HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8020432_COMPLIANCE_20051118NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Qua STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW '�I 2 DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE OMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins. Deputy Director Division of Waiter Quality November 18, 2005 Mr. Ron Loftis Post Office Box 522 Harkers Island, NC 28531 NOTICE OF INSPECTION: Cape Lookout RV Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 020432,Mod Carteret County Dear Mr. Loftis: Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on November 8, 2005 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 020834 issued on July 16, 2003. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Gary Beecher Environmental Technician EBlghb: S:IWQSISTORMWATIiNSPECT1020432.Mod. Nov05 cc: Wilmington Regional Office John McLean, P.E. Arlyn Wall N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 796-7215 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 NC7EN*4 STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT E 3 0 Project Name: Cape Lookout RV Park Project Number: 020432 Control Measure: Water Body: White Oak Classification: "SA" Directions to site Inspection Date Weather Conditions: Compliance Issues: Harkers Island November 8, 2005 Warm & Dry (70's) Cape Lookout RV Park 8W 020432.mod November 18, 2005 Infiltration Ponds (a) The basin on the Eastern side of the project site had several inches of water in it. The basin on the Western side was almost completely dry. The water in the basin is probably from a 1.89" rain event that occurred on October 24, 2005. The rain event information comes from the following website. (www.wunderground.com) Required Actions: (Explain each deficiency and what needs to be done to bring the system back into compliance) (a) The basins must be maintained on a regular schedule. The effectiveness of the infiltration basins must also be investigated. If the basins are not infiltrating at the correct and permitted rate, they may have to be mucked out and repaired. (b) Another follow-up inspection will be performed in the near future, after a rain event to determine if Moth basins are functioning correctly. Due to the distance of this site from the Wilmington Regional Office, it is difficult for DWQ personnel to inspect this site on a regular basis. Inspector: Gary Beecher Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office: (910) 795-7215 EBlghb: S:IWQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1020432.mod. Nov05 Ac wAr�9Qc U `C Mr. Ron Loftis, Owner Post Office Box'522 Harkers Island, NC 28531 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. doss Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of r-nvironmcm and natural Resources March 30, 2006 NOTICE OF INSPECTION: Cape Lookout RV Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 020432.Mod Carteret County Dear Mr. Loftis: Alan W. Klirwk, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on March 29, 2006 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 020432.Mod issued on July 16, 2003. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. Please inform this Office in writing before April 30, 2006 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7397. Sincerely, L V 3J==== Gary Elehcher Environmental Technician EBlghb: S:IWOSISTORMWATIINSPECT1020432.Mod cc: John McLean, P.E. Danny smith (NPS Compliance & Oversight Unit) Arlyn Wall Flo thCarofina r/UQfllrally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 29405 Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service Wilmington RegionalQftsce lnteruet: wwrFngwalerUttakity.ora Fax (910)350-2004 1-977-623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Aclion Employer - 50% Recycledl10% Post Consumer Paper � !w Cape Lookout RV Park SW 020432 March 30, 2006 STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 1. Project Name: Cape Lookout RV Park Project Number: 020432 Control Measure: Infiltration Basins Water Body: White Oak Classification: "SA" Directions to site: Harkers Island 2. Inspection Date: March 29, 2006 Weather Conditions: warm & dry (70's) 3. Compliance Issues: (a) At the time of this inspection both infiltration basins were dry. The inspection follows a rain event that occurred on March 24, 2006. The slopes on the Eastern basin need to have either sod or sown grass on them. 4. Required Actions: (Explain each deficiency and what needs to be done to bring the system back into compliance) (a) Continue performing routine maintenance on the basins. Lay sod or seed with matting on the slopes of the Eastern basin. The middle of the basins do not need to be grassed, grass may actually hinder the infiltration process. Inspector: Gary Beecher Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office: (910) 796-7397 EB/ghb: S:IWQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1020432-2.Mar06 2 NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 0�� STATE STORM WATER INSPECTION FORM DLUCZr NCDMR wlLIMIN Facility: Cape Lookout RV Park Date: March 29, 2006 Location Address: Harkers Island COC #: SW 020432 Contact Name & Ron Loftis Organization: Phone (252) 504-3400 Number: Contact Mailing PO Box 522 Address: Harkers Island, NC 28531 County: Carteret Directions: Highway 210150 in Surf City Routine Compliance Inspection RE -Inspection Complaint Investigation Other - Explain A. HIGH DENSITY STORM POND Yes No Comments 1. Pond Slopes Stable Both Basins dry, more sod needed on Eastern Basin 2 Site built according to permitted plans 3. Outlet Structure OK I Trash Rack 4. Deed Restrictions & Pond Certification November 20, 2003 B. LOW DENSITY STORM PROJECT Yes No 1. Swales Stable & Vegetated 2. Wetland Problems 3. Site built according to permitted plans 4- Deed Restrictions received Action Taken: Notice of Inspection I Mail Date: I March 30, 2006 Additional Contacts: John McLean 106 Manatee Street Cape Carteret, NC Arylan Wall 247 Mohican Trail Wilmington, NC 28409 Eastern Basin Western Basin Cape Lookout RV Park March 29, 2006 Carteret County Eastern Infiltration Basin Western Infiltration Basin w A r�Rp� 7 Mr. Ron Loftis, Owner Post Office Box 522 Harkers Island, NC 28531 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources March 21, 2006 NOTICE OF INSPECTION: Cape Lookout RV Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 020432.Mod Carteret County Dear Mr. Loftis: Alan W. Klimek. P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Colleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on March 17, 2006 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 020432.Mod issued on July 16, 2003. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. Please inform this Office in writing before April 21, 2006 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7397. Sincerely, Gary Cher Environmental Technician EB/ghb: S:IWQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1020432.Mod CC: John McLean, P.E. Danny Smith (NPS Compliance & Oversight Unit) Arlyn Wall N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 796-7215 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax Customer Service 1-877.623-6748 lath N( 6 0 Cape Lookout RV Park SW 020432 March 21. 2006 STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 1. Project Name: Cape Lookout RV Park Project Number: 020432 Control Measure: Infiltration Basins Water Body: White Oak Classification: "SA" Directions to site: Harkers Island 2. Inspection Date: March 17, 2006 Weather Conditions: warm & dry (60's) 3. Compliance Issues: (a) At the time of this inspection both infiltration basins were dry. The Eastern basin needs to be stabilized with either sown grass or sod. 4. Required Actions: (Explain each deficiency and what needs to be done to bring the system back into compliance) (a) Continue performing routine maintenance on the basins. Lay sod or seed with matting on the slopes of the Eastern basin. The middle of the basins do not need to be grassed, grass may actually hinder the infiltration process. Another compliance inspection will be preformed in April. Inspector: Gary Beecher Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office: (910) 796-7397 EBlghb: SAWQSIST0RMWATIINSPECT1020432 K ��F W A TFRQ Michael F. Easley, Governor p (�, William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Notch Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 6 'r Alan W, Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality March 15, 2006 Mr. Ron Loftis, Owner Post Office Box 522 Harkers Island, NC 28531 NOTICE OF INSPECTION: Cape Lookout RV Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 020432.Mod Carteret County Dear Mr. Loftis: Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a past inspection of the projects stormwater controls conducted on November 8, 2005 to determine compliance with-Stormwater Permit Number SW8 020432.Mod issued on July 16, 2003. For unknown reasons the original report was not mailed out. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 706-7215. Sincerely, )�Mj • 1JU.-- Gary Beecher Environmental Technician EBlghb: S:1WQSlSTORMWATIINSPECT1020432.Mod. Nov05 cC: John McLean, P.E Wilmington Regional Office Robert Caisan (Carteret Co. Planning) Arlan Wall North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 395-3900 Customer 5ervicel-877-623.674E One Witmington Regional Office Wilmington, INC 28405-3845 FAX (919) 733-2496 Internet: h2o.enr state.nc.us N UCtI]CarUllrl3 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmalive Action Employer — 50% RecycledllO% Post Consumer Paper Alatut-ally Cape Lookout RV Park SW 020432.rnod March 15, 2006 STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 1 E 3. 4. Project Name: Cape Lookout RV Park Project Number: 020432 Control Measure: Infiltration Ponds Water Body: White Oak Classification: "SA" Directions to site: Harkers Island Inspection Date Weather Conditions: November 8, 2005 Compliance Issues: Warm & Dry (70's) (a) The basin on the Eastern side of the project site had several inches of water in it. The basin on the Western side was almost completely dry. The water in the basin is probably from a 1.89" rain event that occurred on October 24, 2005. The rain event information comes from the following website. (www.wunderg round.com ) Required Actions: (Explain each deficiency and what needs to be done to bring the system back into compliance) (a) The basins must be maintained on a regular schedule. The effectiveness of the infiltration basins must be investigated. If the basins are not infiltrating at the correct and permitted rate, they may have to be mucked out and repaired. (b) Another follow-up inspection will be performed in the near future, after a rain event to determine if both basins are functioning correctly. Due to the distance of this site from the Wilmington Regional Office, it is difficult for DWQ personnel to inspect this site on a regular basis. Inspector: Gary Beecher Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office: (910) 796-7397 EB/ghb: S:1WQSlSTORMWATIINSPECT1020432.mod. Nov05 2 rr • , �� �OF W ATE9Q Michael F. Easley, Governor O G William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary v� North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 4 Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality June 30, 2005 Mr. Arlyn Wall 247 Mohican Trail Wilmington, NC 28409 Subject: Cape Lookout RV Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 020432 Carteret County Dear Mr. Wall: Thank you for your recent inquiries concerning the stormwater system approved for the Cape Lookout RV Park project. This project was originally permitted on July 24, 2002, for 26 RV spaces, an office & bathhouse, a 16' wide inverted crown road, and 2 infiltration basins, each with a proposed bottom elevation of 8.95 FMSL. On or about February 13, 2003, the Division of Water Quality received a copy of a LAMA Major Permit application for the Cape Lookout RV Park. This application indicated that there were 28 proposed RV spaces, which was 2 more than the Division had permitted. On February 14, 2003, the Division sent Mr. Loftis a letter informing him that a modification to the stormwater permit was required to address this discrepancy. This letter was copied to Ms. Tere Barrett in the Morehead City office of the Division of Coastal Management. On March 12, 2003, the Division received the permit modification package for Cape Lookout RV Park. While the modification is in review, the conditions of the original permit remain in effect. In the meantime, CAMA continued its review of the CAMA Major application. It is not unusual for CAMA to issue its permit with conditions that require approvals/permits from all other agencies to be in place before the permitted work can begin.. Additionally, only work within 575' of the ORW AEC is covered by the CAMA permit. This may help explain why the construction was continuing in other parts of the project while the CAMA Permit was in process. On July 1, 2003, 1 inspected the project. My comments regarding this inspection are included in an email I sent to Mr. McLean on July 2, 2003, copy enclosed. This is the only documentation of this inspection. To summarize, I saw an earthern berm located along the lower edge of the road adjacent the infiltration basins, which forced the runoff from the site to enter the infiltration basins at specific points, vs. the swale and sheet flow condition shown on the revised plans. l also saw that the low area, which is shared with the adjacent property, had not been filled in as shown on the revised plan, but instead, Mr. Loftis installed a pump in that area, and told me he intended to install a catch basin in the low spot and pump everything into the infiltration basins. Both basins were dry. The plans were revised to remove the earthen berms and to fill in the low spot. I do not recall any of the particulars regarding Mr. Loftis' decision to fill the low spot rather than install a catch basin and pump, however, had a catch basin been proposed, I would have told Mr. Loftis that it would be necessary to increase the size of Basin #2 in order to account for the offsite runoff that would enter the catch basin from any of the adjacent properties. North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service 1 -877-623-6748 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405-3a45 FAX (910) 350-2004 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper One NorthCarolina rA Mr. Wall June 30 2005 On July 16, 2003, the permit modification was issued to allow for an increased built -upon area to account for the increased number of RV spaces. Basin #1 increased its treated built -upon area from 16,750 ft2 to 19,548 ft2, while Basin #2 decreased its treated built -upon area from 18,250 ft2 to 16,608 ft2. The bottom elevation of Basin #1 was also deepened from 8.95 FMSL to 8.75 FMSL. Calculations submitted by Mr. McLean indicate that the basins are sized to provide sufficient volume to meet the 1.5" design rainfall requirements of infiltration. Gary Beecher's June 7, 2005, inspection, copy enclosed, was conducted only a day or two after a 6-8 inch rain, and indicated that the infiltration basins were full. It was decided that another inspection would occur after 5 straight days without rain, in order to determine if the basins are drawing down within the required 5 day time frame. The infiltration basins were designed and permitted to handle the State -required minimum of 1.5" of rain, so it was not unexpected that the basins were full. On November 20, 2003, John McLean, P.E., certified to the State that the project had been built within substantial compliance of the permit conditions and the approved plans. Until the re -inspection of the basins occurs after the next 5 rain -free days, the Division is unable to make a determination as to the project's compliance status. The stormwater application for this project indicates that there is no offsite drainage. The plans prepared by Mr. McLean and submitted to the Division show only that a low spot existed on the Loftis property at elevation 7.7. Based on the scant topographic information on the approved plans, it appears that a low area may have straddled both the Wall property and the Loftis property. It also appears that the filling of the low spot on the Loftis property is keeping the runoff generated by the Wall property from draining onto the Loftis property. Flooding is an issue that is not addressed in the stormwater permit, and which the Division has no jurisdiction over. If flooding is to be regulated, it must be done at the local government level. The NC Legislature has neither formulated flood control rules nor charged the Division with the responsibility of reviewing plans to make sure adjacent properties are not being flooded by the development of the permitted property. I hope I have addressed all of your concerns raised in our phone conversation of June 22, 2005. If you have any further questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 796-7404. Sincerely," Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer II ENBlarl: S:1WQSiSTORMWA-RLETTERS120051020432.jun05 cc: Ed Beck, Regional Supervisor Ron Loftis, Owner, Cape Lookout RV Park John McLean, P.E. Tere Barrett, DCM Morehead City Gary Beecher, DWQ SWPS Robert Caison, Carteret County Planning Department Linda Lewis , Cape L`okout RV Park Subject: Cape Lookout RV Park Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 Z 4:58:50 -0400 From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lew is@nemail.net> Organization: NC DENR To: "John P McLean, P.E." <jpmcleanpe@tcp2.com> John: I inspected this project yesterday before I came to your office to pick up the revised plans. I also spoke to the owner, Ron Loftis. You probably need to visit the site yourself because what you show on the plans will not be implemented at the site. The road adjacent the infiltration basins will NOT be sheet -flowing into the basins. There is a 1.5' high earthen berm that is preventing sheet flow from entering. All runoff appears to be directed to the ends of the basin. Additionally, the lot area beside the house, where there was supposed to be about 2' of fill, will be left alone. Mr. Loftis has installed a pump, and wants to construct a catch basin in the low area and pump all the runoff into the infiltration basin. The revised plans you worked on are no longer the proposed condition. Please talk to your client, visit the site, and get everything straight. Given the discrepancies between what is on the ground and what is shown on the plan, a permit will not be forthcoming in time for Mr. Loftis' appearance before whatever board or commission he is appearing before to get a CO. Thanks, Linda l of l W ;2003 3.25 W �0F WATT, Q Michael F. Easley, Governor O G William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources >ViQ 0 Alan W, Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality June 29, 2005 Mr. Ron Loftis, Owner Post Office Box 522 Harkers Island, NC 28531 NOTICE OF INSPECTION: Cape Lookout RV Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 020432.Mod Carteret County Dear Mr. Loftis: Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report", The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on June 7, 2005 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 020432.Mod issued on July 16, 2003. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Gary eecher Environmental Technician EBJghb: S:IWQSISTORMWAT\1NSPECTi020432.Mod. June05 CC: John Mclean, P.E Wilmington Regional Office Robert Caisan (Carteret Co. Planning) Arn Wall North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 395-3900 Customer Servicel-877-623-6748 Wilmington Regional Olfrce Wilmington, INC 28405-3845 FAX (919) 733-2496 Intemet; h2o.enr stale.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper NorthCarolina STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 1. Project Name: Cape Lookout RV Park Project Number: 020432 Control Measure: Infiltration Ponds Water Body: White Oak Classification: "SA" Directions to site: Harkers Island 2. Inspection Date: June 7, 2005 Weather Conditions: Warm (6- 8" of rain several days before) 3. Compliance Issues: (a) Both basins have been built, they were both full of water. This inspection was performed following a 6-8" rain event. 4. Required Actions: (Explain each deficiency and what needs to be done to bring the system back into compliance) . (a) A follow-up inspection will be performed to determine if both basins are infiltrating as they were designed to do. Inspector: Gary Beecher Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office: (910) 796-7215 EBlghb: S:IWQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1020432.Mod.June05 John P. McLean Engineering Associates May 10, 2005 Ms. Linda Lewis, Engineer DENR-DWQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405 RE: SW8 970241 Modification, Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis, --. - C E:;1VEI D MAY 1 1 2005 Y: 400 Taylor Notion Road Cape Carteret N.C. 28584 TEL 252-393-2219 FAX 252-393-2219 E-mail jpmcleanpeQtcp2.com Attached to this note you will find the Designer's Certification for referenced project. Sincerely, T. doohn P. McLean, P.E. Cc: Kevin Reed, Emerald Isle Planning Department F P le: G"dwa I ha W QC ert 5.10.05 1NAr,�.O Michael F. Easley, Governor Q 6 William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality June 29, 2005 Mr. Ron Loftis, Owner Post Office Box 522 Harkers Island, NC 28531 NOTICE OF INSPECTION: Cape Lookout RV Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 020432.Mod Carteret County Dear Mr. Loftis: Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on June 7, 2005 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 020432.Mod issued on July 16, 2003. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Gary Beecher Environmental Technician EBlghb: S:IWQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1020432.Mod.June05 cc: John McLean, P.E LW mington Regional'Office Robert Caisan (Carteret Co. Planning) Arlan Wall North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 395-3900 Customer 5enricel-877-623-6748 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 FAX (919) 733-2496 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recyeled110% Post Consumer Paper Natutally NorthCarolina STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 1. Project Name: Cape Lookout RV Park Project Number: 020432 Control Measure: Infiltration Ponds Water Body: White Oak Classification: "SA" Directions to site: Harkers Island 2. Inspection Date: June 7, 2005 Weather Conditions: Warm (6- 8" of rain several days before) 3. Compliance Issues. (a) Both basins have been built, they were both full of water. This inspection was performed following a 6-8" rain event. 4. Required Actions: (Explain each deficiency and what needs to be done to bring the system back into compliance) (a) A follow-up inspection will be performed to determine if both basins are infiltrating as they were designed to do. Inspector: Gary Beecher Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office: (910) 796-7215 EBlghb: S:1WQSlSTORMWATIINSPECT1020432.Mod. June05 CFTF Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources t Alan W. Klimek, P.E.,Director p Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Depputy Director Division of WaterQuality Storrnwater Inspection Sheet Name of Site: CAPE FEAR R/V PARK Permit #: SV'J8 020432 Date of Inspection: JUNE 7, 2005 Weather and Temp: WARM & SUNNY Location of site: CARTERET CO. Pond or swale Conditions: BOTH INFILTRATION BASINS HAVE BEEN BUILT, THEY APPEAR TO BE FUNCTIONING CORRECTLY. Trash Rack Present: tI,A Deed Restrictions) EN Certification Provided: YES Condition of Outlet Structure: N!A Do the plans match the site: YES Wetlands Onsite: NO Condition: NIA History Of Site: NO PAST INSPECTIONS N. C. Division of Water quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 4C L7EN.R Page I of 2 j C. wunderground.com - =2004 .tune 2005 ZQ46 >= Next Month Sunday 11Monday ITuesday lWednesday _T Thursday Friday Saturday 4 Actual- 73 163 Actual: 79164 Actual: 77 171 Actual: 77 169 Precip: 0.46 Precip: 5.63 Precip: 0.12 Precip: 0.49 Average: 81 165 Average-, 82 165 Average: 83 165 Average: 82 166 Precip: 0.07 0.05 Precip: 0.12 Precip: 0.18 Actual* 00 171 Precip: 0.01 Average: 131 164 Precip: 0.18 Actual: 82 172 Precip: 0.00 Average: 82165 Pteclp- 0.11 .7 Actual: B1 173 Precip: 0.01 Average: 62166 Precip: 0.03 Actual: 132 173 Precip: 0.00 Average: 82 166 Precip: 0.04 Actual: 02171 Precip: 0.08 Average: 82168 Precip: 0.11 io Actual: 82 172 Precip: 0.00 Average: 82 166 Precip, 0.14 Actual: 81 171 Precip: 0.05 Average: 82 165 Precip: 0.31 112 1 13 14 R Actual-. 82173 Actual: 82176 Actual: 84177 Actual: 82176 Actual: 86173 Actual. 82168 Actual: 82166 Precip. 0.00 Precip: 0100 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0,00 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.21 Precip: 0.01 Average: 82 165 Average: 83 166 Average: 811166 Average, 93 167 Average- 84168 Average: 83169Average: 84169 Precip: 0.06 Precip- 0.20 Precip: 0.04 Precip: 0.05 Precip: 0,13 Precip: 0.07 Precip: 0.10 _j 19- 20 01_1�,_ 2.2. (13 23 24 25 Actual; 81 168 Actual: 77 162 Actual; 77 160 Actual: 81 171 Actual: 84170 Actual: 82 171 Actual: 82 170 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0100 Precip; 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip; 0.16 Average: 134 169 Average: 85 169 Average: 85 169 Average: 84169 Average: 85170 Average: B4 168 Average: 86 168 Procip: 0.17 Precip. 0.26 Precip; 0.21Precip:Pcip� 0.11 Precip, 0144 Precip: 0.10 Precip: 0.14 26 27 V4- 28 29 30 Actual: 82 173 Actual: 84 176 Actual: 94175 Actual: 77172 Actual: 82173 Precip: 0.06 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.13 Precip: 1.99 Precip: 0,00 Average. 85 169Average: 84169 Average: B5 169 Average: 85169 Average. 86169 Precip: 0.32 Precip: 0.19 Precip- 0.10 Precip: 0.11 LPrecip: 0.12 IMonth Precipitation - Actual month total: Average month total: 3,95 Calendar Key --- Data Category �ryySunny• Mostly Sunny partly Cloudy Rain I _r Snow Condition Temp� Clear Partly Sunny Sunny High clual: 190 58 Mostly LTemp. o Cloudy Precip: 0.00 Precip. (in inches) Daily Avg. Temp. Hall Thunderstorms Hazy Sleet Unknown i Aveiage: 71153 Temps in '17 Flurries Fog denotes [Precip 0.03 00120 chance of fill e:HC: TOC UNIE- 1 NWQ-GIS- I TOCALS- I \Temp\IL62OLDN. htm 10/31/2005 Printer Friendly WUI - History Page 1 of 2 r wunderground. com July 2005 Next Month » Sunday IlMonday Tuesday IIVVednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Actual: 84 { 78 Actual: B4 173 Precip_ 0.00 Precip 0.01 Average: 86171 Average: 85I68 Precip, 0.07 Precip, 0.22 3 4 6 6 7 40 8 9 Actual: 84173 Actual: 84172 Actual: 84173 Actual: 87179 Actual: 88178 Actual: 67175 Actual: 87173 Precip 0.22 Precip 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Average: 85170 Average: 86171 Average: 86170 Average: 86170 Average: 86I70 Average: 87169 Average: 87172 Precip 0.21 Precip: 0.14 Precip: 0.33 Precip, 0.17 H Precip: 0.13 Precip: 0.20 Precip: 0.07 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Actual: 84170 Actual: 86173 Actual: 88179 Actual: 86172 Actual: 81173 Actual. 86173 Actual: 87180 Precip 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip, 0.04 Precip: 2.23 Precip 0.93 Precip 0.50 Pracip: 0.00 Average: 8B 173 Average: 88 173 Average: 87 172 Average: 87 172 Average: 87 171 Average: 87 172 Average: 87 172 Precip 0.20 Precip: 0.46 Precip, 0.34 Precip: 0.12 Precip. 0.05 Precip 0.18 Precip: 0.33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Actual 86 180 Actual: 86 180 Actual: 87 180 Actual: 88 j 80 Actual: 86 175 Actual: 87 177 Actual: 90 175 Precip, 0.01 Precip: 0,00 Precip_ 0.00 Precip 0.02 Precip: 0.27 Precip: 0,00 Precip: 0.42 Average: 87172 Average: 87171 Average: 87171 Average: 87173 Average: 88173 Average: 87172 Average: 87173 Precip, 0.22 Precip, 0.14 Precip: 0111 Precip: 0,09 Precip: 0.20 Precip: 0.11 Precip: 0.27 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Actual 86171 Actual: 84170 Actual: 90181 Actual: 90175 Actual: 93179 Actual: 84176 Actual: 84173 Precip 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip, 0.00 Precip: 0.01 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.81 Precip: 0.13 Average: 071172 Average: 87173 Average: 86171 Average: 86172 Average: 87172 Average: 87172 Average: 87172 Precip 0.27 Precip: 0,44 Precip 0.18 Precip: 0.18 Precip' 0.23 Precip 0,27 Procip0.25 31 Actual: 84 J 73 Precip 2.09 Average: 86 172 Precip 0.25 Month PrecFpitation - Actual month total. Average month total 6.43 Calendar Key Sunny Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Rain _ i Snow Clear Partly Sunny Sunny r http://printer. wunderground.com/history/airporVY,,I/2005/7/1/MonthlyiEstory.httnl?printfeature=calendar 10/31/2005 Printer Friendly WUI - History Page I of 2 i ,wunderground.com I _ - - - � - I - (Tuesday a,saks3 t 2on5 NpYl Month Sunday 11 Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 Actual: 84 173 Actual: 87 171 Actual: 90 166 Actual: 89 172 Actual: 87173 Actual: 87 j 73 Precip 0.46 Precip: 0.01 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.01 Precip: 0.01 Precip: 0.23 Average: 87173 Average: 87172 Average: 87172 Average: 87173 Average: 87171 Average: 87171 Precip: 0.17 11 Precip: 0.21 Precip: 0.14 Precip: 0.32 Precip: 0.18 Precip: 0.24 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Actual: 86 176 Actual: 84 173 Actual: 66 173 Actual: 86 176 Actual: 87 177 Actual: 90 176 Actual: 88 176 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.41 Precip 0.00 Precip: 0.02 Precip 0.00 Precip', 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Average: 87 171 Average: 86 f 71 Average: 86 1 72 Average: 86 173 Average: 86 172 Average: 66 171 Average: 85 170 Precip: 0.25 Precip: 0.13 Precip 0.21 Precip: 0.27 Precip 0.19 Precip: 0.16 Precip: 0.17 14 15 16 17 _u 19 20 Actual: 88176 Actual: 90179 Actual: 91178 Actual: 89176 Actual: 87177 Actual: 89175 Actual: 91180 Precip: 0.00 Precip, 0.00 Precip: 0.63 Precip: 0.03 Precip: 0.00 Precrp: 0.00 Precip: 0.10 Average: 86 171 Average: 86 171 Average: 86 172 Average: 86 171 Average: 87 171 Average: 86 170 Average: 86171 Precip: 0.13 Precip 0.24 Precip: 0.16 Precip: 0.41 Precip: 0.21 Precip: 0.44 Precip: 0.22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Actual: 91 181 Actual: 93 179 Actual: 87 173 Actual: 84 j 76 Actual: 84169 Actual: 84 E 73 Actual: 84 173 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 1,20 Precip: 0,16 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.00 Precip: 0.11 Average: 87171 Average: 86170 Average: 86170 Average: 86169 Average: 85169 Average: 86I69 Average: 86169 Precip: 0.18 it Precip: 0.30 Precip 0.23 Precip: 0.24 Precip 0.28 Precip' 0.16 Precip: 0.28 28 29 30 31 Actual: 86 175 Actual: 87 175 Actual: 87 � 75 Actual: 88 182 Precip 0.01 Precip, 0.00 Precip. 0.00 Precip', 0.03 Average: 861 70 Average: 86 170 Average: 86 169 Average: 85 169 Precip 0.09 Precip' 0.09 Precip 0.17 Precip, 0.12 Month Precipitation • Actual month total Average month total 6.59 Calendar Key Data Category Sunny Most#ySunny Partly Cloudy Rain Snow Condition Clear Partly Sunny Sunny - Actual! 1� �� High Temp. - Mostly Lo Temp. Cloudy Precip: TOO Precip. (in inches) Daily Avg. Temp. Hail Thunderstorms ..- Hazy Sleet '7 Unknown Aveiage: 71 153 Temps in'F Flurries Fog denotes Precrp: 0.03 .-eC -30 0 30 60 00120- chance of http://printer.,,vunderground.com/history/airport/KMRH/2005/8/1/MonthlyHistory.html?req city=NA&req state=NA&req sta... 10/31/2005 41 1 � + 4 1 ! JEd INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS PROJECT NUMBER: SW8020432-2 PROJECT NAME: Cape Lookout RV DRAINAGE BASIN: WOK RECEIVING STREAM: Back Sound Index No.: Basin 2 SITE AREA 3.12 acres 2 IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION BUILDINGS PARKING/ASPHALT CONCRETE OTHER TOTAL % IMPERVIOUS, I= 26:2"l0 ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE SURFACE AREAS AND ELEVATIONS FILENAME: G:\DATAIWPDATA\WQSNINBASINISW8020432-2.WK1 DATE: 16-JUI-03 REVIEWER: LSM CLASS: SA If ORW, is site within the 575' AEC? DRAINAGE AREA: ;:;'<s,;;:;34gt, SF Rational C 8508 Elev. (ft) Area, sq ft Inc. Volume Ace. Volume BOTTOM 8,95 6000 0 0 0 TOP 9,7 7300 4987.5 4987.5 VOLUME I DEPTH ! DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM, INCHES DESIGN VOLUME TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE DEPTH OF RUNOFF TIME TO DRAWDOWN 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM NIA Intensity, i = .33 inches 1 hour Qr=CiA= Qp through the bottom of the basin= 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6.3 inches! hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = CUBIC FEET CUBIC FEET FEET HOURS MUST BE <120 0.07 CFS 0.56 CFS Must be > Or 812.09 CF < 4987.5 CIF COMMENTS ok Volume and drawdown are (not) within Design Requirements. INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS FILENAME: N\8VV8C PROJECT NUMBER: SVV8020432-2 . DATE 10JuA03 PROJECT NAME: Cape Lookout RV DRAINAGE BASIN: WOK REVIEWER: LON1 RECEIVING STREAM: Back Sound. CLASS: 8A |ndmxNo,� |f(]RVV. issite within the 575'AEC? Basin SITE AREA 3.12anres DRA|NAGEAREA� BF IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION Rational C BUILDINGS 1500 PARKING/ASPHALT 9348 CONCRETE O OTHER OTUU TOTAL Cc= Place a ^1" here -if Rational 96IMPERVIOUS, |= RV=.05+.009(|)= ELEVAT|ON(}FSEA3DNALH|GHVVATERTABL£ FEETK0SL REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE INCHES/HOUR or 0.000003 PPG SURFACE AREAS AND ELEVATIONS Bev. (t) Area, mq ft Inc, Volume &oo. Volume BOTTOM 875 5700 O O D TOP 9.7 7308 8175 6175 VOLUME /DEPTH /ORAVVOOVVNCALCULATION . DESIGN STORM, INCHES DESIGN VOLUME CUBIC FEET TOTALVOLUk�EAVA|LABLE CUB|CFEET " DEPTH [)FRUNOFF FEET , TIME T3ORAVVOOVVN HOURS MUST BE<12O ' 25Y£AR 24HOUR STORM NIA Intensity, i=.33inches /hour Or=CiA= 0.07 CFS ` Qpthrough the bottom ofthe banin= 033 CFS Must bep<], 10 YEAR 110MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT ' Intensity. i=6.3inches /hour U Volume for 1Dyr. 1Omin. event = 84804 CF< 6175 CF COMMENTS ok Vo|unneand dnawduvvnare (mnt)within Design ReqoiremanCs. INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS PROJECT NUMBER:-SW8020432-1 PROJECT NAME: Cape Lookout RV DRAINAGE BASIN: WOK RECEIVING STREAM: Back Sound Index No.: SITE AREA 3.12 acres IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION BUILDINGS PARKING/ASPHALT CONCRETE OTHER SURFACE AREAS AND ELEVATIONS FILENAME G:IDATAIWPDATA\WQSIINBASINI SW8C DATE: 22-Jul-02 REVIEWER: NML CLASS: SA If ORW, is site within the 575' AEG? DRAINAGE AREA: €s>340 SF Rational C 9150 2615 5227 TOTAL F7775J6992 Place a "1" here if Rational Elev. (ft) Area, sq ft Inc, Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM 8.95 5700 0 0 0 TOP 9.7 6700 4650 4650 VOLUME I DEPTH ! DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM, INCHES DESIGN VOLUME TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE DEPTH OF RUNOFF TIME TO DRAWDOWN 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM NIA Intensity, i = .33 inches 1 hour Qr=CiA= Qp through the bottom of the basin= 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6.3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = CUBIC FEET CUBIC FEET FEET HOURS MUST BE <120 0.07 CFS 0.53 CFS Must be > .Qr 839.10 CF < 4650 CF COMMENTS ok Volume and drawdown are (not) within Design Requirements.