HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8010128_HISTORICAL FILE_20100311NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Qual STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS DOC TYPE 1 ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD KLTIFWA JI�AF NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director March 11, 2010 Mr. Robert W. Griffith, Jr. Dockside Partnership P. O. Box 650 Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject: PERMIT RENEWAL REQUEST Stormwater Permit No. SW8 010128 Atlantic Harbor Condominiums Carteret County Dear Mr. Griffith: Dee Freeman Secretary The Division of Water Quality issued a Coastal Stormwater Management Permit, Number SW8 010128 to Atlantic Harbor Condominiums for a High Density Project on May 18, 2001. This permit expires on May 18, 2011. Per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(h) (the Stormwater rules), applications for permit renewals shall be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration of a permit and must be accompanied by a processing fee, which is currently set at $505.00. if this is still an active project please complete and submit the enclosed renewal application prior to November 18, 2010. If this project has not been constructed and a permit is no longer needed, please submit a request to have the permit rescinded. If you have sold the project, -or are no longer the permittee, please provide the name, mailing address and prone number of the person or entity that is now responsible for this permit. Enclosed is a form for change of ownership, which should be completed and submitted if the property has changed hands. Your permit requires that upon completion of construction and prior to operation of the permitted stormwater treatment system, a certification of completion be submitted to the Division from an appropriate designer for the type of system installed. This is to certify that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with the permit, the approved plans, specifications and supporting documentation. Please.include a copy of the certification with your permit renewal request and processing fee. Enclosed is a copy of a sample certification. Also enclosed is a new Operation and Maintenance agreement that should be completed and submitted along with your renewal application. You should be aware that failure to provide the Designer's Certification and the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit, are violations of NC General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact David Cox at 910-796-7318. Sincerely, Georgette Scott, Stormwater Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Wilmington Regional Office Enclosures GDSldwc S:\WQS\Stormwater\Renewal\Requests\2001\010128.mar10 cc: Wilmington Regional Office File Wilmington Regional office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910.350.2D041 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 North C aro li na Internet: www.ncrvaterquality.org Naturally An Equal Opportunity i Affirmative Action Employer i State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 010128 STATE OFNORTH H CAROLINA DFI'ARTMF.NT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCI S DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE, STORMWA` E-R MANAGEMENT PERMIT 1-IIC.N D.NSITY DEVELOPMEAT In accordance with the provisionsol'Article2l ofClapter 143, General StatLltcs oI'No1'ih C<ucllina asanlended, and Other applicable L.Mws.. ItulcS, and Red Ul,1tions PL-RMISSION IS 1-iF'REBY GRANTI"ID TO Dockvide Partnership Allanlic Harbor Condominiums Carterel County FORTHE' H1 construction, operation and maintenance of 2 infiliration trenches and 2 sand filters in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 21-1 A 000 (hereafter referred to as the ".v oi-nrwaier• rulev') and the approved stormwater tllanagcrilcrn plans and spceific.-itions and other supporting data as mlached and oil file with and approved by the Division Of Water Quality acid considered a part of this pernlil. 'Phis pci•nlit shall he effective from the date of issuance until May 19. 2011 ttiid spa]] be subject to the HIONN'ing specified conditions and limitations: I. DES1CN STANDARDS This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the applicatic}n and other supporting data. 2. These storm water systems have been approved for the management of storniwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit, the Project Daw Sheet. The stormwater controls have been designed to handle the; runoff from 6,453, 2,865, 30,915, and 3,991 square feet of impervious area, respectively. 3. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the perillit. 4. The tract will he limited to the anlourlt of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans. 5. Due to silc contraints, a vegetaled filter is not provided for the runoff from System #I -I . The vegetatcd filter fior System 1i1-2 is the expanse ol'grassed area prior to the rL11101717 entering the system. C. The runoff front all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area ol'this project Must be directed into the permitted slorlllwater control system. 2 State Stornlwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 010128 ProJeet Namc: Permil Number: Location: Applicant: Mailing Address: Application Daic: Name of Receiving. Stream/Index #: Classification of Water Body: Trerrch /.Sand Filter Number: 'french/Sand Filter Dcpth, feet: BOU0111 Elevation, I"M,SL: Drainage Area, acres: Total Impervious Surfaces; Ftz: OfTsitc Area cnicring Pond, ft2: Required Surface Arca, RI: Provided Surface Area, III: Required Storage Volume, fi': Provided Storage Volume, ft': Temporary Storage Elevation. FMSL.: Controlling Orifice: Type oI'soil: f"'Xpccicd lnliltration Rate: Seasonal High Waler'Tiable Llevation: 'rime to Drawdown, flours: IVISION OF WATER QUALITY ZOJECT DESIGN DATA S1.11+.;1+,'I' Atlantic Harbor Co31do311ir11u311S SW8 010128 Carteret C01.1311y Mr. Robert W, Griffith,Jr., Managing Partner Dockside Partnership I'O Box 650 Morehead City, NC 28557 April 5, 2001 Harbor Channel / White Oak 120-36-14 „Se„ 1-1 1-2 S-1 A&B S-2 11 711 20" 20" 6.5 4.5 4.18/4.5 3.9 .26 .35 .79 .1 1 6,453 2,865 30,915 3,991 none, per 1"tigincer ---- ---- 360 360 ---- ---- 270 36 531 343 854 119 569 425 855 120 7.5 5.08 5.85/6-17 5.57 overflow overflow 20 a 6" 3 cr 6"(� pipe NUtU3'al sanely soils and historic Tiff 3" pee 110u3• 2.5 FMSI 4 1 ---- ---- 3 State Stormwater Manageniem Systems Permit No. SWS 010128 II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE The stornlwilter I11anageIllent system shall be constructed in it's entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surf rice. DLIl.illg cotlstl'tictiorl, el'osloll shall he Kept to it inininiu ll and any eroded areas ofthc system will be repaired Immediately, The perillittCC shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted storrilwater system functions m optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance flan must be 1"ollowed in its entirety and nliIi]1tCIIInCC ItlllSt (.1CCUr at the scheduled intervals Including, but not limited to: a. SCIl1idIuI I1 schedUIC(I inspections every fi months). b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing and revegetation ol'vegetated filter. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Debris removal and unclogging of structures, orifice devices, filter media, catch basins and piping. g. Access to the structures must be available at all times. h. The grassed area serving as the vegetated filter will be kept grassed with no erosion, and must distribute the runoff evenly over its width. 4. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, ]hole of -person performing the work and what actions were taken. 5. Tllc facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans. This permit shall become voidable unless the 1861ities ar(: constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, anti other supprn•ting data. 6. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of. -Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certilication must he received from an appropriate designer forthe system installed cerllfying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. 7. 1 fthe stormwater system was used as an Ilrosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a storlllwater treatment device, and prior- to occupancy of the facility. 8. A 1110diflUti(M Must be permitted prio rto any construction. The following items will require a niodlf lcation to the permit. The Director Imi)' determine that other rcvlsions to the project should require a modification to the permit: il. Any revision to the approved plans, regardIcss of'size. b. Pro,ject name change. C. 'Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage areas. C. Further subdivision. acquisition, or sale of the project area. The proiect area is defined as all property owned by the permittec, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plkul approval was sought, or for which a CAMA Major Permit was issued. l'. F'illing in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plats. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shrill be maintained on file by the Pcrmittee fora niininlunl often years from the date of' tile completion of construction. 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 010128 10. Prior to the tittle; of any portion of tile propel-ty, ail <icccss/illaiiiteii like caSClllent to the stol-IllWatel' facilities s11n11 be granted in frivor of the permittee i f access to the stormwaler facilities will be restricted by the sale of any portion of t.hc propelty. 11, The pCrlllittee is responsible Im Vel•ilying that the proposed built -upon area flocs not exceed the allowable built -upon area. 12. The Director May notify the pernlittce when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimi_rnl rccllliienlents oflhc permit. Within tic t.itilc fi'amc specified in the notice, the perrniltee shall submit a written bile schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet miniillum requirements. The pernlittce shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director thtit the changes have been made. 13. The permit.tee shall notify the Division ofany i1ai11e, ownership or nialliilg ad(iress ellanges witlliil 30 datys. ill, GENERAL CONDITIONS l . This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire 16r the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of' Water Quality accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and Iin-litations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enfilrccnium action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-21 5.6A to 143-21 5.6C. 3, The issuaince of'this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes; rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, stale, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perf01-111 satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Pernlittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such aS the collStl'UQt1Qn of additional or replacement storillwater managenent systems. The pel-Illittec grants Df NR Staff permission to enter the property for the pu1-pose of' inspecting all coillllonents of the permitted stormwater management facility. 6. The permit may be niodified, revoked and reissued or terminated for CaiUSC. The tiling of a request for a permit modification, revocat'1011 and 1-CiSSllanlCC Ot- M—Mi11ation does not stay any permit condition. 7. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow tie guidelines estalblished in the North Carolina E,r•osion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Permit issued this the 181h day of klay, 2001. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONNIFNTAL MANAGL'•MI NT COMMISSION �. G V-- Kerr T. Stcvcns, I]ircctor Division ol' Water Quality By Authority of the I"nvironnlentail Management Commission Permit Number• SW8 010128 5 REPORT (MAY.18.2U01 3t56PM ) * * * TT W-DEt�R 1IF20 * COMMUNICATION RESULT PAGE * * RESULT Rf� E MODE—_�___ -- — — — �� MEMORY TX __ _ ----- --- J —�) BUSY NO FACSIMILE CO"ECTION _---REPGON FOR ERRORHANGUP OR LINE FAIL E-3? NO pH5y.1ER State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office 'Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: 5 111'lolNo. Of Pages: To:: From: CO: CO: PA.X #: .S Q FAX# —. 910-350-2004 REMARKS: 127 CArdinnt Drive Extesssian, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-945 Telcpho" (910) 39SJ900 Sax (910) 3SO-2004 An Equid Opportunity AM mOSve Action Rmploptr STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151-A HWY. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (252) 247-7479 April 4, 2001 Ms, Linda Lewis NCDENR-Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Re: Stormwater Project No. SW8 010128 Atlantic Harbor Condominiums Carteret County Ms. Lewis: RECEIVED APR 0 5 2001 DWQ PROD # The enclosed materials are being submitted for your continued review of the above referenced project. The requests for additional information made in your February 23, 2001 letter have been addressed as follows: As we previously discussed, Harbor Channel is classified as SC waters, therefore, the required vegetative filter length would be thirty (30) feet. Infiltration System 1-2 receives runoff that has traveled over the front lawn area prior to entering the system inlets. Based on DWQ confirmation that the vegetated filter can be neglected in this case, the revised design of the system does not include a vegetated filter. Infiltration System I-1 is situated such that a 30 ft. vegetated filter is a not feasible component of the system design. We ask that the Division consider the proposed design with consideration of the constraints of redevelopment. During inspections, the State may park on 3"1 Street and access the property through the entrance or from the public walk on the waterfront. If these means do not prove to be effective for inspections, the access code could be provided by the developer. The sand filter systems S-IA and S-I B are both used to treat stormwater runoff in the drainage area that has been re -named S-1. Because runoff from the direction of units 1-6 is allowed to reach system S-1 A through parking spaces 16-19, there is really no definitive delineation of sub drainage areas to systems S-1 A and S-1 B. Therefore, the original 4 supplements are provided. The drainage areas and system names have been modified so that they correspond. The drainage area previously named "5" has been re- named "NI"' for not treated. This area of the existing brick walk is still identified for clarification of the summary of impervious surfaces on the application. File: kg1a11anlicharhordwq.wpd 107 COMMERCE ST, HESTRON PLAZA TWO SUITE B 102-D CINEMA DRIVE 151-A HWY, 24 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252)756-9352 (910)815-0775 (252)247-7479 Page 2 Ms. Lewis April 4, 2001 4. The grated drop inlet at parking space no. 19 has been modified. It now has a solid top and functions as a junction box. The nearest major intersection has been added to the vicinity map. Infiltration System I-1 consists of a trench that is approximately sized for the I" runoff storage volume. Stortnwater runoff in excess ofthe first I" will bypass the trench when it is full and flow to Arendell Street as occurs currently. Infiltration System 1-1 has been revised so that it now provides 98 % of the required storage. Infiltration System I-2 has been revised so that it now provides 100 % of the required storage. Sand Filter System S-1 meets 106 % of design criteria for the sediment chamber section and 95 % of design criteria for the sand filter section. Sand Filter System S-2 has been revised so that it now meets 102 % of design criteria for the sediment chamber section and 92 % for the sand filter section. With consideration of our space limitations and the type of development proposed, we ask that your section approve the proposed systems even though slightly less than the required storage is provided in some cases. 8. Infiltration System 1-2 has a revised total trench length of 202 feet. The supplement has been revised to correctly state the trench length, not the pipe length as was incorrectly stated previously. Because of the number of revisions required to the returned original pages I and 2 of the supplement for this system, a new supplement (pages 1 and 2) has been completed and is enclosed. 9. The supplement for Infiltration System I-2 has been corrected to state that the trench width is 6 feet and the trench height is 7 inches. The height has been reduced with the use of 6 inch diameter infiltration pipes to raise the trench bottom elevation based on the DWQ field report information sent to our office by fax in the form of a memorandum dated March 23, 2001. 10. The calculations for the revised Infiltration System 1-2 account for all of the volume from the bottom of the 6 inch perforated pipes to the overflow elevation (top of pipes), including the voids in the stone. ]I. The detail for Infiltration System 1-2 has been revised to specify No. 5 washed stone to be used in the trench around the 6" pipes. The recalculated volume reflects the use of this material and a void ratio of 0.4 was used for the calculations. 12. The infiltration trench supplements have been revised to state the minimum required storage.volume based on the design storm as the "design volume". 13. As mentioned in the response to item no. 3, Sand Filter Systems S-IA and S-I $ receive runoff from the entire drainage area S-1. There is no definitive separation of the File: kglatlandcharhordwq.wpd Page 3 Ms. Lewis April 4, 2001 drainage area. Therefore, the calculations for the systems are for the entire drainage area S-1. 14. As we have previously discussed in a phone conversation, there is no curbing between parking spaces 16-18 and 21-23, therefore the runoff that is directed to spaces 16-18 will enter Sand Filter System S-1A. 15. The details for the sand filter systems have been modified to show the elevations of the bottom and the overflow weirs. A note was also added stating that the elevation of the bottom and overflow weirs must remain constant. In addition to these items, revisions were made as requested in your March 5, 2001 faxed memorandum. Solid tops are shown on the detail for Sand Filter System S-1 and the 3" drainage pipes located at the bottom of the sand filter structures were removed from the details. We hope that these revised materials aid in your review. Please call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Kathleen Gray, El. Bob Griffith Ken Burnette File: a0aa6charbordwq.«pd Narrative Erosion and Sedimentation Control 'Plan Stormwater Management Plan Atlantic Harbor Condominiuims January 22, 2001 revised April 3, 2001 Owner: Dockside Partnership P.O. Box 650 Morehead City, N.C. 28557 (252) 728-4191 Engineer: Stroud Engineering, P.A. 151-A N.C. Hwy.24 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 (252) 247-7479 RECEIVED A. Description of Project 1. 2. Type of Development APR 0 5 2001 awe PROJ # The Atlantic Harbor Condominiums project is located in the Town of Morehead City, Carteret County, N.C. on a tract of land located on the Morehead City Waterfront. The proposed project consists of twenty two (22) residential condominium units and a swimming pool area. The project is proposed as redevelopment using sand filter systems and infiltration systems as means of treating stormwater runoff. Earth Disturbing Activities a. 0 rilelglatlanticharbomarr, wpd Excavation and grading for the installation of the drive and parking; area, drainage, and utility improvements, and stormwater treatment systems. Grading for the preparation of building pads. 1 3. Drainage The site presently drains south to Harbor Channel by sheet flow and by the town's existing storm drainage system. B. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures The following measures are proposed for the site. If it becomes evident that additional erosion and sedimentation control measures are needed, they shall be installed immediately. It is intended that all grading and excavation activities within a certain area will be protected as soon as that activity is complete. 1. Sediment Fence - Sediment fence will be utilized as necessary in locations as shown on plans or as deemed necessary by the engineer to insure that off -site sedimentation in controlled. 2. Sediment Storage- Stormwater sand filter systems proposed for the site will serve as sediment storage areas during the construction phase of development. 3. Seeding - All disturbed areas will be seeded within 14 days following construction in accordance with the seeding schedule shown on plans. 4. Stone Construction Entrance - Stone construction entrance will be used to reduce transport of sediment off site. 5. Junction Box Protection - Inlet protection will be used to reduce the amount of sediment entering the storm drainage piping system during construction. C. Construction Sequence Units 1-6 have been constructed: Perimeter silt fencing has been installed. Site has been partially rough graded. l . Remove and/or relocate existing obstructions. 2. Install stone construction entrance. 3. Install new silt fencing and/or adjust location of existing silt fencing at locations shown. 4. Rough grade site. 5. Install utilities. 6. Install junction boxes and storm drainage piping within parking and drive area with sedimentation control measures as shown on detail. 7. Install stormwater sand filter systems and associated piping. 8. Perform grading of front lawn area. File: kglatlanlicharbornarr.wpd D. E. 9. Seed front lawn area within 14 days of disturbance. 10. Install infiltration pipe system inlets. 11. Fine grade drive and parking area and place stone base course. 12. Prepare building pads for units 7-22. 13. Install curbing. 14. Pave drive and parking area. 15. Install walkway and fine grade pool area. 16. Construct units 7-22. 17. Install stormwater infiltration trench. 18. Install infiltration pipe system. 19. Perform final grading, seed and mulch all remaining disturbed areas within 14 days of disturbance. Design Assumptions 1. Design storm is ten years. 2. The rational method was used for design. Sand Filter System Operation and Maintenance l . At least once a year and after major storm events: a. Inspect the sand filter systems to ensure that the filter bed is passing the runoff as expected. Maintenance operations must be performed when storms of approximately one inch are not passing through the filters within 24 hours. b. Check and clear the overflow weirs of any obstructions. 2. Maintenance, when required shall consist of the following activities: a b. Removal of the first two to three inched of discolored sand from the filter bed and replacing the removed material with new, clean sand. Sand that has been removed shall be dewatered, if necessary, then landfilled. Pumping and cleaning of the sediment chamber. Material removed from the sediment chamber shall be dewatered, if File: kglatlanticharbomarr.wpd 3 necessary, then landfilled. C. Removal of any yegetative or other obstructions to the grated filter cover. F. Underground Infiltration System Operation and Maintenance After every runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly inspect the bypass/overflow structure for blockage and deterioration and the infiltration system for erosion, trash accumulation, grass cover, and general condition. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain adequate vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash and blockages as needed to maintain system performance. 3. if DWQ determines that the system is failing, the system will immediately be repaired or replaced to original design specifications. If the system cannot be repaired to perform its design function, other stormwater control devices as allowed by NCAC 2H.1000 must be designed, approved and constructed. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the infiltration system annually or when depth is reduced to 75 % of the original design depth. The system shall be restored to the original design depth without over -excavating. Over -excavating may cause the required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the ability of the system to perform as designed. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall not be handled in a manner that will adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a stormwater treatmene device or stream, etc.). A benchmark shall be established in the infiltration system. The benchmark will document the original design depth so that accurate sediment accumulation readings can be taken. The measuring device used to determine the depth at the benchmark shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the depth at the benchmark reads 9" in System 1-1, the accumulated sediment shall be removed from the system. When the depth at the benchmark reads 10" in System I-2, the accumulated sediment shall be removed from the system. rile: kgkal la nticharbomarr.wpd -Benchmark elevations shall be elevations of system inlet grates. G. Coastal Stormwater Regulations. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management implemented coastal stormwater regulations in coastal counties on January 1, 1988. these regulations are detailed in 15 NCAC 2H.1000 Stormwater Runoff Disposal. These rules allow for a development to be considered under various options. This project is submitted for approval consideration under Section .1003(d)(3)(B). R:V H CAq Ronald D. Cullipher, P. Q�� ES&* ����,ate 2 7 1313 r' * M O • • 4 • boo r U11 ; 011p11� HIe:kg%atIantic harhornarr.wpd 5 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. Hestron Plaza Two 151-A Hwy. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 TO v C MA) R — 6v, 4 V V L7 1- 6)Lkl 11 `� ... 1N �v+�t 1 N L 2_� y S WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Prints ❑ Change order ❑ Plans C L.1219TEn ®1P d ��l1ULJ���L �1Lr DATE L+ ,oOhl C) ATTENTION �* a Lew15 �a ►r S. ❑ Samples the following items: ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 ,-f-L) s ins -- b I e.,I'vru ,. �� v►'1 r � ��. � eu+ S� I� o rk LNvSi ✓ s -S T Z rt v,` a -F t 1 0A- s Vvh 5-1 5 Y�.v1 + Z THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval el ❑ For your use ❑ As requested For review and comment ❑ FORBIDS DUE REMARKS E ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted * Returned for corrections ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution 11 Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US APR o 5 2001 Dw PROD # COPYTO SIGNED:. z 61 !f enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. .J ''-_I ��n `5 1_!_ �}fit :' �• _ ri 7 PROJECT: ATLANTIC HARBORICONDOMINIUMS LOCATION: MOREHEAD CITY, CARTERET COUNTY, N.C. PROJECT AREA TABULATIONS: TOTAL TRACT AREA= 69675 SF 1.600 AC PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS: BUILDINGS: UNITS 1-6= 6767 SF 0.155 AC UNITS 7-22= 10974 SF 0.252 AC PATIOS/WALKS= 2348 SF 0.054 AC PARKINGIDRIVE AREA= 20522 SF 0.471 AC POOL AREA- 2692 SF 0.062 AC 5' WALK= 921 SF 0.021 AC EX. 12' WALK= 2028 SF 0.047 AC TOTAL= 46252 SF 1.062 AC DRAINAGE AREA AND RUNOFF CALCULATIONS: USING RATIONAL METHOD: Q=CIA RETURN PERIOD 10 YEARS Tc 5 MIN. INTENSITY 7.23 IN/HR RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.1 GRASSED AREAS 1 IMPERVIOUS AREAS DA AREA AREA (SF) (AC) 1-1 11228 0.258 S-2 4785 0.110 S-1 34444 0.791 1-2 15431 0.354 NT 2028 0.047 Notes: 1. SEE DRAINAGE AREA MAP. IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS % Cc 010 (SF) (CFS) 6453 57.5 0.62 1.15 3991 83.4 0.85 0.68 30915 89.8 0.91 5.19 2855 18.6 0.27 0.68 2028 100.0 1.00 0.34 rev L1ly 10 I Qraze, 3 U� Illf F_SS/ •••• �/ �� y• r '3343 4 p8#1'CUi ;;,,�� RECEIVED APR 0 5 2001 DWQ PRO.1 # SGu 8 vl v� Z 8 1 File: kg4atlanticharbor.wO 1 A, e", dap rev., � 12-1 01 Sol NT: no ireaJt,r.en-� I "I i hey', STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A Hestron Plaza Two 151. A Hwy. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 M loon, I"VU✓b0V� A<<AvV' SHEET N8. 3 rev, OF -.0 V' "+I., CALCULATE❑ r-V;��., CHECKED BY ZA - } S�or r+�W a {: e ►'" 1� h' �'I ��. U✓�.. S .a �..1.. �. :.-......... .........._ .-. c. ...... ,`f�1/11111s1\f��,�..♦...... .. Acea. S?J �S. :S A 4 r711 �� 1� iy t_ u STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. Hestron Plaza Two 151 A Hwy, 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 -- .... .... , ... . - ,op A'I A!1`5 e L G+/ }Dy Zomiy.,il&pv . SHEET NO ��� OF. I!l11Q) CALCULATC-0 BY-4� .- •p�T. T CHECKED BY SCALE _.... ........ ...... tA i+ A. @. , , ._ ...... .... _..._ �...... _...._... . I , se /� �,Y1aw� e r:q �.e.... _ f !. :. Vvlkw��•; k�'er'dl = - L"I.)_....._-� �!C ko4eve_ ..U'.. r�'�t�� P,� y... J. 3 A e: ........ ._.............._ ......... :........... _ ._.._.-- - : - E J p ;1 _ .......... ..__.....,.�......... .......... ..,... ._........ ... :..... _......................._ r _. r._...... ..._._ ....._ .... ..._ _. 1 E . 1 j I I ` �+ ;......._.;... .�v._�.�Ue ...�. tnJ,� Pd ; .-_ �l�..:..� x _:.i t�.�. _ _..__..1._�_c... °ia_.:. 0-1 _..v.:�_4nr.�--��'4 UU �' 1 1 � l.. : € 7 i a. • ELI E i ..... ..... ,#_._. ................. :........ .... ...... : ..... _... ................_.. , ._..._ .... JOR 1# t' k4 "r L.' STROUD ENGINEERING, P.Q. 514EETNO � of �►rr,._ Hestron Plaza Two pa 5 A H 24 CALCULATED 9Y DA$� �� • Ar MOREHEAD CITY NC 28557 CHECKED BY i�ATE /v (252) 247-7479 :Q SCALE P •: m"r _,u I F%.*4M,1ih I dpow. STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. Hes#ron Plaza Two 151 A Hwy. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 .lOB �'� � �Qi� � � C {'�C�l VFW L�AI�(�(�rl i i1 i��'✓! :a SHEET NO. -- r ey Q \ / CALCULATED BY.. �� `��' �� CA�� •`'` '�r, ® I'i CHECKED BY SCALE �Za i . ...........:. _.., ..__...._.... f S . �(�. 0. C U LIPS. a.• .. v 62 +YJEflll, as PH(KmY;i741 SSwk 9-'M ".1 iVAI-PI wNiN1;+11 I �4wiM W.+.� w, i �n...... 5TROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. Hestron Plaza Two 151 A Hwy. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 Sao l U .. i C p . c�j o f }D fLr . C►Jt'�fh RANI J SHEET NO. / 4--� OF CALCULATED BY ` tW7Bl1. � + 17 CHECKED BY G� t ,pop L-k. k vl,' STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. Hestron Plaza Two 151 A Hwy. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 SHEET N0. re + �01 0-1 CALCULATED9Y � � � OATr-: a CHECKED 9Y Q a SCALE , ;rN P"r17W 1 K•q. •frnq Wh 1 IPHId. J06 f y,.I lb A i G C STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. SHEET NO. , q, fo — of 0 Hestron Plaza Two CALCULATED 0 � DATE 151 A Hwy. 24 / MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 CHECKED BY - DATE (252) 247-7479 " `• MMUCT 284 11Sw* %mii NK I1Pr!NP North Carolina LT18?FA Department of Environment and Natural Resources 4 • • Division of Coastal Management —f Michael F. Easley, Governor NCDENR William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Donna D. Moffitt, Director March 9, 2001 MEMORANDUM: V� TO: Mr. Kerr T. Stevens, Director C Division of Water Quality t' FROM: Doug Huggett O�O Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: Dockside Partnership Project Location: Carteret County, adjacent to Harbor Channel at 104 3'a Street in Morehead City. This is approximately 350' west of the NC State Ports Authority property. Proposed Project: Proposes to construct 22 residential condominium units in two buildings adjacent to Harbor Channel in Morehead City. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by March 30, 2001. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Tere Barrett at (252) 808-2808. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. SIGNED This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. DATE Morehead City District 1 151-B Hwy. 24, Hestron Plaza II Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 1 FAX: 252-247-3330 1 Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 1 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 30% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER Development Type FEE ()CM % (143G0t6o1435100093 1625 6253 DWQ °% 2430016D2 435100095 2341? 1. Private, noncommercial development 91at does not invcfve $250 100% ($250) 0% (SD) the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: II. Public or commercial development that does not involve the filling or $400 100% (5400) 0% (SG) excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: III. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A,13, C. or D below applies: III(A). For Private, non-commercial development, If General water Quality $250 o tCG', (S2.c q) 090 ;S0) Ge ti5 ation No.3301 (see attached; can be applied: I11(5): For public or commercial development, if General water Quality S400 100% (S400) 0 % (SO) Certification No.3301 (see attached) can be applied: III(C). If General Water Quality CeniF.cation No.3301 (see attached), could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and S400 60% (S240) 40% (S160) written DWa concurrence is needed because of concerns related to wale, quality or aquatic fife: M(a). if General Water Quality Certification No. 3301 (see attached) $400 60% ($240) 40% (S160) can not be applied: IV. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of more S475 gD-o (S255) 40% (S:50) than one acre of wetlands and/or open water areas: DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT APPLICANT'S NAME: Dockside Partnership 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Adjacent to Harbor Channel at 104 South 3" Street in Morehead City. This is approximately 350' west of the NC State Ports Authority property. Photo Index - 2000: #526, grid M-18,19 1995: #528, grid C-21,22 State Plane Coordinates - X. 2689800 Y: 360400 GPS #L030615A 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - Oct. 1999; 3/06/01 Was Applicant Present - Yes; No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - cc: March 09, 2001 Office - Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Town of Morehead City Land Classification From LUP - Developed/Conservation (B) AEC Involved: CS (C) Water Dependent: No (D) Intended Use: Multi -Family Residential (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - Municipal Planned - Connection (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Condominiums under construction Planned - Condominiums (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED GT ER (A) Vegetated Wetlands (B) Non -Vegetated Wetlands (C) Other High Ground 1.6 acres (D) Total Area Disturbed: 1.6 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SC Open: No 8, PROJECT SUMMARY: Applicant proposes to construct 22 residential condominium units in two buildings, adjacent to Harbor Channel in Morehead City. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT Dockside Partnership Page 02 9. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: The project site is located approximately 350' west of the NC State Ports Authority in the Town of Morehead City. This is the site of the old .Jefferson Motel, adjacent to Harbor Channel, at 104 S. 3" Street. The motel has recently been demolished. The applicant proposed a 6 unit condominium complex in 1999, and was issued Minor CAMA Permit #48- 99 for this development. The project at that time was to disturb .83 acres of land, resulting in 29.7% impervious area within 75' of the shore. Since then, the proposal has grown to include IS more units in a second building, on the street side of the project. This increases the disturbed area to 1.6 acres, necessitating a Stormwater Plan, a Sedimentation/Erosion Control Plan, and a CAMA Major Permit. The initial phase of the development is ongoing, and nearing completion. The project is an area of the city occupied with commercial ventures, multi -family complexes, and industry, with town docks along the waterfront. The property is serviced by municipal water and sewer services, and this development would tie into those systems. The tract is 1.6 acres in size, averaging +6.5' msl. Currently, because of the recent development, the past development, and demolition, the site has little vegetation. The surface is sandy soils and gravel. The Town of Morehead City Land Use Plan classifies this area as Developed, with all AEC's classified as Conservation. The waters of Harbor Channel are classified SC by the DWQ; the area is not designated Primary Nursery by the DMF; and the area is closed to the taking of shellfish for consumption. All development in this proposal is landward of the Town's 12' brick boardwalk. The property is stabilized with a concrete bulkhead. A Sedimentation/Erosion Control Plan and a Stormwater Management Plan were both submitted on .January 22, 2001. The proposal is to grade the entire 1.6 acres for the development of two condominium complexes, necessary parking, utility connections, stormwater infiltration system, and a swimming pool. The stormwater system will consist of an infiltration trench along Arendell Street and an infiltration pipe system 30' from the southern property line parallel to Harbor Channel. Two inlets will be connected to the pipe system within the 30' buffer from the water. Three smaller sand filter systems will be located along the eastern property line, under the parking area, and east of the pool. The development within 75' of the water has been reduced from the original proposal to 29.3%, with an overall lot impervious of 67%. This represents an 8% reduction in impervious area from the former development. The required parking for this development includes parking for the adjacent marina. Sixty eight spaces are required, and 70 are provided. The proposed pool will be located along the western property line, midway between the bulkhead and Arendell Street. There is to be a concrete curtain and lounging area around the pool. A 5' concrete sidewalk is proposed from this community area to the existing boardwalk along the water's edge. A wooden privacy fence is proposed along the western property line in the area of the pool. The condominium units along the water are to be 3 stories in elevation, while the units along Arendell Street will be 4 stories. Dockside Partnership Page 03 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: As proposed, this development will cause the grading disturbance of the entire 1.6 acres of the property. The end result will be a multi -family residential complex with a total impervious area of 67%, with 29.3% of that located within 75' of Harbor Channel. The site was previously disturbed, and developed for a similar use. All docking facilities currently exist, and there is no work proposed within the water. Because of the buffer between the proposal and the water, the potential for sediment moving into Harbor Channel is minimal. The use is consistent with the area. T. Barrett March 9, 2001 Morehead Citv Form DCM-MP-1 APPLICATIO 1 FEB 16 2001 (To be completed by all applicants) b. City, town, community or Ian► `6a&k "`4-"-•----- i'�dv'e, 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: Name D nc e Pa tne+r's I Address F, 0- Box (o5 4 City More ewd �I±j Mate C Zip ZgSS` Day Phone Z5L-CIS -Li t9 Fax 25Z-�28,t92 b. Authorized Agent: ` Name 5ifo U 1—: Vn�,rNeer,I Jic� � �.11-i^ Address t 51-A N-C- Hwy ZLI City I�dr-e y1ea� C-13state N C Zip 2ASS-1 Day Phone 252-2.4-1-14-1� Fax 25 c. Project name (if any) Llsnf C I-har-b Or o V;X a rvt ► V-� � wrn S NOTE: Permit will be issued in name of Lamkmwr(s), andlor project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT , County Ca,r+ e- re.t c. Street address or secondary road number 104 5. 3rok S-�-ee -V d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? X 'Yes No e. Name of body of water nearest project (e, river, creek,sound, bay) _ i &rbor, Chanvie 3. -DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. eor,,s m.c-�Idei of res�de,n io�� CA/�dDMIUY►'1S 1POO (Xndk reRLZre-ck p arl� ono. a,nd [>t+rs Je. a,r@a. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? hew worl. c. Will the project be For Public, private or commercial use? Qrl vo.?e. d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages.— C e nsinA c- i o n ,of L L __re,s,c�Crl��o.\_ C�onr�otv�},n�4mS U3 POO _anCk iAA 411c._1e% of wa{er` ovvdt se — SC'ryi Cep i neluc��nq exis�,i �+�, v]a}ei'' 1 e ex+eY"5— n "' Co�S'tYwG�ion _af aiorw�Wa.�er _ '�'r�a�'iy+ne,n� sYSf @vv� artid d.J'a.�/10.�e. Revised 03l95 Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. none e.xi n on slie- a. Size of entire 'tract J . (0 D At C" n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary b. Size of individual lot(s) n j q wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash — L down" and residential discharges.) c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or - "`'r °`e rVwx ° NWL d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract o. Describe existing drinking water.supply source. itnf C �; (� w Soursc�a►� C o_grs e-1 c�ara� Town of �Y e. Vegetation on tract fy. Limo.l %M-SS f. Man-made features now on tract ? VNA s e_ I. - eond.awl niurn %AAiA 5 1- G g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land classification of the site? (Consult the Load Land use plan.) Conservation Developed Rural Transitional Community Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? i. - Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? X Yes No (Attach zoning compliance certificaie, if appLiaable) j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes No If yes, by whom? k. -Is the project located . in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? . Yes X No I. Are there wetlands on the site? .Yes X No Coastal (marsh) , Other . If yes, has a delineation been conducted? (,lrwrh documentation, if avaiLahLe) 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to - the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: • A copy of the deed (wiq state application only) or other instrument under which_ the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 _1/2" 'by I1" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 73.02Q3 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue -line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the Revicwl 0105 Form DCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. • A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Poeks;de Coe okwy -,n,v•-n.s p4-4DA Naive C10 C.A, Cofer, Press eni _ Address P•a. l3o Z2_9 A-tIo lr4, e Gea6iWC Z3512 Phone 2_5 Z - Z H'I Ll41Z Lee we ro( 1- rbor 4b A Name c Jr, DrAvJ Se,41� Pres;den� Address 4S ;1 •ke Close NArfh ITV,lso') CZI 9b Phone 25Z-_7-13I- Z(bG6 Name Address Phone A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. CAMA jA'ino,- Devdoevykev%i Qerrv'%% 1 * `i 3-9i1 i s s rti e d A o 9a ek s id e-..erir,erC~. 42 C are Nov. I (a) 1199 . • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina I~nvironmental Policy Act. f; c00? 6. CERTIFICATION AND -PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North CaroIina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. 2aO l This is the 14 day of 00 ck s r Jj e__ P E Print Name Robt ft. W, l= $ Signature landowner r Authorized Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information �C DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCM MP-4 Structures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and date each arrachmens in the space provided at the bottom of each form. Rvvitied 031" Form DCM-MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major h. Permit, Form DCM-MP-I. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed ±uyo (2) b" AA n�,s CbK6.knie%a, ZZ res-de,X} 10,E oaAJ;M;n;urns i. w'+h Qaa-V &*4 Y-ekk!ck, Pa.r ki ne, b. Number of lots or parcels _ 1 c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) Z Z v.r% l it, -- -- 13, 1 S an a % aPr e- d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. 1. (, 0 oaeres If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? X -Yes No If yes, date submitted Samar ZZ 2a0 I List the materials (such as mar], paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces. Q s0ha.tT g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by ,impervious and/or built -upon surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. Z 9 , 3 01e Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification. Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management for review? �_ Yes No If yes, date submitted 5'wnuo.r- 2Z. 206 1 Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. IMwA 0-1$2a1 Sewe-v- serV i ce. ._ _ I Have the facilities described in Item i. above received state or ocal approval? QS (Attach appropriate documentation) k. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges). sir--i^o.c. e rAA�A of f 1. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g. well, community, public system, etc.) m ,A e.► poi 1 w c A e r s v s+e wy m. Will water be impounded? If yes, how many acres? _ Yes ->( No n, if the project is a oceanfront developme t, when was the lot(s) platted and recorded7 a oe.k54de PcIe�r,e>r'sv"�tp Pro' ct V�Y�Z� Signature Rate RevLsed 03195 RIC Is•Isr �► ------------------------- --- ----- ARENDELL STREET -------------e'_II• .aT[. elt -----"-`7µ ----------------- ?f0:ao� ea +n`Fs :n se+ElE � E[a K •s.•sTq �Ee e�� (E. w E.IIF �' al. Nr[E w � �� �77arJprwrasYl�7fv.(u21��.4A+[+rY � �areo.r». .n. ��j,s �3 f VN � %• �//./ i����� �[,ra %I / •� TE[ !/0 Y4x r q i 21 •� PROIMT PH Imp DE:TIGM PILE Ewo�a.e E.WIUTL EfSTIM ►. 1:2 1y111 ES tW EST SI 6 T.IRC yT,1ET Swowl!STYEin-Uo M SfrIP11L Sl Sliilso-as.", (rlSTE4. T fl a4 ..1tYaSE . 4. PIIrE.a. wtT11 :. T{T'.IEa Uli ma. KIIYI 1 -CPEV CUT AND wp.Ir r.Kw.r 6- . (' Taw LG Tu .fo r.aK I 1l(114C Ial4M7/ Sl rc Duaa Tmu n.er W. I.a .O[S rjjnpp K I I NI, IEA O-ES OR.S MOD IV4 .1 fEl 11 ra1[E IIDD.E LDS E 4reuo twain Tma fa. O Mrs • 22 u'ag", ,Owl w- ftsa 1D• SIDE ID' Tlq SraRS ISIi VIII �. SrKCS YYIlM! r.aA1IW • 2a YaQ! MTS 4 W 1 P[R E IRI TS . YaQS f0T0u14a rYN1.4 ..tor+vcol T.A lat( SIKES •.1 S..lZS ,m I.G Il lw mm,ACS• tT v-as ,ma ruwclRO NgYIDID - o Sr.¢) r �n+sa Tsnr � Tan. C[ ' id"i1•i:etr ii..ili [i'r:'rac"+� e°:lit'i.o-'1:i:li,.i. ATLAN-HC HARBOR COND -LW 1-22- IoIEpE.O TDw15MIP. CAATLRET CMMTT. 1 tLICXr aGER^PlI dUN[TTE abCNOJM J2 .F.T.RK 76512 PM@MC 12521 TIL-SSET srlEoun etua[xssaExCLPJL. oie:1liiart". Pc 1mET uw am�.rr ' ` — — — - a ARENDEEE ----------------------- STREET 7. ]7.st1 6-DlP saw. - - - 5IN [ "is if" to ,.0 a S t[✓Aw•S[. Im ILIWIP SnttY 1 -' - - Et. 1 ---_______- ([20.. K w. rA,r EL:• i:+S ^S U. .4 r tly. Ir. 1�IL`0"ON'Kt- f_ fa TFR t!K L7 TDr+L t[KYN, "Are LL.• 1.10 - - - RErKv [L. w 03 Iw, Il. 0•TI a11.s LF f' DIP SEWA sf;rItE P"0a - --"--. ,• - KP In. 4`` 1.10 ---- AM StpT wl Q! .• EI. SIDE-1 fa. 4, sew. ��-ttO,L - - - - -- _ _ -_ - - "'."--.�_- SeS•S4•S, -F •.. I ... - oIP urP 00 �O ® :.:.d irFF O -.J00 - _ ; rr�'.a� © ® ,.,.w,a ,<.. e•i ■a r I /,.r - r7 37 Frlli a H I 31 110 , - - •. lY4F r 1. !I \ 13 - - F.m �f 4sRiR{ Pvi CQLlE0} M PIK STVMr Store F{l ]0 if W 4' PNL CQLEcLC7qm iOr P,P 0OGTf Tar [s. ,L v(Rf PIPES /MT11 10 Y aLOG•F at MY m jsj r1 Id I•6 f! ]n. urwrTraT] itititGrvo�rR I INC. lrprar[e rr {L1RAlra SrORl.lrlll Ir ILIMIlOr SYST[N a IK( r Ip, I it tl rR.t 11W PIPE SYSILY -T TJSAII It.. - 5. ]] 11r 10• PE4O114SE0 tNVE u1PE] re. Lttl4r1• I.o tr �R[nteRFTc .w: r• a rnwl.. I• .�.. a I. rvrlm �:.[+rw e•sl. rlaaa0iutr�+0 rftil��LiMIr6l14 M.11 Slpllw•rr• IK IL SRAIIP • Illy. IR !L• w 3•t0 'b 1�yPtl�L I<[[1 .�, S EF.Inv. p,r LL•• 1.Sf urlRrl At a ry y Ia ro' n• ro' .a' w `: na a, Iml. ua SIIErr -:OF 4 PROJECT •: PX 1030 Scrn I - Ta' DESIGN Pt LE Id]0.Nnitrue L.d[n ]rpl.r+lEP 4+10 FtLftR SnTEY 2 2. If N a' DIP MLLI.TIP PIPE Ira- IIAINKE J 11O1 EOa u. . ] 1,00 "Io IMP I■ tL. • ]. 73 S Iti. OUT L. • ].5] ]�G•L.. wan, I,�GY v. FIPF IIRF K.l r rcaln ,asrnair '.Y, il�ai ,cir R R �� owl O.ala wr. :yii:N:w tl t,•rp FI•r YR* ne•.no. - �- FI. rin.nal mmw -r,m-.I.Y nt,•rla tarnw WO, •YN ll wN• : +. K ./LYMrr1 4- �m ltit W ill rgri ..erarm�,ttl. pqpq M�1i1 1 ril: rq �1 rr{Ty M utl. trrrltllyr IOY rll{{r tlafitR In rrlal � r!' art >eF trlt • •Cr rs• r..tr r. - 1.010. w:t:ilvlra I.~P: Y tr. r rti11H r. n1rl�+ c�or1°r{� r � m r 'rn[o se+Ila y Mink• .a. x :� ri°ifea sror��e:l:. . ilk yiurli.'i.i.r- lyt•.�rlo ,b Mw,1e aa�tl tlr nwtlRer} m,lS• •. wt,iw:,o-F: a ea,.w.,e .r .-L .0 F.>ro ..• 1 Rft! 1 ra rat aorta s Ir�.r.F M1R.ItaN rr{nw 1 wun1. ,N� . • -. _: . .•,� ,4 ml•ICr rly ly }•SL uy Im•I!I(µ /P Ilrl Fl.ra• _ T ti , ' h r REV IeIOMe. ; s •Ir � l ] 7 a IF 1 ATLANTIC HARBOR CONDOtWNIUVIS � 22 NEW -[AD TONNSN,P. CARTER[T L'WIr'1. MORT. CAINX • /�vl� 7'.•i �` A Ce ltj• Ct;JNT' Elm GRIMIN Iva REM e11R.ETTE AOZA9W 20 SALTER ►ATN ROAO PINE DROLL SNORES. NC 25512 A , i PNONU L2521 TZG-5367 Rec C= LL ARBOR CHARNEL k ar i , Pw tow rlLZ , L= IN -3 in 1 .1 t 322.70'— 2'- 4- m .= M-.--- I�ila UNITS 1-6 UNITS 7-22 EAST ELEVATION VIEW (FROM 3rc: STREET) 1 16 IL ILEViNCH VIEV I- D�tACS 19 [.Sr (Ltv4t[Cw VfX# CF Loblr5 ti AW all j,� C HARBOR COND IL, �m uun $ - Z? WCFM.E.A fQT%Sj.. CAATIAE' ADDR311x JJO 14.Lttg PAN RW NE [NOEL SNORES.-C 20512 PHaAC 92521 726-i3ey STRu" zscttINQ- P.A.P. 9061 STREET �� 34OC96, 9V JCP�e�i.en. ✓iialiaon V. & ..< , rT... DATE June 30, 2000 &1 2522 iU,1m,, flan, AWA Vatdima 28402 d. WO-452-0007 RECEIVED JAN .2.4 2001 DWQ PR0i # �262 7 o lot Z 8 yw,,�, >¢ _T..Y .5.A 6"« ,9,"4 8805 W,i ,4G" d' w um SUBJECT: Land & soils evaluation of the Dockside Condominium Project Tract (1.59 acres) for stormwater infiltration treatment usage. Tract at the SW intersection of Arendell Street and 3rd Street to Bogue Sound, Morehead City east area, Carateret County, North Carolina. (PIN # 638620912010; DB 525, Pg 355) TO: Dockside Partnership, Mr. Bob Griffith c/o Mr. Ron Cullipher, P.E. Stroud Engineering Company, P.A. 101-A NC Hwy 24, Hestron Plaza Morehead City, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 The land & soils within the Dockside Condominium Project Tract (1.59 acres) were evaluated to determine potential suitability for on -site stormwater treatment usage. NCDEH&NR "Stormwater Runoff Disposal" rules and regulations (NCAC 15-2H-.1000) were used as guidelines in making this evaluation. This tract is being redeveloped from high density commerciaVindustrial usage, to lower density residential townhome usage. It is out understanding the stormwater control measures for this proiect come under. 1003-a-5 of the rules & reas, which will allow some leeway in the final design of this stormwater controls stem vs a strictly new profect. The proposed project is greater than 1 acre in size, will have >25% impervious surfaces, drains to Bogue Sound in a southern direction, and drains to "Class S.C. Waters" before draining to "Class S.A. waters". Being at this location and adjacent to S.C. Waters allows the usage of detention ponds, infiltration basins, or an equivalent innovative/alternative method to treat stormwater run-off. While detention ponds are an option for this project it is desired, from a treatment and space perspective, to explore the options for subsurface infiltration basins. Principle soil and site requirements for an infiltration system are: ---the infiltration system's bottom must be 2 ft or greater from the seasonal high water table; ---must be capable of complete draw - down within 5 days; ---the soil's hydraulic conductivity must be 0.52 inlhr or greater. The tract is redevelopment of an old high density development. Thus the tract has natural soils with minor surface disturbances, and historic (1940's - <1970) fill areas to +3-6 ft depths, over moderately well drained to poorly drained, sandy and coarse -loamy soil types. Elevations across the tract are >5 - 8 ft (amsl). The tract predominantly has level topography (0-1 % slopes). It has a gradual slope from north to south towards Harbor Channel & Bogue Sound, which are classified as "S.C. Waters" immediately adjacent to the project site (see map). The enclosed land & soils map show the various land/soil types found (see map). The following are brief descriptions of these land & soil types, detailed soil pit descriptions are attached: The "YellovV' Areas (see map) are natural sandy soils. These soils have an estimated seasonal high static water table +48-55 inches from the current ground surface (@-4 ft elev), based upon soil wetness indicators. Estimated permeability is <5-15 min/in (>4-12 inlhr). These soil types should be considered as usable for shallow placed infiltration stormwater systems, with bottoms -2 ft into current grade or at -6 ft elevations. Soil types found are Wando-Urban phase. Typical Page 2. Dockside Condominium Project, Stormwater Treatment soils are yellow -brown sand or loamy sand to 48-55" depths, and pale brown to light gray sand or loamy sand to 60-70" depths. The "Brown" Areas (see map) are natural sandy soils which have been historically (<1970's) disturbed and/or mixed with sandy fill materials. These soils have an estimated seasonal high static water table +36-45 inches from the current ground surface (@-4 ft elev), based upon soil wetness indicators. Estimated permeability is <10-20 min/in (>3-6 in/hr). These soil types should be considered as usable for ultra -shallow placed infiltration stormwater systems, with bottoms --1 ft into current grade or at -6 ft elevations. Soil types found are Wando-UrbanlFill phase and Seabrook -Fill phase. Typical soils are brown to dark brown, sand or loamy sand, to 35-40" depths, and dark gray brown to dark gray, sand or loamy sand to 60-70" depths. The "Gray" Areas (see map) are historic (<1970's) mixed fill materials, over poorly to somewhat poorly drained natural sandy soils. The mixed fill consists of sand to loamy sand with lenses or thin strata of clay loam or clay. These soils have an estimated seasonal high water static water table +36-42 inches (@-3 ft elev). The existing soils have an estimated permeability of 10-120 minlin (0.56 inlhr) to 36" depths, and 10-30 min/in (2-6 inlhr) below -36" depths. Since this is redevelopment of an existing site, these soil types should be considered as usable for ultra - shallow infiltration systems, if the upper 36" historic fill can be removed and back -filled with clean fine -medium sandy materials. The ultra -shallow placed infiltration systems should be placed -1 ft into the current grade or at --5 ft elev. Man-made sidewall soil berms could increase the holding capacity of these systems. The "Pink" Areas (see map) are historic (<1970's) fill materials of variable composition, permeability, thickness of strata, and/or have a more shallow depths to seasonal high water table. This area also has existing underground storage tanks which also present limitation for stormwater infiltration usage. These soil areas should be considered as unusable for stormwater infiltration basin usage, unless major site improvements are allowed such as excavation, back -filling, and elevating the site with usable clean sandy soil materials. The tract is composed of natural sandy soils, and historically (<1970's) disturbed or fill soils. The tract is redevelopment of an existing site, so allowances may be allowed to improve marginal soil sites for stormwater infiltration usage through excavation/fill or additional fill. The seasonal high static water table should be considered between -3.0 ft elevation (southern half) to -4.0 ft elevation (northern half). The "yellow", "brown", and "gray" soil areas (see soils map) should be usable for shallow to ultra -shallow placed stormwater infiltration systems. This would be shallow placed infiltration basins with or without man-made sidewall berms, and "Infiltrator" panels within the natural soil areas ("yellow" & "brown" soil areas, see map). Within the historic variably filled soil areas (see map, "gray" areas) the upper materials should be excavated and back -filled with clean fine -medium sandy materials to 36" depths before usage with ultra -shallow stormwater infiltration systems. NCDE&NR-DWQ Stormwater Section should be contacted for further comments and suggestions before final planning and permit application. cle-s Larry F. Baldwin, CPSSISC ARCPACS #2183; NCLSS #1040 * * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( MAR.23.2001 3:46PM ) FILE MODE 468 _MEMORY TX OPTION REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-3) NO ANSWER TTI NCDENR WIRO ADDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE ----------------------------------- e-252247�4098 --OK - - P. 1/1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality. Wilmington Regional Office Michael F.'Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary ---------------------------- E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION FAX OVER SHEET �� NCDENR Nos'm CAROUNA QEPARYHENT of ENviRoNME;NT AND NA7A6 ReSOURGC9 Dote: March 23, 2001 No. of Pages: 1 To: Kathleen Gray From; Linda Lewis AO Company: Stroud Engineering Water Quality Section - Stormwater Fax #: 252-2474099 FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 010128 Project blame: Atlantic Harbor Condos MESSAGE: Dear Kathleen: A soil investigation was performed on Tuesday, March 13, 2001, at the subject project. The soil scientist indicated that the seasonal high water table at the site of the proposed infiltration trench system #2 was approximately 42" below the existing ground elevation of6. The maximum bottom elevation for the trench would - r .., i . ., -•-__ ^ ao ni.,.,,,o4ti,;c tronn}k lip..G1S1'T1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary .FAX COVER SHEET Date: March 23, 2001 To: Kathleen Gray Company: Stroud Engineering FAX #: 252-247-4098 DWQ Stormwatcr Project Number: SW8 010128 Project Name: Atlantic Harbor Condos MESSAGE: Dear Kathleen: A I T;1WJ 1 * • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL. RESOURCES No. of Pages: I From: Linda Lewis Water Quality Section - Stormwatcr FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 A soil investigation was performed on Tuesday, March 13, 2001, at the subject project. The soil scientist indicated that the seasonal high water table at the site of the proposed infiltration trench system #2 was approximately 42" below the existing ground elevation of G. The maxiniUn7 bottom elevation for the trench would be 4.5. The plans indicate that the bottom of� the trench will be at elevation 3.83. Please revise this trench design to have a bottom elevation no more than 4.5. S:IWQSIS"I'OItM WA"17AD1a1N I'01010128-2.MAR 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, Forth Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 17AX 910-350-2004 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 51i'%, recycled110% post -consumer paper 1 : t P. 1 FILE MODE -------------- 978 MEMORY TX * * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( MAR. 5.2001 OPTION REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-S) NO ANSWER ADDRESS (GROUP) - - 8-2522474098 5:10PM ) * TTI RESULT ----------- * * NCD£NR WIRO PAGE --------P. 1i1 E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: March 5, 2001 To: Kathleen Grey Company., Stroud Engineering FAX 4: 252-247-4098 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW$ 0101128 Project Name: Atlantic Harbor Condos MESSAGE: Dear Kathleen; IL NCDENR NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES No. of Pages: 1 From: Linda Lewis Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 l spoke to Jeanette about the sand filter overflow problem. She agrees that the drop inlet needs to have a solid top so that all the runoff is sent through the sand filter. The BMP design standards do not require a bypass of the excess runoff, i.e., an ofFline system. It is expected that stun-ns in excess of I" will overflow the sand filter. A grated inlet North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Willllingtoll Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William C. Koss, .lr., Secretary Dale: March 5, 2001 To: Kathleen Cray Company: Strout! Engineering FAX #: 252-247-4098 FAX COVHL SHi-E-ET DWQ Stornnvater Project Number: SW8 010128 Project Name: Atlantic Harbor Condtts MESSAGE: Dcar Kathleen: Ay •o f NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURee5 No. of Pages: 1 From: Linda Lewis YA-1 Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3901) I spoke to .leariette about the sand filter overflow problem. She agrees that the drop inlet needs to have a solid top so that al I the runoff is sent through the sand filter. The 13M I' design standards do not require a bypass of the excess rurtofT, i.e.. an offline system. It is expected that storms in excess of 1" will overflow the sand filter. A grated inlet at that location would certainly cause some bypassing of runoff that was meant to be treated in the sand Ilter. The current proposed clesign of several 6" orifices draining into a 6" collection pipe isjust fine. The flowrate leaving this system is much more than needed. The proposed design does not compromise the ]'head recluirement. The head is treasured from the top of the sand, that is why no outlet can be more than 6" in diameter, so that the runoff goes through at least 12" of sand. Since the sand filter is placed at the low spot, an additional "overflow" chamber or additional orifices can be located oil the other side of the sediment chamber, at an elevation higher than the weir elevation into the sand Filter. "Phis will allow excess runoffto "bypass" the system without ponding tip. The only problem here is that there must be suflicicnt storage provided In the Sand filter and sediment chamber to accommodate the I" volume. With respect to my Item It14, the grading plan has notations in that area called "T.O.C."IS. YOUr legend indicates that this is the top of curb elevation. I f there is no curb in that area, there cannot be T.O.C. elevations. To avoid confusion, please acid T.O.P. elevations (top of pavement) in this area, and delete dic T.O.C. elevations. In order to liinction properly, the solid tops over the sand filter in DA-3 will need to be water tight, since the runoff will be sheet flowing over it to get to the sediment chamber grates. noticed something on the plans today that I did not see before. There is a 3" drainage pipe located at the bottom of the sand filter Structure, between the sand chamber and the sediment chamber. "Phis is not shown on the details provided in the 13M P document, and must be removed. The weir cut is the only method by which runoff gets into the sand filter, and the 6" orifices are the only method by which it leaves the sand filter. S:IWQSIS'1'0RM WAT\ADDINF41010128.MAR 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action t:tttptoyer 50% recycled/€0% post-consiFnter paper FAX Transmittal Cover Sheet Stroud Engineering. P. A. Hestron Plaza Two, Suite A 151-A Hwy. 24 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 TEL. No.: (252) 247-7479 FAX: (252) 247-4098 Date: d) .lob No.. p M 1 D 3 D #Of Pages (including Cover Sheet): Project: o S VV'TS b I o i 2_ - From: /6,14in t ec v, Gray To: — w W C Attention: �. I a �� v/ I FAX # I D — 3 Se) - 2-U Q Li Remarks: 22Q Vvti O Transmitted as checked below: 13 As Discussed ❑ As Requested XFor Your Review 0 For Comment © For Your Information 0 Original to Follow in Mail ❑ For Bids Due 107 Commerce Street Suite B Greenville, N. C. 27858 (252) 756-9352 I 'd 8600ZZSZ ❑ For Approval ❑ For your use 9 3961-A Market Street Hestron Plaza Two. Suite A Suite A 151-A Huy. 24 Wilmington, N. C. 28403 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 (910) 815-0775 (252) 247-7479 ON XU ONIMNIONE GMIS Wd P:Z Q3N IO-8Z-H d STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151-A HWY. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (252) 247-7479 To: Linda Lewis @ NCDENR-DWQ, WiRO From: Kathleen Gray @ Stroud Engineering, P.A. Date: February 28, 2001 Re: Atlantic Harbor Condominiums Stormwater Project No. SW8 010128 Carteret County We have received your preliminary review comments for the above referenced project and would like to provide you with thoughts on some key issue for the project such that we may discuss with more ease later. Your Item No. 1 states that the project drains to SA waters. It is our understanding that Harbor Channel is class SC. We would like to verify the filter requirements for SC waters. With respect to your Item No. 14, there is no curb between parking spaces 16-18 and spaces 21-23. The portion of runoff from Phase I that is directed to the area of spaces 16-18 will enter into sand filter system IA. This is noted for the following issue. The entire drainage area 3 is proposed to drain into the central portion of the drainage area, where currently the sand filter systems l A and I B and a drop inlet are proposed. We realize that storms in excess of the 1 inch runoff may overflow the sand filter systems, but in the case of this project, the drainage area served by the sand filters has no outlet for the additional overflow ninofl: Therefore; we proposed a drop inlet at the lowest point in the drainage area to provide an outlet for the additional runoff with the assumption that most of the runoff would enter into a sand filter system before reaching the drop inlet. As mentioned in your Item No. 4, all runoff must be directed into the sand filter and the proposed drop inlet will require some modifications. To provide an overflow outlet and maintain the required 1 ft. of head for the sand filter, we are considering use of an outlet weir for the sand filter system I placed at an elevation that wilt allow for the required 1 ft. of head to be maintained. It appears that this would require an increased depth of the filter system in excess of the proposed 36 inches. Before a great deal of effort is put forth in finding a solution, we would like to discuss this issue with you. Please call upon reviewing this information. Thank you. File: kglatlanticharbonneniol_wpd 107 COMMERCE ST. HESTRON PLAZA TWO SUITE n 102-D CINEMA DRIVE 151-A HWY. 24 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 756.9352 (910) 815-0775 (252) 247-7479 Z d GHO ONSZ 'ON XVd ONIMNIONd Gno"ZS Wd WI GM I0-H-93d North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resourees � ° o Division of NVater Qualitfi' Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Lasley, Governor NCftJrr.NR Villiam G. lloss .Jr., Secretary NofiYH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT ANU NATURAL RESCURCES l;ebruat)' 23, 2001 Mr. Robert W. Griffith, Jr., Managing; Partner Dockside Partnership PO Box 650 Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject! REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL ]INFORMATION Storrnwater Project No. SW8 010128 Atlantic Harbor Condominiums Carteret County Dear Mr_ Griffith: The Wilmington Regional Office received a'Stormwater Management Permit Application for Atlantic Harbor Condominiums on January 24, 2001. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: All overflows from an infiltration system (not from the sand filters) must flow through a vegetated filter prior to discharge. Since these are SA waters; the filter must be at least 50' long. 2. Have you made any plans for the State to be able to access the property? The access gate will significantly deter inspections. Is it possible to provide the State with an access code? 3. You have proposed 5 systems, therefore, there should be 5 supplements. Each system must stand alone. Please separate out Sand filters I and I in DA-3, and redraw the drainage area map to show each individual drainage area for each system. Since DA-5 is not proposed to be treated; you do not need to identify that drainage area_ To avoid confusion, it is best to number each drainage area the same as the system #. For example, the drainage area to system 41 A would be labeled as DA=1 A. 4. Please either delete the grated drop inlet at Parking Space #19, or revise it to a solid top, or make it a junction box or make it a bypass structure with a weir. All runoff that falls into it must be directed into the sand filter. Please add the nearest major intersection to the vicinity map, I -low does the excess design storm bypass "french 41 ? Why are you providing less storage that the required minimum? The rules say that redevelopment projects must meet the requirements to the "Maximum Extent Practicable'. Please make sure that each sand filter can meet the volume and surface area requirements, and revise the infiltration trenches to provide the full 1" runoff storage volume. Each of these systems is very close to providing the full storage. S. Please check the trench length reporied on the supplement for Infiltration Trench 42. It says 560 feet, but the trench itself averatoes 140' in length. 9. Please report the width and height of Trench 2 on the supplement. For some reason, the 10" pipe diameter has been repeated and the width and height are crossed out. Trench 2 has a width of b' and a h6uht of 12", according to the detail. Please revise. 10. >:orTrench 42, a]I of the volume from the bottom of the pipes up to the overflow elevation, not,}ust the 10" pipes, can be used to meet the 1 " storage volume requirement. Based on my preliminary calculations, it appears that Trench 42 has sufficienf*v'blume. Please check and recalculate. Mr. Griffith February 2J. 2001 Stormwater Project No. SWS 0 10 128 --------------------------------------------- 1 1. What sort of material is proposed to fill in the spaces between the 10" pipes in Trench 42? Please show on the detail, and recalculate the volume provided. 12. The "Design Volume" on the supplement is where you report the minimum required volume based on the design storm, not what is provided. Please revise. 13. I am unable to verify calculations for Sand filters I A and i B until their individual drainage and built - upon areas have been identified. 14. How will the runoff that ends up in the low spot at parking spaces # 16418 get into either of the sand filters? The 4" curb prevents this runoff from getting into system IA, and the grading prevents it from getting into system I B. In reality, the grading in that area should be revised. Currently, the majority of the runoff from Phase I is directed into that low spot. If regrading is not done, please put another sand filter behind #1 A for this runoff and share the C" outlet pipe, or provide a drop inlet at the low spot which connects into the sediment chamber of # 1 A. 15. The bottom and weir elevation of the sand filter must remain level. If there is a slope, the runoff will always overflow at the loavest weir, and the upstream sand filter will rarely be utilized for treatment. Please indicate on the plans what the bottorn and overflow weir elevation for each sand filter will be. It cannot be based on a depth from the grate elevation, if the grate elevations are not the same. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to March 23, 2001, or the application will be returned as incomplete. Thereturn of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottorn of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of an), impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need ZD to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. 4 Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSiST0RMWATIADDINF01010128YE8 cc: Linda Lewis Ron Cullipher, P.E. �'%STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 1 Hestron Plaza Two 151-A Hwy. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 `" itr (252) 247-7479 J TO /u _ QVL LZfco ^ 0br V4 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ L�����Ln1 �Lr � d LiV�LM.JO���°- L❑ DATE 0 �•J JOB NA M H ) -3 0 ATTENTION � \ 5< LI d0, L.ew,-� RECEIVED JAN 2-4 2001 Dw PROJ # Uy � item ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications © I IN 1 • • �•J11�MIR ll�r • ©ZAMMlow A ' 1 1 I IY<r Z_ ",.No r!`-{- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: l ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS (00 ) �-Z by L_4� YYlr TV"- , G r m p {, J_V®10C ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US L-cw�S m t Ins V dam- I� Q� w 'y b � � 0 ✓lh vy1 �l'S . � . COPY TO SIGNED:7�� (:�q' If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. •`; ' 1I k"i': ••,j�;Ff #`5� �f .1+; I•{J'�'lr '• *, 's r` ( �L`: fir`' itl? j r �i IS 'A•! 'y _ .• 11'` 1} ' - _l ,• ��z . 1, 1 1 k I '_�. '`' Viv! LANI) & SOILS MAP OF THE PROPOSED DOCKSIDE CONDOMINIUM TRACT (1.59 acres) FOR STORMWATER INFILTRATION USAGE & SUITABILITY (Redevelopement Project) Morehead City East Area - Carteret County - North Carolina Morehead City To Beaufort ARENDEL.L STREET U.S. ✓ IGHWAY 70 C "Q-• -r+w f..._.---••_«_._---•.•.1--------------^—1�—•;---..,---'sr- -r-- �.�... ,� del Ek fa• �I1ri f � ; A b 31 W � :'�: _ 73 >a 11' � �i•; >1 q w o 41— ��-i K MASE I I . W c f. a. I - .4-1 IA +1 t+ �+ is ,� tl to ,1 ,i 1 � _ + � '�~ • �` sus, ,`! C' - _ � •— lal Is 11, 1>' ,: I r 1 ,c` ;�,�`tfu:•1i _ 'r �. • ..s. t�-.-. �. IN SCALE: 1 Inca = 50 Feet (soil lines paced & approx) .._�.i__—...- a [Survey by Stroud Eng] -�, - t .rc.. ._.. M ' 10/05/99 map i (D ' JUNE - 2000 •, p.n 1 SOUNNO ,. C • Wafic 1 Usable soils for stormwater infiltration with shallow placed basins (2 ft into current grade or @-6 ft elev). Est seasonal high static water table +48-55". Est permeability 5-15 min/in (4-12 inlhr). Wando-urban phase soils. Usable soils for stormwater infiltration with ultra -shallow placed basins (1 ft into current grade or @--6 ft elev) with possible man-made sidewall berms. Est seasonal high static water table +36-45". Est permeability 10-20 minlin (3-6 inlhr). Sandy historic fill (<1950's), Wando-urban fill phase, and Seabrook fill soil types. - Usabls soils for redevelopment stormwater infiltration systems. Current soils to --36" depths are mixed historic fill sands with clay loam -clay lenses, and below --36' depths sand to loamy sand. Sites usable if upper 36" historic fill excavated and back -filled with clean fine -medium sand materials and with ultra -shallow basins (1 ft into current grade or @-5ft elev) . Est current permeability 10-120 min/in (0.5-6 inlhr) to 36" depths, and 10-30 min/in (2-6 inlhr) below —36". Est seasonal high static water table 3642". so.. ac Unsuitable soils for stormwater infiltration usage due to variable historic fill materials, ` seasonal high staitc water table <36", existing underground tanks, and/or slow 'S permeability >120 min/in (<0.5 inlhr). LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC.