HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210507 Ver 1_ePCN Application_20210406Kimley»>Horn April 6, 2021 Mr. Brad Shaver U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Mr. Rick Trone NC Division of Water Resources 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Pre -Construction Notification Application Water and Wastewater Repairs Phase 11— Replace Water & Sewer Mains to Onslow Beach Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Onslow County, NC Dear Mr. Shaver and Mr. Trone, 1. The enclosed application to replace the existing water main and sewer force main to Onslow Beach on MCB Camp Lejeune is submitted for your review and approval. 2. MCB Camp Lejeune proposes to replace the existing water main and sewer main that runs along Mockup Road, under the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), to Onslow Beach. 3. The new water and sewer mains will be installed via HDD at a minimum of 20 feet below the maximum channel depth of the AIWW, within existing easement. The existing sewer main will remain active and will be connected to the new, proposed sewer main, which will serve as the primary force main to Onslow Beach. The new water main will connect to the existing water main on both the east and west side of the AIWW. The drill rig and boring pit locations for both the water and sewer mains will be staged in uplands on the east side of the AIWW, outside of any wetlands, coastal wetlands, and the AIWW to avoid impacts. The pipe string -out area will be along Mockup Road and is designed to not impact ingress/egress to the water treatment plant on Mockup Road or limit the use of Mockup Road for vehicular or pedestrian traffic. 4. The project also includes the removal of the exposed existing 10" water main that crosses under the AIWW to Onslow Beach, which poses a navigational hazard. Approximately 300' of water main on the western side of the AIWW has been exposed by natural erosive forces and is now floating close to the bottom of the AIWW. The exposed portion of water main will be removed, while the buried portion will be abandoned in place. 5. The existing water main will be hand excavated on the west side of the AIWW shoreline at low tide. The design plans show the low -tide edge of water through the project area, however, impacts were kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 Kimley>»Horn Page 2 calculated based on observed normal high water in the project area. A diver will be used to cut and cap the water main on the AIWW channel bottom, which will be removed via barge. 6. Camp Lejeune is notifying USACE and requesting authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972 and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 due to the surface water classification of the AIWW and the presence of federally listed threatened and endangered species in the vicinity of the project. 7. The proposed project will not have any permanent impacts to wetlands, coastal wetlands, or the AIWW, however, temporary disturbance to the AIWW will result from removal of the existing water main within the waterway. The installation will adhere to all applicable state, and federal regulations regarding the construction, maintenance and operation of the replaced utilities. 8. The point of contact for this project is Ms. Jessi Baker, Environmental Conservation Branch, Environmental Management Division, G-F at telephone (910) 451-4542 or email jessi.baker©usmc.mil. Sincerely, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Jason Hartshorn, PWS Cc: Mr. Rick Trone - NCDWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 DWR Division of Water Resources Initial Review Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form October 26, 2020 Ver 3.3 Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* 6 Yes C No Is this project a public transportation project?* CYes r No Change only 1 needed. BIMS # Assigned* Version#* 20210507 1 Is a payment required for this project?* No payment required �- Fee received 6 Fee needed - send electronic notification Reviewing Office * Wilmington Regional Office - (910) 796-7215 Information for Initial Review What amout is owed?* F $240.00 $570.00 Select Project Reviewer* Holley Snider:eads\hasnider 1a. Name of project: MCB Camp Lejeune - Replace Water and Sewer Mains to Onslow Beach 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* Jessi Baker, Environmental Planning Program Manager lb. Primary Contact Email:* lc. Primary Contact Phone:* jessi.baker@usmc.mil Date Submitted 4/6/2021 Nearest Body of Water Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Basin White Oak Water Classification SA; HOW Site Coordinates Latitude: 34.569994 Pre -Filing Meeting Information ID# Pre -fling Meeting or Request Date* 3/4/2021 Longitude: -77.277506 Attach documentation of Pre -Filing Meeting Request here:* Onslow HDD DWR Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form.pdf (910)451-4542 Version 50.7KB A. Processing Information County (or Counties) where the project is located: Onslow Is this a NCDMS Project C- Yes f No Is this project a public transportation project?* C- Yes f No la. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: [7 Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) (7 Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?* C- Yes G No 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? fJ Nationwide Permit (NWP) r Regional General Permit (RGP) r Standard (IP) lc. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ✓ Yes F No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: Multiple NWP #'s (specify below) NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 58 Id. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: 17 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit r Individual Permit le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: If. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* C- Yes f No ✓ 401 Water Quality Certification - Express ✓ Riparian Buffer Authorization lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? C Yes ( No lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? C- Yes r No Acceptance Letter Attachment lh. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? (' Yes C No 1i. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? 6 Yes r No C- Unknown 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? C' Yes (' No B. Applicant Information Id. Who is applying for the permit? 7 Owner r Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* C- Yes (' No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: USA 2b. Deed book and page no.: Military 2c. Responsible party: Neal Paul, Deputy Director MCB Camp Lejeune Public Works Dept. ✓ Yes (' No ✓ Yes 6 No 2d.Address Street Address 1005 Michael Road Address Line 2 ATTN: Jessi Baker aH Camp Lejeune Fbstal / Zip Code 28547 2e. Telephone Number: (910)451-3228 2g. Email Address:* jessi.baker@usmc.mil State / Rovince / Region NC Country USA 2f. Fax Number: C. Project Information and Prior Project History V 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) N/A lc. Nearest municipality / town: Jacksonville 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: N/A (Linear Utility Project) 2b. Property size: 18.96 2c. Project Address Street Address N/A (Linear Utility Project) Address Line 2 0ly State / Rovince / Region Camp Lejeune NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 28539 USA 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* SA; HOW 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* White Oak 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030203020302 4. Project Description and History 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* The proposed project is located along Mockup Road, across the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), to Onslow Beach, and terminates northwest of Ocean Drive within Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune in Onslow County, North Carolina. The project site is largely composed of existing roadway, maintained roadway right-of-way, existing water line easement, undeveloped forested/marsh areas, and the AIWW. The project vicinity is primarily composed of undeveloped forested areas, the AIWW, utility easements, and an existing roadway. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes F No r Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) Onslow HDD_Fig2_USGS.pdf 1.36MB 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) Onslow HDD_Fig4_NRCS.pdf 1.97MB 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 5.42 acres 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: N/A 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of the project is to replace the existing water main and install a new sewer force main that crosses the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) from Mockup Road in existing easements to provide service to Onslow Beach. The existing sewer force main will remain active to provide redundancy to Onslow Beach, while the new sewer force main will be the primary force main servicing Onslow Beach. The existing water main is currently a navigational hazard within the AIWW, and it is critical that it be removed to improve safety within the channel. 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The proposed project will install the new water main via horizontal directional drilling (HDD) at a minimum of 20 feet below the maximum channel depth of the AIWW, within existing easement. The new water main will connect to the existing water main on both the east and west sides of the AIWW. The existing sewer force main will remain active and in place, and will be connected to the new, proposed sewer main, which will serve as the primary force main to Onslow Beach. The drill rig and boring pit locations for both the water and sewer force mains will be staged in uplands on the east side of the AIWW, outside of any wetlands, coastal wetlands, and the AIWW to avoid impacts. The pipe string -out area will be along Mockup Road and is designed to not impact ingress/egress to the water treatment plant on Mockup Road or limit the use of Mockup Road for vehicular or pedestrian traffic. The project also includes the removal of the exposed existing 10" water main that crosses under the AIWW to Onslow Beach, which poses a navigational hazard. Approximately 300' of water main on the western side of the AIWW has been exposed by natural erosive forces and is now floating close to the bottom of the AIWW. The exposed portion of water main will be removed, while the buried portion will be abandoned in place. The existing water main will be hand excavated and hand cut on the west side (mainland) of the AIWW shoreline at low tide (note - the design plans show the low -tide edge of water through the project area, however, impacts were calculated based on observed normal high water in the project area). A diver will then be used to cut and cap the water main on the AIWW channel bottom. The cut section of water main will then be removed via barge and transported for proper disposal. The barge required for removing the water main piping within the AIWW will be removed upon the completion of the project construction process and will not impede navigation or recreation access to the AIWW. Equipment typical of HDD water and sewer line installation will be utilized for the proposed project. Typical construction equipment will be utilized for setting up the bore pits including excavators and dump trucks. The water main removal operation will utilize a barge for in -water work. 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. 07_100% Design Package_WATER AND SEWER PLANS.pdf 05b_Onslow HDD_Fig6_ImpactDrawings.pdf 05c_Onslow HDD_Fig6.1_Impact Drawngs.pdf 05d_Onslow Site1_Impact Tables.pdf 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* ( Yes r' No Comments: A Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Request for the proposed project is included as part of this permit application. 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* C' Preliminary C' Approved C' Not Verified C' Unknown F N/A Corps AID Number: 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Othe r: Jason Hartshorn, PWS and Mackenzie Richards Kimley-Horn 6.98MB 626.88KB 509.09KB 3.93KB 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload 04b_Onslow HDD_PJD Package_signed.pdf 1.9MB 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* ✓ Yes r'No ' Unknown Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? No, there are no anticipated additional or future projects associated with the proposed project. D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): r Wetlands r Streams -tributaries rJ Open Waters r Pond Construction 4. Open Water Impacts ❑ Buffers 4a. Site # 4a1. Impact Reason 4b. Impact type 4c. Name of waterbody 4d. Activity type 4e. Waterbodytype 4f. Impact area Utility (Water Main Removal) T Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Other Other 0.35 4g. Total temporary open water Impacts: 0.35 4g. Total open water impacts: 0.35 4g. Total permanent open water impacts: 0.00 4h. Comments: Unavoidable temporary impacts will result form the removal of the exposed, existing water main within the AIWW, but will remain within the existing water main easement. The temporary disturbance will be concentrated in two small areas, one at the low tide line on the west side of the AIWW, and another approximately 300' away on the AIWW channel bottom. No permanent or temporary open water impacts will result from the installation of the underground water main and sewer main via horizontal directional drilling. The drill rigs, boring pit locations, and pipe string -out areas will be staged in uplands, outside of the normal high water mark for the AIWW. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization la. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: Impacts to wetlands and the AIWW and have been avoided and minimized to the greatest extent practical. No permanent impacts to the AIWW or wetlands are proposed as part of the project design. For the proposed project, the new water main and sewer main will be installed by a horizontal directional drill (HDD) at a minimum of 20 feet below the maximum channel depth of the AIWW and within the existing utility easements to avoid all impacts. The proposed drill rig, boring pit locations, and string -out area for both the water main and sewer main are located in uplands, approximately 800' landward of the normal high water mark for the AIWW, and were designed to avoid impacts to wetlands and the AIWW. The exposed section of existing water main piping within the AIWW will be removed and the remaining piping between connection points will be abandoned in place by cutting and capping each end of the line. Removal of the existing water main within the waterway will be accomplished with an excavator working from a barge and a diver to avoid permanent impacts and minimize temporary impacts to the AIWW. Additionally, temporary impacts to the AIWW will remain within the existing water main easement. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Impacts to wetlands and the AIWW within the corridor and its vicinity will be minimized to the extent practical throughout the construction process by avoiding these features with equipment, materials, and access corridors. Where feasible, staging and construction access routes will be located in upland areas throughout the corridor. Silt fencing will be installed around the limits of disturbance to help ensure that all construction equipment will remain within the project area throughout the construction process. Sediment control measures will be used to reduce stormwater impacts to receiving waters and minimize runoff from the construction sites. The barge required for removing the water main piping within the AIWW will be removed upon the completion of the project construction process and will not impede navigation or recreation access. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ✓ Yes ( No 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: Due to the lack of permanent impacts and the temporary nature of the proposed disturbance to the AIWW, no mitigation is proposed. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan la. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? ✓ Yes f. No If no, explain why: Stormwater will not be concentrated, collected, or discharged as a result of the proposed water main and sewer main replacement. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* ✓ Yes r' No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? a Yes r No Comments: No new impervious area will be added as a result of the proposed project. G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? * a Yes r No 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPAISEPA)? * ( Yes rNo lc. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House?* ( Yes rNo NEPA or SEPA Final Approval Letter 06b_LE20044_OnslowHDD_CE.pdf 4.88MB 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)?* ✓ Yes (No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* ✓ Yes (No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The replacement of the water and sewer mains will result in temporary disturbance only and no additional or cumulative impacts are anticipated due to the activities of the proposed project. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* ✓ Yes ( No r N/A 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* ( Yes rNo 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* ✓ Yes (No 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* ✓ Yes 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? ✓ Yes ( No ( No r Unknown 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? ✓ Yes ( No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? ✓ Yes (No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* ✓ Yes ( No 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? ✓ Yes ( No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? A review of the NCNHP Element Occurrence Database (updated October 2020) identifies no known occurrences of any federally listed species within the project area. Within a 1.0-mile radius of the project area, there are knows occurrences of piping plover, Atlantic sturgeon, West Indian manatee, American alligator, loggerhead sea turtle, green sea turtle, and seabeach amaranth. Additionally, a review of the USFWS IPaC system found that the project location may support habitat for American alligator, black rail, green sea turtle, Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, leatherback sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, piping plover, red -cockaded woodpecker (RCW), Rufa red knot, West Indian manatee, Cooley's meadowue, golden sedge, pondberry, rough -leaved loosestrife (RLLS), and seabeach amaranth. Bald eagle is also protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA) in Onslow County. The project is not anticipated to impact any of these species due to the minimal disturbance associated with the removal of the exposed waterline and the directional drill installation of the new water and sewer mains. Consultation Documentation Upload 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* ( Yes CNo Are there submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) around the project vicinity?* ✓ Yes (No r Unknown 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* The NOAA Essential Fish Habitat Mapper was reviewed on October 27, 2020 and essential fish habitat was identified within the project area and within the vicinity of the project. However, the new water and sewer mains will be installed at a minimum depth of 20' below the channel of the AIWW, resulting in no in -water impacts to essential fish habitat. The removal of the exposed, existing water main within the AIWW will abide by construction moratoria, if applicable, and will result in temporary impacts to small areas of the AIWW in existing utility easement only. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* r Yes ( No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* A review of the NCSHPO online database, accessed October 27, 2020, indicates no known historical or archeological resources within the project area. Additionally, MCB Camp Lejeune Environmental Department staff refers to and complies with the Camp Lejeune Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) which is required by DoD and approved by SHPO. The ICRMP identifies historic buildings and archaeological sites and details the permitting procedures to continue with the necessary development on base. 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* 6 Yes r No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: It is anticipated that no conveyance area will be gained or lost as a result of the proposed project. If this cannot be achieved, the appropriate FEMA certifications will be applied for prior to construction. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* The FEMA Digital Flood Insurance Map (DFIRM) Panel 3720531000K (effective June 19, 2020) was accessed on January 25, 2021. The entire project area is within a FEMA-regulated 1 % annual chance flood hazard area associated with the Atlantic Ocean along Onslow Beach. Miscellaneous Comments Miscellaneous information attached to assist in the review of this permit (in addition to requested attached items): -Cover Letter -Vicinity Map -Jurisdictional Features Map Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. Onslow HDD_Fig1_Vicinity.pdf Onslow HDD_Fig3_JDfeat.pdf Onslow HDD PCN Cover Letter 20210406.pdf 262.72KB 1.21MB 118.67KB Signature * IJ By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Jason Hartshorn (Kimley-Horn) Signature Date 4/6/2021 Holover Creek Atlantic Ocean Oc Legend JProject Study Area Jacksonville Onslow County Ohio West Virginia 122010 Virginia Milmca 401411- • olls 041 , ( a 1 North Carolina^ AO, .611#1411 *IWO South Carolina Georgia 0 -n r z JONES Project Location CRAVEN Atlantic Ocean Figure 1: Vicinity Map Replace Water and Sewer Mains to Onslow Beach MCB Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, Onslow County, NC October 2020 0 v FJ, 'Vets ,r 'reek Legend EJ Project Study Area 0 800 1,600 Feet A z Onsiow Beach i Kimley>» Horn Figure 2: USGS Topographic Map Replace Water and Sewer Mains to Onslow Beach MCB Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, Onslow County, NC October 2020 Legend Open Water Coastal Wetlands Wetlands Project Study Area 0 180 360 Feet Kimley>>> Horn Figure 3: Jurisdictional Features Map Replace Water and Sewer Mains to Onslow Beach MCB Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, Onslow County, NC October 2020 Kimley>>> Horn Figure 4: NRCS Soil Survey Replace Water and Sewer Mains to Onslow Beach MCB Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, Onslow County, NC October 2020 Legend Temporary Open Water (AIWW) Impacts Coastal Wetlands Wetlands Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (NHWM) Project Study Area Figure 6.1 Kimley>>> Horn Figure 6: Permit Impact Drawings Replace Water and Sewer Mains to Onslow Beach MCB Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, Onslow County, NC January 2021 Legend r'l Temporary Open Water (AIWW) Impacts Coastal Wetlands Wetlands Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (NHWM) Project Study Area Normal High Water Mark / / // // /I/ / / / / // / L> /L Site 1: Utility (Water Main Removal) Temporary Open Water Impacts = 0.35 ac. / y / 1 / / // /i i. J/ / / // // // /// // // // / // / // /%/ / ,/ / / �/// /////r /////// / //�/ / // / ////�// / / I ////// / / z / Kimley>» Horn Figure 6.1: Permit Impact Drawings Replace Water and Sewer Mains to Onslow Beach MCB Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, Onslow County, NC January 2021 Impact Table Site Reason vve|ands(ac) Permament Temporary �u�ams(uF) Permament Temporary Open Water (ac) Permament Temporary Site l Utility (Water Main Removal) 0.35 Totals U U U oss \C ASS R -OR 0 3 A 0\ 5 cc 0 0 a NAME: K:\vab_civil\116691009 — camp lejeune water and wastewater db\CADD\plansheets\COVER AND INDEX SHEET.dwg CU-05 CU-06 CU-07 CU-08 CU-09 CU-10 CU-11 CU-12 WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM REPAIRS PHASE 2 WATER AND SEWER MAINS TO ONSLOW BEACH INDEX OF SHEETS ONSLOW BEACH - EXISTING CONDITIONS AND E&SC ONSLOW BEACH WATER MAIN HDD - PLAN AND PROFILE ONSLOW BEACH - WATER MAIN TIE IN - PLAN AND PROFILE ONSLOW BEACH SEWER FORCE MAIN HDD - PLAN AND PROFILE ONSLOW BEACH SEWER MAIN TIE IN - PLAN AND PROFILE ONSLOW BEACH PIPE STRING OUT - DRILL RIG STAGING AREA PLAN ONSLOW BEACH - WATER AND SEWER DETAILS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS Goldsboro Mt. Olive Warsaw Words Corner Delco sA Bolton Kinston Seven Springs Beulaville Wallace Dover Tuscarora Trenton Comfort Richlands Jacksonville New Bern OAK GROVE �Pollacksville Maysville Hol y Ridge Hampstead Scott Hill Wilmington Leland Nr- wansboro Havelock ERRY POINT eaufort Morehead City P N G� 0 CAMP LEJUENE 5 0 10 15 20 SCALE IN MILES VICINITY MAP - CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. Kimley>» Horn SUITE 1000 4525 MAIN STREET, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23462 PHONE: (757) 548-7300 ****,,A CAR °..v_5� r ) •Q 5 0 • Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 N.T.S. A—ONSLOW BEACH WASTEWATER FORCE 03 02 A B C _ D E F WATER MAIN AND MAIN HDD H J %� L M N 01 00 6'°� GEIGER AREA-B• dri; JAC/SONVILLE 9� It ceM' 0 a o z m� y��TARAWA � '� ?• GEIGER AREA—B c.MIIIIII 15A o cuRns > ' II � Ro �i ao o e% •� JOHNSO CAMPie KNOX Tr. PARK TERRACE I I I MIDWAY PARK Cre<H e' Go�p Let°�� Ro•,, oG Po��� �-. � Ar .A• 4- 4 r \ Soofh des• t MARINE AIR STATION CORPS A 2%; R 3 a�w• BERKELEY MANOR o % 24 O 650 FIRE TOWER ST7 1O�o ROBIN Q U"_/ , Ir4Ir % *- ..2, - , . C�'p, WATKINS y� VILLAGE c� / ' y /( 328 Bell RA COURSE AREA Vo\\ Run EAGLE � ,/ �® /' / • ��®II :5'z.., G �°\ - � o r o ; m OPEN STORAGE AREA � I gov4 0,,/--- IP or 40.- yy SPARROW 011 ✓ 5 R�•A. LARI(i Z 12, I. ® s2 DIVI ION ® \ FA BILALETIN REALe ell�- � is s� , �� . o �� �16 : ® s AREArIL.8A of ROAD sy 4,1 Z�o PEN G</ ( 7 AOo RO TRIANGLE OUTPOST 6eo^ mcARDINAL _` g oo, 20 �Whitehu�,. �� �� m' SVL185 % p /I� /%/������.� �,�. FRENCH �' CREEK 21AREA �� Cowhey �E R.. AGAZINE ��-s AREA 1;+ �/ ��r �9- Creek ' 'i R°� _ �� Po- a a cREr POINT RHODES POINT AREA �� I � r 1'!?�' I r� ♦, ,� �� >AveIR �aMvl� Rao A, ®1�i� 1i� *� sunders Island '♦ J `/ ' \ �, �Oo ARE TOWER " Cr t- RAG K2 j'>4. 1 �. ROPE COMBAT TOWN �WKT L cRowL ENGINEER STOCKADE R gv ' �� 5�P ANTI—TANK RANGE � y* F m�r; ��� �1 r �__ ,,,,,,f, „ri MARINES ODO 111- JOB 4 GOOSE ��JO �® �^ • =�� i� �/ 4,5:�•i-A) 90 RIFLE v' �� A#1TOWER ®/��/AA AMPHIBIAN BASE - / ® �s . $ ENGI EER �Ry ` T1-LHgNDER rc, m 'Cy vor P O -�. , 0 �. o 14' , RANGES !f/J' rii I 77_ g OWL 7'I • .. .. , Tyr,' iAtor( cr, -‘,a ��� _� /, ` , J//®®® i ROAO rATRvSS 2-1ALCON ��^ �O /®+ �� A r A fr7ff, to AINII IAr ilL w Ivo.- v 1.- 0 or" 4 ,� pre-7,--zo ♦ �/ ®��!/// Tr , _ oet BLUEBIRD fit, ���// r lq.PM11W4 WilPra ®��? / 1�� \k\, .4, , „.,...„, , , '�O SBA737� ',1,,,,_ --r. / , 4 7,,Ate--2.1-1.4-4, .."--.. .6 ..d./Iri A A 0 \ it 4 r n ' j 0 W LOCATION MAP - U.S MARINE CORPS BASE - CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 1-11-2021 w Q DESCRIPTION r f� NA/FAC SEAL Kimley»>Horn SUITE 1000 4525 MAIN STREET, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23462 PHONE: (757) 548-7300 A/E INFO APPROVED FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC ACTMTY SATISFACTORY TO DATE DES JWM DRW -- CHK JWM PM/DM BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH FIRE PROTECTION NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY z 0 z 2 2 0 0 W z z U u_ NAVAL STATION — NORFOLK, VA MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE LJJ Q 0 CC 0 LJJ ti c N 1 1- T w-, < cc LJJ a� z CC LJJ LJ LL nv LJ 0 U SCALE: AS NOTED EPROJECT NO.: CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N62470-20—F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. SHEET 1 OF 9 G-01 2 \C ASS R 3 \�100HPR A 0\ 5 DRAWFORM REVISION: 07 AUG 2018 1 5 �YY _ASS A ON 5 re 11, 2021 — 12:34pm USER: Josh.Mallet 5 C B A EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL LEGEND SF SILT FENCE YJ5 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TEMPORARY SEEDING PERMANENT SEEDING FO CB 0 0 FO COMM 8'aF LEGEND SVH SDAIH IW FH TMH BAH FM FM SAN SD IPED pip eft - CURB DROP INLET WADER VALVE RRE HYDRANT IELEPHONE MANHOLE ELECTRIC MANHOLE SIGN IRAVERSE PONT POWER POLE SC LIGHT POLE UNDEI7GROUND CABLE TV UNDERGROUND COMMUNICAnows UNDERGROUND GAS UNDERGROUND ELECIRIC SANITARY FORCE MAIN SANITARY SENER STORM DRAIN UNDERGROUND WAIER CLF CHAIN LINK FBVCE IWLT WATER VAULT IRRIGATION CONIROL VALVE CONCRETE SFMV SANITARY FORCE MAIN VALVE ICV NETLAND LIMITS SB SOIL BORING WETLAND LIMITS UN Sr sr EXISTING SANITARY SEWER STRUCTURE LEGEND SMH #506 RIM=5.15 SMH #507 RIM= 4.10 INV.=-2.10(SE) INV.=-2.10(SW) SMH #508 RIM= 5.47 INV.=-1.36(NE) INV.=-1.35(SW) SMH #509 RIM=5.12 INV.=-1.40(NE) INV.=-1.42(SW) SMH #510 RIM=5.02 SMH #511 RIM= 4.75 INV.=-2.46(NW) 0 SMH #500 RIM=5.87 SMH #501 RIM=6.01 SMH #502 RIM=5.92 INV.=1.97(NE)(NO CONNECTION INV.=1.84(SW) SMH #503 RI M =4.83 SMH #504 RIM=6.61 SMH #505 RI M =4.78 MOCK UP ROAD 3. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR USCG PORTSMOUTH PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA PM! PROJECT #19309 SURVEY & UTILITY NOTES: 1. BASIS OF HORIZONTAL DATUM AND NORTH MERIDIAN: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM / NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 83 2011 ADJUSTMENT (U.S. SURVEY FEET) ESTABUSHED BY GPS OBSERVATION. 2. BASIS OF VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 88 3. ELEVATIONS REFER TO NAVD88(GEOID12B). 4. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED TO SHOW EXISTING FEATURES AS OF 10/09/2020 AND DOES NOT CERTIFY TO CHANGES TO SITE CONDITIONS WHICH OCCUR SUBSEQUENT TO THIS DATE AND OR TO PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. 5. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A BOUNDARY SURVEY NOR A SUBDIVISION OF LAND. 6. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT INTEND TO DEPICT ANY WETLANDS, HAZARDOUS WASTE AND ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES THAT MAY AFFECT SAID PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 7. PIPE MATERIAL TYPES ARE DETERMINED BY FIELD OBSERVATIONS TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY. PM! DOES NOT WARRANT THE MATERIAL TYPE OF PIPES LOCATED IN CONFINED OR INACCESSIBLE SPACES. 8. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN, IF ANY HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED AND LOCATED BY PMI AND INCORPORATED AS PART OF THIS SURVEY. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPRISE ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA. EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTIUTIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED. THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED ThIE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE SURVEYOR FURTHER NOTIFIES AU. PARTIES THAT VIRGINIA LAW REQUIRES NA-811" TO BE CONTACTED PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. ALL SIZES AND MATERIAL (IF ANY) ARE SHOWN PER RECORD AND HAVE NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED. 9. THE TOPOGRAPHY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES SHOWN ON THIS MAP WERE OBTAINED UNDER THE DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND SUPERVISION OF IVAN R. UNEBERRY. THIS PLAT, MAP, OR DIGITAL GEOSPATIAL DATA INCLUDING METADATA MEETS MINIMUM ACCURACY STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10. THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS PREPARED/COMPILED BY: 7 7 PRECISION MEASUREME-NTS, INC. SURVEYORS - GPS - UAS - MAPPING - 3-D LASER SCANNING 629 PHOENIX DRIVE, SUITE 100 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. 23452 (757) 368-0945 3 3 7 7 EXISTING EASEMENT ; C/E f —EXISTING EASEMENT 7 7 P. 3 3 7 7 EXISTING EASEMENT vo WETLAND LIMITS SF cz- 41,‘10-igium4' .."4141111(-) SF Ok el "I; issi 11:::::: 6: 14:1 :II cr GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 160 100`)/0 DESIGN SUBMITTAL 1-11-2021 DESCRIPTION NAVFAC '<;-+# '' .......................... SEAL Kimley*Horn SUITE 1000 4525 MAIN STREET, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23462 PHONE: (757) 548-7300 A/E INFO APPROVED FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC SATISFACTORY TO DATE DES jwm DRW PM/DM BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH FIRE PROTECTION NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL STATION — NORFOLK, VA MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE LLI CL CC CL CC C\I acz. CC CC SCALE: AS NOTED EPROJECT NO.: CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N62470-20—F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. SHEET 2 OF 9 CU-05 1 ASS ID 3 SIEFIE 5 \C _ASS D -OR 0 3 C A 0\ Y 5 0 LAYOUT NAME: WM HDD PLOTTED: Monday, January 11, 2021 — 11:45am USER: Josh.Mallet NAME: K:\vab_civil\116691009 — camp lejeune water and wastewater db\CADD\plansheets\HDD—Layout.dwg -APPROXIMATE WATER MAIN HDD EXIT POINT N: 303382.9755 E: 2518404.6244 SEE ONSLOW BEACH WATER MAIN TIE IN - PLAN AND PROFILE ON SHEET CU-07 1,10-414 ei / ' I SEE PIPE STRING OUT SHEETCU-10 \ e� GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 120 HORIZONTAL 0 3 6 12 VERTICAL 12 A A W — WL-B) 12+00 \/ 11+00 --\ WETLAND LIMITS A A / / / WETLAND / \ J A y y y A A .j A A A .j A A A A A W — (QL-c) A .i A A A /A A 14+00 15+00 LIMITS \ A A 1 I A A A . i J �I I I W - (Q,L-C 16+00 10" HDPE (PE4710/DIPS/DR11) WATER MAIN — A A 1 If t [ 1/ I I 1 1 I I I1 0 1 / I / / I I II i \ I r / 6/ 11 <, 1 \' I I\ \ 11 I \ II I \ \\ \\ Y \ - II I 11 \ \ \ I I i \\ \ % --NC) , Ill \ /) // I\r\ I_ 1 I I \ \ \ / 11 / cl/ \ I C/d I \ I i c E )1 19+0--c) \ W 0 40 c)1 /W/4- C/C/E/ /E C/a i /EII n� j I I 1 I \ \ \ 1\ \ I II EXISTING 0, I I I fl 1 I I I 1 \ I I\ U� ILITY EASEMENT 1 ,tga1V1 l wN a 1 1` \ ' IjjIjj II i1�I1 II•,\\ �' I 1 1 / I i�- F - (QL-) r / / /llllll �;!,� �\ \ \ \ 1 I �4r1c) T — �I �— F� 1 � �I I 1 Clitrilirj)C;s2 v . is •I I I 1 I �l I/ ! 111 r/ l l I I 1 11 \� v /� I l� (Q�-IQ�I l l iF� // l II I I / 1 � 11 1 1 1 1 11\1 �/ \` dE I 1 I 1 \PEI I/ / I/1 // A \ A A s \14oP�L�c / SEE ONSLOW BEACH WATER MAIN TIE IN - PLAN AND PROFILE ON SHEET CU-07 APPROXIMATE WATER MAIN HDD ENTRY POINT 1 N: 302402.7657 -N\ / E:2519492.6262 24+ 12 27555 7 12 (,y/y�P 27 FO 1. SEE ONSLOW BEACH WATERMAIN TIIN - PLAN AND PROFILE ON o 8 8 8.5° ENTRY SHEET CU-07 /// / _ \ LE \\ ANGLE \\ EXISTING GRADE ALONG ALIGNMENT �--- - - /// �/� - - - 4 4\\\ _ _ _ - \\\ --- _ -'��EXISTING 10" j// 0 -- JSM-- WATER MAIN ---- - --, —-- -�-- / 0 SEE ONSLOW WATER BEACH MAIN TIE IN - � SM � � / � _ _ASP �\ // Sp�- ./ -4 -4 PLAN AND SHEET CU-07 PROFILE ON - OL/OH \,, � � / / EXISTING PVC SS LINE -, \ / / SP -8 -8 ASP 1 I / // - -12 _ \ \ / `� SP -12 \ / /-- r - -16 SP \ ` � ��.�_ ^ - \ASP - STA: 23+84 PT -16 _ -20 -20 N_ �WL -24 \k SP -24 !, 20' -28 \ -28 STA: 12+35 PC STA: 13+83 WL PROPOSED 10" HDPE - (PE4710/DIPS/DR11) WATER MAIN -32 -32 /PT VERT_// P VERT DEFLECTION 1 R=1000' -36 DEFLECTION -36 R=1000' STA: 21+94 AWL _ PC -40 -40 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 25+50 Asemkr SURFACE 25+90 r4 irt& Ave 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 1-11-2021 w 0 DESCRIPTION NA/FAC ,,,%% II1111. CAR., SEAL Kimley>»Horn SUITE 1000 4525 MAIN STREET, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23462 PHONE: (757) 548-7300 A/E INFO APPROVED FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC ACTIVITY SATISFACTORY TO DATE DES JWM DRW -- CHK JWM PM/DM BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH FIRE PROTECTION NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY U Z 0 Z 2 2 0 U 0 w z 0 W J Q u_ NAVAL STATION — NORFOLK, VA U LL_i J J z 0 U MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE LLI 0 CC CL LLI CC 9 LLI T U CCw Lll aCC CL W U)CL z CC W w J CL 0 z z J o_ SCALE: AS NOTED EPROJECT NO.: CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N62470-20-F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. SHEET 5 OF 9 CU-06 1 2 s\C _ASS 3 D \E10 0SDPR A 0\ Y 5 DRAWFORM REVISION: 07 AUG 2018 \C 1 ASS D -OR 0 3 C A 0\ Y 5 STA: 1+00 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN WITH 10" SOLID SLEEVE 1 CUT AND CAP WATER MAIN ,��e� STA:1+02 PROPOSED 10" GATE VALVE AND BOX (Q4 ` PROPOSED HYDRANT ASSEMBLY, ( Q4 'e) FM .r1>� ,oF S FM lope (Qc) Top 1 STA: 2+97 PROPOSED 10" 45° HORIZONTAL BEND N: 303372.0916 E: 2518416.7052 APPROXIMATE WATER MAIN HDD EXIT POINT N: 303382.9755 E: 2518404.6244 STA: 2+34 PROPOSED 10" 22.5° HORIZONTAL BEND N: 303368.7812 E: 2518353.1876 STA: 1 +69 PROPOSED 10" X 6" DI TEE X00 PROPOSED 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX (QL,e) +00 x OPEN CUT 10" DI WATER MAIN STA: 1 +88 PROPOSED 10" 45° HORIZONTAL BEND N: 303384.1695 E: 2518309.8425 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET �oQ STA: 3+07 PROPOSED 10" 11.25° HDPE VERTICAL BEND SEE STATION 10+50 SHEET CU-06 FOR CONTINUATION N: 303365.3981 E: 2518424.1347 STA: 3+02 PROPOSED 10" HDPE TO DI MJ ADAPTER TO 10" DI LONG SLEEVE 49) c - B ) vc- / / / I STA: 8+09 PROPOSED 10" HDPE TO DI MJ ADAPTER TO 10" DI LONG SLEEVE W —I— (QL—C) STA: 8+01 PROPOSED 10 11.25 HDPE VERTICAL BEND SEE STATION 23+58 SHEET CU-06 FOR CONTINUATION N: 302417.2984 • E: 2519476.4953:: co i/cL N r 8 STA: 8+21 APPROXIMATE WATER MAIN HDD ENTRY POINT OPEN CUT 10" DI WATER MAIN • COMM. CUT AND C WATER MA FFE= 111111 11 Jj eV O (QL—B 8 "CLF(BARBED) (Q4 STA: 8+77 PROPOSED 10" 45° DI HORIZONTAL BEND LL=B(QL- N: 302366.6473 E: 2519532.7165 C) . AP STA: 8+94\ IN PROPOSED 10" GATE VALVE AND BOX• II IIJI z STA: 8+97 OFF: 3' PROPOSED 10" GATE VALVE AND BOX I Ir�,1 STA: 8+98 OFF: 7' CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN WITH 10" SOLID SLEEVE QL-B C l GUY B m J 0 0 J • . 823 27452 n / STA:8+98 PROPOSED 10" 45° DI HORIZONTAL BEND N: 302352.4013 E: 2519532.1980 =:u 9+00 STA: 8+97 PROPOSED 10" X 10" DI TEE -C) 9+07 STA: 9+07 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN WITH 10" SOLID SLEEVE Y/L TRANSFORMER ELEC. PANEL ce 0 0 a w DESCRIPTION 0) NA/FAC O'1NE. �; J� D S . •%. SEAL Kimley>»Horn SUITE 1000 4525 MAIN STREET, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23462 PHONE: (757) 548-7300 A/E INFO 0 10 20 40 0 1 2 4 VERTICAL 14 14 12 12 RESTRAIN ALL JOINTS 10 10 8 EXISTING GRADE SEE ONSLOW BEACH 8 WATER PLAN MAIN HDD AND PROFILE ON - 6 _ _ _ _ _ ------_--------- SHEET CU-06 6 4 3' MIN. COVER 4 2 \L \ 2 - _ OPEN CUT 10" 0 DI WATER MAINo U z x j Z -2 �� > m co Z �m Z Nm Z0_ �m ct~ =LLJ CI w N �m -2 W— W �' W _, Z O_ Q =< O_ - J O_ Q - _1 O_ < - J O_ < - a O Q = J O Q -4 oOQNNpJ Ov,oOm; rnp cOm o0pp aom� �00 +(wNJ ^00 +cwn� pOa Z �00' -4 -ww0-0 zw N 0_w �pw o_w �p0_ �O Np0_ a_O Np0_ +w..-+ww M a_O PROPO TO I M - 2 - cn PROPO HDPE -6 QZ�: - 6 F cn QOH O Q p c l 3 cn 0_ Q 0 co QO� I- 0_ _ cn o o QO= I- (n o_ _ 0_ o Q0I I- (n 0_ _ 0_ o Qo= I— (n Q o_ _ 1- 0_ o (n 1+00 1+50 2+00 WATER TIE IN WEST STA: 1+00.00 TO STA: 3+15.21 2+50 3+00 12 12 10 10 RESTRAIN STA. ALL JOINTS 8+94EXISTING UNK. UTILITY 8 r SEE ONSLOW SIZE AND ELEV. UNK. 8 BEACH WATER MAIN HDD - 6 PLAN AND 6 PROFILE ON SHEET EXISTING GRADE 4 CU-06 4 --,:--_ _ 2 2 COVER OPEN CUT 10" DI RATER MAIN -2 -2 VN -:1 / ED DI TEE -07 :T TO EXISTING MAIN WITH ID ?LEEIVE -4 N Z O 10" 45' 1 TAL BEND x -4 -m 0_ c j =W w N Z -m 10" 45' TAL BED o -6 J o U - 0_ -1 o Q v1 C� - J Q R Z o Q — -6 oO'oaz ooz O W O w- o N w0 �oZ w2 wog O �o> w2 m w ( wJ 1 -8 +v)>+vl�J +vl- 00o 00o Coop 0_w 0_p E 0_0 +v)- 0ooEE 0-0 +v)- cooEE +v)j DOp 0_0 rv1_ TL' a CD .6 0 wCrO zw N -8 000_QO <01 - 01- Sr_p0 H_ N 0_ 2 v) 1- v) Sr_0O <01 HO__ v) 0- O <01 HO__ v) <oI HO_Q 0_ O v) <o?< Q I-- HO_p HOQ0 0_ 0 v) 0_ — (/) U — 8+00 8+50 WATER TIE IN EAST STA: 8+00.00 TO STA: 9+25.00 9+00 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 1-11-2021 APPROVED FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC ACTIVITY SATISFACTORY TO DATE DES JWM DRW -- CHK JWM PM/DM BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH FIRE PROTECTION NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND - MID -ATLANTIC NAVAL STATION - NORFOLK, VA MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE N W 0_ U) CC 0 W ti CC N O � U W —) < CC^ W Z CC W w J_ 0 0 0 z z J 0 z w z ONSLOW BEACH WATER SCALE: AS NOTED EPROJECT NO.: CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N62470-20—F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. SHEET 6 OF 9 CU-07 1 2 c\C ASS D DAD A 0\ Y 5 DRAWFORM REVISION: 07 AUG 2018 \C _ASS D -OR 0 3 C A 0\ Y 5 I 12 SEE PIPE STRING OUT ON SHEET CU-10 1 40+00 �• \\ J APPROXIMATE FORCE MAIN HDD EXIT POINT N: 303022.6322 E: 2518357.5391 12 y / SEE ONSLOW BEACH SEWER FORCE MAIN TIE IN - PLAN AND PROFILE ON SHEET CU-09 _ 41+ / / / / WETLAND LIMITS 1 ✓/ A / A f 1\ AI --g- A \ / / \ . STA:4 PC WETLAND LIMITS II \\ \\ 1\ \ 11 I I 1 i 1 1' � \l \1 / � / /\ I I 1\I \ � I\'1 I111\'I \1 1 j I \ \ \'III\ I \ I l l �/ _ ��ll J \ �II11I I / / 1: 1 \ 1\\ m I I I 1 I,I vN, _,.' /— 1\ \ / % IIII'II r1 1II 1 \\\11\ \ V/\ ,��_ / Q \ l I l l l (l t / \ \ \\1\\\1 1 1\ \ (� r I I I \ 1 I I I1I \/ I / I\ \\ \'\II\I II I t � \ \ � V sr JI � I I I I I I � � � / \ V A 1` IVA\ A 1 1 I /�� IA I A ��1 ���. \ \ 1 I1 1 1 \ �r�, \ 11 I I r � 11 v \ ,�r..- . \ V A \1I1 / A , A\ I 1 . V 1 11\ I I'I I I II I v -, \ > 1 v I I 1 11t%, 11 > I t \III I,�� \ I 1 \\ \ I 1 1 I I I !, \ \\\I \\ \ \ \w '� I ` ^^ \ I III III II I � , 1 \ \ I 11\II \ f1 1 1 1 1 I I V11 \� V \ V A _> V A �\ y I III I I I I �t���(\I\ I \\ \ \� 1'\I 1 1 1 I 1 1 \� \ \ I I 1 I I\ \ 1 \ \ ,c' , \ / \ I 1 1 w I 1 11 I 1 1 I\ V A I'�"�' \ \ 1 1 V\VA t\ I I `' I 1 / I I\ V \ r:� t�, 1 1 1 L- F I I 1 ;• (QL HORIZ. (QL-� ^) F� (Q ) I � � �-�;�,�. (N \ DEFLECTION � ( C) - JJ T ��Q� ��Iv� • 11 4 �Y ��iiS,�� it^�r.���y �I Q' CA A 1 R=500' V I 10" HDPE / / 1 I �'11�' C•��•+► )\ I �"r' \ .L,--)I) W — (QL (PE4710/DIPS/DR11)1 r / 1 I \ , I\ \\ ' 'E \ FORCE MAIN IC \VA''�- I I I � �... lit I�� •.� �' I I I PT / 11 \ I I III V V A�� X I /1 //'/�vy I 1 I � VI I I ( \ ti I 1 1 \\\\ 1 45 0 1 u� 47+00 4� �0 \ \ � \ �l 1 c\i1 5+21 \�lilr ( I�\/ill J \ / I \ \ \ \ \\\I\l I I I ' III 11\ -� 1� � 1 \ I � I I 1 \ \\ \I \\ I I 1 I I \ \ EXISTING 30' l I \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 1 II I I 1 1 1 \\\ UTILITY EASEMENT J /\ \\ I I\ II\I I I I I I t \ \ \\\\ \ \ / \- f \ ( / 1\ \ \ ) ( ( WETLAND LIMITS / 1 11 1 �� 1\ 1 1 \'\ 1\ 1\1� I 11// 1 'I 1 II I 1 1 I \ I 11\ :-; I IlllN'/ \�1 \\ 1 1 I 1 1 1 i1 i\ I I 11\ 1 111 I 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 I I Il II \ l l \ 1 1 1 \, \ I (( �I I\ I I'1 I \ 1 \ \Iv_ V \ \ \ 1- 1 1 1I� Ij j I I I I II �' \\ \ \ I III \/\1' 1 I I I 1 1 1 I\ \ I\\\ \ 1 1\ 1 1 1 1c I\ 1\ I 'I \` I` \\\ \\\\I I 1 I i L I I I1 I I ! / 11 /-^ \ I' \ \ \. \i \1 I (\ \ \►1I I / I4 / i SB # 0+Q0 \ 5 0 /A MO 27583 W 1 / SEE ONSLOW BEACH SEWER FORCE MAIN TIE IN - PLAN AND PROFILE ON SHEET CU-09 / / 52 APPROXIMATE FORCE MAIN HDD ENTRY POINT N: 3302111.5463 E: 2519106.4637 I� 062+25 12 SEE ONSLOW BEACH SEWER FORCE MAIN TIE IN - PLAN AND PROFILE ON SHEET CU-09 I I ° / 8 8 \\\ \\\\\ 8.5° ENTRY ANGLE SEE ONSLOW BEACH SEWER EXISTING rALONG GRADE ALIGNMENT EXISTING 10" PVC SS LINE 11 ANGLE ENTRY // _ FORCE MAIN PROFILE ON TIE SHEET IN - PLAN AND CU-09 4 (____ _ _ _ -if/ / 0 , - / / SM�- // 0 ` —SM `, \,_ `\ / / -4 - SP \ \ / � / SP 1 -4 OL/OH \ \ / / - -8 \ \ / / SP 1 -8 SP \ \ / / - -12 \ �� -12 \ 7/ /�/ SP -16 SP \ \�` ��-/ / 4 -16 SP / -20 STA: 50+90 -20 DEFLECTION VERT PT SP R=1000' WL -24 -24 IN- HORIZ. DEFLECTION 20' - �� PROPOSED 10 HDPE (PE4710/DIPS/DR11) -28 -28 STA: 43+68 PT I STA: 42+20 PC • IwL R=500' SEWER FORCE MAIN STA: PC 48+99 V -32 STA: 45+47 I -32 VERT STA: 45+21 PC PT -36 DEFLECTION R=1000' i -36 ASP - - - -40 -40 40+00 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 45+00 46+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 U ca GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 120 HORIZONTAL 0 3 6 12 VERTICAL NOTES: 1. ALL DUCTILE IRON FORCE MAIN PIPING SHALL HAVE A CERAMIC EPDXY INTERIOR LINING (PROTECTO 401 OR EQUAL). 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 1-11-2021 0 0 a w DESCRIPTION 0) NA/FAC SEAL Kimley>»Horn SUITE 1000 4525 MAIN STREET, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23462 PHONE: (757) 548-7300 A/E INFO APPROVED FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC ACTIVITY SATISFACTORY TO DATE DES JWM DRW -- CHK JWM PM/DM BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH FIRE PROTECTION NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND - MID -ATLANTIC NAVAL STATION - NORFOLK, VA MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE W 0_ CC CL O W O) u) U CC 1.1J W -) < CC W a CL CC W AND PROFILE z J 0_ SCALE: AS NOTED EPROJECT NO.: CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N62470-20-F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. SHEET 3 OF 9 CU-08 2 �\C AS S D A Y 5 DRAWFORM REVISION: 07 AUG 2018 \C ASS D -OR 0 3 C A 0\ Y 5 11:46am USER: Josh.Mallet LAYOUT NAME: FM TIE—IN PLOTTED: Monday, January 11, 2021 — NAME: K:\vab_civil\116691009 — camp lejeune water and wastewater db\CADD\plansheets\WATER AND SEWER TIE IN.dwg co u 4 c - POST 4-t iV \ w �s (Q� Q�� STA:4+08 1: ( oth 0,1 DATE OFF: 7 CONC. �. �I STA:8+06 ►``e,' . PROPOSED 10 PROPOSED 10"A♦ 'r'�� SOLID SLEEVE SOLID SLEEVE �"� �• —'II I � o v PUMP I J oo w m I CO i .Z• OQ' PROPOSED LONG CONNECT GATE STA:4+00 10" SOLID SLEEVE\i TO EXISTING MAIN \ F �� , G\ �- STA:4+11s �� 10 VALVE AND BOX �Ge \ �� +� APPROXIMATEPROPOSED FORCEMAIN HDD EXIT N:303022.g322 E:2518357 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 10 20 40 PROPOSED 10"X10" WYE SCUT INTO EXISTING 10" SEWER FORCE MAIN i STA:4+13 OFF: 5' PROPOSED 10" GATE VALVE AND BOX STA:4+17 8 �• PROPOSED 10 4,4 O. \\= SCONNECT EEVEEXISTING FORCE MAIN T� OPEN CUT DI FORCE POINT 5391 40+p0 STA: 5+06 10" 45° HORIZONTAL BEND N:303003.6757 E:2518373.0768 /1/j� (Q�,e) (Q4�PROPOSED W )SUN K (Q�,e > \ G1 /� TO e �F ) 6,q� FO (Q�,g, 10" �� MAIN STA:5+16 10" 11.25° HDPE VERTICAL BEND SEE STA: 40+82 SHEET CU-08 FOR CONTINUATION N: 302995.3393_ E: 2518378.6420 -FM 41 C STA:5+11 PROPOSED 10" HDPE TO DI MJ ADAPTER TO 10" DI LONG SLEEVE �A CONNECT TO EXISTING CONNECT TO EXISTING (QL-B) —tom �� ;• o DESCRIPTION �'a ��� FM—(QL-C) I04! 'yam �� FORCE MAIN I� _- �� STA: 7+99 _ =i_ + o FORCE MAIN STATION -� z I A i STA: 7+99 FFE=7.43 E PROPOSED 10 X10 DI TEE E o c 2 "l `'�`� _- 40)141�� OFF: 2',cuT INTO EXISTING 0 E. E QL-B ( ( �u �i L- B L P 56 12 27555Qn I/FORCE /•_Sk� T ) (QL-C yq SIGN '1I.STA:7+95 ((/GATE(QLg a,11 , 0E:2519141.6957 S. �4L1' Q J'� � \Q J1� ��a�STA: ,PROPOSED (Pf? 1 D� L-C) W � gsJE:2519024.5194N:302333.9210`N ���� GATE VALVE �� PROPOSED VALVE HORIZONTAL `N: ) (QL-C _N� 10 AND BOX 10" AND BOX) 7+91 10 22.5°STA: BEND- 302343.4524-HORIZONTAL I (QL-B)E: \I —FO 10 SEWER FORCE MAIN ) m GATEPOST BASE41 I / •• _1 g) •f- 0 T pL_ T — T—(QL-g g) (o-HORIZONTAL ) Z STA: 7+60 PROPOSED 10" 11.25° HORIZONTAL BEND��N 7+81�'N: 302314.7591c:7//m/ PROPOSED 10" 45°� E: 2519029.4838 BEND J, 2 19021.0047 W SQL_ (QL-g) _ W (QL-B) - W JE: z > STA: 5+81 V/ PROPOSED 10"45° co BENDOFF: N:302174.9675PROPOSED �,� — 6+00 moo- ^�2 wN: wEXPOSED 2 Co DUITS(4) f+- O,P# STA: 5+00 15P �o STA: 5+58 > PROPOSED 10" 45°�, HORIZONTAL BEND z jN' 302152.3842\'�j�G�. 2519139.4784 v Jh��, o mi�� I • 1.... o NjWFAC w C/E 0 -' \ \ �I �- co Q Z W N I O m J PROPOSED 10"11.25° P�P#SIHDPE VERTICAL BEND \1��\ 0 SEE STA: 11. 5 SHEET CU-08 \!-SgP� w FOR CONTINUATIONS �O N:302128.7596 F E: 2519_091.8990 ■,I„lI ��•`'�,j� CAR., . _, •..... �. ©'4 =fiIf. of Esi •ti •yam: Q� - ' �' s = 4 : m.. • = r ' ' ��; '� ; ► • I NE ••.J ; • D S . 44% •.,......... . *. ������� SEAL - III , �� w ♦ _ ct.Z z 49+00 — - __ 50+00 - +00 o = 52+00 APPROXIMATE SEWER 51+00 w ` C/E o , o w STA: 5+03 PROPOSED 10" 45° I `FORCE MAIN ENTRY POINT N: 302111.5463 LiPROPOSED z HORIZONTAL BEND E: 2519106.4637 STA:5+16 N:302126.6587 w E.2519093.3410 PROPOSED 10" 45° HORIZONTAL BEND SUITE VIRGINI PHON0 Kimley*Horn 1000 BE) 4525 MAIN VIRGINIA CH,,- 0G STREET, 23462 A/E INFO X 0STA:5+05 EL Q PROPOSED 10" HDPE TO w DI MJ ADAPTER TO 10" DI LONG SLEEVE co l��-B) N:302125.5158 E:2519107.1319 (n1 -B) k HTCSCALE IN FEET _GR�0 10 20 40 r (QL_B) w - E (QL-B) A B• 0 1 2 4 NOTES: APPROVED 0 1 2 1. ALL DUCTILE IRON FORCE MAIN PIPING SHALL HAVE A CERAMIC EPDXY INTERIOR 4 LINING FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC VERTICAL 10 10 ACTIVITY - 10 VERTICAL 10 (PROTECTO 401 OR EQUAL). SATISFACTORY TO DATE — DES JWM DRW -- CHK JWM PM/DM -- BRANCH MANAGER -- CHIEF ENG/ARCH -- FIRE PROTECTION -- 8 RESTRAIN ALL JOINTS 8 8 RESTRAIN ALL JOINTS 8 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND - MID -ATLANTIC NAVAL STATION — NORFOLK, VA MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE JACKSONVILLE, NC WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM REPAIRS PHASE 2 PWD PROJECT# 19-0127 ONSLOW BEACH SEWER FORCE MAIN TIE IN - PLAN AND PROFILE 6 I 6 6 6 EXISTING GRADE _ EXISTING GRADE 4 -- - -- - _ - - --- ---------- _ 4 4 ----, ----- 4 - - - - -- _ - ___ ,,,'� 2 _______________----- 3' COVER MIN. WATERLINEEXISTING UNK. _ 2 2 2 UTILITY 3' MIN. COVERl OPEN CUT 10 DI FORCE MAIN `• EXISTINI. UNDERGROUND - _—. ELEPHONE LINE 0 1 0 0 12' MIN. �' 12' MIN. 0 CLEAR. ^ `' N 12' MIN. - CLEAR. iI 12' MIN. CLEAR. CLEAR. -2 \ -2 ^ -2 \ 1111 -4 o OPEN CUT 0" -4 !JEW ofill • 00 I I T TO EXISTING AAIN WITH IDDBSLEEVE • ED 10"X10" T INTO EXISTIN( IER FORCEL IMAI •11 x mLI ED 10" 45' JTAL BEND w b7Nwwl' —6 �m tn� �z = in CI �z -, 1np r �z 1np �z �0 -z N0 N ino �z 0 O— w W U cn= W X1_ > —6 —6 .Lv II V I 11U1 ,DATE TO _ONG SLEE -16 ED10"11.� FRT (.AI I RF —6 J O Q W O m .. O W O m W Q O m W m W O m W O m W O m Z O Q X 0 0 2 • �' J Z 10 O> —8 OOP• W W OHaO� 000� Jtn Z 1nO� + aOO� coO��OH. + OH�Oi�OZwO~QO_ —8 —8 OIC� J cfl O —8 +0> . cnOZLON O N Q a_ +(na 0 I O NJ U) -- 0 cnNp O n N 0__ O N 0__ NNp+cnp�i U N a N Q N p+m>+ O N 0_ N U ^ O+U O U W 00 M O W W O U J t W W O Z N U1 O 5 O U W � N cllj Q w T l/7 Q T (n 1-cn� > 1f) Q O 1n 0 a. NI a_ -3 m a_ Li -10 • W0''W°I-� • • - • • • n . Q.. �v~i �� Qoo' v~i QOo- �� c~n �� Q• c~n .- Q•. a�c~n ��. • .- Q• �Orc~i1 H Q dC0cn • W n_H e Q �cnc)L� Z Q' . ZoN —10 � -10 Qz(X. <OW. i-02 01(7) �>- $1— �< Qoa<0M. <0 - 1- ct01— - 1- CC -10 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 SSWR TE IN EAST 4+00 4+50 5+00 SSWR TIE IN WEST STA: 5+00.00 TO STA: 8+14.25 10 0 % DESIGN 1-11-2021 SUBMITTAL STA: 4+00.00 TO STA: 5+16.15 SCALE: AS NOTED EPROJECT NO.: — CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N62470-20-F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. SHEET 4 OF 9 CU-09 2 \C ASS 5 D JACF10 0SIRE A 0\ Y 5 DRAWFORM REVISION: 07 AUG 2018 ASS D -OR 0 3 C A 0\ Y 5 NAME: K:\vab_civil\116691009 — camp lejeune water and wastewater db\CADD\plansheets\HDD—Layout.dwg ao_ ••, NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ACCESS TO WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND RADAR TRUCK DEPOT SITES AT ALL TIMES DURING PIPE STRING FABRICATION. ENTRANCES MAY BE BLOCKED TEMPORARILY DURING PIPE PULLBACK 11.-1Mull II DATE DESCRIPTION R ■ ro2^0ll r m SF m 11! t �{ rs /� �.. I f• N (QL-B) W I@- ) W—(QL-B) INK (� 'i Q�B B,LQs ilTNI QL_B —U► — W GMVIII al MOC< UP ROAD \MOCKUP ROAD \ ---- ---- --- +SFlN -E112ETQL-C C eu.c ' FM - ) e `'_ FIB — QL °`== '� : ... ,��1_�lr � i�i?'l� �:>i1� lff e��;FIT E E E 1DP OF 8412 ,# roP aP ease 4.`• fi . Q� - -. =. .;w',NEc;.�•�J�, s 4.„.D S *. SEAL PROPOSED PIPELINE STRING OUT S 0 © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 Maxar ©CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS / '\ , / / Z J. SUITE VIRGINIA PHONE: Kimle 1000 BEACH, (757) Y *Horn 4525 MAIN 548- 3O01NIA STREET, 23462 A E INFO \ \ , 1 1 \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ / / /' /' ( / / I .y'''� I G9�` L— ,e / \ \ \\ 1 1 \ \ \ \ I / \ / / \ / I / � ' 175' �I = .I NIA A / I I J \ 1 \ / /r 1 \ E / ����� W - (C L�+C) W I(QL C �,.. t\ APPROVED 1 I ` \ I\ ' I\ C E C I ,, �I 1 1 I I 1 I /� 1 1 W ^ ((��-- Y ( I 11 /_— \ // n� 11 ,� I I I \ I 11 WETLAND LIMITS ,I � I I / \ l \ \ cli ,� ,� I I I �C - _� A A ( 1 I /., ,I( L� \ \ \ I II 1 1 W -t— (I � I \ � \ \ / �/ A I IQL C)1 ✓ I cIE L-C) \ I\,> E\ \ i i I I\ \ I ) % cif / \ \ \ 1 CIE - '` 1 1 �, \ 1 \ I I I 1 / 1 Ik. 1 o o � 111 I' :. c i .�� ail' J BCC YID FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC ACTIVITY \ \ IA / \ \ I I 1 ';. \ - APHIC SCALE IN FEET O 30 60 _ r_ 120 _ QL-C) ,, ,� y ���N ,.../)giEl \ \ `,I � W ( / I \ �' � � r I I 1 \ \ \\ f - EXISTING — (4--8),I — — . I I I \ \1 \ 1 \ I I \ .UTILITY —B)-B) \ �I 1 \ \ \I Of I I 1 \ \ 30' / / ( 1 \ \ \ \ I EASEMENT 1 I \ \ \ \ I I \ \\ 11 1 \ / 1 1 I I /: A A\ ,I \ / / 1 3 - �I / COTO52?4 -,\/ f m I a 7 \ HDD DRILL 87!"81 D RIG ►'; '-=,__._._.,. STAGING AREA . ,1.P SATISFACTORY TO DATE — DES JWM DRW -- CHK JWM �� -B) �Wi i I I 1 \ \ \ \\ I\ -g -g A \ \ I 1 1 1 I\\ I I I I I v/^J I \ \ \ \ I 1 \ I /� / PAP/5se�5 z»e� / / / I 11/ -- c, PM/DM I A A \ 1 I \ 1 I 1 I —� \ \\\ I 1 I I 11 -.% f% I 1 I I / 1 ) FO I -© J BRANCH MANAGER 10QL- g) w ',', / A A \� — 1 / 1 1 \ �., \_ I \ \ 1 \ I I\ \ I I I I i I I 1 / A / / ,� c� CHIEF ENG/ARCH ,, ��- \ %:, A 1 A / 1 I ,I \I �I V / ,I \ 1 \ \ 1 I I I I \ \ \ 1 I I I I \ / \ \ / • / \ I \ 1 1 I I \ \ \ 1 1 1 \ I \ / / / / I ®. � FIRE PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND - MID -ATLANTIC NAVAL STATION — NORFOLK, VA MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE JACKSONVILLE, NC WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM REPAIRS PHASE 2 PWD PROJECT# 19-0127 ONSLOW BEACH PIPE STRING OUT - DRILL RIG STAGING AREA PLAN A A\ / \ \A \ II \ 1 ) \A \\\\\/ r: `of 1( 'cb\ / '..~g,\11 I,/ I \l\ / \ 1 I 1 1\ 11 II W \ / / \ I I 1 1 1 111I 1 I , I I I �'\ / ti / z�51s,, ^ \ / III 11 / 1 I / / '°,2, : .. '/V/\ 1 ' ©:; ) I r- - \ \ _ \ / / �/ A — -, \ // \ 1 I 1 ,'11 I / \ �I- \ I I 1 \ \ 1 \ 1 � // Q r� \ ) 111 I I () l / // �� I \ I I I I \/ 1 / / '' I V.I,1:4 `-pr/ 1 ,(I \ \ 1 11 ^ \ 10 \ r1 I II 1 /-411116 / 1 QL I— 1 / A A \ I 1A\ -g \ \ \ \ I 1 I 1 ;: ( 4 r NMI ? • il / A \ A— -A- \ \ ` NK�` 1 1 \ I e '' l 1 ` �! 011 -I \• A A A / \ \\ 1 I I I\ I . %% \ �-~ �9�-g Il i 1 e / �F �uNK /• A A \ \ 11 111 1 / ,, --Si— /- — \ 1 1 III 1 I \ I I I . I I I 1 / � \�v,\ \II \ \\ 1 1 /%�'` - s` ti m8. O o ,a,` �i/ a� Q/ ;, I ''' („ r. i a' 1 \ A 11 1 I 1 �/ 1 I 11 1 I I I o 4' `., / 1 I �,,I a. �a 2� �_, - . I / ,I ,I \ \ 11 1 I 1 V \ I I I 1 I "� 1 \ \ S " ,V .ice \ I 1 I V "\ I I A� \ I 1 \ \ � \ - -� \ 1111I I I �'� - � ���' ! \ I / / A A / — \ 1 1 I I \I " J \ I 'L1�e I ( •► --• \ \ �. IC._, .:: Q�;c) // I .. g `� %' \ \ \ \ 1 \ 1 \ \ \ IIII , I imi:\ \ .. ., P05f :•;;� \ I \ / \ I \ \\11 1 I \� ---'-- _ �� al.1� / )) I I \ \, �11 . �' I _g 1 v \ I I VI 111 - •� :� V I A `' ��` 1 \ I / ti 1 -` I ���, \ w rae conC. 1 _�� _ ., ►; T. ,rsi .0� ..• / I \ A _ , \ \ A I 1 V\VI \ \ 1 ( 1, �I / / 1 I 11VI V I I ��'�1 \ ' .„ 1 ' ' Apt v ,ee V ,.. f {/ �� . - o ,11 27555 HDD DRILL RIG STAGING AREA — — .ate _ r �i� - ,.. _ — --/ —' 1.7t;.7�� I— -��� — . — 1 ` --- � \ \ o• y�, 4, / , —I _ 4,4� • � •= - C) \ �� QL IrM QL- C� � � FP QL- 1 F,M I i,;�� 1 _ — / �.T� B -..., IN. - (� T C) T 11 -1 t b x�- 1 1 (L- I I 1 �� - �, TOP OF 8Nq( s 1 \ I \ c _I ,I ?A I I \ VA I I I )-1 \ \ 1 1-V� t (� ►��.��� !: N / I I \ • \ \/ \ / \ e, '��- - = .I I I I I I 11 \� X ! ,�,, \ 1 I I / I 1 1 1 ///� `'�' l I `` \ I \ I I V==, �-B I I \ \ \\� �Li L �I I I ) / 1 D P -� 1, ..``o -g n �. / / / / �•� / / / / l ! � /11 lE J-- / 1 \ I I I I I I I \ \\� �/ ai 1 I I I r - - cliE i ti I I / \ 1 /�\ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 I I I \ 1 / \ \ 100' / / I , _ . % �Ilit# c\/ I ��. ��.. �1 I I l LIMITS e>.n l / \ ,, I ,, �I 1 \ 1 1 I ( , /) \ \ ' ' / \ !—A A 1 1 11 111 -^ 11(� EXISTING ��� . 1 I I I 1 1'\\ UTILITY EASEMENT d/E I /E I/ ct I qk I 1\ 1 I 1 \ \ 1' \ I 1 \ , 30' I I 1 1 1 \ \ I \ I\ \\ \ 1 1\ ,\ 1 1 I L" /WETLAND <Q�-Bi E/ -� -/ 1/Pj56ThO27593 I \ \I 1 -i , ?' � \ \ I II l 1 \\\ / \'..\ I \ i ( ( WETLAND LIMITS 150' SCALE AS NOTED v � w E \�. / \ \\ l \ (*Na � / 1- _ v \ �''�' \ _ WETLAND LIMITS 1 \ �� 1 ��\ I 1 I I 1 ,; I /\11 III II 1 I\ \ )11\I!!1 I 11\ \ -\ \ \ \ I \ \� 11 \ I I 1 \ /1 1// I \ �� 1 I11\ �, ��/_, J 1 I I1 1 111IN I I 1 11 '� I I Iglu II 11 1 Ir r 6, \ III _ li IIII �' 1 1\\ > \ \ 1 Il\\ / 1 I ,V III 1 I I \ 1 1 II \� \ I \\I I I I \ 1 1 \ 11 I I I I I I 11,I \ I 1( IIII \ \ 1 - 1_ ',\, , \1,1;1�!I ,\1 A 1 rl 1 1 I 1� 11 1 \ �° J 100% DESIGN 1 11 _ 2021 SUBMITTAL EPROJECT NO.: CONSTR. CONTR. - N62470 20 F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING N0. SHEET 5 OF 9 CU-10 1 2 J\C ASS D \E TEE 5 A 0\ Y 5 DRAWFORM REVISION: 07 AUG 2018 \C _ASS D -OR 0 3 C A C 0\ Y 5 6" NON -PAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS /-PAVEMENT PATCH COMPACTED SUITABLE MATERIAL 3' MIN 0.1 • PIPE 0.0. (TYP) 6" MIN. PIPE 0.0. X 36" I8" < 36" 12" ORAMIRMAMPA Or IP SUBSURFACE UTILITY WARNING TAPE (18" ABOVE PIPE) COMPACTED SELECT MATERIAL BACKALL IN 6" UFTS NO. 57 STONE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (T0 BE INSTALLED ONLY DURING UNDERCUT EXCAVATION) VDOT NO. 57 STONE UNDERCUT EXCAVATION AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER (MEASURED IN 6" UFTS) PIPE TRENCH DETAIL - DI PIPE NOT TO SCALE GROUND LINE * A X 00 r =IIIII=1111 •I 11111 11111 II '1•=lllll—IIIII— IIIII- 2'x2'x2.5' THRUST BLOCK 11111 IIIIIIIIII -11111- PROVIDE FOR PROPER DRAINAGE OF HYDRANT BARREL. KEEP WEEP HOLES OPEN 15"x15"x6" CONC. BLOCK 0 1-4 1/2" PUMPER CONNECTION 2-2 1/2" HOSE CONNECTIONS 7 CUBIC FEET OF CRUSHED ROCK 4 0 0 0Q0 III IF •IIIII - ce w O U Z rf) F GROUND LINE ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX OF WATER MAIN THRUST BLOCK PROVIDE SAME AREA AS INDICATED IN TABLE ON SHEET CU-03 FOR 6" TEE OR END 6" HYDRANT LEAD, SHUT OFF VALVE AND BOX TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT SETTING N.T.S. * A =7'-0" FROM BACK OF PAVEMENT WHERE NO CURB EXISTS OR 4'-0" FROM BACK OF CURB. CLIENT: Kimley-Horn PROJECT NO.: 22:29580 BORING NO.: B-1 SHEET: 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: Camp Lejeune HDD DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Mid Atlantic Drilling, Inc. ISel3 �- SITE LOCATION: Ocean Drive, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 28460 LOSS OF CIRCULATION NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM OF CASING ' DEPTH (FT) SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE DIST. (IN) RECOVERY (IN) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL WATER LEVELS ELEVATION (FT) BLOWS/6" Plastic Limit Water Content Liquid Limit x • A ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY RQD — REC O CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TON/SF Topsoil Thickness[6.001 / - _ — - -5 — - -10— - -15-- _ - -20— — -25 — - - - — -30 — 2-3-3 (e) 3-5-6 (11) WOH-WOH- ., WOHo (0) 1-2-5 (7) 4-5-6 2-5-4 (9) 1i 7jo 27-26-31 (57) otir 6 "„ o „ ' (SM) SILTY FINE SAND, brown, moist, loose _ 5-1 SS 18 18 (SP) FINE SAND, gray, moist to saturated, medium dense to very loose i i 5-2 SS 18 18 5 _ S-3 SS 18 18 (SP) FINE SAND, dark gray, saturated, loose, contains shell fragments contains clay lenses • • S-4 SS 18 18 10 15 (SP) FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, tan, saturated, medium dense • • 5-5 SS 18 18 — 18 (SP) COARSE SAND, gray, saturated, • •• • • •• •• . S-6 SS 18 20 — WEATHERED LIMESTONE I 1 I I S-7 SS 18 18 1 I 1 I 25 - I I 1 1 I 1 I 1I 5-8 55 18 18 1 I I 30 _ I CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL (First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Oct 23 2020 CAVE IN DEPTH: i WL (Completion) 4.10 BORING Oct 23 2020 COMPLETED: HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7 WL (Seasonal High Water) EQUIPMENT: Truck LOGGED BY: ACC2 DRILLING METHOD: Mud rotary Q WL (Stabilized) GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: Kimley-Horn PROJECT NO.: 22:29580 BORING NO.: 8-1 SHEET: 2 of 2 PROJECT NAME: Camp Lejeune HDD DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Mid Atlantic Drilling, Inc. mIS - SITE LOCATION: Ocean Drive, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 28460 LOSS OF CIRCULATION NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM OF CASING ' DEPTH (FT) SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE DIST. (IN) RECOVERY (IN) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL WATER LEVELS ELEVATION (FT) BLOWS/6" Plastic Limit Water Content Liquid Limit x • A ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT ROCK QUAUTY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY RQD — REC 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TON/SF 35 WEATHERED LIMESTONE - 85= -40 — - -45 — — - -50— _ — -55— _ - -60 5-9-9 (18) a e (18) 8-12-7 (19) 5-11-10 (21) 8-14-15 (29) 3-6-13 (19) e ,6 19 21 29 9 (SP) FINE TO COARSE SAND, gray, saturated, medium dense, contains limestone lenses Hard Drilling 56.5 to 57 feet ' S-9 SS 18 18 S-10 SS 18 18 40 - $-11 SS 18 18 45 _ 50 5-12 55 18 18 5-13 S5 18 18 55 $-14 S5 18 18 60 END OF DRILLING AT 60.0 FT THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 57 WL (First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Oct 23 2020 CAVE IN DEPTH: t WL (Completion) 4.10 BORING COMPLETED: Oct 23 2020 HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7 WL (Seasonal High Water) EQUIPMENT: Truck LOGGED BY: ACC2 DRILLING METHOD: Mud rotary `E WL (Stabilized) GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG MJ BOLTS - HDPE MJ ADAPTER KIT WITH STAINLESS STEEL STIFFENER & MJ FOLLOWING GLAND I MJ VALVE END, DI MJ PIPE END, OR MJ FITTING NOTES 1. TRANSITION ADAPTER SHALL BE FULLY RESTRAIN HDPE MJ ADAPTER TO MJ DI PIPE, MJ VALVE OR MJ FITTING. HDPE PIPE MJ FOLLOWING GLAND L i 'L3 DI TO HDPE PIPE TRANSITION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE CLIENT: Kimley-Horn PROJECT NO.: 22:29580 BORING NO.: B-2 SHEET: 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: Camp Lejeune HDD DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Mid Atlantic Drilling, Inc. SITE LOCATION: Ocean Drive, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 28460 LOSS OF CIRCULATION >IDDY> NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM OF CASING ' DEPTH (FT) SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE DIST. (IN) RECOVERY (IN) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL WATER LEVELS ELEVATION (FT) BLOWS/6" Plastic Limit Water Content Liquid Limit X • A ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY RQD — REC O CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TON/SF Topsoil Thickness[8.001 - _ — - _ -5- _ - -1 0 - - -15— _ — -20— -25 — - — -30— - 3-4-4 (8) z(z;1 WOH-WOH- woH ''o (0) 4-7-7 (14) 4-5-61) 9-10-7 (17) 6-17-10 (27) 14-25-28 (53) �• B es2 I '',a CA- n 6.'0 T '� 53 (SM) SILTY FINE SAND, brown, moist, loose 5-1 55 18 18 (SP) MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND, gray, \ moist to saturated, very loose /J _ 5-2 55 18 18 ) (OL/OH) ORGANIC SOIL, brown, \ saturated, very soft / 5 ii . • i_ _ 10 S-3 SS 18 18 (SP) FINE SAND, tan, saturated, very loose to medium dense, contains shell fragments S-4 SS 18 18 (SP) FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, dark gray, saturated, medium dense 5-5 SS 18 18 15 — 18 (SP) MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND, gray, S-6 SS 18 20 _ 25 S-7 SS 18 18 _ WEATHERED LIMESTONE I i 1 11 5-8 55 18 18 1 1 1 30 II CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL (First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Oct 23 2020 CAVE IN DEPTH: 1 WL (Completion) 3.10 BORING Oct 23 2020 COMPLETED: HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7 WL (Seasonal High Water) EQUIPMENT: Truck LOGGED BY: ACC2 DRILLING METHOD: Mud rotary SE WL (Stabilized) GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CAST IRON ROUND HEAD BOX CONCRETE COLLAR RISING STEM CAST IRON VALVE BOX PLUG OR GATE VALVE WATER OR SEWER FORCE MAIN DETAIL -VALVE -FINISHED GRADE NOT TO SCALE CLIENT: Kimley-Horn PROJECT NO.: 22:29580 BORING NO.: B-2 SHEET: 2 of 2 � n w ` PROJECT NAME: Camp Lejeune HDD DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Mid Atlantic Drilling, fnc. SITE LOCATION: Ocean Drive, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 28460 LOSS OF CIRCULATION IDDi NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM OF CASING ' DEPTH (FT) SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE DIST. (IN) RECOVERY (IN) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL WATER LEVELS ELEVATION (FT) BLOWS/6" Plastic Limit Water Content Liquid Limit X • A ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY RQD — REC 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TON/SF - (SP) FINE SAND, gray, saturated, medium dense, contains limestone lenses - _ — -35— - -40— - — -45— - - -50— _ — -55 _ - — - 60 _ s(1 (18) 8-( 4; 4 13-9-7- 0. (16) 357 (12) 7-10-8 (18) 18-20-20 (40) A,2 16 24 6 18 40 5-9 SS 18 18 35 — 40 WEATHERED LIMESTONE ll S-10 SS 18 18 III ) I 45 I 1 (SP) FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, gray, saturated, medium dense S-11 S5 18 18 50 18 5-12 SS 18 _ — (SM) SILTY FINE SAND, gray, saturated, medium dense, contains limestone lenses - S-13 SS 18 18 55 (SP) MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND, gray, saturated, dense, contains limestone lenses 5-14 SS 18 18 60 END OF DRILLING AT 60.0 FT THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL (First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Oct 23 2020 CAVE IN DEPTH: i WL (Completion) 3.10 BORING Oct 23 2020 COMPLETED: HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7 WL (Seasonal High Water) EQUIPMENT: Truck LOGGED BY: ACC2 DRILLING METHOD: Mud rotary SE WL (Stabilized) GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 1-11-2021 w 0 DESCRIPTION NA/FAC .............. o • Es .•: (iNEC• Jam: 4''„D S . 4* •......... • SEAL Kimley>»Horn SUITE 1000 4525 MAIN STREET, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23462 PHONE: (757) 548-7300 A/E INFO APPROVED FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC ACTMTY SATISFACTORY TO DATE DES JWM DRW —— CHK JWM PM/DM BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH FIRE PROTECTION NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND - MID -ATLANTIC NAVAL STATION - NORFOLK, VA CD z uJ J J z 0 CD MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE LJJ 0 CC /a CL CC W d) VJ u) U CC LJJ LLJ <ICC 0_ LJJ < 0 z CC LJJ a (n J_ Q uJ 0 ONSLOW BEACH SCALE: AS NOTED EPROJECT NO.: CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N62470-20-F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. SHEET 6 OF 9 CU-11 1 2 \C _ASS D 3 \�10 DDuE A C 0\ Y 5 DRAWFORM REVISION: 07 AUG 2018 \C _ASS D -OR 0 3 C A 0\ Y 5 ce 0 0 a 11, 2021 — 11:46am USER: Josh.Mallet LINE WIRES • • NE • Est 11711111 NEN • Awn //\\//\\//\ 6'-0" MAX /.\ \\ . \\ ELEVATION SILT FENCE STEEL POST TOP STRAND STAY WIRES GALV WIRE FABRIC AND FILTER FABRIC. BURY TOE OF FILTER FABRIC A MIN OF 8" BOTTOM STRAND GRADE LINE c I ro FILTER FABRIC c CO 0 8' MIN SECTION SILT FENCE NOTE: 1. EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC (AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER) WITH 6'-0" POST SPACING DOES NOT REQUIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE. 2. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE WIRED DIRECTLY TO POST. SILT FENCE LOCATION DESCRIPTION: ALL GRASSED AND NATURAL AREAS (INCLUDING SHOULDERS OF ROADS) DISTURBED DURING THE COURSE OF THE WORK SHALL BE RESEEDED ACCORDING TO THE APPLICATION NOTES BELOW. APPLICATION NOTES: 1. SCARIFY SUBSOIL TO DEPTH OF 3"; RAKE TO AN EVEN GRADE AND REMOVE WEEDS, ROOTS, STONES, AND FOREIGN MATERIALS 3" IN DIAMETER AND LARGER. 2. PLACE TOPSOIL TO MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4". 3. ALL GRASS AND FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 5. 4. APPLY LIME EVENLY BY MEANS OF MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. MIX LIME IN THE TOP 2-3" OF SOIL. 5. SPREAD FERTILIZER NOT MORE THAN 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF SEEDING BY MEANS OF MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. INCORPORATE FERTILIZER IN THE TOP 2-3" OF SOIL. 6. APPLY SEED VIA APPROVED METHOD. 7. APPLY MULCHING AND MATTING AS REQUIRED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. 8. AFTER SEEDING, THE AREA SHALL BE ROLLED AND MULCHED WITH FINE GRAIN STRAW AT THE APPLICATION RATE SPECIFIED. AN ASPHALTIC TACK COAT, OR AN APPROVED EQUAL TREATMENT SHALL BE USED TO HOLD THE MULCH IN PLACE. 9. SEEDED AREAS THAT FAIL TO ESTABLISH A VIGOROUS STAND OF GRASS ADEQUATE TO RESTRAIN EROSION SHALL BE RESEEDED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 10. THE APPLICATION RATE FOR EMULSIFIED ASPHALT TACK SHOULD BE SPECIFIED AT A MINIMUM OF 400 GAL./ACRE. SEEDED AREAS THAT FAIL TO ESTABLISH A VIGOROUS STRAND OF GRASS ADEQUATE TO RESTRAIN EROSION SHALL BE PROMPTLY RESEEDED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. GENERAL NOTES 1. TEMPORARY PLANTING AND PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL OCCUR IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION TO STABILIZE AREAS OF BARE SOIL. PERMANENT PLANTINGS SHALL BE COMPLETED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 15 AND MARCH 1. HOWEVER, PLANTING MAY OCCUR OUTSIDE THIS WINDOW AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER. 2. APPLY SOIL AMENDMENTS TO DISTURBED AREAS ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING TABLE AT 1,000 LBS/ACRE (UNLESS SOIL TESTING INDICATED OTHERWISE AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER): NITROGEN 10% PHOSPHOROUS 10% POTASSIUM 10% 3. APPLY LIME TO ADJUST SOIL pH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 4. EXOTIC AND INVASIVE VINES AND GRASSES SHALL BE REMOVED INSIDE ALL OF THE PLANTING ZONES. 5. APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE MULCH. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING, WITH BIODEGRADABLE NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. 6. RE -FERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, RE -FERTILIZE AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE PER SECTION 6.10 OF NCDEQ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DESIGN MANUAL. 7. GROUND COVER MUST BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DISTURBED SURFACES PER NCDEQ REQUIREMENTS OR SPECIAL PROVISIONS, WHICHEVER IS MORE STRINGENT. 0 ...o. 00000 0 o 0 •00�0�0oo000000000 00000.0�-o 00 �0 .o 00000 �000000 0 0-o 000000 00000o 000000 OOOO Oo D 5 WOLOADT 6,, �I� op RABALLAS 5T01`1E TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / EXIT 0257701R ED A5� D INI #5 R O, AST 12 E OR op- 5-10 � NOTES: 1. A STABILIZED ENTRANCE PAD OF #5 WASHED STONE OR RAILROAD BALLAST SHALL BE LOCATED WHERE TRAFFIC WILL ENTER OR LEAVE THE CONSTRUCTION SITE ONTO A PUBLIC STREET. 2. FILTER FABRIC OR COMPACTED CRUSHER RUN STONE SHALL BE USED AS A BASE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. 3. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS OR EXISTING PAVEMENT. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 4. ANY SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC STREETS MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 5. MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS PER SECTION 6.06 OF NCDENR'S EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN. MIN of T� T, 5 OR DID0' CAI' PRGP OPER I5 IOHE V�� SPECIES NAME COMMON NAME MIX 2 PERCENTAGE Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem 5 Andropogon virginicus Broom sedge 5 Arisaema triphyllum Jack -in -the -Pulpit 5 Helianthus angustifolius Swamp Sunflower 5 Juncus effusus Common Rush 15 Panicum clandestium Deertongue 20 Panicumn virgatum Switchgrass 40 Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass 5 1. SIMILAR SEED MIX CAN BE USED WITH ENGINEER'S APPROVAL. 2. APPLICATION RATE OF 20 LBS/AC PERMANENT SEED MIXTURE SPECIES NAME COMMON NAME PLANTING DATE Secale cereale Rye Grain JAN 1 - MAY 15 Utochola ramosa Browntop Millet MAY 15 - AUG 15 Secale cereale Rye Grain AUG 15 - DEC 31 1 Triticum aestivum Wheat Grass AUG 15 - DEC 31 1 * APPLICATION RATE OF 20 Ibs/ac 1. IF APPLYING TEMPORARY SEED BETWEEN AUG 15 - DEC 31, USE MIX OF 60% RYE GRAIN AND 40% WHEAT GRASS TEMPORARY SEED MIXTURE PLANTING DATES GRASS TYPES POUNDS/ ACRE Aug. 15 - Nov. 1 Tall Fescue 300 Nov. 1 - Mar. 1 Tall Fescue 300 & Abruzzi Rye 25 Mar. 1 - Apr. 15 Tall Fescue 300 Apr. 15 - Jun. 30 Hulled Common Bermudagrass 25 Jun. 1 - Aug. 15** Tall Fescue 120 & Browntop Millet 35 & Sorghum -Sudan Hybrids 30 Lime 2 Tons/Ac; 3 Tons/Ac in Clay Soils Fertilizer 10/10/10 1,000 Mulch Straw 4,000 **Temporary seeding, reseed according to optimum season for permanent seeding. PLANTING DATES AND RATES NPDES Ground Stabilization Chart* Site Area Description Stabilization Time Frame Stabilizaiton Time Frame Exceptions Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, and slopes 7 days None High Quality Water (HQW) Zones 7 days None Slopes steeper than 3:1 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed. Slopes 3:1 or flatter 14days 7-days for slopes greater than 50feet in length All other areas with slopes flatter than 4:1 14days None (except for perimeters and HQW Zones) * "Extensions of time may be approved by the permitting authority based on weather or other site -specific conditions that make compliance impracticable." (Section II.B(2)(b)) GROUND STABILIZATION CHART 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 1-11-2021 w 3 DESCRIPTION NA/FAC 4,,,(4$34:::.-S.4t)...0\1:3..c_s_.:17.e,tz AR -. "4TINE. �;. D SEAL Kimley>»Horn SUITE 1000 4525 MAIN STREET, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23462 PHONE: (757) 548-7300 A/E INFO APPROVED FOR COMMANDER NAVFAC ACTIVITY SATISFACTORY TO DATE DES JWM DRW -- CHK JWM PM/DM BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH FIRE PROTECTION NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND - MID -ATLANTIC NAVAL STATION — NORFOLK, VA MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CV W 0_ (/) CC CL CC CN W CA CC W < CC W C/) Z CC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS ONSLOW BEACH B SCALE: AS NOTED EPROJECT NO.: CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N62470-20-F-5590 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. SHEET 7 OF 9 CU-12 2 c\C ASS 5 D �ASIRE A 0\ Y 5 DRAWFORM REVISION: 07 AUG 2018 UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS MARINE CORPS INSTALLATIONS EAST -MARINE CORPS BASE PSC BOX 20005 CAMP LEJEUNE NC 28542-0005 Reference No. : 5090 Signed Date: 5/19/2020 Today's Date: 5/20/2020 From: Director, Environmental Management Division To: Director, Installation Development Division Subj: DECISION MEMORANDUM, CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION; REMOVE AND INSTALL WATER/WASTEWATER LINES TO ONSLOW BEACH UNDER ICW, 20M030CN, (NEPA LE20044) Ref: (a) MCO 5090.2 (b) 32 C.F.R. 775.6(f) Encl: (1) Public Works - Operations Branch REIR of 21 Jan 20 (2) Supporting Documents (3) Applicable Conditions 1. In response to enclosure (1), this document satisfies the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review requirement under reference (a) and qualifies as a categorical exclusion in compliance with reference (b). 2. As outlined in enclosure (1) and (2), the proposed scope of the project is: a) Remove northern most water line under intracoastal waterway (ICW). b) Install new water line under ICW IVO Mockup Road. c) Install new wastewater line IVO Mockup Road. d) Original water and wastewater lines IVO Mockup Road will remain as backup lines. e) Pipe must be high density polyethylene (HDPE) and match existing size at Mockup Rd. 3. Pursuant to paragraph (36) of reference (b), this project qualifies for the following categorical exclusion: " (36) Acquisition, installation, and operation of utility (e.g., water, sewer, electrical) and communication systems (e.g., data processing cable and similar electronic equipment) which use existing rights of way, easements, distribution systems, and/or facilities.." This project will not result in any extraordinary circumstances. 4. In accordance with NEPA, this decision memorandum documents the proper level of environmental review for this project but may not constitute authority to proceed with implementation of the project. Please carefully review and follow all applicable conditions. 5. If the project changes, coordinate with the NEPA Program Manager at (910-451-4542) to determine if this decision memorandum continues to cover your proposed action. Accepted r/s J. Baker Receipt Acknowledged Winberry, John F 20 May 20 2 Enclosure 1: REIR REQUEST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REVIEW SECTION I - PROPONENT INFORMATION Project Title: Remove and Install Water/Wastewater Lines to Onslow Beach under ICW Short Plain English Description of Action: Remove and install water/wastewater lines going to Onslow Beach under the intracoastal waterway. _ Project ID: 20M030CN Start By Date: 21-Jan-20 End By Date: 21-Jan-30 Activity Sponsor (Unit/Command): Public Works - Operations Branch Activity Sponsor POC: Frnakie Winberry Phone/Fax: 910-451-3579 Activity Sponsor POC (Alternate): N/A Phone/Fax: N/A Base Location: Onslow Beach Project Required To: Other (explain in Purpose/Need box below) Action Will Be Performed By: Contract Project will result in permanent site improvement?: No New or Modified Real Estate License Will Be Issued By Base?: N/A Descriptive Information Purpose and Need of Action: To upgrade the water/wastewater system serving Onslow Beach by adding a new water and wastewater line under the ICW and to replace currently deteriorating water/wastewater lines. One of the water lines is floating and needs to be replaced. Scope of Project (Project Narrative): a) Remove northern most water line under intracoastal waterway (ICW). b) Install new water line under ICW IVO Mockup Road. c) Install new wastewater line IVO Mockup Road. d) Original water and wastewater lines IVO Mockup Road will remain as backup lines. e) Pipe must be high density polyethylene (HDPE) and match existing size at Mockup Rd. _ Identify Other Alternatives Considered: N/A Information concerning avoidance, specific best management practices,or mitigation necessary to complete the project: N/A Preferred and Alternative Sites Preferred Site Description: N/A RDD or IDD Comments, Site Approval: Pending 3 Clarify Pending status:: NEPA Review Towers working group coordination (if applicable): Not Applicable Action Sponsor: N/A Rank: N/A Title: N/A End of Form SECTION II - PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY a. AIR QUALITY 1. Will your project involve any of the following?: No (Indicate all that apply, indicate "new" or "modified" as appropriate): Abrasive Blasting: Landfill: Lime Storage: Open Burning: Painting: Paint Booth: Paint Gun Cleaners: Paint Strippers: Refrigerant Storage Recovery, and/or Recycling: Tanks (ASTs, USTs): Surface Coating: Welding: Woodworking: Boilers: Generators: Engine Test Stands: Fiberglass Repair: Bulk Chemical Storage (liquid or solid): Remediation: Grinding: Jet Engine Testing: Fuel Dispensing: Parts Oven: Parts Cleaner: 4 Fire Training Pit: Provide proposed construction dates, equipment size, specification, and estimated types.: N/A 2. Will pollution control equipment be involved (e.g.filter or incinerators)?: No 3. Will the project involve the use of disposal of asbestos?: No 4. Will project cause dust problems either temporarily during construction or over the long term?: No b. LAND QUALITY 1. Number of acres involved? Indicate total project area and total disturbed area.: N/A 2. Will the action require use of earthen fill material?: No 3. Will vegetation be cleared?: Yes 4. Will the project increase impervious area by 10,000ft squared or more?: No 5. Will wetlands be involved? How many acres? What work will be done in wetlands?': Yes c. GROUNDWATER QUALITY 1. Does the project involve use of herbicides, insecticides, or pesticides?: No 2. Does the project involve installation/use of septic tanks, leach beds, or other on -site disposal of sanitary waste?: No 3. Will there be any wells dug or any excavation deeper than 20 feet?: Unknown 4. Will the project generate or use any toxic or hazardous/waste materials?: No 5. Are there any known Installation Restoration Program (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act - CERCLA or Resource Conservation Recovery Act - RCRA) sites or hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (RCRA) facilities within the proposed project area?: No 6. Will there be an increase of solid waste (temporarily or permanently) caused by implementing the project/action?: No 7. Will the project or action be carried out within 100 to 500 feet of a drinking water supply well? If yes, provide distance to nearest drinking water well.: Unknown 8. Does the project require the installation or removal of any petroleum or non - petroleum underground storage tank (UST)?: No d. SURFACE WATER QUALITY 1. Is the project located on or in a water body or adjacent to or in the 100-year flood plain?: Yes 2. Will the project involve construction of drainage ditches/underground drains for purposes of lowering water table?: No 3. After construction is complete, will petroleum products including fuel, oil and lubricants be routinely stored or used (temporarily or permanently) at the site? : No 5 4. Does the project require the installation of any petroleum or non -petroleum above ground storage tank (AST)?: No e. NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Will trees be removed?: No Amount to be removed:: N?A 2. Will shrubs, or other low -growing vegetation be cut?: Yes 3. Will completion of the project result in a change in land use from what is presently shown in the Base Master Plan? : No 4. Will public access for hunting, boating, fishing, ect., be restricted?: No 5. Are there potential effects on any threatened or endangered species?: No 6. Does the project involve the transfer (purchase, sale, lease, easement or otherwise) of any real estate interest?: No f. CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. Are there any known archaeological sites in the area of your project/action?: No 2. Are there any known historic buildings or districts affected by the project/action?: No 3. If known, please contact the Base Archaeologist/Cultural Resources Program Manager for assistance at (910) 451-7230.: g. UTILITIES AND SERVICES 1. Will utilities be required? : No If yes, please list below.: N/A 2. Will modifications to existing utilities be required? : Yes If yes, please list below.: Water/wastewater lines are being installed so the utilities will be modified. h. SOCIAL ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 1. Will the project cause an increase/decrease in on -base or off -base military population? : No 2. Will there be any increased demand on a local or state government to provide services? : No 3. Will there be any changes to traffic flow and patterns on or off base?: No 4. Will the project cause noise or safety issues that could potentially impact off - base persons or property either during construction or from the project itself?: No i. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. Are alternative procedures, practices, or technologies available to minimize environmental impact or utility use? : No 6 2. Are there likely effects on the human environment that:: d. N/A Explain YES answers here:: b.5. New water and wastewater lines will go under wetlands and the ICW. 7 Enclosure 2: Site Map New File New File NOTE: A new addmonal water and wastewater line will be added in me wean* or raorxea Nom. 8 New File 9 Enclosure 3: Applicable Conditions AST/UST/IR/MRP (Soil): 1. If contaminants are suspected through odors or visual observation during construction activities, immediately stop work, call 911, and contact EQB at 910-451-5878 for further instructions. 2. There are no known monitoring wells in the project areas but if an unmarked well is discovered and inadvertently damaged, immediately contact EQB at 910-451-5878 for further instructions. 3. 3R UXO Safety Awareness Training is recommended for all construction workers (available through EOD, the OICC or EMD) as a precaution given that Camp Lejeune has been an active military base since the 1940s. Should a munitions -related item be found during construction, follow appropriate notifications as detailed in the 3R training. Any munitions related item found during project construction should additionally be reported to EMD within 10 days (K. Hiortdahl, 910-451-5878) to determine if additional evaluation and precautions are necessary (Explosives Safety Submission, UXO Tech Support, etc). 3R Safety Awareness Training is available online at the following link: http://www.lej eune.marines.mil/Offices-Staff/Environmental-Mgmt/Training-Video/ Contact Info: IR Program, 910-451-5878/9610 AST/UST Program,910-451-9641 Water Quality Program/ECB: 1. Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act: Installation or repair of any piping, fittings, fixtures, solder or flux providing water for possible human consumption must be "lead-free" as defined by the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (RLDWA). The RLDWA revised the definition of lead free to a weighted average of 0.25% of the wetted surfaces of plumbing products. A methodology for calculating the weighted average of wetted surfaces can be found at www.epa.gov. Contact info: Water Quality Manager, 910-451-9518 Public Works Design Branch, 910-451-2212 Public Works Utilities Director, 910-451-5024 Air Quality: 1. If demolition/renovation occurs, ensure that subject buildings are evaluated for asbestos/asbestos containing materials by a certified professional prior to the demolition/renovation. 2. Ensure that any fugitive dust emissions generated by construction/renovation/demolition are appropriately controlled. 10 3. If the project includes installation of new activities/equipment which generate air emissions, and have not been evaluated for air permitting, contact AQ program at phone numbers below. Please note that air emission sources are required to be permitted prior to their installation/operation. Examples of such sources include, but are not limited to: boilers, water heaters, generators, fuel storage tanks, painting/coating operations, woodworking, welding, abrasive blasting, engine testing, and parts ovens. 4. If the project involves any refrigerant handling or manipulation, ensure that appropriate Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) servicing procedures are followed. 5. If the project includes removal of any currently permitted air emission sources, contact AQ program at phone numbers below. AQ program contacts: Lillian Malloy, 910-451-9017 Wetlands: 1. There are jurisdictional wetlands and waters of the US in the project area. Direct impacts to wetlands and waters of the US should be avoided. New lines should be installed using directional bore under the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) and any adjacent wetlands. Directional bore may not begin or end in wetlands. Please coordinate with the Environmental Planning section to identify wetland lines in the vicinity of the bore locations at courtney.spears@usmc.mil. Note 1: In accordance with MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJO 11013.4, projects that include construction will require site approval from G-F. Please contact Installation Development Division (IDD). Note 2: The following EMD Sections reviewed the REIR, replied to it and have no concerns: CL Explosive Safety, RTAM, Cultural Resources 11 DWR Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form Contact Name* Contact Email Address* Project Owner* Project Name* Project County* Owner Address:* Jessi Baker jessi.baker@usmc.mil US Government c/o Neal Paul, Deputy Director of Public Works Dept. MCB Camp Lejeune Onslow Beach water and sewer main replacement Onslow Street Address 1005 Michael Street Address Line 2 City State / Rovince / Region Camp Lejeune NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 28542-0005 USA Is this a transportation project?* C Yes No Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: rJ 401 Water Quality Certification - I— 401 Water Quality Certification - Reg ula r Express I— Individual Permit I— Modification I— Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* (' Yes c: No Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? Holley Snider Please give a brief project description below.* Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune proposes to replace the existing water main and sewer force main that runs along Mockup Road then crosses the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) to provide service to Onslow Beach. The proposed water main and sewer main will be installed via horizontal directional drilling (HDD) below the AIWW, within the existing utility easements. The existing 10" sewer force main will remain active and will be connected to the new, proposed force main, so it can be placed into service if needed. The existing water main will be cut and removed where it is exposed within the waterway to alleviate the navigational hazard. The un-exposed portions of the existing water main will be abandoned in place where currently buried, to avoid disturbing the sensitive coastal resources. Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting. Please attach the documentation you would like to have the meeting about. pdf only By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: • This form completes the requirement of the Pre -Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. • I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre -filing meeting request. • !also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty -day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty -day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. Signature * Submittal Date 3/4/2021