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WI0700215_GEO THERMAL_20110328 (2)
Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0700215 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael .rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilitv - Facility Name Kent Hathaway SFR Location Address 41 Mistletoe Ln Southern Shores Owner Owner Name Kent Dates /Events NC 27949 Hathaway Orig Issue 03/28/11 App Received Draff Initiated 03/23/11 Re q ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Private residence, single family Outfall Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 03/28/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Kent Hathaway owner 41 Mistletoe Ln · Southern Shores Major/Minor Minor NC Region Washington County Dare Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Kent Hathaway owner 41 Mistletoe Ln Southern Shores Public Notice Issue 03/28/11 NC Effective 03/28/11 27949 27949 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin CDENR North Carolina Departrvient Q�, Environment and I`vlaturai Division of Wale, Quality beveny 7 aves Perdue Ccieerl H. Sullins Governor Dire-ntor 03/28/2011 Kent Hathaway 41 Mistletoe Ln. Southetn'Shores, NC 27949 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. W10700215 41 Mistletoe Ln. Southern Shores. NC 27949 Dear Mr. Hathaway: Resources Dee rreemar, Secrezar , On 03/23/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed -loop water-oni, geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and .3_ The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted, Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter _0211(u)(2), Additionally, you should contact the Dare County Health Deparunent as they may have additional requiremems, for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state. county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michael.Rot-,ers(a- rncdenr.�--ov if you have any questions. s 1 Sin freelly, for Debra Supervisor cc: Washington Regional Office - APS APS Central Files - Permit No. u'10700215 Dare County )Health Dept. Jeff Stagg (1.A. Stagg Energy Enterprises, Inc.. P.O. Box 15452, Chesapeake, VA 23328-5482) Chris Sterner (Chris's Electrical and Mechanical LLC, 2039 New Bern St.. Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948) 1.,4P7P PPj7=_C—,10N. 0'. 1 �5 hK•' ieriar. PaiewL North Cs,,V,ne 37699-16Y Los 3r ,:772, '; api¢aI tiUtil@1M& P,a"t . Ikons Carom 27604 Fncry 51,--3'-=1 FAY. i-. 01 : is 5g:, PAX y"•z-i t r t}4': t-,usta:rer ervi -9; 7-64-E74E ofl' , tntp�w = w .nmatemualr QT N C}rf'(]�1 F�ril t7�IIic iVF-�iia Ma 14 11 r9'65a plf;kston Goothe•mal f ��?�LJ 767-4'21-;"0- DATE: DEYAI WEND D! ,LN'V ItONIMLW A_tiD NA i'IOUk.:.. RT} S-OUR ESS N[ TUICATION OF F,%fTFNY TO CONSTRICT A C�£�_L�3[]P GLOTHMUL W ATF;R- NI LI WFLL r%VSTE.%t r PIO"SOW WE'Lt.fsiti In,A"ord!a.nt:e W,-h d+e Pi tipisw , eoCNC V�—1 k 1,A 02C. 00 WcU T}-e Carrjrrmurfo.,?: !7�> s tlir� pT�Y�sCct rent : it ll�it� �a� H:Ir-k L��f�r� rr!}; i.reD ditives) in :,Jntiauou--i Piping iNu ix-o--pictOy isuljlutho fluid from the en-,irortrnw.I r .. j64W Y? Y+es__ K _ ��riIirxu�a;.unspl.,•tin�tbis fi�rru. No Do `'_'L co,3_•;•'A�1,.: ."vTn. u omplme -4her O W. ..rtCC]focirl; fvf- yinsraLIsi,& _ ;1�IYve.i I:1:i [71bit- t:i:1+1 t7k�;11cith Ta XC:i FI �� Cri ViS:li [uil� I��� Aj PROPiEWTV OWNER(S)/APPLi4-,AN r(Sk L sl VLO Prop:rt; on pnopx#4 +_,e:i ty a bmt,"vs;na o- Z;ove-rmory ag,enc�:, swe nsrrt v- 5:T►'tIE�' i.h;l :J IL••r[TMiBr7i.3[�V�'<fV��it.eilfU'.r: I;.; �, �;tc1'i:._}- __—.._..-_�__����---...—��.�_.._...—...._.�.._�_. 4 (l) Mailing Address'- [:i.y: - 1a n_������ __ eta?•=- �L' f�lt� l'.ucle� z.7 5 y�....___.— Gcnanty _ � +>n.r� ,...� !l�rnelV[3�•lit-e Tice i�o. - , .�' S �- Iir1 • d d 3 � ._._�....._..; 't;ll �41:.-_...-_ �.�----- .._ . ._.. �.,..-._ Email Address: _._ ►A� F-�itr , (3) P►nsiC:rl AddrC,%3 0"WC]-' Li r(ifdi'COW.n1?hy» abl'3re):� - ------ [ State: C. %ip Cade: Covntp: _ S. AUK') CaIZF.D AGENT OF OWNER, W V% Y {i l'the Permit Applica:l d : + nvl au a the suk-,% ri p-aper�;,, fta h a fetcr Iiom tiv prWx'rt} askrer Agen'. to epeywO.) IC "if i Compeny Marne c'nrrtacF Persar.: _�,.....,.�.�..._,..w.F.IAWNTL_ryd,:Ms- Cite _ stale: Zi#, Co&. Cvuriy: Office Ta'e No.; _ Cell \Iri.�_-_- I r SOtc Address af'Coma 17FUAL 7C' zQM' id C4adon of ki we fury Me*W 81;wsl falge E RECENEU f U!`NRQU owi� MAR 23 2011 Ma- 14 11 09:56e Pinkston Geolharmal 767-421.2108 a.2 9 C. WELL DRILLER INFORnIT101 Company Name .__I A Staff En: r .r±i�'t ]riW-A§ti ice:. ,6w___ _ Weil Driller Contractor's Nam.:-. NC Coraaaor Certification No...- Contar.t PersnnL f5t4 LL� ft•�r�ta� [enr .i a:Y Address' P QfoJ�4 8? -- -- _ -- ( itj:aiC �-.. l}ri.'L+Qt: 71xi:�5482 C �S� •Htil—'7.1a8 R ` HEAT PUMP MNTRACTOR FNYM ATION' ;if d ffirraI than driNerl Company Narnr >rd k";'i . kec ft t [ f e+n�Yl iet ha r► + c j GC Contact Txeryprt: l Lr[ � }rr r1Q � �- t i I •i [! it ti r � S � `e- r1G � �..t r Cat � . ref r Addm.ss:''jjZ��— C:tyi�� iAV ILyp cckiL' 1 I ❑ l�C7tltlr� ._.-:.C..��. — _ --- .� i Office 7ele No.: t,-)-4 C.[± z Y7 R. S`TATUS OF AP1. UCANT Prir a+e: );— Federal' .__,_ Ctut1it:[°r6a): _.--...- Sfate: Mw-4u.pa,: _ _ Nslove Artt<.-kan lands' -- F. L'tiJECTYON PROCEDURE (brief y 1-QCribehov :hc 'nju�A;oa weU(Si W.It be.rs:e, G. W FILL CUNsTIrZI;C'rION DATA (1 ) Proposal date tc k cara--wed: A ]rrrdrnate depth of each boring 'wit; A i?) Type v, tubiag Iv IV ubcd t.tupiraa_ `'V c, [3) 5'r'ell c ssc±; is ;ha tieAW fir '.' ± �ttcrk citke► (2.-: Yes Lit 0b.4, No hCic+w.� ta) ?'ts i' .+rx, +itc:t rlruvide u�tir.F i:tfot�rra+.inr+ �e3vw Type. �,ltica,7ir�d siM �t+ ack titxel P1W,Ic trier (Spc•cit3) Casing aeplh- }ram t° - ---' -tert (references to 1.4nd surface) Casing t:: enda to abort~ @rotind __ in�h-�S (4) Gr+ot-t I nfo (materia! surrounjing well emsing:if id,in pilrin,;F• 0) Grout tyN., New Cement Bcrtov ite _�L_ 0tticr(tipm1N-) (b) Groutplaccrnctrt: Purr.p+nt;-_x-_ Pressum_.^ -- Other— (r` front- 0 __ rn If well has Cd.irindit;:ttt [ dt- Ntl: r'rori: —____— to (#defy :NU.i 1C 5�14'?+fpn;irabtVserrn! lorrnfursised si81 Page: Mar 141, C9:56a Pinkston Geothermal 757-421.2' 08 a.3 H. INJECTION -RELATED 9QUfPF4E.ST Attach a diagrsrn showing the engines sing layout or lr. [+trrsf.0 r3odificatiwi cf tin: ini"ttwo cquipm"t artd cxtcriv� piphiOuNng sss=iated uvith the iniectiof. ope-a,;vr,. .P;e Lvarufacttmrr':a bre<-irt:re Er-, � pravi:i, s I ki-,r_r+�. irt'f.7mtatiUrt. 1. LOCATION OF WELL(b) Adaoh taa copies of maps ShO-MN 6C fo.lnWill g;-iRIM Utian: (1) Incl'tde a Site Map (cun b-,- dra'o,nt 51:. -vhig tw3,tip, •-rEsl-:rtv iine!�- ;A--tv 1►ole.T hr-sliest satttres ofgrourldwow conrawiewOm- mu; tfw er-witalcz of and zism cc., b=xcen ilia pr►rpvwd well<<p,.::y any existing sae':f O ,I., ►►�sYr di -.pre t I':i:i: +..: �:.:�f, :+s s.ePt': tanks ,?r drain field= lrar, ed %;iil in:hJ fees +of the geothertual luatpump wt.i1 <ysA�2�. L4rM� sli f�s�r11•.:; r�fcdrijnnd.i[uludi :� trnrth.n�x•, (2) The Site -map must 00-H the Subject prvp�,, , in ; eloboa to the sot-t unding area by rasing at icu;r rwo f xca rvfr;tnce poiws such as made. s.t*ewnf, aaI ijur fflgh-^y inte's iiUn:. J. C:tw MFICATION Nate: This Permit Application must be ftmed hnv eaub per&,a, appearing es tltt recorded lcgal property dwd. "1 hatch%• certify, un1er panai of'uw, 7hr_. ; h.t:,a persor•.rllI x c-,xrniaa! and am +r,,iIiat• xvirh t1v infvnr+ald0 .. l rnittet? it i;•_is itn�unicnt an+l �ti attar.{ :t,entS. the ~�l:+ acd tint{ ha r•d a►!: rr,% �nclt=try of the inra yid►:: !, itnmcctkW; respons7Wt tut ob,Atir,,6 -,:i„ inf, v-.- im 6 Tq. t tN V., 0m, rfl•, _rr:ormai;oi :s iruc, accurate and cuinr.ield. t Lan aware !hst therc a: sig lficant pcnaitici, irrzkshn4% t zc r+ 35:.iiiill' of fines wli i rjlris.►ll;�wn; for su-w,iitin false inf-orma:ion. } agree to e,irst=t, upar-ira, maims, w.„ rep4i:. and if applicabio, a, t:�inn the inje--tson V .J[ a+td all rotated appurtenwices In accardree u;#. the - p a pecifeations xte a tions 0t,the Permit" ti e!'tymt et{ Own I ,l. : ;;k Prb11 or'] y{te l-a11 1-na'tc: and talc 4;�SnmturG ort'roLx--,.y Owner/AWhcaiit 1 i'rint r�r Ty j c 1'ta6 1;wnr: artd {;tile i Sig"ltlt"jm 4)i AUthaejzzd Agent, Kai;y -� Print or TypL I'uII N:ttw a-W tit. c Pease return tow:+ v)piev of +hc co.mOeted Af)plica+ion pacRage :i, �iurtb Carolina !-1ENR-I)WQ Aquifer Protection Srrtion -VIC: Prov m 1636 It►il Scrrice Ucyrter 11Aie 0. Nil' 276"46M Tclerplbtiur [9190IS-6935 �li3ilRLr VEV � :Vr� I nWQ L VUIUtC 5 U W Nijof!.'w'c-Ajc ul'!i L<nt rurm tR"kci Kr-WH TF��Ir}N AFP Mar' 2 3 2011 to I'm A ..4 IN, 1. z QLIC�,'IM L4:>O'P f�%Q_j!�A (:3�) 2-00 r-r L Ll AS-7 1 /9 1 OT 78 .1110UNSCE - KOCK -6rw- L 20 36 'A SQU I -ILqN SW $'Wit 15. PS OX 1�. xil.-Filij r f-R%f- fLv{ KENT K. JqA TRA WA Y LOT 19 — SOUNDSME — BLOCK rG10 — Sv.CFrl;R-k-4? -'sWOMR-1; A I' r & )LI W Jr fl IT^ W M 4-1 M 1 r- - fli0l" Jh:j"i.0 wvh tl f- I V A I - V A Map of [1-991 Mis letoe Lr • Hawk, North Carolina j MapQues+ Page 1 of 1 Notes mapquest Map of: (1-99] Mistletoe Ln Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 nVIPQUest 0�q{t. All rights reserved. Use sobiect_to UcenselCnuLvriDht southern shores 0 01 @2011 Mapduest - Portions 92e11 tV Atl1 Q 0,1ntermap Directions and maps are informational only. We make no warranties on the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness. You assume all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers shall nat be liable to you for any loss or delay resulting from your use of MapQuest. Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our _ -_. _ ... http://www.mapquest.com/print?a=app.corc.cc70488d8f2901 f8036acc123 3/14/2011 Map of [1-991 Mistletoe Ln, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina ! MapQuest Page t of 1 Notes mapquest' Map of: [1 -991 Mistletoe Ln Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 >?righl l.3nrt�r3a ! r: N, fo �yckfe � � ri0y Lys 7 3 Y n Ln 6 2 0 SnCti��. �uFpe a L y Q —1 t'1 rntz�cuest C+` _ o too �rytrtiti�y �;3� ^-?2411 VIOpQuest - POrtions =011 N AVI @ Q Attrinht^ nsvrryf� }. tilts! silt:tac�,!e t iri-rtselr OC±V �r71.. Directions and maps are informational only. We make no warranties on the accuracy of Their content, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness. You assume all risk of use. Map0uest and its suppliers shall not be liable to you for any loss or delay resulting from your use of MapQuest_ Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our 1. _ � „ http://www.mapquest.com/print?a=app.c.ore.ec70488d8f290if8O36acd23 3/14/2011 Map of [1-991 Mistletoe Ln, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina I MapQuest Page 1 of 1 Notes mapquest Map of: [1-991 Mistletoe Ln Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 C2) �s,sah t3 1. Yox �ta� t_n w � a � i � �OSI y0 4� - =z ,cmapquest n 0�2Wm 1 Sm IK Cz2gji MapQuest - Pordons 92011 rjAVYE0, intermap Ail rights reserved. IIJse subject to l.irznselCn� yrrgRt ❑irections and maps are informational only. We make no warranties on the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness. You assume all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers shall not be [lab le to you for any loss or delay resulting from your use of MapQuest. Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our http-/Iwww.mapquest.comlprint?a--app.core.cc79488d8f2941 f8O36acd23 :3/ 14/2011 M~r 18 11 02:37p • • Pinkston Geothermal RECEIVED / DENR' owa AQUIFFR"PR(m=r.i\ON SECTION MAR 18 2011 facsimile transmittal To: Tonya Godwin, NCDENR Fax: From: Tina Wyatt Date: Re: 41 Mistletoe Lane Pages: Southern Shores. NC 27949 Typ e 5QWWens CC: D Urgent □ ForReview D Please Comment Notes: 757-421-2108 p.1 Pinkston Pump & Well PO Box 15482 Chesapeake, VA 23328 757-421-2108 / 866-749-1980 919-733-9413 03/18/2011 8 (including cover sheet) D Please Reply □ Please Recycle For the above referenced, following is our Permit Application for Geothermal Installation. If you have any questions. please contact me@ (757) 421-2108 or (757) 504-7695 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 1811 02:37p Pinkston Geothermal kla! 14,11 C9:65a Pin k3 ton 0601 h e. tymI 757-4212108 P.2 767-42"1 -'-2 4 OS 2.� NUHTH —: -A KIJLIVA DEPARTMENT01' XC:%:ILIEVT A M,, ;.kA RY,.'SOURCES "'61EIR-W-Ut. MECTION A-VELL S'YSTf'4 NOYMCATION OF N'TENT TO C-0'111,s7•RUC7'A (-X)P (A OTffY-k'%LAL QYPUSI�10 -W1- I im Vi Oh O-C -414CAC ) A- �AQN'.(000 ,Pr-JAP jI-*7;e !hO ViJI'l;W? dill; ffi� it P., I". Una vgc DAT9. . ..... W'd] Toe Copj7emodow OL cs Ov., I v cutives) i)[ '&n the 1. k4e. jowct bvm)' Yes :Zom inuo wntploCku this rorim. No Dk� tn. —Cot17rk-lu'411"9 ti� 11 p; d n.; v iv,,- it I. r-.F. "Im -IU dl� C.1.11 -r z i.1% 1 Si pouJilt ww" VW �411 - fV(j %X --�QfA Vid I A- r FROMM OWNER(SYAPPLICA 14 F(S Usz ux h P rope ri y G-w-,-sar lisL: J. or, p -v;ox ru 41x: -1" -:k L' rx d v, a bust 0 - pverr men'. 4"cTic- ymv thwu V: M-aifing A ddn,,--- ki v ('ajj v; L-,mn 7.2 kI Pn- Z 3 2- Phy i cil A ddr,-s z r " 'sk 0,' St! x- f- i r -2. i .1111 h an abo VO.- Stale: C., /Jp Code: comI.N., !IomefOfPcc Me Nm Cafl R A-U-TUORUIEPAGINT OFOWNIJk' AVANY til the riq% oNn 81.11L�h a let.cr rrumve Ago' Ice -,usd c,-pe!r--% !,;IC %kelk Conpp.riy �Lmc- --- - - -- --- - -- I — -- — . - I — ... - - -- --- - --- - _ AddrvsN: WC 5S tV A ddre!;s of Coir pam. ff an 0 Pb,L I C' 5 -l'A' N%Af;;I.a 6oc ot I(Acj it J;ur I f Rc vic:d Mart 811 02:38p Pinkston Geotherml . P4a� 1 b' 1 � G9:rs5a Pinkstvn Gecttic�� ms! 757-421-2108 p.3 157-421-2148 p.2 C. WELL DRILLER INFi]iti;NL TIO Company Mama: ,v_I A St39g.Fne_, iac. Well Qri filer C'on:rac[ar's t#Ar'i:: NC Ccntma;tor Ccrli'flc4eri No.. Canta[.t Persnrr� ) ff s'r.�_-- - -_4fiYr_r:lwu, r,ua.'.�a�r+ _. Address: 9.0 $ux } fag? - -- --- - -- - - - (11y: -_. � .. 'i}T G':}il� _}* 7 ti-Z i �r.It : s w 3. i?Yw�'re: S [7fiiCe iC}C �0.: ��: -0�. r,�-��-_....------- (i,:i` r�ti} •,_, i i]-y'i'�.ti134' .- r. ®. •' 3iF.A'1` k'i;31[F C[]NTRAL'";E'[3'R i1`i�'Ci[i:�L1•L'[f3°� tit delFrn•nt€har; dri4ier� 4 [+r!laCr Paist7oa��uyi .7�7�* Yl P. �� _ _ �L:?, i:.:� 11_i!:•vi _.,_ � S �i Cf' rlC +r rg° [!��c+t'`'y_ � _ 11C''�' / Address_ Lir; 'ff �]iYf 6i;� ['fie Z-') I Ciii9:.e "fete Ncv VS :) -tk 2-13; _ F S-TATUS OF APPIA :ANT Si:169 f14Uc.iL':Dd NaJ1v;:Awc..-imt! Lands' F. LXJECT!0N PROCEDURE ibriull} jv.wribe Luu' 01v .*tTjULr_c':T.Nfii(ai V".0 bC "5Cd:F VE 6, W_6 III WEAL __. _ _,iii=i;rTt• - Al_ CLf,�s'1�E [N��!' - - ----...._y__---• _ ..._. -- G_ Va ELL C€)NsTKt. C TION DATA AppnTxiri=c depth of eacV.. tx,rin€; ("eetk (2) 7 pc oT, Iuhi,lg to In- u3cd;coplrvtt_ "'vC rtc;: (zy w�rr f:ts[I!�. �� �ti. we='ts } ::iur::• � ; �r�.d' ri±I-.�1 {:.:7 7Cc � �r ,t�.' do t:elt+w•! (iL) Yi•.4 fir!'+."�� 4tICi1 i1i-iTJide ca[1(j: =lt'ilr'!iTra?l�l!I''riL+Vr T)Fe: _-�.. coil,-iiaed �Iwl —Ishi 'k titeCI Pln+::ia:_^___ oTher fspmti-I Casing cepft: I rani (rrferenr-� v) ?And urrFk-e) Casing ex mds to above gmun+4 (bi No X - - (4) GroLt 'aft) (zmAeriai surroun�liu well k ,:ing ui diur pipinv,)' (J) GmuL tygs: New C=%:nt BUADi-itt; „Y _ 0tbCr(speeiF-.') R ('b) Grout placement: PUICplFia .-_ ._ . Pressum _ ()liter (e; GIVUt dCp-,) of Wbint�' I -aten_OUC W !WIJ tta'rt,; ; [Corn__ 0 __,. t{± _ ` {` +.ttet} iiuK.11 ltJS T,';l5irlr.. IlitilG:r:: !:r;lt1[ dr' rih: DQII. _.. to„„,_;ieel) s,ftil.t iC 3 IL' xi'.icazie:t e� LTtrns l urm (94C iwd ',:LI$1 Page I Mar 18 11 02:38p Pinkston Geothermal r Mar 141 G9:56a PinkstonGeo4he:mas 757-421-21 D8 p.4 7.57-421.2109 P.3 H. i�+r�IF�itol►r-]1tE11,�IlEDlefr[rtt'� Amu a. diagram Ac_%ing the engirw sing, layout ;or rr.a :304ifiM�irn. of Chi; injc�t,wa cquiislricrri arad cxtcriC.i pipinWiubmit assnciated with the in; asrctrn Orvalk7p, t'!s�- n'g4 pr3vi-le inforrnstion. 1. 9.00A1'llU1V f1� WL� LJI.{5j � A uch two Ctpins of mops Act-Nim-, Lie (1) 1.10 late a Site NISI, {cans 4- tire. ::: SS:S 3jisiL, h •,F 1;:;= +, si Q!,:9 liald!., WiLA, L- M.-O ri 11..5it.F, ?nl: -1,::-: saumvs of groundwaer c41n,a i,isne r+,::.'U dic cr'i, .: 1.r::a:4 -. it urncv_. b.t r c:n tfk propoud e,t::li.l alit exisLing t+ r (a} u txr-ks v drat. fieid_ lac%Ltd ;;.•r:;�i '20 fee: ui CD the geath�n�al scat prl�p nci! �.:tesr , LPL ; wr€i i�:•+►! :: S 1 di�w' and Ir7L'iS=4ti a Ilr�rl a!13tt. �. ?) The Sim Ma mut t sfno:�v the sub ecr rr 't) :n -da Moc'Lo thin sLr7i7l rdin3 ana ky usii, At =cwt c rl4P AX116, t'�. F l R• P-'•- � g rrfurence Wrrs suaF; as rrxJ. . st:MMS.-ndic" i~itt,-seFtiuns. J. cKscrlFtCA.'i'll' N ~tote- Tb% Permic Applic-rtion mast he sign by ea�b per:,i.,n uppxs rittg on UTA: r,erorded Leval property deeel. N hemb+• ienift, under panni t of 'u-, hG. i i%ate ne-sar.,Ily cxairuirtue end wm ;vq liar• tiviria 4),- ir.fvnnario sniaa it ris d� �umha: aLrd :af; as,L�r,,:,:etLl�- lh._.:s•., Cd ural- tKvcd on ,,n�- �rtgk4ry VA' lhmw I:7GnY'�:rl� irS:FT1bS'3sL«}�• Yt':j'�'SSr'i��l•.` C,+� a+�!"Y!r_�li r.�i.i ie=C•:: ;�!{'•++�, iys'1�'... ,3. 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Nk. 27011.16_% Tdcp h4-,Re (414) 71$-6.9M rir'iurUIC 3 q W +lout+ccnunos'Ar acne r-vrn[Rc'.1sod b%f7allly sa+t¢ Mar 1811 02:38p Pinkston Geothermal I 757-421-2108 P.5 RECEIVEU) DENR 'OVVU oauipsi iDRoTFrl inq �*C TiON MAR 2011. �CPC,—'CQ &Y6� C.t�Ingz- L-Oup kQ-.;—C-A �) z0. -F � Mar 18 11 0228p Pinkston Geotherrnal 757-421-2108 p.6 ivi.ap of li-593 Mistletoe LP • Hawk, North Carolina I MapQuest Page ] of 1 Notes marpapest Map of: [1-99] Mistletoe Ln Kstty Hawk, NC 27949 e1 71*nCluest ©�suam 24plf ft Q,li ri:�h<< r;�5�^h.t!.'.JS^Ai:?�i, k.i^.�• :"uq-.rsgi'1 RtCESV ) I OKNR I DV40 AQtl4Fr-P �n►1»rnn+� ��C�H]�1 MAR 18 2011 So=athtrn Short-. a ,y G� � 5 } 02011 Ma pQuort • Pattians=0T1 rQAVIk0.lmtermap Directions and maps are informational only. We make no warranties on the acwmry of their content, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness. Yau assume all risk of use. MapDuesl and its suppliers shag not be liable to you for any toss or delay resulting from your use of iv}apauest. Your use of MapOuest means you agree to our't'gl n,:; "s v http://www.mapgmst.coi'a/print?a�app.core.cc7O488d8f2901 f8036acd23 3114/2011 Pinkston Geothermal 757-421-2108 p•7 Mir 18 #,v tLP PL►-"] WIISTIetoe Ln, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina i Ma . PQuest - Page i of z Notes Ht Lt3Ycl+1 L---o. mariquest ACU�fFR���rrlrr���1 Map of: MAR 18 2011 [1-991 Mistletoe Ln Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 �C•x:iiSiR• i_i. Erk rG qTA 3 4, r. 0 U. a h �. hl' r n .� ,OVA � 9"SuIR", t'r a =. n -- t17t9t?5# yis 0�T©um 39d`iL�•' -z, rrzozi ]Ylappvest - PCWHORS CJMI NAYTIO AR rFri his r—aeiue� uc r .ice, r3 nl ❑irectfons and maps are infnmiationaI only. We make no warranties on the accuracy of their oontent, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness. Yau assume ail risk of use. MapQucst and U suppliers shall nW be liable to you for any loss or delay resulting tram your use of MapQuest. Your use of Map Quest means you agree to our F�, s as ~sue http://www.mapquest c,om/Print?a=app.core.ec70488d8f29Dlf8Q3bacci?3 3114/2011 Mar 18 11 02:39p Pinkston Geothermal 757-421 -21 Q8 p.8 ,v,ni, ur t t-"] iviisuetoe Ln, Kitty Hawk, North Carotula I MapQuest -- Page 1 of I Notes mar%quest'.RECEI1EC 0 DER I VWQ AGUfFFR PRf)TFf:IT1IDfi SKON Map of; [1-991 Mistletoe Ln MAR Kitty Hawk, NG 27949 i F P�i rOx:ns_7x L' s� S ;r AtiLtilr` �,rts t n �h ���pzluesr y 2aa m 01 5Sm fr QMI west - ft$UQ s6P. I rQAYItO.Intarmap Directions and maps are informational only. We make nc warranties on She a=Tacy of their content, road conditions or route usability a expeditiousness. You assume all dsk of usc. MapQuest and '+ls suppliers shall not he liable to you for any Ions or delay resulting from your use of Map Quest. Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our Terrns Of u bttp://www.mapquest.coua/print?a=app.core-cc7O488d8f290lf8O36aed23 3/14/2011