HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00057_NOV2021DV0154 Response_20210330..ify of Thomasville Thomasville, NorthCarolina27360 Lon T. Snider Regional Supervisor WQROS, WSRO, .DWQ, NCDEQ 450 W. Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 .: . Winston-Salem, NC 27.105. • RE: Intent to Enforce Letter Response _ Incidents Numbers 202003433; 2020034643,.202003495, and 202003543 NC Department of Environmental Quality Received APR-0.11,: 2021 •Winston=Salem Regional Office Utilities Department -3.0 March 2021 Dear Mr. Snider; • In response to the letter of Intent:to Enforce of 25 March 2021:the City of Thomasville asks that the following betaken unto. consideration::.• :.'. :Regarding all four incidents #.'s;202003433, 2020034643,".202003495,-and202003543 These - events all occurred during a period; in: which -the flow from the pump station that was the site of these spills was restricted due to the failure of one of the -two force mains that this station uses:to: discharge. The endresult being that flow out ofthis station was greatly restricted; resulting in:"these•.spills.: As the force mainwas installed22feet deep -and Underneath a bridge and•concrete buttress wall:by.NCDOT in. 2002 there was'no feasible means of repairing the line..A contractor•was hired and hat installed a new line bypassing the area of deeply buried bad pipe at a,cost of $131,240-to. the city. This updated section,. of force main became"usable on the.'mor.ning of 04 February 2021..and there_has been one additional spill:at this; location as a result of the repairs.made..There were no known impacts to public health; -fish kills, :or-recreetional area closures as:a• result of these Spills,. and' there have been- no "additional "incidents: : : at this location since the :repairs were completed d_ espite two. precipitation events:that: exceeded those that:occurred Whentheseevents took. place:. •: : • • : - : Additionally; there are known issues with Inflow and infiltration in: the collection system leading, to this pump station that:arein process of being at least partially addressed through the Hanks Branch. Rehabilitation Phase 2." Hanks Branch.Rehabilitation Phase.1 fined=and sealed the main outfall line ;.discharging into this station: Hanks.Branch Rehabilitation -Phase 2'Which it -designed to reline and replace multiple lines that discharge into the main:outfall to help reduce I&I sources identified.by smoke testing •and.video inspections has been bid and awarded to J Smith Civil, LLC at a bid price of. $1,591,431.40. _ •: •• • • ' The above statements .areto. share with•you that the -City of Thomasville is taking steps to- addressthe issues tha.t:led to these spills and to help: prevent -•recurrences of_ same:_ The City.of . Thomasville has spent and Will continue to spend millions of dollars.to protect the'environment by identifying and correcting deficiencies in the collection system: - ',The City of Thomasville asks•that the ongoing:efforts to upgrade all aspects of the sanitary sewer collection system betaken into account with any enforcement.actions considered: Sincerely, CC: Michael Brandt Morgan Huffman Public Utilities. Director City .of Thomasville 336-475=4220