HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0700159_GEO THERMAL_20091216Permit Number, Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI07001 59 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit , Facility Name Jon P. Graham SFR Location Address 104 S Granville St Edenton Owner Owner Name Jon Dates/Events NC 27932 p Graham Orig Issue 12/16/09 App Received Draft Initiated 12/14/09 Re g ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Private residence, single family Outfall ,UL Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 12/16/09 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Jeff Stagg 636 Benefit Rd Chesapeake Major/Minor Minor VA Region Washington County Chowan Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Jon P. Graham Owner 104 S Granville St Edenton Public Notice Issue 12/16/09 NC Effective 12/16/09 23322 27932 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin �� NCDEN� North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water QuOty Beverly Eaves Perdu: Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director 12/ 1612009 Jon P. Graham 104 S. Granville 5t. Edenton, NC 27932 Subject; Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. W10700159 104 S. Granville St. Edenton, NC 27932 Dear Mr. Graham: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program that was received on 1211412009, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed -loop geothermal water- Wy injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump located at 104 S. Granville St., Edenton, Chowan County, NC 27932. This system is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A. Subchapter 2C, Section .0211(u)(2)). However, it is recommended that you contact the Chowan County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification_ If you have any questions please call me at (919) 715-6166. Sin rely, for MichaeiRogers Environmental Specialist GPU-Aquifer Protection Section cc: Washington Reglonat Office - APS APS Central Files - Permit No. W10700159 Chowan County Health Dept. Jeff Stagg (J.A. Stagg Energy Enterprises, Inc., 636 Benefit Ad„ Chesapeake, VA 23322) Gary G_ Hughes (Gary's Electrical Service, Inc., P.Q. Sox 312, Colerain, NC 27924) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1636 Location 2728 Capital Eoulevard. Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 One Phone, 919-733-3221 l FAX 1: 919-71541588; FAX 21 919-715-613481 CwtomerService: 1-8T7-623-5748 NorthCarol.ina Interner,, WwrigEteraLa tr .orc An. Equal Uppwrunty % Alilr TKM! Amon Employer �)Vaturjqll,# Doc 14 0911:1 Oa p.1 tKpb-,�-bN l 1 -111 IMM-l :i 1 w Q uf"W E[ Fatftvbr © Pima 13 Fire Re* 0 pb� liwjdo V RECEIVED r ❑ENR I OWQ Aquif6rProtedon5ecUon ■■*■r■•■■■ ••■■r■■■■■■■Ar.•■■ Doc 14 09 1111 Oa Ll��D'�W(59 P NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCI)ENR) NOTIFICATION OF IN:T'EN7 W CONMUCr Ac E -L (V GEOTHER_X&L wATEk DNLV INJECTrON WELL SYSTEM: TYPE 5-OW WIELL S) in Acvwdancc wililt the pravisions of NCAC Title 15A: 42C_0200, please wroptcte tl)is notification and rnail to address on the back page (please PP' tar information). r PATE._ IS ► ° p a� Well 75pe Co)rjh' - malinn: hoes the pmposed system circulato potable wg _only (no additives) in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid from the eriviroru=t (i.e. closed -loop)? Yes Continue completing this form. So Do Not complete this form. Complete other WC application forms for installing eithaa SKI well (Q=400p welt jWgitins potable water into the aquiver) or a SQM well (elosed- loop well containingadditiv such ss R 22, ethanol, or other antifre= or corrosion inhibitors), A. PROPERTY OWNER(SYAPI MICANT(S) List each Property Owner fisted on property deed (if Owned by a bminess or government agency, state name of ty and a rep=cntative w?autherity far signature): `i 61M { t) Mailing Address: L ,�C City: ' State: NG Zip Cedt: eZ%2 _ County: O -� Ham&0ff ca Tale No.:- Ermaii Address: 6 Ah&�-) cj4hm W .bsi • r�>n (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if diiYerent' than above): City: - State: Zip Code; County: Home Office Teie No,: Cell No.: NAK A THOR17,ED AGED' OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Permit Applieanl dark nit Own the sub*t property, .�jv,w,h a Ietter from the property owner authorizing Agent to install and. operate UlC well) Company Nam: -- Contact person;, Address: City: - State: Zip Code: County: OfficeTe1e No.: Website Address of Company, if any:w_ - _ RECEIVED I DENR I DVQ ytn rr Proled l)n Serilon GnUIUTC 3QW Notification of bicmt Fozm (Devised 8 OOP, _ ",_ f .I Pic 1 p.3 Dec 14 09 11:11 a C. WELL DRT11 LER MFORMATION Company Name:--^ T A. '5- A 6-s eWi e-G"r C--�JT-tF' , Well Driller Contractor's Name: 1 a w A g...4 �C. S:W -ram NC Contractor Certifzcatioa No.: contact perm - 3� f? - -- - lti;,a Fi Address; (►�,.. C �++ a Addrusss: � �}. y City. , i + �+1� �!6► .{ _ Zip Code. C.�3 'I�'� County: Offirx Tole No_: Cell NO.: � 0. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR WORMATION (if diff'ercot than driller), Comp, my Name; IA 12J,� - � i:�' lcia Lset ut C t .i 1,L - Contvct YU-4,L_i EVAIL Address: �AarL?,ylt,t Address: �� _ �x U� - rj — `' �• ( c City: I' Zip Code: -,2�-Y County. T6 e -Z E, STATUS OF �PPLrCANr Private: ; Federal,. _ _ Goranimial: stale: Municipal: Native American Lands F. iNUCTION PRGCEMW (briefly describe how the injection wells) will be used.) G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (t) Proposed date to be constructed: �A;umber of borings: Approxhnau� depth of each boring (2) 7ype of ttt * to be used (capper, PVC, etc): (3) Well casing. Is the well(s) cmed? (check either (a.) Yea or (b.) No below) (a) Yes _ if yes, then provide caging information below Type: -galvanized steel black steel, plastic_ _ether (Specify) Casing depth: From `ta feet (reference to Sand surface) Casing extends to above ground inches (b) No _— (4) Grout Info (material surrounding well casing and)or piping) - (a) Grout type: Neat Cement $entcnitA Other (specify) (b) Grout placement: Purnpim_ Pressure Other (c) Grout depth of tubing (rcf'er=ce to land surface): fmm '`, to U ❑ (fcct) it well has rasing, indicate grout depth; from feet) GPUAJIC SQW Notification of lnt" Form (RcYisad WC08) Nop ? p.4 Dec14 09 1111a JR. EVEMON-Plul" Mach a d=m showi& the ec &Gering layout or pmpmd mod floe on of tho JhJedmoqWpmeM and eximoor ptpftV*bis8 &moc tho it ongXrWaa. The manor's 5 ura may pxovicie szzplrIeancxttary infbtte fon. LOCATION° DF 1R5j Atm& two OqAft aPmaps ahowi9 the #bitapring idiom (1) hrlude it Ske IVW (cm be davft AowbW buRdhw. prvaW lhm% 2wAce waver boffiwo paeendal wu= of gumdwoer am==Wdon and tits m=tdim of ad &ftnom bdwmn the pmgosed wa(s) and Say axing weil(s) or waste disposal fsci3eti m such as septic moks or dtin Reid, low Within 200 feet of dw seothamW heat Pmr well Vatmm Labol OR fares cIetriy► and include A ngo ME. (2) The Siuo Nfap swat show the subject property In reUgm to the sanomding area by using at chest two find�I refmco POWS stack as mils, isms. aadAm hwnvw b*rse Umm J. UWATION Now. This Pit Apptieatiao mast be aimed byllA pataoa appearkg Qn the horded kVI prvpe+rty deed. "1 hereby certify. under pamW of Irv, thm i have pwsomaliy =mnincd earl am famTw whh time hifo madon aabmftd in 26 dDmW= &d AU MWJ=� fb=W sett} that, bused on ►gy ia*q of throe individuals immeffiateiy respwm-We for Dbulifog said i 6m mean, I bolim the the ration is tm, acameft and oomplctc, I am aware Iliac them am 5�9WACW pet WtM h3cludiV the sty of Ems and imp6som=4 for submining false k hrunWon. 1 agree to cacasanu k opwAle, muinblLi, repair, and if appiexhIe, aba kdon the i4jaxion well Bud all raiair�i appurtenances ► a�� ` ;�;., �Wkadum and condilim ofthe Permit" ftftI aL�,-'-WPmpmV OWnWApp]!CW n -a ra mo, Prim or Type Full Name aad Lida $3putM of PtppmV OWW/Appiicmtr P&A or Type FUH hlsanc and Me - - Raab" of A tithahzed Agwt Ifany Print or Type fbil Mania and tide Flaam recurs two, Wpies aftbe comply ApPUmdon tie t w. Nerth ftaa DENR DWQ AgxtifW Amtection ScetlOU-mc Program RFGFJVED i DENR i DVyiQ 1636 M*U Service Center Aquifer PmfFvftn S*r*n RA9aW4 NC 276".1636 L7't Z�09 Tekpbhae (91T 715-MS CPU/Mc aqw tgrnfiaulm► of k ant. wM OUu-%d 9=a) ?W3 DOG14 09 05:42a IV09/Q9 3:55 PM P-5 YttgC I ui ; rain Li I Site: 104 S GRANVILLT ST i ORAHAMI, )ON V 1U4 S ORANVILL£ 5T G o� P roper#y Ictaiis: PRWP rsc �A 104 S CRAPMLLE ST LAHQ VJLL 311� COpE 11412M T1 TA] -TRY P -CL-.COE �Z49y! R1 1WP i CWFLOK-Pro 3771717 OATN_RPC S17A DOT 9ALE_PWE 0 "PIN 7BD4oiSB8S42 P4kvAOh 7804-07�9�"02 hiip,llwww2.imtkrsys.corWscriptsltestadvlusiwebWt2.dlflusi?fotmix--ptmap&Nl uWX—C&.,. 12/6f2DQ9 Dec 14 09 05:43a 121D9109 3;53 PM p. 6 page lot ) Wage SiFG�te1 si6� 780i07'? ��ti � ;; � YtA b� '• w � ' R AL Iry h 6y,� �. �•s Y' � F � J J � s w�r�n�� r.►,� irra: epa�en_w �en�SNabF aa� curt dxY.9�+ro . raor etxc ae, ww�ugcN ar eapp�i w od4�rnar �04 wC 4 �L7��V ltlk x� http:llwcnr.undetsys.camtss�ipts/tcs�rdvlusiw�bmt . Ifluai?fonris=adj rd�Moust3C=6$... 12/6/2009 flsc14 09 W42a p.4 Map of 104 S Granville St Edenton, North Carolina by MapQuest page 1 of 1 x 4 hA AP BEST, Sorry Wwo printing d[reed y ffam the browser your dtreahans or map may ndt Faint Correctly. For bart results, * dlcking the Primer -Friendly button, 104 S Granvilte St Fdenton, IN 2M2-1 W2 gr �" fir• ,a.,�� �µ a• ° :�� ry �� r�p�k. rack -. Lk it of n'"'^< .,,�.�.,< ^-� -1v�I vy� i;GiNF��N OJrY "r�w ry i' ZM W*OOLW l ray µD U w 62WbKxV'TkU w rdamm A]I *igrrfs re", ruwi. Usge autgect fa iioRmF/C4pyriahl OM3atons and maps are infornTsUcgal oWy- We milks no warranties on the apeuracy of their wn"al, msd 4onditioT* Poute asobi4ty oe 6xmdI1"sn%s, Ypu assume ail risk of use, mapQuoaI and its Suppliers shal, not be liabic to you Far any loss or dclay resuftg from your uw Of MapQvos[. YCur uba of Mept]ufrsI means you agre'D by our Termr. of Us(., http:llwww.mapquest.comlmaps?city=Edenron&state=N-C&address=104+S+(Gimnvi11e+S.., 11,1012009 Rogers, Michael From: Jeff Stagg (Jeff@staggenergy.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:23 AM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Graham 5QW well Michael. In this case, there isn't any more room. This is a VERY tight area to work with in the downtown area. If you would prefer, I could start with a 25ft set back on all other jabs? I would like to design no further than that if possible, as to keep the friction loss down for circulation KW. These people now have no heat. We do make an as -built drawing for every job. We will be sure to grout each bore hole FULLY with bentonite. Hope this helps. Thanks, Jeff "Geo"-Jeff Jeffrey A. Stagg IGSHPA Accredited Since 1992 (International Ground Source Heat Pump Association) Pinkston Geothermal 1 A Stagg Energy Enterprises 636 Benefit Rd - Chesapeake, Va. 23322 757-438-9392 www.fox43tv.com/Eeneric news]peneric_ special_ green Pin_ kstonGeothermal 20090320 www_fox43tv.com'subindex/ news at 7igoinF green From: Rogers, Michael[mailto:michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:18 AM To: Jeff Stagg Subject: RE: Graham 5QW well Jeff In reviewing the site map, the borings are going to be 10 feet from the house. Is there room on the Iot to have the nearest well 25' from the house? Michael Rogers, P.G. {NC & FLf Environmental Specialist NC ©iv of Water Quality- Aquifer Prot fan Section {APS} 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Direct Line (919) 715-6166; Fax 715-0538 (put to my attn on cover letter) E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Jeff Stagg [mailtc:jeff@staggenergy.com] Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 10.30 AM To, Rogers, Michael Cc: 'Amber Vegas' Subject: RE: Graham 5QW well Thanks Michael, We are waiting for signature page right now. Will send all as soon as possible. Jeff. "Geo"-Jeff Jeffrey A. Stagg IGSHPA Accredited Since 1992 (International Ground Source Heat Pump Association) Pinkston Geothermal J A Stagg Energy Enterprises 636 Benefit Rd . Chesapeake, Va .23322 757-438-9392 www.fox43tv.com/generic/news/generic special g reen PinkstonGeothermal 20090320 www.fox43tv.com /subindex/news at 7 /going green From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:li1ichael.rogers@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 10:10 AM To: jeff@staggenergy.com Subject: Graham SQW well Jeff- We rec'd the NOi for the above. However, the signature page was unreadable. Also, the proposed date, number of borings, depth, and type and depth of grout was blank on page 2. Therefore, please complete page 2 and re-fax page 2 and signature page. Thanks Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist NC Div of Water Quality-Aquifer Protection Section (APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Direct Line (919) 715-6166; Fax 715-0588 (put to my attn on cover letter) E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties 2 DOC 10 09 0a:18p P-1 I ' r 7 * NC b5hie �isk Dow. f u c( cc. Nc, Dec 10 0$ 0318p p.2 Map of 104 S Grarrville ,t Edenton, Ntxih Oamlina by MapQ=q Page ] of) ���m ine wwr r �or mnp ur not prir!N%APQ%JEST cnr=iy. For ^> try srecey ackin8 tPnnteFriendlybutton. 104 S Granville St Edenton, NC 27922-1832 t�wvut�sr 41 tP '9r F w 8 v% rr 8 rij Fwpr� IV' rr FM'•.y � l�+Y.'i F J eaevvrcw 1sq r caunr4auuute�ep�r vavorr�nad d 71rM" Alt ri" rBserved. flee mvbjer^tta Ligommloyrighl Direction and mays are infunT ationai coy, We "wxv rru wanw6as on tiro a=ra y of thalr cuftnt road canditm a route t a4ilRy or expeditiousnam You assume al rlak of use. MapOwt and is suppliers shall not be rlatie to you for any loss or dewy reSulling hm your use of MapauezL Your use of LbPauest moans you agm to our 'fdrrns of U5 httVllwWW.mapqliest-coral ap-;?CIty=L�dCilto[ &st& 1G=NC&addrG,55=104+$+GranVillc+S... 12110/2M9 Dec 10 09 03,18p 12109/09 8; 55 ply p. 3 Mgry t ua a rage Site: 104 S GRANVILLE ST SEMENr k. it hnp:llwww2.Undcrsys.cocnlscripWtestadvtusiwebmt2.diilusi?formig-phmp&Mausex=0&. I IW2009 Dec 10 08 03+19p 12109fo9 3:53 PM 1 p.4 Page ! of I rags c IACCY MMa[ •KDrP.yEaGE7R JDVE}yi f i - OPUREWW ime s GRMALLE 67 . 7i 7 http;Ilwww2.undmys.comrscriptsltestad.vlusiwebmt2.d1Vtt3i?fonnis=adjpw&MouszX-68,., 12W2009