HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210722 Ver 1_Meeting Request Review Doc Attachment_20210408Crane CreekGrants CreekTown Creek´ NO RTH CA RO LI NA DE PART ME NTOF T RA NS PO RTATI ONDIVISION OF H IGH WAYSPROJECT DE VE LO PM EN T AN DENVIRONMENTAL AN ALY SIS BR AN C H VICINITY MAP Salisbur y Station Track Impr ovements SEPT EMBER 2018 FIGURE 1 R OWAN C OU N T Y Row an PR O JE C T 0 0.5 1 1.50.2 5 Mile s SAL IS BU RY IredellCabar rus Davi dson Stan ly Davi e £¤64 £¤601 ST IP P -57 2 6 £¤ 2 9 Church Creek§¨¦85 JakeAlexanderBlvd.MainStreetI n n e s S tr e e t §¨¦85 £¤52 £¤601 £¤29 Main StreetI-85 I-85 Title: Rowan County Drawn by : Date : Scale: Projec t No: AEK Project Study Area M ap Salisbur y StationTrack Im provem ents P-5726 Figure Projec t: Sept. 201 8 18-008.02 1:9 000 Leg en d Study areaNCDOT Roads ³ 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000250Feet Note s: 2 Backg rou nd ima gery source :Salis bury, NC (19 77) 7.5-min ute top ographic qud ra ngle pro vided by the U.S . Ge ological Survey (USGS) Depot StreetLiberty Street Liberty Street Title: Rowan County Drawn by : Date : Scale: Projec t No: AEK Jurisdictional Features Map Salisbur y StationTrack Im provem ents P-5726 Figure Projec t: Sept. 201 8 18-008.02 1:6 00 Leg en d P-5726 st udy ar eaPotential n on -we tla nd wa ters (p ere nnia l)Directi on of f low Approx im ate cen ter line of rai lroa dNCDOT ro ads ³ 50 0 50 10025Feet Note s: 3 Backg rou nd ima gery source : 2014 ae rial p hotography pro vided by the NC On eMap pro gra m (onlin e, su pported by the NC Geog rap hic Information Coordin atio n Co uncil).mmStream SA Title: Rowan County Drawn by : Date : Scale: Projec t No: AEK Jurisdictional Features Map Salisbur y StationTrack Im provem ents P-5726 Figure Projec t: Sept. 201 8 18-008.02 1:9 000Legend P-5726 s tudy areaPotential non-wetland waters (perennial) ³ 500 0 500 1,0 00250 Fee t Note s: 4 Backg rou nd ima gery source : Soil Survey of Rowan Cou nty (20 04), map 07, p ro vided by the Natural Re sou rce sConservation Service (NRCS).mStream SA