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SW8080313_HISTORICAL FILE_20140226
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 )c)3 I DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ® HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE Z_ol Z 21,m YYYYMMDD IFFWA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM Director February 26, 2014 Commanding Officer MCB Camp Lejeune c/o Neal Paul, Deputy Public Works Officer 1005 Michael Road Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 Pat McCrory, Governor John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary Subject: State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod, P-1184 Dining Facility t P-1286 Rifle Range BEQ ! P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex High Density infiltration Basin 1 Sand Filter Project Onslow County Dear Mr. Paul; Effective August 1, 2013 the State Stormwater program has been transferred from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous references to DWQ will remain in older Stormwater permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are modified. Please note that this modified permit now references DEMLR as the Division responsible for issuance of the permit The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete, modified Stormwater Management Permit Application for P-1184 Dining Facility l P-1286 Rifle Range BEQ / P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex on February 21, 2014. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Session Law 2008-211 and Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding modified Permit No. SW8 080313 dated February 26, 2014, for the construction, operation and maintenance of the built -upon areas and BMP's associated with the subject project. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 30, 2021. The permittee and the project shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the conditions listed in this permit regarding the Operation and Maintenance of the BMP(s), certification of the_BMP's, procedures for changing ownership, transferring the permit, and renewing the permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system, to certify the BMP's, to transfer the permit, or to renew the permit, will result in future compliance problems. The following modifications are covered by and added to this permit: 1. Adds the P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex. 2. Reduces the drainage area and BUA for Basin #6 slightly. The eliminated portion of DA 6 has been incorporated into the new DA-9. 3. Eliminates the previously permitted small infiltration basin for DA-9 and adds a new Sand Filter #3 in a new location to serve DA-9. 4. Adds DA-10 served by a new Sand Filter #4. 5. The previously permitted infiltration basins in DA's 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are unchanged. 6. Permit SW8 040912 will be rescinded upon the installation and certification of Basins 6 and 7. 7. The plans previously approved on April 29, 2008 for P-1184 Stone Bay Dining Hall, and on July 13, 2012 and November 2, 2013 for the P-1286 BEQ Rifle Range, are considered part of the approved plans for this modification only in regard to the grading, layout and details of those projects, grading, layout and details for Basins 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 and their associated vegetated filters. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Phone: (910) 796-72151 Fax: (910) 350-2004 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing by filing a written petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). The written petition must conform to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit. You should contact the OAH with all questions regarding the filing fee (if a filing fee is required) and/or the details of the filing process at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714, or via telephone at 919-431-3000, or visit their website at www.NCOAH.com. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis at (910) 796-7215. Sin erely, CCSV racy E. avis, P.E., Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/arl: . G.1WQ1SharedlStormwateAPermits & Projects120081080313 HD12014 02 permit 080313 cc: Andrea Murden, P.E., C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. David Towler, MCB Camp Lejeune Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES STATE'STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Commanding Officer, MCB Camp Lejeune P-1184 Stone Bay Dining Nall /P-1286 BEQ Rifle Range /P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex Rifle Range Road, Camp Lejeune, Onslow County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of six (6) infiltration basins and two 2) sand filters in compliance with the provisions of Session Law 2008-211 and 15A N AC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 30, 2021. The permittee and the project shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Sections 1.7 and 1.8 of this permit. The eight stormwater controls labeled DA1, DA2, DA3, DA5, DA6, DA7, DAP and DA-'J0 have been d16 53 ft"; 142,320 ft e 165,414 ft 79 902 ft and runoff fror a total of P9,0111,4 3 ft of impervious area, respectively. 3. The overflow from each infiltration basin and sand filter covered by this permit must be directed to a 50-foot level spreader and vegetated filter strip. The underdrain discharge from SF #3 in DA 9 and SF #4 in DA 10 is directed into a level spreader and 50' vegetated filter strip, designed per Section .1008 (f) of the stormwater rules to achieve effective infiltration of the underdrain runoff. 4. The runoff from all built -upon area within each permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the appropriate permitted stormwater control system. Page 3 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. 5. Each infiltration basin and sand filter will be limited to the treatment of that amount of built -upon area indicated in Sections 1.2, 1.7 and 1.8 of this permit, and as shown on the approved plans. The built -upon area for future development is limited to 3,160 square feet within DA 5. 6. Projects covered by this permit will maintain a minimum 50-foot-wide vegetated buffer adjacent surface waters, measured horizontally from and perpendicular to the normal pool of impounded structures, the top of bank of each side of streams and rivers, and the mean high water line of tidal waters. 7. The following design criteria have been permitted for the infiltration basins and must be provided and maintained at design condition. Design Criteria DA 1 DA 2 DA 3 DA 5 DA 6 DA 7 a. Drainage Area: acres 3.44 1.16 3.23 0.78 7.00 6.59 -Onsite, ft2 149,975 50,530 140,526 33,812 303,837 287,276 -Offsite, ft2 0 0 0 0 1,067 0 b.Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2 99,550 23,705 53,429 16,553 142,320 165,414 -Buildings, ft2 25,961 860 280 7,575 31,670 1,992 -Parking, ft2 54,619 21,715 0 0 54,149 0 -Street, ft2 0 0 0 4,480 11,056 0 -Sidewalks, ft2 8,545 1,130 12,226 1,338 13,477 14,229 -Other, ft2 0 0 0 0 7,349 0 -Offsite, ft2 0 0 0 0 1,067 0 Future, ft2 0 0 0 3,160 0 0 -- - - - -- --------- - -Existin , fi - - -- --- - ----- 10,425 ------------------ 0 ------------------- 40,923 ------------------- 0 ------------------ 23,552 ------------------- 149,193 c. Design Storm, in. (1 yr 24 hr) 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 d. Difference in the pre- and post - development 1 r, 24-hr runoff, ft3 26,878 6,365 14,426 4,444 38,692 44,662 e. Basin Bottom Elev., FMSL: 47.5 47.87 45.50 50.13 46.5 45.5 f. Basin Bottom Surface Area, ft2: 10,552 3,941 6,233 2,946 17,671 17,283 g. Bypass Weir Elevation, FMSL: 49.73 49.17 47.51 51.40 48.6 47.79 h. Permitted Storage Volume, ft : 26,935 6,469 14,453 4,500 .40,854 44,674 L Type of Soil: Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand '. Expected Infiltration Rate, inlhr: 6.54 7.7 0.73 5.0 10.3 10.3 k. SHWT, FMSL: 45.33 45.87 43.5 48.13 - 44.5 43.5 I. Draw Down Time, hrs: 4.7 2.5 38.1 3.6 27 3.0 Page 4 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. 8. The following design criteria have been permitted for the sand filters and must be provided and maintained at design condition. DA 9 DA 10 Design Criteria SF3) (SF4) a. Drainage Area: acres 3.01 3,09 -Onsite, ft2 131,167 134,458 -Offsite, ft2 0 0 b. Total Impervious Surfaces, ft 79,902 111,453 -Buildings, ft2 0 0 -Parking, ft2 78,577 111,453 -Street, ft2 0 0 -Sidewalks, ft2 1,325 0 -Other, ft2 0 0 -Offsite, ft2 0 0 -Future, ft2 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Existing, ft2 ------------------ 0 ------------------- 0 -------------------- ------------------- ------------------- c. Design Storm, in. 1 yr 24 hr) 3.67 3,67 d. Adjusted WQV, ft 16,547 23,131 e. Area of Filter, Af, provided, ft2: 7,407 9,532 f. Area of Sediment, A., provided, ft2: 1,618 2,323 Sediment Chamber Depth, feet: 2.5 2.5 h. Depth of Sand Media, dr, min., feet: 1.5 2.5 i. Sediment Chamber Bottom elev, fmsl: 32.5 32.5 '. Sand Chamber Bottom Elev. Fmsl (lowest): 29.3 29.0 k. Top of sand media elevation, fmsl: 32.5 32.5 I. Storage 1 Weir Elevation, fmsl: 35.0 35.0 m. Maximum Head (Hmax), feet: 2.5 2.5 n. Permitted Storage Volume, ft : 26,082 34,194 o. # Underdrains 1 diameter, inches: 10 6" 10 6" p. Time to draw down, hours: 15 20 q. Seasonal High Water Table, FMSL: 28.0 32.5 9. The volume in Sand filters 3 and 4 includes the voids in the 3" stone layer on top of the sand. 10. The receiving stream for all basins and sand filters is Stones Creek, WOK02, Index #19-30-3, class SA HQW. III. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee shall at all times provide and perform the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement for each BMP must be followed in its entirety and the required inspections and maintenance activities must occur at the scheduled intervals listed therein. 4. Records of maintenance activities must be kept for each permitted BMP. The reports will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. Page 5of9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. 5. The facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 6. Infiltration systems and sand filters should not be used as Erosion Control devices. Separate appropriately sized and approved erosion control measures shall be provided and shall remain in place until the approved BMP's are constructed. The BMP's shall be constructed immediately after the drainage area is stabilized. The erosion control measures may be removed after the stormwater BMP's are constructed. 7. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. 8. Access to the stormwater facilities for inspection and maintenance shall be provided and maintained at all times. 9. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 10. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc. b. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area. c. Overlapping of the project area with another project on Base. d. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. e. The use of permeable pavement for BUA credit. f. The construction of any future BUA. 11. A copy of this permit, the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee at all times. Ill. GENERAL CONDITIONS The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves a request to transfer the permit. 2. Any person or entity found to be in noncompliance with the stormwater rules or with the terms and conditions of a stormwater permit is subject to enforcement action by the Division, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143- 215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. Page 6 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. 4. This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. The permittee shall submit a completed and signed Name/Ownership Change Form, accompanied by the supporting documentation as listed on the form, to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources at least 60 days prior to making any ownership, contact, or mailing address changes associated with this permit. 5. The approval of a request to transfer the permit will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 6. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction. 7. The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. DENR Staff shall abide by and be subject to the Base Visitor policy. 8. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until revoked or terminated. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 9. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater controls must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 10. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 11. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Director from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit, or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules and regulations contained in Session Law 2006- 246, Session Law 2008-211, Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000, and NCGS 143-215.1 et. al. 12. The permittee shall submit a permit renewal application, including application fee and required documentation, at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit. Permit modified and reissued this the 26th day of February 2014. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION i racyA. uavis, v.t., utrector ivision of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 7 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. PA 184 Stone Bay Dining Hall 1 P-1286 BEQ Rifle Range 1 P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex Stormwater Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. Onslow Count Designer's Certification I , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 8of9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080313 Mod. Certification Requirements: .1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system. 5. The bypass structure weir elevation is per the approved plan. 6. The bypass structure is located per the approved plans. 7. A Trash Rack is provided on the bypass structure. 8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system. 11. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 12. All required design depths are provided. 13. All required parts of the system are provided. 14. The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans. cc: NCDENR-DEMLR Wilmington Regional Office David Towler, MCB Camp Lejeune t Page 9 of 9 M Permit Number SW8080313 Central Files: APS _ SWP _ 2/27/2014 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type State SW Active Major modification Permit Type Version Permit Classification State Stormwater 1.30 Individual Primary Reviewer linda.lewis Coastal SWRule Coastal Stormwater - 2008 Permitted Flow Facility Permit Contact Affiliation Facility Name MajorlMinor Region P1184 Dining Hall and P1286 Rifle Range BEQ Minor Wilmington Location Address County Range Rd Onslow Camp Lejeune NC 28542 Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Owner Name Commanding Officer Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune Owner Type Government - Federal Owner Affiliation Neat Paul 1005 Michael Rd Dates/Events Camp Lejeune NC 28547252 Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 4/29/2008 1/17/2014 2/26/2014 2/26/2014 12/30/2021 Regulated Activities Requested /Received Events State Stormwater - HD - Infiltration Additional information requested 2/21/14 State Stormwater - HD - Sand filters Additional information received 2/21114 Deed restriction requested Deed restriction received Additional information requested 1/28/14 Additional information received 2/11/14 Outrall Waterbody Name Streamindex Number Current Class Subbasin MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT TIME :02-27-2014 12:47 FAX NO.1 NAME FILE NO. 922 DATE 02.27 12:44 TO :n 919104512927 DOCUMENT PAGES 10 START TIME 02.27 12:45 END TIME 02.27 12:47 PAGES SENT 10 STATUS OK Ppr /I.InlytarJ'. 43-0 a— 'SUCCESSFUL, TX NOTICE' State of rgor[la Cnrollna n�[.wr/man* nr Sa)v Aronanent atnd NA*urea lx—w cea Wianalnq[on ReQl.,nn[ "911 -n Vr&x cilov'r3k Joha* P_ S'/.varia 1.14 .Secretary No. Pug— [excl-cover): From: I.�Cslet[gr Co.. 127 Cvellnal []rive Yxeenrinn, Wilmin¢[on, NC 28405 - (4l0) 796-7215 + An alcp,al C)ppo—ity Amrmallve Jlatlon Brnpku"r I State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Pat McCrory, Governor FAX COVER SHEET John E Avarla Ill, Secretary Date: Co: ��irArr d, �h D G•G� No. Pages (excl. cover): From: Jo Casmer Phone: 910 796-7336 Fax: % �D ' `7� Fax: 1910) 350-2004 Re: 15 GyD Dv / , ae- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 9 (910) 796-7215 • An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT TIME :02-27-2014 12:49 FAX NO.1 NAME FILE NO, DATE TO DOCUMENT PAGES START TIME END TIME PAGES SENT STATUS 923 02.27 12:45 a 917576257434 10 02.27 12:47 02.27 12:49 10 OK "'SUCCESSFUL TX NOTICE' -State Or Tlorlh Cat,olina I}epwrtm—t or P:nvlronment enA IYatmr 1 3FL—ources Wllmla Qtan xa*jllonwl "like I'a►MrCYnwy, i;/nvnrnorf�///��_'.�7%/ FAX GOV'fCR $I,TEF,T Jnhx RSRvaNa JYI,/B�ecrola,-y JUwto: • ��l/j��/ �„ No_ T'n gos (axcl, cover): 7 Tom: �j� -_,�-r�/I�/�I.J Frr�m_ Jo Cn:aitlar O•///!%/��Pr7"� Fnx: �✓ � ..� flak: LP30a�Q;24Q4_ 127 �'erainal r>rlve P rcnsinr., W/lmin Eton, NG 26+twS - <gin) 796-7215 . A nqu,i <.�ppa.sunigr Arn—cive .M 4— mmpio3— State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Pat McCrory, Governor FAX COVER SHEET John EUvarla III, Secretary Date: No. Pages (excl. cover): To: From: Jo Casmer Co: /7 yPhone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: I / J�p //-I� Fax: (910) 350-2004 _ .4e //per 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 * (910) 796-7215 6 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 2:37 PM To: 'Andrea Murden' Subject: RE: SW8 140122 Review Thank you Andrea. Yes, I found the email from June Nix with the calculations. With your help and quick responses, I think all the questions have been addressed and I now have everything I need to issue the permits. Thank you. Linda From: Andrea Murden [ma i Ito: atm(?Dbamforth.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 9:33 AM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 140122 Review Linda, When I backed out of the 1-yr, 24-hour calculations the total area that could be accommodated within the 5 day draw down time, 2,730 sf was the most credit I could receive. That is why I used that BUA. Do you need me to revise the sand filter calculation for the revised BUA, I would be happy to do that this morning. You are correct about the underdrain calculations. Unfortunately, the ones that I FeclExed to you for Site 1 add -on information did not have the revised underdrain calculations. June Nix from my office e-mailed you a revised set of Site 1 and Site 2 on Friday which should have included these revisions. Please let me know if you did not receive them and I will resend. Andrea From: Lewis,Linda[mailto:linda.lewis(ancdenr.gov] Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 6:20 PM To: Andrea Murden Subject: SW8 140122 Review Andrea I'm not sure why we went from a roof area of 16012 sf down to 2730 sf, but that's OK. It would have been OK to back - calculate the amount of roof area you can fit into a 15000 gallon cistern at the designated 1.2 FOS. You can remove the roof area treated by the cistern as BUA from the sand filter calculation, but in order to realize the full credit, the drainage area should stay at 130,783 sf. You are allowed a reduction in the percent impervious. If you remove the BUA from the drainage area, then the percent impervious isn't lowered that much. That 2730 sf area is now just grass instead of BUA, but is still part of the DA. These underdrain calculations have the same lack of information that Site #2 had. It seems like you said that you were going to update these calculations similar to Site #2. I'm drafting the permit tomorrow in the hopes that we'll have it all nailed down soon. Lewis,Unda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 11:03 AM To: 'Andrea Murden' Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Thank you Andrea. The calculations look fine. I could accept an emailed version if there was a signed, sealed and dated cover sheet, or if each of the revised sheets was individually signed, sealed and dated. The factor of safety is a judgment call. The BMP Manual suggests a range of 2-10, based on the stability of the drainage area. I think 10 is the default factor for unstable sites and 2 would be for very stable sites. Site #2 was a parking lot, so an FOS of 2 seemed reasonable. Site #1 however, has a lot more open area and utilizes a lot more grassed swales to collect runoff, so that site might need a 5 or 6 FOS. Linda From: Andrea Murden [mailto:atm@bamforth.com] Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 10:48 AM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Linda, Please find attached my revised calculations. The underdrain calculations are on pages 4 and 7. Can you let me know if these calculations are acceptable? I would like to revise the calculations for Site 1, what factor of safety do you feel like would be appropriate for that site? Let me know if you would like me to send you a hard copy of the revised calculations or if the e-mailed copy is sufficient. I appreciate your help. Andrea From: Lewis,Linda [mailtodinda.lewis@ncdenr.govl Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 9:07 AM To: Andrea Murden Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Thanks Andrea. I saw those calculations, but they are not really what I would call calculations. They are just a listing of end -result numbers. The maximum discharge calculation is shown, but then you just state that a minimum of (3) 6" pipes need to be used (for SF #3) and that (10) 6" pipes are provided. There is no work to show how you determined that (3) 6" pipes will suffice. Please update the calculations using the underdrain sizing procedure outlined in Chapter 5 of the BMP manual. Determine the theoretical diameter of a single pipe needed to handle the maximum discharge, and then determine the number of equivalent 6" pipes that can carry that flow. Based on that procedure, it will take more than (3) 6" pipes to carry the flow from SF #3 using a factor of safety of 2. Thanks. Linda From: Andrea Murden [mailto:atm(Obamforth.com] Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:15 AM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Linda, I appreciate the update on the storage calculations. As for the underdrains - I noticed that they were not in my initial set of calculations so I added them to my calculations. They should be on sheets 4 and 7 under the header Sand Filter Discharge. if you are not able to locate them, let me know and I will send them to you. Thanks for the e-mail. Andrea From: Lewis,Linda[mailto:linda.lewis(&ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 5:24 PM To: Andrea Murden Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Andrea: The storage calculations are fine. The next problem came up in the underdrain sizing. The flowrates you come up with are fine, but you don't provide any calculations to support how you determined how many 6" underdrains that you need to handle the flow. The procedure is outlined in Chapter 5 of the BMP manual. You need to determine the theoretical pipe diameter that will handle the flowrate, and then use Table 5-1 in the BMP Manual to figure out the number of equivalent 6" pipes. Based on that procedure and a factor of safety of 10, a minimum of 18 UD's are needed in SF #3 and 17 in SF #4. Since Table 5-1 doesn't go high enough, I rearranged the theoretical pipe diameter equation in Chapter 5 to solve for Q, and then I substituted the known values of 6" for D, .011 for n (as recommended), and .005 for slope. Q came out to be 0.47 cfs. Then I divided the design flowrate for each sand filter system by 0.47 to determine the number of 6" pipes needed to carry the design flow. To reduce the number of equivalent 6" pipes required, you could reduce the factor of safety. The range is from 2 to 10 and is based on the stability of the drainage area. Since the majority of the drainage area is parking lot, I would expect it to be pretty stable, so an FOS of 2 would be fine. Using FOS = 2, the number of equivalent 6" pipes becomes 4 for both filters. From: Andrea Murden [mailto:atm(c bamforth.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:06 PM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Linda, No problem — I had meant to include them in the calculations but might have forgotten to put them in. It makes sense that the spreadsheet is set up that way since the sand filters were originally intended to have vertical sides. Andrea From: Lewis,Linda [mailto:linda.lewis@ncdenr.90v] Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:05 PM To: Andrea Murden Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Thanks, that helps a lot. My spreadsheet is set up only to check vertical sided concrete box sand filters. It does not account for a side slope. I'll go over those calcs this afternoon. Linda From: Andrea Murden [mailto;atm@bamforth.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:57 PM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Linda, There is a 3:1 sideslope in the basins that I am factoring in when obtaining my volumes. Please find attached the volume calculations I did for Sand Filters 3 and 4. The contour areas were calculated from the drawings in AutoCAD. Let me know if this helps and if you have any further questions. Andrea From: Lewis,Linda [mailto:linda.lewis@ncdenr.90v] Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:46 PM To: Andrea Murden Subject: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Andrea I have gone over the volume calculations twice and I still do not understand how you arrived at the volume provided in Sand Filter #3 in DA9 or Sand Filter #4 in DA10. Based on the details, three inches of stone is sitting on top of the sand surface only. There is no stone specified for the bottom of the sediment chamber (forebay). If those assumptions are correct, then 0.25 feet of the 2.5 feet available above the sand surface is taken up with the stone, leaving 2.25 feet above the stone available. The entire 2.5 feet is available in the sediment chamber. For SF#3, you have used a value of 2262 * 0.4 for the stone voids volume. It appears that the 2262 is based on the entire area of the filter, sand side and sediment side, but this is not because the details suggest that only the sand side has 3" of stone on top. Assuming that only the sand side of the filter is covered with stone, and the sand area of the filter is 7407 sf (as reported on the supplement), then the stone volume calculation is 7407 x 0.25 x 0.4 = 741 cf. Similarly, the volume above the stone is 7407 x (2.5-0.25) = 16666 cf, and the volume in the sediment basin is 1618 x 2.5 = 4045 cf, for a grand total volume of 21451 cf. The same logic is applied to SF #4. If your intention is to provide stone in the sediment chamber (forebay) as well, then please update the details to reflect that. The forebay detail currently states that there is 12" of #57 washed stone lining the weir wall, but not lining the 3� bottom. If your intention is to have stone only on the sand side, then please correct the volume calculations for SF's 3 and 4. Thanks for whatever light you can shed on this. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Main Office — 910-796-7215 Direct Line — 910-796-7343 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:46 PM To: Murden, Andrea Subject: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Andrea I have gone over the volume calculations twice and I still do not understand how you arrived at the volume provided in Sand Filter #3 in DA9 or Sand Filter #4 in DA10. Based on the details, three inches of stone is sitting on top of the sand surface only. There is no stone specified for the bottom of the sediment chamber (forebay). If those assumptions are correct, then 0.25 feet of the 2.5 feet available above the sand surface is taken up with the stone, leaving 2.25 feet above the stone available. The entire 2.5 feet is available in the sediment chamber. For SF#3, you have used a value of 2262 * 0.4 for the stone voids volume. It appears that the 2262 is based on the entire area of the filter, sand side and sediment side, but this is not because the details suggest that only the sand side has 3" of stone on top. Assuming that only the sand side of the filter is covered with stone, and the sand area of the filter is 7407 sf (as reported on the supplement), then the stone volume calculation is 7407 x 0.25 x 0.4 = 741 cf. Similarly, the volume above the stone is 7407 x (2.5-0.25) = 16666 cf, and the volume in the sediment basin is 1618 x 2.5 = 4045 cf, for a grand total volume of 21451 cf. The same logic is applied to SF #4. If your intention is to provide stone in the sediment chamber (forebay) as well, then please update the details to reflect that. The forebay detail currently states that there is 12" of #57 washed stone lining the weir wall, but not lining the bottom. If your intention is to have stone only on the sand side, then please correct the volume calculations for SF's 3 and 4. Thanks for whatever light you can shed on this. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Main Office — 910-796-7215 Direct Line — 910-796-7343 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Caw and may be disclosed to third parties. Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 5:24 PM To: 'Andrea Murden' Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Andrea The storage calculations are fine. The next problem came up in the underdrain sizing. The flowrates you come up with are fine, but you don't provide any calculations to support how you determined how many 6" underdrains that you need to handle the flow. The procedure is outlined in Chapter 5 of the BMP manual. You need to determine the theoretical pipe diameter that will handle the flowrate, and then use Table 5-1 in the BMP Manual to figure out the number of equivalent 6" pipes. Based on that procedure and a factor of safety of 10, a minimum of 18 UD's are needed in SF #3 and 17 in SF #4. Since Table 5-1 doesn't go high enough, I rearranged the theoretical pipe diameter equation in Chapter 5 to solve for Q, and then I substituted the known values of 6" for D, .011 for n (as recommended), and .005 for slope. Q came out to be 0.47 cfs. Then I divided the design flowrate for each sand filter system by 0.47 to determine the number of 6" pipes needed to carry the design flow. To reduce the number of equivalent 6" pipes required, you could reduce the factor of safety. The range is from 2 to 10 and is based on the stability of the drainage area. Since the majority of the drainage area is parking lot, I would expect it to be pretty stable, so an FOS of 2 would be fine. Using FOS = 2, the number of equivalent 6" pipes becomes 4 for both filters. From: Andrea Murden [mailto:atm(@bamforth.coml Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:06 PM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Linda, No problem — I had meant to include them in the calculations but might have forgotten to put them in. It makes sense that the spreadsheet is set up that way since the sand filters were originally intended to have vertical sides. Andrea From: Lewis,Linda [mailtodinda.lewis@ncdenr.aovl Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:05 PM To: Andrea Murden Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Thanks, that helps a lot. My spreadsheet is set up only to check vertical sided concrete box sand filters. It does not account for a side slope. I'll go over those calcs this afternoon. Linda From: Andrea Murden [mailto:atm@a bamforth.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:57 PM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Linda, There is a 3:1 sideslope in the basins that I am factoring in when obtaining my volumes. Please find attached the volume calculations I did for Sand Filters 3 and 4. The contour areas were calculated from the drawings in AutoCAD. Let me know if this helps and if you have any further questions. Andrea From: Lewis,Linda [mailto:linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:46 PM To: Andrea Murden Subject: SW8 080313 Site #2 P1349 Andrea: I have gone over the volume calculations twice and I still do not understand how you arrived at the volume provided in Sand Filter #3 in DA9 or Sand Filter #4 in DA10. Based on the details, three inches of stone is sitting on top of the sand surface only. There is no stone specified for the bottom of the sediment chamber (forebay). If those assumptions are correct, then 0.25 feet of the 2.5 feet available above the sand surface is taken up with the stone, leaving 2.25 feet above the stone available. The entire 2.5 feet is available in the sediment chamber. For SF#3, you have used a value of 2262 * 0.4 for the stone voids volume. It appears that the 2262 is based on the entire area of the filter, sand side and sediment side, but this is not because the details suggest that only the sand side has 3" of stone on top. Assuming that only the sand side of the filter is covered with stone, and the sand area of the filter is 7407 sf (as reported on the supplement), then the stone volume calculation is 7407 x 0.25 x 0.4 = 741 cf. Similarly, the volume above the stone is 7407 x (2.5-0.25) =16666 cf, and the volume in the sediment basin is 1618 x 2.5 = 4045 cf, for a grand total volume of 21451 cf. The same logic is applied to SF #4. If your intention is to provide stone in the sediment chamber (forebay) as well, then please update the details to reflect that. The forebay detail currently states that there is 12" of #57 washed stone lining the weir wall, but not lining the bottom. If your intention is to have stone only on the sand side; then please correct the volume calculations for SF's 3 and 4. Thanks for whatever light you can shed on this. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC 28405 Main Office — 910-796-7215 Direct Line — 910-796-7343 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. C. ALLAN BAMFORTH, JR. ENGINEER - SURVEYOR, LTD. EST. 1977 February 7, 2014 Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer Ill Division of energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Stormwater Project No. SW8 080313 P1349 Special Operations "Draining Complex (Site #2 Shooters Parking Lot) Onslow County Dear Ms. Lewis: Please find attached Our responses to the January 28, 2014 letter are as follows: ANNA LEE BAMFORTH, P. E., L.S. C. ALLAN BAMFORTH, JR. , P. E.. L. S. LINDA Z. BAMFORTH RICHARD E. GARRIOTT, RE. RICHARD W. CLARK, L.S. DAVI❑ W. CAMPBELL g�UE�CE60/iE'�V g5 FEB 1 1 1014 U der The existing permit for SWS 080313 was issued for 7 infiltration basins, however the narrative for this application appears to suggest that Sand Filter #3 is being `'modified". I can find no previous permit where a sand filter was permitted for DA 9. Does this modification propose to redesign the previously permitted infiltration basin for DA 9 to a sand filter? If so, the narrative should be revised i'or accuracy. The narrative has beenrevisedto show that DA 9 is revised,from an existing infiltration basin to a new sane) filter. 2. I'm still a bit unclear about the five LSIVFS proposed. I recall something about needing 2 VFS for SF #4 due to the flow rate. I think each sand filter will need 2 VFS to perform different functions. The offline bypass will funnel the runoff in excess of the design storm to a VFS which only needs to be designed fora maximum of 10 cfs from the drainage area. Any flow beyond that can be bypassed around the filter. The second VFS is most likely for the underdrain discharge so that it will not be considered a direct discharge to SA waters. Since the underdraint collects the design storm after it has ,one through the sand litter, it must be infiltrated or effectively infiltrated in a natural area or in a VFS in the buffer to eliminate a "direct" discharge to SA waters. That I.,S/VFS will be considerably shorter since the flow rate leaving the underdrain is small. Based on our e-mail (liscussion, I believe we have resolved some of the questions on the LSIPTS proposed. The LS/f'FS Ji)r the discharge of the; sand filters is included on the dravv ngs with this sirbnrittal. 2207 HAMPTCN BOULEVARD, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23517 1 P.O. Box 6377, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23508 TEL: (757) 627-7079 1 FAX: (757) 625-7434 1 E-MAIL: ALB@BAMFORTH.COM February 07, 2014 Stormwater Project No. SW8 080313 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex FEB ' 1 2014 (Site #2 Shooters Parking Lot) Page 2 8Y. 3. It appears that the drainage area and built -upon area previously permitted for Infiltration Basin #6 is being reduced, but no physical changes to the previously permitted basin are proposed. Please provide supporting revised volume calculations for Basin #6 in the calculation booklet based on the new DA and BUA. Heater quality volume calculations are, provided in the calculation booklet with this submittal. 4. Please add details to the plans for the internal overflow structures 104 and 127. Please be sure to show the underdrain connection in that detail and the size of the pipe leaving the structure. Structures 104 and 127 do not have internal overflowv devices. All bypass gstenr.s are included in the Diversion Basins as detailed on sheet C-513. Cerlculcitiouts f<ir• the clh,ersion stytictiu cis are included with this submittal. 5. The depth of sand, df, used to calculate the filter area should be the shallowest sand depth. For SF #3, this would be 32.5 — 30.8 = 1.7 feet; and for SF #4, df would be 32.5 — 30.5 = 2 feet. A df value of 1.5 has been used for both sand filters, which results in less minimum area required. If a df of 1.5 desired, please adjust the bottom / top of sand elevations to provide an 18" sand depth. Calculations have bceru revised as appropriate. Sitrrlloivest sand cleptli, for• SF#3 = 32.5 — 31.0 = 1.5 and SF#4 = 32.5 — 30.0 = Z.S. Elevations are shown on the Sand Filter details on Sheets C- 522 and C-523. 6. The equation used to calculate the tnlnlmutn required sediment chamber area for the sand filters is incorrect and has resulted in insufficient area provided. The R„ value was left out. The correct equation for As from the BM P Manual is 240*Rv*A i*R,,. For SF #3, minimum As = 1,456 square feet, not 433 sf. For SF #4, the minimum As is 2,177 sf, not 593 sf: The fix is to simply adjust the weir location between the chambers to provide more sediment area and less filter area. Calculations and sediment chamlier:s have been reviser. The sediment chamber strrfcrce area has been calculated at the bottom ufthe basin. 7. The volume provided is only that amount on top of the sand, up to the storage elevation. Since #57 stone is being used on top of the sand, the volume provided is not a straight -forward depth times area calculation_ Please snow flow the volumes reported in the calculations were obtained. Please correct and revise the volume calculation and remove the stone volume from the storage volume provided in each sand filter. The detail indicates that the top of the stone is at 32.75, which is 3" above the 32.5 elevation of the sane. Assuming a void ratio of 0.4 for the stone, the volume available between 32.5 and 32.75 is AE, * 0.25 * 0.4. If the stone is also proposed for the sediment chamber, then the entire filter area (Ar + As) is used in place of Af, for that part of the volume calculation. The remaining volume between 32.75 and 35.0 is then added to this volume. They stone volume was calculated using a 40% void ratio. More detailed volunre calculations are included with this submittal fin- elarity. 8. Please add the underdrain cleanout inverts to the plans, and provide a detail with the number and size of perforations. The BMP manual recommends 4 rows of 3/8" perforations around the diameter at 6 inches on center for the entire length. The distance between the UD's should be no greater than 10' Cleanour inverts and a note for the underdrain pipe r'egarelin the perforations has been added to the sand filter details. ki, February 05, 2014 Stormwater Project No. SW8 080313 111349 Special Operations "Training Complex (Site #2 Shooters Parking Lot) Page 3 9. The internal weir between the sediment chamber and sand chamber is set at the same elevation as the offline bypass weir. It would seem that before runoff could flow over the weir and onto the filter, it would start bypassing because it cannot generate enough head to get over the weir. Please either lower the internal weir elevation to a few inches below 35, or raise the offline bypass weir a few inches to allow the runoff to generate a sufficient head to flow into and fill up the sand filter without engaging the offline bypass. All outlet structure rim elevations have been i crised by 3-inches. 10. The outlet diameter and discharge flow rate on the supplement refers to the underdrain size, not to the main outlet pipe. Please revise. Sulq)lements have been revised raid are attached. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Anna Lee Bamforth, P.E., L.S. LEF-D AP BD+C President v FES 11 2014 6Y.— STORMWATER CALCULATIONS PERMIT APPLICATION P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX - SITE 2 CAMP LEJEUNE, NORTH CAROLINA A/E Contract No. N40085-10-D-5304 EProjects Work Order Number: 1168093 EC EIVE FEB 2 1 20% BY:3 on C. ALLAN BAMFORTH, JR., ENGINEER -SURVEYOR, LTD. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA February 21, 2014 cm STORMWATER CALCULATIONS P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX .SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT SITE ZJ MCB CAMP LEiEuNE, NC FEBRUARY,2014 Basis of Design:The P-1349 project will replace existing training facilities with anew Special Operations `braining Group (SOTG) Complex in the Stone Bay area, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. Included with this project is theShooter's parking lot. TheShooter's parking lot will be provided to the southwest of the SOTG Complex and will support the Rifle Range. Within the parking lot, 201 spaces with associated BMPs will be constructed by others. This project will construct the remaining spaces and provide two BMPs that will provide stormwater management for the entire parking lot. This project is a modification to existing stormwater permit number SW8 080313. The Shooter's parking lot site is referenced as Site 2. The site is draining to class SA waters. For class SA waters, this qualityvolume is calculated using the increase in runoff volumefrom pre to post development for the 1-year, 24-hour storm or l .5-inches over the site, whichever is greater. The site contains two drainage areas which drain to sand filters. This project modifies two drainage areas from the existing permit and adds Drainage Area 10. Drainage Area 6 will have less area and Drainage Area 9 will be revised from an infiltration basin to a sand filter.Drainage Area 10 is a new sand filter. Time of concentration was found using Seelye's Chart for overland flow and Kirpich Chart for overland flow. 1-Yr, 24-hour storm calculations were performed for soil group B, good conditions. All BMPs arein conformance with North Carolina Division of Water Quality "Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, July 2007". Calculations were performed using I-lydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk AutoCAD. Drainay-e Area 6 Existing Infiltration BasinArea— 7.00 acres Impervious — 3.27 acres C = 0.95 CN = 98 Grass — 3.73 acres C = 0.30 CN = 61 Water Quality Volume R guired Use 1-year, 24-hour Storm since there is no existing impervious - Use "Simple Method" by Schueler to Determine Runoff Volume for l-year, 24-hour Storm: Predevelopment: Site Area = 304,904 sf Impervious = 0 sf ECEIVE Page 1 of 7 FEB 2 1 2014 BY. n-,. - . a � ,�� �.r�(. •-3— .. �'.}�r� � � � �' s . r 7 .,r, � . STORMWATER CALCULATIONS P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC FEBRUARY,2014 Runoff Coefficient = Rv = 0.05 + 0A09(I) 1 = Percent Impervious = 0/131 167 = 0% Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(0) = 0.05 in/in Volume = (Design Rainfall) x (Rv) x (Drainage Area) Volume = (3.60 in rainfall)/(]2 in) x (0.05 in/in) x (304904sq-ft) = 4,574 cu-ft Postdevelopment: Site Area = 304,904 sf Impervious = 142,320 sf Runoff Coefficient = Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I) 1 = Percent Impervious = 142320/304904 = 47% Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(47) = 0.47 in/in Volume = (Design Rainfall) x (Rv) x (Drainage Area) Volume = (3.60 in rainfall)/(I2 in) x (0.47 in/in) x (304904 sq-ft) = 43,266 cu-tt Total Volume Required = 43,266 — 4,574 = 39,533 cu-ft Volume Provided = 40,854 OK Drainage Area 9 Sand filter 3 (North) Predevelo ed Area 3.01 acres Woods/Grass — 3.01 acres C = 0.25 CN = 58 Postdeveloped Are 3.01 acres Impervious — 1.83 acres C = 0.95 CN = 98 Grass — 1.18 acres C = 0.30 CN = 61 1-year, 24-hour Storm (Calculated by Hydraflow) Qrre = 0.76cfs Qpost = 4.35cfs ECEIVE Page 2 of 7 FEB 2 1 2014 BY: S TORNI WA TER CALCULATIONS P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC FEBRUARY,2014 Water Quality Volume Required Use 1-year, 24-hour Storm since there is no existing impervious - Use "Simple Method" by Schueler to Determine Runoff Volume for I -year, 24-hour Storm: Predevelopment: Site Area= 131,167 sf Impervious = 0 sf Runoff Coefficient = Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(i) 1 = Percent Impervious = 0/131167 = 0% Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(0) = 0.05 in/in Volume = (Design Rainfall) x (Rv) x (Drainage Area) Volume = (3.67 in rainfall)/(12 in) x (0.05 in/in) x (131167 sq-ft) = 2,006 cu-ft Postdevelopment: Site Area= 131,167 sf Impervious = 79,902 sf Runoff Coefficient = Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) 1 = Percent Impervious = 79902/131167 = 6 1 % Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(61) = 0.60 in/in Volume _ (Design Rainfall) x (Rv) x (Drainage Area) Volume = (3.67 in rainfall)/(12 in) x (0.60 in/in) x (131167sq-ft) = 24,069 cu-ft Total volume required = 24069 - 2006 = 22,063 cu-ft Adjusted Water Quality Volume (WQVadj) = The volume that must be contained in the sediment basin and sand filter (above the sand) = (0.75)WQV = (0.75)22,063 = 16,547 cu. ft. Minimum Sand Filter Bed Surface Area (Af) Af = (WQV)(df)/(k)(t)(ha + do WQV = Water Quality Volume, df= Filter Depth (32.5 — 31.0 = 1.5), K = Sand Permeability, t = Draining Time, ha = Average Head A = (22063 x 1,5)/(3.5)(1.66)(1,25 + 1.5) — 2071 sq. ft. Area Provided = 7407 sq. ft. Page 3 of 7 ECEIV FEB 2 12014 BY: r �5 49 STORMWATER CALCULATIONS P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) MCB CAMP LEJEuNE, NC FE13RUARY,2014 Minimum Sediment Basin Surface Area (As) As = (240)(Rv)(Ad Acres)(Rd) (240)(0.60)(3.01)(3.67)= 1591 sq. ft. Area Provided = 1618 sq. fl. Maximum Head on Filter Hmaxfilter = WQVadj/(As + Af) 165471(7407 + 1618) = 1.83 ft. Maximum Ffead Provided = 1.83 ft. < 2.5 ft. Storage Volume Volume = Volume Stone (2262 x 0.40 = 905) + Volume Water Filter+ Volume Water Sed Basin = (905 + 19,562 + 5615) = 26,082 cu. ft. > 16,547 cu. ft. (WQVadj) OK Sand Filter Discharge Q = KiA K = Sand Permeability, i = Hydraulic Gradient (h-+-df/df), A = Sand Filter Area Q = 1.75 in/hr x ((2.5' + 1.5')/1.5') x 7407 sq. f). = 0.79cfs Underdrain Pi es: D = 16(Qn/So.sp)(") = 16((0.79 x 2) x 0.011/(0.005)o.$)("') D = 9.45, minimum of (4) 6" pipes per NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Table 5-1 Provided - (10) 6-inch at 0.50% OK Outlet Pipe: Maximum Discharge— 0.79cfs Provided — (2) 6-inch pipe at 0.50% = 0.80 cfs OK Diversion Structure Designed Water Surface Elevation of Sand Filter 3 = 35.0 Diversion Structure for Sand Filter 3 = Structure 101 Overflow Weir Elevation in Structure 101 = 35.00 Mn E C E I V E Page 4 of 7 FEB 2 f 2014 13Y: t, � s. : { • r�i E3r� � '• ` filter 3 filter DAff P-1349 Project: Site 2 Basin Description: sand Filter 3 - Filter contour Contour Depth Incremental Cumulative Incremental Cumulative Elevation Area (ft) volume volume volume volume (sq. ft) Avg. End Avg. End Conic Conic (cu. ft) (cu. ft) (cu. ft) (cu. ft) 29.3 0.0 N/A N/A 0 N/A 0 31.0 5,145.0 2 4373 4373 2916 2916 32.5 7,407.0 2� 9414 13787 9363 12278 32.8 7,672.0 0 2262 16049 2262 14540 35.0 10,170.0 2 19626 35675 19562 34102 Page 1 P-1349 Project: Basin Description: Contour Contour Elevation Area (sq. ft) 32.5 1,618.0 35.0 2,939.0 filter 3 sed Site 2 sand Filter 3 -- sediment Depth Incremental (ft) volume Avg. End (cu. ft) N/A N/A 3 5696 Page 1 (,DAq) cumulative volume Avg. End (cu. ft) 0 5696 Incremental volume conic (cu. ft) N/A 5615 cumulative volume conic (cu. ft) 0 5615 a tii.�►uoNT,i S TORMWA TER CALCULATIONS � x P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX ySHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) ® MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC FEBRUARY,2014 Drainage Area 10 Sand F i [ter 4 (South Predeveloped Are 3.09 acres Woods/Grass — 3.09 acres C = 0.25 CN = 58 PostdeveloRed Area 3.09 acres Impervious — 2.56 acres C = 0.95 CN = 98 Grass — 0.53 acres C = 0.30 CN = 61 -year, 24-hour Storm (Calculated by H,ydraflow) Qr, = 0.78cfs QpoSt = 5.86cfs Water Quality Volume Required Use 1-year, 24-hour Storm since there is no existing impervious - Use "Simple Method" by Schucler to Determine Runoff Volume for I -year, 24-hour Storm: Predevelopment: Site Area = 134,458 sf Impervious = 0 sf Runoff Coefficient = Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I) I = Percent Impervious = 0/134458 = 0% Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(0) = 0.05 in/in Volume = (Design Rainfall) x (Rv) x (Drainage Area) Volume = (3.67 in rainfall)/(12 in) x (0.05 in/in) x (134458sq-ft) = 2,056 cu-11 Postdevlopment: Site Area = 134,458 sf Impervious = 1 1 1,453 sf Runoff Coefficient = Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I) I = Percent Impervious = 1 11453/134458 = 83% �� V�r� Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(83) = 0.80 in/in ECEPage 5 of 7 FEB x i 2014 BY: A f. .� � �� _.. S TORMWA TER CALCULATIONS d V P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) ® MCB CAMP LEJEuNE, NC FEBRUARY,2014 Volume = (Design Rainfall) x (Rv) x (Drainage Area) Volume = (3.67 in rainfall)/(I 2 in) x (0.80 in/in) x (I 34458sq-ft) = 32,897 cu-ft Total Volume Required = 32897 — 2056 = 30841 cu-ft Adjusted Water Quality Volume (WQVadj) = `The volume that must be contained in the sediment basin and sand filter (above the sand) = (0.75)WQV = (0.75)30,841 = 23,131 cu. ft. Minimum Sand Filter Bed Surface Area (AD Af = (WQV)(df)I(k)(t)(ha + do WQV = Water Quality Volume, df = Filter Depth (32.5 — 30.0 = 2.5), K Sand Permeability, t = Draining'Time, ha = Average Head A = (30841 x 2.5)/(3.5)(1.66)(1,25 + 2.5) = 3539sq. ft. Area Provided = 9532 sq. ft. Minimum Sediment Basin Surface Area As As = (240)(Rv)(Ad Acres) (240)(0.80)(3.09)(3.67)= 2177 sq. ft. Area Provided = 2323 sq. ft. Maximum Head on Filter Hmaxfilter = WQVadj/(As + AD 2313 I /(9532 + 2323) = 1.92 ft. Maximum Head Provided = 1.92 ft. < 2.5 ft. Storage Volume Volume = Volume Stone (2905 x 0.40 = 1 162) + Volume Water Filter + Volume Water Sed Basin = (1 162 + 24,747 + 8285) = 34,194 cu. ft. >23,131 cu. ft. (WQVadj) OK ECEIVE Page 6 of 7 FEB 2 1 2014 BY: sif�e s:. �•�, S TORMWA TER CALCULATIONS v P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX A SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) ® MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC FEBRUARY,2014 Sand Filter Discharge Q = KiA K = Sand Permeability, i = Hydraulic Gradient (h+df/df), A = Sand Filter Area Q = 1.75 inlhr x ((2.5' + 2.5')/2.5') x 9532 sq. ft. = 0.77 efs Underdrain Pipes: D = 16(Qn/S0.5)(311) = 16((0.77 x 2) x 0.01 1/(0.005))-5)(3/8) D = 9.36, minimum of (4) 6" pipes per NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Table 5-1 Provided - (10) 6-inch at 0.50% OK Outlet Pipe: Maximum Discharge = 0.77 efs Provided — (2) 6-inch pipe at 0.50% = 0.80 cfs OK Diversion Structure Designed Water Surface Elevation of Sand Filter 4 = 35.0 Diversion Structures for Sand Filter 4 = Structure I I 1 and Structure 123 Size Orifice in Structure l 1 I for Water Quality Volume Determine the diversion structure dimensions required to divert flows in excess of the Water Quality Flow (WQF) using standard equations for orifice: Orifice Equation: Q = CA(2gh)os Q = Water Quality Peak Flow Q�-yr,24-nr = 5.08cfs (Calculated by Hydraflow) 5.08=0.6A(2 x 32.2 x 0.12) A = 1.10 sq. ft. Orifice Size in Structure 123 = 12" x 14" = 1.17 sq. ft. OK Weir Elevation at top of Orifice Elevation = 40.75 + 12" = 41.75 All water in excess of 1 yr, 24-hour storm will be diverted ECEOVE Page 7 of 7 FEB 2 1 2014 BY: filter 4 filter r-7% V P-1349 Project: Site 2 Basin DeSCription: Sand Filter 4 - Filter Contour Contour Depth incremental cumulative incremental cumulative Elevation Area (ft) volume volume volume volume (sq. ft) Avg. End Avg. End Conic Conic (cu. ft) (cu. ft) (cu. ft) (cu. ft) 29.0 0.0 N/A N/A 0 N/A 0 30.0 6,266.0 1 3133 3133 2089 2089 32.5 9,532.0 3 19748 22881 19605 21694 32.8 9,837.0 0 2905 25786 2905 24599 35.0 12,722.0 2 24815 50601 24747 49346 Page 1 P-1349 Project: Basin Description: Contour Contour Elevation Area (sq. ft) 32.5 2,323.0 35.0 4,416.0 Site 2 sand Filter 4 - sediment Depth (ft) N/A 3 filter 4 sed DAtLG' zncremental Cumulative volume volume Avg. End Avg. End (cu. ft) (cu. ft) N/A 0 8424 8424 Page 1 incremental volume Conic (cu. ft) N/A 8285 Cumulative volume Conic (cu. ft) 0 8285 • • • Hydrology Report . Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D& by Autodesk, Inc. • DA 9 Pre • • Hydrograph type = SCS Storm frequency (yrs) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 3.010 Basin Slope (%) = n/a • Tc method = User Total precip. (in) = 3.67 Storm duration (hrs) = 24 Peak discharge (cfs) Time interval (min) Curve number (CN) Hydraulic length (ft) Time of conc. (min) Storm Distribution Shape factor • • • Runoff Hydrograph • Q (cfs) 1-yr frequency d AA Thursday, Jan 9 2014 = 0.765 1 = 58 = nla = 30 = Type III 484 Hydrograph Volume = 5,699 (curt); 0.131 (acft) Q (cfs) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 . 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 Time (hrs) Runoff Hyd - Qp = 0.76 (cfs) • • • • Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCADM Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. DA 9 Post Hydrograph type = SCS Storm frequency (yrs) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 3.010 Basin Slope (%) = n/a Tc method = User Total precip. (in) = 3.67 Storm duration (hrs) = 24 Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 K 11 r 11 1.00 Peak discharge (cfs) Time interval (min) Curve number (CN) Hydraulic length (ft) Time of conc. (min) Storm Distribution Shape factor Runoff Hydrograph 1-yr frequency Thursday, Jan 9 2014 = 4.355 = 1 = 84 n/a 30 = Type III = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 22,758 (cuft); 0.522 (acft) Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 I I 1 I I F ..� I I F F I\ 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 Time (hrs) Runoff Hyd - Qp = 4.35 (cfs) s • O Hydrology Report • Hydratlow Express Extension for AutodeskO AutoCADO Civil 30e by Autodesk, Inc. DA 10 Pre s Hydrograph type = SCS Storm frequency (yrs) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 3.090 Basin Slope (%} = n/a . Tc method = User Total precip, (in) = 3.67 Storm duration (hrs) = 24 Thursday, Jan 9 2014 Peak discharge (cfs) = 0.785 Time interval (min) = 1 Curve number (CN) = 58 Hydraulic length (ft) = n/a Time of conc. (min) = 30 Storm Distribution = Type III Shape factor = 484 w S Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 1-yr frequency Hydrograph Volume = 5,851 (tuft); 0.134 (acft) Q (cfs) 1.00 0.90 0,80 0,70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 . 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 Time (hrs) Runoff Hyd - Qp = 0.78 (cfs) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3138 by Autodesk, Inc. DA 10 Post Hydrograph type = SCS Storm frequency (yrs) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 3.090 Basin Slope {%) = n/a Tc method = User Total precip. (in) = 3.67 Storm duration (hrs) = 24 Q (cfs) 6.00 5,00 4.00 3.00 M11I17 1.00 Peak discharge (cfs) Time interval (min) Curve number (CN) Hydraulic length (ft) Time of conc. (min) Storm Distribution Shape factor Runoff Hydrograph 1-yr frequency Thursday, Jan 9 2014 = 5.862 =1 92 = n/a = 30 = Type III = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 31,404 (cuff); 0,721 (acft) Q (cfs) 6.00 1 5.00 4.00 a 1 4 3.00 2.00 1,00 8.80 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 , Time (hrs) Runoff Hyd - Qp = 5.86 (cfs) i r E7L4w 1001WN & AOOWM & Dow uBEejv �r MrSAW 1Law fl i here See Existing Permit No. SW8 3 for full area. 0 Drainage Area 6 A = 304,904 SF I = 142,320 SF 0 Drainage Area 9 A = 131,167 SF I = 79,902 SF Drainage Area 1D A = 134,458 SF I = 111,453 SF 91 GRAPHIC SCALE: twTA Ic 1.0 m=m wa�� ommomm=� Nor-MEIR; W11111111M m wm� JMEFMM� MVr:30 MMI111MIIIIIIIIIIIII DAP-4 .292SF jim AC) TO BASIN 2 111a" I W-11!15 MEMO. wl.. WRY A. LEGEND DRAINAGE AREA Qi INFILTRATION BASIN INFILTRATION BASIN tNFtLTRATI0k BASIN GRASSED SWALE INFILTRAnONBASIM INRLTRATio'j BASIN PUL CEI INFILTRATION BASIN INFILTRATION BASIN A, -r,4, `� o In ZI JLIM 11 2DU SCAL, I,. )Do, Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 9:29 AM To: Murden, Andrea Subject: SW8080313 (Site #2 of P-1349) Andrea: I need a bit of clarification before I start this review. The existing permit for SW8 080313 was issued for 7 infiltration basins. The permit application I received on January 17, 2014, includes the following supplement forms: 1. Sand Filter #3 in DA 9; 2. Sand Filter #4 in DA 10; 3. LS/VFS #105 in DA 9 (Enters from the SF underdrain); 4. LS/VFS #128 in DA 10 (enters from the SF underdrain); 5. LS/VFS #102 in DA 9 (enters from the DA); 6. LS/VFS #124 in DA 10 (enters from the DA); 7. LS/VFS #112 in DA 10 (enters from the DA); and 8. Infiltration Basin #6 (DA 6) From the narrative, the Sand Filter in DA 9 is being modified and a new sand filter in DA 10 is being added, however, the previously permitted BMP in DA 9 is an infiltration basin. Will this modification redesign the previously permitted infiltration basin for DA 9 to a sand filter? Why does DA 9 have 2 level spreaders/VFS? Why do I have a supplement for an infiltration basin in DA 6? The narrative makes no mention of a revision being proposed for this existing basin. A modification is only proposed to DA 9. A new sand filter is proposed for DA 10, Why does DA 10 have 3 level spreaders/VFS? Thanks for any help you can provide. Linda Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Main Office — 910-796-7215 Direct Line — 910-796-7343 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. L Lewis, Li nda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 1:56 PM To: Murden, Andrea Cc: Towler GS03 David Subject: SW8 080313 Review comments Attachments: 2014 01 addinfo 080313.pdf Comments are attached. i`e' Linda 1(21 l� ko 1 .-�.�V �� Ja NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM Director January 28, 2014 Neal Paul, Deputy Public Works Officer MCB Camp Lejeune 1005 Michael Road Camp Lejeune, NC 28547 Pat McCrory, Governor John E. Skvaria, III, Secretary Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 080313 P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex (Site #2 Shooters Parking Lot) Onslow County Dear Mr. Paul: The Wilmington Regional Office received an Express Stormwater Management Permit Application for P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex (Site #2 Shooters Parking Lot) on January 17, 2014. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The existing permit for SW8 080313 was issued for 7 infiltration basins, however the narrative for this application appears to suggest that Sand Filter #3 is being "modified". I can find no previous permit where a sand -filter was permitted for DA 9. Does this modification propose to redesign the previously permitted infiltration basin for DA 9 to a sand filter? If so, the narrative should be revised for accuracy. 2. I'm still a bit unclear about the five LSNFS proposed. I recall something about needing 2 VFS for SF #4 due to the flowrate. I think each sand filter will need 2 VFS to perform different functions. The off line bypass will funnel the runoff in excess of the design storm to a VFS which only needs to be designed for a maximum of 10 cfs from the drainage area. Any flow beyond that can be bypassed around the filter. The second VFS is most likely for the underdrain discharge so that it will not be considered a direct discharge to SA waters. Since the underdrain collects the design storm after it has gone through the sand filter, it must be infiltrated or effectively infiltrated in a natural area or in a VFS in the buffer to eliminate a "direct" discharge to SA waters. That LSNFS will be considerably shorter since the flow rate leaving the underdrain is small. 3. It appears that the drainage area and built -upon area previously permitted for Infiltration Basin #6 is being reduced, but no physical changes to the previously permitted basin are proposed. Please provide supporting revised volume calculations for Basin #6 in the calculation booklet based on the new DA and BUA. 4. Please add details to the plans for the internal overflow structures 104 and 127, Please be sure to show the underdrain connection in that detail and the size of the pipe leaving the structure. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Phone: (910) 796-72151 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Mr. Paul January 28, 2014 Stormwater Application No. SW8 080313 Mod. 5. The depth of sand, df, used to calculate the filter area should be the shallowest sand depth. For SF #3, this would be 32.5 — 30.8 = 1.7 feet; and for SF #4, df would be 32.5 — 30.5 = 2 feet. A df value of 1.5 has been used for both sand filters, which results in less minimum area required. If a df of 1.5 desired, please adjust the bottom 1 top of sand elevations to provide an 18" sand depth. 6. The equation used to calculate the minimum required sediment chamber area for the sand filters is incorrect and has resulted in insufficient area provided. The Ro value was left out. The correct equation for As from the BMP Manual is 240*Rv*Ad*Rp. For SF #3, minimum As = 1,456 square feet, not 433 sf. For SF #4, the minimum As is 2,177 sf, not 593 sf. The fix is to simply adjust the weir location between the chambers to provide more sediment area and less filter area. 7. The volume provided is only that amount on top of the sand, up to the storage elevation. Since #57 stone is being used on top of the sand, the volume provided is not a straight -forward depth times area calculation. Please show how the volumes reported in the calculations were obtained. Please correct and revise the volume calculation and remove the stone volume from the storage volume provided in each sand filter. The detail indicates that the top of the stone is at 32.75, which is 3" above the 32.5 elevation of the sane. Assuming a void ratio of 0.4 for the stone, the volume available between 32.5 and 32.75 is AF * 0.25 * 0.4. If the stone is also proposed for the sediment chamber, then the entire filter area (AF + As) is used in place of AF for that part of the volume calculation. The remaining volume between 32.75 and 35.0 is then added to this volume. 8. Please add the underdrain cleanout inverts to the plans, and provide a detail with the number and size of perforations. The BMP manual recommends 4 rows of 318" perforations around the diameter at 6 inches on center for the entire length. The distance between the UD's should be no greater than 10' 9. The internal weir between the sediment chamber and sand chamber is set at the same elevation as the off line bypass weir. It would seem that before runoff could flow over the weir and onto the filter, it would start bypassing because it cannot generate enough head to get over the weir. Please either lower the internal weir elevation to a few inches below 35, or raise the offline bypass weir a few inches to allow the runoff to generate a sufficient head to flow into and fill up the sand filter without engaging the off line bypass. 10.The outlet diameter and discharge flowrate on the supplement refers to the underdrain size, not to the main outlet pipe. Please revise. Due to the significant additional review time that will be needed, please submit a reapplication fee of $500. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to February 5, 2014, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. Page 2 of 3 Mr. Paul January 28, 2014 Stormwater Application No. _SW8.080313 Mod. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. Please note that a second significant request for additional information may result in the return of the project. If that occurs, you will need to reschedule the project through the Express coordinator for the next available review date, and resubmit all of the required items, including the application fee. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please label all packages and cover letters as "Express" and reference the project name and State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been returned to the engineer or agent. All original documents must either be revised and returned, or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7343 or email me at linda.lewis -ncdenr.Qov. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III GDSlarl: G:IWQ1Stormwater\Permits & Projects120081080313 HD12014 01 addinfo 080313 cc: Anna Lee Bamforth, P.E., C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 3 of 3 �, un,auv�y�rr L; i C. ALLAN BAMFORTH, JR. Q ENGINEER -SURVEYOR, LTD. OFFICE: MAILING ADDRESS 2207 HAMPTON BLVD. P.O. Box 6377 NORFOLK, VA 23517 NORFOLK, VA 23508 PHONE: (757) 627-7079 FAX: 757-625-7434 E-mail: d-,vc@bamfortti.com bamforth.com To: Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910.796,7343 WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 0 Attached ❑ Shop Drawings 0 Prints ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of Letter gy P -7, p'3�3 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 16, 2014 JOB 12.037 ATTN: Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III RE: P 1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Camp Lejeune, NC ECEIVE JAN 17 2014 ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Plans ❑ Calculations ❑ Reports 0 Other COPIES DATE No. DESCRIPTION 2 CIVIL SHEETS CS 112 - CS 1 l 5 2 FULL SIZED DRAINAGE AREA MAP 1 LS 105 SUPPLEMENT FOR DA 9 1 LS 128 SUPPLEMENT FOR DA 10 1 O & M SHEET FOR LEVEL SPREADERS 105 AND 128 1 INFILTRATION BASIN SUPPLEMENT FOR DA 6 1 DRAINAGE AREA SUPPLEMENTSHEET FOR SWU-101 APPLICATION I CHECK THESE AItE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: 10 For Your Use ❑ For Approval ❑ As Requested ❑ For Review & Comment REMARKS: COPY TO: File ❑ Shop Drawing Action as Noted Anna Lee Bamforth, P.L+'., L.S. 1 ���. �f `�.fF � .a }� ,y�Rr�,r .rr�7 F, ��' -�� �` ,} �Sk _a l'j• For ORNR Use ONLY North Carolina RBReviewer!� Department of Environment and Submit: _ - MA Natural Resources NCDENR Request for Express Permit Review rime: _ confirm: FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review. Call and Email the completed form to the Permit Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative, site plan (PDF filet and vicinity map (same_ Items ewEted in the application ap _ckac�e of the project location. Please include this form in the application package. • Asheville Region -Alison Davidson 828-296-4698;aiison.davidson@ncdenr.gov • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David Lee 919-791-4203; david.lee @ncdenr-go v • Mooresville & Winston Salem Region - Patrick Grogan 704-235-2107 or patrick.grogan@ncdenr.gov • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-948-3842 or lyn.hardison@ncdenr.gov • Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver 910-796-7303 or cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov NOTE: Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: P-1286 GRAVEL PARKING LOT County: ONSLOW Applicant: USMC Company: USMC Address: BLDG 1005 MICHAEL RD City: CAMP LEJEUNE, State! NC Zip: 28542-_ Phone: 910-451-2213, Fax: 910-451-2927, Email: CARLBAKER®USMC.MIL Physical Location:RIFLE RANGE ROAD AND RIFLE RANGE ROAD Provided Existing Permits related to this Project SW SW SW NPDES NPDES WQ WQ E&S E&S Other Project Drains into SA waters - Water classification HWQ (for classification see- hftp://oortal.ncdenr.orgMeb/wg/ps/csu/classifications) Project Located in WHITE OAK River Basin. Is project draining to class ORW waters? /N, within 1z mile and draining to class SA waters Y or within 1 mile and draining to class HOW waters? Y Engineer/Consultant: STEVE MEDVICK, PE Company: NAVFAC Address: 6506 HAMPTON BLVD City: NORFOLK, State: VA Zip: 23508-1278 Phone, 757.322-4214, Fax: 757.322-8280, Email: STEPHEN.MEDVICK@NAVY.MIL PLEASE PROVIDE ESTIMATED INVESTMENT AND EXPECTED EMPLOYMENT, IF AVAILABLE $ # PERMANENTJOBS # TEMPORARYJOBS SECTION ONE: REQUESTING A SCOPING MEETING ONLY ® Scoping Meeting ONLY ® DWR(401, NPDES, Non -Discharge) ❑ DCM, ❑ DEMLR (EIS, SW), ❑ OTHER: SECTION TWO: CHECK ONLY THE PROGRAM (S) YOU ARE REQUESTING FOR EXPRESS PERMITTING ❑ 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ Intermittent/Perennial Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated Wetland (linear ft or _acres) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization ❑ Minor Variance ❑ Major General Variance ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑ SFR < 1 ac. ❑ Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Other ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW (Provide permit #)] ❑ High Density -Detention Pond _ # Treatment Systems ® High Density -Infiltration 2 #Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Bio-Retention — # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -SW Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Other _ # Treatment Systems /® MOD:® Major ❑ Minor ❑ Plan Revision ❑ Redev, Exclusion SW (Provide permit H) ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ® Land Quality ® Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 2 acres to be disturbed.(CK # (far DENR use)) SECTION THREE - PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT (tar both scoping and express meeting request) Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes Z No Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ❑ Yes ® No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ❑ Yes ® No Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ® No Fee Split for multiple permits: (Check# Buffer Impacts. ED No ❑ YES: acres) Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ® No 404 Application in Process w/ US ACOE: ❑ Yes ® No Permit For DFNK ose only Total Fee Amount $ SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance (❑ Maj; ❑ Min) $ SW (❑ HD, ❑ LD, ❑ Gen) $ 401: $ LQS $ Stream Deter,_ $ NCDENR EXPRESS November 2013 RANGE IRD � c/io _;x� - Fri !� co C o L-Li SITEU 0 2 2 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE MAIN GATE ENTRANCE PINEY GREEN GATE ENTRANCE AREA MAP NOT TO SCALE c� b - 4 , � ��- 2tl NCDENR For DENR Use ONLY Reviewer; North Carolina Department of Environment and Submit Natural Resources Request for Express Permit Review Time: Confirm: FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review. Call and Email the completed form to the Permit Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative, site plan (PDF file) and vicinity map (same items expected in the applic_atio_ n ap ckaae of the project location. Please include this form in the application package. • Asheville Region -Alison Davidson 828-296-4698;alison.davidson@ncdenr.gov • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David Lee 919-791-4203, david.lee@ncdenrgov • Mooresville & Winston Salem Region - Patrick Grogan 704-235-2107 or Patrick.grogan@ncderi gov • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-948-3842 or lyn.hardison@ncdenr.aov • Wilmington Region -Janet Russell 910-796-7302 or janetrussell@ncdenrgov • Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver 910-796-7303 or cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov NOTE: Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: P1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLE Site 2 ounty: ONSLOW Applicant: NEAL PAUL Company: MCB CAMP LEJEUNE Address: 1005 MICHAEL RD City: CAMP LEJEUNE, State: NC Zip: 28547 Phone: 910-451-2213 Fax: 910-451-2927 Email: neal.Daul@usmc.mil Provided Existing_ Permits related to this Proiect SW�0803f'3 SW SW NPDES NPDES WQ WQ E&S E&S Other Physical Location:RANGE ROAD, ONE MILE FROM STATE ROUTE 17. Project Drains into STONES BAY waters - Water classification SA:HOW (for classification see- hftp://portal.ncdenr,org/web/wgtps/csulclassifications) Project Located in WHITE OAK River Basin. Is project draining to class ORW waters? N, within 1/2 mile and draining to class SA waters Y or within 1 mile and draining to class HOW waters? Y Engineer/Consultant: ANNA LEE BAMFORTH Company: C. ALLAN BAMFORTH, JR., ENGINEER -SURVEYOR, INC Address: 2207 HAMPTON BOULEVARD City: NORFOLK, State: VA Zip: 23517 Phone: 757.627-7079, Fax: 757-625-7434, Email: alb@bamforth.com PLEASE PROVIDE ESTIMATED INVESTMENT AND EXPECTED EMPLOYMENT, IF (AVAILABLE $ # JOBS SECTION ONE: REQUESTING A SCOPING MEETING ONLY ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWO, ❑ DCM, ❑ DLR, ❑ OTHER: SECTION TWO: CHECK ONLY THE PROGRAM (S) YOU ARE REQUESTING FOR EXPRESS PERMITTING ❑ 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination: — # of stream calls -- Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ Intermittent/Perennial Determination: — # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated Wetland (_linear ft or acres) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization ❑ Minor Variance ❑ Major General Variance ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑ SFR < 1 ac. ❑ Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Other ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW (Provide permit #)] ❑ High Density -Detention Pond _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Infiltration , #Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Bio-Retention _ # Treatment Systems ElHigh Density -SW Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems ® High Density -Other 2 # Treatment Systems / ® MOD:❑ Major ❑ Minor ❑ Plan Revision ❑ Redev. Exclusion SW 8 08031 (Provide permit #) ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ® Land Quality ® Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with a acres to be disturbed.(CK # (for DENR use)) SECTION THREE - PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT (for both scoping and express meeting request) Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes ® No Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No Fee Split for multiplepermits: Check # Buffer Impacts: ❑ No ❑ YES: _acre(s) Isolated wetland on Property [I Yes ❑ No 404 Application in Process wl US ACOE: ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit ]-or DENR use only Total Fee Amount $ SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance (❑ Maj; ❑ Min) $ SW (❑ HD, ❑ LD, ❑ Gen) $ 401: $ LOS $ Stream Deter,, $ NCDENR EXPRESS October 2013 11AMPry,PERMIT NA RRA TI VE L P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC JANUARY,2014 Protect Scope: The P-1349 project will replace existing training facilities with a new Special Operations Training Group (SOTG) Complex in the Stone Bay area, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. Included with this project is the Shooter's parking lot. The Shooter's parking lot will be provided to the southwest of the SOTG Complex and will support the Rifle Range. Within the parking lot, 201 spaces with associated BMPs will be constructed by others. This project will construct the remaining 510 spaces and provide two BMPs that will provide stormwater management for the entire parking lot. Special scheduling will be required during the installation of this parking lot. This project is a modification to existing stormwater permit number SW8 080313. The Shooter"s parking lot site is referenced as Site 2. The project also includes stormwater management. The project site is about 7.6 acres. The P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex will be permitted separately under a new SWM permit. Existing Conditions: The proposed Shooter's Parking Lot is located west of the existing training facility and adjacent to Range Road. Wetlands on site are identified by Camp Lejeune's Land and Wildlife Section. Perennial streams are also located on the site. Adjacent to the proposed lot is parking and BMPs to be built by others but part of this project. The site is predominantly open and contains a contractor laydown yard, grass, gravel, and temporary stormwater sediment basins. The northwest portion of the site is heavily wooded with a number of fallen trees. The ground surface generally slopes toward the northwest and ground elevations range from about 25 to 55 feet. Existing wetlands located on the site require a 50-foot buffer between new construction and wetland limit lines. In addition, the State of North Carolina requires a 50-foot buffer between new development activities and a 30-foot buffer for redevelopment from the bank of each side of the streams. Demolition on the site consists of clearing and grubbing and gravel removal. Page 1 of 3 PERMIT NA RRA T1 VE P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING ComPLEX SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC .1ANUARY, 2014 Stormwater Management: This project is located in a coastal county and is a high density project. The site drains to Stone Bay and its tributaries, located to the east of the site; Stone Bay ultimately outfalls to the New River, which is an SA water. For SA waters North Carolina requires that the BMPs are designed to handle the 95th percentile storm or the increase in runoff From the 1-year, 24 hour storm, whichever is greater. In addition, the BMPs need to restrict the runoff volume to the predeveloped rate for the 10-year storm event. The site stormwater will be collected via a combination of overland flow, a curb and gutter system, storm sewer piping and inlets, and culverts and ditches that will be directed to the Sand Filter BMPs on the site. + This project is a modification to existing stormwater permit number SW8 080313. It modifies Drainage Areas 9 and 10, The BMPs are designed according to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, July 2007. There is no off -site runoff coming onto the site. Soils: At the shooters parking lot area, the uppermost 9 feet of soils are composed of uncontrolled fill; predominantly silty sand with traces of stone, wood and other organic matter. This area may show unsuitable material during construction, and the contract documents reflect the removal and replacement of 260 cubic yards of unsuitable material as directed by the Contracting Officer. The hand auger soil borings encountered the free groundwater surface at variable depths that ranged from about 1.5 feet to 5 feet below the ground. Based on the time of year, these water levels represent a normal high condition. However, in soils having a fine grained texture, gray color and/or mottled appearance, an estimated seasonal high water table (SHWT) depth was noted. A perched water table was encountered at a number of testing locations. The results of the testing indicated soil infiltration rates of about 0.57 to 0.63 inches per hour in the sand filter areas. This indicates the soils fall within SCS Hydrologic Soil Group B. Page 2 of 3 PERMIT NARRATI VE P-1349 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING COMPLEX T SHOOTER'S PARKING LOT (SITE 2) sum MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC .IANUARY, 2014 Erosion and Sediment Control: Erosion and sediment control measures including sediment fence, temporary construction entrances, tree protection, inlet protection, sediment basins, channel protection. temporary seeding, permanent seeding and permanent outlet protection will be provided in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design'Manual. Since the site is within a High Water Quality (HQW) zone, erosion and sedimentation control measures, structures, and devices shall be designed and constructed to provide protection from the runoff of the 25 year storm. Sediment basins within the HQW zone shall be designed according to North Carolina Administrative Code 15A04B.0124, Design Standards in Sensitive Waters. Provisions for ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be provided for any portion of a land -disturbing activity within 14 working days or 21 calendar days following completion of construction or development, whichever period is shorter. Page 3of3 1111111 uimO v Ir 1 1 �Ii►` / III/I I� wiw ril1 f --- � 1. r! ����f fAr/ h 1/ lJV � �i /f rr� ,/i,�EG�I �' /iJ�wii 11 r /i Jmi J:v rei ��if a — f r� j'� �rii�r.Irri I!r�w� /iy rw �is�rl /%� I7 rr r.If� yam///r►/�r� mill, i'/� ^ fit/%FREE ♦ice %i�.�. � ���� ,, �i� - _ • ` t SMO FM 3 m C F RAWS J� PREFIN.AL SUBMITTAL c w.M w•vx � onmi-as�e �m ------------ naaa m a � a yNt� z ec Z w W li 1 w GRAPHIC SCALE: .� C5004 lm� N� PREFiNAL j SUBMrFrAL Ij C bwo� r+o J a A: JOAX70 � i � I2ESi6 Z a � � z 0 !� m o 'f a [7 A GRAPHIC SCALE; 4 WT 150• I'. ST l44R��c 2m, 1••c __ CGO05 ME MATCHUNE SEE THIS SHEET N 3 C r KI MPS M-C PREFINAL SUBMrFTAL C W , K Km Z 1$ * �, o � � Z b � � €_ o J Q N W GRAPHIC SCALE: , . 5 CG004 W Naval Facilities Engineering Command NAVFAC MID -ATLANTIC eProjects Work Order Number: 1168093 Appropriation: MCON Special Operations Training Complex At the MCB Camp Lejeune, NC (P-1349) DESIGNED BY: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. 2207 Hampton Blvd. Norfolk, Virginia 23517 WE Contract N40085-10-D-5304) SPECIFICATION PREPARED BY: Civil: Anna Lee Bamf.orth, P.E., L.S. Architectural: Richard Harris, AIA Interior Design: Pat Hudson Landscape: Keith Oliver, PLA, LEED AP BD+C Structural: Kevin Roomsburg, P.E. Mechanical: Frank Ancarrow, P.E. Electrical: Tim Craddock, P.E. Fire Protection: Mike Goodman, P.E. Geotechnical: Charles Crawley, III, P.E. Environmental: Brian Hyde Date: January 10, 2014 SPECIFICATION APPROVED BY: For Commander, NAVFAC MID --ATLANTIC: ECEIVE JAN 17 2014 BY:- llijjjj `G A R 0j���i AL J • 029841 - rrr�lr► Volume 1 of 1 f� �� *- •• � �lr�j� `S y.11� . '� fs��. • • • P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 • Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 • PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS • DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS . 01 57 13.00 22 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL S DIVISION 31 - EARTHWORK • 31 23 00.00 20 EXCAVATION AND FILL • DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS • 32 92 19 SEEDING • 32 92 23 SODDING DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES • 33 40 00 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES • -- End of Project Table of Contents -- . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 • • • P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1166093 SECTION 01 57 13.00 22 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 05/13 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM D3787 (2007; R 2011) Bursting Strength of Textiles - Constant -Rate -of -Traverse (CRT), Ball Burst Test ASTM D4533 (2011) Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles ASTM D4632 (2008) Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles NORTH CAROLINA SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMISSION (NCSCC) NCSCC ESCM (2006; R 2009) Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work includes the provision of temporary and permanent erosion control measures to prevent the pollution of air, water, and land within the project limits and in areas outside the project limits where work is accomplished in conjunction with the project. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Submit the fallowing in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals Construction Sequence Schedule; G SD-03 Product Data Sediment Fence Dust Suppressors Erosion Control Matting Temporary Channel Liner Filter Fabric SECTION 01 57 13.00 22 Page 1 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 1.4 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SCHEDULE Submit a Contractor furnished construction work sequence schedule, a minimum of 30 days prior to start of construction. The work schedule shall coordinate the timing of land disturbing activities with the provision of erosion control measures to reduce on site erosion and off site sedimentation. Installation of temporary erosion control features shall be coordinated with the construction of permanent erosion control features to assure effective and continuous control of erosion and pollution. 1.5 STATE APPROVED PLAN The erosion control plan indicated has been approved by the State. No additional State review and approval of the erosion control plan is required, unless the Contractor desires to modify the erosion control plan indicated. Should the Contractor desire to modify the State approved plan, a resubmittal to the State, including the State's approval is required prior to the start of construction. The contractor shall be responsible for any additional costs and time incurred as a result of the resubmittal of the previously approved erosion control plan. The contractor shall anticipate a minimum 45 day review period by the State. Provide and maintain erosion control measures in accordance with NCSCC ESCM, and as specified herein. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SEDIMENT FENCE 2.1.1. State Standard Sediment Fence NCSCC ESCM Standard 6.62, sediment fence (maximum height of 18 inches). 2.2 SILT FENCE DROP INLET PROTECTION 2.2.1 State Standard Drop Inlet Protection NCSCC ESCM Standard 6.51, using silt fencing. 2.3 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2..3.1 State Standard Construction Entrance 2-3.1.1 Aggregate NCSCC ESCM, Standard 6.06. Filter Fabric A woven or nonwoven polypropylene, nylon, or polyester containing stabilizers and/or inhibitors to make the fabric resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet, and with the following properties: a. Minimum grab tensile strength (TF 25 ()1/ASTM D4632) 180 pounds b. Minimum Puncture (TF 25 #4/ASTM D3787) 75 psi in the weakest direction c. Apparent Opening Size 40-80 (U.S. Sieve Size) d. Minimum Trapezoidal tear strength (TF 25 42/ASTM D4533) 50 pounds SECTION 01 57 13.00 22 Page 2 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 2.4 DUST SUPPRESSORS Calcium chloride, or other standard manufacturer's spray on adhesives designed for dust suppression. 2.5 TEMPORARY SEEDING 2.5.1 State Standard Temporary Seeding Provide seed, lime, fertilizer , and mulch in accordance with NCSCC ESCM, Standards 6.10 and 6.14. Provide straw mulch. 2.6 EROSION CONTROL MATTING Jute or excelsior matting that has not been bleached or dyed. Use jute matting where indicated. Provide matting in minimum 4 feet widths. Staples for anchoring the matting shall be minimum 11 gage wire, formed into a "U" shape with a minimum throat width of one inch and minimum length of 6 inches after forming. 2.6.1 Jute Matting A uniform open plain weave of single jute yarn providing an average weight of 0.9 pounds per square yard of matting. Yarn shall be of a loosely twisted construction and shall not vary in thickness by more than one-half its normal diameter. Matting shall have openings between strands length wise of 0.45 to 0.75 inch, and between strands crosswise of 0.67 to 1.13 inch. 2.6.2 Excelsior Matting A machine produced mat of wood excelsior with a minimum of 80 percent of wood fibers 6 inches in length or longer. The matting shall have an average weight of 0.75 to 0.85 pounds per square yard with an even fiber distribution producing a consistent mat thickness, and shall have on one side a woven fabric. The woven fabric shall be twisted paper cord, cotton cord, or an extruded plastic mesh with a minimum mesh size of one by one inch and a maximum mesh size of 1 1/2 by 3 inch. 2.6.3 Straw Matting A machine produced straw mat with a minimum thickness of 1/2 inch +/- 1/8 inch. The straw shall be evenly distributed throughout the mat to provide a minimum average dry weight of .70 pounds per square yard. The topside of the mat shall be covered with a 3/8 inch biodegradable plastic mesh, with the mesh attached to the straw by a knitting process using biodegradable thread. 2.7 TEMPORARY CHANNEL LINER Provide temporary channel liner in accordance with NCSCC ESCM, Standard 6.17, 3.1 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SCHEDULE Stabilize areas for construction access immediately with gravel, Install SECTION 01 57 13.00 22 Page 3 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 principal sediment basins and traps before any major site grading takes place. Provide additional sediment traps, and sediment fences as grading progresses. Provide drop inlet protection around existing drainage structures, and inlet and outlet protection at the ends of new drainage systems. Stabilize graded and disturbed areas immediately after grading. Permanent stabilization shall be provided immediately on areas that have been final graded. Temporary seeding and mulching shall be provided on disturbed areas as specified in the paragraph entitled "Temporary Seeding." Installation of temporary erosion control features shall be coordinated with the construction of permanent erosion control features to assure effective and continuous control of erosion and sediment deposition. Remove temporary erosion control measures at the end of construction and provide permanent seeding. 3.2 SEDIMENT FENCES Install posts at the spacing indicated, and at an angle between 2 degrees and 20 degrees towards the potential silt load area. Sediment fence height shall be approximately 18 inches. Do not attach filter fabric to existing trees. Secure filter fabric to the post and wire fabric using staples, tie wire, or hog rings. Imbed the filter fabric into the ground as indicated. Splice filter fabric at support pole using a 6 inch overlap and securely seal. 3.3 DROP INLET PROTECTION Provide stakes evenly spaced around the perimeter of the drop inlet, a maximum of 3 feet apart. Stakes shall be driven immediately adjacent to the drainage structure, a minimum of 18 inches into the ground. The fabric shall be securely fastened to the outside of the stakes, with the bottom of the fabric placed into a trench and backfilled. 3.4 CURB INLET PROTECTION Provide wire mesh over the curb inlet opening so at least 12 inches of wire mesh extends across the inlet cover and at least 12 inches of wire mesh extends across the gutter from the inlet opening, as indicated. Place stone on wire mesh against curb inlet. 3.5 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Provide as indicated, a minimum of 6 inches thick, at points of vehicular ingress and egress on the construction site. Construction entrances shall be cleared and grubbed, and then excavated a minimum of 3 inches prior to placement of the filter fabric and aggregate. The aggregate shall be placed in a manner that will prevent damage and movement of the fabric. Place fabric in one piece, where possible. Overlap fabric joints a minimum of 12 inches. 3.6 DUST SUPPRESSORS Immediately dampen the surface before calcium chloride application. Apply dust suppressors on unsurfaced base, subbase and other unsurfaced travel ways. Apply calcium chloride at the rate of 1.0 to 1.25 pounds per square yard of surface for pellets for the initial application. For subsequent applications of calcium chloride, application rates may be approximately 75 percent of initial application rates. Do not apply when raining or the moisture conditions exceed that required for proper application. Apply other dust suppressors in accordance with manufacturers instructions. SECTION 01 57 13.00 22 Page 4 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 Protect treated surfaces from traffic for a minimum of 2 hours after treatment. Repeat application of dust suppressors as required to control dust emissions. 3.7 TEMPORARY SEEDING 3.7.1 Time Restrictions Within 48 hours after attaining the grading increment specified herein, provide seed, fertilizer, mulch and water on graded areas when any of the following conditions occur: a. Grading operations stop for an anticipated duration of 30 days or more. b. when it is impossible or impractical to bring an area to finish grade so that permanent seeding operations can be performed without serious disturbance from additional grading. C. Grading operations for a specific area are completed and the dates specified for permanent seeding or sodding is more than 30 days away. d. When an immediate cover is required to minimize erosion, or when erosion has occurred. e. Provide on erosion control devices constructed using soil materials. 3.7.2 Seeding Requirements State Standard Seeding Requirements Provide seed, lime, fertilizer, and mulch in accordance with NCSCC ESCM, Standards 6.10 and 6.14. Provide hay or straw mulch in an air dried condition, and secure mulch in place. Permanent Seeding and Sodding Temporary seeding shall be removed, and permanent seeding and sodding shall be provided as indicated during the specified planting season as specified in Section 32 92 19 SEEDING and Section 32 92 23 SODDING. 3.8 EROSION CONTROL MATTING Place matting in the direction of the flow of water. The up channel mat ting end shall be toed in a narrow trench a minimum of 5 inches deep. Where one roll of matting ends and a second roll begins, the end of the upper roll shall be brought over the buried end of the second roll, to provide a 6 inch overlap. Where matting widths are laid side by side, the overlap between matting shall be 4 inches. Provide check slots every 50 feet longitudinally in the matting. Construct check slots by providing a narrow trench 5 inches deep and folding the matting down in to the trench, across the bottom of the trench, and then back up the trench to the existing ground Backfill and compact the trench using the excavated material from the trench. Staple matting ends, junctions, and check slots at 10 inches on center. Staple matting outer edges and overlaps and the center of each matting strip at 3 feet on center. Install excelsior matting with the woven fabric on top. SECTION O1 57 13.00 22 Page 5 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 3.9 TEMPORARY CHANNEL LINER Provide temporary channel liner in accordance with NCSCC ESCM, Standard 6,17. 3.10 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION Inspect erosion control devices after each rainfall and daily during pro longed rainfall. Remove sediment deposits after each rainfall or when sediment reaches approximately one-half the barrier height. Immediately repair damaged erosion control devices and damaged areas around and underneath the devices. Maintain erosion control devices to assure continued performance of their intended function. Modify the erosion control plan as required to control problem areas noticed after each inspection. Modifications shall be approved by the Contracting officer. 3.11 CLEAN UP At the completion of the job, or when directed or approved by the Contracting Officer, temporary erosion control devices shall be removed. Erosion control devices and areas immediately adjacent to the device shall be filled (where applicable), shaped to drain and to blend into the surrounding contours, and provided with permanent seeding. Erosion control devices may remain in place after job completion when approved by the Contracting Officer. -- End of Section -- SECTION 01 57 13.00 22 Page 6 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NO eProjects No: 1168093 SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 EXCAVATION AND FILL 02/11 PART 1 GENERAL 0=i 3213A 944141*4 The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (AWWA) AWWA C600 (2010) Installation of Ductile -Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C136 (2006) Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates ASTM C33/C33M (2013) Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates ASTM D1140 (2000; R 2006) Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 (75-micrometer) Sieve ASTM D1556 (2007) Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand -Cone Method ASTM D1557 (2012) Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3) (2700 kN-m/m3) ASTM D2321 (2011) Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity -Flow Applications ASTM D2487 (2011) Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) ASTM D4318 (2010) Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils ASTM D6938 (2010) Standard Test Method for In -Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil -Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) ASTM D698 (2012) Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/cu. ft. (600 kN-m/cu. m.)) SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 1 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT) NCDOT RS (2012) Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (USACE) EM 385-1-1 (2006; Errata 1-2010; Changes 1-3 2010; Changes 4-6 2011; Change 7 2012) Safety and Health Requirements Manual 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Capillary Water Barrier A layer of clean, poorly graded crushed rock, stone, or natural sand or gravel having a high porosity which is placed beneath a building slab with or without a vapor barrier to cut off the capillary flow of pore water to the area immediately below a slab. 1.2.2 Degree of Compaction Degree of compaction is expressed as a percentage of the maximum density obtained by the test procedure presented in ASTM D1557, for general soil types, abbreviated as percent laboratory maximum density. 1.2.3 Hard Materials Weathered rock, dense consolidated deposits, conglomerate materials or cemented sand material identified as "hardpan" in soil borings PP-3, PP-6, and PP-11 which are not included in the definition of "rock" but which usually require the use of heavy or high force excavation equipment or ripper teeth for removal. 1.2.4 Rock Solid homogeneous interlocking crystalline material with firmly cemented, laminated, or foliated masses or conglomerate deposits, neither of which can be removed without systematic drilling and blasting, drilling and the use of expansion jacks or feather wedges, or the use of backhoe-mounted pneumatic hole punchers or rock breakers; also large boulders, buried masonry, or concrete other than pavement exceeding 1/2 cubic yard in volume. Removal of hard material will not be considered rock excavation because of intermittent drilling and blasting that is performed merely to increase production. 1.2.5 Pile Supported Structure As used herein, a structure where both the foundation and floor slab are pile supported. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for Contractor Quality Control approval. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction SubmittalsShoring and Sheeting Plan SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 2 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 1421349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 Dewatering work plan Submit 15 days prior to starting work. SD-06 Test Reports Borrow Site Testing; G Fill and Backfill/Structural Fill Material Testing Porous fill test for capillary water barrier Density tests Copies of all laboratory and field test reports within 24 hours of the completion of the test. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Perform in a manner to prevent contamination or segregation of materials. 1.5 CRITERIA FOR BIDDING Base bids on the following criteria: a. Surface elevations are as indicated. b. Pipes or other artificial obstructions, except those indicated, will not be encountered. C. Ground water elevations indicated by the boring log were those existing at the time subsurface investigations were made and do not necessarily represent ground water elevation at the time of construction. d. The boring logs depict perched water occurring within the uppermost 2 feet of soil at numerous locations on the project site, due to the relatively high amount of fine-grained material in the soil or from lenses of clay or hardpan. The Contractor shall anticipate groundwater being trapped for extended periods following rainfall, and shall employ measures and equipment to permit construction to proceed. e. Material character is indicated by the boring logs. f. Base bids on 100 percent of all soil existing on Site 2 and to be encountered in providing the work as consisting of "FILL", generally described as silty sand with varying amounts of wood, organic material, asphalt and crushed stone as seen in borings PE-9, PB-10, and PB-11. All excavated material shall be considered to meet requirements specified herein for common fill only. g. Rock will not be encountered. h. Hard materials will be encountered. Difficulty in excavation or handling of hard materials shall not be grounds for claims by the Contractor for additional compensation. i. Blasting will not be permitted. Remove material in an approved manner. SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 3 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 1.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR SOIL FROM OFF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Soils brought in from off Government property for use as backfill shall be tested as indicated below and not brought on site until Borrow Site Testing reports have been approved by the Contracting Officer. Soil material obtained from the Government Borrow Pit does not require Borrow Site Testing. Do not furnish or transport soils onto the MCB Camp Lejeune when such act would violate the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) or the General Statutes of North Carolina. Provide certification that all soil furnished under the contract contains no petroleum or hazardous or toxic materials as defined in DoD Instruction 4715.6, which implements 10 U.S.C. 2692. The following methods shall be used to determine if soil meets this standard: if the total amount of soil to be brought onto the MCB Camp Lejeune for a single contract is less than 200 cubic yards, certify the soil meets the standard by inspecting for "Apparent Contamination" (visual or other indications of contamination including abnormal or unnatural color, chemical or petroleum odors, or saturation with a chemical or petroleum). Soil which is contaminated, as determined by inspecting for "Apparent Contamination", shall not be utilized on the MCB Camp Lejeune or outlying fields. If the total amount of soil to be brought onto the MCB Camp Lejeune for a single contract is greater than 1000 cubic yards, provide certification that the soil meets the standard by analytical testing performed by a laboratory holding current certification from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of water Quality. Collect one representative sample of the soil to be used for each 200 cubic yards or fraction thereof, and analyze for Gasoline Range Organics, Diesel Range Organics, Oil and Grease, and 8 RCRA Metals (Totals). If any of the test results are greater than the Method Detection Limits for petroleum, the soil from which the sample was taken shall not be certified as meeting the standard. If any test results are greater than the following North Carolina soil -to -groundwater target concentrations for the 8 RCRA metals, the soil from which the sample was taken shall not be certified as meeting the standard. All units are mg/kg (ppm); Arsenic 26.2; Barium 848; Cadmium 2.72; Chromium 27.2; Lead 270.06; Mercury 0.0154; Selenium 12.2; and Silver 0.223. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.7.1 Shoring and Sheeting Plan Submit drawings and calculations, certified by a registered professional engineer, describing the methods for shoring and sheeting of excavations. Drawings shall include material sizes and types, arrangement of members, and the sequence and method of installation and removal. Calculations shall include data and references used. The Contractor is required to hire a Professional Geotechnical Engineer to provide inspection of excavations and soil/groundwater conditions throughout construction. The Geotechnical Engineer shall be responsible for performing pre -construction and periodic site visits throughout construction to assess site conditions. The Geotechnical Engineer shall update the excavation, sheeting and dewatering plans as construction progresses to reflect changing conditions and shall submit an updated plan SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 4 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 if necessary_ A written report shall be submitted, at least monthly, informing the Contractor and Contracting Officer of the status of the plan and an accounting of the Contractor's adherence to the plan addressing any present or potential problems. The Geotechnical Engineer shall be available to meet with the Contracting Officer at any time throughout the contract duration. 1.7.2 Dewatering Work Plan Submit procedures for accomplishing dewatering work. 1.7.3 Utilities Movement of construction machinery and equipment over pipes and utilities during construction shall be at the Contractor's risk. Perform work adjacent to non -Government utilities as indicated in accordance with procedures outlined by utility company. Excavation made with power -driven equipment is not permitted within two feet of known Government -owned utility or subsurface construction. For work immediately adjacent to or for excavations exposing a utility or other buried obstruction, excavate by hand. Start hand excavation on each side of the indicated obstruction and continue until the obstruction is uncovered or until clearance for the new grade is assured. Support uncovered lines or other existing work affected by the contract excavation until approval for backfill is granted by the Contracting Officer. Report damage to utility lines or subsurface construction immediately to the Contracting Officer. 1.8 Regulatory Requirements Provide work and materials in accordance with applicable requirements of NCDOT RS. Divisions and Sections mentioned herein refer to those specifications. Paragraphs in NCDOT RS entitled "Method of Measurement" shall not apply. 1.9 Modification of References Where term "Engineer" is used in NCDOT RS it shall be construed to mean Contracting Officer. Where term "state" is used, it shall mean "Federal Government". PART 2 PRCDUCTS 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS 2.1.1 Satisfactory Materials Any materials classified by ASTM D2487 ag GW, GP, GM, GP -GM, GW-GM, GC, GP -GC, GM -GC, SW, SP, SM, SW-SM, SC, SW -SC, SP-SM, and SP-SC, free of debris, roots, wood, scrap material, vegetation, refuse, soft unsound particles, and frozen, deleterious, or objectionable materials. Unless specified otherwise, the maximum particle diameter shall be one-half the lift thickness at the intended location. 2.1.2 Unsatisfactory Materials Materials which do not comply with the requirements for satisfactory materials, unsatisfactory materials also include man-made fills, trash, refuse, or backfills from previous construction. Unsatisfactory material also includes material classified as satisfactory which contains root and SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 5 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 1421349 eProjects No: 1168093 other organic matter, frozen material, and stones larger than 2 inches. The Contracting Officer shall be notified of any contaminated materials. 2.7.3 Cohesionless and Cohesive Materials Cohesionless materials include materials classified in ASTM D2487 as GW, GP, SW, and SP. Cohesive materials include materials classified as GC, SC, ML, CL, MH, and CH. Materials classified as GM, GP -GM, GW-GM, SW-SM, SP-SM, and SM shall be identified as cohesionless only when the fines are nonelastic (plasticity index equals zero). Materials classified as GM and SM will be identified as cohesive only when the fines have a plasticity index greater than zero. 2.1.4 Common Fill Approved, unclassified soil material with the characteristics required to compact to the soil density specified for the intended location. 2.1.5 Eackfill and Fill Material/Structural Fill Provide ASTM D2487, classification GW, GW-GM, GP, GP -GM, SW, SW-SM, SP, SP-SM, SM, with a ASTM D4318 liquid limit less than 30; maximum ASTM D4318 plasticity index of 9; percent by weight passing ASTM D1140, No. 200 sieve less than 25; and free of rubble, organics, clay, debris, and other unsuitable material. 2.1.6 Select Material Provide materials classified as GW, GP, SW, or SP, by ASTM D2487 where indicated or specified, with not more than 15 percent by weight passing the No. 200 sieve when tested in accordance with ASTM D1140. 2.1.7 Topsoil Natural, friable soil representative of productive, well -drained soils in the area, free of subsoil, stumps, rocks larger than one inch diameter, brush, weeds, toxic substances, and other material detrimental to plant growth. Amend topsoil pH range to obtain a pH of 5.5 to 7. 2.1.8 Material Handling On -site excavated materials which after drying are suitable for use as common fill or backfill/fill material but which, when excavated, are too wet for immediate compaction in fill areas shall be placed either temporarily in stockpiles until the moisture content is reduced sufficiently to permit them to be placed in their final 1ecaCion, or placed in embankments and then conditioned using ploughing, disking, or harrowing to obtain the required moisture content for attaining the required compaction. Material placed within 10 feet of structures or completed work shall be placed at a moisture content suitable for attaining the required compaction; further conditioning of the material after placement is not allowed. 2.2 POROUS FILL FOR CAPILLARY WATER FARRIER ASTM C33/C33M fine aggregate grading with a maximum of 3 percent by weight passing ASTM D1140, No. 200 sieve, or 1-1/2 inches and no more than 2 percent by weight passing the No. 4 size sieve or coarse aggregate Size 57, 67, or 77 and conforming to the general soil material requirements SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 6 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 specified in paragraph entitled "Satisfactory Materials." 2.3 UTILITY BEDDING MATERIAL Except as specified otherwise in the individual piping section, provide bedding for buried piping in accordance with AWWA C600, Type 4, except as specified herein. Backfill to top of pipe shall be compacted to 95 percent of ASTM D1557 maximum density. Plastic piping shall have bedding to spring line of pipe. Provide ASTM D2321 materials as follows: a. Class I: Angular, 0.25 to 1.5 inches, graded stone, including a number of fill materials that have regional significance such as coral, slag, cinders, crushed stone, and crushed shells. b. Class II: Coarse sands and gravels with maximum particle size of 1.5 inches, including various graded sands and gravels containing small percentages of fines, generally granular and noncohesive, either wet or dry. Soil Types GW, GP, SW, and SP are included in this class as specified in ASTM D2487. 2.4 BORROW Obtain borrow materials required in excess of those furnished from excavations from sources outside of Government property, except that borrow materials conforming to common fill, fill and backfill material and select fill may be obtained from the Government French Creek borrow pit. The Government borrow pit is located as indicated. If the Government French Creek borrow pit is used, the Contractor shall perform clearing, grubbing, and stripping required for providing access to suitable borrow material. The Contractor is responsible for loading, hauling, handling and all incidental costs associated with obtaining borrow material. Dispose of materials from clearing and grubbing operations as off Government property 2.5 FILTER FABRIC FOR RETAINING WALL NCDOT RS, materials for construction of retaining wall shall be in accordance with Section 1056 for Geotextile, Type 2, except it shall not be a slit -film geotextile. Provide a manufacturer certificate stating that the geotextile conforms to specified requirements based upon testing performed by the manufacturer in the last 12 months on samples taken from a lot that is typical of the material actually shipped to the project, but may or may not be from that lot shipped.2.6 MATERIAL FOR RIP -RAP Rock and bedding material for erosion control rip -rap shall conform to NCDOT RS, Section 1042, Class A, unless indicated otherwise. 2.7 BURIED WARNING AND IDENTIFICATION TAPE Polyethylene plastic warning tape manufactured specifically for warning and identification of buried utility lines. Provide tape on rolls, 3 inch minimum width, color coded as specified below for the intended utility with warning and identification imprinted in bold black letters continuously over the entire tape length. Warning and identification to read, "CAUTION, BURIED (intended service) LINE BELOW" or similar wording. Color and printing shall be permanent, unaffected by moisture or soil. Warning Tape Color Codes Yellow: Electric SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 7 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 2.7.1 Warning Tape 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 Warning Tape Color Codes Orange: Telephone and Other Communications Blue: Water Systems Green: Sewer Systems Acid and alkali -resistant polyethylene plastic tape conforming to the width, color, and printing requirements specified above. Minimum thickness of tape shall be 0.003 inch. Tape shall have a minimum strength of 1500 psi lengthwise, and 1250 psi crosswise, with a maximum 350 percent elongation. 2.8 DETECTION WIRE FOR NON-METALLIC PIPING Detection wire shall be insulated single strand, solid copper with a minimum of 12 AWG. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PROTECTION 3.1.1 Shoring and Sheeting Provide shoring and sheeting where necessary. In addition to Section 25 A and B of EM 385-1-1, include provisions in the shoring and sheeting plan that will accomplish the following; a. Prevent undermining of pavements, foundations and slabs. b. Prevent slippage or movement in banks or slopes adjacent to the excavation. 3.1.2 Drainage and Dewatering Provide for the collection and disposal of surface and subsurface water encountered during construction. Drainage So that construction operations progress successfully, completely drain construction site during periods of construction to keep soil materials sufficiently dry. The Contractor shall establish/construct storm drainage features at the earliest stages of site development, and throughout construction grade the construction area to provide positive surface water runoff away from the construction activity and/or provide temporary ditches, swales, and other drainage features and equipment as required to maintain dry soils, prevent erosion and undermining of foundations. When unsuitable wcrking.platforms for equipment operation and unsuitable soil support for subsequent construction features develop, remove unsuitable material and provide new soil material as specified herein. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to assess the soil and ground water conditions presented by the plans and specifications and to employ necessary measures to permit construction to proceed. Excavated slopes and backfill surfaces shall be protected to prevent erosion and sloughing. Excavation and fill operations shall be performed so that the site, the area immediately surrounding the site, and the area affecting operations at the site shall be continually and effectively drained. SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 8 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 Dewatering Groundwater flowing toward or into excavations shall be controlled to prevent sloughing of excavation slopes and walls, boils, uplift and heave in the excavation and to eliminate interference with orderly progress of construction. French drains, sumps, ditches or trenches will not be permitted within 3 feet of the foundation of any structure, except with specific written approval, and after specific contractual provisions for restoration of the foundation area have been made. Control measures shall be taken by the time the excavation reaches the water level in order to maintain the integrity of the in situ material. While the excavation is open, the water level shall be maintained continuously, at least 2 feet below the working level. Operate dewatering system continuously until construction work below existing water levels is complete. 3.1.3 Underground Utilities Location of the existing utilities indicated is approximate. The Contractor shall physically verify the location and elevation of the existing utilities indicated prior to starting construction. The Contractor shall scan the construction site with electromagnetic and sonic equipment and mark the surface of the ground where existing underground utilities are discovered. 3.1.4 Machinery and Equipment Movement of construction machinery and equipment over pipes during construction shall be at the Contractor's risk. Repair, or remove and provide new pipe for existing or newly installed pipe that has been displaced or damaged. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION 3.2.1 Clearing and Grubbing Unless indicated otherwise, remove trees, stumps, logs, shrubs, brush and vegetation and other items that would interfere with construction operations within the limits of disturbance indicated by the temporary sediment fencing. Remove stumps entirely. Grub out matted roots and roots over 2 inches in diameter to at least 18 inches below existing surface. 3.2.2 Stripping Non -Wooded Areas Strip suitable sail for topsoil up to a depth of 6 inches without contamination by subsoil material from the site where excavation or grading is indicated and stockpile separately from other excavated material. Extend clearing and stripping laterally at least 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the new work. Refer to boring logs and geotechnical information. Locate topsoil so that the material can be used readily for the finished grading. Where sufficient existing topsoil conforming to the material requirements is not available on site, provide borrow materials suitable for use as topsoil. Protect topsoil and keep in segregated piles until needed. SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 9 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 Wooded Areas After clearing and grubbing operations, remove material containing organics up to a depth of 12 inches below existing grade and dispose of as surplus material. 3.3 EXCAVATION Excavate to contours, elevation, and dimensions indicated. Reuse excavated materials that meet the specified requirements for the material type required at the intended location. Keep excavations free from water. Excavate soil disturbed or weakened by Contractor's operations, soils softened or made unsuitable for subsequent construction due to exposure to weather. Excavations below indicated depths will not be permitted except to remove unsatisfactory or unsuitable material. Unsatisfactory or unsuitable material encountered below the grades shown shall be removed as directed by the Contracting Officer. Refill with backfill and fill material or select material and compact to 95 percent of ASTM D1557 maximum density. Unless specified otherwise, refill excavations cut below indicated depth with backfill and fill material and compact to 95 percent of ASTM D1557 maximum density. Satisfactory material removed below the depths indicated, without specific direction of the Contracting Officer, shall be replaced with satisfactory materials to the indicated excavation grade; except as specified for spread footings. Determination of elevations and measurements of approved overdepth excavation of unsatisfactory material below grades indicated shall be done under the direction of the Contracting Officer. 3.3.1 Structures With Spread Footings Ensure that footing subgrades have been inspected and approved by the Contracting Officer prior to concrete placement. Fill over excavations with concrete during foundation placement. 3.3.2 Pile Cap Excavation and Backfilling Excavate to bottom of pile cap prior to placing or driving piles, unless authorized otherwise by the Contracting Officer. Backfill and compact overexcavations and changes in grade due to pile driving operations to 95 percent of ASTM D698 maximum density. 3.3.3 Pipe Trenches Excavate to the dimension indicated. Grade bottom of trenches to provide uniform support for each section of pipe after pipe bedding placement. Tamp if necessary to provide a firm pipe bed. Recesses shall be excavated to accommodate bells and joints so that pipe will be uniformly supported for the entire length. 3.3.4 Excavated Materials Satisfactory excavated material required for fill or backfill shall be placed in the proper section of the permanent work required or shall be separately stockpiled if it cannot be readily placed. Satisfactory material in excess of that required for the permanent work and all unsatisfactory material shall be disposed of as specified in Paragraph "DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS MATERIAL." SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 10 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 3.3.5 Final Grade of Surfaces to Support Concrete Excavation to final grade shall not be made until just before concrete is to be placed. For pile foundations, the excavation shall be stopped at an elevation 6 to 12 inches above the bottom of the footing before driving piles. After pile driving has been completed, the remainder of the excavation shall be completed to the elevations shown. 3.4 HAULING EQUIPMENT Equipment used for hauling shall be sized appropriately for the site conditions (soil character and moisture content). The Contractor shall be responsible for not deteriorating subgrade soils due to excessive wheel loads or traffic passes by utilizing methods such as routing equipment uniformly over the full width of embankments, constructing bridges of soil material over subgrades for traffic, etc. 3.5 SUBGRADE PREPARATION Unsatisfactory or unsuitable material in surfaces to receive fill or in excavated areas shall be removed and replaced with backfill/fill or select fill material as directed by the Contracting Officer. Sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal shall be plowed, stepped, benched, or broken up so that the fill material will bond with the existing material. When subgrades are less than the specified density, the ground surface shall be broken up to a minimum depth of 6 inches, pulverized, and compacted to the specified density. when the subgrade is part fill and part excavation or natural ground, the excavated or natural ground portion shall be scarified to a depth of 12 inches and compacted as specified for the adjacent fill. Material shall not be placed on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost. Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, pneumatic -tired rollers, steel -wheeled rollers, or other approved equipment well suited to the soil being compacted. Material shall be moistened or aerated as necessary to plus or minus 2 percent of optimum moisture. Minimum subgrade density shall be as specified herein. 3.5.1 Proof Rolling New Building Areas For all new buildings, proofrolling shall be done following stripping or demolition operations. Proof rolling shall be done on an exposed subgrade free of surface water (wet conditions resulting from rainfall) which would promote degradation of an otherwise acceptable subgrade. After stripping or demolition operations, level the area within and to 5 feet beyond the building footprint, including landings and adjacent stairs, proof roll the exposed subgrade of the building with six (6) passes of a dump truck loaded witt6 cubic yards of soil or 15 ton, pneumatic -tired roller. Operate the roller or truck in a systematic manner to ensure the number of passes over all areas, and at speeds between 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 miles per hour. The building subgrade shall be considered to extend 5 feet beyond the building lines, and one-half of the passes made with the roller shall be in a direction perpendicular to the other passes. Notify the Contracting Officer a minimum of 3 days prior to proof rolling. Proof rolling shall be performed in the presence of the Contracting Officer. Rutting or pumping of material shall be undercut as directed by the Contracting Officer and replaced with fill and backfill material. Bids shall be based on replacing approximately 250 cubic yards, at various locations. SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 11 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 Site 2 - Shooters Lot For the Site 2 - Shooters lot pavement area, proof rolling shall be done on an exposed subgrade free of surface water (wet conditions resulting from rainfall) which would promote degradation of an otherwise acceptable subgrade. After completion of rough grading, proof roll the existing subgrade of the paved areas with six passes of a 15 ton, pneumatic -tired roller or a dump truck loaded with 6 cubic yards of soil. Operate the roller or truck in a systematic manner to ensure the number of passes over all areas, and at speeds between 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 miles per hour. Notify the Contracting Officer a minimum of 3 days prior to proof rolling. proof rolling shall be performed in the presence of the Contracting Officer. Rutting or pumping of material shall be undercut as directed by the Contracting officer and replaced with fill and backfill material. Prior to paving, a second proofroll along with field density and moisture content tests shall be performed on the aggregate base to determine if located areas have degraded due to construction traffic or weather. For all proofrolling operations, base bids on replacing 1250 cubic yards of unsuitable material with fill and backfill material, with an average depth of 8 inches at various locations. 3.6 GEOGRID PLACEMENT FOR ROADS/PAVEMENTS Place geogrid as indicated directly on prepared subgrade. Repair damaged geogrid by placing an additional layer of geogrid to cover the damaged area a minimum of 1.5 feet overlap in all directions. Overlap geogrid at joints a minimum of 12 inches. Obtain approval of geogrid installation before placing overlying material. Follow manufacturer's recommended installation procedures. Place aggregate base in accordance with Section 31 05 21, GEOGRID SOIL REINFORCEMENT. 3.7 FILTER FABRIC (GEOTEXTILE) FOR RETAINING WALL Place geotextile as indicated. Repair damaged geotextile by placing an additional layer of geotextile to cover the damaged area a minimum of 3 feet overlap in all directions. Overlap geotextile at joints a minimum of 3 feet. Obtain approval of geotextile installation before placing fill or backfill. Place fill or backfill against geotextile in the direction of overlaps and compact as specified herein. Follow manufacturer's recommended installation procedures. 3.8 FILLING AND BACKFILLING Fill and backfill to contours, elevations, and dimensions indicated. Compact each lift before placing overlaying lift. 3.8.1 Common Fill Placement Provide for general site and under porous fill of pile -supported structures. Use satisfactory materials. Place in 10 inch lifts. Compact areas not accessible to rollers or compactors with mechanical hand tampers_ Aerate material excessively moistened by rain to a satisfactory moisture content. Finish to a smooth surface by blading, rolling with a smooth roller, or both. SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 12 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 3.8.2 Backfill and Fill Material Placement Provide for paved areas, utility trenches and under concrete slabs, except where select material is provided. Place in 8 inch lifts. Do not place over -wet or frozen areas. Place backfill material adjacent to structures as the structural elements are completed and accepted. Backfill against concrete only when approved. Place and compact material to avoid loading upon or against the structure. 3.8.3 Select Material Placement Provide as specified or indicated. Provide under porous fill of structures not pile supported. Place in 6 inch lifts. Do not place over wet or frozen areas. Backfill adjacent to structures shall be placed as structural elements are completed and accepted. Backfill against concrete only when approved. Place and compact material to avoid loading upon or against structure. 3.8.4 Backfill and Fill Material Placement Over Pipes and at Walls Backfilling shall not begin until construction below finish grade has been approved, underground utilities systems have been inspected, tested and approved, forms removed, and the excavation cleaned of trash and debris. Backfill shall be brought to indicated finish grade. Heavy equipment for spreading and compacting backfill shall not be operated closer to foundation or retaining walls than a distance equal to the height of backfill above the top of footing; the area remaining shall be compacted in layers not more than 4 inches in compacted thickness with power -driven hand tampers suitable for the material being compacted. Backfill shall be placed carefully around pipes, subsurface drains and tanks to avoid damage to coatings, wrappings, or tanks. Backfill shall not be placed against foundation walls prior to 7 days after completion of the walls. As far as practicable, backfill shall be brought up evenly on each side of the wall and sloped to drain away from the wall. 3.8.5 Porous Fill Placement Provide under floor and area -way slabs on a compacted subgrade. Place in 4 inch lifts with a minimum of two passes of a hand -operated plate -type vibratory compactor. 3.8.6 Trench Backfilling Backfill as rapidly as construction, permits. Place and compact backfill inch lifts to top of trench and in 8 outside structures and paved areas. when hand compaction is used. 3.9 BORROW testing, and acceptance of work under structures and paved areas in 8 inch lifts to one foot over pipe Place backfill in 4 to 6 inch lifts Where satisfactory materials are not available in sufficient quantity from required excavations, approved borrow materials shall be obtained as specified herein. 3.10 BURIED WARNING AND IDENTIFICATION TAPE Provide buried utility lines with utility identification tape. Bury tape 12 inches below finished grade; under pavements and slabs, bury tape 6 SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 13 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 inches below top of subgrade. 3.11 BURIED DETECTION WIRE Bury detection wire directly above non-metallic piping at a distance not to exceed 12 inches above the top of pipe. The wire shall extend continuously and unbroken, from manhole to manhole. The ends of the wire shall terminate inside the manholes at each end of the pipe, with a minimum of 3 feet of wire, coiled, remaining accessible in each manhole. The wire shall remain insulated over it's entire length. The wire shall enter manholes between the top of the corbel and the frame, and extend up through the chimney seal between the frame and the chimney seal. For force mains, the wire shall terminate in the valve pit at the pump station end of the pipe. 3.12 COMPACTION Determine in -place density of existing subgrade; if required density exists, no compaction of existing subgrade will be required. 3.12.1 General Site Compact underneath areas designated for vegetation and areas outside the 5 foot line of the paved area or structure to 85 percent of ASTM 01557. 3.12.2 Structures, Spread Footings, and Concrete Slabs Compact top 12 inches of subgrades to 95 percent of ASTM D1557. Compact fill and backfill material and select material to 95 percent of ASTM D1557. 3.12.3 Adjacent Area Compact areas within 5 feet of structures, and paved areas to 90 percent of ASTM D1557. 3.12.4 Paved Areas Compact top 12 inches of subgrades to 95 percent of ASTM D1557. Compact fill and backfill materials to 95 percent of ASTM D1557. 3.13 FINISH OPERATIONS 3.13.1 Grading Finish grades as indicated within one -tenth of one foot. Grade areas to drain water away from structures. Maintain areas free of trash and debris. For existing grades that will remain but which were disturbed by Contractor's operations, grade as directed. 3.13.2 Topsoil and Seed Provide as specified in Section 01 57 13.00 22 SROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 3.13.3 Protection of Surfaces Protect newly backfilled, graded, and topsoiled areas from traffic, erosion, and settlements that may occur. Repair or reestablish damaged grades, elevations, or slopes. SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 14 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC ePrcjects No: 1168093 3.14 DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS MATERIAL Dispose of surplus satisfactory soil material in Government disposal area indicated as directed by the Contracting Officer. Remove from Government property other soil material not suitable for filling or backfilling, and brush, refuse, stumps, roots, and timber. 3.15 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 3.15.1 Sampling Take the number and size of samples required to perform the following tests. 3.15.2 Testing Perform one of each of the following tests for every 2500 cubic yards of each material used. Provide additional tests for each source change. Fill and Backfill/Structural Fill and Select Fill Material Testing Test material in accordance with ASTM C136 for conformance to ASTM D2487 gradation limits; ASTM D1140 for material finer than the No. 200 sieve; ASTM D4318 for liquid limit and for plastic limit; ASTM D1557 for moisture density relations. Porous Fill Testing Test porous fill in accordance with ASTM C136 for conformance to gradation specified in ASTM C33/C33M. Density Tests Test density in accordance with ASTM D1556, or ASTM D6938. When ASTM D6938 density tests are used, verify density test results by performing an ASTM p1556 density test at a location already ASTM D6938 tested as specified herein. Perform an ASTM D1556 density test at the start of the job, and for every 10 ASTM D6938 density tests thereafter. Test each lift at randomly selected locations every 2500 square feet of existing grade in fills for structures and concrete slabs, and every 3500 square feet for other fill areas and every 3500 square feet of subgrade in cut. Include density test results in daily report. Bedding and backfill in trenches lift. -- End of Section -- One test per 150 linear feet in each SECTION 31 23 00.00 20 Page 15 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 SECTION 32 92 19 SEEDING 10/06 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C602 (2012) Agricultural Liming Materials ASTM D4427 (2007) Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing ASTM D4972 (2001; R 2007) pH of Soils U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) AMS Seed Act (1940; R 1988; R 1996) Federal Seed Act DOA SSIR 42 (1996) Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42, Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual, Version 3.0 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Stand of Native Grasses and Forbs. 95 percent ground cover of the established species. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 31 23 00.00 20 EXCAVATION AND FILL, , , Section 32 92 23 SODDING, Section 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS, and Section 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT applies to this section for pesticide use and plant establishment requirements, with additions and modifications herein. 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for Contractor Quality Control approval. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Wood cellulose fiber mulch SD-06 Test Reports Topsoil composition tests (reports and recommendations). SECTION 32 92 19 Page 1 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 SD-07 Certificates State certification and approval for seed SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions Erosion Control Materials 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Seed Protection Protect from drying out and from contamination during delivery, on -site storage, and handling. Fertilizer Gypsum Sulfur Iron and Lime Delivery Deliver to the site in original, unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, gypsum sulphur iron and lime may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 1.5.2 Storage Seed, Gypsum Sulfur Iron and Lime Storage Store in cool, dry locations away from contaminants. Topsoil Prior to stockpiling topsoil, treat growing vegetation with application of appropriate specified non -selective herbicide. Clear and grub existing vegetation three to four weeks prior to stockpiling topsoil. Handling Do not drop or dump materials from vehicles. 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Restrictions Do not plant when the ground is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 1.7 TIME LIMITATIONS 1.7.1 Seed Apply seed within twenty four hours after seed bed preparation. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 2 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED 2.1.1 Classification Provide State -certified seed of the latest season's crop delivered in original sealed packages, bearing producer's guaranteed analysis for percentages of mixtures, purity, germination, weedseed content, and inert material. Label in conformance with AMS Seed Act and applicable state seed laws. wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged seed will be rejected. Field mixes will be acceptable when field mix is performed on site in the presence of the Contracting Officer . 2.1.2 Planting Dates Planting Season Planting Dates Permanent Seeding January 1 - March 31 Refer to Civil E&S Plan 2.1.3 Permanent Seed Mixture, Purity and Weight Proportion seed mixtures by weight. Apply permanent seed mix at 25 lbs acre. Permanent mix does not include a temporary nurse crop. Refer also to Civil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for temporary seeding requirements and dates. Temporary seeding must later be replaced by permanent seeding for a permanent stand of native grasses and forbs. The same requirements of native seeding apply for temporary seeding. Temporary and permanent seeding may be applied concurrently if done within the permanent seeding seasons specified herein and within temporary seeding constraints. Disturbed areas shall not be left unstabilized if disturbance occurs outside of the permanent seeding seasons. Botanical Name Common Name Minimum Minimum Percentage Percent Percent of Mixture Pure Seed Germination and Hard Seed Schizachyrium Little 96 80 35 scoparium Bluestem,NC Ecotype Sorghatrum nutans Indiangrass, NC 96 80 20 Ecotype Elymus Virginia 96 80 15 virginicus Wildrye, NC 'Suther' Ecotype Penstemon Appalachian 96 80 5 laevigatus Beardtounge, SC Ecotype Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan 96 80 3 SECTION 22 92 19 Page 3 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 Botanical Name Common Name Minimum Minimum Percentage Percent Percent of Mixture Pure Seed Germination and Hard Seed Parthenium wild Quinine, 96 8o 3 integrifolium NC Ecotype Liatris Grassleaf 96 80 3 graminifolia Blazing Star, NC Ecotype Coreposis Lanceleaf 96 60 3 lanceolata Coreopsis, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Tridens flavus Purpletop, NC 96 80 3 'Suther' Ecotype Eupatorium Mistflower, VA 96 80 2 coelestinum Ecotype Carphephorus Sandywoods 96 BO 2 bellidifolius Chaffhead, NC Ecotype Eragrostis Purple 96 80 2 spectabilis Lovegrass, VA Ecotype Monarda punctata Spotted 96 80 2 Beebalm, Costal SC Ecotype Helianthus Swamp 96 80 2 angustifolius Sunflower, Coastal NC Ecotype 2.2 TOPSOIL 2.2.1 On -Site Topsoil Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled "Composition." when available topsoil shall be existing surface soil stripped and stockpiled on -site in accordance with Section 31 23 00,00 EXCAVATION AND FILL. to W SECTION 32 92 19 Page 4 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 2.2.2 Off -Site Topsoil Conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition." Additional topsoil shall be furnished by the Contractor . 2.2.3 Composition Containing from 5 to 10 percent organic matter as determined by the topsoil composition tests of the Organic Carbon, 6A, Chemical Analysis Method described in DOA SSIR 42. Maximum particle size, 3/4 inch, with maximum 3 percent retained on 1/4 inch screen. The pH shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4972. Topsoil shall be free of sticks, stones, roots, and other debris and objectionable materials. Other components shall conform to the following limits: Silt 25-50 percent Clay 10-30 percent Sand 20-35 percent pH 5.5 to 7.0 Soluble Salts 600 ppm maximum 2.3 SOIL CONDITIONERS Add conditioners to topsoil as required to bring into compliance with "composition" standard for topsoil as specified herein. 2.3.1 Lime Commercial grade burnt limestone containing a calcium carbonate equivalent (C.C.E.) as specified in ASTM C602 of not less than 140 percent. 2.3.2 Aluminum Sulfate Commercial grade. 2.3.3 Sulfur 100 percent elemental 2.3.4 Iron 100 percent elemental 2.3.5 Peat Natural product of peat moss derived from a freshwater site and conforming to ASTM D4427 . Shred and granulate peat to pass a 1/2 inch mesh screen and condition in storage pile for minimum 6 months after excavation. 2.3.6 Sand Clean and free of materials harmful to plants. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 5 P1349 Special operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 2.3.7 Perlite Horticultural grade. 2.3.8 Composted Derivatives 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 Ground bark, nitrolized sawdust, humus or other green wood waste material free of stones, sticks, and soil stabilized with nitrogen and having the following properties: Particle Size Minimum percent by weight passing: No. 4 mesh screen 95 No. 8 mesh screen 80 Nitrogen Content Minimum percent based on dry weight: Fir Sawdust 0.7 Fir or Pine Bark 1.0 2.3.9 Gypsum Coarsely ground gypsum comprised of calcium sulfate dihydrate 61 percent, calcium 22 percent, sulfur 17 percent; minimum 96 percent passing through 20 mesh screen, 1.00 percent passing thru 16 mesh screen. 2.3.10 Calcined Clay Calcined clay shall be granular particles produced from montmorillonite clay calcined to a minimum temperature of 1200 degrees F. Gradation: A minimum 90 percent shall pass a No. 8 sieve; a minimum 99 percent shall be retained on a No. 60 sieve; and a maximum 2 percent shall pass a No. 100 sieve. Bulk density: A maximum 40 pounds per cubic foot. 2.4 MULCH Mulch shall be free from noxious weeds, mold, and other deleterious materials. 2.4.1 Straw Stalks from oats, wheat, rye, barley, or rice. Furnish in air-dry condition and of proper consistency for placing with commercial mulch blowing equipment. Straw shall contain no fertile seed. 2.4.2 Hay Air-dry condition and of proper consistency for placing with commercial mulch blowing equipment. Hay shall be sterile, containing no fertile seed 2.4.3 Wood Cellulose Fiber Mulch Use recovered materials of either paper -based (100 percent) or wood -based (100 percent) hydraulic mulch. Processed to contain no growth or SECTION 32 92 19 Page 6 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14P1349 eProjects No: 116BO93 germination -inhibiting factors and dyed an appropriate color to facilitate visual metering of materials application. Composition on air-dry weight basis: 9 to 15 percent moisture, pH range from 5.5 to 8.2 . Use with hydraulic application of grass seed and fertilizer. 2.5 WATER Source of water shall be approved by Contracting Officer and of suitable quality for irrigation, containing no elements toxic to plant life. 2.6 EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS Erosion control material shall conform to the following: 2.6.1 Erosion Control. Blanket 100 percent agricultural straw stitched with a degradable nettings, designed to degrade within 12 months. 2.6.2 Hydrophilic Colloids Hydrophilic colloids shall be physiologically harmless to plant and animal life without phytotoxic agents. Colloids shall be naturally occurring, silicate powder based, and shall form a water insoluble membrane after curing. Colloids shall resist mold growth. 2.6.3 Erosion Control Material Anchors Erosion control anchors shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTI0N 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 EXTENT OF WORK Provide soil preparation (including soil conditioners as required), fertilizing, seeding, and surface topdressing of all newly graded finished earth surfaces, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. Topsoil Provide 4 inches of off -site topsoilon-site topsoil to meet indicated finish grade. After areas have been brought to indicated finish grade, incorporate pH adjusters soil conditioners into soil a minimum depth of 4 inches by disking, harrowing, tilling or other method approved by the Contracting Officer. Remove debris and stones larger than 3/4 inch in any dimension remaining on the surface after finish grading. Correct irregularities in finish surfaces to eliminate depressions. Protect finished topsoil areas from damage by vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Soil Conditioner Application Rates Apply soil conditioners at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 7 P1349 Special operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 3.2 SEEDING 3.2.1 Seed Application Seasons and Conditions Immediately before seeding, restore soil to proper grade. Do not seed when ground is muddy frozen snow covered or in an unsatisfactory condition for seeding. If special conditions exist that may warrant a variance in the above seeding dates or conditions, submit a written request to the Contracting Officer stating the special conditions and proposed variance. Apply seed within twenty four hours after seedbed preparation. Sow seed by approved sowing equipment. Sow one-half the seed in one direction, and sow remainder at right angles to the first sowing. 3.2.2 Seed Application Method Seeding method shall be drill seeding. Drill Seeding Seedbed shall be compacted prior to seeding. Seed shall be drilled at the rate of 25 pounds per acre. Use Truax or equivalent seed drills. Drill seed uniformly to average depth of 1/2 inch. Hydroseeding First, mix water and fiber. Wood cellulose fiber, paper fiber, or recycled paper shall be applied as part of the hydroseeding operation. Fiber shall be added at 1,000 pounds, dry weight, per acre. Then add and mix seed and fertilizer tc produce a homogeneous slurry. Seed shall be mixed to ensure broadcasting at the rate of 25 pounds per acre. when hydraulically sprayed on the ground, material shall form a blotter like cover impregnated uniformly with grass seed. Spread with one application with no second application of mulch. 3.2.3 Mulching Hay or Straw Mulch Hay or straw mulch shall be spread uniformly at the rate of 2 tons per acre. Mulch shall be spread by hand, blower -type mulch spreader, or other approved method. Mulching shall be started on the windward side of relatively flat areas or on the upper part of steep slopes, and continued uniformly until the area is covered. The mulch shall not be bunched or clumped. Sunlight shall not be completely excluded from penetrating to the ground surface. All areas installed with seed shall be mulched on the same day as the seeding. Mulch shall be anchored immediately following spreading. Asphalt Adhesive Tackifier Asphalt adhesive tackifier shall be sprayed at a rate between 10 to 13 gallons per 1000 square feet. Sunlight shall not be completely excluded from penetrating to the ground surface. Non -Asphaltic Tackifier Hydrophilic colloid shall be applied at the rate recommended by the SECTION 32 92 19 Page 8 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 manufacturer, using hydraulic equipment suitable for thoroughly mixing with water. A uniform mixture shall be applied over the area. Asphalt Adhesive Coated Mulch Hay or straw mulch may be spread simultaneously with asphalt adhesive applied at a rate between 10 to 13 gallons per 1000 square feet, using power mulch equipment which shall be equipped with suitable asphalt pump and nozzle. The adhesive -coated mulch shall be applied evenly over the surface. Sunlight shall not be completely excluded from penetrating to the ground surface. 3.2.4 Rolling Immediately after seeding, firm entire area except for slopes in excess of 3 to 1 with a roller not exceeding 90 pounds for each foot of roller width. If seeding is performed with cultipacker-type seeder, drill or by hydroseeding, rolling may be eliminated. 3.2.5 Erosion Control Material Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, where indicated or as directed by the Contracting Officer. 3.2.6 Watering Start watering areas seeded as required by temperature and wind conditions. Apply water at a rate sufficient to insure thorough wetting of soil to a depth of 2 inches without run off. During the germination process, seed is to be kept actively growing and not allowed to dry out. 3.3 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS Immediately after turfing, protect area against traffic and other use. 3.4 RESTORATION Restore to original condition existing turf areas which have been damaged during turf installation operations at the Contractor's expense. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean other paving when work in adjacent areas is complete. -- End of Section -- SECTION 32 92 19 Page 9 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 SECTION 32 92 23 SODDING 04/06 PART I GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C602 (2012) Agricultural Liming Materials ASTM D4427 (2007) Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing ASTM D4972 (2001; R 2007) pH of Soils TURFGRASS PRODUCERS INTERNATIONAL (TPI) TPI GSS (1995) Guideline Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) DOA SSIR 42 (1996) Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42, Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual, Version 3.0 0qw�9)21:94440 0 0CiRRI 1.2.1 Stand of Turf 100 percent ground cover of the established species. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 31 23 00.00 20 EXCAVATION AND FILL, , , Section 32 92 19 SEEDING, Section 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS, and Section 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT applies to this section for pesticide use and plant establishment requirements, with additions and modifications herein. 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for Contractor Quality Contrcl approval. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Fertilizer Include physical characteristics, and recommendations, SECTION 32 92 23 Page 1 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune,.NC eProjects No: 1168093 SD-06 Test Reports Topsoil composition tests (reports and recommendations). SD-07 Certificates Sod farm certification for sods accordance with TPI GSS. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Sod Protection Indicate type of sod in Protect from drying out and from contamination during delivery, on -site storage, and handling. Fertilizer Gypsum Sulfur Iron and Lime Delivery Deliver to the site in original, unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer gypsum sulphur iron and lime may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 1.5.2 Storage Sod Storage Lightly sprinkle with water, cover with moist burlap, straw, or other approved covering; and protect from exposure to wind and direct sunlight until planted. Provide covering that will allow air to circulate so that internal heat will not develop. Do not store sod longer than 24 hours. Do not store directly on concrete or bituminous surfaces. Topsoil Prior to stockpiling topsoil, treat growing vegetation with application of appropriate specified non -selective herbicide. Clear and grub existing vegetation three to four weeks prior to stockpiling topsoil. Handling Do not drop or dump materials from vehicles. 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Restrictions Do not plant when the ground is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 1.7 TIME LIMITATIONS 1.7.1 Sod Place sod a maximum of thirty six hours after initial harvesting, in accordance with TPI GSS as modified herein. SECTION 32 92 23 Page 2 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1.1 Classification 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 Nursery grown, certified as classified in the TPI GSS. Machine cut sod at a uniform thickness of 3/4 inch within a tolerance of 1/4 inch, excluding top growth and thatch. Each individual sod piece shall be strong enough to support its own weight when lifted by the ends. Broken pads, irregularly shaped pieces, and torn or uneven ends will be rejected.Wood pegs and wire staples for anchorage shall be as recommended by sod supplier. 2.1.2 Purity Sod species shall be genetically pure, free of weeds, pests, and disease. 2.1.3 Planting Dates Lay sod from 1 May to for warm season spring planting. 2.1.4 Composition Proportion Proportion grass species as follows. Botanical Name Common Name Percent Eremochloa ophuroides Centipede Grass 100 2.2 TOPSOIL 2.2.1 On -Site Topsoil Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary to meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled "Composition." When available topsoil shall be existing surface soil stripped and stockpiled on -site in accordance with Section 31 23 00.00 20 EXCAVATION AND FILL. 2.2.2 Off -Site Topsoil Conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition." Additional topsoil shall be furnished by the Contractor . 2.2.3 Composition Containing from 5 to 10 percent organic matter as determined by the topsoil composition tests of the Organic Carbon, 6A, Chemical Analysis Method described in DOA SSIR 42. Maximum particle size, 3/4 inch, with maximum 3 percent retained on 1/4 inch screen. The pH shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4972. Topsoil shall be free of sticks, stones, roots, and other debris and objectionable materials. Other components shall conform to the SECTION 32 92 23 Page 3 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 following limits: silt 25-50 percent Clay 10-30 percent Sand 20-35 percent PH 5.5 to 7.0 Soluble Salts 60o ppm maximum 2.3 SOIL CONDITIONERS Add conditioners to topsoil as required to bring into compliance with "composition" standard for. topsoil as specified herein. 2.3.1 Lime Commercial grade burnt limestone containing a calcium carbonate equivalent (C.C.E.) as specified in ASTM C602 of not less than 140 percent. 2.3.2 Aluminum Sulfate Commercial grade. 2.3.3 Sulfur 100 percent elemental 2.3.4 Iron 100 percent elemental 2.3.5 Peat Natural product of peat moss derived from a freshwater site and conforming to ASTM D4427 . Shred and granulate peat to pass a 1/2 inch mesh screen and condition in storage pile for minimum 6 months after excavation. 2.3.6 Sand Clean and free of materials harmful to plants. 2.3.7 Perlite Horticultural grade. 2.3.8 Composted Derivatives Ground bark, nitrolized sawdust, humus or other green wood waste material free of stones, sticks, and soil stabilized with nitrogen and having the following properties: Particle Size Minimum percent by weight passing: SECTTON 32 92 23 Page 4 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC No. 4 mesh screen 95 No. 8 mesh screen 80 Nitrogen Content Minimum percent based on dry weight: Fir Sawdust 0.7 Fir or Pine Bark 1.0 2.3.9 Gypsum 14P1349 eProjects No: 1168093 Coarsely ground gypsum comprised of calcium sulfate dihydrate 91 percent, calcium 22 percent, sulfur 17 percent; minimum 96 percent passing through 20 mesh screen, 100 percent passing thru 16 mesh screen. 2.3.10 Calcined Clay Calcined clay shall be granular particles produced from montmorillonite clay calcined to a minimum temperature of 1200 degrees F. Gradation: A minimum 90 percent shall pass a No. 8 sieve; a minimum 99 percent shall be retained on a No. 60 sieve; and a maximum 2 percent shall pass a No. 100 sieve. Bulk density: A maximum 40 pounds per cubic foot. 2.4 FERTILIZER 2.4.1 Granular Fertilizer Organic, granular controlled release fertilizer containing the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients: 20 percent available nitrogen 27 percent available phosphorus 5 percent available potassium 2.5 WATER Source of water shall be approved by Contracting Officer and of suitable quality for irrigation containing no element toxic to plant life. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 Extent Of Work Provide soil preparation (including soil conditioners), fertilizing, and sodding of all newly graded finished earth surfaces, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. 3.1.2 Soil Preparation Provide 4 inches of off -site topsoilon-site topsoil to meet indicated finish grade. After areas have been brought to indicated finish grade, incorporate fertilizer pH adjusters soil conditioners into soil a minimum depth of 4 inches by disking, harrowing, tilling or other method approved SECTION 22 92 23 Page 5 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC 14PI349 eProjects No: 1168093 by the Contracting Officer. Remove debris and stones larger than 3/4 inch in any dimension remaining on the surface after finish grading. Correct irregularities in finish surfaces to eliminate depressions. Protect finished topsoil areas from damage by vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Soil Conditioner Application Rates Apply soil conditioners at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. 3.2 SODDING 3.2.1 Finished Grade and Topsoil Prior to the commencement of the sodding operation, the Contractor shall verify that finished grades are as indicated on drawings; the placing of topsoil, smooth grading, and compaction requirements have been completed in accordance with Section 31 23 00.00 20 EXCAVATION AND FILL. The prepared surface shall be a maximum 1 inch below the adjoining grade of any surfaced area. New surfaces shall be blended to existing areas. The prepared surface shall be completed with a light raking to remove from the surface debris and stones over a minimum 5/8 inch in any dimension. 3.2.2 Placing Place sod a maximum of 36 hours after initial harvesting, in accordance with TPI GSS as modified herein. 3.2.3 Sodding Slopes and Ditches For slopes 2:I and greater, lay sod with long edge perpendicular to the contour. For V-ditches and flat bottomed ditches, lay sod with long edge perpendicular to flow of water. Anchor each piece of sod with wood pegs or wire staples maximum 2 feet on center. On slope areas, start sodding at bottom of the slope. 3.2.4 Finishing After completing sodding, blend edges of sodded area smoothly into surrounding area. Air pockets shall be eliminated and a true and even surface shall be provided. Frayed edges shall be trimmed and holes and missing corners shall be patched with sod. 3.2.5 Rolling Immediately after sodding, firm entire area except for slopes in excess of 3 to 1 with a roller not exceeding 90 pounds for each foot of roller width. 3.2.6 Watering Start watering areas sodded as required by daily temperature and wind conditions. Apply water at a rate sufficient to ensure thorough wetting of soil to minimum depth of 6 inches. Run-off, puddling, and wilting shall be prevented. Unless otherwise directed, watering trucks shall not be driven over turf areas. watering of other adjacent areas or plant material shall be prevented. SECTION 32 92 23 Page 6 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 3.3 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS Immediately after turfing, protect area against traffic and other use. 3.4 RESTORATION Restore to original condition existing turf areas which have been damaged during turf installation operations. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean other paving when work in adjacent areas is complete. -- End of Section -- SECTION 32 92 23 Page 7 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 SECTION 33 40 00 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 02/10 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS (AASHTO) AASHTO M 198 (2010) Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants AMERICAN CONCRETE PIPE ASSOCIATION (ACPA) ACPA 01-102 (2000) Concrete Pipe Handbook ACPA 01-103 (2000) Concrete Pipe Installation Manual ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM A929/A929M (2001; R 2007) Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Metallic -Coated by the Hot -Dip Process for Corrugated Steel Pipe ASTM C231/C231M (2010) Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method ASTM C478 (2013) Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ASTM C76 (2011) Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe ASTM C923 (2008) Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes and Laterals ASTM C990 (2009) Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants ASTM D1751 (2004; R 2008) Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient SECTION 33 40 00 Page 1 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex Camp Lejeune, NC Bituminous Types) 14P1349 eProjects No: 1166093 ASTM D1752 (2004a; R 2008) Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber Cork and Recycled PVC Expansion ASTM D1784 (2011) Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds ASTM D2321 (2011) Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity -Plow Applications ASTM D3034 (2008) Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA) FS A-A-60005 (Basic) Frames.Covers, Gratings, Steps, Sump and Catch Basin, Manhole 1.2 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for Contractor Quality Control approval. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Placing Pipe Printed copies of the manufacturer's recommendations for installation procedures of the materials being placed, prior to installation. SD-07 Certificates Resin Certification 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.3.1 Delivery and Storage Materials delivered to site shall be inspected for damage, unloaded, and stored with a minimum of handling, Materials shall not be stored directly on the ground. The inside of pipes and fittings shall be kept free of dirt and debris. Keep a copy of the manufacturer's instructions available at the construction site at all times and follow these instructions unless directed otherwise by the Contracting Officer. 1.3.2 Handling Materials shall be handled in a manner that ensures delivery to the trench in sound, undamaged condition. Pipe shall be carried to the trench, not dragged. SECTION 33 40 00 Page 2 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE FOR CULVERTS AND STORM DRAINS Pipe for culverts and storm drains shall be of the sizes indicated and shall conform to the requirements specified. 2.1.1 Concrete Pipe Manufactured in accordance with and conforming to ASTM C76, Class V, unless indicated otherwise. Joint Sealants Provide primers and lubricants as recommended by the manufacturer. Concrete pipe joints shall be suitable for use with the joint sealants specified. a. Butyl gaskets. b. AASHTO M 198, Type B preformed plastic gaskets. 2.1.2 PVC Pipe Submit the pipe manufacturer's resin certification, indicating the cell classification of PVC used to manufacture the pipe, prior to installation of the pipe. Type PSM PVC Pipe ASTM D3034, Type PSM, maximum SDR 35, produced from PVC certified by the compounder as meeting the requirements of ASTM D1784, minimum cell class 12454-B. 2.2 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 2.2.1 Flared End Sections Sections shall be of a standard design fabricated from zinc coated steel sheets meeting requirements of ASTM A929/A929M. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS 2.3.1 Concrete Unless otherwise specified, concrete and reinforced concrete shall conform to the requirements for concrete under Section 32 13 13.06 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT FOR SITE FACILITIES. The concrete mixture shall have air content by volume of concrete, based on measurements made immediately after discharge from the mixer, of 5 to 7 percent when maximum size of coarse aggregate exceeds 1-1/2 inches. Air content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C231/C231M. The concrete covering over steel reinforcing shall not be less than 1 inch thick for covers and not less than 1-1/2 inches thick for walls and flooring. Concrete covering deposited directly against the ground shall have a thickness of at least 3 inches between steel and ground. Expansion -joint filler material shall conform to ASTM D1751, or ASTM D1752, or shall be resin -impregnated fiberboard conforming to the physical requirements of ASTM D1752. SECTION 33 40 00 Page 3 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 2.3.2 Precast Reinforced Concrete Drainage Structures Conform to ASTM C478. Joints between precast concrete risers and tops shall be rubber -type gaskets meeting the requirements of ASTM C990 or AASHTO M 198, Type B gaskets. 2.3.3 Frame and Cover for Gratings FS A-A-60005 Cast iron, figure numbers as indicated. 2.3.4 Joints PVC Plastic Pipes Joints shall be solvent cement or elastomeric gasket type in accordance with the specification for the pipe and as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. 2.4 RESILIENT CONNECTORS Flexible, watertight connectors used for connecting pipe to manholes and inlets shall conform to ASTM C923. 2.5 EROSION CONTROL RIPRAP Provide nonerodible rock not exceeding 15 inches in its greatest dimension and choked with sufficient small rocks to provide a dense mass with a minimum thickness ofas indicated. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION FOR STORM DRAINS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Excavation of trenches, and for appurtenances and backfilling for culverts and storm drains, shall be in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 31 23 00.00 20, EXCAVATION AND FILL and the requirements specified below. 3.1.1 Trench_ng The width of trenches at any point below the top of the pipe shall be not greater than indicated to permit satisfactory jointing and thorough tamping of the bedding material under and around the pipe. Sheeting and bracing, where required, shall be placed within the trench width as specified, without any overexcavation. Where trench widths are exceeded, redesign with a resultant increase in cost of stronger pipe or special installation procedures will be necessary. Cost of this redesign and increased cost of pipe or installation shall be borne by the Contractor without additional cost to the Government. 3.1.2 Removal of Unstable Material Where wet or otherwise unstable soil incapable of properly supporting the pipe, as determined by the Contracting Officer, is unexpectedly encountered in the bottom of a trench, such material shall be removed to the depth required and replaced to the proper grade with select granular material, compacted as provided in paragraph BACKFILLING. When removal of unstable material is due to the fault or neglect of the Contractor while performing SECTION 33 40 00 Page 4 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 shoring and sheeting, water removal, or other specified requirements, such removal and replacement shall be performed at no additional cost to the Government. 3.2 BEDDING The bedding surface for the pipe shall provide a firm foundation of uniform density throughout the entire length of the pipe. 3.2,1 Concrete Pipe Requirements When no bedding class is specified or detailed on the drawings, concrete pipe shall be bedded in granular material minimum 4 inch in depth in trenches with soil foundation. Depth of granular bedding in trenches with rock foundation shall be 1/2 inch in depth per foot of depth of fill, minimum depth of bedding shall be 8 inch up to maximum depth of 24 inches. The middle third of the granular bedding shall be loosely placed. Bell holes and depressions for joints shall he removed and formed so entire barrel of pipe is uniformly supported. The bell hole and depressions for the joints shall be not more than the length, depth, and width required for properly making the particular type of joint. 3.2.2 Plastic Pipe Bedding for PVC pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM D2321. Bedding, haunching, and initial backfill shall be either Class IB or II material. 3.3 PLACING PIPE Submit printed copies of the manufacturer's recommendations for installation procedures of the material being placed, prior to installation. Each pipe shall be thoroughly examined before being laid; defective or damaged pipe shall not be used. Plastic pipe shall be protected from exposure to direct sunlight prior to laying, if necessary to maintain adequate pipe stiffness and meet installation deflection requirements. Pipelines shall be laid to the grades and alignment indicated. Proper facilities shall be provided for lowering sections of pipe into trenches. Pipe shall not be laid in water, and pipe shall not be laid when trench conditions or weather are unsuitable for such work. Diversion of drainage or dewatering of trenches during construction shall be provided as necessary. Deflection of installed flexible pipe shall not exceed the following limits: Plastic (PVC) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TYPE OF PIPE DEFLECTION M 5 Note post installation requirements of paragraph 'Deflection Testing' in PART 3 of this specification for all pipe products including deflection testing requirements for flexible pipe. 3.3.1 Concrete and PVC Pipe Laying shall proceed upgrade with spigot ends of bell -and -spigot pipe and tongue ends of tongue -and -groove pipe pointing in the direction of the flow. SECTION 33 40 00 Page 5 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 3.4 JOINTING 3.4.1 Concrete Pipe Flexible Joints Install pipe and fittings in accordance with paragraph entitled "General Requirements for Installation of Pipelines" of this section and with the provisions for rugger gasket jointing and jointing procedures of ACPA 01-103 or of ACPA 01-102, Chapter 9. Make joints with the gaskets previously specified for joints with this piping. Gaskets and jointing materials shall be as recommended by the particular manufacturer in regard to use of lubricants, cements, adhesives, and other special installation requirements. Surfaces to receive lubricants, cements, or adhesives shall be clean and dry. Gaskets and jointing materials shall be affixed to the pipe not more than 24 hours prior to the installation of the pipe, and shall be protected from the sun, blowing dust, and other deleterious agents at all times. Gaskets and jointing materials shall be inspected before , installing the pipe; any loose or improperly affixed gaskets and jointing materials shall be removed and replaced. The pipe shall be aligned with the previously installed pipe, and the joint pushed home. If, while the joint is being made the gasket becomes visibly dislocated the pipe shall be removed and the joint remade. 3.5 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 2.5.1 Manholes and Inlets Construction shall be of reinforced concrete, plain concrete, or precast reinforced concrete; complete with frames and covers or gratings. Pipe connections to concrete manholes and inlets shall be made with flexible, watertight connectors. 3.6 BACKFTLLING Perform earthwork operations in accordance with Section 31 23 00.00 20, EXCAVATION AND FILL. 3.6.1 Movement of Construction Machinery when compacting by rolling or operating heavy equipment parallel with the pipe, displacement of or injury to the pipe shall be avoided. Movement of construction machinery over a culvert or storm drain at any stage of construction shall be at the Contractor's risk. Any damaged pipe shall be repaired or replaced. 3.7 PIPELINE TESTING 3.7.1 Field Tests and Inspections The Contracting Officer will conduct field inspections and witness field tests specified in this section. The Contractor shall perform field tests and provide labor, equipment, and incidentals required for testing. Be able to produce evidence, when required, that each item of work has been constructed properly in accordance with the drawings and specifications. 3.7.2 Pipeline Testing Check each straight run of pipeline for gross deficiencies by holding a SECTION 33 40 00 Page 6 P1349 Special Operations Training Complex 14P1349 Camp Lejeune, NC eProjects No: 1168093 light in a manhole; it shall show a practically full circle of light through the pipeline when viewed from the adjoining end of line. -- End of Section -- SECTION 33 40 CC Page 7 ff7bWDS LOIG4TION AS PROWOED 8r CWP LE -If UNE GIS I FA 10,7 J • �4�11 8.60 3 2#854.89t- 1 = 2,662.66 r!� A = 4,123.02 1 -= 4,123.02 �MI15 OF DISTURBANCE #E7bW,OS L01 477aV AS PROW,%D Br C.WP LEJEVNE 25 ` 1 i 92 A=2,100.12 1 = 1,152.97 QA 0 extends beyond limits shown here. See Existing SWIM Permit No. SW8 080313 for fall area. Drainage Area 6 A = 304,904 SF I = 142,320 SF Drainage Area 9 A = 1311167 SF I = 79,902 SF Drainage Area 10 A = 134,458 SF I = 111, 453 SF - 39,538.76 It 8 « 6, E C-IVB JAN 17 7014 BY: SGu?O ?0 31400 APPROVED NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL, MANAGEMENT COMMISSION 2ca— -z0l�- 9 Y Y Y 9 GRAPHIC SCALE 4 ;f I SAND FILTER DESIGN ' User Input required FILENAME: G:�wgksharedlStormwaterlpermits $ projects120081080313 HD12014 01 excel -SF 080313 Initial Run Date: 28-1an-14 Reviewer: L. Lewis Last modified: 25-Feb-14 Project Number SVV8 080313 PROJECT NAME: P-1349 Special Ops Training Facility / P-1184 Dining Facility / P-1286 Rifle Range BEQ DA-9 DA-10 Sand Filter 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 Receving Stream Stones Creek Stones Creek Classification SA $A Index Number 19303 19303 Within 1/2 mile SA? YES_ _YES - i _ Must enter YES or NO Onsite DA 131167 134458 sf Offsite DA sf Total DA 0 0 131167 134458 0 0 sf Total DA acres 0.00 0.00 3.01 3.09 0.00 0.00 ac. c Buildings sf 0.98 Parking/Street 78577 111453 sf 0.95 Concrete 1325 sf 0.9 Other sf ? Offsite sf ? Total BUA 0 0 79902 111453 0 0 sf Runoff Cc (post) #DIVIO! #DIV10! 0.68 0.83 #DIV10! #DIVIO! Runoff Cc (pre) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 default value for woods -chant REQUIRED VOLUME CALCULATIONS % Impervious #DIV10! #DIVIO! 60.92% 82.89% #DIVIO! #DIVIO! % Rv factor, pre 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 o etwz0e if n«enwy to Rv factor, post #0IV10! #DIV/O! 0,598 0.796 #DIVIO! #DIV/O! Design Storm 3.670 3.670 in `y,h&gothe,than 1.5" 1.5" volume #DIV10! #DIV/O! 9809 13379 #DIV/0! #DIVIO! of 1 yr24 hr precip depth 3.67 3.67 in lFrom NOM chart 1 yr 24 hr pre vol 0 0 2006 2056 0 0 of 1 yr 24 hr post vol #DIVIO! #DIV/O! 23999 32734 #DIV/O! #DIVIO! cf Post - Pre #DIV/O! #DIV10! 21993 30677 #DIVIO! #DIVIO! cf Total WQV #DIVIO! #DIVIO! 21993 30677 #DIVIO!' #DIV/O! of Adjusted WQV #DIV101 #DIV10! 16495 23008 #DIV101 #DIV10! of REQUIRED SURFACE AREAS Designer's hmax 2.50 2.50 ft from bypass weir to top Min. As #DIV101. #DIVIO! 1452 2025 #DIV1O! #DIV101 sf ;Area efsed. chamber Depth of Sand Bed 1.5 2.5 ft IMin of 1.5 feet Min.Af #DIVIO! #DIVIO! 2065 3520 #DIV/O! #DIV10! sf IAreaofsandchamber SURFACE AREAS & VOLUME PROVIDED CALCULATIONS As provided 1618 2323 Af provided 7407 9532 As+Af Provided = 0 0 9025 11855 SF#3 SF#4 0 0 sf sf sf use to determine if }imr Sed. Ch. Drain? NO I NO I JY or N Weir elevation 35 35 fmsl Bypass/Spillway 35 35 fmsl SA at bypass (fil) 10170 12722 SA at bypass (sed) 2939 4416 SA top of stone (fil) 7628 9786 Top of Sand Elev. 32.5 32.5 Top of stone elev 32.75 32.75 Hmax provided #DIVIO! #DIVIO! 2.50 2.50 #DIV10! #DIV10! Hmax Met? #DIVIO! #DIVIO! YES YES #DIV10! #DIVIO! Bottom of Sed. Ch. 32.5 32.5 Vol. in stone layer 905 1162 at 40% voids Volume in fitter 19562 24747 Volume in Sed. Ch. 5615 8285 Volume provided 0 0 26082 34194 0 0 of JMayncWtotweaktoact Min. Vol. Prov? #DIV101 #DIV101 YES YES #DIV101 #DIV101 1 DA9 DA10 1yr24hr intensity in/hr from NOAA chart lyr24 hr pre -peak flow 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cfs Q=CiA Factor of Safety 2 2 2-10 based on DA stability Media Flow rate, Q** 0 0 1.60 1.54 0 0 CfS ** Q=kiA Mannings n 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 Sf .011 recommcndcd for: Underdrain slope 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 ftlft 0.5%maximum Req. LID Diameter, D 0.00 0.00 9.50 9.37 0.00 0.00 in to achieve 40 hr drawdc UD Diameter prov. 6 6 in # eq. 6" pipes 4 4 isee Table 5-1 in 6MP Manu # of UD's proposed 10 10 <40 hr drawdown? YES YES YES YES YES YES ** Q is calculated from the 3.5 feet/day media hydraulic conductivity multiplied by the filter area, converting days to seconds and applying a factor of safety of 10. NOTE- The 5.81 figure in the "Min. Af' area calculation assumes a 3.5 feet/day infiltration rate and a 40 hour drawdown time, which equates to 1.66 days. 3.5 x 1.66 = 5.81 feet. Sediment Chamber Drain? Note - the volume provided must be located above the surface of the sand, in the sand chamber and above the weir in the sediment chamber. The volume of the sediment chamber below the weir elevation is not included in the provided volume. Where an "offset" sand filter is provided, i.e., the sediment chamber is physically located above the sand chamber such that the sediment chamber can draw down substantially into the sand chamber, then the volume of the sediment chamber from the weir to 6" above the bottom can be included in the storage volume provided. * This design provides a 3" deep stone layer on top of the sand filter. INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS FILENAME: g:lwglsharedlstormwaterlpermits & projectsMOM080313 HD12014 01 excel_IB 080313 PROJECT NUMBER: SW8 080313 First Run Date; 3/27/2008 PROJECT NAME: Camp Lejeune Dining Fac & BEQ Riflo Range Last Modified; 25-Feb-14 REVIEWER; L. Lewis Basin 1, Basin 2 Basin 3 Basin 5 Basin 6 Basin 7 P-1164 P-1286 P-1184 P-1286 P-1286 P-1286 Receiving Stream Stones Creek Stones Creek Stones Creek Stones Creek Stones Creek Stones Creek Stones Creek River Basin WOK02 WOK02 WOK02 WOK02 WOK02 WOK02 WOK02 Index Number 19-30-3 19-30.3 19-30-3 19-30-3 19-30-3 19-30-3 19-30-3 Classification SA; HOW SA; HOW SA; HOW SA; HOW S. HOW SA; HOW SA HOW IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION Onsite DA, sf 149975 50530 140526 33812 303837 287276 Ofis!te DA, sf 0 0 0 0 1067 0 0 Drainage Area, sg ft = 149975 50530 140526 33812 304904 287276 0 sf Drainage Area, ac = 3.44 1.16 3.23 0.78 7.00 6.59 0.00 no Buildings 25961 860 _ _ 280 _7575_ 4480 31670 1992 1.00 �� 0.98 Streets _ 11056 _ _ 1338 _ 54149 13477� -F7349 Parking 54619_ 21715 _ _ 12226. 0.98 - . 0.95 _ �Sidowalk ��_ _ V 8545 - 1130 14229 Other 0.95 [Future _ _ _._ �- 7 0.98 3160 -��- - -- - - -- - Otfsite 40923 1067 23552 0.98 10.95 Existing__ 10425 149193 TOTAL 99550 0 sf 23705 53429 16553 142320 165414 0.544 1.227 0.380 3.267 3.797 2.285 0.000 no % Impervious, I, sq ft= 66.38% 46.91 % 38.02% 48.96% 46,68% 57.58% #DIVI01 Cc= 0.65 0.57 0.21 0,36 0.45 0,14 #DIVIO! VOLUME CALCULATION Design Storm = 3.6 Rv, pre (0%)= 0.05 Rv, post= 0.65 SHWT Elov.= 45.33 Infiltration Rate, Inlhr = 6.54 Bottom Elevation= 47.5 Bottom Surface Area = 10552 Storage Elevation = 49,73 Storage SA = 13655 Pre -development volume 2249.6 Post -development volume 29128,1 Design Volume = F 26879 Total Volume Provided= 26991 as acre -in 7.44 Is the Vol Provided? OK Storage met at elevation= 49.72 Bypass Weir Elev. 49.73 Time to Draw Down = 4.67 STORM 3.58 0.05 0.47 45.87 7.70 47.87 3941 49.17 6011 753.7 7118.5 <_K*4�111111111111111 6469 1.78 OK 49,15 49.17 2.52 R 3.6 3.58 0.05 0.05 0.39 0.49 43.50 48.13 0.73 5.00 45.5 50A 3 6233 2946 47,51 51.4 8187 4362 2107.9 504A 16533.7 4948.8 14426 4444. 14492 4641 3.99 1.28 OK OK 47.50 51.35 47.51 51.40 38.05 3.62 3.6 0.05 0.47 44.50 10,30 46.5 17671 48.6 21286 4573.6 43000.0 WDE.K:)i 10:YE:.�:10 MIN,Hi;:I:�iNTEN5! s=;,EvENT Intensit'i[ = 7 inlhr � c c VOIilr+to- 94ii1:.18 I�!_753:57 I�7k2�.:?3�I`1:! 65:75��� COMMENTS Volume and drawdown are (not) within Design Requirements 40905 11.27 OK 48.47 48.60 2.53 3.6 0.05 0.57 43.5 10.30 45.5 17283 47.79 21788 4309.1 48970.9 44662 44738 12.32 OK 47.79 47.79 3,01 in 0.05 #DIVI01 fmsl inlhr fmsl sf fmsl sf 0.0 1 yr 2 #DIVIO! I yr2 #DIV101 of 0 lcf 0.00 ac-in #DIVIO! #DIVIO! fmsl fmsl #DIVI01 hrs Sr ,, 7 T er e u�i.�F.�•w_•f r.__P��. aNatr:y-sia,-i��'.�����*-Y 24r'•�s r�J g''�� e'kP`?�Y.SwYxi1Vlk i'+,° • .' , 3' ..`�„ ��o'� �i�; s� �� ate .��yty�`,'•��]yy,'{3��, ;,-W,�{!s f".ems `r?"-d,:�-`,°'�y�� mow; r Y L •cam— �i Is �,,¢r�t�, F • kcv � �,.� ��t 4 LC -If,ts V6rY. -'qr� Rt•�.ft� REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION P-1349 Special operations Training Complex Stone Bay, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina GER Project No. 110-6171 prepared for C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. Norfolk, Virginia ECEIV July 30, 2013 JAN 17 2014 BY: Environmental • Groundwater a Hazardous Materials - Geotechnical • Industrial Hygiene 2712 SOU[h[:RN BWEVARd, SUIT[ 101 ViRrfrrin B[ACh, VikgiNin 23452 757-463-3200 Fax 7.57.463-3080 uu-w•r,1:R0NhN(_.00M July 30, 2013 Emironmental • Groundwater • Hazardous Materials • Geotechnical • Industrial Hygiene C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. 2207 Hampton Boulevard Norfolk, Virginia 23517 Attention: Ms. Anna Lee Bamforth, P.E., L.S. Subject: Report of Geotechnical Exploration P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina A/E Contract No. N40085-10-D-5304, CTO 0033 CAB File No. 12.037 GER Project No. 110-6171 GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. is pleased to present this report of geotechnical exploration for the above referenced project. Our services were performed in accordance with our revised proposal P12-110-5529C dated April 17, 2013 and authorized by Ms. Anna Lee Bamforth on June 7, 2013. We appreciate the opportunity to serve as your geotechnical consultant on this project and trust that you will contact us at your convenience with any questions concerning this report or the project in general. Sincerely, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. C�/W' # Charles F. P. Cri Assistant Vice Pi L -:! �; -, � aE L Scott A. Barnhill, P.E. Executive Vice President SOUIhERN PROILSSiO;NAi CENIER i 2112 Soulh[RN B01,1111VARd, SOTC 101 VIRGINIA BEAL;II, VIRCIINIA 23452 ld (757) 463-3200 FAX (757) 463-5080 www.GER0NliNF.can1 • • • • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY S The subsurface conditions were explored by 48 standard penetration test (SPT) soil borings to depths of 1® 10 to 60 feet below existing grade, 1 hand auger soil boring to a depth of S feet below existing grade, and 1 cone penetration test (CPT) sounding to refusal at a depth of about 59 feet below existing grade. Supplemental field testing and sampling included down hole shear wave velocity measurements at the • CPT sounding location, performing 19 constant head permeability tests at proposed stormwater • management locations, collection of 1 undisturbed sample for laboratory consolidation testing, and collecting 8 bulk samples from proposed pavement areas for laboratory CBR testing. Geotechnical ® laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples. Exploration during a prior study included 11 ® hand auger soil borings and 7 field permeability tests. ® The subsurface conditions encountered in the soil borings and sounding were composed of 4 general stratigraphic layers. These layers included uncontrolled fill at some locations (Stratum A), very loose to dense, relatively clean to clayey sand (Stratum 1), very soft to stiff, low and high plasticity clay (Stratum 2), and very loose to very dense, silty sand with shell (Stratum 3). • The groundwater table was encountered at variable depths across the project site during the exploration. Groundwater depths ranged from about 7 to 11 feet below the ground surface at the proposed training building site. Elsewhere, the groundwater table was encountered at depths of about 6 inches to more • than 10 feet below the ground surface. A perched water table was encountered at a number of testing locations. Seasonal high water table levels are estimated to occur at depths within the upper 5 feet in the majority of the new parking and stormwater management areas. • • Based on the subsurface data collected and structural reactions provided, a deep foundation system using driven prestressed concrete piles is recommended for supporting the proposed training building • frame. Piles should bear in Stratum 3 at tip elevations in the range of -5 to -20 feet. Allowable compressive capacities were calculated as 35 to 60 tons for 12-inch square pile sections at this depth range. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Shallow foundations may be used for supporting the decontamination, head and guard house buildings. The design soil bearing pressure is 2,000 psf for footings bearing on competent native soil and approved structural fill. Ground supported concrete floor slabs may be used for the proposed buildings foliowing the recommended site improvements. The potential need for an underslab volatile vapor mitigation system is being investigated and will be addressed under separate cover. Site Class D for seismic design was determined for the site based on the results of this exploration. Proposed grade increases at the training building site are expected to result in tolerable post -construction settlements with minimal impacts to the building foundation piles. The site retaining wall may be designed for a shallow foundation using an allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. Differential settlement on the order of 11/2 inches was calculated between the maximum fill area and ends of the wall. Fill constructed for the proposed concrete surfaced access road is expected to settle similar magnitudes. A staged construction sequence for the access road and retaining wall may be considered to reduce post construction settlements. The timber pedestrian bridges should be supported using timber posts or round piles driven to 8 feet or more below existing grade. Allowable compressive pile capacities of 5 to 8 kips were calculated. A design CBR value of 5 and subgrade modulus k-value of 150 pci are recommended for the new roadway pavements supported by the upper native soils in a compact and stable condition. Preliminary bituminous and rigid concrete pavement sections are provided. GER EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A design CBR value of 2 is recommended for the shooters parking lot. Geogrid reinforcement beneath the bituminous pavement section is recommended for this parking lot due to weak and variable subgrade. The upper site soils were measured to have in -situ infiltration rates ranging from about 0.6 to 7 inches per hour. The use of permeable pavement for the west parking lot appears to be feasible if final grades are increased above existing elevations to achieve separation from the seasonally high water table. Use of bioretention basins will be feasible if used along with underdrain systems. Removal of a typical 6-inch veneer of topsoil like material is expected to be necessary in the majority of the improvement areas. Additional excavation and replacement with structural fill may be required in areas that are wooded and that contain existing structures. Selective undercutting and replacement of soft and organic surface soils beneath footings, slabs and pavements should be anticipated on the project. Most of the existing upper site soils are expected to be suitable for reuse as structural fill and backfill on the project based on the field and laboratory test results. GEIR TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................... i PURPOSE OF EXPLORATION ...................... I ............ ...... 1 PROJECT INFORMATION ............................................. 1 SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................. 1 HISTORICAL IMAGE REVIEW ......................................... 2 SITE GEOLOGY ..................................................... 2 EXPLORATION PROGRAM ............................................ 3 EXPLORATION RESULTS ............................................. 5 Soil Stratigraphy ................................................. 5 Groundwater................................................... 7 Surface Materials ................................................ 8 SUBSURFACE EVALUATION .......................................... 8 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................ 10 Deep Foundations ................................................ 10 Shallow Foundations ............................................. 11 Ground Floor Slabs ............................................... 12 Seismic Parameters .............................................. 12 Site and Subgrade Preparation ..................................... 12 Pavements...................................................... 13 Fill and Backfill.................................................. 14 Stormwater Management ......................................... 14 Retaining Walls .................................................. 15 LIMITATIONS ........... I'll ............. I......................... 15 APPENDICES APPENDIX A - Drawings , APPENDIX B - Field Test Data APPENDIX C - Laboratory Test Data APPENDIX D - Calculations APPENDIX E - Procedures and Interpretation Methods GER P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, stone Bay aeR Project No. 110-6171 Purpose of Exploration The purpose of this exploration was to obtain geotechnical data from the proposed project site and to provide recommendations associated with the project foundations and site improvements based on analysis of the field and laboratory data obtained. Project Information The proposed project will prepare full design and construction documents for a new training facility at the Stone Bay installation of Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. A site location plan is shown in Figure 1 and on Drawing 1 in Appendix A. The project will include a 3-story embassy training building (48,821 SF), a single story range head building (1,954 SF), a single story decontamination facility (2,205 SF) and a small guard house building. Building construction is anticipated to include structural steel framing, reinforced CMU wails, brick veneer, and concrete slab -on -grade floors. Anticipated maximum structural loads were provided as 350 kips for columns and 5 kips/ft for walls for the training building, and 2 kips/ft for walls for the one story buildings. Finished floor elevations for the buildings were provided as 32.50 feet for the training building, 31.70 feet for the range head building, and 28.80 feet for the decontamination facility. Several existing buildings currently exist at the proposed building locations and will require demolition prior to new building construction. Site improvements will include 3 parking lots consisting of a 200 space permeable concrete pavement POV lot to the west of the training building, a 52 space permeable concrete pavement POV lot to the south of the training building, and a 552 space bituminous surfaced "shooters" POV parking lot further west of the main complex. Other site improvements include bituminous surfaced realigned roadways, a rigid concrete pavement access road around the training building, a 180 LF concrete retaining wall east of the access road, 2 timber pedestrian bridges, security fencing, walks, utilities, wet and dry stormwater detention basins, and several bioretention stormwater basins. A separate concurrent study is being conducted to evaluate the subsurface soil and groundwater for July 30, 2013 Page 1 Figure 1. Site Location Map the potential need of including underslab volatile vapor mitigation systems for the proposed buildings. Site Description The project site includes two general locations within the Stone Bay installation. The main complex, referred to as Site 1, is located at the current Special Operations Training Group (SOTG) compound near the intersection of Booker T. Washington Boulevard and Dr. G. W. Carver Street. This site contains a mix of undeveloped wooded property and developed property that includes several buildings, paved roads and parking lots, gravel surfaced open areas and associated grass lawns, ditches and landscaped areas. Several fences and underground utilities are located throughout Site 1. Existing ground topography was variable with elevations ranging from about 18 feet to 38 feet (NAVD88) in the planned Site 1 development areas according to the site survey provided. Several ravines and wetland areas exist immediately outside of the proposed Site 1 improvement area limits. The other part of the project site (Site 2) is located on the north side of Booker T. Washington Boulevard and is approximately '/a mile west of Site 1. This site was predominantly open and contained a contractor laydown yard, open grass and gravel surfaced space, and temporary stormwater sediment basins. The northwest GER P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay GUert Project No. 110-6171 portion of Site 2 was heavily wooded with a number of fallen trees. The ground surface generally sloped down toward the northwest and ground elevations range from about 25 to 55 feet. Historical Image Review Historical images of the site were reviewed using Google Earth satellite imagery and USGS topographic maps of the Snead's Ferry Quadrangle. Aerial photographs dating back to 1993 indicate the Site 1 conditions have remained mostly unchanged except for possible paving of gravel roads and parking lots. Aerial photographs of Site 2 indicate this area was wooded up until the early 2000s time frame when it was partially harvested for timber. Some site clearing occurred around 2005, and the 2008 photograph shows most of Site 2 being used for vehicle or material storage. The 2011 photograph shows Site 2 as being similar to current conditions except for the absence of the large sediment basin at the north part of the site. Figures 2A, 2B and 2C and Drawing 2A in Appendix A show selected historical aerial images of the sites. The 1948 USGS topographic map shows Site 1 and Site 2 as being undeveloped. The 1952 map shows Site 1 with the current range buildings along G. W. Carver Street, a building in the south parking lot area, but not the 2 current metal buildings at the proposed training building area. The 1971 and 1988 maps both show the 2 metal buildings and Booker T. Washington Blvd. near its current alignment. Both maps show Site 2 as undeveloped. The 1997 map shows Site 1 as being similar to current conditions and without the presence of the building in the current south parking lot area. Site 2 remains undeveloped. The 2010 map appears to show activity at Site 2 similar to current conditions, except for the presence of the large sediment basin. Drawing 2B in Appendix A shows selected USGS map images of the site. Site Geology The project site lies within North Carolina's Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic province. The Coastal Plain is characterized by an eastward thickening wedge of marine, estuarine and fluvial sediments that were deposited in a series of marine transgressive -regressive cycles, or high and low stands of sea level, during the Holocene to Miocene epochs of the late Cenozoic era. July 30, 2013 Page 2 Figure 2A. Site Conditions, March 1993 Figure 2B. Site Conditions, July2002 Figure 2C. Site Conditions, December1011 GER P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay GeR Project No. 110-6171 According to the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina, the upper geologic units at the site are composed of unconsolidated Holocene and Upper Pleistocene age deposits of undivided members. Older underlying units include consolidated Tertiary deposits of the Belgrade, River Bend and Castle Hayne Formations, undivided, described as fossiliferous clay and shelly sand deposits. Metasedimentary and igneous basement bedrock is located at more than 1000 feet below sea level. Exploration Program The subsurface exploration program consisted of the following sampling and testing at the approximate locations shown in Figures 3A-31D and on Drawings 3A-3D in Appendix A: ❑ Conducting 11 standard penetration test (SPT) soil borings to depths of 12 to 60 feet below the ground surface for the proposed structures (SB-series borings). ❑ Collecting 1 undisturbed tube sample of soft clay soils for laboratory consolidation testing. ❑ Performing a cone penetration test sounding (CPT-1) to refusal at a depth of about 59 feet July 30, 2013 Page 3 below the ground surface with down -hole shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements at nominal 5-foot depth intervals at the training building site. ❑ Conducting 11 SPT soil borings to depths of 10 feet below the ground surface for prospective pavement locations (PB-series borings). ❑ Performing 13 SPT and 1 hand auger soil borings to depths of 5 to 10 feet below the ground surface for prospective stormwater basin locations (BMP-series borings). ❑ Conducting 13 SPT soil borings to depths of 10 feet below the ground surface for prospective permeable pavement locations (PP -series borings). ❑ Performing 19 in -situ constant head borehole permeability tests at depths of about 1 to 4 feet below existing grades at selected BMP and PP -series boring locations. ❑ Conducting 11 hand auger soil borings to depths of about 3 to 10 feet and performing 8 constant head in -situ permeability tests at possible stormwater management locations Figure 3A. Testipq Location Plan, Site 1, North Area GEiR P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay GER Project No. 110-6171 during a previous preliminary study (P-series borings). ❑ Collecting 8 bulk soil samples in the upper 3 feet at selected PB-series boring locations for laboratory CBR tests. ❑ Performing geotechnical laboratory testing for natural moisture content, grain size, plasticity, pH, consolidation and CBR on selected soil samples recovered from the site. The testing locations and depths were selected by GER in consultation with the A/E. Test locations were established in the Feld using a handheld GPS receiver having an accuracy of 3 to 10 meters. Drawings showing site information and interpreted subsurface data are provided in Appendix A, Field exploration test results are provided in Appendix B. Laboratory test results are provided in Appendix C. Supporting calculations are provided in Appendix D. Exploration procedures and interpretation methods are provided in Appendix E. The test borings were advanced by a CME 55 ATV mounted drill rig using nominal 3-inch diameter boreholes and both mud rotary and hollow stem auger drilling techniques. Standard penetration test (SPT) sampling was conducted in the borings at discreet intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. An automatic hammer was used to drive the sampler. Small disturbed samples obtained during the test were visually classified in general accordance with ASTM D2487 and selected representative samples were saved for laboratory testing. July 30, 2013 Page 4 Figure 3B. Testing Location Plan, Site 1, South Area PEOESTRW4 WIMEN PEDESTRW4 MDGE M, W1 BUFFEI IVLN IWENUITTEN' 50' ryTERYn auFFER — CONCRFT7F Figure 3C. Testing Location Plan, Site 1, Pedestrian Path Figure 3D. Testing Location Plan, Site 2 GER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay GER Project No, 110-6171 Measurements of water table depth were made in the open boreholes at one to two days following completion of each boring. Soil conditions allowed reasonable measurements to be obtained without the need for piezometers. Boreholes were backfilled with a cement-bentonite grout mix upon completion of the measurements. The piezocone penetration test (CPTu) sounding was conducted using an integrated electronic seismic piezocone with a 15 cm' tip and a 225 cm' friction sleeve. The cone is designed with an equal end area friction sleeve and a tip end area ratio of 0.80. The piezocone dimensions and the operating procedure were in accordance with ASTM D 5778. Pore pressure filter elements made of porous plastic were saturated under a vacuum using silicone oil as the saturating fluid. The pore pressure element was 6 mm thick and was located immediately behind the tip (the U2 location). The cone was advanced using a 20-ton track mounted CPT rig. Tip resistance (qc), sleeve friction (fs) and dynamic pore pressure (u) data were recorded every five centimeters as the cone was advanced into the ground. The reported tip resistance (qt) was corrected for porewater effects. Field saturated hydraulic conductivity tests were conducted at depths of about 1 to 4 feet below grade at selected testing locations using a constant head borehole permeameter. The constant head method is based on Darcy's Law, Q=kiA. The test involves creating a ponded height of water in an open well or borehole to establish a bulb of field Stratum saturated soil around the PV base of the borehole. Once the saturated bulb becomes established, the flow of water out of the borehole and into the soil should approach a constant rate (steady state flow). After the inserting the w permeameter into the boreholes, measurements of flow and time were recorded until a relatively steady flow rate was July 30, 2013 Page 5 would not be achieved. The field saturated hydraulic conductivity, Kf t, was calculated according to the procedures of Reynolds et al. (1993) and the US Bureau of Reclamation (1990). Exploration Results The subsurface conditions encountered at the boring and sounding locations are shown on the test boring and cone penetration test records in Appendix B. The test boring records represent our interpretation of the subsurface conditions based on visual examination of field samples obtained and laboratory classification testing on selected samples. The CPT sounding records represent direct measurement and interpretation of the subsurface conditions based on published correlations to strength, stiffness, behavior and other index properties. The lines designating the interface between various strata on the testing records represent the approximate interface location. In addition, the transition between strata may be gradual. The material types and strata depths shown on the testing records are not necessarily representative of all materials that will be encountered during construction. Water levels shown on the testing records only represent the conditions present at the time frame of the exploration. Elevations shown on the testing records shall be considered approximate. Soil Stratigraphx The interpreted subsurface profile generated from the testing locations is composed of 1 manmade A saa cv.t S&2 observed or until It was obvious that a steady _ state flow or desired rate Figure 4A. Estimated Subsurface Profile, Site 1, Main Complex Area GER P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay GEA Project No. 110-6171 and 3 native stratigraphic layers. Figures 4A-4D and Drawings 4A-4D in Appendix A show estimated subsurface profiles based on selected test boring and sounding locations. Variations between the estimated profiles and actual subsurface conditions should be expected. STRATUM A is composed of uncontrolled fill and possible fill that predominantly consisted of silty sand with traces of gravel/stone, asphalt, wood, clay and organic material. The fill was present mainly along the sides of the existing roads and at the shooters parking lot area. It extended to depths ranging from about'/z to 9 feet below the ground surface where encountered. Strength and density parameters for this layer are expected to be variable. 0 W W so euvo- w-lo July 30, 2013 Page 6 Figure 4B. Estimated Subsurface Profile, Site 1, North Sl-t— A, FRI7 BMRII—P... m—t sm � YI % 1 1 syi►� 1 n a� _ I G�� Figure 4C. Estimated Subsurface Profile, Site 1, South STRATUM 1 is composed of very loose to dense, predominantly fine gradation, relatively clean, slightly silty, silty and clayey SAND (SP, SP-SM, SM, SC) with occasional lenses of clay. It was encountered below surface materials or Stratum A and extended to variable depths of about 3 to 15 feet below the ground surface. Many of the 10 foot deep borings terminated in this layer. Stratum 1 was not present at testing location SB-9. SPT resistances in Stratum 1 ranged from 1 to 33 blows per foot (bpf) and averaged about 8 bpf. CPT tip resistance ranged from about 12 to 200 tsf and averaged about 58 tsf. Effective stress friction angle for Stratum 1 is estimated to range from about 280 to 40" and average roughly 330. STRATUM 2 is composed of very soft to stiff, low and high plasticity, sandy and silty CLAY (CL, CH) with occasional sand lenses. It was encountered from below Stratum 1 and surface materials and extended to the termination depths of the remaining 10 foot deep borings and to depths of about 22 to 33 feet below the ground surface in the deep borings and sounding. SPT resistances in Stratum 2 ranged from 0 to 12 bpf and averaged about 4 bpf. CPT tip resistance ranged from about 5 to 14 tsf and averaged about 7 tsf. Undrained shear strength in this layer was indicated at about 0.2 to i tsf with an average of about 0.4 tsf. Penetration resistance and shear strength of GER P-1344 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay July 30, 2013 aER Project No. 110-6171 Page 7 Stratum 2 was notably 56 lower below the `�" n � groundwater table. , 7„ Srr�rlln n STRATUM 3 was encountered below Stratum 2 in most of the deep borings and CPT - m sounding and extended Z to the termination depths at these locations. it was indicated as very loose to very dense, silty SAND (SM) with trace to abundant shell l .. 011 I Stratum 1 To soil P 91P-17 Stratum C 6 — _7 Stratum t Ij 70 6 1 Y \ 3 25 11 fragments and occasionally partly 20 cemented. Stratum 3 is Figure 4 believed to be the tertiary era River Bend, Belgrade and/or Castle Hayne Formations. SPT resistances in Stratum 3 ranged from 1 to over 100 bpf and averaged about 23 bpf. CPT tip resistance ranged from about 30 to 650 tsf and averaged about 200 tsf in this stratum. Effective stress friction angle for Stratum 3 is estimated to range from about 35" to 45" and average about 380. I Estimated Subsurface Profile, 51te 2 Figure 5 and Drawing 5 in Appendix A show a plot of the uncorrected SPT resistances with depth for the soil borings. Figure 6 and Drawing 6 in Appendix A show a profile plot of penetration resistance and estimated soil parameters from the CPT sounding results. Groundwater The groundwater table was encountered at variable depths across the project site during the exploration. Groundwater depths ranged from about 7 to 11 feet below the ground surface at the proposed training building site. Elsewhere, the groundwater table was encountered at depths of about 6 inches to more than 10 feet below the ground surface. A perched water table was encountered at a number of testing locations, predominantly in the BMP-series and PP -series borings, where there is a tendency for precipitation to become perched above clay soils and occasional layers of hardpan material. Seasonal high water table (SHWT) levels are estimated to occur at depths within the upper 5 feet in the majority of the new parking and stormwater management areas based on soil type and stabilized water level measurements. Specific estimates of SHWT are shown on the soil boring records. Although seasonal groundwater levels are usually lowest during the mid to late summer months, significant rainfall occurred prior to and during the field investigation. According to records obtained from the National Weather Service, annual precipitation for the Jacksonville, NC vicinity is above average and the June 2013 precipitation alone was approximately 8 inches above normal. 0 5 10 15 20 z5 Ca 30 r. p 35 40 45 50 55 MENNEN !� ■E ME ■E MEN�� ME ■E ■ ENE ENE 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Standard Penetration Resistance (bpl Figure S. SPT Resistance Profile GER P-1344 special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay ]uly 30, 2013 CER Project No. 110-6171 Page 8 1D 1s 20 — 25 SD is o �i a0 ai C 0 SO SS 00 so GS O CPT-1 70 oCPT-1 oCPT-1 0 100 200 300 400 S00 25 30 35 40 4S 50 0 1 10 0 1 20 1D 1Do low M ir�p ee,iu.ece Ito) irktk. Anafe {des! und-L—d st—gih[tn aen Ca Uslncd Wd h. iho Figure 6. Estimated Resistance and Soil Parameters Profile from CPT The water levels shown on the testing records represent the conditions encountered at the time frame of the exploration and do not necessarily represent the water conditions that will be encountered during construction. Fluctuation in the water levels may occur due to variations in precipitation, evaporation, construction activity, surface runoff, tides and other local factors. Surface Materials A 2 to 8-inch veneer of topsoil like material was encountered at most of the testing locations. The typical thickness was about 6 inches. Topsoil is a generic description meaning the surface soil horizon and does not necessarily imply the material is suitable for reuse on the project. Surface material thickness and composition can be expected to vary across the project site limits. Also, the reported surface material thickness does not account for the quantity of excavation that may be required to adequately remove tree stumps, roots, etc. the preceding sections with regard to supporting the proposed buildings and the associated site development. Bearing capacity calculations performed for the Stratum 1 soils at the proposed building sites indicate a design soil bearing pressure up to 2,000 psf would be appropriate for soil supported shallow footings. Results of settlement calculations performed using this bearing pressure and the maximum structural loads provided indicate total settlements on the order of 11/2 inches for the proposed training building and settlements of less than 1/2 of an inch for the small one story buildings. We expect the calculated settlement for the training building will be intolerable and would require the use of ground improvement or a deep foundation system. We expect the calculated settlements for the range head, decontamination and guard house buildings are tolerable with conventional shallow foundation construction. Ground improvement alternatives using preloading with surcharge material and rammed aggregate Subsurface Evaluation piers were considered for the training building. We have evaluated the project information, site However, given the type of building and the conditions and subsurface conditions described in potential risks involved with need for extensive time, surcharge material quantity and contractor L 'L P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay July 30, 2013 eER Project No. 110-6171 Page 9 provided monitoring and verification associated with preloading, and the need for deep grouted displacement type aggregate piers, we favor the use of a deep foundation system for supporting the training building with minimal risk. Driven prestressed concrete piles installed into the Stratum 3 sands are recommended for supporting the training building frame. Pile tip elevations ranging from -5 feet to -20 feet are expected to be optimal for the maximum column loads. Allowable compressive pile capacities in the range of 35 to 60 tons were calculated for the driven 12 inch square prestressed pile sections considered. A differential site grade increase ranging from about 0.5 to 6 feet is anticipated for the proposed training building site. Maximum grade increase will occur in the ditch along existing Booker T. Washington Boulevard. Our elastic and consolidation settlement calculations for the site grade increase indicate a maximum total settlement of about 3/4 of an inch and average total settlement of about half of this magnitude. Approximately 75% of the total settlement is expected to be immediate in nature. Therefore, we expect post -construction impacts due to consolidation settlement will be minimal for the training building site. Grade increases at the other building sites are expected to be about 2 feet or less, also with minimal impact. Conventional slab -on -grade ground floor systems are expected to be appropriate for the proposed buildings following site preparation. We are performing a concurrent study to investigate the potential need for an underslab vapor system to mitigate volatile vapors in the soil and/or groundwater. This will be addressed under separate cover. settlement at this location is estimated at approximately 50% of the total. These results suggest the potential need for constructing the grading fill as close as practicable to the vertical and horizontal limits and delaying the road and retaining wall construction for several weeks or months to permit some pre -construction settlement to occur. Stability analysis of the retaining wall site indicate a global factor of safety on the order of 1.4 when a uniform traffic surcharge pressure allowance of 250 psf is used. The calculated global factor of safety was about 1.7 without applying a traffic surcharge pressure. The majority of existing Stratum 1 sands that will support new bituminous, rigid concrete and permeable concrete pavement are expected to be compactible and stable. However, scattered areas with clayey subgrade such as Boring PB-3 will be more moisture sensitive and will have increased potential for deterioration under construction traffic and upon exposure to wet weather. It is inevitable that selective undercutting and replacement of pavement subgrade will be necessary at parts of the site where deteriorated subgrade is encountered or created. Variable and weaker subgrade conditions are anticipated at the proposed shooters lot. The majority of the upper soils appear to be uncontrolled fill materials with wood and organic debris based on the soil borings performed in this area. Use of geogrid reinforcement beneath the pavement section is recommended at the shooters parking lot to improve pavement subgrade support and to reduce the quantity of unsuitable subgrade removal. Although Stone Bay has a history of LID systems The proposed cantilever concrete retaining wall not functioning as designed, we expect it will be along the east side of the concrete paved access feasible to utilize the planned permeable pavement road is expected to retain a maximum of about 7 and bioretention low impact development (LID) feet of new fill material. Bearing capacity techniques for this project based on the calculations for this area indicate a design soil encountered soil conditions, infiltration test results bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. Differential and estimated seasonal high water table (SHWT) settlement calculated for the maximum grade levels. Table i on the following page presents a increase with respect to the ends of the retaining summary of the groundwater elevations and wall is on the order of 11/2 inches, and will need to infiltration test results. The results indicate that be accommodated in the retaining wall design if soils with increased silt and clay fines (SM and SC necessary. Fill constructed for the concrete paved classifications) typically have lower infiltration access road is also expected to experience similar rates, as do those tests which were conducted very settlement and the consolidation component of the close to the water table. l2W P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay GER Project No. 110-6171 Table 1. Groundwater & Infiltration Test Summary Test Location Test Depth (ft) Test Elev. (ft) Est. SHWT Elev. (ft) USCS Class. Symbol Infiltration Rate (In/hr) BMP-1 3 27.5 25.5 SP-SM 7.48 BMP-2 4 25.5 22.5 SM 0.73 BMP-4 4 19.5 17.5 SM 0.70 BMP-5 1 2.5 24.5 23 1 SM 0.62 BMP-10 4 26 22 SP-SM 3.57 BMP-11 3.5 27 24.5 SP-SM 5.03 BMP-12 3 39 37 SM 0.57 BMP-13 1.5 32.5 32.5 SM 0.83 P-1 1.5 28.5 26.5 SP-SM 4.72 P-3 2 30.4 28.6 SM 1.29 P-4A 3 26.6 24.6 SP-SM 5.56 P-4B 4 25.5 21 sM 1.02 P-5A 2.3 24.0 21.9 SP-SM 4.60 P-5B 4 25.2 23.2 Sc 0.95 P-7 2.5 26.1 24.3 SM 1.42 PP-1 2 30 27.5 SM 1.66 PP-2 1.5 33.5 33.S SM 0.96 PP-3 1.1 30.4 30 SP-SM 1.13 PP-4 1 33 32.6 SM 0.82 PP-6 1.5 30.5 29 sM 0.90 PP-7 1 33.5 33.5 SP-SM 0.58 PP-8 1 29 26 SP-SM 3.89 PP-9 1 32.5 31 SP-SM 5.38 PP-11 1.1 1 32.4 31.5 1 SM 0.69 PP-12 2.8 1 27.8 22.5 SP-SM 5.71 PP-13 2.5 1 27.5 24 SP-SM 4.02 For much of the west parking lot, it appears that it will be necessary to increase final grades above existing elevations. Also, existing surficial clay soils such as encountered in Boring PP-9 will need to be removed and replaced with more permeable material. Use of underdrains is recommended for bioretention basins along with the possible need for elevating the bottom of selected basins. Care should be taken to minimize compaction of the sand subgrade soils beneath permeable pavements and bioretention basins. Recommendations Based on the subsurface data obtained from the site and our understanding of the project, the following recommendations are provided. Deep Foundations ❑ A deep foundation system using driven 12 inch square prestressed concrete piles bearing in Stratum 3 is recommended for supporting the proposed training building frame. Design length and axial capacity criteria for 12 inch square July 30, 2013 Page 10 prestressed piles using a factor of safety in the range of 2 to 2.5 are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Length & Allowable Capacity of 12 in. Prestressed Concrete Piles Tip Elevation (ft) Compressive Capacity (tons) Tensile Capacity (tons) -5 to -10 35 15 -10to-15 45 20 -15 to -20 60 25 ❑ Piles should generally be spaced at 3 pile diameters center -to -center for an axial group efficiency of 100%. Long-term settlement of individual piles and differential settlement between pile groups at the design load is expected to be less than 112 of an inch. ❑ Short term increases in axial load on the piles due to wind and seismic forces is allowed where permitted by code. ❑ Lateral capacity of individual free headed piles at safe bending limits and 1/2 of an inch deflection is 3 tons. Reduction factors for closely spaced piles in laterally loaded groups should be applied where prescribed by code. Use of passive pressure on the pile caps and battering piles to improve lateral resistance is permitted if necessary. ❑ Preboring or spudding to facilitate pile installation should be limited to a maximum depth of 10 feet below existing grades. The diameter of the auger or spud should not exceed the width of the pile. ❑ Piles should be driven to the specified bearing stratum and tip elevation with sufficient driving resistance to produce the required safe bearing capacity. Acceptance criteria is to be determined by the Contracting Officer after completing the test pile program. ❑ Prior to delivering production piles, a test pile program should be performed to characterize pile installation across the site. It is suggested that 5 test piles, one near each building corner and one near the middle, be driven for the project. Test piles should generally be 5 feet longer than the estimated required pile lengths to conduct restriking or in case the desired bearing layer is deeper than anticipated. GER r P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay July 30, 2013 GER Project No. 110-6171 Page 11 0 Load testing should be performed on piles ❑ Timber pile or post foundations will be used to S designed to support loads of 40 tons or more. support the 2 timber pedestrian bridges. We • Static compressive load testing is still the best anticipate these piles will consist of nominal 6 means for evaluating long-term capacity and inch square timber posts or 8 inch tip diameter the load-settiement relationship of individual timber piles. We recommend the pedestrian piles. The use of the pile driving analyzer (PDA) bridge piles be driven to a minimum of 8 feet in place of traditional static load tests has below existing grades. Allowable compressive i significant economic benefits and has now capacity for the above pile sections with 8 feet become commonplace. However, our of embedment is estimated at 5 kips. At 12 feet experience has been that dynamic testing tends of embedment, the estimated allowable to underpredict ultimate resistance. compressive capacity is 8 kips. ❑ We recommend that test pile capacities which are evaluated by dynamic load testing be conducted using refined CAPWAP analysis with measurement data obtained during a 7-day restrike. Input parameters should be selected based on extensive local experience and back correlation to results of static loading tests. ❑ Capacity evaluation of piles not required to be load tested should be based on Wave Equation Analysis or other approved dynamic formula. ❑ Compatibility of the pile type and installation equipment is essential to produce a foundation that performs satisfactorily. Prior to installing piles, the piling contractor should submit data sheets on the proposed driving equipment and installation procedures to the Contracting Officer for evaluation. ❑ The energy of the driving hammer needs to be sufficient enough to install piles through zones of dense soil and into the required bearing stratum without causing fatigue or damage. Hammer energies in the range of 25,000 to 45,000 foot-pounds should be suitable for the concrete pile sizes considered. ❑ Installation of all piles should be monitored for any indication of problems by an experienced field inspector. Restriking piles after one or more days may be required to verify strength gain after initial driving. Piles which fail to achieve the specified tip elevation or driving resistance may be subject to rejection unless they are evaluated and determined to be acceptable by the designers of record. ❑ If the observed construction methods differ from those that are anticipated or if soil conditions which differ from those encountered during the investigation, the geotechnical engineer and Contracting Officer should be contacted. Shallow foundations ❑ The range head, decontamination facility and guard house buildings may be designed using conventional shallow foundations. The net allowable soil bearing pressure is 2,000 psf for footings bearing on approved existing soils or compacted structural fill. ❑ Total settlements of less than 1/2 of an inch were calculated for properly supported footings using the provided maximum structural loads for these buildings. Differential settlements on the order of this same magnitude can be expected. ❑ Shallow foundations for the site retaining wall should be designed for a maximum bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. Estimated total settlement due to the weight of the retained soil mass is slightly greater than 11/2 inches. A similar magnitude of differential settlement between the maximum retained fill height and ends of the wall is expected. The structure should be designed to accommodate these movements. ❑ Footings and load bearing exterior turn -down slab edges should bear at least 16 inches below final grades for bearing capacity considerations and for protective embedment. The depth for frost protection considerations is 5 inches. ❑ The minimum footing widths should be 2 feet for wall footings and 3 feet for individual column footings for ease of construction and to prevent a punching failure. ❑ Foundation subgrades should consist of relatively firm, dry suitable soils that are free of debris, organic, highly plastic and loose material. Foundation subgrades should be verified and approved by a qualified field inspector. Actual soil conditions should be GER P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay aER Project No. 110-6171 probed and compared to those described in this report. Cl If unsuitable subgrade materials are encountered at the foundation locations, such materials should be undercut to reach more suitable or firm native soil and replaced with approved structural backfili to the design bearing elevation. ❑ Foundation subgrade soils are susceptible to strength loss and deterioration after prolonged exposure to the environment. Foundations should be placed the same day that excavations are made whenever possible. A "mud mat" of lean or tremie concrete should be placed on approved subgrades if this cannot be accomplished and when precipitation is imminent. ❑ If the soil conditions encountered are different from those described in this report, the geotechnical engineer of record should be contacted by the Contracting Officer. Ground Floor Slabs ❑ Soil supported concrete floor slabs may be used for the proposed structures following the recommended subgrade preparations. Floating slabs should generally be jointed at column lines and along load bearing wails so that foundations and the slab can settle differentially without damage. ❑ Subgrade modulus for slab design will be based in part on the properties of the building pad fill material. A subgrade modulus of 200 pci is estimated for typical compacted structural fill placed over approved Stratum A or Stratum 1 subgrade soils. ❑ A minimum 4 inch thick layer of porous gravel or clean sand fill should be used directly beneath the slabs to provide for lateral drainage of moisture. If sand is chosen, it should conform to ASTM C 33 Fine Aggregate. The porous fill layer should be covered with an impermeable membrane sheeting to retard vapors and prevent clogging during concrete placement. Seismic Parameters ❑ The following seismic design parameters for 5% critical damping and a 2% probability of exceedence in 50 years were determined from July 30, 2013 Page 12 mapped values for the geographic site location using the 2012 International Building Code (2008 hazard data) and USGS seismic hazard mapping software: Site Class ..................... D Design Peak Ground Acceleration .... 0.068g 0.2s Design Acceleration Sas ........ 0.169g 1.0s Design Acceleration SDr ........ 0.118g 0.2s MCE Acceleration Sm. ......... 0.254g 1.0s MCE Acceleration SMr ......... 0.177g ❑ Preliminary liquefaction analysis of saturated sands in the general soil profile using the in -situ parameters measured from CPT and Vs testing indicate a satisfactory factor of safety for the probabilistic design seismic event. The soft saturated Stratum 2 clays are not expected to be susceptible to liquefaction as the majority of liquid limits are greater than 40 and the ratio of natural moisture content to liquid limit averages less than 0.9. Site and Subgrade Preparation ❑ The ground surface in the building and pavement areas should be cleared, grubbed and stripped of all asphalt, topsoil, vegetation, tree stumps, roots greater than 2 inches in diameter and debris to reach firm soils. This work should be performed during a period of dry weather to avoid excessive deterioration of the exposed subgrade. Positive surface drainage should be maintained at all times during construction to prevent water accumulation on the subgrade. ❑ The required topsoil stripping depth may be variable across the site and is estimated to average about 6 inches based on the soil borings. However, additional material removal thickness will be required for tree stumps and to remove muck from existing swales. Site stripping should generally extend 5 feet beyond the outside of building lines and to the back of curb lines in pavement areas. ❑ Aggregate base material beneath existing pavements may be left in place if final grades permit. Stratum A fill materials may be left in place beneath proposed building slab and pavement areas if judged to be firm and stable. ❑ Existing underground utility lines in proposed building areas should be removed and rerouted GER P-1349 special Operations Training Complex, Stone Say July 30, 2013 UR Project No. 110-6171 Page 13 to outside of building lines. Old foundations Realigned Bituminous Roads encountered after site demolition should also be • 1.5" S-9.5B Surface Course removed. Old utility and foundation removal • 3.0" I-19.0B Intermediate Course excavations should be backfilled as specified - 8.0" Aggregate Base Course elsewhere in this report. • Firm natural subgrade or compacted select material ❑ The exposed subgrade soils in the building and pavement areas should be compacted with a non -vibrating drum roller and inspected by proofrolling to check for pockets of soft soils prior to grading. Proofrolling should be conducted after a suitable period of dry weather to avoid degrading an otherwise acceptable subgrade. A loaded dump truck or similar heavy rubber tired construction equipment should be used for proofrolling. ❑ Site stripping, grading and proofrolling should be observed by a field inspector. Unsuitable soil conditions observed during this process should be corrected by excavating and replacement with structural fill or other improvement methods approved by the Contracting Officer, 0 If it is desired to reduce post -construction settlements of the concrete access road and retaining wall, a staged construction sequence is suggested. The sequence would consist of constructing the grading fill as close as possible to the vertical and horizontal subgrade limits for these areas and delaying wall construction for 2 months. After the delay, the wall could be constructed and backfilled and the access road could be fine graded and constructed. This sequence is estimated to result in a one third to one half decrease in total settlement for this area. Pavements ❑ The following subgrade design values are recommended for mechanically compacted and firm existing Stratum A and Stratum 1 soils based on the field and laboratory test results. ■ Realigned Bituminous Roads: CBR=5 ■ Concrete Access Road: k=150 pci ■ Permeable Pavement Lots: CBR=8 a Shooters Parking Lot: CBR=2 ❑ Pavement section thickness design will depend in part on the final grades, intended uses and Concrete Access Road ■ 6.0" PCC (650 psi flex.) • 6.0" Aggregate Base Course ■ Firm natural subgrade or compacted select material Shooters Parking Lot ■ 3.0" S-9.5B Surface Course • 8.0" Aggregate Base Course • Tensar TX5 Geogrid • Firm natural subgrade or compacted select material ❑ The permeable pavement parking lots should be designed per the 35% Basis of Design report or the product manufacturers design guidelines. Final pavement section designs should be adjusted as applicable for the actual vehicle traffic expected by the end user. Pavement materials and construction should conform with applicable UFGS and NCDOT specifications. ❑ Existing pavement at the realigned roadway tie- ins should be milled and receive a minimum 1.5" overlay with bituminous surface course over liquid asphalt tack coat. ❑ Topsoil, vegetation, debris and otherwise unsuitable soils should be removed from the pavement areas. During construction, positive surface drainage should be maintained to prevent water accumulation on the subgrade. Drainage or dewatering trenches along the edges of the pavement may be necessary to help promote subgrade drying. ■❑ After completion of rough grading, the pavement subgrade should be proofrolled to detect pockets of soft or otherwise unsuitable material. Proofrolling should be conducted after a suitable period of dry weather to avoid degrading an otherwise acceptable subgrade. A loaded dump truck or similar rubber tired construction equipment should be used for proofrolling. design traffic patterns. Minimum pavement sections calculated for the anticipated traffic ❑ To the extent possible, prepared subgrades provided in the 35% Basis of Design report over should be protected from exposure to wet ® a 30 year design life are as follows: weather and heavy construction equipment should be restricted from traveling over 0 GER I V P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay July 30, 2013 OER Project No. 110-6171 Page 14 prepared surfaces. Prior to paving, a second of the laboratory maximum dry density as proofroli should be performed on the aggregate determined by ASTM D 698. base material to determine if localized areas ❑ have degraded due to construction traffic or moisture problems. ❑ Pavement construction is best suited for the traditionally drier summer and fall months to minimize deterioration of the subgrade soils caused by construction traffic and exposure to the environment. Use of geogrid reinforcement should be considered as a bid option for construction to potentially reduce quantities of unsuitable soil removal. Fill and Backfill ❑ Representative samples of each proposed fill material should be collected before filling operations begin and tested to determine maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, natural moisture content, gradation, plasticity and CBR. These tests are needed for quality control during construction and to determine if the fill material is acceptable. ❑ Fill and backfill soil used in building and pavement areas should consist of non plastic granular material having a maximum of 25 percent fines by ASTM D 1140, and maximum liquid limit of 30 and maximum plasticity index of 9 by ASTM D 4318. Acceptable soil classification symbols by ASTM D 2487 include GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, SP-SM and SM. ❑ Most of the Stratum 1 soils are expected to be suitable for reuse as structural fill and backfill based on the laboratory results. Segregating deleterious material and drying excavated soils to acceptable moisture levels should be anticipated. Any soils containing detectable concentrations of petroleum (TPH) will need to be disposed of off -site. ❑ Granular, non -expansive, low plasticity material such as sand or sand -gravel mixtures should be used for backfilling the active wedge behind retaining walls. Wall drainage layers should consist of free -draining material such as #57 or #67 aggregate. ❑ Fill and backfill soils should be spread in thin, even layers not exceeding 8 inches loose thickness prior to compaction. Each layer of soil in building and pavement areas should be compacted to achieve no less than 95 percent The moisture content of fill soils should be maintained within ±3 percentage points of the optimum moisture content determined from the laboratory Proctor density test. Fills should be free of debris and deleterious materials. ❑ only hand operated compaction equipment should be permitted within a 5 foot distance to the sides of walls and other similar structures that could be displaced or distorted by lateral soil pressures generated by compaction. ❑ Crushed stone can be used for ease of construction in certain structure backfilling applications when approved by the Contracting Officer. Material should consist of washed crushed stone conforming to gradation #57 by ASTM C 33 or NCDOT specifications. ❑ The fill surface must be adequately maintained during fill construction. The fill surface should be compacted smooth and properly graded to improve surface runoff while construction is temporarily halted. Excavations to receive backfill should not be left open for extended periods. ❑ Fill should not be placed on wet or frozen ground. Fill which becomes softened from excess moisture should be aerated and recompacted to acceptable levels, removed and replaced with new compacted fill, or as otherwise directed by the contracting officer's representative. Stormwater Management ❑ The Stratum 1 sands at depths ranging from about 1 to 4 feet below existing grades were measured to have in -situ infiltration rates ranging from about 0.6 to 7 inches per hour. A summary of results is provided in Table 1 and complete infiltration testing results are provided in Appendix B. ❑ Estimated seasonal high water table (SHWT) depths at the various portions of the project site are summarized in Table 3 on the following page. These depths are based on our interpretation of the soil and water conditions observed during the site investigations. Final determination of SHWT elevations will be based on inspection by the NCDENR soil scientist. GER P-1344 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay July 30, 2013 aER Project No. 110-6171 Page 15 Internal Friction Angle, 0 (deg.) ......... 30 Table 3. Estimated SNWT Depths Location Depth Below Existing Grades (ft) Minimum Maximum Average West Parking tot 0.5 4.5 2.2 North BMP Areas 2.5 7 4.4 South Parking Lot 4 8 6 South BMP Areas 1 4 8 1 6 Shooters BMP Areas 1 1.5 J 5 1 2.4 ❑ The proposed permeable pavement and bioretention LID stormwater techniques appear to be feasible for the soil conditions and SHWT depths estimated for the site. Final grades should be increased above existing elevations where required to attain the required minimum separation above the SHWT. ❑ Permeable pavement and bioretention basin subgrades should be prepared by removing any existing surficial clay soils and hardpan materials encountered. The pavement subgrade and bottom of the basins should be scarified to loosen the soil immediately prior to installing drainage or planting media. To the extent possible, the subgrade should not be compacted by construction equipment, directly nor indirectly. ❑ Bioretention basins should be designed with underdrains regardless of the infiltration test results. Underdrains should consist of 6-inch diameter perforated drain pipe connected to cleanouts and placed within a minimum 12-inch layer of clean washed aggregate such as ASTM C33 #57 gradation stone. A minimum 4-inch layer of ASTM C33 washed sand should be used above the aggregate layer and below the planting media. Sand for the planting media should be predominantly coarse and/or well graded and not fine poorly graded sand. ❑ Open stormwater management basins should use side slopes of 3H:IV or flatter to protect from sloughing. Slopes should be protected from erosion using one or more widely available erosion control methods (turf, vegetation, geosynthetics, hard armor revetment, etc.). Retaining Walls ❑ The following properties may be assumed for compacted existing soils and approved fill and backfill soils described in this report in lateral earth pressure applications: Coefficient of Friction (tan S) .......... 0.35 Cohesion / Adhesion, c, (psf) .......... 0 Moist Unit Weight, y (pcf) ............ 120 Active Pressure Coefficient, Ka ......... 0.33 At -Rest Pressure Coefficient, Ko ........ 0.50 Passive Pressure Coefficient, Kp ........ 3.00 ❑ Retaining walls that are permitted to tilt at the top may be designed for the active state lateral earth pressures. Typical minimum movement required for the active pressure condition is approximately 0.005H for granular soils and 0.01 for cohesive soils, where H is the height of the wall. ❑ An equivalent fluid pressure of 40 psf per vertical foot of wall height may be used for active pressure design. This equivalent pressure assumes a level backslope and drainage is provided behind the wall. Additional lateral pressure should be included in the wall design for inclined backslopes, surcharge pressures or if wall drainage is not provided. ❑ Near corners and at other areas where retaining walls are restrained at the top such that the minimum movements will not occur, these walls should be designed for at -rest earth pressure conditions. An equivalent Fluid pressure of 60 psf per vertical foot of wall height may be used for at -rest pressure design. ❑ Retaining wall drainage should consist of a free -draining backfill layer that will allow water to freely drain into weep holes near the bottom of the walls or that connects to foundation drains which outlet to daylight or into the project storm drain system. Nonwoven filter cloth should be used to separate the drainage layer from the backfill soil. Surface drainage that diverts stormwater runoff away from the top of the walls is recommended. ❑ Retaining walls should be designed to accommodate the anticipated subsurface movements. Retaining wall footings should be designed to satisfy sliding, overturning, bearing capacity and global stability with appropriate factors of safety. Limitations The analyses and recommendations provided are based in part on project information provided to GER P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay July 30, 2013 GER Project No. 110-6171 Page 16 us. They only apply to the specific project and site discussed in this report. If the project information section in this report contains incorrect information or if additional information is available, you should convey the correct or additional information to us and retain us to review our recommendations. Regardless of the thoroughness of a geotechnical exploration, there is always a possibility that conditions between test locations will be different from those at the specific locations and that conditions will not be as anticipated by the designers or contractors. In addition, the construction process may itself alter soil conditions. Unanticipated conditions should be reported to the design team along with timely recommendations to solve the problems encountered. GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. has performed its services expressly for our client and its client using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same or similar locality. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Third parties that rely on this report recognize that environmental and geologic conditions can vary from those encountered at the times and locations where data are obtained, and that the limitation on available data may result in some level of uncertainty with respect to the interpretation of those conditions, despite due professional care. GER at W V p H 0 Z W IL IL VICINITY I! MAP II M PLEX PROJECT LOCATION �E SOURCE: Sneads Ferry. NC c� USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map 2010 (not to scale) E 11- 0menl.l .ov�tlwan, c.oi.cmuc.t r � �GwEnrkonm.nt�l R,ewr �ircµn NY,e P-Wiing Engi— GeoErnironmental Resources, Inc. Z712 Sw,* m 6—w-4. aw. 101 WOO &wn. VA 2US? SITE LOCATION PLAN Training Complex, Stone Bay MCB Camp Le'eune, NC MAMPHAOM VkA"M 110-6171 1 •••••••••iii•••••ii/•i•ii•ii//•i•i•••it••••/il MARCH 1993 JULY 2002 V DECEMBER 2011 SOURCE Aerial photographs obtained from Google Earth. Imagery dates as noted �n. vtlau� Ma1ee���� �j{pIKl:nlf,Jl tl��w RY9Nne RMou —. M- GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 SPMwn 50.*-OM SW 101 VA Z.452 HISTORICAL SITE IMAGES NEW RIVER 1948 r� caNnriva ' I i � 0 GIN E FHIRr� Mt ` TE 1 .' SITE 2 mad .I s SNEADS FERRY 1971 SNEADS FERRY 1952 SNEADS FERRY 1997 SOURCE: United States Geologicz Survey (USGS), New River 15 mini and Sneads Ferry 7.5 minute topographic quadrange maps. Publication or photorevision dates as noted. E.�npnnynul GruunCrahr Haiutlous Ma,�nab Gaa9LHnIG1 Intluavial MY91.rr �GeoEnvnonmanw Ii.aourc«.,� 9 --9 GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Sa btl BmllMwd Slit 101 Vhginla Beach. VA 234U • 1�� J• HISTORICAL SITE IMAGES •' E . �{ ��. "� T raining Copt ei , Stone Bay i ` i f"`" ` • MCB Cam Le'eune, NC '�"- w`•.S * tiJ , • } - I r,roJEcf lAKWR DRAVW4Ia.MBER 110-6171 213 aa■•asaaa■aaaaaaa■�a■aaa•■a••■■a■■■■■a■aa■aa r-- RELOCATED ROAD LEVEL SPREADER DETENTION AREA 50' WETLANDS BUFFER ----------- WETLANDS —I LEGEND: Approximate Structural SPT Sal Boring Location Approximate Civil SPT INTERMITTENT STREAM Sat Sol Location 50' INTERMITTENT STREAM N Approximate CPT BUFFER Sounding Location WETLANDS — —Subsurface Profile Baseline 50' WETLANDS on Drawings 4AAD ni irrrn Sint F: or C w 160' = Approximate Graphic Scale a NOTES, Fiala will locations were not t n.ryed am may be several feel, —�—, the bcawm r+e,catm Th. eesbng locations shown on Nis Nan shell be coneitlerad eppres�mele site plan proriceo by C Aldan BernMM,Jr., Er. gmaer-Surveyor. Ltd. TRAINING FAC=�- r�R 8' HIGH ORN t __ CseoErrWorrapxal Reebirrxta_ InC i PUMP STATIO TESTING LOCATION FLAN r2CB titip Compls=, 3Yme Bey RELOCATED F -6171 3A NII 1 ' 8UFFER I 1 �� �, tt N� WETLANDS 1� INTERMITTENT STRfII I r !! �� t l l ( t III r•. .� 50' INTERMITTENT FREAM W BUFFER 1 CONCRETES PEDE! TRWN WAtr���`� - - - LEGEND: ApQroximale Structural SPT Soil Boring Location Approximate Civil SPT Soil Boring Location ►, Approximate CPT Sounding Location --Subsuriace Profile Baseline I on Drawings 4A-00 SQ&E, DC a0' 160' I I Approximate Graphic Scale ` TOILET FACILITY NOTES: r-ala testing Ip &Ws were not I \ surveyed and may he ifs al heel from i f the Iocawns indimted The tasting I r larabons shown on this plan shall be mnweredappm-1. I `Man 50 PARKING SPACES sndon Enq.° I �Jr ,-Su,-- � I ri I I _ t / i �l 7 I I r � f ME -R- G.E.vir.rnantaf Resources, Inc. Y�r�lwa, MTIIR TESTING LOCATION PLAN 1 00er� Trt lift Complex. Stone Bay Mica CammLtl w �e. NC 110 8171 313 \\ rl rrlf �` CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN it lrririrr \L , �a _ \ rrlrr r rr� DEN PEDESTRIANbR GE — --- — � " t e�1 �i/ � / I `� � Y/`• Cflj4�GREt�����Ff�tfi �.. � SB-11✓, , � f I�. � / �,IIAI k � � - � r7 V..7 — WOODEN PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE l � -z Q \ _ BUFFER t t� % WETLANDS / l INTERMIT ENT STRE►I SB-9 50' INTERMITTENT �TREAM BUFFER CONCRETT PEDESTRIAN fr` WAtR'� -- -- LEGEND: Approximate Structural SPT Soil Boring Location ® Approximate Civil SPT Soil Boring Location Approximate CPT Sounding Location —Subsurface Profile Baseline on Drawings 4A-40 SCALE: Cr 40' 80' 1f : it 1-=80' Approximate Graphic Scale r-elNieessling IOWhons were nnl surveyeo and may oe serera Im firm Me locabona rowso The brArg locations shown on Thu plan shell be co "enid appoxrmsle. Slle plan p—dea by C. Allan Bantfurth. Jr. EnginwSunrsyar- LW. GaoFaMlpmcfY Iiumerr, Inc. nna.re.e..aar.., wr+r�aa.m I TESTING LOCATIONPLMI �-13; arrl%ns hang Complex, Slone Bay FACE L NC 1104171 3C I FQFNp 09 Approximate Structural SPT Sell Boring Location K� Approximate Civil SPT Soil Boring Location Approximate CPT Sounding Location — —Subsurface Profile Baseline on Drawings 4Aa3D SQA L F 0' /ff 8lY 1W, Approximate Graphic Scale NOTES: Field leeting locations were not aurveyed and may be aevefal feet from to [malW s intimated. The testing bsa0pra sh w an this plan when be OarHersd approKxnele. Site plan provided by C. Allan Samrprth. Jr-. Engie Survayar.Ltd. GOOEmiwrawiW Romances, Irc. TESTING LOCA M PLAN —p:�3i�svecrar�:r. o�rta_-. Trsk*v Complex. Sbone Bay A A 35 pg 3 Topsoil Stratum A S84 CPT-1 P&l i � �e Kens s��rrce r: S8.2 30 r 16 Stratum 1 ! r 25 4 — . � b 4 't $trattltlt 25 0 5o 100 ®Fill 3*jsV4MWSh* 150 200 250 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE {feet} Litholoay Graphics >� ® C.1N�,Qar sk94� sr, 0ay"sind 300 350 400 �V-SK"11111MY SW �CK„*ftd** INTERPRETED STRATIGRAPHY Stratum A: FILL (silty sand with stone, asphalt, wood, topsoil, etc.) Stratum 1 Very loose to dense, clean, slightly silty, silty and clayey SAND (SP, SP-SM, SM, SC) with clay lenses Stratum 2: Very soft to stiff, silty and sandy, low and high plasticity CLAY (CL, CH) with sand lenses Stratum 1 Very loose to very dense, silty SAND (SM) with shell fragments, partly cemented SITE MAP N • A • do • • , A� • NOTES The subsurface conditions presented are interpreted based on the data collected at specific test locations only. Actual subsurface conditions will likely vary from those indicated Not all testing locations are shown for improved viewing - Elevations and strata depths shown shall be considered approximate. Explanation — &1 9arehd. �- Tip c�� rI� RmMaRM _ Water level reading during dnKing y Water level reading after dnHmg V ? Deratea antiow uncertainty I Fnrbannr�M dvunJw�1�1 , M�t1IdW! MNM�M� G�o{scRnkJll i GOC 0�OEM1�Y�r� R O ILA � GeoEnvironmentel Resources, Inc. 2712 SouraaMvra SNr rot V"Wft aNGA. VA 2US2 SUBSURFACE PROFILE P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay MCB Camp Le'eune, NC PROACTMAMR oaurNa MOO ER 110-6171 4A B 38 BW-6 4 B ' .2 :3 PP-2 PP-7 t 8 " 2 t: PP-t r 7 2 5 Stratum 1 4 I'B2 tt i-opsoil MR 2 3 ',I 16 4 � 15 t B ' 3 10 s ' � ' BlillP 3 C B /' IL 3 Stratum 1 / Stratum 2 7 Stratum, 2 It DI / // /' / ` i / / // / �/ �/ i i` /� /// '• ` / // i / R / / / % / / f / / 0 M 200 300 400 5M M 700 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE (feet) Lithology GraphiDS M low NSM, Silly Sand SPSrA. Slightly silly® per' Ch!' t'axi-9l3dBd sane rUSc, Clayey Send SP, Padl"rlyded Sand SITE MAP N ?t B a• Bta NOTES The subsurface conditions presented are interpreted based on the data collected at specific test locations only. Actual subsurface conditions will likely vary from those indicated. Not all testing locations are shown for improved viewing. Elevations and strata depths shown shall be considered approximate. Explanation NMtM — B-t we k_ �T Tipx s uft9Y ��CPT Tip Reactance Water level reading during drilling Water le%,N reading after drilling "j Denotes additional uncertainty Enrlronn,.m.l Ra�IRdou� M�rMal� fruVchnlul G nGRstrlal MyyMn. 6�oEnrlronrtrnl�l Reaources, Inc. conuilep Enabyo� GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 27t2 SouMem Beu* s d, Sums wf INTERPRETED STRATIGRAPHY V-I.m Been,. VA 2aa52 Stratum A: FILL (silty sand with stone, asphalt, wood, topsoil, etc.) SUBSURFACE PROFILE Stratum 1: Very loose to dense, clean, slightly silty, silty and clayey SAND (SP. SP-SM, SM, SC) with clay lenses P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay Stratum 2: Very soft to stiff, silty and sandy, low and high plasticity CLAY (CL, CH) with sand lenses MCB Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT MII,•ER OMYnIKi MM1•ER Stratum 3: Very loose to very dense, silty SAND (SM) with shell fragments, partly cemented 110-6171 4B = C - - - - - - - - - - - - - C SITE MAP N 32 — — - PO4 Stmtum A Pe-7 PP 12 BIP-11 M P-10 PP-13 Pavement 5&5 sus 30 20 X 21 22 20 z O 16 J 16 w 14 12 10 8 6 �:.��;GIB MMjl 'r�►L!a� 7fi] sti I ME VA d0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE (feet) Lithology Graphics . Ayj a Q l'iF. Pmly�aAeG Gra�r. EN W 81L tj UM15754 INTERPRETED STRATIGRAPHY Stratum A: FILL (silty sand with stone, asphalt, wood, topsoil, etc.) Stratum i Very loose to dense, clean, slightly silty, Bitty and clayey SAND (SP, SP-SM, SM, SC) with clay lenses Stratum 2: Very soft to stiff, silly and sandy, low and high plasticity CLAY (CL, CH) with sand lenses Stratum 3 Very loose to very dense, silty SAND (SM) with shell fragments, partly cemented 500 550 t ti �c CfNQTE 9 �� ah• The subsurface conditions presented are interpreted based on the data collected at specific test locations only. Actual subsurface conditions will likely vary from those indicated. Not all testing locations are shown for improved viewing. Elevations and strata depths shown shall be considered approximate. Ex analion NalrOr BtrrJd! �T BiurS Carrq saa,s>a� Water level reading dung dnlling Water level reading aher drilling Denotes adoitional uncertainty Enmm�,Mnitl Cro��C.m Hurtlo�Yaunal� Grdrehnlul G E Iny„��I H*p,rn. Grol=mrdvrrMal Rraouru�, Ins Coa�,AGnq Enpryr, Resources, Inc- 2?12 SwAlwn ftvie rd. Sw 101 vrphY iwrn. v� 23�57 SUBSURFACE PROFILE P-lU9 Special Operations Training Complex, Stone Bay MCB Camp Le eune, NC PMOA=416&11111111�111 110-6171 1 4C D D is 25 �. 20 0 too 200 3M 400 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE (feet) LIthoIggy Gra h�tcs ® SP_SM, sn ed Sand "gadSly UY Sad SP, Po -graded Sand o GP, Poog-gWed Grayd 500 600 TES The subsurface conditions presented are interpreted based on the data collected at specific test locations only. �I Actual subsurface conditions will likely �I vary from those indicated. Not all testing locations are shown for improved viewing. Elevations and strata depths shown shall be considered approximate. Explanation --Bt Number BOrWId@ SPr B10r6 LiIhOMQY CPf 170 lie�mrrae Water level reading during dnAing T Water level reading after drilling Denotes additional uncertainty MuutlOue Geolochr 1-hr I�CraSrW hyg: ®CLL-G G E�I Cen .Ml o engine INTERPRETED INTERPRETED STRATIGRAPHY Stratum A: FILL (silty sand with stone, asphalt, wood, topsoil, etc.) Stratum 1: Very loose to dense, clean, slightly silty, silty and clayey SAND (Sf? SP-SM, SM, SC) with clay lenses Stratum 2: Very soil to stiff, silty and sandy, low and high plasticity CLAY (CL, CH) with sand lenses Stratum 3: Very loose to very dense, silty SAND (SM) with shell fragments, partly cemented GeoEnvironmenial Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suae 101 Wgnla Bs*M %%234W SUBSURFACE PROFILE Training Complex, Stone Bay MCB Camp Le'eune, NC n�� 110-6171 4D 0 5� 10 15 20 +r 25 a? w 30 p 35 40 45 50 55 - NMIMom 60 � 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Standard Penetration Resistance (bpQ SPT resistances provide a generic indication of soil shear strength and compressibility parameters. Envkonm,nW �� Graundw.tx Hyrtlew Yilxula GMaC3�n1[al G E mdusln.l Hyy�.n. 6.OEMhPMN�1.l Ap.Puruf, Intl G.nwning e�gYrw� GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 $*u* r aa,lwrd, S-1D1 YftW"8� SPT RESISTANCES P-1349 Special Operations �I Training Complex, Stone Bay MCB Camp Le'eune, NC PROXCl MAIRM DAAw.a Nll�lEA 110-6171 5 u 5 in is 2G 25 _ 30 35 a 4045 50 55 60 65 70 oCPr-1 0 100 200 300 400 500 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 1 10 0 1 10 10 10C 1000 CPT Tip Resistance (tsf) Friction Aftie ldetil Undrained streneh(tsf) Am Constrained Modulus (tsf) Soil parameters are estimated based on established correlations to CPT measurements. Refer to Appendix D of the geotechnical report for correlation references. r�wir��u.�i.i I crca�aw.w. Haxartlou• M.rer�,.�s Geole[h�ir:�- r�ausv�si �nui Rasewnes. ins. I it GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 7712 9WAhw Wxftvam. sidle 101 veprw ee80, vAZNW CPT SOIL PARAMETERS Training Complex, Stone Bay MCB Camp Le'eune, NC Pglo Exu NIr6ER enAWeifi Naalydt 110-6171 6 ••r•a•a••a�••ara•ra•r•r••a•••a•■•�•i••••a�r� APPENDIX B FIELD TEST DATA GER TEST BORING RECORDS The enclosed test boring records represent our interpretation of the subsurface conditions encountered at the specific boring locations at the time explorations were made based on visual examination of the field samples obtained and selected laboratory classification testing if performed. The lines designating the interface between various strata on the boring records represent the approximate interface location. In addition, the transition between strata may be more gradual than indicated. Water levels shown represent the conditions only at the time of the field exploration. It is possible that soil and groundwater conditions between the individual boring locations will be different from those indicated. Boring surface and strata elevations, if shown, shall be considered approximate and are referenced to project datum shown on the plans or described in the geotechnicai report unless noted otherwise. GER T E BORING LOG LEGEND KEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLS Split Spoon Sample (ASTM D 1586) 7 Water Table at Time of Drilling H.S.A. Hollow Stem Auger Drilling Water Table after 24 hrs. M.R. Mud Rotary Wash Drilling Undisturbed Sample (ASTM D 1587) 1111 Boring Cave In PP Pocket Penetrometer (tsf) Loss of Drilling Fluid REC Core Recovery (%) Rock Coring (ASTM D 2113) Auger Refusal ROD Rock Quality Designator (%) Roller Cone Advanced 1 Roller Cone Refusal SCR Solid Care Recovery (%) Seepage into Borehole Approximate Strata Change Depth -------- Approximate Strata Change Depth I Different Soil Types Similar Soil Types CORRELATION OF RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY WITH STANDARD PENETRATION TEST RESISTANCE (ASTM D 1586)' SPT RESISTANCE (N) IN BLOWS PER FOOT SPT RELATIVE DENSITY' SPT CONSISTENCYt N SAND 8 GRAVEL N SILT & CLAY 0-4 Very Loose 0-2 Very Soft 5 - 10 Loose 3-4 Soft 11 - 30 Firm 5-8 Firm 31 - 50 Dense 9 - 15 Stiff 51 + Very Dense 16 - 30 Very Stiff 31 - 50 Hard 51 + Very Hard ROCK QUALITY' FRACTURES, JOINT SPACING AND BEDDING DIAGNOSTIC ROCK PARAMETER ROD {%) DESCRIPTION FIELD/LAB RATIO SPACING JOINTS BEDDING 0 - 25 Very Poor 0.15 Less than 2" Very Close Very Thin 25 - 50 Poor 0.20 2" to 1' Close Thin 50 - 75 Fair 0.25 V to 3' Moderately Close Medium 75 - 90 Good 0.30 to 0.70 3' to 10' Wide Thick 90 - 100 Excellent 0.70 to 1.00 More than 10' Very Wide Very Thick HARDNESS Very Hard -Breaking specimens requires several hard hammer blows Hard - Hard hammer blow required to detach specimens Moderately Hard - Light hammer blow required to detach specimens Medium - May be scratched 1116- deep by a knife or nail, breaks into several pieces by light hammer blow = - Can be gouged readily by knife or nail, comers and edges broken by finger pressure Very Soft - May be carved with a knife and readily broken by finger pressure WEATHERING Fresh - Fresh rock, bright crystals, no staining li h - Minimum staining and discoloration, open joints contain clay Moderate - Significant portions of rock shows staining and discoloration, strong rock fragments Sever - All rock shows staining, rock fabric evident but reduced strength .Very Severe -All rock shows Staining, rock mass effectively reduced to soil with strong rock fragments remaining Complete - Rock reduced to soil with rock fabric not discernable iResistance of a standard 2-inch O.D., 1.375-inch LD. split spoon sampler driven by a 140 pound hammer free -falling 30 inches taller Terzaghi and Peck, 1968 ;af?erD. V. Deere, 1963. 1967 GER SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART (ASTM D 2487) MAJOR DIVISIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50 % OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50 % OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE 60 50 x 40 m c 30 N W a 20 10 0 OTHER SOILS CLEAN GRAVEL GRAVELS AND GRAVELLY (LITTLE OR NO SOILS FINES) MORE THAN 50 % OF COARSE GRAVELS FRACTION WITH FINES RETAINED ON NO.4 SIEVE (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) SYMBOLS GRAPH LETTER a 0"0.10 »� 0�0�000 GW GP o° >> o a 4 GM TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS WELL -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL- SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - SILT MIXTURES GC I CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - CLAY MIXTURES - S+W WELL -GRADED SANDS, CLEAN SANDS GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR SAND - - NO FINES AND (LITTLE OR NO SANDY FINES) SP POORLY -GRADED SANDS. GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR SOILS - NO FINES MORE THAN 50% SANDS WITH SM SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT OF COARSE FINES MIXTURES FRACTION PASSING ON (APPRECIABLE NO. 4 SIEVE AMOUNT OF FINES) i SC CLAYEY SANDS. SAND - CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS, CLAYEY SILTS, M L SILT -VERY FINE SAND MIXTURES, ROCK FLOUR LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO LIQUID LIMIT / CL MEDIUM PLASTICITY, LESS THAN GRAVELLY, SANDY, SILTY, & 50 LEAN CLAYS I ! I OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTS I ! I CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY AND INORGANIC SILTS AND MICACEOUS, CLAYS M H DIATOMACEOUS AND ELASTIC SILTY SOILS HIGH PLASTICITY LIQUID LIMIT C' H INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH GREATER THAN PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS 50 - - HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS UNCONTROLLED FILLS DECOMPOSED OR PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK Atterberg Limits Low Plasticity Soils High Plasticity Soils 10. OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS PEAT, HUMUS, MUCK, SWAMP SOILS PT WITH VERY HIGH ORGANIC I r CONTENTS DISTURBED SOILS WITH POSSIBLE DEBRIS AND RUBBLE, OLD CONSTRUCTION WASTES, NON -ENGINEERED BACKFILLS G ' \'/ A \ TRANSITIONAL MATERIAL BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK WHICH MAY RETAIN THE RELICT _ I ` STRUCTURE OF THE PARENT ROCK PARTICLE SIZE IDENTIFICATION 601,jL0ERS: Greater than 300 mm 12 in.) COBBLES- 75 mm to 300 mm (3 - 12 in.) P Hal, 1Hsatt.it Not Clry 1CH) v .dbl. Low VI u�lry C y Hlph L.u�lry �_ III 1MH P gltlry it (ML) GRAVEL: Coarse - 19,0 mm to 75 mm (0,75 - 3 in.) Fine - 475 mm to 19.0 mm (#4 - 0.75 in,) SANDS: Coarse - 2.00 mm to 4.75 mm Medium - 0.425 mm to 2.00 mm Fine - 0.075 mm to 0.425 mm SILTS & CLAYS: Less than 0.075 mm PLASTICITY INDEX i & SHRINK -SWELL POTENTIAL 0-4 None 4 - 15 Slight or Low 15 - 30 Medium to High 31 High to Very High ADDITIONAL RELATIVE DESQRIPTIVE VALUES 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 Trace < 10% Some < 35% but> 20% Liquid Limit Little <20% but > 10% And � 35% GER • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 e 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: BMP-1 g Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Drillcr: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/25/2013 Depth (fl.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description Ground Water Comments 11. IIIfl. m +. Topsoil/Forest Debris —30 Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) 9 Very loose, light gray to light tan, fine, trace 1 roots Clean SAND (SP) j' ,','• Very loose, light gray to light tan, fine 1 T Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SN1) Loose, tan, fine 5 Estimated SHWT @ EL 25.5 based on soil color and texture Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) —25 M Stiff, mottled tan -orange -light gray 2 / 7 / 10— 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet, —20 4 5 l5 —35 5 4 _ L SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, goring No: BMp_2 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/25/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 29.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-114" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- olu Material Description Ground Water Comments Topsoil/Forest Debris T Silty SAND (SN1) Very loose, brown to tan, fine Slightly silty SAND (SP-SM) Loose, tan, fine Silty SAND (SiN1) Finn to loose, orange and tan, line 5. 7 2 :I.•::;: Estimated SHWT @ EL 22.5 based on soil color and texture Sandy, Law Plasticity CLAY (CL) Finn to stiff, mottled tan -orange -light gray —20 6 1 g 3 Static ground water table not encountered Boring terminator] at l0 feet. 5 4 15 15 4 5 ]0 3 6 • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOIL BORING RECORD GcoEnvironmental Resources Inc, Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: BMP-3 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Qps Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Drillcr: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/25/2013 Depth (A.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 26.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-114" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description Ground Water Comments fl. m fi. m TopsoillMuck Silty SAND (S,M) —25 Very loose, brown, fine / Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) - Finn, tan to mottled orange and bray Estimated SHWT @ EL 23.4 7 1 / / - - 5 Clay'ey SAND (SC) �''•f' Loose, mottled tan -orange -light gray, fine —20 fir% ;: S7 6 f' 2 Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) /Sandy, Soll, mottled tan -orange-] ight gray 5 _ 10 3 Boring terminated at 10 leet. —15 4 a 15 —10 3 5— I I - I 2 I 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc, Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: BMP-4 � Geotechnical 8, Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: I of I Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/25/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 23.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" 11SA Devation Depth Lith- olo Material Description p Ground Water Comments ft. In ft. m �' o J kJ Crushed stone mixed with topsoil (old p logging road) Silty SAND (SM) Loose to very loose, orange with r . grayish -brown, fine, trace clay —20 6 }� .• . 5 l Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) / Soft, orange and brown Estimated SHWT a EL 17.5 Clayey SAND (SC) 2 -''•!%j Loose, mottled orange and gray, fine 5 Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) —15 Soft, mottled tan -orange -light gray l0 3 Boring tenninated at 10 feet. 4 4 —10 3 15 5 2 —5 G SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources [nC, Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: BMP-5 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/25/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 27.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevalion Depth Lilh- ology Material Description Ground Water Comments ft. m n. m Topsoil/Forest Debris Silty SAND (SNI) 8 Very loose to loose, dark brown to tan, fine, :l trace roots —25 �. l / Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Firm, tan to mottled orange and light gray 7 Estimated SHWT a EL 23.0 based on soil color and texture 5 :%::;: Clayey SAND (SC) 2 -•/i " Loose, mottled tan -orange -light gray, tine —z0 / 6 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Stiff, mottled tan range light gray, trace PEI, sand , 10 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet. 5 —15 4 4 15 5 ' —t0 3 i 6 Q SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: BMP-6 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: I of l Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, iv1CB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 36.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. -- J - - Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- olo Material Description Ground Water Comments ft, m fl. m � 11 — — — Topsoilll�orest Debris Perched water table Clean SAND (SP) Very loose, black to gray, tine Estimated SH WT @ EL 35.6 35 - Silty SAND (SN'I) Loose, dark brown, fine, trace roots 10 {L Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SNI) _ .'• Loose, brown, fine _ 5 t ' Silty SAND (SM) 30 2 �. Very loose, gay, Fine to medium, trace clay 9 8 10 3 r .'. Boring terminated at 10 feet. 25 4 15 —2U 5 6 6 0 • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmentai Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: BMP_7 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 34.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-114" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description p Ground Water Comments inini>. fl. =: TopsoillForest Debris - Clean SAND (SP) Loose, black to gray, fine, trace roots 10 Silty SAND (5M11j Perched water table Estimated SHWT @ EL 32.0 Loose, dark brown to grayish -brown, fine, 1 trace clay, trace roots —30 - 9 5 ; ' .— • Silty SAND (5N1) _ — _ _ _ _ — — — — Loose, gray, fine to medium, trace clay Q 2 Silty, Lora Plasticity CLAP (CL) / Finn to soli, light gray, trace sand —8 —25 / 10 3 Boring terminated at 10 tcet• - 7 - 4 —20 b 15 5 5 —15 6 SOIL BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Boring No: BMP-8 b Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-114" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- olo Material Description p Ground Water Comments R. InR. tobY S —30Dark JFILL gray silty sand mixed with crushed stone and topsoil 9� Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) - Firm to loose, tan, fine l�II'• ' ' • Clean SAND (SP) , ,'• Loose, tan, fine 5 Clayey SAND (SC) —25 ''•�' Loose, tan and orange, fine V' Estimated SHWT a EL 24.5 based on soil color and texture Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) 2 Firm, mottled tan -orange -light gray 7 _L l0 3 Boring tenninated al 10 feet, —20 6 4 5 IS —15 5 4 fi SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater. Engineering Consultants Boring No: BMP-9 � Geotechniral � Industrial Engineering Consultants � Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Sheet No: I of 1 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (1): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 28.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- Material Description Ground Et. m Et, m °logy Water Comments 5Z FILL X Dark gray silty sand mixed with asphalt and ZS topsoil _ Silty SAND (SM) Loose to very loose, grayish -brown to tan, fine, trace clay tl t Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) —25 � Soli to stiff tan and orange 5 Silty SAND (S11) Estitnatcd SHWT rQ EL 23,5 based an soil color and texture Firm to louse, mottled tan -orange -light gray- i i fine, trace clay —20 6 10 3 Boring tenninated at 10 feet. 5 4 -- 15 1S a o - u_ 5 a r y z —l0 3 w 0 0 W 6 c� SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Borin No: BMP—I 0 � Geotechnical &Industrial Engineering Consultants g Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Sheet No: 1 of 1 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/27/2013 Depth (11): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 FClient: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-114" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- Material Description Ground Comments rt ,,, n ,,, ology Water 4" Asphalt, 2" Crushed Stone (; Slightly Silty SAND (SP-Sill) "1111 j Firm to loose, tan to white, fine -i ' .' . Silty SAND (Stil) 5 �-� . . . Loose, tan and orange, fine, trace clay '.,":1 Loose, tan and orange, fine Estimated SHWT @ EL 22.0 based on soil color and texture Finn, mottled tan -orange -light gray, trace sand 10� 3Boring terminated at 10 feet. Static ground water table not encountered 4 5 —15 15 ] 5 4 i a SOIL BORING RECORD Hazardous ts, GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Engineering e Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants BoringNo: BMP-11 BoringNo: Sheet No: I of I P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/27/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (11): 30.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" IISA Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description Ground Water Comments 0. m ft. m 4" Asphalt, 3" Crushed Stone (approx.) —30 v o ��' Slightly Silty S.\NU (SP-SYI) 9 Firm, tan to while, fine g , Silty SAND (SM) -i.', ' Luose, tan and orange, fine, trace clay 5 1{1{ —25 Estimated SH WT @ EL 24.5 based on soil color and texture Clayey SAND (SC) - 2• i�'•' Loose, mottled tan -orange -light gray, fine X j Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) - Firm, mottled tan -orange -light gray, trace sand 10 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet. —20 6 4 5 IS —15 5 4 i 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: BMP-12 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/28/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 42.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- °logy Material Description Ground Water Comments ft. m fl. m Topsoil like material -� FILL Sampled as silty sand, brown and black to Sxxt gray, trace wood and organic material —40 ] 2 1 , 5 Estimated SHWT EL 37.0 Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) ]l Loose to very loose, tan to white, fine - —35 _ Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Soil, gray Slightly Silty SAND (SP-S11) j Finn, light gray, fine to medium, trace clay to Boring terminaled at 10 feet, - —30 9 4 15 5 —25 7 b SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Envirantnental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Borin No: BMP-13 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GE'R Project Dumber: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/28/2013 Depth (ft.); 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 34.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description Ground Water Comments ft m fl to Topsoil/Forest Debris Silty SAND (SM) Very loose to loose, brown to orange, fine, —to .'' trace roots, trace clay T perched water table Estimated SHWI• C EL 32.5 _ I � - Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) -30 ,j Loosc, tan and white, line, trace clay 9 { i 5 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Soil, gray Slightly Silty SAND (SP-S\I) 2 Finn to loose, gray, tine to medium, trace clay 8 —25 t. l0 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet. 7 4_ —20 - 5 IS 5 5 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources,,Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: BMP-14 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Sheet No: 1 of I Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 6/27/2013 Depth (ft.): 5.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Lith- Material Description fi. in fl, m ologry TopsoiVForest Debris - Silty SAND (SM) Dark gray, fine, trace roots 25 20 2 _ —15 71 i L w 0 - L L Ll u 5 ID l5 1 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) /Mottled gray with orange and brown, trace sand Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) _ Brown and light gray, fine Borine tenninated at 5 fret. 2 Water I Comments _T__ Perched water table Estimated SHWT @ El, 28.0 Q TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. GeotechrycalBlndustrialEngineeringConsuftants Borin #: PB-1 Pa 1 of 1 b ) Project: P-1349 Special ©ps Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/25/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-114" HSA Depth (ft): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 22.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation fl m Depth fl rn Lich- L[olith- 01 Material Description Ground Water Comments S P Uncorrected 0 Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 50 -20 -15 - -5 _ _5 4 2 l 5 10 15 1 3 4 s 6 6.5" Asphalt (approx.) Probable fill in upper 4 -5 feet I " s s 3 ' - - I Silty SAND (SM) Loose, brown and gray, fine t 0 _ -1 - I Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Firm, tan and light gray, fine 14 • j 1 • Silty- SAND (SM) Firm to loose, brown with gray and orange, fine, trace clay I ,6 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAN' (Cl,)I) Firm, light gray to orange, trace sand I 11 _ • I ! I I!!j IE` 6 `1 Boring terminated at 10 feet. . _ { I I i - i I _ GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757.463-3200 www.geronline.com a LL TEST BORING RECORD Environmentat, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, inc. Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring #: 1 B—Z Page 1 of 1 ( 6 ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex G1 R Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/26/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-1/4" HSA Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.5 FC1ient: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation fi III Depth ft m Lith- olo �� Material Description Ground Water Comments 5 P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 25 50 —30 —25 —20 —15 y G 5 4 5 10 - 2 3 4 5 b Topsoil/ForesL Debris , 4 7 n 3 ' _ _0 Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Very loose 10 loose, brown to tan, fine, trace roots y p 'i Silty SAND (SAI) Loose, mottled tun -orange -light gray, fine— I 5 II I Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Firm, mottled tan -orange -light gray, trace roots 1 7 6 ! I— I Boring terminated at 10 feet. _ ' — I i I ' +.I� Hd+ _I i Nm — _ _ _ GooEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA23452 757-463-3200 www,geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Envirorunental. Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnical8lndustrial Engineering Consultants Boring P B-3 (page I of b ( g ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/2612013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: l:ishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-1/4" FISA Depth (&): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 31.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation ft m Depth ft rn Lith- olo Material Description Ground Water Comments S I, T Uncorrected Ptmetration Resistance (blows/lbot) 0 25 50 —30 —25 —20 9 8 7— C 5 4 5 10 15 - 3 4 5 Topsoil like material s , a 3 3 z _ I I Sande, Low Plasticity CLAY (Cl.) Stiff, orange brown 9; Slightly Silty SAND (SP-S41) Loose, tan, fine /Silty, / Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Soil to Finn, mottled tun -orange -tight bray, trace sand, trace roots 4I-it Boring tertninatud at 10 W. — GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www.geronline.com z LL TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnical &Industrial Engineering Consultants )30Cin #: r.l)�4 (Page 1 of g ( g ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/26/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-1/4" HSA Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation ft to Depth ft m Lith- olu Material Description Ground Water Comments S P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 0 25 50 FILL I 9 x ?� Silty and clean sand, dark brown and gray, mixed with crushed stone and topsoil — kk , 8 ii I 1 i I _ '7 ;:' • Clayey SAND (SC} Loose, dark tan, fine —25 5 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Firm to soft, mottled tan -orange -light gray, some to trace sand I 7 2 3 9 I � r-----�--{ _.4SZ i - - - 2 I , - I- —20 6 10 3 z� I Boring terminated at 10 feet. i i ! i i I I 4 5 —7 — — — — —+— i — —€ —l5 15 5 II 1 11 ! I 4 — E i _ 6 I I —I GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environrnental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials. GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geatechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring F): P�-5 Pa 1 of l b (page ) Project: P-1349 Special Qps Training Complex GER Project Number: l 10-6171 Date Drillcd: 6/2512013 Locution: Slone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburnc Drilling Drill Method: 2-1/4" HSA Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 28.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation ft nt Depth ft =n Lith- °lob'Y Material Description Ground water Comments S Uncorrected O Penetration Resi lance (blows/foot) 25 50 -25 -20 -15 _10 -8 7 - ti- 5 4 3 10 l5 2- 3- 4 5 6 Topsoil/Forest Debris ground° water table not mcounteped t i - P-11 Silty SAND (SM) Loose, brown, fine, some roots 7 - -� Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM)+1 Loose, tan, Fine �' % Clayey SAND (SC)- Loose, tan and orange, fine 7 ME/, Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Firm, mottled tan -orange -light gray • 1 I j I Boring terminated at 10 feet. _ f - _ ` JJ 1 I - GeoEnvlronmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants goon #: PB-6 Pa e I of 1 g ( g Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/26/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-114" HSA Depth (ft,): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation m R Depth 11 nt Lith- lo o&`y Material Description Ground Water Comments S P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 0 25 50 -25 —20 -l5 - 9 7 6 5 4 5 ] 0 15 1 2 - 3 4 5 61 4" Asphalt, 3" Crushed Slone (approx.) perched water table Static round water table not encountered r , 5 6 , , , , --- I 12 --- — -- u 0 .. '• Silty SAND (SM) Firm, brown to tan, fine { ••I. � .' Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Loose, tan, tine Silty SAND (S, Loose, tan and orange, fine, trace clay I i 10 i � i ' - Pi - Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (Cl,) Firm, mottled tan -orange -light gray 5 — i— 5 1 Boring ternunated at 10 feet, I_ _ I 1 € i - -I- - 1 f - GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA23452 757463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring r B-^(Page b #: ( ge 1 of ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/26/2013 Location: Stone Bay, NICB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-1/4" HSA Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation ftinR Depth m Lith- olo Material Description Ground Water Comments $ P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 0 25 So _ -2U -15 9 6 5 4 l0 15 X. 1 3 4 5 6 ?, FILL Dark brown silty sand mixed with asphalt and topsoil 2 4 5 3 3 j I 9 • _ _ ! 1_ _ _ i Slightly Silty SAND (SP-S�1) Loose, brown to.tan, fine Silty SAND (S4t) in I Loose, orange and tan, fin(SC)Clayey - _ {f[- _ _ 7 • - - - - _ - ''•�% f X , Clayey SAND (SC) Very loose to loose, orange and tan, fine ! i l4 ! I I Li I I J - - h Sandy; Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) firm, mottled tan -orange -light gay _ I E 5 Boring lerininated at 10 feel. _ I I I - - - - 11 GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 5outhem Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials. GeoEnvironnlental Resources, Inc. Geotechnical&Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring4- PB-8 (Page I oft) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/2712013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishhurne Drilling Drilt Method: 24/4" HSA Depth ft): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.5 Client; C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation tt m Depth ft m Lith- olo gy Material Description Ground Water Comments S P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 0 25 50 -30 -25 -20 -15 9 8 7 6 4 g ill 15 3 4 5 5" Asphalt, 2" Crushed Stone (approx.) Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Finn to loose, brown to tan and orange, fine �z s s , ' s -t3 - - I i . Silty SAND (SNI) _ Louse, brown and orange, fine g I :� •::; X. ; �. Clayey SAND (SC) Loose, mottled gray with orange, fine - - - - 7 � - Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Finn, mottled tan -orange -light gray, trace sand - - -- - 6 Boring terminated at 10 *et. - gL GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757.463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Weriats, GcoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geolechnieal & Industrial Engineering Cansu9 ltants Boling #: r D-(page 1 of ) Project: P-1344 Special Ops Training Complex 'GER Project Nuinbcr: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/28/2013 Lwation: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-1/4" HSA Depth (&), 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 52.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. l mi-tnerType: Automatic Elevation fl In Dcpth li m Lith- ology Material Description Ground Water Comments S T Uncorrected 0 Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 50 -50— —45 -40 —35 l5 l4 i2 !1 to- 1a 15 2 3 4 5 6 :r. Topsoil like material , b e r s 5 s — 95 — r x' FILL 4x� Sampled as silty sand, gray, brown and black, line, mixed with wood and trace organic material . y YV x' T — —— _ - 14 I €f I I _ ;• __ Clean SAND (SP) Loose to very loose, tan to orange, fine to medium, trace clay — — MT l 3 �r 4— t I Boring terminated at 10 feet. _ I I I GwEnvironmenta4 Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Bonin #: PB- V Page l Of 1 $ ( ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: l 10-6171 Date Drilled: 6/28/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-1/4" HSA Depth (ft): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 49.5 FCI,,nt. C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hamtner Type: Automatic Elevation fl m Depth ft m Lith- °logy Material Description Ground Water Comments S P Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/toot) U a 50 -45 -40 -35-- -3U 15 14 13 12 1� 5 1 U 15 2 - 3 4 5 6 , Q' S" Crushed Stone (approx.) C , , g I '� ' '* k'S7 n` � 'h 9 FILL Sampled as sandy clay to clayey sand, dark gray and brown, some silt, trace to little wood and organic material ! +11 I � ` : - - --- - -- - - Clean SAND (SP) Loose, tan, fine to medium_T1 14 Boring terminated at 10 feet. j E i _ III E E I I I I I I ELF I I I i GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 wvw.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Ilnc. GBotechnical&b-dustriatEngineering Consuitalft Boring #: p�-� Page 1 of i b (Page ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex I GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/28/2013 Location: Stone Bay, h1CB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 2-1/4" HSA Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 53.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Htuttrner Type: Automatic Elevation Il [n Depth Il m Lith- ologY Material Description Ground Water Comments 5 T Uncorrected 0 Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 25 50 16 sl) 14- -45_ 13 —4a _ II -35 1 S1 15- 2 - 3 ? Ix FILL Silty sand, brown and black, mixed with asphalt and crushed stone e 5 s s ° 5 7 3 9 - 11 _ _ _ I r I { r Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Finn to loose, tan, tine - 11 7ST I I / I, Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Finn, light gray, trace sand 5- - - - Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SsNI) Loose, orange, fine to medium, trace clay - 8 • i I I HT Boring tcrnunatcd at 10 feet. -W--_ - I 1 111 I! Hill_ I TT -TT GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757463-3200 www.geronline.com SOIL BORING RECORD Groundwater, er, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. goring No: PP_I GetecnicalEnvironmental, , Geotechnical &Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex G> R Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6126/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (fi.): 32.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-114" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- olo Material Description p Ground Water Comments fi. in ft. In Topsoil/1-orest Debris Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Very loose, dark gray and brown, fine, trace roots - Silty SAND (SM) —30 Very loose to loose, grayish -brown to tan and brown, fine, trace roots Estimated SHWT @ EL 27.5 L . 5 _.. ;� ' c j Clayey SAND (SC) Louse, mottled tan -orange -light gray, fine, 8 ; : trace roots 2—Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) —25 / Finn, mottled gray with orange, trace roots 7 - lU 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet. —2U 6 a - 15 S 5 —15 L-4 6 4 SOIL BORING RECORD CeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring No: PP-2 Sheet No: 1 of I Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GGR Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 35.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Uth- Material Description Ground Comments 11, m ft, l'opsoil/Forest Debris Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Very loose, dark grayish -brown, fine Perched water table Estiunatcd SH WT r7 EL 33.5 Silty SA -ND (SM) 10 . ;'. ! Firm, black to dark brown, fine to medium, 7 trace clay : t —30 5 ' - ____------ 2 Silty5A\b{S\I) Finn, light gray, nine to medium 8 10 Boring terminated at 10 feet. 7 —20 15 5 5 6 r a SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, goring No: PP-3 � Geotechnit:al &Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Qps Training Complex GER Project Number: l 10-6171 Location: Stone Bay, NICB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fisliburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth ft): 10.0 Elevation ft): 31.5 LClient: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- olo ' Material Description p Ground Water Comments inft. —_ TopsoillForest Debris Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SIN 1) Very loose, black to gray, line, some roots —30 Estimated SHWT u@ EL 30.0 Silty SAND (S�1) 9 Firm, dark brown to brown, fine, partly Hardpan layer @ EL 29.5 1 cemented at 2 feet - 1 i Q / Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) - Stiff to firm, mottled tan -orange -light gray, trace roots, trace sand 5- 8 —25 2 7 / 10 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet. —20 6 4 5 15 —15 5 4 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmenta! Resources, Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: PP-4 Geotechnical 8. Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet into: 1 of l Project: P-1344 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number. 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 34.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" 11SA Elevation Depth Lith- ol o Material Description Ground Water Comments ft. inm R. �' } Topsoil/Forest Debris Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) —10 _ Very loose, black to light gray, tine, truce T roots - Perched water table Estimated SHWT @ EL 32.6 Silty SA 'D (S,,.1) Loose, dark brown to grayish -brown, fine. trace roots, trace clay —30 I 2 q I� Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) 2Finn A to soft, light gray, trace roots ._g —25 - 10 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet. _ 7 _ —20 _ t C - 15 s 5 —13 G a SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Baring No: PP-5 a Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Gps Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 rquipmcnt: 2-1/4" HSA Depth (ft,): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 35.5 Client: C. Allan 8amforth, Jr. lilcvation Depth Lith- ology Material Description Ground Water Comments fl, m m _R. Topsoil/Forest Debris 35 Perched water table 1. Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SNI) Very loose, gay and black, fine, trace roots Estimated SHWT @ EL 34.8 Silty SAND (SNt) - Very loose to loose, dark brown to grayish -brown, fine, trace roots, trice clay 10 5 �I 30' 9 2 g !0 3 - Boring terminated at 10 feet. —25 7 4 15 —20 G 5 5 - 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GcoEnvironmental Resources Inc, Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: PP-6 � Geotechnical &Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: I of l Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (fi.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 32.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-114" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description p Ground Water Comments ft. in R, } r TopsoiUForest Debris Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Very loose, black to dark grayish -brown, fine, trace organic material Silty SAND (SM) —30•'• i firm to dense, dark brown to browm, fine, partly cemented at 3 feet 9 I ,�,'. L-stimated SHWT cQ EL 29.0 based on hardpan layer 5 8 / Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) SniTto soft, mottled tan and light gray, trace sand 2 /-25 7 10 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet. —2U 6 4 - l5 5 S —l5 i 4 i C SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental. Hazardousnkultants' Boring No: PP-7 g Industrial En, � GepteChnical 8 Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: l of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (1!1): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 34.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" 1-1SA Clevation Depth Lith- olo Material Description Ground Water Comments ft, m li, in'�' Topsoil/Forest Debris - T Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Very loose, dark grayish -brown, tine, trace T Perched water table _ roots Estimated SHWT @ CL 33.5 I0 Silty SAND (SM) Loose, black to dark brown, tine, trace clay i_ Cl —30 - 9 5 - -- Silty --------------- 2 Loose to very loose, gray, Me to medium 8 Lora Plasticity CLAY (CL) - /Sandy, Sots, gay --25 10 3 Boring terminaled at 10 fe%q. 7 4 —20 l5 S S —15 6— r i SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: PP-8 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: I of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- °logy Material Description Ground Water Comments 0. m ft. m T. Topsoil/Forest Debris 9 Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Very loose to loose, gray to broom and tan, fine, some to trace roots 8 l Estimated SHWT a EL 26.0 based on soil color and texture :% •:;�'> Clayey SAND (SC) �''•�' Loose to firm, mottled tan-orange4ight gray, fine. 1 —25 5 2 j" /Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) / Fim to stiff, mottled orange with bray —20 6 10 3 Boring terminau�l at 10 tcct. 4 5 —l5 15 5 4 6 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, BoringNo: PP-9 Geotechnical $ Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 33.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" 11SA Elevation Depth Lith- alo Material Description Ground Water Comments ft. m il. n' TopsoiVForest Debris Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) —] 0 Soil, orange -brown k Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SN1) Loose to Finn, gay to brown, fine, some roots - '• Perched water table Estimated SH WT @ EL 31.0 Silty SAND (SNl) Finn, black to dark brown, fine, trace clay —30 1. ' . f 5 17 'i :;: ; Clayey SAND (SC) 2 Loose, mottled tan -orange -gray, fine 8 / Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) / Finn, mottled gray with orange —25 / 10 3 - Boring terminaled at 10 feet. 4 —20 6 15 5 5 —15 6 SOIL BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Boring No: PP—l0 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Shed No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Qps Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCR Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishltnrne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (ft.): 10,0 Elevation (11): 36.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description p Ground Water Comments ft. inf}, m }:r:} Topsoil/Forest Debris J Estimated SH1ArT @ 131_ 35.5 Clean SAND (SIP) —35 Very loose, dark gray to light gray, fine perched water table Silty SAND (SM) _ �I Loose, black to dark brown, fine, little routs J Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) i Very loose to loose, dark brown to grayish -brown, fine, trace clay - 5 •I —30 . 2 Clayey SAND (SC) Loose, dark gray, fine Boring terminated at 10 feet. -�5 l� —20 6 5 5 a SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: PP-11 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: I of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/26/2013 Depth (fl.): 10.0 Elevation (fl.): 33.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- °logy Material Description Ground Water Comments ft. m fl. m Topsoil/Forest Debris Clean SAND (SP) 1 Q Very loose, black to gray, fine — Silty SAND (SN1) Firm, black to brown, fine, partly cemented ..'" j k at 2.5 feet 7 Estimated SHWT @ EL 31.5 Hardpan layer @ EL 31.0 —3U I. 9 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) - - 2 Finn to soft, light gray, trace sand 8 / —25 / t0 3 Boring terminated at 10 feet. 4 —20 l5 5 5 l5 r 0 SOIL BORING RECORD tal, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Environmental, Boring No: PP-12 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: I of Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Data 6127/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (fl.): 30.5 TCfient: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- Material Description Ground Water Comments fl. m fl. Inolob'y o 2" Asphalt, 4" Crushed Stone (approx.) —30V Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) 9 Pirin, brown to white, fine ' Silty SAND (SM) LDose, orange brown, fine, trace clay $ ff 5 'E :/ :' '• Clayey A, D (SC) —25 %'•!'' Loosc, brown with orange, fine �� Silty SAND (SM) 2 '•/ Firm, orange and tan, line Estimated SHWT @ U 22.5 based on soil color and texture Sand}', Lore Plasticity CLAY (CL) Stiff, tan and fil�u gay 10 Baring ternunated at 10 feet, --20 h 4- -5 15 —15 5 4 V SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, goring No: PP-13 Geolechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Sheet No: I of 1 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Drillcr: Fishburne Drilling Date: 6/27/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: 2-1/4" HSA Elevation Depth Lith- Material Description Ground R. Infi. inology P Water Comments 9 7 2" Asphalt, 4" Crushed Stone (approx.) Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Firtn to loose, brown to tan, line 25 J _ I ! Luosc to firm, brown with orange to tan and I light gray, fine, trace clay a 20 10 3 13orin>; tcnninated at nt-15 r V 15 a� I ?� —4 u 0 C L Ll u Estimated SH WT a EL 24.0 based on soil color and texture SOIL BORING RECORD CeoEnviranmental Resources,nvironmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Inc.nc. goring 1\io: P-1 Geoterhnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of I Project: P-1349 Special ©ps Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stonc Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (11): 6.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan BamTorth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Lith Material Description Ground Water Continents fl, m H. inolo�ry Topsoil/Forest Debris 9 ' '• Clean SAND (SP) • , , Dark to light gray, fine, trace roots Silty SAND (Sht) Dark brown, fine to McdiuIT4 little roots Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) - Brown to gray and dark gray, fine, trace _ roots I 7 Estimated SHWT Q EL 26.3 — 25 5— - Boring terminated at 6 feet. 2- -7 —20 10 3 6 4 5 —15 l5 5 4 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: P_2 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: I of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GE-R Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (ft.): 4.0 Elevation (ft.): 35.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Lith- o lo Material Description Ground Water Comments ft. m fl, m bry } T:. Topsoil/Forest Debris —35 - Estimated SHWT a EL 34.6 Clean SAND (SP) '• Black to gray, fine, trace roots V Silty SAND (SM) —' Dark brown, fine to medium, trace clay and organic material 10 - i I Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SNI) l , 1 Light and dark gray, fine, trace roots Boring terminaled at 4 feet. 5 —30 9 _ Z 8 10 3 —25 4 15 —20 6 5- -5 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Environmental. Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring No: P-3 Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (ft.): 7.0 Elevation (ft.): 32.4 FC, ient: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description Ground Water Continents Il, to fL in r Topsoil/Forest Debris Clean SAND (SP) Gray, fine, trace roots Silly SAND (SM) Black to brown, fine, trace clay, some roots —30 •j —9 • T. - l;stimated SHWT Q EL 28.6 5 jf d Sandy Organic SILT (AIL) Brown with black, traces of clay, roots and peat 8 t 2 Boring terminated at 7 reel. —25 7 10 —20 - 6 4— - 15 5 5 —IS 4 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring ND: P-4A Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: l of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (1): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 29.6 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Lith- olo Material Description Ground Water Comments 11. m ft. m — Topsoil X. Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SNl) Brown to tan and light gray, fine, trace roots Clayey SAND (SC) Orange to tan, fine —25 g WEstimated SHT a EL 24.6 based on soil color and texture / Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) _ Mottled light gray with tan and orange, trace _ 7 2 / / roots j:, �• Clayey SAND (SC) Mottled light tan and orange, fine Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Mottled tan with orange and light gray - —20 6 10 3 Boring ternunated at 10 feet. 5 4 —15 15 4 5 —10 3 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: P-4B Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, NICE Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (fl.): 10.0 Elevation (1): 29.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: }land Auger Elevation Depth Lith- °logy Material Description Ground Water Commentsft. m ft, m +=:r; Topsoil - Silty SAND (SM) Brown, fine to medium, trace roots Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) - Tan and brown, fine, trace organic material •I• Silty SAND (S,XI) —25 _ ' ' ' Light tan, fine, trace clay '.''•�'' Clayey SAND (SC) Light tan, fine l Estimated.SHWT a EL 21.0 based on soil color and texture Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Mottled tight gray with tan and orange —20 6 i 0 3 Static ground water table not encountered Boring terminated at 10 feet. 5 4 —15 15 4 5 —10 3 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants goring No: P-5A Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, i4ICB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (ft.): 8.0 Elevation (ft.): 26.2 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Lith- ology Material Description Ground Water Comments ft. Inft. to Topsoil/Forest Debris Slighih• Silty SAND (SP-SM) —25 Black to gray, fine, trace roots j Clean SAND (SP) Tan to light gray, fine, trace roots 7 ] Estimated SH WT G EL 21.9 5 —20 _ON Sandv, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) 6 2 Mottled light gray and orange / Boring terminated at 8 feet. 5 10 3 —15 4 q 15 —10 3 5 —2 6 SOIL BORING RECORD GeoERvironmental Resources.,Inc, Environmental, Groundwater. Hazardous Materials, Boring No: P-SB Geotechniral & Industrial Engineering Consultants b Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Sheet No: 1 of 1 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 29.2 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Lith- Material Description Ground !1. to fi, m oloSy Water Comments Topsoil - Clean SAND (SP) Brown to white, fine 25 5 Silty SAU\D (SM) Orange, fine C !%•:,:; IaycySANQ(SC) Tan and orange, fine, trace toots 2 J Mottled light gray and tun, truce roots 20 Silty, L.o Plasticity CLAY (CL) Mottled light tan with orange and blue gray tU 3 Borina terminated at 10 feet. 15 5 Estimated SHWT Q EL 23.2 based on soil color and texture SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Boring No: P_6 Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: l of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (ft.): 10.0 Elevation (ft.): 25.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Lith- alo Material Description p Ground Water Comments Il, m R. m b'Y ? 7 FILL Brown silty sand mixed with topsoil, brick x and roots Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Tan and orange Clayey SAND (SC) 7 �.-'/.� Tan and orange, fine Estimated SHWT cr EL 22.0 based on soil color and texture Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) 1 Mottled tan with orange and bray, trace roots '✓•' %;, Clayey SAND (SC) Mottled tan with orange and light bray, fine, •;l; trace roots 20 6 5 Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Mottled orange with tan and light gray, trace roots 2 Clayey SAND (SC) Mottled tan with orange and light gray, fine Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) 5 Mottled tan with orange and light gray •• Clayey SAND 4C /..X; Mottled tan with orange and light gray, fine .lam'• 15 10 3—:. Statie ground water table not encountered .___ Boring terminated at 10 feet. 4 4 —10 3 15 5 2 E SOI I. BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, CeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geolechnical & Industrial Engineering ConsultantP_'� s Boring no: Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number. 110-6171 Sheet No: 1 of 1 Location: Stone Bay, N'lCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (ft.); 8.0 Elevation (ft.): 28.6 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Clovation Depth Lith- MatGround 010 erial Description Water Coimnents il, m fi, in 'logy QT-1, Crushed stone mixed with topsoil Slihtly --qn-� Tan, fine Silty SAND (5P-S11} Orange to tan, line, trace clay 25 tan with orange and II Low Plasticity CLAN light gray and orange 2 at —15 15 4 a 9 � 5 1 �EsthnatcdSHVffT@EL24,3 fine SOIL BORING RECORD GeoEnvironmental Resources Inc. Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring No: p_gA Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, NICE Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (ft,): 5.0 Elevation (ft,): 39.0 Clicnt: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: Hand Auger Elevation Depth Uth- olo Material Description P Ground Water Comments fl. m ft. m �' T� Topsofforest Debris T Slightly Silly SAND (SP-Si Black to gray, fine, little roots Estimated SHWT @ EL 37.0 Silt}', Lovr' Plasticity CLAY (CL) Brown, trace roots, trace sand _ 11 1 Clean SAND (SP) Brown to tan, fine to medium, trace roots —35 5—Boring terminated at 5 Ceet. 10 2 —30 9 10 3 8 4- -25 15 7 5 20 6 6 SOIL BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoElnvironmental Resources, Inc. Boring No: P-8B Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Sheet No: 1 of 1 Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: GER Date: 2/19/2013 Depth (ft.): 2.5 Elevation (ft.): 38.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Equipment: [land Auger Elevation Depth Lith- stogy Material Description Ground Water Comment~ ft, nt R. m TopsoiVForest Debris �r Silty SAND (S11) Black and brawn, fine, some roots Estimated SHWT r@ EL 36.5 Boring terminated at IS feel, —35 1 l0 S z —3U 9 !0 3 _ 8 1 —2S 4 S —20 6 6 El TEST BORING RECORD Envirwvnental, Groundwater, Harardous NFatcrials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnital& Industrial EngineeringConsultants Boning #: ►SB-1 (page I of ? B �'; ?) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number. 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6i25l2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (ft.): 60.0 Elevation (ft.): 28.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation Depth Lith- olo = Material Description Ground Water Comments S P Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blowsifoot) a to It ingy T 0 25 50 g Topsoil like material ' , _ 9— I i T -I', - Silty SAND (SNI) Loose, brown to tan, fine —25 , 7 I' Slightly SAND (SP-SM) l fine loosetanSilty Loose to very , , 7 5 2 - z .2 I I I ! { Silty SAND (SM) Very loose to loose, dark brown to 2 .:: { grayish -brown, fine, trace clay, trace toots - - _ l 10 3 5 € € - = I i-€ -15/% 4 Silty, High Plasticity CLAY (CH) I �/� Very soft, gray, trace sand 4 15 I i PP=0.25 ° I _ t 3 1 t _ _10 3 5 � ° I l Silty, Law Plasticity CLAY (CL) Very soft, gray, trace sand PP=0.25 2 20 I I I I I I 1 I 5 7 ° PP=0.38 _ I € € I —0 0 o t7_44- - I - ?0 9 • € c•:o U : Silty SAND and SHELL (SM) Very loose to fu-nt, light gray, fine to coarse, ' - 1 J� partly cemented p p -s to o .. silty SAND (SM) hirm, greenish -gray, fine to medium, trace to- _ -2 35 " little shell fragments r -I i I t— 12 GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southem Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www,geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnical B Industrial Engineering Consultants BoringSB-1 (Page #: {Pb 2 of 2 ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops `Graining Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/25/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Hishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (ft,): 60.0 Elevation (ft.): 28.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation ft in Depth fl inT Lith- olo Material Description Ground Water Comments S P Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blowslfoot) 0 25 50 -4 .' . Silty SAND (SM) firm, greenish -gray, fine to medium, trace to little shell fragments (continued) I — �€ I I I l_ _ 4 5 14 i_I_ --20 .. I • - - ! 19 I I - 15- to 50- 11 s g 1 19 I 12 5 5 • • 1 14 l I — l - 17 - is Silty SAND and SHELL (SM) Very dense, light gray, cemented I I _10 60 Boring terminated at 60 feet. I I _ _j _ --35 19 _L - -- -1 €� -� -- -1 l _I_ 65 20 -40 I - - - 21 - -13 70 I ! € ! 1 I - 22 - - -_ ! -45 - -14-1-- I -- -- - €- #! 1 I_! I_ € _I _ �- I 75 23 -15 --50�- 241- ! -- - GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA23452 757-463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardo us rvlaterials. Boring SB2 GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. GeotechniralBIndustrial Engineering Consultants s #: " (Page b 1 of ) Project: P-1344 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/24/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Eishburne Drilling Drill Method: 4" Nlud Rotary Depth (ft.): 60.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation Depth Lith- Ground S Uncorrected olo Material Description Water Cotnments 1' Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) m inft it T 0 25 50 y I I Topsoil minced with crushed stone a l' Silty SAND (SM) Loose, brown to tan, fine - Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) Loose, tan, fine ' _ 1L Silty SAND (SM) 3 —25 5— Loose, tan and orange, fmc, trace clay ' 3 _ 2 I J f , x 7 Sandy Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Firm to soft, mottled tan with orange PP=1.0 —2U 6 l0 ' s 2 2 5 4 _ Silty, High Plasticity CLAY (Cll) Very soft, gray, tract sand o PP=0.25 - 15 is- 5 n- 10 3 1 20 6 71 7 2 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Very soft, gray to greenish -gray, trace sand Z —0 n D z Y AJ 0 30 10 •'. �F I' auiy a'xn" La+•1) Very loose, dark gray, fine to coarse, trace clay 4 :o Silty SAND and SHELL (SM) L A r Finn, gray and white, fine to coarse, trace z V clay --5 35 z I l v: • a •r 2 a - Silty SAND (SM) _,',:• Loose to dense, greenish -gray, fine to n } medium, trace clay, trace shell fragments 12—:I l PP=0.75 PP=o.s f o I I III III III PRIII Ails■■ A ■A■E■ M/n/■■A M= KINEIR so C:: Au INMIMMK ■/■// NAME ■o■ EAg■■■ ■.■■ ' ■■E■ RON ISURBAN ■ ME ■■ 11 Mono ■ MMI MAN rNEINK ■ Ini:01anno .. A iu�uiA ■ ■ MEMBER WN AN Mon iMMMI< EtEA BE u so 09 u I ■n A■■■ ■s�■ERA■ ssss■onE/N ■E■ANNE /■EA/■■ MMOMM iii MMM Form! n11111 n:I Ala\■■■■■ ■A■�■A■■ E■OM0189■ E■ EEAuARN■ENG ■Eli■E111 uHss ■bl,on iU =MA■EI ■■MIS E■/ ■A■/ EEEEI 10 is ri BEs■ EA■ / "A■�■I ON ;a IAA! MIS Mann GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA23452 757463-3200 www.gwonline.com TEST BORING RECORD Envlrormlental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, CeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. C,eotecilNcat & Industrial Engineering Consultants 13orin #: SB-2 (Page 2 of 2 g { ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/24/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: F'ishburne Drilling Drill Method: 4" Mud Rotary Depth (fl): 60.0 Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamiorth, Jr. Hammcr-['ype: Automatic Elevation Depth Lith- Material Description Ground Water Comments S Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blowslfoot) 0 m ft in T 0 25 50 - Silty SAND (SM) Loose to dense, greenish -gray, fne to medium, trace clay, trace shell fragments (continued) — - — _ -- 13 y , 10 1 --15 4 14 . I' _ -20 -6 50 - 16-.� I [ „ - t - --25 - -S 17 �. • •1•:•• - - I i _� 1° -y: 18 •I'. . c --30 60 5%4 I Boring terminated at 60 feet. I t l -11) 19 I - - - - _ -,=1- --35 .,, 65 20 -r- - 1--- -12 21- - - - -40 -13 70 22 I I I I -45 -14 75 23 I € I I I I t t i 5 24— - - -r- GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Bonn #: SB-3 1 of 2 (Page e Y, ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/24/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Drillcr: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (ft.): 50.0 Elevation (ft.): 32.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation Depth Lith- Material Description Ground Water Comments S T Uncorrected Penetration Resi2sncc(blows/foot) ft m ft inology 0 50 -30 - - 8" Crushed Stone (approx.) ° a _ I !I —I -18 1 I -I- 1 I ! ! - } . • '• Silty SAND (SM) Firm, brown and tan, lint Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM) 4 ° 9 I I € 16 + Finn to loose, tan and white, fine ! 8 e 17 € I ! E I € 'Y ;%. ;•%'.� Clayey SAND (SC) Loose, mottled =-orange-light gray, fine -25 ! ! ! Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) � 4' 7 Solt to very soft, mottled tan with light gray 107 361 - 1 ; - 4. - - PP=1.0 ' __TFT ! - -20 6 z II I - I - I! - - _ 4 ❑ _, I ! 15 FRI 5 -15 - - _ ° - I11 - Silty, High Plasticity CLAY (CH) Very soft, dark gray, trace sand 6 PP=0.25 - I -]0 3 20 - -� 7- ° - -0 € ! ! € ! _ I € ! I I _I Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Very soil, gray to greenish -gray, trace sand = PP=0.38 i--- -l-- -} -- --� I 2 25 i I- 5 r+1 11 t i 9 PP=0.5-- - -0 0 I— =I- -1-- - ]0 ' ` '• Silty SAND and SHELL (SM) - - 20. ---.--.1 -�I-.- - 7 L Finn, dark gray and light gray, fine to _ € +♦ I ! 35 0•' coarse, party cemented 24 1 _2 I € - • — 17— •G �• a —F GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental. Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechtreal & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring #: SB�J g (Page ? Of 2 ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/2412013 Location: Stone Bay, b1CB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drili Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (ft.): 50.0 Elevation (ft.): 32.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation Il m Depth li in Lith- °l0� Material Description Ground Water Comments S T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blowslfooi) 0 50 10 --20 - --25 --30- _ --35 --40 -3 .5 -7 -S _ -l0 -12 -13 14 _ - 55 60 65 70 75 _ 13 14 ,{ 17 1S 19 20 22 - 23 24 ] L = 7. �f Silty SAND and SHELL (Shl) Finn, dark gray and light gray, fine to coarse, party cemented (continued) - - - IF Eff I l - Silty SAND (SM) Firm, greenish -gray, fine, trace clay, trace shell fragments 5 I Boring terminated at 50 feet. I i - - - - - - - - - - - L±#4 ti - - ' _ - - - - t -- - l - i - - -_ _ -I I 77 Geo[nvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southem Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. GeotechnicaI B Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring #: SB-4 (Page l of 1 b' { b ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project ]Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/2712013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" N1ud.Rotary Depth (fi.): 25.0 Elevation (fi.): 27.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hamner Type: Automatic DeN-ation Depth Lith- °lobT Material Description Ground Water Comments S T Uncorrected Penetration Resi 25nce (blows/foot) fi m it in 0 50 K Topsoil mixed with crushed stone Slightly Silty SAND (SP-SM)- Loose, tan with white, fine i -25 9 - - 1- '. '• ' . 1. Perched water 7 g table All I Silty, LowPlasticity CLAY (CL) Soft to iinn, mottled tan -orange -light gray, I I I - trace sand PP=0.75 : , -20 2 , - - - - 6 O i - Silty SAND (Sk1) 5 3 j Very loose, tan and orange, fine, trace clay z kk -{ - I I 1 1 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Sofl to eery soft, tan to gray, trace sand -15- 1 1 4 ° ° p _ 4- 15 5- I- - -- l - -- -10 3 ° 1 Silty, High Plasticity CLAY (CH) Very soft, gray, trace sand - 2 20- - PP=0.25 - I 4 I I I I - I I -5 7- - i 25 Boring terminated at 25 foci. 8- -0 0 30 9 i I— ii— I -1 II --5 10 t-I-- _ -—-- 2 --- —1 I 1 35 I- 1 t --10 -3 1 _ +—�� 12 I I l I I I I GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www.geronlire.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials' GeoERvironmental Resources, SRC. Geotechnical&IndustrialEngineeringConsultant, Borin #: SB-5 Pa e l of l g ( g } Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/27/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejetme, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (1): 25.0 Elevation (1): 30.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation !1 to Depth ft m Lith- olo 6'Y Material Description Ground Water Comments S P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blowslfoot) 0 25 50 g - Topsoil like material 7 s — 6 — — — — —I - Slightly Silty SANE) (SP-SM) Loosc, brown to tan, fine— _ '�' '• Silty SAND (SUM) Loose, tan and orange, fine, trace clay 8 1 7 I I —25 7 5 2 - I— 7— Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Firm to soft, mottled tan -orange -light gray Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) — — — —-- Soft to fine, mottled light gray with orange, trace to little sand lenses —20 6 5 10 3 4— Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Very soft, dark gray to greenish -gray, trace sand— _ —15 q 15 5 PP-0.25 1 I I 1 _ I I —I I I I — -10 3 -2 2a 6 7- PI'=0.25 D I I I I I— �I —f— -5 25 PP=0.5 0 i I:LL — — — - t Boring tenninated at 25 Icet, _ I 1 I t8 --I — — -- --- -- -a 0 30 g to- - I I � - - — � f - I - — 5 _2 35 i 12 I —I GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southem Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www.gerontine.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Geotechnica18 Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring #: SD-V l of 1 6 (Page e g ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/27/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (ft.): 12.0 Elevation (ft): 30.5 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Fiammer Type: Automatic Elevation tl in Depth tl ino10g1' Lith- Material Description Ground water Comments S T Uncorrected 0 Penetration Resis2[Snce (blows/fwt) 50 _30..: 9 Topsoil like material ° , 5 { I_ Silty SAND (SM) Loose, brown to tan, fine 6 x 5 - 7:' %• Clayey SAND (SC) Loose to Finn, tan to brownish orange, fine, -1--- I -- -- - - - -. t -- -25 - z ' - - 2 .'L:,; i•.�, ,, with lenses of silty sand and sandy clay a '13 • - 3 j ii _ I i —20 _ 10 �o ---- —�— -- Boring Ienninated at 12 feet. 4- 15 - _ 5 4 I _ -10 3 20 6 I _ 7 _ ' __ 2 --i - - - L-- 25 -0 0 30 9 I _ 10 - - - --5 35 - - I 12— i II I I GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757A63-3200 www.geronline.cwm TEST BORING RECORD Inc.Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, IGeotethnical& Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring #�: SB-7 (page l of 1 b' { b ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/25/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (ft.): 25.0 Elevation (fi)- 22.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hamner Type: Automatic Elevation fi In Depth R ing Lith- olo Material Description Ground Water Comments S P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 0 25 50 20 6 -Topsoil/Forest Debris ' z s -�-- - 4L 4 }- I - I ---- I i II -- - Silty SAND (SM) Very loose, tan to brown and gray, fine, some to trace roots f ' 3 - _ -l5------------------- 5- 5• •..' . • �' •' Sihy SAND (Sill) Loose, dark brown, fine to medium, trace ' � 5 I I I t—I I I I - - 4 organic material -10 3 4 - -! - � Clayey SAND (SC) Very loose, tan and light gray, fine 2 15 / 1 I Silty, Lon' Plasticity CLAY (CL) Very soft, gray, trace to little sand _ -5 5 - _ - I _ I- 20 PP=0.25 ° _ 7-1 I I- 1 _ I I I -0 0 1 25 PP=0.38 ---— Boring terminated at 25 feet. --5 -2 -- I - -- - - l 0 _ -3 30 9 10 - I i I I �- - - - - � - - - --15- -4 35 - I I 1 l- I -(- -51- t _ I 12 i 1 GooERVlmnmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463.3200 www.gemnline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Ine. Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants )30Ci#: SB-S ri (Page 1 of 1 ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GFR Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/25/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Dt•ill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (ft.): 25.0 Elevation (ft.): 25.0 Fc, C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hanuner Type: Automatic Elc'mtion Depth Lith- ologry Material Description Ground Water Comments 5 P Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/Coot) ft m ft m 0 25 50 ? Topsoil mixed with crushed stone = 41 I € I _ I T.l- 1— J' I Silty SAND (SM) 7 Very loose, brown and orange, fine, trace - clay PerchedPerchedwater 1 _ table Si ty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) _ ! / Soft, mottled tan -orange -light gray, some to — — trace sand z44+ —20 6 5 PP=1.0 PP=0.75 —15 f0 3 = x I 4 4-7 Silt}, Lo>tic P]asticity CLAP (CL) o _ I € -M Very soft, gray, trace sand — PP=0.5 —10 3 15 5 I � 1 1 € PP=0.25I- -5 20 7 —0 0 2.5 Boring terminated at 25 Feet._ 3 ` I I 9 --5 30 I € € — I I I €— --10 -3 -4 35 1-- — -- € —€_— € I I I € i— I 12 I I I i GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, IRC. Geotechnical&IndustrialEngineeringConsultants Burin #: SB-9 (page 1 of 1 6 ( ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: l 10-6171 Date Drilled: 6/27/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (1): 25.0 Elevation (ft.): 26.5 Clicnt C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation 0 m Depth 11 m Lith- olu Material Description Ground Water Cotnmcnts S P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 0 25 50 -25 _ — Topsoil/Forest Debris 411 - Sandy, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL)- Sufl to firm, orange brown to mottled light- gray and orange, trace roots 5 � I� i -_ _1_- --20 62 PP=1.25 3 g _ _3S - -- - 57t, 510 3 _I 4 4 Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) — — — — Very soft, gray to greenish -gray, trace sand —a — _ — — _ — — — — _! — — IS PP=0.25 — i- I I — —lU 3 _ 5 2 20 6 pp-0 5 n — � �_ l—i — —� — — — I I — -- _ --- I I _ —5 = l 2— + I -0 0 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet. "1 30 9— I �— ( I-- i I — — --- I - — - — _ - 2 to - i - -- --10 3 35 1-I 1-4 GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757463-3200 www.geronline.com TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Groundwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. %olechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring #: SB-1 Q (page ) of 1 b ( g ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GCR Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/27/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishhurne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (ft.): 25.0 Elevation (ft.): 21.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation Depth Lith- olo Material Description Ground Water Comments S P Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) ft m ft m T 0 25 50 20 - 6 .' ' • •:.� Topsoil like material UPlr 51f� m ° _ ai I s Ii I _ I- I _ I - Silty SAND (SAI) Very loose to loose, gray with brown and orange, fine, trace clay . 3 �I� 1 , I 5 3 I I I i + i -15 - 5 2 ' , Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Firm to soft, gray to mottled orange and tan, trace sand I l i I -i i i - 4 PP-l.25 3 - 10 3 3 �7 i _ - 61 —� -- -10 3 Pr=l.s 2 4- ° I -3 15- I 5 l ___ ss Sandy, Low Plasticity' CLAY (CL) Very soft, greenish -gray - - - - - 6 PP=0.25 - 20 i -0 0 _I i - -' cep U '• Silty SAND and SHELL (SM) Dense, greenish -gay and white, line to - I - I 25-n coarse, trace clay 14 _ I - I T - • Boring terminated at 25 feel. -2 30 9 I I i i I I i I i E -4- -15 35 I - 5 �- -- I - -- - - I 12 - ! �- _�_ 4-- -i- - GeoEnvironmental Resources, inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA23452 757-463-3200 www.geronline.corn TEST BORING RECORD Environmental, Grounctwater, Hazardous Materials, GeoEnvironmental Resources, InC. Geotechnical & Industrial Engineering Consultants Boring #: SB-11 g (page I of l ) Project: P-1349 Special Ops Training Complex GER Project Number: 110-6171 Date Drilled: 6/27/2013 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Driller: Fishburne Drilling Drill Method: 3" Mud Rotary Depth (R.): 25.0 Elevation (ft.): 23.0 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Hammer Type: Automatic Elevation It m Depth fl m Lith olo Material Description Ground Water Comments 5 P T Uncorrected Penetration Resistance (blows/foot) 0 25 50 �'. iD Topsoil like material Probable fill in upper 4 feet , - t 8 _I= - - i ! - Silty SAN(SM) Loose, gray and brown, fine, same roots -20 G Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) Firm to soft, mottled light gray with orange, 5 - 6! ! ! r i ! trace sand-I- 5 2 1 8 -15-- PP=1 5- - 8 4 10 3 - -_�� _ _ - - -- I �- - - -10 3 4 ° o -3- i I II 2 5- _ 1 I -5 — Silty, Low Plasticity CLAY (CL) very soft, greenish -gray, trace sand _ 1 2a— 6— PP=0.25 —I I -!) 0 7 _� G o �i J.' Silty SAND and SHELL (SM) Dense, dark greenish -gray, fine to coarse, trace clay _ -� _ _ 25 ,p Boring terminated at 25 iect. _ i i_1 I __5 I ! I i --]0 -3 30 10 ' I I -4 35 H -i- - - -I - - 5 12 ! GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. 2712 Southern Boulevard, Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3200 www.geronline.00m CPTu SOUNDINGS References: ASTM D 5778, "Standard Test Method for Performing Electronic Friction Cone and Piezocone Penetration Testing of Soils," Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08, American Society for Testing and Materials, January 1996, Lunne, T., Robertson, P.K., and Powell, J.J.M., "Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice," Spoon Press, 1997. Riaund, J. L. and Miran, J., "The Cone Penetrometer Test," Publication No. FHWA-SA-91-043, Final Report, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, February 1992. Contractor: ConeTec, Inc. Procedures: The CPT is a profiling tool described in ASTM D 5778 and various other publications. No physical soil sampling is conducted during the test. A compression model electronic piezocone penetrometer with a 15 cm' tip and a 225 cmz friction sleeve was used. The cone is designed with an equal end area friction sleeve and a tip end area ratio of 0.8. Prior to testing, the cone internal force transducers were calibrated in a laboratory. At the beginning of each sounding, the cone was outfitted with a vacuum -saturated, 6 mm thick porous plastic pore pressure element that is located immediately behind the tip (the uz location). The cone was advanced using a 15-ton hydraulic ramset mounted in a 25-ton truck or on a 20-ton tracked vehicle. As the cone was advanced into the ground, tip resistance (qc), sleeve friction (fs) and dynamic pore water pressure (u) were recorded every 2.5 centimeters (approximately every one inch). Limitations: The enclosed testing records represent an interpretation of the subsurface conditions encountered at the specific testing locations at the time explorations were made. It is possible that subsurface conditions between testing locations will be different from those indicated. Strata contacts and surface elevations, if shown, shall be considered approximate and are referenced to project datum shown on the plans or described in the geotechnical report unless noted otherwise. GER CPT SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (SBT) KEY TO SBT COLORS SHOWN ON CPT LOGS CPT RESISTANCE PROFILE LEGEND — NORMALIZED ■ Sensitive Fine Grained (Silts & Clays) Organic Soils to Peat ■ Clay — Clay to Silty Clay ■ Silt Mixtures — Clayey Silt to Silty Clay M Sand Mixtures —Silty Sand to Sandy Silt ❑ Sand — Clean Sand to Silty Sand ■ Gravelly Sand to Sand Very Stiff Clay to Clayey Sand Very Stiff Fine Grained Soils Very Stiff Clay to Clayey Sand CPT RESISTANCE PROFILE LEGEND — NON —NORMALIZED ■ Sensitive Fine Grained (Silts & Clays) ■ Organic Soils to Peat Clay ■ Clay to Silty Clay ■ Clayey Silt to Silty Clay ■ Sandy Silt to Clayey Silt • Notes Soil behavior type is the classification of the soil based on its behavior and not necessarily the actual soil type ■ Silty Sand to Sandy Silt ❑ Sand to Silty Sand u Sand ■ Gravelly Sand to Sand ■ Very Stiff Fine Grained (Silt & Clay) ■ Very Dense Sand to Clayey Sand GER P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Cone Penetration Test CPT-1 Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC QRL----W^- Project No: 110-6171 Test Date: Jun. 24, 2013 NorthingfLatitude: 34.58861 Total Depth: 58.7 (ft) Est. Water Depth: 10 (ft) Easting/Longitude:-77.44353 Termination Criteria: Refusal Rig/Operator: ConeTec Surface Elevation: 30 (ft) Cone Size: 15 Cfn2 Depth Tip Resistance Sleeve Friction Friction Ratio Pore Pressure SBT, Equivalent £Ian► 00 — Qt — f. — Rr — uz — — u, MAI = 1 — Ns,, M (tsf) 06 (74 (psi) 75 150 225 300 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 20 40 60 10 100 0 30 Sands, Clean Sand to Silty Sand rJ............. ............. .. ... ... ... .. _ .. .. ... ............. ......., 25 Sands - Clean Sand to Silty Sand 10 "' "' .."' "'................... Silt Mixtures . Clay Silt to 20 Silly Clay 1 Sill Wdures - Clay Sin to 15 .. .. ... ... .. .. :I.... Silty clay ....... 15 i Silt Mixtures - Ctay Silt to I Silty Clay 20 .. .. ... .. .. .. ............. .. ............ ;1.... ... .. ....... 1a Silt Mixtures - Day Sill to - Silly Clay 25 ... ;... ....... ... ....:... ... ... I I.... ... .. ..... 5 l Silt Mixtures - ctay sin to t Silly Clay .. ... ..... ..... ;...... .......... .... ... .- .. .A...: .. ........i....i..;.{.; Q 35 ...... ................ ..... i . ............. -5 i 40 .... ..y........... ..... 5...... ............:... .. �...... ...,....., .... a...... 3... �..}..... {...... �. .. ............ i.}iir• -10 j - , Sand Mixtures - Silty i t Sand to Sandy Silt t.:..... i 4$ :. ._.............. .....�... .C................... ... ..- ... .. .. ...... :..... Sand Mndures - Silly ..............�....l. -15 :7 7 [ Sand to Sandy Silt �¢ 50 .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ._ .. ....t..... ....�' ... ... .. ............ -20 o k Sands - Clean Sand to € 55 ............ ... .. .. .. ... ... .. ....�......:......:..... Silly Sand ............ -25 Sand MiAvres -Silty i Sand to Sandy Silt o o111111111 � Page 1 of 1 Bedranic Filename: 13-55027 CP01.be/PT-1 SHEAR WAVE VELOCITY TESTS GER CO� ConeTec Shear Wave Velocity Data Reduction Sheet -w Hole: CPT-1 Location: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Cone: AD349 Date: 24-Jun-13 Source: Beam Source Depth 0.00 m Source Offset 2.15 m Tip Depth Geophone Travel Path Interval time Velocity Velocity Interval Interval (m) Depth(m) (m) (ms) (m/s) (ft/s) Depth (m) Depth (ft) 0.00 3.05 2.85 3.57 4.60 4.40 4.90 7.45 178.1 584.3 3.62 11.89 6.10 5.90 6.28 8.62 160.4 526.4 5.15 16.90 7.65 7.45 7.75 10.65 138.4 454.1 6.67 21.90 9.15 8.95 9.20 7.86 184.6 605.5 8.20 26.90 10.70 10.50 10.72 4.91 308.0 1010.4 9.72 31.91 12.20 12.00 12.19 2.79 528.3 1733.2 11.25 36.91 13.75 13.55 13.72 3.61 423.6 1389.6 12.77 41.91 15.25 15.05 15.20 2.52 589.7 1934.7 14.30 46.92 16.80 16.60 16.74 3.12 492.7 1616.6 15.82 51.92 17.90 17.70 17.83 2.57 424.7 1393.4 17.15 56.27 FIELD PERMEABILITY TESTS GER MFASIIRFMFNT AF FTFI n SATIIRATFD HYDRAtILTC C0Nn"CTTVTTY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project #: 110-6171 V.- Nnenlal G=d-ata, MI-d- Ma[CflaW . ,.I`MY9. `al hd..tr.yqf ane Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. Go*Fndmnmental ft., rces. kw. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 Conadtkq Enptneen Boring/Test No: BMP-1 0 3.06 Setup Data Test Date: 26-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 91.4 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 213.4 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 152.4 (cm) Reservoir Height: 30.5 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cmz) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 24 (°C) Soil Description: SAND SP-SM tan Fine Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings ReadingTime Actual _.. Now HH:mm:ss�_ Reservoir Level Time Interval _Water Consum on -------._._._.. - -Scm� --- �m��_...__j---____�min�-------1--� �_ ...gym. ��.__. ._ __ _Flow Rake _L.M/Tnh ini 0 7:24:00 19 2110 1 7:24:19 16 2353 -------- 0.3 3 9.47 -- 7688.06__ 2 3 �_--- 7:24:34 7:24:46 ------------------- 14 12 ------------------ 2515 2677 ---------------------- 0.2 0.2 ------------ 2 2 _243_- 162 162 8.00 10.00 648.59 --------------- 4 ---------------------- - 7:25:02 - 10 -- 2839 ---- --------- 0.3 ----------- 2 --- 162 -------- ----- 7.50 ------ ---810.73--- -- I 608.05 --- 5 6 _- 7:25:18 7:25:33 8 6 3001 3164 0.3 0.3 2 2 _ 162 162 7'50 8.041 1 608.05 648.59 7 7,25:50 4 3326 0.3 2 162 7.06- 572.28 ------------------------ 8 ------- 7:26:06 2 3488 0.3 2 162 ---- 7.50 608-05 ------------------ 900.0 a00.0 7. d 600.0 500.0 c 400.0 t` 300.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Krsat L = 141.9 LJh = 7,10 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Ktsat = 0.334 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kt,at = 7.891 in/hr C = 1.70 by ReynOds et al., 1993 Kt.t = 0.299 cm/min Vk/V, = 1.13 Kteat = 7,063 in/hr AVG = 0.317 7.48 cm/min in hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex En rkon entaI Groundwater Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Le1eune, NC 11-dous Matari a% R na�stnalHygaq GER Project #: 110.6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ' C�oEnd onmen �I Resour , Inc. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 consuNirg Engineer Boring/Test No: BM P-2 4.00 Setup Data Test Date: 26-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 121.9 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 213.4 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 213.4 (cm) Reservoir Height: 0.3 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm2) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 24 (°C) Soil Description: Silty SAND (SM), orange -brown, fine Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings -------T---------------------------r Reading ...��....... - - - Time Actual Reservoir Level Time Interval Water Consumption -- - Flow Rate No. HH:mmas I Cm mL min) cm ' --------------------------------------- mL cm min mL min �' L ------------------------- 0----- -� ------ - _ 17 - - - -- ------- • - - •-- j 2272 i - --�--1 -- ' ------------1- ...._. _ ........................ ---(------------------------------ __- 7.36-34 - 4-------1---------�------2353------a---------1 6---------�----- 1--+------81------ -- --- �=64----►--- -- 75 2 7:37:55 I 15 2434 1.3 1 I 81 0.74 60.05 -- - - - 3 - - --- -------- F---- ---------- 1 s 14 -F ------------------- i----------- --- -- --- -- -- - - - I 2515 I 1.4 1 81 --- ---- t - 0.7i_-_;___ 57.23__ _ _____ 4- _-_____7.39- - -- - I 7-40-------13 -------- t - - ---- - i - - - - t -- 2596 1 t- ___ -757.91 - -- 5 -- �07 --- --------=------- - - i - s�-- _}... ....... 0.7Z- 58.61 -------------- ______ ____ ----_._..------- -__a---- _.._------- ____�__ __.__._ �j_______________-- _ - -- - - _ - --------------- a - -- ----------- --� - - - -- i I - - - -- - ------------------ - ----- - - - ---- ---------------- -- - - - - ---------- 1- -- - -----------------------•---------- -- ---------- --------------!---- ------ - - --- - -----_--------- ------- 70.0 60.0 50.0 a 40.0 30.0 u=0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kr�t L = 111.4 L/h = 5.57 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Krsat = 0.033 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Krw = 0.789 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kr,,,t = 0.029 cm/min Vk/V, = 1.13 Krsat = 0.678 in/hr AVG = 0.031 cm/min 0.73 in/hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Operations GER ProjectLocation: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. Contract #: I1 0-113-5304 'G HyV.n. oEi—t.1 R.. I.. I �FR :, ./Test No:rl 1 Setup Data Test D.Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 121.9 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 213.4 Borehole - Depth to Impermeable Reservoir Height: 1 r Constant.. 20.0Temperature: Soil Description:orang2 and r.n, fine — Soil Alpha:0.12 5 (cm) Field Readings .•ingTime Actual. .sui&n 1 1 11 1 •1 1: .• 1 1 1 1 � 1 • iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii 1 Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, of • 991 0.032 i 1 by Reynolds '• 0.027 1 0.029 0.70 MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTTVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex F.n yr me„lal Gsou"dwaf or Han rd ous Mafnrials Location: Stone Ba MCB Cam Le-eune, NC®fawn Y, p 1 i°a' hd�sfri�iriyv+a"e CyEiZ Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ' GooEnaronmonrni ��o r�"5, inc. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 cws„ffi gengi""ate Boring/Test No: BMP-5 @ 2.59 Setup Data Test Date: 26-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 76.2 H (cm) Depth to Water Tabfe: 274.3 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 91A (cm) Reservoir Height: 45.7 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81A A (cmz) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature; 24 (°C) Soil Description: Silty SAND (SM), brown, fine Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings ---------------.------------i---------------------------r Reading Time Actual ----------- ---------- -------------------- -- ------------------- - I Reservoir Level Time Interval , Water Consumption .__ -_ _---- - ---__-_- r------- --------------- ----- Flow Rate _ No. ? HH:mmas ! cm mt ! min cm �t )-------i----(-Tl---- mL CTQ----•-i---1- ! cm min m ipiJ-�---._:_� ------ ----- __-_.-------}--------------LT-1------•------ 0 8:12.00 ! 21 1947 i I -------------------------- --- = -----------t--------- ---------Y------- ------- ,---- - -Ti 1 8.13:12 - --- - - 20 2029 I 1.2 1 I 81 --r - " - -- �- - -E -- 0.83 67.56 a--------------- ------- - 2 8:14:33 19 2110 1.3 I 1 I 81 0.74 ; 60.05 - -----E-------- 3 8:16:05 s------------------+----------------------+-------------f------81 I 18 e 2191 i 1.5 I 1 i -----+-----�----►----- .6552.87 - -- -- - - t-- - 4 8:17:39 - 1----------+--------------------- +------------ -r--------------- 17 2272 1.6 1 81 i--------------- r 51.75 0.64 ------- 5 --- -- - - ---- ------ -4 235317 1 �$1 .... .6--- ....... ------ .---- ._ --------- --__1.6 ---- ---- --- ---- - 6 8:20:56-- 15 •---- 1 81 0.62 E 50.15 - -- - -- $22:34 - - -- - ---- - j ---- - -- ----- -- ---�2434 - _ --- ---------- _--- ------- -------- 14 2515 1.I7 ---� -----------------+------------------- j---------------------- }--- ------------ +-------- 81 ------ --- -------------- 0.61 49.64 ------E. _ ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ --- --- --------------- }---------------------- }--------------- i--------------- a-- -------- ---k--------------- �--- - --- ---- - ---------t---------------- -- F------ ---- t---- ----------------- }--------------- h------ ------- i-------------- f------- --- - ----------------- -- - -• -- ------------ -------------------- ----------- ---------------------------t-----------------------------------------------,-------------- - - -- I - -- --- ----- = -- -- - - --- - ---= - ------ I----------------------------- 80.0 70.0 60.0 40.0 30.0 - 20.0 10.0 - 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kt,,t L = 218.1 L/h = 10.91 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Kf,t = 0.028 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kf,, = 0.671 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Ktsat = 0.024 cm/min VJVd = 1.13 Krsat = 0.574 in/hr 0.026 cm/min LAVG = 0.62 in/hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Location: Stone Bay' p � MCB Cam Le'eune, NC GER Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 Env -neat Gr d-t-r H-nrd.m M41ar1 pia Gee -clinical ha uehNl Hygi one riCoE.-AMnm W Ft. rr:ns.1- conaultlrq englneon Boring/Test No: BMP-10 0 4.02 Setup Data Test Date: 27-3un-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 121.9 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 243.8 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 243.8 (cm) Reservoir Height: 0.3 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 27 (°C) Soil Description: SAND (SP-SM),_tan, fine Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings Reading - Time Actual Reservoir Level --------- - - - ---------------------------- Na. HH:mmas cm ! mL o 18:29:00 i 20 1......zoz ----- 1 18.29.27 ----------- -----� - =- - + --1-------------2353 -- - --3 ----- --�- - 18 29:59 - -- �- - -3- ---- - --- 2596------ -- - - ---i------------------------ - t---- ----------- --- -- ------ 4 _ 18.30.16 12 2677 - ------------------- ------------- - - 5 -- 18:3_0:34 _ 11- _ 2758 6 18:3a:52 -- - -10 2839 7 l 18:31.09 i 9 -3 2920 --------------------a---------------- - - -- - -- - - -- a----------------- - j - - - - ---------- - -- I _----------- j------------------- I ; ------------------ -- - --- ----- - - - - I - - - - - --- Time Interval I• min - --------------- 0.3 ________i__-__Z ------- 0.3--------I------- ---------------t------- 0.3 --------------------- __ 0.3 W 0.3 0.3 i - ---- - ----- ---�- Water Consumtion cm i--------------- __.___ ------t----- - - 1 -1 -- 1---- _ 1- - - - -- ----------- -----�- mL --------------- 324 162- 81--------------- I -------- 81 -- ----- 81 ___l3.33 _ 81 - 81 -------------- -------------- - ---- - Flow Rate ---- - - -- cm min mL min -------------- i------------- 8.89 720.65 - 7.50 - 606.05 --------- 3,75----t 304.02 ---- -- t ------ ---- 3.53 286.14 - - _ 270.24 - 3 3.33 - ! 270.24 3.53 1 286.14 __..._- ---t - ------ - - --------------}-------------- -- _ _ .._-�= -- - 800.0 - 700.0 600.0 500.o # 400.0 300.0 - - - -_ 4. - 200.0 100.0 - 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Ki,i L = 141.9 L/h = 7.10 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Kis,i = 0.158 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kiwi = 3.726 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kiwi = 0.145 cm/min Vk/Vd - 1.20 KI.t = 3.416 in/hr AVG = 0.151 cm/min 3.57 In hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Envro nrne°lal Groun dwnte, H-rdous Matorinls Location: Stone Say,MCB Cam Lejeune, NC p 1 ®`Hygi . hduevalHyBivno GER Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd.oEndmnm w�I Res°°r`°eInc Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304InM Boring/Test No: BMP-11 0 3.5' Setup Data Test Date: 27-]un-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 106.7 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 274.3 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 243.E (cm) Reservoir Height: 15.2 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 27 CC) Soil Description: SAND (SP-SM), tan and white, fine Soi! Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings -------- - - - - ---------- Readin Time Actual ----------------- - Reservoir Level Time Interva# Water C----- tion ------ Flow Rate ------------------- No. :m1 m srn m(cm mLjmiqj. ---- -- - 0 18:16:00 i 1947 *-------------- --� -- - - ----------------------------------------»---------•--- 18:16:27 18 2191 243 6.67 540.49 --1- - ---� - - - - t -- -- { - 2 i 18:16:42 I 16 2353 1 0.2 2 I 162 i 8.00 648 59 _, - _ 18:17:02-- -- 14 - 2515 - f-- - 0.3 - - )----- -2-----t-_-- ---_ ----- - -- 162 6-�� 486.44_ - - -3 - - - r - - -- ----- r - - --------t----------- ------t------- -t 4 � - 18:17:29 -- lz 2677 0.5 2 - - - �._ ...- - - - - - i - 162 : - 4.44 360.33 - - --- - -- 5 --- - ---- 18.17:55 - 10 2839 0.4 - 2 ------- - -- - - - - - --- ---- -------------- - - - - - - -- -#-- 18.18_19 ----------------- 3001 ----' 0.4 -- 162 ------ }-- 162 ; 462 - --- -4- 374.18- - 5,a - :- 405 37 7 18:18:44 I 6 3164 t- 0.4 I 2 162 4.80 389.15 --------- -------------- -------- -- - - ----- --- -------- ---------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------- i ---------------- ------ i----- -------- --------- -- i--------------- -t------ ------- i-- ------------ t--------------- ------------------- -------- '------------- ------ --------------------- --- --I-- ------- --------._.._ --- - Imo-__-_- -- --- - '-- ----- - _..J----------- -------- ------ --------- . _ _ . _..... �_. • _ ^- - -- --- ---- ----- ---- ----- --- - ----- --t ------ ----------------------------- - - ----------------------------- 700.0 600.0 500.0 Y 400.0 0 300.0 LL 200.0 100.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivityr Kfsat L = 187,6 L/h = 9.36 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Kf,dt = 0.227 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kf,t = 5.366 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kft = 0.199 cm/min VJVd = 1.20 Kr., = 4.694 in/hr AVG = 0.213 cm/min 5.03 in/hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Location: Stone Bay,MCB Cam Le'eune, NC P J GER Project #: 1i0-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 G nwmdrn+or H Grp ors Yalari AFf GnrechniW hd--"r Hyg e ConFR.EnW��talResmrcm Im Boring/Test No: BMR-1210 3.06 Test Date: Test Depth: Borehole Diameter: Reservoir Height: Constant Head: Soil Description: Setup Data 28-Jun-13 91.4 H (cm) Depth 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to 30.5 D (cm) 20.0 h (cm) Water Silty SAND (SM), dark gray, fine, w/ organics Investigator: CFC to Water Table: 152.4 S (cm) Impermeable: 213.4 (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm) Temperature: 24 (°C) Soil Alpha: 0.12 ------ -Reading No. ............................y_.-__ ----------- 4 - -- 1 2 - 3 - - ----- - _ 4 5 -- - - ---------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- - ------.--------------------- Time Actual i �HH. mm ss� __- --- 12.10,00 -_ 12:12:50 12:14:24 1 12:16:12 t -- -- - -- 12.18:01 - 12:19:49 - -4 _ Reservoir - _�cm} - i-m�� -18 16 -15 14 --- -- ---- -- --13---- - I 12 -.-- -------------------- ---- ---- - Field Readings ----I--------- Level -_--._. - -2191 2353 2434_____ -2515 - - -- ------2596----- I 2677 ------------ ----------------- - -- --- -I -- Time Interval Water Consumption (min)- ' �cm _ - -------(------------ _ _____-- 8 _- z 1-- 1 - - - 1.8 - - 1 - - -------- t--------------- ------- --- i- -- 1 - 1.8 1 - - - - - ' ---------- --------- r--- ; - (mLi -; ---•----------- 162 81 -__ _ fi $1- - ------- - - 81- - a 81 --- --- ------ ----- ------------- -- - Flow Rate - �cmjmin� i �mLLmin� ---------------(------------ 0.71 57.23 -__-0.64____ -__ 51.75 0-16 - f 45_04-- t 0.55 -- --t - 44_63 _0.56 45_04 -- ----•---- - I ------- ---- ---- --------- ------Et�, ------ ----- ----------------- ------ - 70.0 60,0 50.0 CM 40.0 0 30.0 -- 20.0 - 10.0 0.0 0 1 2 Reading 3 4 5 6 No. L = L/h = h/r = C = V,/V, Calculations 81.0 4.05 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 4.85 1.70 by Reynolds = 1.13 Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kf.t 1990 Kisat = 0.026 cm/min Kt,t = 0.615 in/hr et al., 1993 Kt,,t = 0.022 cm/min K��, = 0.520 in/hr AVG = 0.024 cm/min O.S7 In hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex En vko entaI Grnun d-ter Haard- Materials Location: Stone Bay,MCB Cam Le'eune, NC P 1 Ge°l Hygi cal Ytdu�trearFiygr.ne GEZ Project #: 110-6171 Client: C_ Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd.Contract R5°°"°'' inc. #: N40085-10-D-5304 CorJ,M_'_n'_'ntaI Boring/Test No: BMP-13 1.5' Setup Data Test Date: 28-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 45.7 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 91.4 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 152.4 (cm) Reservoir Height: 76.2 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm2) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 24 CC) Soil Description: Silty SAND (SM), brown, fine, trace roots Soil Alpha: 0.12 Feld Readings ---- -----•------------------- Reading Time Actual Reservoir Level Time Interval Water Consumption --------------- ------------------------- -------------- ; Flow Rate - - - - - - - - No_ HH:mmas ! cm ! mL min cm �- (---- mL cm min m min 1 - ' - - - - - -------•------- - • ---�- 0 12:46:00 i 23 i 1785 i - - 1 12,49:03 ; 20 2029 3A 3 243 -----------------------4-----------=---------------------------- ------------------- 4-------------- --- +----..---- -----►---------------4------ 2 12:50:11 19 2110 1.1 1 t 81 -------+--- -------- 0.88 71.54 ---------------------------4-----------t------- - +-------t-- - - - - ----- 3 12:51:27 I 18 2191 13 I 1 81 - t -- 1 D.79 64.01 - - t-- - - t----- --------------- r------------------- t---------------------- t----- -- - - --------i------ 4 12:52:38 y 17 2272 1.2 ; 1 B1 - r ; 0.85 68.51 5 --0 16----------- ---------------•-------- 0.83 67 56 ----------------------- ----1------ -- - ---' -------i-------------(-----51------j - - ---------- ------ 6 12:55:04 ! 15 2434 1.2 ! 1 ! -- • - - --------------T---------- ------ -- - _- - - 81 - 0.81 i 65.74 ---------------r-------------- ------------------- - - - - + - -- --4 --- -- +--- - - E--------------- a--------------- F-------------- I------------------------ ------- ---------------- f--------- -------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------- -- i----- -- ----E--------- i---------------1------------- ------------------------!------------------------- t------------------fi--- ------------ ----1---- ---------- f--..-_------- t------ ------- i---------- --------------- t t e i ________________________________________________»..r.-...«..----..---»-....-.----.- 90.0 - - 80 0 - _ 70.0 a 60.0 s0.0 - 0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reading No, Calculatlons Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kf�r L = 65.7 L/h = 3.29 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Kr�at = 0.037 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kfsat = 0.883 in/hr C = 1,70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kf,t = 0.033 cm/min V,/V,, = 1,13 Kf,,t = 0.780 in/hr AVG = 0.035 cm/min 0.83 in/hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Location: Stone Bay, MC8 Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. #: N40085-10-D-5304 G.o,.,dw.t.. 41-rdM.canat. nd.,. .'},Y�:�:' ri `.9Oe5'tn`Contract ConRR Boring/Test No: PP-1 Q 2.0' Test Date: Test Depth: Borehole Diameter: Reservoir Height: Constant Head: Sail Descrlption: Setup Data 27-]un-13 Investigator: 61.0 H (cm) Depth to Water 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 15.2 D (cm) Reservoir 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: Silty SAND (SM), brown, fine Soil CFC Table: 121.9 S (cm) 182.9 (cm) Area: 81.1 A (cm2) 27 (°C) Alpha: 0.12 ---------------- ------------- ReadingTime -----No. - - 0 1 Field Readings ---- ----__----------------------------------- -- ----- Actual Reservoir Level Time HH:mm_ss� cm�. _. ..�mL�------;(mint_- 12:48:00 24 1704 - 12:48:51 20 2029 - --------------------- - - Interval Water Consumption Flow Rate �cm� _Sm_ L�_ _t�cTLmin ern �LMinj 0.8 4_ 324 4.71 381.52 _ 2 -- ------ 3 12:50:04 12:51.16 18 ------- 16 _ 2191 ( ...__._._ 2353 ._�.... 1.2 -- 1.2 _- - 2 ------- - 2 _ 162 162 1_ 64 _ 1.67 - 133_27 135.12 4 5 12.52:31 12:53:45 14 12 2515 2677 1.3 1.2 2 2 162 162 1.60 1.62 129.72 131.47 ------------ ----- 6 ---: - --- 12.55.02 -- 10 ------_--- 2839 1.3 2 _----------- 162 ------------ 1.56 - --- - 126.35 450.0 400.0 350.0 300.0 250.0 c 2000. U_ 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 Reading No. 4 5 6 7 L = LJh = h/r = C = Vk/Va = Calculations Field Saturated 81.0 4.05 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 4.85 1.70 by Reynolds et 1.20 Hydraulic Conductivity, Kft 1990 Kra = 0.074 cm/min Kftm = 1.742 in/hr al., 1993 Kft = 0.067 cm/min Kft = 1.586 in/hr AVG = 0.070 cm/min 1.66 l hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex F— nm ani a Groundwa,er H as rd oue Malo rich Location: Stone Bay, MCB Cam Le ee, NC y p un Gw[echnical hd u.W. Hygi— GER Project #: 110-6171 Client C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ' G°oEnylmnmen tri :{°nourc°s. Inc Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 c^nsu�ung engine°n Bohng/Test No: PP-2 0 1.50 Setup Data Test Date: 27-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 45.7 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 61.0 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 83 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: N/A (cm) Reservoir Height: 30.5 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cmz) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 27 (°C) Soil Description: Sil SAND SM dark gray,fine Soil Alpha: 0.12 Feld Readings -- -- - ---------- r- - — --- — --------r----------------------------------- - Reading Time Actual Reservoir Level Time Interval T Water Consumption Flow Rate No. i HH:mmas �- _ - -- ---- -- - i (cm i mL min} i cm ) • • mL -------------- cm m19 mL min ' 1 - '• 1 - - --- --------•---- - - - - - -�- ---� -- -- - - -� --• - 13._30:00 ir22 1866 i __ ______-_— _____—______;__________________________________________________ _y______________________t_____________—__i-______________-�i _____________-__- ___________ - - ---01 ----si 1331 ----._-- 211947- 11 1 1 81 0B8 1,54 -- ----- ----i - - - a•---- --- --- --- ---- --- ----- ---- ------------ ------- 2 i 13:32:30 I 20 1 2029 1 81 0.73 ---------- --- ------ - ----- 13: --------- ----------- -0- + -- 75 60.80 213 -- -1-_- _- ------------------------- 4 13:35:11 --- -- a-- --- - ----593--2 - -- t - 18 2191 1.4 4-60.05 - - - 5-------13:36:31 --------------------------- - - - -- t--- -- ---------- 17---- ---' 2272 - i - -- - 1 - --1- - - --- —81 t-------- -----0- ----- ;-------------- -t -=� -- 60.80 - _------- -_--_---_—_______—______—______Y____________—_r______________ i ; - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - ---a- - -- - -- t--------------------------------------- f------------ -: i - --------------- t -- --- --- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------- ------- ------------ -- - - — F------------ i--------- --- 1 -- - ------- t-------- ------- i----------- ----+--------------- r r I --------- - —i - - - I- -- ------------- +--- — -------- —I------------- I -- - -- I ---------- 80.0 - 70.0 60.0 50.0 ro 40.0 -— u 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kr,,,t L = 35.2 L/h = 1.76 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Kfsat = 0.050 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Krsat = 1.181 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kr,,, = 0.031 cm/min VJVd = 1.20 Kf,,t = 0.742 in/hr AVG = 0•041 cm/min 0.96 in hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project P-1349 Special OperationsEnv Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project 1 —ental Contract #* 11 O-D-5304 cm :• ■ No: fl Test r. Test Depth: Setup Data Investigator: Depthr Water Table: Borehole Diameter: : Depth to Impermeable Reservoir• *Reservoir Constant. Soil Description: 20.0Temperature: SAND (SP-SM), black and gray, fine Soil Alpha: 0.12 Reading . Field Readings ---- • • • • Rate i 11 7:30:00 12 1• 1 .� . 1 . 1'1 .1 0,92 1: 1 1 1 i :. 69.49 11 1 G--_—_—! C-----_ --- ----- 250.0 !_!_!_!___ �__/�1� .■—www _------------- wwwww_R_�_�_�_�_�_.—��_!_____!__!!_ w!w!l���i�•.lr��wwwwww ww wwwwwwwwwww�.�.ww �����. IU 200,0 �ww■rws��wwwwwwwwwwwww ��� r'.� tea■—m�_�_ ■■.l.R�w!!!w!w!!!!!! www����r��..:www�!! _!__w 150.0 !w!_arr.rrr• !!lw wwl� •!_!w__rr!_!!lr.r�wwwwwwwww_____! rrwlrrrrwrrwrrrrw wwwwwwwlwl w!!!_ UL 1000 50.0 w !!!!! w__ w_wwwl���!!!!!r� !!—ww..rwww--wwww ■ar�C�� wwwwwww wwwww w��� www __www 0.0 wwwww lrrwwarwwwwwww ww 1 No. wwwww wwwww!!! CalculationsReading Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kt,t by US Bureau of Reclamation,991 0.061 1 by Reynolds0.034 0.806 0.048 MFASIIRFMFNT OF FTFLD SATl1RATFD HVnRAl1LTC CONnl1CTTVTTV Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex En v ►o"antal Graw dw:tar HaaMam Matarac4 Location: Stone Bay' MCB Camp LeIeuner NC l Fd ueralHyprlans UR Project #: 110-6171 C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ��F.vi r � m'tA 'Client: 3 "CSOpTG . Inc - Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 cw,.uldrrg Engineor• Boring/Test No: PP-4 0 1.0' Setup Data Test Date: 27-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 30.5 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 45.7 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 182.9 (cm) Reservoir Height: 45.7 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm2) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 24 (°C) Soil Description: Silty SAND (SM), black, fine Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings -------------------- __-- - --------- ----- - - - - - - - Readin -- Time Actual Reservoir Level ;Time Interval Water Consumption- I Flow Rate N0=(cm mL�� �cm�i ��_.. w --- C�mi"1 -.._ min ---------- --�HH:mm:ss� - --- a 7:10:00 27- `(min) - -{ _ ..._ .�.m 1461 ------------------ -- - -- -- - 1 7:11:19 25 ---------------------------- ----- 16231.3 --- -------- --------- -------- --- 2162 ------- 1.52 ----------------- 123.15 2------_ ;48 24--- 171J4--- 1.5 81 Q 67 54.66 ---------- _. _ _ ...7:12 --- - --- 3 7:14:19 - -- 17851.5 ----1---- - -- 1 - 81 - 0_66 ---- -- 53.45 - 4 7:15:51�- _23 22 1866 1.5 1 - 81 - 0.65- _ 52.87 ---------------------- 5 -----------------------w------ 7:17.24 ------------- 21 ----------------- 1947 .6 1 81 0.65 -52_31 ---------- --------------- ------------ ___ ---------- --------- -- ... ...._ - ------ - ......----------- ---- - -- -- -- - ��_ ---------------�- .�- -�- - ---------- - -_-- - _-------- - ------- ---- --- --- ---- -- -------------__ 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 3 60.0 O - t� 40.0 20.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kr,,,t L = 35.2 L/h = 1.76 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Kfsat = 0.044 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kfeat = 1.029 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kfsat = 0.026 cm/min Vk/Va = 1.13 Krt = 0.618 in/hr AVG = 0.035 cm/min 0.82 in/hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex £n vto nmentai Ground-t- H-dous Mat.dah Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC hd si';,`e;ef1.' CAR Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Barnforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ' Grofndronn,entsi Resources. Inc.. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 ConeuHing Enginoara Boring/Test No: PP-7 @ 1.01 Setup Data Test Date: 27-3un-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 30.5 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 30.5 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 243.8 (cm) Reservoir Height: 45.7 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm1) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 24 (°C) Soil Description: SAND (SP-5M), dark gray, fine, wet Soil Alpha: 0.12 field Readings --------------------------,---------------------------r---------------------------------------- ---------__-----....____T------------ ..__-•------------ Readin_9 Time Actual Reservoir Level T Time Interval ; Water Consumption ------ •------------------------ 1--------- --------------------- Fiow Rate --- No. HH:mmas (cm) -CmLj--_ ! (minI.____ (cml_- Cal____- icmjmi� - - ----------� -�� rt-_ ---- - -- -- .......__. ___ ° 1------�g---------------i3ao------1------ ` !-------------;------------'-------------- _LmLlmin ---------�_az_oa I_ _______________ ------------ - = =51 26---------� =�------f----56.89--- --------- ----- -- --- -- ---- ----- -1542------j-----------=a--------------------------162-----a---- 2 7.47.21 24 1704 2.5 2 0.8- 64.86 --- -----------------162-----�---- - -- - _ - + --- 3 i 7:4& 23 1785 1.5 1 81 - i 0.66 53.45 ----- - ---------- - 4 7.50:22 y 2Z ; 1866 ; i.5 i 1 ; 81 0.67 ; 54.05 _ - - 5 7:51: 53 21 ! 1947 1.5 -_ 1 - --- --- - - ----------------------r------------------ -- ------------ -- --- 81 - - - , 0.66 53.45 ------------------------- ------------------- -------- ---- '---- ---------------- -- --- -- - - ----- ----- ----- - --------- , -- ------------- ------------- - - 4--- --------- ------------ - ---- €--- -------- ------------------------------------ - - - - - --- -- ---- ---------------- -----_-_----------- ' ------------- ---------- --------------- »_- -___--I-- ------- ------------- ------ -------- -__J---------- ----------- i_------------ -------- - ---------------- ----------- ----.-------------- ------a----____________________-i----__--____--------_---`-_-_---___--�_____--__ _--_ ! I---------------------- 70.0 60.0 50.0 all CM 40.0 p 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0 1 3 3 4 5 6 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kfsat L = 20.0 L/h = 1.00 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 K(�t - 0.022 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kf,t - 0,529 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et at., 1993 Kfsat = 0.026 cm/min Vk/Vi, = 1.13 Kfsai = 0,622 in/hr 0.024 cm/min AVG = 0.58 in/hr MFASIIRFMFNT AF FTFLD SATIIRATFD HYDRAULIC CONnUMVTTY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project #: 110-6171 0-ndi .t- II-rd0- 1141wi Alb „d.s d,, Hygi anei Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ' C�oEn-Amnm tnl Reswrzm Im Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 Cansullinq Enginaets Boring/Test No: PP-8 a 1.09 Setup Data Test Date: 27-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 30.5 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 137.2 5 (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 213.4 (cm) Reservoir Height: 45.7 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 27 (°C) Soil Description: SAND (SP-SM),_brown, fine, trace roots - Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings Reading Time Actual Reservoir Level-- - Time Interval Water Consumesbon -- Flow Rate N°----- cm � mL3 cm mom-(cm/min) Cm 191 ------------ ------ 0 13:10:00 --�--�min.�- 25 1623 ---------------------------------- 1 --- 13.10:39 ---------------------------------- 20 2029 ----------------------- 5 ------- 405 -------- --------- ---- - - - -- - z _ _ 13.11:07 -- - - - -- - - -_0.7 - 18 2191 0.5 2 -7.69- 162 4.29 -� -623.64 - W 347.46 3 13:11:33 16 2353 0.4 2 162 4.62 374.18 4 13,11:55 14 2515 0.4 2 162 5.45 442.22 - - --5 - 13:12:18 12 2677 - 0.4 2 162 5.22 422.99 - -- - - 5 13:12:44 10 2839 0.4 2 162 4.62 374.18 --------- --------- 7 13:13:18 8 -------- 3001 0.6 2 162 3.53 ---------- 266.14 8 13.13.51 6 3164 0.5 2 162 3.64- 294.81 - 9 _� - -------- -- ------- - - -- r---------- -_ 13:1424 I - -- - -- --- - - 4 3326 0.5 2 162 -____--_--- 3.64 - 294,81 ----------- - ------- ---- - ------ 700.0 600.0 - m ae 400.0 - p 300.0 - - - - 20ao l - 100.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reading No. Calculatlons Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kr,,t L = 126.7 L/h = 6.33 by U5 Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Krsat = 0.167 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Krsat = 3.945 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Krsat = 0.162 cm/min VI/V1 = 1.20 Kr�at = 3.837 in/hr AVG = 0.165 3.89 cm/min In hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex En vFo -eM.I Groundwater H-rdou• Mat•rlal• Location: Stone Bay,MCB Cam Le', NC p %eune G®techniecal hd u•vrl Hygl ne GER Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd.^ ' ^ten rental Resources. lnc. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 Cannel ling Engincan Boring/Test No: PP-9 a 1.01 Setup Data Test Date: 27-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 30.5 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 76.2 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 83 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 213.4 (cm) Reservoir Height: 45.7 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm') Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 27 (°C) Soil Description: SAND (SP-SM), gray, fine, trace roots Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings - - Reading r - - -- r•- Time Actual Reservoir Level Time Interval --------------------- Water Consumption--� ------- -- Flow Rate No. -_------------------------------_ . ,_ _-._-__ _ _ _ -____. _ ---------- 0 ------ 1 ---- 13 00 00 -- 19 - -------211-- --------- -------------- ---- - --- - 13 00 24 16 2353 0.4 ---------- 3 } j---------------:------------- 243 7.50 s 608.05 2 i 13:00:42 15 s 2434 0.3 1 81 s 3.33 270.24 - --- - 3 t ---------- - -- --- - -- - -- --- --- 13.00:54 14 2515 0,2 - - - 1 -- 81 - - - - - - 5.00 405.37 4 s 13:01: 04 2596 j- 0.2 1 81 6.00 486.44 - 5 -:::::1 --- -- - - --- - -13- - - - --- 13:Oi116 _'-_-12 - _ 2677 _ _s_ - 0 2 - i ---------- �wi --------- 81 ------------------------ S.OD 405.37 6 13:01:2$ 11 275$ 0.2 1 $i S.OD 405.37 _ -7 _ -_ {- 13:01_40 - ' 10 2839 _____! - 0.2 - _ 1 81 r 5.00-_F_ 405_37 _ -- --- - - - - f--------- -- - - - - - - -_- -- ------------------ ------------ ------------�- ---------- --- - --- --- -----------1----------- :__ _-----= ! -- --- l------------ ---- ----- -- ---- -- -----1--------------------- I_----------- 700.0 600.0 500.0 a 400.0 0 300.0 u 200.0 100.0 0-0 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kt,,t L = 65.7 L/h = 3.29 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Ktsat = 0.237 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kr.t = 5.589 in/hr C = 1,70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 K,,t = 0.219 cm/min Vk/Va = 1.20 Kr., = 5,177 in/hr AVG = 0.228 cm/min 5.38 in hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY • . Operations Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Ind—tral Hyg Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. Contract #: 00: . ,. :. 1.1 Setup . Test ..te: 27-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 33.5 H (cm) Dep.. Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable. 76.2 (cm) Reservoir Height: 42.7 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 -A (CM2) Head:Borehole Constant Description.Soil black,Alpha: Field Readings .. .. !!iilliiii!!!ii! !!_i_!_!__ii �!i!!_i!'!i!_i_i_i_!_!_i_ii!_i_ii!_i!!�•Ili! !!!! �i��iiiiiiili�ii�i��ili �il�.�.•, !!l�..�li liii!!i!i!! i !i!!! !i!iliiiiiliiii !i!! ! Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kl,,t Reclamation, .• Reynolds - { MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Env eo nm ental oraundw■ter Haardos Matert Ms Location: Stone Bay, MCB Cam Le NCC y eune, Ceotochni cal tid uetrle i Hygi one GE13 Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ' Gr oEnv mnmen tit Resources. Inc. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 Conaultirg Eng lneere Boring/Test No: PP-1Z 0 2.750 Setup Data Test Date: 27-Jun-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 83.8 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 243.8 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 243.8 (cm) Reservoir Height: 38.1 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm2) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 27 (°C) Soil Description: SAND (SP-SM), tan, fine Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings ------------------------- Reading No. --------------------------- ----- ---------------------..-..-__..-------- ------------ - -- - Time Actual Reser_voir_Level _ ,Time Interval Water Consumption Flow_Rate____ -- -- ---- -- - - - -- -- HH-mm-ss cm = mL min cm mL cm min m min -- --- - - - -- 0 ..._...._...J._-_ -�-- _--'---� 17 40.4U _ - - --i- -r -- ---� -�-._ __��-_w��- 26------ -------1542------------------------ __1 ----- --- 1 _ -2 -_ _ 3 17:40:27 22 _ 1866 0.5 r_ _ 4 ._--324 - 17 40_45 _- -- 20 - t 2029 -� ' ' 0.3 f --- 2 162 17:40:59 18 2191�-- 0.2 2 162w I 8.89 _ 720.65 6.67 540.49 8.57 694.91 - - ----------- -i - - - -- -- -- -- --- - - r -----...._-- ---------- 17:41:14 16 2353 r____- 0.3 2 162 I 8.00 648.59 -4 -- t------------ 5 6 17:41:35 17.41,54 _ --- - 62 _--______ ___ _ _ 14 2515 0.4 2 162_ 12 i 2677 0 3 2162 1463.28 _ _____�32 512.04 --5 2.04 -- - - -- - - 7 --- - :-= 17 42 17 28.39 0.4 I 2 162 5.22 422.99 ------- 8 - -10 - + _- _ w __ _-{_-_ _ ------ 17:42:40 8 3001 0.4 2 162 L 5.22 __422_99__ -_- -` #--------------------- - - ._�__ _-__.._._ �_.._.._...._._ ._. -------- I-------- ------ - ----- ---- 8D0.0 700.0 6DD.0 50Q0 400.0 300.0 200.D 1G&O 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kf.t L = 180.0 L/h = 9.00 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Kfeat = 0.247 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kfsat = 5.832 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kfsat = 0.237 cm/min Vk/V, = 1.20 Kf,t = 5.592 in/hr AV 1 = 0.242 cm/min 5.71 in/hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY • . Operations Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC 'G I Hygi Client: C. Allan Bamforlh, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. Contract #: f l: f l 1 :. ;1 2.51 Setup Data Test Date: Investigator: Depth:Test Table: Borehole Diameter:Impermeable: Reservoir Constant.+ Description:+ 20.0Temperature:• . 1 ,12 1 11 •' ------------ 1 ; 219 1 • 1 1 1 1.14 25151 :f ;• 18:06:5r. 13.87 1 1 f7:57 301 1162 1 3.751 1 11 18:08:28, i f f • wi#iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii#w i wi##i#i!w •.. 1 iiiiiiiw�iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii 1 Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, = Reclamation,Llh 7.86 by US Bureau of •1 Klsat = f .177 cm/min 1 by Reynolds0.163 1 0.170 • 1 MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY • • Operations Training Complex Gn dwator Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Ind u.t,i,1 Hygi... C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ContractClient: I 1 : 1 / 1 - :• • No: Setup Data Test /. •Investigator: CFC Test /-.1 Depth to Water Table:1. Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: N/A (cm) Reservoir Height: 15.2 D (cm) ReservoirArea: 81.1 A (cm') ConstantBorehole . 20.0Temperature:• • • • ' gray,.•ts Soil Alpha:1 Reading.12 Time AMal I Reservoir• tion Flow MGM=241 .1 1.2 . 1. . 1 1• • 1 1 1 1 MI 11 •1 'I • 1 . 11 1 11 ' 1 1 . 1 1: 1 � 11 • 1 16,07.40 1 li 1 11 1 aa�ai�iiaaia�i�i��si���ii w�M^��•arww��rw.•ri�•w.rwiiaiuri ii�irsi i�arr �iria�rrrrrr aaaa�� aaarF.....�,��.. ��lrwararwrwwlwwrwrrwwriaiwaiawaaiarrrrrrraraaarrrr rrwwrrrrrrrrarrriaaaiisiaraararrrrrrrrrasaaiaaaaa! 111 1 wwwwwrlwrr� w�wwwwwwwrr •rwaaiaw rarrrirriaararr aaiisaaaaNarrarrrrrrrrrarrrrraawiaiwwwrw! aiarrriwarrraarrrrrariaaarrrw� iawaiaraaar raaaaawrrra>•irr aaarrrrrraaariwwwaaarw riwwrrwwww :111 aaw���ww�rll�iapl rrwwwwrrrrar �*;���IMr��w������ aiaiaaaaaaaaaaa ��wrrrrraarrrwr rrra�i��R���i��� rawawwwwwrrr lwrwwrraraaa�.aaaaaaawaaawa .rwrawaaaiawaa arrrrrairrrarrrrawaraaaaaaar aarrraaaaaasaaaaaaaraawarww .11 1 aaaaaiwaaaia lwaaiiiaaaaa•-aaaaaaaaaaaaa rrrar raiaaaar raiaaaraaairr waaaaiwaaaww!lrwww�lAwr aaaawlrrra^arrw rrwrrarrrrarr iaarw rrarrwrr.*ararrrra •ararrrrarrrr ar aswwwwrwwwwwrwrrwrrrwr awwa�wr wwwwwf �wrrrr aaaaaawwaaalr�rlrrrrrr.�i a�lwwwwwrraar•�iaaaaa=awry � wrw wrwwwwrrr .Iwrawaaiwawa w.n� aaaairrraarwriraarrrra airrrar rrrawaaaaawaaa! - __ -�srraaarawaaawa���_w � 1 / 1 rirrwri aaia• �aaaaa aaaaai��aasaaa ��-• ��_'-� -�raaarr� �aararrrar - ��w�� rria�.�rrr�.rrwwa ����� �� wrwww w wr �aawrwwwrr.rrrr arrarrrrrrrrraar� awaaasaawaaaaaw=raawwwa�•a..ar+w+��r~irairwi���iii� 111 :.a wr���wrrriaaaaiwrarrrarrrriarraaarrrrrarrrrsrwiaar,wwwiwwwww! a w2rww�ra.���rwia��wi�iwiw.�.r.�'�'�i•.��rrrrrarrr��irrrr����sww���� aaaaw rrrrr raarrraaaaaawaaaiiwaiiawwww^wwwwwwrwrrrairasaaaar r rasa! aaaaa wrwiwiiwAwwawwwrrtia�iaa 1 • lwwwr rwwww aaawiaaaaawwairarrilrrrrrr -------------r 1 1 Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, :• 1 by a• 0,163 cm/min 1 0.200 MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune. NC GER Project #: 110-6171 En vlro nrn entel Groundwater H.rdoue Llatarlela tid u. ra1'Ffygl nn: Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ' tatP sources. Inc Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 C°nsufdrg Englneeea Boring/Test No: P-3 Setup Data Test Date: 19-Feb-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 61.0 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 115.E S (cm) Borehole Diameter; 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 152.4 (cm) Reservoir Height: 61.0 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 16 (°C) Soil Description: Silty SAND (SM), black and brown, fine, tr clay Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings Reading Time Actual - Reservoir Level-. -» - Time Interval Water Consum�tiori Flow Rate No. HH:mm:ss ----�cm�-- ---irn�- [minim - -�cm1--(mLl---- -� i mjmin� lr!ALmin a 13:40:00 33 975 k - 1 2 3� 4 -- 5 6 ------------- - ------------ - - - -- 162 13:41:08 31 1137 »»».1».1- i------2------i----- ----- 13:41:49 30 1218 0.7 I _ 181»_W 13:42:32 29 1299 0.7 1 61 - 13:43_15 s - 28 - _ 1380- - - -- 0.7 .�. . 1 _ B1 -- �- - 13:43:59 27 1461 0.7 1 81 13.44:43 26 1542 0.7 1 81 - --------- - iJ6 1.46 1.40 1.40 1.36 -1.36 _ 143.07 - _ 118.64 W113.13 113.13 110.55 _ 110.55 160.0 140.0 - 120.0 - - :: 100.0 80.0 - ,° 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kf,t L - 74.9 L/h = 3.74 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Krsat = 0.065 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kf.t = 1.524 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al,, 1993 Kr.,t = 0.045 cm/min Vk/V, = 0.93 Kf.t = 1.052 in/hr AVG = 0.055 1.29 cm/min in hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATFn HVnRAU[.Tr rnNllll['TTVTTY •. Operations Training Complex .--d—t- -,d Location. GER • .110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. WDE"�.W R--.. 1�,. •N40085-10-D-5304 Cm Setup Data Test r. Investigator: Test Depth: 91.4 —H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 228.6 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 152.4 (cm) Reservoir Height: 1 r Reservoir Constant Head: 20.0 • Soil r- rtan-orange,.. . . ! .12 Field Readings Reservoir Level .�. • r ! 1 11 1 1 i it 1 i 1• 1 11 1 11 1 1 { 1 { 1 �wiiw iwwwwiwiwi iilwli�iil lwwwlaliiwwliiliiiwiwww lwiiwliiwilwlwiwwww! rliiar��rir•..•�..�,lr.��'ai=��� ��ri.•1..lirr=r:ii!ll���i��r=��r� liwwlwilwlar!!!iilii! #r�rrirr#w!#iw#isa !ilwra. #i##!�.`i####ii �w iiiwilwi iiiiiiwww ■.rir.,. .rl.i###ii#ii##i##wii wiwii lwwwwi i ! 1 { !i_ww_w_!_ iiliwir� •�i_w_!_i_!_!_�_w_i�_i_i_!i_w_w_!_ii_!_i_!__!i_i_w_!_i_ #lwwilww wwiwiwwwwiw!!li wiwwi iwwiwiw. iilww li��wiwiwww �iiwlwww iiwlwwlwiwiwwwi wwiiiwwwiiwiwwi wwwii wiww! liwww liwwwwwiwlalawwiii!!wwlwwlwlww wwlirf ai lwii � ! 1 I !!liwwwiliiiiwlwwiiilwiwiwwwww iiwi!!wlwwwiiww wwiilwwwiwliwww wwlwi iwwii !iili iiiwwlwwiliiwlwwwiwi lwiw!! iw iw wwii! iwwlw iwwwiiwiii wlwwi wwwii iiw�w 1 1 # ######## ----------- wiww! 1 Calculations Conductivity,Field Saturated Hydraulic 1 by Reynolds•• ! .196 cm/min • MFASURFMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 En vka nm anta I G-_dwatar HaanM oaf Ma[.riats hd us vl Hymp MoEn�tmn-wcml Resmrc ". inc. Boring/Test No: P-4B Test Date: Test Depth: Borehole Diameter: Reservoir Height: Constant Head: Soil Description: Setup Data 19-Feb-13 Investigator: CFC 121.9 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 259.1 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 259.1 30.5 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 16 Silty SAND (SM), light tan, fine, trace clay Soil Alpha: 0.12 S (cm) (cm) A (CM2) (°C) Field Readings Reading ----- NO:....r.__...._ _ �.0 1 2 Time Actual HH:mm:ss� _14:54:00 14:54:55 14.55.42 Reservoir �cm) �_ 33 31 30 Level - mL 1137 1218 Time Interval _ _min 0.9 0.8 Water Consumption Flow Rate --�Cm 2 1 (mL) 162 81 (cm/min)ml�min 2.18 1 176.89 103.50 3 � - 4 --14:56:22 - 14:57:10 - 29 - 28 --1299 1380 -- -0.7 0.8 1 _ 81 81 _1.28 1.50 1.25 121.61 101,34 1 5 14:5M5 27 1461 0.9_ 1 81 1.09 88.44 6 14:59:01 _ 26 0.9 1 81 1.07 , _ _-� 7 14:59:56 -T 25 _154_2 1623 0.9 - 1 ^ -- 81 1.09--- _86.86 - 88.44 J 200.0 150.0 m - R # 1aa.a 0 LL 50.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Reading No. 6 7 8 L = L/h = h/r = C = Vk/Vd = 157.2 7.86 4.85 1.70 0.93 Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Krst by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 K,,,t = 0.051 cm/min Kf.t = 1.198 in/hr by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kr,,s = 0.036 cm/min Kf.t = 0.842 In/hr AVG = 0.043 cm/min 1.02 in hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Env .nm antoI croon dwater H—rd oua Matarlak Location: Stone Bay,MCi3 Cam Lejee, NC p un Goo technical Fid uetrlat H yglenr GER Project #: 110-6171 Client. C. Allan Samforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. ' GooEnW nnmen eal Re sources. Inc. Contract #: N40085-10-D-5304 Consulting @nglnoo s BoringjTest No: P-5A Setup Data Test Date: 19-Feb-13 Investigator: CFC Test Depth: 68.6 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 137.2 S (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to impermeable: 182.9 (cm) Reservoir Height: 7.6 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cmz) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 16 (°C) Soil Description: SAND (SP-SM), gray, fine, trace roots Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings - -- - -- - ---- Readm Time Actual ------------------------r-------------------------------,-------------------- g Reservoir Level Time Interval Water Consumption Flow Rate • - - ----------- No. -- iHH _mm:ss�- -—�cm�-- - -—�mt�--- --- min) — �cm�—« --�mQ--- :-icmjmin� lrrnitTinl -• - -- ---2:27.00--- »' - 33 --- -- -- --975 ----------- -- - -- I--- -----�---- ------ ---- -- --------------- 1 18 707 3 1Z•2:40 3D 1 2 4 2 2 243 4.50364.83 - - - --a-- — _ -_--{_ ____._ ____ _- __ -_ __-____ - ------------ -- — --- — 12:28:10 1 27 it i 0.5 s 3 1 243 _____4____ ____F-_ 6A0_ 1 486.44 — _ _1461 _ h 24 - F 1704- + 0.6 —__— -- --3 —h- 3 12:28:47 -------- -----, i - 243 ---------- - i-- _8 -- 94;41 - -- - --- - -- — — - --- 4 12:29:24 21 0.6 3 243 4.86 394.41 _ - ---- ----5-------- - 12:30:01 --- _ _ _1947 — - ---1� - - -- -2191 ----- — 0=6 - __ 1 - —3 --� 243 394.41 1--4=86 --------------- I T _- -------------------- - • — --- -- s I s - ----------- - _ _ — - — --- — — t — -----------j------------- E -- a-- -- F -- -------- ------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------- —--- i---------------------- I --------------- F------- — ------ i--------------- ------------- ---------------- --------f---- ---- -- - -- h_.._, . - - -- -t --- -- - t-- — - ---- -- t -- -- - ----------------- -------------------- ---- -- I — i-- - - -- — - 600.0 -r 500.0 m 400.0 300.0 0 200.0 100.0 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kf,t L = 88.6 L/h = 4.43 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Krsat = 0.230 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kfsat = 5.438 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kfsat = 0.159 cm/min V,/Va = 0.93 Kf�t = 3.753 in/hr 0.195 cm/min AVG = 4.60 in/hr MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY • . Operations Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC 61. 1*1hn Ild"st III Hygi GER •.110-6171 I 'G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. : oEnv4mnmmtnI Resmrc�. hc- gR 10: . 0• CM :. Setup . Test ■. Investigator: Test ■ Depth.. - Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2F (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 182.9 (cm) Reservoir Height: 1 ■ Reservoir/ .r 20.0Temperature: Soil Description: Clay- ■ (SC), tan -orange, fine, trace roots Soil. 1 .12 Field Readings .. 1 li 1 • •• 1 1: 1 :1 191.78 1 • 1 :. :. •; . 1 I • 1 1 1• 1 II 1 1 ilwiili.► �i i!i!i!i!!!!!!!! ii! i!i!!! ! • / 1 !!!!!ir_!!!illiiii!! iliiiirlriiiiiii��iiiiili!•r•li i iiiiiii!!i !•ri ilr•�Ir iiiir•i ii ir•iiiiiiiiiii iiiiii ir•iiiiii !!!! !i!!•�i lr_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii ii_i_i_i_ i_tEi_i_is_i_i_!_s_!_i_i_!_!_!_!_r•!i_!_i_i_!_!_i_!r_ Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, 1 by Reynolds•• 0.033 1 1 MEASUREMENT OF FIELD SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Fn rho nmental Groin dweter Hae rde� Yaterl els Location: Stone Ba MCB Cam Le eune, NC yt P G-I..hnl cal Ytd ustrial Hygl ene oER Project #: 110-6171 Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd.Contract Rcyou"°�' Inc. #: N40085-10-D-5304 Co3,MaEn"mn-tal Boring/Test No: P.7 Setup Data Test Date: 19-Feb-13 Investigator. CFC Test Depth: 76.2 H (cm) Depth to Water Table: 131.1 5 (cm) Borehole Diameter: 8.3 2r (cm) Depth to Impermeable: 152.4 (cm) Reservoir Height: 45.7 D (cm) Reservoir Area: 81.1 A (cm2) Constant Head: 20.0 h (cm) Water Temperature: 16 (°C) Soil Description: Silty SAND (SM), tan, fine, trace clay Soil Alpha: 0.12 Field Readings Reservoir Level Time Interval --------- ---------- Water Consumption].Flow-Rate - _ No. ss) min cm I_mL___tin1m___�._--_-_in_-_ n m�jm(mL _m 0 11:30:00 28 1 11:30:55 26 1380 1542 _--_ 0.9 - 2 -� 162 a_ 2.18 1__17b_.89 2 - 11:31.30 - +_ 25 3 1I 32:06 24 - -- 1623- 0.6 ----- �1704- _ _ 0.6 --- -- ----- 1 81 1.71 --- --- -- 1 81 1.67 ------- ---- 138.98 - _ 135.12 _ 4 11:32:46 23 i785 0.7 �- 1 81 1.50 l 121.61 -------_ 5.____ .._... 11.33:22 22 6 11_34.00 21--_--_ - 1666 _--0.6------- 0.6 ------1------ --- 81_-__--' 1.67 --1.58 1 _ ' _ 135.12 1.28.01 _____ ___ -� J__1134:417 20 ------ ----- - 8 - - - 11:35:21 - - E---- -1-- --- -1947 _ _-_ 2029 _0_7 -2110 -- f - - 0_7�. - -81 _1 - _ 81_____' 1.46 .-_..i _- 81 1.50 118.64- -121.61-- -{---- - ------------------_____-_------- __-_----_____ -------- ---------- ---____-�_ __-- ------------- - -___-._._-_ - -----_ _.._ 1 ... -.....__ - 200.0 150.0 a 100.0 0 LL 50.0 TFF- 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reading No. Calculations Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Kf�l L = 74.9 L/h = 3.74 by US Bureau of Reclamation, 1990 Kfsat = 0.071 cm/min h/r = 4.85 Kff = 1.677 in/hr C = 1.70 by Reynolds et al., 1993 Kfat = 0.049 cm/min Vk/V,, = 0.93 Kfsat = 1.157 in/hr AVG = 0.060 cm/min 1.42 in/hr APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST DATA GER L • LABORATORY TESTING The enclosed laboratory results represent the subsurface soil properties encountered at the specific boring locations based on the laboratory testing performed. It is possible that soil properties and conditions between the individual boring locations and depths will be different from those indicated. GER Page 1 of 3 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Number: 110-6171 Date: 07/18/2013 SAMPLE NUMBER DEPTH (FEET) SAMPLE TYPE CLASS. MOISTURE CONTENT N % FINES OTHER TESTS BMP-1 3 SS SP 86 4.7 SIEVE BMP-2 5 SS SM 14.7 17.9 SIEVE BMP-6 3 SS SM 23.4 13.2 SIEVE BMP-8 3 SS SP 6.2 4.1 - BMP-10 1 SS SP-SM 39 7.6 SIEVE BMP-13 2 SS SM 199 20.2 PP-1 1 SS SP-SM 81 8.3 PP-4 1 SS SP-SM 18.6 5.3 PP-5 1 SS SM 19.0 14.3 - PP-6 1 SS SP-SM 9.0 7.2 Tests performed in accordance with applicable ASTM Standards. GER Page 2 of 3 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Number: 110-6171 Date: 07/18/2013 SAMPLE NUMBER DEPTH (FEET) SAMPLE TYPE CLASS. MOISTURE%a CONTENT FINES PH MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY OPTIMUM MOISTURE SOAKED CBR SWELL (%) OTHER TESTS PB-1 1 to 3 Bulk SP-SM 9.4 - 7.79 108.4 12.8 7.7 0.0 PB-2 1 to 3 Bulk SP-SM 7.3 6.1 - 104.5 13.2 5A 0.0 SIEVE PB-4 1 to 3 Bulk SP-SM 10.7 9.7 7.96 112.0 11.6 7.9 0.0 PB-5 1 to 3 Bulk SP-SM 6.7 6.5 5.92 104.1 13.7 6.1 0.0 SIEVE PB-7 1 to 3 Bulk SP-SM 6.9 - - 108.0 13.2 6.3 0.0 PB-8 1 to 3 Bulk SP-SM 7.8 5.8 7.78 108.0 12.7 6.5 0.0 PB-9 1 to 3 Bulk SM 19.3 - - 106.2 13.7 4.0 0.0 - PB-10 1 to 3 Bulk Sc 16.8 - - 118A 12.6 2.6 0.2 - Tests performed in accordance with applicable ASTM Standards. GEZ Page 3 of 3 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Number: 110-6171 Date: 07/18/2013 SAMPLE NUMBER DEPTH (FEET) SAMPLE TYPE CLASS. MOISTURE CONTENT M % FINES LL PL P1 OTHER TESTS SB-1 5 SS SP-SM - 9.2 - - - SB-1 14 SS CH 45.2 - 55 19 36 S13-1 24 SS CL 34.9 - 45 21 24 S13-2 3 SS SP-SM - 74 - - - SB-2 11 SS CL 26.0 - 43 19 24 SB-2 19 Tube CH 414 - 55 19 36 CONSOLIDATION S13-3 1 SS 5M - 12.2 - - - SB-3 14 SS CL 41.6 - 47 22 25 S13-3 29 SS CL 30.2 37 24 13 SB-4 5 SS CL 30.3 - - - SB-4 19 SS CH 40.7 52 18 34 SB-5 7 SS CL 25.6 - - SB-5 14 SS CL 40.7 - -1.1 24 20 SB-7 5 SS SM 26.0 295 - - SB-8 3 SS CL 30.5 - - Tests performed in accordance with applicable ASTM Standards. GER One Dimensional Consolidation Test Stress Versus Strain Plat - Square Root of Time Method 0.0 So 10.0 a c 15.0 N 20 0 25.0 30,0 0.1 1.0 Stress (ksf) 100 100.0 Compression Index, Cc: 0.473 Estimated Preconsolidation Pressure, P'c (ksf): 2.60 Ac 0.89 Swelling Index, Cs: 0.052 Estimated Effective Overburden Pressure, P'o (ksf): 1.60 Estimated OCR: 1.63 Recompression Index, Cr. 0,029 Estimated Undrained Strength (ksf); 0.54 Estimated Su/P oc : 0.34 Initial Wet Unit Weight (pcf) = 110.8 Initial Dry Unit Weight (pcf) = 79.3 Initial Water Content (%) = 41.4 Initial Saturation (%) = 99.4 Project: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Project * 110-6171 Location: Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Client: C. Allan Bamforth Env Yo menial Beam d—t., H—d— M.1.6.s G.�tecsn e.l Specific Gravity = 2.63 Sample Classification: Silty CLAY (CH), Gray, with Fine Sand n.set, R.,.—". Ir. Initial Void Ratio = 1.10 Boring: SB-2 Liquid Limit = 55 Sample Depth (ft): 19 C° rs�Ung Ergineen Plastic Limit = 191 Report Date: 7M 812013 Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-1 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan and Light Gray, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 698A Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 108.4 Optimum Moisture (%): 12.8 130.0 125.0 120.0 115.0 v 110.0 a r 105.0 z w 100.0 e: 950 90.0 85.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, Camp L.ejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-1 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan and Light Gray, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 1883 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 108.4 Blows Per Layer: 12 Optimum Moisture (%): 12.8 Surcharge Weight (lbs.): 10 In Situ Moisture (%): 9.4 Compaction Before Soaking (%}: 94.9 After Soaking Moisture (%): 17.7 Compaction After Soaking (%): 94.9 Unsoaked CBR Value: NIA Soaked CBR Value: 7.7 Swell (%): 0.0 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 PENETRATION IN INCHES Note: CBR value corrected for concave upward shape Soaked CBR Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-2 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 698A Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 104.5 Optimum Moisture (%): 13.2 130.0 125.0 120.0 115.0 r r 105.0 z w ❑ 100.0 95.0 •11 80.0 -A-- 0.0 50 10.0 15.0 200 250 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-2 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 1883 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 104.5 Blows Per Layer: 12 Optimum Moisture {%}: 13.2 Surcharge Weight (lbs.): 10 In Situ Moisture (%): 7.3 Compaction Before Soaking {%): 95.0 After Soaking Moisture (%): 19.9 Compaction After Soaking (%): 95.0 Unsoaked CBR Value: NIA Soaked CBR Value: 5.4 Swell (%): 0.0 300.0 250.0 r11 Cn a Z 150.0 0 a 0 100.0 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 PENETRATION IN INCHES F__0__ Slaked CBR Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, INC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-4 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Dark Tan and Gray, Fine, Trace Silt, Trace Fine Gravel Test Method: ASTM D 698A Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 112.0 Optimum Moisture (%): 11.6 130.0 125.0 120.0 115.0 U 110.0 a r H 105.0 N z w a 100.0 a: a 95.0 •11 85.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 200 25.0 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-4 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Dark Tan and Gray, Fine, Trace Silt, Trace Fine Gravel Test Method: ASTM D 1883 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 112.0 Blows Per Layer: 12 Optimum Moisture (%): 11.6 Surcharge Weight (lbs.): 10 In Situ Moisture (%): 10.7 Compaction Before Soaking (%): 94.6 After Soaking Moisture (%): 16.2 Compaction After Soaking (%): 94.6 Unsoaked CBR Value: N/A Soaked CBR Value: 7.9 Swell (%): 0.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 a z 150.0 a o _ 100.0 50.0 0.0 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 PENETRATION IN INCHES Note CBR value corrected for concave upward shape --0— Soaked CBR Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-5 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 698A Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 104.1 Optimum Moisture (%): 13.7 130.0 125.0 120.0 115.0 U 110.0 a. 105.0 cn z w 100.0 95.0 '11 85.0 Rn 0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-S Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 1883 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 104.1 Blows Per Layer: 12 Optimum Moisture (%}: 13.7 Surcharge Weight (lbs.): 10 In Situ Moisture (%): 6.7 Compaction Before Soaking (%}: 94.5 After Soaking Moisture (%): 19.6 Compaction After Soaking (%): 94.5 Unsoaked CBR Value: NIA Soaked CBR Value: 6.1 Swell (%): 0.0 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 ii 120.0 a- 100.0 ap 80.0 �:YIIII 40.0 00 1 1 1 .�• 1 11� 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 PENETRATION IN INCHES Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-7 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt, Trace Fine Gravel Test Method: ASTM D 698A Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 108.0 Optimum Moisture (%): 13.2 130.0 125.0 1200 115.0 v 110.0 a r ~ 1050 N z LU a 100.0 0 95.0 850 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: P13-7 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt, Trace Fine Gravel Test Method: ASTM D 1883 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 108.0 Blows Per Layer: 11 Optimum Moisture (%): 13.2 Surcharge Weight (lbs.): 10 In Situ Moisture (%): 6.9 Compaction Before Soaking (%): 95.0 After Soaking Moisture (%): 17.2 Compaction After Soaking (%): 95.0 Unsoaked CBR Value: NIA Soaked CBR Value: 6.3 Swell (%): 0.0 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 Fn 120.0 a 100.0 ap 80.0 1100, 40.0 r 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 PENETRATION IN INCHES Note: CBR value corrected for concave upward shape —o--Soaked CBR Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number. 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number. PB-8 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 698A Maximum Dry Density (pc#): 108.0 Optimum Moisture (%): 12.7 130.0 125.0 120.0 115.0 r F= 105.0 Cn z w 100.0 o: 0 95.0 85.0 §w#w 00 50 10.0 15.0 200 25.0 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-8 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 1883 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 108.0 Blows Per Layer: 8 Optimum Moisture (%): 12.7 Surcharge Weight (lbs.): 10 In Situ Moisture (%): 7.8 Compaction Before Soaking (%): 94.5 After Soaking Moisture (%): 19.3 Compaction After Soaking (%): 94.5 Unsoaked CBR Value: N/A Soaked CBR Value: 6.5 Swell (%): 0.0 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 a 120.0 ? 100.0 0 0 80.0 J :1119 40.0 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 PENETRATION IN INCHES Note: CBR value corrected for concave upward shape -Soaked CBR Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-9 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: Silty SAND (SM), Dark Brown, Fine, with Wood Fragments and Organics Test Method: ASTM D 698A Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 106.2 Optimum Moisture (%): 13.7 130.0 125.0 120.0 115.0 L) 110.0 a 105.0 z w a 100.0 c 95.0 85.0 IIIIIIIIIIfff-ul 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: P13-9 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description; Silty SAND (SM), Dark Brown, Fine, with Wood Fragments and Organics Test Method: ASTM D 1883 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 106.2 Blows Per Layer: 15 Optimum Moisture (%): 13.7 Surcharge Weight (lbs.): 10 In Situ Moisture (%): 19.3 Compaction Before Soaking (%): 94.2 After Soaking Moisture (%): 20.1 Compaction After Soaking (%): 94.2 Unsoaked CBR Value: N/A Soaked CBR Value: 4.0 Swell (%): 0.0 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 un 120.0 a 100.0 0 80.0 J 40.0 20.0 K Ioe 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 PENETRATION IN INCHES —o—Soaked CBR Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-10 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: Clayey SAND (SC), Dark Brown, Fine, with Silt, Trace Fine Gravel, Trace Wood Fragments Test Method: ASTM D 698A Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 118.4 Optimum Moisture (%): 12.6 130.0 125.0 120.0 115.0 U 110.0 a 0i I 85.0 VMS 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-10 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: Clayey SAND (SC), Dark Brown, Fine, with Silt, Trace Fine Gravel, Trace Wood Fragments Test Method: ASTM D 1883 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 118.4 Blows Per Layer: 15 Optimum Moisture (%): 12.6 Surcharge Weight (lbs): 10 In Situ Moisture (%): 16.8 Compaction Before Soaking (%}: 94.4 After Soaking Moisture (%): 18.3 Compaction After Soaking (%): 94.3 Unsoaked CBR Value: NIA Soaked CBR Value: 2.6 Swell (%): 0.2 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 PENETRATION IN INCHES —*.-Soaked CBR Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Project Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: BMP-1 Sample Depth: 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP), Light Tan, Fine to Medium, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 422 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1a 0 Sieve Analysis Data SIEVE NO. PERCENT PASSING 2 Inch 100.0 1 112 Inch 100.0 1 Inch 100.0 314 Inch 100.0 112 Inch 100.0 318 Inch 100.0 4 100.0 10 99.8 20 98.1 40 93.5 60 71.9 100 20.3 200 4.7 f 1111111■Irllllllll■rlriil;'I■■I II111■■IIIIIII■■Illlll■■ Illlll)■I■IIIIIII■■IIII1111 ■■Illlll■■IIIIIII■■Illlll■■ Illlll)■I■IIIIIII■■IIIIIIII�■I III11■■IIIIIII■■Illlll■■ IIIIIII■I■IIIIIII■■I I IIIIIII■IIIIII■■IIIIIII■■Illlll■■ IIIIIII■I■IIIIIII■■IIIIIIII�''■IIIIII■■Illlll)■■IIIIII)■■ IIIIIII■I■IIIIIIII■■IIIIIIII■■I III11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIII■■ Illlll)■I■IIIIIIII■■IIIIII'1■l■IIIIII■■IIIIIII■■Illlll■■ Illlll)■I■IIIIIII■■Illlll 1■111IIIII■■IIII)))■■1111111■■ IIIIIII■I■IIIIIII■■IIIIII 1 ■r�l II11I■■I III I11■■Illlll■■ IIIIIII■I■IIIIIII■■IIIIII 1 ■■IIIII■■Illlll)■■IIIIIII■■ 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0 001 0 000 Grain Size (mm) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS Project Name P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number, 110-6171 Project Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: BMP-2 Sample Depth: 5 feet Sample Description: Silty SAND (SM), Tan, Fine Test Method. ASTM D 422 Sieve Analysis Data SIEVE NO. PERCENT PASSING 2 Inch 100.0 1 112 Inch 100.0 1 Inch 100.0 314 Inch 1000 112 Inch 100.0 318 Inch 100.0 4 100.0 10 100.0 20 99.8 40 99.2 60 94.3 100 57.5 200 17.9 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0-010 0.001 0.000 Grain Size (mm) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Project Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: BMP-6 Sample Depth: 3 feet Sample Description: Silty SAND (SM), Dark Brown, Fine Test Method: ASTM D 422 100 90 Z so C, Z70 60 50 v 40 ii � 30 L 20 d 10 0 Sieve Analysis Data SIEVE NO. PERCENT PASSING 2 Inch 100.0 1 112 Inch 100.0 1 Inch 100.0 314 Inch 100.0 112 Inch 100.0 318 Inch 100.0 4 100.0 10 100.0 20 99.4 40 96.6 60 79.3 100 24.6 200 13.2 1111111■I■Illilll■■Illlii�i■■Ililll■■IIIIIII■■IIIIII■■ IIIIIII■I■Illllll■■IIIIIltI\■111111■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ IIIIIII■I■IIIIIII■■I II IIII 111■IIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIII■■ IIIIIII■I■1111111■■I I I llll Ili■I 11111■■IIIIIII■■lil I III■■ IIIIIII■I■Illllll■■I II I11f1■■I II111■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ IIUIII■I■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■1111!!11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIII■■ Illllll■I■IIIIIII■■IIIIII 1■11111111■■IIIIIII■■IIIIII■■ Illllll■I■IIIIIII■■Ililll l■tl111111■■IIIIIII■■Illllll■■ Illllll■I■Illllll■■IIIIII 1■��!1111■■Illllll■■Illllll■■ Illllll■I■IIIIIII■■Ililll 1■■IIIIII■■IIIIII■■IIIIII■■ 100 000 10 000 1.000 0.100 0 010 0 001 0.000 Grain Size (mm) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Project Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: BMP-10 Sample Depth: 1 foot Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 422 Sieve Analysis Data SIEVE NO. PERCENT PASSING 2 Inch 100.0 11/2Inch 100.0 1 Inch 100.0 314 Inch 100.0 112 Inch 100.0 318 Inch 100.0 4 100.0 10 99.7 20 99.5 40 97.2 60 77.2 100 24.2 200 7.6 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 000 10 000 1.000 0 100 11.010 0.001 0.000 Grain Size (mm) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number: 110-6171 Project Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PS-2 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 422 Sieve Analysis Data SIEVE NO. PERCENT PASSING 2 Inch 100.0 1 112 Inch 100.0 1 Inch 100.0 314 Inch 100.0 112 Inch 100.0 318 Inch 100.0 4 99.8 10 99.6 20 99A 40 97.2 60 74.3 100 18.8 200 6.1 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100,000 10 000 1 000 0.100 0.010 0 001 0.000 Grain Size (mm) Engineering and Testing Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS Project Name: P-1349 Special Operations Training Complex Stone Bay, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC GER Project Number. 110-6171 Project Number: 6002-110 Sample Number: PB-5 Sample Depth: 1 to 3 feet Sample Description: SAND (SP-SM), Tan, Fine, Trace Silt Test Method: ASTM D 422 Sieve Analysis Data SIEVE NO. PERCENT PASSING 2 inch 100.0 1 112 Inch 100.0 1 Inch 100.0 314 Inch 100.0 112 Inch 100.0 318 Inch 100.0 4 99.8 10 99.7 20 99.5 40 97.4 60 74.2 100 24.3 200 6.5 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100.000 10.000 1 000 0 100 0.010 0 001 0 000 Grain Size (mm) APPENDIX D CALCULATIONS GER Design Maps Detailed Report Page 1 of 4 MUM Design Maps Detailed Report 2012 International Building Code (34.588610N, 77.44353°W) Site Class D - "Stiff Soil", Risk Category I/II/III Section 1613.3.1 — Mapped acceleration parameters Note: Ground motion values provided below are for the direction of maximum horizontal spectral response acceleration. They have been converted from corresponding geometric mean ground motions computed by the USGS by applying factors of 1.1 (to obtain S5) and 1.3 (to obtain S,). Maps in the 2012 International Building Code are provided for Site Class B. Adjustments for other Site Classes are made, as needed, in Section 1613.3.3. From Figure 1613.3.1[1)1" From Figure 1613,3.1t21 (21 Section 1613.3.2 — Site class definitions S, = 0.159 g S, = 0.074 g The authority having jurisdiction (not the USGS), site -specific geotechnical data, and/or the default has classified the site as Site Class D, based on the site soil properties in accordance with Section 1613. 2010 ASCE-7 Standard - Table 20.3-1 SITE CLASS DEFINITIONS Site Class v, N or A. Hard Rock >5,000 ft/s N/A N/A B. Rock 2,500 to 5,000 ft/s N/A N/A C. Very dense soil and soft rock 1,200 to 2,500 ft/s >50 >2,000 psf D. Stiff Soil 600 to 1,200 ft/s 15 to 50 1,000 to 2,000 psf E. Soft clay soil <600 ft/s <15 <1,000 psf Any profile with more than 10 ft of soil having the characteristics: • Plasticity index PI > 20, • Moisture content w ? 40%, and • Undrained shear strength s. < 500 psf F. Solis requiring site response See Section 20.3.1 analysis in accordance with Section 21.1 For SI: 1ft/s = 0.3048 m/s Ilb/ftz = 0.0479 kN/mz http://geohazards.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/report.php?template=minimal&latitude=34,588... 7/17/2013 Design Maps Detailed Report Page 2 of 4 Section 1613.3.3 - Site coefficients and adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration parameters TABLE 1613.3.3(1) VALUES OF SITE COEFFICIENT F,, Site Class Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period S, s 0.25 S, = 0.50 S, = 0,75 S, = 1.00 S, >_ 1.25 A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9 F See Section 11.4.7 of ASCE 7 Note: Use straight-line interpolation for intermediate values of SS For Site Class = D and 5, = 0.159 g, F. = 1.600 TABLE 1613.3.3(2) VALUES OF SITE COEFFICIENT F, Site Class Maooed Soectral Response Acceleration at 1-s Period S, 5 0.10 S, = 0,20 S, = 0,30 S, = 0.40 S, >_ 0.50 A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 D 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5 E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2,4 F See Section 11.4.7 of ASCE 7 Note: Use straight-line interpolation for intermediate values of S, For Site Class = D and S. = 0.074 g, F, = 2.400 http://geohazards.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/report.php?template=minimal&latitude=34.588... 7/ 17/2013 Design Maps Detailed Report Page 3 of 4 Equation (16-37): Equation (16-38): SMs = FdSs = 1.600 x 0.159 = 0.254 g Sr„ = FYS, = 2.400 x 0,074 = 0,177 g Section 1613.3.4 — Design spectral response acceleration parameters Equation (16-39): Sos S,, x 0.254 = 0.169 g Equation (16-40): So,=%SM1=2�3x0.177=0.118g http://geohazards.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/report.php?template=minimal&latitude=34.588... 7/ 17/2013 Design Maps Detailed Report Section 1613.3.5 — Determination of seismic design category TABLE 1613.3.5(1) SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY BASED ON SHORT -PERIOD (0.2 second) RESPONSE ACCELERATION VALUE OF SDs RISK CATEGORY I or II III IV Sos < 0.167g A A A 0.167g 5 S. < 0.33g B B C 0.33g 5 S. < 0.50g C C D 0.5095 SDI D D D For Risk Category = I and SDS = 0.169 g, Seismic Design Category = B TABLE 1613.3.5(2) SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY BASED ON 1-SECOND PERIOD RESPONSE ACCELERATION VALUE OF SDI RISK CATEGORY I or II III IV SDI < 0.067g A A A 0.067g 5 SDI < 0.133g B B C 0.1339 5 SDI < 0.20g C C D 0.20g 5 Sol D D D For Risk Category = I and S., = 0.118 g, Seismic Design Category = B Note: When S, is greater than or equal to 0.75g, the Seismic Design Category is E for buildings in Risk Categories I, II, and III, and F for those in Risk Category IV, irrespective of the above. Seismic Design Category =_ "the more severe design category in accordance with Table 1613.3.5(1) or 1613.3.5(2)" = B Note: See Section 1613.3.5.1 for alternative approaches to calculating Seismic Design Category. References Page 4 of 4 1. Figure 1613.3.1(1): http://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/designmaps/downloads/pdfs/IBC-2012- Fig1613p3p1(1).pdf 2. Figure 1613.3.1(2): http://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/designmaps/downloads/pdfs/IBC-2012- Fig1613p3p1(2).pdf http://geohazards.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/report.php?template=minimal&latitude=34.588... 7/ 17/2013 Design Name: ROAD FLEXIBLE Design Type : Roads Pavement Type : Flexible Road Type : Road Terrain Type : Flat Analysis Type : CBR Depth of Frost (in) : 4 Wander Width (in) : 33.35 Layer Information Pavement Design Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.09.02 Date : 7/26/2013 Non frost Reduced Limited Design Subgrade Subgrade CBR Layer Type Material Type Frost Code Analysis Thickness Strength Penetratio Strength (in) (in) n (in) Asphalt Asphalt NFS Compute 3,09 0 0 0 Base Unbound NFS Manual 8 0 0 80 Crushed Stone Natural Subgrade Cohesiotnless NFS Manual 0 0 0 5 Cu Traffic Information Pattern Name : ROAD TRAFFIC USE 1.5" S9.5 AND 3.0" Passes per Life Equivalent Vehicles Weight (lb) Span Passes 119.0 BASED ON CAR - PASSENGER 3000 3600000 1 LOCAL EXPERIENCE TRUCK, 3 AXLE 35000 90000 781 TRUCK. 5 AXLE 80000 90000 90000 TRUCK, LARGE PICKUP OR SUV 7500 5400000 1 Equivalent Single Axle Loads 688518 Design Name ROAD RIGID Design Type, Roads Pavement Type: Rigid Road Type: Road Terrain Type : Flat Analysis Type : K Depth of Frost (in) : 4 Wander Width (in) : 33.35 % Load Transfer: 0 Effective K (pci) : 208 Reduced Sub Effective K (pci) : 0 Joint Spacing : 10 to 15 ft Dowel Spacing: 12.00 in Dowel Length : 16.00 in Dowel Diameter: .75 in Layer Information Pavement Thickness Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.09.02 Date : 7/26/2013 Non frost Reduced Limited K Flexural % Design Subgrade Subgrade Layer Type Material Type Frost Code Strength Steel Analysis Thickness Strength Penetration Strength (psi) pci (in) (in) (in) PCC NIA NFS 650 0 Compute 6 0 0 0 Base Unbound NFS 0 0 Manual 6 0 0 0 Crushed Stone Natural Subgrade Coh Cot less NFS 0 0 Manual 0 0 0 150 Traffic Information Pattern Name: ROAD TRAFFIC Passes per Life Equivalent Vehicles Weight (Ib) Span Passes CAR -PASSENGER 3000 3600000 1 TRUCK, 3 AXLE 35000 90000 1086 TRUCK, 5 AXLE 80000 90000 90000 TRUCK, LARGE PICKUP OR 7500 5400000 1 SUV Equivalent Single Axle Loads 45890 Design Name: Design Type Pavement Type Road Type: Terrain Type Analysis Type Depth of Frost (in) Wander Width (in) Layer Information SHOOTERS LOT UNIMPROVED Roads Flexible Parking Area Flat CBR 4 33.35 Pavement Design Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.09.02 Date : 7/26/2013 Non frost Reduced Limited Layer Type Material Type Frost Code Analysis Design Subgrade Subgrade CBR Thickness Strength Penetratio Strength (in) (in) n (in) Asphalt Asphalt NFS Compute 4.37 0 0 0 Base Unbound NFS Manual 8 0 0 80 Crushed Stone Natural Subgrade Cohesive Cut NFS Manual 0 0 0 2 Traffic Information PARKING Pattern Name : TRAFFIC Passes per Life Equivalent Vehicles Weight (lb) Span Passes CAR -PASSENGER 3000 3600000 1 TRUCK, 3 AXLE 35000 90000 90000 TRUCK, LARGE PICKUP OR 7500 5400000 1 SUV Equivalent Single Axle Loads 3976 UNIMPROVED SECTION THAT WILL LIKELY REQUIRE EXTENSIVE UNDERCUTTING Design Name: Design Type: Pavement Type Road Type: Terrain Type Analysis Type Depth of Frost (in) Wander Width (in) : Layer Information SHOOTERS LOT IMPROVED Roads FlexiNe Parking Area Flat CBR 4 33.35 Pavement Design Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.09.02 Date : 7/26/2013 Non frost Reduced Limited Design Subgrade Subgrade CBR Layer Type Material Type Frost Code Analysis Thickness Strength Penetratio Strength (in) (in) n (in) Asphalt Asphalt NFS Compute 2.26 0 0 0 Base Unbound NFS Manual 8 0 0 80 Crushed Stone Natural Subgrade Cohesive Cut NFS Manual 0 0 0 4_ Traffic Information PARKING Pattern Name : TRAFFIC INCREASE TO 3" Passes per Life Equivalent Vehicles Weight (lb) Span Passes CAR -PASSENGER 3000 3600000 1 TRUCK, 3 AXLE 35000 90000 90000 TRUCK, LARGE PICKUP OR 7500 5400000 1 SUV Equivalent Single Axle Loads 3976 ASSUMED IMPROVEMENT WITH GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT; WILL REQUIRE LESS UNDERCUTTING VERTICAL ANALYSIS Driving Concrete Pile Soil Data: Depth Gamma Phi C K e50 or Dr Nspt -ft -iblf3 -kplf2 -Ib/i3 % 0 112 31 0.00 31 29 8 7 50 28 0.00 6 11 2 12 45 0 0.25 18 2.5 1 30 50 28 0.00 6 7 1 34 60 35 0.00 70 56 22 37 55 33 0.00 40 42 13 Loads: Load Factor for Vertical Loads= 1.0 Load Factor for Lateral Loads= 1.0 Loads Supported by Pile Cap= 0 % Shear Condition: Static (with Load Factor) Vertical Load, Q= 70.0 -kp Shear Load, P= 6.0 -kp Moment, M= 0.0 -kp-f Profile: Pile Length, L= 40.0 -ft Top Height, H= 0 -ft Slope Angle, As= 0 Batter Angle, Ab= 0 Pile Data: Figure 1 Depth Width Area Per. I E Weight -ft -in -in2 -in -in4 -kp/i2 -kp/f 0.0 12 144.0 48.0 1728.0 3000 0.150 40.0 12 144.0 48.0 1728.0 3000 0.150 Vertical capacity: Weight above Ground= 0.00 Total Weight= 3.94-kp 'Soil Weight is not included Side Resistance (Down)= 76.996-kp Side Resistance (Up)= 54.320-kp Tip Resistance (Down)= 82.706-kp Tip Resistance (Up)= 0.000-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Down) Qult= 159.702-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Up)= 58.264-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Down) Qallow= 70.979-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Up) Qallow= 28.086-kp OK! Qallow > Q Settlement Calcuiation: At Qm 70.00-kp Settlement= 0.06074-in At Xallow= 1.00-in Qallow= 99999.00000-kp Note: If the program cannot find a result or the result exceeds the upper limit. The result will be displayed as 99999. P-1349 Training Building �-� --- 110-6171 VERTICAL ANALYSIS Driving Concrete Pile Depth Gamma Phi C K e50 or Dr Nspt -ft -Ib1f3 -kplf2 -lb113 % 0 112 31 0.00 31 29 8 7 50 28 0.00 6 11 2 12 45 0 0.25 18 2.5 1 30 50 28 0.00 6 7 1 34 60 35 0.00 70 56 22 37 55 33 0.00 40 42 13 42 55 34 0.00 45 40 12 Loads: Load Factor for Vertical Loads= 1.0 Load Factor for Lateral Loads= 1.0 Loads Supported by Pile Cap= 0 % Shear Condition: Static (with Load Factor) Vertical Load, Q= 90.0 -kp Shear Load, P= 6.0 -kp Moment, M= 0.0 -kp-f Profile: Pile Length, L= 45.0 -ft Top Height, H= 0 -ft Slope Angle, As= 0 Batter Angle, Ab= 0 Pile Data: Figure 1 Depth -ft Width -in Area -in2 Per. I -in -in4 E -kp1i2 Weight -kplf 0.0 12 144.0 48.0 1728.0 3000 0.150 45.0 12 144.0 48.0 1728.0 3000 0.150 Vertical capacity: Weight above Ground= 0.00 Total Weight= 4.38-kp 'Soil Weight is not included Side Resistance (Down)= 105.738-kp Side Resistance (Up)= 71.972-kp Tip Resistance (Down)= 110.381-kp Tip Resistance (Up)= 0.000-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Down) Qult= 216.120-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Up)= 76.353-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Down) Qallow= 96.053-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Up) Qallow= 36.369-kp OK! Qallow > Q Settlement Calculation: At Q= 90 00-kp Settlement= 0.07748-in At Xallow= 1.00-in Qallow= 99999.00000-kp Note: If the program cannot find a result or the result exceeds the upper limit. The result will be displayed as 99999. GERP-1349 Training Building 110-6171 .*A VERTICAL ANALYSIS a Driving Concrete Pile Soil Data: Depth Gamma Phi C -ft -Iblf3 -kplf2 0 112 31 000 7 50 28 000 12 45 0 025 30 50 28 0.00 34 60 35 000 37 55 33 000 42 60 35 0,00 K e50 or Dr -Ibli3 % _ 31 29 6 11 18 2.5 6 7 70 56 40 42 80 53 Nspt 8 2 1 1 22 13 20 Loads: Load Factor for Vertica! Loads= 1.0 Load Factor for Lateral Loads= 1.0 Loads Supported by Pile Cap= 0 % Shear Condition: Static (with Load Factor) Vertical Load, Q= 120.0 -kp Shear Load, P= 6.0 -kp Moment, M= 0 0 -kp-f Profile: Pile Length. L= 50.0 -ft Top Height, H= 0 -ft Slope Angle, As= 0 Batter Angle, Ab= 0 Pile Data: Figure 1 Depth Width Area Per. I E Weight A. -in -in-2 -in4 __ _kpii2 -k 1f 0.0 12 144.0 _-in 48.0 1728.0 3000 0.150 50.0 12 144.0 48.0 1728.0 3000 0.150 Vertical capacity: Weight above Ground= 0.00 Total Weight= 4.82-kp 'Soil Weight is not included Side Resistance (Down)= 139.744-kp Side Resistance (Up)= 92.935-kp Tip Resistance (Down)= 149.068-kp Tip Resistance (Up)= 0 000-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Down) Quit= 288.812-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Up)= 97.752-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Down) Qallow= 128.361-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Up) Qallow= 46.122-kp OK! Qallow > Q Settlement Calculation: At Q= 120.00-kp Settlement= 0.10762-in At Xallow= 1.00-in Qallow= 99999.00000-kp Note: If the program cannot find a result or the result exceeds the upper limit. The result will be displayed as 99999. P-1349 Training Building G-ER 110-6171 LATERAL ANALYSIS a Driving Concrete Pile Depth Gamma Phi C K -ft -lb1f3 -k /�_f2 -lb/13 0 112 31 0.00 31 7 50 28 0.00 6 12 45 0 0.25 18 30 50 28 0.00 6 34 60 35 0.00 70 37 55 33 0.00 40 e50 or Dr Nspt 29 8 11 2 2.5 1 7 1 56 22 42 13j Loads: Load Factor for Vertical Loads= 1.0 Load Factor for Lateral Loads= 1.0 Loads Supported by Pile Cap= 0 % Shear Condition: Static (with Load Factor) Vertical Load, Q= 70.0 -kp Shear Load, P= 6.0 -kp Moment, M= 0.0 -kp-f Profile: Pile Length, L= 40.0 -ft Top Height, H= 0 -ft Slope Angle, As= 0 Batter Angle, Ab= 0 Pile Data: Depth Width Area -ft -in -in2 0.0 12 144.0 40.0 12 144.0 Single Pile Lateral Analysis: Top Deflection, yt= 0.25900-in Max. Moment, M= 17 92-kp-f Top Deflection Slope, St=-0.00395 OKI Top Deflection. 0.2590-in is less than the Allowable Deflection= 100.00-in Per. I E -in -1n4 -kpli2 48.0 1728.0 3000 48.0 17280 3000 Figure 3 Weight -kp/f 0.150 0.150 Note: If the program cannot find a result or the result exceeds the upper limit. The result will be displayed as 99999. The Max. Moment calculated by program is an internal force from the applied load conditions Structural engineer has to check whether the pile has enough capacity to resist the moment with adequate factor of safety. If not, the pile may fail under the load conditions. GLER P-1349 Training Building 11 Q-61 11 LATERAL ANALYSIS Loads: Load Factor for Vertical Loads= 1.0 Load Factor for Lateral Loads= 1.0 Loads Supported by Pile Cap= 0 % Shear Condition: Static (with Load Factor) Vertical Load, Q= 120.0 -kp Shear Load, P= 8.0 -kp Moment, M= 0.0 -kp-f Profile: Pile Length, L= 50.0 -ft Top Height, H= 0 -ft Slope Angle, As= 0 Batter Angle, Ab= 0 Driving Concrete Pile Soil Data: Pile Data: Depth Gamma Phi C K e50 or Dr Nspt Depth Width Area Per. -ft -Iblf3 -kp/f2 -Ib/i3 % L -ft -in -in2 -in -in4 0 112 31 0.00 31 29 8 0.0 12 144.0 48.0 17-28.0 7 50 28 0.00 6 11 2 50.0 12 144.0 48.0 1728.0 12 45 0 0.25 18 2.5 1 30 50 28 0.00 6 7 1 34 60 35 0.00 70 56 22 37 55 33 0.00 40 42 13 42 60 35 0.00 80 53 20 Single Pile Lateral Analysis: Top Deflection, yt= 0.40100-in Max. Moment, M= 26.58-kp-f Top Deflection Slope, St=-0.00597 OK! Top Deflection, 0.4010-in is less than the Allowabie Deflection= 100.00-in Figure 2 E Weight -kpli2 -kplf 3000 0.150 3000 0.150 Note: If the program cannot find a result or the result exceeds the upper limit. The result will be displayed as 99999. The Max. Moment calculated by program is an internal force from the applied load conditions. Structural engineer has to check whether the pile has enough capacity to resist the moment with adequate factor of safety. If not, the pile may fail under the load conditions. ORR P-1349 Training Building 110-6171 VERTICAL ANALYSIS Loads: Load Factor for Vertical Loads= 1.0 Load Factor for Lateral Loads= 1.0 Loads Supported by Pile Cap= 0 % Shear Condition: Static (with Load Factor) Vertical Load, Q= 5.0 -kp Shear Load, P= 0.0 -kp Moment, M= 0.0 -kp-f Profile: Pile Length, L= 8.0 -ft Top Height, H= 0 -ft Slope Angle, As= 0 Satter Angle, Ab= 0 6"X6" TIMBER POST Boll Data: Pile Data: Depth Gamma Phi C K e50 or Dr Nspt Depth Width -ft -Ibtf3 -kp1f2 -lbl13 % -ft -in 0 115 0 0.75 136 1.10 6 0.0 6 7 50 0 0.50 42 1.50 3 8.0 6 12 45 0 0.25 15 2.50 1 22 60 36 0.00 65 54 20 Fiaure 1 Area Per. I E Weight -in2 -in -in4 -kpA2 -kplf 36.0 24.0 108.0 500 0.018 36.0 24.0 108.0 500 0.018 Vertical capacity: Weight above Ground= 0.00 Total Weight= 0 13-kp 'Soil Weight is not included Side Resistance (Down)= 11.503-kp Side Resistance (Up)= 11.503-kp Tip Resistance (Down)= 1.012-kp Tip Resistance (Up)= 0 000-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Down) Quit= 12.516-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Up)= 11.632-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Down) Qallow= 5.619-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Up) Qallow= 5.130-kp OK! Qallow > Q Settlement Calculation: At Q= 5.00-kp Settlement= 0.01636-in At Xallow= 1.00-in Qallow= 99999.00000-kp Note: If the program cannot find a result or the result exceeds the upper limit. The result will be displayed as 99999. GAR P-1349 Ped Bridges 110-6171 ,.. VERTICAL ANALYSIS gyp' Loads: Load Factor for Vertical Loads= 1.0 Load Factor for Lateral Loads= 1.0 Loads Supported by Pile Cap= 0 % Shear Condition: Static (with Load Factor) Verticai Load, Q= 8.0 -kp Shear Load, P= 0.0 -kp Moment, M= 0.0 -kp-f Profile: Pile Length, L= 12.0 -ft Top Height, H= 0 -ft Slope Angle, As= 0 Batter Angle, Ab= 0 6"X6" TIMBER POST Soil Data: Depth Gamma Phi C K e50 or Dr Nspt -ft -lb/f3 -kp/11`2 -lbfi3 % _ 0 115 0 0,75 136 1.10 6 7 50 0 0.50 42 1.50 3 12 45 0 0.25 15 2.50 1 22 60 36 0,00 65 54 20 Pile Data: Figure 2 Depth Width Area Per. I E Weight -ft -in -in2 -in -In4 -k li2 -k /f 0.0 6 36.0 24.0 108.0 500 0.018 12.0 6 36.0 24.0 108.0 500 0.018 Vertical capacity: Weight above Ground= 0.00 Total Weight= 0.14-kp `Soil Weight is not included Side Resistance (Down)= 15 511-kp Side Resistance (Up)= 15.511-kp Tip Resistance (Down)= 0.563-kp Tip Resistance (Up)= 0.000-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Down) Quit= 16.073-kp Total Ultimate Capacity (Up)= 15.649-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Down) Qallow= 8.037-kp Total Allowable Capacity (Up) Qallow= 6.882-kp OK! Qallow > Q Settlement Calculation: At Q= 8.00-kp Settlement= 0.03711-in At Xallow= 1.00-in Qallow= 99999.00000-kp Note: If the program cannot find a result or the result exceeds the upper limit. The result will be displayed as 99999. GWR P-1349 Ped Bridges 110-6171 Shallow Foundation Bearing Capacity Determination GeoEnvironrnental Resources, Inc. Project: P-1349 SOTG Project M 110-6171 Date: 7/24/2013 Enaineer: CFC SIN iE LAYERBEARiNq CAPACiTy TWO LAYERBEARiNq CAPACiTy Square Strip First Layer Second Layer Footing Width (ft) = 3 Footing Width (ft) = 2 Footing Width (ft) = Footing Width (ft) = Depth of Footing (ft) = 2 Depth of Footing (ft) = 2 Depth of Footing (ft) = Depth of Footing (ft) = Soil friction angle = 30 Soil friction angle = 30 Soil friction angle = Soil friction angle = Soil cohesion (psf) = 0 Soil cohesion (psf) = 0 Soil cohesion (psf) = Soil cohesion (psf) = Soil unit weight (pcf) = 110 Soil unit weight (pcf) = 110 Soil unit weight (pcf) = Soil unit weight (pcf) = Ng = 12.8 Ng = 15.0 Ng = 0.0 Ng = 0.0 Nc = 37.5 Nc = 30.0 Nc = 5.1 Nc = 5.1 Nq = 18.3 Nq = 18.3 Nq = 1.0 Nq = 1.0 Layer 1 qult (psf) = 6139 Layer 1 qult (psf) = 5685 Layer 1 qult (psf) = 0 Layer 2 qult (psf) = 0 FS= 2.5 FS= 2.5 FS= FS= qall (psf) = 2456 qall (psf) = 2274 pall (psf) = #DIVIO! qall (psf) = #DIVJO! Critical Depth USE = 2000 USE = 2000 Square Footing = #DIVIO! Strip Footing = #DIV/O! Buildings Shallow Foundation Bearing Capacity Determination GeoLivironrnentai Resources, Inc. Project: P-1349 SOTG Project #: 110-6171 Date: 7/24/2013 Engineer- CFC SIN IE LaERBEARNq CAPACiTy TWO LAYERBEARiNq CA ACI Square Strip First Layer Second Layer Footing Width (ft) = Footing Width (ft) = 4 Footing Width (ft) = 4 Footing Width (ft) = 4 Depth of Footing (ft) = Depth of Footing (ft) = 2 Depth of Footing (ft) = 2 Depth of Footing (ft) = 3 Soil friction angle = Soil friction angle = 28 Soil friction angle = 28 Soil friction angle = 0 Soil cohesion (psf) = Soil cohesion (psf) = 0 Soil cohesion (psf) = 0 Soil cohesion (psf) = 750 Soil unit weight (pcf) = Soil unit weight (pcf) = 110 Soil unit weight (pcf) = 110 Soil unit weight (pcf) = 75 Ng= 0.0 Ng= 10.9 Ng= 10.9 Ng= 0.0 Nc = 6.4 Nc = 25.7 Nc = 25.7 Nc = 5.1 Nq = 1.0 Nq = 14.7 Nq = 14.7 Nq = 1.0 Layer 1 quit (psf) = 0 Layer 1 quit (psf) = 5626 Layer 1 quit (psf) = 5626 Layer 2 quit (psf) = 4080 FS = 2.5 FS = 2.5 FS = 2.5 FS = 2.5 qall (psf) = 0 gall (psf) = 2250 qall (psf) = 2250 qall (psf) = 1632 Critical Depth USE = USE = Square Footing = 1.0 USE = 1500 Strip Footing = 1.9 Retaining Wall 54rIFi02-016 'l�eience CFC 7/25/2013, 5,01:33 PM • r P-1349 SOTG Settlement of Building Pad from Site Grading Company frle Name Total Settlement (in) 0.000 0.075 0.150 0.225 0.300 0.375 0.450 0.525 0.600 0.675 0.750 max (stage): 0.74 in max (all): 0.74 in GER Bldg Pads3z Page 1 of 1 �1S Page 1 of 1 -�sience -, ,--r-ter- _Inn n inn qnn +oicienc . & CFC 7/25/2013, 5:01:33 PM P-1349 SOTG Settlement of Building Pad from Site Grading Name Consolidation Settlement (in) O.CC 0,02 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 - 0.20 max (stage): 0.19 in max (all): 0.19 in GER Bldg Pad.s3z to" %.ience Total Settlement (in) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 max (stage): 1.51 in max (all): 1.51 in I 30 40 50 60 Pro1ed P-1349 SOTG •� a OesaW m Settlement of Training Building Footing @ 350 k °m`mer CFC C—a3nr GER Hare File Name F`IIM MIA 7/25/2013, 5:31:53 PM Bldg Ftg.s3z Page 1 of 1 �6 Page 1 of 1 ,ls�sience *cie c DMw z. By CFC 7/25/2013, 5:31:53 PM P-1349 SOTG Settlement of Building Strip Footing @ 2 ksf Company Total Settlement (in► 0.00 0102 0.04 0,06 0.08 0.10 0.12 O.14 0116 0.18 0.20 max (stage): 0.19 in max (all); 0.19 in GER Bldg Ftg - Strip.s3z -20 top, w �j ien I-dw" By CFC 7/25/2013, 4:10:19 PM . MaaarW Nattte CAW Uak view MteM krow waevsuefaa111 MIM} ( 11;M1 !s¢) ides) MalerW 1 C 120 Mohr-Coubmb 0.02 34 None Materrai 2 ■ ISO Mohr-Coutomb 99999 0 None Material 3 ® 110 117 Mohr -Coulomb 0.02 28 Water Surface Matenat4 ® 110 117 Mohr -Coulomb 750 0 Water Surface Materials 10s 110 Mohr -Coulomb 250 0 Water Surface Mate0a16 ® 120 127 Mohr -Coulomb 0,02 35 Water Surface , r-. . - . . r ,--r .--.--,--.--i— , - I ___T_ , , . . . . _� T . P-1349 Retaining Wall Bishop, ]anbu, Spencer Min. 1:234 C.'."' Mmie GER 6171 Ret Wail SLIDE2.0.slim Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ to, rj, s wi cfen 4 0 20 40 60 P-1349 Retaining Wall sDMjww Bishop, Janbu, Spencer Min. a/ CFC scale 1:250 ff 7/25/2013, 4:10:19 PM IFA? Aw 7e GER 6171 Ret Wall SLIDE2.0.slim Page 1 Of 1 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0,500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2-750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4,250 4,500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ -60 -40 -20 0 -� ien c Drawn 9y pate �'1%cience K51 40 CFC 7/25/2013, 4:10:19 PM P-1349 Retaining Wall Bishop, ]anbu, Spencer Min. 1:250 a ,., 4 GER 6171 Ret Wall SLIDE2.0.slim Page 1 of 1 Page i of 1 '1 Ymence 0 100 200 P-1349 SOTG � a A °"P"°° tip, &Retaining Wall Settlement 6!mence Drawn By CFC C—pany GER Date 7/25/2013, 5:58:10 PM File AWm Ret Wall.s3z ••■■•■•■•••i■i■i••i•i■ii■i■■■ii■iiiiiiiii�■� 0,1% ,Ience Page 1 of 1 tip, %,icienct- �n� I CFC 7/25/2013, 5:59:10 PM P-1349 SOTG Retaining Wall Settlement cc--mnr Name Consolidation Settlement {in} 0.00 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.64 0.72 0.80 max (stage): 0.78 in max )all): 0.78 in GER Ret Wall.s3z APPENDIX E PROCEDURES AND INTERPRETATION METHODS GER GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Boring, Sam,.pling & Standard Penetration Testing Standard penetration testing and split barrel sampling are conducted at regular intervals in a borehole in accordance with ASTM D 1586. Standard practice on most GER projects is to perform this testing and sampling continuously within the upper 10 feet of the subsurface, and then at maximum 5-foot center -to -center intervals thereafter. At the desired test depth, the drilling tools are removed and a split barrel sampler is connected to the drilling rods and lowered back into the borehole. The sampler is first seated six inches into the bottom of the hole to penetrate any loose cuttings from the drilling operations. It is then driven an additional 12 inches by the impact of a 140 pound hammer free -falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler for each 6-inch interval is recorded. The combined number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is designated standard penetration resistance or N-value. Representative portions of soil from each split barrel sample are placed in air tight glass jars or plastic bags and transported to a laboratory. Undisturbed Sampling Split barrel samples are used for visual examination and simple laboratory classification tests; however, they are disturbed and not sufficiently intact for quantitative laboratory testing such as strength or consolidation. When such laboratory testing is desired, relatively undisturbed samples are obtained by slowly pushing a 3-inch diameter, thin -walled (16 gauge) galvanized steel tube into the soil at desired sampling depths. This is followed by carefully removing the soil -filled tube from the borehole and sealing the ends to prevent moisture loss. The procedure is described in ASTM D 1587. Undisturbed tube samples are most frequently used for sampling cohesive soils (clay and silt), but may be used to sample fine grained cohesionless soils with the aid of a piston sampling head. Excavation When explorations do not require machine -drilled borings, excavations, test pits, hand auger borings and other means described in ASTM D 4700 may be used to observe shallow subsurface conditions and to collect soil samples. The maximum depth of these methods is generally limited by the depth of groundwater. These methods are useful in obtaining bulk samples for laboratory classification, compaction and other remolded tests. Rock Coring Core drilling methods described in ASTM D 2113 are used to advance boreholes into rock or extremely dense soils which are not penetrable by conventional boring methods and typically exhibit more than 100 blows per foot by ASTM D 1586. Core drilling methods employed by GER use double tube swivel -type designed equipment with a drilling fluid, in which an outer tube rotates and performs the cutting while the inner tube remains stationary and collects a continuous sample of rock. In -Situ Methods In -situ tests are sometimes used on projects to obtain additional subsurface data. These methods provide direct and empirical measurement of various soil properties without collection of actual samples. Because samples are not collected, it is not common practice in the U. S. to utilize in -situ tests alone to accomplish geotechnical investigations. On projects where in -situ ® testing is used, it is customary to perform them in conjunction with borings. ® soil ClassiFcation Soil classification tests provide a general guide to the engineering properties of various soil types. Samples obtained during drilling operations are examined and visually classified by an ® engineer or geologist according to consistency, color and texture. These classification descriptions are included on the boring records. The classification system is primarily qualitative ® and for detailed soil classification, two laboratory tests are necessary; grain size tests and ® plasticity tests. Using these test results, the soil can be classified according to the AASHTO or ® Unified Classification System (ASTM D 2487). Each of these classification systems and the in -place physical soil properties provides an index for estimating the soil's behavior. The soil �i classification and physical properties obtained are presented on the following sheets. Grain size rests Grain size tests are performed to determine the soil classification and the grain size distribution. The soil samples are prepared for testing according to ASTM D 421 (dry preparation) or ASTM ® D 2217 (wet preparation). The grain size distribution of soils coarser than the #200 U.S. Standard Sieve (0.074 mm opening) is determined by passing the samples through a standard ® set of nested sieves. Materials passing the No. 200 sieve are suspended in water and the grain ® size distribution calculated from the measured settlement rate. These tests are conducted in accordance with ASTM D 422. Plasticity rests Plasticity tests are performed to determine the soil classification and plasticity characteristics. The soil plasticity characteristics are defined by the Plastic Index (PI) and the Liquid Limit (LL). The PI is related to the volume changes which occur in confined soils beneath foundations. The a PI and LL are determined in accordance with ASTM D 4318. � Ph,.Xsical Properties The in -place physical properties are described by the specific gravity, wet unit weight, moisture content, dry unit weight, void ratio and percent saturation of the soil. The specific gravity and moisture content are determined by ASTM D 854 and D 2216, respectively. The wet unit weight is found by obtaining a known volume of soil and dividing the wet sample weight by the known volume. The dry unit weight, void ratio and percent saturation are calculated values. California Bearing Ratio The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a comparative measure of the shearing resistance of a soil. It is used with empirical curves to design asphalt pavement structures. The test is performed in accordance with ASTM D 1883 or Virginia Test Method Designation VTM-8. A representative bulk sample is compacted in a six-inch diameter CBR mold in five (5) equal (� layers, using 45 evenly spaced blows per layer with a 5.5 lb. hammer falling 12 inches. CBR tests may be run on the compacted samples in either soaked or unsoaked conditions, with samples penetrated at the rate of .05 inches per minute to a depth of 0.5 inches. The CBR value is the percentage of the load it takes to penetrate the soil to a specified depth compared to the load it takes to penetrate a standard crushed stone to the same depth. Consolidation Tests Consolidation tests determine the change in height of a soil sample with increasing load. The results of these tests are used to estimate the settlement and time rate of settlement of structures constructed on similar soils. The test is run in accordance with ASTM D 2435 on a single element of an extruded undisturbed sample. The test sample is trimmed into a disk approximately 21/2 inches in diameter and one inch thick. The disk is confined in a stainless steel ring and sandwiched between porous plates and subjected to incrementally increasing vertical loads, with the resulting deformations measured with micrometer dial gauges. Void ratios and percent strain deformation are then calculated from these readings. The test results are presented in the form of a stress -strain or vertical pressure versus void ratio curve. Triaxial Shear Tests Triaxial shear tests are used to determine the strength characteristics and elastic properties of a soil sample. Triaxial shear tests are conducted either on relatively undisturbed samples of virgin material or on remolded -compacted samples of representative site materials. The samples are then trimmed into cylinders and encased in rubber membranes. Each is then placed into a compression chamber and confined by hydrostatic cell pressure. An axial load is applied until the sample fails in shear. Test results are presented in the form of stress -strain curves and stress paths to failure. Various types of triaxial tests may be performed. The most suitable type of triaxial test is determined by the loading conditions imposed on the soil in the field and by drainage characteristics of the site. Types of triaxial tests normally performed include: • Consolidated-Isotropic-Undrained (CIU test) • Consol idated-An isotropic- U ndra ined (CK.0 test) • Consolidated -Isotropic -Drained (CID test) • Consolidated -Anisotrop ic- Dra i ned (CKoD test) • Unconsolidated-Undrained (UU test) U 4 CONETEC INTERPRETATION METHODS A Detailed Description of the Methods Used in ConeTec's CPT Interpretation and Plotting Software Revision SZW-Rev 02 March 12, 2008 Prepared by Jim Greig CONETEC CONETEC ConeTec Environmental and Geotechnical Site Investigation Contractors ConeTec Interpretations as of March 12, 2008 ConeTec's interpretation routine provides a tabular output of geotechnical parameters based on current published CPT correlations and is subject to change to reflect the current state of practice. The interpreted values are not considered valid for all soil types. The interpretations are presented only as a guide for geotechnical use and should be carefully scrutinized for consideration in any geotechnical design. Reference to current literature is strongly recommended. ConeTec does not warranty the correctness or the applicability of any of the geotechnical parameters interpreted by the program and does not assume liability for any use of the results in any design or review. Representative hand calculations should be made for any parameter that is critical for design purposes. The end user of the interpreted output should also be fully aware of the techniques and the limitations of any method used in this program. The purpose of this document is to inform the user as to which methods were used and what the appropriate papers and/or publications are for further reference. The CPT interpretations are based on values of tip, sleeve friction and pore pressure averaged over a user specified interval (e.g. 0.20m). Note that q, is the tip resistance corrected for pore pressure effects and q, is the recorded tip resistance. Since all ConeTec cones have equal end area friction sleeves, pore pressure corrections to sleeve friction, fs, are not required. The tip correction is: q, = q. + (1-a) • uz where: qt is the corrected tip resistance q, is the recorded tip resistance uz is the recorded dynamic pore pressure behind the tip (uz position) a is the Net Area Ratio for the cone (typically 0.80 for ConeTec cones) The total stress calculations are based on soil unit weights that have been assigned to the Soil Behavior Type zones, from a user defined unit weight profile or by using a single value throughout the profile. Effective vertical overburden stresses are calculated based on a hydrostatic distribution of equilibrium pore pressures below the water table or from a user defined equilibrium pore pressure profile (this can be obtained from CPT dissipation tests). For over water projects the effects of the column of water have been taken into account as has the appropriate unit weight of water. Now this is done depends on where the instruments were zeroed (i.e. on deck or at mud line). Details regarding the interpretation methods for all of the interpreted parameters are provided in Table 1. The appropriate references cited in Table 1 are listed in Table 2. Where methods are based on charts or techniques that are too complex to describe in this summary the user should refer to the cited material. The estimated Soil Behavior Types (normalized and non -normalized) are based on the charts developed by Robertson and Campanella shown in Figures 1 and 2. The Bq classification charts are not reproduced in this document but can be reviewed in Lunne, Robertson and Powell (1997) or Robertson (1990). Where the results of a calculation/interpretation are declared 'invalid'the value will be represented by the text strings "-9999" or "-9999.0". In some cases the value 0 will be used. Invalid results will occur because of (and not limited to) one or a combination of: 1. Invalid or undefined CPT data (e.g. drilled out section or data gap). 2. Where the interpretation method is inappropriate, for example, drained parameters in an undrained material (and vice versa). 3. Where interpretation input values are beyond the range of the referenced charts or specified limitations of the interpretation method. 4. Where pre -requisite or intermediate interpretation calculations are invalid. CPT Interpretation Methods Page 2/7 The parameters selected for output from the program are often specific to a particular project. As such, not all of the interpreted parameters fisted in Table 1 may be included in the output files delivered with this report. The output files are provided in Microsoft Excel XLS format. The ConeTec software has several options for output depending on the number or types of interpreted parameters desired. Each output file will be named using the original COR file basename followed by a three or four letter indicator of the interpretation set selected (e.g. BSC, TBL, NLI or IFI) and possibly followed by an operator selected suffix identifying the characteristics of the particular interpretation run. Table 1 CPT Interpretation Methods Interpreted Parameter Description Equation Ref Mid Layer Depth Depth (where interpretations are done at each point then Mid Depth (Layer Top) + Depth (Layer Bottom)12.0 Layer Depth = Recorded Depth) Elevation Elevation of Mid Layer based on sounding collar elevation Elevation - Collar Elevation - Depth supplied by client Ayggc I �q` Av c gq Averaged recorded tip value g P (q.) n=1 when interpretations are done at each point Av t 9q Averaged corrected tip (q,) where: A,gyr = n y, q, =q, +(1-a).0 n=1 when interpretations are done at each point Avgfs Averaged sleeve friction (f.) I Avgfs = n fir n=1 when interpretations are done at each point Averaged friction ratio (Rf) where friction ratio is defined Rf Av! 9 as: Av%Rf=10(r/.•A1� Rf =1t)oJ •fp yr n=1 when interpretations are done at each point Avgu Averaged dynamic pore pressure (u) A,gu» �tt; n=1 when interpretations are done at each point Averaged Resistivity (this data is not always available l A�'�+_-i RESISTIVITY, Avgftes since it is a specialized lest requiring an additional „,,, module) n=1 when interpretations are done of each point Averaged UVIF ultra -violet induced Fluorescence (this 1 A`g" _-, UVIF AvgUVIF data is not always available since it is a specialized test '-J requiring an additional module) n=1 when interpretations are done at each point AvgTemp Averaged Temperature (this data is not always available Augu = FTEMPER,4TURE. since it is a specialized test) n=1 when interpretations are done at each point Averaged Gamma Counts (this data is not always I A'g" = F GAMM�f, AvgGamma available since it is a specialized test requiring an n additional module) n=1 when interpretations are done at each point SBT Soil Behavior Type as defined by Robertson and See Figure 1 2.5 Cam anella ConeTec Interpretation Methods SZW-Rev 02 Revised 2008-03-12 CONFTEc CPT Interpretation Methods Page 3f7 Interpreted Parameter Description Equation Ref Unit Weight of soil determined from one of the following user selectable options: U.Wt. 1) uniform value See references 5 2) value assigned to each SBT zone 3) user supplied unit weight profile Total vertical overburden stress at Mid Layer Depth. TSuess = T. Stress 1 A layer is defined as the averaging interval specified by where n is layer unit weight t3v the user. For data interpreted at each point the Mid Layer hi is layer thickness Depth is the same as the recorded depth. E. Stress (TV Effective vertical overburden stress at Mid Layer Depth Estress = Tstress - ueq For hydrostatic option: Equilibrium pore pressure determined from one of the following user selectable options: ury = Y. . (D—D.,) Ueq where ueq is equilibrium pore pressure 1) hydrostatic from water table depth yw is unit weight of water 2) user supplied profile D is the current depth D,,,t is the depth to the water table Cn=(Q )-a.s Cn SPT Naa overburden correction factor where a,'is in tsf 0.5<Cn<2.0 SPT N value at 60% energy calculated from gt1N ratios N60 assigned to each SBT zone. This method has abrupt N See Figure 1 4, 5 value changes at zone boundaries. (N,)so SPT N60 value corrected for overburden pressure (Nr)6o = Cn • N6o 4 Nmic SPT N60 values based on the Ic parameter (gtipa)l N6a = 8.5 (1 — Icf4.6) 5 (N,)6oIc SPT N6a value corrected for overburden pressure (using 1) (Na)6cic= Cn . (N6olc) 4 N6a h) User has 2 options. 2) q.1d (Nr)6olc = 8.5 (1 — ICI4.6) 5 1) (N, )soje = a + 0((N+)661c) 10 2) (Nt)60�lc = KSPT ' ((N46010 10 3) gctnw}I (Nt)60.le = 8.5 (1 — Ic14.6) 5 (NI )6o.Ic Clean sand equivalent SPT (Nj)(j61c. User has 3 options. FC s 5%: a = 0, 0=1.0 FC z 35 /o a = 5.0, R=1.2 5% < FC < 35% a = exp[1.76 — (1901FC2)] [i = [0.99 + (FC 511000)] Su Undrained shear strength - Nk, is user selectable Su = Nr 0-` N,, 1,5 k Coefficient of permeability (assigned to each SBT zone) I 5 B9 = All `, — Cr, Bq Pore pressure parameter where: du = u — ie'v 1, 5 and u = dynamic pore pressure ueq = equilibrium pore pressure Normalized qt for Soil Behavior Type classification as �r = `l! —6 2,5 Qt defined by Robertson, 1990 6 ConeTec Interpretation Methods SZW-Rev 02" Revised 2008-03-12 CONETEC CPT Interpretation Methods Page 4f7 Interpreted Parameter Description Equation Ref Normalized Friction Ratio for Soil Behavior Type Fr = 100% • fs 2,5 Fr classification as defined by Robertson, 1990 q1 - cr SBTn Normalized Soil Behavior Type as defined by Robertson See Figure 2 2,5 and Campanella SBT-BQ Non -normalized soil behavior type based on the Sq See Figure 5.7 (reference 5) 2,5 parameter SBT-BQn Normalized Soil Behavior base on the Bq parameter See Figure 5.8 (reference 5) or Figure 3 (reference 2) /c = ((3.47 — log 105)2 + (loglo Fr + 1.2P)2?:o 2.5 Where: — Q — (q, Ic Soil index for estimating grain characteristics And Fr is in percent 3,8 P. = atmospheric pressure Pee = atmospheric pressure n varies from 0.5 to 1.0 and is selected in an iterative manner based on the resulting 1, FC=1.75(lc3.zs) _ 3.7 FC Apparent Tines content (%) FC=100 for Ic > 3.5 3 FC=O for lc < 1.26 FC = 5% if 1. 64 < Ic < 2.6 AND Fr<O. 5 1c < 1.31 Zone = 7 This parameter is the Soil Behavior Type zone based on 1.31 < Ic < 2.05 Zone = 6 2.05 < Ic < 2.60 Zone = 5 Ic Zone the Ic parameter (valid for zones 2 through 7 on SSTn 2.60 < Ic < 2.95 Zone = 4 3 chart) 2.95 < Ic < 3.60 Zone = 3 Ic > 3,60 Zone = 2 Friction Angle determined from one of the following user selectable options: PHI a) Campanella and Robertson See reference 5 b) Durgunoglu and Mitchel 5 5 c) Janbu 11 d) Kulhawy and Mayne Relative Density determined from one of the following user selectable options: Dr a) Ticino Sand See reference 5 b) Hckksund Sand c) Schmerlmann 1976 d) Jamiotkowski - All Sands a) Based on Schmertmann's method involving a Plot of S1/61' 1( S /6, )Nc and OCR OCR Over Consolidation Ratio g where the Sulp' ratio for NC clay is user selectable State The state parameter is used to describe whether a soil is Parameter Contractive (SP is positive) or dilative (SP is negative) at See reference 8, 6, 5 large strains based on the work by Been and Jefferies Eslqt Intermediate parameter for calculating Young's Modulus, Based on Figure 5.59 in the reference 5 E, in sands. It is the Y axis of the reference chart. ConeTec Interpretation Methods SZW-Rev 02 Revised 2008-03-12 CONETEC CPT Interpretation Methods Page 5/7 Interpreted Parameter Description Equation Ref Young's Modulus based on the work done in Italy. There are three types of sands considered in this technique. The Mean normal stress is evaluated from: user selects the appropriate type for the site from: 3 a) OC Sands 1 �_ = 3' Young's b) Aged NC Sands 5 Modulus E c) Recent NC Sands where crv'= vertical effective stress Q„'= horizontal effective stress Each sand type has a family of curves that depend on mean normal stress. The program calculates mean and ah= Ka' 6 with Ko assumed to be 0.5 normal stress and linearly interpolates between the two extremes provided in the Eslgt chart. q°' q, normalized for overburden stress used for seismic gci = qc • (Palk )0.5 3 analysis where: Pa = atm. Pressure q, is in Mpa gctn qc,n = (qc, / Pa)(Pa/(Tv') q�, in dimensionless form used for seismic analysis where: Pa = atm. Pressure and n ranges from 3 0.5 to 0.75 based on Ic. KSPT Equivalent clean sand factor for (N1)60 KSPT = 1 + ((0.75130) ' (FC — 5)) 10 Kcp, = 1.0 for fc 5 1. 64 KcPT Equivalent clean sand correction for qeN Kcpr = f(1 j for /, > 1.64 (see reference) 10 gc,no Clean sand equivalent qc,n gcrncs = qc,n • Kcpr 3 gc,ncs 50: CRR7.5 = 0.833 [(gc,nc5/1000] + 0.05 CRR Cyclic Resistance Ratio (for Magnitude 7.5) 50 5 gc,ncs < 160: 10 CRR7.5 = 93 [(gc,n./10001' + 0.08 CSR = (Tav16v) = 0.65 (a.., / g) (6v/ 6v') rd rd = 1.0 — 0,00765 z z 5 9.15m 10 CSR Cyclic Stress Ratio rd = 1.174 — 0.0267 z 9.15 < z 5 23m rd = 0.744 — 0.008 z 23 < z —< 30m rd = 0.50 z > 30m MSF Magnitude Scaling Factor See Reference 10 FofS Factor of Safety against Liquefaction FS = (CRRj_5 / CSR) MSF 10 Liquefaction Statement indicating possible liquefaction Takes into account FofS and limitations based I, 10 Status and qc,,,c,. ConeTec Interpretation Methods SZW-Rev 02 Revised 2008-03-12 CONETEC CPT Interpretation Methods page 617 1000 ":J Q'..a 1►2 1 Q g ' Zone gG1,N = ,'SbiaE Beheh avior Type J.. - M 100 8 1 ■.. 2 2 ■ Y 3 ■ 1 sensitive fine,grained organic matenal , A _ clay.:��. 4 ■ 1:5 5 ■ 2 sit play. to clay clayey siltzt�ailR' s 6 ■ 2,g. 7 ■ 3 _ sandy,silt t yey. Mt -z io (n 3 4 silty.sand sandy;s+lt°.„�{� sand to,silty,sand 10 9 ■ 5 111 sand Y grraavel ly,sand to sand= - f veryrstdl fine gramed-''„ 12> ■ 2 sand to claysa _; •`. try overconsoil' dated or,cemented _ 2 1- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a Friction Ratio (%), Rf Figure 1 Non -Normalized Behavior Type Classification Chart 1000 d G Zone Normaliied'Sa1:6ehavloreTyFie Cr y 1 ■ sensitive 6ne rained g = iD0 - 2" ■ organic material' a" S clay..ts n ctay c 6 9 ■ clayey sdttosiltyy 5 SIN nd•tosandy,sill m 6 ■ clean sands to silty sands 7 pravellys�andlo'sand 5 �8 ■ very stiff nd togclayeysand 9 very stilF fine grained e 10 N E 6 Z t 2 1 0.1 1 10 Normalized Friction Ratio 9f f rrvo x 100% Figure 2 Normalized Behavior Type Classification Chart ConeTec Interpretation Methods SZW-Rev 02 e Revised 2008-03-12 CONETEC CPT Interpretation Methods Table 2 References Page 7/7 No. References 1 Robertson, P.K., Campanella, R.G., Gillespie, D. and Greig, J., 1986, "Use of Piezometer Cone Data", Proceedings of InSitu 86, ASCE Specialty Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia. 2 Robertson, P.K., 1990, "Soil Classification Using the Cone Penetration Test", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 27. 3 Robertson, P.K. and Fear, C.E., 1998, "Evaluating cyclic liquefaction potential using the cone penetration test", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 35: 442-459, 4 Robertson, P.K. and Wride, C.E., 1998, "Cyclic Liquefaction and its Evaluation Based on SPT and CPT", NCEER Workshop Paper, January 22, 1997 5 Lunne, T., Robertson, P.K. and Powell, J. J. M., 1997, " Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice," Slackie Academic and Professional. Plewes, H.Q., Davies, M.P. and Jefferies, M.G., 1992, "CPT Based Screening Procedure for 6 Evaluating Liquefaction Susceptibility", 45th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 1992. 7 Jefferies, M.G. and Davies, M.P., 1993. "Use of CPTu to Estimate equivalent N60", Geotechnical Testing Journal, 16(4): 458-467. 8 Been, K. and Jefferies, M.P., 1985, "A state parameter for sands", Geotechnique, 35(2), 99-112. 9 Schmertmann, 1977, "Guidelines for Cone Penetration Test Performance and Design", Federal Highway Administration Report FHWA-TS-78-209, U.S. Department of Transportation 10 Proceedings of theNCEER Workshop on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils, Salt LakeCity, 1996, Chaired by Leslie Youd. 11 Kulhawy, F.H. and Mayne, P.W. ,1990, Manual on Estimating Soil Properties for Foundation Design, 11 Report No, EL-6800, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, August 1990, 306 p. ConeTec Interpretation Methods SZW-Rev 02 Revised 2008-03-12 CONETEC a�