native A:netican lAa6. RcApad V0 GWfMC-57 CL Page I of From:OBRIEN SERVICE CO. 910 799 5884 03/09/2007 12:38 4045 P.002 RVEIR/20V 14:31 M673WER From: 03R IFS! 50I CE M. WEST RIDrPE SQ-1001 PAGC F� 910 79S 5884 03/08/2007 11:06 C40 P .003 $, FACTUr Y (MR) DATA dill nut ONLY if the Statue of Owner is ,?edf-M6 State, Munloipal or Commsmial). Nameaf Bnaincon oriacttity: _ AdcLmvi- _ City. State; _, , Zip Code. County; Telophoea: C:uutsct Feroon: Staudmrd lridsratrW CuWd), 510, wbiah dc.Rariha8 aammetcial f4itys V. HEAT PUMP 1C7NL MCT0it DA'A Name, r+t r r t� _ Addroas: City. Zip Coda! Carroty, ��, xetaplkn�a: - Contact Parade; cn� G. CONSTAMMON DAU (aheak one) EXISTING WELL(S) being pmpoaed for us, as A gad-ooupled beat pump wetl(s). Provide tl* Wermation In (1) through (3) belOW to tho beat of your lmowledga. Attach a copy of Form QW-1 ('Wetl Cftatruation Recurd) if Bvallabla. FROPOSSID WEt.I. R) to bs cntlaw=h!d for uaa f1B a pumd•cvupled hCat P=P we11(a), Frovids tba lnfo=%lion in (1) through (3) below al FROPOSED c1nmtrvpripx sge01001ttiolm Submit It= GW-1 aft eauasu4tinn, (1) ii @4 Deiilia8 CoAtractac1,p Noma: L C'fa��i :' ' f 4`r A -j, v NC f ontractor 0%tTwien number, 2 0 Z Data to ba aenetrUckad:Api I -zw0 Nutrbu abosinp, r AppmxIMAte depth of eeett botiag (hot)' 2—o6 (2) Wsil oiling: Is the weirs) CU647 (a) YES If yes, edam provide the teeing idlbrm4li n below, T"; GLvhnived Usat Eta* ateat Ptaeiie Gib= (apedfo Gaoina depth.: rram . to A. (rafereaae to lead BurN o) CaBing odmde Above gwund- ._ 1 C119b N NO (3) [3-out (grout the vertical les o of the bomhole to a miniMUM $apth of 2D flit b1,s.): (a) Clrauttype: Cemeat $enmaita- C*ar(ePW4) _ (b) Grouted surface end grout depth. (reference to laud mirihca); _) arouad closed loop piping; fr mn_L to 2�, *t). — arm ind well caning; from to _(fat), NDM TH6 WSLL t]RUU4G =TRAM1K CAN 9MLY VKM vATA FOR Tiii'M 1;Xt5 VQ flF PRaP055D WELL@ M 11M WC"ATiaN K WAYAMAXI BY PTKLR MEANS. -3Ravia14 1/05 OWA.l10.57 M Pegs 2 af4 From:OBRIEN SERVICE CO. 910 799 5884 03/09/2007 12:38 #045 P.003 ~3/08/2~~7 14:31 2fl1573E!GSl3 \I.JEST RIDGE: SCHOOL PAGE: P.14 From:OBRIEN SERVICE ao. 910 799 5884 08/09/2007 11:06 #040 P.004 H. .lNJ'iC!TION~'SLATBD SQUJl'MENT Atta,m a dtllfl\m 11bDWit:ld the •@lneoriq layoUl of the lttj.,~on oquipma11t and ex1erior piPUli/tUblna a1111or;iiattcl with the lqf cctl011 oparat:l.cm, Th, m•nutaetu.-.·, bri:lchurQ wy provide 1u,ppl111mimtazy , itlformati011. I, LOCAfflN Of WBLL($) Attach two mGpa. (1) Iuclu.di, 11 1itll!i m~ (~p,n he drawn) ibllwint, buitdiaga, pro~ lirl11• 1ui£a~ watet ~otliu, potontlal aour11ea of srowctwat'Br conivnine.tlon and !ha oneutatifll\ of ■ad distanr;ea l,etween lhe propoff4 w1ll(1) aliQ any OXlMlng -w.U(a) or wastt cli1pa11a\ ~ilitl&la ,.uoh u 11ptic tlU1ka or dnln fl ,elds locate within 200 feet of th• p,,md-coupled beat pu111p well sysmn. Label all teawrea clearly Bild lnciludl a north mmw, lci~a\.ion map refeffl,olng th111 lite to two ~CJl.ffl)' plm!Blltflt ~ i,olnts (sucb u road&i sttaam, ad ht,hway mt-.r•111:!oDB), 1. P:eB.MlT IJ.,T: AU.oh G: llet of Q)l patmitl or c1mitruoti0t1 lllpprovata that m relatod to the 1lte. lbtamplcs include: (1) Heurdous Waite Mauaaelll,l!,Xll pro~.poimit. wder RCRA. (:Z) NC Di 'Visk1n a£ W11t.or Quality Non-t>llcbup 1'ermit11 (!) Sewage Treatnletlt arid t>lap1;1s ■l Pormita K. CBR'I'JliICATJON "I hl!l\'tby certify, \O\dll' paulcy of Jaw, that I h•~ pmonnll)' •11.~ld 1111.d 11m fa.tnnt~r wlth. tha lafonnatlon submitted Ir.: tbit document and all •bobmant~ thei,!to md tbt, b884ld on my inq_uhy of l:hoJe lDdhidualll Jmmedli=ly fGA~en,ible fur o1'taill!q ea.lei. ln&tme"-01:l, I boltcvc that the il'tfonuatii;in it true, acouratt land QaDlploto, l am ,w,ii. tt,1.t then: are li,Jniftout peualtie11, inoludmg the po111ibi1ity oft.iru1s an4 lmptl•.:irunaul', tor sulnnittl.nS fabi11 iD.ftirm11itioi'1, I ap to r.0natiuot. opetats, mlllintam, repa.lr, IUld lf appliaable. abandon $e gt'OW:ld-1ounni: heat pump t)'ll:(ltn nm all nilated. appurt=iu,c1• in-•i;;i;;gi:drmce with tlle appro ed 11pa.1:1lft~on1 c:anditi a at the ~tcllt." . ;: ~~~~~~~~fr.W-,l 1/ QUthor/zQd agmt Is ar;tJnr on bshalf qfthtt well li'wntr1 p/eQ1f/. 1upply a letter si,ned b)I lh• owner aulhorb:ing the r;ibovir agent. GWIUlC■!17 CL Erom:06RIEN SERVICE CO. 910 799 04 03/09/2007 12:98 4045 R.005 A1VA%A,-U "tia1L.11,, lolly YY 4WAU Lb W4 Al IVLYL UW J]I' "IL, Aval nbiLatfa rvt 0 tue, %.UUSIUL LN%- nomes'... raga 3 OT d � Itt)hiL• � At1L11)1 AlVIIRSl-A WhI S AND LOTS Nfi1lV!i WN I'At:l' OS From Wilmington; Take Highway 17 South Lo Highway 211 East. Prom Myrtle Beath= Take Highway 17 Norlh to Highway 211 East RiverSea 111watian is one milt on right an Highway Z 11. RIVERS EA CUSTOM 0 ShAl otle �r 1f Vornamtown Holden Beach- 'H 1 k, t3Dliv1A s �our�l� Sr Jamcl a°i. Map date 02007 7eleAtles - TDrns of I SOUT11PORT NC AREA INFORMATION Home Ahow Uri Hoinr Desigm Dinectloos, Ncxs Conuici the Copyright 0 Neighborhood Properties 2006 01MVIRi'vor RIVERSEA PLANTATION. U$TOM U01MES HOLDEN BEACH, NC REAL ESTAT'F, )( ivuSSea Plantation Real Estate Rivur&n Custom Homes Coeetal NC Real Estate Coastal Lend for Sale North Carolina Rent Estate http:llwww.rivemeacustDm.comldimetio-ne 3/9/2007 From:OBRIEN SERVICE CO. 910 799 588~ Main floor ROOm2 Roam3 Rooffl'I Room1 Roome Roome Room7 ~ "3 •~ ' Room14 /iJ ~ .l ;. Job#: Performed by Bryan Donaldson for: Judy Schmalz 03/09/2007 12:39 #045 P.006 Room5 Roorn10 Room1~ Room12 I Ftoom6 I·• ... R00m11 r·J I -, .... .,, ,.....!) -.,,,;.1 '•,, .. \ Scale: 1 : 112 Page 1 Rlght•SUite Resldenllal 6,0.96 RSR20980 2007-Mar-09 07:28:14 ~ I \ C:\My Documents\Wrlght&ofl HVACI ... J t.-~ > ,, -~ :j ., ,'; V -, ' ..a ft) ~