HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180665 Ver 1_IRT AMP Review SAW-2018-00451_20210312Strickland, Bev From: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 11:49 AM To: Tsomides, Harry; Aaron Earley Cc: Wiesner, Paul; Shawn Wilkerson; Kristi Suggs; Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Haywood, Casey M CIV (USA); Davis, Erin B; Youngman, Holland J; Merritt, Katie; Bowers, Todd; Wilson, Travis W.; Munzer, Olivia Subject: [External] IRT Adaptive Management Plan Review/ NCDMS Alexander Farm Mitigation Site/ Alexander County/ SAW-2018-00451 Attachments: Alexander Farm_100048_AMP_Feb. 2021.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Harry and Aaron, The NCDMS Alexander Farm Adaptive Management Plan review ended March 11, 2021. A copy of this AMP is attached. Per Section 332.8(o)(9) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule, this review followed the streamlined review process, which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days. IRT comments are below; you may reply to this email with your responses. You may proceed with the proposed supplemental planting, provided you address IRT comments. Please provide additional transects in supplemental planting areas to demonstrate stem survival in future monitoring reports. An additional year of monitoring will be required, which can be done in MY6. If data suggests that the vegetative performance is not on a trajectory for success, an additional year of monitoring in MY8 may be required. Additionally, please add a veg plot in the large wetland on Reach 1B, near Photo Point 6 (random is fine). Lastly, during the Draft Mitigation Plan review stage, both the Corps and DWR requested gauge data in areas where stream restoration would impact existing wetlands to ensure no loss of waters, and since no pre -data is available, a re -verification of jurisdictional limits may be requested prior to MY7 if current gauge data suggests that hydrology was altered negatively. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. DWR Comments, Erin Davis: Considering the significant area requiring replanting, DWR would support a one year extension of the monitoring period that could be rescinded at MY7 if vegetation problem areas are not reoccurring and the site meets target performance criteria. Replanting along Enhancement II Reach UT R2 includes a large existing wetland area. With no grading shown in this area, was late planting determined to be the primary reason for failed establishment? Was the hydrology regime in this area a consideration for species selection (e.g. number of FACW species)? In reviewing this AMP, DWR went back to the final mitigation plan and noted that the narrative did not include discussion of soil restoration or plant target community(s). DWR hopes that more recent requests to consider these elements more thoroughly during project planning will assist with better site vegetative establishment and diversity moving forward. EPA Comments, Todd Bowers: I have reviewed the Adaptive Management Plan for the Alexander Farms mitigation site sponsored by Wildlands Engineering dated February 23, 2021. Following the MY1 Report it was determined that much of the site (10 acres) 1 would need supplemental planting in order to meet interim vegetation performance as much of the project was experiencing high mortality rates due to poor soil conditions and late planting during the site construction. Wildlands has proposed a reasonable approach to correct this deficiency and has recommended additional monitoring and soil amendments to ensure vegetation success. I am curious about the proposed soil amendments going only to the new bare root plantings. If there is a possible sitewide deficiency in soil nutrients, carbon or low cation exchange capability, what is the contingency to ensure the rest of the site remains in a trajectory towards success? Should we be expecting continued or excessive mortality in the areas that will not receive the soil amendments? I am all for improving the soil conditions of the areas of low stem density but will the rest of the site be able to perform as expected? I suppose this a question that can only be answered as MY2 data is collected. As it stands, I approve of the adaptive management plan for supplemental planting at the Alexander Farm mitigation site in Alexander County, North Carolina. I recommend that Wildlands begin planting immediately in order to take advantage of what remains of the dormant season ideal for planting bare root seedlings and saplings. Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the aforementioned Adaptive Management Plan proffered by Wildlands. If you have any questions pertaining to my comments please do not hesitate to contact me. USACE Comments, Casey Haywood: * Plots 1 & 2: Cherrybark accounts for more than half of the species. Please note that all planted stems can be shown on the vegetation table but no one species in excess of 50% can be used to demonstrate success. * Plots 1, 4, & 5 are barely meeting success and are not indicated as an area that will need to be replanted. When accounting for mortality, do you anticipate that these areas will need a supplemental planting in the future? Would random transects in these areas indicate low stem density or is it just where the plot is? * The corps made note that veg plot 3 has 35 volunteer red maples. Please continue to monitor this plot and do selective thinning as necessary so these species don't outcompete desired species. * Most of the veg plots are outside of wetland areas. While wetland credits were not generated, if wetland areas were planted, it would be recommended to have veg plots in these areas to demonstrate success. The large wetland near Reach 1B does not appear to be monitored for veg success, was this area planted? If so, recommend a plot in this area. * Is the site trending towards being more wet? Not sure if there is a correlation, but the highest survival of stems is from FAC/FACW species despite none of the veg plots being in wetlands. Was consideration of FACW species to be planted in these areas? The majority of the species listed on the replant are FACU species. Given the amount of wetlands in planting areas, using upland species would not be appropriate and more FACW and/or OBL species should be planted. For example, Sassafras is an upland shrub and may not be appropriate for this site. * In future plans please present planting zones that are appropriate for streamside assemblage, wetland areas and upland areas. Discussion of the target community is also encouraged. * If the majority of the site is experiencing soil issues, there is concern that survivability of the site as a whole will be low. Will the soil amendments on the roots of planted stems be enough to ensure success of the entire site? * Replanting includes River Birch at 758 stems- however, this is one of the more dominant species on site and we would like to see less emphasis on River Birch. Also, please note that sycamore and river birch are more typical of larger stream systems; we recommend eliminating these species in favor of other species more typical of smaller systems. * Recommending at least 2 additional transects in supplemental planting areas to demonstrate stem survival. * Given the extensive replanting, and due to late planting and poor soils, an additional year of vegetation monitoring will be required. If the site is meeting target performance standards at MY7, the decision to extend monitoring could be rescinded. * Please provide a soil map in future AMP documents Thanks, Kim Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN ALEXANDER FARM MITIGATION SITE Alexander County, NC DEQ Contract No. 7416 DMS Project No. 100048 USACE Action ID No. SAW-2018-00451 NCDEQ DWR Certification No. 18-0665 RFP #: 16-007277 Catawba River Basin HUC 03050101 Data Collection Period: October 2020 — February 2021 Submission Date: February 23, 2021 PREPARED FOR: 1714 NC Department of Environment Quality Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street; 3rd Floor Raleigh, NC 27603 PREPARED BY: WILDLANDS ENGINEERING Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: 704.332.7754 Fax: 704.332.3306 Alexander Farm MITIGATION SITE Adaptive Management Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Introduction 1 Section 2: Vegetative Assessment 1 2.1 Performance Criteria 1 2.2 Results 1 Section 3: Supplemental Vegetation Planting 1 3.1 Site Assessment 1 3.2 Bare root plantings 2 Section 4: Soil Amendments 2 Section 5: Conclusion 2 Section 6: REFERENCES 3 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Figure 1.1— 1.3 Table 1 Table 2a-b Table 3 Appendix 2 Vegetation Assessment and Planting Plan Supplemental Planting Map Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Planted and Total Stem Counts Supplemental Vegetation Planting Approved Planting Plans Final Mitigation Planting List & Plan Final As -built Baseline Conditions Planting List & Plan Alexander Farm Mitigation Site Adaptive Management Plan i Section 1: Introduction Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) implemented a full -delivery stream mitigation project at the Alexander Farm Mitigation Site (Site) for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). The project restored, enhanced, and preserved a total of 6,722 linear feet (LF) of perennial stream in Alexander County, NC. The Site is located at 35.811767, -81.120683 (decimal degrees) within the DMS targeted local watershed (TWL) for the Catawba River Basin HUC 03050101 and the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) Subbasin 03-08-32. The project is providing 4,258.100 stream mitigation units (SMUs) for the Catawba River Basin Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03050101130010 (Catawba 01). The final mitigation plan was submitted and accepted by DMS in June of 2019 and the IRT in October of 2019. Wildlands Engineering submitted a Monitoring Year 1 (MY1) report at the beginning of 2021 describing vegetation areas of concern on the Site that were caused by poor soils along with late season planting which was completed by April 17th, 2020. Based on comments and discussions among DMS, the NC Interagency Review Team (IRT), and Wildlands, it was determined that an Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) was needed to describe planned efforts to improve those areas. This effort is outlined in the following sections. Section 2: Vegetative Assessment 2.1 Performance Criteria Based on the Final Mitigation Plan for the Alexander Farm Mitigation Site (Wildlands, 2019), the final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 210 planted stems per acre in the open planted riparian corridor at the end of the required seventh monitoring period. The interim measure of vegetative success for the Site will be the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of MY3 and at least 260 stems per acre at the end of MY5. Planted vegetation in each plot must average 7 feet in height by MY5 and 10 feet in height at the end of the MY7. No success criteria are associated with shaded area planting. 2.2 Results The MY1 vegetation survey that was completed in October 2020 identified six of twelve vegetation plots (Permanent and Mobile) that are not on track to meet MY3 interim success criteria of 320 planted stems per acre. Of those six plots, three are not on track to meet the final success criteria of 210 planted stems per acre. Additionally, low stem density areas across the site total approximately 10.0 acres. These areas of low stem density were noted along UT1 Reach 1A, Reach 1B, Reach 2, Reach 4A, Reach 4B, and UT1A. See Appendix 1 for the location of areas of low stem density (Figures 1.1 — 1.3) and Tables 1 and 2a-b for the results of MY1 vegetation plot monitoring. Section 3: Supplemental Vegetation Planting 3.1 Site Assessment Following the MY1 vegetative survey, Wildlands surveyed the Site to assess the extent of the tree mortality and explored reasons why mortality was higher in some areas compared to others. After assessing the Site, 10.0 acres were identified for supplemental planting which will be conducted in early 2021. Wildlands believes significant factors contributing to the high mortality rate across the project was due to a combination of late season planting which was completed by April 17th, 2020 and poor soils in graded areas. kuv Alexander Farm Mitigation Site Adaptive Management Plan 1 3.2 Bare root plantings Throughout the 10.0 acres, a mixture of nine species will be planted at a density of 500 stems per acre (Figures 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). This is 57.6% of the original planted area. Planted trees will all be bare root stock. Species and quantities of trees to be planted are shown in Table 3. Five of the species were not included in the Final Mitigation Plan for the Alexander Farm Site (Wildlands, 2019). They are northern red oak (Quercus rubra), white oak (Quercus alba), winged elm (Ulmus alata), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), and eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Two of the five species, northern red oak and white oak were previously approved by the IRT for addition to the planting list as part of the As -built Baseline Monitoring Report for the Site (Wildlands, 2020). Though the remaining three species (Winged elm, sassafras, and cottonwood) were not included as part of the project's previously approved planting plans, we believe that they will do well at the site as early successional species and have been added to the planting plan. Winged elm (Ulmus alata), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), and eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) are good early successional and hardy trees that should establish well in the growing conditions found on -site (poor soils with variability in moisture regimes). Also, since eastern cottonwoods grow quickly, they can create more favorable growing conditions for the later successional plant species by acting as nurse trees. Supplementally planted trees added to a vegetation plot will be flagged with a color different from what was used to flag the originally planted trees. The additional trees will not be counted towards success criteria until two growing seasons have passed. The approved planting list and plan from the Site's Mitigation Plan is included in Appendix 2. Section 4: Soil Amendments Across the Site, all areas slated for replanting, which total 10.0 acres along UT1 Reach 1A, Reach 1B, Reach 2, Reach 4A, Reach 4B, and UT1A (Figures 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3) will be further treated with soil amendments. Grading during construction exposed poor -quality subsoils with low organic matter content and limited biology. Planned soil amendment additions include humic acid, biochar, dried molasses, slow -release fertilizer (2-4-3), rock phosphate, and azomite (a trace mineral supplement). Beyond boosting macro- and micronutrients in the soil, the addition of these amendments will improve other soil properties including cation exchange capacity, pH, and microbial communities. Expected improvements include higher moisture -holding capacity, organic matter, and nutrient availability for plants. The amendments will be applied to the base of each stem rather than broadcasted across the entire 10.0-acre area. Section 5: Conclusion In summary, Wildlands will plant nine species in early 2021 over 10.0 acres at a density of 500 stems per acre. The supplemental plants will consist of only bare root stock. Soil amendments will also be added during MY2 on all areas of the project that are replanted. Wildlands will continue to monitor Site vegetation as previously planned. If the monitoring requirements are not met during MY7 in any of the planted areas, including ones with supplemental planting, Wildlands proposes to add another year of vegetation monitoring for those areas. Vegetation monitoring will continue until success criteria are met. kuv Alexander Farm Mitigation Site Adaptive Management Plan 2 Section 6: REFERENCES Wildlands Engineering, Inc (Wildlands), 2020. Alexander Farm Mitigation Site As -built Baseline Monitoring Report. DMS, Raleigh, NC. Wildlands, 2019. Alexander Farm Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan. DMS, Raleigh, NC. Alexander Farm Mitigation Site Adaptive Management Plan 3 APPENDIX 1. Vegetation Assessment and Planting Plan Ii'R=ram r 1.• a 1 y, fr 1 Conservation Easement Project Parcels Internal Crossing Existing Wetlands Restoration Enhancement II Preservation --• Alignment Deviation Not For Credit Wetland Channel — BMP Non -Project Streams - - - - Bankfull x — x Fence Line Structures Topographic Contours (5') Cross Sections • Barotroll Groundwater Gage 4- Crest Gage • Photo Points ® Reach Breaks Vegetation Plot Conditions - MY1 Criteria Met (Permanent) Criteria Not Met (Permanent) AP Criteria Not Met (Mobile) Vegetation Problem Areas - MY1 Low Stem Density • f 9D v ~,! • • 2018 Aerial Photograph WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 0 150 300 Feet I 1 I I Figure 1.1 Supplemental Planting Map Alexander Farm Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100048 Adaptive Management Plan Alexander County, NC '+ s •� �t LAS r311 i1B u PP6A 4_ � Conservation Easement Project Parcels Internal Crossing Existing Wetlands Restoration Enhancement II Preservation Alignment Deviation Not For Credit Wetland Channel BMP Non -Project Streams - - - - Bankfull x — x Fence Line Structures Topographic Contours (5') Cross Sections Barotroll 4- Groundwater Gage -- Crest Gage Photo Points O Reach Breaks Vegetation Plot Conditions - MY1 Criteria Met (Permanent) Criteria Not Met (Permanent) CD Criteria Not Met (Mobile) Vegetation Problem Areas - MY1 Low Stem Density u � ,„„„� eett 4I , Fe/ es", i s 1 Barotroll �40, rk 4° R. a , qv-N. WILD LAND S ENGINEERING 0 150 300 Feet Figure 1.2 Supplemental Planting Map Alexander Farm Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100048 Adaptive Management Plan Alexander County, NC 213 G3264'a P k 4_ � Conservation Easement Project Parcels Internal Crossing A Existing Wetlands Restoration Enhancement II Preservation Alignment Deviation Not For Credit Wetland Channel BMP Non -Project Streams - - - - Bankfull x — x Fence Line Structures Topographic Contours (5') Cross Sections Barotroll 4- Groundwater Gage 4- Crest Gage Photo Points (:), Reach Breaks Vegetation Plot Conditions - MY1 Criteria Met (Permanent) Criteria Not Met (Permanent) C3 Criteria Not Met (Mobile) Vegetation Problem Areas - MY1 Low Stem Density t / \ Af' - - - - 4 v - J" p #4 4* A 4,. ,.. , ,..,..„ „, \ 01 ,2018 Aerial Photography WILDLANDS poofi ENGINEERING 0 150 300 Feet Figure 1.3 Supplemental Planting Map Alexander Farm Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100048 Adaptive Management Plan Alexander County, NC Table 1. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Alexander Farm Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100048 Adaptive Management Plan Permanent Vegetation Plot MY1 Success Criteria Met* (Y/N) Tract Mean (MY1 - 2020) 1 Y 67% 50% 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 N 7 N 8 Y 9 N Mobile Vegetation Plot MY1 Success Criteria Met* (Y/N) 1 N 0% 2 N 3 N *Success Criteria Met is based on the interim success criteria for MY3 of 320 planted stems per acre. Table 2a. Planted and Total Stem Counts Alexander Farm Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100048 Adaptive Management Plan rrent Permanent Vegetation Plot Data (MY1 2020 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Permanent Plot 1 Permanent Plot 2 Permanent Plot 3 Permanent Plot 4 Permanent Plot 5 PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Box elder Tree 2 2 3 2 2 2 Acer rubrum Red maple Tree 35 Betula nigra River birch Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 Diospyros virginiana Persimmon Tree 1 Gleditsia triacanthos Honey locust Tree 1 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus alba' White oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak Tree 5 5 5 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus phellos Willow oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 Quercus rubra Northern Red oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Salix nigra Black willow Tree Ulmus alata Winged elm Tree 1 Stem count 9 9 13 11 11 11 12 12 49 8 8 8 8 8 8 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 4 4 6 5 5 5 5 5 7 4 4 4 5 5 5 Stems per ACRE 364 364 526 445 445 445 486 486 1983 324 324 324 324 324 • u�nt Permanent Vegetation Plot Data (MY1 2020) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Permanent Plot 6 Permanent Plot 7 Permanent Plot 8 Permanent Plot 9 MY1 (2020) PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Box elder Tree 2 2 2 6 6 7 Acer rubrum Red maple Tree 35 Betula nigra River birch Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 15 15 15 Diospyros virginiana Persimmon Tree 1 Gleditsia triacanthos Honey locust Tree 1 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 3 3 3 8 8 10 Quercus alba' White oak Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 22 22 Quercus phellos Willow oak Tree 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 17 17 17 Quercus rubra Northern Red oak Tree 2 2 2 Salix nigra Black willow Tree 20 20 Ulmus alata Winged elm Tree 1 Stem count 2 2 2 4 4 24 12 12 12 7 7 7 73 73 134 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 9 size (ACRES) 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.2224 Spe ies count cper Stems ACRE � 81 81 162 162 971 486 486 486 283 283 328 603 'Prior to leaf out in MVO, the species were identified as Quercus sp. (unkown). Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems Table 2b. Planted and Total Stem Counts Alexander Farm Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100048 Adaptive Management Plan Current Mobile Vegetation Plot (MP) Data (MY1 2020 Annual Me Scientific Name Common Name Species Type MP1 MP2 MP3 MY1 (2020) MY0 (2020) PnoLS PnoLS PnoLS PnoLS PnoLS Acer negundo Box elder Tree 1 1 2 6 Betula nigra River birch Tree 2 2 4 12 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 3 3 4 Quercus sp. (unkown)1 Oak species (unkown) Tree 4 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak Tree 3 1 3 7 8 Quercus phellos Willow oak Tree 1 1 1 3 Quercus rubra Northern Red oak Tree 2 Stem count 7 7 4 17 39 size (ares) 1 1 1 3 3 size (ACRES) 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0741 0.0741 Species count 4 4 2 5 7 Stems per ACRE 283 283 162 229 526 +verall Sit - Scientific Name Common Name Species Type MY1 (2020) MYO (2020) PnoLS PnoLS Acer negundo Box elder Tree 8 21 Acer rubrum Red maple Tree Betula nigra River birch Tree 19 29 Diospyros virginiana Persimmon Tree Gleditsia triacanthos Honey locust Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 11 13 Quercus sp. (unkown)1 Oak species (unkown) Tree 11 Quercus alba' White oak Tree 3 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak Tree 29 41 Quercus phellos Willow oak Tree 18 31 Quercus rubra Northern Red oak Tree 2 4 Salix nigra Black willow Tree Ulmus alata Winged elm Tree Stem count 90 — 150 size (ares) 12 12 size (ACRES) 0.2965 0.2965 Species count 7 7 Stems per ACRE 304 506 'Prior to leaf out in MYO, the species were identified as Quercus sp. (unkown). Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems Table 3. Supplemental Vegetation Planting Alexander Farm Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100048 Adaptive Management Plan Common Name Scientific Name Approved for Mitigation Plan Approved for As- Built Plan Wetland Status Bare Root Planting Rates Total Boxelder Acer negundo Yes Yes FAC 15% 758 Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Yes Yes FACW 15% 758 River Birch Betula nigra Yes Yes FACW 15% 758 White Oak Quercus alba No Yes FACU 10% 505 Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra No Yes FACU 10% 505 Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Yes Yes FAC 10% 505 Winged Elm Ulmus alata No No FACU 10% 505 Sassafras Sassafras albidum No No FACU 5% 253 Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides No No FAC 10% 505 Total --- --- --- 100% 5,052 APPENDIX 2. Approved Planting Plans r Y Streambank Planting Zone Live Stakes and Herbaceous Plugs Species Common Name Max Spacing Indiv. Spacing Min. Size Stratum # of Stems Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark 8 ft. 2-8 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub 20% Cornus ammomum Silky Dogwood 8 ft. 2-8 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub 40% Salix sericea Silky Willow 8 ft. 2-8 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub 40% Juncus effusus Common Rush 5 ft. 4-6 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb N/A Carex alata Broadwing Sedge 5 ft. 4-6 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb N/A 100% Open/Graded Buffer Planting Zone Bare Root Species Common Name Max Spacing Indiv. Spacing Min. Caliper Size Stratum # of Stems Acer negundo Box Elder 12 ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 20% Quercus phellos Willow Oak 12 ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 12 ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% Betula nigra River Birch 12 ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak 12 ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 12 ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 20% 100% Shaded Areas Bare Roots - Buffer Planting As Needed to Increase Density Species Common name # of stems Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 18% Fraxinus pennsylvanicum Green Ash 18% Betula nigra River Birch 10% Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 10% Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 10% Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood 5% Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 5% Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak 5% Acer saccharinum Silver Maple 5% Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum 5% Callicarpa americana Beautyberry 5% Euonymus americanus American Strawberry Bush 1% Calycanthusfloridus Sweetshrub 1% Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 1% Hamamelis virginiana Witch -Hazel 1% 100% See detail 3, sheet 5.7 7, 7 7, Z 7, 7 7, 7 7, + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + • All streambank and buffer planting zones within easement. All disturbed areas. All disturbed pasture areas outside easement. Permanent Riparian Seeding Pure Live Seed (20 lbs/ acre) Approved Date Species Name Common Name Stratum Density (lbs/acre) All Year Panicum rigidulum Redtop Panicgrass Herb 2.0 All Year Agrostis Hyemalis Winter Bentgrass Herb 2.0 All Year Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan Herb 1.0 All Year Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis Herb 1.0 All Year Carex vulpinoidea Fox Sedge Herb 3.0 All Year Panicum clandestinum Deertongue Herb 3.0 All Year Elymus virginicus Virginia Wildrye Herb 3.0 All Year Bidens aristosa Bur -Marigold Herb 1.2 All Year Helianthus angustifolius Swamp Sunflower Herb 0.8 All Year Panicum virgatum Switchgrass Herb 1.0 All Year Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass Herb 2.0 Tempora y Seeding Scientific Name Common Name Application Dates Application Rate Secale cereale Rye Grain October 1- March 31 120 lb/acre Panicum ramosum Browntop Millet April 1-June 30 45 lb/acre Pennisetum glaucum Pearl Headed Millet July 1 - September 30 20 lb/acre Pasture Seeding Approved Date Species Name Stratum Common Name Density (lbs/acre) All Year Festuca arundinacea Herb Tall Fescue 80 All Year Trifolium repens Herb White Clover 8 Vernal Pool Planting Zone Herbaceous Plugs Species Common Name Max Spacing Indiv. Spacing Min. Size Stratum # of Stems Calamagrostis canadensis Bluejoint Grass 5 ft. 3-5 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb 30% Carex elate Broadwing Sedge 5 ft. 3-5 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb 35% Juncus effusus Common Rush 5 ft. 3-5 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb 35% 100% as- G9 Alexander County, N ccl bA ct . * ----- 1 / - r tk•- * I I ' — -- ,,"/ // \ 77 ) \ \‘‘ \ ' ) ‘‘) ))) N s , \ „,. 7„/ // ' - - \ „-„I ; --------- ------- \ „-„ „ „ - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - -- / / / ------- - \ - - - -------- „-* ‘‘. — + ------- + --- --- --------------------- --------- „ „_ *--*- ------------ ------ „,_ ;0;0/0 I ------ -- - /" ---- - - „ . _ 0 -J.. 0- --- &_-0.::kt * 0 *---0.: _0-0 -*- v,-4,-,-0-,0-„*-_*-_-:0-_-‘ 0*„*-*-,*-* -0. = ; 0 -*----a-_0-_tt-_-_. — -_0;---*-_ _ -.*-,..si 0:0-*--,ii---*--*-i,*-0 0 "00_ W-0-0-0 0-0-:t **=„0:-.0:10 --,0_-.0--0.-0 0-0./-04.-0-0, 0- V- 0-- -2-*--i 0 1.----------------------".--'---'- -7,,,-- „' / ,' -- /,-0)** ---=_;:_cii,-_-_---:,----:----„---,:._-__--- 0,-.*-_--0:0-0.-c-0'0,0:-0-**--0?,*--,,-.:0_0 *- ,-- *----00-e*0-200-u4-0,--0,*-*-0-, - ,-0=*--_*.-0,4--*- zi* , il -•e'cy' ' 414-r '','.---- -'''''''- -- ----w- _..,,,..„........—........ -/ *,* st 0/0 , 11171 .„ --- - - - - ------ , -- ------ „ --------- „ ------- " //' (') ; ----------------- „=" 0 0 0cc 0 *11-0 •*'0 0 0- • * * * * 0 0 * *Ur \ ---------**s* 0--*•*''00 *-*--0•i -------- ,* 0.* * 0- _0 „ „ ________ \ . \ \ +00t •"-1*----,iiiiiir,.. -..„ -,, .. . - ------- -:----_----t--:: ---- ..., , , , _,..., , a...::: ,t:,\D„:: -_--*--01A* '- --=:- 7--------: ----------- "-------: -- ---- --,----------- , --1-;-:'-+-+4,, 4J,,, 0.,**-1,t-v,-_-.ekLtk&-----:-----_-_-__ - - - -----._ , --------. - - e;'. ...• , N \ \ \ „,......./. -- ....,,, .„,..._..., ....„. , : , .,`, .:-.,-- , -• ' .---1.-+.2-",Z -,t,',-."-:: \ ... ....-,-,---------11.- -.:. -.ZS,- -- •-.., \ -1-- :/-. --- - - - - - -.1' - -- -- -- -- = - - - -- ,., 4- '-----1=':----'- -- -+ - , \ ', ./......,/...!-- ..---.-- ------- - - ------- .- ----------------- .-.,".:, 1.):-- ----'''-.- - -.-' - 1----'''--.1-/' r' :''''' ------------ '' -"'---'— --'—'-'1-1--;/.--. *'\ i' l'''7'7. 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Ile 1 ''' ,I, ell 11 'I `F 'r I 1 I Ill II V -ill IN 4 Ip 4 1 '1' 4. .0 III Ih '1' III,', 06Q 0, Ih Ip 111 I I111 III III IIIIII 1, Ip I I I I' III 111, ,h Ip ll I ,11 Ill 11'�' 4i 4, 4, 'I' \ 11 `1111' 11'1l Ill'1' 11''' 1' ,l,'Il 111 1111 111 111 1 1 1 Irl'I ll'I' ,1, 1111 111 111 114' III'1' III'I' I Ill 1'11 1l IH'11111 111JN 11�,1, I `• i III / 1 I Ill ll'11111'.1, III II' .1, 1. III I III III �:',11h '1',II'I ,1, 1111 111 111 11 1 1 Ill 1'- - ��. 1 JN Ih Ill Ii�� 11 � Al, lIl 1111 �C"p 1' 11 IH 1 4, , IE �y�V 1L 11'I'11'I' Ill ,II Ill 1'\III ,I'11=1'--'N 'I' '1' 'rII'�'Ill\ \ IH�II T 11 I i JI 1 11 1 11 / 11 11 1 � 1 ll 41 I I II 1' .1,,-4 Ill f I, Ip Il, III I d 11 I 4, Ill Ill 'I' II yl. II III I, I' 'll .1, ,1. 1 " Ill , .I;� II 4. 4, 4,,N ,I I Ip 4, 4, N I' III'4'1111'II' 1, 4. 4. I14, I Ih I lh I ' III Ill ,l, 111 1,. \ �� III Ill Ill Ill ,ll Ill 111 II ele ale \.I, Ill Ill Ill �iI, 41,1,'I1,I,1' ell II I''11'li141 4' Ill„ ell Ile II ill 11 tie lie 4' IIIIII lie lie lll'I' Il,'I' I, INI II' III r+Vl ^!' 1 41 I 111 1, ,11 1' Ili -'h II �1 ,,'I'111 rrrrrrr rrrr irr ���1 N 4 I' 'N , '*, IN it 'I' 4 4y4 ILJ'J I `7 0' 40' 80' 120' (HORIZONTAL) Sheet Index 1 z U x 3 Streambank Planting Zone Live Stakes and Herbaceous Plugs Species Common Name Max 5padng Indly. Spacing Min. Size Stratum # of Stems Physornrpus apullfakus Nine bark 8 Ft. 2-Bit. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub 209E Corpus omomum Silky Dogwood 6 ft. 2-B ft. 0,5"-LS" cal- Shrub -4046- 35% Sahxsericeo Silky Willow 8 ft. 2-Bft, 0,5"-LS" cal. Shrub -4014- 44% Juncos effuses Common Rush 5 ft- 4.6 ft. 1,0"- 2.0" plug Herb N/A Carex oiato Broadwing Sedge 5 ft. 4-6 ft, lu 2.0" "- 1,0 p g Herb N/A 3.0036 Open/Graded Buffer Planting Zone Bare Root Species Common Name Mar Spacing indIv. Spacing Min. Caliper Size Stratum #pFStems Acer negurrdo Box Elder 12 ft. 6.12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 20% pleik s Quercus ph Willow Oak 12 ft. 6.12 ft. ❑.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% Alamitos occidentals Sycamore 12 It. 6.12 ft. 0,25"-1.0" Canopy 15% 8etuk pigs River Birch 12R. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% Quercus pagoda Cherrybak Oak 12 ft, 6.12fL 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% Quer= Swamp Canopy mirhawrll Chestnut Oak 12 k- 6-12 ft. 0.25" 1.0" 209d Quercus ob.i2 White Oak h, 5.12 ft. 035"-1.0" Canopy 13% Qu nlldro hro Northern Rsd Pak 12 ft 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 7%G 100% Shaded Areas Bare Roots - Buffer Planting As Needed to Increase Density Spades Common name # of stems Plntanos orcidenadis Sycamore 18% Frox1nus pennsylyonleum Green Ash 18% Betula nigro River 0irch 10% tirlodendron tullpifera Tulip Poplar 10% `iu-t*Vf Swamp-C-pestnutOak -61oi-ir:es-mi 109E Quercus Mho White Oak 10'% Carpinus coroliniono Ironwood -S91 6".% Diospyros vlrglniona persimmon 5% Quercus pagoda Cherry bark Oak 5% Acersacchorinum Sliver Maple 5% Nysso sylvatrco Black Gum -S96- 7% Cnfli ne a,,ry,.en 5, Kz,^^" =mesican"• nrte rcanSteauehnm; 3, ^h 1% _Cofycantbtts; oc " r-----Swdn,-al"•..b- IN Magnolia uirglniano Sweetbay Magnolia -696- 3".% Homomeltsvirglniana Witch -Hazel -Via- 3% 100% rr re. re rr r," rf * -r r r r r r + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + All streambank end buffer planting zones within easement. V / Alt disturbed areas. All disturbed pasture areas outside easement. Permanent Riparian Seeding Pure Live Seed {201bs/ acre) Approved{ DateIhs/acre Spedes Name Common Name Stratum Density ) Ali Year Pankum rigklulum Redtap Panirgrass Herb 2-0 Ail Year - Agrosrls Hyem0As Winter aentgrass Herb 2.0 All Year Rudberkln hirta Blackeyed Susan Herb LO All Year Coreapsiskrtrealoto Lanceleaf Coreopsis Herb 1.0 All Year corm wipinaldea Fox Sedge Herb 3.0 All Year Panlcum ciondestinum Deertongue Herb 3.0 All Year Elymus elrginirus Virginia Wlldrye Herb 3,0 All Year &lderrsaristos° Bur -Marigold Herb 1,2 All Year Helranthus ongustlfoiius Swamp sunflower Herb 0.6 All Year Panrcorn virgotum Switchgrass Herb 1.0 All Year 5orghastrum nutons Indlangrass Herb 2.0 Temporary seeding Scientific Name Common Name Application Dates Application Rate 5ecale cereals Rye Grain October 1- March 31 120 1b/acre Panicum ramosum Browntop Millet April 1-June 30 45 lb/acre Pennisetum glaucum Pearl Headed lArliet July 1- September 30 20 Ib/acre Pasture Seeding Approved Date Species Name Stratum Common Name Density albs/arre) All Year Festuca amodinocea Herb Tall Fescue 60 All Year Trlfoltum repens Herb White Clover 8 Vernal Pool Planting zone Herbaceous Plugs Species Gammon Name Max Spacing Ind ly. Spacing Min, Site Stratum # of Stems Calamagrostis Bluejolnt ft. 3.0' 2.0 I I.. b 3096` canadensis Gross 5 ft. 3 5 plag ar5edge g Careleelate 5 it. 3 5 it. -1"o"---2.8" plug I fcrb Juncos effuses Common Rush 5 R. 3-5 it. 1.0"-2.0' plug Herb 35% carve cnnata Fringed Sedge 5 R 3-5 ft. LA"- 2.0" plug Herb 35% Andropogan glomeratus gushy 8eordgross 5 h- 3.5 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb 30% 100% 0„„„ rrrrgryy A xtN3/ 14 14 a 8 u x u 1 x ,iftx aax xxxx ti al$ xx , '. to x x x x\ x x x x x x x x a4 \ x x x x x x kx x a x.x x@iaa x xxx x x*.* xa'x x x xi: x*A`.Ctaxx ` ` A' \x xx x1xx .�`aax x;;x x\ x xxx.a \xxx x xxxaa xmx x x- x xaaxaa\xxxx��� k. x• x x x .. x x x x At k x ta,ati \ R. x x x x x k x x x x x x is U\ x as x x x x x. x as a x x kxt x x x x ti aYDT7 x°o++ xxxxxxxx�xxxexx�xxzaxeex`x:a*xxxxxxa 1 xt,*x.�.axxxxxeaax xVR xft ' xxxa�xx 1�`.i,xx, xxxxxatx �x'�¢vti. xxxa�xx xxxa n•la T. T. to x x x x to x x x x A`**[ *aar/; S'-.R*• -0 ++�xx aix x ZZ \ -t` 03+ x A as x *$x x x x x *xa�1x s x x a xxxxx*x * a .'xx x*� ��Rx xx Al* x xx?s ti • ` Q3+p0: A�.\`* xx.\`;`* .2�is x x � x x k�+ ".l � x �.�`.\`xA`.\`x� �a xxal x ai\xx Sax:a x A' x x x x x x x x x x .: as x a: x x\\. \ x x x x x x x x a x xxx a`xx xRAx as xx a as xx x A xx\ xk\`SC h",' A` �,`x ,1` t �2S L�` x {+ + �"� + � xx x xx.�`x x.�ti.\`,\',1` xk �.�`.aa^ ,ka. a aaa * x a.. pr:Ca-**a a2,�k aSR x4i*iakkx * t x x C xh`A`ta* *.\`\i3.1",�`.\` +•++++ + ++r±++ ++++ I+ + V. + + + x x x as ai x x aL a1 ` x x x x �,��[- "-I����'i@ x SS .�2 YC 3a 1 i 1 Y x .\` x x as \ :@ *+ + . + + + Y � T ♦ + + r • + + + + f , x xx x xxxit aax *xxx t xaa x a" xxx x*A`r#A'frt N..: - ,t-.*- irt. ax x + + * + + + + + + + + + . + + ++ + • + x x to x x x * *108+rpa x x x x x x x x IC ; , . x x * x x x\` x tt * * x as * x * + + • + . ! + + + + +T+ . + +I+ • +++ +r +' `+ ++ xxx t. `xa • \-., rxx� xxxxxs�rxxxxxxzax� �y�xa>taaxx aa�x$xexxaAxx ! + + + i + + + T + / ! + T +++ ++ + +' x x x x \ a1 x x x x x .\` x ;\ x x .� ; .-�� + + T i + • +T •+ + • +++ ++ + x as x x x a x x as * x x a-�*-40. - x�� $ a' r x�� x� a' x R. x x x x x x x as x x a R. x + + T +Tr • r + + + aax rP` *xx*R x xx *.� taxxiixx xxx xa:xxxx xaax�� + a + + . + kH * tax x xx x * x ft* x xxxx 1.\` ** x **** *RMAx R*\ \ Six* * xk +++ �-+ x as er` x x x x x x* x x x x x x >� x x x* to x x A` x t1 R. x x** x •i •+++++ xx xx \ x xxxx Q OI Ax xxx x *xxxxx x x xxx x / `* xmx x xxx xilx xxxxRxx*xx x x x x xxx x x 0R xal xxxx to ** x +++ * x x. - - xxxiix xxxxx x \ xxx: x xaaa r` xx x xx ai xxxtaxxnx xxxx xx xatxxSaxat * A x xxaax r + + N,,.„x x� J aa.aa \.\`xaax a* x xta ft xxxx x RZZR\atix ** * **A x xaix x * + , + xxxxxxxaaxxxxxx . 1.+11 •- +++*+ \` x x x x .� x":�x x x >a x �- x an*** x\ x x x x x x x R. as x x x x x x x x x x ft x x x x x x x + + + x�1sVaLxxxxxxiax xxxxxaaxxx*x \ < •. �`a x xxx,\` a:.* xx0 xxxxxi+`.\`xk \.\` + + + x R. xxxx xaax At*xx tax xxx0x xx0 x x ... ++:$atx x x ++ + a +++ + + * + + + •'+y* • •+ •+•+r +++ +• r +Y F+ �} • ++++ + T 4 + + 4 • ++r+ + ++ + + + •Y•++ +• T+ ++' +! e +++++ +++FT + •++ ++++ F ' +-+ r+++ + ++ rr++ z x CIO 9p' 120' 0* a�CS x ai :��x atxxaaaaatexx0xx xaax ac xxxaa,�xxxxx;�xxax0N k xxx\x0, x 00xasxx Ax x00x�'xxx riaa:\ 0000xx� azxxxxx��xI��xxx,xx x�xt�xxxx �x2axxx� xx xazxx\\ ▪ In, xx xA`xxaixx tax x Sheet Index Aa a 2 45 1 x 'AO k i :0 kk041m 000 it k;0Et k it.k k iS 0 it tt k a 0 0it:10 0 k 00 0i 0kk0OQ kk kkmk: k it it 0 0�• * k0�� 0 m k k k tttanxk`a0000iZ -- 0 k k k k k ZI* 0t t 0 0 00 k k a k 0C 0 at k 00:�1a k m k 0 k0 k 0 0 0 0 0 it � 0it it k 0004 *000�,a N k 0 00 �i k kk kkkk10kk :z,kmmk0ks�m kk0; k a H ti k k ti k 000000 k*k00i0 0 Ai k�>Z k 00 Zkk k 0 00 $A00 k m k k x 0 k 0 0 0 k m k 0 k k 40000x� 00 k ki000000000.00000000 0`kk0,0A*00@71�j,G0t I m at0000000 k Etm m k k k k k k k 00k k00x00k00, ��m000000 m0rx ***art***`reit o*0�k� m �xk 000000000000000*00 k k 0�k00k20k r kkk kkk 000k0!00kk k0�`0000;�+0.. r k 00 k. ak00 0t0Stk k 0k 0 #ktt k m itfAtttEt kkttffikk •00m kit00taak C00ktee"mit0m0kmkh*A O►k C0 itkkkkkk t0400 0'k 00 0§O AR a k 00 k 0` R k k ffi r 0 k 0p \\ h 0 0 0 Et kk 0000000000000000 000000 0ikk k00k k 'k tCk �'k24 k k kA ' R Zt i0 00 m 0 0 N 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 t0 0 z27 • k k. tt':@k k kkklkk iLyk " k'�i4k00 ��' k k0t k0000,� �. a k k: k 0C k k i0 * a x k at a k k k k ffi k 0! ?4 0t 2C :ti kat-I0, ' 0Zi k 00� k k to 0t ktt kk kk k k R0 0 k k 00 k ` 0`k��� 0000k':. I0 0040000000000000 0 k t 00;3 k k k it 0 0 1+ 00000000000 0,E 0 Et 000k 0 0t0k kkk.t`kkk INrli k.�'a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0` 0 0 00000000000000 000040000 k x S 00 k(�k k04 a k'@kktk rm000t Y 0kCt0 r0 ,\` 00 k` 00kk0A'kkkkkk`�OC,�+mkk�YE3.\` kYIlllllli:: it 00 #00 k k�—�j0l'i00t.,'i"'�00'0t� 0�kk 00000040000000000000000 k k xk 000t00,� 00� :0 k00kk..ZS•.Z�.,t50 0001t}� Ojk�JO-�.07 00000000000 �' k k 4 0 0 k x k k 0.` t 0 0Z 0t k T] •, .. '� I$ # 0e?� kk.f� t 0000000 0 0 0.`00 004000000000 0@ k k1111:1!!! 0y I Aa;00ka I I 4 80' IILO !N Rall l Sheet Index r_. u N N 1 1 1 I 'Hp�� */�x '~\ zz@HD p H H ' � HA *1,+rA�A**AAH�4H�*A��k A44.AA 1*'�* *,, A,k H ,Y _:*,,.0 AA@ AdA►i,'H H � :0+H� Ai 40 a �. v ': A � .H @**S�1 Aa1H a 00#0H:AAAA4a d*AAH * MAu S :, H CS H HAL4Z0d�A0Ad 4 rAA arAu u 10604 H AA*AN (/fH Ah* H A �fi*dAA ?@yd-A* b �VP?d't A�1al AA,AAA HA A ▪ aa0+ @� dqAA�IA1H Hf�� a0�A H AH dd HH*�a r pAA@ *a 0 & � + � rA▪ a1•' r a AAm H a .-.5*-a' ���'Aeu ,a, —� % lm 6,r@ r 0,4 a V A *aIal0AAN*�paga*sHAu*%:aa A, H�+t)0raf'j * u . �': a+ •� .. 1.../r "u� * ru' y,d@AA �a� �r � a�:.%%.*Aa�uHaar N aA , 4vPau0e �� I k H A.AAA aaA 4 A A* * .a4u ap aa**a ***It: u o A �.*•)*,* 4.. A'!ha1"* *aHj��a0H *@***au*ABa � AA*ak* A0+ Ai#'H4H:dA4A A � a. @H % a : /AH A :•/ A:11 � �u ,i.'.13I+n�. � �1/4::.—.c & 37�~c� f.ti3:r`/3/ % CF'�4. "—F.- "—F.- •r �� 37 ./ 37� �3J�� � [ • 7�/ �dcr c I[,!!xIZ �.�L3',ao ,�+!f2— Of_ �CE M111 �3r dda�-�HA *AH *1 1m*A,k CdA0a a��HH PdAadPAA*s d'I H yNAkAy0a�.Ho@'LH�Ai A ka * ,d* **a:N* *0 *,A.A#,�AA HaA h{..:ff"/ AAH0�H1* *0�10H1aA:,AAk1A A '0 aa'�A H �d d t' �AH 1 M s A adz �H AiiiN dA'A:.:I �JA Aa 1ada/ ::,�f AyAA dH � AAf::7 r QQ� iI :,A' :40 • 4H/ 1f rp/. / �-II �� / �I I/.....,, 1 r I 1 I 1 r / I o. an' so. cauwrnrxii 1 1 3.7 Sheet index CF• r 1 11 1 I/ 1 I/ 1 l l �' 1 / / / 1 1 f 1 / / 1 1 1 �1 1 / CE CE---�` Cf_CECE—SCE 1 cE CE CE i Cf �-CE 1 C ---- �i 1 a to + 2 xas+oo ml —' ��'1 �÷,. cl I3rf ini 5 I q,pn wl Z xi P1-3: 11 — 1 1 1 x x x x A 0 *000000 x x* x x x x 0 x x# x x % ti# k x x044000000: xxxx��0�0& xxx#xa 0:4,4*/ xk 4sxuxxx xxa'#xx0 iC0 is xa: il_ ki is 0 ;Z x x x Iri r'iti -.. # :. ., 0 .. x #x##uxH#uxx.Rxx xL❑'ixx x ,_x.ui ## x# .0000000000000 # xxx x0000Y4Q`A#aVP6to x:0 �x,k xxxx# x 0000 xxxx x xxx r�xa Jx ka 000 ##xxxxx#0`xx x # xxx 0 0 0 000#000 0x0 x xx 1xxx 00 000 xxxx#�04 #Z. xxx\y 000000000xx k#xa0kx#xxxx V,r 0# a 20400x00000aax# xxx 2 Aa#xxxxxx � is st i 44000is00 00 x#x xxxx0xa"�Axxxx.,s:,xx* x # xxx@ 512 0024 *0xx00 VSxx xxxxx#axx0xxxx.xx x k # 0 00$000xx x x x xxx xxxx a x a # #E is 0 xxr x,RN x x� axxxx&a#x# yxx1ax xxxx## xxxx,0 Sea x x 44 x xx a # # xxais04t4x xx . ui �.,, 0' 40' 80' 120' IHaunrn.L! Sheet Index 2.1 2.2 2,4 s 6 V ' N / I / { ,1. Ill „ ,p ' l' 'lI iI r}I11' .14 ll 1 ' { 4. Il, ,}I 1 -11 111 '1 I" 1}l lh 4l+ ' ,il 1 14 1,i1 } r11 1 1 ill' 'l I ' llr IN 11. 1l1 o 1 111 Ill 1 111 1i4+14 411'l' 4}lilt lilt 1 11 1. 111 111 +l ' 4 1i111111+111'I'411'I' R1'14411'1' 1i111' 1 Ijl l' 111'N 1l,'111'.1i ,}, 1}I 1]I IN '}I „411 11 ilt 1i, 1}I 11j, 4l4 4}f 4141i1 41III l Ill 111' 1' 1}lilt 11',N + ' tilt 111 11l '1+'11'I''1' / }4 ''1- l 11 1 11 1 111 111 4l4 111 1.111 na 11 IV4 1i4 Ih ill 1}4 1{1 1 N it, I ,14 1t lh 1i. .1..1. 'I' '4 0. 4141 N ij1 11 I 411 41 Ih 4111, / 1`,1,'�111,11't'Illl V11}1''r Il1'It 11 114 Ilk 1}4 Il- 4' Ill I11111 IlI4'111'14 �I i1114 - til l}l10 .14 1111+'I 1 ' III `l' 1{1'r 111'{' 111 / ill •I'1111 11 r}11i} 11t 111II4 111 •111 ,II,1, ,{,1Ill4{I Il, 'P 14 Ill'I' ,1 '1' 1 '11`' 114' I4t r11 11. 1{I 4i I 111 I{I Il+ { , 1l1 4 Ij1' 1'YIll Ill,1, IV1 1}I 114 N 1 ,1, 1{. 1}1 111 Ill 4l1}11111}I'0iI11 -4}''1411, I{, tN 4N I,'l�1ll1l 11- l' 1}I'}' 1111i1 I li4 I41}I4} +I' 111•}1 ,1,4ll 4l' 'lill 1{1 1V4 111 '4' 'I' -hI1.11II Il,1l1 lil 1l1 tit il,1V4 li4 lil 1}4 . ,11lit li4 1 1 „{11 4}1, 1V1li4 Ih h111 Oil ,{l $, rp 4ll1 11 '1 1jI lh I' 11 1 r I Ip 111 , 1 / ,1, rh 1}4 III 1 1` . ,14 ill ill -11 ql 1ll 1 1 1}t '1' 'N II 11 1011111111 1 , 1 1{I } Ill 1l, -{I 411' 10 ill i1 4}1 / ' ,1, Ili 11111t 111 4}I 111 .lilt 1 -'1' 4j, V 4. 4, I}i 1}1 *III �' I 1 4, 4, 11, l 14 111 Ili 1 Ill 411 -1r 4l1 111 {'I1.4i11 11 I,111 i1 1 .41 iI 'l' ill,rrll,.'1'rI4., 41114 lt I it, 1N 1 '1' N'1''}I''1 14 4t 1 I 1. ,14 ,{I 1 I I 111 ,11 4l1 • ti 11I' {Ill 'I'.41J11 II'1I' 111 I ,iy -1l 4l- 11' '1' ,14 111 114 4l' ''II., ,4N 1h 1}, 1 1'11 1111+ IN I '4,'l' 1{I } 111 41ti14 , ri4 lil Ilti 111 111 1}l Ill 1]4 �+ .1 11 it 1 } 11' �I 41']' 4}I tl' i' lilt 41 11 ' 11 I I"II4'I' l I, Ai 'h '1' '1' ,'It 11 1 1i 'I' 1i �O/_ '�� A ..11.1I1 lit Ij, .}1 i' 111''' 4lr' rl,'14,1r I' IN I Ill 9+ 114 'VI 41 1 r 111 ".}lilt 11r'N Il11iI Ij '1' ,11 l' r l 4 " -lilt ,{l i' 1t '1' ] 't' j` l lI ,1 + r lilt lii 1h r 1 1 1 14+1y lI'l' I� ry' il' 1, `l' ,1, -¢ t 2p 41. . l 1}4 {' th IN1 ,III.1114 oil it l}I .pi1111111+ ¢ l' I I 1 l 4l1 1i111111.1 1 l 111 l' 1141 { } I 1 4ll 1 `1h 1{1 1 },'h N { 4 1 I'l+ }I 1}4 .}, 1. - 1' r' i411 .. 4 1 1 1 f11114.111 l 1 Ill 1 1 1 I11 +1' 11041 . 4 'N l II I p II ' i11 �,'i4 11,'i ,j, I ,ir lh 4j ,,x•• 4, 1 V h y IN 1h •h I } 1 L.JIf il4 r14 1p Ih } 4l, Ij4 Il, ItI Ij, ri 1 .• 4ll 4j1 oil' r11 'VI 4 I'i' '1 11 l' 1lI 14 1 1l' Ill 1h d4 41 'l' 1 i 1t4 lil .11 QI •h .l 'h 'l' , , �11 4 1 1 .1. 4lI ilk ,¢ 4l1 4j, '} , r 1}, 1y 1}t ,14 , I Y 1 M i I¢ 1¢ Ili 1p II'[�0�'I 1 I . , . l 411 I1}•,I il' ; '{'. Y, ,{l .14 1}4 Ij, 4}l 'i 1, 1{. .14 111 ih Ilti l IN '1 ,II a, vll 'l .}I d{, } �1 'li I 1 il, ,1. r}4 4i4 11 N 1 �1.�i Ip 4. •1+ 'N . 1 19' l 'I' 1 'h .l,{l 11. 'h 4 IiI' 10 '1' 'N I 11r ,lI' 1144j, 114 'N 1 ." 11' it. 1, l Ill 1]1 1{r N�1, I , 4 F' 1 1i1 Ih Ill 'iI-It111 .. '}' I '`1 l 1 4 1}l •. 114 .1r j11 � , . 11 Ip 11r 4{1 4l1 1 r 1 111 1p r1• 'I' 'l' , 4 4 ' .1. .y1 r]4 ,i4 q1 'II 1l' 4 I' ,11'N 4l, I' ,11 1{r 114 4l1 IN 11, I I}I �..0 41. ,{r 1}I +4' 'N , 1 I 1, . 1 rjI •,i Ip 4lI I 4 IiI' r 4 4l 4N '14 1h li4 111 4N Ill 11 1111 l {1 N ,11 Ill I} , r 10 111 111 1¢ 4}1 4j4 +{' Y M1 l 1}I ,ii IV1 ll+, 14 I 1 1 411 114 Ill 4l1 'l+ J.x4-} 1 . 411,'�. 4}4 1 ;/ ,1. 4l1 lir 1 I 1 l 111 111 111 111 111 1 111 tl1 1}4 .11 r14 Il+ 1 i i{, 11. 4ll '1 .}1 r11 1¢ rh '1 1 1 1 i1. 111 ry 'i' 1• , „ 114 ,14 { l { li 1p li4 1}4 4l1 4}4 i I, 1 11l .}I 4jI 4h .11 lh 1 I Ili ry+ 1 I 1 ,4 1 . 1¢ 'I' 1 1 I Ili { r r 'i1qt 41 11 ,{I 1V1 ' y 1 i I ,1, Il- 1}4 111 if �1 1lr4L1 } 14 Ij4 1p IN '� 14 4 4, 1}, 1}I rp 1p } lilt'. 4 4l1 Ill:. y 1.111. h Ip Ili 11 11 •y1 {r 1}I rp 4i1 1p 1p Ih 11 I 45 .i4 1p 4 111 ,14 l 11. Il, ,}4 • 1 ' ,. l{1 4{1 Ili 1h 'b j , 1 0 411 Il+ 'N { 111.4i11 1I11r 111 1 ,14 +1 I 41 rp q• 1 'I ,/ !l { I O. J I1 ,{I i N - r V 41 4,111 1 I l l' } 14 11.11 1 11 'l 111 ,14 111 { I 1 l- 4l' 'l1 41 t14.1i1' 11I tit 4}11 1 1 4}V '}I `I'1'.. I VP71II I}I ' 4V4 Y 1{1 ,1. }t I¢ 1{l ,11 Ip +1' 1I'l' Il { {r lil ,14 41, .N lit 11 1 II1 N,t, I Il4 ,}I ,}4 I� Ijv rrlr�/rfr r �/rr /!r /rr r/r /rl rjrrrJ .J' ,lly 1 111 11' 1 I'1' , 1'' ,II 1 oil' ,11 Il, 'l' I'l' -lilt .N' 111 11 1{1 Il 1 . 1 IiI' l 1'l +ll'It II' l l{' j 'I' 'h 'l+ 4ll '-I'll Il 'l' ,14 III I I I , 111 Il, .1 111 , 1 Ili 1I l ,1, Il. l'l .1 I R' '}Ilkr1. 4 4i4 111 I , 1 r rl, l �1 'N r - 1}4 i I . 1 Ip - 1 + 1 •y ` 11 r}4 'p 'p 'l' 'I`p. I' 4 I rh M V I 9' - r I r M j' 1 t i 11 - • ,� `• lµ 'N } 4, 114 1i4 I' { i , r ,{I R' 4l1 ii}.I rr rr rrr rf� J lrrrrrrr l 1 �+ 1 1}4 4l, } N /�N '{' 1p rh ,¢ +i 1 r ' l r 4 1 l 'h 11 r 1 Jt ' - I ,11 'II T 1 r-.G Il+ 1ll l l ,11ljI 4jl lit 4l1 Ihh {,,�!rIV1 Ih�1 �+ I Ih Ili 'rl 1 �1 1, 11 1VI 111 IVV I N I lil l I LI@�1}I 1l1 1}l lil -11 1'r}l +{' 'l' l V 4 It 1 . 1 4 1p 4,illaaI 1l 11. 1}1 �1 il tjl '}i'I -1 ,1 Il- 1}I I{I 1N 'N 'Il`11 11 Ill •y- ql 1h '4'l I 1}l 11Ili li.11' l4 Vl- 4 -]• -,4li Il+ +N '1' '1' l ,I111 t11 Ih •1 - .1 ,l1 111 1 .}i 1}I Ih rh } 1 4 r . -{I Ip I / 4 r 1 1-,I''l'I1 1 -1'k, l 41 ri4 .h-14 1{I'-1}4 I. 4 l i i 4l1 '11 , I I l ri4 -II rr r pr '1' t 11 .il 111 ,h11 4,Ai .-, �4(y{',„ -{1}lIj- lili - 1 . 11, {, I I I' `�ti I Il,.111 4ll 1l1 Ill 1}11' . 4}i VP6 IN 111' 1jtl,r'1' I , •Ih 4h I¢ 1Nlit , i . 1/I' ,:tlI{' 10 l 1i 1'Ir 4 ,ti l¢ -11 Il, 4l-rI1 'y 'It 1r 1 -i4 4N 4V lil -1r lla, rr rlrrrr�•• - rr/rrrr rrrr� 4 / !r rrirlrr! r. h 114 ,lti 'l+ 4ll II, Ill 4l, I I '{YY U Il, ,{' i I , Ili IN 41. 4, t 1 , ill lit -1. 4j Ili r r r II4 1}I lil r�/%lI I Ih 1 .'h 1`l�_ '14 'l4 1 4 1 . , .1.1. 1 4ll ar�r 1 4.. / p r! i r r r! rr .t/r rrr rlrrrl rr , II. ,11 I{1 4l, -1, lil Ip ill -{1 Ih , 1 4}I ' ,h 111 I}4 Ilk 1h � 1 11 '}4 ,lilt „ ii t 1 l +h i 'l' I55 �0.� 1 /11 111 1j, I,I 1h i' ,p I ,i4 111 Ih + 10 F. 1}, 'l+..4.....1 . f lil �1 +14 'i' 111 :1i 'Y ,' r ri4 -{r 1}, 1}I 1h �1' 1'U I'1' - I Il- I}I,i• 4}, 1111i1 I' i 'l' :, 4j 1i, 11 r11 Ill ll' Ij`'{' Ill 11 .II Mj 1 r `,t, t 1}I I¢ 4}I'1'.}I'N'I''i' 'l' ' 4 14Ir ,-1 ilt I¢ I 1}I } Ip I r14 1}. IP ,1, .p Ill Ip ,i1 4ll r}I ' f� 'lv 1p ' 11. 1 ♦}4:;. Il 1V4 r v 111 4l { '$ -} I} '1 11 li. ,l lil 11 , 1 4,r 1}i till . -, 11'' 1i4 ��11 +� ,I �llt 4}l 41' . - 1}I \ 114 lil 111 4}4 -{I 1}- 1 1}, 111 11' 111,11i' l '• {I 4N Ili Ill tN .y' } 'ill 4111'{t l}4 Ij+' 4l- III 41 1 Ill 14,i1 r 4,1, 41r 4'i'1{' 4illit ri4lll'l,114 I}`1{1I111 Ill'I' I ,111p'1' 1}l ilt I}4 41i ,il11t lil'14 R+11t I{l if t Ijl '',I, lilt l ' ' ry' yl4'14 4}1'111i4'I' 1l4'll'I' `''{' I' Ill l 41. L 'I:: Ili 111' , it, dI ,i1'I' 'l- t ill /■■ 0 I. 4. .1' R it ,. - r y,� 11 •.11 '1 Il I1 1. - ']' s i!11n11 J' , `l' l I1t 1}I 1}I 1iti d' : +1' N I 14 lil -¢ ,il 11r W } 11, 1p 41, li I 11 QI 4p 411 1 l = • K x' 11. l I 1 . I r lit WLy '4 I l 11 1 l I 1 Ill I. }4 4}l't' 1111 11. 4111 l ' Il4 111'l+ 111'N IlI'I' _ '• 1V1 4 4 1{. 1 -{, I , ,], ill r 4}I -ill 1 .I' 1V4' i • -{I 1}4 an 1}I 1 1 IN III 4}4 111,1t'II I''1' •1 iN 'it 11l 111 l r'N Ilt' ill 1 11' Olt 11r 1{1 Ill l 1 x x x • • 111 ,11 1 + It IiI i 'h {' 111 yi�l ,I]1 M1r r . Ill h I 1 1 ,1, I}1 r}, .}, II T l+ 4lI'i` Li, 'i` Ill -14 111 1l- ❑ . 11l 111 11j1' 11]4 1l'1 ,l, L 1 t 4 ,i,111 ,1,1 ,111}1 Ill f2Q , 1 `1111 1 +I' 1 'I' l 'b '}' 1{1 ' ,'t' 14�' ,{1 `' Il4 } 4 x 'F '1' 'l' 'i1 '1' 1.1 xl4 x 4} 111 11� x x = x x = s r . 1l1 1V4 II4 1 'i4 I}I tr4 II4" Ill ,il l 44^11 �'j1 li1LUL 111 Itl iU N 'l4 �' 1�,} - 1 \ I , 1 l l l r 1U 'I' 1 1 , . >, • v{r +l' 1' Ill' , - Il- It1 4}I rP '1' '{' „'i' 1h+1� Oil rl''1�'I- ��'1i �p�l' fl,'{' l IN'1 �1'I'r1r'1' J. 4h,.• m iv �, II4 I}`"'1' i11 Ill nn141p 4i4-i111141-'11.}I 4N 1141' ,1 r1 4lr'i''h'1' 'l4'i''}+'It'll '1' 1 4' , .114 4l rl4 114'}t IN'I' ,}lilt ,i4 { ,l, �I I]- 1]I i .p '{r .'I• x • a " = x x y • x x x • Y • k x x • a k fe i M • x = x x % e t • n ' '1' i 1. 1 - IiI 4l! 1i4 rll l = = ¢ I1' A X,1,,..wA '�4�-' ry. 111 '1 '11 1jI ri4 111 4}I ' II ill 1 4.1,`' 14 111 4V1 Ill ' Il, 1411 11, 111 lil 11 III 11 11, 1 {, ,{1 ,ll 'l' 'i4 11 { N Y „ x • % • x • x y = x . Y x al % -% i 1C 1A �l � 'i1 t 11 i 1 Ill r11 4}, 1}ti I 1f4 1 4 r1r 111 +I { „ - 41 114 111 111 } + f MillINx x x x x k M x x j} x k x k J x x+ K x x I l ll1 Ij 1 �, 111 lil 1 r rg 1111 `1il 1i. IV1 -11 111 i l'il l I IiI I' 1}4 1 4N .}1 • x•• Y Y = x mx x l. a x F y r. x K f R • x = '� fI4 Al rh tl .-. alb i1- ...II. { l' . 1 K 1 x k ,_ xxxx... xxxY F kxxx ... e x e k x x x x• �' • '�. A. tt ti 11 x ick.%� x x y k e f y x 0 aa' sa� L:I}' nlnmrnx,.v., Sheet Index 2.1 St122., 2. 2.a 25 czt ,S-I lti 0 CU r�^1 VJ a bel (tf a) X a 9 x LC) CA V 4' A+ ' ' 11 41 ' ` if `i'414,+141}I tj' 1}I III ' I'�''1'I'1 'l',II'b M' 111'I''ll'l'` 1't'Q,1 I 111 111 111 II' 111 111111 l 14'i' 41, i 1,I 111 Ill 114 Ill 11 + III 1}l II, lif 11 4' 11II' ,11 111 IN ,N dd III `i' 41'jI It,'1' 1}, in IN Ili ,. I l' Il} 41 Ili 111 ,4:1' ,1, •11 ,t1'l' 4l, I ,1, Ili 4� + +I' aI I`+P,kld'll''N l 14 1'' Q ''14`k`,I 14 .1 II ' N I1 t l ` `1`141 „' 41411{1N 4 i]1't'111'1141'I }, Ill Ill 1}4 , 1 111- , 41, .,II'41'1' j1'1' I't',II'h,{1 h N tt'"'1' III 'I' I Il+ i '� ��z I IlF h+{' 111+4' }1 .1�ir,1'{' �' ,44 11 Ill ' III III. i +' II' l5 T Ili `411 q, tl'1%01111'N '}4 t 'i' IN Ikl 4, 1. 1��1111.4 4i4 11r-'S'^'� I' fin' 454.-+115- F1-U.II�I 1 111 ,IN II' 1 1 +1' R 1lll1Il'I14l''4+1j14,1411I,114' 11,+li.1' III�I, 1•'-j '{`4tI1 li4 ' 4 1} 1 14' 1 1 t+ 1N Il 111 I 1 •. {, h I l l 1 III" III Ill 111 ,1111141'+{, 4}4 ,11 �¢ 'l' 'il, Idi, , ,ll,1 1}I 11 , ` 1}l +i' 'N 'I' „ II, 1{I 4lI I i' l „ 11 11 Ill Ip d '}' , „ Il, III ,l, k 11 i l 11 '1' 1' } I I 11 4 1 1}I ,¢ Iki 111 11' +4' } 1}� 1111 'I' 'l' I I 41 Ip I{, ,U IU 5N I i t 4I I l l 1, 11, ,{, V 1 4 111 ,II +I' 11'j' �'i` 14'41 +I''il Il+'j''1F 111 `t 'l+ 11 l `ll ,,14 1 t, 111 ,}, 4ll Ikl'I'111'1, Il+ Il,'1' Ill 41111'1' I1,'t' ll1 1111}I '1+111'1' 4' 1N } 11 It1 , ,,1 11 1h li' '}` 1 , 1 1t1 11 1}l 'll II' I 1 i 1 +I' '4' l 11 11 III 141 l 11 41' 111 Ill 14+ 'l' 11[, . 9i1,-�.y11 15 II III ,U ' 111 4+,ll+l� �1+IN +1+111 I,IlS,l,�l' 111 t'i11 '114 I'44,'t'IN `l11}i } +h 1{1111 FU'.�i1�'1li `illll I14N 1l'111k�'1' ,h'i`,I,'l' 1}1111111'11111 14I1' l,'1' 1k1'I',I,'1' III+I+ FIS'1''`II' }'1'114'11i,1,'k',i,'i' III l',i''l`'1'�11'I' 1 1i' `4'� itr-' r' 111 +t+ 1' 111 a 11 11 1 4 I'1' 1 4 l` Ij 14111 +I' 1 14 ,'I' ,14'I' 414'1' ilk {I Ikl 111 '4+ I,'11 ,1, 1111 +111}, I ,{I F' i 151' �''1' 414 1 4 'i' +l' I+1 4111E 11}� `il Ij1IY Ill `Il I1, 11 4111II 11' 1+ Il,'i' 411111} I'tI i 'i1 i , 1- 'I+I '1 }1, 111''ll,l, ti',{I'11 I}l 4 Fl1'..111''4, �' Ij''4' 111'II 4 I 'II I, II' 11 l 1lI 1 ,lt 4 I}I ` 1114 'Il li 'l''11,'i1 I,'4 14, Ill I}l ,1 . I, ' yp `1, I r ' 11 ,II +t' 1 11114.111. 1 I ' l l 11 l I Ill;1;1. 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