HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180182 Ver 1_DRAFT IRT Meeting Minutes - March 23 2021_20210326Strickland, Bev From: Kevin Tweedy <ktweedy@eprusa.net> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2021 9:20 AM To: Leslie, Andrea J; Davis, Erin B; Steve Kichefski Cc: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Kim Browning; Wilson, Travis W.; Cidney Jones; Jake Byers Subject: [External] DRAFT Red Barn IRT Meeting Minutes - March 23, 2021 Attachments: Red Barn IRT Meeting Minutes 20210323_draft.docx Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Please see attached for draft meeting minutes from the IRT visit to our Red Barn Bank Site in Surry County on Wednesday of this week. Please let me know if you have any comments/additions that should be made. Thanks — have a great weekend! -Kevin ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & R ESTORATION Kevin Tweedy, PE Vice President Principal Water Resources Engineer 1150 SE Maynard Road Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 919-388-0787 (office) 919-999-0262 (cell) 919-388-0789 (fax) Blockedwww.eprusa. net 1 ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Red Barn IRT Meeting Minutes Date: March 23, 2021 Time: 3:00 — 5:10 PM Location: Red Barn Mitigation Bank Site; Mount Airy, NC Attendees: Steven Kichefski - USACE Todd Tudwell — USACE Erin Davis - NCDEQ Andrea Leslie — NC WRC Jake Byers - EPR Kevin Tweedy— EPR Minutes: • Minutes recorded by Kevin Tweedy and Jake Byers. • Kevin and Jake started the meeting with a brief overview of the site conditions at the end of Year 1 monitoring, and concerns/issues that were raised in the Year 1 monitoring report, which included: o Most groundwater wells did not meet wetland hydrology criteria. Group discussed options of changing the wetland crediting for the site, or possible abandoning wetland credits all together. EPR is going to evaluate in the future and decide, and until that point will not request further wetland credit releases. o Update on easement encroachment issues. o Stream flow in UT1 and possible relocation of stream gage SG2. o Replanting of some areas with higher tree mortality. • The group walked north and started the site walk approximately 400 feet downstream of the start of UT1. The following notes are in regards to discussions during the walk of UT1: o Corps commented that some of the planted stems were very small. EPR attributes some of the higher mortality to the size of the stems that were planted and is one of the reasons supplemental planting is proposed. o Group inspected the conditions of Wetland WA in the vicinity of WG1, above the UT1 culverted crossing. EPR explained that the pre -restoration wetland hydrology appears to have been driven by perched water, and a depressional landscape. After restoration, the stream is providing some drainage of the valley, and there appears to be no connection between the local water table and the stream water level. Group agreed that hydrology in this area will be hard to obtain except for some isolated pockets, without a complete redesign and reconstruction. EPR is evaluating options for this area. o Group crossed the culverted crossing to the downstream reach of UT1. Group inspected the location of stream gage SG2. After discussion and review of the rest of UT1, Group agreed to leave SG2 in its current condition. o Corps noted that there was vegetation in lower end of UT1 and that flow as obviously reduced. Corps mentioned that they allow providers to remove vegetation from the channel during the first 3 monitoring years with no penalties to allow the stream to stabilize. Any "cleaning" should not be done right before a scheduled IRT field visit. o Group discussed performance of wetland gages WG4 and WG5, near the confluence of UT1 and UT2. Discussed poor performance of gages, and EPR's belief that the situation could be improved by cutting off some surface drainage that appears to be occurring. • Group then walked to the upper end of UT2. Concern as expressed about the sand load in the middle of the reach, but conditions appeared better at the top of the reach. EPR explained that while the sand load is high from offsite, the stream appears to be processing the sand without aggradation of the stream. • Group briefly looked at wetland WB in the vicinity of gage WG7 on the south side of UT2 and noted it had hydrology and standing water. • Group continued down UT2. EPR noted the wet floodplain that has formed along much of UT2 from approximately the culverted crossing downstream. Corps confirmed that any wetland credits developed from these areas would be at a "creation" ratio, due to the depth of cut. • Group inspected the foot bridge on lower UT2. No concerns were expressed. • Group continued up UT3. Group noted the wetland around well WG8 appeared much wetter than others, and it was the one well that met criteria during the previous year. • Group looked at location of well WG9 which was mistakenly installed just outside the proposed wetland line. EPR explained that they planned to move well WG9 downstream slightly to get away from the ATV crossing. Corps suggested to relocate this well to the south side of UT3. • Group discussed the ATV crossing. EPR explained that they plan to lay the left bank back slightly and install stone, so that an ATV can cross easier. EPR also explained that they expect very little is any ATV traffic in the future. • Tour concluded around 5:10. Steve said that he would issue the credit release letter for Year 1 (which will be stream credits only) later that week. EPR will evaluate options for the wetland on the site and notify the Corps of any plans before any actions are taken. • Corps confirmed that if EPR determined that wetland assets were not viable or they did not want to pursue, only a delineation at close out would be required to ensure that the total wetland area was not reduced. The Corps would also take into account that the pre - restoration wetlands were generally low quality.