HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0700222_GEO THERMAL_20110426Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Wl0700222 / •• Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 04/26/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Co@stal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilitv Facility Name Francis & Martha McCarthy SFR Location Address 132 Horniblow Point Rd Edenton NC Owner Owner Name Francis M Dates/Events 27932 McCarthy Orig Issue 04/26/11 App Recei ved Draft Initiated 04/21/11 Reg ulated Activities Heat Pump Inj ection Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Scheduled Issuance Permit Contact Affiliation Jeff Stagg Driller Well PO Box 15482 Chesapeake VA Major/Minor Minor Region Washington County Chowan Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Francis M. McCarthy 132 Horniblow Point Rd Edenton NC Public Notice Issue 04/26/11 Effective 04/26/11 233285482 27932 Expiration Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin -~A ,;;--;,~---NCDEMR " Nort h Carolina Department of Env ironment and Natura l Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Francit McCarthy Martha McCarthy 132 Ho miblow Point Road Edenton, N C 27932 Co leen H. Sull ins Di rec tor 4/2 7/20 11 Subject: Acknowledgement oflntent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0700222 132 Homiblow Po int Road, Edenton. NC 279 32 Dear Mr. & Mrs. McCarthy: Dee Freema n Sec retary On 4/21 /2011 , the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-onl y geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at the address referenced above . An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditio_ns are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2 . The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3 . The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021 l(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Chowan County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county , or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Micbael.Ro2:ers ral ncdenr.gov if you have any questions . cc : Wash ington Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. W 10 700222 Chowan County Health Dept. Pink ston Pump and WelL lnc (Howard Cutter) RE Whitley, l nc (Rob Wh itley) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail SeNice Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 · Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 s()T'.1's A. Q~. ·_ for Debra~ ~ Supervisor Phone: 919 -733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715.0588; FAX 2: 919 -715-6048 \ Custo mer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www .ncwateruuality.org An Equal Oppor:J~;ty \ Affirmative Action E:nployer None, C .. ortn arolma 1'1nl-u;"."'fffo V VUl,U.e,UltfJ Apr21 11 08:15a Aor 12 77 03,55P p.2 p2 MOM CAROLOM DEPART C)T' MqVlRONMt-Tr Aon -NpTUR,AL'REM=ES I'= �SR} NOTfFIC.IATM or U TENT TO CONSTRUCT A CL O? GE UrKERMAL w TCR-OP9z f WH CTION WM SYSTEM" TYpIC5- W S In .a.cCW42= Wft the pravlsiam of NCAC T*le 15A OX-C2K PL=tc oOmptese this notificatim and mml to aka ort the lack Pne (pka3c PM Oe MW mfrtvma mu)- We!! 73W boa �ernrulivrr ]ors tho proposed 5ygot COMWO p0bb)c (no add itim) in c outiauaus piping &at eampiewy isalates� the flaid fmmn the awiro men, (i.e. c2y)? 'fees 7{ Continua conrpietin g this'fat'7an. No Do Not complete this Ib m. ComVkte Other UIC applicantm Rwm fcw Ong either a SA7 wt!] (gam -leap w+e�k iQ1�i1�1C potable rr►2* into the aquifer) Qr a SQM wrI (Cloaed- lwp well ooaftIningagdIIivg. such as R 22, et6mol. or other auti rom of caTmion itrhibitrs j. A. PROPERTY OWNIM(fiYAPPUCAN'k 5) List mmh Property Owner listed as property deed [if owned by a tr►:siness cr ggvcrnmr�t agrncy, sane r�a+rtie of entity and a rcFrmntm&m wiauftrity fcu sib}: `t- atr =^ Stamm—_Ar1 / 1. Jy �- 1.1 •j ra 1 *��►.�w (2) Pkysical Addvm of Well Site (•rf ditfcmu than ,above) City. Sud= —Zip Code: _ �CO= _ Hom&Officc Tole Tea_ X Ate[* RX,D AGENT OF OWi+ M IF ANY (if the Permit ApPbOW 49M nat mm the subject properry, h a tMa from the Penpert}v atMW auftri ing Agent to msmH and operamc InC well) Compmy Name! Comsat P CIMM. IL A Add=". City. Stole: zip Code: County; _- afw Tele No_ Wobsito Address of Comparxy, if any: REL;U to r vcltm AGUIFFR PpflirrTI N SgciiCir APR 2 1 ZOi1 Apr21 11 08:15a P. Apr 92 11 03�4 3 P empsrry t�tamc _ w wen Dri'11er Comadot's name: L�gMLA RD P. NC Conaaoror Celti&4tia0 NO,: D G # 53 A A. STAGG Corrsact P�sop'FTA .grMg�Tr J��ie�"si*tx�ir,m City. AA_ T.ipCode: 23382 County: ❑ffice Tele No.: 757421 2108 CGII Nm:,757.438.9392 SE&T Puw cwmAcTo R v*vR*& TxoN (ifdmrasttl= diet'} Corrosct Pcrsan- o` a'�"� _ i+..k:7'r� �r es.., l •can. Addrm: _910 ►,,ol �� _ — Of fi= Te[e No:. 2,5 z^4s ?_-3a BO C011No : E. STATUS OF A1PTUCANT Frivaft: x Federal: C MW%oai: StD= municipai: Ns6hm American Lan&- F. LIJECTION fRQCESU M (briefly describe hnw theinjoctiou wells) will be used) tia A WAIBR WELL- P G. WELL C41'95 UCnON DATA ( I) Propobtd date w bG cortstt+d: ASAP -Number arfborbW. AypM Kim=depth of tab boring {feet): , (2) 7YPr of acing to be used (GoP'lw PW, for (3) Well Mmn& h the wCil(sj Cmd? (chndr o thw (4.) Yes or [tL} No Wow) — (a) 'Yea Ef yC% then prove OtWe uTomahm below Type: _ _ l Mood SDW bhck steal_plastsc Cher (sly!') Casing depac From W feet (rafowrhae T4 wwd xu'Ewo) CBsi Z COMds 10 ab ne mund (b) Mo _x (4) Groert Into (ate. Mai n ft wall casing =d1bz piping]: (a) Grout N= Ccmcm Bonwidte X Other {$peeim (b) Graut piacemut. Puazpi X _ ftemaa Mcr ^ - {c} G tTxst 444 of tubing (r fereum to tmw surer]: fmm o to (Silt) If w� [l her r�sixig, ,.ud[csse grout deem: from to f�e�} APR 2 201) aQiilFi`RA1���t'7t�]N SF{;ii�iY · Apr2111 08 :16a Apr 12 11 03:55p p.4 p.4 e. ~'DI)~ AU.Ch a diagJWO ~bo,iring d,.e eogiMering layout or proposed mcdificallo11 of1he injdon equi~t aud ~rior piping/lubblg mocid:d with Ille qection· opeation. The mmu.facan:r's bn)c:burc may provid~ .supplemr.ntal;' iruonnarion. I. LOCATION OFWELL(S) Anada two Cli,1pies of maps mowing attbl~ng ~ (1) [ndudc a Site Map (CID§ssbowit!g; bul"kfio&.1, ~ lines. narfaQe w.u:r bodies, potamal soutecs of~ • · ' and 1hc orientation. of 1Dd di:,tam:c$ '.bcl,irt:cn the proposed well(s) and any oiSlin& welI(s) or wutc filcilmes sucb as :sepdc 1:lab or clam fidds loclk:d. ~ 200 feetol ~ geothi::rma1 heat pump well • Label all &abRS c;lc:arly lllld include a n9'1J 'llffl>W. (2) The Site Map must show the subject propaty in rclatioo to the smrounding arm by using d least two md refcn:Gce poim such as roads,strcatns, andior ~ llllasCdicms. S. ~N Note: Tldl Peranlt Applicatio• --be ...... by .!!!a pe:t'IN appearlng on Ou: ............ psoputy...,.. "I bcrchy ccitify. wic:lcr pemlt,y of 1aw7 that l .hPe persooaily c,amincd and am. :familiat with i. information submitted in 1his ~ .ud all anaehmcnts ___ .... d=:m,_ and that, based on my inquiry of dJCDC individuals immediatdy rcspannole forok)iQiogsmd iaf01matioa. l bebettmti. inlolmlllimlis cr..amnteuxlcou:apa.. ( am aware ttm there are sipificaat pemlties. mchldiDg the possibility of 6-and impri50llDlalt,. for submittins f.atse infonnation. I agree to conserucr. opem1I,. IOainlllin,. n:pair7 and if a.pplicabk, abandoo the injection well and all related appurtcmalCe$ inaccotdanee ~ ~ spedficalions llld ~tiol,J of1hc PcnniLn ~~- ~tS M \c+J~ /11 '"'~ PrintorTypcFullNacnean.dtitle ~ ~-,, ~, I s~FifC€ Priot/J}9L.d. ~ S'ignatnre of A uthorb=I .Agent. if 1111.y Print or Type Full Natne and 1ilte Pleas" n:turn two QJ]7ies of the ClOlnpleted Applicalion ,P11C1tage 10: Nertb Carolina DENR-DWQ Aquifer Protemon Sedion-UIC Program 1~ Mail Scn>i~Ceater Qaldgb. NC 176'9-1636 Tdeplloae {'19) 71.5-6935 I RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ AQUIFJ:R·PROTFr.TJON SECTION APR 21 2011 Apr21 11 08l ea p.5 Afar 12 11 M-%P FRANCIS M. 1 CCARTHY! MD. A RTHA H. McCARTHY 132 HORNI&LOW POfNT ROAD WEST W LOT44• LOT 45- EAST 112 LOT 46 MCWTPELIER AGFES FOURTH Towlywp 040WAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLM sruE:r.�a ff0RUQQ=- Off r d4Enm&kE: AM BDW IM. PAGE 199 � � rr ate' no �v�rr taaa+�w�r's car �r tam � f- 60 c z 5 ftw i fit +i or 4eb lip " r t.;Z` x RECEIVED 1 DENR I Uvvu AQU1Fr-R'PRnTPCTlh0FGTIor; APR 2 1 2011 Apr21 11 08:15a p.1 Pinkstoxt Pump &. Well, Inc:. P 0 Box 1 W2 Chesapeake, VA 23328-5482 (757) 427-2748 i (866) 949--1980 facsimile transmittal Ta: Tanya Fax: (919)733-9413 From: Debbie Sanders Dab: 04121//1 (de bbieiMstaggenergy.com) Re: McCarthy, 132 Flomiblow Point Rd.. Pages: 5 Oncluding cower sheet? Edenton, NC a ❑ t l t a For PAView 0 Pmme a mrnent ❑ Mme Reply Q PWON Awycb F*r the above referenced, following is ttte Type "a -OW weN(s) app'ticatkm and the Properly site plan with the Proposed Geotharnal po■ed Lgop area. Two (2) hard copies are being forwOMW today. Thank youl RQI1"' VED i utE v,,, pROTrrTln" OR 21 ZV I, 0 • - - 0 0 0 9 0 9 • 4 4 - - . a 6 4 • 0 • a - 4 • . Apr 12 .. 11 03:55p p.2 NOR:lff CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRDNMiNf AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) NOTJFICATION OP INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED-LOOP G.EOO'HERMAL WATER-ONLY lNJECTIONWEL-L SYSTEM: TYPE 5-0 W WELL(S} In &cordance with the proYjsions ofNCAC Title 1SA: 02C.0200, please complete this notification and mail to address on the back page (please Print or~ information). DATE: __ tJr,...__r_-_r __ _,. 28_.J]_ Well TypeCo11fumalion: Docs the proposed system circulate potable water only (no additives) in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid from the environment (i.e. closecl-lOQR)? Yes _X_ Continue completing this form. No __ Do Not complete this form . Complete other UIC application forms for installing either a SA 7 well {QRm-loop well iniecting potable water into the aquifer) or a SQM well ( closed- loop well containing additives such as R-22, ethanol. or other anti:freez.e or c-OITOSion inhibitors). A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)/APPLICANT(S) List g&h Property Owner listed on property deed (if owned by a business or government agency. state name of entity and a representative w/audtorityfor signature): ----------......-.,....--,-------- f/;.!tt\rJS H ' ~ M M:-'Ttffl if. B e:G-R nti (1) MailingAddress: I 3 ci tfu E!.1J ra<m2 -Pf Rd City: &/e~ State: ~pCode:~_-q.9 3 ~ ~: CJ.~ Home/Office Tele No.w a-~-O.:;lSt:) Cell No.~ ,J5'ol -.3;sZ>-67~5 EmailAddress: ho,""l'\,bfer,,..)@. Website: ~~;.c.,o~ (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different than above): ____________ _ City: ________ State: __ Zip Code: ______ County: ____ _ Home/Office Tele No.: Cell No.:. -----------=-==='------------ B. AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNEB, D' ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter from the property owner amhorizing Agent to install and operate UIC well) CompanyName: __________________________ _ Contact Person:.~· -------------=E=-MAIL==A=d=dres=s:::....· _________ _ Aa~: -----------------------------City: ________ S1ate: ·_zip Code: _____ County: ______ _ Office Tele No.: _______________ C=e=ll...,N=o=.:,__ ________ _ Website Address of Company. if any:._...-___________ _ RECEIVED / OENR I D~VO Aquifer ProtPr.tinn R ... rt,nr, APR ~8 2011 1 Apr 12 .11 03:56p p,3 C. WELL .DRILLER INJlORMATION CompanyNamc: __ _,P!::.!INKS£!!!!:2.TO~N~P UMP~!...£!AND~:..2WEL~~L,~IN~C:,:_._ _________ _ Well Driller Contractor's Name: __ --!.fti~O~W.~'A:!.!RD~~B:..:. CUTTER~~~---------- NC Contractor Certification No.: ~D~RJL~~LalilN~G~#~3~5.:::::.:38-!:<..A~ __ __,H...,_-.l<.3=#2927=..,._7.:-;J=EF=FRE=Y~A=·-S-=TA=GG---=--- Contact Person: JEFF STAGG EMAIL Address: jefflglstagg energ.y.com Address: PO Box 1S482 City: CHESAPEAKE , VA Zip Code: 23382 County: __________ _ Office Tele No.: _757-421-2108 ______ Cell No.: _7S7-438-9392 _______ _ D. HEAT PIJMP CONTRACTOR INFORllilATION ("If diff'ermttbn drBler) Company Name: fl £ .w111 -rlli 'I $~c. ContactPerson: T.I> ·U.;.,f .L.1 F.MAILAddn:ss: rc.wh•..,,~~,.:rre_'J ,,.-:,. GOlh Address: 9 ID /JIit/ h~ r'A City: u/4., ,.._. ZJpC-OQe: -'" County: --=-Z _7 ....;.1 _'3_'<-______ _ Office Tele No.: 2 s-2-f-S't.-.10 80 Cell No.: ________ _ E. STATUS OF APPLICANT Private: A-. State: Federal: Municipal: __ Commercial: Native American Lands: F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how the iajectioo well(s) will be used) NOT A WATER WELL -GEOTHERMAL CLOSED LOOP G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Proposed date to be constructed: ___...A=S=A-P _____ Nmnberofborings: ___ _ Approximate depth of each boring (feet):. _ _...;.2=00-=-------- (2) Type oftubing1o bel!Sed {copper, PVC, etc)! _....:BDPE==-=------------- (3) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a.) Yes!!: (b.) No below) (a) Yes ___ if yes, 1hen pn,,,ide casing information below Type: __galvanized steel _black steel____plastic __ other (specify) Casing depth: From ___ to ___ feet. (reference to land surfue) Casing extends to above ground inches --- (b) No X (4) Grout Info (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): (a) Grout type: Neat Cement__ Beotonite X Other (specify) ------ (b) Crout placement: Pumping_K__ Pressure___ Other __ (c) Grout depth of tubing (reference 1o land su.rmce): ftom O to 200 (feet) If \\"ell has casing. ~dicate grout depth: from ___ to ____ (.feet) Apr 12.11 03:55p p.4 H. JNJECrION-RELAUD EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout or proposed modification of the injection equipment and exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection ·operation. The manufacturer's brochure may provide supplementary information. I. LOCATION OF WELL(S} Attach two copies of maps showing Ille tbl~ iafonnalion: (1 J Include a Site Map (""' be a showing: buiklmp, propmy lines, sut&ce waller bodim. )ldallild sourc:es of groundwater cootam • • and the orientation of and dislances between the proposed weJl(s) and any existing well{s) or waste di · facilities such as septic tanks or drain ~ds localm within 200 f.eet of the geothermal heat pump well sys . Label all features clearly and include a north arrow. (2) The Site Map must show the subjedt property in relation to the swrounding area by using at least two "fixed reference points such as roads, streains, andlor highway intersections. S. CEKIDICATION Note: Tbis Permit Application mast be signed by S!Sll person appearing on the neorded 1epl property clecd. .. I hereby certify, under penalt;y of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in 1his document and all abachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I be1ie¥etlmt the information is uue, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties. including the possibility of fines and imprisonment. for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate,~ repair, and if applicable; abandon the injection well and aDrelatal-in-...~spociliadioo,aodomditioosof11iel'ermR." ~~---~~Jam- P,J5~~.t1~ e:+JAD.., M. C:~ ~~ H~C€ Si~ Owner/Applicant \.. M~X?JA ~Jal._ f\l\CC~ Print or Type Full Name and title Signature of Authorized Agent. if any Print or Type Full Name and title Please return two copies of the completed Application package to: North Cantlina DENR-DWQ Aquifer Protection Section-UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Qaleig}I, NC 27699-1636 T~phone (919) 715-6935 RECE/Vf:0/0 Aquifer Pr,ot,,.,,t~NR I DWQ ,.,,,,on s .... ,_.. '-!r,<,,1on APR 28 2011 Apr 12`11 03755P P.5 FRANCIS M McDARTHY, MD. A110 !1 ART fib H. McCARTHY 132 HORNIaOW PUNT ROAD WEST 112 LOT 44- LOT 45- EAST 112 LOT 46 MONTPELIER ACRES FOURTH TOtHIS WP CHOW,AN COUNTY . NORTH CAROUNA SCALE: f". Wr 21S SO Im Psi! 200 I J �: �� B�Q11C!$l. PA6E409 2 J AR54 r'i616D SWMRE FEAT 9 J MUM A*S' p EvMaff sWfiQQ2adW5 QV Off OFF TMS PAWDUY. 4 J TMS SLMF-YIS OFAN E= TN6 7BAC7: Lca Jr, 0 mt� fit *� 4► t _ F, iq—)►►�rar�r n PrAft Apr 12 11 03:55p p.2 N()JtlH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED-LOOP GEOTHERMAL WATER-ONLY lNJEcnON WELL SYSTEM: TYPE S-QW WELL(S} In Accordance with the provisions of NCAC Title 1 SA: 02C.0200, please complete this notification and mail to ad4ress on the back page (please Print or~ information). DATE: __ ~...___r _-_~ __ _,, 2o_Jl_ Well Type Co11frrmation: Does the proposed system circulate potable water only (no additives) in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid from the environment (i.e. closed-loo!))? Yes _X_ Continue completing this form. No ___ Do Not complete this form. Complete other lJ1C application forms for installing either a SA 7 well (~loop weU iniecting potable wat.er into the aquifer) or a SQM well (closed- loop well containing additives such as R-22, ethanol, or other antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors). A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)/APPLICANT(S) List~ Property Owner listed on property deed (if owned by a business or government agency, state name of entity and a representative w/authority for signature): ------...---,--,----=-------- fC--fcf\)CJS K , -;-M A-t.-!1-tA if . MCW7117 (1) MailingAddress: / 3 ci tfueJv 1&m) {¥ ,Zd City: etle,.,d.-e ~ 'State: Acnp Code:a:9::::9 3 ~ County: CJ~ Home/Office Tele No.~sa-4&:2 ..-c,dSt) Cell No.: ,.15~ -3~~ -6 7<J.S Email Address: ho )"l'\\ h (e-t.2,@ Website: ~c.h.s l , C.D~ (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different than above): _____________ _ City: _________ State: __ Zip Code: ______ County: ____ _ Home/Office Tele No.: ------------=C=el ..... 1-""'N=o·=-=----------- B. AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter from the property owner authorizing Agent to install and operate lJlC well) Company Name: ____________________________ _ Contact Person.;:...: --------------=E=MA==IL~A-=d=dre..=s=s: _________ _ Address: ______________________________ _ City: _________ State: __ Zip Code: ______ County: _______ _ Office Tele No.: Cell No.: Website Address of Company. if any: ______________ _ RECEIVED/ DENR / DWQ Aquifer ion Section APR 2 8 20!1 Apr 12 1 1 03:55p p.3 C. WELL DRILLER INPORMATION Company Name: PIN]{STON PUMP AND WELL, INC Well DriUer Contractor's Name: ___ H=O=-W ........ A=RD=-=E=•--CUTTER__,_--"=------------- NC Contractor Certification No.: DRILLING #3538-A H-3 #2CJ277 JEFFREY A. STAGG Contact Person: JEFF STAGG EMAIL Address: je ff@ s taggenergy.com Address: __ --=PO=-=-B=ox::...:.,lSc..4_.82=-------------------------- City: CHESAPEAKE. VA Zip Code: 23382 County: ___________ _ Office Tele No.: 757-421-2108 _______ Cell No.: _757-438-9392 ________ _ D. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORil!rATION (if diff"erent than driller) Company Name: fl £ .W ~ 1"Ui '/ :j;~e, Contact Person: f. b . .J. ;.,,f .c.1 F.MAILAdmasi ,~~h·"--11~-'t vrf!.~tw>:J. c.on. Address: q IO lj ,JI,~ r'rl. City: u/4., ?'.' ZipCode: ,,vc... County: --=--Z._7"""'"'1'_3_'<--______ _ Office Tele No.: 2 S"2-4S"l..-1o 80 Cell No.: E. STATUS OF APPLICANT Private: ....x_ State: Federal: Municipal: __ ---------- Commercial: Native American Lands: F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used) NOT A WA lER WELL -GEOTHERMAL CLOSED LOOP G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Proposed date to be constructed: _A_S~A_P ______ Nmnber of borings: ____ _ Approximate depth of each boring (feet): __ 2~00 ________ _ (2) Type of tubing to be llSed (copper. PVC, etc): __ HDPE._.... ____________ _ (3) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a.) Yes!! (b.) No below) {a) Yes ___ if yes, 1hen provide casing information below Type: __,galvanized steel __ black steel__plastic __ other (specify) Casing depth: From ___ to ___ feet (reference to land surface) Casing extends to above ground ___ inches (b) No X (4) Grout Info (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): (a) Grout type: Neat Cement__ Benlonite X Other (specify) ______ _ (b) Grout placemen1: Pumping X Pressure___ Other __ (c) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): from O to 200 (feet) If well has casing. indicate grout depth: from ___ to ____ (feet) Apr 12 11 03:55p pA H. IKJECtION-Rn ATED EQLlI1 MENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout or proposed modification or the injection equipment and exterior pipingftubing associated with the injection operation. The manufact=r's brochure may provide supplementary information_ I. LOCATION OF WELLS) Attach two copies of ntraps strowing Wee follpwing inftarmation: (1) Include a Site Map (can be drawrq) showing: buildings, property lines, surface water bodies, potential sources of groundwater contamination and the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) and any existing well(s) or waste dispD�,at facilities such as septic mnks or drain 5eids Irked within 200 feet of the geothermal heat pump well systern. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow. (2) The Site Map must show the subject property in relation to the surrounding area by using at least two fixed reference points such as roads, streams, andlor higbway intersections. Y. CERIii it[CATION Note: This Permit Application must be signed by each person agpeariag on the recorded legal property deed. "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and aD attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtarning said information, I believe Heat the hdorrttation is true, accurme and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the passibility of lines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, mainudn, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in acmalance with dr oppro ved spec fcatiom and eottditions of the Permit_" `�igrtaGm of Property Own lwam 1-5 ClAA-t-E-�, 2P�CCPrP--7-" Print or Type Full Name and title WI'EN Signature of PnnwTty OwnerlAppli:cattt Print or Type !"ill blame and title Signature of Authorh ed Agent, if any Print or Type Full Name and title Piease return two copies of the completed Application package to: ?North Caroiiinat DENR-DWQ Aquifer Protection Section-UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276"-163 RMEivE�PlR Telephone (919) 715-6935 r�� lf� Rt�il'�r F�aaw'll�n i�1Ct��� Apr 92 91 03.55P p.5 ®1 FRANCIS M. McCARTHY, MD. A+D WE 11 ARTHA H. McCARTHY 132 I*WNIMOW POINT ROAD NEST 1/2 LOT 44- LOT 45- E4ST 112 LOT 46 MONTPFL FFR ACRES FOURTH TOWNSHIP U40WAN COUNTY, NORTH CAR A w-mc.- fxvnwWor.MEW 95 00 am ! l faMEW:E: IXW _BWK16I. PAGE 4W 2 1 AREA a 46,tSD � FEFT 3 ! THEM AF�IyIp EYiFHIir EMCAGACKWUM QV OR OFF TH6 FfiUMM. 41 7ffiS WRL0?'!S *FAN EL7 nffG Tf?AGT. 6r 0 tro r �+ or jr' ro+rra" ar AM