HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01315_Well Construction - GW1_20210329 suxtUO�IOPT I2EOOI8iD G9V-1 I.Well Contractor informntion: FOr Internal Use Only: ' '" "• - _. . .. Chi-is Morgan Well Cunlmctar Nome 14.WATERZONES 3572 /FRONT To DFaLTnPrION 1 R R. NC Nell ContmetorCettificodon Narnbet 2 R. Morgan Well& Pump, Inc. 15.ODTER CASING for molti-euFed naat Company Nante FRONT T DLtatE7ER ORLMER fa Ileablc) {/J I �.�p--� +T A. fL TFDC(4vEss If R1nL 2.Well Construction P G('`wv� 0`"Z / a liB t0' stl27 1I all ermit#; I 16.INNER CASIN love npP(lcahle urel/ronrtnrcdonpennftr(i.a UlC Comgl'•Smle.i'arinnc FROM TO ORTURING no at at closed-loo 4 elc) DIAN1kT•ER TRICICNESS 3.Well Use(checltweil use): f4 R. 11. aLveRLu, Water SuPPIy Well: rf R• fa Agticulnnal _ 77.SCREEN Geothermal(HcatinglCooling Supply) �R unieipaVPublic FRONT TO DIANIETER cam, fL 9LOTSIZE TRICIN'E55 M1LITERInL- Industrial/Commercial &l widen, I Water Supply R• Im PP y(single) QlResidential Water Supply ft. ft. tv.Irtiaation pP Y(shared) Non•Wuter Supple Well: 10.GROUT FRONT TO NTATERLtL h4Dnitoring D D D. ENI'"Ce"on"NIMIOD&ANIOUNT ?njaction We1L• QlRccovcry zo R, bentonae poured Aquifer.Recharge 1-�, fL R. Aquifer Storageand DGmundwater Remediation ft. R. Recovery Salini B 19.SAND/G Rquifzr Tes[ � [Y amer RAtrEt.PACK iia Ilwblc)- �]IStom)WaterDminage FRONT rt TO NGL Experimental Technology ft. TATERIAL F.NIPLdCENIENT METHOD PCielithermal(Closed Coup) 0IS7lbsidenee Control QlTmcer rt' [t. Ceothomlal(tdeating(Cooling Return '-0.DRILLING LOG(atmch addlnanm shsasT) Other(explain under 21 Remarks) HiO11 To eets lrneres 4.Date Wells)Completed• _ _ G °ESCRIPTION anion nardaes;s -.Cl:h In slu,OW Q ft R. Well IIY,?n/a -r So.Well Location: --- S ft. i0 o f nla R.d rL O S Facility/Otvncr Npmc R. Fenn, rD:(iroppli dble) fL ft. f / J/�l M C Sir 1Tf / Fly I dd11 Cn) and7rp I'c.r i`7 1•'tJ (/ 7w/,�.1..._ rr. fL County 21.REMARILS Sib.Lnlitude and longitude Fa¢el[dcnufieotionN '— ' t. g IDdegrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwdl ficld,am jut/long is su6icicnq 1:. .:., - ����•[ !----C'��s N —O 1• 'Ops�v 22.Certification: W 1' G.Is(arc)the w•ell(s) x'Permanent or OTamintrary o 5i6mnWrc fCcrtifG'd Ncll Conaaclar � 2 7.Is this n repair to an exisdag Dye s or X iVo B1's'going dnr form,1 hereb Daley—' fflbisiearvpair,fi/famknorwnva,0.IN tCrion infanuarfon ar�splaia life nature afrim mpl oflGirrecard0as bean pn15A NCrC 02C-0200 teas u reill,15A A'CAC 02C.0/00 ar ISA NCAC @C.0200)Nc•1f CanelnrcnnSmedin uod... rrpai,under:?!renurrls seclian Oran!bc bI a iltts jarnr. G.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-L 23-Site diagram or additional well details: constrction,Dnly I GW JI is needed. Ind me TOTAL NUMB R owells having fwellsme You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or Well drilled: consimclion details. You may also anach additional es a 'pages)fnecessary. 9.Total well depth below land surface: QU SUBtYrIT AL INSTRUCTIONS For nuddp/e nyl/sfisr all deptiv/fdfp¢renr(emmpfe-3@300'and2@100� UI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of Well 10.Static water level below to �D conswetion to the Following; jnmer fore(jr,abovecnsing,use •P Of Casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,information Processing Unit, 11.Borehole diameter: 6 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,PIC 27699-1617 rota 246.For injection_ el�sc In addition to sending the form to the address in 240 t2.Well construction method: rotary - above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days(i.c.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc) of completion of well conswetion to the Followina: FOR WATER SUPPLY A CLLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program,13a,yield(,pat) _ 1636 Mai]Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Method of test. air pressure 24e For iirarer$➢poly E Infection Wells: in addition to sending the Calm to 13b.Disinfection type: granular the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this n to sending 30 days of Amount: completion of well copy to the county health department of the county where Wilsweted. Form GtV.7 North Carolina Depamncat ofEnvimeracntnl Quality-Dwision of water Resou an Revised 2-22-207fi