HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0068632_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018Nort Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor AiA NCDENR Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Suilins Director atural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary September 14, 2009 Mr, Kevin Mann Vice -President of Operations Craftmaster Furniture, Inc. P.O. Box 759 Taylorsville„ North Carolina 28681 Subject: Notice of Violation — Effluent/Monitoring Violations Tracking Th NOV-2009-LM-0026 Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County Dear Mr, Mann: A review of the June 2009 scif-monitoring reportfor the subject facility revealed a violation of the .following parameter at Outfall 001: Date Parameter Reported Value 6/8/09 BOD 6/30/09 BOD 6/30/09 Total nitrogen 6/30/09 Total phosphorus '7 .7 mg/L. 5.3 mg/L one for 2nd Qtr. None for 2nd Qtr. Permit Limit/Monitoring Requirement 7.5 mg'L (Daily maximum) 5,0 mg/L (Monthly average) Monitor quarterly Monitor quarterly Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct any problems. The Division of Water Quality may pursue enforcement actions for this and any additional violations. If the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to operation and/or maintenance problems, and you anticipate remedial construction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent. You may contact Ms, Marcia Allocco of this Office for additional information. If you have questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Aliocco or me at 704/663-1699. Sincerely, Robert B. Krebs Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor cc: Point Source Branch MA Mooresville Rs)gional Office Location: 610 East Center .Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC .28115. Phone: (704) 663-1599 ) Fax: (704) 563-6040 \Customer Service, 1-877-623-6748 intemet, mmncwaterquality.org . One NorthCarolina Naturally An Er; ual OuDnIonity AffirmaVve Adion Employer - 301 Rer,vdet:10% Post Consumer paDer NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natura Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Mr, Chou -Li Hsu Craftmaster Furniture, Inc. P.O. Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Subject: Dear Mr. Hsu: Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director August 24, 2009 Notice of Violation — Effluent Limitations Tracking #: NOV-2009-LV-0377 Craftmaster Furniture 'WWTP NPDES Permit No, NC0068632 Alexander County Dee Freeman Secretary A review of the May 2009 selfimonitorine report for the subject facility revealed a violation of the following parameter at Outfall. 001.: Date Parameter Reported Value 5/4/09 BOD 7,7 mg/L 5/31/09 BOD 5.3 mg/L Permit Limit 7.5 mg/L. (Daily maximum) 5.0 mg/L (Monthly average) Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct any problems. Since the comments section on the reverse of the relevant Discharge Monitoring Report provided an explanation for the noted effluent limit violation, it is not requested that a response be submitted; however, should you have additional information concerning the violationsor comments which you wish to present, please submit them to the attention of Ms, Marcia Allocco. The Division of Water Quality may pursue enforcement actions for this and any additional violations. If the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to operation and/or maintenance problems, and you anticipate remedial construction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent, You may contact Ms. Allocco of this Office for additional information,. If you have questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Allocco or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Robert B. Krebs Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor cc: Point Source Branch MA Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave,, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Prione: (704) 663-1599 1 F t?614) 663-6040 Customer Service: 1-577-623-6748 Internet www,ncwaterguality.org One NorthCarolina AWL/rat& rL NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Ccleen ft Sullins Governor Director Mr, Chou -Li Hsu Craftmaster Furniture, Inc. P.O. Box 759 Taylorsvilfe, North Carolina 28681 Subject: Dear Hsu: August 12, 2009 Dee Freeman Secretary Notice of Violation — Effluent Limitations Tracking e: NOV-2009-LV-0361 Craftrnaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County A review of the April 2009 itorin following parameter at Outfall 001.: Date 4/13/09 4130/09 e Parameter Reported Value BOD 8.7 nivIL BOD 5 6 ung11- le subject facility revealed a vioiation ofthe Permit Unlit 7.5 ing/L (Daily maximum) 5.0 (Monthly average) .Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct any problems. Since the comments section on the reverse of the relevant Discharge Monitoring Report provided an explanation for the noted effluent limit violation, it is not requested that a response be submitted; however, should you have additional information concerning the violations or comments which you wish to present, please submit them to the attention ofNis, Marcia Allocco. The Division of Water Quality- may pursue enforcement actions for this and any additional violations. if the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to operation and/or maintenance problems, and you anticipate remedial construction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent. You may contact Ms_ Allocco of this Office for additional information. If you have questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate s, Allocco or me at (704) 663-1699, Sincerely, Robert B. Krebs Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor cc: Point Source Branch Alexander County Health Department Mooresville Regional Office Location.: 610 East Center Ave., SAP. 30 Mooresville NC, 23115 ?none' 1704) 853-1599 Fax, 7t''.4)&',.t3-.6040 1 Costomer Sely,ce 1-E77j523-6748 tnternet vironk,ncwate,7qua org . „One North.Caroiina itura/iy rInne,o13,,,, 44f, rey4rje,or nanpr NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resou Division of Water Quality Eeeriy Eaves Perdue Coieen H. Suikns Governor Oirecror l)t09 vIr. Arthur C ardin Craftmaster I urnit tre, Inc. Post Office Box 759 Taylorsviolina Dear 'Mr, Cardin; C:'ompliancc Evalua Craltmaster Furnitu NPI.)ES Permit. No. NCC :Alexander County. N.C. Dee Freeman Secretary ,f is a copy of the co pliance. Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at d o subjeet facility on April 2009, by Mr. \Ves Bell of this Office. Please the facility-s Operator -in -Responsible Charge of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. The report: should be se➢f-explanr concerning this report, please do Enclosure: Inspection Report cc: Alexander Co sh.ou; you have y 9uestio Mr, Bell or nee at (704) 663-1699. Robert B. Krebs Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., suite 301 Mooresville, NO 2E 115 Phone: (704) 663• 15999 \ Fax: (704) 663-6C-16 \ unto rrer er;ric7-623.6748 Internet: www.ncwaterguuaiity org An Equal Opportunity 4, Atitrmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled)1 O% Post Consumer paper One NorthC,' 1"ol.1n.a Naturally EPA Perrnpt S e'3f•°h7� ode NPCES anti x"C' !on Age llance Ins e t on Recc A Natflcnal Data System Ocdi,ng (i.e Pt Sl F aulty 5€a;f "wtic € t r n°: E+#a;uatvrin Rating y i2 ion B Fata rsBectctd tFdr Inc t.str°,al Users dr: chary: O. Number} nsite Rrprr:se'tati`i=e(s)!"tit9es(s, Phone and Fax Number( itoring Program one and F'ax Number Are Evaluated ©u Flow Measurement Sltdce Haac ^9 Disposal Section C Su rrrary cf EirndingrC ornments (Atta''f (See attachment summary) Approva` e also inrlu e t Tone`l;rate Other Facility Data Contacted No ti n {C l'eck anly those areas evaluated ns 6viaintenance Records/Reports Facility Stte Revle v E?`ffuentiRece Ertg VJaters it Expiration Gate n?diticntat sheets of narratwe and the kiisl s ne-es. Agency/Office/Rhone and Fax Numbers Date ;,ifioa/Phone and Fax Nr.:rr,>ers bs^wlete. Page # NPDES InspectionType men is i Rt ch add =3,anal sh eats ref h rr 4° and ct ck.losls necessary) Permit: NC0068632 inspection Date; 0.412212C09 wriere Facility• CraftmasterfturatureFacility • rysEtyet torTypo CoroptianstEssatation Permit otthejprjusactaerrridesptretsMnBrmerehsrcftesslS :Has the peralittee submitted tarnettyrapptfmettort? ?Stortherfanityranderectribetd the permit?. .AftArettaelre.aily•specliall etanittersenflaragereatitta? Is .accasatto filater plant siterrestricteg tooth,iefgpmecal pubeit?" is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? Contrnent: The subject permit expires on April 30, 2009, The flow equalization basins , are not used ditrwig normal operations. The facility is in the process of connecting to a municipal sewer system that conveys wastewater to the Town of Taylorsvilleis WWI P The sewer line and hurtle station structures have been installed, however, the ORC estimated that the facility would be lied -on"' by early to mid Summer Record KeePmg Are records kerA and rhaetafned as requeed by the perrnW2 ts requeed informaLon readily ayaeacie comVete and hurrentP Are records Maintamed for 3 years (lab. reo required 5 years)? Are analytical results cenststent with data reported on DMRsP the chain -of -custody complete? Dates, times and locauon of sampling Name of indlvidual perfcemtng the sampi ng Results of anahis6 and calibration Dates of analysus Name of pershn performing analyses learsported COCs to No NA NE • nfl rion n n n n n Yes No NA NE • n n n n n ri n n AfterDNIRS cornOete•: AO:they thotede all sternal parametere? • tree-1116(re.tilli:tyhebbrei9ed aehtfereaeeptience••reportee• u•gert and 01,(VQ? ••• tlittthreefeettlity la mot er5 tyttgaD"gletrmittedallgleeteDetthellylelperater2417rwith ateettifiedroperatemonteacimshiff? llarthsctORC yisitaticreleg aatallablecated otgerelit? . . Is the ORC certyfied at gran equal' to or Mgher than the faciirty hiasseficauon2 Is the backup operator' certeled at one grade iess or greater than the famloy classification? is a copy of the current NPDES perret avaliable on site? Facility ha-s copy of previous years Anneal Report -cc file for reytette? n n n nn n a r--1. ri n nir n n nnrl Patget.#.. Permit: NC006'8632 Owner - Facility: Crattma star Furniture Facility Inspection Date: 04122.2009 Inspection Type: Con-ipliance Evaluation Record Keeping Comment: The records were organized and well maintained. DMRs were reviewed during the period February. 08 through January C9. Daily minimum effluent dissolved oxgyen violations were reported in April 08, July 08, and September 08 (1 violation per month): A daily maximum effluent BOD violation was reported in September 08, The Division has separately addressed these above -noted violaflons. No flows were reported on 8/30/08, 8131108, and 1131/09: however, the inspection verified the discrepancies were transcription errors Amended DMRs will be resubmitted„ The ORC must ensure all visitations (including times on -site) are properly documented on the DMRs (discrepancies noted in June 08, July 08, December 08, and January 09), Laboratory Are field parameters performed by certified personnel or iaboratory'? Are all other parameters(excluding field parameters) performed by a certified lab? # Is the facility uSing 3 contract lab? # Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at iess than or equal to 6 0 degrees CelsiusT Incubator (Fecal Conform) set to 44 5 degrees Celsius+/- 0 2 degrees? incubator (BOO) set to 20 0 degrees Celsius 1 0 degrees? Comment. On -site field analyses (pH, temperature,dissolved oxygen, and total residual chlorine) are performed under laboratory certification #5062„ Water Tech Labs (Certification #50) has also been contracted to provide analytical support„ Please refer to Mr: Chet Whitings (Division's Laboratory Certification Unit) inspection report regarding the on -site laboratory practices, Effluent Sampling Is composite sa.mpling flow proportional? Is sample, collected below all treatment units? Is proper volume collected? Is the tubing clean? # Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6 0 degrees Celsius)? Is the facility sampiing performed as required by the permit (frequency% sampling type representative)? Comment: The subject permit requires effluent grab samples. Upstream / Downstream Sampling Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (fregueno,y, sampling type, and sa ,pling location)? • Comment: Operations & Maintenance No NA NE Is the plant generally clean 'with acceptable housekeeping? annn Yes No NA NE Yes No NA NE annn annn annn Ennn nnion 'mon Yes No NA NE rinmn u nrin annn nnsn N rinn annn Yes No NA NE nnn Page # 4 PerPr'77$.: rv+.w.+. i:'68J` �r' Date; c 2? u 0 J pier' - Facility"" inspection Type neeanco Er leure Operations I #aint nance ,'yes the fdc:ity Judge, and Leerier t, al are appRioableT Comment: The facility appear d td be properly operated and well ma sled at the time of the inspet tRor Bar Screens Type of bar screen tvlceuaR b MecharbCaf Arun the bars ade, atesy oreerr n deb rs the screen tree oar exressrw°e debars disposal of soreer rn fn uo e end in good nsond pone omment; Aeration Basins Mode of opera,:on Type of ae'atsor� plied T,eEieab Is the basin free crf dead spots Are surface aerate age: fixers operatona? Are the diffusers operational Is the foa tr the .re.pae- v""lop f gybes the learn Dover Tess har7 25 of Etre ba, is th o 0 level acceptable the DO Revel acceptable 0 It to a Yes No NA NE Yes roa NA NE Comment: The facility operates three ceratiort basins in setlee is periodically added to mainto n appropriate pH levels. A check valve for one of the t lowertmotor units was not operating properly, The check vaivo should be repaired as soon a possible, ondar clarifier is the oRarifier free of black and odorous atef``` Is tt�e site free of e de sue buildup'of soRrds n eel ter wet R of ueou"`ar r Are w "eveb, ee C f vv it blocXape"? nn Ye No NA NE E" xt An. G�?afi4rreFJ n n n Yes No_ NA NE n f l n f n n P e on Date: 04.22," 00fw eondrary frier efree of: ev-de ce;f ©°jai a e uate2' atefree oteaacessr e is the drive unit ropesh la the return rake Is the overflown clear ude blanket le el acceptable (pprc: mate ' a the sidewall depth) Comment: Disinfection -Tablet al ptd e k0 nor Facility iTrattraster Fuat Inspection Type: cumal.ar vakua Are tablet chlorinators opera lucr a Are the tablets the proper size and Number of tubes in use Is the °eve" of ch6cri e res,duak acrd tat th or sludcre buoldup ;y ere chlohne residual prig i y de-chlcronatcun Comment hntact cheber rbulersceh? e sdlidslprn Roo'? De chlorin Lion Type of system€ is the feed raga prep cnal' tr chicrine amount (1 tb t is s erg e appropriate to cyloriders? de-d Yes No NA NE ubslan,ce stored a1va'y from chi rule r ontazners`t` Are the tablets the proper sse and type Comment The chlorination and d chlurir atiorl ttablets were being strlred in the building. Are tablet de -chic n Nut we Pe hals Comment The t unity uses sodium sulfite tablets for denhiorination, The t i isirar ion systmi issue an authorization-to-construct(ETC) on 7.017107for a d chlurin, Flow Measurement - Effluent qs flow meter used for rep rrtanp'y Yes No NA NE • o • u n n I Yes No NA NIA Tablet n ll n nn • inn Yes No NA N • o Page Inspection Date: Id the easure cv n uent n "typo; COOlbeehteiEe Yes No NA NE n o (®1 n Comment: The flow mete brated annually and was t calibrated on 5/30108 by 8,VV, Allen Company, The fad y staff must ensure the sti!linrd elf is kept free of leaves, debris, etc. nt Pipe 'ay to ttae out faf( p Are the redesving water free of f.a y rrraintairrery t that Evart t,F If effluent (diffuser per pipes are reguErad) are t" ,° ()per atRvtg property taunts ana other w etlr[3' Comment The effluent appeared clear with no ffoatabfe solids or foam The eceiving n stream was not evaluated at the time of the inspection, Pump StationLL Effluent Is the parrp reallp ryp of bypass fines or strra tures'? ra re all pumps ocperata[e Are float : anthers f.e abl+a" CADA € ape uefihle an Aerobic Digester the cap at'/ anegE.; it . nag a•de .sale Is the site free of e ass e od r ar;re Debi *age avaaa9sdle for properly waste Swag atsc n kite and a erat. rt l? aa in the triEry Comment: Digested sll rfg is trartsproted to the Town of Taylorsv Millers ,Septic Service for final treatment and disposal, Standby Power tfcall an..tEvated tanddy power aa`aEla Ee hr generatr r test dy interrupting pa E ary pia er amerce" rPby Yes No NA NE • t0itn nnEn Yes No NA _NE nnn' ri * non rl n l0 Yes No NA NE n n n o n n n n Yes No NA NE 0 n 0 0*f Page [lisp ction t COC nab- aciiit}. Crat'trrasterFnrnlurer Inspection Type: pliann? Eiv station StandbyPower is the generator tested s rt er =ca Yes_ No NA NE n o Was genera ed & opera ttanai d crt g the {nsgectio c the generat r+,s; have adex .late papa ty t Aerate tine entire wwastewwater s€te'? e an emergency agreement with a fuel ndror tar extend ran 'back-up power? e generator tn,el level ltnanitorei' Comment: n' '7/2009 10:58 8286325288 BRIAN EADES +l-ITP PAGE 02 CRAFTMASTER FURNITURE INCORPORATED A l iN: Ms. Marcio Allocco N.C. Division of Water Quality Mooresville Office 610 East Center Ave. Mooresville, NC 28115 Subject: Notice of Violation- tJn i Tracking #;NOV-2009-t^V-0023 Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit #NC0068632. Alexander County January 27, 2009 Dear Ms. Allocco, As mentioned on the reverse of the ammended September 2008 DMR, checking the "compliant" box was an oversight on my part and this is the corrected form with listed measures taken to remediate the situtation. Just prior to taking the BOD tests, operators have noticed heavy ammounts of detergent entering the WWTP influent barscreen. I was notified soon after, and contact was made with plant staff to prevent (or at least reduce) ammaunt of detergents entering the system. Heavy ammounts as you know can limit bug performence in the basins, reducing BOD effectiveness. Once detergent load lessened, I upped the lime dosage to correct pH to neutural, then BOD results corrected to within limits. If I can answer any more questions about this issue please call me at (828) 632-5280 anytime. Thank you. Brian Eades, ORC Craftrnaster WWTP BR EFFLUENT D*SCl NO.- 001 MONTH- SrrNnbf r YEAR 2000 FACTUTY NAME- Graflnla9tar Furniture Corporation CLASS TT COUNTY- ALEXANDER OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE- Brian Erodes GRADE -IV PHONE (VZ0) 6324250 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES - (1►-WATER TECH LATE, INC (x)-FV,A CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED - S) COLLECTING SAMMPLES-ORC & B.cli-up operators M$# oRIOlNAL Dad ONE COPY bt ATTEN'T1O N.C. Exhision of Water e:f»Nly+ ill 7 WA &mita Cent* RALEO7JK. N.C. 71i910-181 ; AN EADES WWTP PAGE @3 f..ie AVERAGE lir/2009 10: 58 8286325280 ..x BRIAN EADES WWTP Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) Ail monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet peflit equtrcrnuS All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet pemdt requirements PAGE 0 4 Comptiarit If the facility is noncompliant. please comment on corrective actions being t to equipment, operation, maintenance. etc., and a time -table for improvements to be made. "1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under ray direction Or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the intemation submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the systelar or those persona directly responsible fes gathering the information the Information submitted is, to the best ofmy knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knocking violationS.” 410010 Temperature 00556 00076 Turbidity 00600 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00610 00082 Color (ADM) 00625 00095 Conductivity 00630 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BODs 00665 00340 COD 00720 00400 pH 00745 00530 Total Suspended 00927 Residue 00929 00545 Settleable Matter 00940 Permittee (Please prim Signature (Required) A Oil lit Grease 00951 Total Nitrogen 01002 Ammonia Nitrogen Total Kjeldhal 01027 Nitrogen Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 01034 Total Phorphorou.s Cyanide Total Sulfide Total Magnesium Total Sodium Total Chloride 01037 01042 01045 01051 01062 e Total Fluoride Total Arsenic Oadriiiton Hexavatent Chromium Chromium Total Cobalt ColVer Iron Molybdenum 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc 01105 Aluminum 01147 Total Selenium 31616 Fecal Celiform 32730 Total Phenolics 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow Permit Exp. Date 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71880 formaldehyde 71900 Mercury 81551 Xyiene Parameter Codes assistance may obtained by calling the Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit at (919) 733-5083 or by 'visiting the Water Quality Section's web site al D2q,eni3tAtOJKAlti(wSS and linking to the Unit's information pages. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data, * ORC must visit facility and document -visitation of faCility as required per 15A NCAC 80 *0204. " If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the st 2) (D). Beverly Eaves Perdue, Gove Dee Freeman, Secretary's, Secretary North Carolina Department, of Environment anii Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Div iston WatCr Quality January 23, 2009 CERTIFIED MAIL #7007 1490 0004 4510 1636 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Arthur Gardin, Human Resources Director Craftmaster Furniture, Inc. PO Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Subject Notice of Violation - Effluent Limitations Tracking #: NOV-2009-LV-0023 Craftmaster Furniture VIAATTP NPDES Permit No, NC0068632 Alexander County Dear Mr, Gardin A review of the September 2008 self -monitoring report for the subject facility revealed a viola on of the following parameter for Outfall 001: Date Parameter Reported Value 912/08 BOD 8.5 mg/L Permit Limit 7.5 mg/L (Daily maximum) The Facility Status was erroneously listed as Compliant on the backside of the Discharge Monitoring Report — DWQ Form MR-1; this is also a violation subject to an enforcement action„ Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct any problems. Since the comments section on the reverse of the relevant Discharge Monitoring Report did not provide an explanation for the noted effluent limit violation, it is requested that a written response to this Notice be submitted by no later than February 27, 2009, The response should include any additional information concerning the violation or comments that you wish to present, Please address your response to the attention of Ms„ Marcia Allocco of this Office. The Division of Water Quality may pursue enforcement actions for this and any additional violations, If the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to operation and/or maintenance problems, and you anticipate remedial construction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent, You may contact Ms, Allocco of this Office for additional information. If you have questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Allocco or me at (704) 663-1699 co Point Source Branch Alexander County Health Department MA NCDENR Sincereiy, fr 1 k . Robert B, Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection aro t Ina Mooresville Regional ()Rine interne: Division of Water QUaiitY Phone 704-663-1 699 Customer Service East Center Ave, Suite -30 Mooresville, Ni' 28,115 F ax 704-663-6040 1,877-623-6748 An Equra Opportsin4Affiiiiria1Re Actcri Employer - 50% Renyeiledi",ni Poe! Conceme7Paner :Michael 1. Easley, William C,. Ross Jr., Sec ent o vironrment tnd iNatural Resourees Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director fyiv<ision of Watcr Quality January CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7006 2760 0001 8493 0 86 Mr. Arthur Gard.in, Hun Resources Director Craftmaster Furniture, Inc, Post Office Box 759 i aylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Subject: Notice of Violation Compliance Evaluation Inspection Craftmaster Furniture 1\% W P NPDFS Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County, N.C. Tracking #: NOV-PC-2007-0048 Dear Mr. Gardin: Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on January 19, 2007, by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office. Please inform. the facility's Operator -in -Responsible Charge of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. This report is being issued as a Notice of violation (NOV) because of the perrnittee's failure to obtain an Authori atir n to Construct (ATC) for the modification of the existing treatment process (dechlorination) as required by the'NCAC 21.1 .0139 and North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1 as detailed in the Dechlorination Section of the attached report. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($2.5,000.00) per violation., per day may be assessed against any person wxh.o violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G,S., 143-215.1. Any construction, modification, andior addition to the treatment process must be approved by the Division (ATC) prior to the initiation of such activities. The Division developed a Fast 'Track ATC process for facilities utilizing a dechlorination treatment process. 'The Division has previously delegated the review of all ATCs to the Construction Grants & Loans Section. '1 he Fast Track application and guidance can be found at the following website address: http://wow.nccgl.netin.ews;ATCoverview,html. lvfooresv'ille Regionrtl C)fMac. Internet, 4A,lA LP nC,A iiicrgaa fMivisirtta of W ier C;7uality 6l l) least Center Av=e., Suite 301 .Mooresva One NorihC.iroI na ..Viztural/y Phone 704.66699 CustomerSerait Fax 7 14-663-6041.E 1 -87 7-h73-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50' Recycled/ 1O% Post Consumer Paper r.rtl�n` iardin Page `1 Jannai 7 Although thy: operatio tet once are commenclahlc, it is rcclucsted that a \A`ri.tt n response be submitted tct this t Bice h ty`ebruar ";14, 2007, addressing the siuIation noted in the Dechlorination Section of the report. In responding, please address your cointncnts to the attention o ism � resa 11c c o. `1%hereport should tie sI cxllanator concerningthis report, please do not hesitate to cn WB oszrc Alexander to inccrl„ lth Delaz�t tit d `c a hays any gustir ns Bell or the at (70) 663-1699t. at ttriers, er Protection EPA ates Envrron r ent r@ Prctec€+cn Agency Washington. D C 20460 ater Compliance Inspecti©n Report on A National Data System Coding {i e PCS) Form Approved, OMB No 2040-0057 Approval expires 8a31.98 Transaction Code NPDES. I I I yrlmotday 121 Remarks 1 1 1 1 1 inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating 7 1.5 1 69 7011:4 81 QA 721 Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 18N ,J 19=1 201 1 74 n B: Facility Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include PQTW narvre and NPDES permit Number) Tire of C' I!}:1t i.9 Permit Effective Date 0,5105,1 Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date Name(s) of Onsite Represent etive(s(lTitles(s 1Phone and Fax Nir ber(s) Name Address of Responsible c Title/Phone and Fax Number Gardin, PO rlc>.=. ?,59 Ttaylor:n•, ill 9681 " k@::8-* 3;'_97 6 f, Contact No r Facility Data n C Areas Evaluated Durin {Check only those areas ev 1 Flow Measurement • Operations & Maintenance $ Records/Reports Self -Monitoring Program !$ Facility Site Review II EffluentOReceiving Waters $ Laboratory Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments {Attach additional streets of naerative and checklists as nece (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signatures) of Inspector(s) Agency/office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Wesley Bell MRO Wtr/761-663--1 N9 Ext.2311 Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date M3>,0 i Q, ,,t'l@):1_ 35m2204,/ EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions a lobsoiete Page # Permit. NCrird 8 33 Inspect ti Date: 010t200 Ow ner - Facidity: Craftrnaster Furniture Fa rlity Inspection Type. Compliance Evaluation Permit Of the present permit expires in 6 month Is the facility as described in the permit Are there any special conditions f+ r the peirmit is access to the plant site restricted to the general public' is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? essj Has the perm sub en a new application rrtmnt: The Influent equalization basins have not been utilized in several years: The facility was required to comply wIth a 28 ugil TRC 'iuenit by 1 11 , Record Keeptng Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit" is all required information readily available, complete and current? Are all records maintained for 3 years (lab. reg required 5 yea Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRsq is the chauri-of-custody complete? Dates, times and location of sampling Name of individual performing the sampling Results of analysis and calibration Dates of an Y Narmae of Eastern perforrmamg analyses Transported COCs Are;Div1Rs complete. do they include all permit parameters? Has the facility submitted its annual compliance or Yes No NA NE .• 0 riono 0000 Yes No NA NE 000 8000 000 O 00 00m0 he facility rs = or 5 MOD permitted flow) De they operate 24r'7 with certified operator on each shift? is the C RC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility cEassificatron Is the ORC vwsin log available and current/ sport to users and / is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility class is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on site Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review? DO 0 • E Page Permit: NC0063632 Owner - Facility: Craftniaster Furniture Facility Inspection Date: 01/19/2007 Inspection Type. Compliance Evaluation Record Keeping Comment: DMRs were reviewed for the period November 05 through October 06. No limit violations were reported and all monitoring frequencies were correct. The sample type for total nitrogen and total phosphorus should be changed from "C°' (composite) to "G" (Grab). In addition, the permitted winter limits should be accurately documented on future DMRs. boratorlr Are field parameters performed by certified personnel or laboratory? Are all other parameters(excluding field parameters) performed by a certified tab? # is the facility using a contract lab? Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at 1.0 to 4 4 degrees Celsius)? incubator (Fecal Colrform) set to 44,5 degrees Celsius+/"- 0 2 degrees Incubator (BOD) set to 20.0 degrees Celsius +/- 1,0 degrees? Comment: On -site field analyses are performed under the laboratory certification #5062 (Town of Taytorsville). The remaining effluent analyses are performed by Water Tech Labs, Inc. (certification #50). Please refer to Mr. Chet Whiting's (Division's Laboratory Certification Unit) inspection report regarding the Town of Taylorsville's laboratory practices. Yes No NA N Yes No NA NE . 000 t Q ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000 O ©a ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Effluent Sampling Yes No NA NE Is composite sampling flow proportional? 0 0 ■ ❑ Is sample collected below all treatment units? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is proper volume collected? NOOD Is the tubing clean? 0 0 • ❑ Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at 1,0 to 4.4 degrees Celsius)? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type reprene)? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Upstream / Downstream SampYes No NA NE 0 Is the facility sampling performed as required by the per tit (frequency, sampling type, and sampling location)? I• ❑ ❑ Comment: Operations __..nance © _orations & alntenan� Is the plant generally dean with acceptable housekeeping? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable Solids, pH, DO, Sludge ■ 0 0 Cl - Judge, and other that are applicable? Comment: The facility appeared to be properly operated and well maintained. The facility staff provide daily lime additions to maintain the facility's treatment efficiency, Page # 4 Permit fJ 8 2 Owner • Facility: raftrrraster Furniture Fad y inspection Date t 1/19 24ti' lr ssection Type: Compilance Evaluation r Screens Type of bar screen a;Manual bMechanica Are the bars adequately screert'sng debris?°' is the screen free of excessive debris? is disposal of screening in compliance? is the unit in good condition? Comment: Arbon Basins Mode of operation Type of aeration system is the basin free of dead spo Are surface aerators and mixers operational? Are the diffusers opetrattonap is the foam the proper cclor for the treatment process? Does the foam cover less the 25% of the basin's surface? the 0 levee acceptable?" DO level acceptable?(1.ti to , :0 main Gonirn nt: The facility utilizes three aeration basins in series., Secondary C Is the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater? Yes No NA N. 0 m000 Yes N NA NE Ext. Air L}afftset e site free of excessive buildup of solids in center we Yi riff circular clsalter? Are weirs leveia is the swte free of weir blockage? is the site free at evidence of silo rt-circultinn? is scum removal adequate? the site free of excessive hosting sludge? the drive unit operational? th urn rate acceptable iicwu turbulence)? 00* i • ?''. m000 Yes No NA NE O 00 O 00 ri 0 MOO 0 Page # Permit: NC0068632 Owner - Facility: Cra trnaster Furniture Facility Inspection Date: 0109/2007 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Secondary Clarifier Is the overflow clear of excessive solids/pin floc? Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately A of the sidewall depth) Comment; Disinfection -Tablet Are tablet chlorinators operational? Are the tablets the proper size and type? Number of tubes in use? Is the level of chlorine residua! acceptable? Is the contact chamber free of growth,, or sludge buildup? Is there chlorine residual prior to de -chlorination? Comment: Flow Measurement - Effluent # Is flow meter used for reporting? Is flow meter calibrated annually? Is the flow meter operational? (If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter? Comment: The cable type flow meter is calibrated once per year. The flow meter was last calibrated by B,W. Allen on 5/31/06. De -chlorination Type of system ? Tablet Is the feed ratio proportional to chlorine amount (1 to 1)? • 0 n 0 Is storage appropriate for cylinders? 00.0 # Is de -chlorination substance stored away from chlorine containers? 0 • 0 0 Are the tablets the proper size and type? ■ 0 0 0 Comment: The dechlor and chlorination tablets are stored in one building; however, the tablets are sealed in their respective container. Are tablet de -chlorinators operational? 0 • 0 0 Number of tubes in use? NA NE ■ 000 ■ 0 0 0 Yes No NA NE. * 000 IDn0 2 O DOM ■ 000 O 0 0 Yes No NA NE ■ 0 0 0 • 000 N 000 On■n Comment: The effluent is dechlorinated in the effluent trough prior to the effluent pump station. The permittee did not request and/or received approval (by the Division) for this treatment process addition (dechlorination) as required by NCAC 2H :0139 (Minimum Design Requirements) and G.S. 143-215.1.. Yes No NA NE. Page # 6 Permit. NCO ri6FtJ2 Inspection Date: Ovi9t2 07 Owner - Facility: Cma or Furniture Facility Inspection Type: Cornelia c Evaivation PunwStation Effluent is the pump wet well tree of bypass lines or structure Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable' Are float controls operable'? Is SCADA telemetry available and operational? Is audible and visual alarm available and operational? Comment: Standby Power Is automatically activated standby power avarlabie Is the generator tested by interrupting primary power source" Is the generator tested under load? Yes No NA NE Was generator tested & operational during the inspection' Do the generator(a) have adequate capacity to operate the entire vaastewater site? Is there an emergency agreement with a fuel vendor for extended run on back-up power? Is the generator fuel level monitored? Comment: Effluent Is right of way to the outfall properly maintained' Are the receiving to ee of foam other than trace amounts and other debt If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly? Comment: The effluent appeared dear with no floatable solids or foam. The receiving, stream did not appear to be negatively impacted. The permittee must ensure the access road to the discharge outfall and upstream/downstream sampling locations is properly maintained at all times. Yes N NA NE 0 0 0 • o D' C EDOO Yes o NA NE O 000 0 Page Aige NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor Mr, Arthur Gardin Craftmaster Furniture, Inc. P.O. Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 286810759 Dear Permittee: William G. Ross, Jr,, Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Director August 15, 2008 Subject: Renewal Notice NPDES Permit NC0068632 Craftmaster Furnitihrik IVIRO Alexander County 0\NQ-surface Wa et Protection Your NPDES permit expires on April 30, 2009. Federal (40 CFR 12241) and North Carolina (15A NCAC 2H.0105 (e)) regulations state that permit renewal applications, must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration of the current permit. If you have already mailed your renewal application, you may disregard this notice. Your renewal package must be sent to the Division postmarked no later than November 1, 2008. Failure to request renewal by this date may result in a civil penalty assessment, Larger penalties may be assessed depending upon the delinquency of the request. If any wastewater discharge will occur after April 30, 2009, the current permit must be renewed. Discharge of wastewater without a valid permit would violate North Carolina General Statute 143-215,1; unpermitted discharges of wastewater may be assessed civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If all wastewater discharge has ceased at your facility and you wish to rescind this permit, contact me at the telephone number or address listed below. Use the enclosed checklist to complete your renewal package. The checklist identifies the items you must submit with the permit renewal application. If you have any questions, please contact me at the telephone number or e-mail address listed below. Sincerely, Charles H. Weaver, Jr. NPDES Unit cc: Central Files Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection NPDES File 1617 Mal Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919 807-6391 / FAX 919 807-6495 / charlesweaver c ailnet One NorthCarolina Naturallff An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NPDES PERMIT NC0068632 CRAFTIVIASTER FURNITURE FACILITY ALEXANDER COUNTY The following items are REQUIRED for all renewal packages: A cover letter requesting renewal of the permit and documenting any changes at the facility since issuance of the last permit. Submit one signed original and two copies. • The completed application form (copy attached), signed by the pennittee or an Authorized Representative.. Submit one signed original and two copies. • If an .Authorized .Representative (such as a consulting engineer or environmental consultant) prepares the renewal package, written documentation must be provided showing the authority delegated to any such Authorized Representative (see Part II.B.11..b of the existing NPDES permit). • A narrative description of the sludge management. plan for the facility. Describe how sludge or other solids) generated during wastewater treaunent are handled and disposed. If your facility has no such plan (or the permitted facility does not generate any solids), explain this in writing. Submit one signed original and two copies. The following items must be submitted. by any ,Municipal or ustrial facilities discharging process wastewater.: Industrial facilities classified as Primary Industries (see Appendices A-D to Tide 40 of the Code of Federal. Regulations, Part 122) and ALL Municipal facilities with a permitted flow ? 1.0 ..M.GD .must submit a Prim* Pollutant Analysis (PPA) :in accordance .with 40 CFR. Part 122.21. The above requirement does NOT apply to privately owned facilities treating 100% domestic wastewater, or facilities which discharge non -process wastewater (cooling water, filter backwash, etc.) Send the completed renewal package to: Mrs. Dina Sprinkle NC DENR / DWQ / Point Source Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Mihinvei 1 Easley, Govanor Vt'illnini ( Rvksir Secl-vttary North Carolina Depcioineni of Doviconment and Nanicul Resources Mr, Arthur Gardin Craftmaster Furniture, Inc,. PO Box 729 Taylorsville, North Carol a 28681 SCIUEUT: Authorization to Construct A to C No. 068632A0I Craftinaster Furniture, Inc, Craftmaster Furniture Facility Dechlorination Facilities Alexander County Dear Mr. Gardin: Coleen /I, Direcfor Division of Water Quality JUL 1 A fast track application for Authorization to Construct dechlorination facilities was received on June 27, 2007,.by the Division. Authorization is hereby granted for the construction of modifications to the existing Craftmaster Furniture Facility', with discharge of wastewater effluent into unnamed tributary to Third Creek in the Yadkin River Basin, This authorization results in no increase in design or permitted capacity and is awarded for the construction of the following specific modifications: Installation of a dechlorination system utilizing sulfur dioxide pursuant to the fast track application received on June 27, 2007, .and in conformity with the Minimum Design Criteria for I)echlorination This Authorization to Construct is issued in accordance with Part 111, Paragraph A of NPDES Permit No, NC0068632 issued May 1, 20(.1)5, and shall he subject to revocation unless the wastewater treatment facilities are constructed in accordance with .the conditions and limitations specified. in Permit No. NC0068632. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take inimediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement 'wastewater treatment or disposal facilities. The Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704)663-1699 shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities so that an on she North Ca Tulina /non of Water Qua/ky 1617 Muil Sep, icc Cenrci- /nternet 512 \ Selkhury Raleigth NC 276tht Raleigh, NC 2769971617 ['hunts oil 9 733-7015 Cusfamer Service /-AX 019/ 73.3-27/96 Ls 7776'23 An Equal Opportunily/AffirrnativP Action Emp4oyer -- SON Hecy;id 1OO Past Consut-ner Paper Mr. Gardin July 11, 2007 Page inspection can be inade, Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during, the normal office, hours from 8:00 ini. Ural I 50.) p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays,. Pursuant. to 15A NC AC 21-1 ,0140, upon completion of construction and prior to operation of these permitted facilities, the completed Engineering Certification form attached to this permit shall be submitted to the address provided on the form. Upon classification of the facility by the ,Ccrification Commission, the Permittec shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the wastewater treatment facilities, The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at least equivalent to or greater than the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission. The Permittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type and grade to comply with the conditions of T.I.5A.:8G,0202. The ()RC:of the facility must visit each. Class I facility at least weekly and each Class 1.1, HI and IV facility at least daily, excluding \veckends and holidays, must properly manage the facility, must document dailyoperation and maintenance of the facility, and must comply with all other conditions of TI5A:8G.0202. A copy of the approved plans and spe ifica Permittee for the life of the facility. Shall be miintained on file by the During the conarnctiun of the proposed additions/modifications, the permittee shall continue to properly maintain and operate the cx„isting wastewater treatment facilities at all times, and in such a manner, as necessary to comply. \via) the effluent limits specified in the NPDES Perinit, You are reminded that it is mandatory for the, project to he constructed in accordance with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution. Control .Act, and, when applicable, (he North Carolina Dam Safety Act., In addition, the specifications must clearly state what the contractor,s responsibilities shall he in. complying with these Acts, Prior entering .i„Ilt0 any contraensi for construction, the recipient mustniut Iia e obtained all applicable permits from the State. Fadure to abide by the requirements contained in this Authorization to Construct may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to I43-215.6C. The issuance of this Authorization to Construct does not preclude the Perunttee &Qin complying with any and all statute's, rides, regulations, or ordinances which may he imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction, ARAtig ariv g11:i tiler Sullin Egavid W. Poore, P :, West Consult a tw P EC, Alexander County Health Department rtment DWQ Mooresville Regional Office, Surface '. 'Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Daniel Blaisdell, RE. Print Source Branch, h, PL 1'r°r°rTi Cecil G. Madden, Jr., P.E1, Anita Reed, 1 1. 'C File n 02/19/2007 13.51 e2 25280 BRIAN FADES WWTP PACE 02 Fe 4. 2 7 SUBJECT: NOV Craftmaster Furniture Inc.. Taylorsville, NC 28681 NPDES#NC0068632 Dear Ms. Allocco, I apologize for the late response. We have been scrambling to rectify the NOV regarding our proposed Dechiorination system for our WWTP. Craftmaster has contracted with West & Associates of Morgaton to comply with the North Carolina. General Statues in this matter. This engineering firm has assured us that the DWQ will recieve the proper documentation for the modifications we propose within the next few weeks. As far as record keeping is con ed, sample type on .'total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus" has been changed from "C" to "G" on the DMR's. This should address all concerns in our recent inspection. If any other response is needed please contact me at your conveinience. Thank yoU- Sincerely, Brian Eades, ORC WWTP Craftmaster Furniture, Inc. 2007 ek 2007 1 BRIAN EADES, TP PAC 01 Pi Miuhaif 17 Elsie* Governor Witliana G. Roas Jr., Secretary North Carol a „Kparimem of 1.1nviroament. and Namiral Resources hll V* P.R. Dcior Division tirl Willer (duality AND NA '171. ' DD1.NN'!N'ND'gN 110014.1.111,' " 7in May 24, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Mr. 'Wm. Jerry Twiggy West Consultants, PLLC 405 South Sterling Street Morganton, North Carolina 28655 SUBJECT: Return of ATC Application Package NPDES Permit No..NC0068632 Craftma.ster Furniture Corporation Crahmaster Furniture Facility' Alexander County Dear Mr. Twiggs: This letter is in reference to your Authorization to Construct permitapplication, received on March 5, 2007, for the construction and operation of the subject wastewater treatment facility. After review of the ,application it has been determined that all information required for a complete ATC application has not been received. Therefore, the Division of Water Quality must return your application as incomplete in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-21.5.1. After review, it has been deterrnined that your facility can he permitted through our dechlorination fast track application process. Information on the requirements for this process can be found at our web site: httpl/www,rweafici/newsiATCoverview.htrui. Please read the Dechlorination System Minimum Design Criteria and complete the 'Dechlorination Fast Track Application Cover, Dechlorination Fast Track Certification, and Dechlorination Fast Track Application Form.. Please be advised that construction and/or operation of wastewater collection, treatment, and/or disposal facilities without a valid permit is a violation of North Carolina General Statute §143-215,1 and. may subject the owner/operator to appropriate enforcement actions in .accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-215.6A-6C, Civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day per violation may be assessed for failure to secure a permit required by North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1. North Carolina Division or Water choliN 1617 Mad Service (*liter Raleigh, NC 27699-'1617 Phone 019.1'733-7015 inicrn Location, 517, 5 Salishury i RaleOL NC 27604 Fax (91,9) 733-2496 An Equal OpporlunitylAttirmative Action Employer - 1OO Recyclei100% Post Consumer Paper orth Caro I ilia Natyrally Ciwomer Service D877-623-0748 Ettggs 'at c When °atbli i i° axht in c t i a a as c r as phh att n package and the appropriate Nrd t process ss nntent oncoming this matter, r, please cc n ct Cecil . 1 Re Dona Anita t ccc ATE.Filet aureate an., ya u r at review. .K Pro tcctt 1 ) 71 2( May 19, 2006 Mr, Chou -Li Hsu Craftrnaster Furniture, Inc. 4190 Eagle11 Drive High Point, NC 27265-8237 Dear Mr. Hsu: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross ir,, Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Subiect:NPDES General Permit NCGI80000 Certificate of Coverage NCG180010 Craftrnaster Furniture, Inc, Formerly Craftmaster Furniture Corp. Alexander County Division personnel have reviewed and approved your request to transfer coverage under the Gene.' received. on April 25, 2006, Perrnit, Please find enclosed the revised Certificate of Coverage. The terms and conditions contained in the General 'Permit remain unchanged and in full effect, This revised Certificate of Coverage is issued under the requirements of North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina. and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, If you have any questions, please contact the. Stormwater Permitting Unit at (919) 73.3-508.3, extension 502. cc DWQ Central Files Mooresville Regional Office, 'Water Q Stormwater Permitting Unit on Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY KEN PrKLE Alan W. Klimek P. E. ute ENVROW ""‘ AND NATURAL RESCURCES MOORESVLU T TONAL OFFICE MAY 2 4 200,% WATER QUA. N°oTtliCarolina Vatura.11y North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Internet: h2o.enrslate.ne_us 5 2 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 An Equal Opportunity/Alfirmat e Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service FAX (919) 733-2496 1477-623-6748 is here' L I OF N O .T'II CAROLI . i T OF ENVIRONMENT AND NIX' UR 1., ILS °I I.°I DIVISION.F WATER I E] ER,A L PERM"' i 1). NCG180C100 1CATE OF COVERAGE No. NCC180010 TORM r \ 1TR ttI C ES NA I'I N I POLLUTANT DISCEIARGE NATION 'F ° : Not tl na Genera d by he North rth Carolina ed e 14 ? l i l , tttlaer rp i'ral t arrci:rr ; tcarat GRA ' TER FIJR I IRE, I uthcrrired to dtsc;htaer from a facility I r'eerrtra vvAraters cie r tµ with the ett linaitratirans, of (General Permit No, NF(i This C tried ate na Lr, :R FURNITURE UR C' (R AFTMASTER 14 \1 1M N1I"1'I NDER (°f t.i `I` he South "rtd yuirements< and atd. time et' in River catlaer C y 19, 200o. of ("c?vera e sh ill rerrraiin in effer t fear the (Jura is day May icrn th "'adl, in-P e C ee River 1laasitr in aILrarctanee ditit>res set ftrrth 1t7 Parts 1. 11, 11I, 1 ', ', grad VI the h3eneral Permit: L SIGNED BE' KEN PICKLE Alan W, K@irnek. I3ir°eLtat. I ivi Iran of Water Quality, By Authority f asf the FnaFircatarnentaal ianra en rr- i, edited, and published by the Geological Survey by USGS and USC&GS w photogrammetric methods from aerial photographs ' 1967. Field checked 1970 1927 North American datum North Carolina coordinate system ''se Mercator grid ticks, rnnv i 7 Coat?. CONTOUR INTERVAM Frr' Michael F F aas'ley, Gov William G. Ross Jr., Secy. 'North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klime:k P, E Director Division of Water Quality September 27, 2005 Mr. Arthur Gardin, Human Resources Director Craftmaster Furniture Corporation Post Office Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County, N.C. Dear Mr. Gardin: Enclosed is a copy of. the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on September 23, 2005, by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office. Please inform the facility's Operator -in -Responsible Charge of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell, Mr. Bridgeman, or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Alexander County Health Department N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 E. Center Ave. Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service DD877-623-6743. EPA Transaction Code 1 I I 2 Li 21 United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20460 0 I Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) NPDES NC00553,53"2 Form Approved. OMS No, 2040-0057 Approval expires 8-31,98 yrfmolday Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 1 11 121 I 17 18 Li 1 20 U Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evalu 671 169 70 4 Remarks on Rating 71 B1 QA 72 N 74 751 111111 JB0 Section B: Facility D Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include POTW name and NPDES permit Number) Cra f tmaster 0urc.i tura CorporaL ion Cra fster Rd Hiddenit€ N.0 28636 Entry Time/Date 50100 00 oa/09/2 Permit Effective Date Or4/(35/01 Exit Time/Date 01.:14 PM 115/09/23 Permit Expiration Date 09/04/30 Name(s) of Onsite Representative. P n and Fax Nurnber(s) S t. eve Brian Ea ci ,IORC - 532 5280 Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number Arthur Gar9in,P0 Box 759 Tayloroville Ni 28691//828-642 -9486/ Contacted '04 Other Facility Data Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated 111 Permit •Flow Measurement II Operations & Maintenance Records/Reports • Self -Monitoring Program II Sludge Handling Disposal Facility Site Review II Laboratory Section D: Summary of Findi Co e A ta h additional sheets af narratived ehecklists as nece a II Effluent/Receiving Waters (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s W44,,0 N Bel 1 Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date KRO ;,,,W/7o4-663-1699 Exv,_?,:n/ Signature of Management Q A Reviewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Richard' 6 Bricigeman 704-663-1699 Ext .264 / EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. O (3 0 AN VN oN seX O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 C3 N. O 0 0 AN VN 0N 0 0 0 000N O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O OO 000E. paving JIY lx3 AN VN ON saA E3 0 0 O 00S O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 dN VN oN O 00M O 00n. C O E3 0 .VN PN. 304§.......41Noptotiljo :$0040:"6dtitiJetufew put: Aio4.0400o:pq1.0iitibNiiio:0*140:.t NJ_ ':pattO)NfeUj.46m'pue.popadoApodtNd:.:aq oi.palt000:Ambtkplai4u00010b, ptte.• 0 •'otj•pura6png0-`00 °sPII90' .O114E-'°111•3•S4) 14 `•.S01IN .:xa...101:"04aissitejecf lasuas., ssasoolazAtsue.MPol•sql •se1)0. :L1.5i:gqd06.44shOt1 biclOsla•050••.14 10. t11k41...4llessus.6..luet001) 3.,•Ki.W4••01.010I14 UO1WJOdO .a0a4Jr:10.u. 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'llu0Luwoo �k„Jo Li.01L{J_ap ,J0!_01 100, ; w0,» a1?0)clpy0 "JalII sI d p r; a t`a;;p,,3 .;c) "aan uata all a , )p Jac}aasra , epaJ )4aull 'l lL)L^11a 41k.P ls?+) 1€ as otasat.alal 4 ' la:a; l .Jta1 sl to AgptIFETIS 11Jaw11I0D dsu uogleJodJ0) aJnplwnd Joisrwue.Q :ttpiped - Jaunnp ideuoyr?.0114) pup oiciralpent) u)IEle p)c> algrpnL., b 61.eo \MVOS SI u0s) le0pl. F1a'V' li.irasm .r 0c1L¢r1(1 Ila S;114 pp0Nk 4 )M lit IOilO t= JV `=1 5OOZ!£Z/6O uogoadsup ZC 1449003N=;ru>uad Permit NCt ltt2 inspection Date: 09,'"2 , r fynart0. rf €act;t11[,rf rarosported COCs 1H ::curseJete de l t. irrc.fstt afl bid and cue' It-ackrup ol:7t opy Of Comment: See "uar" Section for addition =f`iuPnt Sampfing, is p pie call ., rnertl: See tr n't 1 own.t ur, the frtc114 s<'rrq p,'!r Crt1nrent:: Aerobic Deter; rrkage Comment: Is ricgltl tf vway 10 tti 7'p ivinr* Water fro,. 1orttdn;1 et omn nts Owner Facility, Craftrnr ster Furniture Corpor-ltiar on Type: Compliance Evaluation (krtpE r! Rra 4.4 rtr grey: Col: eee)? p> n for additional corn „g aired by the per+rtit (fretikrr.rtr.y.. s;rrni, ylrt-: nrtr sas p red) are ornnaent: The effluent was clear with no suspended soNids iyy dehr`i<> Yes No NA o C30110 o 0 if o • 0 0 0 • o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 11 o DOSO 0 0 0 0 0 0 o n0 0 0 no 0 0 0 Yes No NA -'F;; 000_.. g0 0 t 0 • 1 o 0 • o 0 ▪ o 0 Yes No NA, NE ▪ 0 0 0 O 0 0 N o 0 IN o RECORD EPING coned: SUMMARY Self-monitoting reports were reviewed for the period November 04 through July 05, inclusive. No limit violations were reported. The facility staff incorporate a commendable record keeping system. EFFLUENT SAMPLING coned: No flow was reported on April 30, 2005 and the entire month of May 05. The inspection verified that the above -noted discrepancies were transcription errors. Amended DMRs should be resubmitted. The same upstream and downstream sampling times were listed for the entire month of November 04 and December 8, 2004. In addition, the monthly average effluent fecal eoliform values were not calculated using a geometric mean for the months of November 04, January 05, and February 05. Note: The new ORC (as of March 05) has properly calculated the monthly average effluent fecal coliform values during the remaining review period. No permittee address was documented on the November 04 and January 05 DMRs. The compliance status was not checked on the January 05 DMR, The ORC and perrnittee must ensure all DMRs are accurate and complete prior to submittal to the Division. SEE ATTACHED CHECKLIST North Carolina January 6, 2005 Larry Chapman Craftmaster Furniture Corporation P.O. Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 28681 SUBJECT: Payment Acknowledgment Civil Penalty Assessment Cratmaster Furniture Corporation Permit. Number: NC0068632 Case Number: LV-2004-0583 Alexander County Dear Mr. Chapman_ Michael F, Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality This letter is to acknowledge receipt of check number 94221 in the amount of $335.04 received from you dated December 17, 2004. This payment satisfies in Ball the above civil assessrnent levied against the subject facility, and this case has been closed. Payment of this penalty in no way precludes future action by this Division for additional violations of the applicable Statutes, Regulations, or Permits. If you have any questions, pl Ro cc: Enforcement File #: LV-204-058 DWQ Mooresville Regional f llu Supervisor Central Files SIedt e at J I9 733-5083 Ex:t. 547. Sincerely, f1-4-/ eZf. ,5"1/ ,, Coleen Sullins v� bon ft ttt a r11p942� III■ 1:0 5 iO 15 1 »�* 0 9 i 18 2 �t CHEL DATE ; CHECK NO. 'RR.'PRO PANTO "RAPH, SAF 'ry PAPER ANI3 AH'rlFtc1A WAY M R `LIRE . AitA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Michael F, Easley, Governor Division of Water Quality November 30, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Arthur Gardin Craftmaster Furniture Corporation P.O. Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 28681. SUBJECT:. Dear Mr. Gardin: Natural Resources William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P,E., Director 7003 2260 0001 3550 3520 Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalty for Violations of N.C. General Statute 143-215.1(a)(6) and NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Craftmaster Furniture WWTP Case No. LV-2004-0583 Alexander County This letter tr~an r its a Notice of Violation and assessment of cavil penalty in the amount of $335.04 ($250.00 civil penalty + $85.04 enforcement costs) against Craftmaster Furniture Corporation. This assessment is based upon the following, facts: A review has been conducted of the discharge monitoring report (DMR) submitted by Craflraster Furniture Corporation for the month of September 2004. This review has shown the subject facility to be in violation of the discharge limitations found in NPDES Permit No, NC0068632. The violations are suann rized in Attachment A to this letter,. Based upon the above facts, I conclude as a natter of law that Craster Furniture Corporation violated the terms, conditions or requirements of NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 and North Carolina. General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1(a)(6) in the manner and extent shown in Attachment A. A civil penalty may be assessed in accordance with the a-xiunrs established by G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2). Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of iaw, and in accordance with authority provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality, I, D. Rex Gleason, Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor for the Mooresville Region, hereby make the following civil penalty assessment against Craftmaster Furniture Corporation: Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 ! Fax: 704-663-6040 / Internet: h2o,enrnstate,nc,us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 5IY Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper N©nrthCarolina Naturally 250.00 250.00 85.04 35.04 For of the one (1) violation of G.S. 143- 15.1(a)(6) and NPDES Permit. No. NC0068632. by discharging waste into the waters of the State in violation of the permit monthly average effluent limit for Ammonia Nitrogen. TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY Enforcement costs. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty l have taken. into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the factors set forth at G.S. 143B- 282.1(b), which are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violations; The duration and gravity of the violations; The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air gual�; The cost of rectifying the damage; The amount of money saved by noncompliance; Whether the violations were committed willfully or intentionally, The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. ithin thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the fo Submit payment of the penally; Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (do not include waiver, form). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of: Point Source Branch. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-16i7 OR • Submit a written request for remission including a detailed justification for such request: Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the penalty assessed, Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an admim.st. rative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation that no factual or legal issues are in dispute. Please prepare a detailed statement that establishes why you believe the civil penalty should be remitted, and submit it to the Division of Water Quality at the address listed below. In determining whether a remission request wffl be approved, the following factors shall be considered: (1) whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in G.S. 143B- 282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (2) whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental darnage resulting from the violation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (4) whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please note that all information presented in support of your request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Quality will review your evidence and inform you of his decision in the matter of your remission request. The response will provide details regarding case status, directions for payment, and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director. Therefore, it is very important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission. In order to request remission, you must complete and submit the enclosed "Waiver of Right to an Adininistrative Hearing and Stipulation of Facts" form within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. The Division of Water Quality also requests that you complete and submit the enclosed "Justification for Remission Request" Both forms should be submitted to the following address: Point Source Branch Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 OR File a petition for an administrative hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings: If you wish to contest any statement in the attached assessment document you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings. You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal o rF ce hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed — provided the original and one copy of the document is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings within. five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) 733-2698 Facsimile: (919 73: 478 A copy of the petition must also be served on DENR as follows: Mr. Dan Oakley, General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Please indicate the case number (as found on page one of this letter) on the petition. Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a postmark), will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occur after the period of this assessment. If the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to opera ortanror :maintenance problems, and you anticitaate remedial construction activities f you have any questions about this civil penalty assessment or a Special Order by Consent, please contact the Surface Water Protection Section staffof the Mooresville Regional Office at 704/663-1699. Al cc::S Water CentralComp c a ' P.E. a Pr` ton oo °` Regional .+ ion of Regional Su Nitrogen deno eat + c +fir NPDES P r 6.67 Corporation N. NC0068632 ITV-2t * .05 2.0 STATE OF NORTH CAR©LINA COUNTY OF Alexander IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST Crafmaster Furniture Corporation PERMIT NO. NC0068632 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES AIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS FILE NO. L'-20 i4-05$3 Having been assessed civil penaslti s tot i 33 .04 for violation(s) as set fhrth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Quality dated November 10, 2004, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalties, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of receipt of the notice of assessment No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after 30 days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of 2004 BY ADDRESS TELEPHONE NPDES NO,- NC0068632 EFFLUENT' DISCHARGE NO.- 001 FACILITY NAME- Crattmaster Furniture Corporation OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE- Warren Miller CERTIFIED LABORATORIES - (1)-WATER TECH LABS, INC CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED - Mul ORIGINAL sod ONE COPY to: ATTENTION: NeC, Division of Water Duality 1617 Mall Service Center RALEIGFH, N.C. 27699-1617 2 930 0.0 MONTH- September YEAR- 2004 CLASS II COUNTY- ALEXANDER GRADE -II PHONE (626)310-6527 (2)-N/A PERSONS) C G SAMPLES- ORC (SIGNATURE OF OPPER.d4TOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) SYTtr9 111TtlaMTT1R@ 1 CERTr r Ti AT THIS REPORT 5 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO Tre BEST Or MY KNOW LEDOE. 10 925' 12 14 16 900 17 900 0.5 0.5 y y 201 1030 0.5 y 1020 1000 23 31 AVERAGE AXIM UM MINIMUM Ceamp.(C)!G Monthly Limit 0.01058 22 25 6.49 1 600 0.01033 24 7.49 0.00223 '23 0.0186 .00 0.00 1 y 1 0.014 b(G) 0 0.0 20 0689 .� 25 17 7 ' 0.015 1 7.69 7 7.71 2000 1 7.57 7.71 12 6,49 4.8 <2.0 41, 2.06 5.7 E.25 <2_0 4 2&10 7.8 <1 WO 886 1 20.8 0 f 20.8 1 10.7 0 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, ex., and a time -table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Si ** ermittee Address Phone Number 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 00300 00310 00340 .000 00530 00545 00556 00600 00610 00625 Conductivity 00630 Dissolved Oxygen BOD5 00665 COD 00720 pH 00745 Total Suspended 00927 Residue 00929 Settleable Matter 00940 PARAMETER CODES Oil & Grease 00951 Total Nitrogen 01002 Ammonia Nitrogen Total Kjeldhal 01027 Nitrogen Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 01034 Total Phosphorous Cyanide 01037 Total Sill fide 01042 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Sodium 01051 Total Coloricie. 01062 Total Fluoride Total Arsenic Cadrniurn Hexavalent an-emium Chromium Total Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Molybdenum 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc 01105 Aluminum 01147 Total Selenium 31616 Fecal Coliform 32730 Total Phenolics 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71880 71900 81551 Formaldelxyd Mercury Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Point Source Complian &Enforcement Unit at (919) 733-5083 or by visiting the Water Quality Section's web site at b2o.eurstatencustwqs and linking to the Unit's information pages. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G .0204. " If signed by attic: than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state (2) (D). 1 A .. C 2B .0506 (b) SECTION A(1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of this permit and .LASTING UNTIL EXPANSION ABOVE (.)'f)1,5 MCT,D OR EXPIRATION DATE, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastevs,ater from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: BOD, 5-day, 20°C (A . ril 1 - October 31) BOD, 5-day, 20°C (Nova — March 31) Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N (A.ril 1 - October 31) NH3 as N (November 1 - March 31 Total Residual Chlorine'," Fecal Coliforrn Geometric mean) Dissolved 0xygen3 Temperature Temperature Total Nitrogen (NO2+N0TKN Total Phosphorus 0,015 MGD 5.0 mg/L 10.0 ing/1, 30.0 mg/L 2.0 ing/L. 4.0 mg/L 200/100 tril We verA 7.5 mg/L Continuous Weekly 45,0 rng/L Weekly 20.0 mg/L Weekly 28,0 pg/L 400/10D ml 2/Week Weekly Weekly Daily Weekly Weekly Recorder Grab Grab Grab Grab Quarterly Grab Quarterly WIIM11110001!...1 Notes: 1. Sample locations: E- Effluent, U- Upstrearn at least 100-feet, D- Downstream at least 300-feet. 2, TRC limit takes effect on November 1, 2005. 3. The daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 6,0 mg/1 4. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. There shall he no discharge of floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. E,U,D North Catlin Easley. Governor oss Jr., Secretary of Env iron aryl Natural Resources Alan W'� K3imek, P. E. Dueaor Division of Water Quality Coleco H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality Janu-try` 15, 2004 Mr. Arthur Gardin, Human Resources Director Craftmaster Furniture Corporation P.O. Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Subject: Technical Assistance Visit Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Gardin: At your request, on January 12, 2004, technical assistance was provided by the writer. Sonja Williams of the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO), at the Craftmaster Furniture Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The primary focus of the visit was to identify any operational and maintenance problems. The facility has received two Notices of Violation for improper operation .and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant. An enclosed table provides the observations that were most apparent from the visit, and suggestions toward improved operation and maintenance. Also enclosed is the requested sludge generation guidance. 1 hope these suggestions will assist you in operating the wastewater treatment plant. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Sonja Williams WWTP Consultant Mooresville Regional Office Enclosures cc: Mooresville Regional Office Central Files Roger Edwards, Technical Assistance & Certification Unit (ARO) ina N. C. Division of Water Quality, M i711 ©i 9I9 ,NNC 2699 Cost a Service f -877- i23.674'8 C..ratlmaster Furniture WW`I P Technical Assistance Visit January 12, 2004 Problems / ©bservations fluent manual bar screen had siguif pH 8..0 SAE" .TRC 0,0 mg/l) ids. Aeration basins had a dark brown -gray color and the dissolved oxygen (DO) ranged from 8 to 10 mg/l. The basins had several areas where there was a "boiling effect." Microscopic examuzation indicated nematodes and red slridgc worms were predominant species. (aeration pH 5.4 s.u., .settleability 530 ml/1) he clarifier was turbid with bulking sludge. sludge depth was 7 feet, pH 4.78 s.u., DO 7.2 mg/I) Chlorine contact basin. had > 2 feet ofsolids depth at the effluent end of'the basin. b) Effluent flow meter's stifling well had 3 inches of solids depth. Effluent trough had between 5 and 8 inches of solids depth (effpll 5.5 s.u., TRC 0.62 .nag/I, alk < 20 nrg/1,). Effluent was turbid with a faint yellow color. The digester color was dark brown -black. The basin was being aerated at the time of the visit; however, once the blowers were alternated, the 2nd blower would not aerate the digester. Recommendations is suggested that the operator increase raking ofthe bar screen to prevent nary sewer overflows (SSC)s).This will also prevent the solids from in. the aeration basin diffusers, suggested to maintain a I to 3 mg/1 D© operating range, which helps buffer the system for shock loads. Excess DO allows for solids carry-over to the post treatment units. Periods of low pH. and long solids retention time are desirable Conditions for nematodes and red sludge worms. A solids wasting program should be established to help maintain a settleable solids operating range of 400 to 800 rnl/1. The low pH may be attributed to the "old sludge" conditions in the aeration basins. The pH should improve once the old sludge is wasted. The diffusers and blowers should also be placed on a maintenance program. The "boiling effect" generally is an indication of damaged or broken diffusers. The diffusers should be removed, inspected, and repaired on an. annual basis, or as needed: The clan°ifier's surface solids should decrease once the DO in the aeration basins are maintained within the 1 to 3 m ng/I operating range. The pH should increase once the wasting program is established. It is suggested to maintain a 1 to 3. feet clarifier sludge depth. The clarifier's walls and trough need to be scraped weekly to prevent solids formation, which will ultimately carry- over to the chlorine contact basin. The chlorine contact basin and effluent trough should be pumped as needed to prevent solids build-up and ultimate carry-over to the final effluent. The stilling well should be kept free ofsolids, leaves, and debris so that the flow measurement device can operate properly. It is suggested to pump the digester as needed to accommodate the wasting program. The 2nd blower's line to the digester should be inspected and repaired. Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NC0068632 2002 Sludge Generation Guidance Month Avg Inf. Avg Eff Avg BOD BOD BOD removed mg/I mg/I from sys, (*) mg/I Jan 250 2,75 247.2 Feb 250 < 2 .__ 250 250 < 2 250 Apr 250 < 2 250 ay 250 < 2 250 un 250 < 2 250 Avg Lbs Avg Flow, BOD MG©for removed Month. from s s X 0.50 ibs solids generated X#days/ month Lbs solids generated/ month 16.50 .000 8.2 2 16.68 ,008 16.68 .008 16.68 .008 8.34 28 234 8.34 8.34 2 0 250 6.68 .008 6.68 .008 4 8,4 25 I0 250 ul 250 1.5 248.5 Aug 250 2 250 Sep 250 < 2 250 Oct 250 2.88 247.12 6.58 .008 16.68 .008 16.68 .008 29 4 8.34 0 257 259 250 6.49 .008 Nov 250 2 250 Dec 250 1.4 248.6 6,68 .008 16.59 .008 8.2 256 8.4 0 0 250 Total solids, Ibs generated = 3,037 Based on an average of 2% solids: Gallons generated= 3037 solids, Ibs = 18,207 gallons/ year or 1,517 gallons/ month 8.34 X 0.02 (*) Facility does not sample for Influent BOD, so data is based on domestic BOD, rng/L 257 Michael F. Eu.sley, Ciovc William Ro., Jr_ Set:roar) North Carolina tkpartrocrit of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality January 14, 2005 Mr. Arthur Gardin Craftrnaster Furniture Corporation Post Office Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCOO68632 Alexander County, NC Dear Mr. Gardin: Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on January 7, 2005 by Mr. Barry Love of this Office. Please inform the facility's Operator -in -Responsible Charge of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report to him. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Love or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Alexander County Health Department BL NrrthCztrolina Naturally SZA NCDENR N. C. Division of Water Qualify, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 1ast Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Water Compliance InspectionReport A: National Data System Coding (i.e.. PCS) NPDES NC0.06B612 113 Inspection `Myork Days 671 6 . (. 69 70 J 7t 72 N 73 L T4 J 11 121 yr/nxa/day 0.5i0 07 1 17 Inspection Type Inspector 16 U 19 u Remailke l[m11 1111 L111.1111 1111 [1 Pt7Tiaij name iMIF'l S Number) graft caster Furnikure Corporation Crast aasrer Rd derai to NC 256 Fax Numbers arr'axt Weaaw Ga:d:n,/ 525-n32-9786 < Name. Address of Respo it t lailiilie/Ptr+arae and Fax Nu Larry t"hapmansP" Box 759 TaylorrvaZ.it C13 9F631 .825-i,;_._97s 05 PM 05/01/07 PM 05,/01/0"7 Se can C: Areas Evaluated During lnst tan (Check only those areas eve Data Flow Measurement • Operations 8 MaintenanceRecordsd# eport nitorirt Program Sludge Handling Disposal Facility Site Review . Effluent/Receivi (See attachment summai Narne(s) and Agency/ and Fax Numbers acts of anat tsl i A Reviewer chard M Pr EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete, MRD WQ. , 7f fire 1 .__, :5 6,7,40 Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Dale 04 05/0.1 09 /04 30 00000 O 0000 O 0 ■ 0 0 ■ 1 0 1 1 E co F E cL7 0 U 0 0 0 ■ O 000 O 000 O 000 ■ 0 ■ ■ 1 1 x N ■I■ O 0 00 O 0 5 41 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0000■0 0000000 ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 0 ■ O 00©o■■ 0•0000o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1110 ■ ■ ■7 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ©© 0 0 0 0 0 ■■0■■■■■■■O0 ■■000 O 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0■0000000■■--00■■■ w E 2 Is the contact chain © 0000000 O El 0 0 0 El 0 0 0 0 0 0■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 0 Permit: NC0068632 Owner - Facility: Craltmaster Furniture Corporation - Craftmaster Furniture Corporation In • 01/07/05 Ins n Ttfpe; ComtaklLance Evaluation tandby°.Pwet Is automatically activated standby power available? Is generator tested weekly by interrupting primary power source? Is generator tested under load at yeast quarterly? Was generator tested & operational during the inspection? Do the generator(s) have adequate capacity to Operate the entire wastewater site? Does generator have adequate fuel? is there an emergency agreement with a fuel vendor for extended run on back trp power? Commend: The generator was not tested daring the inspection. 1 ahoya r! Are field parameters performed by trtified personneI or laboratory? Are all other par ameters(excJuding field parameters) performed by a certified lab? Is the facility using a contract lab? Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs? Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at 1.0 to 4.4 degrees Celsius)? Incubator (Fecal Coliform) set to 44.5 degrees Celsius+/- 0.2 degrees? Incubator (SOD) set to 20.0 degrees Celsius +/- 1.0 degrees? Comment The °RC was in the process of gets certified for field pararnet at the arm to the inspection report by Chet Whiting of the Laboratory Certification unit for more details relating to practices.. Cr1�v Measurement - Effluent Is Clow meter used for reporting? Is fiow meter calibrated annually? is flow meter operating properly? (If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter? Comment The blow meter was fast calibrated Can January 20, 2004 by 8, W. Allen Company. Record Keeping Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit? Is at required information readily available, complete and current? Are all records maintained for 3 years (lab, reg. required 5 years)? Are anatytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs? Are sampling and analysis data adequate and include: Dales, times and Vocation of sampling Name of individual performing the sampling Results of analysis and calibration Dates of analysis Name of person performing analyses Transported C0Cs Plant records are adequate, available and inde O&M Manual As built Engineering drawings Schedules and dates of equipment maintenance and repairs Are DMRs complete: do they include at permit parameters? Has the facility submitted its annual compliance report to users? Yea No NA NF 0 0 0 000III O 00III 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ■ O 0 0 IN O 0 0 ■ Yea Fin N9 0 III 00 ■ 000 ■ 000 • 0 0 0 ■ 000 00 III 0 O 0 MI Vnr Yens Nei NA NF a00�} ! 0 0 0 III 0 0 0 III 000 Yea No NA NE ■ 0' 0 0 ■ 0 0 0 ▪ 0*I 0 IN 0 0 0 ■ 000 • 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■ Permit: NC0068632 inspection pats: 01/07/05 Owner - Facility: Craftmaster Furniture Corporation - Craftmaster Furniture Corporation Inspection Type: Coq:thence Evaluation Rersirri Keeping ((f the facility is = or > 5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate 24(7 with a certified operator on each shift? Is the ORC visitation log available and current? Is the ORC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification? Is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility classification? Is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on stle? Is the facility description verified as contained In the NPDES permit? Does the facility artatyze process ,control parameters, for example: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable Solids, DO, Sludge Judge, pH, and others that are applicable? Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review? Comment: Dhlfre were reviewed for the period of November 2003 through October 2004. A monthly average ammonia violatiori was reported for Janteiry 2004 and September 2004. These violations have been addressed hi previous ocrrespondence from this office. Total residual chlorine was only reported once for the weeks of August 30 through September 3, 2004 and Septernber 21 through October 1, 2004. The permit requites TRC to be monitored twice a week. Some of the monthly weave values we not recorded, end the back pages were not completely filed out on the September and October 2004 DPAR's. Please inose that Mfrs are filled out (=rapist* as tequired by the permit, Detailed instructions can be found on the Divisionsweb elle at Ntplitt2o.enr.stalanc_ustpeceu/0AARdirct_htm. Fffinent Sampling Is composite sampling flow proportional? 0 Is sample collected below all treatment units? • 0 E3 Is proper volume collected? • 0 0 E3 Is the tubing clean? 0 E3 1 0 Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at IA) to 4.4 degrees Celsius)? 1 El 0 0 Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type representative)? • El El 0 Comment Aernhicpigester Yes Pin NA NIP Is the capacity adequate? • 0 0 0 Is the mixing adequate? 0 CI 0 • Is the site free of excessive foaming in the tank? • 0 E3 0 ls the odor acceptable? 1 0 E3 0 Comment Miller Septic pumps the digester as needed. Fffluent Pipe Yea No N4 NF Is right of way to tee °unfelt properly maintained? • CI 0 CI Are receiving water free of solids and floatabte wastewater materials? • 0 0 Are the receiving waters free of solids !debris? • 0 0 0 Are the receiving waters free of foam other than a trace? M 0 0 El Are the receiving waters free of sludge worms? • 0 0 0 If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly? 0 CI IN 0 Comment Although there was some foam where the outfali enters the stream, no foam Yes Noist€ 0 0 III El III 0 0 0 MI 0 E3 0 1000 1000 •E3 El El 1000 0001 Yes No NA NF A uuar', l'Fraelaaseei *°its tiais le ter is tr copy of the draft permit for voia aeihity. eustnre. thorough ianderstaruluag of the conditions and requircanernts it Michael F, Easley, Governor State of North Carolina William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and NaturaP Resources Arian W. Klimek, P.E„ Director Water Quality FEB 0 4 2004 \ PDES Permit NC0068632 aster lurraitrare der County n The draft permit onatai ns the following significant changes from your e .rrerut permit: S' r1 total residual chlorine l'l C) limit has been added to this permit The limit will take effect 1l naortl effective date of the final permit, See the attached 'IRC policy memo for details. 1;7ttilg rnua .irgnuin limits fear ammonia nitrogen have been added to the perrnit. See th.e attached :trusser as details, me no later than thirty clay; irorll<nes frig your rec address of this page, permit w,ii likely be issued in 1pri1, with an effective date of May 1, 2i)t)A.. concert i.l address [ etc d below, pert. on tea c. P N tla Carolina Division of Water Quality t1T Mail Service Center. Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 tgya,tjelci }act M•n2t, (919) 733-5083 x551. FAX (919) 733-0719 On the Internet at http://h2o enr.state.nc.us/ SC Rl F ` .\1.t. I in „. :°\.` 1 R \ 1 ‘'I TA Puma o. N" NATION I_ U FAN " RGE ELIMINATION SY TEM tcc r°tttt st1aat pronsti,t dtit the ttttt1� C.;trzhttr tc.te.r 4appitctthy thc: •.N9,rt � ttc lirt ontrottActttas.ttc�tcicrl; i herd U Craft ..aster Form e Corporation tth c.Hlucnt tt s I become effective t1 disc-h Graft to det t.tc, Nott x;trader ft>t nt) from t 1 tdttd 1rt1S Lrtc1 cnt t..cttt ek 1Li r,ht tw<ttIL.n-1'ctt ac^.r cct�cltacat c°t fc.rth itt Permit No„ NC0068632 SUPPLEMENT VERN' „..7: COVER, SFIE„ET All previous NPDT!1S Permits issued to this 'facility, ',AXliether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permitissuance, an y previously issuedpermit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions, included herein., Craftmaster Furniture Corporation is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate the ems ..„g 0.01.5 MGD wastewater treatment lac „.ty consistmg of following components: • Bar screen • Three aeration. basins in series • Influent flow equalization • Clarifier • Tablet chlorination • Chlorine contact tank • .Aerated sludge holding tank • Continuous effluent flow measurement • Effluent pump station • Standby power supply "r he facility is located at the (7„raftmaster Furl Alexander :ounty„ , ,ra as cr Road, Hiddenite, 2, 1.',xpand the existing wastewater treatment facility, after receiving an Authorizatian to (a nstruct, to a permitted design capacity of 0,070 MGD; and 3. :Discharge from said treatment works(via (1)utfall 001) into an unnamed tributary to Third Creek, a. Class C water in thc Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin, at the location specified on the attached map„ Craftmaster Pura uNC0068632 -USGS Quad Name: D14NE Hiddenite Receiving Stream: UT Third Creek Stream Class: C Subbasin: Yadkin -Fee Dee - 030706 Not to SCALE rir- SECTION A(1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS mit No. NC0068632 Beginning on the efµFective date of this permit and LASTING UNTIL EXPANSION ABOVE 0.015 MGD OR EXPIRATION DATE, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater from Otrtfall 001. Such discharges shall he limited and monitored by the Perrnittee as specified below: UENT GUAR A,C"TEIIIT'S Elov 0.015 MGD 13C)U, 5-day, 0 C (April 1 .W October 31) BOD, 5 day, 20°C Nov.1 -- March 31 Total, Suspended. Residue ,NH3 as N (April 1 - October 3l ) NH3 as N (Novernher I March 31) al Residual Chlorine 10.0 rng[L y tt.imutn Freq4ettry. , Type , ; Igor s Continuous Recorder 1 or E Weekly Grab nlla Weekly Grab 45, Weekly Grab E mg/L., Weekly Cmira.b E 4,,0 nag/L 2C),C) nr tl Weekly Grab E Coli form eornetric mean) sd lved Oxygen - Tern a 'temperature p Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN ) Total Phosphorus 2/Week Grab 400/ 100 rarl Weekly Grab Weekly Grab E,U,U Daily [:Grab E Weekly Grab Weekly Grab E. Quarterly b E Quarterly Grab Notes: 1. Sample Ioe atior s. E- Effluent, U- Upstream at least 10{ f °rat, l;).. Downstream at least 300-feet. '. TRC Limit takes effect 18 months after the effective date rat the final permit. 3. "1"he daily average dissolved oxygen effluent ct ncerrtrbatsa ra shall not be less than 6.0 trry /1 4, The pH shall not he less than 6.0 standard units nor han 9.0 standard units. "[here shall be no discharge of floating solids rrr foam visihld in anther than trace amounts. sEctioN A(2). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING .REQUIREMENTS BEGINNING UPON EXPANS'ION ABOVE 0.015 /14GD and lasting until 'permit expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater from 0utfall OOP, Such discharges shall he limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Flow 1301), 5-day, 20°C (April 1 - October 31) 130D, 5-day, 20°C. (Nov.1 — March 31) , 'Total Suspended Res due NH3 as N (April I - October 31) LIMITS Monthly Weekly Daily Average Average Maximurn 0 070 N1GD 5.0 mg/1. 10.0 rng/L 30.0 nig/L 2.0 mg/L NH3 as N (November 1 - March 31) Total Residual Chlorine2 Fecal Conform (geometric mean) Dissolved Oxygen' Temperature Temperature ,pF14 Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Total Phosphorus 4.0 mg/I. 200/100 nil 7.5 mg/ 15,0 g/L 45 I 0 0 mg/L 20,0 rng/L 400/100 ml MONITO] Measurement Fre Ilene Composite Composite Cot ioste Weekly Composite Daily eekly 'eekl Grab Grab Grab Tirab 'tab Monthly Composite Monthly Composite Notes: 1, Sample locations: E- Effluent, 1.1- Upstream at least 100-.feet„ D- Downstream at least 300-feet. 2. TRC limit takes effect 18 months after the effective date of the final permit. 3. The daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 6,0 mg/.1. 4. The pH shall not he less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9,0 standard units. There. shall he no discharge of floating solids or .loam visible in other than trace amounts. EN Sample Location or E Michael F. E.as►cy, uu •.•• Witham G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Colecn H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality April 15, 2004 ['FC-fifF� WAIL RETURN RECEIPT Mr. Larry Chapman, Vice President of Manufacturing Craffmaster Furniture Corporation P.O. Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 28681 N the Subject: ear Mr. Chapman A review of the January 2004 self -monitoring report °Mowing parameter: 7001 2510 0004 8286 3753 Notice of Violation Etfluera�t I.r It Craftmaster Furniture Corp. WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 NOV-2004-LV-4144 Alexander County, NC P 001 Annmonia lm tee, should be taken to correct any problems. The Relrtedial actions, if not already ` p leme t actions for this and atry additional violations. If the Division of Water Quality may pursue enforcement problems, and you. nature,v not related to operation and/or maintenancep for a SpecialdOrder by anticipate a are edif continuingyou may wisb to consider applying anticipate remedial construction activities, then of this Office for additional information. Consent. You may contact Richard Bridgeman. If you have questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bridgennan or me at 704/663-1699. the subject facility revealed a violation of 4.0 RMB hCar`olina torah i Sincerely, irm D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervis Point Source Corn pliance/Enforcement Unit ' Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Mein Street, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-16 erciA CDENR Customer Service 1-877-6i23-6i748 Michael F. Easley, Gov William G, Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek.. P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleco H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality November 21, 2003 Larry Chapman, Vice President of Manufacturing Cratfmaster Furniture Corporation Post Office Box 759 Taylorsvilie, North Carolina 28681 Subject: NOV/NRE Response Compliance Evaluation Inspection. Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County, N.C. Dear Mr. Chapman: By letter dated October 8, 2003 youwere notified that this office was considering sending a recommendation for enforcement action to the Director of the Division of Water Quality for monitoring violations and the operation and maintenance discrepancies set forth in the Compliance Evaluation Inspection report attached to the letter. Based on your response and the actions observed (on the DMRs) to correct the previously noted monitoring violations, this office has decided not to pursue an enforcement recommendation for such violations at this time. Please be advised that if future inspections verify_ continued operation and maintenance discrepancies, then this office will submit an enforcement recommendation to the Director. Should you have any questions, please do n Enclosure Sincerely, h ontact me at (704) 663-1699. D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional. Supervisor cc: Alexander County Health Department Tina !rI N. C. Division of Water Ju oral Office, 919 North Main Street Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663,-7699 Customer Service 1-877- i23-6748 1 Artichael F, Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality 24/03 LARRY CHAPMAN CRAETMASTER FURNITURE CORPORATION P. Q. BOX 759 TAYLORSVILLE, NC 28681 SUBJECT: Payment Acknowledgment Civil Penalty Assessment Craftmaster Furniture Corporation Alexander County Permit No: NC0068632 LV-2003-0157 Dear Mr. Chapman: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of check No. 8503() in the amount of $435.45 received from you dated October 17, 2003. This payment satisfies in full the civil assessment levied against the subject facility and this case has been closed. Payment of this penalty in no way precludes future action by this Division for additional violations of the applicable Statutes, Regulations, or Peiittits. If you have any questions, please call Robert L Sledge at (919) 733 — 5083, ext. 547. Sincerely, For Coleen Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality cc: Enforcement File #: LV-2003-0157 Mooresville Regional Office Supervisor Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7016 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 CERTIFIED MA. 7000 1530 OCT 0 6 2003 2 21f1f17095 RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Mr. Larry Chapman Craftmaster Furniture Corporation P. 0. BOX 759 TA.YL©RSVILLE, NC 28681 Subject: Dear Mr. Chapman: Michael F. Easley, Governor Willeam Q. Ross Jr,, Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W, Klimek, F'.E., Director Division of Water Quality Remission Request of Civil Penalty Assessment NPDES Permit Number NC0068632 Craftmaster Furniture Corporation Alexander County Case Number LV-2003-0157 I have considered the information submitted in support of your request for remission in accordance with G.S. 143-215.6A(f) and have decided to modify the initial civil penalty assessment of $1,335.45 to the total amount of $435.45. If you choose to pay the modified penalty, send payment to me at the letterhead address within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter. Please make your check payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). If payment, is not received within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter,. in accordance with. N.C.G.S. § 143-215.6A(t), your request for remission of the civil penalty (with supporting documents) and my reconvnendation to deny the request (with supporting documentation) w. be delivered to the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission's (EMC) Committee On Civil Penalty .Remissions (Comm.ittee) for tinal agency decision. If you desire to make an oral presentation to the Committee on why your request for remission meets one or more of the five statutory factors you were asked to address, you must complete and return the attached form within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter. Please mail the completed form to the attention of Bob Sledge at the following address: Point Source ComplianceIEnforcennent Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919)733-7015 Fax: (919) 733-9612 Your request for an oral presentation and the documents in this matter will be reviewed by the EMC Chairman and, if it is determined that there is a compelling reason to require an oral presentaiiori from you, you will be notified by certified maii of the date, time, and place that your oral presentation can be made. Otherwise, the final decision, on your request for remission will be made by the Committee based on the written record. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact Bob Sledge at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. attachment cc: Mooresville Regional Office Enforcement file Central Files Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, RE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION County of Alexander IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST: Craft rnaster Furniture Corporation DWQ Case Number LV-2003-0157 REQUEST FOR ORAL PRESENTATION I hereby request to make an oral presentation before the Environmental Management Commission's Committee On Civil Penalty Remissions in the matter of the case noted above. In making this request, I assert that I understand all of the following statements: This request will be reviewed by the Chairman of the Environmental Management Commission and may be either granted or denied. Making a presentation will require the presence of myself or my representative during a Committee meeting held in Raleigh, North Carolina. My presentation will be limited to discussion of issues and information submitted in my original remission request, and because no factual issues are in dispute, my presentation will be limited to five minutes in length. This the day of , 20 SIGNATURE TITLE (President, Owner, etc.) ADDRESS c ) TELEPHONE SSESSM ENT RE4IISSION FACTO TION Case Number: LV-2 03-0157 Assessed Entity: Craftmaster Furniture Corp. Region: Mooresville County: Alexander () () Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were ng applied to the detriment of the petitioner; All applied correctly Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; Although no additional samples were taken, when the next week's samples. were collected, the facility was again well in compliance. The D.0, level in the aeration basins was adjusted and 5000 gallons of WAS was removed. There is also a suggestion of a fall turnover (?????) in this activated sludge plant. Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; No Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; There was a reporting violation case (RV) in 1994. Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. No Decision: (Check One) Request Denied Full„Remission Partial Remission Amount Remitted evo apartment of/En Mr. Larry Chapman Craft. aster Furniture Corporation P. O. Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 28681 Michael F- Easley, William G. Ross Jr„ Secretary rment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, RE,, Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Remission Request of Civil Penalty Assessment Craftrnaster Furniture Corporation NPDES Permit NC0068632 Alexander County Case Number LV-2003-0157 Dear Mr. Chapman: This letter is to acknowledge your request for rernission of the civil penalties levied against the subject facility. Your request will be placed on the agenda of the Director's next scheduled enforcement conference and you will he notified of the result. !f you have any questions about this matter., please contact me at 919i 7.. ,3-5083 Sincerely, Bob Sledge, Environmental Specialist Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit cc: Mooresville Reg i nal Office w/attachments Enforcement/Compliance w/ariginal.s Central Files w/attachments Enforcement File w/3 attachments yx nsion 547. Customer Service 1 900 623-7748 Divn of WaterQuality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh„ NC 27699-1617 (91 733-7016 Fax; (919) 733.9612 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Alexander IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST Craftmaster Furniture Corporation DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS PERMIT NO. NC0068632 IA', 0.3-157 AV5 F-la\ g been assessed c i penalties totaling /41'0 for ioIatw as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Quality dated c9Hx3 , the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the ciyil penalties, does hereby ‘vaive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support. of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of WaterQuality within 30 days of receipt of the notice of assessment_ No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after 30 days from the receipt of the notice of assessm.ent, This the 62 Y' day of ADDRESS l?0 6c9-2( 7:- 10 v///E 47,ri"7" TELEPHONE ?49,r ?7 Craftmaster Furniture Post Office Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 28681 August 19, 2003 Mr, Robert L. Sledge Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SUBJECT: Remission Request of Civil Penalty Assessment Craftmaster Furniture Corporation NPDES Permit NC0068632 Alexander County Case Number LV-2003-0157 Dear. Mr, Sledge: Thank you for your letter dated July 28, 2003 requesting additional information regarding our enclosed remission request dated March 27, 2003, We appreciate your allowing us to provide details justifying our request As attachment A indicates, our facility did have a violation for Ammonia Nitrogen and BOD-5 for the month of October, 2002, This violation occurred because of a single event on October 11, 2002. Within less than one week the plant was totally stabilized to its normal operation. Corrective action included adjusting the oxygen level in the aeration basins and removing 5,000 gallons of mixed liquor activated sludge. One situation which may have caused the slight upset may have been the result of the fall turn over which occurs in most plants due to temperature changes. In addition, our permit includes summer/winter limits, and in just 21 days, the increased values would not have placed our facility in non-compliance. Our treatment plant operator, Mr. Ron McClure, works diligently to achieve optimum perforrnance for our plant. and Craftmaster has had a long-term history of NPDES compliance. The incident has alerted us to make an ever greater effort in our operational procedures, if we can be of further assistance in this matter, please let me know, Sincerely. Larry Chapman Plant Manager Enclosures/hsg Attachment A Craftmaster Furniture Corporation NPDES Permit No, NC006862 Case Number LV 03-157 Limit Violations. October 2002 Averac,e Limit Violatic)ris Parameter Reported Value Limit tinits Ammonia Nitrogen 1,4 * 1,0 miSL Daily Maximum Limit Violations Parameter Reported Value Lirnit Units Biochemical Oxygen Demand 11,5 * denotes assessment of ck " .TOR IN SI L E. CI r` RT I= ED t... t 1 CHECK 110X IF ORC HAS CHANCED FILES LENISIO\ OF W ATER Ql ALITI ][I ri 11 SERVICE CLN'TER EFFLUENT lDfiSCH- RGE NC) MONTH f' / YE ki-t CCUNT1' RADE '" PHONE s'.'r� t s I?LES_:' t.71Cti_ATU. OF OPERATOR IN RESP FY Tt115 SMNATVRX., l CERTIFY THAT TiIIS REPORT 6S CC'l'R TL AND CO\1rLETE TO THE IIEST Cfl 1171, L"(e«`L Er it ' .' „ 1F a s ; i00 Facility St3111S.: (Please check one of the follbiwine) Al] monitoringrncnitorin iaidata, and sampling frequencies meet:per-mit requirements ,,A.11 monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompl..thi p east comment or corrective actions being taken in respect. to equipment.. open, marinterianLie, and dtable for improvements to be made, ' , certify, tan: pedalty of law. that this document and all attactirrienLs were prepared under rn y dire:bon or supervision in 3.c-cc:dance with a system idesicned ;Issue that qualified personne: properly gather and evaluate the informadon subraitted, Based on my indult:7: of the pe:sor, Cr persons wno manage the system,. or those persons directly responsible for gathering the informatio.n, the infoirrndtion submiided is, to the best of rny k-howledite and belief, true, accurate. and complete: 1 am aware that there are siEinificant-peria10.es for su:fadsee inforrnaiJon. including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for liclowing violations-11 r PermiLtee (Please printb (type) Permit:et Address 00010 Temperature 00076 COS3 Color C0OS2 Colior)N11. / 00556 00600 00610 006,25 000 Cionacoovit:i, C.X11,6134,1i 0030-11- Disisod 0012'10 BOD:, 0(1.11:,-40 COD 007:0 002,00 pH 0074.5 005130 To:ai Suspended 009.27 Reslclue 00929 00545 Set:ie.:IC.4e Nilatte: 00940 Oil & Grease 00951. Total Nllrogen 01002 Anam.onia Niu-ogier, Total Kjeld.hal 01027 NiirOg.t27 0103: Total Pnospharous CYariide 01037 Total Sulfide Total Magnesium 01045 Total Sodium O1051 Total Chloride 01062 of' Per. A utriedq Phone Number Dare Permit Exp. Date LNrETu< CODES Total Fluoride Total Arsenic Cadmium Cum: 01147 Chromium Total Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Motv5denun 31616 32730 34235 34481 38260 39516 50050 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 010911 Zinc 01105 Alusninum 50060 Tata! Residual Chleruie TOZal Seienium 713150 Fecal Coliform 71900 Total Phenolics 81551 Benzene Toluene MBAS PCBs Flow For7,1:1,te!lyde R-L—ameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the POird. Source CoMpilazzelEnforcement Unit at (919) 7=--si.-50S3 or Lci" vistung the Water Quality Secnori:s web site at h2oenr,s: encusJwoa and linking to the Units information pages, Use only units desienated in the reporunt7 facility's permit for reporting data, • O.RC must visit l'acilv andoc°,;r11= ViSII3uOri of facility ds, required pier 15A, NCAC SG .,0204, • If signed other t,,h,'":,11, the perrnitte.e, deice:at:on of sienaiory ct, ,thority must be on Ole with the state per 15A NCAC 2,E4 ,0506 (b) 'Permit Ni. 1, Srt: HON At I 1. 1',11.1 ri IVIN I I, Nti AND NIONITI MINI; Itl,,QUIRENIENTS I f errioni im I he el leclive thic pcmilt ;Hid 1,A)""11A1(; IINI 11, LA" l'AM10 N Ai? ( )3 0,0,Y; if(I)1')I? EXP 1( IN 1)/1-IT:. Iic lu dk(-11:tr IlIil tj riNui likin 001 Such klischilircN silo!! hc IitiictI ;ifitl im1iihmet1 hy 1ie Pciriliffee as speed led he EFFLUENT CI IARACTERIST ICS 5;day, 2.1r(' (Avid 1 41) 1„5,day„',1111' Nnv. I ,Nlill41) — ; Sli!;11c mica' Re.:itluc a.s N Apt I 11':) NI 13 'as N ii\hiverldwi I I\ ta“ 411 "him II1 'ccal ( dot (pfootcli it- wean ..)issolvc‘„1 ();<, (WIRI •ropco Nitinven 0\102 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS 11/m010y Average Weekly Average MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Measurement Frequency Daily Maximum 7 15,0 lord 0 mg/r ,1110/1100 1111 1. iticatioW:1 r,11111C111, l I- 1 iirli111 ;II 1;1q 111(1,leci, 1)- 1)(1MtMICAllt 11iCAN1 ,COO-ICCL 2 '1VCrAge diSS1/1".(1 ClIllit'n1 (Agit:el/1"i" Shall 11(11IeICSS 3, `rlic pH shall Ito be Icss iIiiii (LI) sliiii(1:114.1 nor gwater limn 1).tl Man(Jan! onlis„ There shall he In) fliSCIOarge Of floaling, solids ,kri. visible loam in oilier than trace amounts, Cuniimions Wcckly Wcekly Wrekly Weekly 2/ \V(c'k 'Neck y Weekly lv 1,h1ailerry Sample Type Sample Location Itccoolcu ( ihdl ;lab (hal) Grab (.4;11) (foil) I or r r„ Mr, Larry Chapman Craftmaster Furniture Corpo P, O. Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 28681 Subject: Dear Mr. Chapman: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G, Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W, Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality in Remission Request of Civil Penalty Assessment Craftmaster Furniture. Corporation NPDES Permit NC0065632 Alexander County Case Number LV-20413-0157 NC DEPT A)' fir.,` On March 31, 2003, the Division of Water Quality received correspondence from Craftster Furniture Corporation regarding its decision to seek remission in the matter of the subject case, However, the correspondence we received contained only the form that declared Craftmaster"s intent to pursue remission and waive its rights to an administrative hearing. We did not receive a statement from Craftmaster explaining its justification for remission. Such an explanation is essential so the Director may have some basis upon which evaluate the case and make his remission decision, I am returning a copy of the waiver 1"orm along with a copy of the civil penalty assessment,. which describes basic elements of a remission request. In order to receive full consideration of your remission request, please send me a detailed justification of your request by August 31, 2003. If such a justification is not received, your case will still he scheduled for review at the next Director's Enforcement Conference, but without justification it is extremely unlikely you. will receive a decision in your favor.. If you have any quest. extension 547, ns about this matter, please contact me at (919) 733-5083, cc:: Mooresville Regional Office Enforcement Case File Central Files Sincerely, Bob Sledge, Environmental Specialist Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit F1' Customer Service 1 600 623.7746 Division of Water Quality 161'7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919)733-7015 Fax; (919) 733-9612 el F. Easley r+ Governor William G. Ross, Jr.., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan Ww Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality February 28 CERTIFIED M. IL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr, Larry Chapman, Plant Manager Craftmaster Furniture Corporation P.O, Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 28681 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Chapman: 7001 2510 0004 8287 8023 Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalty for Violations of N.C. General Statute 143-215.1(a)(6) and NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Craftmaster Furniture Corp. WWTP Case No. LV 03-157 Alexander County This letter transmits a Notice o Violation and assessment of civil penalty in the amount of S1335.45 (51250.00 civil penalty -- $85.45 enforcement costs) against Craftmaster Furniture Corporation. This assessment is based upon the following facts: A review has been conducted of the discharge monitoring report (DMR) submitted by Craftmaster Furniture Corporation for the month of October 2002. This review has shown the subject facility to be in violation of the discharge limitations found in NPDES Permit No. NC0068632. The violations are summarized in Artachment A to this letter. Based upon the above facts, I conclude as a matter of law that Craftmaster Furniture Corporation violated the terms, conditions or requirements of NPDES Permit No, NC0068632 and North Carolina General Statute (G.S. ) 143-215.1(a)(6) in the manner and extent shown in Attachment A. A civil penalty may be assessed in accordance with the maximums established 'by G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and in accordance with authority provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality,1, D., Rex Gleason, Water Quality Regional Supervisor for the Mooresville Region, h.ere,bv make the following civil penalty assessment against Craftmaster Furniture Corporation: NCDEu' R Customer Service Mooresville Regional t3Ffice, g1g, North Main Street, Mooresviile. NC 28115 PHONE (704) 663-1699 1 800 623-7748 FAX (704) 663-6040 For 7 of the one (1 ) violation of G.S. 143- 215.1(a)(6) and NPDES Permit No. NC0068632, by discharging waste into the waters of the State in violation of the permit monthly average effluent limit for Ammonia Nitrogen. For /m of the one (1) violation of G.S. 143- 215.l (a)(6) and NPDES Permit No. NC0068632, by discharging waste into the waters of the State in violation. of the permit daily maximum effluent limit for Biochemical Oxygen Demand, TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY Enforcement costs. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to G,.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the factors set forth at G.S. 1.43B- 282«�1(b), which are: (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, ou must do one of the follo ing: 1. Submit payment of the penalty: The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violations; The duration and gravity of the violations, The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality_: The cost of rectifying the damage; The amount of money saved by noncompliance; Whether the violations were committed willfully or intentionally; The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (d(..) no! inc°ludc waiver f orm). Payment of the penalty w l not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of: Point Source Compliance,/Enforcement Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Submit a written request for re justification for such request: ion or mitigation including a detailed, A request for remission or mitigation is limited to consideration of the reasonableness of the amount of the penalty and is not the proper procedure for contesting the accuracy of any of the statements contained in the assessment letter. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation that there are no factual or legal issues in dispute. You must execute and return to this office the attached waiver and stipulation form and a detailed statement. which you believe establishes whether: (a; one or more of th.e civil penalty assessment factors in C.S. 143E-282. i(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violations; (c) the violations were inadvertent or a result of an accident; (d) the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violation; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payrnent for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please submit this information to the attention of: Ms. Coleen Sullins Water Quality Section Chief Division of Water Quality 1.617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Please note that all information presented in support of a request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Quality wi review the information during a bimonthly. enforcement conference and inform you of his decision in the matter of the remission request. His response will provide details regarding case status, directions for payment and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions. Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director and therefore,t is v.ery im rtant that °ou re are a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission. OR Submit a written request for an adrnirtistrative hearing: If you wish to contest any statement in this assessment letter, you must request an administrative hearing. This request must be in the form of a written petition to the Office of Administrative Hearings and must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, You must: File your original petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714 and Mail or hand -deliver a copy of the petition to Mr. Dan Oakle °, General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty days, as evidenced by a date stamp (not a postmark) indicating when we received your response, wall result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's. Office with a request to initiate a civil action to collect the penalty. Please be advised that any continuing violation(s) may be the subject of a new enforcement action, including an additional penalty. If you have any questions about this civil. penalty assessment, please contact the Water Quality Section staff of the Mooresville Regional Office at 704/663-1699. D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Quality ATTACII:MENTS cc: Water Qualitye Regional Supervisor w/ attachments Compliance,Enforcement File wi attachments Central Files w,/ attachm.ent:s R.MB on October t'aram Ammonia Nitr ge Attachment A Craftmaster Furniture Corporatira NPDES Pernnt No. NC0068632 Case Number LV O 1, i, Thai l y Ma.i m u Parameter Reported Val Biochemical Ox' n Demand5 denotes assessi s STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA . OLI T ' OF Alexander IN TIIF MATTER F ASSESSM NT CIVIL PENALTIES AI T :...raft aster Furni tire Cnrpnration PERMIT NO, NC0068632 DEPARTMENT OF INVIII' AND NATURAL RESOURCES WAIVER F RIGHT TO AN OF ADMINIS I TIVE HEARING AND TIPUI ATI F FACTS FI L,I I N . - I57 I laving been assessed civil penalties Rimini for viol tion(s) as set forth in the assessment document cif the Division of ater Qualit dated the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalties, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter an noes stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document, The undersitmed further understands that all evidence presented in support ofremission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of rceipt ofth notice of assessment No new evidence in support of a remission request NN ill be allowed after 30 dads from the receipt of the notice of assessment, Thi, the day of 20 ADD SS BY T`I I PN EFFLUENT DISCHARGE C). ME OPERA -TO IN RESPONSIBLE C H AS GE (ORC ) CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (I (2) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ?M diI ORIGINAL and ONE COP)" to; ATTN CENTRAL FILES DIVISION OF 11"ATI;R Q'I'ALITT )617 \TAIL SERVICE CENTER RA7-E."IC311..NC 27699•1617 w C' Ifi MONTH_ =-_ COUNTY GRADE ON(S) COL TING SAMPLES R CTF C't?'E .ATCIR BY T1tIS S1(1\ ATl°RI:,'I CERTIFY' THAT TIII ACCITLAT1 AAIY COAII°I„LTE TO THE }BEST TE ENTER F'ARARIET"ER CCII F :i}1ovE, NAME :1\}} L\ITS I/ D14'Q Form MR-1 ((I0l'OO) Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sarnpllng frequencies meet permit requirements All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT rn :rnt requirements Com nt Noncomp- a 11 the lity is noncomplitmt, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect Lo L:quIpme nu. operation, mtuncc, eta_ an Lime -table for improvements to be made, 1.4 -,,,,,, 0 L., I c.,,,,L," ,i. --"1,c;"..•1 1 131 , kf (1...-7-...f ji 57,.'" 04-4L-, 4*-d„, 1 certify. under penalty of law. that .this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance v.ith asystem designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and .evaluate the information submitted, lased on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information.. the information submitted is.. to the best of ruy loowledge and belief, true. accurate. and complete.. I arrl aware that there are significant penalties for ,subrpatting false infor.mation, including the possibility of tines and imprisonment for knowing .violations." ;- • ° Permittee Address 00010 Temperature 00556 00076 Turbidity 00600 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00610 00082 Color CADMI) 00625 00095 Conductivity 00630 00300 Dissolved Oxygen o o. 310 B0D5 00b65 00340 COD 00720 00400 pH 00745 00530 Total. Suspended 00927 Residue. 00929 00545 Settleable Matter 00940 Permit:tee (Please print lorLybel Permitiee"/ (Require' PARAMETER CODES Oil & Grease 00951. Total Nitrogen 01002 Ammonia Nitrogen Total Kjeldhal 01027 Nitrogen Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 01034 Total Phosphorous Cyanide 01037 Total Sulfide 01042 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Sodium 01051 Total Chlorid.e. 01062 Total Fluoride Total Arsenic Cadmium Hexavalent Chromium Chromium Total Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Molybdenum Date 01067 Nickel. 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc 01105 Aluminum 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 01147 Total Seleniurn 71880 Formaldehyde 31616 Fecal Coll:farm 71900 Mercury 32730 Total Phenolics 81551 Xylene 34235 Benzene 344.81, Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow Parameter Code assistance may obtained by callin(J the Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit at (919) 733-5(183 or by. vis the Water Quality Section's web site at .h2o.enrostate„ncuis/wos Lmd linking to the Unit's information pages, 11 Use orthi units designated in the reporting facility's permit Car reporting dta. O.RC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G .0204. 1f nell by other than We per . snatory authority must he on 2le with the state per 15A .NCAC 213 .0506 (h) (21 (al. Vaunt SVCTION AO). 11141,1HVNT LIMITATIONS AND IVIONITORIM; REQUIRFNIENTS 1.3egininng on the eltecti vedate of this permit and LAST/A'( UNTIL EXPANSION ABOVE 0,015 MCI) OR EXPIRATION DATE, the: Pelma aulhuriLed I() dischaive treated \ ic ic linin ()utbiII UO1. Such discliaigcs shall fie limited ind monitored by the PelonLIce as specified lw EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS ' day, 2trt' rApi il - ricrolter 1 „ 5 -day, 21YV r Nov,1 ! arch Tr„ttal Suspended Residue April - Ocioher as N (No\ clutter - March 31 'otal Residual (frittrine Coliloon (g(omerric mean) )rssolved Oxygen2 Temperanne Tempel -antic u1d Nitrogen (NO2.-1-1..\;03:-!-TKN) Total Pliosnhorw, EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS Monthly Weekly Average Average 5.0 rng/1 Daily Maximum 7,5 ing/1 15„0riiIF 45,11 ingil ,1110/ IOU MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Measurement Frequency ontinnous 'W`cekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly 2/Week Weckly Weekly Weekly Quarterly Quaricrly Sample Type Reel,' der (Irak 4' ( al) Grab Grab Sample Location I or 11-: 13 1143 Grab (Jrab. 1) (kat) Grab F.; ''.111111112 bAlluent, 1 1...ipstir:tilit at least IOU -led, 1)- Dinvitstrearn at least ,.ittlt-lect. 2_ The daily average dissolved oxygen elfluent concentration shall notbe less drill ()It ni)/I. The pl I shall not be less than 6,t1 standard twits nr.yr grealer than 9J) start:Wird Innis. 'Fhere shall be in) discharge or Ilmting solids or visible loan in other [ban trace amounts, Fast Track 1i'rksheet Case Number Facility Name Permit Number Previous Case in the Last two years 3 157 Craft raster Furniture Corporation Number of Assessments for previous 6 0 Statutory I aximun per violation 0 03 0 40 6 Q Total Assessment Factor Exit Number Violations 2 Comments Total Number Penalty! Assessment Assessed Parameter Violation Violation Factor Total Penalty Ammonia Nitrogen RODS ?Monthly/Quart avg erly . $laud Weekly av,, daily ' max $250 \. A Grand Total Penalty Percent of the Maximum Penalty Authorized by G.S. 143-215.6A. $10 0.00 $1250.00 Prepared by Richard Bridgeman r4C, DEPT, CKPARIONIMENT October 24, 2003 OCT 2 8 2003 Mr. Richard Bridgeman NCDENR Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Bridgeman: Thank you for your letter dated October 8, 2003 regarding the compliance evaluation inspection of Craftmaster Furniture Corporation by Mr. Wes Bell of your office on October 3, 2003. The following is an item -by -item response to the findings in the report. 1. Records & reportsthank you for your comment stating that the records were accessible and well -maintained. 2. Operation & maintenance —Mr, Bell stated that the mixed liquor appeared well. - mixed, As he indicated, the dissolved oxygen in aeration 'basin 43 was less than 1.0 mg/L. This may seem unacceptable, but I have operated the facility since it was constructed, and in fact, assisted in the actual construction. I advised the. inspector that it was time to remove some of the solids from the basins. Past operation has shown that the spring and fall are good times to remove sludge from this plant. The inspector was also concerned with the settleability characteristics of the #3 basin; however,. as he could observe, the supernate was sparkling clear. As the inspector pointed out, there were some solids in the first baffled section of the chlorine contact chamber. The inspector stated that solids Were as close as 2 to 3 inches from the surface. 1 measured the, depth to the solids and the distance was greater than twelve :inches. Once again, the water was very clear and this may have given the inspector a false impression. As the water in the chlorine contact chamber continues through the final baffled sections, there were no visible solids, The inspector noted that the water was very clear leaving the basin. Although it was noted that some solids were present in the flow measurement device, this is common in most devices of this type, and I will improve the maintenance of this unit. 1 appreciate your operational concerns and comments, and I will continue to properly operate and maintain the facility to the best of my ability. 1 will 'improve solids management and on -site troubleshooting tests. In reference to process control issues, :I will immediately begin weekly settleability and DO measurements, monthlyMLSS, and sludge blanket measurement in the clarifier and chlorine contact chamber. I appreciate your positive comments regarding disposal of non -biodegradable screenings, adequate staffing of certified operators, and standby generator operational procedures. I will begin using a maintenance log on the activities associated with the generator. tt tot 1. Effluent/receiving waters --the effluent water appears clear with only trace suspended solids and no foam, and as the inspector also pointed out, th.e receiving stream did not appear negatively impacted and the outfall location was accessible and well maintained. On -site tests prior to the final effluent indicated good quality. The dissolved oxygen level was 5.4 rng/L where taken, but the value at the final effluent at the end ofthe pipe is generally 1.0-2.0 mg/L greater than this value.. 4. Self -monitoring program- this deficiency was noted in your inspection letter of September, 2002..In my letter of response, October .2002, I. addressed this issue and did correct the temperature reporting requirements. 5. Flow measurement --the chart recorder was several hours behind and most likely occurred because of a power outage. Any solids, debris, or seasonal leaves have been removed from the stilling well and measurement apparatus. I appreciate the positive comments of the inspection in general; however, 1 strongly disagree with theunsatisfactory rating in the areas of 0 & M., self -monitoring, and flow measurement. Although further improvement remains, 1 have been working hard to accomplish continued permit compliance. Past experience with Mr. Bell has shown that his reports have reflected differently from what he said at the actual ti.m.e of the inspection. Nonetheless, 1 will continue to do my best. Hopefully, this response has addressed all the deficiencies outlined in the inspection. report, and i.f I can be of further assistance in this matter,please let me know. Sincerely, Ron McClure, ORC Cc: Larry Chapman, Craftmaster Furniture Nticharti F Jsky., Governor 4' Wijjjr G Ross Jr, Secretary, North Carolina Departmcraif Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek, P. E., Director Division of Vwet Quality Colecn H. Sullins, Deputy Director Diviston of Water Quality October 8, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL/bbi A511:› Det)4 8 59•"-X-t RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Larry Chapman, Vice President of Manufacturing Craftrnaster Furniture Corporation Post Office Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Subject: Notice of Violation/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement Compliance Evaluation Inspection. Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County', N.C. Dear Mr. Chapman: Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on October 3, 2003, by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office. Please inform the facility's Operator -in -Responsible Charge of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. This report is being issued as a Notice of Violation (NOV)/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement (NRE) due to the numerous monitoring violations and the continued operation and maintenance deficiencies of the subject NPDES Permit and North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1 as detailed in the Facility Site Review/Operations & Maintenance and Self -Monitoring sections of the attached report. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000,00) per violation, per day may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215. L It is requested that a written response be submitted to this Office by October 28. 2003, addressing the discrepancies noted in the Facility Site Review/Operations & Maintenance, Self - Monitoring, and Flow Measurement Sections of the report. In responding. please address your comments to the attention of Mr. Richard Bridgman, Phone 704-66.3-1699 Fax 704-66.'1-6040 Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Maui Street, MooresvilleNorth • 281' . 44.47211 NCDENR Customer Service 1-877-623-674S Larry Chap a Page Two October This I is tt advise you that this Office is considering sending a recommendation for enforcement action to the Director r of the Division of Water Quality for the violations of o 143 1.. t and NPDES Permit No, NC0068632, If you have an explanation for the violations that you wish to present, please include same in the requested response. Your e pl. tin will be reviewed d if an enforcement action is still deemed appropriate, your explanation will be forwarded to the Director along with the enforcement;pae . e for his consideration. etter The report should be self-explanator ; however, should you have d questions concerning port, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell, Mr, Bridgeman, or me at 704) 663-1699. Enel sure Sincest D. Rex Glensa n, RE. ter Quality Regional Supervisor Alex der Count Health Department United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington , DC 20Form Approved NPDES Compliance Inspection Report OMB No, 2040-0003 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Approval Expires Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office. NCDENR 7/31/85 FM1.0,04 Section A: National Data System Coding Transaction Code NPDES Permit No. YR/MO/DAY Inspection Type Inspector Facility Type N 5 NC0068632 03/10/03 C S 2 .Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating Bi QA 1.5 2 Section 8: Fa Name and Location of Facility Inspected: Craftrnaster Furniture Corporation Cratimaster Road Hiddenite, N.C. 28636 Name(s) of On -Site Representatives Title(s Ronald E. McClurelORC'828-493-1759 Name and Address of Responsible Official: Larry Chapman PO Box 759 Taylorsville, NC 28681 Records/Reports Facility Site Review Effluent/Receivin a See Attached Sheet(s) for Summary Signature(s) of Inspector(s): zL Wes Bell Entry Time: LOO PM Exit Time: 2:55 PM Date: 03/10/03 ne No(s): Title: Vice President of Manufacturing Phone No. 828-632-9786 Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection Flow Measurement Operations & Maintenance Self -Monitoring Program 0 Compliance Schedules Laboratory Sludge Handling/Disposal LI Pretreatment Program Li Stormwater Section D: SummaryFindings/Commen Seller D Pollution Prevention 0 Multimedia El Other: Agency/OfficefTekphone: DENR-DWQ/MR0/(704) 663-1699 FAX: (704) 663-6040 01 e Agency/Office te: 3/10/08 Date: Action Taken Regulatory Office Use Only te: Noncompliance Compliance EPA Form-3-5-6-0-3 (Revised 3-8 Previous Editions are Obsolete PERMIT: The permit description appears to adequately describe the facility. RECORDS AND REPORTS: Records and reports consisting of discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), chain of custody forms, laboratory analyses, Operator -in -Responsible Charge (ORC)/daily operation and maintenance log, and the calibration log were reviewed during the inspection. The records were accessible and well maintained. FACILITY SITE REVIEVV/OPERATIONS et MAINTENANCE: The influent flow equalization basins were not utilized at the time of the inspection. The ORC indicated that the equalization basins are activated during peak flow periods. The mixed liquor appeared well mixed; however, on -site dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements in the #3 aeration basins were low. The DO measurements in the #3 aeration basin averaged less than 1.0 mg/l. The settleability test on the #3 aeration basin revealed poor settling (980 ml/L). The sludge level in the chlorine contact chamber was within two to three inches of the water's surface. Floating sludge was also observed in the last two baffled sections. Approximately two to four inches of settleable solids were observed in the flow measurement channel (V-notch weir location). Please be advised that the NPDES Permit requires that the facility be properly operated and maintained at all times, Note: All of the poor appearances noted in this section were observed and cited in the previous inspection report dated 9/25/02. The facility must improve the solids management of this treatment facility. This Office is concerned with the continued poor on -site testing and observations noted during inspections. Bar screenings are disposed at the county landfill. The facility is adequately staffed with certified operators. The stand-by generator is tested on a weekly basis. A generator log should be kept on - site to document the date and times the generator was tested along with any maintenance activities. The ORC does not perform any process control testing. This office had strongly recommended the incorporation of weekly (settleability tests and DO measurements) and monthly (MLSS) process control testing in the previous inspection report dated 9/25/02. Please be advised that the Director has the authority to require on a case -by -case basis, process control testing suitable for the size and classification of the facility [Reference: 15A NCAC 2B .0505(f)]. This office also strongly recomrnends incorporating sludge blanket measurements in the clarifier and chlorine contact chamber. Rating: Unsatisfactory (This section is rated unsatisfactory for the continued poor appearance of the treatment facility) LABORATORY: Water Tech Labs, Inc., (Certification #50) in Granite Falls, North Carolina has been contracted to provide analytical support. The lab was not evaluated during this inspection. All on -site field analyses are performed under the ORC's laboratory certification #5267. Please refer to Mr. Chet Whiting's (Division's Laboratory Certification Unit) findings in the inspection perforrned on 10/3/03 regarding the ORC's laboratory practices. EFFLUENT/RECEIVING WATERS: At the time of the inspection the effluent appeared clear with trace suspended solids and no foam. The receiving stream did not appear to be negatively impacted. The outfall location was accessible and well maintained. The effluent was analyzed at the time of the inspection for the following: EF UENT/RECEIVING WATERS cont'd: - Temperature 18.1°C - Dissolved Oxygen 5.40 mg/1* - pH 6.43 s.u. - TRC 1.51 mull Note: * DO permit limit is 6.0 mg/I. SELF -MONITORING PROGRAM: Self -monitoring reports were reviewed for the period July 2002 through June 2003, inclusive. A daily maximum effluent BOD violation was reported on 10/11/02 and a monthly average effluent ammonia violation was reported kw 10/02. The Division has previously addressed these violations. The effluent temperature was not reported on a daily basis for July, August, and September 2002. The ORC performed weekly effluent temperature measurements. In addition, no effluent temperature was reported on 12/30 and 12/31/02. There was a total of 47 failures to monitor for effluent temperature. The flow was not reported on a continuous basis as required by the Permit. Continuous flow measurement includes flow reporting (on the DMRs) for all weekdays, weekends, and holidays. The ORC collected TRC measurements prior to the chlorine contact chamber. Please be advised. that all effluent sampling (according to Permit requirements) .must be performed following all treatment units/processes. In addition, the ORC did not incorporate the pH m.eter's temperature compensation device utilized for effluent analysis as required in Standard Methods, 18th Edition. Rating: Unsatisfactory (This section is rated unsatisfactory due to the nurnerous monitorine, violations). FLOW MEASUREMENT: The effluent flow is measured continuously by a cable -type flow meter with totalizer and strip chart recording. The flow meter is calibrated annually by B.W. Allen Company of Charlotte. N.C. The flow meter was last calibrated on 7/8/03. The chart recorder was several hours behind the actual time. In addition, a large accumulation of solids were observed in the flow measurement channel (settleable) and stilling well (floatable and settleable). The inlet pipe for the stilling well (flow measurement system) was partially covered with solids. Please be advised that the NPDES Permit requires that the facility be properly operated and maintained at all times. The flow measurement channel and stilling well should be kept free of solids. In addition, the Isco Open Channel Flow Measurement Handbook (fifth edition) specifically indicates that excessive solid materials such as sand. silt, or other solid materials that deposit on the approach channel would destroy the conditions required for accurate flow measurement. Note: This discrepancy was cited in the previous inspection report dated 9/25/02. Rating: Unsatisfactory (This section is rated unsatisfactory due to the continued poor maintenance of the flow measurement system) S UDGE DISPOSAL: Sludge is removed on an as -needed basis by Miller Septic Ta of Hickory WWTP. Service and disposed at the City P.O. Box 759 NCQENR 28081 Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W, Klimek, RE., Director Division of Water Quality Renewal eaticc NPi)1 S F'ernut NC00086 3'2 CIaftnlaster Furniture Corporation Alexander County Yuur NPDI S permit expires on April 30, 2004, federal (4(..t CFR 122,41) and ^ a rth Carolina (15ANCAC 21-10105(e°)) re u,latticatts require than permit renewal applications must be filed at least 180 days prior tea expiration of the current permit. if you have already mailed your renewal application, you may disregard this notice. To saa`tisfv this requirement, tour rencwal package nstzsr be seat. rtt the Divisic,n pcastr:tarked aaca later tl:aan Novcmheor 2, 2003. Failure tea request renewal of the p rnit b this date ma 3 result in a civil assessment of at least r500.00, larger penalties may be assessed depending upon the detinquericl cif tlae° tee if ttaa}> �a astewaater discharge �vnll taccur .after April alt), 2CYt)4., the current permit must be renewed. Discharge of wastewater without a valid permit would violate North C:aroiina General Statute 143-215.1; unpermitted discharges of wastewater may result in assessment of civil penalties of up to 525,000 per day, If a[1 wastewater disch<ai-ge has ceased at eour f tcili s Cor rpliance F nforcement l.init wat (919) 733-5083 jt4 tidaul—lf3e}l to begin the resci Use the enclosed checklist to con the permit reneutl application. if you hav address listed below. Nlooresville NPDI S file escittd this iaermit, contact Bob Sledge of the u map also contact the Mooresville Regional =r>ur renewal package. The checklist identifies the iten + nxust submit w ple.aase rtatatact \'alcry Stephens ;it the telephone nun11 C:haarles F1. Weave `PC)ES U nit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 733-5083o extension 520 (fax) 919 73 Wiser us ON THE INTERNET 4 httpalh2o.enr.stale.nc.us(NP©ES e-mail: valery.stephens(ncmaiN.net )>E: Per -lit NC0068632 Furniture Corporation Alexander County REQUIRED for all renewal packag ,cr letter reduce xancc of the last perrnit. 71'he completed ap letresetatatiTem Subn Ii an t.ttlaorized Representative the renewal package, written dncatrtac�nn such Authorized Representative (see fart 19.13 A narrative description of the sludge rnana solids) generated during wastewater treatnit n. plaata (gar the permitted. facility does not and two copies, tone¢ 1 The is llt) i crate ubtnitta d kv atnutici l documenting any changes at the facility since nd two copies. igncd by the perm ittec: trr aa,rt ccthc..ri ed a consu.ltit must be provide• rae t.acttt1\ to nd disposed. explain this in Nyritin oral consultant) prclaares uthority delegated to any crib¢ lac: her ity- has no such t one signed process wastewater: Industrial facilities class llicc.3 as lrrimar\ lracict tries (see Appendices A-D to Title 4(1 of the: C:odc of Fede Regulations, Part 122) and AT :L tunicipal facilities 'Mvittt a permitted flow ? 1 :NIGGD must submit a Priority Pollutant s\na vsis (PPA.) in Accordance wirh 4( C..:FR Part 122,21, no - The above requirement does NOT apply to privately owned faci. ities treating 100% domestic wastewater, or .facilities which discharge non process wasteiater (cooling water, filter backwash, etc.) PLEASE NOTE: Due to a change in fees efft<ctiv�e- atnuary 1, 1999, there i.s no renewal fee required application package. Send the ct napleted renewal package to.: Mrs. Valery Stephens NC DENR / Water Quality / Point Source Branch 161'7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 North Carolina Department of Env rDn October 28, 2002 Larry Chapman, Plant Manager Craftmaster Furniture Corporation Post Office Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 ui Alan W. Kirrnek, PS_ Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Results from Effluent Sampling. Analyses Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County, N.C. Dear Mr. Chapman: Enclosed please find the results from the laboratory analyses performed on the e uent samples from the Craftmaster Furniture wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The samples analyzed were grab samples collected during the compliance sampling inspection performed by Mr. Wes Bell on. September 11, 2002. The results of the sampling analyses at the Craftmaster Furniture WW shows compliance with all permit effluent lirnits. Please attach this letter to the follow-up inspection report dated September 25, 2002, to complete your records on the inspection. A copy of this letter and the results should be forwarded to the Operator -in -Responsible Charge for the subject facility. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex. Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure Division of Water Quality. 919 North Main Street, Mooresville NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 FAX (704) 663-6040 ANALYTICAL TS SHEET NAME OF FACILITY: Craftrnaster Fu. Grab: X Composite: Sample Date(s): 9/11/02 NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Sample Location: Effluent Count: Alexander BOD5, m 6.5* Phenols, ug COD: .High, m 1 Sulfate, mg/I COD: Low, mg/1 Sulfide, mg Coliform: Fecal, 4/100 ml Biomass: Dry Weigh Coliform: Total, 4/100 nil Biomass: Peri Ash Free Coliform: Tube Fecal, MPN mg/1 9.9 Coliform: Tube Total, MPN Residue: Total, mg/1 TKN, mg11 + NO), mgfl <0.02 Volatile, rng/1 PO4, mg/1 Fixed, mg/1 P: Total, mg/1 Residue: Suspended, mg/1 P: Dissolved, mg/1 Volatile, mg/1 Ao-Silver, ug/1 Fixed, mg/1 Al -Aluminum, u ' Settleable. Solids, m1/I Be -Beryllium, u pH, s.u. Ca -Calcium, ug/I TOC, m 1 Cd-Cadmium, ug/1 Turbidity, NTIJ Co -Cobalt, ug Chloride, m Cr-Chromium: Total, u Oil and Grease, mg/1 Cu-Copper, ug/1 Cyanide, ug/1 Fe -iron, mg/1 Fluoride, mg/1 Pb-Lead, Total, mg/1 1 Hg-Mercury, ug/I MBAS, ug/1 Ni-Nickel, ug/I Conductivity, umhos/cnn Semivolatiles Dissolved Oxygen, mg/1 VOC Temperature, 'C denotes the GGA exceeded the acceptable QC range. North Carolina Depa October 25, 2002 Larry Chapman, Plant Manager Craflimaster Furniture Corporation Post Office Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Willrarn G. Ross Jr_, Secretary nt of Environment and Natural Resource Alan VV. KFrrneMc, i .E., Director Division of Water Quality Subject: NOVINRE Response Compliance Evaluation Inspection Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County, N.C. Dear Mr. Chapman: By letter dated September 25, 2002 you were notified that this office was considering sending a recommendation for enforcement action to the Director of the Division of Water Quality for monitoring violations set forth in the Compliance Evaluation Inspection report attached to the letter. Based on your response to our September 25 letter and the corrective actions you have implemented, this office has decided not to pursue an enforcement recommendation for such violations at this time. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 663-1.699. D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Alexander County Health Department VI n of Water Quality 919 Nortn Main Street, Mooresvi&le Phone (704) 663-1699 FAX )704) 663-6040 October , 2002 Mr, Richard Bridgeman NCDENR Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Bridgeman: OCT 1 '6 2002 Thank you for your letter dated September 25, 2002 regarding the compliance sampling inspection of Crafimaster Furniture Corporation by Mr. Wes Bell of your office on September 11, 2002. The following is an item -by -item response to the findings in the report. Records and Reports The D.O. meter is properly calibrated each time it is used and the documentation procedures will be improved immediately to improve record keeping. 2. Operations and Maintenance At the time of the inspection, the aeration basin D.O. was slightly lower than the inspector believed to be desirable. I have increased the run time on the blowers to raise the D.O. level, Additional MISS tests will be analyzed to assist in controlling the solids content. Removal of any solids that accumulate in the chlorine contact chamber will also be removed on a more frequent basis as deemed necessary. Laboratory Field Testing There has been a great deal of confusion for me regarding the laboratory field-testing requirements. Until just recently, I was not aware that I needed to obtain additional certification for the testing that I do at the treatment plant. To prepare for the upcoming requirements, I will make every effort to follow the proper quality -control measures that was outlined in the inspection report. The field-testing equipment calibration has been brought up to date, and in the future the meters will be calibrated on a twelve-month basis rather than a calendar year basis. 4. Self -Monitoring Program When the previous permit was in effect, the temperature was required, measured, and reported on a daily basis. The permit had a one -line entry in the monitoring section that addressed temperature monitoring. The new permit has two lines for temperature requirements ----one line for effluent and one line for stream monitoring. Through an oversight 1 misread the requirements and was tbllowing what I believed to be the correct frequency. I can assure you that I will pay closer attention to the permit monitoring requirements for temperature in the future. I sincerely apologize for the mistake, and will see that it does not happen again. Additionally, 1 will record the exact time for all on -site tests. 5. Flow Measurement We are in the process of irtstalling a fresh water line to the treatment facility which should . e it possible for me to keep the stilling well cleaner and improve operation. I hope this response addresses all the deficiencies outlined in the I can be of further assistance in this tter, pi- e let me know. Sincerely, Ron McClure, ORC cc: L. Chap .Lt Craft ter Furniture tion report, and if North Carolina Department of Envi September 25, 2002 7001 2510 0005 0287 0327 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Larry Chapman, Plant. Manager Craftmaster Furniture Corporation Post Office Box 759 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Dear Mr. Chapman; William G, Ross, Jr,Se meat and Natural' Resources Alan W, Klimek,. Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Notice of Violation/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement Compliance Sampling inspection Craftmaster Furniture WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0068632 Alexander County, N.C. Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Sampling Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on September 11, 2002, by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office. Please inform the facility's Operator -in -Responsible Charge of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. The results of the effluent sampling will be forwarded to you under separate letter. This report is being issued as a Notice of Violation (NOV)/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement (NRE) due to the numerous monitoring violations of the subject NPDES Permit and North. Carolina. General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1 as detailed in the Self -Monitoring section of the attached report. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per violation, per day may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. It is requested that a written response be submitted to this Office by October 16, 2002, addressing the deficiencies noted in the Records/Reports, Facility Site Review/Operations & Maintenance, Laboratory, Self -Monitoring, and Flow Measurement Sections of the report. In responding, please address your comments to the attention of Mr. Richard Bridgman. er Service 800 623-7748 Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 PHONE. (704) 663-1699 FAX (704) 663-6040 NOV!N1 Mr, Larry Chapman Page Two This letter is to advise you that this Office is consideting sending a recommendation for enforcement action to the Director of the Division of Water Quality for the violations of G.S. 143.215.1 and NPDES Permit No, NC0068632. If you have an explanation for the violations that you wish to present, please include e in the requested response. Your explanation will be reviewed and if an enforcement action is still deemed appropriate, your explanation will be forwarded to the Director along with the enforcement package for his consideration, The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell, Mr. Bridgernan, or me at (704) 663-1699: Enclosure Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, RE. Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Alexander County Health Department US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.. 20460 Water Compliance inspection Report NC Division of Water Quality / Mooresville Regional Office NCDENR Form Apfmrrrved. OMB No 2tHi3-0(J5T Approval Expires B 31.91 tt `A: Nation6l tsta vsterti Cod B Transaction Code NPDES No. Xr/Mo/Day Inspection Type inspector Facility Type N 5 NC0068632 02/09/11 S S 2 Rema Inspection W"ork Days Facility Evaluation Rating BI QA l.5 2 N N ...Reserved.....,...... Sei Lion J: F- Name and Location of Facility Inspected: Entry Time: Permit Effective Date: Craftmaster Furniture Corporation WWTI' 9.25 atta 00/05/01 Craftmaster Road liiddcnite Alexander County, North Carsulina Name(s) of On -Site Representative(s)/Title(s)fPhone No(s)/Fax No(s): Mr.Ron McClure/ORG82S-493-1759 Exit Time/Date: 11:20 am 02/09/11 :Permit Expiration Date: 04/04/30 Name and Address of Responsible official:, Mr. Larn^ Chapman Craftmaster Furniture Corporation P.O. Box 759 Taylorsvilic. North Carolina 28681 Title: Plant Manager Phone No: 828-632-9786 Contacted? No C: Areas Evaluated Du g tnsp ou (Check only those d X Permit X Flow Measurement X Operations & Maintenance X Sewer Overflow X Records/Reports X Self -Monitoring Program X Sludge Handling/Disposal Pollution Prevention X Facility Site Review Compliance Schedules. Pretreatment Multimedia X Effluent/Receiving Waters X Laboratory Storm Water Other: n D. umtttat Sr itf Findines/Comments See Attached Sheet(s) for Sul Name(s) and Signature(s) ol` inspectors: Wes Dell "' ''`' Agency/Offrcefrelephone No: NCI) W Q/MOORESV ILL.E/(704)663- 1699 Date: 9/23/02 Signature of Management QA Reviewer: Agency/Office/Phone & Fax No: Date: EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev. 9-94) Previous editions are o Craftmaster Furniture WWTP Page Two The facility was last inspected by Robert Scheller of this office on July 21, 1999. PERMIT: The permit authorizes the continued operation of an existing 0.015 MGD wastewater treatment system consisting of a bar screen, three aeration basins in series, influent flow equalization, clarifier, tablet chlorination, chlorine contact tank, aerated sludge holding tank, continuous effluent flow measurement, effluent pump station, and standby power supply. The permit for this facility became effective on 5/1/00 and expires on 4/30/04. RECORDS AND REPORTS: Records and reports consisting of discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), chain of custody forms, laboratory analyses, Operator -in -Responsible Charge (ORC)/daily operation and maintenance log, and the calibration log were reviewed during the inspection. The ORC did not document the dissolved oxygen meter calibrations, calibration times, and on -site effluent analysis times (See Laboratory and Self -Monitoring Sections). The remaining records were well maintained. Marginal: Marginal (This section is rated marginal due to the above noted discrepancies) FACILITY SITE REVIEW/OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: The influent flow equalization basins were not utilized at the time of the inspection. The ORC indicated that the equalization basins are activated during peak flow periods. The mixed liquor appeared well mixed; however, on -site dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements in the #2 and #3 aeration basins were low. A distinct sewer odor could be detected around the treatment units. The DO measurements in the #2 basin ranged from 0.1 mg/1 to 0.8 mg/I and the DO measurements in the #3 aeration basin ranged from 0.5 mg/1 to 0.8 mg/1. The settleability test on the #3 aeration basin revealed poor settling (950 ml/L) and the pH level was 6.53 s.u. A large amount of dark, floating solids were observed in the chlorine contact tank and approximately three to five inches of settleable solids were observed in the flow measurement channel (V-notch weir location). Please be advised that the NPDES Permit requires that the facility be properly operated and maintained at all times. The facility must ensure that the blowers are capable of providing an adequate supply of air. In addition, the facility should clean the diffusers on a regular basis and investigate the installation of fine bubble diffusers for improved oxygenation. The solids in the chlorine contact tank and flow measurement channel should be removed as soon as possible. In addition, the facility should improve the monitoring and removal of solids from the appropriate treatment units. Bar screenings are disposed at the county landfill. The process control program needs improvement. The ORC indicated that occasional settleability tests are performed. This .office strongly recommends incorporating weekly DO and settleability measurements and at least monthly .MLSS tests. This office also recommends the incorporation of sludge blanket measurements in the clarifier and chlorine contact chamber. The facility is staffed with one Grade 11 ORC. A certified back-up operator has been designated and is available when the ORC is unable to visit the facility. The ORC was very knowledgeable of the treatment processes and equipment used at the facility. PrCraftmaster Furniture WWTP Page Three LABORATORY: Water Tech Labs, Inc., (Certification #50) in Granite Falls, North Carolina has been. contracted to provide analytical support. The lab was not evaluated during this inspection. The pH meter appeared to be properly calibrated,. The most recent annual calibration performed on the TRC meter was 1/30/01 by the contract laboratory. Please be advised that the TRC meter must be calibrated annually or once every twelve months (Reference: Standard Methods, 18th Edition - Method 4500-C1(3). In addition, the ORC was utilizing powder pillows (for TRC measurements) that had exceeded the listed expiration date (9/01). No buffers, standards, etc. shall be utilized beyond the listed expiration dates. The ORC shall purchase a new pack of powder pillows prior to the next TRC analysis. The temperature sensor on the DO meter (utilized to measure effluent and upstream and downstream temperatures) was not checked annually (once every 12 months) against an NIST certified thermometer. The most recent calibration/verification was performed on 1/30/01 by the contract laboratory, Please be advised that an annual calibration/verification must be performed on the meter's temperature sensor that is utilized to measure temperatures according to Permit requirements (Reference: Standard Methods, 18th Edition -Method 2550 B), The ORC did not document the calibrations performed on the DO meter. All laboratory' instruments utilized for effluent analysis must be properly calibrated. The NPDES Permit requires that all calibration data must be properly documented. In addition, the calibration times were not documented (for pH, DO, and TRC meters) as to verify that the meters were calibrated prior to effluent analysis. This office has not received a completed application for a laboratory certification for field parameter testing. Mr. Chet Whiting of the Division's Laboratory Certification Unit wi.11 be contacted regarding this issue and the poor laboratory practices. Rating: Unsatisfactory (This section is rated unsatisfactory due to the poor laboratory practices EFFLUENT/RECEIVING WATERS: The effluent appeared light brown with trace suspended solids and no foam. The facility discharges into an unnamed tributary to Third Creek, which is a Class C water in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. The receiving stream did not appear to be negatively impacted. The outfall location was accessible. The effluent was analyzed at the time of the inspection for the following: - Temperature 23.6°C - Dissolved Oxygen 7.00 mg/1/ 7.41 mg/1* - pH 6.64 s.u. Note: * denotes DO value approximately ten to twenty feet below the outfall. Craftmaster Furniture WWTP Page Four EFFLUENT/RECEIVING WATERS cont'd: A review of the DMRs have indicated numerous TRC values in excess of 28,4g/1. Be aware that a stream action level of 17/4/1 has been established for total residual chlorine for chronic toxicity effects, An action level of 284g./1 has been set as the maximum allowable effluent concentration to protect the receiving stream against acute toxicity effects. Please maintain the total residual chlorine concentration as low as ,possible, while still complying with fecal coliform limits. SELF -MONITORING PROGRAM: Self -monitoring reports were reviewed for the period June 2001 through May 2002, inclusive. No limit violations were reported. The effluent temperature was not reported on a daily basis as required by the Perrnit. The ORC performed weekly effluent temperature measurements. There was a total of 193 failures to monitor for effluent temperature. This office questions the validity of the effluent DO and pH values that were reported on all of the DMRs. The DO values were either 6.0 mg/I or 6.1 mgil and the pH values were either 7.4 s.u. or 7,5 s.u. Please note the values of the pH and DO values performed at the time of the inspection (See Effluent/Receiving Waters Section). The analysis times for the on -site parameters were not documented as required by the NPDES Pemiit. In addition, the upstream and downstream sampling locations did not appear to be consistent with permit requirements. Please be advised that the Permit requires the upstream sampling location to be at least 100 feet above the outfall and 300 feet below the outfall. Ratint Unsatisfactory (This section is rated unsatisfactory due to the numerous monitoring violations). FLOW MEASUREMENT: Flow is rneasured continuously by a cable -type flow meter with totalizer and strip chart recording. The flow meter is calibrated annually by B.W. Allen Company of Charlotte, N.C. The flow meter was last calibrated on 6/7/02. A large accumulation of solids were observed in the flow measurement channel (settleable) and stilling well (floatable and settleable). The solids level in the flow measurement channel covered the inlet pipe for the stilling well. Please be advised that the NPDES Permit requires that the facility be properly operated and maintained at all times,. The flow measurement channel and stilling well should be kept free .of solids. In addition, the Isco Open Channel Flow Measurement Handbook (fifth edition) specifically indicates that excessive solid materials such as sand, silt, or other solid materials that deposit on the approach c.harmelwould destroy the conditions required for accurate flow measurement. Rating: Unsatisfactory (This section is rated unsatisfactory due to the poor maintenance of the flow measurement system) F Cra ftntaster Furniture WWTP Page Five SLUDGE DISPOSAL; Sludge is removed on an as -needed basis (the ORC did not know the name of the company) and disposed at the Newton WWTP. SEWER OVERFLOW: Please be advised that pursuant to Part II, Section E of your NPDES permit, and North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 15A 2B .0506 (a)(2), any failure of a collection system, pumping station or treatment facility resulting in a bypass without treatment of all or any portion of the wastewater shall be reported to the central office or the appropriate regional office (Mooresville Regional Office 704-663-1699) as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the bypass. Overflows and spills occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at 800-662-7956, 800-858- °368, or 919-733-3300. A written report shall also be provided within five (5) days of the time of the incident. The report shall contain a description of the bypass and its cause; the period of the bypass, including exact dates and times, and if the bypass has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken (or planned) to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the similar events. Any spill that reaches surface waters (Le. any spill that reaches any water already present in a conveyance, stream, ditch, etc...) or any spill greater than 1,000 gallons on the ground that does not reach surface waters must be reported. An adequate spill response for those spills reaching surface waters should include an evaluation downstream of the point at which the spill entered surface waters to determine if a fish kill occurred. The evaluation should also include the collection of upstream. dissolved oxygen and pH measurements for background information and dissolved oxygen and pH measurements at multiple points downstream of the entry point to document. any negative impact. Failure to report the bypass of collection system, pumping station or treatment facility subjects violators to penalties of up to $25,000.00 per day per violation. Memo Tc a aced c Subject. Kevin Barnett Rex Gleason Samar SousGhazale DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY April, 19 Caftastr Furniture Corporatin Truck Wash Facili Permit No.WQ00143 Alexander County r Please find enclosed a permit rescission request for the subject facilityg The permit was issued on 1:]ecember 12, 1997 with an expiration date of November 30, 2002. The facility ceased the existing spray irrigation system. The wastewater (industrial) i pumped and hauled to the Town of Talrsv lle wastewater treatment facilities. Please remove the permit from your tracking system. advise. SEC If you have any questions egard:ng this ter) please Permit Rescission Form Facility Name Permit Number NPDES Permit. Type WQ Permit Type Discharge Code(s) 161 Regional Office MRO County ALEXA IDER Date Requested Permit Expiration Original Request Received by: d omp lance croup p tegionat urrc Request Recieved in the Form of: 0 A 10 Signed Annual Fee Invoice o Letter O Other... Please Check Appropriately o Site Visit Performed pf noun water oncerns 02 n Groundwater Monitoring Wells Fa— eSSed(Should be addressed unless Groundwater Monitoring is not required) Rescission of the above referenced Permit is: Approved ©Dented Note: (if Approved) This permit will be deleted from the permit tracking system and the division billing system and if necessary inactivated on the compliance monitoring system. atinglifttefti Appro . escinded Immediately O Allow to Expire 0 Never Constructed p Abandoned 0 Connected to City Sewer Reason for Denial Certifier's Name Date Other... ia'' A L Return Completed Form to the Compliance / Enforcement Unit PR Form (2/97) CRAR DI ATLAC PLAN E MAILI ADDRBSS STREET I AX ITT FAX NO, 82 01 NG PORATION OX ', NC 286 h STREET `, hr. 28601 .COS COVEIFET PLUS PAGES 15 PROBLEMS C NG TRIS PI 2 7- R-15-1999 THU 12:96 P1 AT,ANT1G PLAN ENG CORP FAX N©, 8283270931 ROM -- Town of Taylorsville Attn: George Holleman Town Manager P, 02 PHONE NO. Feb. 02 1'599 11:-49AM P1 `KEIGHTMASTER INC. P.O. BOX 865 TAYLORSVILLE, NC 28681 July 13, 1998 ICC. MC-155013 Freaglatma ter, Inc. and The Town of Taylorsv111a have reached an agreement to allow Freightmaster to dump treated wastewater in the Towns sewer system at a location to be specified by the Town. This agrezimpnt i.s for week. Freightmaster will have the Town for testing) bcfore the wastewa'ter. They will requested by the Town, ater tested (or pay the al dumping of the Nye it tested a-G intervals as essary. Prelghtmaster will pay the Town an agreed upon amount, per gallon , for t h e dumping, If this agreement is acceptable please sign below and return to Sincerely, Accepted:: with The Town of Taylorsvillc me. -15-1999 THU 12:07 PM ATLNTIC PLAN ENG CORP FAX NO 8283270931 P, 03 MAYOR Dr. Clem P, P • COMMISSIONERS rite * three 9414b Franklin WIis TOWN ACE& Geary a Halle TOWN CL Y618246 I. ?rime PHONE O. Feb, 02 1999 11: 39C4M 92 204 Mehl Avenue Dr, 8.E, • Taylorsville, ?4,C. 2681 Pliorte: (828) 632-2218 * PAX (828) 637-7964 J. Keith Stokes Presideot Pr sten Inc„ We have re ed yore- 1eXtor 642164I0i4g the seinet between the Toyun, of Tayloreoille and no- stet, s ate I Ls acceptable with the Th. I have 11*f... asst., ed the letter and en please let kaow. SitWeralY, tutu 'rig it to you In you need Georefl non Town Maxi agar Ts Torro dralirrovilk WiS 4 occ 664 ortart44 -Fr 6 Arc prusirr, 46 or 666194 6 .61r 4444444'400 41( A40.41Xi.