HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0700104_GEO THERMAL_20070305Donald Streinz 346 Town Hill Road New Hartford, CT 06057 March 5, 2007 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Aclmowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Deemed Permit No. WI0700104 Donald F. Streinz SFR Dare County Dear Mr. Streinz: Iri accordance with the application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program which was received on March 1, 2007, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed-loop geothermal water-only injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump. This system is located at 54107 Sandpiper Drive in Frisco, North Carolina. This system is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .021 l(u)(2)) and will not require an injection well permit from the State. It is recommended that you contact the Dare County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. Please call Qu Qi at (919) 715-6935, or email him at qu.qi@ncmail.net if you have any questions regarding geothermal heating or injection well rules and regulations. Sincerely, ~vv ~~, Jesse Wiseman Aquifer Protection Section Enclosures cc: Washington Regional Office -APS A.PS Central Files -Deemed Permit No. WI0700104 Ni"ithCarolina ; /Vatura/ly i J Aquifer Protection Section Internet: www.ncwaterguality.org 1636 Mail Service Center Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Raleigh, NC 27604 Telephone: Fax 1: Fax2: Customer Service: (919) 733-3221 (919) 7 I 5-0588 (919) 715-6048 (877) 623-6748 -02/19/2007 14:40 9103531060 CLIMATE CONTROL PAGE 03 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTEXCT A CLOSE - GEOTHERMA.L WATER —ONLY INJECTION WELL SYSTEM (GROUND COUPLED 1 CA T' DUMP) Type SQW Wells In Accordance with the provisions of NCAC Title 15A: 02C.d 200 Complete application and rmlil to address or the back page, This is not the proper form to be used for injection wells in an [pen -boon geothermal system. Do not use this foroi for systems that circulate any substances other than water, TO: DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY DATE: Feb. lei. , 2047 A� SYSTEM C1,A.SSTFTCAT 0 Does the prcp(xqed system cim.tlatu potable water in continuous piping that compieely isolates the fluid from t# c environment' YES X If yes, than continue completing thi.9 form. NO ff no, do Yo compictc this form, form QVr -57 HP. Application I br PermPf To Co sttm.ivt Amd 0r Me A We 11(c , For InjecIion Wiih 4 Hear 1'r.ar:p S vem. should be completed. 13. SYSTEM FLUID Will ant additives he introduced to the systetn's circulating heat transfer fluid? This lmhadc�-,, but is not lrmitod to corrosion inhibitors atri -or antifreezes YES If vcs, do not complete this form, Farm G W-S7 HP. Application For 1'ermit To Coravmvt And,Or Use A Wel ffi) T,or Injecrion With A Near Pump System, should be completed. NO .Y If aa, than cvtitirnre cvrnplOIi rig this form. C, PROPERTY OWNER. Name: i QiV ' c Address: ;�f�, � • //a, f ,L :— City:A(g:w h�yAje aA State:C—'L�Zip Cade: 0 o:� e- 5- County- �elephone: La rC,4-1 D. STATUS OF PROPERTY OWNER Pdvay..- x Federal: Commercial: State.- � � Municipal: Native American Lands: GW-57 t"L (..)an, 2(9)0) Page i of 02/19/2007 14,40 9103531060 CLIMATE CONTROL PAGE 04 E JUB (S1TF) DATA —1- Name: arY_-'��_ �7`R 6;7,:N rr Atldress: �.5�+ :PiP�`r .cLIt1� Q a'e L . State: NC Zip Codc;,77 3 C Dungy: 4�� Tcllphmc: _ Contact Person; �Zs'L Z-e7Z— FF J MAT PUMP CONTRACTOR DATA Name: Climate Control Heau gg & Cooling Co- Inc. Address; 10Middle St City. Jacksonville_ _ Slate: NC Zip Codc; 28-546_ Couj*y Onslow Telephonc: (9)0) 35-90411 Contact Parson: Mike H dle� G. CONSTRUCTION DATA (check. ono) _.� EXISTING WEU,.(S) being proposed for use as a ground-caup)od hcat pump ►vell(s), Provide the information in (1) through (4) below to the best of'your knowledge. Attach a copy of Forth GW-1 (We)l Comtruction Record) if available. x PROPOSED WELL(S) to be constructed for use as a ground -coupled heat pump well(s) , Provide the information in (1) through (t) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. Submit Form OW-1 Ifter construction, (1) Well Drilling Contmctor`s Name: C:s as#al f3eothem�tal NC Contractor Certification number: NC — 2092�5'cgrd Svseetin_ Date to to be constructed: March 2007_ Niunbor of borings 9 Approximate dopth of each boring (fee*--- 240' (2) Well casing: Is the well(q) =cd'2 (a) YES , if vos. then provide the casing information below - Type: Galvanizzd SteelBlack steel Plasti", Other (specify) Casing depth: From to R, (refcrence to land surface) Casing extends above ground inches (b) N, 0 x (3) Grout (grout the vcrtica€ lcnnth of the borehole to a minimum depth of 20 feet h,1.s-): (a) Groat type-. Comot— i3errtanite _A_ Oti cr (speccfy) (b) Crrouted surface and gotic d-cpth (refcrencc to lane - surface): X around closed loop piping; from 0 to 240 (feet), around well casing: from to —— (-feet). NOTE: 'rttL «1L•LL ORtLLTNG CONTRh.CTi7R. CAN sr.Wt,Y THF 73ATA r, aR r:r-rt4tck Z:)(15'PENGCAR 1`rt0rWY.D WF N IF THIS TN-FORVATION IS I NA-V A I %Awi-, n) OTHER WEANS, GW-V CL [Jan. 2000) Pagc 2 d4 ~2/19/2007 14:40 9103531060 CLIMATE CONTROL PAGE 05 H. INJECTION-RELATED EQUTPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering Jayout of the injection equipment and exterior piping/tubing as~ociatcd with the injection operation . TI1e manufacturer's bri:,churc may provide su.pplem.entaJ)· information. J. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two maps. ( 1) Include a site map (can be drawn) showing: buildings, property lines surface water bodies, potential sources o.f groundwater contamination and tl1e orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) and any existing weJI(s) or waste dis~osal facilities such as septic tanks or. drain fields located within 200 feet of the ground-coupled heat pump well system. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow . (2) location map n.-fcrcncing the site to two nearby permanent reference points (such as roads. streams and highway intersections). J. PERMIT UST: Attach a fist o.f all permits or constn.iction. a:,provals that are related to the site. ExamplFJs include: (J) Hazardous Wa.<rte Management program permits under RCRA (2) NC Division O'rWater Quality Non-Discharge pcnnit:; (3) Sewage Treatment and Disposal Permits K. CERTIFICATION ··1 hereby certify. under penalty oflaw, that J have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments ttcrcto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is trne, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant p,~nalties. including the poosibjJity of:fincs and imprisonment, for submitti:ns fa.lsc information. l agree t(, construct, operate, maintain:, repair. and if applicable, abandon the ground-source heat pump system and a.11 re1ated appurt<manccs in accordance with the approved speci:ficatfons and conditions of the Permit,., OW-57 CL (Jan .. 2000) ---~ ~~- (Signature of Well Owner or A.OW~~ Agent) (f authorized agen1 is acti1 011 behalf of the well ,,wner, please .w.,pply a letter signed by the awnet autJrmizing the above agem. Page 3 of 4 �0211912007 14:40 9103531060 CLIMATE CONTROL PAGE @6 L- CONSF,NT OF PROPERTY OWNER (Owner means any pemon who holds the Foe or other property rights in the well being coustnjocd. A well is real property wt its constuctioit on land rests Ownership in the landowneT in the absence of contrary- agreement in «Thing. i if the property is owned by someone other than the applicant the pmperty owner hereby coiiserns to allow the applicant to construct ewh injection well as outlined in this application and that it shall be the respornsibdir of the applicant to ensure that the ground -source heat pump systom's well(s) coTiforrns to the WVf Construction Standards (Titio 15A SCAC 2C MOO) (Signature Of Property Owner if Diffurmt From Applicant) Please return two copies of the completod Applicatiou package tw U 1C Program Groundwater Sectiola North Carolina UENR-FOWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 715-6165 GW-57 0, (Ism 2000) Page 4 of 4 n� m /e" t � � r j 8;4LV&Yk a{r-J'C �► rCr.55 a r4,74- r•�r- -aan.-r-• M t" • � -. uWallaceson I c, ." wa +1 I IM Coraveake' 'r�'' '�a ti koyvcr+' b l N1Qd33 ^ i•.a �gor�lATlwtfG:ffpREFuef es �.' .3r=� dwmnpy L-. • 1cF .: r. {(nElts Is4and l.tii�+p 1. •SF.�PP'a 11f �' ` • - R6RiH T E 5 vn�(A`� V�Ckland ��!j116$�*`'\"•- , _;rb' �'�. 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