HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01330_Well Construction - GW1_20210329 aI TION RRrnRD Gu/-1 For Interco%Use Only. i,kyell Contractor Information: Chris Morgan Wall Contractor Name 14 IVATER ZONES FR Al TO DESL'RIPCION 3572 C) it. R. NC%veil Contractor Centficadon Ntunber fL f. Morgan Well &Pump, inc. t9.ODTERCASMr- re,no i-eesedwclls ORLINER lr unmal[R01I TO DIABIE"rER THICKNESS Company Name <I R, '77 nl EMAL ` fL 67/a in. stl27 '21-263? 7 I6.tNNERCASING OR1UQiNG( eotfiermnl dosed-too pvc 2.W¢ll"C°nstructinn Permit$; c..�) List all applicable well consnnnlors ennits i.e U/ FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS P grate,V—.Ce,eIc) fL AIATERfAL 3,iVdl Use(check hell use); ft• in. fL tauter Supply WeQ: rL le, 17.SCREEN Agricultural DMDnicipal/Public r•; I To DtAniETER SLOTSIZE �'Gcarhormel(Haeting/Coollng Supply) r4 ft. I0. TH Ctrn'ESS MATE tAL PP Y) idendal Water Supply(single) Industrial/Commercial QlResidenfial Water Supply(shared) It• hnaation III.GROUT Non-Water Supply V✓ell: r•ROai TO MATE RLiL EMPLACEM1fEn7 M1ILTnOD,4 AMOUNT �N4DnflOring 0 ft• 20 ft, bentanite QlRecovery poured Injjeeton Well: tit R Aquifer Recharge QlGroundwater Relnediation ft• R. Aquifer Storage and Recovery DSaliniry Barrier 19-SAND/GRAVELPACIC ita licablc AIILLIfer TWt FRD1r TO M17ATERIAL StorralvaterDralnage ft. ft EM1tPLACr.M1IEnT M1iF.TR �I OD Experimental Technology �ISubsidence Control ft. Geothermal(Closed Loup) alTmcer it. Gcothcmial(fleating(Coolin Return ''-0.DRILLING LOG(attach MESCRIaal sheets if ncicssary•) g ) . Other(explain under,-;21 Remarks) �O1t TO OE$CRII`TIOY(colon M1aNa solVrvrl:l+ e¢nla she ete) S.Data Well(s)Completed: 3✓2�i tl Well ID-n/a ft.6fL a +� t). <S rr. So.//Well Location: n fir''^ b1••� 64/04,/ t! �S ft' .ad fL SLlns�sPo1� nla a R. re. � I,F//aciliry/OsvncrNnmc Facility rM(ifappli+abic) tS R. R, 766 un�15 /y0 ` PhysiAl Addmss.Ciryt and Zip ' �•Q 4aQ^ Will o6 6 Zo.L 'o-1.i1ErARKS Coumv �— Parcel Identification No_(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/mimtes/seconds or decimal degrees:(ifwcll field,one lat/laug is sufficient) 35.62$Vy-L Di y���gY 32.Certification: 7 6.Islam)the weR(s) )[ petmancnt or QlTemporarY si�gnamrc otCctti tl vdl Commclor Q✓C� 3 �,~ Dar, 7.Is tliis a repair to an existing well: Dyes Nia BY signing tills(onn.1 berebp errt�Mai ilia m211(s)hyar(were%connnrcied in accordance I0'lhic is C repair,fill ran knm n uall c0.,vcIion tnfomm[iou a�r T ain rbe nature oJlhe c PJ'15I NCrecord rC.0100r ,]S..Iri1Ca!e tell 200 Nell Cnngnrcrimr Smndardr and t/rar o repair under 921 remarks section Cron lite back oflbis(onn. 23-Site diagram or additional well details: d.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Walls baving the some You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only I GW TA iI is needed. Indicate TOL A'UMBER of wells construction details. You may also anaeh additional pages ifnecessaq. drilled: ' 1 9.Total tril SL-Bt UTTAL DISTRUCTIONSl depth below land surface: b t� pm ogdliplewells list all deprbs lfALerenr(ecnmple-3[LJ200'mrd (f`) 24D. For All Wells: Submit this tans within 30 days of completion of well ?D.Static seater level below tap of using: C/G construction to the following: !(grater/ere%is a6arc rasing,rrsc^r^ (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2 7 6 9 9-1 617 11.Borehole diameter: G (in.) 24b.For iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24, 12.Well construction method: rotary above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.} construction to the fe lowinE: FOR 6VATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,INC 27699-1636 130.field(gpm) � b _ i4iethod of test. air pressure 24c,For.rater Sunnh'E iniection-veils: In addition to sending the form to granular the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of fib.Disinfectionhpe: Amount: OQi completion or well construction to the county health department of the county ,vhere constructed. Fonn D::'-1 Noah Carolina Department ofEm•iroru IC,,l Quan,y-Dlwt:,o„onvo.cr Rcsou¢cs Revised 2-L'-2016